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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  February 20, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PST

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terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. breaking right now at 5:00,
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a large police scene unfolding in the south bay. a live report from the scene on that investigation under way. and shutdown. a major road closure in the east bay could affect your morning commute, this after a section of niles canyon collapses. plus, set to reopen. one east bay public library opens doors again after suddenly closing due to dangerous conditions. the changes you can expect to see. this is "today in the bay." >> and this is now tuesday morning. 5:00 right now. thanks for starting your morning with us. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. of course mike is tracking the niles canyon closure. we'll get to that in just a bit. first, let's talk about what's causing a lot of stuff we're dealing with, the rain. >> it's her fault. >> i'm just letting you know what's happening. it's been raining off and on. we're starting out this morning with some waves of rain, but look at that blast of rainfall and all of that moisture streaming into southern california. the atmospheric river has moved
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to the south, but we are still seeing some scattered showers across the bay area, and it is a soggy morning commute. if it's not raining at the time, at least the cars in front of you are kicking up some moisture, so you're going to have to keep those windshield wipers on. we're going to get a closer look at where we're getting the pockets of heaviest rain, and it's right around parts of napa county, moving toward vallejo, with lighter showers. we've seen it hit or miss in parts of the peninsula, as well as the east bay. right now raining in milpitas. we're also going to see the rain starting to pick up again for the afternoon. this shows the outline of the areas we're watching out for the potential of thunderstorms today. there's one lightning strike, but well outside of the bay area. but we will have that chance as we go into the afternoon. in fact, our hour-by-hour outlook shows the activity picking up around noon to 1:00, and then some rain that will continue off and on, at least into the evening.
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mike, you've been keeping track of a few road closures. >> we still have the wet roads as you've been talking about, more rain coming in. folks are getting a pause or maybe just a lighter break right now as we look at the bay bridge toll plaza. you see the wet pavement and green highlighting around the bay. highway 12 and 121, we've had flooding in that area, some minor closures throughout. same thing for highway 9 down in the south bay, that continues with the closure. yesterday morning over here, we had niles canyon road. that was traffic controlled through the morning, but yesterday evening at 5:00 they completely closed the roadway. you'll use mission boulevard and 680. that's your typical workaround when they do construction. it's closed indefinitely. here is why. look at this video from yesterday evening. the creek has swelled up and eroded below the roadway, causing that roadway to drop out. so you have one lane that's impacted, of course. the second lane, they stopped it
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yesterday during the dark. they're not doing work overnight for safety's sake. they're going to reassess and see how much damage there is to repair and get a strategy. we should get an update this morning after 9:00 when they can assess the situation. the creek is going to get more water as the rain comes in. >> we'll keep tabs on that. breaking news we're following, a large police investigation is unfolding in santa clara. >> this is happening at an apartment complex near poinciana drive and white oak lane. "today in the bay"'s bob redell is live at the scene. what have you been able to find out? >> reporter: well, good morning to you, marcus and laura. we are still waiting to hear from the public information officer with the santa clara police department, but we believe whatever happened here on the 3700 block of poinciana is a tragedy, based on the fact that a woman just walked up here and asked if we knew what was going on. we don't have details, but we
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did hear later crying in the background. obviously very distraught over what happened this morning. we know the call came out around 2:40 this morning. as you can see, there's about four units out here. they seem to be focused on a unit to the left side from where we're standing. we have a sense of what might have happened based on what we heard on the police scanner, but we aren't reporting until we have the information confirmed directly from police. we know that there is a man and woman down the way here, the man has been comforting this woman from time to time. so, again, whatever happened here is serious, possibly tragic, and we're just waiting for confirmation from police. reporting live in santa clara, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> hopefully we'll get more information. we will be monitoring the breaking news throughout the day. make sure to download our app. you can have updates sent straight to your phone. just scan the qr code you see on your screen.
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it is free to download. 5:05 right now. now to decision 2024, and the race for your vote. president joe biden is set to arrive in los angeles later this afternoon, as part of his re-election push. now, he's scheduled to participate in a campaign reception before spending the night in southern california. then he's heading to san francisco, that is tomorrow. this is where he's expected to participate in two campaign events. one is co-hosted by nancy pelosi, then on thursday, president biden travels to los altos hills for a fundraiser. now, tickets for that event range from $6,600 to $100,000. the president will then head back to the white house. and the fight to become a republican nominee still under way, foreign policy front and center here. former u.n. ambassador nikki haley coming out swinging, calling out former president trump over his response surrounding alexei navalny's death. here is "today in the bay"'s brie jackson with more.
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>> reporter: with south carolina's republican presidential primary coming up on saturday, nikki haley is going on offense in her home state, slamming former president trump for not condemning russian president vladimir putin over the death of top kremlin critic alexei navalny in a russian president. >> i don't know why he keeps getting weak in the knees when it comes to russia. but russia is not getting weak in the knees. >> reporter: in his first comments about navalny's death, the former president suggested he's facing a similar type of persecution. president biden says he holds putin responsible for navalny's death and is weighing more sanctions against russia. >> we already have sanctions but we're considering additional sanctions, yes. >> for 75 years, nato has been the most important -- >> reporter: the biden campaign launching a digital ad casting former president trump's recent nato comments as giving putin the green light to attack america's allies.
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president biden is facing his own foreign policy backlash over supporting israel's fight against hamas. there's a movement for democrats to vote uncommitted amid the devastation in gaza. >> the president is going everything he can to make sure that the loss of innocent lives is diminished. >> reporter: the global conflict is having an impact on the campaign trail. >> i think our country was a lot safer when donald trump was there. >> reporter: haley, a former u.n. ambassador, makes the case she's the better choice on foreign policy, and promises to keep running through super tuesday despite mr. trump's substantial lead. in washington, alice barr, nbc news. new overnight, a cyclist is dead after a crash in palo alto. it happened at about 10:45 last night at embarcadero road. the road was closed for a short time during the investigation. it's back open. at this time, no other details are being released. the antioch public library
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will reopen doors again after that sudden indefinite closure because of safety concerns. so on friday library leaders said dangerous incidents escalated to the point where they closed immediately. the library representatives met with county leaders, negotiating an emergency contract to hire a private armed security guard, and a patrol car to monitor things outside. there was already a security guard monitoring the property inside. the library will operate during regular hours after it reopens at noon. let's take a live look in san jose this morning. meteorologist kari hall is tracking those local temps for the south bay this morning. >> as you're heading out the door, don't forget the umbrella. it is a milder start with temperatures in the upper 50s in the south bay. as we go throughout the morning into the afternoon, we're going from about 60 degrees at 8:00 and there will be some breaks in the activity, but at any point today, especially this afternoon, we could see the return of rainfall and also that
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slight chance of thunderstorms. expect the rain to come off and on, in waves throughout the day, and that chance of thunderstorms exists into the evening. and, also, it's going to be windy, the wind advisory continues as we go into at least early tomorrow morning. we're watching all of that for you. mike has been watching the roads and how traffic is moving for you. >> kari, it's a little alarming. look at that, flashing lights. i've been watching this crash that happened, that white pickup and both passenger vehicles, west 92 on the san mateo bridge, just past the toll plaza. thank goodness this tow truck got here because we've been seeing some really jarringly quick and abrupt lane changes. there weren't flashing lights on that white truck. now the tow truck is there to help the visibility and hopefully increase safety for folks. they should shift over out of that fast lane. when you see those flashing lights ahead of you, get over out of that lane as soon as you can to give them plenty of space
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and ease some nerves. i thought it was eastbound, but it turns out to be westbound. i'll correct that. that's coming from the east bay. the dumbarton bridge is clear. everything else is moving smoothly. remember that we have wet roads and we'll remind you about the closures again that happened because of the weather coming up. well, coming up on "today in the bay," with all of this rain, some car owners are starting to worry about rust. all right, everyone. gird your loins. >> did someone eat an onion bagel? >> the iconic movie "the devil wears prada" is now tapped to
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good tuesday morning. as we take a look at stormranger, we are seeing some scattered showers all around the bay area. expect during your drive to have to deal with at least some water coming up off of the roadway. this is what we can expect even into the afternoon. so i'll be tracking this and talking about when we get a break coming up in a few minutes. progress on this crash. this crash with the flashing lights and the tow truck, this is not the one that popped up on the grid. we're warning about slippery conditions on the other side of westbound 92 at 101. but here westbound 92 at 101 we have had a crash. it doesn't look like major
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injuries. they're moving one vehicle already. but the suv or pickup, it has to be cleared from lanes. right now one of your westbound lanes across the san mateo bridge is down. good morning, and a very happy tuesday to you. the numbers behind me are where we start the week. the markets were closed monday for the holiday. walmart says it's going to buy the tv maker vizio for $2.3 billion. walmart already selling a ton of vizio tvs. capital one wants to buy discover card for a staggering $35 billion in an all stock deal. this would be subject to government regulators who have been hesitant about allowing big mergers. capital one would switch some percentage of its cards over to discover from mastercard or visa. a lot of talk on social networks as we get hit by the rain again of cyber trucks rusting. cyber trucks are made of stainless steel, so they
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shouldn't rust, and tesla executives say they're not rusting. the engineer writing on social media, it's surface contamination only and can be cleaned off easily. bar keeper's friend works well. bar keeper's friend is kind of a soft scouring powder that generally won't scratch. here is a youtube user called bearded tesla guy. a lot are saying it's probably rail dust, specks of metal that contaminate the surface as it's being shipped. it's literally dust from the rails under the rail car made of metal and when they get exposed to rain, they rust. tesla's ceo elon musk is also ceo of the neuralink company, we showed you video after they implanted a chip in a monkey's brain. they have since implanted one in a human brain. the human is not only completely covered, he is moving a computer
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mouse with his mind, which is amazing. and also the potential for quadriplegics, paraplegics to have an entirely different experience in life would be extraordinary. >> making great strides. >> yeah. well, 5:16 for you this morning. you know, apple music is testing a new feature to import play lists from other services. apple is using song shift. so this is when an app which allows users to move their music play list between different streaming services. right now the feature is only showing up for some people on android devices, however it's unclear whether apple will integrate that feature. well, florals for spring, not groundbreaking. but we have something to tell you about groundbreaking this morning. >> if this doesn't get you excited, tales of your competency do not interest me.
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♪♪ >> don't just sit there. buy tickets or something. [ laughter ] >> vanessa williams, who will assume miranda priestly's iconic high heels as part of the upcoming west end musical based on "the devil wears prada" and it will feature an original score by egot winner elton john. the movie first premiered in 2006 with meryl streep delivering a golden globe winner performance. it is widely believed to be based on "vogue" editor. it's set to make its debut in london after october after making its world premiere in chicago in 2022. that should be great. >> that's a good movie. >> i never saw the whole movie. i've seen clips but i've never seen the whole movie. the iconic character is emily
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blunt. >> she's even got her haircut down. speaking of haircuts today, an umbrella is needed. >> for the ladies, just forget it. it's going to be raining, it's windy and it's so humid. we're dealing with this, again, as we get this blast of moisture coming in. but you can see what we mean when we talk about atmospheric rivers, because it is just flowing over southern california with a lot of heavy rain, and we're closer to what's drawing in all of that moisture, the center of the storm that's just off the coast. we're seeing some lightning strikes offshore, farther off toward the north and east. as we get a closer look, we're seeing some scattered rain and we will have that chance of getting in on some more thunderstorms for today as the energy still is rolling across the region. so as we get a closer look with stormranger, our mobile doppler radar, some of the rain moving through parts of southern napa county down to marin county, extending into san francisco. and it's been pretty hit or miss
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for parts of the east day down to san jose. as we take a look at our cameras around the bay area, we're in the mid-50s. our temperatures are actually a little bit milder than we typically see. we're going to have some mid to upper 50s in castro valley, and i do expect the rain chances to ramp back up from noon into the evening. our temperatures only head for 60 degrees for today. that's a little bit cooler than normal. 59 in novato and 57 in santa rosa. and then tomorrow it's also going to be another cool day, but we should get a lot more sunshine. we're still in with the rain chances into this afternoon, and look at the hit-or-miss rain we'll see through the evening commute. by 10:00 to 11:00, things are quieting down, but there still may be a lingering shower to start early tomorrow morning. so we may see another quarter of an inch of rain to a half inch, with san francisco possibly getting closer to three-quarters of an inch of rainfall. then with that coming on the
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ground that's already wet, we'll be watching out for those puddles, not expecting any widespread flooding. looking at what's ahead, going into the weekend, we've been watching this storm system off the coast. as of now, it's trending a little bit farther away from the bay area and going to the south, so maybe mother nature is, like, okay, they need a break. it hopefully will pan out for the weekend, and then going into next week colder storms coming our way, so the temperatures will start to dip. so it's going to be nice to have that break and we're going to take the rain chance out of saturday's forecast. we'll be watching sunday. so we're going to see a few days of a break from the rain. we just have to make it through today and early tomorrow morning, and then we'll finally get some sunshine. mike, you're watching that crash on the san mateo bridge? >> lots of lights. they've moved the truck. the tow truck has moved t they've moved the truck. the tow truck has moved to the front, in front of this white vehicle right here, and chp has
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arrived. folks were coming up close and then abruptly changing lanes. you see some flares there. i was hoping they would clear this quickly, and they may, in fact, do that. this is west 92 heading past the toll plaza and getting onto the span itself. also, chp gets a call 101 at 92 on the other end of the san mateo bridge, saying it's very slippery. drivers called in and said it's hazardous so be careful. there's wet roadways registering on the index. we know this happened yesterday and there's a full closure for niles canyon between mission boulevard at 238 and 680 or pleasanton, just shy of the freeway. avoid the area, if you're coming off of mission boulevard, you can't go on 84 after you pass the 7-eleven. wet roadways continue, so use caution. >> thank you. next on "today in the bay," nbc bay area responds. >> his solar panels have been producing a lot more energy than he can use, so why didn't he get
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paid for it? i'm consumer investigat chrisor
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welcome back. it's 5:24. nbc bay area responds to a south bay viewer who says he didn't get the payment he was promised for his solar energy. >> consumer investigator chris chmura's team stepped in to break this six-month standstill. >> good morning.
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keith in san jose has solar panels on his house, and each year san jose clean energy pays him for the true-up, the extra energy he made but didn't use. well, this past year keith says a rep told him he would be getting $224, but he didn't. despite calls he made for six months. so keith asked us to put our energy behind his case. we contacted san jose clean energy. it then sent keith a check for $224 and told us a partner company didn't share metering details in time. sjce says its billing team is processing some things manually, but it is working to automate and speed up in 2024. we believe our new true-up protocol will eliminate delays. do you have an issue you can't resolve even after talking to the utilities customer service rep? we've got a qr code.
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scan that there to file a complaint at california's public utilities commission. a formal complaint might cause the pcuc to order a utility into action. you can also let us know about your utility our consumer complaint form online. coming up next, we continue to follow breaking news, the large police investigation unfolding in santa clara this morning. what we're learning at this hour. i'm ginger conejero saab in san francisco. up ahead, we'll have more on the city leader and his initiative looking to turn a new chapter on the city's crisis with drug erdose deaths. ov
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breaking right now at 5:30, a deadly shooting is under investigation in the south bay. the new revelations coming in minutes ago from police. tonight is the night we may learn who the top candidates are to replace former senator dianne feinstein in the senate. we'll tell you what to watch for. and scattered showers remain for parts of the bay area this morning. meteorologist kari hall is tracking just how long the wet weather will last. this is "today in the bay." and good morning, to you on this tuesday. i'm marcus washington. >> i'm laura garcia. let's start with a look at our forecast. meteorologist kari hall is tracking what we can expect. >> we're starting out with some wet weather here and there.
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not all of us seeing it at the same time. but definitely the roads are wet as you're driving to work this morning, and still the heavy rain continues to funnel across southern california. here in the bay area we're seeing some off and on showers and every now and then we get a lightning strike. as of now, things are quiet on that front, but we will have the chance for thunderstorms today. as we track it with stormranger, you can see the steady stream of rain that continues for marin county, toward napa county, and another wave over san francisco. as we go into the day, there still will be rain chances in and around the bay area, and at times it may be heavy. we're also watching for the possibility there may be some small hail and gusty winds will continue off and on, especially as some of the heavier downpours move through. we'll be tracking this and talk about dryer days ahead. mike, we're seeing the flares on the san mateo bridge. >> lots of lights, but only one vehicle. it's a toyota pickup truck, the
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white truck that was involved. the other car has been cleared from the scene. there's a tow truck and flares are now out. that's because folks were not giving them space. i'm glad they put those flares out, westbound 92, just past the toll plaza. it jams up and you're forced into your two right lanes. you'll see more slowing after the toll plaza. the span itself is moving smoothly, but, again, someone called chp and said it's slippery conditions 101 at 92 on the foster city side as well. you see the green highlighting. you can take the dumbarton bridge without any problem, san mateo does have slowing past the toll plaza. we have a closure for highway 9 and 84 through niles canyon and 121 and highway 12 affected by flooding. we continue to follow breaking news, a deadly overnight shooting is under investigation in santa clara. moments ago, police confirmed one person was shot and killed.
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it's happening in an apartment complex near poinciana drive. it happened at about 2:25 this morning. police confirmed one man was arrested in connection to the homicide. our bob redell is at the scene. he's been gathering even more details. we'll join us with a live report ahead in our next half hour. happening today, one san francisco leader will unveil his proposed initiative that involves public libraries and combatting the city's drug crisis. >> ginger conejero saab joins us with more on the latest proposal. this is a different take on addressing the issue. >> reporter: yeah, you can definitely call it a different take. it is called read to recovery and involves san francisco public libraries and it's an initiative that supervisor matt dorsey is proposing as a key element in the city's addressing of its drug crisis. now, we don't have so many specifics on read to recovery so far. we're expecting that later in the day. this is not the first time that
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supervisor dorsey has talked about the importance of literature on the road to recovery. supervisor dorsey himself has been open about his road to recovery from addiction. he previously told the "chronicle" that access to books about recovery are key, because literature is so foundational to recovery programs. last year the san francisco library began a recovery bookcase, giving away materials and books about recovery. now, today's read to recovery program announcement will include library leaders who are expected to speak about the popularity of certain books, and why these, they say, have been flying off the shelves. now, this comes weeks after learning the city has recorded a tragic number of overdose deaths last year, 806 to be exact. that is the most on record. now, the end of 2023 saw a glimmer of hope with a decrease in the number of deaths in december, 2023, compared to that of the year before.
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but the latest medical examiner's report has reported 66 deaths in the month of january alone. as we've heard from public health officials, you can have a little bit of a glimmer of hope, you can also understand that they do kind of come in waves. so this is something that is still a focus for leaders across the city. we'll hear more about that announcement around 10:00 at city hall and bring you guys the latest. >> hopefully this is a move in the right direction. ginger conejero saab in san francisco this morning, thank you. it is 5:34 right now. the stage is set for tonight's senate debate. it's a race that will have a major role in california's representation for decades. >> four candidates, three democrats, one republican, they have to do well to make it past the march primary. "today in the bay"'s kris sanchez is joining us from the newsroom this morning with what we need to watch out for. >> we say there are four candidates, there are really 27 candidates vying to fill the late senator dianne feinstein's
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seat, but only the top four poll high enough to make it onto the debate stage tonight. these are the four candidates you'll be seeing on that stage, three democrats, one republican. congressman adam schiff, who leads in the polling and who most recently led the prosecution of donald trump in the senate impeachment trial. now, the lone republican is steve garvey, who is more known for his days as a player for the dodgers and the padres than for his political dealings, and there's also a relative newcomer, katie porter, known for questioning of executives during congressional hearings, and of course congresswoman barbara lee who has served in congress for 25 years. now, the debate is hosted by our la sister station k nbc. the stage is set. our political analyst, larry gersten, tells us the schiff has the most to lose as he is the favored candidate, so he might be inclined to play it kind of
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safe. the rest of them will be in a battle for number two. here is one of the moderators, cnbc political reporter, conan nolan. >> the top two finishers go to the november runoff, so, remember, this is historic. the last time this seat was open was 30 years ago, in california and a lot of other states, once somebody gets elected, they're going to be there for a while. >> california, of course, heavily democratic. but if republican steve garvey can galvanize the 24% or 25% of voters who are republican and the other three candidates split the democratic vote, things could start to get interesting. well, chp is advising pro-palestinian supporters to avoid any areas of heavy vehicular traffic after the latest protest that brought cars to a standstill. so this one happened yesterday afternoon, this is on the central freeway near octavia in san francisco. protesters briefly shut down all
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lanes, in the end no arrests were made. chp says law enforcement rarely get advanced notice of these actions, but it has a protocol in place to get vehicles moving again quickly. >> we will try to create a line to keep the protesters from advancing any further. in this instance, a line was established near the south van ness freeway, so it was contained to a small area of the freeway. >> activists vowing to organize more road closures as long as the middle east conflict continues. this is the third such incident, starting with the bay bridge last fall, and more recently a brief closure of the golden gate bridge. in that instance, no arrests were made. 5:37 right now. to a live look at mount rose in the lake tahoe area. for thousands of bay area kids, this is their so-called ski week. that means no school all week,
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and for some lucky families, a trip to lake tahoe. tahoe area is under a winter storm warning. the storm has dumped more than 2 feet of snow in the area and more is on its way. take a look at the white-out conditions happening at dodge ridge resort off of highway 80. another storm moving into the area this afternoon, through wednesday morning, bringing with it the possibility of an additional 2 feet of snow. all that powder has been snarling traffic through some of the mountain passes. >> this is the beauty of it. we're getting the snow coming in. you're going to be challenged getting over the sierra, i 80, 50, 88, highway 4, you're going to have a little challenge. once you get here, you're going to have a good time. >> another live look outside at i-80 at kingvale this morning, for a look at how much snow has fallen, let's check in with meteorologist kari hall right now. big rigs trying to make their way through.
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>> very slowly. it has been really difficult. we've already gotten 18 inches of snow in kirkwood. heavenly has measured about 16 inches of snow, and sierra tahoe 15, bear valley 14, and 11 at north star. it's still coming down, so once we get the sunrise and people sticking those rulers into the snow, we'll get some fresh snow updates as we go throughout the day. but it's still going to be very tough trying to travel there, and there's still the winter storm warning in effect. we'll see that continue through tomorrow morning at 10:00, with an additional 2 to 6, possibly 8 inches of snow. but overall we'll gradually start to see the storm system winding down, but just enough snow to coat everything and keep those roads very slick. we'll be tracking that. mike, you were saying that we may have better news for the san mateo bridge. >> i saw as they were starting to clear the vehicle and it took them just a couple of minutes. you see where the issue was. the flares are now going to burn out, chp tossed the ones that
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were blocking that fast lane. west 92 back at full capacity now as the volume builds. more slowing on 880 itself, so more traffic heading across 92. all lanes just cleared. south 880, all lanes clear, but there is a crash at the tennyson off-ramp. it's causing a little distraction, a little slowing. slick roadways continue around the bay. niles canyon road is completely closed now until whenever they can reopen it. indefinitely closed just off 680 and mission boulevard, that's state route 238. you know the intersection with the 7-eleven. you cannot access the windy portion of 84. you'll use mission boulevard and 680 to get your way around until they can rebuild. we'll have that assessment later on this morning, we hope. we're looking at green highlighting, wet roadways. highway 4 shows a build, more traffic than yesterday. highway 37 shows typical slowing. watch those slick conditions down the eastshore freeway. i'll show you the bay bridge
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coming up. >> thanks, mike. 5:41 right now. easing the impact of menopause. the new approach many women are taking to help relieve symptoms. and president biden headed to the golden state tod you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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good tuesday morning. the time is 5:44. let's get a look at martinez where we're in the low 50s and some light rain coming down now.
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that will last through the 6:00 hour, and then a break with a mostly cloudy sky. expect the rain to come back around noon and it will be off and on later today. we're tracking the waves of rain and the potential of thunderstorms in the microclimate forecast coming up. and we're looking at the bay bridge toll plaza, the metering lights are likely turned on in the last few minutes. we see the backup that is quickly forming, but it's holding steady, about mid parking lot for now. we're seeing the volume build and slick roadways. i have a new incident after the first crash cleared on the san mateo bridge. i'll show you that coming up. >> thank you so much. it is almost a quarter until 6:00 right now. a live look at oakland. later today la fon sa butler will be there and is expected to participate in a discussion with lady gaga's mother in conjunction with the born this way foundation. the event will discuss what organizers describe as the youth mental health crisis in california.
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a similar discussion involving senator butler takes place in southern california on thursday. well, president joe biden heading back to california today, specifically down to los angeles. >> scott mcgrew, he's got california in his back pocket in the upcoming election, we know that. but he's not here just to ask for votes. >> i'm sure he'll take whatever votes he can get. under the electoral college system, both candidates can ignore california pretty safely. what we do have is a lot of money and that's why the president will be in the l.a. area for the day. he'll get there midafternoon, attend a campaign fundraiser in santa monica at the home of a billionaire behind the univision buyout. in wisconsin, a major move to undo gerrymandering. the governor signed a bill that's a years-long battle over redistricting. previous voting maps gave a strong advantage to republicans, which was declared unfair and unconstitutional by the state supreme court. >> republicans set up shop
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behind closed doors with high-paid attorneys, made their republican members sign secrecy pledges and use technology and algorithms to draw some of the most un-democratic gerrymandered legislative maps in the united states of america. >> every state has to deal with voting maps. california does it out in the open. a citizen redistricting commission made up of an equal number of democrats and republicans, qualified candidates for that board are chosen at random to make it even more fair. we're going to keep an eye on the united nations. arab states expected to put forward a resolution calling for an immediate cease-fire in gaza. the u.s., which has veto power, is expected to veto it, though the u.s. is circulating its own cease-fire plan in the u.n. and continues to urge israel not to go through with plans to invade rafah. there are too many civilians there.
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israel urged civilians in the north of gaza to go as far south as they can. that's rafah. they're trying to get out of the way of the fighting, and now the fighting is coming to rafah. speaking of the united nations, the u.s. ambassador to the u.n. told the security council stop speculating on the death of alexi natural vanny. >> it wouldn't closed while our western colleagues rushed to claim, 50 minutes after it happened, after news was published, that this was the responsibility of the putin regime. >> american officials blame putin not because he specifically poisoned him, but putin's policies put his political rival in an arctic prison and the u.s. says it is aware of reports a dual national
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has been detained by russia and is accused of treason. she's accused of raising money for ukraine. >> thank you very much. moving you forward this morning, a new study shows women are turning to cannabis to treat menopause symptoms. a doctor behind the soon to be published study is medical director of medi-health. she surveyed 450 women who are using cannabis to relieve menopause symptoms. she found that more than 90% use it to sleep and 46% use it to reduce the number of hot flashes. she says the women are using cannabis because they say nothing else is helping. >> what's happening is that even though 80% of women have menopause symptoms, less than 10% of them are actually talking to a health care professional or getting any advice, so they are turning to their own devices to try to get some relief from hot
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flashes, insomnia and other symptoms. so it seems like a natural thing for women to turn to cannabis. >> the doctor says she doesn't recommend women smoke cannabis to relieve menopause symptoms. instead, she says edibles and topicals are healthier options. trending this morning, more rain bringing perfect conditions for hogs at the oakland zoo. the zoo sharing this post online saying, quote, no one is happier than a hog in mud. i'm sure it is never a boring moment there with them. i want to see them roll around in it. >> i like when they turn up the sound. they always sound so funny. >> turn up for mud. >> the zoo has been closed because of all of this rain. it's been very sloppy out there, all of the rainfall that we've been seeing. i've been tallying up some of the rainfall totals. the highest so far is nearly 7 inches since it started over the
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weekend in the santa cruz mountains. so it's been pretty heavy. and we're going to continue to see those rainfall totals rack up as we're still getting some scattered showers moving in. it's been off and on throughout the morning, and it looks like it's starting to ramp back up again. so just as we get a little bit of a break, then we start to see the coverage of the rainfall increasing across the bay area. most of the rain that we're seeing right now is in the north bay, across the bay. but it's a lot of marin county into southern napa county, moving toward richmond and off and on for san francisco, and then looking at what we're expecting for today, the shading of this light green is where we may have the risk of thunderstorms continuing for today. so the storm prediction center puts out these outlooks for areas to watch for across the country, and they've highlighted northern california for that potential of some thunder and lightning today. looking at gilroy, we're starting out with a mix of sun and clouds, temperatures right
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at about 50 degrees, but then as we go throughout today it's going to head for the low 60s, and then the rain chances increase. in those rain showers that we see, there may be some rumbles of thunder, brief, heavy downpours, and possibly some small hail. as it moves through between 2:00 and 4:00, it's picking up for parts of the east bay down to the peninsula, and then it's still continuing off and on through tonight and possibly even early tomorrow morning, but then we start to see rain chances decreasing as we go into tomorrow night. so for today it's a little cooler than normal with our highs up to the low 60s for the south bay, an additional rainfall that we'll see for most of us will be about a tenth to a quarter inch of rainfall. it may be higher for san francisco. three-quarters of an inch of rain there, as well as santa rosa. it depends on where some of the heavier cells pass by. and as if we needed a break, i think we're going to get that as we go into the weekend, friday,
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possibly saturday, and maybe even sunday we're getting a break from the rainfall. then next week things will ramp back up and it looks much colder, so we could see a lot more snow for the sierra and possibly some of our bay area mountains. we'll be watching out for that. in the meantime, once we make it through today and a slight chance of rain early tomorrow, we're going to get more sunshine and milder temperatures, and nice way to end our week and head into the weekend. we may have a chance of rain on sunday and then cooler temperatures next week, as we take a look at san francisco there's not much of a warm-up here. you'll just want to keep that umbrella somewhere close by today. mike, you're seeing traffic bogging down again on the san mateo bridge. we saw recovery as you were talking about the possibility of thunder and lightning. there was activity, it was clearing. right where the arrow was, we had about seven minutes of backup forming. now everybody is released across the high-rise. that's great news.
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92 continues to pick up volume. you see the slower westbound drive. we should see recovery. the earlier crash cleared just past the toll plaza. second issue, probably a disabled vehicle as you approach the end of that flat section. all clearing eastbound, the opposite direction, distracted so there's general slowing. the headlights should move faster as the bridge clears itself. southbound 880 between the san mateo and dumbarton bridges looks like another fender bender. the dumbarton bridge moves smoothly. in the east bay, we have a closure for niles canyon. i want to make sure we talk about highway 9, the closure around redwood gulch. in the north bay, highway 12 and 121 continue to have issues they had before the weekend storms. we typically have the build for highway 4, 37, and a crash as you're coming down the eastshore freeway. no major issues, no major slowing. but there is the build, including at the bay bridge toll plaza. it's full. back to you.
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>> thanks so much, mike. happening now, president joe biden's administration is announcing a nearly $6 billion investment in clean drinking water and wastewater infrastructure. vice president kamala harris and the head of the environmental protection agency, they plan to travel to pittsburgh, pennsylvania, to talk about that investment. the push comes amid president biden's re-election campaign. as we mentioned this morning, president biden is also visiting the bay area later this week. we are following breaking news in the south bay. while you were sleeping, a deadly shooting at an apartment complex. this story has been rapidly evolving. our bob redell is there live at the scene, and coming up we will take you there. nbc bay area is streaming 24/7. watch us whenever you would like on roku or other streaming platforms. a lot more news ahe on thiads
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welcome back to "today in the bay." so, look, apple music is testing a new feature to import play lists from other services. 9 to 5 mac reports they're using song shift, an app which allows users to move their music play
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lists between different streaming services. right now it's only showing up for some people on android devices. it is unclear whether apple will integrate the feature. one airline is offering a rare opportunity to experience this spring's total solar eclipse in the sky. delta is promoting a special flight from austin to detroit on april 8th, specifically operated on an airbus 220 aircraft which has larger windows for apt malviewing. this will be the last over north america until 2044. it will last more than twice as long as the one that happened in april of 2017. well, quickly approaching 6:00, breaking news this morning out of the south bay, police investigating a deadly overnight shooting at an apartment complex. a live report from that scene with brand new information from investigators. harsh new words among the presidential contenders in a war of words over israel and ukraine. the growing backlash on both sides of the aisle. and shutdown.
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after a section of roadway gives way. major east bay road closure that may impact your morning commute. this is "today in the bay." and another wet morning here in the bay area. but a good morning, indeed. i'm marcus washington. >> i'm laura garcia. i have two umbrellas this morning. i think i'm just putting them everywhere, just in case you need to grab them. it feels like that's how it's been lately. >> i don't bother. i just put my jacket over my head and run out the door. i'm the one that should have the umbrella. it just makes a mess. you might want to make sure that you have that for today, as the rain jacket is a good option, too. look at that funnel of moisture blasting southern california, and this is what we're talking about. you can see it so clearly when we talk about atmospheric rivers and that funnel of moisture that's been producing some very heavy rain. we're a little bit closer to the center


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