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tv   Today  NBC  March 8, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PST

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well as owners of the damaged vehicles to ensure their needs are addressed. pg&e customers can expect to see an increase in their monthly bill, this after the public utilities commission approved yet another rate hike. the new rate hike will add about $5 to your monthly bill. the utility says the hike is also to recoup money spent over the wildfire mitigation. pg&e just got a 13% rate hike in january, raising the average bill by about $34. pg&e says that it is working to keep hikes between 2% and 4% a year. the new hike is expected to kick in next month. >> that's what's happening on "today in the bay." the "today" show starts now. we continue online at join us. good friday morning, president biden delivers his state of the union. and the openin good friday morning. president biden delivers his state of the union.
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>> and the opening salvo of the 2024 campaign. good morning it's march 8th this is "today." president biden addresses a divided congress and nation, laying out the fight for democracy abroad. >> i will not bow down >> and at home, taking on donald trump. >> here's the simple truth you can't love your country only when you win. >> just ahead, the high stakes for the president's performance as he confronts the elephant in the room. >> i have been told i'm too old. >> we'll break it all down, the reaction, the fall-out and what it means for the 2024 race. shooter under way, officials revealing he's been caught making >> dramatic start. the closely watched trial of the father of a michigan school shooter underway officials revealing he's been caught making threatening statements from jail the latest in the live report from the courthouse. >> a bill a crackdown on tiktok moving quickly through congress.
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some users sounding off and calling lawmakers. >> i will write in a different candidate. >> what it all means for the future of the popular app. look out below a frightening moment caught on camera a united plane's tire falling off during takeoff smashing into the cars below inside the investigation now underway those stories, plus message sent the new commercial calling out hollywood and the people who take weight loss drugs for the wrong reasons. >> for the smaller dress or tux tux, for a big night. >> and you may be surprised who is behind that campaign. plus, springing forward. most americans set to lose an hour of sleep but gain more daylight this morning. inside the new debate over changing those clocks and why we're still doing it, today, friday, march 8th, 2024. from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie,
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live from washington, d.c., and hoda kotb, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza >> hi, everybody good morning it's friday. welcome to "today," the end of the week so glad to have you along with us hoda, you are there in the studio holding it down we had the state of the union last night. >> yeah. that's where we're going to start, the final state of the union before the election. >> the major themes as a policy matter, immigration, the economy, women's reproductive rights the president also spending much of his time drawing a sharp contrast between him and donald trump. he mentioned trump at least 13 times but never by name, only referring to his predecessor we've got it all covered peter alexander starting us off. peter, good morning. >> reporter: savannah, good morning. the president's address represents the starting gun for the general election donald trump, even though he never mentioned his name, was a repeated target. president biden delivering
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energy, combativeness and plenty ad libs. >> reporter: from president biden, a feisty state of the union address. >> i will not bow down >> reporter: relishing the back and forth with republicans. >> i know you know how to read maybe you don't want that money in your districts. just let me know. >> reporter: the president looking to demonstrate he has the vigor and vision to serve another four years and sharply critiquing his likely republican challenger. >> you can't love your country only when you win. >> reporter: without ever mentioning former president trump's name on russia -- >> reporter: tells putin, quote, do whatever the hell you want. that's a quote. >> reporter: on the capitol attack -- >> my predecessor and some of you here seek to bury the truth about january 6th.
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president biden vowing to restore roe v. wade if he has the votes in congress. and in a rare moment admonishing the supreme court justices in attendance for their role. >> with all due respect, justices, women are not without electoral power. excuse me. electoral or political power you are about to realize just how much i'm right about that. >> reporter: facing low approval ratings on the economy, the president delivering an optimistic view, touting strong job growth and unemployment at a 50-year low. >> turning setback into n, with a record number of migrants entering the country since he took office president biden blamed republicans for rejecting a bipartisan border security bill that mr. trum comeback that's what america does. >> reporter: and immigration with a record number of migrants, president biden blamed republicans for rejecting a bipartisan security border bill that mr. trump opposed. >> we can fight about fixing the border, or we can fix it.
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>> reporter: even holding up a button given to him by republican marjorie taylor greene who demanded he acknowledged the death of laken riley. >> laken riley, an innocent young woman killed by an illegal. my heart goes out to you, having lost children myself. >> reporter: still a senator delivering the republican rebuttal, slammed the president's handling of the border >> president biden's border policies are a disgrace. this crisis is despicable. and the truth is, it is almost entirely preventable. >> reporter: the president acknowledging his age. >> i know i may not look like it, but i have been around a while. >> reporter: and using it to deliver a political point. >> the issue facing our nation is that how old we are, it's how old our id is.
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>> reporter: trying to reframe the issue while contrasting himself with mr. trump. >> my lifetime has taught me to embrace freedom and democracy. other people my age see it differently. the american story of resentment, revenge and retribution. that's not me. >> reporter: and one note, a man who heckled president biden last night was a gold star father whose son, a marine was among 13 service membered killed in the withdraw from afghanistan in 2021 that father was arrested for his outburst last night. it went a long way to ease democrats about his age on a 33-minute walk out of the democrat told the president nobody's going to call you cognitivety impaired now. savannah. >> peter, thank you. and also with us here in washington, kriste chamber. a senior democrat said to the president, nobody is going to call you cognitively impaired now. savannah. >> peter, thank you. also here in washington with us, kristin welker, moderator of "meet the press" and christine romans good morning to both of you. we'll talk substance in a moment but this performance issue, the one peter raised, the age, all of this, the elephant in the
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room, how did he do? what are you hearing >> democrats are breathing a sigh of relief one democrat told me this performance was a total 10 because the president was strong, because he was energetic, because he took on donald trump within the first four minutes of starting this speech, savannah what are republicans criticizing him on this morning? they say he's too partisan they're not criticizing him for a lack of energy that was the point he took on the age issue head on. >> we saw him taking on the age issue. we're going to talk about economy in a minute. but immigration is a big issue many voters are putting that on the top of the list as the issue they care most about over the economy. and he had some moments there where he kind of tried to say, look, republicans, stop playing politics let's go. >> he's trying to cast republicans as the do nothing congress because they had this bipartisan immigration bill that republican senators praised as being a good deal. but this is significant, savannah, because this is the
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type of moment that throws out red meat to the base and appeals to the nikki haley moderate independent voters, so it allows again, i think this will be a rallying cry out on the campaign trail. he's trying to flip the script republicans who have owned the issue of immigration he's trying to headache it as his own. it's always the economy, christine. you are not second fiddle here but it was interesting because there are so many markers that show the economy improving then when you look at consumer confidence, i know it might be trending up right now, but generally, people are not feeling this economy that the president is saying is so much better than where we were. >> and his lowest approval ratings are on the economy yesterday a day when the stock market was hitting record highs, the president was not on wall street the president was at the kitchen table on main street trying to show people, i know you feel
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like you have been nickelled and dimed. look, let's talk about tax fairness maybe these people that make $100 million a year or more should be paying a higher tax rate than you are, and he really dug into this, there are two team hs here and i'm on your te. i'm on your team that's what the white house was trying to get him to do because the poll numbers have been so low. one thing that's interesting, in this town, a lot of people were telling me they think that immigration and abortion could be the two really important things that drive people to the ballot box maybe it won't be the economy. maybe this will not be an economy election after all as more time passes, people are feeling a little better about things. >> well, if you look at the structure of the speech, you can see not only what he thinks is most important, but what are his winning issues he started in the defensive democracy abroad then goes directly january 6th election lie saying we have to defend democracy at home and the next item is reproductive rights that shows you where the white house is for 2024. >> absolutely. we have already seen the vice president and the president
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talking extensively about this and look at the election results and the mid-terms and special elections all across the country. it has energized the democratic base and democrats have beat expectations on this issue, savannah katie brick in her response tried to take on the issue of ivf, obviously a big issue in alabama, her home state, but this will be a big battleground. >> all right we will continue to speak about it thank you so much. and, of course, kristin will have a lot more reaction from both sides of the aisle and the latest on the 2024 race sunday morning on "meet the press."ist the first day of testimony at the trial of a michigan father charged in connection with his son's school shooting. james crumbley is accused of making threatening statements while in jail. his outside communications now largely cut off, nbc's maggie vespa hoda the courthouse for us. hey, maggie, good morning. >> reporter: hey, hoda good morning
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the local sheriff not telling us who these alleged threats were against. or when they happened. just that james crumbley can only now communicate at the jail with his attorney. the father facing the same charges that his wife was convicted of last month, setting a new precedent for prosecuting america's mass shootings this morning, a jaw-dropping twist in the trial of a michigan father charged in his son's school shooting after officials say james crumbley made threats from inside the jail telling nbc news crumbley's access to a telephone and electronic messaging has been limited due to threatening statements he made on the phone and in electronic messages, adding he's limited to communication with his lawyer. nbc news has reached out to his attorney the prosecution is under a gag order. so far no response. >> he was the adult out of anyone in the world in the best position to prevent these kids' deaths. >> reporter: the order capping
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day one of testimony in the manslaughter trial with prosecutors arguing back in 2021, crumbley ignored warning signs his son was struggling with his mental health and failed to secure the gun he used to kill four classmates. the 47-year-old using headphones as hearing aids listened as prosecutors played his frantic 911 call from that day >> i don't know what's going on. i'm really freaking out.g on. i'm really freaking >> we find the defendant guilty. >> crumbley's case comes one month after a jury in this same courtroom found his wife jennifer guilty of the same charges after she testified james was in charge of securing the gun. >> i just didn't feel comfortable being in charge of that it was more his thing. >> crumbley's attorney pushing back. >> james crumbley did not know what his son was going to do. >> reporter: now hearing from the same witnesses, including a
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teacher who testified james shot her. >> i could start to feel blood rolling down my arm. >> reporter: the question is whether or not james crumbley will follow his wife's lead and testify in his defense meanwhile, back to those alleged threats, the local sheriff hasn't said who they were against, but it is worth noting that officials have told us in the past james crumbley has not been able to contact directly his wife or son from inside jail they told us the three, this entire time, have been held separately so we are working to learn more about this in the meantime, hoda, court here is set to resume at 9:00 a.m. all right. maggie vespa for us there in pontiac. thank you. a new battle arrested over tiktok a bill that could lead to a nationwide ban is now advancing on capitol hill. this morning a lot of tiktok users are speaking out against
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it brian cheung has that story. >> good morning, hoda. congress could move quickly with a vote scheduled in the house next week that would force tiktok's company to sell the social media app but tiktok is fighting back calling on millions of its users to let their voices be heard >> the government is currently trying to ban tiktok >> reporter: it's an all-out blitz. >> if she does vote yes, i will not be voting for her in the primary. i will write in a different candidate.e rallying cry coming directly from tiktok itself, pop-ups on the app urging users to speak up now and warning if passed the proposed bill would destroy the livelihoods of countless >> tiktokers taking to their cell phones to take on congress. the rallying cry coming directly from tiktok itself pop-ups on the app urging users to speak up now and trying to get passed the bill that will destroy the livelihoods of countless creators hannah jones sells handmade
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metal works in tiktok and says she's going to call. >> what are you going to ask your congressman to do >> advocate for the small businesses. >> with democrats and republicans on the same page in a 50-0 vote advancing a bill on wednesday that will force byte dance to sell tiktok within months. >> china is at war with us and they use tiktok as a weapon. >> tiktok concerned about being able to divest that quickly. while in a statement, about being able to divest tha characterizing the legislation as a total ban the chief concern, critics say, protecting u.s. data from the chinese government, which tiktok has repeatedly denied. >> byte dance is not owned or controlled by the chinese government it is a private company.
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>> for creators like anna jones, the concerns are real. >> i just feel like losing tiktok will kind of -- it will have everything go downhill, and i don't want to lose my business. >> if the bill passes both the house and the senate, the white house indicated support for it, but the national security council calling it a welcome step. >> yeah, really hitting the nerve this one all right, brian thank you so much. we have a lot more to get to, including a united airlines flight forced to make an emergency landing after a tire fell off the plane moments after it took off. the incident was all caught on camera so it happened in san francisco. the boeing 777 had only been in the air a few seconds when a emg in los angeles without incident, united said the plane is designed to land safely whether it's missing a couple of tires. the tire fell off the aircraft and crashed on the ground. it landed, thankfully, in an employee parking lot it did damage to a couple of cars, but nobody was hurt. united said the plane is designed to land safely, whether it is missing a couple of tires. the faa is investigating that. all right. it is 7:17 dylan is tracking a storm. she is in for al a lot happening in your department.
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>> yes, it has been. i feel like i have been tracking storms all week. we have heavy rain right now exiting arkansas and moving through mississippi, just north of jackson we also have a line of storms developing in dallas and moving down towards austin. it is out ahead of this frontal system with this area of low pressure that will increase the risk of severe storms redeveloping into this evening we could see overnight tornadoes possible, along with damaging wind gusts and some hail as well we're also looking at a lot of rain the ground is really saturated from recent storms, so that could lead to some flooding. tomorrow in the northeast, we start off dry, but then this rain from the carolinas and the virginias will move through the mid atlantic and produce heavy rounds of rain from pennsylvania into new york and new jersey moving into new england by sunday morning then it clears out except for
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the great lakes where we could end up with lake effect snow, very windy and much colder back behind the storm system. that's a look at the weather across the country we'll get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds [sound of airplane overhead] even the ground is moving for me! y'all seeing this? wild! and i don't even have to activate anything. oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. [mind blown explosion noise] good friday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we're starting with sunshine as you step out the door, but it's also kind of chilly and we will see our temperatures warming up, headed for the upper 60s today. a really nice afternoon and a great way to kick off the weekend. clouds return tomorrow in parts of the bay area and we'll see scattered showers in the forecast. not only tomorrow, but then again late sunday evening. then we'll see
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and that's your latest forecast. >> thanks, dylan. still ahead, the new commercial from the maker of a popular weight loss drug aimed directly at hollywood, and it's got a lot of people talking. emilie ikeda taking a closer look >> hey there good morning well, it's certainly got a lot of people talking with its recreation of a red carpet night. the drug maker, eli lilly, urging people not to take the medication just to fit into a tux or gown. plus, the never-ending debate of the clock springing forward. is it finally time to stop daylight savings time and what impact is it having on our health we will break it down. but, first, this is "today" on nbc.
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coming up, a heartwarming story, hoda. a family coming together for a
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true labor of love. >> we love this one. one woman's dream to become a mom became a reality with the help of her sisters. all three of them are going to join us live with the new sweetest member of their family. but, first, your local news and weather. get his little puppy diploma? how much have i been spending on this little guy? when your questions about life turn into questions about money... there's erica. the virtual financial assistant to help you spend, save, and plan smarter. only from bank of america. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪♪) (♪♪)
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with wet amd, i worry i'm not only losing my sight, but my time to enjoy it. but now, i can open up my world with vabysmo. (♪♪) vabysmo is the first fda-approved treatment for people with wet amd that improves vision and delivers a chance for up to 4 months between treatments, so i can do more of what i love. (♪♪) (♪♪) vabysmo works differently, it's the only treatment designed to block 2 causes of wet amd. vabysmo is an eye injection. don't take it if you have an infection, active eye swelling, or are allergic to it. treatments like vabysmo can cause an eye infection or retinal detachment. vabysmo may cause a temporary increase in eye pressure after receiving the injection. there is an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye can occur. most common eye side effects were cataract and broken blood vessels. open up your world with vabysmo. a chance for up to 4 months between treatments with vabysmo. ask your doctor. with so many choices on
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there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles. 30,000 followers tina in a boutique hotel. or 30,000 steps tina in a mountain cabin. ooh! booking.yeah (husband) rock, paper, scissors for who's on dinner duty? (wife) bnice try!m (husband) i'll get it! (doughboy) hoo-hoo! need some help? delicious two-ingredient weeknight dinners approved! hoo-hoo! (♪♪) (♪♪) ♪ cause you're free ♪ ♪ to do what you want to do ♪ (♪♪) ♪ do what you want ♪ ♪ do what you want to do ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪ ♪ do what you want to do ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪♪ [traffic noise]
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[text message] let's ace this thing! ♪ ♪ i got you coffee. oh my god, what? you literally read my mind. got you, girl. (mom) the moment i loved our subaru outback most... was the moment they walked away from it. (daughter) mom! (mom) oh, thank goodness. and that's why our family will only drive a subaru. (vo) subaru. more iihs top safety pick plus awards than any other brand. love. it's what makes subaru, subaru. good morning. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. we are moving you forward this morning with a look at our top stories on "today in the bay." >> a federal investigation is
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now under way after a wheel on a united airlines flight flew off during takeoff. the landing gear was retracting when the wheel fell off and onto the ground. it did cause major damage to two vehicles in the employee parking lot and fencing where it landed. no one was hurt. the plane itself was diverted to lax, landing safely, where passengers were put on a different flight to japan last night. a united representative says they'll work with customers, as well as the owners of the damaged vehicles, to ensure their needs are addressed. pg&e customers can expect to see an increase in their monthly bill. this is after the public utilities commission approved another rate hike. the rate hike will add about $5 to your monthly bill. the utility says the hike is to recoup money spent on wildfire mitigation. pg&e just got a 13% rate hike in january, raising the average bill by about $34. pg&e saying that it is working to keep those hikes between 2%
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and 4% per year, and the new hike is expected to kick in next month. friday morning, nice day ahead? >> we're starting out with sunshine. it is a chilly morning and we're in the upper 30s right now in dublin. but we are going to continue with the sunny day and warming temperatures, headed for the upper 60s in the south bay and mid-60s elsewhere across the bay area. we'll see the cooldown coming in tomorrow with more clouds and the north bay will see statrd showers. some rain may make it into san francisco. much of the bay area will stay dry. we'll set our clocks forward one hour sunday morning, with more
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♪ take my hand and we'll make it, i swear ♪ ♪ whoa oh, livin' on a prayer ♪ back at 7:30 a bon jovi classic members of that hit band now ready to open up like never before on their rise to fame and all their highs and lows along the way. carson will have a lot more on that in just a bit meanwhile, laura jarrett is joining us. >> i'm surprised y'all are functioning this morning but i'm glad laura joined. it was getting lonely over here. >> happy friday. so we will start this half hour with this new commercial that is raising a lot of eyebrows. >> it sure is. it comes from eli lilly, the pharmaceutical giant behind some of the popular drugs for weight loss, but its message is a rather surprising one. emilie ikeda joins us with more. >> this is not something you often here from major drug companies.
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eli lilly urging people, calling out those that use its medications to look good ahead of hollywood's biggest night of the year >> some people have been using medicine never meant for them for the smaller dress or tux. >> reporter: taking aim at hollywood's apparent embrace of weight loss drugs. eli lilly suggesting those that use the medications for vanity are standing in the way of people that really need them. >> people's whose health is affected by obesity is the reason we work on these medications. it matters who gets them. >> reporter: the maker of mounjaro writing diabetes medications were not studied are, are not approved for and should not be used for cosmetic weight loss. >> i think it is quite unusual for a pharmaceutical company to come out with an ad like this, where they are essentially discouraging certain parts of
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the population from asking for this drug. >> reporter: the prevalence of the medications in hollywood has become an open secret. jimmy kimmel joking about it at last year's oscars. >> everybody looks so great. when i look around this room, i can't help but wonder, is ozempic right for me? >> reporter: and one woman saying on the "call her daddy" podcast she accidentally took ozempic. >> i'm like, what is it? i go, i'm on semaglutide. >> reporter: most famously, it. the drug skyrocketing's oprah revealing she uses a weight loss medicine, revealing i use it as i need it. the drug skyrocketing's popularity resulting in a shortage recently valued at $500 billion, writing in a statement that they are committed to the responsible use of our medicines >> but that's not the point. >> reporter: while some are skeptical of the intentions behind the recent messages, this doctor believes lily's campaign makes an important statement. >> this is not a drug that should be part of a hollywood
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fad or trend this is a serious treatment that can be life-saving in some cases and should be treated as much. >> all that being said, a lot of people do want this drug, and it is in injection form but there has been talk about having it in the pill form is that on the way >> numerous companies are trying to develop a pill form it saw its price of its shares shoot up after announcing that promising early phase one of an experimental drug that would be oral form. it showed the participants lost about 14% of their weight. that is more effective than wegovy it could be years before something like this really hits the market or gets fda approval.
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>> thank you so much appreciate it. still ahead on "popstart," ariana grande dropped her message overnight. the message she's sending fans and critics with her new music. and are you ready to spring ahead? what you can do today so that losing that hour of sleep this weekend doesn't hurt quite as much plus, a new wrinkle in the debate over why we are still change ing our clocks in the fis place. >> why are we doing that >> nobody knows. >> i thought we were done with this >> i know. ot pre-qualified and shopped by my monthly budget so i know it's a good decision. unlike jenny's new piercing... [gasps] get pre-qualified. shop within your budget. carmax. (♪♪) entresto is the #1 heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists.
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it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. (singing) ♪ i feel good ♪ ♪ duh na nuh na nuh na nuh ♪ ♪ i knew that i would ♪ ♪ na na nuh na nuh na nuh ♪ ooo, yum. hey! ♪ bum bum bum bum bum ♪ i feel good.
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(psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. every day, more dog people are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. (vo) compliments build confidence, with one for me, and one for you. at yoplait, we believe in strengthening women, so we partnered with girls, inc to help build confidence by sharing compliments on every yoplait lid. now in stores. dad, we're gonna be late! ( ♪♪ ) ( ♪♪ ) can't stop adding stuff to your cart?
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get the bank of america customized cash rewards card, choose the online shopping category and earn 3% cash back. oooh! i can't wait for this family getaway! shingles doesn't care. shingles is a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. ahhh, there's nothing like a day out with friends. that's nice, but shingles doesn't care! 99% of adults 50 years or older already have the virus that causes shingles inside them, and it can reactivate at any time. a perfect day for a family outing! guess what? shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach.
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shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. you don't have to be a wizard to make delicious iced coffee at home.! that's good! (sfx: thunderclap) never gets old. (woman laughs) -want me to do it again? -no thanks. dunkin' cold. easy to make at home. stands up to ice. back at 7:38 carson daley joins us. >> who is ready to lose an hour of sleep this weekend?yeah! >> daylight savings time returns early sunday morning. that means it is time for us to dive into the big time change debate. >> is there a debate on this? i don't know. i think everybody feels strongly about this. joe fryer is here with a closer look. >> good morning. we do this twice a year, but this is the one we really detest. after falling asleep on saturday
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night, the clock will quietly do this, go from 2:00 to 3:00. that hour will just vanish like it never happened. most americans agree they want to stop all this switching. here is where there is on sunday morning when you sluggishly stir from your sund sluggishly stir from your sl slumber, you might be quoting cher ♪ if i could turn back time ♪ >> wishing you could turn back time 60 minutes, regaining the hour that was snatched as you snoozed. our anger expressed fittingly on tiktok >> it is going to take us two weeks to get our sleep routines back in order. >> reporter: with the sun rising later and setting later, some see the bright side. >> spring is coming. longer days are almost here. hallelujah.
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>> reporter: what two-thirds of americans agree on, they want to spring forward, rather than falling back this week oregon state senate narrowly passed a bill that would make standard time permanent, but only if california and washington state do the same. >> there is no question that this bill has generated enormous amount of controversy. >> reporter: federal law says states can use standard time year-round, something arizona and hawaii already do. but many would rather have daylight savings time all the time that would require an act of congress, something that keeps stalling supporters say more p.m. sunlight means more shopping and outdoor physical activity after work. >> oh, my gosh can so we can start our walk. >> reporter: americans think it is best to stick to standard with more daylight in the morning. >> we are actually probably reducing our sleep in a chronic fashion. >> reporter: studies have shown a rise in car accidents and er accidents after springing clocks forward, along with a spike in heart attacks. a new study shows the effect of daylight savings time on heart health is likely minimum regardless, we will do it again
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this weekend, something you will most likely lose sleep over. the national congress of state legislature says more than 500 bills and resolutions to address time changes have been considered over the past few decades. nearly a dozen states are looking at the issue right now but there are strong opinions on both sides, making it pretty tricky for lawmakers. >> lots of strong feelings here onset. thank you, joe there is nothing we can do to stop the time change, but there are ways to prepare our bodies and our minds. for that, let's bring in a sleep expert with rwjbarnabas health obviously everybody wants more daylight but you say there are actual serious health consequences to this. >> here is the key to understand
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with daylight savings time, there is less light in the morning, and you need light to regulate your physiology and manage your brain. so when you don't get that light in the morning, there is physical and mental -- >> your mic is not working. >> okay. so there is physical and cognitive issues that we'll have because of a lack of light in the morning. >> we will hand you a mic, too. >> what's more normal than what is happening right now there we go. >> guys, i -- okay this is my favorite discussion that we have all the time about daylight savings, but i'm going daylight savings, but i'm going to grab it ned's plaque psoriasis. ned, ned, who are you wearing? he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. all right. we are back with our time change doctors have been prescribing otezla for nearly a decade.
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otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. with clearer skin movie night, is a groovy night (♪♪) live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. (husband) rock, paper, scissors for who's on dinner duty? live in the moment. (wife) nice try! (husband) i'll get it! (doughboy) hoo-hoo! need some help? delicious two-ingredient weeknight dinners approved! hoo-hoo! dad, we're gonna be late! ( ♪♪ ) ( ♪♪ ) can't stop adding stuff to your cart? get the bank of america customized cash rewards card, choose the online shopping category
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leftover chicken, scallions, cheese... what am i gonna make with this? "may-ow" mayo? "may-ow" best foods?? you can talk? ♪♪ a chicken salad sandwich. god i love you. ♪♪ with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪♪) i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms better than an antidepressant alone. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts.
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antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, as these may be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain, and high cholesterol may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. stomach and sleep issues, dizziness, increased appetite, and fatigue are also common. side effects may not appear for several weeks. i didn't have to change my treatment. i just gave it a lift. ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. all right. we are back with our time change conversation with dr. carol ash after a little technical snafu.
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>> so apparently, people at home could hear us, but the people in the control room couldn't, but we could all hear each other now. >> yes, so let's continue. we get more sleep. we get more sleep, want that but we want obviously to not lose out what are the health complications? >> you are losing light in the morning. you need light it is so critical for your physiology and your brain health so when you don't get it, heart attacks, obesity, cancer, your judgment, critical thinking and your ability to be resilient and cope because light releases cortisol in the a.m. >> it happens often in life. so why is this one such a biggie >> it is because you are actually going to get up in the dark, right? so we lose time sleeping we're all so busy, but it is getting that light in the morning, that light loss unfortunately, daylight savings time for a prolonged period of time has more benefits.
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>> just give us some tips for sunday. >> still time to reconsider. go to bed 15 minutes earlier each night friday and saturday you want to really focus on good habits to offset all the things we do. power down the electronics at night. quiet, dark and cool room. get out in the morning and exercise and eat earlier for your routines to meet the schedule and get out in the sun in the morning that's key. >> all right, doctor. >> thank you, dr. ash. >> we can't reconsider. >> still time to move to puerto rico. >> dylan dreyer, how about a check of your weather. >> what would we complain about? we need this twice a year. we hav rico. >> dylan dreyer, how about a check of your weather. >> what would we complain about? we need this twice a year. we have flood watches in effect down through the gulf coast from georgia into mississippi and alabama. we have a risk of heavy rain, falling at 2 inches per hour and over into macon, georgia, too. we could see as much as 8 inches
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of rain, especially down in that part of the country. widespread, 2 to 4 inches of rain, but if we get isolated, higher amounts, that's where we could see flash flooding now here is a peek out your window and that's your latest forecast. >> all right thanks, dylan. shall we >> a boost. >> let's do it we miss you, s.g good friday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we're starting out with cool temperatures and sunshine, and we're headed for the upper 60s today. it's going to be a nice afternoon, and by tomorrow clouds move in. there will be some scattered showers is parts of the north bay, and we'll see another round of rain late sunday evening into monday. and then more showers on tuesday. the cool weather continues for the next several days, but it will be warming up toward the end of next week. and that's your latest forecast. >> all right thanks, dylan. shall we >> a boost.
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>> let's do it we miss you, s.g the set is not the same without you. but we will do a little boost. a little girl has been patiently waiting for her gift for a very long time during an international women's day celebration. so when it was finally her turn, she showed her appreciation to a little boy who finally came through. okay. >> what! >> she went after it. >> she's just so happy. >> well that moment was a show stopper. the little boy is laughing. li >> look at the other two girls like what is happening >> what about the cooties, though >> that's what she does. she gets emotional and she kisses. >> that's how i got mike, you guys that's exactly how it happened. >> good stuff there. coming up, a star studded "popstart" coming up also going to get you ready for
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the big show on sunday it is oscars we'll have a full preview of that a quick check of your local news, weather and these quick messages (vo) you weren't made for moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. but #1 prescribed entyvio is. it's the most prescribed biologic for crohn's and uc. in clinical trials, entyvio helped many people achieve long-term relief and remission. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment.
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your search for 2 immunotherapies starts here. ask your doctor about opdivo plus yervoy. a chance to live longer. good morning. it is 7:56. i'm marcus washington. here is a look at what's happening now. >> reporter: i'm ginger conejero saab at sfo. an investigation is now under way after a wheel flies off a united plane just moments after taking off. that plane was headed to japan
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yesterday. a closer look shows the landing gear was retracting when the wheel flies off of the plane. this is a look at the damage it did on the ground. it wrecked two cars in a lot, took down part of a fence, and it bounced around and damaged a tesla where it stopped in a nearby lot. fortunately, no one was hurt. let's get a look at that weather today. meteorologist kari hall has been monitoring what we can expect. >> it's such a nice start to our friday morning. temperatures are cool and we're enjoying sunshine that will continue as we go throughout today. our temperatures headed for the mid-60s from san francisco to the north bay. much of the east bay up to about 66 degrees, and 68 for san jose. but our temperatures start to come down a few degrees tomorrow as we get more clouds, and a chance of showers that will be spotty with the north bay seeing the highest chance, and just cloudy elsewhere across the bay area. we'll see another round of rain coming in late sunday and some scattered showers at least into next tuesday. but then we will be clearing out
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and warming up for the end of next week, with temperatures in the upper 50s and low 60s this weekend along the coastlin ande, is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with our 99.9% network reliability.
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♪ it's 8:00 on "today. coming up, making the case. >> you can probably say the state of our union is strong and getting stronger
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[ applause ] >> president biden delivering a fiery state of the union address, speaking to a divided congress and nation and taking on his rival, donald trump, without ever mentioning his name. >> i will not bow down. >> we're live in washington. then sister acts the story of one woman's journey to motherhood. >> i have always been drawn to children i have always dreamt of being a mother. >> and how her own sister stepped in to make her dream a reality. coming up, we will meet the special family and their newest addition live in studio. and roll out the red carpet. >> here we are, the oscars. >> we're gearing up for hollywood's biggest night. an inside look at the oscars, >> here we are, the oscars. >> we're gearing up for hollywood's biggest night. an inside look at the oscars, from the nominees -- >> the world will remember this day. >> -- to the surprises we've got you covered today, march 8th, 2024. ♪ happy friday! >> from north carolina. >> west virginia. >> and illinois.
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>> and arizona. >> celebrating our 43rd anniversary. >> here for sharon's birthday. >> my grandson nolan. >> sending love to my daughter, jordan. >> in san francisco! >> hi to my friends at the university of florida. >> shout-out to fulton elementary in maryland >> friends for 20 years. >> from louisiana. >> celebrating my 50th birthday. >> on "the today show. >> well, happy birthday. what a way to celebrate. sun is shining there on our plaza and so are those faces as we get into the weekend. good morning nice to have you along with us i'm here in washington this morning. but you are holding it down. craig is off he's in my hometown of tucson, arizona.
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we will find out why in just a bit. >> we will give extra hugs to the folks with savannah signs out there on the plaza for you we want to tell you guys about an exclusive and deeply personal interview we will have for you on monday with charles spencer >> yeah. he sat down with cynthia mcfadden ahead of the release of his new mémoire, "a very private school." and for the first time, stories of abuse at one of england's most prestigious boarding schools. >> we were like prisoners. we were prey to very bad's people's worst instincts. >> who is the first person you had ever told what happened to you? person you had ever told what happened to you? >> a therapist when i was about 42. >> you kept this inside? >> yes. and he said, whisper to me one thing you have never told
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anyone. and i said i was sexually abused by a woman when i was a >> a therapist when i was about notified the local authorities who investigate possible crimes against children they are also encouraging anyone with a past experience to, of course, come forward. >> again, you can see that exclusive conversation with charles spencer. that's monday morning only on "today". >> savannah? >> all right let's turn to the news at 8:00 this morning we began with president biden delivering his state of the union and the opening salvo of the 2020 campaign. challenged republicans and donald trump on the economy, immigration, russia and women's reproductive rights. peter alexander joins us with the highlights. >> reporter: good morning. welcome to washington. the president appeared energized, delivering a poignant and combative address, taking more than a dozen swipes at donald trump without ever mentioning his name. it unofficially kicks off the 2024 general election race with president biden eager to show that he is ready to fight for a
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second term. for president biden, the feisty state of the union address. >> i will not bow down >> reporter: the president looking to demonstrate he has the bigger and vision to serve another four years and sharply critiquing his likely republican challenger. >> you can't love your country only when you win. >> reporter: without ever mentioning former president trump's name, hitting him on russia, january 6th and abortion rights president biden vowing to restore roe v. wade if he has the votes in congress. and in a rare moment admonishing the supreme court justices in attendance for their role. >> with all due respect, justices, women are not without electoral power. excuse me. electoral or political power you are about to realize just how much you are wrong about that >> reporter: facing low approval ratings on the economy, the
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president delivering an optimistic view. >> turning setback into comeback, that's what america does. >> reporter: and on immigration, with a record number of migrants entering the country since he took office, president biden blamed republicans for rejecting a bipartisan border security bill that mr. trump opposed. >> we can fight about fixing the border, or we can fix it. >> reporter: still alabama senator katie brit slammed the president's handling of the border. >> president biden's border policies are a disgrace. this crisis is despicable. >> reporter: the president acknowledging his age. >> i know it may not look like it, but i have been around a while. >> reporter: and using it to deliver a political point. >> the issue facing our nation isn't how old we are, it's how old our id is. >> reporter: trying to reframe the issue while contrasting himself with mr. trump >> my lifetime has taught me to embrace freedom and democracy.
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other people my age see it differently. the american story of resentment, revenge and retribution, that's not me. >> reporter: the president's performance went a long way to ease democrats' concerns about his age. just consider the republican criticism overnight heavily focussing on president biden appearing angry in their view, not old. next up, aids here tell me that an aggressive travel schedule is ahead with plenty of campaign stops in critical battleground states through the end of this month. savannah >> peter alexander in the white today, and you can see that interview tonight on "nightly news." >> all right, s.g. thanks. house for us peter will go one-on-one with vice president kamala harris today, and you can see that interview tonight on "nightly news." >> all right, s.g. thanks xcel energy says its equipment played a role in starting that wild fire in texas history, the largest, in fact the fire burned more than a million acres since last month xcel did not provide any
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details, but yesterday state forest officials said they were caused by a downed power line. xcel encouraged people who have fire losses to file claims with the company. some sad news this morning fans are remembering grammy and emmy award winning singer and actor steve lawrence best known as part of the duo d with his wife, edie. with his wife, edie. ♪ that this could be the start of something big ♪ >> they became a cultural force starting in the 1950s on the road in las vegas and especially on tv. they were frequent guests on nbc's tonight show steve lawrence died yesterday of complications from alzheimer's disease. he was 88 years old. lottery players across the country are dreaming of two tickets to paradise this weekend. the jackpot is at $687 million the power ball drawing on
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saturday night north $521 million. that's a combined $1.2 billion up for grabs the odds of winning the mega millions is about 1 in 300 million. by the way, there hasn't been a grand prize winner since early december the powerball odds are slightly better the last time somebody hit that jackpot happened to be on new year's day. >> all right slightly better odds, great. savannah, waitweekend. you have earned it. get some rest. just ahead, we will get you read carpet ready for sunday night's oscars, including big plans for ryan gosling's performance of "i'm just ken". >> i love that. but check this out. it took three sisters, a labor of love and one special play list to bring this beautiful baby girl into the world, (oldest girl) someday, i'll be the first female president.
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of the universe. (middle boy) someday, i'm gonna marry my baseball glove. probably in vegas. (youngest girl) someday, i'll help all balloon animals roam free. (vo) there are a lot of miles between today and “someday”. your long-lasting three-row subaru ascent will get your family there. ninety-six percent of subaru vehicles sold in the past ten years are still on the road. (middle boy) someday, i'll be able to read dogs' minds. he's thinking squirrels. (singing) ♪ i feel good ♪ ♪ duh na nuh na nuh na nuh ♪ ♪ i knew that i would ♪ ♪ na na nuh na nuh na nuh ♪ ooo, yum. hey! ♪ bum bum bum bum bum ♪ i feel good. (vo) if you have graves' disease...
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...gritty eyes could be more than a rough patch. people with graves' could also get thyroid eye disease, or t-e-d, which may need a different doctor. find a t-e-d eye specialist at ♪i'd do anything♪ hill's science diet puppy food has the nutrients your pup needs. and now at petsmart get 4,000 treats points when you spend $50 or more on hill's science diet. petsmart. anything for pets. you know poop is coming, but you know you have nothing to fear. pampers swaddlers with blowout barrier helps prevent up to 100% of leaks, even blowouts. (giggle) don't fear blowouts with pampers swaddlers. nature's bounty hair growth. clinically shown to help grow thicker, fuller hair with just one capsule a day of advanced hair complex. conquer hair thinning... ...and fall in love with your hair all over again. only from nature's bounty. with so many choices on
8:12 am
there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles. indoorsy tina loves a deluxe suite. ooh! booking.yeah what if you could go from this to this. with just one step tresemmé silk serum. time for the ultimate humidity test. weightlessly smooth hair your turn. new tresemmé keratin smooth collection. since my citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category... suddenly life's feeling a little more automatic. like doors opening wherever i go... [sound of airplane overhead] even the ground is moving for me! y'all seeing this? wild! and i don't even have to activate anything. oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. [mind blown explosion noise]
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we're back at 8:12, and we are shining a light on surrogacy awareness month. after seeing jacqueline struggle with years of infertility, guess what her sister stepped in to make jacqueline's dream come true they are with us exclusively so excited but, first, their inspiring story of strength and sisterhood. elementary school jacqueline wanted to be a mom for as long as she can remember. >> i have always been drawn to children. >> she and her husband, craig, a firefighter and sergeant in the air national guard were thrilled to start a family. but the journey to becoming parents was full of heart-breaking setbacks. >> nothing has gone the way we anticipated. >> reporter: 3 miscarriages, 7
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unsuccessful ivf cycles and discovered she had endometriosis and additional complications. >> every roadblock i felt like we could hit we were hit with. it just became so like heavy and dark and isolated. >> reporter: jacqueline's sisters, meredith and stephanie, by her side through it all saw the emotional toll five years of loss took on their sister. >> it was terrible i don't know how -- how she went through the journey that she's been through it was so hard for her family to see her struggle it was just blow after blow. >> reporter: doctors at the rma of new york fertility clinic suggested jacqueline's best chance was to use a donor egg. >> i just knew it was something i had to do for her. we always said, whatever you need we'll be there. >> reporter: jacqueline hoped to
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carry the baby, but the first embryo transfer with meredith's donor egg was unsuccessful then stephanie joined in to help then jacqueline said, stephanie, will you carry it was always yes. once the transfer took, i remember, i fell to my knees i just hoped and prayed. the hope was that she would just get here >> time progressed and every appointment went well. i have a play list i listen to and it's called, we got this because it was a team. it was everybody. >> and surrounded by family jus over a month ago, happy, healthy, 7-pound emerson claire made her debut. >> you're a mom! >> the three sisters giving a whole new meaning to a labor of
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love. >> i just was in awe of this like beautiful, perfect baby she's going to know how wanted she was and that her aunts like did the most selfless, incredible thing >> we're going to welcome in these incredible sisters, jacqueline, meredith, stephanie and baby emerson first of all, your mom did good. she raised great girls i can't believe how amazing you are. how is motherhood? >> it's amazing. it is better than i even dreamt of and i can't even believe we're here right now and that she's finally here. >> you are so incredibly strong. i cannot believe what you endured over all of that time. was there a point that you thought to yourself, well, maybe it is just not in the cards. maybe it is not meant for me >> yes i struggle with that quite a bit. it was like each roadblock i kept saying, well, maybe the next time. and i pushed myself to the negligent time and my sisters would encourage me, my family and friends, and i just couldn't give it up i always wanted to be a mom and i just invested and i just kept praying that we would finally have a miracle. >> well, it is -- this is your destiny. you are holding your destiny in
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your arms. that's the most beautiful thing in the world i think when i was thinking about you guys and sometimes -- i mean, being the sister of someone who is in pain is worse than being in pain i mean, i have had that with my sister, too. you know it feels worse. was there a point that you -- when did you raise your hand and say, please let me help? >> it kind of happened wholistically. we had a lot of conversations, and there were a lot of roadblocks i was just kind of waiting we had an exploratory call once with the doctor, and i just knew it was something i had to do so i was just ready whenever she was ready, and i'm so glad that emerson is here and i could help her become a mom. >> and, stephanie, you know, when the egg took, i mean, thatp her become a mom. >> and, stephanie, you know, when the egg took, i mean, that moment, that was like a birth practically. what did that feel like for you? >> we found out that moment, that was like a birth practically. what did that feel like for you? >> we found out that emerson, when i was pregnant, was on my mom's birthday and it was incredible because it was my mom's birthday. she had been wishing for this for so long. i remember i was at meredith's house and i fell to my knees
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and her pregnancy was flawless like nothing -- everything was healthy with emerson, so we were really lucky. >> how would you describe this baby >> she's perfect. >> a miracle. >> she is. she's an absolute dream. and she's such a good baby, too. >> can i talk about your play list for a second because i love that we've got this play list. that rascal flats song and the lyrics, my wish for you is that this life becomes all that you want it to your dreams stay big, your worries stay small tell me what that song means >> yeah. i created that play list a month before we started ivf. and i would listen to it every day. and it just -- it's a song -- it reminded me of her struggles now it's for emerson so that her life is wonderful, too >> i mean, you guys are sister goals when i look at you
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have you always been close since you were little. >> yes. >> we're very close. and this has definitely brought us probably even closer because i can't believe what they have done for us. >> do you ever think of one day what you will say to emerson, like this journey? how will you describe what happened >> i hope she always knows how much we wanted her, that, like, we were not willing to put it to rest until she was here. not only do my husband greg and i want her, but her aunts, her special aunts and her grandparents, everybody was rooting for us strangers and people were praying for us and she's finally here, so we're just so grateful. >> you guys, this is the best story. it is on a friday. it is like the most beautiful story in the world why is emerson such a good baby? >> she is really good. >> she's a great baby. okay
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we have a little gift for you. it is a little gift basket from us at "the today show. and i just want to tell you something. you know, i think -- and i thought this before, you know, when i got the kids. i feel like babies come right on time and this little angel is right on time for your family. so thank you for sharing with us, you guys you all are amazing, okay? >> thank you so much thank you. >> wow i will have a talk with my sister today you know what, sometimes you just need to really reconnect. thank you guys so much we should mention we will have even more on this incredible story on our website, i love you guys. thanks dylan, are you so happy right now? >> i'm in awe listening to this story. you girls are incredible okay let's take a look at some of the storms we could see begin to develop. they're already starting to fire up down through the gulf coast these will move east ward. we will see strong winds, the possibility of overnight tornadoes across the southeast,
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too. we're looking at heavy rain. we could see as much as 4 to 8 inches in some areas, soso good friday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. today is going to be a nice afternoon. i know it's chilly out there now, but it will be warming up. clouds are back tomorrow with the north bay seeing scattered showers. we'll have another round late sunday into monday morning. cool weather continues with off-and-on showers in the forecast through at least tuesday. after that we will be drying out and and that's your latest forecast. >> all right, dylan, thank you for that carson, what's popping >> i don't want to wake the baby. >> emerson, oh guys, we will start with the oscars hollywood's biggest night sunday the race has never been hotter here with a preview of what we
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can expect is kaylee hartung with the weekend. >> happy oscar weekend right, guys? first some good news for those of us that have to be up earlier. it will start one hour earlier and with several close races, as well as really surprises planned, it is bound to be a smash. the oscars lights are hung the red carpet is rolled out. >> the world will remember this day. >> and expected to blow up the winner's circle, "oppenheimer. favored to take home best picture and best director for christopher nolan. but cillian murphy's dreams may be put on hold by "the holdovers". >> there is sentiment he's overdue, he's never won before and he could win for this performance. >> another close race, best actress. "killers of the flower moon. but emma stone could strike oscar gold for a second time for her performance in "poor things."
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experts say sure bets are robert downy junior and break-out star randal for best supporting actress. >> here we are, the oscars. >> jimmy kimmel returning as the show's host for the fourth time. >> i think what you are saying is hosting the oscars is even harder than being a woman. of ts year. >> good thing greta has director in the bag. >> but "barbie" fans, don't despair. like other best song nominees, ryan gosling will perform live, belting out his
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>> no. with gosling one of the biggest production numbers in the history of the oscars >> and another girl element planned for this year's show, every acting award will be presented by a group of past winners in that category, instead of just the previous years winners. they did this in 2009. people loved it. it is more fun when you get to do it with your friends, so look forward to that. >> it worked 15 years ago. time to do it again. bon jovi release add new trailer for a docuseries about the rock 'n' roll hall of famers they joined bon jovi in february of 2022, chatting about the band's future. it includes decades of video and never before seen images here is a peek at it. >> five guys from nowhere. if you work hard enough and you dream big enough, you can make it. >> just some young kid around
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here from new jersey making some noise. >> they gave me the opportunity to record on weekends and nights we would go in at 4:00 in the morning and start doing original songs. we were just crushing it anything that any one of those bands talks about, we did. it was real fun. i thought everybody else was enjoying it, too. >> wrong >> looking forward to that starts streaming april 26th on hulu finally, casey musgraves joining willie geist the two sat down here in new york where casey recorded her upcoming album. >> i'm so excited to be in the room where it happened so excit room where it happened. this is where "deeper well" was sort of conceived and in this room. >> to this is where "deeper well" was sort of conceived and in this room. >> totally, yeah i was very drawn to getting out of nashville and creating somewhere where there was a different energy and life bubbling around you. new york is one of the most
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unique cities in the world it is inspiring for sure. >> you can catch more of that on sunday today casey will be here for that special concert next friday when her record comes out go to for more information. >> all right, carson thank you. just ahead, we will have some fun because guess who's here awkwafina. that's not the only new role she's got. your local news. good morning. it is 8:26. i'm marcus washington. the group behind a planned new community in solano county is launching a new campaign to win
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over voters. that project is called california forever. developers want to build it from scratch on lands between rio vista and travis air force base. they've released new advertisements. dedrak detractors are voicing concerns about funding issues and close proximity to the air force base. let's get a look at what's going on weather-wise across the bay area. >> it's nice to see the sunshine, but we are starting out cool with low 40s in dublin. we'll warm up fairly quickly heading into the afternoon. south bay temperatures in the upper 60s, mid 60s for the east bay into the north bay, and san francisco reaching 64 degrees. we will see it slightly cooler tomorrow as scattered rain moves in. we'll also see another chance of
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rain sunday as well as tuesday. >> we'll have another local news update in 30 minutes. we're always o at nbcbayn
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♪ hey, everybody welcome back we are live on the air we got a bumping crowd our crowd is bumping bumping cr
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oh wait a minute. this is spring break wait hold on. okay it's spring break. where are you all from louisiana is in the house. you got to stop and you got to pay attention. whose birthday is it happy -- what is your name come on, girl! happy birthday >> this is some friday energy. >> love it. >> okay. you guys, we have a busy half hour craig is joining us from a special golf tournament in arizona that supports colon cancer awareness, a very important cause, of course hey, craig he will introduce us to a remarkable woman that's among the growing number of younger patients being diagnosed and take us inside the clinic offering them new hope.
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>> i would have caddied for you, craig. you should let me know next time. plus, nora jones in the studio brand-new album out. she's celebrating with a live performance for us coming up. >> very cool laura, you have something coming up for us. >> i ran away to the circus. >> okay. >> we are joining the circus we ran away. our team got an immersive, behind-the-scenes look it's back after a six-year hiatus, and, of course, we had to get in on that.and, of cours to get in on that. you will see that tomorrow. >> you will see that tomorrow. >> cool! i look forward to that. >> hey, guys we're taking the kids to the circus on sunday can't wait before we get to the weather, did you know that today is international women's day? and coming up on the 3rd hour, we will share the incredible story of a beauty brand called brown girl jane. we should also mention the 15% pledge it is an organization working
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with our sponsor city and leading the way in closing the racial wealth gap in retail. we will have so much more on that in our next hour. but right now let's get to what you can expect heading into the weekend. we are looking at another washout up and down the east coast with severe storms in the southwest. we could end up with snow showers, too temperatures cool down quite a bit. we're looking at 30s and 40s in the great lakes with windy conditions kicking it. it does look gorgeous through the plain states 50s, 60s, 70s, lots of sunshine. daylight savings time begins at 2:00 a.m. sunday morning that's spring ahead, so we do lose one hour this weekend good friday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. today is is nice and sunny. even throw it's cool now, we'll be warming up. we'll cool down to the low 40s tonight. on sunday morning we're
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springing forward as daylight saving time begins. more rain coming in late sunday evening into monday. we'll also see some scattered show and that's your latest forecast back over to you guys. >> two stars from dreamworks, awkwafina and po >> hey, po do the arms move >> the arms do just one very cool. >> i want to shout-out "kung fu panda 4. anybody want to go thanks to fandango, everybody gets tickets wow! very cool. >> everybody gets free tickets we will talk to you in just a second coming up, guys, craig joins us with a very special story that's near and dear to his heart but, first, this is "today" on nbc. we're back
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( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving.
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it is 8:36 with your health. march is colorectal awareness month. and craig is in tucson, arizona for something special and near and dear to his heart. >> you're there for the colorectal golf tournament, supporting those battling the disease and their supporters. >> yes, yes. good to see you guys good friday morning. i want to show you the crowd that has gotten up early here in arizona. you all say hello. a few hundred of my closest friends got up early here in arizona because this is a cause, as you mentioned. this is a cause that's dear to me after watching my brother lawrence fight his disease.
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now i serve as an unpaid board member to sponsor this segment. in recent years, there has been this disturbing trend of people like my brother getting diagnosed at a young age. so we went to the first of its kind young onset we wanted to see how they are treating younger patients. 41 we got to speak with a 41-year-old woman that's battling the disease, and she gave us quite the lesson in perseverance and strength. like any good teacher, molly has a lesson plan in place there is a rhythm to her days as a kindergarten teacher in the bronx, new york. but physically, something was out of balance for her she had been experiencing fatigue and gastro intestinal problems still she was scheduled to get screened. >> i scheduled a colonoscopy,
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but i canceled it three times because i was scared >> when she was finally screened, doctors found tumors. >> i got diagnosed at 40. >> what did you think? >> my first words were, i have a son. and i said, i don't want to die. >> noah, your son, he's a teenager. >> noah, your son, he's a teenager how did you break it to him? >> i went to the doctor. i got diagnosed. i have cancer. and he had a thousand questions. he said, you know what, ma, i have never met a stronger woman than youfter several rounds of o and surgery, the tumors are gone. now and i know you will beat this. >> after several rounds of chemo and surgery, the tumors are gone now she's undergoing preventive chemo in the hopes of being cancer free. she's getting treatment at memorial sloan kettering's young onset center the center was founded six years ago to address the rise in
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younger patients with the disease. a recent study found that colorectal cancer is now the leading cause of cancer deaths for men under 50 and the second deadliest for women under 50 this is one of the center's founders what do we know that causes the increase or do we increase or do we know >> the bottom line is we don't really know yet. likely it is something environmental. it is likely something we're all exposed to, whether it's, you know, diet, in the environment or even a combination of these factors. >> reporter: in addition to medical treatments, patients are offered counseling services to deal with questions about fertility, financial losses and how to speak to their young children about their illness the center's twin goals are to remove the disease and prepare
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the patient for life as a cancer survivor >> as an oncologist, you are kind of like, well, the cancer is gone. you're cured that's it. that's where it stops and everyone celebrates. and then you are sitting there in the room with the patient, and it doesn't stop there at all. there are cancer survivors because they're a cancer patient. and that carries into their life for the rest of their life. >> raise your hand if you want to share >> she carries on, devoted to encouraging more people to get screened and to making the most of her life. does it change your perspective on life when you get a cancer diagnosis? >> i see things in such a different way. like with my son, with my students, like i see how innocent they are, and i'm like, this is how you have to liveou . just, you know, living life every day. don't take a day for life, you know, like a child just, you know, living life every day. don't take a day for granted
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>> amen. and she does not by the way, she has a scan next month that will hopefully show that she is now cancer free. here is my favorite part of the noah her son noah says he wants to go to school to become a cancer doctor by the way, before i send it back to new york, one more time, hey! >> hey >> these guys, a few hundred survivors and caregivers, folks who work with the sponsors here. i mean, it is just -- it's a community no one ever really wants to be a part of, obviously. but once you become part of this family of survivors and caregivers, it is a special bunch. big thanks to all of you who got up early and thank you guys as well carson, you will have to come next year.
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we'll play. >> i hope so that story is so important that is so great watching the teenage son recognize her strength. >> craig, hats off to you. this is a beautiful cause that you have dedicated a lot of your >> and golf is alway s
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we are back with award-winning actress, writer, producer she has so many other titles, awkwafina. now you can catch her in dreamworks "kung fu panda 4" as a fox that protects the valley awkwafina. now you can catch her in dreamworks "kung fu panda 4" as a fox that protects the valley of peace from a treacherous new villain. take a look. >> who is it? >> only the most powerful
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of peace from a treacherous new i'm in the know. >> awkwafina, that's exactly right. >> thank you. >> let's talk about this role. you and jack black in this this is a new character in "kung fu panda 4." why did you say yes to this? >> i have been a fan of the franchise. obviously headlined by jack black who is such a gem in real life yeah, it is a surreal honor. >> you know, you walked in this studio and hugged our floor director you have known him since forever ago when you did "girl code" back in the day. we both admired something about you. you have not changed. >> oh, man.
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>> you just told me a second ago because you know what it's like to be broke. you know what it is like not to have these things. describe the journey you came on to get to this point. >> oh, man i feel like in the beginning it was this roller coaster and it is really entertaining and it is going so fast and like, you know, you're -- but you're not in control of it you're not driving you don't know where it is going to take you. i think eventually it becomes how you talk to yourself, i think. you know, i think in the beginning you're scared and you don't really know what's going on. >> you don't even know if you can make it in this business. >> yeah, yeah. you need to lift yourself up all the time. it's -- yeah. >> that's just how you lived your life. i feel like great opportunities come for you. crazy rich asians came. you have this thing with john krasinski. tell me about this project. >> i don't know how much because i believe i play just a bubble.
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yeah, so i play different elements, which is cool. yeah. my first element, yeah. >> okay. looking for -- i feel like you are one of these actresses who is sought after. how is it finding work in hollywood these days? >> oh, >> okay. looking for -- i feel like you are one of these actresses who is sought after. how is it finding work in hollywood these days >> oh, man i think, you know, there is so much we are just coming out of a strike, you know and i think that definitely kin of put a dent into a lot of people's livelihoods, too, and how we're kind of recovering but, you know, there is a lot of great stuff out there and just about picking characters that resonate with you, that are funny, that have good people involved, you know. >> do you always believe the next one is out there? are you that kind of person? >> always. yeah, the next one, the next thing. >> yeah. the next thing is always waiting for you. >> i always feel like the next cool thing that maybe hasn't happened yet, it will always be out there. >> what do you think is next for you?
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>> i don't know. maybe -- i could get into magic. you know what i mean >> magic >> yeah. >> okay. your life is very cool you are exactly who you are. that's it. i was talking to a bunch of first graders yesterday because of this book i put out i said, the only thing you have to be is exactly who you are you have managed to maintain that in this industry. thank you, awkwafina go see "kung fu panda 4. and you will be playing a trivia game in the 4th hour. >> they did briefly tell me about that dreamworks. it's in i don't know if i will be successful, but it will be ready. >> from our sister company dreamworks it's in theaters today take your children. coming up next, another powerhouse, nora jones, and she will perform for us live but, first, this i"today" on nbc.s
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the citi music series on "today" is the citi music sen "today" is proudly presented to you by citi. >> okay. we are back with a very special friday music star nora jones is here. >> we all had to be here for this she burst on scene more than 20 years ago, captivating songs like "don't know why." 9 grammys, including best new artist, album of the year and record of the year. >> today, she is put with her new album "visions." she's performing "running. nora, take it awayaway. ♪♪ ♪ ♪ ooh, ooh ♪ ♪ from the first time i felt th
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click in my heart ♪ ♪ i keep running, i'll keep running away ♪ ♪ tried to sleep, but the achin tears me apart ♪ ♪ i keep running, i'll keep running away ♪ ♪ oh, if i wasted the day ♪ ♪ i keep running, keep running away ♪ ♪ oh, does it hurt me to stay ♪ ♪ keep running, 'cause i don't want to pay ♪ ♪ stars shine, but start to fad in the light ♪ is blind ♪♪ telling myself it's for you. ♪♪ whoa, you ♪♪ running and running ♪♪ running ♪ love is ♪ running
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♪♪ running and running ♪♪ ♪ for you ♪ ♪ in the night, the devil knock on my door ♪ ♪ keep running, i'll keep running away ♪ ♪ another laugh and the same thing happened before ♪ ♪ keep running, i'll keep ♪♪ oh, and he begs me to stay ♪ oh, and he begs me to stay ♪ ♪ oh, really take me away ♪ ♪ keep running, 'cause i don't want to pay ♪ ♪ stars shine, but start to fad in the light ♪ ♪ love is blind, could be wrong or it could be right ♪
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♪ in a bind, telling myself it' for you ♪ ♪ for you ♪ ♪ for you ♪ ♪ for you ♪ ♪ ♪ ooh ♪
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♪ ooh ♪ [ cheers and applause >> yes >> that's how you do it. big shoutout to the band too thank you so much. nora jones, that was awesome as always the record is "visions." it seems as if you found a light at the end of the tunnel, or perhaps acceptance to life. >> it's a fun album kind of. there's some darkness still. yeah >> thank god >> yeah. it's not perfect >> you're going to take it on tour though. where are you going? >> tell us about that. >> i'm stoked. we're going to be pretty much all over the united states we're going to have fun. this band is amazing. >> look at them. they are ready to rock. >> yes we're color-coordinated and everything >> we love the new music it's great nora, thank you so much. go see nora on tour. "visions" is out today she's back in our third hour with another live performance. first, a check of your local news and weather thank you, nora. >> thank you, nora thank you guys so much >> thank you ♪
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good morning. it's 8:56. i'm kris sanchez. a federal investigation is under way after a wheel on this united plane fell off during takeoff. the boeing 777 was headed to japan. the landing gear had not yet started going up when the wheel plunged to the ground. it did not hit anybody, but it did damage two cars in the parking lot. it landed safely in lax and passengers got on a different flight to japan. the airlines say they will work with customers and the owners of those cars damaged to address
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this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," lights, camera, oscars. the academy awards are this
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