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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  March 10, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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good morning. it is sunday, march 10th, 7:00. dark outside because at this
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time yesterday, it was 6:00. you have hopefully awoken not grumpy, sprung your clocks an hour forward. thank you for starting your morning with us. i'm kira klapper. cinthia pimentel has a look at our microclimate forecast. we have not seen a dark 7:00 a.m. in quite sometime. it was hard to weak up today. >> you know, we're morning news people. we just get up and go. maybe it will come to us tomorrow. good morning, everyone. we're starting off in san jose with a few clouds as we try to get the peeks of the sun rise. over the golden gat bridge, a little foggy, but as we go into today, more cloud cover settling into parts of the bay area. starting off in the 40s. by lunchtime, you'll feel the breeze picking up under all that cloud cover as we await our next rain chance later on tonight. it will start first in the north bay and sweep on through as the majority of us go to bed tonight and settle in to start our workweek ahead.
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speaking of the workweek, the next rain chance will be monday night and tuesday. that will be it for a while. we're talking about 70s, possibly the 80s, and offshore wind event. that's coming up in about ten minutes. >> love the sound of that, cinthia. thanks. now to firefighters who spent hours to put out flames yesterday in a san jose garage. the smoke so thick it drifted over a nearby freeway. it happened in a neighborhood not far from valley fair mall. as marianne favro reports, the fire was big enough to force some neighbors to stay inside their homes. >> reporter: when she saw flames ripping through the garage of her neighbor's garage, she called 911. >> lots of loud smoke, a loud bang, and lots of fire. it was huge. it was scary. >> reporter: wanda hall lives across the street.
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>> i kept hearing these booms right after each other. >> reporter: she showed us how she used her cane to get onlookers to clear the way so fire trucks could get through. her biggest concern -- >> that house exploding. and the fire coming across the street. >> reporter: firefighters say the garage was filled with materials used to install flooring. >> the garage contained several chemicals, propane tanks, torching tanks. it took an expensive amount of time to get the fire under control. >> reporter: about 50 san jose firefighters responded, including the hazardous incident response team, which collected samples of the runoff water to analyze. firefighters bat lted the flames from a distance, using ladder trucks as smoke slowed traffic on i-880. fortunately no one was hurt. now investigators are trying to determine the cause of the fire.
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marianne favro, "today in the bay." we have new developments in the case of a convicted killer up for parole who now will not be release for weeks, we have been following the fight to keep royce milner prison. the family say they were shocked to learn just last month that miller would soon walk free after 17 years in prison, but now, miller will not be paroled. on friday, governor newsom's office overturned the parole board recommendation. danner was a student at lincoln high school when she was killed in 2004. miller was convicted of second degree murder. san francisco d.a. brook jenkins said the assistant d.a. who spoke in favor of miller's release, is no longer employed by her office. turning now to a march across the golden gate bridge
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yesterday was peaceful as the group was protesting. code pink organized the demonstration over two main messages. calling for an immediate cease-fire in gaza, as well as an end to military aid to israel, and they also focused on women's reproductive rights in gaza, as well as the right to safety and security there. march is women's history month, and all month long, nbc bay area is celebrating the contributions of women to our daily lives. marcus washington introduces us to a group of women from all different backgrounds, working together to make a difference for women's safety across the globe. >> reporter: good morning. we're just coming off of celebrating international women's day, as we honor women's history all month long. we are spotlighting one activist group looking to amplify women's voices called the collective. it's a grassroot organization of muslim and jewish women, coming together to encourage dialogue
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surrounding the war in the middle east and the perceived silence among some leaders in condemning violence against women. they point out to the terrorist attacks on october 7. one member says that women should not wait to speak out. >> we know how iran is treating their women today. they're being killed in prison, raped for wearing -- not wearing a head scarf. so the challenges for women are a lot, and on this international women's day, let us seriously ask some questions, what are we doing about rape and victim of the jewish women particularly? and who is speaking out about it? >> reporter: she says that women cannot afford to stand still on social issues. the collective reminds women to always use their voice standing up for what they believe. you can get stories like this monday through friday on "today in the bay." we start at 5:00 a.m. on air and watch nbc bay area news whenever
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you want 24/7 on roku and other streaming networks. kira, happy women's history month. back to you. >> thanks, marcus. love ya. joe biden sat down for an exclusive wide-ranging interview with msnbc yesterday talking about the war in gaza, and his administration's continued support of israel. that, despite the deepening humanitarian crisis there. he stood by that support while simultaneously criticizing israel's methods as the war continues. >> the defense of israel is still critical, so there's no red line i want to cut all off weapons so they don't have the iron dome to protect them. but there's red lines that if it crosses -- it cannot have 30,000 more palestinians dead as a consequence of going after them. there are other ways to get to, to deal with -- with the trauma caused by hamas. >> at another point in the
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interview, he expressed regret for his choice of words during last word's state of the union address. during his speech, he said the word "illegal" when referring to an undocumented immigrant charged with killing nursing student laken riley in georgia. >> i shouldn't have used illegal. it's undocumented. and look, when i spoke about the difference between trump and me, one of the things i talked about on the border was that his -- the way he talks about vermin and these people polluting the blood. what i won't do, i'm not going to treat any of these people with disrespect. >> both joe biden and former president trump rallied yesterday in the battleground state of georgia. before trump's rally, he met with laken riley's parents. a senior adviser for the trump campaign told reporter that joe biden should be apologizing to the riley family for a lax border policy instead of apologizing for using the word
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"illegal." back here in the bay area, a beloved restaurant in a historic building in the castro district served its final dinner last night. alyssa gord was there as regulars raised their martini glasses to celebrate the restaurant's more than two-decade run and shared their hopes for the future. >> reporter: on market street in the castro, people lined up for a final night at catch, a restaurant and bar that's been there 22 years. >> we literally have been sold out every single night for the last two weeks. >> reporter: the owner says he made the tough decision to retire. >> i have to hang up my spatula, as they say. >> oh, my god! >> reporter: old co-workers returned for hugs and regulars toasted with martinis and seafood stew. >> i'm going to miss this place. i don't know what to do. >> 22 years is a long life. you have to do a lot of things right to sustain that. >> we enjoy having them in our
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neighborhood. so long. >> reporter: this building has been in the neighborhood for a long time, too. in the early 1900s, he says it was a silent movie theater. he says he's preserved the sliver on an old kodak sign, a reminder that harvey milk had a camera shot here. and this spot is where the names project began, starting the aids memorial quilt. >> this entire space was the sewing place where the quilt was made. >> reporter: he says many of his colleagues in the '80s died of aids, and helped to bring a panel of the aids quilt back to hang in the restaurant. >> that was part of -- what i'm the most proud of, i was able to maintain and continue the legacy of the physical space. >> reporter: the owner says he doesn't know what this building will be used for next, but hoping whoever is near next helps celebrate and preserve the history here. as bartenders shake up the last
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round of drinks, regulars are noting they would like to see another restaurant move in. >> i hope it does, because this is actually a great spot for a restaurant. >> reporter: it's a testament to the power of neighborhood pride and good food. alyssa goard, "today in the bay." we have much more ahead on "today in the bay." coming up, we go live to washington, d.c. for our weekly interview
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welcome back. the california senate seat left open by the late senator dianne feinstein will be filled by one of two people. either congressman adam schiff or former mlb star steve garvey. they were the top two vote getters in the senate race on super tuesday. please join me in welcoming kristen welker, moderator of "meet the press." so great to see you as always. it's interesting to note that a
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republican, steve garvey, garnered nearly as many votes as a democrat, adam schiff, in a typically blue state of california. you have an exclusive interview with schiff this morning. i'm wondering what is his outlook in securing that senate seat, as well as the democrat's overall battle to hold their majority in the senate? >> great question. look, i put it basically what you just said to congressman adam schiff. i said look, you poured millions into attack ads against steve garvey, basically elevating him over all of schiff's democratic rivals. that was strategic, because it is a blue state, and he thinks steve garvey than any of those other democrats. the challenge and the criticism is, did that not hurt other races, other seats? did that not hurt, quite frankly, democrat chances of trying to win back the house? he insists that is not the case.
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he says what he did elevated democrats across the board. so he's quite bullish in that regard. it's clear he plans to big into that. it's clear he plans to run not just against steve garvey, but also against former president trump. he was quite forceful in terms of his opposition to some of those policies. so you can anticipate, i expect, that he is going to run in alignment with joe biden as he tries to win that senate seat, kira. >> and probably bringing up the fact that he spearheaded that first impeachment trial against trump. >> absolutely. >> we look forward to your interview this morning. we'll see you in a bit. thanks for your time. we hope you join kristen for this morning's "meet the press." she'll have interviews with adam schiff and south carolina senator lindsey graham and interview georgia senator raphael warnock. if you just stick with us for "today in the bay," "meet the press" is on at 8:00 a.m. right after this news cast.
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coming up in about 30 minutes from now, we'll talk to nbc bay area political analyst larry gerston for our weekly segment. we'll explore the 2024 presidential election, turning into a repeat of 2020. the rematch between biden and trump, and the big ticket issues each is fighting for. meanwhile, joe biden defused fears of a partial government shutdown. the senate approved the $460 billion package before friday's midnight deadline as we told you yesterday morning. it will deep the department of justice, transportation, and other government agencies running through september. in a statement from the white house, he thanked leaders in both the senate and house for their leadership on the issue. there is a big push now to get kids of color interested in careers in the medical field. hundreds of middle and high school students of all
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backgrounds gathered yesterday in cal state east bay's campus in hayward for a day-long summit. it was put on by kaiser and the organization black men in white coats. kids were invited to learn cpr, take work shops, listen to speakers and connect with counselors. >> it's been show that if you have physicians that look like you, that come from shared experiences, that patients engage more, they're more likely to come into appointments. our goal is through that shared culture, we can provide care that is culturally humble and appropriate, and in the end, it's to decrease the existing dispariies that we see in things like high blood pressure, cancer and other diseases. now, check out this line, if you can. maybe you were one of the thousands who waited in line yesterday. this is for the annual tulip day
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in san francisco. more than 80,000 colorful flowers were set up in union square. people were able to pick out a free bouquet in honor of spring. organizers say last year about 35,000 people came out. >> last year, we came and we missed out because there were so many people. we gave up and just went to the store and got tulips. this year, we planned it a little better. it's stunning, what a great community thing to do. >> the union square alliance says the event is a bright spot for the area that's been dealing with challenges lately. tulip day kicked off union square in bloom, which marks spring with a floral display and a chance for people to support businesses in the area. just something about getting something for free that really makes you want to line up. time now to check in with cinthia pimentel for a look at our microclimate forecast. quite a nice day yesterday. >> and it's also free, the forecast. and even though that day is over, it's not too late for all the hubbies and all the partners
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to still get flowers. well, we're still going to have a day to get out there and get your flowers, get your groceries while we stay mostly cloudy and dry for your sunday plans. san francisco, waking up to temperatures in the 40s, and we'll keep that cloud cover around with just a few peeks of sunshine as we go into this afternoon. the system right now is still to the north. similar as it was yesterday morning as then it will drop down giving us better rain chances as we go into this afternoon. the first thing you're going to feel is the wind. so make sure you're packing a light jacket and you run all of those errands. 15 to 20 miles an hour to start. gusty this afternoon, especially in the north bay, parts of the diablo range and through san francisco. even down into parts of sunnyvale and the santa cruz mountains. this will die down as we go into later on this evening. but then the rain will follow right behind that. so we're staying with the mostly cloudy day, and then the rain arrives as we go through the north bay.
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mainly around dinnertime. it will come down through the east bay and peninsula by around bedtime and really an overnight thing. monday, clear for our commute and through the day to get our workweek started. but then it will be into the nighttime hours that we get another round of rain. this will sweep on through a bit quicker and just happen in the overnight hours. as we go into tuesday morning, a few spotty showers will remain and then it will clear up and that will be our last rain chance for a little bit. so how much are we looking at, as far as totals? as we take this timeline into tuesday, not going to be so significant san francisco south. most of that rain stays to the north bay, and about an inch as you make your way up into mendocino county. tahoe, you want to get there or back before the afternoon. we have this winter storm watch that goes into effect tonight and into tuesday. so plan ahead if you have spring break and you want to head up
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there. notice how the low pressure and high pressure are near each other. this is going to be a bit of a clash and will become a bit of an offshore wind event as we go into wednesday and thursday. now, i would normally be very concerned about this, but with all of the storms that we've had, our fields are still pretty good. it will maybe dry them up just a little bit, but we're not so concerned as far as that wildfires go. so maybe just a chance here or there as you get yourself ready for this workweek ahead to make sure you have that defensible space. wrapping it up for you in our seven-day forecast, we see the rain arrive later tonight as well as monday night into tuesday. but following behind that, it will be some breezy days mixed in there with more sunshine. look at the temperatures just climb, kira, as the week goes on. 60s to upper 60s to mid 70s, maybe even some 80s as we go into the inland valleys. >> i don't want to jinx things, but i feel like winter went really quickly.
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>> well, remember groundhog day and early spring, so he said. >> so he said. i guess he was right. we'll welcome that sunshine. cinthia, thanks. 7:21 right now. much more ahead on "today in the bay." coming up, sharks fans got something they've all been waiting for. the losing streak is finally over. highlights from their win over ottawa, next in sports.
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welcome back. the warriors were back at chase center last night without star guard steph curry. he sprained his ankle thursday night in a loss to the chicago bulls. he is scheduled to be re-evaluated on tuesday. they faced off against the spurs, who also had to go without their star rookie. wemby had to sit out with an ankle injury. but the spurs dominated from the
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second period on. the one bright spot was klay thompson. he scored 25 points coming off the bench. in the end, though, it was san antonio's night, winning 126-113. the two teams meet again tomorrow night in san antonio. on the ice, the sharks snapped a nine-game losing streak, beating the ottawa senators. the sharks center scored two power play goals, including the game winner. in fact, he scored only two points for the sharks. final score, 2-1, sharks. oracle park was packed yesterday, not for a giants game. the team hosted fan fest yesterday. fans of the g-men got to see the team's world series catastrophies up close, take pictures and go through areas that are normally off-limits. the giants' spring training game against the a's was up on the scoreboard. since the team is in arizona right now, new hologram
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technology allowed fans to interact with players there. fans tell us they're looking forward to what they hope will be an exciting season. >> well, it's hard to say, right? it's kind of a young team and it's amazing that we brought sandoval back. maybe he'll make the roster. we'll see. >> the giants start their season on the road in san diego on march 28th about 2 1/2 weeks from now. they'll face the padres in the home opener at oracle park on april 5th. as for yesterday's spring training game, it was the giants and the a's as we mentioned. a frustrating game for the giants until the 7th. they trailed 1-0. when walton gets hit by a pitch with the bases loaded. tyler fitzgerald comes in to score. the giants scored five runs in that inning, with only one hit by wade mechler. giants win 5-1. and we want to say congratulations to the oakland tech boys basketball team.
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they won their first-ever state championship in sacramento, defeating the centennial high school. final score, 79-55. and another congratulations. i was shocked to hear this. 49ers quarterback brock purdy got married yesterday. to his long-time girlfriend jenna brant. these are the pictures when they got engaged last summer. they said "i do" in des moines, iowa, which is fitting sense they met at iowa state university as college students. congratulations to them. just shy of 7:27. much more ahead on "today in the bay." coming up, tense moments in one bay area neighborhood. what firefighters say was inside a home that made the flames tough to contain. plus, the stars are coming out tonight for the oscars. we'll tell you about the movies we'll tell you about the movies getting the most
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i was like shaking you know, i was so scared. when i first reached out to jacoby and meyers. i didn't know if i had a case or not. as soon as i got a hold of my attorney, she was very, very nice, very kind. because of jacoby and meyers, i don't have that pressure to worry about a medical bill or things like that. if i know of any accident, i'm like, call jacoby and meyers, they'll help you.
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good morning. it is sunday, march 10th, our first day of daylight saving of 2024. we are taking a live look from communications hill toward san jose. it's dark out there. the sun is just starting to come up. hopefully, you're not totally confused. it is 7:29 right now. thanks for joining us. i'm kira klapper. cinthia pimentel has a quick look at the microclimate forecast. i had to wish my husband good luck waking up our kids for their sports this morning. >> you wake up and look at things like the microwave and kitchen stove and think, that's not right. good morning, kira. good morning, everyone. daylight saving time has started. temperatures a bit chilly out there. in the north bay, 42. in napa, 43. santa rosa, a bit cooler. as we move inland, mid to upper
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40s and 52 degrees in san jose. we'll see all that cloud cover today as we await the next rain chance. it's still up to the north in northern california in the northern border. it will sweep on through later tonight. you'll fee the wind first, 15 to 30-mile-an-hour wind gusts out there. then we have another chance of rain as we go into tuesday. that will be it for at least the next seven days as we track windier and warmer temperatures ahead. 70s and maybe some 80s next weekend. i'll be back with that in about ten minutes. >> cinthia, thanks. we begin with a san jose home up in smoke, possibly fueled by propane tanks and chemicals inside the garage. all of this sending smoke into the sky not far from san jose's busiest shopping center as well as valley fair mall. the fire ignited around 3:00 yesterday afternoon in a garage behind a duplex on daniel way. neighbors say they saw flames
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shooting out of the garage, heard several booms. firefighters confirm there were propane tanks inside and a lot of chemicals in the garage related to carpet installation. about 50 san jose firefighters responded, including the hazardous incident response team, which collected samples of the runoff water to analyze it. we spoke with one neighbor who was worried the fire might spread to her home. >> it was flames going everywhere. so i was trying to get some other people that came on the sidewalk and i was trying to direct them, no, we can't go of there, because we don't know if the house is going to explode or not. >> some neighbors were told to shelter in place, but no one was injured. the exact cause of that fire is under investigation. now to a follow up to a story we brought to you as breaking news yesterday morning on "today in the bay." an hours-long standoff in contra
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costa county ended peacefully. it all started around 1:30 yesterday morning on lancaster circle in bay point just west of pittsburgh. the suspect shot someone inside a home. we have no word on how they're doing. the sheriff's office called in on the s.w.a.t. team and put the neighborhood on lockdown after negotiating with the suspect. after nine hours, the suspect was arrested and the lockdown was lifted around 10:30 yesterday morning. the chp needs your help figuring out what led to a deadly crash. officers say around 2:00 this morning, they got a call about a car down an embankment. it was just off of north bound 280 near the mission street overcrossing in san francisco. when officers got there, they thought the car was abandoned but discovered a driver behind the wheel, dead. anybody with information about
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the crash is asked to call the chp. a north bay police department is expressing shock and disappointment after the arrest of one of their own officers. james lewis is a school resource officer for fairfield pd. he's assigned to rodriguez high school. on friday, parents reported he had been exchanging inappropriate texts and photos with two female students. the department began investigating and arrested lewis yesterday morning. he faces several charges and is now on administrative leave as the investigation continues. the justice department has started a criminal investigation involving that alaska airlines plane that lost a door panel midnight. the flight, as you know, was headed to ontario in southern california from portland, oregon, back in january, when a section of the plane blew off, forcing the crew to make an emergency landing.
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according to "the wall street journal," investigators contacted the pilots, flight attendants and passengers. the investigation would help the doj review whether boeing complied with a previous settlement of a federal investigation into two deadly 737 max 9 crashes in 2018 and 2019. overseas now, the rush to get aid inside gaza is growing more urgent, as millions of palestinians are at risk from the humanitarian crisis there. nbc's molly hunter reports on the new efforts underway to bring aid to the strip. >> reporter: setting off from cyprus this weekend, yet another international effort to get aid into gaza even faster. a joint mission between the spanish organization open arms, and chef andreas' kitchen. >> you can see behind me "the open arms" is getting ready to set sail. >> reporter: it will travel about 200 miles through newly secured maritime corridor to
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reach an undisclosed location in gaza. u.s. air drops continued, parachuting food pallets into northern gaza. but on friday, palestinian officials said at least five people were killed, not by israeli bombs but by aid palettes crashing from the sky, falling rapidly with the parachutes failing. but the u.s. says all of its aid landed safely. on the ground, desperation. he says they've been waiting for hours, but it's not enough for his family of seven, as famine stalks northern gaza, unicef says children are already starving to death. this comes as the u.s. announced a new plan to build a temporary pier off the coast of gaza. the pentagon says it could take up to two months, requiring 1,000 u.s. troops. international organizations say joe biden should instead pressure israeli prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu to allow more raid in by road. israel says it's not preventing aid from getting to the people who need it most. the u.n. special envoy to the right to food calling air drops and the pier plan absurd and a performance to meet a domestic audience. more evidence of the peril from air drops posted to social media, highlighting the risk of what was meant for relief. inside israel, hostage families running out of patience. and with the muslim holy month of ramadan nearing, there's no cease-fire in sight. we're going to take a big turn now and tell you about the oscars tonight, the biggest night for hollywood as the stars come out to honor the industry's best at the 96th annual academy awards. nbc's mark barger has a preview. >> reporter: gold dusted chocolate oscars await partygoers after tonight's academy awards. >> the world will remember this
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day. >> reporter: but with 13 nominations, "oppenheimier" is likely to rack up plenty of the real thing. >> just like we saw "everywhere, everything, all at once" dominate last year with seven wins, "oppenheimier" is in position to do just as well. >> reporter: "barbie" has eight nominations, including best picture. but no bids for margot robbie or director greta gerwig. >> there was so many great films and performances to choose from. >> reporter: even sew, expect to hear "oppenheimier" a lot. >> a win for best picture and best actor. >> reporter: if paul giamatti doesn't get an upset. "killers of the flower moon" could bring lily gladstone the first oscar for a native american. >> my color. >> reporter: she's in a tight
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race with emma stone. >> this performance she gives in "poor things" is such a high wire act and so impressive and dare. >> reporter: and supporting actor seems an "oppenheimier" lock. >> it's such a great game of betrayal and back stabbing, and robert downey, jr. plays it so well. >> reporter: just part of what is likely to be a coronation of sorts. >> it's going to be a real crowning moment for christopher nolan. >> reporter: but for all of tonight's oscar nominees, it will be a night to remember. mark barger, nbc news. 39 past the hour right now. still to come on "today in the bay," an update to a story we brought you yesterday morning. brought you yesterday morning. a newarning about w ( ♪♪ )
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maybe your sunday plans include a trip up to wipe
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country. we have 42 degrees in napa. chilly and cloudy throughout the day. it's going to be cloudy and breezy, as we go on and take on the day. temperatures, upper 50s in santa rosa, san francisco. we'll get a few 60s into palo alto. concord at 62. 64 in downtown san jose. the rain will arrive later on tonight. so you have all the day to plan ahead and get ready for it. the majority of it will be an overnight event. let's take this hour by hour. cloudy skies throughout the day, and here comes the line of showers. first arriving in the north bay. as we go into dinnertime, it quiets down for the afternoon. it will arrive in the east bay around bedtime. and in the middle of the night, into monday, that's when it will arrive into the south bay and just fizzle on out of here as we go into the monday commute. there's another chance of rain behind that as we go into monday night. again, first arriving in the
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north bay for the drive. it could be some spotty showers, enough to just get the roadways wet a little out there. not going to have your wind shield wipers on full blast. tuesday morning, some spotty showers, and really clearing on out of here, giving way to clearer skies as we go into tuesday afternoon and the rest of the week ahead. in tahoe, before we get to the warmer temperatures, many of us want to go up there and see the snow. there is a winter weather advisory, winter storm watch in some places where we could be looking at half a foot lake level to maybe a foot, possibly even two as we go into those ridges with some gusty winds. so the best time to get up there is right now, and really this afternoon before the storm starts to get down there. taking a look at the long-range forecast for the rest of the week, high pressure builds in. sunny skies and beautiful weather. low pressure is sticking really closely. when we have that, we create tighter grade yants. it will be a little concerning as the wind comes offshore.
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we have known these as the diablo winds. we have a lot of rain this season, not too concerned, but be fire weather aware over the next couple of days as the temperatures climb as we go into thursday, friday, and saturday. we get into some 70s, upper 70s by friday. and i see this warm weather continuing on into next saturday. so finally a saturday where we're not talking about rain in the bay area. that will be really nice, a big treat for all of us. the seven-day forecast. dealing with some wind and rain at times through at least tuesday. temperatures warm up and we clear out by wednesday into the weekend, with some upper 70s. san francisco will also see some very nice weather after we clear out of this unsettled pattern as we go into tuesday. 60s and even some 70s in downtown san francisco. that will be really nice. >> you know when it's nice in san francisco. it will be nice everywhere. cinthia, thanks. 7:44 right now. much more ahead on "today in the bay." coming up, nbc bay area
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be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product. we are back with a follow-up to a story we brought you yesterday morning. keep your pets out of lake merritt. that's what the city of oakland is saying after the water took on a rusty red color this week. the color of the lake is raising concerns of another harmful algae bloom or red tide. city leaders say preliminary water quality tests show traces of alley related to the red tide. this is what it looked like in august of 2022. the harmful algae bloom spread to parts of the bay, released toxins pulling oxygen out of the water killing all sorts of
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marine life. we turned our clocks forward overnight, and at the same time, some people feel that we may be going back in time. four years to be exact. with the looming rematch between joe biden and former president donald trump, will this election be more of the same or something different? nbc bay area political analyst larry gerston is here. great to see you, as always. so i know the answer to this already, but for our viewers, how unusual is it for a former american president to be running against the incumbent? very unusual. >> second time ever. second time in history. write notes now. in 1884, grover cleveland won the presidency. in 1888, it was harrison, and in 1892, cleveland came back against harrison, a former president, and cleveland won. will it happen this are year?
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we don't know. this is the second time this has occurred. >> so a lot of people are groaning, you know, on the internet about this rematch. several polls have shown that as much as 70% of americans say they want to see someone else, a different candidate besides biden or trump. so how is it that we have them again, given that statistic? >> kira, i've heard so many times why haven't the democrats chosen this guy? why didn't the republican choose this guy? it's not as if there's a bunch of republicans or democrats who get into a corner and decide who will get the win or the nod. it happens through the primaries. you know this, it's the primaries. it turns out that nobody of stature decided to go against biden, and nobody really of enough stature went against trump. in fact, trump has a very solid hold on that party. the republicans love trump. so you put it together, and yeah, we've got more of the same, but guess what? that's what the voters selected,
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like it or not. >> nikki haley stuck in for as long as she could. but it didn't work out. so how will these issues, you think, biden and trump, stack up against 2020, or will this be the same kind of issues they're running on? >> it's really not going to be the same. it's not going to be more of the same, despite what people might think. first of all, we had covid. nobody remembers covid anymore. it paralyzed the country and the way that president trump managed it. we have the economy then and it's now. immigration is a bigger issue now. inflation, of course, is a bigger issue now. and then we have these other questions looming out there. trump as his legal issues, number one. abortion, a big issue in 2022,
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is it as big in 2024? the economy again is on the list. and then, of course, the question of democracy. so things are in some ways the thing, we're always talking about the economy for example. things are not going to necessarily be the same when we talk about what trump's legal issues are, the immigration question today, whether the abortion issue comes heavy. those are questions that may loom large. but there is good news. we have comparisons. apples and apples. we've watched the president before, trump. we've watched the president now, biden. people know what they're getting. >> well, that's true. that's a nice silver lining, if there is one. larry, great to see you. >> 7:52 right now. up next, a quick look at the stories, including flames tearing through a south bay garage. why the water use to put out the
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welcome back. here's a quick look at the top stories we are following on this sunday morning, including a south bay home up in smoke. the fire possibly fueled by propane tanks and chemicals inside the garage. all of that sending smoke into the sky, not far from san jose's busy santana row and valley fair mall. the fire broke out around 3:00 yesterday afternoon in the garage behind a duplex on daniel way. neighbors tell us they saw the
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flames shooting out of the garage and also heard several booms. firefighters confirmed there were propane tanks and chemicals related to the installation of carpet inside the garage. about 50 san jose firefighters responded, and that included the hazardous incident team, which collected samples of the run-off water to analyze it. we spoke with one neighbor living across the street, telling us she was worried the fire might spread to her home. >> it was flames going everywhere. so i was trying to get some other people that came on the sidewalk, and i was trying to direct them, no, we can't go over there, because we don't know if the house is going to explode or not. >> we are still waiting word on how the water testing turned out. some neighbors were told to shelter in place. luckily, no one was injured. the cost of the fire is under investigation. we now have a follow up to a
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story we brought to you as breaking news yesterday this morning. an hours-long standoff in contra costa county ended peacefully. it started around 1:30 yesterday morning on lancaster circle west of pittsburgh. a suspect shot someone inside a home. paramedics rushed the person to the hospital and we are waiting word on how they're doing. the sheriff's office then called this the s.w.a.t. team, putting the neighborhood on lockdown and negotiating with that suspect. it took nine hours, but deputies arrested that person. the lockdown was lifted around 1:30 yesterday morning. also yesterday morning, a march across the golden gate bridge was peaceful. the group organized by women's peace organization code pink. they said they had two main messages. they want an immediate cease-fire in gaza and end to military aid to israel and focus on women's reproductive rights
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in gaza as well as the right to safety and security there. the justice department has opened a criminal investigation involving that alaska airlines plane that lost a door panel mid flight. the flight was headed to ontario in southern california where portland, oregon, in january, when a section of the plane blew off, forcing the crew to make an emergency landing. "the wall street journal" is reporting investigators are contacting pilots, flight attendants and passengers. the investigation would help the doj review whether boeing complied with a previous settlement of a federal investigation into two deadly 737 max crashes in 2018 and 2019. and a quick congratulations to 49ers quarterback brock purdy who got married yesterday to jenna brant. these are photos from their engagement last summer. they said "i do" in des moines, iowa. congratulations to mr. and mrs.
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purdy. and cinthia has one last look at the forecast before we go. a good day to get married. >> cloudy and gloomy, but no rain, so that's the good story there. until we get into tonight, however, we have rain sweeping through, as we go into the monday commute, it's pretty much out of here. monday night into tuesday morning's commute, very light rain before we move into more sunshine and upper 70s for the inland valleys as we go into the late part of the week. >> sunshine, sunshine, sunshine. cinthia, thanks. thank you to all of you for making us a part of your sunday morning. we'll have more local news for you tonight at 5:00, 6:00, and 11:00. were always on at a
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. this sunday, campaign kickoff. >> oh, you don't like that bill, huh? >> a combative president biden makes his case for a second


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