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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  February 20, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PST

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after a section of roadway gives way. major east bay road closure that may impact your morning commute. this is "today in the bay." and another wet morning here in the bay area. but a good morning, indeed. i'm marcus washington. >> i'm laura garcia. i have two umbrellas this morning. i think i'm just putting them everywhere, just in case you need to grab them. it feels like that's how it's been lately. >> i don't bother. i just put my jacket over my head and run out the door. i'm the one that should have the umbrella. it just makes a mess. you might want to make sure that you have that for today, as the rain jacket is a good option, too. look at that funnel of moisture blasting southern california, and this is what we're talking about. you can see it so clearly when we talk about atmospheric rivers and that funnel of moisture that's been producing some very heavy rain. we're a little bit closer to the center of the storm that's
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drawing all of that moisture in, and when you get closer to the center of the storm, you also get a lot more energy. with that, the potential of thunderstorms. and we can see the off and on rain that continues for us right now, and as we go throughout the morning, the rain will continue to move through. so if you have stormranger on your smart device with the nbc bay area app, you'll be able to track it throughout the day and know whether or not to grab that umbrella. mike, you've been tracking the roads. any major issues? >> no major crashes. we're looking at wet roadways. still slick out there. kari is talking about more coming our way. make sure the windshield wipers and treads are in good condition. we still have highway 12 and 121 in the north bay and highway 9 in the south bay with continued issues. we've seen those from the last few days. looking over here toward the niles canyon area, highway 84, niles canyon road, the windy part between mission and 680, which, by the way, is your alternate, you have to avoid 84,
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closed yesterday evening. let's show you why. we talked about this happening yesterday with one-way traffic control. now it's completely closed. that creek is continuing to erode, so they're going to do an assessment this morning. we'll find out when they expect to be able to do repairs. it's indefinitely closed until they can do the assessment and that work. back to you. breaking news in the south bay this morning, one person was shot and killed inside an apartment complex in santa clara overnight. >> "today in the bay"'s bob redell joins us live from the scene this morning. bob, what else have you learned? >> reporter: well, a man and a woman just left the scene. the woman was crying, the man was comforting her as they just got the news about what happened here. we're at an apartment complex at poinciana drive just off the lawrence expressway in santa clara, where around 2:25 this morning we know someone was shot and killed inside one of the apartment units here where santa clara police are presumably
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waiting for the coroner to show up. we know the person shot and killed is still inside the unit and we've confirmed with police within the past 30 to 45 minutes that shortly after this shooting, this murder, a man was arrested nearby. we know there was also earlier this morning, we heard a woman, we don't know her relation to the person shot and killed, but we heard her crying out loud, obviously very distraught. this is very tragic, what happened here. we are trying to confirm the circumstances surrounding the shooting. but, again, one person shot and killed in this apartment complex around 2:25 this morning. a man arrested a short time later. reporting live here in santa clara, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> sad story. bob, thank you. also new overnight, a cyclist is dead after a crash in palo alto. it happened around 10:45 last night on embarcadero road near newell. the road was closed for a short
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time during the investigation but it is back open. at this time, no other details have been released. to decision 2024 and the race for your vote. president joe biden stops at the west coast and is set to arrive in los angeles later this afternoon and will participate in a campaign reception before spending the night down in southern california. that's ahead of his planned trip to san francisco tomorrow, where he's expected to participate in two campaign events. one co-hosted by speaker emeritus nancy pelosi, and then on thursday president biden travels to los altos hills for a fundraiser. tickets for that range from $6,600 to $100,000. the president will then head back to the white house. the fight to become the republican nominee is still under way, foreign policy front and center. >> former u.n. ambassador nikki haley is coming out swinging, calling out former president trump over his response surrounding alexei navalny's
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death. alice barr joins us from washington this morning. the president is also facing his own political backlash. >> reporter: yeah, a lot that we're tracking today, both overseas and here at home. as you noted, president biden is heading out on a campaign swing to california, while at the same time former president trump and nikki haley are both going to be in south carolina today, all as these global conflicts loom large. with south carolina's republican presidential primary coming up on saturday, nikki haley is going on offense in her home state, slamming former president trump for not condemning russian president vladimir putin over the death of top kremlin critic alexei navalny in a russian prison. >> i don't know why he gets weak in the knees when it comes to russia. but russia is not getting weak in the anyways. >> reporter: in his first comments about navalny's death, he suggested he's facing a similar type of political
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persecution. president biden says he holds putin responsible for navalny's death and is weighing more sanctions against russia. >> we already have sanctions, we're considering additional sanctions, yes. >> reporter: the biden campaign also launching a new digital ad casting former president trump's recent nato comments as giving putin the green light to attack america's allies. president biden is facing his own foreign policy backlash over supporting israel's fight against hamas. there's a movement for democrats to vote uncommitted in the upcoming michigan primary amid the devastation in gaza. >> the president has done everything he can to make sure that the loss of innocent lives is diminished. >> reporter: the global conflict is having an impact on the campaign trail. >> i think our country was a lot safer when donald trump was there. >> reporter: as haley, a former u.n. ambassador, makes the case she's the better choice on foreign policy and promises to keep running through super
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tuesday, despite mr. trump's substantial lead. and this all comes against the backdrop of the fight on capitol hill over sending more military aid to ukraine. russia just made its first major battlefield advance in nearly a year as ukraine's president is warning of dire shortages of weapons and ammunition. >> certainly a lot to follow. alice, thank you. this morning, parts of southern california are under a flood watch after heavy rain. lots of areas there dealing with a lot of flooding, in fact, highway 101 south of ventura closed. we're facing wet conditions here in the bay area. meteorologist kari hall joins us with more on what you can expect as you attempt to head out the door. >> as you're heading out the door, don't forget the umbrella. it is a milder start with
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temperatures in the upper 50s in the south bay. as we go throughout the morning into the afternoon, we're going from about 60 degrees at 8:00, and there will be some breaks in the activity, but at any point today, especially this afternoon, we could see the return of rainfall and also that slight chance of thunderstorms. expect the rain to come off and on, in waves throughout the day, and that chance of thunderstorms exists into the evening. and, also, it's going to be windy, the wind advisory continues as we go into at least early tomorrow morning. we're watching all of that for you, and mike has been watching the roads and how traffic is moving for you. for some of that information, i depend on you, kari. we've got a wind advisory for the san mateo bridge, the high-rise. i do want to show you the bay bridge as well. there's a wind advisory for most of our bridges, as far as you might get caught with a gust or two. you see the backup, pretty standard. wet roadways is a continued issue as more rain comes in, more gusty winds.
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we'll continue to watch the conditions being a factor for the commute, which is much heavier than yesterday because yesterday was a holiday for many and a monday. we have a crash west 80 blocking possibly the fast lane, so be prepared to -- sorry, the slow lane, so be prepared to move to your left as you pass by el portal. highway 12, 121 continue to have issues with earlier flooding, but things have calmed down south through walnut creek off of 242. we had an earlier build. you have to avoid this section of niles canyon, 680 and mission boulevard are your alternates. closed indefinitely. part of highway 84 gone there. it's fine through pleasanton and livermore. the san mateo bridge, westbound has calmed down. watch the high-rise for gusty winds. back to you. >> thanks, mike. when it comes to the hardest working americans, who really works the hardest? we'll see teachers. that is not the story. here is a live look in san francisco for you.
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ahead on "today in the bay," we're going to see where the city ranks among the hardest working and the other bay area cities that may have some work to do. and as we deal with all of this rain, some car owners are starting to worry about rust. let's take you out to the futures this morning. this is the first trading day of the week. we were off yesterday. looks like we're going to lose a little money. all right, everyone, gird your loins. did someone eat an onion bagel? >> brace yourself for the reboot of an all-time fav, the devil wears pra headadi
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the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this
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terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. it's the work behind the scenes, let's take a look at this knee. that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! kaiser permanente.
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good tuesday morning. the time is 6:12. let's get a look at half moon bay. we're going to start out with a cloudy sky, at times light rain. the rain chances continue with this afternoon into the evening getting in on more wet weather. we're also watching out for thunderstorms. i'll have more on that and when we get a break from all of this rain in a few minutes. not getting a break on the lens where we show the richmond-san rafael bridge. slicker conditions obvious from this shot. we'll show you how things are shaping up. we have slowing, a continued crash may be the issue in fremont.
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we'll show you the build as well in other parts of the bay. good morning. happy tuesday to you. so the numbers behind me are where we're going to start the week because markets were closed monday for the holiday. walmart says it will buy the tv maker vizio for $2.3 billion. walmart was already selling a ton of vizio tvs. capital one wants to buy discover card for a staggering $35 billion in an all stock deal. this would be subject to government regulators who have been hesitant about allowing big mergers lately. capital one would then switch a certain percentage of cards over to discover from mastercard or visa. a lot of talk on social networks as we get hit by rain again of cyber trucks rusting. tesla cyber trucks are made of stainless steel so they shouldn't rest and tesla executives say they're not rusting. a tesla engineer writing on social media it's surface
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contamination only, and can be cleaned off easily. bar keeper's friend works well. it's sort of of a soft scouring powder that generally won't scratch. here is a tesla fan and youtuber called bearded tesla guy showing us how it's done. a lot of car owners say it's probably rail dust, little specks of metal that contaminate the surface of new cars as they're being shipped. it's literally dust from the rails under a rail car made of metal, those rust when they're exposed to rain. twitter or x suspended and then restored an account that appears to belong to the wife of late russian opposition leader alexei navalny, she announced online she will take up her husband's cause. x has not said why the account was suspended, and as you know, it is impossible to know if accounts on x are real and x doesn't answer press questions. i will say this account that
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claims to be yulia's is followed by kremlinologists that we know and respect. i suspect it's really her account. again, we don't know why it was suspended, and x, as you know, sends a standard reply to reporters when you ask them questions. >> okay, thank you. 6:15 right now. and here is a live look in san francisco this morning. so why are we looking at san francisco? this is trending for you. the city by the bay is named among the top 100 hardest working cities in the u.s. sf coming in number eight on the list. the website wallet hub looked at 11 key metrics, including the length of americans' average workweek, the employment rate, the average commute time, our nation's capital, washington, d.c., clocking in at number one. fremont, san jose and oakland also making that list. >> before you get to work. truly groundbreaking here,
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much more than florals for spring, of course. >> because if this doesn't get you excited, let's just say tales of your incompetency do not interest me. ♪♪ >> don't just sit there. buy tickets or something. >> vanessa williams will assume miranda priestly's iconic high heels as part of the upcoming west end musical based on "the devil wears prada" and it will feature a score by elton john. in 2006 the movie premiered with meryl streep, the take no prisoners head of fashion runway. musical is set to make its debut in london in october after making a world premiere in chicago. hopefully eventually making its way to the bay area.
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that will be fun. >> and by elton john, how cool. >> he's pretty amazing. >> now that he retired, or at least from tours. we're focusing on the forecast as well, looking for a break in the rain. >> we're going to see that starting tomorrow and then into the end of the week. we just have to make it through the off and on rain we'll see today. and it's coming in waves and we've had so much of it. take a look at some of our highest storm totals that we've had since this began over the weekend. so saratoga, you've gotten 6.25 inches, that's a lot of rainfall. in calistoga, it's nearly 6 inches of rainfall. in santa rosa, over 5 inches of rain. fairfax, 3.75. it's still coming down. as it continues to soak in, the rivers, creeks and streams will
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continue to rise. we're watching out for shallow landslides and there's risk that we could see thunderstorms for today. the rain is still coming in. we can see the snow coming down in the sierra. a closer look at the bay area with our stormranger mobile doppler radar shows that we do have some rain moving down the peninsula, but a lot of it as it has been is still in the north bay, where we're seeing the rain coming through marin county up towards southern sonoma county into napa county, pockets of heavy rain. and then looking ahead for today, the storm prediction center highlights northern california, the central valley, for the potential of more thunderstorms again today. now, the risk is not as high as it was yesterday, but there's still the chance that as we go late morning, we could have heavier downpours into the east bay, to the peninsula, at about 2:00 to 3:00, and off and on rain into the evening. there may be an off and on shower as well tomorrow. but then we are headed toward
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dryer conditions, and another quarter to half inch of rainfall possible for today. maybe closer to about three-quarters of an inch of rain in san francisco, parts of the north bay. it really just depends on where some of the heavier cells move through. and then going ahead, there will be a nice little break. i was watching this swirl of all of that green, that's a storm system that's expected to develop this weekend. but as of now, it looks like it's staying along the coastline, offshore, and maybe moving farther south, which would give us a break for a little while, at least into the start of next week. so we're looking at a lot more sun icons here. after today, we'll see rain chances decreasing, and i do think thursday, friday, now saturday, is totally dry, and near normal temperatures into the weekend. so a lot of great things that we're watching out for here, after all of that rainfall. this weekend we'll be able to enjoy more time outside after being kind of trapped inside this past weekend. mike, you're saying that now
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things are starting to smooth out there. >> as far as the drive goes, yeah. we still have issues that continue from over the weekend, but across the golden gate bridge we have a lot of mist, drizzle, low clouds. do use caution, slick roadways, evident right here. the bay bridge toll plaza, full roadways, but still slick. that's been the issue all morning. the bigger commute as folks come back to work after they were off perhaps yesterday for presidents' day. we have west 80, this crash was only blocking part of the slow lane and it looks like it may be more of a focus as they're slowing the area. i hope that means they're getting ready to clear the last of the vehicles. that's really the only outstanding issue for the east bay. no major issues toward fremont. there is a crash around alvarado niles. highway 9 down here, we talked about the closure around redwood gulch but i want to show you a picture we got, recently a tree came down over glenn gary road.
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for our viewers, not really an issue, but they'll continue to see more trees toppling. we have rain-soaked hillsides. we'll keep updating as information comes in. coming up next, nbc bay area responds. >> his solar panels have been producing a lot more energy than he can use, so why didn't he get paid for it? paid for it? i'm consumer investigator chris
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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nbc bay area responds to a south bay viewer who says he didn't get the payment he was promised for his solar energy. >> consumer investigator chris chmura's team stepped in to break this six-month standstill. >> good morning. keith in san jose has solar panels on his house, and each year san jose clean energy pays him for the true-up, the extra energy he made but didn't use. well, this past year keith says a rep told him he would be getting $224, but he didn't. despite calls he made for six months. so keith asked us to put our energy behind his case. we contacted san jose clean energy. it then sent keith a check for $224 and told us a partner company didn't share metering details in time. sjce says its billing team is processing some things manually,
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but it is working to automate and speed up in 2024. we believe our new true-up protocol will eliminate delays. do you have an issue you can't resolve even after talking to the utilities customer service rep? we've got a qr code. scan that there to file a complaint at california's public utilities commission. a formal complaint might cause the cpuc to order a utility into action. you can also let us know about your utility issue. scan this qr code to fill out our consumer complaint form online. >> thank you very much. nbc's time travel adventure "quantum leap" wraps up its second season tonight with a two-hour season finale and begins with ben leaping into the body of a 1970s firefighter and having to rescue his love, hanna carson, when they're trapped in a burning high-rise. the night's other major story line is billionaire gideon
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ridge, none too pleased that the team stole his microchip in an effort to bring ben home. >> there's the possibility for a catastrophic outcome for the rest of humanity if something isn't stopped or deterred or reversed. >> find out what happens on the two-hour season finale of "quantum leap" that starts tonight on nbc bay area. we've got a lot more ahead at 6:30, including some breaking news out of the south bay. police gathering outside of an apartment complex in santa clara, and we have just confirmed that this is the scene of a deadly shooting. we will bring you the latest when we return. i'm ginger conejero saab in san francisco, where a city leader is looking to start a new chapter in addressing the city's drug overdose crisis. ahead, we'll tell you where he
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is focusing his efforts, and it may not be where you initially another one in the books. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters.
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[ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente.
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are. right now at 6:30, a possible new chapter in the fight against drug overdoses. one san francisco leader wants to partner with city libraries. we have live coverage for you this morning on that unique idea. and set to reopen. one troubled east bay library turns the page after suddenly
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closing due to crime conditions. the changes you can expect to see. plus, the california primary is now just two weeks away, and tonight the top candidates for senate will take the debate stage. i'll show you what to expect as you watch tonight right here on nbc bay area. this is "today in the bay." >> good tuesday morning to you. 6:30. thanks for joining us. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. we want to get you updated on what's happening with that weather. it's been changing hour-by-hour. meteorologist kari hall has what we can expect today. >> it's still changing. we're going to have waves of rain coming in and it's going to be off and on. so one minute it's sunny, it's clear, and then the next minute it is pouring down. we're still seeing that active weather coming in, and most of it has been in the north bay, parts of the peninsula. we get a closer look with stormranger. pockets of heavy rain extending around richmond and vallejo. we're also seeing the rain at times in san francisco.
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but for now, it's taking a break, and we'll see a partly to mostly cloudy sky throughout today, and off and on showers into the afternoon, as well as this evening. i'm still watching out for a chance of thunderstorms, so i'll have more on that and looking ahead to now a dryer weekend coming up in a few minutes. mike, you were focusing on richmond to start out this report. >> not dry yet. we're looking at the transition in the sky and on the road, slicker conditions. leaving richmond on the bridge, westbound 580 toward the north bay, you see that in the middle of our screen. westbound routes show a typical pattern and green highlighting. wet roadways, all over our maps. red section getting better. we just got word that chp has all lanes cleared westbound 880, that is where we saw focused slowing and now good recovery traveling toward the bay bridge. smooth drive throughout the rest of contra costa county and alameda counties, the south bay with a build and crash. the crash is on the shoulder 101
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just north of 280. >> thank you very much. this morning we continue to follow breaking news, a deadly overnight shooting is under investigation in santa clara. police are confirming one person was shot and killed. it all happened at an apartment complex near poinciana drive and white oak lane at about 2:25 this morning. police also confirm one man was arrested in connection to the homicide. this is the second homicide of the year in santa clara. 6:32 right now. the stage is set for tonight's senate debate, and it is a race that will have a major role in california's representation for decades. >> four candidates, three democrats, one republican, they have to do well to make it past the march primary. "today in the bay"'s kris sanchez is joining us from the newsroom. >> four candidates will be on the stage tonight, but in fact there are 27 candidates vying to fill late senator dianne feinstein's seat, again, only
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the top four poll high enough to make the debate stage tonight. these are the four candidates who will be on that stage, three democrats, one republican, congressman adam schiff who leads in the polling and recently led the impeachment trial against donald trump. the republican is steve garvey, best known as a player for the dodgers and padres and for political dealings. congresswoman katie porter is known for questioning of corporate executives during congressional hearings in washington, d.c., and of course congresswoman barbara lee who has served california in congress for 25 years. now, the debate is hosted by our l.a. sister station kknbc and te stage is set. schiff really has the most to lose because he is favored at this point. he has the most support. so he might play it safe. the rest will be in a battle for number two. here is one of the moderators, knbc political reporter, conan
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nolan. >> the top two finishers go to the november runoff. this is historic. the last time this seat was open was 30 years ago and california and a lot of other states, once somebody gets elected, they're going to be there for a while. >> california, of course, as you know, is heavily democratic, but here is where things could get interesting. if republican steve garvey can galvanize and gather all of the state's 24%, 25% of voters who are republican and then the other three candidates split the democratic vote, things could get interesting. >> indeed. thanks, kris. happening today, the antioch public library reopens with added security. the library leaders closed it over the weekend citing crime concerns, including recent fires, threats, drug use and sexual activity. during that closure, teams also repaired outside fencing, updating the security camera system as well. starting today, new armed security guards will be added and it will help monitor the
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surrounding area with a patrol car. the library is scheduled to open at noon today. and happening today, one san francisco leader will unveil his proposed initiative to involve public libraries in combatting the city's drug crisis. >> "today in the bay"'s ginger conejero saab joins us live with more on this latest proposal, what it all means. a really different take to trying to address this huge issue, ginger. >> reporter: that is true. good morning, laura and marcus. it is a different take. it's called read to recovery and partners with san francisco public libraries. it is also being proposed by supervisor matt dorsey, who sees this as a key element in the city's fight in combatting drug overdose deaths. now, we don't know too many specifics or details on read to recovery just yet. we are set to learn more this morning. this is not the first time supervisor dorsey has talked about the significance of literature in the road to
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recovery. supervisor dorsey has been open about his own recovery from addiction. he previously told the san francisco con kol that access to books about recovery are key. literature, he says, is foundational in programs. now, last year the san francisco library began a recovery bookcase giving away materials and books on recovery. now, today's read to recovery program announcement will include library leaders who are expected to speak to the popularity of recovery books, and why these, they say, have been flying off the shelves. this comes weeks after learning the city recorded a tragic number of overdose deaths last year, 806, to be exact. that is the most on record. the end of 2023 saw a glimmer of hope, as health officials in the city saw a decrease in the number of deaths compared to the year before, but the latest medical examiner's report has recorded 66 deaths from accidental overdoses in the month of january alone.
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the announcement today is really looking to take a different, unique approach to this, and hopefully one that i think the city can really gather around and say hope it works, right? >> i think so. i think a lot of people are hoping that. we see the effect it has on a lot of folks in the city. hopefully this is one step moving forward in the right direction. thanks, ginger. 6:37 right now. let's take a live look out. this is at mount roads in tahoe. for thousands of bay area kids, this is their so-called ski week, that means no school all week. and for some lucky families, a trip to lake tahoe. the tahoe area is still under a winter storm warning. take a look at the whiteout conditions off of highway 101. another storm moving through wednesday morning, bringing with it the possibility of an additional 2 feet of snow. all that powder has been snarling traffic through some of the mountain passes. for a look at how much snow has
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fallen, let's check in with meteorologist kari hall. the snow is still coming down, just looking back at the past couple of days we've had 18 inches of snow at kirkwood and heavenly had about a foot and a half. we're seeing pretty good snowfall totals around the sierra, with north star getting 11 inches of snow, and the winter storm warning, as we mentioned, continues until tomorrow morning. difficult travel, and with the low visibility and the high winds, you might want to wait before either coming back to the bay area or heading that way, because we are still looking at some very active conditions. in fact, we're looking at an additional 2 to 6 inches of snow. it may be up to about 8 inches in kirkwood between now and thursday before the storm system winds down. i'll be watching out for that. we'll talk about bay area rain. mike, you're tracking, yet again, another crash in fremont. >> overall things are pretty calm. we have slick roadways and a couple of washouts we're following, but we're looking toward 880.
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the build of volume is south out of hayward, through union city and toward fremont. we had a couple of crashes north of the dumbarton bridge, now south of the dumbarton bridge we see slowing around stevenson. the latest crash looks like it may be blocking a couple of lanes. 84 across the dumbarton bridge is fine. 84 over here is the issue. the closure conditions between pleasanton and sunol, over toward mission boulevard, the intersection with the 7-eleven. that's closed because of the mud, the roadway is gone through the area. vasco road, still under a half hour. that's pretty good. back to you. coming up on "today in the bay," president biden headed out to the golden state because we've got the gold. we'll be back in just a minute.
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good tuesday morning. right now at 6:42, let's get a look at our day planner for brentwood. keep the umbrella somewhere close by. not only will we have another chance of rain, but the potential of thunderstorms going into the afternoon. our temperatures go from mid-50s to low 60s today. we're also needing a nice, warm jacket. we'll talk about when we get a break from the rain in a few minutes. we've been watching the conditions continue to show mist, damp pavement across the golden gate bridge. the traffic is flowing smoothly.
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we'll show you where things are bogging down a bit coming up. it is 6:43 right now. president joe biden is headed back to california today, los angeles specifically. >> scott mcgrew, he's got california in his back pocket in the upcoming election so he's not necessarily stumping to get some votes. >> he'll take whatever votes we'll be happy to give him, but under the electoral college system both candidates can ignore our state pretty safely. what california does have is a lot of money, and that's why the president will be down in the l.a. area for the day. he'll get there midafternoon, and then attend a campaign fundraiser in santa monica at the home of a billionaire behind the univision buyout. in wisconsin, a major move to undo gerrymandering, the governor signing a bill after a years-long battle over redistricting. previous voting maps gave a strong advantage to republicans. they were declared unfair and unconstitutional by the wisconsin supreme court.
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every state has to deal with voting maps. california has a citizen redistricting commission made up of an equal number of democrats and republicans. candidates that are qualified for the board are then chosen at random to make it even more fair. we'll keep an eye on the united nations today, where arab states are expected to put forward a resolution calling for an immediate cease-fire in gaza. the u.s. has veto power and is expected to use it, but the u.s. is also circulating its own cease-fire plan in the u.n. and continues to urge israel not to go through with the plan to invade rafah, because there are so many civilians there. israel urged civilians in the north of gaza to come to the south to get out of the way of fighting, and now most of them are in the area of rafah and the fighting is coming there. speaking of the united nations, the russian ambassador to the u.n. told the security council stop speculating on the death of
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alexei navalny, they haven't finished the autopsy yet. >> the forensic medical investigation is not over yet, the exact cause of the death was not yet disclosed, while western critics rushed to claim, 50 minutes after it happened, after the news were published, that this was the responsibility of the putin regime, et cetera. >> american officials blame putin not because putin specifically poisoned navalny but put him in a prison in the first place. the u.s. embassy is aware of a report that a dual national american citizen has been detained in russia accused of treason. meteorologist kari hall is here with a look at that forecast, and, we've been seeing
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showers on, showers off, sun out, sun not out. it's been pretty much a roller coaster with our weather. >> yes, it has. and it continues today. we're still looking at off and on rain. you just want to make sure you have your jacket, umbrella, sunglasses, for whatever the day brings. >> your camera for a rainbow. >> you know i love the rainbow pictures, i've been telling people tag me in your pictures. i got a couple of them. it's been nice to see that as well. you can see what we're talking about, when we talk about atmospheric rivers, the blast of moisture that's still rolling across southern california, and then we're closer to the center of the storm that's drawing all of that in, and that gives us more energy and the possible of thunderstorms as well. we're still going to have that chance today as we take a look at our mobile doppler radar, stormranger showing some off and on showers moving through, and a closer look shows it's pretty soggy as you head around san bruno mountain to millbrae and then it starts to taper off for
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san mateo. but there will be more waves of rain coming in, with some of the higher rainfall totals expected in san francisco. and then in some of these cells we could have some gusty winds, also very heavy downpours, brief flooding, and then looking at the possibility of thunderstorms. this continues through tonight, through part of the day tomorrow, but then we're looking dryer for the end of the week. we're looking at a quarter to half inch of rainfall, but it may be three-quarters of an inch of rain for san francisco, as well as santa rosa, it just depends on where some of the heavier cells move through. looking at sunshine for the end of the week. the storm system i was watching that could move in for the weekend is now trending a little bit farther off the coast and to our south. so we may be missing out on that. we'll keep a slight chance of rain in the forecast just in case, but it's not going to warm up much here over the next few days. so expect it to be cool, but it
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will be nice to get that sunshine. mike, you're seeing some slowing in walnut creek. >> yeah, which is typical. the statement is typical. we see extra slowing here. i couldn't find the crash, but there's a glimpse of southbound 680 coming around the bend. you see it behind the buildings, heading toward the 224 and walnut creek interchange. there's reports of a crash, we did see more slowing off of 242 and then a lot better speeds south from 24 and all the way toward lafayette, heading through orinda. the green highlighting shows where it's damp. just keep that in mind. we still have highway 12, 121 in the north bay with issues we had last week from the rain and damage here. a build for the richmond bridge, bay bridge, and slowing down the eastshore freeway. the bay bridge has seen some movement. there was more movement about five minutes ago. we can visibly see lanes making progress and that's great news. that means the metering lights are at a good pace. we still have the closure of 84 through niles canyon and that's
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an indefinite closure. we don't know what the strategy is until they inspect the roadway. that's the windy part traveling through niles canyon. southbound 80 is a concern, toward stevenson, it may be two lanes blocked by the earlier crash. no major injuries but this is a bad time south of the dumbarton bridge. if you're choosing between 237 westbound or getting across the dumbarton bridge, you might want to use the dumbarton bridge if you are north of fremont. again, the closure for 84 is between 680 and mission boulevard. so that is your alternate. it's an easy access. you just need to know about it. there's the build heading south through sunol and that's sip -- typical for 680. this is pronounced, a lot of slowing through 87 downtown, i'm going to double-check the reports to see if there's a big issue. no big crashes reported there. and highway 9, another washout we have around redwood gulch.
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also, a tree down much farther south of felton at glengary road, right now it's closed. >> some work ahead of them. happening now, president joe biden's administration is announcing a nearly $6 billion investment in clean drinking water and wastewater infrastructure. vice president kamala harris and the head of the environmental protection agency plan to travel to pittsburgh, pennsylvania, to talk about the investment. the push comes amid president biden's re-election campaign. as we mentioned this morning, president biden is also visiting the bay area later this week. and one last look at our top stories this morning, including that breaking news, police at the scene of a deadly shooting in the south bay at an apartment complex. ri're going to b
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welcome back. we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories here on "today in the bay," including that breaking news out of the south bay. one person was shot and killed inside of an apartment complex in santa clara overnight. >> "today in the bay"'s bob redell joins us live from the scene this morning where he's been all morning. what else have you learned? >> reporter: well, we have confirmed earlier this morning that someone was shot and killed inside this apartment complex, in one of the units to the left where you can see the santa clara police department is on the scene. this is an apartment complex at poinciana drive and white oak lane just off the lawrence expressway here in santa clara. this happened around 2:25 this morning, and shortly after the shooting santa clara police tell us that a man was arrested in the area. it's not clear what the circumstances were surrounding the shooting. we know that the victim is still on the scene. we're waiting for the coroner to
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arrive. earlier there were friends or family of the victim who were out here, who were receiving the news, and were clearly very distraught about what happened. so, again, one person shot and killed inside this apartment complex overnight, a man arrested a short time later. still trying to figure out what the circumstances were surrounding this tragic event. reporting live in santa clara, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> thank you, bob. >> we will continue monitoring this breaking news throughout the day. make sure to download our free nbc bay area app, that way you're going to get alerts sent straight to your phone. if you haven't done so, you can scan the qr code on your screen to get that app. new overnight, a cyclist is dead after a crash in palo alto. it happened about 10:45 last night at embarcadero road. the road was closed for a short time during the investigation, but it is now back open. no other details are being released. the antioch public library reopens with added security.
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the library leaders closed it over the weekend citing crime concerns, including recent fires, threats, drug use and sexual activity. during the closure, teams repaired outside fencing and updated the security camera system. new armed security guards will be added as well. to decision 2024, president joe biden stops by the west coast amid his re-election bid. he's set to arrive in los angeles later this afternoon. he will participate in a campaign reception before spending the night in southern california. that's ahead of the president's trip to san francisco tomorrow, this is where he's expected to participate in two campaign events. then on thursday president biden travels to los altos hills for a fundraiser. niles canyon road is closed because of the storm damage. look at this. the road near sunol on highway 84 shut down yesterday. this is after chunks of the road washed away along alameda creek.
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caltrans crews are expected to assess the damage this morning, but the closure is expected to last several days. in the meantime, the rain is on again, off again. >> it is, and it's adding up. we've had significant rainfall totals since all of this started over the weekend and we had some 5 to 6 inches rainfall totals in parts of the santa cruz mountains and parts of the north bay and there's scattered showers in our forecast as we get the potential of thunderstorms going into the afternoon. some of those thunderstorms may give us brief, heavy rain, gusty winds, and also the potential of flash flooding, especially in the streets and low-lying areas. it does look a little dryer tomorrow, but definitely much more sunshine for the end of the week, as our temperatures head for the mid-60s. it is looking also dryer for the weekend, with a slight chance of rain. we'll be watching for that on sunday. meantime, we are going to have some near normal temperatures and it may be cooler than normal for this time of year. but it will be nice to have the break in the rain over the next
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couple of days. we can use the break in the rain. on my maps, the green highlighting in the lower right-hand corner, that indicates still wet roadways. and then of course more changes as more weather comes in. notice, also, the red stretch, northbound 280 at 87, we had a lot of congestion there. i've been scanning all the reports and sources. i don't see a problem in the area but sensors are starting to clear up. that's better. note, there's slowing as you travel north, 87 and 280, passing by downtown. south 880 at the top of your screen, we have a good slowdown. they must be clearing the scene. the two right lanes were impacted by a crash. no major injuries, but it's the third or fourth we've had for the 880 stretch heading south. the san mateo bridge had a tough morning early on but has recovered nicely. that's a smooth drive. notice the wet pavement and the low clouds hovering around the high-rise. also, chp called out the
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possibility for gusty winds. use that as a note when you're driving. >> i bet a lot of people are headed back to work today after the extended weekend. it looks like a monday out there. at least it's tuesday. you know the "today" show is coming up next, but we actually continue "today in the bay" on roku and other streaming platforms. we will have another live report from the scene of that fatal south bay shooting this morning, plus our scott mcgrew is breaking down the response from tesla over complaints of cybertrucks rusting and what they're doing about it. watch our 7:00 a.m. newscast coming up next. you know what today is in national love your pet day. >> which is every day in my house. >> those of you who have pets, hug them a little tighter today and give them a treat. hi there. good tuesday morning. new storms causing new problems.


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