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tv   Today  NBC  March 4, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PST

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weekend. we've had some weak cells that are moving through today, tomorrow and wednesday, but better clearing, the light at the end of the tunnel, thursday, friday. another weak system on saturday. southbound 101, only one lane blocked now, southbound 101, but that is starting to jam up folks coming off of highway 37 through the north bay. that's what's happening on "today in the bay." the "today" show starts now. you can we are tracking extreme weather. >> and it is causing major problems coast to coast. good morning. it's march 4th. this is "today." buried. parts of california hit by the biggest winter storm of the season. a massive blizzard dropping nearly 10 feet of snow, covering homes and stranding drivers with
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even more on the way. >> in texas, new wildfire dangers fueling more evacuations overnight. and all of it as the northeast enjoys spring-like temperatures. but a major cooldown on the way. we're tracking it all. breaking overnight. nikki haley wins her first republican primary. >> america is better than what we see right now. >> ahead of tomorrow's all-important super tuesday contest with 15 states up for grabs and trump heavily favored. will it be haley's last stand? direct message. >> there must be an immediate cease-fire. >> vice president kamala harris escalates the biden administration's push for a truce in the middle east as the first u.s. air drop of emergency aid arrives in the region. a live report ahead. new push. an american company asking to renew the search for malaysia
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flight 370 ten years after its shocking disappearance. new plans into solving one of the greatest aviation mysteries of all time. those stories, plus crowd control. the popular hot spot now breaking up with spring break. the crackdown that has officials saying, it's not us, it's you. and in a league of her own. >> this for college basketball history. >> iowa's superstar caitlin clark now major college basketball's all-time leading scorer, men or women. >> clark. >> shattering a mark that stood for 54 years today, monday, march 4th, 2024. from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hi, everybody. good morning. welcome to "today." thank you for being with us on a monday morning. caitlin clark breaks the record
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fs the one that was in front of them right now, but other states had tried to ban him from the ballot including maine and illinois with the court doing this right now, those essentially will also be wiped away, craig. >> and again, as you point out, a unanimous decision, not something we see very frequently from the supreme court these days. there were two questions at hand, you had mentioned of course the clause in the 14th amendment, but there was also the question of who actually gets to decide who was engaged in an insurrection in this country. >> yes, and donald trump's attorneys had essentially tried to convince the court successfully here that this was for congress to decide, not just any one state could sort of unilaterally take somebody off a ballot in a national election. that was something that the justices were very interested in at oral arguments, something that they appeared deeply skeptical of, the colorado voters in this case trying to do that, and obviously trump's position prevailed in this case. >> so this does now mean that the outstanding ballot
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challenges have been done away with? >> yes. remember, there were dozens and dozens of lawsuits across the country. some courts tried to dodge the issue. some courts had ruled in trump's favor saying states didn't have the power to do this. colorado was the first one who had taken that unprecedented step in trying to ban him. two others followed, illinois and maine and now those will no longer hold. >> you're not terribly surprised. it seemed as if the justices were openly skeptical when those oral arguments were made roughly a month ago. >> they were. you remember how this all started was by voters. this was sort of a project that was started at its inception with a liberal think tank group that was trying to see if they could disqualify the former president. they started a state by state effort are trying to figure out which states would be most receptive to it. it wasn't just progressives who were thinking they might be able to do this successfully. there were a number of outspoken republicans and other conservatives who had tried to make this argument and say, if
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you look at just the plain text of the 14th amendment, he should be banned. again, we're going to work our way through the decision and see exactly how the courts dispense with that. >> i'll turn my attention to you, mr. hilliard, you've been spending a fair amount of time over the past few months, actually, past few years covering the former president. what do we expect to hear from him when he does make some remarks with regards to had what we're hearing from the supreme court? >> right, donald trump is at his mar-a-lago estate in west palm beach right now. we saw in the minutes after the oral arguments in front of the supreme court a month ago him go and address cameras responding to it, calling it a beautiful process that he watched play out at the supreme court. the biggest reality here this morning is that americans should expect donald trump to be on the general election ballot for the white house this november. he is well on his way to beating nikki haley for the gop nomination. he could wrap it up as soon as march 12th or even march 19th and other attempts to keep him off the ballot failed.
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laura mentioned congress and the supreme court suggesting it's up to congress to determine whether he had engaged in insurrection. folks will recall in the weeks after the january 6th attack when donald trump had left the white house, that the u.s. house voted to, in fact, impeach donald trump on insurrection charges, but then, the u.s. senate came a few votes short of voting to convict him. seven republicans voted to convict him during those proceedings. but it took two-thirds of the senate to actually bar him from ever being able to serve in the white house again. in another argument from trump's attorneys in front of the u.s. supreme court was the fact that the special counsel, jack smith, who is the one who charged donald trump with those felonies stemming from the efforts to overturn the 2020 election, jack smith the special counsel never actually charged him on felony insurrection charges, which, again, hits at the heart of -- for all intents and purposes donald trump as long as he wraps up this gop nomination, the efforts to keep him from the ballot in november are all but over now. >> vaughn, stand by for just a
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moment now. i want to come back to you. i want to bring in carol lam, a former federal prosecutor, she's also an nbc news legal analyst. as my friend and colleague laura jarrett pointed out a few moments ago, a names decision here. somewhat uncommon, what have we been able to glean from sifting through this order? anything from the liberal justices, the more liberal justices specifically? >> the three liberal justices did write a concurrence where they essentially said we agree with the general ruling that colorado cannot by itself depart from the rest of the nation in taking donald trump off the ballot, but they said that the court went further than it had to. and this is a principle of judicial restraint that they're advocating. they said you said enough. you said that trump can't be on the ballot, that colorado can't decide for itself not to put itself on the ballot, but you went further and said it's
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congress who really dictates who can be removed from consideration because he is a so-called insurrectionist. they said you didn't have to go there. that was farther than judicial restraint permits you to go, and they're critical of the majority opinion for that reason. i will also note that justice barrett typically considered a conservative justice, emphasize instead a separate concurrence that this was a unanimous opinion of the court and she said that is the message that the nation should take away from this, that we can decide these cases unanimously. >> stand by for me if you will, nbc news legal analyst catherine christian is also with us now. catherine is a former assistant district attorney in the manhattan d.a.'s office. thanks for your time this morning. throughout the argument, it really did seem to folks who are watching and listening that the justices didn't really spend a fair amount of time focusing on one of the central questions here in this case, whether the
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former president actually participated in an insurrection. what do you make of that part of this? >> they clearly did not want to go there. it's -- you know, the statement that the -- at the end of the decision all nine members of the court agree with the result. the result that section 3 rests with congress and not the state. that's very important that it was unanimous. so you can't say it was, you know, 7-2, 5-4. everyone was on the same page as to the result. as carol said, some of the more liberal justices had a little quibble, but they agree with the result, that colorado on its own can't do that. no state in the united states can do that. so i think they deliberately all nine of them really wanted sty away from insurrection versus not doing an insurrection. >> stand by for me as well. i want to bring vaughn back into the conversation. perhaps unsurprisingly, we do have a statement now from the former president on the heels of
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this unanimous supreme court decision. what's he saying about this? >> it's a short one, creation. quote, big win for america all caps on his social media account. again, donald trump is in mar-a-lago ahead of super tuesday. we could expect him to go and make statements here today as he did after those oral arguments went before the supreme court in which he addressed cameras and suggested this wall part of democratic efforts to try to keep him off of the ballot and try to disenfranchise in his words millions of republican voters here around the country. now, as for those republican votes, they're going to have the shot, not only in colorado but those other 15 states for super tuesday tomorrow for vote for donald trump, if they so choose to. and quite likely come the general election, if donald trump does in fact become the presumptive nominee, we could expect to see him on the ballot. for donald trump making that case that there are efforts to take away the opportunity for him to be at the white house has been at the core of his 2024 presidential run. >> you spent a great deal of time covering the former president when he was in office and since he's been a candidate as well.
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the reality is with the exception of save washington, d.c., this weekend none of the president's legal problems so far appear to have been -- to have any sort of effect on him politically, fair to say? >> fair to say, and we've seen the republicans who were at one point running against him one year ago, it was a year ago march when that first indictment came down stemming from the alleged hush money payments and the criminal trial that he faces, which is slated to begin on march 25th, just three weeks from now. it was the republicans that were running against him that lined up in his defense, even around these supreme court arguments. it was again, republicans from ron desantis to nikki haley, to mike pence who, again, were arguing that donald trump should remain on the ballot and have come to his defense. largely, we have seen republican voters, millions of republican voters come to his defense at the ballot box this spring. >> let's pause the political and turn back to the legal analyst. i know you've been able to sift through this a little more. anything jump out at you?
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>> the court seemed concerned with this patchwork of rulings across the country. that's why the court for all nine members decided colorado can't do this is and some of the progressives on the court are concerned that the court went further than it needs to. we should note this is not the last word we will hear from these justices this term when it comes to the former president. they have an enormous issue on their plate. >> immunity. >> immunity. >> and in that case, again, his acts leading up to january 6th are going to be at the heart of that. remember, in this case in washington, d.c., he's being charged criminally with what the special prosecutor thinks, the special counsel thinks were his efforts to try to reverse the 2020 election. even this case, his actions on january 6th were certainly an enormous part of it and they've sort of dodged that issue, they're going to have to confront it head on very soon. >> i know we haven't had a great deal of time to start to sift through this. have you been able to glean anything in terms of how these justices may rule on that based on anything that's written here or said here? >> no, they tried to dodge it so
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fully in this one that they don't dip their toe in that, but they could dodge it in that way. here they didn't even have to get to the insurrectionist part of this because they had five different other ways to try to get out of it. they chose the congressional route. there were other ways. so they just weren't confronted with it as head on as they're going to be in immunity. there's no way for them to dodge it. they're deciding whether or not he should be shielded from prosecution for his own acts, his acts are going to be at the heart of that case. >> to be clear, this decision today from the high court, not just immunity. the other legal challenges facing the former president, this doesn't mean anything for those? >> no, it doesn't, obviously the one that's coming up most sort of pressingly is the new york hush money case, perhaps the only criminal case that he will face before the november election. that one is of course slated for march 25th, craig. >> let's turn back to the political for just a moment here. as you point out, we are just hours away from super tuesday, at this point, any reason to believe that the former
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president's momentum will be slowed at all tomorrow? >> no. number one, polling shows no evidence of that and folks around the country are voting by mail. this weekend he won elections in mo missouri, in idaho, in michigan, picking up all the delegates. the only place he lost this weekend and the only place he has lost throughout this primary process so far was washington, d.c., which donald trump said of course nikki haley in his words would win the swamp in the vote of the d.c. insiders, but we and the trump campaign as well, they expect him to hit the dell grat threshold to become the threshold as soon as march 19th. that is the day when donald trump would hit that delegate mark to be the presumptive nominee. it's interesting when we're talking about that march 25th hush money payment trial, that would start just six days later. so it'd open up his calendar to almost set aside the campaigning for a moment and focus on the legal. one other note, when we're talking about the supreme court in those oral arguments on april 22nd, around presidential
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immunity, donald trump for years since leaving the white house attacked this u.s. supreme court in one cause for not overturning the 2020 election results. in 2022 he made the case on his social media account that they always rules against him. that's why this celebration from him today is so notable. you also look at he's been touting the three supreme court justices, those conservative justices he nominated and got onto the bench. donald trump realizes now how much is at stake on the supreme court. >> we also just received an official statement now from the colorado state, this is the secretary of state there in colorado. jena griswold, the united states supreme court has ruled that states do no have the authority to enforce section 3 of the 14th amendment. in accordance with this decision, donald trump is an eligible candidate on colorado's 2024 presidential primary. of course that primary happening tomorrow with many others around this country, and as laura
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jarrett pointed out, this is not just the case for colorado. this answers the question about whether the former president can remain on ballots in other states where they have tried to take him off the high court saying, again, unanimously that states cannot do that. so a big thanks to vaughn hillyard. vaughn, i know you're going to be very busy over the next day or so covering the former president. laura jarrett, no one reads faster and processes and synthesizes information quicker than you, so thanks to you as well. and thanks to our other contributors who joined us for this special report. of course we're going to have much, much more on our streaming network nbc news now, online at and a full wrap up on nbc "nightly we're going to you to more of "today." three-pointer. focus on the fundamentals and make your free throws, everybody, and i did. >> oh, caitlin clark, back to you, craig. >> under pressure. jess, wow, legit.
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>> legit, jesse. >> that could have gone another way. >> did you play in high school >> we've been practicing, out here a little bit, take some lay-ups now, take some threes like caitlin. >> quit while you're ahead. >> that's two. >> pressure shot there, check in with dylan. >> i was nervous watching him. he's got to make the >> i made two, that's it, i'm done. >> no caitlin clark but still pretty good. >> pressure shot there let's check in with dylan. >> i was nervous watching him. >> like hoda kotb in high school. >> do we show the picture of hoda kotb in high school >> no, please, i'm begging. >> we do have that big storm system that's going to make its way on shore, waiting for it to approach from the pacific, more snow, about one to two feet. in the meantime, on the east coast, more record high temperatures across and down the ohio river valley, and stronger storms along the gulf coast, that's the look at the weather across the country and your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. rich is being able to keep your loved ones close.
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and also send them away. rich is living life your way. and having someone who can help you get there. the key to being rich is knowing what counts. good monday morning. let's talk about the next couple of days in the bay area. still dealing with some unsettled weather, some overcast skies. don't put away the rain jacket just yet, as you will need it as we go through the middle portion of this week. there is better clearing, though, more sunshine and slightly warmer temperatures as we start to approach the weekend, thursday and friday. following behind that is going to be another chance of rain as we approach saturday. you can always find your full forecast online at and that's your latest forecast. >> all right, dylan. thank you.
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a new push to solve the greatest aviation mysteries of all time, th disappearance of malaysia air flight 370 tom costello has been following this for a decade now. hi, tom. >> ten years now malaysia 370 has been missing. 239 people never heard from again. now an american company is, in fact, talking about putting robotics back in the water to search once again. we'll get into all of that >> all right tom, thanks. plus, popular spring break destinations bracing for crowds and cracking down like never before the big changes they want everyone to know about before making that early trip. but, first, let's head back to jesse jesse, can you make the half court shot >> let's go. >> can't even see him. >> oh! so close >> that was amazing. >> jesse, wow! and a three. >> oh! we love you, jesse but, first, this is "today" on
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i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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coming up, it's money-saving monday. and we're helping you cope with sticker shock at the grocery coming up, it's money-saving monday and we're helping you cope with sticker shock at the grocery store. >> vicky nguyen will show us creative tips and tips and tricks to save and stretch that food budget just a little bit further. but, first, these local messages are all people see otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. ned? otezla can help you get clearer skin, and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for nearly a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection
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if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd rather be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ good morning. it's 7:26. we are following breaking news this morning. >> four deputies were injured in a shooting with a gunman in west santa rosa overnight. here is a live look at the scene this morning. this happened around 12:10 a.m., and we're told those deputies were responding to a report of an individual with a rifle.
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they then found the suspect, who led them on a pursuit. deputies say the suspect fired at deputies and they were returning fire. the suspect crashed his vehicle. one deputy was shot in the leg, two others had hand injuries, and the other deputy had an injury to his head. that deputy is in critical but stable condition. the suspect was pronounced dead at the scene. in just a few hours the effort on recall alameda county district attorney pamela price is expected to take a big step forward. the group called save alameda county for everyone is set to submit more than 123,000 signatures to the county toward the goal to petition to recall pamela price. only 73,000 signatures are required, so they've collected more than that. critics say that she is antilaw enforcement and too soft on crime. if this is certified, the board of supervisors will schedule a special election.
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d.a. price says her goal is to hold people accountable without destroying the community. cinthia pimentel has a look at what we can expect. >> overcast skies and a few chances of spotty showers. we could be seeing a few more breaks of sunshine here and there, but definitely clearing out and becoming slightly warmer as we go into the early parts of the weekend with another chance on saturday. "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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when peter dickson led my platoon into combat in afghanistan, he cared about two things: completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad. what do i see in peter dixon? next generation veteran fund i see my husband...
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the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. three, two, one, ignition. engines full power and liftoff. of nasa crew 8, go falcon, go spacex, and go nasa. >> that is spectacular 7:30 what a launch at the kennedy
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space center overnight a spacex falcon 9 rocket carrying three nasa astronauts and russian cosmonaut to the international space station. that's the third attempt two launches scrubbed prior to this one this one went off without a the for six months. we have a busy half hour, starting with some hitch, and they will be up there for six months. >> third time was the charm. >> sure was. we have a busy half hour, starting with some new hope in a decade old mystery. >> it was 10 years ago this week that malaysia flight 370 went missing. it was on en route from kuala lumpur to beijing. now a u.s. company is proposing a new search for the plane that was never found. >> nbc's senior correspondent tom costello has been on this story for the last decade. >> reporter: that's right. it has remained unsolved and the 3,650 days the families of the missing had demanded the government of malaysia keep searching for it thought to have gone down in the southern indian ocean. now this american marine
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robotics firm might be giving new hope to find the plane and the 239 people on board. it was ten years ago this week one of the world's great aviation mysteries began on march 8th, 2014. still no emergency transmitter signal no sign of wreckage. malaysia airlines flight 370 a red eye to beijing seemed routine. but something went terribly wrong. radar and satellite data suggest the plane made a sudden u-turn, flew back over apparently turned south. disappearing somewhere in the southern indian ocean, an extremely difficult place to search keir simmons spent weeks in the search zone. >> there is no sign of flight 370. >> this is an area with very few people, very few ships it is just a very, very remote part of our world.
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>> reporter: now the american company, ocean infinity, is proposing a new search with the malaysian government signaling support.s long search for the plane in 2018 >> i'm very, very confident that the government of malaysia and the cabinet will approve it. >> reporter: they already conducted a month's long search for the plane in 2018 but came up empty though pieces of the wreckage have washed ashore, on reunion island thousands of miles from the search zone, and further west off the coast of africa >> it has no writing on it. >> reporter: talk of a new search comes as many of the mh370 family members gather to honor their loved ones ahead of the 10-year mark. >> the families really want closure to this. >> reporter: one of those family members, sara, who lost her boyfriend phillip ward. >> it is a real travesty what happened. >> reporter: she since married and runs a resort in panama. while she has doubts on whether another search will happen, she
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remains hopeful. >> they owe it to the world. they owe it to the family members to find out what happened >> reporter: the leading theory continues to be that the pilot intentionally flew this plane off course as he crashed it into the ocean. with experts sayin he had the motive, the opportunity and the knowledge to get the plane to fly the path it did in the way only a few people might have done. that's only a theory the mystery may actually never be solved. >> tom, you said it's been a decade what prompted this new search effort >> reporter: the ceo of this company, ocean infinity, says they have been focused on innovating and with technology and robotics to further advance their ocean search capabilities. and they're working with many outside experts, some outside of ocean infinity, to continue analyzing the data they hope to narrow down the search zone yet again and then try to isolate where exactly the robotics should be searching. >> all right tom costello for us there in d.c. tom, thank you. coming up, the wife of
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beloved actor bruce willis speaking out to set the record straight on his health care battle we will have her emotional new message. first, one of the nation's most popular spring break destinations breaking up with h that one. >> reporter: craig, good morning. look, after that yearly tradition. sam brock is in miami beach with that one. hey, sam >> reporter: craig, good morning. look, after years of notoriously chaotic spring breaks, the city says they have had enough. security check points to get on and off the beach. $100 parking spots what miami beach is doing right now that appears to already be working. next come on. i already got a pneumonia vaccine, but i'm asking about the added protection of prevnar 20®. if you're 19 or older with certain chronic conditions like asthma, diabetes, copd, or heart disease, or are 65 or older, you are at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. prevnar 20® is approved in adults
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we're back at 7:39 this morning. on "in depth today," we're talking spring break. >> we can number one is in the books, and with tens of thousands of visitors to handle, officials in south florida are doing their best to keep the unruly behavior in check. >> nbc's sam brock is in miami beach, one of the cities now cracking down on those legendary crowds hey, sam. >> reporter: hey, craig, savannah, hoda good morning look, there were a lot of people here this weekend. thankfully, no significant incidents to report. but, guys, it is the next two weekends that traditionally bring the most trouble miami beach has been aggressively cracking down on spring break including measures like three security check points like the one behind me every other entrance is barricaded as this proactive approach appears to be working
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spring break crowds in miami beach are starting to swell. why miami beach? >> it is the best place for spring break. >> reporter: but one thing is already clear. those flocking to south beach for some fun in the sun are year. >> if you plan on coming to miami beach for spring break, don't do it aware that the rules are going to be very different this year >> if you plan on coming to miami beach for spring break, don't do it. all of the streets are blocked down here. do not come down here. >> reporter: the city's high-profile campaign to break up with spring break. >> this isn't working anymore. >> and it's not us it's you. >> reporter: includes videos like this. >> you can expect things like curfews, bag checks and restricted beach access. >> dui check points, $100 parking. >> reporter: all of it coming after violence and bad behavior marred the last few years. police trying to monitor seas of out-of-control partiers on ocean drive and gunshots that prompted stampedes and claimed lives.
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a group of students from virginia heard about the city's recent spring break history. did you see the stampedes, though >> i did, it's scary, it really is >> reporter: but have felt comforted but what they've seen this spring break. >> the lines to get into places at night have been a lot shorter but there's been very good security >> reporter: wayne jones telling us every member of the department is working extended hours for spring break, and they're using new drone technology to track incidents and those in distress. he says the city's safety plan is comprehensive and the message crystal clear. >> you come here, have a good time, you behave, we will invite you back if you break the law, we will likely arrest you. >> miami beach is serious about this break-up, sam does that mean those visitors might pore into other areas, neighboring cities and neighboring beaches? >> reporter: there are concerns over a ripple effect here that
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you might have cities like fort lauderdale and hollywood to the north thinking these stricter measures push folks fwart north. we have a bar watch program to help bartenders spot suspicious behavior down here a lot of the beaches in south beach will be closed next two weekends and it could cost $100 to stay 40 blocks away they really are trying to do whatever they can to make it difficult if not impossible to stay on miami beach. >> we are never, ever, ever getting back together. says miami beach sam, thank you. >> man, that's one of my favorite spring break spots back in the day. >> that explains everything. they've closed the door now. dilly, dilly, what's up? >> craig ruined it for everybody, there we go this wild video of this storm of tumble weeds impacting south central utah the winds are strong and these tumble weeds just keep tumbling until they run into something.
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it ran into this neighborhood in south jordan utah, a wild scene out that way other parts of the country we have record-breaking heat. yesterday we hit a record in new york city and the upper 60s, chicago should get up to 73 degrees today, st. louis 79, buffalo, new york, 73 degrees, that's 36 degrees above average. and tomorrow we're looking for more warm weather, detroit 62, st. paul 48 degrees, rochester, new york, 66, charleston, west virginia, about 77 degrees, and it doesn't look like cold air is going to surge back in behind any cold front or anything in fact, rochester stays in the mid to upper 40s, pittsburgh stays in the upper 50s and lower 60s, even in new york 58 on good monday morning. the time is 7:44. you're looking outside, seeing those overcast skies, and possibly running into a few pockets of rain. we're going to continue with this kind of pattern as we go into tuesday and wednesday, but it's going to be light compared to what we've had over the
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weekend. as we inch closer to the weekend, thursday, friday look to have better clearing, and temperatures warming up slightly, back into those mid to upper 60s. as far as san francisco, we will stick with those and and that's your latest forecast. >> dylan, thank you. >> do you celebrate? >> celebrate what? >> national snack day. >> duh. >> we do >> every day it's today, y'all. we will reveal america's favorite go-to treats and our own. and we have a great morning boost coming up for you after this ool? get his little puppy diploma? how much have i been spending on this little guy? when your questions about life turn into questions about money... there's erica. the virtual financial assistant to help you spend,
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save, and plan smarter. only from bank of america. ♪oh what a good time we will have♪ ♪you... can make it happen...♪ ♪♪ try dietary supplements from voltaren for healthy joints. [traffic noise] [text message] let's ace this thing! ♪ ♪ i got you coffee. oh my god, what? you literally read my mind. got you, girl.
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and sore throat. fainting can also happen. help protect what counts. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about gardasil 9. times may change, but somethings remain timeless. feel how much softer and smoother dove leaves your skin. dove is 1/4 moisturizing cream. i've been using dove beauty bar more than 25 years. after seven days, i feel like a brand new woman! ♪♪ i think beauty starts with nice skin. ♪♪ ohhh crap. now we gotta get france something. wait! we can use etsy's new gift mode! alright. done. ♪♪ plateau de fromage! oh la la! don't panic. gift easy with gift mode, new on etsy.
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we stick to the four main food groups, candy, candy canes, candy corn, syrup. >> carson is joining us. we know buddy the elf's favorite treats well, it is national snack day. >> happy national snack day. >> as it should be. >> you're welcome, everybody, a look at america's favorite treats. the most popular snacks to mark the occasion, we thought it would be fun to take a look at america's favorite treats the most popular snacks in each state. and can you guess the number one snack in this country? well, by looking at that -- >> it looks like doritos. >> looks like it rice crispy treats. >> those are good. >> interesting how there's regional -- maybe i'm just prepared for super tuesday. look at the regional sweeps. >> you're right, the doritos. >> and why chex mix there? what does it say about the country? >> it's interesting with the rice crispy treats because i think of snacks as salty. >> i think a rice crispy treat is dessert, right?
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>> it's up for grabs. >> these are our favorite snacks what's yours, hoda >> mine are the scoop fritos you know why you need a scoop? so you can get the french onion dip. try it. >> it's really good. >> i love doritos. who did beef jerky. >> i did beef jerky. delicious, protein, healthy. >> what did you do, dylan? >> ruffles and onion dip. >> that's old school. >> wait. craig, what's yours? >> popcorn. >> plain or kettle >> i hate kettle. >> you hate kettle >> you don't like the sweet? >> hate it with a seething passion. i don't want the sugar. >> i like cool ranch doritos. >> okay, all right. >> so what are your favorites? your honor turn now. you know we love a poll here to vote for your all-time favorite snack. >> have you ever done a snack grab >> this is now going to be a bracket. >> all right snack day.
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we already did it. >> update it >> here we go, guys. time for a little morning boost. you will love this boost andrew has been the team manager of the highland high school basketball team since he was in the 1st grade. every single gam the last decade. and on senior night he got a chance to suit up with the he's been at every single practice, every single game for more than a decade andrew has cerebral palsy. and on senior night he got a chance to suit up with the team, and andrew got in the game. >> let's go, andrew! let's go, andrew >> wow >> he practiced. he prepared. he was ready for his big moment as long as he could remember the head coach has known him since the 1st grade and said he is an amazing kid that changed players' lives over the years. that was his moment. sweet. >> love that >> as inspiring as the snacks, hoda thank you, as always. coming up on "popstart," we will take you inside "dune 2"'s
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opening weekend. at the box office. they have completely dominated love that story. and a lot more coming up for you, but first, quick check of your local news and weather. (♪♪) vabysmo is the first fda-approved treatment for people with wet amd that improves vision and delivers a chance for up to 4 months between treatments, so i can do more of what i love. (♪♪) (♪♪) vabysmo works differently, it's the only treatment designed to block 2 causes of wet amd. vabysmo is an eye injection. don't take it if you have an infection, active eye swelling, or are allergic to it. treatments like vabysmo can cause an eye infection or retinal detachment. vabysmo may cause a temporary increase in eye pressure after receiving the injection. there is an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye can occur. most common eye side effects were cataract and broken blood vessels. open up your world with vabysmo.
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♪ what if you could go from this to this. with just one step tresemmé silk serum. time for the ultimate humidity test. weightlessly smooth hair your turn. new tresemmé keratin smooth collection. good morning. it's 7:56. i'm kris sanchez. breaking news right now, it was a violent night in the north bay. deputies were injured in an incident in which a suspect was also killed. "today in the bay"'s ginger conejero saab is live in santa rosa. ginger, what can you tell us? >> reporter: well, kris, it's been a chaotic morning here as the investigation continues behind us in santa rosa. four deputies were injured in an officer-involved shooting. they are recovering.
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one is in critical but stable condition. now, just past midnight sonoma county sheriff deputies responded to a person brandishing a rifle. when they arrived, they found the suspect, who led them on a pursuit. gunshots were exchanged. the suspect eventually crashed the vehicle he was driving, but not before injuring four deputies. the suspect was pronounced deceased at the scene. there are a number of roads that are indefinitely closed. we'll bring you the latest as to when those will reopen on our website, for now, back to you. >> thank you, ginger. we also want to get a look at that forecast. it's been changing. >> as we start our new workweek, i want you to bring a jacket, possibly a rain jacket with a hood as we're met with spotty rain today and those overcast skies. it is chilly in santa rosa, and we're going to continue with unsettled weather until the middle part of the week. better clearing and sunshine
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started.
7:59 am
wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter mugs. or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. visit today to learn more. what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver...
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who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. it's 8:00 on "today." creating treacherous conditions on the road. while in texas, firefighters battling a new wildfire with more than a million acres already destroyed. dylan has your full forecast.
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then, aisle be darned. looking for ways to save at the grocery store? vicky nguyen is here with all the tips, tricks and simple swaps to help you battle those big bills on a budget. plus, finding joy. bruce willis' wife, emma, opens up. >> there is grief and sadness. there is all of that. but you start a new chapter. >> calling out headlines about her husband's dementia diagnosis. >> stop scaring people to think that once they get a diagnosis of some kind of neurocognitive disease that that's it. it's over. >> the message she's now sharing with the world. and ready to pop. from taylor's family tree to "dune's" monster weekend to the milestone anniversary of an iconic award show moment. >> the wickedly talented, one and only. adele. >> we have an action-packed
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"popstart," you do not want to miss. >> happy birthday, happy birthday to you. >> today, monday, march 4th, 2024. ♪♪ >> shout-out to west columbus school in north carolina. >> in memphis, tennessee! >> we're on spring break. >> from alpharetta, georgia. >> here on my 11th birthday trip from brentwood, tennessee. >> happy monday from virginia beach. >> and kansas city, missouri. >> from austin, texas. >> it is our 23rd anniversary. ♪♪ >> from st. petersburg, florida. >> from fairbanks, alaska. >> and san diego. >> hi to our kids! >> celebrating my 50th birthday on the plaza. >> now lisa is back on her 60th. >> girls' trip from baltimore to
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meet salve -- savannah and hoda! >> whoo! >> we love a girls' trip. >> oh, yeah. we want to go with them. nice to have you along with us on a monday morning. a great crowd out there. spring break rolling along out on our plaza. >> thanks for starting your week with us. by the way, looking ahead to tomorrow, hoda kotb, we can't wait to celebrate a new children's book. it comes out tomorrow. there it is, hope is a rainbow. >> well, this is one of the goals i think of this book is to teach kids what hope can give us, like we can reach our dreams no matter how big or small. we went to this awesome school in the bronx and talked to these kids about their hopes and dreams. they filled my soul and heart, and i hope it will do the same for you tomorrow. >> looking forward to that. >> all right. let's get to your news at 8:00. suvs, trucks and plows are no match for the snow that smothered the sierra nevada mountains this weekend. up to ten feet, shutting down major highways and triggering avalanches.
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nbc's steve patterson joins us from truckee, california. steve, good morning. >> reporter: savannah, good morning to you. putting millions of americans across the mountain west under some form of winter storm warning. it shut down several ski resorts, kept people in their homes, the worst of it was on the roadways, interstate 80 shut down for about 100 miles after several people had to leave their vehicles stranded on the road, there was an avalanche south of lake tahoe that covered several cars, thankfully nobody injured there, most communities are looking at anywhere from five to ten feet at the worst of it, it was dumping three to five inches every hour, meanwhile, obviously, people are happy that the snow has stopped. there's a little bit of a lull. that's a welcome reprieve for many residents ahead of the next system, which is now just about a few hours away. savannah, back to you. >> all right, steve, thank you
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very much. the u.s. is stepping up pressure on israel and hamas to agree to a cease-fire in gaza as the humanitarian crisis there worsens. in the meantime, the u.s. has started dropping relief supplies by parachute. nbc's raf sanchez is in tel aviv with the latest developments for us. raf, good morning. >> reporter: hoda, good morning. we are now 150 days into this war. and with the crisis in gaza deepening by the hour, vice president kamala harris issuing a new call for an immediate cease-fire. this is some of the toughest criticism of israel we have heard from the administration yet. the vice president calling the situation in gaza a humanitarian catastrophe and saying israel needs to immediately start allowing more aid in, no excuses. now, over the weekend, the u.s. dropped some 38,000 ready meals into gaza by parachute. the vice president says there will be more aid to come in the coming days. but palestinians say they don't need aid dropped from the sky. they need the u.s. to stop israel bombing, something they will not do until hamas is
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destroyed. cease-fire talks continued in cairo over the weekend. an israeli official tells me one of the major obstacles at this point to a deal is hamas' refusal, so far, to provide a list of which hostages are still alive. >> raf sanchez for us there in tel aviv. raf, thank you. fans, colleagues and players are all mourning the loss of award-winning espn reporter chris chris mortensen. mortesen covered on espn for three decades on "sportscenter," and sunday nfl countdown as well he died yesterday at 72. he was diagnosed with throat cancer back in 2016, and retired last year to focus on his health nfl commissioner roger good dell says mortensen's death was a sad day for everyone in the league hall of fame quarterback peyton manning said he was heartbroken by the loss of a friend and a
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true legend. well, traffic is flowing again over the louisville, kentucky bridge that was shut down friday for a daring rescue, the driver of a semitruck was left dangling over the ohio river after a crash sent her truck through a guardrail. she remained conscious her seat belt fastened a rope system was used to lower a firefighter down to the truck cab. he helped the driver out on a harness and they were both hoisted to safety. can't believe it the driver just suffered minor injuries, wow. >> wow all right, guys, more than a billion dollars up for grabs this week as the power ball and mega millions jackpots continue to climb tonight's power ball drawing worth an estimated 460 million that's nothing compared to the mega millions jackpot which reached a stagger $650 million, the seventh largest in mega millions history, the jackpot has been growing since early december the next drawing for that prize, tomorrow night. >> all right, just ahead here on a monday morning, bruce willis's
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wife emma setting the record straight on the beloved actor's health battle and what she says are some misleading headlines, we're going to hear from her coming up. but first, vicky nguyen along to help us save money the on the next trip to the grocery store. hi, vicky. >> good morning, guys, grocery prices have been on a wild ride trending mostly in one direction, and that is up. this morning, some smart swaps, and ways to save on your essentials that's next, right here on "today." with breztri, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing. starting within 5 minutes, i noticed my lung function improved. it helped improve my symptoms, and breztri was even proven to reduce flare-ups, including those that could send me to the hospital. so now i look forward to more good days. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed.
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breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. can't afford your medication? astrazeneca may be able to help. ask your doctor about breztri. dad, we're gonna be late! ( ♪♪ ) ( ♪♪ ) can't stop adding stuff to your cart? get the bank of america customized cash rewards card, choose the online shopping category and earn 3% cash back. (singing) ♪ i feel good ♪ ♪ duh na nuh na nuh na nuh ♪ ♪ i knew that i would ♪ ♪ na na nuh na nuh na nuh ♪ ooo, yum. hey! ♪ bum bum bum bum bum ♪ i feel good. (husband) rock, paper, scissors for who's on dinner duty? (wife) nice try! (husband) i'll get it! (doughboy) hoo-hoo! need some help? delicious two-ingredient weeknight dinners
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approved! hoo-hoo! (♪♪) we come from a long line of cowboys. (♪♪) when i see all of us out here on this ranch, i see how far our legacy can go. (♪♪) (oldest girl) someday, i'll be the first female president. i see how far our legacy of the universe. (middle boy) someday, i'm gonna marry my baseball glove. probably in vegas. (youngest girl) someday, i'll help all balloon animals roam free.
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(vo) there are a lot of miles between today and “someday”. your long-lasting three-row subaru ascent will get your family there. ninety-six percent of subaru vehicles sold in the past ten years are still on the road. (middle boy) someday, i'll be able to read dogs' minds. he's thinking squirrels. zyrtec allergy relief works fast and lasts a full 24 hours so dave can be the... deliverer of dance. ok, dave!
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let's be more than our allergies. zeize the day with zyrtec. thank you. i didn't know you could get all this stuff on uber eats. i gotta remember that. well, you know what they say. in order to remember something, you got to forget something else. jen. hey. oh. -um. -okay. -have we met? -oh. it's me. give me a hint. worked together for 10 years. you were great. you still don't know, do you? -i don't. -right. like i'd forget ten years of my life. i hate this town. ♪♪ we're back. we're back it's 8:12 with our money-saving monday series. >> inflation has come down over the last year and a half, but consumers are still feeling that pinch, especially when it comes to the food budget. >> vicky nguyen is here with everything we need to know to save so, vicky, what is going on? why are the prices so sky high
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right now? >> if you feel like grocery prices have been rising every single year for the past four years, your gut feeling is actually correct it is reflected in the data. this year the department of agriculture says grocery pricesr year. that is a big reduction from when they were will go up 1.6%. in january, they were up 1.2% versus the prior year. that is a big reduction from when they were up 13.5% in august of 2022 here are the reasons why you have increased labor costs, higher wages supply chain disruptions they've lasted from the pandemic consumer is up as well and finally climate change we're talking about crops and cattle we'll talk about beef prices in a minute that all affects the price of the food that we buy. >> let's get into the categories because some are up and some are down. >> a lot of people have been talking about meat prices. those are up 7.7% last year. we're not going to see a lot of relief on that for beef, chicken is up 1.2%
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for new parents, sorry to report, baby food an baby formula is up almost 9%. >> it's expensive. >> baking goods are also up. 7% for sugar, spices as well cereal in bakery, up 1.5%. in line with the 2% inflation rate that people are hoping for in the fed but the good news is prices are down in significant categories eggs. remember how you - >> eggflation. >> that's right. we did three stories on that. >> now they're down almost 30% >> oh, look at that. >> they have gotten a handle on the avian flu. >> seafood, this is good fish prices are down and so are vegetable prices if you love dairy, there you go. down 2% for dairy, cheese, butter milk prices are down >> when you are at the grocery store, you can do some swaps and do some cheaper stuff. how do you do that >> let's start with breakfast because that's the time we are on right now take a sausage with your eggs instead of bacon you're going to save 3% on that side apples for the fruit that accompanies your breakfast instead of oranges going to lunchtime, lettuce is down 11.7%, right?
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so salad dressing is up 2% all you need is olive oil, dijon mustard. vinegar, salt and pepper. >> look at you making the meals. >> make your own dressing. >> for dinner, seafood linguine. my favorite new thing. i take shrimp, put in garlic, onion, saute it with olive oil, throw in some crushed red pepper add the pasta. that is going to be a lot cheaper than having the hamburger or the steak. >> other than the swaps, what is your favorite? >> the candy i should say, we keep saying sugar is the devil all the doctors come on and tell us all the inflammation. look, candy prices are up, baked goods, ice cream this could be the thing that triggers all of us to give up our sugar habits. >> probably not, though. other strategies >> we should never buy anything at full price. that goes for food, too. stick to local grocery stores so you get a sense of the rhythm of their sales when the coupons come out and the apps, too unless you shop at trader joe's where they don't do sales, everywhere else is on a cycle. they want you to download their
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app. save big when combined with manufacturer coupons the other thing is we keep talking about dupes and how cool store brands are consumer reports have been doing all kinds of reporting, store brands are really good they taste great in blind taste tests, they surpass some of the brand names. buying generic and store brands, you'll save and it will be delicious. stick to the outside of the store where the fresh foods is everything inside is more processed, tends to be higher priced this is interesting. the marketers, eye level is buy level. so look above and look below because th lower-priced items will be down low or up higher. >> are we that lazy? >> we are. >> there it is it is at my eye level. and also those loyalty programs. if you can, especially the smaller, local stores, if you pay with cash, you get a discount as well. >> vicky, thank you. >> come on, girl. >> thank you. >> miss dylan, what you got? we have some rain to talk about again for the east coast in the northeast on saturday, a total washout. now we're seeing the rain move
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back into areas like cape hatteras in north carolina this will make its way into the mid-atlantic and the northeast going through tonight and tomorrow, too. this will slowly ride up the east coast it is mostly a coastal storm but we will see heavier rain in washington, d.c. across new jersey and moving up into new england. and then on wednesday night into thursday, we are going to have another coastal storm make its way on shore so between the two, we could end up with up to three inches of rain up and down the east coast. down along the gulf coast with thunderstorms and showers today could produce rain in the northeast with the ground already saturated, keep in mind that that could lead t flash flooding especially in urban areas. in the meantime, looking at record high temperatures up across the great lakes and into the midwest. out west, we're waiting for that next storm system to bring 1 to 2 feet of snow acrosos good monday morning.
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it's 8:17. the somehow irs have started to slow down. in our inland valleys, we're starting off with a frost advisory into the north bay. notice the overcast skies will not produce any rain. we do have the next system on in for tuesday, on into wednesday. then we'll see better clearing as we go through the day thursday on into friday with the temperatures slowly creeping up as well. bring a jacket forecast. >> so you are in for al this week if al were here, you know what he would say. >> best time of the morning. >> best time of the morning for our whole crew our whole snacks tray, gone. your frito's dip with the onion, gone, first thing. so there is state by state and then there is the crew by crew. we have a lot to get to. we will start "popstart" with something we teased earlier. the wife of bruce willis calling out what she says are click bait headlines about her husband's diagnosis. chloe melas has more for us this
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morning on "popstart". chloe, thanks for being here >> good morning. so good to see you guys. i will have to get those snacks myself emma hemming willis posted a lengthy video on instagram yesterday telling the world that despite her husband of 16 years' diagnosis, their life is filled. the wife of hollywood actor bruce willis with love and happiness. emma hemming willis, the wife of hollywood actor bruce willis calling out in an instagram post what she says are misleading headlines. >> i'm just scrolling, minding my own business and just saw a headline and got click baited. >> reporter: after reading a headline stating that willis, diagnosed with a rare form of dementia two years ago, has no more joy >> stop scaring people to think that once they get a diagnosis of some kind of neurocognitive disease that that's it it's over. there is grief and sadness there is all of that but you start a new chapter. it's filled with love. it's filled with connection. it's filled with joy. >> reporter: the same words
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echoed by scout, one of willis' daughters with demi moore. in january she posted a never before seen photo with her dad with the caption, welcome to the joy. in the two years since his diagnosis and retirement from acting, his family revealing last year that his condition had progressed to frontal temporal dementia or ftd that can cause personality changes and make it difficult to speak or comprehend language last fall, she sat down with hoda in her first tv interview since her husband's diagnosis. >> are there ways you celebrate joy in your family how do you do that >> there is so many beautiful things happening in our lives. it is just really important for me to look up from the grief and the sadness. >> reporter: hemming willis has been open with her struggles before on social media >> holidays are hard anniversaries are hard. >> reporter: but hopes she can inspire people to see all sides of the disease >> when people are writing about dementia, i think they need to
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show all sides of it, not just focus on this, the dark cloud of it, because dementia is so much more than that >> emma hemming willis is taking her husband's diagnosis and trying to help others by spreading awareness with her company, make time wellness, a brain health company for women >> good for her. appreciate it very much. next up, taylor swift in "popstart" today can't believe it as the self-proclaimed tortured poet gets read to release her new album, we have exclusive news, swifties. how about she is actually related to one of the biggest names in literary history. according to, taylor swift and emily dickinson are cousins. sixth cousins, three times removed. following this, follow the invisible string on the family tree you will see jonathan gillette is taylor's 9th great grandfather and emily dickinson's sixth great grandfather. an example is when "evermore"
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came out released on emily dickinson's birthday. >> on purpose? >> that's what they say. now we have proof of exactly why. if you want to do a deeper dive on this, this will be the highest clicked through thing we have ever done, it is all there for you. >> did she know and release that album? >> it is like swiftology she knows. >> go to if you would like more on the story. >> why do we love a taylor swift story here that's -- we took a long route there. >> long one, long one through history. next up, we have an exclusive first look at the crime drama second season. starring jeff daniels and moren tierney. it picks up with a string of seemingly unrelated murders, hinting at a larger conspiracy that threatens everybody in a small, tight-knit town. >> nobody understands some of the things you have to do when you wear a badge
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put away the bad men or if the system won't do it you need to make things right. no matter the cost 10 new episodes of "american rust" starts streaming march 28th on prime video. >> i want to see this. i've learned on pop start this looks good it is a new series for us. 10 new episodes of "american rust" starts streaming march 28th on prime video. next up, "dune 2" hit the big screen over the weekend. >> i will love you as long as i breathe. >> this prophecy is how they enslave us >> it is not a prophecy, it's a story. >> i don't care what you believe. i believe. >> stop hating, ladies the numbers are in and "dune"'s second chapter rode that giant sand worm right to the top of the box office. the epic drama office winning the weekend with north of $81 million it already put "dune 2" in the top five movies of the year. according to box office mojo
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chalamet seen on that list twice because he's in both dune and wonka. the other films joined we have bob marley's bio pic and mean girls and migration. >> cool. i want to know what those nose things are >> a breathing thing apparatus. >> i don't want to spoil the movie for people finally idina menzel, the award winning actres celebrating 10 years since this hilarious mix-up. >> please welcome the wickedly talented one and only adele dazeem. >> every time, john travolta, misreading eye dina menzel's name has cemented itself as one of the biggest moments in pop culture history. now a decade later, clear there is no bad blood between the two. over the weekend menzel hopping on social media to celebrating double digits for her unexpected alter ego. >> hey, adele, i just want to say happy birthday sending you so much love and positive energy. i hope you have the best, best day. ♪ happy birthday to you ♪
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happy birthday to you ♪ happy birthday, adele dazeem ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ >> and a very happy birthday to the wickedly talented adele dazeem. >> you know who was delighting in that story, the one, the only rita moreno in the studio. we're going to talk to her about her new movie, her age-defying secrets, her wonderful life. what a wonderful human being first, your local news and weather.
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good morning. it's 8 : 26. i'm marcus washington. four deputies were injured in a deadly shooting of a suspect in santa rosa.
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deputies say the suspect fired and they returned fire, at which point that suspect got into his car and soon crashed. one deputy was shot in the head. he is in critical condition. another deputy was shot in the leg. two others had injuries to their hands. a suspect died there at the scene. let's get a look at the forecast for today. we have cynthia pimm tell tracking those. >> as we take a look at walnut creek, a little overcast skies. 47 to start our day there and storm clouds through the golden gate bridge. definitely going to feel like a gloomy monday. the good news is the rain showers are starting to taper down as we go through the day. there's a weak system through the middle of the week, but better clearing thursday and friday, marcus. friday, marcus. >> we'll have
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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what do i see in peter dixon? with democrat katie porter. i see my husband...
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the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. ♪♪ oh, we are back. we are back at 8:30. it's a monday morning. the spring break crowds continue first monday in march, by the way. a great crowd to start off the week with us here in our little corner of rockefeller plaza. happy birthday >> wow
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this crowd is pretty awesome guys, guess who is here today. >> who >> okay. do you want a hint her initials are rita moreno she's an egot winner she has a new role to tell us about. she calls it deliciously devilish we can't wait to speak with her. >> rita is gold, we love her so much we celebrated with jenna five years she is back with not one but two picks for march to kick off year number six. >> all right coming up on the 3rd hour of today, we have another legend stopping by. jane seymour will join us this morning to tell us all about her new rom-com. >> speaking of legends, the one and only annette benning will be here to talk about her new dark thriller that's coming to peacock. it will be a big hit for us. and also how she's feeling ahead of today's oscars. -- sunday's oscars she's been nominated five times, hasn't won hopefully this one >> it will be incredible.
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>> all right how about a check of the weather? >> a little cooler than yesterday. a bit of a chill in the air, but it will still be a nice day, above average. starting off in the 50s. the record warmth is back through the ohio and tennessee river valleys. up across the great lakes, too buffalo gets into the 70s. we're waiting on that next storm to bring more snow into southern oregon and northern california. some of the mountains could get 1 to 2 feet of snow. by the middle of the week, we're looking for heavy rain up and down the east coast, kind of a washout that will clear out. we will see mild temperatures continue back through the plains as we go into thursday and friday, we will see southeast storms could produce heavier rainfall, severe storms, too back behind it, light snow finally, we will dry things out west with sunshine returning to california good monday morni. it's 8:32. we're starting off with a frost advisory in the north bay and overcast skies that will greet us throughout the day. a chance of seeing a few spotty showers today, but it will be a weak system that arrives by the
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middle of the week. it will bring a half an inch to an inch f of rainfall, nothing severe. as we take a look at thursday and friday, conditions start improving. temperatures warm up a bit. but there is a chance of more rain on and that's your latest forecast and since hoda is over here, a little busy. let's say happy birthday to you, sir. where are you from brentwood, tennessee >> what is your name >> charlie. >> happy birthday. coming up next have a good time when rita moreno stops by. but, first, this is "today" on
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is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with our 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? - your data, too. there's even round-the-clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. it's happening. get started for $49 a month. plus, ask how to get up to a $800 prepaid card with a qualifying internet package. don't wait, call and switch today! i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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♪ you're gonna love me ♪ we are back with a we are back with a living legend
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rita moreno has been capturing the hearts of fans throughout her career from a groundbreaking performance in with the west side story, which of course earned her an oscar, and to a rocking super bowl with 80 for brady. and now a new direction, a dark comedy called the prank and rita plays the high school science teacher with a chip on her shoulder and a poen to pick with a cheating student take a look. >> when i release the wall it creates a pendulum effect. it swings from gravitational potential energy, to kinetic ba. energy, and back do you trust physics >> whew! >> look at tha >> no, wait. >> look at that woman, rita,r a-
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>> okay. well -- >> she is the world's meanest woman. i had so much fun. >> you rita, you were playing such a mean nasty -- >> i would call her a -- >> well -- >> she is the world's meanest woman. i had so much fun. >> you did >> but do you know what was fun? >> what? >> picking that hair-do. it's that little dutch boy. >> the bangs. >> we got a wig and i said to the lady, i said, let's cut it short. there's nothing -- not less attractive than a very short bang. >> i have a question. >> she kept cutting and i kept saying more, more. >> shorter who did you model this character after? you had to have known some meanies in your life. >> all the nasty women i've known in my life, a few in show business, as we know, but she -- this woman, this character is so evil. >> evil. >> it's really a cult movie. >> yes. >> but it's funny. it's -- what's moving? >> i don't know, everything is going crazy around us. don't pay attention to the things behind us. >> but it's really -- it's funny. i laughed.
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i saw it once. to the screening, my daughter and i laughed at me so much. she is just so wicked, oh. >> that's you. >> is that gorgeous? >> that is gorgeous you. >> look at that. >> this thing you shot a while back, right, you shot this movie a while back and it's just coming to fruition today. >> right, right, right. >> i have to tell you, i love you from many, many reasons this movie just shows your range. but i remember when i sat town with you and did a really long in-depth interview and i was so blown away by you on so many ways, i was blown away how you described yourself as a little girl, way back in the day. you described yourself as unworthy and without value. >> that's how i felt about myself. >> that's how you saw yourself. >> right. >> you came to this country from puerto rico and felt othered. >> you know, the people in the streets taught me that. >> yeah. >> that's how they made me feel. and it took me a very long time
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to get over those feelings, that i was an unworthy person and that i wasn't pretty, and that i was latina was a big, big deal so, if for many years i didn't like being a hispanic person. >> wow. >> that's how i grew up when i was 5, i learned that i was not a good person, and i couldn't understand why, but, you know, you're young, young people are very tender. >> yeah. >> and they believe everything they hear. someone says you're no good, you accept that, you may not know why someone thinks that way, but you accept it because you're young. >> yeah, because i was just thinking, there are so many people who are children of immigrants, i'm a child of an immigrant, so many people who are immigrants now and i think often you do feel sort of like, wow, how -- so how did you find your voice and say, i love who i am now >> how long do you have? it took forever. >> yeah. >> it really took forever because that's ingrained in you when you're very young. >> yeah.
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>> so it's going to take as long a time, really, i was in therapy, and i was in psycho therapy and, you know, i really -- i think it works very well if you get the right doctor, obviously. i'm not even espousing it. if you don't like the idea, talk to an uncle, talk to a priest. >> talk to somebody. >> but talk to somebody. >> i like to see what can happen i mean, after all of those feelings about yourself, here you're 92, you've got all these different roles, did 80 for brady, doing this movie now. you have something else down the pipeline. >> something soon, yeah, a movie called "theirs," horror film, i'm starting a new career. >> i feel like you have an endless amount of curiosity. your spirit is 15 years old when i sit with you your spirit is young. >> right. >> how draw keep that? >> well, i'll tell you something, that's easy. >> yeah. >> that's so much a part a of my nature, truly. >> yeah.
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>> i love to laugh, and i love to make people laugh. >> yes. >> and so that's not a problem. >> yeah. >> my problem is getting serious sometimes. >> yeah. >> really. because i have a very big sense of humor. >> yes, you do. e subject to ma of is me. >> really? >> yes, because i do some really >> and i can find ha has in almost everything. my favorite subject to make fun of is me. >> really? >> yeah, because i do some really stupid things. >> you're such an awesome -- i always feel better after sitting with you you've got sparkles in your hair. >> i got that for my daughter. is this cute or what >> where is your daughter? >> yes, come here, come over here. >> just walk over. >> by the way, what a lovely human being, too, just a real -- >> this is fernanda. >> how are you >> pleasure. >> how was it having this woman as your mother >> this is a good life we're best friends, and we travel and just have a ball. >> my baby girl. >> and we love sparkles.
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>> she's always my date for big deal things, like the oscars, she'll be at the oscars with me. >> tell me about your role at the oscars >> i'm going to be a presenter. >> i know. you can't say what you're presenting. >> no, i'm not allowed to. >> whatever it is, it's spectacular. >> but look for me, because i'm going to wear a gown that's going to knock your socks off. i am it's a dolce and gabana. >> go girl. >> the puerto rican is wearing dolce and gabana. >> come on girl, thank you, i love you so much. >> are you saying good-bye to me >> i don't want to, you're back again on the third hour. you've got to see prank, you guys, this woman is terrifying the prank, this woman is terrifying march 15th savannah, over to you. >> we just want to stay on the rita channel don't we? we love you, rita. jenna has a fun announcement, though, if you are devoted member of the read with jenna book club, double duty, an
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amazing conversation with an oscar, two books for march. >> two authors, two books, really great. really great. nb this is "today" on
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics."
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let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. oh, we're back on this monday morning with read with jenna. >> celebrating five years of her book club. >> you guys, carson's really celebrating. i can't believe it's been five whole years of reading with all of y'all, and i thought for the fifth year i would do something special, i've chosen not one, but two books this month, are y'all ready? >> yes, yes. >> first, the house on mango street it's a rerelease for its 40th anniversary, one of my all-time favorite books, and if you haven't read it, you need to and the second, the great divide by christina henriquez
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scan the qr code, the books were written decades apart, share a beautiful connection i caught up with them at a wine bar here in new york to talk about incredible legacy in literature >> whatever you create with love -- [ speaking in a global language ] -- it will always turn out well. >> it was with love that this author put pen to paper more than four decades ago, writing her best-selling novel "the house on mango street. today the book has sold more than 7 million copies. it is translated into 28 languages and is required reading in many schools across the country. she was even awarded the national medal of the arts by president obama in 2016. you have been a favorite writer of mine since i first read your book when i was 14 years old. >> wow. >> i then went on to teach your book to my middle schoolers. but when so many writers and readers meet you, you're fulfilling a dream for them.
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>> and for me. because how many writers get to hear from their readers that your book changed their lives. i'm so lucky. >> reporter: her novel is a powerful coming of age story about a young latina girl growing up in chicago, a voice that came easily from her own childhood. in that city, sandra grew up as the only daughter in a family of seven children so take me back to when you knew you loved to write. >> sixth grade in secret i started writing poetry i think everyone needs to write in secret because we want to feel uncensored. >> the literary trail blazer says while growing up representation in literature was hard to find >> i knew when i got to graduate school that i had never seen my house written about with love, my economic level, my gender and my first impulse was i've got to quit this program i'm not good enough. and fortunately some rage rose
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up, and i said, why haven't i seen that book i'm going to write that book that's how house was born. >> but it wasn't an overnight success. >> it was a long night. >> and it was hard. >> yeah, a lot of ups and downs. i was questioning like what good is knowing how to write if i can't pay my rent. >> a grant gave sandra a sense of hope. >> i thank the national endowment for the arts for giving me a reason to live that i was put on this planet because of the stories that i write are vital and necessary. >> sandra never forgot that feeling. years later, she began personally awarding grants to emerging writers one of her recipients happens to be christina, the author of our second book club pick "the great divide". >> it was this huge moment of somebody saying to me, you can do this. not only someone saying it to me, but sandra. >> christina said reading sandra's work changed her life. >> between the time that i
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started reading and the time that i looked up again, it was as if my whole world had been transformed. i really did not know that you could put a character named carlos in a story and that that could be literature. >> christina was inspired to write about her culture. she grew up in delaware and spent summers with her family in panama her new historical fiction novel is about the untold stories of building the panama canal. >> what i mostly learned was how rich the story really was, and how all of these forces were coalescing at one time >> she never forget the advice sandra gave her at the beginning of her career. >> she said you will go out there and people will tell you these are latina stories and you tell them, no, these are american stories and that is something i have always carried with me. >> sandra inspiring generations of writers and stories to live on in print. >> could that little girl who
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was writing poetry in secret ever imagined this wonderful life >> i'm still that little girl writing poetry in secret and i'm astonished, amazed and so grateful. >> by the way, can i just say, sandra has lived in texas. when i was little, she's been a long-time favorite author of mine and i wept when i met her. because she was just as amazing as i thought she would be. she has been an idol of so many writers because she is just remarkable and she's given back so much. she invited me to go to new zealand with her because i have this job and three children, but i almost, for one minute, i thought, should i just call mads and tell them i'm taking three weeks off? >> what a great message, though. she said if she didn't see the representation, be the representation. >> she also said her piece of advice to christina, too, is these are american stories these are american stories, and you have the right to share
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them and i just -- >> both a literary legacy right here. the great divide >> both of these books, pair them together. they're like peanut butter and jelly. you know >> craig and bourbon. >> yes yes. >> you will really, really love them i hope you all read with us this month. >> thank you. if you want to pick up the books, you can scan our qr code or go to we're back in a moment this is "today" on nbc. what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo.
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i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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all right. we are back with a little bit more celebrating to do >> we have some special first first birthdays to celebrate so let's spin around those smucker's jars and do just that. happy 1st birthday to margaret warknock of grand rapids, michigan she loves to swing, play in the sand and most recently discovered playing in snow
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so cute. >> aari-lux is also one year old. he likes running around the house and playing peek-a-boo with big brother happy birthday to imari. of st. louis, missouri don't hand this little dancer your phone or else you will not get it back. koi is also one, the youngest of five koi's siblings love to spoil their baby brother look at that smile happy birthday to piper. from littleton, colorado this smiley baby loves to play with her big brother hunter and grandpa steve. who wouldn't want to play with piper? and happy birthday to finn lane. right here in new york finn just learned to give hugs and kisses although, he sometimes mixes up the two, and i don't think anybody minds that. >> happy birth, finn >> all right, guys coming up on the 4th hour, we're answering your questions with a world renowned relationship expert. >> oh. first on the 3rd hour -- by the way, my wife is here she will join us on the 3rd
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hour >> it's going to be fun. >> what could go wrong >> you look excited. >> i am excited. we will also do spring cleaning of those work-out routines as well we will do all of that. after your local news, weather -- >> let's go say happy birthday to these folks come on. over here. happy birthday what's your name >> lily. >> happy birthday, everybody thanks for coming!
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good morning. it's 8:56. i'm marcus washington. we're following breaking news in the north bay. four deputies are injured invoflting a violent confrontation with a man with a rifle. the man was shot and killed. this was near todd road in more land. the suspect fired and the deputies returned fire. one deputy was shot in the head. he's in critical condition. another deputy was shot in the leg. two others with hand injuries. the suspect died at the scene. our reporter is speaking with the investigators. she'll have a live report during our midday newscas demotcrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls.
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fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle
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endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," on a break. huge crowds descend on miami beach as the city starts to break up with partiers. >> it is not us, it's you. >> why this florida's spring break could lack very different. then, hoops history. >> this


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