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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  February 27, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PST

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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. hi, everyone. i'm zinhle essamuah. >> and i'm kate snow. "nbc news daily" starts right now. today, tuesday, february 27th, 2024. primary day.
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polls are open in michigan today for republicans and democrats. nikki haley taking on donald trump and why the greatest challenge for president biden is no one at all. deal in sight. president biden said he's hopeful an israeli/hamas cease-fire is on the horizon, what it could mean for americans still held hostage in gaza. fertility fight outrage. america's top health official is now meeting with families impacted by the decision. and there's the beef, wendy's announcing its plans to make a dramatic change to the menu. the pricing plan leaving some customers feeling rather frosty. but begin this hour with primary day in michigan. >> voting is under way the fifth presidential primary of 2024. it's the first contest in major swing state, on the republican side former president donald trump looking to go 5 for 5 against former ub ambassador nikki haley, president joe biden
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is facing a different kind of test from democrats a protest vote from some voters there over his administration's response to the israel/hamas war. >> mike memol circumstance in dearborn, michigan, this area has a large arab american population, what are you hearing from those voters today about an uncommitted vote. >> reporter: we've seen major protests across the country in support of the palestinian people calling for a cease-fire, but michigan in part because of that significant arab american population here has become an epicenter of efforts to translate that activism into support a cease-fire. driving the uncommitted voting effort. listen. >> i think the president should listen to us and the democratic party should listen to us when we tell them here in michigan gaza is a top issue, president biden needs every vote he can get here in michigan, and if he
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doesn't change his gaza policy he'll be handing the presidency to donald trump. >> reporter: the big question is what does success look like for this uncommitted campaign? they set a goal of about 10,000 votes here in michigan in the democratic primary the biden campaign has pointed out the uncommitted vote gets 20,000 in past primaries, an interesting tea leaf we heard earlier, 1 million ballots have been cast before election day, significant turnout was in ann arbor. >> mike, president biden beat former president trump in michigan by less than 3 points back in 2020, likely heading for a rematch in november, what is the biden campaign saying the impact the protest vote might have in that general election. >> reporter: some of the comments from leader like congresswoman rashida talib,
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that they'll be to support president biden in november. we see how close those margins are. another thing i hear from the biden campaign this is an issue they're acutely aware of at this moment, if we're still talking b about this situation in eight months they're hoping the conflict in the middle east will have subsided and the attention turns to issues that are front and center like the economy. >> mike, thank you. america's top health official is in alabama today on the heels of controversial court ruling that upended ivf. health and human services secretary is visiting, as tensions are rising in the state. annbc news washington correspondent yamiche alcindor. what's the latest in the state
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of alabama? >> reporter: of now ivf treatments at at least three clinics remain pause. women and doctors are hoping that legislative solution will be found soon as democrats and republican lawmakers in the state are pushing for bills that would make an embryo outside a person's body would not be a child. expected to gather at the statehouse for a rally to demand a fix. hhs secretary said he wanted to hear the experiences. to ensure access to ivf. overall still a lot of anxiety, fear and frankly anger in alabama. >> beyond alabama, this is playing out in other states, a bill in florida, lawmakers there were working on legislation that would have given new protections to fetuses but that's now be
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scraped. >> that's right, republican legislators in florida are hitting pause on a bill that would define a fetus as an unborn child. opponents of the bill including many democrats they warned the florida bill could lead to a pause in ivf treatments. republicans are scrambling to show support for the treatment and avoid any stoppages, this bill for right now is not going to happen as republicans grapple with what to do next. >> right now, we're talking state by state, alabama, florida, what about on a national level, any chance there some sort of national bills passing protections for ivf? >> the biden administration is trying to see what policy fixes, what policy they can put forward to help women across the country to still have access to ivf.
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there's not a way forward here, lot of people say they didn't anticipate that you would have a judge rule this way and have people midway through their treatment be stopped. people are scrambling to figure out. in alabama, doing legislating fixes i'm hearing from a lawyer they're worried that the legislative fixes they make might not supersede the supreme court ruling. >> could be far-reaching implications. thank you. president biden is signaling optimism about a cease-fire agreement in the israel/hamas war the president said he hopes a deal to stop fighting could be reached by next monday, the cia director and top security officials have been working with negotiators. and raf sanchez is with us again from tel aviv, raf, i wonder how israel and others involved in
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the negotiations are reacting to president biden's comments. >> reporter: kate, we're definitely not hearing president biden's optimism reflected here in the middle east. israeli prime minister netanyahu released a short video statement earlier and in it he made no reference to a deal at all. he feels he has enough americans' support to continue israeli activity in gaza until what he calls total victory, a negative response from hamas, pouring cold water on president biden's comments. the framework that was hammered out in paris between the cia director and officials from qatar, paris and egypt, to save face and give netanyahu more time to prepare and attack on the southern city of rafah. qatar the key mediators were asked about the president's time
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line of a deal by monday earlier and at a press conference with the foreign ministry the spokesperson said, look, if we were on the verge of a breakthrough i would be a lot more cheerful than i am right now. in terms of what this deal could look like the focus on the negotiations is on an american proposal that would pause for six weeks and lead to the release of 40 israeli hostages. exchange israel would have to release at least 100 palestinian prisoners, some of them serving long sentences. >> i know the nation of jordan is continuing to drop aid by parachute into gaza, what's supplies are coming in that way and what's the latest on the people in gaza, the humanitarian conditions? >> reporter: kate, it's been really striking for the second
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day in a row, large crowds gathering along the coastline in gaza as these parachutes with aid packages are dropped from jordanian planes. the king of jordan was actually on board one of those planes earlier flying up the gaza coast, those packages including food basics, like rice, like canned goods and focus is on northern gaza, where the u.n. said a combination of israeli restrictions and basically just a complete collapse in law and order means they can no longer deliver aid there. they're saying there's a real risk of famine spreading in northern gaza and we're seeing families trying to feed their families with food intended for animals. >> raf, thank you for always being there. appreciate it. time for today's money minute. family dollar getting hit with a hefty fine.
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kate rogers joins us now. family dollar stores was ordered to pay 41 $.6 million fine for using a rat-infested warehouse to distribute food, cosmetics and medical devices to hundreds of stores across the south. the fine is the largest criminal penalty of a food safety case after the fda found the arkansas warehouse had a massive infestation of rats in 2022. macy's is closing 150 of i understand underperforming department stores as it plans to open smaller stores. and for majority of americans, talking about personal finances is harder than talking about religion. 47% of adults it's harder than discussing their romantic life, the survey found that the belief
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of money as a private topic for fears of being judged has kept people from discussing it. >> i thought that was changing. i thought the young people were okay. >> that's fair. >> don't you guys get together and have meeting about your money. >> rather talk about romantic life apparently. all right, kate rogers, thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. coming up a rare phenomena captured at a national park a fireball, we'll explain how it happens. plus, my sit-down conversation with rick springfield, how he feels about springfield, how he feels about his all-time my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough,
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today a medical examiner and several forensic experts are testifying in the rust armorer's trial the fourth day of witnesses in case against hannah gutierrez reed in new mexico, charged with involuntary manslaughter for the shooting that killed halyna hutchinson on set. dana, one weapons expert was specifically asked to demonstrate how the revolver that killed hutchins works in front of the jury. >> reporter: he concluded two things that either actor alec baldwin had the trigger fully and he pulled that trigger or he had his finger depressed on that
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trigger and as soon as he released it it fired. take a listen how he demonstrated this for the jury. >> the handler in this case, mr. baldwin, had to get it to this position, if he let go, it would stay as you see it here. pulling the trigger will fire it. >> reporter: now, this witness also corroborated the prosecution' claims the live ammo found on set couldn't have come from the supplier, compared the two and found several different characteristics between both. they're pointing the finger at the defendant hannah gutierrez reed for likely bringing those rounds on the set. >> we heard from the medical examiner, what did they say about her cause of death? >> reporter: so the medical examiner performed the autopsy, she classified hutchinson's
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death as an accidental shooting death but that does not mean that negligence wasn't present. we saw images of her body showing the entrance wound under her right armpit and the exit wound from her back the med cam examiner talk about her lethal injuries, a loss of blood and the puncturing of her right -- her right lung which ultimately resulted in her death. kate, zinhle. >> dana, thank you. now to a terrifying story unfolding in caribbean, officials believe an american couple is likely dead after their yacht was hijacked by escaped prisoners. now their sons are speaking out. here's liz kreutz with more on the investigation. this is just awful. that couple from virginia have been living on their yacht for years. sailing from place to place in the caribbean now with this nightmare ending. family and friends are desperate for answers about how and why this happened.
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there is an ongoing search in the caribbean for a retired virginia couple missing and presumed dead after they were allegedly attacked by escaped prisoners who hijacked their yacht. off the island nation of grenada. the terrifying incident unfolding ten days ago. authorities say kathy and ralph, who have lived on their yacht "simplicity" for a decade were anchored in the harbor when these three fugitives who escaped that same day targeted their boat and attacked them. >> shock, despair, fear, sadness, hope, love, all of those emotions are going through our head at the same time. >> reporter: the couple's sons, nick and brian, detailing a violent scene on board. >> an altercation of violence took place on the boat, which is clear evidence seen from blood on the boat, as well as their possessions being thrown around
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and strewn around all over. >> reporter: grenada police believe the suspects threw the couple overboard before making their way to the nearby island of st. vincent where the yacht was found abandoned. police arresting the escaped prisoners, but kathy and ralph have not been found. >> this investigation thus far is presumed that ralph and kathy are deceased. >> reporter: the shocking attack rocking the tight-knit sailing community and raising questions about safety in the caribbean. >> it seems like a bad hollywood movie. >> reporter: a fellow sailor and the company's emergency contact. what are the questions you have right now? >> it's hard to think of their last moments with the idea they might have been thrown overboard alive, bloodied. it's difficult to conceive for a friend. >> reporter: their family describing kathy and ralph as a joyful, loving couple who were living out their golden years by fulfilling their dream of sailing at sea.
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>> now local authorities say the suspects are cooperating with their investigation. so far they've been charged with immigration-related charges for unlawfully going to st. vincent. the couple's son in the meantime have made their way to caibbean and the u.s. state department is also now involved as the search continues. staying true to his roots, his ghanaian heritage through his styles. his styles. we're streaming free [coughing] copd hasn't been pretty. it's tough to breathe and tough to keep wondering if this is as good as it gets. but trelegy has shown me that there's still beauty and breath to be had. because with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open and prevents future flare-ups.
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of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis held me back... now with skyrizi, i'm all in with clearer skin. ♪ things are getting clearer...♪ ( ♪♪ ) ♪ i feel free... ♪ ♪ to bear my skin, yeah that's all me. ♪ ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ( ♪♪) with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and most people were clearer even at 5 years. skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions... ...and an increased risk of infections... ...or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms,... ...had a vaccine, or plan to. ♪ nothing and me go hand-in-hand, ♪ ♪ nothing on my skin, that's my new plan. ♪ ♪ nothing is everything ♪ now's the time,... ...ask your doctor about skyrizi,... ...the number one...
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...dermatologist-prescribed biologic in psoriasis. learn how abbvie could help you save. welcome to "the fast forward." i'm janelle wang. major hit to downtown san francisco. the macy's in san francisco's union square will be closing. the store is among 150 locations set to close around the country. the one in union square is not closing just yet. they will stay open until the company is able to sell the building. no word on when that will happen. the retailer says it's part of a new chapter that will involve closing underproductive stores. the city will work closely with macy's and any potential new owner to ensure the iconic location continues to serve san francisco for decades to come. she adds, this closure has nothing to do with crime. over to the east bay. the a's are getting ready to
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move out. community activists are demanding them to take action on the future of the coliseum. bob redell joins us where a news conference wrapped up. >> reporter: the oakland united coalition, which is a group of community, labor and faith organizations just held a news conference here outside the administration building where right now inside the board of supervisors is meeting. these activists accuse the oakland a's of holding east oakland hostage. that's their words. by not allowing that area to flourish because the team is preventing the development they say of the coliseum site, which would bring more affordable housing and jobs to east oakland. they say the team isn't allowing other events to take place at the coliseum, which hurts people who work there. they want the a's to sell their stake in the coliseum or negotiate. this coalition is asking that the board of supervisors use their power to pressure the a's into playing ball and allow the
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development of the coliseum and other events to take place there. they say the board has the leverage do this. they can refuse to sell their stake in the coliseum. they can unwind that deal. they can put terms in the a's lease extension of the site that will get the team's owner to come to the table and negotiate. >> john fisher, stop preventing the use of the coliseum by interested sport teams and sporting events. sell your stake in the ownership of the coliseum or at the least negotiate a cooperation agreement so real change can be possible for the people of east oakland. step up to the plate. >> it's very important to us. it's not right for them to refuse to work together with us and for them to have the rights to the land. this is really impacting our community. we need to do all we can to get affordable housing built on that
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land. so let's get something done. i'm sick and tired of people running their mouths and not getting results. >> reporter: we did reach out to a commissioner who was present. his office said he was not available. we reached out to the a's. have yet to hear back. they are no longer, quote, rooted in oakland, not symbolically. sky ranger was overhead of the coliseum and workers remove the signage. that sign coming down ahead of the a's opening day on march 28th. team leaders made it clear they intend to move to las vegas. where will they play until vegas is ready? they report sacramento is a frontrunner to host them from 2025 to 2027. bob redell, nbc bay area news. >> thank you, bob. we are getting a break from the rain. enjoy the dry weather while it lasts. sheer kari hall with our forecast.
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>> we are look at clear conditions across the region. the rain is out of here. we do have cold temperatures setting in behind the cold front. we are headed for the low 60s for today. reaching 62 in mountainview. also 62 in livermore. napa headed up for a high of 64 degrees and slightly warmer temperatures tomorrow with some of our south bay temperatures in the mid to upper 60s. on thursday, we start to see things changing as our temperatures drop. we will reach into the you arer 50s and low 60s. we are going to see some rain moving in. we will have a couple of waves of colder temperatures and a lot more rain going into the weekend. we will talk more about that and take a look at our seven day forecast in 30 minutes. >> thanks. city leaders of san jose are voting today on a plan which hopes to keep raging waters flowing. back in september, the water park said it was closing its doors. now city leaders are working with california dreaming entertainment. it has agreed to a short lease
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while the city works on a longer deal. they hope it can reopen this you'll find them in cities, towns and suburbs all across america. millions of americans who have medicare and medicaid but may be missing benefits they could really use. extra benefits they may be eligible to receive at no extra cost. and if you have medicare and medicaid, you may be able to get extra benefits, too, through a humana medicare advantage dual-eligible special needs plan. call now to see if there's a plan in your area and to see if you qualify. all of these plans include doctor, hospital and prescription drug coverage. plus, something really special, the humana healthy options allowance. your allowance. to help pay for essentials like eligible groceries, utilities and rent. even over-the-counter items. and whatever you don't spend gets carried over to the next month. plus, with a humana medicare advantage dual-eligible special needs plan you'll get other important benefits. all of these
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and we'll also send this free guide. humana. a more human way to healthcare. i am every opponent you've ever faced. let's dance lizard. i can take any form i desire. awesome! i mean it's disturbing, but it's awesome. bottom of the hour now here are some of the stories making headlines on "nbc news daily." sean combs is facing more accusations of sexual harassment and assault, a producer on his most recent album roddy jones accuses combs of threatening
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him. jones said he was not compensated for his work on the album. there is fifth sexual lawsuit filed against combs. he's denied all the allegations. the director of the army national guard has ordered an aviation safety standdown of all units, officials say it's being done to review safety policies and procedures following two recent helicopter crashes. take a look at these pictures from yosemite national park, this so-called firefall happens every year at the national park around mid-february the sun rays hit the water which causes the waterfall to glow. spectators travel to the park to watch the waterfall light up. we all know about surge pricing, you might pay more if the demand is high.
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>> surge pricing for your next meal. wendy's is going to test out a dynamic pricing menu. depending on when you order. here's christine romans. the latest baconator isn't the only new item hitting wendy's menu. planning to test out dynamic pricing as early as 2025. it is a practice that charges different prices for the same items based on demand throughout the day. for example, a cheeseburger and fries could cost you more during the lunch rush than during the down period. >> i would never expected a fast food restaurant to do that. >> reporter: on a call with investors, wendy's ceo kirk tanner says his company will invest $20 million on digital menu boards, allowing customers to see the updated prices. >> beginning as early as 2025, we will begin testing more enhanced features like dynamic pricing, along with a.i.-enabled
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menu prices and suggestive selling. >> reporter: fast food restaurants already dealing with blowback on soaring prices from their customers as stories of $7 egg mcmuffins from mcdonald's went viral. now add dynamic pricing into the mix could potentially be damaging to the industry. >> i don't think anyone is going to pay extra for the exact same thing that they were getting more less. >> reporter: in fact, one survey finding 36% of consumers would order less often than restaurants adopting the practice. >> you have to be really careful about angry consumers already inflation wary. >> that's what made the industry very sort of hesitant to dive fully in. there are definite risks involved, and they really don't want to anger customers. >> reporter: but these fluctuating prices are nothing new to consumers, who are used to seeing surging prices on airlines to concert tickets. like taylor swift's concert --
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>> we spent $899 per ticket. dynamic pricing is the worst. >> reporter: and ride shares like lyft and uber faced backlash when riders see unexpected costs. >> using uber is like $8, $10. tonight it was like 50-something bucks. little did i know about surge price. >> reporter: experts say this is a rare move from the fast food industry, which has been hesitant to sink its teeth into varying prices. >> it's really going to depend on how customers react. if customers are okay with it, you will see more of it. if wendy's tests don't work, for whatever reason, you might not see it that often. >> all right. we reached out to wendy's who told us that dynamic pricing can allow wendy's to be competitive and flexible with pricing, motivate customers to visit and provide them with the food they love at a great value. >> fascinating stuff. christine, thank you. this black heritage month, one nfl player is in spotlight
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for showing off his african roots. jeremiah owusu, the most stylish player in league. but his style highlights more than just his heritage, it also showcases his personal journey navigating grief and hope. when it comes to football fashion, nfl players are usually remembered for their jerseys and cleats. >> what i wear represents a certain revolution that went on. a certain change. >> reporter: but cleveland browns linebacker's african attire is making headlines. how does it feel being what many call the nfl's best dressed man? >> it feels good to be recognized. >> reporter: the 24-year-old was born in virginia, primarily raised by his mother, and back and forth with his father. he attended the university of notre dame, drafted by the browns in 2021. while his styles span the continent the journey to fully embracing his west african
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heritage took time. during your rookie season i believe you were wearing typical western clothes. >> yeah. >> reporter: what sparked the change? >> you know, my rookie year, you know, i would feel some of the african fabrics in there, but the connection that i was going with was through study, family members that i had. >> reporter: one of those family members, his older brother, a former linebacker at william and mary. >> he always did the african garment. he was always the guy that would put like on at school, with some sneakers. >> reporter: tragically in april 2022 his brother was found dead inside a burned house, a man ronald scott later arrested and charged with one count of murder, and one count of arson. scott is awaiting trial. how have you held grief while also moving through this season of success? >> yeah, so trauma can be seen in two ways. it can be seen as something that can be a detriment to you, and
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lower you to the lowest point, which it did, and it can also instill something in you that allows something else to birth. >> reporter: in some ways it sounds like you're carrying on your brother's legacy. >> i like to think of it as that, what that means to me is that i'm living for my brother, my brother lives in me. >> reporter: i wonder, for black men, who so often have to show up strong, and okay, what might your message be, given the experiences you've navigated? >> yeah, i've gone through a plethora of damage, we do have a responsibility, again, to respond, to those situations, in a way that will allow us to be emotionally available for our youth. >> reporter: the linebacker also founding a nonprofit supporting student athletes in ghana through sports and community engagement. his passion for the next generation, spotlighted in a now viral super bowl ad, promoting
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the nfl to african youth. >> have you gotten any pushback for the way you show up with your clothes? >> i've gotten pushback with some of the fans sometimes, they may say what does he have on? is that a trash bag? >> reporter: that hasn't stopped him from showcasing the diaspora. i wonder what impact do you think you're having on the next generation, those other first generation african black men who are seeing you? >> when they see me they are looking at someone who embraces their identity. >> reporter: jeremiah owusu highlighting his identity and black heritage one play and outfit at a time. so great to meet jeremiah. my dad is from ghana and his influence is spanning his globe. he's taking a group of players to ghana this month as part of his organization. >> i love that, he's teaching by
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doing this. thank you for that. we're sitting here, because it's time for the latest in my series "the drink," where i get a chance to sit down with people at. of their field and how they got there. and today it's rick springfield. a lot of new music. we talked about his years growing up in australia, his 40-year marriage and that burning question, is there a real-life jessie's girl? >> rick springfield, what's this drink? this is your rum. >> uh-huh. >> it's a spiced pear rum fizz. so you make the rum that's in our cocktail. it's bald beach bar rum. in this cocktail. five acres. this is a new place. we're inside rockefeller center. rick springfield, i don't think i have to say this, but musician, actor, writer, author,
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rum maker, how did you get here? >> i don't know. just -- >> it's kind of a hard question when you think back. >> it's been an interesting journey. i'm so -- traveling along the road. >> full disclosure, listened to your song on repeat over and over and over again, and i mean "jessie's girl." ♪ i wish that i had jessie's girl ♪ >> do you love that people know you for "jessie's girl" or is it annoying? >> no, no, i mean, i'm very grateful that at least, you know, i have a song that has kind of done what that has. i'll have a new album out. >> it's universal. i know, you have a new album out. >> i have a new album out and they'll play me on the interview with "jesse's girl." i've got new music, what the hell. >> did you think it was going to be a hit? >> you can't plan stuff like that. i thought there were better
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songs on the album. i think i've written better songs since. >> is there a "jessie's girl"? >> of course, i write from a point of truth, even, you know, like a pop song, it's got to have some kernel of truth. >> true that you dropped out of high school? >> i was actually asked to leave high school by the principal. >> why? >> because my last year of school i stayed away a total of three months because i discovered the guitar and i didn't want to do anything else. >> you were already wanting to be a musician. >> about 13 i decided what i wanted to do. >> people around in the '80s remember "general hospital," and they think of you that way, actor first, and then they discovered your music, but your music came before the acting. >> yeah, i just took up acting, it's a way to make money. i had three albums out before, and nothing happened, and i said this is probably nothing's going to happen with this album. let me take this. >> it ends up being the biggest selling album of your life. you're on tour. >> yeah, i'm doing -- solo show, a duo show with richard marx,
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and we've been friends a long time. >> what do you love most about the new album? >> it came out exactly as i wanted it, as i envisioned it. ♪♪ ♪♪ >> it's great. i listened to it. cheers to the new album. >> thank you. >> during covid my husband got really sick in the very beginning, you did one of the kindest things that anyone's ever done for me, you sent this video through your publicist to me, of you playing the guitar. >> i thought i would send you healing and love, in a song. ♪♪ >> i want to say it on camera, it touched us deeply. it was so -- like, he was in a -- not a great headspace at that point, for you to come
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through and just be like, hey, here's something uplifting for you. it was great. thank you. >> well, the good thing i do, is to make people feel better. >> you do that at your shows, you seem to be conscious of the impact you're having on people. you know they love it. >> yeah. for two hours, i want them to forget all the things that are weighing them down, because that's what i do when they get up on stage. i don't think of those things. >> rick springfield, thank you so much. this is a great drink. >> cheers. >> cheers. >> so much fun. there's more to the story about jessie's girl and who she really was. he delivered milk as a kid in australia. picked up music because they had no television and one of the weirdest things about him he's an amateur egyptologist, he likes to study egypt. you can see it all the whole
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conversation is up now on youtube or at drink. also on the "nightly news" podcast. >> love that. thanks, kate. coming up, one in ten americans will be affected by an eating disorder, rarely is what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant.
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a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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in today's daily health, this is eating disorders awareness week, today we'll shiing a light on this health conditions. >> that goes undiagnosed in people of color, eating disorders are the second deadliest mental illness behind opioid addiction. only 10% receive treatment. >> joining us now is the chief clinical officer of project heal a nonprofit focused on equitable treatment and access to treatment for eating disorders. which is so important. kelly, thank you for being with us. . the data shows that black women are 25% less likely to be diagnosed with an eating discord compared to their white counterparts, why do you think that is? >> there's a variety of reasons, but i think it all stems from the stereotype that we hold about what a person with an eating disorder looks like the
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current stereotype is a skinny white adolescent teenage girl, that's a group that absolutely experiences eating disorders but the data shows that eating disorders impact people from all socio-economic backgrounds equally, but this stereotype has made it hard for professionals, providers and others to be able to accurately recognize these symptoms that show up in a body they don't expect. >> i wonder how do we solve this issue? >> yes, what we're doing right now is having these conversations, raise awareness about eating disorders are. but we need a lot more education for providers and for communities alike that say, listen, all of us can struggle with this in some way, shape or form and that will allow folks not to be missed. >> along those lines how do we recognize the signs, the warning signs of an eating disorder?
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>> the warning signs of an eating disorder is how someone relates to food and exercise, changes in their mood and changes in how they relate to their body. so the changes can be different depending on the eating disorder we're talking about but those the general ways to recognize something might be wrong. >> what treatment options are available? >> there's variety. outpatient therapy and dietitians you can see for one hour a week, but also things like residential treatment, if symptoms are severe enough there are places to help you round the clock. when you talk to them, the key is to be loving but also be really firm about the observations that you're making, eating disorders thrive in secrecy and isolation. when you bring this up they're likely to be defensive because they may lack the insight but make sure you stick to your guns
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in terms of what you're seeing. >> anything you should steer clear of saying entirely? >> avoid making comments about their appearance or any changes in their body. avoid comments about the quantity or quality of food a person is eating. if they're not quite sure, please make those observations, if they're recovery and working through it those are things to avoid. >> kelly, always great to have you. thank you so much. >> thank you. there's much more news ahead. >> you're watching "nbc news daily". type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds.
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my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. welcome back to "the fast forward." i'm janelle wang. steps to create an oversight committee for the police department in have a lay hoe. it happened at the intersection of spring road. a man was stab and shot. he will be okay. the police oversight and accountability commission will have a discussion tonight at its city council meeting. the chief of police recommends there be 425 police officers on staff. right now the city has 80. we have a brief break from the rain. it's set to come back later this week. here is kari hall with the forecast. >> it's going to be a nice afternoon after a cool start. it's cold tonight with some of our inland valleys in the upper
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30s and reaching into the upper 60s tomorrow. we will need to set aside a little bit of time to prep for the incoming storm. it will arrive on thursday with some off and on rain. with several days of rain in the forecast, we may have issues with flooding in some areas as well as some gusty winds. we also will see low snow levels. some of our bay area hills may be left with snow. on sunday, spotty showers as the storm system winds down. we do have some much colder temperatures coming our way with off and on rain that we will track. another hit for san francisco. walgreens confirmed it is the last day for one of the financial district locations. it's on sacramento near front street. less customers since the pandemic, that's why it's closing. the pharmacy clients will be transferred it another location half a mile away. this follows the closure last november of a union square
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walgreens. walgreens says -- the store closes its doors at 3:00 p.m. today. when pete er dickson led my platoon into combat 3:00 p.m. today. we wil be back therl in afghanistan, he cared about two things: completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad. what do i see in peter dixon? next generation veteran fund i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant.
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a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. we usually talk about how our response team answers your problems. chris is here with a story that motivated many of you to respond to us. >> good morning. we are talking about fridge failures. lots of viewers like betsy have contacted us and our sister stations coast to coast. some are suing because their fridges are dying young. we featured betsy's story. it went viral. more than a million people watched on tv and youtube.
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>> she had the same refrigerator i have. when i saw that, i said, okay, i will contact chris. >> they flooded our phone lines for the l.a. lawyer seeking a class action lawsuit. she claims the problem-prone part is at the heart of the failures. before that, the case is focusing some place we did not expect. refrigerator boxes. tonight at 11:00, we will explain how and why this federal fridge case could hinge on a message on a cardboard box. many angry appliance owners contacted us online. you can, too. scan the code on screen to fill out our consumer complaint form. join us again tonight at 11:00. >> thanks, chris, for your help. help may be on the way for a barbecue restaurant in west oakland. in november, it closed after a fire. today, supervisors are considering providing the straurnt with a $100,000 grant
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to help reopen. that's it for us. that's it for us. get all the news on our websiten ♪oh what a good time we will have♪ ♪you... can make it happen...♪ ♪♪ try dietary supplements from voltaren for healthy joints. ♪ upbeat music ♪ asthma. it can make you miss out on those epic hikes with friends. step back out there, with fasenra. fasenra is an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra helps prevent asthma attacks. most patients did not have an attack in the first year. fasenra is proven to help you breathe better so you can get back to doing day-to-day activities. and fasenra helps lower the use of oral steroids. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor.
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tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. get back to better breathing. get back to what you've missed. ask your doctor about fasenra, the only asthma treatment taken once every 8 weeks. if you can't afford your medication astrazeneca may be able to help. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients.
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i think it's a great product. i'm craig melvin. and this is dateline daytime on nbc. ens on tv. it doesn't happen to your family, to your brother. but it does. craig (voiceover): no one thought it could happen to him. he was a tough guy prepared for anything. darla: he always would say, if anyone tries to break in here, i'll kill him.


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