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tv   Today  NBC  February 22, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PST

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making your way into the south bay, there's an 880 crash with a big rig involved, so it's a little messy. the "today" show starts next, but "today in the bay" continues actually online. we will have more ahead on the at&t outage, and plus comments from nikki haley back tracking hi, there. good thursday morning. we're following breaking news impacting millions of americans. >> major cell phone networks down nationwide. it's february 22nd, this is "today."
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breaking overnight, disconnected. leading cell service providers hit with massive outages from coast-to-coast. calls not going through. 911 services impacted. we'll have the very latest. fallout. mounting questions and confusing over that controversial ruling on frozen embryos. alabama supreme court declaring them children. the state's largest hospital now stopping all ivf treatments. >> i just want to be a mom. it's wild to me that the state that i've called home has more say over that than i do right now. >> this morning, the potential impact on millions of women and couples nationwide. drastic measures. president biden weighing a major crackdown on illegal border crossings. we're live with details behind the sweeping changes being considered, and the reaction on capitol hill. one small step! the first u.s. moon landing in more than 50 years, now just hours away. just ahead, why today's mission is key to returning humans to the surface of the moon.
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those stories plus, play ball! baseball fans all across the country gearing up for the first game of spring training. we'll take you inside the excitement surrounding the return of america's pastime. and panda watch! good news for fans of the lovable bears, just months after that emotional farewell at the national zoo. more of those adorable creatures will soon be back in america. we'll tell you where they're headed, today, thursday, february 22nd, 2024. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. welcome, good morning. welcome to the "today" show on the west coast. happy you're with us on this thursday morning. >> we have some breaking news
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right at the top and a lot of americans are feeling it right now. if you've had some trouble using your cell phone this morning, it's not just you. you're not alone. >> major carriers have been experiencing widespread outages all across the country, though at&t is the most affected overnight, users reporting their cell service was down, unable to make or receive callings, but texts appear to be working just fine. brian cheung joins us with the very latest, hey, brian, good morning. >> good morning. pretty alarming issues here, nationwide, when it comes to cell phone outages. it's happening at three major carriers, verizon, at&t, and also t-mobile. at&t appears to be the most affected with about 30,000 outages. it's increasing to 70,000. that's according to dedown in a statement they say some of our customers are receiving wireless service, we're working to restore service to them.
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meanwhile verizon experiencing over 3,500 outages, and t-mobile, nearly 2,000. but both knellworks say their companies are operating normally and their issues are having to do with at&t-affecting phones. those cities affected are los angeles, houston, and new york. authorities and cities across the country are warning people have been unable to call or text 911. it's also affecting emergency services. in upper arlington, ohio, the fire department says the at&t outage was affecting its fire alarms and mass state police warning against calling 911 just to call to see if it works say, tweet, 911 centers are getted flooded with calls. officials advise trying to call from a landline or get ahold of a friend or family member with a different carrier.
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again, at&t says you can use wi-fi calling as well. we'll turn now to the impact of that urt ruling in alabama, which declared that frozen embryos are children under the law, without exception. the state's largest medical center is now pausing in vitro fertilization treatments, ivf, while it researches the potential impact of that decision the issue is quickly becoming a major topic on the campaign trail. republican nikki haley weighing in to nbc news saying, quote, embryos to me are babies, and prospective parents have a lot of questions on what happens next, whether other states coul legal corresponden follow suit. we've got it all covered we'll start with nbc's senior legal correspondent laura jarrett. laura, good morning to you >> good morning to you this alabama court decision had been flying under the radar for quite a while. it's now reverberating loudly, running head-first into how fertility treatments actually work in reality, with an enormous cost for so many families, often financial and
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emotional. >> reporter: this morning, outcry in alabama. the state's largest hospital stopping all ivf procedures, fearing a lawsuit after a controversial court ruling has patients angry and confused. >> my rage knows no bounds >> reporter: the university of alabama at birmingham announcing it's pausing all ivf treatments, saying it's saddened as it evaluates the potential that our patients and physicians could be prosecuted criminally or face punitive damages for following the standard of care abby cayne, a patient at uab, has frozen embryos she wanted to use soon >> i don't know what's next. i don't know if i need to be calling an out of state doctor not knowing is scary >> reporter: that uncertainty the result of an unprecedented ruling from the alabama supreme court last week, finding people can be sued for destroying frozen embryos the court concluding that embryos on ice are no different than babies in the womb.
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fertility clinics and doctors across alabama now in legal jeopardy, as frozen embryos with genetic abnormalities are routinely discarded, as part of ivf before implantation. part of a process to help patients avoid miscarriages or other complications. that decision now a hot-button political issue, nikki haley overnight working to clear up her position after these comments to nbc's ali vitali >> embryos to me are babies -- >> even those created through ivf? >> i mean, i had artificial insemination, that's how i had my son but when you talk about an embryo, you are talking about, to me, that's a life >> reporter: haley later saying overnight -- >> i didn't say that i agreed with the alabama ruling. our goal is to always do what the parents want with their embryo it is theirs >> reporter: while back in birmingham, couples now feeling the effects. unable to carry a child because of a rare blood disorder, megan cole had planned to use a
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surrogate with an embryo implantation scheduled for this friday >> my husband and i want a child desperately. but now that we have this pathway forward with ivf, with surrogacy, and for it to b taken away, potentially in alabama, is devastating for families who, you know, all they want is a child. >> reporter: but overnight, cole learned her birmingham fertility clinic canceled the appointment. >> you can just imagine how those parents feel right now but, laura, so this is alabama but potentially, is there impact nationwide >> absolutely. it's not just alabama. we know florida also considering a similar law, just like alabama, that would allow people to sue for wrongful death. other states trying to put bills in right now that would essentially say, life begins at the moment of fertilization. and the moment that you do that, that means you cannot destroy an embryo, which as we all know, it's an essential part of how eg
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ivf works. that's why so many of these clinics and doctors are saying, we don't want to risk getting sued >> it's a civil lawsuit right now, but the legal underpinning is that if a court is saying that an embryo is a human life, does that not up open up the door potentially to criminal prosecution at some point? >> that's why the hospitals are so worried they're saying, we don't know the full implications of it right now, and even if there isn't a crime on the books for that right now, they're worried that's what it could be, that could be where it's going. >> what about these families i was just thinking about them in alabama, they have an embryo, they are expecting this thing to happen so what happens with them? they're in limbo >> megan cole texted us overnight saying her appointment got canceled her only options are to try to take the embryos to another state, but that means starting the process all over again -- >> plus, they're frozen. so how logistically -- >> enormous cost and burden to the families they're quite angered and upset. >> wow laura, thank you so much appreciate it. also this morning, we are following a major development in
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the border battle. the white house exploring the option of using sweeping powers to launch a crackdown on illegal crossings. nbc's gareth hake joins us with details. garrett, good morning. >> hey, hoda, good morning it speaks to both the scale of the crisis at the border and the political potency of the immigration issue, that the white house is now considering taking actions they had long said only congress could to stem the flow of migrants at the border this morning, as republican rivals donald trump and nikki haley battle it out in south carolina, president biden considering a major action on one of the campaign's central issues, immigration. biden had been under immense pressure over record numbers at the border last year, including from his potential rival on the trail in south carolina. >> there's never been a border in the history of the world that's looked anything like this tragedy. it's a tragedy
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and he can shut it down. >> reporter: this morning, nbc news is learning the president is a considering a shift to crack down at the border according to three u.s. officials with knowledge of the deliberations, the actions would make it harder for migrants to claim asylum migrants who didn't meet asylum standards would also be quickly deported under the policy. the president would make the change without congress, after republicans blocked a bipartisan border bill. the "associated press" reporting the white house is considering using a rule tha president trump attempted to rule, giving the president broad authority to prevent certain asylum seekers from entering the u.s. biden has repeatedly criticized his predecessor's immigration policies >> he would rather weaponize this issue than solve it republicans step to the side, who do they serve? donald trump or the american people >> reporter: the white house saying this morning, it's exploring a series of policy options, but it's not clear which one will come to pass. and adding, quote, we continue to call on speaker johnson and house republicans to pass the bipartisan deal.
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another factor here is basically any step the white house takes, particularly absent congressional action, will likely end up tied up in the courts, making this a legal and a political battle right in the heat of an election year hoda >> garrett haake on that story for us russia's invasion of ukraine is about to enter ids third year vladimir putin's forces are marking new advances this morning. they're facing new criticism from the white house in pretty blunt terms. richard engel in ukraine for us. richard, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, savannah all week, we've been talking about the disputes in congress that are holding up aid to ukraine. and how that is impacting the ukrainian military this is exactly what we're talking about. these are the areas that are being impacted right now we are in the town of chazizar in the far east of ukraine this is a ukrainian town, but it is under attack by russian troops
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russian troops are advancing in this area. they are less than one mile from the edge of this town. actually, you can see some of the devastation here we are right on the edge of chazizar, on the safer edge, and this is probably the only safe place in this town right now for us to stand. and the state department now says that russia and vladimir putin are watching all of this, watching all of this happily, watching these holdups in congress and its impact on ukraine and that it's encouraging. despite more american sanctions coming and accusations of murder, president putin appears pleased that what matters to him most is war in ukraine is finally making progress while the u.s. congress holds up
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desperately needed aid putin visited an aircraft factory and met with troops ahead of the two-year anniversary of the war this weekend. long-furious at his army's inability to defeat ukraine's smaller military, putin congratulated his defense minister for driving ukrainian troops out of the eastern city of vavdifka this weekend the russia military's first advance in nearly a year adding, we certainly need to expand on this success ukraine's president volodymyr zelenskyy saying the loss highlights the need for support. >> it's not moneys people's lives >> reporter: overnight at a political fund-raiser in san francisco, president biden called the russian president a, quote, crazy s.o.b warning, we always have to worry about a nuclear conflict the biden administration plans to unveil new sanctions against russia this week >> the sanctions will be in connection both to the two-year anniversary of the full-scale of ukraine and to navalny's death >> reporter: supporters of alexei navalny, the russian opposition leader who died in prison, have been arrested in the hundreds, simply for honoring his death putin is tightening his the grip
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on power ahead of a rubber stamp election next month, even dragging a russian-american ballerina into court, accusing her of treason she allegedly donated $51 to ukraine, according to her american employer. her family and boyfriend are appealing for help >> it's hard to enjoy anything right now, knowing i have freedom and she doesn't. >> we have been to this town several times before over the course of the past two years, and, frankly, savannah, we have never seen it this devastated. there are almost no people left in this town it is highly militarized russian forces are closing in, and based on what we're seeing here, unless that aid comes and comes quickly, troops who are still defending this town are not going to be able to hold on for much longer. savannah >> richard engel in ukraine for us richard, thank you we have a lot more to get to, including a health scare in florida. officials are keeping a close eye on a measles outbreak at an
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elementary school with at least six confirmed cases of that highly contagious disease in less than a week nbc's sam brock is on that story. hey, sam, good morning >> reporter: hi, hoda, good morning. so far, it's only been one school in this district that's been affected, and health officials have deep cleaned classrooms and buses and changed every single air filter. but given how absurdly contagious the measles is, right now parents and public health officials are bracing for more this morning, a small florida elementary school remains open and vigilant after six students there tested positive for measles in less than a week. what steps is the school system taking right now to keep families safe? >> we've done everything we can physically to make the difference, but it's a highly contagious disease that if it's in the room for a couple of hours, it stays there. >> reporter: parents we spoke with are split between trusting the safeguards and worried that a highly infectious disease, now thought to be eradicated in the
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u.s., is now in their backyard >> even though my 10-year-old is fully vaccinated, i'm just concerned that she will get the virus and bring it home to my babies >> i think the majority of students or parents and students are still going to school and i think we're going to be able to get through this >> reporter: at a time when parents are using exemptions, both religious and health-related, at the highest rate the cdc has ever reported, the vaccination rates at manatee elementary, the center of this measles outbreak might surprise you. >> we're much higher, close to 97 to 98 for at least one measles vaccine. we're really high there. >> reporter: the level to reach herd immunity for measles is 95% for the two-dose vaccine, a figure around two-thirds of all states, including florida have not hit. that might explain why at least 12 states have recorded a measles case this year from california and arizona to new york and ohio. dr. jack orsess with joe dimaggio hospital in broward
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which saw some of the children exposed suspects this may not be over in south florida. how contagious is measles? >> measles is highly contagious. you have a 90% chance of catching measles if you're in a room with someone with measles and you are susceptible to the infection, meaning you're immunocompromised or unvaccinated >> reporter: for parents, those dangers weighing heavily on their minds as they send their kids back to school. >> i know it's very contagious >> reporter: of the almost 1,100 students at manatee bay, only 33 are unvaccinated, but they have brothers and sisters who go to other schools, and that is part of the elevated risk concern hoda, back to you. >> sam brock for us there in florida. let's get our first check of the weather. >> good morning, guys. good morning to you. the good news is things are drying out in california that's great now we've got another area of heavy showers and thunderstorms that are making their way through the midwest. this is a fast-moving system it's going to be bringing rain to the appalachians and the new england snow later today, interior parts of the northeast
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as well. tomorrow, that storm moves off the coast. by the afternoon, it's a fast mover, but it is going to bring in much colder air in here but in the meantime, out west, chicago, you're going to be at 54 degrees today dallas, flirting with 80 degrees. roanoke, looking for 61. we move into tomorrow. washington, d.c., near 60. atlanta, 65. tulsa, oklahoma, 11 degrees bo average at 68. and then temperatures take a bit of a dip on saturday cincinnati, you're 41. but by monday, you're near 70 degrees. raleigh, 55 on saturday. 71 on monday new york city, 36 on saturday, we're in the mid-50s by monday you like that, don't you yeah, we likey that's what's going on let's get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds your loct in the next 30 seconds interesting take, have a seat. ha ha ha. a what? sit down. oh okay. yeah, yeah. yeah. so what's been, oh. oh. oh. oh uh...there it is. ♪♪ um. what?
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sit down please. hold up, wait a minute. is this having a seat? um, no. i would love to be a part of the team. barbara can-can-can-we get someone in here please? ♪♪ good thursday morning. i am meteorologist, kari hall. today we are headed for the mid-60s. lots of sunshine. the rain is out of here. we will see a few more clouds tomorrow. our temperatures will continue to warm up and it's going to be a bright and sunny saturday with our high temperatures in the inland areas in the low 70s. we do expect clouds back on sunday and rain monday and cooler temperatures coming in. we and that's your latest weather. guys >> still ahead, the countdown to a historic moment today. the first u.s. moon landing in more than half a century tom costello is watching that
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one closely. hey, tom >> attention, earthlings, it's happening today! america is landing on the moon again. it's a robotic mission, but the first since apollo it's super cool, and you're going to want to stay tuned for this back here on earth, a sure sign that warmer weather is on the way. baseball is back first spring training games today. and new rule changes and causing a stir're already causing a stir're already
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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just ahead, a new warning on hotel bookings and hidden fees >> vicky nguyen will have everything you need to know before heading off for spring break, especially if you're shopping for those deals online. few first a check of your local news, weather, and these messages lon cancer.♪ ♪it's time to use my voice,♪ ♪i've got a choice, more than one answer.♪ ♪i sat down with my doc.♪
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if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd rather be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ good morning. i am laura garcia. >> i am marcus washington. we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories, including breaking news this morning of a major service outage from overnight for at&t customers. >> at&t says it was caused by disruption on its network.
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according to one website that tracks outages it happened just before 2:00 a.m. our time. not all customers are impacted, but some are in the bay area. this morning san francisco's department of emergency management tweeted the outage could impact people making calls to 911. its 911 center is still operational but those without service that need emergency services are asked to use a landline or use a phone from a friend or family member that has service. and then president biden is attending a fundraiser in los altos hills at 2:45, and then will head back to washington from sfo. let's get a look at the forecast. >> yes, lots of sunshine and gradually warming temperatures. it's a cold start this morning,
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mostly mid-40s. look at the sunshine over the south bay. we are headed for the low 60s for this afternoon in those areas, but for the north bay up to about 60 in napa and in san francisco. tomorrow we will start to see the temperatures coming up a few degrees, so mid to upper 60s, and then low 70s on saturday. it will be nice to get the warmer weather, but unfortunately it doesn't last long. we will see a drop in temperatures as rain chances increase early next week. you can get more details on that and our forecast on
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. and watch! the mood is tense. i have been on some serious, serious reports, but nothing quite like this. ching king is inside right now i tried to get an interview with him, and they said, nope, you can't do that, he's a live bear. he will literally rip your face
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off. >> literally any excuse to show "anchorman." >> look at this. >> it's so good. what a classic guess what san diego is once again on panda watch! >> wow >> china has announced plans to send a new pair of pandas to the san diego zoo. this comes after the recall of nearly all the bears on loan toe male and female pandas are expected to arrive in the u.s. zoos. now if everything works out, the male and female pandas are expected to arrive in the states as early as the end of summer. how about that >> stay classy, san diego! >> just classic. >> good morning, sheinelle jones. good morning to you. happy you're here. we've got to start this half hour with a bit of history the first u.s. moon landing in more than 50 years and it's happening today. >> yes, a private company on a nasa mission is set to touch down and send back critical data for future manned missions >> the last u.s. landing was apollo 17 way back in 1972, also the last time astronauts walked on the moon's surface. nbc's tom costello covers space and is stoked.
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hey, tom, countdown is on. >> the countdown is on, the clock is ticking the intuitive machines, moon landers, scheduled to touch down on the lunar surface at 5:30 p.m. eastern time. the first mission to reach the moon since "apollo" in 1972. no humans are on board, but the images and the data should be spectacular as nasa prepares to send astronauts on the moon and landing within the next few days now closing in on the moon, at nearly 25,000 miles per hour, a 14-foot lander named odysseus. that's from the greek epic "the odyssey. the launch, just seven days ago, on a spacex rocket from the kennedy space center >> mach 1. >> reporter: with spectacular views of earth as it broke free
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of earth's gravitational pull. if the mission succeeds, it will be the first private company to land on the moon after other companies' recent attempt failed >> and the lunar lander onboard could be the first u.s. moon landing since the apollo program ended more than 50 years ago >> reporter: but the big challenge comes later today, landing near the moon's forbidding south pole. >> there is no gps at the moon, at least not today, so we have to carry our own navigation system onboard >> the lander is built by houston-based intuitive machines on board, an eagle camera. another camera will capture the milky way from the moon. and six nasa experiments to gather new lunar data. >> it's preparing us for sending humans to the lunar service in advance of the artemis missions. >> reporter: future astronauts could one day tap into the ice water on the south pole, but this mission's timeline is short. odyssus' solar panel will last
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just 14 days >> unfortunately once the sun goes down, it gets extremely cold and the vehicle's systems will most likely freeze and that will be the end of the first mission. it will not return >> reporter: nasa has contracted with 14 private companies to send experiments to the moon >> we're only beginning to understand the materials on the moon and i think there's materials that are worth something, not only from a science and discovery standpoint, but maybe from a consumer goods standpoint >> reporter: and there's something else onboard 125 miniature moon sculptures frl the artist jeff kunz, name after historical figures and potentially the first approved art work on the moon now with just hours to go, the pressure is building to stick to landing >> tom, you mentioned that astronauts are talking about
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tapping into the water at the south pole of the moon what would that mean for future missions >> this is if not the holy grail, the mother lode if there's ice water at the southern pole, you could purify it, use it as drinking water, and use it as rocket fuel to go on to mars that's a big objective it's not just america's objective. china is also hoping to land its astronauts on the south pole of the moon, probably by the end of the decade so it's not just nasa and also, you know, other private kpaems we've got a geo strategic implication playing out here as well >> tom costello for us there tom, thanks. coming up, together again. travis kelce just joined taylor swift down in australia and enjoyed a special day out. we'll have all the details on pop start. plus, we've got kaylee hartung here baseball fans have been looking forward to this day, caylee. >> they absolutely have. and now i hear the beatles singing, "here comes the sun," as we get ready for the first pitch of spring training today but after an expensive off-season, there's also some
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really big off-season moves, there are some changes to the game, throwing fans and players a major league curveball and the dodgers leading off the spring training slate in arizona. the division rivals matchup, a preview of the high-stakes season ahead, with some of the biggest names in the game making big off-season moves. l.a. dishing out more than $1 billion to turn its roster into a >> reporter: baseball is back, japanese superstar shohei ohtani signing a record-breaking ten-year, $700 million deal to don dodger blue. five months removed from elbow surgery, ohtani took batting practice for the first time this week, but he's not expected to play in today's game still, the spotlight intensifying on the two-way player and two-time mvp. >> certainly, everyone wants to see him on a baseball field and playing, i get that. but the main thing is to get him ready for opening day. >> reporter: on friday, six more teams will get in on the spring training action, including the
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defending world series champs, as the texas rangers face the kansas city royals >> yeah, you know, everybody is excited. it's hard not to be. >> reporter: but right off the bat, major league baseball is facing controversy, the players association calling new rule changes unnecessary as the league shortens the pitch clock with runners on base from 20 to 18 seconds and decreasing the number of mound visits allowed per team from five to four all in the league's ongoing effort to speed up games then, there are new high-performance uniforms, that have players and fans calling foul >> the pants are completely see-through! >> reporter: phillies shortstop tray turner telling the associated press, everybody hates them the players' association is reportedly working to resolve the jersey dilemma before the season starts. the union's executive director telling reporters, anytime there's change, there's an adjustment period. in this instance, there appear to be some misses. still, with the league's biggest stars looking to heat up this
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spring, fans are ready for baseball's return. >> sounds like we're also looking at a big week ahead. what can you tell us >> we absolutely are after things get started today, all 30 teams are going to be back on the field this weekend a lot of excitement there, of course and this dodgers/padres game that we're talking about tonight is a preview of the very first game which will happen in south korea. it's going to happen overseas. the popularity of the game is growing worldwide, and usually basically really wants fans to be able to witness that action firsthand. there's nothing like a day in the ballpark >> kaylee, by the way, you did a great job hosting yesterday with your mom >> you're so sweet to say that sheinelle made it very easy. >> oh, please. and you're going to coming back for more today >> so excited, today and tomorrow, and my mom will be here too >> i love it >> thank you, kaylee >> mr. roker, check of the weather? >> hey, guys, good morning you know, it has been just kind of a bust as far as winter is concerned for a good portion of
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the country. minneapolis, almost 2 feet behind where it should have snow cleveland, over 2 feet syracuse, 5 feet below where they should normally be as far as snowfall with 34 inches the only place above average is nashville. minneapolis, their snowfall for the season matches the least snowiest winter since 1930, '31. syracuse has had six consecutive winters below average. because of climate change, you can see all of these tan dots, these are all cities that have had 64% less snow accumulations since the 1970s. there are some blues there, but two-thirds more tan than there are blues. so far, winter is starting to turn intnto a bust all good thursday morning. i am meteorologist, kari hall. we're starting out with fog draped over the golden gate bridge. we have seen very low visibility moving through parts of the north bay. allow extra time to get to work. once that clears out, we will have another mild afternoon. our temperatures headed for the
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low to mid-60s for the south bay, and even warmer for tomorrow as we get more sunshine in the forecast. it will be a really nice to our weekend. >> and that's your latest weather. bueller, bueller >> on that note, just ahead, stick around, if you're a fan of "ferris bueller's day off," we have new details on surprising spin-off to the beloved film >> a special morning boost right after this ouse, even the basement. the basement. so i can finally throw that party... and invite shannon barnes. dream do come true. xfinity gives you reliable wifi with wall-to-wall coverage on all your devices, even when everyone is online. maybe we'll even get married one day. i wonder what i will be doing? probably still living here with mom and dad. fast reliable speeds right where you need them.
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generalized myasthenia gravis with ultomiris. hoda, my dear, we need a boost. >> i've got a boost for you. so this is a funny one a group of friends made a bet with their buddy they said, you cannot get off the train we're on at one stop, run all the way to the next stop and board the train again. as you can see, he wanted to try. the entire train was invested. they all wanted to know could he make it, could he make it. at one point they all chuckled because the train passed him, but look how this entire drama
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ended. >> is he going to make it? >> he's coming up, he's coming up >> open the doors for him. >> wow he did it! >> that's amazing! how about this guy amazing! that's awesome. >> amazing we were rootsing for him you can hear him say, anybody got any water? >> that is incredible. look at him. >> nominee for the boostees. that was amazing >> anybody else want to try that >> no. although in new york city, with some of the subways, you might be able to do that >> i like how he had his hands up and he was like, put those hands down coming up, we love dan + shay's music so much, now they're taking their talents and a one of a kind double chair to "the voice." they're going to be here and you know what else is coming the double chair >> oh! >> should we sit in it >> i was about to say, the two of you should try it >> let's try >> i'll sing, you spin >> we're ready >> we're back after your local
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news arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. jordan's sore nose let out a fiery sneeze, so dad grabbed puffs plus lotion to soothe her with ease. puffs plus lotion is gentle on sensitive skin and locks in moisture to provide soothing relief. a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. america's #1 lotion tissue. (singing) ♪ i feel good ♪ ♪ duh na nuh na nuh na nuh ♪ ♪ i knew that i would ♪ ♪ na na nuh na nuh na nuh ♪ ooo, yum. hey! ♪ bum bum bum bum bum ♪ i feel good.
7:53 am
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7:54 am
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♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. good thursday morning to you. it's 7:56 right now. i am laura garcia. here's a look at what is happening now. i am ginger conejero saab in san francisco where president joe biden is starting his day today after fundraisers yesterday. the president was met with protests last night. he's expected to go back to fundraising today, heading back
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to los altos. let's get a look at the forecast this thursday morning. >> we're starting out cool and partly cloudy with low clouds and fog in parts of the north bay. once that clears out our temperatures will warm up and we are headed for the low 60s in the north bay and mid-60s in the south bay. tomorrow our temperatures come up a few degrees and that will be the trend head into the weekend, and even low 70s on saturday. we will start to see clouds increasing on sunday as we await the arrival of colder temperatures and possibly rain for the start of next week. drastic changes ahead, and we want to make sure we get time outside and enjoy the weekend as we get a break from the wet weather that may be returning to san francisco as early as sunday night. we will be tracking that, laura. >> thank you. we will be back with local news
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we will be back with local news in half an hour.
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, tough call. major cell phone networks down this morning, hit with massive outages from coast to coast. calls not going through, 911
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services impacted. we'll have the very latest. then, on alert. spring break is fast approaching and there is a new warning on hotel booking sites. >> that's a lot of the complaint we get about third-party booking sites is they're pretending to be from the hotel when they're actually not. >> what to watch for when planning your next trip and how to avoid paying a fortune in fees. plus, doubling down. dan + shay are making history on "the voice" as the first ever coaching duo. and they are here to tell us about how they're sharing their chair. and kelce down under. new footage of the chiefs superstar touching down in australia. a show of support for his girlfriend, taylor swift. the latest on her tour and their relationship coming up on "popstart," today, thursday, february 22nd, 2024. >> visiting from dallas, texas. >> long island! >> and long island! >> my daughter, greta, in athens, georgia. >> on a girls trip, from texas!
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>> good morning to our five boys. >> back in ohio. >> from swansea, illinois. today is diana's birthday. >> hi to my mom! love you, baby! >> here to celebrate our sweet 16. >> hi to my friends at ft. barton, elementary. >> from rhode island. >> hey to the carter family. >> in virginia! >> wishing my grandmother paw lean pauline a happy birthday, turning 96 today. >> welcome back! what a happy day. we're so happy to see all of these wonderful folks on the plaza with us. so many birthdays, so much celebrating to do. craig is off, speaking of celebrating, we celebrated last night, because our girl sitting right here, we had a book party
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for savannah, for her book called "mostly what god does," it was so special. the book is really incredible and it's doing so well everywhere. and we're just so proud of you. it was a fun night. we like to celebrate. >> celebrate the wins. >> and the kids were there. mark a moment, my darling. >> it was lovely. you guys all stayed up late with me -- well, "today" show late, 8:00 p.m. >> i was out at 7:30, truth be told. >> the hodaini. no good-byes. it's a busy morning. we'll start with that breaking news. a major cell phone outage is affecting callers from koipder coulderer coast to coast. besides the obvious inconvenience it's having on regular everyday people, it's having a major impact on emergency 911 services. nbc's business correspondent brian cheung is here. he's got the very latest. hey, brian, good morning. >> good morning, a pretty serious outage across the country. this is affecting the three
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major carriers, at&t, verizon, and t-mobile, but the issues appear to be most pronounced at at&t. it's not clear what caused the outage, whether it was a hack or something weather-related, but in a statement, at&t says some of our customers are experiencing wireless service interruptions this morning. we're working urgently to restore service to them. we encourage wi-fi calling until service is restored. meanwhile verizon and t-mobile are back to normal. there have been worrying reports of impacts affecting local centers. people have been unable to call or text 911 and for those having trouble, officials advise trying to call from a landline or getting ahold of a family member or friend to try different calling.
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guys? also this morning, the largest hospital in alabama has stopped in vitro fertilization, ivf treatments, as they're weighing the impact of that controversial alabama supreme court ruling. the court said that frozen embryos are considered children under the law without exception. nbc's legal correspondent, saturday "today" co-host laura jarrett here with more. good morning. >> good morning. so many questions and growing frustration this morning after the university of alabama at birmingham was the first hospital to publicly say that it was stopping all ivf procedures. we have now learned other clinics are doing the same, as they all evaluate last week's decision from the alabama supreme court. the decision that found people can be sued for destroying embryos. because the court said that embryos are essentially the same as children, fertility clinics are now in a legal bind on how to proceed with ivf, given that frozen embryos with genetic abnormalities are routinely discarded, so that patients don't miscarry from implanting one. e. but destroying those embryos now
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carries the risk of a costly lawsuit. in the meantime, ivf patients are stuck in the middle of all of this. it's taking a serious, financial, and emotional toll while other states are weighing similar laws to alabama's. >> it's one case, a civil case in alabama, yet has potentially wide-ranging implications for civil cases, but potentially criminal prosecution >> potentially those are laws that are currently being debated. florida considering an alabama law similar to this one, so we're going to track where it goes all over the country. >> absolutely. laura, thank you very much the parents of gabby petito say they've reached a settlement in their civil suit against the parents of ryan laundry wh killed their daughter on a cross-country road trip back in 2021 no financial details of the emotional distress case were released gabby petito was missing for a month before her body was found. her parents allege -- laundrie's parents knew that gabby was dead, but lied to them by issuing messages of hope that she would be found later, brian laundrie died by
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suicide, leaving a note admitting that he killed her in 2022, a judge awarded the petito family $3 million in a wrongful death suit. first lady jill bide yesterday announced $100 million in federal funding for life-changing research and development into women's health. it's part of a new white house initiative that she's leading. women's health has bee dr. biden says research on women's health has been historically lacking and underfunded, adding, quote, we will build a health care system where women are not just an afterthought the first lady said the initiative grew out of a meeting she had with maria shriver, our friend and also a women's health advocate she's very proud of the work being done there now to an incredible and rare shark sighting off the coast of southern california earlier this week, people on a cruise near the channel islands encountered a pair of basking sharks that were about 25 feet long look at that basking sharks are actually listed as an endangered species, though, they're very rarely seen
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up close like this they are generally not dangerous to humans. they feed mostly on plankton they bask. that's what they do. they can grow up to 45 feet, these basking sharks, and weigh up to 10,000 pounds. >> wow, what a sight >> do you lean over and look or stay away? >> you lean in >> take the picture. >> i say lean in ahead in "popstart," travis kelce touched down in australia enjoying a day without girlfriend taylor swift. we'll tell you about it. first, vicky nguyen is here with a consumer alert tied to your vacation plans. you'll want to hear right after this or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri.
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like many women over 40, i'm starting to get more dark spots. new bright reveal niacinamide serum by l'oreal. fades the look of all types of dark spots by up to 40%. ♪♪ new bright reveal niacinamide serum by l'oreal paris. whaaat?? it's super hero day at school... ♪ tiktok song ♪ sfx: [tea kettle] sfx: [ding!] ♪ l'eggo with eggo. can we... okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪♪)
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leftover chicken, scallions, cheese... what am i gonna make with this? "may-ow" mayo? best foods?? you can talk? and then she says... "may-ow" ...and boom—best foods saves the leftovers. she can't spell. "may-ow" it's mine! and now our keynote speaker... "may-ow" pete... is it serious? you lasted longer than most. "may-ow" (ethan) i started smoking menthol cigarettes to be just like the cool guys in the ads. here's my tip. there's nothing cool about smoking and having a stroke. i guess they forgot to mention that in the ads. (announcer) you can quit. call 1-800-quit-now for help getting free medication.
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back at 8:10 with today's consumer spring break is right around the corner this morning, we have a warning for you about hotel booking sites. >> when you are making your reservation online, you need to know that what you see is not always what you get. >> meet nbc's vicky nguyen explain it to us >> thank you good morning, good morning we have heard from so many of our "today" show viewers who say they are fed up with junk fees and misleading websites. this morning, we're going to show you what to watch for when you are booking, so you know exactly what you're getting for your money >> reporter: from cancun to the caribbean, many of us start our vacation searches online, but for hotels, beware of third-party links to websites that could cost you an extra fortune in fees. the federal trade commission calls these junk fees and says they cost americans tens of
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billions of dollars every year >> i believe in buyer beware >> reporter: justin perry says he did a quick google search for the aragon house in london after comparing sites, he wanted to book directly with the hotel but accidentally clicked on and landed on this website. >> it is set up so that you think you are booking directly with that hotel. and it's got the same -- it's got the same fonts, the same set-ups. >> reporter: he thought he booked a room for $269 a night, but after paying, his confirmation email showed he was charged an extra $155 in service fees, bringing his total to $425 it's easy to see how justin missed the fees. when i went to to book a hotel room, you can see this complete reservation button comes up before the total price. so if you don't scroll all the way down, you won't see the fees
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it's not just the mobile site. when we searched for a bes western room in new orleans, this site came up. look how similar it appears compared to the official best western site check out the web address. it even says best western. the big difference, booking through guestreservations costs $311 in fees and taxes compared to $120 when booking directly. >> we have to have a little bit of skepticism. >> reporter: the better business bureau has received dozens of complaints like justin's >> that's a lot of the complaint we get about the third-party booking sites, they're pretending to be from the hotel when they're actually not. >> reporter: what's more, justin says he booked through guestreservations, but got a confirmation email from when he called to complain, the service number went to the companies declined to be interviewed, but get a room, which is owned by priceline said in part that get a room provides room inventory to independent travel booking platforms lik, but it is
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not involved in the customer user experience or marketing practices on these websites. guestreservation said in part, customers are charged for applicable taxes, including any hotel taxes. by charging a service fee, we are able to offer 24/7 customer support, adding, all fees are clearly displayed. >> there needs to be regulation. you know, consumers can't do it for themselves all the time. >> reporter: yeah, well, justin says it took two hours, but he was finally able to get his $155 refunded while the ftc has brought complaints against other third-party hotel room resellers in the past, it has not yet brought any formal complaints against guestreservations or getaroom, but a lot of complaints online >> how do you avoid these third-party fees >> first, be careful and pay attention when you're booking, especially when you're booking on your phone. we do so much on our phones, but those mobile websites sometimes make it harder for you to see the full invoice and the full website. book directly with the hotel or call the hotel you might have to wait on hold,
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but you can ask them, will you match the prices that are advertised online. and always read the fine print when it comes to the cancellations and the refund policy we're going to put a lot more of these tips and our investigation on >> way to go, vicky. >> love it >> the return party is over. >> it's over >> even at nordstrom it's over. >> still one of -- >> nordstrom and costco, still good all right, mr. roker how about a check of the weather? >> or how about not ordering 13 of the same thing in different sizes and just, you know -- >> you don't understand. >> they hooked us on it. they said, return, send it back, and now they're taking it away >> just when you thought you were out, they pull you back in. all righty, here we go you can't return the weather once you use it, it's over we've got showers and thunderstorms through the ohio river valley look at how warm it is along the gulf 70s, 80s as you get into texas 70s in the southwest
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still a little chilly in the southeast and around the northeast and the great lakes, but that's going to be changing. we have showers and thunderstorms with this system pushing through. it will move through pretty quickly tonight, bring some snow into interior sections of new york and new england northeast spring fever has s sprung in the don't forget, if you're heading out the door, catch us on "today" show sirius xm
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channel 108, it's "today" show confidential, the show that makes you say, man, i like static but first, best time of the morning! pop start! >> man, i like static. >> that's right! >> showing you a little i'll m. >> first up, travis kelce, the super bowl champ has officially touched down in australia. travis "popstart. >> i didn't realize that >> i'll move on. first up, travis kelce, th super bowl champ has officially touched down in australia. travis arrived in sydney yesterday, where his girlfriend, taylor swift, is currently on tour, and it seems like the two are taking in the sights down under. the famous pair were spotted hand in hand on a date at the sydney zoo, just the two of them, right? local news reports, they go crazy for swelce there as well, saying they enjoyed seeing the koalas the last time he visited her on tour was in argentina when the internet lost their mind over . this iconic moment
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♪ karma ish is the guy on th chiefs coming straight home to me ♪ >> didn't she yell his name? >> she said, "karma is the guy on the chiefs coming straight home to me." >> maybe she'll do it again this week >> what do you think, al >> that's fantastic. >> we'll be on the edge of our seats ready to see >> are you ready for it? >> is karma your boyfriend karma is a cat >> my karma ran over your dogma. >> that was good next up, "ferris bueller's day off. remember these two valet drivers from the 1986 comedy ♪ >> so turns out sam and victor are getting their own day off! a new "ferris bueller" spin-off following them has been in the works for quite some time now, and it's finally found its director david katzenberg, best known for directing "the goldbergs" is stepping into john hughes' legendary shoes.
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"sam and victor's day off" will take place on the same day ferris famously cut class, and we'll finally find out what they caught up to in that ferrari isn't that great no word on when the movie will we needed. be released, but as we all know, life moves pretty fast, and we'll be sure not to miss it >> that's a ten. >> that's an idea i never knew we needed. >> exactly >> we need it now. next, the foreigner. it's time for a little rock 'n' roll who can forget this legendary hit by this group. what love is♪ ♪ i want you listen ♪ i want to know what love is ♪ i want you to show me ♪ ♪ i want to feel what love is ♪ ♪ i know you can show me ♪ >> oh, yeah. that was great >> recently, the chart toppers got their first bid for the rock
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'n' roll hall of fame with a career that spans five decades and 80 million records sold, celebs are rallying around the group to secure their spot in history. music producer mike ronson gathered fellow artist dave grohl, slash, and more to show their support for the group. >> foreigner, since i got their debut record -- >> love foreigner. >> foreigner >> foreigner should absolutely be in the rock 'n' roll hall of fame >> i can't believe they're not in already oh, my god ♪ >> there's one drum riff i have used in more than a few songs, and it sounds like this. ♪ >> i love that. >> love that >> also posting the video on social media writing in the caption, everything that made me want to be a record producer came from being in the studio watching foreigner make records. vote, baby, vote
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that was a good one. finally, "saturday night li live", this weekend, standup comedian and podcast host shane gillis is hosting, and in a fun promo for this week's episode, he's workshopping some newyeah! >> okay. >> all material for his monologue >> so i'm going to come out -- i'll go, saturday! and then i went to an amish wedding once i was the only one there who could do the electric slide. >> yeah! >> okay. >> all right >> new "planet of the apes" is coming out it's going to be bananas headlights are getting brighter. politics then i do a little crowd work, like, are you guyings dating are you seeing each other? >> yeah! >> god, must be nice i've been alone for a while. >> he's workshopping he's working on it as we speak we'll be tuned no see the final product. by the way, "snl" also announcing talent taking on their march shows. next weekend, "euphoria" actress
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sidney sweeney will step in with your friend, music from kacey musgraves next month. >> love her. >> and, by the way, on march 9th, "june" star josh brolin will take center stage with music from ariana grande. >> thank you, guys just ahead, the most talked about chair on tv and there it is, right in our studio. >> let's give it a twirl >> oh, my gosh, "the voice" coaches who are sharing it, dan + shay >> hey, guys >> our favorite people >> come on down! >> and you brought the chair >> we brought the chair. we don't go anywhere without it these days >> how did you pack that chair how did you get it here? >> you all look amazing, by the way. >> how are you >> so good to see you? >> is it as fun as it looks. >> we have converted this to a voice chair. so it will spin if we hit the right button >> the whole thing does spin. >> it actually does. >> actually, the whole thing does spin!
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>> it does >> y'all are fancy >> guys, we're so excited, carson has been telling us, you guys have been amazing on "the voice. we'll catch up with dan and shay coming up on a check of your local news and weather .
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good morning. it is 8:26. i'm marcus washington. it's hard to forget those images of the powerful surf crashing through capitola's wharf. this is during the powerful
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winter storms. sunshine and temperatures in the low 60s today. we're going to see even warmer temperatures for the weekend as we continue to reach into the upper 60s and low 70s. it's going to be nice to get a break from rain as well. we'll see rain coming back in the forecast late sunday into monday. >> we'll have another local news update in 30 minutes.
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the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. ♪♪ when your child has moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay for them to show off. show off their clearer skin and noticeably less itch with dupixent. because children 6 months and older with eczema have plenty of reasons to show off their skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, they can stay ahead of their eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body
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that can cause eczema to help heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪♪ show off to the world. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent. 8:30 now it's a beautiful morning, 22nd of february, 2024. what an awesome crowd out here, beautiful, shiny faces good morning >> good morning. >> hi! so nice to have you along. >> i was this close to tripping
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over that cord >> how many birthdays do we have >> show of hands, who's had a birthday today >> over there, we've got this over here. >> we've got -- >> got these guys over here. >> 16 over here. over here. >> one over here >> sweet 16! >> yeah! >> you've got a birthday >> by the way -- >> how old you over there? 25 you're 25? you're 25? >> yes >> she said "yes." >> you have potential and you have potential we, by the way, have three special guests waiting inside for us we've got dan + shay and the double chair because they're the newest coaches on "the voice," whom we can't wait to chat with them >> that is so much fun also, we want to get you ready for spring and all the allergies that come with it. we have dr. natalie azar here. she's our guide to all the things we need to know now to
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get ready. plus, ali love is in the house today, shining a spotlight on black fashion designers, leaving their mark on the industry with some amazing looks. >> quick note about tomorrow, this crowd is going to get excited. we have k-pop sensation twice stopping by, a special live in-studio performance. whenever k-pop comes, this place goes crazy >> are there like nine of them >> it's crazy. >> the line will be wrapped around the building. >> mr. roker, you have your weather forecast do you know there's a future broadway star behind you that oh, my gosh wow. roy's your name? >> i'm chesney >> do you know how to get to broadway practice >> and she will. >> musical theater >> yes >> all right we'll be looking for you. let's show you what we've got as far as your weather is concerned. for the weekend, some morning snow up in the northeast plenty of sun out west, especially for our friends in california all the way up into the plains northeast, great lakes and sunday, sunday it's sunny in the southeast, east coast looks great in fact, eastern two-thirds of
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the country looking very fabulous with sunny skies, near-record conditions some rain and snow making its way into the pacific northwest good thursday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we're starting out with some patches of fog in the north bay, cool temperatures, but it's going to eventually clear out with highs headed for the mid 60s today. some low 70s saturday and it's always going to be nice and dry. rain comes back to the bay area late sunday into monday and temperatures drop for the first part of next week. san franci and that is your latest weather! just give -- >> are you going around the horn >> go, al, go! >> just about, bingo, bango! one more time, all the way down here these nice people.
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all right. oh, savannah >> oh, al roe! i'm right behind you do you ever feel like someone is standing right behind you? you guys, coming up next, we're going to help you get ahead of allergy season before all of that itching and sneezing begins dr. azar will break down what we can start doing right now to get can start doing right now to get ready, but f "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics."
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let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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we are back. 8:35 your health, spring allergy season is right around the corner and there are ways for you to start preparing right now for those annual sniffles and sneezes. dr. natalie azar is an nbc news medical contributor. hi, doctor good morning >> good morning. >> so we're still in winter, but when does spring allergy season start? >> so, generally, it starts in the late winter, early spring, but it depends a lot on where you live if you're starting to see warm temperatures like the south and
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the west, you're already going to see trees starting to bloom and we're going to get the pollen it also depends on the kind of winter that you've had, wet and warm usually portends a worse allergy season and this is a concept that was a little bit new to me this year, and i think i want people to understand you know those unseasonably warm days like in february and march and everyone gets so excited when you go out? well, basically, that primes your immune system, because when the temperature goes down again and warm again, that fluctuation, you become more sensitized and your allergies can actually be worse. go out and enjoy the weather, but buyer beware >> it makes it worse, you get exposed and it quiets and you get exposed again. that's kind of how the allergy system works >> is it sort of like your immune system is on hyperdrive or something >> you got it! >> so age-old question is it allergies or is it a cold? >> or is it a cold and i swear, we could do this over and over again, and i know at home sometimes, you can't tell the difference. a lot of it is the same. stuffy, runny nose, sneezing the biggest thing that will
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distinguish an allergy, savannah, are itchy, watery eyes, itchy ears, itchy throat, and exhaustion, obviously, and here's another pearl colds, viruses, seven to ten days allergies go on and on -- >> forever >> -- forever. and also, important, if you're an asthmatic or have eczema, those symptoms can get worse during allergy season, too make sure you have your meds ready and be aware for that. >> what about some treatment tips >> so we know that oral decongestants flood the market or at least the fda's advisory committee said they're no longer effective, what are people to do there's a lot they can do. antihistamines -- >> so nasal spray is a great one, nasal steroid spray, nasal rinses, even just a saline to keep your passages moist, if you're using a neti pot, use
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sterile water. >> they're always trying to do that it's a whole -- >> you feel like you're going to suffocate, but they work and there's a bunch of different eye drops, too, to soothe those itchy red eyes >> i was surprised when i read this morning you can start right now. even before allergy symptoms start and the season starts. >> yes, you can start as early as two to four weeks before your typical allergy season starts. and something that people don't realize, you said you're not a big allergy sufferer you can develop allergies at any point in your life so you're not totally out of the woods. other things you can do, when you come in from the outdoors, take a shower. rinse pets wash your hair you want to wash your clothes, stick it in a hot dryer. use hepa filters this is something that's really important, too, savannah you want to make sure that your hepa filler is scaled to the room that you're in, so that it's not too small for a big space, and there's a certain thing that you can like read on the label that will guide you
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for that and and close your windows i know that that sounds really awful because i know we love to have our windows open in the spring, but pollen will go right through the screens. and obviously, get tested and see an allergist, you can do allergy immunotherapy and things like that as well if you're really suffering >> can you start taking allergy medicines right now? >> yeah. >> so what would -- >> you can start an antihistamine now, you can start doing flonase now. and another tip that is really useful, there are a lot of apps about how what your pollen count is like in your area, what the air quality is like, so you know before you go outside, it's the time hoda, back over to you. up next, dan + shay are here and also it's their big double chair. hit it look what they're doing. they're shaking things up on season 25 of the v is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with our 99.9% network reliability.
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we're back we're excited. "the voice" is back as well. this season, the show is making history and here's why it's got its first-ever coaching duo. three-time grammy winners, dan smires and shea mooney are joining return legends and they are competing to discover the smires and shea mooney are joining return legends and they are competing to discover the next singing sensation let's bring it live to studio 1a dan + shay, hit that button! >> wow >> first of all, i can't believe they made this humongous chair for you guys >> isn't it crazy? it's bigger in person than you would think. >> you guys are two different people you may work together, but have different opinions on who may be someone you would want to pick you only have a matter of seconds before you decide whether you're going to hit your
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button what is happening between you two? >> you'll have to tune in, 8:00/7:00 central on nbc i don't know, is that the time it airs? >> you nailed it >> i think it puts us at a disadvantage i have to put that in the atmosphere in case john turns around faster. we're sitting there, trying to figure out, are you digging this >> talking, whispering, winking? >> we tried to figure that out we didn't remember that we had mics on us at all. we were like, i don't know, dan, what do you think. >> we're in there, i don't know about this one, and meet the family afterwards, what do you mean you don't know about their voice, that's my son no, it's great >> we have to have some hand signals. we're not used to doing the tv thing. this is our first time >> you're competing with reba mcentire she's country royalty. don't you just feel like saying, rebah, we get it >> we're pulling out all the stops. i'm trying to dig out something on reba to pull out.
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>> there's nothing on her. she's absolutely the sweetest thing. people will get out there, man, since i was 5 years old, how are we supposed to compete with that >> we don't. we used or blocks in very special ways >> you have been on stage, obviously. you have performed for thousands and thousands of people. but tv is kind of a different animal >> we need lessons from you. you're the best. >> what's it been like you've got an audience you've got carson telling you what to do you know, hanging here today. >> does he drink in the back? >> he's partying. >> we signed an nda, we can't talk about it. >> i guess i just -- no, man, he's pro. we have to fill blake's shoes. this used to be blake's chair and they added a divider down the center. >> have you heard anything from blake, does he give us -- >> they don't get cell phone service in oklahoma. >> he's given us the best
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advice. he almost called me back this one time, which was super cool. no, we love him. blake is the greatest. we learned so much from him. and that was our first introduction to "the voice," was getting to be mentors on the show when he was on there. and i don't know if we learned anything, but we learned about what not to do and things like that >> dan, why did you cut your hair short what was that decision snal what's your problem, man? what's your deal >> we've got to get a poll, hit up the social. should i grow it back? i'm back in between. >> you're in between >> honestly, i thought it would save me a lot of time having the shorter hair, but i think it takes the same amount of time. >> you guys are getting ready to go on tour, because you shot part of "the voice," you'll be back for the live rounds you'll be on tour. tell me about that you're venturing back out again next week. >> i'm so excited, man i've never been more excited for a tour the heartbreak on the map tour starts on the 29th of february in greenville, and man, we just have been in rehearsals for the last two weeks, so this is the first time we've been away from home and going able to sleep, i think, maybe tonight, which will be cool. but we're so excited we're in a really amazing place right now. better place than dan and i have
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ever been in our relationship and it's just -- it's an exciting thing to go out, and we really have that perspective shift of, we don't have to go do this, we get to do this. it's a really exciting thing >> i think what's cool about you guys, a lot of duos and pairs, as you go on, you kind of feel them going their own ways. i really do feel like something happened between you two that has caused what was already an amazing partnership to get closer what did happen? >> i feel like a duo is the toughest configuration of a group. if you're in a trio, you've always got a tiebreaker, if you're a solo artist, you're out there by yourself, and anything more than that is just chaos a duo is like a marriage you have to work at it, you have to communicate, you have to be open with each other, and you have to do that in real-time. and i feel like we have this journey for ten years, we accomplished so many amazing things, even beyond our wildest dreams, you know, if you would have told us, when we were little kids, we would have a song on the radio or get to be on the "today" show -- >> or have three grammys >> exactly, exactly. we would have said you're crazy.
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we got to do those things, but you're running and gunning so fast, i feel like if you don't take time to pause and check in which each other, and that's what happened. we were going a million miles an hour, throw in covid, and it kind of shook things up. we had this moment where we were like, okay, cool, we're sort of at a crossroads, we've got to figure out what we're going to do what are the next ten years going to look like call it a day and ride off into the sunset or unite and be stronger and better than ever and we had a meeting and decided and changed everything >> sometimes once told me, when you're a couple, you have to reintroduce yourself to your partner every seven years or so. i don't like to eat at chili's anymore. i used to like that, but i'm different now. that's what you've done. i know you'll be at jones beach, we're all looking forward to that y'all want to hit that button? >> you hit >> come on, gerard, you ready? >> boom! >> boom! >> and we're off >> by the way, i think we have
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to do full disclosure, come here, gerard -- >> get over here >> gerard is actually the one hitting the button for us, gerard hit it one more time >> thank you, baby >> all right these guys will be back in our third hour season 25 of "the voice" premieres monday night, 8:00/7:00 central right here on nbc. >> great conversation! we love them even more ali love is with us this morning in the house, ready to celebrate a remarkable group of black fashion designers in the spotlight and our models are getting caffeinad at ourte
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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we are back with our special series, discover black heritage. this morning, we are celebrating designers who left an undeniable mark on the fashion industry through their style, history, and culture.
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"today" contributor ally love is here to highlight these trailblazers thank you for coming in this morning. >> thank you it's so good. >> a lot of these designers, i haven't heard of, but they need to get the spotlight >> and the most important thing, even though it's black history month, these are black designers you can wear all day long. >> and look good >> i'm going to give you the run of the show. from lounge to going out to everyone >> they're good looks. >> let's start with our first one. >> we're going to bring out our first model. here we go she is rocking joleen noir it means pretty black. this designer is luxury lounge we can see that she has the locks and curl tee on, the boots, a cute little ugg boot, and rocking it with a tan grayish cardigan the thing about this which was most important, it was founded by two sisters it's about body positivity in they go up sizes to 5xl.
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it's something for everyone. it's that transitional piece, whether you want to lounge at home, go get your kids from school, black is beautiful with positive messages. >> it's comfy but pulled together >> she looks chic. helene is crushing it. >> i love that look. and where can you get that >> it's on their website jolie noire. >> i love that >> the walk is great hello! coming out, we have phyllis. phyllis is giving us business casual this is six/20, the brand. i love this romper six/20 is notoriously known for not compromising comfort for style. both of these are equally important, she's giving boardroom chic, boss, but this is inspired by ruth white ruth white was the first black athlete to win the u.s. national fencing championship in 1969 >> oh, wow >> it's inspired by black heritage, it's rich in culture, but it's stylish at the same time >> did youa add the belt? >> no, phyllis did
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>> i love that belt. >> it's comfy material too >> it's a win. >> and i love a wide leg pant. >> on the website, you have it right there, six/ and you have all of the looks you can get on their website or in stores, but phyllis is rocking it >> thank you, phyllis! >> gorgeous! >> the walks are great. >> the walks are grl >> hello, this is liz. hi, liz. this is us going out a night on the town is -- it's andrea iyamah. this is about bold prints. andrea is from nigeria and brings out her her teenage in these bold prints and cute silhouettes and about fem femininity, which is really important to the designer, andrea now, liz is rocking -- this is like a full printed dress, and she has slip-on shoes, that's also andrea as well. >> really, the shoes >> yes, the beauty is not only does she have a store in new york, but she has a store in nigeria, representing those home roots. and i think that -- the silhouette -- liz's legs pop -- go, girl >> i love that, you're
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supporting her here, but then you're supporting those who make the materials in nigeria. >> absolutely. >> this you can get -- >> you can get in new york, she has a store right here in new york if you're in new york or nigeria, get them at the store location but also, andrea is on a lot of big retailers like saks and things like that you can actually find her through a lot of larger thank you, retailers. a lot of celebrities walk the carpet with her. so she's been known and seen >> i love that thank you, ally. >> and now we have the fellas here we didn't forget about the fellas this is julian julian is rocking academy. the clothing includes the hat. it's a actually a brand-new style and a style, we have black stack and weber, those famous loaferers. they crashed the internet, they are so iconic. the good thing about academy and blackstock & weber, they're bringing this idea of preppy to adult life it's giving realtime fresh
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prince of bel air. >> yes, yes. >> it's like the updated fresh prince of bel air. julianne is rocking a camo pant and hat, a puffer jacket, and those iconic loafers the designer is in brooklyn. this is locally based for those in new york. and i like this idea for black culture taking back preppy we see preppy in private schools, and sometimes it can look one way when preppy and school wear should be for everyone and i think that's the narrative that we're saying here >> he's rocking that >> can we have all of our models come out one more time and again, year round. >> not just during black history month, you can look this fly and chic, representing culture thank you, everyone. >> thank you, ally thanks to all of our models and incredible designers the third and fourth hours of "today" are on the way, but first, your local news and weather.
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good morning. it is 8:56. i'm marcus washington. a series of bridge toll hikes now in the works, golden gate transit leaders holding a public hearing. tolls are expected to rise between 35 and 50 cents per year over the next five years. the first is expected to take effect july 1st. leaders say the agency is operating at a huge deficit exceeding $200 million. revenues never fully recovered since the pandemic. that hearing gets under way in minutes. it is open to the pu
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final preparations under way for the big chinese new year parade in san francisco. always a highly attended event. >> we have everything you need to know about the festivities
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9:00 am
"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. this morning on the third hour of "today," moonshot. space history could be made today, the first american moon landing in more than 50 years, but it's not going to be easy. we'll take you inside the challenging


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