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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  February 19, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PST

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and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are. thanks so much for joining us. i'm zinhle essamuah. >> and i'm kate snow. "nbc news daily" starts right now. today, monday, february 19th, 2024. pummelled by storms. from san diego's coast to the sierra nevada foothills nearly all of california is under
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severe weather alerts. how much longer they're expected to stay around. first responders tragedy, two police officers and a firefighter paramedic, shot and killed in line of duty. pumping the brakes? the bidened a min installation is reportedly considering slowing the shift to electric vehicles, why now. shopping spree, if you're in the market for big-ticket items, mattresses, furniture, appliances, you could save big today. many of those deals are here because of presidents' day. lot of people have the day off today, so hopefully you're resting up and catching up on the news. we'll begin with a new wave of powerful storms slamming the west coast. >> that's right, an already-soaked california is getting more heavy rain today with flooding overwhelming roads and highways across the state. a man camping near a creek, he was trapped in a tree as
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floodwaters rose. >> bill karins is tracking the storms for us, we'll begin, though, with nbc news correspondent dana griffin in los angeles, i know parts of los angeles are under a flash flood warning, how are the conditions there, how is the county prepared? what's going on? >> reporter: kate, officials say they're ready to respond to anything that could happen with this storm ranging from power outages to roadway obstructions, to mud and debris flows which happens when you get inundated with constant rain that we have experienced here in l.a. county all morning long. the good news is weather forecasters say it's less intense as the storm that we saw earlier this month that caused several landslides, homes to slide off their foundation, lots of road flooding. fishgs are obviously wanting to get the word out to people if you don't have to leave don't. this is a holiday, you have less
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people on the roadway but as you can see some impacts being taken care of including a freeway that had to be shut down partially because the roadway was washed out and some downed trees and mud floes that happened in santa barbara county, that storm is going to be ventua and l.a. counties for some time now and the storm is expected to move out on wednesday, also concerning, because there could be another round coming much later, next weekend, i'm sure bill karins will talk more about that. right now in l.a. a steady flow of rain, no major concerns at the moment, but anything can happen over the next several hours. >> dana, thank you. let's go to bill now, what do we expect from these storms over the next 24 to 48 hours in. >> this storm has stalled out. atmospheric river has moved onshore, that caused a lot of problems last night, highest rainfall report is at 9 inches. some very significant rainfall
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totals that's what we had the mud and debris flows but as this storm weakens and at times we'll send more moisture into the region, that's why the flood alerts continue into wednesday. winds will begin dying down. the wind impacts much lower, a couple of flash flood warning, one outside los angeles here, hollywood hills into santa monica mountains, the heavy stuff has come to an end. we're not done, periods of rain over the next couple of days, could add up to another 1 to 2 inches in this region of southern california. to the north we still have areas of heavy rain, thunderstorms developing as we go throughout the afternoon and we have an isolated chance of severe weather. and as far as los angeles goes, february rainfall total is approaching a foot, the record is 13.68 inches. the super el ni in, o of 1998,
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we're not that far away. another storm towards the end of the month, the isolated severe weather, there could be one or two supercell thunderstorms that we could have isolated tornadoes, we'll watch that later today for the sacramento area. a community memorial is growing in minnesota after the loss of three first responders who died in the line of duty. >> two police officers and a firefighter/paramedic were responding to a domestic call. law enforce m officials said a suspect barricaded himself inside the home the first responders were shot and killed after they tried to negotiate with the alleged gunman. >> maggie vespa is following this one for us. what are we learning about the suspect and how this all unfolded. >> reporter: authorities releasing a pretty concrete time line, saying this basically started well before dawn, at
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2:00 a.m. on sunday in burnsville, a suburb of minneapolis, south of the city, daytime video from the scene, keep in mind this was going on for several hours the intensity of the response from law enforcement. they showed up in their tactical gear, s.w.a.t. teams on the ground, a man barricaded inside that home with his family, they now say there were seven children, ages 15 down to 2 years old in there with him. those kids authorities now say are okay. but because those kids were in the home at the time that's why they tried to negotiate for so long, eventually they say the suspect began firing on authorities, shooting four first responders, killing three of them. at this point, what we don't know, we don't have the gunman's name at this point, he was later found dead at the scene. we don't know how or why all
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this began let alone escalated to the point that it did. >> maggie do we know anything about the first responders themselves, those who were lost? >> reporter: we do, we have their photos at the top of the show, we have paul elmstrand, matthew ruge and adam finseth. their losses hitting everybody in this community so hard. we had the governor on hand last night. authorities at the press conference talking about how this is the risk that first responders have to live with day in and day out. vigils overnight. memorials growing at the police station throughout the day today. earlier today, our adrienne broaddus on hand and she talked to her grandmother and her granddaughter, they live in the community and were absolutely
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gutted by what they say on the news. take a listen. >> i just am very sad about the deaths of all three of them. >> i very much appreciate police officers and paramedics and everybody who helps us and i think it's very sad what happened. >> reporter: we should note, we mentioned there was a fourth first responder, a third police officer who was also wounded, he's expected to be okay, but again this loss hitting the community so incredibly hard. one final note, it's only -- it's been less than 24 hours at this point, we've reached out to families of those three first responders who have lost, we haven't heard back. >> maggie, thank you so much. president biden said he's considering additional sanctions against russia after the death of opposition leader navalny.
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>> navalny was the biggest critic and opponent of russian president vladimir putin. supporters of navalny want his body to be released. his widow out with a new video claiming that russia is holding the body to cover up his murder. joining us now from ukraine, richard engel's with us. good to see you. what's talk about what the russian government is saying about why they're holding on to navalny's body. his mother went to see him in prison and couldn't get there in. >> reporter: the official russian version of evens is that navalny was a convicted terrorist effectsively, he was sentenced to numerous crimes, his supporters, the biden administration, european officials, many say these charges are trumped-up. from the russian perspective, he
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was aen extremist. of fomenting unrest in society. in his effort to bring accountability to russia. and he died in prison because of natural causes, the russian prison authorities said that he experienced a sudden death, something that would be consistent with a blood clot that he had took a walk, began feeling unwell, lost unconsciousness and were unable to revive him. that's the official account. after that happened, navalny's mother went to a morgue near the penal colony where he died in siberia, with a lawyer, they started asking questions, they were given no information, they say, they weren't even given information about whether
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navalny was actually at the facility and they were physically escorted out the front door. navalny's spokeswoman says that what happened is that the -- what has been relaid to the navalny camp is that the russians are holding the body for two weeks to carry out some unspecified toxicology exams that's left navalny's widow, that's left his supporters, his lawyers, his spokeswoman, all very suspicious saying that russia's trying to cover something up. they're hiding the body. holding on to it for this period potentially go more weeks in order to allow any traces of miss son to disappear from his body and navalny's widow specifically referred to
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novochuk, the nerve agent that nearly killed him in 2020. after he recovered in germany, he still returned to russia when he was arrested charged with extremism, sent to the penal colony and ultimately died there. >> now we're seeing these protests in russia as well as the war in ukraine as it continues in the context. thank you so much. coming up, two people are dead after being shot inside a college dorm room, what colorado police are revealing about the victims and the hunt for the gunman. plus a security company now apologizing after a preach allowed some customers a glimpse into other people's homes, how did that happen? we'll tell you coming up next. there's a lot more "nbc news daily" on this presidents' day. thanks for being with us. moving forward with node-positive
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an emotional sunday service at texas megachurch over the weekend, thousands gathered at joel osteen's lakewood church in houston for the first time since last week's shooting there, which injured two people. priscilla thompson takes us there. >> reporter: this was an incredibly emotional service that included a standing ovation
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for law enforcement. prayers for the family of shooter and a message about faith and fear. tears of gratitude filling the sanctuary at houston's lakewood church sunday. >> a week ago, lord, pushing back forces of darkness that your angels were ear to protecting us. >> reporter: just one week after a shooter walked into the megachurch with her 7-year-old , with an assault rifle. emotional pos or the osteen honoring the security team and two off-duty officers who fired back. >> they were heroes. they fought fear and saved us all. >> reporter: helped con gre gants feel safe to return. >> god's protection was there. >> reporter: the shooter, a 36-year-old woman was killed. records show that she had a history of mental illness and
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authorities had confiscated guns from her several times before. >> that's problem in our nation. those individuals who are suffering from mental illness, let's get together and do commonsense legislation on gun laws. >> reporter: police haven't give an motive, but said a dispute between the shooter and her ex-husband's family may be related. police say her son was shot in the head, and remains hospitalized in critical condition. the boy's paternal grandmother writing on social media, he's clinging to life after doctors removed a portion of his skull. osteen also encouraging his con je gregants to remain faithful and fearless. >> this is a time to share more hope and say we will not fear for our god is stronger. >> reporter: as for the investigation police say it remains ongoing and they intend to release body cam footage from
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this incident. a bit of good news the other victim, a 47-year-old man whose leg was grazed by a bullet was in attendance at yesterday's service and we're told that he's walking and doingpriscilla, tha police have identified a suspect in the mysterious deaths of two people on a college campus, police say the victims were found friday shot in a dorm room at the university of colorado, colorado springs, emilie ikeda is following this story for us. what's the latest from investigators. >> reporter: a rapidly developing story, within the last hour or so, we learned that the suspect was taken into custody earlier today in connection to the double homicides that happened three days ago at the campus of university of colorado, colorado springs and within the last few moments or so, the police are identifying that suspect as nicolas jordan of detroit, michigan, two counts of murder,
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releasing that information in the last matter of minutes. they say they identiied the suspect late on friday and they've been searching for jordan ever since then, we're told he was taken into custody without incident at 8:00 a.m. the shooting happened around 6:00 a.m. on friday leading to the deaths of two people, a 24-year-old and a 26-year-old. still at this point police say they believe this was an isolated incident. they don't think this was a random attack and the people involved knew each other but still a lot of room for more questions at this time but we know there's a lot of relief on the ground from community members especially three days from that shooting. >> custody, identified. what more do we know about the two victims in. >> they're both residents of colorado, 26-year-old celia
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montgomery, she was a former student of puebla community college. the president extending their heartfelt condolences. the other victims identified as a 24-year-old senior studying at the school. >> thank you so much. coming up, a small group of neo-nazis marched through nashville over the weekend and nashville over the weekend and now lawmakers are speaking before my doctor and i chose breztri for my copd, i had bad days, (cough, cough) flare-ups that could permanently damage my lungs. with breztri, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing. starting within 5 minutes, i noticed my lung function improved. it helped improve my symptoms, and breztri was even proven to reduce flare-ups, including those that could send me to the hospital. so now i look forward to more good days. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler
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good monday, everyone. this is "the fast forward" on "nbc news daily. we are tracking wet weather across the bay area. downtown san jose, showers are expected on and off throughout the day today, and our meteorology vianey arana is joining us in a few moments with our forecast. first to the east bay where part of highway 84 is down to one lane in niles canyon after part of the road collapsed into a creek below, and it could be weeks before the road completely reopens. here's nbc bay area's kris sanchez at the scene. >> reporter: traffic is flowing just in one direction at this point on niles canyon road with that washout spot you see over my shoulder. i want to show you what it looks like closer up. you can see chunks of six feet of roadway that fell off the hillside, now submerged in alameda creek below. the water levels aren't particularly high right now, but
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the water is moving swiftly, and it's not moving through the middle of the creek but up against the riverbank. the washout was reported before 5:00 this morning, about two hours before sunrise, so it is a miracle that no driver came upon it in the dark. caltrans now has one lane shut down, drivers caught up in the backup weren't surprised it happened, only that it happens do fast. >> we were just going to dublin to visit family, and then driving through, going to the dublin was fine, and then coming home was fine. so, but the rain didn't start till later that evening. >> reporter: caltrans will keep the one direction of traffic going until 5:00 tonight then will shut the road down all together. they won't reopen until they can re-evaluate in the morning because they don't know how much water will be flowing through in the overnight hours as the waterpiks up. as they address the immediate issues here, the question is why did this happen and could it have been avoided. we talked with a supervisor who
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said there are too many jurisdictions involved so they have to get to the bottom of who is responsible for making sure that the creek moves smoothly. in niles canyon, kris sanchez, nbc bay area news. some significant damage from this storm, how long will it stick around? meteorology vianey arana is here joining was the time line. hi, vianey. >> we have plenty of instability out there. you can see radar lighting up, especially through parts of central california like fresno. we have lightning detected on radar stretching into the sierra. we have snow coming down. i want to zoom in and show you where we're seeing that rain moving in through san rafael. zooming out using mobile doppler radar, stormranger scanning, you can see activity popping up not just in san francisco but also stretching down through parts of san jose as well. you heard me mentioning the instability. the reason for that is because we still have a chance for seeing some thunderstorm activity. in addition to that, i want to remind folks we are under a flood watch for the highlighted areas. it will remain in place through
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wednesday morning, talking about the possibility of flooding. if you have seen before, landslides are a threat heading into the next couple of hours. we are going to take a closer look at where some of that instability is going to be heading. please remember the sierra is still not a good time to travel up there. they are under a winter storm warning for the rest of the day along with avalanche watches in effect. don't forget, you can download our free nbc bay area app to track the rain and the snow in the sierra. open the camera on your smartphone, point it at the qr code in the middle of your screen. it will take you directly to our exclusive doppler radar. the union representing csu faculty is expected to final size a new deal. antioch library with crime concerns. and a power pole came down in pittsburgh. no word on the driver's condition.
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pg&e says it expects to restore power to customers this afternoon. expect tighter security the next time you visit the antioch library. contra costa county shut down the library over the weekend because of crime. that includes fire, threat, drug use, and sexual activity. they are repairing a fence around the building, jusm dating security cameras and adding more security patrols. the library is expected to resume normal operations tomorrow at noon. a potential agreement reached in a deal eight months in the making. csu faculty held two strikes seeking better pay, benefit, and working conditions. the union struck a tentative agreement with csu management last month including a 10% faculty raise this year and increased paid parental leave. the union is voting on that agreement right now, and it is expected to pass. get all the day's local news get all the day's local news on our website, (loud sneeze)
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bottom of the hour now, here are some of the stories making headlines on "nbc news daily." security camera company is apologizing after a breach allowed some customers a glimpse into other people's homes. about 13,000 people experienced the glitch, some of those people saw just a thumbnail of a stranger's house while others saw actual video.
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they say the breach resulted from a power outage. an american man on trial in germany, has admitted to attacking two u.s. tourists and killing one of them, last year troy phillip b's accused of assaulting one of the woman and pushing her into a ravine and he also allegedly pushed the second woman who survived. the man is facing several charges including more. last night's nba all-star game set a new bar for scoring. the eastern and western conference teams scored a combined 397 points, breaking a record set back in 2017. shattered the record for most points made by one team. they also broke the record for the most three-pointers in a game led by game mvp and three-point champion damian lillard.
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the biden administration's push to get more americans to transition to electric vehicles might be a hitting a speed bump, according to "the new york times" three people familiar with the plans said the administration is going to ease some of the rules giving automakers a few more years to cut down on their tail pipe emissions. aaron gilchrist is with us. what do we know about this reported plan from the administration zbrr the biden administration has talked about wanting to limit the effects of cars on climate change, it's been a big issue for this administration from day one. according to the "the new york times," the new proposal this administration is going to be rolling out in the next several weeks, would allow carmakers and unions to slow that development of electric vehicles sales. a proposal that two-thirds of new cars sold in this country needed to be electric by 2032,
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it would allow that transition to slow down to allow carmake others build out the infrastructure more and allow the unions to start to union size only of the new fact comes online in particular, according to "the new york times." we also know that obviously the climate crisis is not slowing down, so there are some who are concerned by easing this requirement it would then allow the impact on the climate to be sort of rolling out that much longer, but the administration as said it does expect the greenhouse gas emissions, changes that it's been pushing for, would still essentially be on track. >> all right, aaron, thank you. now to uproar in tennessee after a controversial march over the weekend. a small group of neo-nazis marched through nashville. we do want to warn you some of the symbols and imagery are
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hateful. they eventually left after a brief confrontation, now several lawmakers are speaking out. here with the latest is valerie castro, what do we know about this march and this group. >> this appeared to be a group of two dozen men that marched through downtown nashville and around the capital, they were all wearing those red shirts, most of the group had their faces covered, their identities were con sealed, some of them were carrying flags with the swastikas. some say that the demonstrators were chanting anti-immigrant chance. they monitored the group, the group left climbing into a
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u-haul truck, this is associated with the blood tribe, a neo-nazi group. a relatively new group that formed in 2020. their activity has been increasing, targeted lgbqt festivities. >> i wonder how people are responding to what they saw in nashville? >> several lawmakers issued statements over the weekend on social media. a rally held at the state capitol, lawmakers there, religious leaders from the community there, some of them blamed the state's republican leadership, they say that anti-immigrant rhetoric may have fueled some of this demonstration, the democratic state representative justin jones actually witnessed the march on saturday, he organized that rally today. take a listen to what he had to say >> that was meant to intimidate our community but we stand
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united. standing on the plaza, the people's plaza, saying we're reclaiming this space. we're cleansing this space. we're getting rid all of that hate. this is our plaza. this is our house. we're not covering up our face. >> the republican governor bill lee also issued a statement over the weekend on social media. saying, naziism and anti-semitism shouldn't be tolerated in any form. tennessee remains unwavering in the support of israel and her people. in the scheme of things may seem like a small-scale demonstration but -- south carolina pivotal republican primary coming up this weekend, nikki haley is ramping up attacks on former president donald trump as well as president biden. but trump has his eyes on
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november as his legal issues loom large over his campaign. here's nbc's garrett haake. >> the freight train is coming in november. >> donald trump's campaign knocked offtrack by a new york judge, ordering the billionaire republican presidential front runner on friday to pay more than $355 million in fines, plus interest. >> it's a sham case. there were no victims, no defaults, no damages, no complaints, no nothing. >> reporter: the former president vowing to appeal the civil fraud trial that found him liable for fraud, conspiracy and issuing false financial statements and false business records. the judge also banning him from operating a business in new york for three years. the ruling coming one day after a separate judge set a march 1st trial date in the first of four criminal cases against mr. trump. this one over alleged hush money payments to an adult film actress during the 2016 race.
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his last remaining primarily opponent nikki haley pointing voters to the legal minefield mr. trump faces. >> he, by his own words, said he's going to be spending more time in court than he is on the campaign trail. that's a problem. republicans will not win if donald trump is the nominee. >> reporter: haley also attacking trump after the death of russian opposition leader alexei navalny, calling on trump to condemn putin. >> donald trump will side with a thug who kills his political opponents. >> reporter: trump posting about navalny but not calling out putin. polls show the former president leading by a dominant margin in her home state of south carolina, which holds its primary saturday and across the field of super tuesday states early next month. mr. trump even spending part of his day saturday launching a shoe line at a philadelphia sneaker convention the never surrender high tops listed for $399.
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>> reporter: garrett haake, nbc news. today is presidents day and it marks one of the first big holiday sales of the year. >> a great time to snag some major discounts on larger home goods like furniture and appliances. vicky nguyen, so let's start with mattresses, because they say sleep is important. what are some of the deals out there right now. >> reporter: sleep is the magical elixir for life. if you're feeling like you're not getting a good night's rest, might be a sign that you need a new mattress. purple, up to $500 off of ma tress. they give you a hundred nights to make sure you really like it and if you don't you can refund it, purple says, no questions asked. sealy, 200 visa gift card you
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can use to spend on anything. then, serta, 1100 off. >> wow, some good deals. what about furniture. >> furniture is another big-ticket item. check the brick and mortar stars like ashley, frontgate is a catalogue companies, antropologie has a furniture giggs. wayfair and overstock, the crazy coupon found desks for about $33. dressers,$68. >> another big category, appliances, what kind of deals have you seen? >> these are expensives, if you need a new refrigerator, washer
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check your local appliance store. you want to look at lowe's best buy and home depot, they're having all kinds of sales. select package deals. if you need three items like dishwasher, a fridge and a range you can typically get a better deal when you buy them all as a package. >> what should hold off on buying? >> wait until the end of the season to buy for next year, buy winter clothes for next winter. looking for deals on spring apparel you won't get the best deals until, at the very end of spring. same for outdoor furniture and grills, if you're waiting until late march or april that's when you'll get spring black friday at places like lowe's and home depot. the rock-bottom deals come at the very end of summer, if you can wait all the way until august that's the best time to buy those things and electronics, we know black
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friday and cyber monday are traditionally the best times to buy. if you can't wait, prime day is coming up. >> patience is the name of the game. you mentioned brick and mortar stores, lot of people are shopping online. >> we talked about the crazy coupon, she has deals. coupon, she said places like ulta, you can sometimes find great coupons on that website that are better than the deals offered on the retailer website. >> let's go shopping. all right, vicky nguyen, thank you. >> you bet. coming up, filling in the blanks, more universities are
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bringing back startized testing why did
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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remember cramming for exams in high school. yes, aiming for a good score to get into your dream school. >> two tests in particular, the s.a.t. and a.c.t. lately some schools have removed from the
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application process entirely, now that's changing. here's standardized testing simply explained. >> pencils down, everyone. time's up. >> time's up? i haven't even started. >> reporter: standardize ready used to measure comprehension. the answers are uniformly graded. s.a.t.s and a.c.t.s are used for college andly cases. a standardized tool to measure academic come penitency. >> they need to compare applicants across the board. >> reporter: ankle is-year-old took both the s.a.t. and a.c.t. >> i took the s.a.t. twice, i think it puts a lot of financial strain on families with different incomes, because s.a.t. or a.c.t. prep courses
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about aren't cheap. >> reporter: the s.a.t. was first ministered in 1926. the a.c.t. popping up over 30 years later. the exams have different scoring systems, costing between $60 and $90 typically administered in person over a three, four-hour. in 2024, the s.a.t. going digital on march 9th, the test controversial for some. >> we know that to be true, students who have access to greater resources are more likely to score higher. >> reporter: research finding a correlation between income and student performance on s.a.t.s. the high-profile college admissions scandal highlights concerns about testing disparities. 800 families were involved and 50 charged. felicity huffman pleading guilty for paying up to 15,000 to falsify her daughter's s.a.t. scores.
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but lately there's been a shift, more than 1,000 colleges and universities opting to be test optional before the pandemic. meaning students would not submit their s.a.t. or a.c.t. scores, something that she opted into. >> when i found out it was optional, i thought it opened doors to other yumpts. >> reporter: new research showed that standardized testing -- when evaluated alongside high school grades were, quote, the most reliable indicators for success in dartmouth's course of schedule. dartmouth college now reintating the requirement. i remember taking standardized test and not liking them at all. what are your tips? >> these tests can be helpful, can be important, but they're not everything. >> i feel that your s.a.t. score or your a.c.t. score isn't a
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fair like judgment of your intelligence. i feel like spell jones goes so much deeper than that. >> reporter: that standardized testing simply explained. if you or someone you love is planning to take a standardized test, some tips from the expert, take a practice version of the test. experts also say don't wing it. schedule time to study. even though you may be anxious try and keep a positive attitude. we asked the college board about the new format going digital in a statement they said, they're going digital to provide benefits to students, shorter tests with more time per question. we want to hear from you. what other stories do you want simply explained? before we go to the break, i know, kate, you have a little news to share. >> thank you for that story. i made a decision to really focus here on "nbc news daily."
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this wonderful show that we have going. love being with you every day. we're doing quite well right now. we're building. thank you for watching. more and more people are watching. i've made a decision to focus my efforts here. that means i'm not going to be anchoring sunday nbc "nightly news" after next weekend. a big change for me personally. i get my weekends back. i get my weekends back. >> il still'l i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms better than an antidepressant alone. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults.
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welcome back to "the fast forward" on "nbc news daily." i'm janelle wang. the brunt of this storm has passed us, but we could still see some downpours. meteorology vianey arana is here with our forecast. hi, vianey. >> we are seeing a couple of cells that show enough instability where we have seen a special weather statement issued by the national weather service. wind gusts upwards of 50-plus have been detected, and there could be a possibility for some hail. in addition to, that we've got a marine warning right there, you can see just off the coast. that is going to bring the possibility for some thunderstorm activity as this continues to push through. using our mobile doppler radar, the marine warning until 1:00, stretching through santa cruz. if you plan to drive through central california, we are seeing plenty of activity through there. i want to show you the flood
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watch that remains in effect. this will be in place through wednesday morning. we're still monitoring a quick rise in those streams and the creeks as well in addition to the possibility of landslides. your seven-day forecast looks like this. we'll keep a storm chance through this evening, a chance of thunderstorms, shower activity into tuesday, and we get a break in between the next system heading into wednesday and thursday. the rain really coming down in the north bay, and it's seeing some flooding. this is in windsor. a creek overflowed around 2:30 in the morning around star road and mark west station. road closures are blocking access to that roadway right now. chp is warning please don't drive past the roadblocks. if you see flooding on the road, you should turn around. our weather coverage continues throughout all of our newscasts. we have live team coverage tracking the storm across the bay in our evening newscast. stay updated with our free nbc bay area app. use the qr code on your screen. it will take you directly to our
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exclusive doppler radar. hi, i'm greg. i live in bloomington, illinois. i'm not an actor. i'm just a regular person. some people say, "why should i take prevagen? i don't have a problem with my memory." memory loss is, is not something that occurs overnight. i started noticing subtle lapses in memory. i want people to know that prevagen has worked for me. it's helped my memory. it's helped my cognitive qualities. give it a try. i want it to help you just like it has helped me. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription.
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"nbc bay area responds" to a south bay woman who got a gift card that didn't work. she asked our team for help. >> paula received a $50 kohl's gift card. the store clerk said they couldn't read it. she called kohl's customer service line. a rep agreed to send her a new card, but a month later, no new card. paula says she called back. reps told her they couldn't help. she contacted us. we contacted kohl's. it gave paula a new $50 gift card as a replacement. kohl's didn't explain what happened, only that this issue was resolved directly with the customer. fraudsters are targeting gift cards, and we have been investigating their scam for
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months. thursday night, we'll show you what we found when we followed the money. we even enlisted the fbi's help. please join us thursday night at 11:00. if you have a gift card problem, we're interested in hearing your stories. fill out our consumer complaint form online. last night's record-setting all-star game in indianapolis, nba's best thrilled fan with the most points ever scored in an all-star game. steph curry represented the warriors for the tenth time in his career. he came off the bench and scored 16 points with 8 assists. mvp went to oakland native damian lillard who now plays for milwaukee. he scored 39 points to lead the east to a 211-186 win over the west. after the game, a bit of celebration looking toward next year when pacers ownership took part in the ceremony to the warriors owner. the all-star game next year the all-star game next year takes pl when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd
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1:00 pm
i'm craig melvin and this is dateline daytime on nbc. i have a lot of guilt, still in me. it makes me sick how i could do something like that. i'm the responsible one. craig melvin: a working mom, new at the office. she loved her job and really loved her handsome, young boss. the thing that i never wanted to face was the hurt that i was going to cause. craig melvin: a passionate 9:00 to 5:00 affair.


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