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tv   Today  NBC  March 14, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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and the first half of friday. after that we will see the temperatures warming up for our inland valleys. nice and comfortable through the next seven days, actually. it's windy in the altamont pass or was overnight, and the problem is the overturned big rig that happened before 2:00 a.m., and they can't clear that until 9:00 this morning. the "today" show moments away, but we continue on roku and other streaming platforms. and scott mcgrew will tell us about the plan to purchase tiktok. watch us wherever you s hi, there, happy thursday. we are tracking some wild weather coast-to-coast. >> yeah, what you get depends on where you live. it's march the 14th.
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this is "today". >> to the extreme. a late winter storm set to dump feet of snow out west and cause major travel trouble. severe weather lashing the nation's midsection overnight. >> we have a tornado on the ground. >> with more on the way, while up and down the east coast, a major warm-up with temperatures soaring. al has the full forecast. one step closer. the fate of tiktok in the hands of the u.s. senate, after the house votes overwhelmingly for a bill set to ban the popular app. >> i think it's a serious and direct threat to national security. >> the company's ceo urging more users to make their voices heard. >> we believe we can overcome this together. >> where the showdown goes from here, straight ahead. trapped, american families desperate to flee haiti as the
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country spirals into chaos. the u.s. now deploying marines to secure the embassy, as a best-selling author opens up about his harrowing escape. >> the fear is that the gangs are going to shoot at the helicopters. >> the very latest in a live report from the region. stepping out. prince william set to face the public today at a high-profile event honoring his late mother, princess diana. so will he finally address that photo fiasco and the speculation surrounding his wife's health? we're live in london. cancer battles. actress olivia munn and legendary supermodel christie brinkley revealing their fights against the disease. their emotional journeys and what they want everyone to know about the importance of early detection. those stories, plus, high, high, high! a surprise from 'n sync overnight, reunited on stage and performing together to the delight of fans. ♪ bye-bye bye ♪ >> inside the moment more than a
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decade in the making. and let the madness begin. >> at the rim! >> a wild finish in college basketball overnight. >> for the win! oh, it's good! >> steven f. austin's cinderella dreams alive and well, today, thursday, march 14th, 2024. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> good morning. good to see you. thanks for joining us. it's a thursday morning. that was my lip gloss. anyway, let's get right to our top story. it's strange weather, coast-to-coast. we'll check out this scene in denver. snow is falling. by the way, nearly 2 feet of
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snow expected by the time this storm ends. >> snow is falling and lip gloss is falling off the set. now let's go to the midwest. it has been dealing with dangerous conditions overnight. storm chasers capturing this video. can you make it out? it's a tornado touching down near topeka, kansas. and here in the northeast, we have unseasonably high temperatures, not rubbing it in, 15 degrees above average in some spots. >> we're covering all of it. of course, al is standing by with the full forecast. first, nbc's danny griffin joins us now from boulder, colorado, where they're really getting hit. hey, dana, good morning. >> reporter: hoda, good morning. this is just the beginning of stages of this intense snowstorm. you can already see that heavy, wet snow falling which could present a challenge and potentially down trees and power lines. denver forecasted to get more than a foot of snow in the metro area, up to 5 feet in the mountains. but officials here say they are ready. the biggest storm to hit colorado in three years arriving like a thief in the night. quickly shifting from rain to heavy, wet snow, falling at a
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rate of 2 to 3 inches per hour. forecasters predicting when it's over the snow will be measured in feet, not inches. the heavy snow creating treacherous roadways, stranding dozens of cars under blinding conditions on interstate 70. and leaving semi trucks completely stuck. denver city officials calling this a rare tier 4 storm. >> the tier 4 level for us is heavy accumulation, major drifting potential. >> reporter: and with hundreds of flight cancellations already at denver international, both southwest and united airlines are offering free rebookings for passengers flying to colorado this week. while colorado gets hammered with snow, california facing its own problems, a massive landslide destroying homes in this los angeles neighborhood, collapsing roofs and decimating yards. fortunately, there were no injuries reported with several
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people evacuated. other parts of the country are dealing with wild weather, too. overnight, south central and midwestern states facing severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, and golf-sized hail. the so-called gorilla hail creating dangerous conditions on the road, even cracking this truck's windshield. >> i was flustered. i really thought all of the glass was going to shatter in my truck. >> tornado on the ground! we've got a tornado on the ground! >> reporter: these storm chasers capturing this massive tornado touching down in alta vista, kansas. and from oklahoma to new england, an unusual winter warm-up, with temperatures more than 15 degrees above normal, with many hoping it's a sign that spring may be around the corner. and guys, this heavy, wet snow is expected to continue falling through friday morning. flight aware already reporting more than 1700 flight delays and cancellations combined. officials here warning people to stay home, get off the roads and be safe. hoda? >> all right, dana, thank you so much. >> okay. let's get to al. more on these weather extremes
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we're experiencing. >> we really have this spring/winter set-up right now. you can see on the radar, that heavy snow from northern colorado, all the way into the central part, 5 million people affected. winter storm watches, winter storm advisories for that area. look at this, this is what we're looking at snowfall wise. so the front range could see upwards of 4 more feet of snow. evergreen, 28 to 36 inches. denver, another foot and a half. boulder, colorado, up to 20 inches. vail, colorado, 6 inches. in the meantime. we've got severe weather, still popping up, severe thunderstorm watches until 2:00 p.m., from central illinois, all the way into missouri. we have heavy showers, thunderstorms in this area. so what we're going to be looking for, the highest risk for storms today, oklahoma on into missouri. the greatest threat this afternoon, an enhanced risk throughout much of eastern
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oklahoma into missouri and in d.c., 76. 77 in charlotte. charleston, 84. but guys, those temperatures, those warm temperatures are short lived. by next week, we're back down to normal conditions with temperatures in the low 40s and upper 30s into the midwest. guys? >> all right, al. thank you. we'll check back in just a bit. turning now to the uncertain future of tiktok here in the u.s., a bill that could ban the popular app over national security concerns passed its first test in the house. and while president biden says he supports the measure, it is facing an uncertain future in the senate. nbc's senior capitol hill correspondent garrett hake joins us now. he's got more on this one. hey, garrett, good morning. >> reporter: hey, hoda, good morning. the overwhelming bipartisan nature of this house vote, along
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with just how fast it came together, in a congress that does not do anything quickly, is a sign of lawmakers' concern about what they believe are the national security risks of this popular video app, used by more than 170 million americans. but now tiktok's users are pushing back, and it's not clear what steps washington or tiktok will take next. for social media giant tiktok, an uncertain future this morning, as a bill calling for the company to split from its chinese parent company or be shut down now heads to the senate. the u.s. house on wednesday in a rare and overwhelmingly bipartisan vote, passing the measure that requires tiktok's parent company, bytedance, to sell the app within six months. republican mike gallagher wrote the bill. >> what you say to people that just fundamentally don't understand why the app where they watch silly dance video is a national security threat?
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>> the possibility for dangerous propaganda is too immense to allow one of our foremost adversaries to have this control over what is increasingly becoming the dominant news platform in america. >> reporter: lawmakers and national security experts have long been concerned with bytedance's ties to the chinese communist party, which can and does store data from american users, partly because of a national security law that requires chinese companies to share data and other information with the government. >> the reason that is valuable to the chinese communist party, it begins to allow them to know how to influence americans. >> reporter: in its annual threat assessment, the u.s. intelligence community says that china used tiktok in the 2022 midterms, warning that it could do so again in this fall's presidential election. tiktok has repeatedly denied any connections to the chinese government, with the company's ceo responding to the house vote late wednesday. >> we will continue to do all we can, including exercising our legal rights, to protect this amazing platform. >> reporter: just 65 house members, mostly democrats, opposed the bill. >> it's an overly broad bill that i don't think would stand
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first amendment scrutiny. the other issue is that there are a lot of people who make their livelihoods on this. >> including creators like j.t. >> it is 100% of our income. it's how i feed my wife and three children. >> reporter: even some who support a divestment see a double-edged sword in an election year, with more than 20% of american voters using tiktok at least once a day. >> cutting out a large group of young voters is not the best-known strategy for re-election. >> so this is a process, garrett. what happens next? >> reporter: hoda, well now this bill goes to the senate and they don't seem in much of a hurry to deal with it. leader chuck schumer said only that the senate will review it. but if this bill does get passed in the senate, signed by president biden, it would give six months for this sale to occur and that's without an almost inevitable court challenge. so the bottom line, hoda, tiktok is not going anywhere soon. still on politics, it's a busy day ahead in the 2024 presidential race. president biden will be
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campaigning in michigan, one of the key battleground states. he carried it in 2020. donald trump heading to florida. he will attend a hearing in his classified documents case. nbc's peter alexander has got it covered. peter, good morning. >> reporter: savannah, good morning to you. there is, of course, a long way to go in this presidential race, but it begins in earnest this week, with both president biden and former president trump just clinching their party's respective nominations. and to give you a sense of the urgency already here, president biden just wrapped up what was his ninth visit to wisconsin this key swing state, since taking office. while the former president is off the trail and in a courtroom today. this morning, with a general election fight off to the races, president biden will campaign in michigan, while former president trump returns to court in florida, as part of his classified documents case. >> i took them very legally. and i wasn't hiding them. >> reporter: mr. trump praising the judge in his georgia election interference case,
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after he dismissed 6 of the 41 criminal counts against mr. trump and his co-defendants, including one charge involving mr. trump's phone call to georgia's secretary of president biden is hitting his second midwest battleground in two days, first wisconsin, now michigan, where both races are expected to be highly competitive this fall. the president emphasizing his bipartisan success, investing in america's infrastructure. >> my predecessor talked about infrastructure week for four years. he didn't get a single thing done. >> reporter: but one key
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challenge, stubborn inflation. at alley boy's bagel in milwaukee, the owners have felt pressure from rising costs, but support president biden's views on social issues like reproductive rights. >> i do feel that a lot of the issues that he touches on are not just meant for today but for future generations that he's not even going to see. >> reporter: in waukesha county, matt leopard's republican politics are on full display at his auto body shop. he says america needs four more years of mr. trump. >> i want my economy back, i want our national security back, i want our tax money to stay here. >> reporter: also likely to make headlines today, in a powerful and symbolic move emphasizing the white house's commitment to the issue of reproductive rights, vice president kamala harris will visit a planned parenthood clinic that provides abortion services in minnesota's twin cities. it's believed to be the first time that a president or vice president has ever made such a visit while in office. savannah and hoda back to you. >> all right, peter alexander, thank you very much. we have a lot more to get to. 7:14.
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craig joins the table. stuff overseas going on. >> yeah, hoda, savannah, good morning. good morning to you as well. violence continuing to escalate in haiti, with the country in chaos, the u.s. military is now sending more marines to beef up security at its embassy there. meanwhile, americans, many of them still trapped, searching for a way out. nbc's gabe gutierrez made his way to the border. with dominican republic and haiti. gabe, good morning to you. >> reporter: craig, good morning. just beyond this gate is haiti's border. it's closed right now, it's a country essentially on lockdown. no flights in or out. and we're now learning more about the harrowing efforts to escape. this morning, as even more gang-fueled violence erupts in haiti, a new team of u.s. marines is on the ground in port-au-prince, securing the american embassy. the capital gripped by gunfire and chaos. it's been three days since haiti's prime minister announced he would step down after relentless pressure from gangs
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who wanted him gone. now efforts to stabilize the country may be stalling. any delay could put the aid of a multi-national police force led by kenya and largely funded by the u.s. in jeopardy. with gangs controlling most of the capital, many civilians are now trapped. haitian american sharie says she's hoping to escape haiti and see her family in miami, but there's no way to there. >> they was saying if we were to come back home to get our things, that they was going to kill us. >> reporter: best-selling author mitch album now safe in michigan after a stealth private helicopter mission the middle of the night rescued him and staffers from an orphanage his charity runs. how harrowing was that escape? >> the fear is that the gangs were going to shoot at the helicopters, the door closed, and within 60 seconds were up in the air in the dark and flying trying to get out of haiti. >> reporter: the u.n. says a million haitians are now on the brink of famine, hospitals are struggling, too, desperate for generator fuel.
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we spoke with a doctor who says our men executed a patient inside an ambulance. >> we are also seeing, you know, patients who suffer from gunshot wounds the previous day who are only able to make it to our facility 12 hours later when they feel safe. >> reporter: missionary jill dolan and her family are trapped at a makeshift motel near the airport. she's frantically trying to get back to florida in time for her daughter's wedding, but with the airport still shut down, she's instead ducking for cover. >> we did hear gunfire like right outside at this gate, and it was very scary. and we hid in our room until it went away. >> reporter: and as more haitians flee the country, it could impact the border crisis back in the u.s. florida governor ron desantis is already bracing for a surge in haitian migrants, deploying extra soldiers and drones to the state's southern coast.
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craig? >> gabe gutierrez for us there at haiti's border. gabe, thank you. deliberations are underway in the trial of james crumbley, the father of the oxford high school shooter. the 12-member jury is deciding whether to convict him on involuntary manslaughter charges. he's accused of failing to safely store a gun that allowed his teenage son to kill four students in a 2021 school shooting that happened near detroit. ethan crumbley, the son, pleaded guilty in that shooting. he was sentenced to life in prison. his mother, jennifer crumbley, was found guilty last month on four counts of involuntary manslaughter for failing to stop her son. let us switch gears and talk college basketball. one of the wildest finishes you'll see all season. so steven f. austin and abeling christian all tied up, 13 seconds on the clock. check out the frantic final seconds. >> we went to overtime earlier, tie game now, races towards the paint, lost the ball, simmons up ahead, simmons blocked at the rim! what a play bit christmas.
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one second to go, for the win! h it's good! lumberjacks win! >> the lumberjacks win! that's steven f. austin, that buzzer-beater, the final score, 60-57. guess what, they move on to the second round of the western athletic conference tournament. so their march madness dreams are alive. >> the madness is upon us! >> we've got it! >> mr. roker? what you got? >> all right. we have a beautiful day in the east. severe storms mid section of the country. as you know that heavy snow throughout the rockies. santa ana winds setting up in southern california. we'll get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. you should definitely switch it up. —we're gonna go do a victory lap now.
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get a 100% accurate return and your max refund or your money back. it's better with block. good thursday morning. the time is 7:19. we are checking in with san francisco the next couple of days, and it's will be very windy today, 15 to 20-mile-per-hour wind gusts at times. lots of sunshine ahead, especially for saturday's st. patrick's day parade, and our inland valleys will be a touch warmer, in the mid to upper 70s the next couple of days, as we welcome spring on tuesday. and that's your latest weather. guys? >> all right, al. thank you so much. coming up, all eyes on prince william today, set to face the public at an event honoring his mother, amid the firestorm surrounding that edited photo and his wife's health. we'll have the latest from a
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live report in buckingham palace and two shares sharing their private health scares. olivia munn talking about her
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coming up, a joyous update to a story we've been following. >> this is so sweet. formerly conjoined twins now thriving after being separated after a risky surgery.rgery. they're here with their proud parents and young siblings coming up next first your local fuse and weather yes, just hurry! hm. it must be delicious. got it. delectables lickable treat. ♪ deliciously de-lick-able delectables ♪
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oh, uber eats has groceries now? i gotta remember that. yo, the best way to remember something is just forget something. what did you forget? hard to say... i know what you forgot. ♪♪ - ugh. - cabin crew cross check. that yellow's not gonna fly. - buckle up! - whoa! ♪ reality checkup ♪ there's toothpaste white, and there's crest 3dwhitestrips white. whitens like a $400 professional treatment. [pilot] prepare for non-stop smiles. crest. zyrtec allergy relief works fast and lasts a full 24 hours so dave can be the... deliverer of dance. ok, dave! let's be more than our allergies. zeize the day with zyrtec. a very good morning to you. i am laura garcia. i am marcus washington. we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories. starting with breaking news
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we are following throughout the morning for you, all lanes on 280 in daly city are back open after a deadly crash. it happened around 4:20 this morning on northbound 280 near the john daly boulevard off-ramp. a red pickup truck struck a pedestrian on the freeway. all lanes opened up at about 6:40 this morning. this afternoon two of the protesters charged in shutting down the bay bridge will ask a judge in san francisco to throw out the charges. both have been faced with charges in connection of the shutdown of the bay bridge. this was last november. you might recall last year dozens of the activist blocked traffic on the bay bridge for hours protesting against israel's war with hamas. several organ donations headed to san francisco were actually delayed as a result of that. a total of 80 people face charges for that bridge shutdown. today at sfo, security
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seniors plan to rally demanding millions worth of back pay. it follows the implementation of a pay equity policy that brought salaries up for screeners back last year. security screeners say they have not seen a pay raise reflected on their paychecks and filed a complaint recently with the department of labor. let's take a look at the forecast now. >> we are under a wind advisory now, marcus and laura. this is going to continue through the first half of the day tomorrow. it's a long stretch of time that we have to deal with these conditions. as we go into the weekend, we are seeing things calm down and the temperatures in the 70s for our inland valleys.
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miss america pie ♪ >> oh! >> look at the cute faces out on
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our plaza this morning why not? it's a happy day the sun is shining we could hit 70 degrees here in manhattan. plus, in the big east, the a10 basketball tournament is in town >> yes, yes. >> what else is happening? >> spring is in the air. st. patrick's on sunday! >> a lot happening >> there's a lot happening and by the way, you hear that song that we're playing, donald mcclain's "american pie, that is because also happening today, national pie day. march 14th, 3.14 we're going to celebrate national pie day a little bit later. >> 3.14 a 15 >> there's other numbers -- >> you know? >> 3.1415 -- i can't remember. >> look at you did i get the other two right? >> the internet -- >> you did >> well done, hoda >> math savant we'll begin this half hour with the latest on that royal photo controversy. >> yes with questions still swirling around that edited photo of princess kate, her husband,
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prince william, is set to make a high-profile public appearance today at an event honoring his mother's legacy. >> nbc's molly hunter joins us from buckingham palace good morning >> reporter: good morning, as the questions keep coming, we've actually learned that we'll see both brothers, prince william and prince harry tonight at an event in london, although separately, and the legacy of their mother looms large take a look. this morning, on two different continents, both prince william and prince harry preparing for a royal event near to their hearts the legacy awards tonight in london, put on by the diana award nonprofit in honor of their late mother. back in 2017, both brothers were there in person for the inaugural event. and tonight, prince william will present the awards, giving a short speech, and later, prince harry will speak with the recipients separately and virtually to celebrate their accomplishments. this comes as prince william carries on with public royal duties as kensington palace stays mum on kate.
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but the late princess of wales' legacy looms large as the current princess of wales stays out of sight in recent years, prince harry has spoken frequently about the threat of media attention. of course, leading to his move to the states with his family. >> rarely do we have a holiday without someone with a camera jumping out of a bush or something. within the family, within the system, the advice that's always given is, don't react. don't feed into it >> reporter: and on this side of the pond, kensington palace has been clear, kate will recuperate in private there will be no rolling health updates. >> william regards the media with suspicion i think his instinct is to try to keep a lid on things, as much as possible. the problem is that if you go back to the age of diana, life middle. >> as the headlines waned days after that photo was
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was so simple. there wasn't this nightmarish social media thing in the middle >> reporter: as the headlines waned days after that photo was posted, "the sun" implored readers to lay off kate and "the daily mail" today, give kate a break. >> the public and the media do not have the intent interest in the king that they do in the princess of wales, kate. she is a different matter for them altogether. >> reporter: now, as you just heard, a different matter entirely and it's been really interesting, guys, watching how buckingham palace has been dealing with king charles undergoing cancer treatment. they feel a responsibility to show the 75-year-old monarch to the public just this week, we have seen multiple pictures, we've seen him drive back and forth so that's how this palace is treating their principle kensington palace clearly operating a very different way i'll send it back to you guys. >> molly, thank you. turning now to a bit of a feud that's playing out in public between former cnn host don lemon and elon musk. lemon was set to premiere a new web-based show next week on "x,"
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formerly called twitter, of course but after the two sat down for an interview, lemon says musk pulled the plug on that show nbc's business correspondent, brian cheung, is following this one for us brian, good morning. >> good morning, guys. it was supposed to be part of the next chapter for the two high-profile men lemon launching a new show after being fired from cnn and musk bringing exclusive content to his recently purchased platform, "x." but just 24 hours after lemon interviewed musk for what was supposed to be the launch of that very show, he says it all came crashing down this morning, a high-profile deal between two unlikely partners imploding, after a confrontational interview between former cnn anchor, don lemon, and elon musk, turned tense during a taping of the new "the don lemon show," that was supposed to debut next week on musk's platform, "x. lemon pushing the billionaire endorsed anti-semitism and conspiracy theories.
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>> hate speech on the platform is up. do you believe that "x" and you have some responsibility to moderate hate speech on the platform. that you wouldn't have to answer these questions from reporters about the great replacement theory, as it relates -- >> i don't have to answer these questions. >> -- the great replacement theory as it relates to jewish people, do you think -- >> i don't have to answer questions from reporters. don, the only reason i did this interview is because you're on the "x" platform and you asked for it. otherwise, i would not do this interview. >> the interview also covering interview. >> reporter: the interview also covering musk's depression and drug use, as well as the businessman's recent conversations with former president trump. >> did he ask you for money? >> he didn't >> reporter: hours later, lemon says he received a short text from musk that read, contract is canceled >> they were a distribution partner, so he never was my boss, he never had any editorial control of the show. >> reporter: musk firing back on a post on "x," saying the show's
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approach was basically just cnn but on social media, which doesn't work "x's" own account online defending its right to terminate the relationship, but adding, quote, "the don lemon show" is welcome to publish its content on "x" without censorship. the move reigniting the arguments about the balance of free speech and misinformation on the platform. >> free speech is meaningless unless you allow people you don't like to say things you don't like >> reporter: as for lemon, he was fired from cnn last year following controversial comments about women, including then-republican presidential candidate, nikki haley, that were seen as sexist and ageist >> nikki haley isn't in her prime, sorry when a woman is considered to be in her prime in her 20s and 30s and maybe 40 >> lemon publicly apologized at the time, saying he was committed to doing better as for what's next, a spokesperson for lemon tells nbc news he expects to still be paid for the partnership, but an "x" representative said there was no signed agreement between the don lemon show and "x," setting the stage for a potential legal showdown, as far as the " guys.
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>> all interview, lemon says he will post on monday on youtube as well as "x," guys. >> all right, thank you, brian still ahead, an 'n sync performance more than a decade in the making. we'll take you inside the hit group's surprise reunion overnight. and up next, a message on the importance of health screenings now being shared by actress olivia munn and supermodel kristy brinkly as the stars go public with their cancer battles but first, these messages. like doors opening wherever i go... [sound of airplane overhead] even the ground is moving for me! y'all seeing this? wild! and i don't even have to activate anything. oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. [mind blown explosion noise] [coughing] copd isn't pretty. i'm out of breath, and often out of the picture. but this is my story. ( ♪♪ )
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back now, 7:41, with in depth today this morning, an important health message for all of us. >> it's coming from two stars now going public with their cancer battles, olivia munn, known for her role in the x-men franchise and her work on "the daly show" and legendary supermodel christie brinkley >> nbc's stephanie gosk is here with more on this. good morning >> good morning. some real cautionary tales here. doctors say the key to beating cancer is catching it early. olivia munn and christie brinkley would agree both women are sharing stories about their cancer diagnosis, hoping what they've gone through will remind people to make those appointments and get those
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exams. on the red carpet at the oscars this weekend, olivia munn and her partner john mulaney held hands no sign of the serious health battle she's been waging she was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer in both breasts last april and underwent a double mastectomy. writing on instagram, i went from feeling completely fine one day to waking up in a hospital bed after a ten-hour surgery the next munn, who many know from her role on hbo's the newsroom writes, i'm lucky. we caught it with enough time that i had options she said her doctor saved her life when she did a breast cancer assessment. munn's score was high. 37%, according to the actress' post a 37.5%
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chance what does that 37% mean? >> in her case, 37.3% was her lifetime risk for breast cancer. and the way i explain it to my patients, if you had a 37.5% chance of boarding a plane that would crash, would you ever board that plane said she wasn' to be going in for another mammogram for a year. what would have happened in that year, potentially? >> her cancer would have grown. she had an aggressive cancer. >> reporter: along with thanking her doctor, munn thanked mulaney, the couple have a i'm so thankful for john for being there before i went into each surgery and being there when i woke up and placing framed photos of our little boy malcolm by her hospital bed. also sharing a cautionary tale, christie brinkley, who posted pictures of the surgery she had to remove skin cancer from her face like munn, she writes, the good news is we caught the basal cell carcinoma early. brinkly adding i was lucky to find mine because i was accompanying one of my daughters to her checkup in her post she reminds people
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to get regular total body checkups and slather up with sunscreen. two different women, each with scary personal stories to tell and important health messages they hope will help others >> brinkley said she had a little dot on the side of her face, and just asked the doctor to take a look in her words, he knew right away a reminder that doctors can sometimes identify a problem quickly. as for olivia munn, she has a lot of support around her. her partner, john mulaney commenting on her announcement post, saying, thank you for fighting so hard to be here for us malc and i adore you >> steph, thank you. let us bring in nbc news medical distributor dr. tara narula so something so interesting in the olivia munn story, this cancer risk assessment tool, which is something that she credits for saving her life, along with her doctor. tell us a little bit about that. >> so many women have not heard about this, it's not really brought up with their ob/gyn or primary care doctors provider, although you can do it on your own.
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it takes about five minutes, and really, what it does is give you a sense, are you low-risk dwoching breast cancer, or are you high risk? at five years during your lifetime. the most common model, you can go on and look it up, is called the gayle model. it looks at seven factors. your we know about mammograms, but you had a breast biopsy, has that shown atypical cells, your family history, when did you first get your first period and when did you have your first child. it will tell you your five-year risk and life time risk. the reason this is so important, if you have a high risk score, then it can help you in a sense that you may be asked to get genetic screening. you may be having conversations around surgery, around drugs like tamoxafin that can decrease the risk of developing it or getting mri as olivia munn did in this case it can change your management and it's so great that we're talking about it >> and her mammogram was fine, then her doctor took it upon herself to do this risk assessment -- >> that's right. >> then she got checked out and finds out that she's got cancer. >> i feel like mammograms miss a
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lot. >> they are not perfect. they are one of the better tools that we have, but sometimes they will be combined with things like ultrasounds or mris in the right setting. >> thank you, dr. narula >> let's switch gears. al's got another check of the weather. >> we have santa ana winds going to be blowing in southern california that big storm out in the rockies, the cascades, we're also looking at severe storms, mid-section of the country, from the great lakes all the way down into texas beautiful day, much warmer than average temperatures, up and down the eastern seaboard. good thursday morning. the time is 7:46. we are under the wind advisory for the greater part of today and the first half of our friday. once we do die down from the winds, we will be in for a nice couple of days in san francisco with more sunshine. this is the driest 7-day forecast we have had in a while. as we get ready to go into the weekend in the inland valleys, temperatures gradually warming up in the low to mid-70s. it will continue this as we
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welcome spring on tuesda that's your latest weather >> thanks, buddy still ahead, we're going to primetime. the legendary deion sanders will stop by studio 1a with some thursday morning motivation to help you elevate and dominate in all areas of your life first, we've got a morning boost you do not want to miss, coming up right after this . outback most... was the moment they walked away from it. (daughter) mom! (mom) oh, thank goodness. and that's why our family will only drive a subaru. (vo) subaru. more iihs top safety pick plus awards than any other brand. love. it's what makes subaru, subaru.
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. all right, carson, we are ready for the boost. >> here you go, kids. a woman named meryl cou all right, carson, we are ready for the boost. >> here you go, kids a woman named meryl couldn't wait to see how her best friend would react when she told her she was expecting her first baby so she set up the camera and here's how it went >> i actually know why this is so good. >> why >> i think it's because i'm pregnant >> stop! no you're not. you're lying to me are you lying to me? merrill, don't joke. that's not funny are you lying to me! are you lying to, meryl! meryl, shut up shut up! i can't breathe, i can't breathe, i can't breathe >> she was so taken aback, she had to get out of the car. >> she did come around to the other side and she gave meryl a big hug. the two have been nest friends, as they call it, or best friends for nearly a decade. they consider each other to be a member of their family >> shut up >> that's when you know your besty loves you. >> very cool
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guys, just ahead, i actually checked it out this morning, he's a huge "ghostbusters" fan and al's in it and he hasn't even seen it yet i've put it in "popstart" for you. you'll see the debut exclusive with uncle al for the new "ghostbusters" movie first, your local news and weather. with liberty mutual. anyway, we got a bit of a situation here. uh-huh. uh-huh. mm-hmm. sure, i can hold. only pay for what you need. ♪(liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.)♪ ghostbusters: frozen empire. in theaters march 22. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪
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hey... it's me! your dry skin! i'm craving something we're missing. the ceramides in cerave. cerave, with three essential ceramides, helps restore my natural barrier, so i can lock in moisture and we can feel it long after. cerave moisturizers. if advanced lung cancer has you searching for possibilities, discover a different first treatment. immunotherapies work with your immune system to attack cancer. but opdivo plus yervoy is the first combination of 2 immunotherapies for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. opdivo plus yervoy is not chemotherapy, it works differently. it helps your immune system fight cancer in 2 different ways. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to harm healthy parts of your body during and after treatment. these problems can be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have a cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; irregular heartbeat; diarrhea; constipation; severe stomach pain; severe nausea or vomiting; dizziness; fainting; eye problems; extreme tiredness; changes in appetite, thirst or urine; rash;
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itching; confusion; memory problems; muscle pain or weakness; joint pain; flushing; or fever. these are not all the possible side effects. problems can occur together and more often when opdivo is used with yervoy. tell your doctor about all medical conditions including immune or nervous system problems, if you've had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, or received chest radiation. your search for 2 immunotherapies starts here. ask your doctor about opdivo plus yervoy. a chance to live longer. good thursday morning. it's 7:56. i am laura garcia. i am ginger conejero saab at sfo. today security screeners here at the airport are planning to rally demanding millions of dollars worth of back pay.
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it follows an implementation that was brought up last year, but they have not seen that raise reflected on their check. we reached out to tsa and the employer of security seniors here at sfo but have not heard back. the rally is not expected to impact travel in any way. let's get a look at the forecast. cinthia pimentel is in for kari this morning. >> you are going to feel the winds as you go into this afternoon in san francisco. the winds should die down as we go into the a second half of friday and the weekend looks nice for the st. patrick's day parade on saturday. officially the day is sunday, and we will welcome spring on sunday with the upper 60s. we will gradually warm up once the winds die down. tomorrow and monday look to be the warmest out of the next seven, as we look at temperatures in the 70s. spring officially begins on
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tuesday. we are staying dry for the next seven days, laura. >> can't wait. another local news update in half an hour. half an hour. also join usor our midday ne fws ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank.
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my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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it's 8:00 on "today," rocky mountain high. this morning, colorado hit with the biggest snowstorm in years,
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while the midwest braces for more severe weather. >> we've got a tornado on the ground and that major warm-up continues across the east. al's got your full forecast. then, miracle girls. a look back at the incredible journey of conjoined twins successfully separated after birth. >> everything went very, very smoothly >> thank you so much >> and they are here live to share their amazing story and celebrate a special milestone. . all the and back 'n sync 'n sync reunites for their first performance together in more than ten years all the details on their big surprise, so who's excited today, thursday, march 14th,
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2024 >> turned 60 >> from charleston, south carolina >> from massachusetts. >> keller, texas >> it's sweet 16 birthday. >> from lake of the ozarks >> brook havens, georgia >> patterson, nevada >> and wisconsin >> it's sweet 16 birthday. >> from lake of the ozarks missouri >> today i'm 30! >> hi to my grandmother watching in detroit, michigan >> we love you, granny >> shout-out to my students at belmont university, in kansas! >> mrs. rizzo loves you! >> mrs. rizzo. i bet she's an awesome teacher it's good to see everybody outside. beautiful group of people, a lot of birthdays, just a lot of fun. we can't wait to get outside and celebrate. that's a spring break crowd this
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morning. >> happy to have you along >> we have a busy morning, let's get straight to our news at 8:00 americans are dealing with some of the roughest weather we've seen this year, or the best depending on where you live. a major winter storm is expected to drop nearly 2 feet of snow in the denver area. schools and offices across colorado closed for the day. now, in the midwest, storm chasers captured a tornado touching down near topeka, kansas, last night but over here in the northeast, not to brag, but we got a little bit of a warm-up temperatures are well above average and al is tracking all of it. hey, al. >> it is a crazy weather situation right now. for example, take a look down in pueblo, colorado you can see rain and then thunderstorms to the east, heavy snow to the west, while stretching up to denver. and we have winter storm warnings, winter storm watches and winter weather advisories from wyoming all the way into the southwest today. snowfall amounts on top of what's already fallen. we're talking anywhere from 12 to almost 24 inches of snow. so that's going to be a big deal today. also ahead of that system, we've got 29 million people at risk for severe weather, damaging hail, tornadoes possible this area here stretching from indianapolis all the way down to dallas we could see 2-inch, tennis
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ball-sized hail. we've got a slight risk tomorrow, heavier thunderstorms and hail down through central texas on tomorrow. now, look at these temperatures today. near 70 in new york city 74, elkins, west virginia. atlanta and nashville, 80 degrees. st. louis looking at 78 degrees. that's 23 degrees above average. so we're going to have those temperatures for the next 48 hours and then they're going to take a bit of a dip back to more normal conditions. guys >> al, we'll check back, thank you. 16 members of the sheriff's department s.w.a.t. team were injured yesterday by an explosion. it happened at an fbi training facility in irvine, california the orange county sheriff's department says the explosion took place indoors most of the victims were released from the hospital after being checked for dizziness and ringing in the ears. one person was expected to undergo leg surgery. officials say they were all wearing protective equipment at the time of the blast. the parent company of family
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dollar says it will be closing near 1,000 stores over the next few years, for the first 600 shutting down this year. dollar tree, which bought family dollar about a decade ago, has a total of almost 17,000 stores. it's blaming the closings on inflation, theft, and reduced federal food benefits. family dollar was also fined a record $41 million last month for restoring food, drugs, and other products in a rodent-infested warehouse. all right. science has shown for years that playing with dogs can improve a person's emotional and physical health craig, you've got a new puppy. let's see if this is true. but a new study has. what happens to the brain when petting your pet improved
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person - for the study, they found walking a dog made museums feel more relaxed, brushing or petting your pet improved your concentration. >> i do say, when i go out and walk miles, i find myself far more relaxed when i come back. >> that's cool see, it works! >> this is exactly why -- >> i know, i know. >> okay! just ahead, one of the most important trips to france ever taken. we'll check out the first trailer for franklin with oscar-winner michael douglas playing the founding father. but first, a dose of cuteness and a miracle these twins survived unimaginable odds and a successful surgery to reach an important milestone. we just love celebrating the fuller family. cannot wait to catch up with them on a really special day right after this one dose quickly stops migraine in its tracks. treat it anytime, anywhere without worrying where you are or if it's too late.
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turn into questions about money... there's erica. the virtual financial assistant to help you spend, save, and plan smarter. only from bank of america. ♪ it's 8:10 with a family we just love and an update on their remarkable journey >> a set of twins born conjoined and separately successfully separated are living in fact, they're celebrating a new milestone and we'll catch up with them in just a moment we will. just one more moment, right after this story >> it's been more than a year since ella and eliza fuller made their entrance into the world, from the very beginning, the je calling them their hugging
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twins, after spending months in the nicu, the girls had an inseparable bond. their bodies conjoined at the abdomen. their parents sandy and jesse calling them their hugging twins, after spending months in the nicu, the two were brought in for surgery at texas children's hospital in houston late june. dr. alice king led a team of 17. six hours later, dr. king delivered the news everyone had been praying for >> everything went very, very smoothly >> thank you so much >> we caught up with the family as they finally got ready to bring the girls home when they were 4 months old. >> they're beautiful and happy and seemingly very healthy tell us how they are this morning, sandy >> right now, this second, they're a little sleepy. but overall, they're good. >> tell me about that moment when the surgery is successful and for the first time, you have a moment that so many of us take for granted, where the two babies are apart and in two different cribs and you're able to hold them separately. >> i was super excited to see them separate and doing good and it's definitely getting easier as the days go on. they're getting better,
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stronger, and we're doing great. >> today, the twins are stronger than ever, and still love to be by each other's side >> the girls are growing right on track, they're eating, they're doing fantastic. they just look absolutely perfect. together with their big sister, emmy, the fuller girls continue to bring laughter and joy wherever they go and after a whirlwind journey, there's even more reason to celebrate. just a few weeks ago, on march 1st, ella and eliza turned 1 sandy posting a touching tribute to her daughters on social media, writing, happy birthday to my sweet girls, today and every day we celebrate these miracle babies my heart is filled with so much gratitude. and this morning, we get to help celebrate proud parents andy and jesse are here with their 1-year-old birthday girls, ella and eliza. so which one's ella? which is eliza >> this is ella. >> and that's eliza!
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>> so you guys say -- they're truly identical. hard for even you to tell apart, but they have very distinct personalities, which we are seeing right now >> tell us >> absolutely. do you want to -- >> you go. >> ella is -- she wants the attention all the time pick me, and eliza is more, i guess you would say, more laid back and, more of the quiet type >> she's chill >> it's so hard to believe that it's been 8 months since this surgery. and now, have we gotten into kind of a normal routine now and how are the girls doing? i heard the doctors say, they're thriving >> they're thriving, they're fantastic, they're doing all the things, eating all table food now. >> they got teeth? >> teeth yes, we're crawling everywhere, pulling up everywhere. so they're doing great >> oh, my gosh >> and what's it been like what about your big girl, she's a toddler, she's 3 and how is she getting along with her little sisters? >> oh, she loves it.
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she loves making them laugh, she tickles their bellies and she's always like, hi, baby, hi, baby. love you, sister love you >> she had to adjust to the attention change >> yeah. but she's doing really great >> they were conjoined at the belly. it was a very difficult surgery, and i remember speaking to you guys right after and just how emotional that was the girls are clearly so close is that what you sense between the two of them. i mean >> oh, yeah. >> yes >> tell us >> they're very -- i mean, everywhere they go, they're together every -- when -- every morning, when they wake up, the first thing they do, they stand up and they talk to each other and giggle to each other >> same thing going to bed, you'll hear them in there talking. >> i can't take it anymore can we come see this lady. oh goodness. >> do you want to come, too? you feel like it >> she's like, oh, now, now i want my daddy back >> okay, that's not -- i don't blame you.
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go over to dad >> we've got another one well, i guess we've lost our touch. >> come here, what about you -- do you want mama okay, okay, well, we tried it was worth a shot. >> we couldn't resist it >> are you going to tell them their story? i would try to imagine what you would be telling them as they grow older, but how will you explain what happened? >> i think that that it's going to be fun for them to even watch, just, you know, the videos, this, for them to look back and see this unfold, you know, and read about it. >> their futures are so bright their prognosis is essentially, they're like as though this never happened at all. >> like it never happened at all. >> they don't expect any long-term effects and just continue on like normal. >> i love it >> i'm sorry, we really disrupted -- >> we broke up the most beautiful family moment.
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we couldn't help ourselves we hope you forgive us. >> it's okay. >> it's okay >> we'll make it up to you craig has a little something for you. we heard, because it's so hard to tell them apart, you do kind of pink and green, the hospital colorses so we have little gift baskets >> we have pink for ella, and green for eliza right here >> oh, my gosh adorable >> how sweet >> can you say thank you >> would you like something? do you want -- >> ahhh. >> all's forgiven. >> we've got a -- big sis! too. you guys, thank you. what a beautiful journey you guys have been on and sharing it with us is pretty special. >> we >> she's like, where's mine? >> we have something for you, too. you guys, thank you. what a beautiful journey you guys have been on and sharing it with us is pretty special. >> yes, ma'am. >> we love having you here, fuller family. thank you. >> thank you for having us >> and you can see a lot more on ella and eliza's journey on our website, it's at
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>> do you want to try this no >> mr. roker, over to you! >> do you want this? >> that turned out a lot worse than it could have beautiful day here today in the east, with temperatures way above normal severe storms midsection of the country up into the great lakes. heavy snow in the rockies, beautiful in the pacific northwest, it's going to be pretty breezy down through southern california with those santa ana winds. that's what's going good thursday morning. we are in for a windy day in san francisco, along the peninsula and into the santa cruz mountains as we go with this wind advisory until the first half of the day on friday. going into the weekend we stick with that sunshine and temperatures nice and comfortable in the mid 60s. our inland valleys definitely up on the ridges, 50 to 60 miles an hour wind gusts. winds die down tomorrow into the >> don't forget, check us out, "today" show radio, best time of
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the morning! "popstart "! >> so much happening in pop start today. guys, good morning we'll start with justin timberlake last night, if you were in los angeles, you saw something special. your jaw might have hit the floor, when j.t. brought out some special friends on stage. ♪ it ain't no lie, bye, bye, bye ♪ >> how about that? that's 'n sync, everybody. they haven't done that in more than a decade. they brought him out at his show no one knew it was happening people were freaking out, chrissy teigen was there, she's going nuts even chrissy didn't know it was going to happen. they didn't just do the classics, they have a new track on justin's new album called "paradise. take a listen. ♪ everything's happening just i, like like i imagined ♪ ♪ i imagined it would feel like like paradise ♪ >> oh.
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>> it's all coming back for me all the years of therapy, screaming girls in times square, trl, 'n sync, backstreet boys, it's happening again >> you're having a total recall life >> we told you it was going to happen again >> "paradise". >> when's the tour -- >> probably coming up soon that's track 17 off the new record if you pick it up "everything i thought it was" does drop tomorrow from jchl t. probably a tour to follow. >> has to. next up, "ghostbusters," you probably thought the gang was getting back together, so who are you going to call to promote it, the biggest ghost busters fan we know, uncle al. nbc universal produced a promo for the new movie. it works out perfect, because the whole part of the movie is this big weather system. >> that's right. >> so we got uncle al involved and i've got the exclusive reveal let's take a look.this! >> he's never even seen this! >> hmm >> a seasonal drop in temperature. they're calling it a ghost storm. >> a ghost storm the "ghostbusters" need a weather expert
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yes. guys, look, i know weather forecasting, and this is not your typical storm today's forecast, run! "ghostbusters: frozen empire" in theaters march 22nd. >> bravo >> ladies and gentlemen. >> i know the oscars were recent, what a performance >> it was a lot of fun they had a full movie crew shooting this thing. and green screen and the whole nine yards they had extras running around even a trailer >> now you've got to act like there's a -- >> they had like a tennis ball, i'm reacting to a -- >> did your sharknado practice help >> yes, same budget movie. yes, exactly >> when did you do that? >> i did it i guess two weeks ago. >> well, look out de niro for the oscars next year, my friend. >> we've got the full one-minute version coming up in the third hour >> that's right.
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>> well done ghost busters frozen empire hits theaters march 22nd >> next up, "snl," the show just announcing the next lineup of hosts, and here's a hint at one of the names on the roster >> forgot about it for years, but then i remembered that "avatar," the giant international blockbusters used the papyrus font as its logo >> "avatar," the movie from nine years ago? >> yeah, he highlighted "avatar," clicked the dropdown menu, and randomly selected papyrus, like a thoughtless child. >> that's ryan gosling set to return as host for the third time april 13th before that, we'll see kristen wiig stepping back into the studio, former cast member, hosting the 6th of april show, that's with musical guest raye chris stapleton will be the musical act on the the following week, the gosling show mark your calendars.
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though will be great ones. next up, severe, the las vegas venue has quickly become an iconic landmark in sin city thanks to its unique cutting edge technology and audience perspective. in case you missed the u2 residency, here's a little bit of it. ♪ >> coach prime in the building i've got to nail the rest of this in front of coach prime if i'm going to get recruited a new contest is underway to design the exterior of the sphere the student design challenge will be open to over 100,000 students and unlv and clark students it's the first time the public has a chance to design art for the ex sphere and the general public will get to vote. eight total winners will have their artwork displayed on the exosphere on july 4th. >> how cool! next up, "star wars. some lucky fan just won a piece
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of this dynamic duo. >> going, what do you mean you're going where are you? wait this is no time for heroics. come back! >> what? >> a lightup cp3-o head. we don't have time to get into the fact that hoda's never seen any of the "star wars. >> yeah. >> so this is from "the return of the jedi," it just sold at auction for over $800,000, according to our prop store auction. the only complete cp3-0 film that's in the film is in a private collection it was sold by the actor that played cp3-0 for over a decade, anthony daniels. the first -- he first appeared in 1977. he's the only actor to have been in every single "star wars" film to date. >> how about that, hoda? impressed now? >> under $1 million, a bargain >> in my defense, i was yoda for halloween. >> yes >> and franklin was our last guest before we shut down before the pandemic on the third hour of "today. >> anthony daniels >> that's right. your memory is amazing franklin is coming next.
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>> speaking to have franklin, let me end on the new show "franklin. the first trailer has dropped, for michael douglas's new show about america, one of america's most iconic figures, of course it's an eight-part series that it follows benjamin franklin as he embarks on a secret mission to france with american independence hanging in the balance. >> the congress has sent me here it is a representative of the united states to elicit france in our war against england america requires men, money, and arms without your aid, the united states will end before it has begun. >> grandfather, how long must we stay here? >> until we win france to our side or we are hanged >> is there a third choice >> something about mr. douglas, when he's in something, i mean, immediately sold immediately. i don't care what it is. i'll give it a chance. >> a lot of buzz about this.
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>> "franklin" premieres april 12th on apple tv plus. we'll hear what it was like to step into the shoes of franklin when michael douglas stops by. swing by studio 1a and tell us all about it next month. that is your "popstart." >> you just mentioned the legend himself, he is here! deion sanders, coach prime come on in a brand-new book out he's going to get us fired up to elevate, to dominate, book is full of wisdom we'll do that right after your local news, weather, and these messages ♪ good morning. it's 8:26. i'm marcus washington. the oakland a's are heading back to the negotiation table today
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with alameda. a group is set to have a second meeting to negotiate a potential lease extension. the a's lease at the coliseum will expire after the 2024 season. team leaders aren't sure where they'll play after that. this comes after the team's recently released renderings for their proposed ballpark in vegas. let's get a look at your forecast on this windy thursday. >> definitely windy out there, especially through our coast and our hills. the wind advisory expires 11:00 a.m. on friday. after we go into the second half of friday and the weekend, the winds die down and the sunshine will stay with us. it will be gorgeous for the st. patrick's day parade. our inland valleys are going to feel the warmup after the winds die down. we go into the mid 70s into tomorrow and continuing for
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monday. that's a nice start to spring on tuesday. >> we'll have another local news update in 30 minutes.
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♪♪ e♪ ♪ >> that will lift your spirits the sweet sounds of the villanova band they are in town, along with a lot of college basketball fans guys, it's the men's big east tournament >> 'tis the season by the way, when that late nigh thriller to advance.dy. >> congrats to nobody. >> wild e cats is here, the mascot as well. w very cool.
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by the way, speaking of sports, we have a football legend in the house. the one, the only deion sanders. coach prime has millions of followers on social media, who turn to him for daily inspiration. he just wrote a book it's out right now so we decided that he's here to share some words of wisdom with us by the way, a birdie told me -- now, what's your name? >> cassandra >> what birthday is it >> 60. >> are you a deion sanders fan >> i am, i am! a little birdie told me that for your birthday, will you come inside and spend some time with prime >> i will! i will >> happy birthday! happy birthday gamecocks, okay? >> all right, cool >> deion made a friend deion made a friend. >> making dreams come true, cool and adrianna brock is here she has an excitement announcement and new "today" best sellers everything from skin care to comfy loafers that feel like slippers plus, we have to say top of the morning to our chef who is outside today. jemma stafford cooking up a st. patrick's day feast with a
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lesson in making delicious sausage rolls that your family will love. >> yum in the third hour, stick around, the always hilarious david allen greer will be here we'll chat about his new movie and his role at this year's oscars >> he was good he was good. and we're exciting, tomorrow, guys, kacey musgraves will be right here on this plaza treating us to a special fun friday spring concert. >> i cannot wait >> and where'd uncle al go i believe we have a clue hold on. >> hear that >> yes, we do! ladies and gentlemen, he's walking up right now he was stuck in some traffic hey! ladies and gentlemen, here he comes, mr. ice t.! how you doing, sir >> good. how are you. >> good to see you. >> all right, cool >> you're here to help us talk about this fantastic fan experience at olivia benson plaza. 25 years of "svu." >> yes, sir. uh-huh >> what i understand, you
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originally turned down the role when they offered it to you. >> well, i was in l.a., they called me and said they wanted me to do a show. and i was like, i don't know and they were like, just do four episodes and i was like, okay, because living in l.a., i had a home there, everything. >> sure. >> so i come to new york for four episodes and i've been here for 25 years >> well, maybe it will stick you never know come on. let's see what this thing is like people can get this full fan experience we have the old-school subway turn stiles. >> this is cool! this is my first time being here >> you haven't seen this >> no, i haven't seen this >> people get a little bag -- here, we'll give you a little goody bag there. look at that >> 25 years, finally got a bag finally got a bag. >> finally got a bag you can get "law & order: special victims unit" special merch. but here is the best part, we saved the best for last. they've got a drink. they've got finn's ice t >> oh, i got something what do you know
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>> hey, can we get a finn's iced tea? we're coming in right here so, 20 -- did you have any idea, when you signed up for this 25 years later -- >> i don't think anybody had any idea and i remember when we got to 15 years, and dick wolf wanted the record, and that was like 21 and i said, let's do 25. and we did it. so now i'm going for 35. >> oh, there you go! all right. well, they're getting the finn's iced tea that's what's going on around we're in for a windy stretch today and through the first half of friday in san francisco and along the peninsula. once the winds die down, we're in for a gorgeous weekend with temperatures in the mid 60s. our inland valleys also have to deal with the blustery winds. we'll continue with this as we go into st. patrick's day and
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the finn's iced tea. >> black people do not drink unsweeted iced tea >> it's a sweet tea more fe. >> america, understand, it's the sweet tea. >> we appreciate that! tell the truth >> he's not lying. all right, one last birthday over here. this man right here was first in line this morning. he was outside at 5:00 a.m what is your name? >> tyler melinda >> tyler, happy 30th birthday. when you're first in line or second in line, what is your name >> becca >> isaac first and second in line this morning, 5:00 a.m. coming up next, the always-inspiring deion sanders will get us ready to tackle the day. if you've ever wanted a motivational coach, we found him! but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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we are back. it's 8:38.
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we're back with dionne sanders, otherwise known as coach prime, a legend in the world of sports and entertainment. he's a pro football hall of famer. also, the only athlete to ever play in both the world series and the super bowl. these days, he's back on the gridiron and traded his helmet more a head set. he's the head coach at the university of colorado, and he's sharing his extraordinary life in a brand-new book called "evaluate and dominate: 21 ways to win on and off the >> how you doing, my man you're looking good, by the way. >> that's high praise coming from you thank you. you always look good thanks for being here. book's out now i started reading it, almost finished when i read the book, it sounds like i'm listening to you in the locker room. >> i like that we have the audio version as well kirk franklin did the music on it so i want you to feel it i want to motivate you and inspire you. i want you to feel like i'm right there behind you not everybody needs a coach. some of the most prolific
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persons to ever walk this earth, somebody had to lead them. they all had a coach why can't you have a coach why can't i be your coach? >> amen! thank you for being my coach and it really is, it's like, this playbook for life was that the idea? >> that was the intent john maxwell told me something so powerful last week i wrote books so i could reach people that i wouldn't normally be able to reach so through this mechanism i could touch you, i could inspire you, encourage you and i'm not there. i love that aspect >> you also write about some dark moments in your life. the time you almost died by suicide. >> yes >> when you had a low point. you write about some of the other hardships, some of the health issues you've had in recent years but it's not all -- >> it is not >> i want people -- i want to share my trials and tribulations, so you can understand how i overcame them, tremendously it's like 21 days. like john maxwell, 21 ways of leadership >> that number 21, by the way. i know you wore it on a number
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of the teams you played for over the years. >> yeah. >> 21 is in the title here what's the significance of that number >> if you do something for 21 days, you're going to develop a habit. and 21 was like number 2 in my program, and number 1 in my heart. that's why i chose it when i reached the nfl. >> let's talk about colorado and what you've done out there >> i love it >> you took a team that was 1-11 come out this season, out of the gate, 3-0. >> yeah. >> it was the biggest story in sports and the prime numbers, it's called the prime effect. application's up 20%, merchandising -- >> it should be 21 it should be 21. >> merchandise sales, up 820%. first time the season's tickets sold out in 27 years, home and away >> home and away yeah. >> and then you drop eight of the last nine. what happened? >> we weren't prepared we didn't have the ability inside the locker room and in some of the positions, including myself so this year, we're ready. we reloaded, we revamped we went and got those places
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where we had lack thereof, like the offensive and defensive line now we're prepared i cannot wait to play in the big 12 this season >> sounds like you're excited. predicting what? >> this is the last year with my sons they will go on to pro it's going to be a great year. >> by the way, speaking of your family, i heard a little birdie told me, you're about to be a grandfather. >> i don't want to be a grandfather right now. i'm too young to be a grandfather right now. i'm too able to be a grandfather! can you imagine somebody calling me granddad? >> what are they going to call you? granddad prime >> grandpop prime, i don't even -- it don't sound right it don't fit >> it's happening. >> it is >> congratulations >> thank you, sir. >> i want you to read a portion of the book for our viewers and listeners at home. not a lot because we want people to buy the book, but read a portion of it in that deion voice. >> don't dream average dream big. don't just maintain, innovate and separate yourself from others
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do it in a way that has never been done before don't you just settle for getting by leave it much better than you found it make it where people will admire your handy work and know that your efforts were truly special. you don't like the way something looks? darn it, change it change the landscape today, right now. >> coach, thank you. >> thank you >> let the church say amen. >> let the church say amen. >> coach prime is back third hour again, that new book is called "elevate and dominate" it's also available in audio book form savannah >> thank you so much i love that. coming up next, we have best sellers to jump start this spring season, including if you are suffering from allergies already, something to keep them in check >> yep. >> yes, please >> double good but first this is "t
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we are back. special edition of "today" best sellers. we're sharing an exciting
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exclusive today. amazon is launching its big spring sale starting on march 20th, with deals on everything you need for the season. this morning, guess what, we have a preview only for our viewers. adrianna brock is here she's our shop today editorial director the qr code is on the screen let's get some shopping done so you don't have to wait until march 20th. >> you don't. >> these are preview deals you can get today. >> we have exclusive deals the big thing about this spring sale, not only is it the first one they're doing in north america, all the deals are open to non-prime members so you don't need a membership to take advantage. and they're going to have everything for spring thinking fashion, beauty, home essentials, outdoor, so much more to get your spring season started. and like you just said, these are exclusive for "today" viewers. they're available right now so you can take advantage of the savings right now. >> well, here's a good staple. >> this is a great staple. whenever you're in doubt when you're getting ready in the morning, a body suit is the way to go. >> this is a body suit >> it's a body suit, but also kind of the perfect t-shirt. this is 40% off right now, comes in a bunch of colors, a bunch of sizes, and it brings it down to
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under $15. if you ask me, the body suit is the perfect white t-shirt, whatever colored t-shirt you're looking for, because you'll get that smooth, perfect effect. >> in these transitional seasons, you can throw a jacket over it. >> so much layering opportunity there. >> these shoes, feel how light these are. >> very! >> they're a slip-on sneaker these are 30% off. so affordable. they start at around $20 and come in a bunch of sizes and colors i will say this deal is available on select colors but what's really great is this breathable knit fabric right here >> the white's cute. >> you could pack this in a bag when you're traveling, on the go, easy for when you're going through those security lines, as well no brainer >> if you're walking and want to put these on >> the cushioning is so nice on these. >> is this beauty? >> this is beauty. this is a french beauty staple and everyone's obsessed with this in the beauty industry, and they went viral over the past year for their micellar water.
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this is the original one a bunch of brands have it now. they came off with the original one. i use it every day to take off my makeup. >> it takes off eye makeup >> yes, and sensitive enough to use around the eyes and cleanses your skin at the same time it's a two in one. if you want something for a deeper clean, that are new face oil just came out and all of these are 25% off. the face oil removes makeup, dirt, impurities anyone can use it. >> what's this big one >> this is a body cleansing oil. you put this in the shower i have one of these, it's lasted me months. and it's great for itchy, dry skin, especially this time of >> absolutely. year >> and finish it off with a balm, a really rich lotion >> the deal is on any one of these bottles? >> any of these, 25% office. are we going to do an experiment i love that. >> so this is a "today" best seller we've had this on the show before i use it all the time. it's a stain remover and now you can use it on anything, this is coffee, you can use it on wine spills, on fresh stains --
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>> we've got to show here's our little coffee mishap. and you spray it on, it might take a minute, but you spry, you blot it, and you rinse it out and it will get rid of the stain. we used it -- i think we have a photo, a before and after -- >> is it good on red wine? >> it's great on wine. >> look at that before and after. >> really? the deal is on a two-pack. keep one in the purse, in the car, around the house. it's so affordable, 25% off. >> a lot of people are into these a humidifier or air purifier >> this is an air purifier this is from molecule. a little bit of a splurge. molecule is a really great brand. their air purifiers are one of the only ones that are fda approved for medical use're not lingering after. so the deal is for 30% off, it brings it to $249.99, which is
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their whole claim to fame is that their filter is formulated not just filter the air and get rid of the particles, they also destroy them they're not circulating or lingering after. so the deal is for 30% off, it brings it to $249.99, which is still a bit of a splurge, but this is over $100 off and rarely goes on sale if you suffer from allergies, this is a great piece to have in a room, it covers up to 250 square feet. i have one in my living room, in my daughter's room this is my favorite air purifier and you put it on auto mode, so it knows to ramp up when you're cooking or quieter when it doesn't need to be filtering as much this is an awesome one >> battery base. who doesn't need these >> last but not least, batteries are one of those things you always need, and never have on hand the deal for this is 20% off on a 48-pack of aa batteries and they have a ten-year shelf life. buy these right now in bulk, keep them in the garage, in the closet by the kitchen and you'll u never be without any power >> thank you you will be back next week, more deals from our spring sale if you want to purchase any of these items, scan the qr code or go to, and today does get a commission for purchases made through our links and this is a segment paid for by amazon. carson
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guys, we have some early st. patrick's day fup on the plaza irish chef jemma stafford is here trust me, you are going to want to make this feast that she's about to prepare for us, drinks, guinness, irish whiskey, a lot good stuff coming up.of
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all right! welcome back this morning on "today" food, we're getting a jump start on st. patrick's day. who better to help us out than irish-born chef jemma stafford, who's been teaching people how to bake with confidence for more than a decade with her online baking show and brand, bigger, bolder baking. are you ready to do this, chef >> are you ready >> this is the busiest time of the year for you we're glad to have you we're all in the mood. what are you making for us >> i'll make an irish treat, which is sausage rolls there's not a sinner in the country who doesn't love a good
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sausage roll i'll show you to make it we'll be making our own pastry, because i'm a classically trained pastry chef, so you'll make your own puff pastry at home make your own puff pastry at home carson, i'll get you to do this trick for me we're going to grate in frozen butter to this pastry. this is my chef secret. >> why frozen? >> because it gives you a lovely flaky pastry once it hits the heat in the oven. >> yep. >> creates steam and helps it rise that's perfect. >> what am i putting this just flour. >> into flour and salt gorgeous >> once you've done that, you mix it together with a little bit of water and also a little bit of lemon juice. >> yeah. >> and the lemon juice, what that does, it tenderizes the flour to give you a lovely flaky pastry once you mix all that together that looks good, carson. lovely pastry just like this for our filling, we have sausage meat. >> what kind of sausage? >> breakfast sausage, ground sausage meat buy it loose so it's not casing. into this, add a few fresh bread crumbs
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i don't use dried. i use fresh. an egg and then some on john. carson, i'll have you give that a mix. diced onon into this a little bit of salt and some pepper. it's very simple you know, in ireland they sell sausage rolls in gas stations, supermarkets, in butchers. it's a great treat to have going to school or, you know, in the evening also great soakage after a heavy paddy's day. >> i know about the soakage, chef. >> that's why i was looking at you. >> you know i know we have two minutes left. >> we'll put in the sausage meat. >> you fold it over like this. bring your pastry over. >> we have our leprechauns eating hoda looks like she's enjoying it >> cut it up before we cook it >> just like that. >> cook it for how long?
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>> 375 for 35 minutes to 45 minutes. >> what do we have for drinks? >> i'll show you this really quickly. homemade irish cream we have some cream we have milk and we have some condensed milk in here for sweetness. you mix those together and then over here we have a little bit of vanilla and some coffee, espresso granulars going to add in whiskey. >> a lot of whiskey. >> a lot of homemade touch a lot of whiskey you can buy the pastry if you don't want to make it. >> yeah. >> that's where you can get these recipes and more thank you, chef. happy st. patrick's day. first a quick check of your local news and weather
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good morning. i'm marcus washington. just in, gilroy police are asking the public to avoid 7th street and rose anna street due to activity. the city hall parking lot is accessible from church street and 7th street. we are working to learn what caused this. we will update you when we get more information. happening now, all lanes of 280 in daley city are back open after a crash. the chp says a pickup truck stuck a pedestrian the freeonwa
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an east bay freeway shutting
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down for the entire weekend. we will help you navigate through that closure. plus the bay area's new women's soccer team hits the field. everything y
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this morning on the third hour of "today," opening up. actor olivia munn revealing her


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