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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  February 27, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PST

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right now at 5:00, primary day in michigan. despite a loss in south carolina, nikki haley vowing to stay in the fight against former president donald trump. as voters head to the polls, the stakes are also high for president joe biden. a look at the criticism he is
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facing for his handling of the israel/hamas war. and we have an obligation to save these lives, and i think that's what most san franciscans want us to do. >> a new approach. san francisco's district attorney is taking to crack down on the ongoing drug crisis. we talk to brooke jenkins about the new plan. a local librarian who became a viral sensation is stepping down. the reason behind his decision. this is "today in the bay." >> here we go, tuesday morning. thanks for starting your day with us. 5:00 right now. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. we'll get a look at the commute in just a bit. meteorologist kari hall has a look at what we can expect today. we've been talking about rain this week. >> the rain is out of here and the cold front has settled in. we're going to have a couple of days of dry conditions, but it is cold. and the north bay starts out with a frost advisory this morning that will be in effect until 9:00. and then we take a look at some
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of our temperatures that we're starting out with right now, in the upper 30s and low 40s in the north bay. it's 37 in sonoma. some of those spots in between are also in the upper 30s. but we're mostly seeing low 40s here, with san jose now at 46 degrees. as we take a look at our highs this afternoon, we're headed for the low 60s, reaching up to about 64 degrees in san jose, as well as 64 in napa. we'll talk about what's ahead coming up. mike, you have a couple of items you're tracking. >> a couple more might have popped up. i'll check highway 4, but right now we're going to zoom into the nimitz. two items popped up recently. one northbound at winton and another at a street. they may be the same location, the same incident. folks might have been disoriented as far as when they called it in. there's no slowing. both incidents are reported off to the shoulder. we're watching the volume on the northbound side, farther north at the coliseum.
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a steady flow toward the bay bridge. leaders are moving forward with a plan to fight back against the drug epidemic, hoping to crack down on drug dealers. "today in the bay"'s ginger conejero saab is live in san francisco this morning. ginger, this is just one element of a new larger scale strategy, right? >> reporter: that is correct, marcus. city leaders are now in the final stages of putting a task force together that will investigate opioid linked deaths as homicides. the announcement was made back in october of last year. san francisco district attorney brooke jenkins says the task force will be fully operational early this year. she's also reiterating the need to attack this drug crisis from all levels, include prosecuting dealers for the lives fentanyl is taking. >> we have to address this at
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all levels. we can't ignore the people on our streets selling death while we only go after suppliers. we have to be attacking this on all fronts, and that's what we're doing. >> reporter: this comes as talk about the city's opioid crisis is front and center at a march at city hall yesterday. mayor london breed made the case for her handling of the crisis during her tenure and the programs that have been created. some of her challengers in the mayoral race this year, including the supervisor, says breed's leadership has been a problem in coordinating the proper response. daniel lury has released his plan to deal with the unhoused, which includes a 24/7 drop-off crisis center for police and first responders to drop off individuals with a mental health crisis. he says the revolving door on dealing with this problem needs to change. mayoral challenger mark farrell's plan includes an audit
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of those tasked with the issues. this is definitely an issue we know is top of mind for many voters. other california counties are taking to de-prosecuting drug dealers and they include counties in southern california and central california. san francisco taking a cue from them. >> hopefully this is a move to a safer and healthier san francisco. ginger, thank you. turning now to decision 2024, and another primary day is upon us. today voters in michigan are headed to the polls. it's a test for gop presidential candidate nikki haley, who is vowing to stay in the race. for democrats, the battleground state could be a barometer for president joe biden who faces severe criticism for his handling of the israel/hamas war. "today in the bay"'s brie jackson joins us live in washington this morning with more. good morning, brie. >> reporter: good morning, laura. so former u.n. ambassador nikki haley is fighting to stay in the presidential race after suffering another loss to former president trump. meanwhile, president biden, he's
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facing a protest vote today over his policies. some michigan voters are promising to not vote for biden or to mark themselves as uncommitted. >> thank you so much. it's great to see everybody. >> reporter: it's primary day in michigan. nikki haley vowing to stay in the fight, despite coming off her primary loss in south carolina to former president trump. >> americans want a voice and we're giving them that voice. and as long as americans want me to be that voice, i will continue to fight for them. >> reporter: the stakes are also high for president biden. he's facing pushback on the ballot over his handling of the israel/hamas war. >> i think there will be a sizable number of votes for uncommitted. i think that it is every person's right to make their statement about what's important to them. >> reporter: during an appearance on the late night show with seth meyers, president biden says he believes there is a path forward in the war with difficulty. >> the hostages being held must be released.
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ramadan is coming up and there's been an agreement by the israelis that they would not engage in activities during ramadan. >> reporter: president biden planning to visit the southern border this week on the same day that former president trump will also be in texas delivering remarks. >> i plan to go thursday. what i didn't know is my good friend, apparently, is going. >> reporter: the trip comes as lawmakers on capitol hill battle over a bipartisan border security agreement. and immigration and aid for israel and ukraine is expected to come up today when congressional leaders meet with president biden at the white house, laura. >> brie, thank you so much for the latest. be sure to stay with us ahead of next week's primary. you can point your camera -- see that qr code to the left of your screen? it will take you to our elections page on our website, it's a great resource for information, including how you
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can cast your ballot and the races to watch. well, a north bay librarian says he's quitting to prioritize his mental health. you may remember the story of michael, who works at solano county library. we profiled him as part of our bay area proud series over the summer. if you haven't, this is the deal. he went viral on tiktok recording stories about life in the library and his own story, which has garnered the attention of millions. he says the post helped him deal with his own anxiety and depression, but he's now using his social media platform to announce his resignation. >> i'm leaving to prioritize my mental health, to work with my check-in team. i'm hoping to make you so very proud and i'm hoping to fight for literacy. there's so much going on across the nation, across the world, that are impacting libraries and i want to support them as much as i'm able to worldwide, nationwide. >> i'm sure he's already making a lot of folks proud. he says he eventually would like
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to go before congress to advocate for library funding. his last day on the job is friday. >> good for him. i love a library. i was a talkative librarian, i must say. it's bad when they tell the librarian shh. i found my calling here, i get to talk and tell you we'll take a live look outside. beautiful this tuesday morning. nice, and no rain in sight, at least for today. >> none today, none tomorrow. some of us had rain yesterday and we're now getting a chance to let that soak in and get some sunshine today. it will be a cold start, and we'll have that again tomorrow, chilly morning, sunny afternoon. by the end of the week, on thursday we'll be tracking a big storm system that could bring us high winds and heavy rain. right now, as we get started heading out the door, temperatures in the low 40s in dublin, mostly mid to upper 40s from san jose to oakland, and in san francisco it's in the low
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50s. we're headed for the low 60s today. this is about normal for this time of year, and we will have a slightly warmer day tomorrow before that storm system arrives. we'll talk more about that. mike has a look at where you can find lower gas prices. >> we're going to start with a rundown of prices in alameda county, low in san lorenzo, $3.69 at marathon and central gas on washington avenue. prices have kept up a bit in the south bay. sunnyvale, $3.89 as the lowest at gulf on south fork road. in san mateo county, a little bit higher, $4.09, a&a gas on san carlos. check or report through on the roadways, pretty smooth. we do have one incident i told you we would check out on highway 4. there's quite a bit of slowing. a number of vehicles involved in a crash westbound highway 4 as you're approaching willow pass road. you might want to use bailey if
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that's one of your normal choices as you head toward 680. 242 is clear, but the backup is before you get to willow pass road. westbound across the bay bridge, that's a beautiful, clear view and clear drive. back to you. still ahead on "today in the bay," you may have to pay more cheddar for your cheeseburger as one fast food restaurant tries uber-style pricing. ♪♪ the oscars are nearly upon us and one bay area filmmaker will be attending. ahead, we're going to introduce you to him and check out the inspiration behind his oscar minatedno
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver...
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who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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good tuesday morning. right now it is 5:13. we take a look at castro valley's day planner and we're starting in the upper 40s, chilly morning. look at all of that sunshine we'll have today. it's going to be a nice afternoon and you'll want to take it in and enjoy it, because we have just a couple more days of warm and sunny weather before things go back to winter. we'll talk more about that coming up in a few minutes. back to the morning over here, the nimitz northbound with these taillights, fremont, just north of the tesla plant. a smooth, easy drive. there are two incidents farther north that we're tracking as you head through, into and past hayward. i'll give you the latest detail
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on those and highway 4 coming up. good morning. very happy tuesday to you. the dow industrials are up on the board this morning. it measures 30 different companies. for the first time, amazon was one of those 30, replacing walgreens. san jose's cisco filed warn notices with the state saying 729 jobs would be cut in the bay area. now, this is part of that earlier layoff announcement we were talking about last week. so 729 out of 4,250, about 17%. microsoft says it's investing in an ai company, a french company that's caught the eye of european regulators. there's been pushback against mergers and acquisitions, kroger's and albertsons, spirit airlines and jet blue. wendy's is experimenting with dynamic pricing.
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it's rolling out electronic menus to some locations. the company made that announcement earlier this month, but it's just now getting attention. if you use uber or lyft, you're familiar with dynamic pricing. prices go up when drivers are scarce to attract more drivers. in the case of a hamburger, it's just profits. higher prices don't attract more hamburgers. the san francisco giants were a pioneer in this, which can go the other way. tickets to a brewers came on a tuesday are going to be a lot cheaper than tickets to a dodgers game on a saturday. the state of texas and florida went before the supreme court yesterday in washington to argue their case for restrictions on some social media companies. they say they want to bar facebook and others from censoring certain political viewpoints. tech companies say they don't censor, they edit. justices seem skeptical of the arguments and supportive of social networks' first amendment
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rights. court watchers wonder if the supreme court will skip making a decision and send the case back down to a lower court. justices seem to think the laws were too vague. we published the latest episode of sand hill road, and this one is about ozempic and now semaglutides are going to affect the food industry. our guest, always important to get the name right, so i usually start my interviews making sure i've got the right pronunciation. it's bharat, like the president, but with a "t" at the end. before it was borat, so i was glad, i'm, like, it's just like that guy but with a "t" at the end. >> you can find sand hill road anywhere you find podcasts. amazon, alexa, apple. >> i used to work with a
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meteorologis barack. >> i would rather be known as barack and not borat. an oscar nominated bay area filmmaker is sharing his inspiration with kelly clarkson. ♪♪ >> the film is nominated in the best documentary short category. today on the "kelly clarkson show" the fremont man shares how he got the idea to film his maternal and paternal grandmothers when he went to live with them in 2021. >> covid and anti-asian hate crimes were rising around the country, but especially in the bay area where i'm from, and it felt like all of those things were happening to people like my grandmother and elderly people in our communities were happening in my back yard. so it was this extreme duality
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of extreme anger and extreme joy when i would see them. >> talk about joy. he also shares with kelly the woman he and his family found out that he was nominated for an oscar. look at that. you can see the whole thing at 3:00 p.m. this afternoon on the "kelly clarkson show" right here on nbc bay area. we'll certainly be rooting for a win for him. >> those grandmothers are stars now. >> very cool. speaking of stars, you can see them. >> it's nice and clear. don't let that distract you as you're driving. >> maybe a shooting star. >> we'll have a lot of sunshine today, too. and our temperatures are going to be about normal for this time of year, headed for the low to mid-60s, up to 64 in san jose, 62 in los gatos, and 65 in gilroy. we're also going to see temperatures in the low 60s for much of the east bay, with hayward headed up for 64 degrees, a high of 62 in oakland, and 62 in redwood city.
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daly city, 58 degrees, also in the upper 50s and low 60s in san francisco. 61 in the mission district and 62 in novato. let's talk about the changes ahead. so the warm air will soon be going away, we'll be making way for much colder temperatures for the end of the week. so by thursday into the weekend, it is going to be chilly, not only that, but we'll also have quite a bit of rain moving through the bay area and a lot of sierra snow. notice that some of that snow dips down to some of our north bay mountains on friday, continuing into saturday and sunday. but this is also going to bring in a significant amount of rainfall along with some gusty winds. i wanted to show you the wide view of how much rain we could see over the next week or so, and for the bay area the purple shading in parts of the north bay and along the coastline, that's about 3 to 4 inches of rainfall. and then most of us for the inland valleys from napa valley,
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sonoma to the tri-valley and the south bay, the red is about 1 to 2 inches of rainfall. but what's been really significant is what the computer models are showing for the sierra. the contours go off the chart here. so just this weekend we're looking at the potential of 98 inches of snowfall. i don't know when the last time i've seen anything like that. but if this really pans out, this could be something that possibly brings us up to 150% of normal. and if you're looking forward to some colder temperatures -- or some warmer temperatures, i should say, it's going to stay on the cool side. take a look at our ten-day forecast for napa, with low 60s extending all the way into the middle of next week. we're going to see big changes ahead. it's not the outdoors weekend that we had last weekend. we have only highs in the low 50s, off and on rain, and parts of our bay area hills and mountains will be coated with
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some snow. so the first time we've seen that so far this season. mike, you were following up on a number of crashes. >> yeah, and it's not the first time we've heard that for traffic reports. we're looking at light traffic early, but we do have two crashes on the nimitz. i know they are distinct crashes. the first northbound at winton not presenting slowing, but there is activity on the shoulder. southbound 880, there's a build off the castro valley area with 238 and now approaching this crash heading south toward the san mateo bridge. i believe there's still one lane that's impacted and there's activity on the shoulder there. over here, westbound highway 4, still heavily impacted by the crash. a total of five vehicles from what i can tell are involved. one is on the right side of the roadway. the others might be in the center divide or possibly in the fast lane, so there is an early build coming into concord. that's a tough drive out of pittsburg. you can cut down, you can use bailey or ignacio valley road. the rest of the bay area, an
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easy drive. >> thanks mike. next, nbc bay area responds. >> faulty fridge cases just flooded our in box. in an odd twist, we are taking a much closer look at refrigerator boxes.
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usually at this hour we talk
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about how we respond to you. >> consumer investigator chris chmura is here with a story that motivated many of you to respond to us. >> good morning. we're talking about fridge failures, lots of viewers like betsy in redwood city have contacted us and our sister stations coast to coast. some are suing because their frijs are dying young. we recently featured betsy's story and it went viral online. more than a million people watched on tv and youtube. >> she has exactly the same refrigerator. i said, let me contact chris. >> folks flooded our in box and phone lines for the l.a. lawyer seeking a class action lawsuit. she claims a problem-prone part is at the heart of people's fridge failures. the case is focused on one place we did not expect, refrigerator boxes. tonight at 11:00, we'll explain how and why this federal fridge
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case could hinge on a message on a cardboard box. many angry appliance owners contacted us online. scan the qr code on screen to fill out our consumer complaint form. please join us again tonight at 11:00. >> thanks so much, chris. next the top stories we're following, including trying to stop thieves from stealing catalytic converters. the east bay department offering help for free in a matter of hours. the a's no longer rooted in oakland, at least symbolically. the press conference later this morning to pressure the county to do something with the
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. right now at 5:30, caught on camera. the bay area sideshow turns violent. video appears to show participants beating one man before setting his pickup truck on fire. the disturbing details coming to light, including new images of nearby looting. and an uncertain future growing more murky in oakland. a new call to action being made amidst the latest signs the a's will soon leave home. also, closing shop. a san francisco store some customers rely on shuts its doors today. a statement from the company and the scramble some may face to get their medications. this is "today in the bay."
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good tuesday morning to you. i'm marcus washington. >> and i'm laura garcia. let's start with a look at that forecast. meteorologist kari hall is tracking what we can expect for today. >> we're starting out clear, but it's also chilly, and now we are going to see the sky remaining clear as we go throughout the day, and the storm systems leaving us alone for now. but we are also going to start out with a frost advisory in the north bay for those areas shaded in blue. that continues until 9:00, where we may see the potential of some frosty conditions as our temperatures continue to dip. we're in the upper 30s and 40s in the north bay. san francisco is at 42 degrees. it is a chilly start. but it will be a nice and mild day, as we head for the low 60s across much of the bay area. we'll talk more about changes ahead and when we see rain coming back. now coco county has the hot spot. >> if you're using highway 4, the backup continues to build because of the crash at willow pass road.
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back here, railroad to kirker pass to ignacio valley road, you know that cut if you're heading toward walnut creek. that crash still has a number of vehicles and a lot of activity as you head toward the interchange with 242. everything after that actually probably lighter because of the traffic held up in pittsburg and bay point. we have slowing for the warren freeway. there may have been a crew there. we've got crowds arriving at the bay bridge toll plaza. no backup just yet. the metering lights should be activated as the morning commute is active. south bay shows a little slowing for 101. and, of course, highway 84, we'll talk about the traffic control coming up. the city of vallejo takes the first step in creating new police oversight, and it comes in the wake of a chaotic weekend that included a very violent sideshow. >> "today in the bay"'s kris sanchez is in the newsroom this
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morning. i saw the video, egregious there. something has to be done. one person calling it the wild west. >> that was a long-time resident. vallejo's police and accountability commission was already in the works, but if there was ever something to drive home the urgency, what happened in broad daylight on sunday afternoon just might be it. we will warn you that what happened was violent and the video shows it, but we want you to see it so you can see what the folks are dealing with there. the sideshow happened at the intersection of rollingwood drive and spring road and went from just reckless to outright violent when the mob attacked the driver inside that white pickup truck. that man in the orange shirt is the victim. he runs into a nearby business, calling for help on the phone, and then he is chased by people who vallejo police say stabbed him and shot him. fortunately, he will survive. meanwhile, you see a stream of people in and out of the store looting it, running out with alcohol, snacks, lottery tickets, even the cash register.
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police there say vallejo police took too long to respond, and when they did, vallejo police told us they got mutual aid from napa and solano county sheriff's departments. people who live there are just fed up. >> i'll tell you what, we need more cops here badly. it's lawless here. i mean, it's getting terrible. you can't go anywhere without something happening. >> reporter: he is right, the city does need more police officers based on a number of different metrics. vallejo's population is 125,000 people. the city has 80 officers on staff. that's fewer than the 130 officers that the city is budgeted for. look at the number on the bottom, 425 officers is the staffing recommendation from the international association of chiefs of police. vallejo police oversight and accountability commission discussion will happen at the city council meeting tonight at 7:00. you can attend in person or via zoom. meanwhile, antioch, another community looking at what to do regarding sideshows. they are talking about an
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ordinance that would make it illegal to promote sideshows on social media. that discussion also happening today. i'll post both of those links on my social pages in case you want to attend. >> thanks for the update. glad to see that man is expected to be okay. another hit for san francisco as walgreens confirms today is the final day of business for one of its financial district locations. the store located on sacramento near front street. the company is citing less foot traffic ever since the pandemic and it will be transferred to a location about half a mile on montgomery street. it also follows the closure last november of its union square location. in a statement, walgreens says, in part, we know that our customers and patients rely on our stores and trust our team members for their health care needs. and when we must close a store, it affects them and their community. our priority is to ensure a smooth transition for our
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customers and team members during this time. that store officially closes its doors at 3:00 p.m. 5:35. as the oakland a's get ready to move out of the bay area, community activists are demanding alameda county take action when it comes to the future of the coliseum. >> "today in the bay"'s bob redell joining us live this morning. bob, i know local groups want to make sure that there is a plan to move the community forward, despite the loss of the team. >> reporter: correct. good morning to you, marcus and laura. yes, the group is called the oakland united coalition. this is a group of faith, labor and community organizations, and they're going to speak to the media at 10:00 this morning to urge the alameda county board of supervisors to, in their words, adopt a firm stance on what should happen to the coliseum site after the oakland a's leave, assuming that's what they're going to end up doing. this coalition believes the site
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should be developed in a way that creates jobs and more housing, but they're frustrated with a's owner john fisher and his actions with regard to the future of the site and they want the county to back out of the sale of the county's 50% stake in the coliseum. the oakland a's are no longer rooted in oakland. our nbc bay area sky ranger was over head yesterday as workers removed the signage that reads rooted in oakland since 1968. that sign coming down ahead of the a's opening day, which is on march 28th. team leaders have made it clear they intend to move ultimately to las vegas, but where will they play until vegas is ready? according to the athletic, sacramento is the front-runner to host the a's from 2025 through 2027. reporting live, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> bob, thank you. there is a plan to modify what some consider one of the most dangerous stretches of road in san jose, and people who live there are weighing in.
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neighbors last night attended a public forum to rework the king road corridor. over the last five years the corridor has seen 29 accidents, resulting in severe injuries, even death. community leaders say funding will be key and they have to convince city leaders that changes are several. people who live there say the changes are long overdue. >> with federal grants, the opportunities are rare, and they're also very competitive. >> my main concern is safety. i live right on king. people speed up and down the street. >> proposed solutions include widening sidewalks and adding crosswalks, along with separating bike lanes and having continuous bus-only lanes. planning is expected to wrap up before the end of spring. happening today, the tri-valley car owners can actually go the extra mile to ensure their catalytic converter is protected from thieves.
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livermore police are teaming up for an etch and catch event. catalytic converters are etched with an identification number. today's event starts at 8:00 at the college's automotive department. it is first come, first serve. and right now on our web page, you can video of consumer investigator chris chmura, he's explaining how to mark or etch your car's catalytic converter. you can find the explainer on your nbc bay area app. let's take a peek outside on this tuesday morning, overlooking san francisco. nice and clear out there. no clouds in the sky, no rain in the works, at least for today, right, kari? >> yes, and you might want to leave the umbrella at home, but then pick up the jacket because it will be a cooler day, at least to start. the afternoon is looking great with highs in the low to mid-60s. we will see a high of 59 in san francisco, 60 in san mateo, and
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64 in san jose. but then as we take a look at tomorrow's temperatures, we're going to bring it up a few degrees. that will be the last day we'll see weather like that in quite a while. i wanted to show you thursday's forecast where temperatures are already starting to drop, with highs up to about 60 degrees. but take a look at morgan hill and our ten-day forecast. saturday, 48 degrees, that's the high temperature. oh, my goodness. that's the way we start march. we'll see low 60s into at least the middle of next week, so we'll talk about the rain that comes along with that cold weather as well. mike, you're seeing continued delays into concord. >> yeah, we have a big red stretch because traffic is tied up. five vehicles involved in this crash. no major injuries reported, but we're tracking the updates. west highway 4 at willow pass road, the backup continues past bailey, back to kirker pass. i told you you would have to pick your route carefully if you're going toward walnut creek, the big commute is
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starting to build. look at the difference here. the top number much different than if you cut through kirker pass and get down toward 680 that way. 680 itself moving smoothly off the benicia bridge. as we look at the rest of the drive, we are looking at a smooth flow of traffic. over here we have a new crash as well. now two crashes south out of oakland and toward hayward. not a major slowdown but there's activity there. 680, i told you we would remind, highway 84 still has one-way traffic control because of the damage that happened last week with that slide-out. even though it is open through niles canyon, avoid that area unless you absolutely have to traffic. there's one-way control, they stop westbound and eastbound and alternate. mission boulevard and 680 are better alternates if that is your route through that portion of fremont. >> thanks, mike. 5:41 this morning.
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serious allegations made against one of music's top moguls. ahead on "today in the bay," one music producer makes new claims against sean "diddy" combs and alleged misconduct. the response from diddy's legal team. we're days away from a government shutdown, midnight friday. a critical meeting this morning at the white house. ♪♪ ♪ the story of my life ♪ >> and bay area twins making some noise on the new season of "the voice." a look at their most recent incredible performance and the judge now coaching them. you're watching "today in the bay."
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good tuesday morning. right now at 5:44, we take a look at our day planner for santa rosa. it's going to be a very chilly start, maybe even frosty. at 8:00 we're at 41 degrees. we're headed for the low 60s, with lots of sunshine, and sunset will be right at about 6:00 this evening. we'll talk about when we'll see some big rain coming our way in just a few minutes. in oakland, bigger traffic flow, headlights southbound past the coliseum, toward two crashes. there are actually three crashes in the same area of the nimitz. we'll show you that coming up. it is a quarter until 6:00 right now. the legal team for music mogul
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sean "diddy" combs is blasting new sexual harassment allegations made against him by a music producer. rodney jones filed a federal lawsuit seeking $30 million. he worked on diddy's latest album and claims the rapper and others drugged, threatened and sexually harassed him for more than a year. he also claims to have video and audio evidence. combs' attorney calls them fiction, saying they simply did not happen. president joe biden made a surprise appearance on late night with seth meyers last night. >> the conversation was mostly about israel and the war, although there's one moment getting a lot of replay. >> i think it's the most, where president biden defends his age. biden is 81. his presumed opponent, donald trump, is 77. biden's point, they're both old. >> a couple things. number one, you've got to take a look at the other guy, he's about as old as i am, but he can't remember his wife's name, number one.
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number two, it's about how old your ideas are. look, this is a guy who wants to take us back, he wants to take us back to roe v. wade, he wants to take us back on a range of issues that 50, 60 years, they've been solid american positions. >> now, the president doesn't explain his joke about trump remembering his wife's name, but it likely springs from trump's appearance at this weekend's cpac conference where he mentioned his wife to the crowd and encouraged them to applaud, and he said, mercedes, that's pretty good, not melania. but there was a mercedes there, a member of the conference, and he had called out to her earlier, and appeared to be doing the same. donald trump had scheduled a visit to the southern border on thursday. now president biden is going to the border on the very same day. there's been talk for weeks that the white house is working on
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new restrictions on border crossings and immigration. you may recall democrats had agreed to the strongest border restriction in decades, in a republican written bill that would have set aside money to protect ukraine, israel and taiwan. it passed the senate, but then donald trump asked house republicans to stop the border bill to keep the issue in the election conversation. so speaker johnson, senate republican mitch mcconnell, and democrats, will be at the white house today to discuss funding for ukraine and israel, and, no doubt, keeping the government open past friday. mcconnell warning everybody, we can't fix anything if lawmakers keep adding unusual riders to the bills. >> we have just enough time this week to avoid a shutdown and make serious headway on annual
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appropriations. but as always, the task at hand will require that everyone rows in the same direction, toward appropriations and away from poison pills. >> the michigan primaries are today. it's trump versus haley and biden pretty much on his own, no significant challengers. but many in michigan are angry at biden over his handling of the war in israel, so we'll be watching for protest votes, and no doubt, so too will the biden campaign. >> no doubt. thank you very much. an apprenticeship program is working to help move bay area students forward. it comes as new data shows thousands are deciding college may not be for them. it comes at a time when the average public university student borrows more than $32,000 for tuition and student loan debt is higher than ever at $1.7 trillion. one of the major pushers for the apprenticeships is aon. we talked to sarah hogan who mentors a number of students.
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>> we saw that there was a need to create opportunities and alternate pathways to jobs of the future for those without college degrees. and we knew that if we didn't change it, we're leaving hard-working talented people with diverse life experiences behind. >> aon has apprenticeship programs in several cities across the nation, including san francisco. hogan says her students have found success in their careers after completing the program. trending this morning, a stellar debut for two of the newest judges on "the voice." >> dan & shay scored new members for their team from right here in the bay area. check out this dynamic duo. ♪♪ ♪ the story of my life ♪ ♪ i'll take her home ♪ ♪ i'll drive all night to keep her warm ♪ >> they sound great. that's justin and jeremy garcia. ties to millbrae on the peninsula. last night they motivated three
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judges' chairs to turn around, with "story of my life" and after careful consideration, they actually chose to back this year's rookies. >> dan & shay kind of knows how it is to work as a unit and work as a force, and work as a duo. so we're really confident that they can help us kind of just find who we are and just open up what we could do as a duo, to many possibilities. >> tonight, part 2 premieres of "the voice" and "deal or no deal" kick off at 8:00 and stay tuned for news at 11:00. hopefully you'll enjoy this great day. >> it's going to be nice and sunny. temperatures start out cool, but it will be warming up for the afternoon. we're right now in the low 40s in the tri-valley. it's 51 in san francisco. oakland, san jose, how starts out the day at 46 degrees, and
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for most of us we're headed for the low 60s today. let's talk about what to expect and the next storm that's going to be coming in on thursday, and the rain chances continue off and on into saturday. we could also at times see those winds gusting 25 to 50 miles per hour, some of the higher gusts will be along the coastline and in the mountains. we'll also have the potential of street flooding where we have poor drainage areas, and also watching creek levels as well. for the sierra, we could see low snow levels, down to about 3,000 feet, but also the sierra snow may total over 8 feet, and we've seen some estimates at 12 feet, which i don't know if that would happen. but this does look like a very powerful storm. we're going to see quite a bit of rain moving in, starting, once again, on thursday, continuing into friday, waves of rain throughout the day on saturday, and that may also linger into sunday as well. we're not seeing a lot of breaks here in terms of a big window of
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dry weather, but then a lot of our computer models for the bay area putting down at about 3 to 4 inches of rainfall along the coastline, and in the santa cruz mountains as well. and then for the inland valleys we could see about 1 to 2 inches of rainfall, which would, of course, be quite a bit over a short period of time. and so we're looking at temperatures dropping as well. we have nice, mild weather with sunshine today and tomorrow, but look at saturday's high. we only may make it into the upper 40s and low 50s, and low snow levels developing for the hills around the bay area and the sierra. mike, you're tracking a crash. what's the update? >> we still have the issue, although it's mostly calm around the bay. it's the east bay, 880, the last of the three crashes we're tracking is the problem. a street has cleared and northbound coming in, it's okay. we'll keep following this into hayward out of san lorenzo. westbound highway 4, this crash continues to block two lanes so
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the bigger backup is here. you want to get out of the backup, take the cut-throughs to walnut creek. back to you. >> thanks, mike. happening now, new signs of a silicon valley slump. the silicon valley index is releasing new data on hiring rates for santa clara, san mateo and alameda counties. last year the region added 2,700 jobs, but that's a far cry from the year prior when 88,000 jobs were added. despite that, the same report shows the median household income is still on the rise. tackling the drug crisis in san francisco. ahead at 6:00, from the mayor to the district attorney, the new tactics being taken right now to crack down on opioids and
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo.
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i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. 5:57 this morning. welcome back. so an oscar nominated bay area filmmaker is sharing his inspiration with kelly clarkson. ♪♪ >> sean wang's film is nominated in the best documentary short category. today on kelly, the fremont man shares how he got the idea to
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film his maternal and paternal grandmothers when he went home to live with them in 2021. >> covid and anti-asian hate crimes were kind of rising around our country, but especially in the bay area where i'm from. so it felt like all of those things that were happening to people like my grandmothers, and elderly people in our communities were happening in my back yard, and so it was this extreme duality of extreme anger and extreme joy when i would see them. >> talk about joy, he shares with kelly the moment he and his family found out that he was nominated. you can see the whole thing at 3:00 p.m. on the "kelly clarkson show" right here on nbc bay area. you want to share in that joy as well. >> that's great to see. a reminder, nbc bay area is streaming 24/7. you can watch us whenever you want on roku or any other streaming platform. we have an obligation to save lives, and i think that's what most san franciscans want us to do. >> right now at 6:00, taking a
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new approach. we speak with brooke jenkins, district attorney, about what she's doing to crack oun on a drug crisis. and an intruder is filmed inside a bay area high school. the location the person was found that's raising major alarms for parents. plus, primary day in michigan. despite a loss in south carolina, nikki haley vowing to stay in the fight against former president trump. and as the votes go ahead, voters go to the polls, the stakes are also high for president joe biden, who is facing new criticism this morning. this is "today in the bay." good morning to you on this tuesday. i'm marcus washington. >> i'm laura garcia. we'll check that commute with mike in just a little bit. let's talk about the weather for today. we're going to get a break from the rain. >> a break from the rain today and tomorrow. it's going to be nice to get some suns, but we also have cool temperatures settling in. that's a live look from our emeryville camera looking toward
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san francisco and the bay bridge. and our temperatures in parts of the north bay in the upper 30s, a cold start, a sunny day, and we'll repeat that tomorrow. then we're expecting high winds and heavy rain for the rest of the week, starting on thursday and continuing into the weekend. as you step out the door in menlo park, it's in the low 40s, and we're going to see temperatures going from low 40s to the mid-50s at noon, just briefly touching 60 degrees. we'll see low to mid-60s across the bay area and slightly warmer temperatures tomorrow as that sunshine conditions. we'll talk about the big changes ahead for thursday coming up. mike, you've been tracking a crash. >> we have slowing highway 4, continues to be a bigger issue. we may see relief around willow pass road where the crash involving five vehicles has been reported. we've been seeing two lanes blocked but there may be some improvement. the backup starts back before railroad, so some folks may be taking the cut through on kirker pass. the surface street sensors don't look so


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