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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  February 23, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PST

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right now at 5:00, all eyes on south carolina ahead of south carolina's gop primary. the diverse group of voters campaigns are fighting for. if you have a renter and you have a pet, you know how hard it is to find some place to live
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without paying a really big chunk of change. there is new legislation in the works. i'll tell you how it could make your life a little easier. big comeback delayed. after announcing a return to competitive gymnastics, a three-time olympic gold medalist, gabby douglas, will not compete this weekend during its competition. ahead, the reason for that withdrawal. this is "today in the bay." here we go, friday morning. >> here we go, friday. >> here we go! i'm marcus washington. >> the cheerleader in me just came out. i'm laura garcia. we're going to start with a look at the friday forecast. does it matter, rain or shine? >> we're cheering for a nice weekend and a lot of sunshine, too. warmer temperatures coming in. as we get started, we do have still that dense fog around novato, parts of marin county and parts of the north bay. but elsewhere, it is all clear as you're driving to work. our temperatures are in the low 40s right now in dublin, and looking at oakland it is 46
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degrees, san francisco at 47, about the same in san jose. and we're headed for the upper 60s in the south bay this afternoon and in santa rosa. fairfield reaching 68 degrees and up to 64 in san mateo, even warmer tomorrow. take a look at these numbers. i don't know how long it's been since we've had 70s, but i'm pretty sure it will be welcomed as we enjoy the welcome. we're going to talk more about when rain comes back. cinthia, you have good news for niles canyon. >> we haven't had the rain the last couple of days and i think this did help out the crews on niles canyon road. it's open back up to one-way traffic between mission boulevard and getting around 84 to sunol and pleasanton. crews were able to get the rocks under control and also clear some vegetation that was blocking some of the signs. so just drive with caution as they work through there. we still have this closure in saratoga, highway 9, between
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sanborn road. we did have mudslide issues. there is no update of when they're going to reopen. otherwise, the rest of the bay area is still looking friday light. we'll be back with another check of traffic in a little bit. back to you. >> thank you very much. just in, the u.s. imposing 500 new sanctions on russia, this comes a week after the death of prisoner alexi nav al knee. all sanctions will be rolled out by the treasury and state departments. tomorrow marks two years since the war in ukraine started. making it in the bay, making it a little easier for renters with pets. a san francisco assembly member introduced a bill which would bar landlords from saying no to dogs, cats and other pets. >> "today in the bay"'s kris sanchez is joining us with what this will mean for renters and property owners. >> if you have a pet, you know it is so hard to find a rental
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that will allow you to have your four-legged friend, and then when you do, you have to pony up what is usually a thefty deposit. a california assemblyman, matt haney, wants to change that. he introduced a bill that would force landlords to consider your application and then, after approving it, consider your pet on a case-by-case basis, rather than having a blanket policy. landlords could still prohibit pets for what he calls reasonable reasons. haney says he's looking ahead to days where there's enough housing, he does not want units to stand vacant. our partners at telemundo talked with the assemblyman about the high pet deposits that can be a barrier for tenants who can make rent but can't afford a pricey downpayment. this is a spokesperson for the california apartment association. she points out that this bill at this point does not take into account situations where maybe there's no access to a back yard
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or there are other tenants with allergies and such and it does not allow for an increase in security deposits meant to repair pet related damage. so this is all really interesting, a big talker, however, it is in the early stages. it has yet to be assigned to committee. that's the first step, as we know from government classes in school, and then it will be discussed. we expect this is going to start picking up steam. >> interesting. everybody has a side, definitely. >> we love our pets. a live look in san francisco this morning. so this afternoon mayor london breed plans to deliver an update on the state of the city. the conversation will take place with nbc bay area's raj mathai. the discussion comes after san francisco police commission announcing a new policy this week instructing officers not to pull drivers over for certain minor traffic infractions. it also comes as the city hard ware store, one of them in the city, now says that it will have to escort customers one by one
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due to rampant shoplifting. a new poll released by the "chronicle," shows that mayor breed is two percentage points behind one-time interim mayor mark farrell as she seeks re-election. today's conversation begins at noon at the commonwealth club. tickets are required to attend in person, or watch online. in less than 24 hours, south carolinians will cast their vote in the republican primary. south carolina plays a pivotal role in catapulting president joe biden to victory. >> the candidates work to win over voters. "today in the bay"'s brie jackson is live in charleston, south carolina, this morning. brie, those campaigns are really fighting for the support of those key demographics, including black women who are known as the reliable voter. >> reporter: that's right. good morning, marcus, laura. i sat down with a group of black women here in charleston, south carolina, ahead of tomorrow's republican primary to have an open and honest conversation
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about decision 2024. black women, a key voting bloc in south carolina, but far from a monolith. each one i spoke with voicing their own views about a variety of issues that drive them to the polls, while highlighting the importance of open political discussions. >> someone my age may not have the same rights in terms of reproductive health that a generation before me had. >> table discussions like this where we are comfortable and able to speak in laymen's terms to bring up issues, to get a little messy around the topic. >> we've got to vote. we have to vote. >> reporter: despite biding his time between the courtroom and campaign trail, former president trump leads the state's former governor, nikki haley, by double digits heading into tomorrow's republican primary. tonight trump is scheduled to be the keynote speaker at the black
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conservative federation gala in columbia, south carolina. one of the women i spoke with also points out that at 81 years old, president biden's age is a huge barrier for the general election. >> brie jackson in south carolina this morning. certainly one we will be following, no doubt. thanks, brie. 5:07 right now. gabby douglas' return to gymnastics is being delayed by covid. the athlete will miss saturday's winter cup gymnastics meet. she had hoped to compete tomorrow for the first time since the 2016 rio olympics. she announced she was back in the gym with an eye on the 2024 olympic bid. the list is out of athletes who registered to compete at the winter cup this weekend. there are some heavy hitters on the list like suni lee and several from the u.s. women's team from 2023. the competition will be held in kentucky.
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there are also several bay area athletes on the list, including myli lew, nola matthews and taylor burkhardt and brandon day. and don't forget nbc bay area is your home for the olympics. it all starts july 26th. we'll bring you live coverage from paris on all of our local athletes and more. the recent rain is causing many impacts across the state from power outages to flooding. but it has also brought much needed rain for our reservoirs. meteorologist kari hall is taking a closer look at how much water levels have increased. >> we've had so much rain recently, we wanted to check in to see how it has impacted our reservoirs, and let's take a look at some of those numbers. we have seen them going from about 30% to 40% of capacity, to now 87% of capacity for some of our larger reservoirs across northern california. that's the highest one.
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and then we take a look at overall, our total capacity across the state has now come up to 81% of normal. so we've made some huge progress. we know this really helps out with our water storage for those dry summer months. but we have yet to see the sierra snowpack and how, as that melts, as it drifts down into the reservoirs, how that will help us in the springtime. let's head over to cinthia with a look at where we can find lower gas prices. >> from filling up the reservoirs to filling up your gas tank, i found prices under $4 to help kick-start our weekend, all thanks to the drivers that report on let's start down here in san jose with $3.59 at national petroleum on key street. that's off of either 87 or 101 as you're coming into downtown. let's go to the east bay with $3.69 in san lorenzo at the marathon and central gas on washington avenue. if you come off of 880. finally, $3.99 at the arco in
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mill valley as you're going southbound on 101 into either mill valley, sausalito or san francisco. roadways, still friday light at about 5:10. only a small issue i'm looking at, a crash on northbound 880 in oakland at the broadway off-ramp. we have the slow lane blocked as crews arrive to the scene. another issue right now that i'm looking at is a produce truck that's partially blocking the slow lane as you're making your way northbound 880 into sunol. the rest of the bay area friday light. scott, what do you got? >> i've got investors this week all over america that stole a stock, they absolutely shouldn't have. regrets, they've got a few. look, postponed vacation turns into a
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy.
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because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. it is now 5:14. let's head to berkeley with a look at how the day will shape up. we're starting out with peeks of sunshine and temperatures in the upper 40s at 8:00. at noon it's in the upper 50s and a nice warm-up. we're going to see high clouds filtering the sunshine. it won't be all clear, but at least we are dry. we'll talk about a very nice weekend ahead and when we see rain in a few minutes. let's go to 580 in dublin. traffic is flowing smoothly at
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this hour. i see a little bit of a slowdown as you make your way over the altamont pass. some other tri-valley drive times, it will take about 20 minutes to get you from westbound 580 to 680. well, good morning. very happy friday. there is just one story to start with, and it's the bay area's nvidia. yes, i have been talking about this company all week. but this is the rest of the story. nvidia stock rose so far so fast on thursday, it became the largest gain in overall net worth for a company in history, $277 billion. understand, this is not what nvidia is worth. oh, no, this is the amount of money it's value increased in a single day. it's worth nearly $2 trillion. the santa clara company makes chips that are used in all kinds of things, but primarily lately artificial intelligence. the company reported its
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quarterly profits and that's what sparked the buying spree on the stock market. now, earlier this week nvidia's stock sank as people thought surely, after all those quarters of good news, the company cannot keep the party going. and they were so wrong. so very, very wrong. everyone makes mistakes, but selling nvidia earlier this week is going to be a big regret for investors. california's attorney general says doordash sold some customer data to a third party when it shouldn't have. doordash got fined. doordash has very valuable information about you, restaurants are dying to get it. they want to know who their customers are. here is a big problem for other websites, the stuff they write, the information they have is being published by search engines right on the search engine site. you've done this. you type in movies near me in google, it might give you links to cinemark, but right across the top of the google page, a small website called celebrity
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net worth says search engines, now artificial intelligence like chatgpt, are stealing the information off their site and just displaying it on theirs. >> when that happened, it was a wall that made it essentially impossible for a user to click through to our website, even if they really wanted to. they just had no idea it was from a website. and overnight our traffic dropped something like 60%. >> that is a huge drop. we're going to talk to that entrepreneur on our television show "press here" this sunday morning, 9:00 a.m. you know what a good comparison would be, if somebody googled why were all those police cars in my neighborhood and the information was on nbc bay area, google moves it to their page and says it was a minor fire, no big deal. nobody is going to go to this could be a huge problem. >> affects a lot of businesses.
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>> go to the source for accuracy. a rare bloom in the bay. san francisco's california academy of science says its corps flower is poised to bloom in the next few days. its time is mirage, the bloom will bring tons of extra visitors. the bloom is unusual because of how early in the season it is. the flower will smell similar to rotten fish, garlic and sweaty feet. can't wait to visit. it can reach up to 10 feet and will only stay that way for about three days once it blooms. a very pungent smell to greet you. not in time for valentine's day. >> just short. >> maybe for your ex. trending this morning, a family is redeeming a voucher to go back to universal studios hollywood. >> the voucher is more than 30 years old. take a listen to this. this family from los gatos, they took a trip to universal studios in hollywood back in 1990, 34
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years ago, but it began to rain that day and it forced the park to close some popular attractions. a park representative back then gave the family a handwritten voucher that lasted a lifetime. now one of those kids is an adult and used that voucher to take his own children to the park. he says that he was really shocked that universal studios accepted it. >> i said there's no way they're going to accept it. it's a small handwritten piece of paper. there's no chance they're going to honor it. she's, like, let me try. i was on the phone for, like, an hour or so and they accepted it. >> how cool is that? luckily, it was a sunny day when they went to universal studios this time. we should note that our station is owned by universal, which also owns the theme park. >> i just wonder, what was the price difference from the admission from 1990 to currently, how much did they save? >> talk about some good interest. >> the entire park has changed so much, too. >> they didn't have the mario
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land and everything. >> minions didn't exist back then. >> so much. >> they probably still had the tour. >> they had jaws, i think. okay, let's get started this morning. we have sunshine in our forecast into the weekend, and warmer temperatures. take a look at the twinkling lights. in oakland it is all clear as you head out, but also very chilly. we're at 46 degrees there. it is 38 in sonoma, and we're in the upper 40s for san jose as you head out. we're headed for the upper 60s. it's going to be a little warmer than yesterday as san francisco reaches a high of 64. and 66 degrees in concord. warmer temperatures continue tomorrow. take a look at these numbers. what are you doing tomorrow? hopefully you have plans to get outside, take this in. we do see big changes ahead. even on sunday we're already starting to see the drop in temperatures and clouds rolling in as we go throughout the day. there's a lot of clouds
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throughout the region. we'll see clouds coming in but the rain staying well to our south. there will be a couple more systems coming in this weekend and the next one will start to bring us some rain, possibly late sunday night into monday. so looking at sunday afternoon, the rain is very close, it's along the central coast, moving in with some spotty showers that continue into monday. we're going to see a little bit of a wet start to the week, but the cold temperatures will be the biggest change, and there may be a bigger storm system coming in next weekend. so take a look at how much rain we'll see. it's not a lot. it's about a half inch of rain or less from monday through wednesday. and then looking at the sierra, we're going to get a light amount of snow, about 1 to 4 inches, but i want to show you possibly how big the storm may be. we see next weekend it could possibly bring the sierra up to 80 inches of snowfall, and that's in early march. so we talk about miracle march,
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possibly, on top of the snow we've already gotten. so we'll be watching out for that. and then taking a look at our forecast, dropping from 73 on saturday to only 60 on monday. cinthia, you're tracking a crash in the north bay? >> yeah, we're going to go into santa rosa, southbound 101, about two to three cars got into this, one of them ended up in the middle lane. now the tow truck is trying to get out there and move everybody to the right-hand side. the good news is that the sensors are still picking up on a good flow of traffic in the north bay. we do want to come back to oakland, this crash right around laney college, northbound 880, the number one lane is blocked but sensors are picking up on a good friday light. next on "today in the bay," nbc bay area responds. >> covid-19 test kits can expire, but not necessarily by the date printed on the box. you'll need to look it up. m coni'su
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5:25 right now. members of our responds team recently got sick. she found some covid-19 tests at home. >> the question for a lot of folks, are they still good to use? consumer investigator chris chmura is going to show us how to find out. >> the food and drug administration says you shouldn't use an expired
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covid-19 test kit because the components inside could degrade or break down over time, and that could mean invalid or inaccurate test results. but some expiration dates have been extended because the manufacturers have proven the tests still work. so let's find the expiration date on your test and then see if it's the actual expiration date. first, grab the box. on these rapid tests we found the expiration date stamped on the side or a sticker, along with the lot number, which you might need later. you're looking for this hourglass icon, that is the expiration date. if the date next to the hourglass is passed, don't just toss the kit. let's see if the fda has extended the expiration date. checking takes a couple steps but they're easy. start by clicking this qr code that will take you to an fda list of tests. in the first column, scroll until you find your test manufacturer and type. two more steps, first, click the link that says updated expiration dates, then finally,
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look for the lot number of your test. you'll find that lot number on the sticker with the dates or printed somewhere on the box. many have been extended, but not all. if yours has been extended, consider writing the new expiration date on the box so you don't forget about it. if your test has expired, you can simply trash it. if you have other questions about your test, consider contacting the manufacturer. coming up next, top stories we're following today, including the new program one south bay city is launching to help tackle crime. san francisco is gearing up for one of the largest lunar new year celebrations outside of asia. ahead we'll tell you t ahead we'll tell you t heco
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♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ visit your volvo car retailer for special offers during our presidents' day sales event.
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right now at 5:30, awaiting a massive chinese new year parade. one merchant wants to avoid the chance of another scene like this outside his business. our exclusive one-on-one and the preparations under way to ensure safe celebrations. plus, plans for an unusual fanfest take an unexpected new turn. how local businesses stepped in to quell a brewing controversy for an unsanctioned a's celebration. you're watching "today in the bay." good friday morning to you. 5:30 right now.
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thanks for joining us. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. we're going to get to the headlines in just a moment. first, we want to take a live look in the south bay this morning. look at bob redell getting it on this morning. this is the newest mini golf location, urban putt in san jose. bob redell is showing off a few skills right now. we're going to see more at 5:45 and maybe he'll give us a sneak peek of the grand opening coming up. nice little swing there. >> there you go. he has the best assignment of the day. second best is meteorologist kari hall because she's bringing the sunshine. >> i'm delivering some great news today, as you make weekend plans. we are starting out all clear and we're going to see not as much fog as yesterday, and then eventually some high clouds filtering the sunshine. but overall it will be warmer as our temperatures head for the upper 60s. and it will be a beautiful day tomorrow, highs in the low 70s and sunshine. take it in and enjoy, because we do have major changes ahead,
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even going into sunday it will be cooler, with a chance of some afternoon showers. taking a look at highs for today, in dublin, reaching 64. about the same in san francisco and san mateo. up to 68 today in san martin and in san jose. cinthia, you have an update on niles canyon? >> yeah, it's friday, we were talking about it reopening. it has reopened, but only to one-way traffic there at niles canyon, with people making their way between fremont, sunol and pleasanton. that was because of all the rain we had earlier. now crews were able to clear things up and control it to one-way traffic. we have something else to be careful of for the next hour, northbound 680 at the scales on mission grade. that off-ramp, there is a produce truck that's blocking the slow lane. they're working on getting help to this produce truck. so that will be going on for at least the next hour. >> thanks, cinthia. san francisco gearing up for one of its largest celebrations
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of the year, chinese new year parade. this year there are also safety concerns. >> "today in the bay"'s ginger conejero saab joins us live in san francisco this morning. we're hearing exclusively from one chinatown business owner still trying to get over a recent scare. >> reporter: that's right, laura and marcus. that chinatown business owner spoke exclusively to our janelle wang and spoke about how two weeks ago san francisco's chinatown welcomed the lunar new year with a pomp and circumstance that is world renowned. but then this happened. a waymo driverless car was vandalized and set on fire. it happened on jackson street near the corner of the oldest bar in chinatown, which has been dubbed the neighborhood's cheers. red's place is a family business that has been a staple in chinatown for decades. the man behind it is jerry chan, who says the tradition of runs red's has been passed down to him and it's a calling he takes seriously. it's safe to assume that he has seen a lot, but what happened
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two weeks ago has disappointed him and raised concern. viral videos show a group of people who not only vandalized the waymo, but set it on fire when someone threw a firework or fireworks inside of it. >> we don't want any outside hooligans in our community. that's not what we're about. they're thinking of having eight to ten people serving throughout chinatown and make sure everyone keeps it in a good manner. >> reporter: sfpd is looking to support the community members who are working to ensure safety during the weekend. there will be more officers out, they say, both uniformed and in plainclothes. the investigation into this does continue. sfdp has not made any arrests. on a lighter note, we want to share more details of the parade. it starts tomorrow at 5:15. we will have more details on that in the next hour.
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we'll show you part of the parade route. and the good news is it's free, so people can come out, enjoy, and have a safe time. guys, back to you. >> it is a really fun parade to go to. thanks so much. >> and of course we will continue this coverage on the chinese new year parade all weekend long, so make sure to download our app for updates. you'll get information about road closures and forecasts on the app and our website. to a developing story in san leandro, police are investigating a homicide at the speedway gas station on 14th street that happened yesterday afternoon. investigators say a man died after getting into a fight with someone else. no word on how he was killed. they also have not announced an arrest in the case but say it appears to be an isolated incident. a hillside collapse is being blamed for the death of two children at a campground near shasta lake, overlooking the sacramento river where camping
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is allowed. authorities believe the children were caught up in a debris slide and ended up in the river. recovery teams had to lower water levels from shasta dam until they can recover their bodies. their names and ages have not been released. people who live in palo alto can help fight crime, part of a new neighborhood security camera program launched by the police department. it allows homeowners and businesses to register their security cameras with police. when a crime happens, police will contact owners to help with the investigation. the program is voluntary. anyone interested in registering their cameras can go to the palo alto police department website. well, a surprise last-minute glitch for a's fans who tomorrow are holding their own do it yourself festival in oakland. fans of the a's still don't know if this will be the team's last in oakland, but they decided to hold their own fanfest at jack london square without the a's participation. now organizers say san leandro's
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drake's brewery has suddenly pulled out as a beer sponsor. drake's also sells beer during the games at the coliseum, but insists that it did not back out under pressure. now, the good news is five other local breweries stepped in, joining others already on board. tomorrow's event will also feature live music, some food trucks and former a's players who plan to sign autographs. we want to check in with meteorologist kari hall on weather conditions because a lot of folks want to go out and have a good time. >> we have great weather for a's fanfest and that's going to start at about 61 degrees at 11:00, and then going throughout the day with a sunny sky and upper 60s. staying in oakland for sunday, the black joy parade happening at 14th and franklin streets. it starts at 12:30 and we'll be in the mid-60s and seeing a mix of sun and clouds as we go throughout the day, as some of the festivities continues it's going to turn mostly cloudy. it looks like the rain is going to hold off. we'll be watching san francisco for the big chinese new year
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parade on saturday. it's also going to be really nice, in the upper 60s and a mostly sunny sky that day. but just keep the jacket as the temperatures drop as we go through sunset and late in the evening. if your weekend plans take you to the sierra, here is a look at palisades tahoe where we'll see a mostly cloudy sky, temperatures in the low 40s. upper 40s tomorrow and lows dropping to the low 20s. it's going to be cold at night, but really nice to ski and enjoy some of the winter sports throughout the day. then taking a look at our beach forecast, with warmer weather people may be flocking to the coastline. we will see perfect weather on saturday, but then watching rain chances increase, especially for stinson beach and some areas that may see rain late on sunday. cinthia, you're looking ahead to weekend traffic. >> we're going to kick off the weekend at the chase center, hornets and warriors. you could find traffic off of 208 and 101.
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let's go down into the south bay, the clam chowder cookoff is going to continue this weekend, rain or shine. it looks like the weekend should be spectacular for people that are going to take part in that. we're going to come into san jose. this game looks like it's a little scary, predators versus sharks tomorrow night at the s.a.p. center. that will be at 7:00. so some localized traffic around the alameda and county san jose. i did want to talk about the black joy parade in oakland sunday at 12:30. we're going to start at 14th and franklin, just as kari mentioned, and it's going to continue on into broadway as we go on through the day on sunday. back to you. >> thanks, cinthia. more signs travel trends are changing. ahead on "today in the bay," a look at the sheer volume of travelers planning trips and where they're most likely heading this year. certainly it's not russia. new sanctionsgainst russia a
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good friday morning. it is now 5:42. let's head to santa rosa with a look at how our day shapes up. starting with a mostly sunny sky at 8:00 and we'll be at 44 degrees. as we go throughout the day, a nice warm-up. it won't be completely clear. we're going to see high clouds filtering the sunshine throughout today. and even clear and warmer tomorrow. we'll talk about that in the forecast coming up. and right on cue, the metering lights have been turned on at the bay bridge, just a
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couple minutes ago. we're going to see the flow over the span. it looks a little slow right around the mid span, around treasure island. otherwise looking good to get into san francisco. it should take you just about ten minutes to get across. san mateo bridge also looking smooth at 12 minutes to get into the peninsula. >> thank you very much. it is 5:42 right now. just in this morning, the u.s. will slap new sanctions on russia in response to the death of alexei navalny. >> scott, many people are wondering what's left to sanction. >> sanctions on sanctions and the white house tells us there are more than 600 names on an organization and list. i think the answer is going to be some of the restrictions will be wide ranging enough to affect third parties, companies and organizations outside russia that do business with russians. navalny, the leader of the opposition party in russia who was jailed by the kremlin in a prison north of the arctic circle and earlier this week the russians reported he suddenly
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collapsed and died. russians showing grief quietly. many have been invested for laying flowers like these or singing songs. u.s. allies, including great britain and the european union have announced new sanctions, sanctions on top of sanctions, put into place after the russian invasion of ukraine. and yet russia reports its gdp is growing, not shrinking. that's because three big countries, brazil, china and india, are not sanctioning russia, and buying lots of cheap russian oil, much to the west's frustration. president biden met with navalny's wife and daughter yesterday in california. mr. biden spoke later about yulia, her strength, praised her announcement that she would pick up her husband's fight against corruption. [ speaking in a non-english language ] >> that's navalny's mother in russia, near the prison. she says she's not been allowed
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to see her son's body, russian officials will not hand it over. she says the russian government is planning a secret burial. she wants custody of the body. navalny was to run against putin in the next russian elections. the russian government said he died of natural causes at age 47. most people suspect he was poisoned for the second time. putin's enemies often run into unfortunate circumstances, these three officials, one who voiced opposition on the war, two critics of the kremlin, all unexpectedly fell out of windows. one of them died at the hospital because the window he fell out of was at a hospital. there's a bit of unusualness to tell you about at home. alexander smirnov, the man the fbi says lied to them about the bidens, the one is fbi says is connected to russian intelligence officers, has been arrested again. sources close to the matter say he was arrested in las vegas while meeting with his legal team. the arrest warrant orders the arrest, but for charges he's already been responding to,
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already been in court for, already been released by a judge. in the race for president, tomorrow is the south carolina primary. nikki haley versus donald trump. haley has acknowledged she will likely lose the state, though she is a popular former governor there. but she says win or lose, laura, she's staying in the race. >> all right, we'll see where it goes from here. thanks, scott. 5:45 right now. a follow-up on the widespread at&t service outage we covered all morning long yesterday on "today in the bay." the provider now confirms the issue was not tied to any kind of cyberattack. the company says the software error during a networking upgrade led to the outage, which is believed to have left tens of thousands without cellular service. some customers were unable to make or receive calls for hours. san francisco emergency services were advising people to use land lines or wi-fi to call 911 if you needed it. at&t is promising to take steps to ensure it does not happen
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again. travel experts are already calling 2024 the revenge travel year following some downyears due to the economy and, of course, the pandemic. >> more people seem to be saying bon voyage. says more people are booking flights with more than half of users planning international trips. and despite recent inflation, 57% are expected to pay more for travel and more than six in ten choosing destinations based on deals for airfare. one spokesperson says that this year may even break records. >> now that we're in 2024 and coming off of 2023, we've actually seen more people travel in select dates over 2023 and we are anticipating more than 2023 that we could see numerous days hitting the 3 million mark when it comes to the amount of people going through tsa. >> are you planning more travel this year? i posted on x, formerly twitter,
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if you've booked a flight already or you're saving money and not traveling this year, or you're just going to no more than years past. 57% so far saying, yes, booked and ready. it's going to stay up for a while. go ahead and let us know what you're planning to do. >> maybe you just want to play local. new this morning, downtown san jose is getting its own golf course. >> minus the fairways of course. bob redell is joining us from the new urban putt, about to open for the first time between 1st and 2nd streets? >> reporter: six days. we're getting a sneak peek. we're inside the winchester mystery house, also known as he'll -- hole 4. we've got steve fox, the ceo and creator behind us. good morning to you. this is hole 4. what is the trick here? >> well, it's a mystery house,
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so there is a straight shot, and if you get it just right, you might be able to get it in there. but if you miss, as i just did, once everything is turned on, you'll get close to the hole, there's a proximity sensor and a new one will open up right there. so it's a mystery. >> i love it. >> reporter: the whole idea is this is a tribute to silicon valley and san jose, so you've got a hole here that represents downtown, this, of course, being the shoreline amphitheater, and then as we walk back this way, you remember silicon valley, a lot of innovation here, a lot of video games were created here, and this one -- this was a nintendo game. i'm not sure i had that back in the day. explain to me as i do this. >> we'll put the ball in here. i'm sorry, i'm blocking you. we'll just crank it up. this is the old duck hunt, if any of you remember this. so a tribute to that.
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so you'll put the ball in and you're going to aim. with luck -- >> reporter: you want to hit the duck and it comes out to the left and almost goes in. we've got the observatory. this doesn't open until thursday, so they have to put down the turf. we've got captain nemo's sub, and around the corner here, of course, a homage to the san jose sharks. as we walk down, you've done this before in san francisco and denver. >> yes. >> what was the inspiration behind these locations? >> well, a lot of it is about having the right audience for this. san jose is really perfect. folks understand invention and obviously joy. so here we have it. this one is a circuit board. this is the first -- really the first idea that i had when i was designing this whole place. >> you want to go up to the big
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hole, i'll let you show us first. >> i can't guarantee i'm going to put it in. it's a hard shot. let's give it a try. >> oh, no! you want me to try? hold the microphone. there we go. >> come on, bob, you can do it. >> bob redell going to sink the putt. >> my gosh, which is horrible. >> shall we cheat and just put it in? >> no, we're going to get it on the fourth time. >> there's your electron that's moving through your computer here. we've got capacitors. >> if daniel wasn't standing there, it would have gone in. you've got the electric light tower. all 18 holes. we were talking about this earlier. any concern about opening up in downtown san jose? >> of course, you look at all the closed storefronts and it's a little unnerving.
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but i think san jose is really underserved for this kind of thing, an immersive experience. people want experiences, and we're going to give it to them. so, no, i don't have concerns. this is going to do really well and we're going to have fun with it. >> steve, appreciate it. >> reporter: opening up next thursday, the 29th, leap year. i'll show you guys a little around the front. they've got an area where you can congregate, drink and eat, and they've got 1,372 golf balls. >> do you have to make reservations, bob? >> reporter: steve, do you have to make reservations? >> initially it will just be first come, first serve. after the first month, we'll have the reservation stuff all in place. but we just want to welcome everybody initially, just walk on in. >> reporter: best of luck to you. this is right between 1st and 2nd street and the entrance is actually on 1st street, right by the light rail i'm looking at
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right now. and you can go to that's a website. >> we've already been on checking it out. >> that's very cool. fun. thanks, bob. >> let's get out there. people are looking for something outdoors to do this weekend. >> they don't open until next week. >> this weekend it's looking good and we're going to venture out, enjoy the sunshine and warmer weather. we are starting out cool as our temperatures are in the upper 40s for san jose and san francisco. it is 42 in dublin right now. and then as we head throughout the day, we're going to see a few more clouds coming in. we can see the clouds to our south. but it will not bring us any rain, so we are going to continue on with dry conditions as the storm system sinks to the south and away from the bay area. look at saturday. we are clear, we are warm. then we start to see this green, which indicates the rain getting closer for sunday afternoon into
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the evening, and scattered showers in our monday forecast, as some cold air drops in from the north. we're not expecting this to be a really heavy storm, but we are possibly going to be tracking bigger storm systems moving in for next weekend that could be very cold as well. so looking at how much rain we could see between late sunday through monday, and possibly into tuesday, we're looking at, for most of us, about a half inch of rain or less. it could be very light in some spots. and the sierra is looking at about 1 to 4 inches of snow, so not a significant change. i think the biggest change will be how cold it will be. when we take a look ahead and the potential of a bigger storm system next weekend, let me show you what this could mean for the sierra. we've seen a huge improvement in the snowpack, but going into the first of march we may possibly see anywhere from 50 to 80 inches of snowfall in the sierra next weekend. i know that's a long way out, but we're just going to be
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watching that and the changes we could see for next weekend, and another reminder to enjoy this weekend while the sunny and warm weather lasts. we're going to see a high temperature of 73 degrees for a lot of our inland areas, and more clouds on sunday with a chance of spotty showers, temperatures dropping, and only in the low 60s for the inland areas and upper 50s for san francisco. it's going to be a nice weekend and there's a lot going on to celebrate and enjoy. cinthia is tracking a crash in walnut creek. >> let's go over into southbound 680, right before you get to walnut creek and connect over into highway 24. there is a semi truck that's stuck in the number four lane. they're describing it as a heavy duty truck that's going to take a little time to get out of the way as they call the tow trucks available this morning. into san jose, our typical buildup is starting to happen, northbound 101, as you're trying to make your way to 880 or to 680. that will be your alternate
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routes this morning. as we take a look at the greater bay area, still friday light. the issues you see highlighted in yellow, is, of course, the heavy dense fog as you make your way into novato and parts of petaluma. i'll be back with another check of traffic in a bit. happening now, a portion of niles canyon road in sunol back open with one-way traffic controls. the road is located between old canyon road and main street. it reopened yesterday afternoon after crews assessed it. you may recall a chunk of the road collapsed and washed into the alameda creek during a storm on monday. there's much more ahead on "today in the bay" this friday morning, including heading to the polls. we'll take you live to south carolina just a day before the primary. the key group of voters candidates are pushing to gain support from. also, the issues that are driving them to cast their ballots. and a reminder, nbc bay area streams 24/7. you can watch us whenever you would like on roku or other
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streaming platforms, wherever you are. we'll be rht bacigk.
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breaking news right now at 6:00, new sanctions for russia. president joe biden targeting the country overnight after the death of opposition leader alexei navalny. this as we approach two years since russia's invasion of ukraine. if you're renting with a pet, you know how hard it is to find a place to live without paying a big chunk of change for a down payment. we're breaking down the new bill that could make your life a little easier. and millions visit alcatraz island every year. the company that transports people there is going bankrupt. the impact it could have on the tourist destination. this is "today in the bay." good morning to you. thanks for allowing us to be a part of your morning. i'm marcus washington. >> i'm laura garcia. we'll check the morning commute. cinthia is in for mike this morning. hopefully it's light. >> so far, so good. >> things are going to lighten up in the weather department as well. >> we're enjoying warmer temperatures and sunshine and


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