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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  March 20, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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force. >> you can experience the whole story at, as well as hundreds of other stories of people being good to each other in the bay area. >> i've seen him many, many times. he's always out there. >> if you have some talent, do it and then sit on the side of the street and let everyone see. >> don't forget, we stream 24/7. you can watch us whenever you would like on roku or other streaming platforms. we're having reluctance about vaccination and all of that is adding up to these measles cases we're seeing. >> right now at 6:00, a warning from east bay health leaders, people visiting one restaurant may have been exposed to measles. we are live this morning breaking down who is most at risk. confusion at the border. a controversial new texas law allowing migrants to be arrested and deported is now on hold, even after the supreme court gave it the green light. the late-night twists in an explosive legal case. plus, easing the divide in
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one south bay school district. the new message after a change in leadership and the unusually abrupt firing. this is "today in the bay." good morning to you on this wednesday. thanks for allowing us to be a part of your morning. i'm marcus washington. >> i'm laura garcia. we're going to check the morning commute with mike, first full day of spring. >> started late last night, so we're celebrating today. i think we were celebrating yesterday, too. we do have the first full day of spring today, and much more sunshine. it's on repeat, the weather that we had from the start of the week to yesterday is what we'll see again today. but it is a cool start, temperatures in the upper 40s, low 50s, headed for 71 degrees in san jose. so this is not as warm as it was, but it's still pretty nice and comfortable, up to 68 degrees in martinez, and mostly upper 60s in the north bay, and expect it to continue tomorrow as well with a few more clouds here and there. we'll talk about the changes
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ahead for the weekend and when that rain comes back in a few minutes. mike, you were looking at a crash out of berkeley. >> we saw the whole thing develop as the slowing happened on westbound 80. you notice on the shoulder there's some flashing lights and the operations center found this on the camera. we see it on the shoulder now. there was a big backup and now things have recovered westbound 80 out of berkeley and into emeryville. a smooth, slow drive continues for the morning commute. the crash is now on the shoulder. there is a crash approaching the carquinez bridge. minor slowing in addition to 37 and highway 4, your usual spots throughout contra costa county and the north bay. >> thank you very much. new overnight, a pedestrian is hit and killed on the freeway in the south bay. it happened at about 9:30 last night on northbound 101 just south of mckee road in san jose. for a short time, at least two lanes were closed, but they're now back open. this is the second incident in five days on south bay freeways
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to involve a pedestrian. this morning, a health warning from officials in the east bay after a potential measles exposure at a local restaurant. "today in the bay"'s thom jensen is live for us in san leandro at sons of liberty restaurant where those exposures are being investigated. thom, this actually occurred a couple of weekends ago. >> reporter: that's right, marcus. good morning. a couple of weekends ago on march 9th is when they say that these exposures may have occurred. you know, the cdc announced that measles was eliminated more than a quarter of a century ago, but it has been making a comeback in the u.s., as there's been a growing amount of sentiment toward anti-vaccinations and the bay area is not immune to the increase. alameda county health officials say the exposures may have occurred at the restaurant on march 9th, like i said, between the hours of 4:45 p.m. and 7:30
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that same night. if you visited the restaurant, they want to hear from you, especially people who have not been vaccinated or who had children at the restaurant who are not vaccinated against measles. anyone who has a weakened immune system and pregnant women at the restaurant are also urged to see a doctor. the cdc warned recently there's been a dramatic measles increase in the u.s. and globally, 58 cases so far this year in the u.s. that equals all of the cases of all of last year, a leading bay area infectious disease expert tells us alameda county did the right thing by issuing this alert so people can watch for symptoms like fever, runny nose, sore throat and those rashes that are infamous with the measles. and this should also serve as a warning that it's vital to get kids vaccinated against measles. >> what we're seeing at this point and why the cdc is raising the alarm about measles cases around the country is that there's the highest numbers of applying for exemptions by parents for mandatory measles
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vaccinations in schools. health exemptions, religious exemptions. >> reporter: you may remember about a week ago, uc davis medical center had to warn hundreds of people that they may have been exposed to measles. a child with a confirmed case had visited an emergency department at their hospital in sacramento. across the country, most cases reported this year have been among children age 12 months and older who had not received the vaccine. it's not available for any kids until after their first birthday. measles was declared eliminated in the u.s. in 2000, but has been making this comeback, and that's why the cdc is urging parents to get their kids vaccinated against measles. we're live in san leandro, thom jensen, "today in the bay." >> thanks so much for that update, thom. 6:05, new developments in the fight over a controversial texas immigration law. late last night a federal appeals court put a halt on the
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state's plan to enforce the law and that happened after the u.s. supreme court said the law could take effect. there's clearly a lot to unpack here. "today in the bay"'s brie jackson joins us live in washington. the legal battle is far from over. it sounds like brie lost communication with us, we'll try to work that out and get back to her in just a moment. all right, 6:05 this morning, and we want to let you know about a search and rescue teams that are combing monterey county looking for a missing hiker. caroline was last seen at 10:00 a.m. on monday. she had plans to hike a loop trail in carmel valley. she only carried supplies for a
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day hike and was not prepared for overnight temperatures. she is 5'6" with brown hair. she was last seen wearing teal boots and a blue bag. anyone with information is asked to contact the sheriff's office. a new temporary leader is now in charge of an embattled south bay school district following the abrupt firing of the superintendent six days ago. late last night, alum rock board members voted to appoint dr. imee almazan as a new interim superintendent. he's currently director of student services. it comes after the board abruptly fired dr. hilaria bauer last thursday. during a contentious meeting, attendees were divided on the decision to fire bauer. the board president says her replacement will listen to parents' needs and focus on all schools. >> she's been here for many years now, she has that relationship not just with our community, but also our star. she's trusted, she's a trusted
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leader. she has already gotten us through some very difficult times. >> while some praised the change, others are angry over what they believe was a lack of transparency. dr. almazan takes over her new role starting next week. let's take a live look outside in san francisco this morning. a beautiful shot there to start out the day. the trans america building. meteorologist kari hall is tracking what we can expect this first full day of spring. what can we get, kari? >> more sunshine and yesterday's weather is coming back today. we're also going to have more sunny and mild weather tomorrow as well. things change for the weekend, we'll be talking about the wet and chilly temperatures coming our way. but let's get you started in berkeley this morning where we're in the low 50s at 10:00, and then as we go throughout the day, a mix of sun and clouds as we reach into the low 60s. for the south bay, we're back to the low 70s, 71 in san jose, 73 in gilroy. we'll also see some 70s in some spots in the interior east bay, while oakland will be in the
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mid-60s there, 68 in palo alto, and some low 60s in san francisco. our north bay temperatures in the upper 60s. so we'll talk about the changes ahead for the weekend coming up. mike has a look at the changes you can expect at the gas pump. >> mostly up in most of the bay. we have one outlier in san leandro, under 4 bucks. $3.99 at u.s. gas on washington avenue if you've got cash. santa clara city in santa clara county, $4.37 at platinum gas on washington street. that edges out the last price, very close to the best in san francisco, $4.38 at the 76 on valencia street. the roadways, we're looking at a calm commute as we do look at the crash on the eastshore freeway that got over to the shoulder after a quick traffic break and bunching up traffic. it's now flowing smoothly through berkeley and emeryville, where the backup fills up the toll plaza in the last ten minutes. back to you. >> thank you very much. let's return to that very
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important story we were talking about, the fight over the controversial texas immigration law. late last night a federal supreme court put a halt on the state's plan to enforce the law and it happened hours after the u.s. supreme court said the law could take effect. we've got a lot of legal battles going on. let's check back in with "today in the bay"'s brie jackson live in washington. >> reporter: good morning. so because the same appeals court that blocked that law last night, they're going to be hearing new arguments about that case later today. the white house is calling texas' immigration law unconstitutional, while the republican governor of texas, greg abbott, is calling this supreme court ruling a positive development. the law is known as sb-4 and is a three-judge panel last night that blocked it from taking in fact. it allows local and state authorities to arrest migrants who cross the border illegally and empowers state judges to deport people to mexico.
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but mexico is not required to accept any migrants except mexicans, so it's unclear where those deportees would go. supreme court justices have agreed to allow it to be enforced, rejecting a white house appeal and putting the ball back in the appeals court. texas governor greg abbott recently told nbc news the law does follow the constitution. >> what the constitution does, it gives authority to states to be able to act when the federal government refuses to act. >> reporter: the biden administration argues sb-4 conflicts with federal immigration law and states have no authority to legislate immigration issues. and while arrests for illegal border crossings on the southern border hit record highs in december, they did fall by half back in january. the order blocking sb-4 will stay in effect until the appeals court considers its legality. a virtual hearing on that question is scheduled for later
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this morning, laura. >> a lot to uncover there. brie jackson, thanks for the latest from washington. some record snow in the sierra is triggering a rare phenomenon. coming up, a look at a crevice now making skiers think twice at a popular resort. and kari returns to explain how it got there. plus, in business news, we will have chips and guac. out to the futures, it looks like a mixed market. ♪♪ >> lead singer of a popular bay area '90s band is selling his digs. we're going to give you a look inside and tell you how much you'll need to be living your own semi-charmed life.
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next. next. stop. we got it? no. keep going. again... [ gasps ]
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next. if you don't pick one, i... am i keeping you from your job? next. stop! do we finally have it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. ♪♪ when you have moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin. some even achieved long—lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe.
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tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪♪ show off to the world. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. good wednesday morning. let's take a look at our day planner in oakland. right now at 6:14, as you're stepping out the door, it's mostly cloudy and about 50 degrees. there will be a gradual warm-up as we head for the low 60s today, with a mix of sun and clouds. we're going to have still warm temperatures in the inland valleys. we'll talk about that and changes for the weekend coming up. there's slowing if you're heading from oakland to the san mateo bridge, southbound 880 slows a bit. so does 92. this is a typical pattern here. we'll check the richmond bridge. there's something going on near
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the toll plaza. i'll show you what we've got coming up. good morning. very happy wednesday to you. the federal open markets committee wraps up an interest rate meeting today. we do expect them to do nothing. but what they say about that nothing could affect markets. we'll get some idea, perhaps, as to when rate cuts might come. take a look at the price of chipotle, nearly $2,800. we're going to talk about this later. keep in mind there's a comma right here. intel, meantime, the white house will announce later today an $8.5 billion grant to the chipmaker to make chips in arizona. the president will make that announcement during a visit to chandler, arizona. it's the biggest grant yet under the bipartisan chips bill. we may have invented chips right here in silicon valley, but most chips are manufactured overseas these days. washington wants to fix that. speaking of chips, the big
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nvidia conference continues today in san jose, all centered around ai. nvidia started as a company to make chips and boards for video gamers, but ai researchers figured out they work really well for the complex math that they need to do. >> whether that's advanced robotics, autonomous vehicles, whether that's ai agents or chat bots that are more intelligent that increasingly understand human interactions and empathy, nvidia is using its technology and its capability and its processing power to bring applications to just about every industry. >> the ceo of nvidia was delivering his keynote speech monday at the s.a.p. center, a reporter for the "wall street journal" pointed out jensen wong attracted a much bigger crowd than the professional wrestling that was there recently, probably more than justin timberlake's upcoming concert, and certainly more than the
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sharks. you remember the stock price for chipotle, almost $2800 a share. the high price makes it really hard for the average investor to buy shares or a share. so chipotle is planning a 50/1 stock split that will cut the price to 1/50th of the current price, about $56 a share. people who own chipotle currently get 49 more shares, so they end up with the exact same value. if you are a chipotle shareholder, no change for you. but because the share price is now smaller, more people may buy it and that may begin to rise again. so current investors always think of a stock split as a great thing. >> get a lot more. >> thanks, scott. we want to talk about something that's trending this morning, a bay area rock star hoping to sell a big piece of his -- well, semi-charmed kind of life. we're talking about stephan jenkins, the lead singer of third eye blind. the "chronicle" is reporting that he's selling his home in
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the eureka heights neighborhood for $3.6 million. we're not clear if this is being staged, the four bedroom two and a half bath dates back to 1880 when it was built for a sea captain. meta's mark zuckerberg recently sold his home in the same neighborhood for more than $30 million. i saw the inside online. it was nice. it's nice outside, too. >> he's clearly surfing for real estate. >> with his lottery winnings. >> there we go. >> i claim it! [ laughter ] >> you know what, the weather really has been nice. i know you're actually telling us the ski resort in tahoe is still seeing impacts from the storm earlier this month. >> let's take a look at sierra tahoe, the storm on march 2nd brought 116-mile-per-hour winds
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and that caused a 30 to 40 foot crack on the east side of the mountain near one of the resort's runs, and it opens to a steep and ice eye cavern similar to what you would see on a glacier. and according to a post on the resort's social media pages, the crack can be hard to see from the surface. so resort workers say they have never seen anything like this and they advise you to use caution when going anywhere near that side of the mountain. so we will continue to track that, as well as we'll talk more about the snow that's coming our way. let's get you out the door with a look at what to expect in saratoga, and it's going to be in the upper 40s at 8:00. it's a chilly start. but look at the warm-up. we're going up at least 20 degrees throughout the day, and it's going to be mostly sunny, a few more clouds in the mix later. i think that will give us a beautiful sunset. we'll see a high of 71 in los gatos and san jose, 71 in concord. those are the warmer spots we'll
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see, as well as the south county. much of the north bay, we're in the upper 60s today after seeing some 70s throughout much of the week. tomorrow it's a repeat of today, which is a repeat of yesterday. but then we'll start to see the changes on friday, so that's when we'll start to see this system arriving, bringing more clouds and cooler temperatures, we'll also see a cold front dropping in from the north. as the cold air comes in, we'll see some rain starting on friday evening. it's going to be off and on throughout the weekend, as well as into early next week. so it looks like friday evening, saturday evening, and then possibly some lingering showers on sunday. and that's going to also come along with some cold temperatures and sierra snow. so we could see another 14 to possibly 42 inches of snow between now and the end of next week. we'll see a couple of storm systems coming our way, but not expecting anything major here. just some scattered showers that will be off and on and lasting for several days. look at the change in our
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temperatures. we're going from 71 inland today to only 59 on saturday, and low 60s through early next week. san francisco also chilly for the weekend, and we'll need umbrellas because rain could drop at any time. mike, you were starting with a look at the richmond-san rafael bridge. >> i am. folks are getting over, the larger vehicles. a couple weeks ago they reopened and there's some larger trucks. there was a larger big rig for about five minutes, they were stopped at the split. it looks like everything cleared. there was a backup forming, but it's not because of that. it is because of the traffic that's heading over from richmond into san rafael. mild slowing shows up right on schedule. to another bridge, the carquinez bridge, the earlier slowing is starting to move better. they may have cleared the crash. typical slowing out of vallejo and into concord for highway 4. back to you. it is 6:22. new revelations from brett kavanaugh accuser christine
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ford. this time in her own book. up next, opening up for the first time about her senate testimony and the special moment she says she shared with warriors star steph curry. first, a quick note, our 7:00 a.m. streaming show is moving time slots. starting monday, you will actually get all of your local news and weather at 8:00 a.m. you can watch it on roku and other streaming platforms. you can also see it online at, or on your smart app. be sure to scan the qr code on your screen for more on how to
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new at 6:00, a new memoir is set to be released from the stanford professor who came forward with assault allegations against then supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh. she just released the book titled "one way back" that talks about the allegations against the now supreme court justice. blasey-ford testified in a hearing about the alleged assault from when the pair were in high school. in the book she wrote, representative anna eshoo passed her story on to senator dianne feinstein. blasey-ford said she felt uncomfortable with how the late snr was handling her questions during the senate hearing. a bright spot in the book happened when she and her kids attended a private warriors
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practice. blasey-ford wrote steph curry came over and literally took the shirt off his back and bracelet off his arm and gave them to my kids. 6:26 this morning. we've got a lot more ahead, including a neck-in-neck race for second place. we're going to talk about the unbelievably narrow margin between two candidates seeking to fill the seat of anna eshoo. plus, making our cities more walkable. the new pedestrian bridge the new pedestrian bridge opening today, opening new paths ( ♪♪ )
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it's just so sad, a family. all at once, at one time. >> right now at 6:30, a new turn in a tragic story, the woman accused of slamming her suv into a san francisco bus stop responds for the first time. what she's saying about the incident and the new details being revealed about the victims. a possible measles exposure at one east bay restaurant. the new warning from health leaders this morning. plus, lotto fever. get your ticket now if you're feeling lucky. tonight's mega millions jackpot soars to extreme heights with the powerball right behind it. this is "today in the bay." good wednesday morning to you. 6:30 right now. thanks for starting your day with us. i'm laura garcia.
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>> and i'm marcus washington. let's get you caught up on what's happening on this first full day of spring. meteorologist kari hall is tracking temps across the bay area this morning. >> it starts nice and mild and a little different picture compared to what we had yesterday morning. but it's still going to be the same afternoon, looking really nice. we're going from 49 in walnut creek to 49 in san jose, to 50 in san francisco, and in mountain view we're in the mid-40s. we will see a sunny start. at noon it's 62 degrees, so a nice warm-up as we reach into the upper 60s there, low 70s for san jose, and it's just a few degrees below what we had a couple of days ago, but it's still going to be pretty nice for this afternoon, as well as tomorrow. we'll talk about the changes for the weekend. mike, you were checking in on an earlier crash. >> yeah, it's still here with the arrow. probably tough to see. let's make this full screen. the arrow at the bottom of the screen is looking at the crash still on the shoulder avenue westbound 80, right about ashby avenue. it's a minor distraction, but
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not a sore spot for the commute. earlier there was a traffic break, an hour ago. it's smoothed out. slowing at your typical spots as you get around the bay. across from richmond, slowing and recovery for the carquinez bridge. west 80 does slow. a lot of slowing for vasco road now coming down, typical slowing. as you exit the contra costa county, you're a half hour down to 580. now there's a build into pleasanton for south 680. >> thank you. a san francisco neighborhood grieving the tragic loss of three victims in a fatal crash at a bus stop. the heartbreak really grows as we learn more about the family killed and questions still remain. >> "today in the bay"'s ginger conejero saab joins us live in san francisco this morning. the story has impacted so many. >> reporter: that is very true, marcus and laura. the woman who has been arrested in connection to this, 78-year-old mary lau, is facing three counts of vehicular manslaughter. we've heard from her attorney, who says she is cooperating with
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the investigation, and a statement also released says that ms lau and her family join the community in mourning the tragic loss of life that occurred in west portal. the neighborhood and community continue to grieve the loss of the three people killed. we now know it was a mother, a father, and their 1-year-old toddler. the san francisco medical examiner is identifying the victims as 40-year-old diego de oliveira, his wife, and their 1-year-old son joaquin. their other child, a 3-month-old baby, is still listed in life-threatening condition at a local hospital. the brazilian consulate has confirmed the father was a brazilian citizen, but the family had been living in san francisco for some time. they were waiting at the bus stop when a car hit them. that bus stop has now grown into a memorial with stuffed animals, pictures and flowers for the three victims. >> definitely hits home and just
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shows you how life is precious. >> it's so sad, a family. all at once, at one time. >> reporter: the sfmta board of directors also addressing the tragedy during its board meeting last night. the chair of the board asking the public not to rush to judgment during such an emotional time. now, the investigation into this continues, marcus and laura, as does the processing of such a tragic loss. that community in west portal really grieving this and what happened. >> it's just really hard, like that guy was saying. all at once. >> and then you have this baby, too. so sad. i'm sure they're looking for extended family now. thank you, ginger. we are hoping to get an update from the chp after a possible freeway shooting. the investigation shut down all westbound lanes of interstate
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880 in richmond last night near mcbryde avenue. officers tell us someone walked into a nearby hotel with non life-threatening injuries, saying they were shot on the freeway. lanes reopened about an hour later. a possible measles exposure is being investigated at a restaurant in san leandro. alameda county health officials say it happened at sons of liberty ale house on march 9th between 4:45 and 7:30 at night. if you visited the restaurant, they want to hear from you, especially people that have not been vaccinated or who had children at the restaurant who were not vaccinated against measles. it all comes as measle cases are dramatically on the rise in the u.s. and globally. well, turning to decision 2024, votes are still being counted in the high-profile congressional race in san mateo and santa clara counties. now, the latest update shows two candidates separated by just two votes. this is the runoff to replace long-time congresswoman anna
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eshoo. former san jose mayer sam liccardo leading the race and will advance to the november general election. his competitors, that's a different story. it is a razor thin race at this point. silicon valley assemblyman evan low leads santa clara county supervisor joe simitian by just two votes. there are still about 2,000 votes left to be counted. whoever comes in second place will face liccardo in the november election. it could be a few weeks to a month before we know who will win the race between those two. also, the third place candidate could ask for a recount and would have to pay for it themselves, or the governor could order a recount and the district and state would cover the cost. well, happening today in brentwood, contra costa county celebrates the opening of a new bicycle and pedestrian over-crossing there. so here is a photo of the new 850 foot bridge crossing highway
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4, connecting to trail located near jeffrey way and amber lane. later today, members will hold a ribbon-cutting ceremony and be the first to walk across the bridge. like you were saying, they should probably ride across the bridge. that gets under way at 10:00 this morning. let's talk about something that i know a lot of people are hoping to be a part of. >> they're dreaming of. >> the jackpot keeps growing. the powerball and the mega millions jackpot prizes both still up for grabs. >> we talk about this every once in a while. the mega millions jackpot, $977 million. you need to get your ticket for the next drawing for that one before friday. but the powerball drawing is tonight, and that prize is $687 million, with a cash value of $327.3 million. >> got to put the .3 on there. it will cover some of the taxing. >> and all the different cousins
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that will show up. cousin kari, what do we have going on today? >> i don't know if i'll be your cousin this weekend. we do have some nice and very lucky weather that we've had here, a nice little stretch we've had for a few days. it does continue today. our temperatures in the upper 40s, as you get ready to head out the door. it's 48 in dublin and 44 right now in sonoma. san ramon, our temperatures going from upper 40s to mid-60s for the afternoon. it's going to be a nice one. a few more clouds starting to roll in as we go into this afternoon, into the evening. we're still headed up for 73 in morgan hill, 70 in cupertino, and some low 70s for much of the east bay, upper 60s for livermore and fremont, and then we'll see a high of 65 in redwood city today, daly city up to 58 degrees, and low 60s in san francisco, upper 60s for the
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north bay. so we'll talk about the changes ahead for the weekend. mike, you have another note for those heading to highway 92. >> yeah, highway 92, the san mateo bridge is in full commute conversion as we get a lot more traffic across from hayward toward the peninsula. it's moving smoothly in both directions. obviously slower in the commute direction because of that volume. slow getting there. there was an earlier crash that cleared to the shoulder and it was off the roadway, south 880 at 92. there's a second crash this morning that may be sticking out into the slow lane that may be adding more traffic with the volume build. some folks see the slowing and head to the dumbarton bridge, west 84 that will be showing more slowing over the next half hour. typical slowing for most of this drive, especially through contra costa county, carquinez bridge clears up and walnut creek starts to slow more. back to you. >> thanks, mike. wanted by police, again. up next, new details on the search for a san francisco man with a long and complicated criminal history.
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the latest on the fight between washington and texas and bay area parents go to the capitol to get help with autism. out to the big board, we're waiting on the fed decision on interest rates. and the moment bay area beer drinkers are waiting for. we're going to take you behind the scenes and look ahead at friday's pliny the younger
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good wednesday morning. it is 6:42. let's take a live look outside in san jose. it's a really nice start to our first full day of spring, and take a look at these temperatures. going from low 50s at 9:00 to 70s again today. the warm weather continues with a few more clouds for this evening. we'll talk about that and when it all changes coming up in a few minutes. and we're looking at palo alto, north 101, northbound with the taillights going away from us toward san francisco. it's a smooth drive right now. we may see more traffic over the next half hour because we have a build through the south bay. i'll show that to you coming up. well, a san francisco man with a long and complicated criminal history appears to be wanted by police again, just days after being released from jail. we're talking about james durgin, the central figure of our streaming series "saving san francisco" and a show explores solutions to a series of
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problems plaguing our city. over the years durgin has been caught on camera returning to the same neighborhood in the presidio where he's been accused of trying to break into homes and cars and at times showing up naked. ann ray has a restraining order against durgin and tells us the probation department called her yesterday and said he left the transitional housing center he was assigned to, violating his probation, something he's done several times before. she says that she was told a warrant will be issued for durgin's arrest. the adult probation department in charge of keeping tabs on durgin are not commenting on this. you can catch all six of those episodes of "saving san francisco" right now on our website or stream it on peacock, roku, samsung tv+ and more. 6:44 this morning, and the battle between the federal government and the state of texas continues this morning. >> scott mcgrew, what is at issue is who can really enforce border policy.
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texas says it can. >> and the federal government says that it can't. so when you hear about this battle over texas state law called sb-4, that's all it is, who gets to enforce american immigration policy. a federal appeals court has put a hold on implementing the new law, which allows texas law enforcement to arrest people who cross the border illegally. this bill written by texas. the supreme court lifted the hold but sent the case back down to a lower court. this law has been on again, off again, never on long enough to allow texas law enforcement to take any action or arrest anyone. there are some powers reserved just for the federal government. for instance, montana cannot declare war on canada, and california can't tell nevada not to trade with oregon. the courts are still working out what texas can and cannot do to enforce federal immigration law. i mentioned this in our business section, but quickly,
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the biden administration just announced a new massive grant to intel so it can build a chip fabrication facility in arizona, part of the bipartisan chips act. parents with children with autism were on capitol hill yesterday pushing lawmakers to renew the autism cares act that will expire at the end of the year. the law was passed nearly 20 years ago and helps fund research programs and training. congress renewed it twice, 2014 and 2019. but it's a different tone in congress these days. here is a therapist from the bay area. >> asking for federal funding to continue to provide research investment and training programs to make sure we have intervention, treatment, and evidence-based services for this very needy population. in ohio, republican candidate for senate bernie moreno has won his primary, beating out two more traditional old-school republicans for the right to run against the
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incumbent democrat. moreno was endorsed by donald trump. >> i want to thank president trump for all he did for me, for the campaign, for his unwavering support, for his love of this country. i don't think i've ever seen somebody who loves this country the way he does. thank you to president trump. >> democrats see that endorsement was a weakness, in fact, actually ran a stealth ad campaign playing up moreno for senate so that he would be the one the current democratic senator sherrod brown had to run against. they see him as the easiest candidate to beat. the former u.s. trade adviser to president trump will wake up in prison this morning. peter navarro turned himself in for a four-month sentence yesterday. he stopped by a nearby strip mall for one last press conference. navarro was convicted of contempt of congress for not testifying when ordered to about january 6th. and developing news, the prime minister of ireland says he's stepping down, he is seen
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here with president biden just before st. patrick's day, made history as the first person of indian dissent to lead ireland, as well as the first outwardly gay man to lead ireland. he says he will leave office after the next regularly scheduled election. >> thank you very much. from politics to how about something lighter, a little baseball? you thought opening day wasn't until next week. think again. just in, giants fans, are behind the first place dodgers. hard core fans woke up extra early to see the very first regular season game of the year. the dodgers and padres playing a two-game series in seoul. this was close until the eighth inning when a bouncer went through the first baseman glove, scoring the go-ahead run. the dodgers won 5-2 in a game that just finished about 30 minutes ago. trending this morning, anticipation is brewing for a 20th anniversary celebration
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that will be heavier on the beer, i would say, than the champagne. >> beer lovers will descend on two russian river brewing pubs in santa rosa and windsor for the 20th annual release of pliny the younger. i'm sure you've seen the long lines over the past years for an event that normally takes place in february. this year it runs through april 4th. all customers who waited, will actually be rewarded with a chance to buy up to three 10 ounce pours, along with three souvenir bottles for the fridge. >> always a tradition to line up out there. >> the apple store, not as many lines. >> there you go. first full day of spring today. it's going to be nice. >> it's going to be another beautiful day. i wanted to show you some sunrises that we have all around the bay area from the golden gate bridge where it's 50 degrees, to 49 in walnut creek, nice and clear.
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we can see the traffic moving, no issues with visibility in oakland. and it's in the upper 40s in san jose. so let's talk about how the day shapes up for you in morgan hill. going from 9:00, 51 degrees, to that quick warm-up between 9:00 and 11:00, where it's 61 degrees. and then 71 degrees at 3:00. now, notice that there will be a few clouds in the mix today. it's not going to be completely sunny, but we are still in for some very comfortable temperatures. eventually we'll start to see more clouds coming in, and cooler temperatures, too, as this system that's out in the pacific makes its way closer to the bay area, and we're going to see some rain starting on friday. so when that arrives, also colder temperatures coming down, and with that front passing, we'll see rain most likely friday afternoon into the evening, and then another wave of rain on saturday. so this could impact those weekend plans, and then still some lingering rain into sunday as well as monday. so taking a look at how much we may see, some of the rainfall
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estimates show in the areas in red parts of the north bay over toward santa rosa and the sonoma coastline, we're going to most likely see about 1 to 2 inches of rainfall there. and it could be about the same for the santa cruz mountains, up the peninsula, and then as you make your way inland, some of our valleys where you see yellow shadings, that's about 1/2 of an inch, possibly closer to 3/4 of an inch of rain in a few spots, and that's over the course of several days. for the sierra, it's a lot more this weekend and extending into next week. we could see about 20 inches of snow for south lake tahoe, up to 36 for kirkwood, and 42 for kingvale. so we do still have quite a bit of snow in the forecast for the sierra. we're going to see another wave of rain, and we're going back to winter with these temperatures. going from low 70s today and sunshine, to only 59 with some off and on showers on saturday. there may be a brief break on sunday, but still a chance of
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showers here and there, especially in san francisco. and those rain chances extend into early next week. mike, you're seeing more traffic through the south bay? >> yeah, it's predictable. we talk about the timing, it's 6:51. the indicators for our speed sensors do show much more traffic coming toward our camera, more slowing. in the last 90 seconds we've had more slowing for north 280 and 87 coming into downtown. 101 continues with slower patches past sjc and now close to the embarcadero exit, i just heard about a crash as well. there may be additional slowing. doesn't look like a major problem on the bayshore freeway. 92 west, the build and the crash still south 880 at 92. they may have moved this crash to the shoulder in the last few minutes. we see general slowing through the area toward fremont. also, we had recovery out of pleasanton, an earlier crash around bernal. the build for the tri-valley, and of course contra costa
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county, and still holding with slowing through walnut creek. back to you. >> thank you very much, mike. it is 6:52, and happening now, spring is finally here, and that means it's the start of coyote pupping season in san francisco. this time of year coyote puppies are born in the presidio. park officials are restricting dog walking. they say coyote parents will be more active and protective around their dense. to avoid conflict, several trails in the park are just not allowing dogs at all. it is temporary until pupping season is over, which extends until fall. up next, a look at our top stories, including a warning from east bay health leaders. people visiting one restaurant may have been exposed to measles. we're going to break down who is most at risk. ahead on the "today" show, nasa looking for the next crew to send into space. applications for the newest cohort of astronauts closes in two weeks. do you have what it takes? we'll find out.
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welcome back. we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories on "today in the bay." >> starting with a pedestrian hit and killed on the freeway in the south bay. it happened about 9:30 last night on northbound 101, just south of mckee road in san jose. for a short time at least two lanes were closed. they're now back open. this is the second incident in five days on southbound freeways to involve a pedestrian. new response from the woman accused in the tragic crash that killed the family of three at a san francisco bus stop, which is now a growing memorial site. 78-year-old mary lau faces three counts of vehicular manslaughter. her attorney says she is fully
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cooperating with the investigation, and ms lau and her family join the community in mourning the tragic loss of life that occurred. authorities now identified the three victims as 40-year-old diego cardozo de oliveira and his wife, matilda and their 1-month-old son joaquin. we are hoping to get an update from the chp after a freeway shooting that shut down all lanes of 80 last night near mcbryde avenue. officers tell us someone walked into a nearby hospital with non life-threatening injuries saying they were shot on the freeway. lanes reopened about one hour. a possible measles exposure being investigated at a restaurant in san leandro,
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liberty house on march 9th. if you visited that restaurant, they want to hear from you, especially people who have not been vaccinated or who had children at the restaurant who were not vaccinated against measles. this all comes as measles cases dramatically are on the rise here in the u.s. and globally. first full day of spring, and we're going to enjoy it. >> the weather is still nice. if you liked yesterday's weather, that continues today and tomorrow, too. but then friday more clouds come in. it's going to be a cooler weekend, off and on showers, and still a chance of rain into early next week. the cool weather continues as well, as we take a look at our forecast for san francisco. low to mid-60s today and tomorrow, but then as it begins to rain for the weekend, we're only going to be in the upper 50s. >> that looks great. san mateo bridge, on the right side, westbound, really just bogged down in the last 60 seconds. traffic was flowing smoothly through the peninsula. it's still moving. there may be an incident on the span. i'll follow that.
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i'll send any updates on x as well to get it to you as quickly as possible. the travel time is likely to grow, but so far the dumbarton bridge may be where you go. the "today" show is coming up next on television. we continue "today in the bay" on roku and other platforms. new shocking data showing a major increase in police pursuits in vallejo. we're crunching the numbers. plus, a live interview on the key issues set to drive voters to the polls in november. join us for our 7:00 a.m. newscast. it's coming up next at >> thanks for joining us this morning for "today in the bay." we hope we kept you informed. good wednesday morning. the battle ove good wednesday morning. the battle over the border intensifying. >> indeed. it is also sparking a legal fight. it is march 20th.


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