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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  March 22, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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bay area news is streaming 24/7. you can actually watch us whenever you want on roku and other streaming platforms. we need to stop this revolving door of our judges allowing repeat offenders on the streets. >> right now at 6:00, a new push for justice, after a 94-year-old woman was pushed to the ground back in 2021. the recent ruling sparking outrage from both the community and one district attorney. opening a criminal investigation. the new fbi letter to alaska airlines passengers who experienced a scare of a lifetime when a door panel blew off mid-flight. the message from federal agents. plus, pliny the younger arriving in the bay area and beer lovers are lining up. we've got everything you need to know about the limited release on tap. this is "today in the bay."
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good friday morning to you. 6:00 right now. thanks for starting your day with us. i'm laura garcia. >> and i'm marcus washington. we've got everything you need to know. mike has you covered on the roads in just a bit. kari has been talking about that weather. the rain is coming. >> yes. it's been nice to have the sunshine, but i did notice that the grass is already starting to get a little brown in the back yard, so we do need the rain. so we'll get that starting today, later on this afternoon into the evening. at times it may be a bit heavy and there will even be a chance of thunderstorms. we'll be watching out for that. and then some breaks in the activity on sunday. but early next week, rain chances will be back. the storm system is still well to the north of us, but it is making its way closer to the north bay, and that's where we'll see the showers first around 2:00 to 3:00 this afternoon, and most of the rest of the bay area seeing it around sunset. so we'll talk more about that coming up. mike, you have a couple of bridges slowing down. >> we had the slowing southbound 101 heading toward the golden gate bridge, we often have crews that clear from the north side,
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and maybe it happened a little later on a friday. we're looking at a smooth drive now, after there was initial slowing down past spencer. over here, we have the bay bridge toll plaza, we have a steady flow. we haven't seen any disturbance at the toll plaza itself. but the metering lights have been activated and there will be more slowing up the incline. that was motivated by the slowing into the city, when things started to slow toward fremont. the maze, the approach all great. concord, highway 4, no problems. a little slowing for highway 37 and the south bay has that little bit of slowing for 101 that will clear and then kick in again. back to you. >> thanks, mike. happening now in sacramento, policemanhunt is under way after a deadly triple shooting. one man is dead, two others are injured. it happened yesterday afternoon at a light rain station near sacramento state. police are looking for two people believed to be armed and dangerous. investigators believe the shooting may be tied to a nearby carjacking but that is not confirmed. happening today, an angry rally planned for san francisco.
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activists are outraged with the sentencing of a man who assaulted a woman in her 90s two years ago. >> "today in the bay"'s ginger conejero saab joins us live in san francisco this morning. ginger, some believe justice was not served. >> reporter: that's correct, laura, marcus. this case got a lot of attention back in 2021. it happened during the pandemic when seniors from the aapi community experienced unprovoked attacks. this was one of them. then 94-year-old ahn peng taylor was attacked outside her apartment in the city's tenderloin neighborhood. a witness who spoke to nbc bay area then said a man seemed to bump her into a wall, taylor screamed and the witness realized she was stabbed. taylor was brought to a hospital, underwent surgery and survived. she is now 97 years old. san francisco police arrested the suspect, daniel cauich, who
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was arrested five times in 2020 for burglaries, and once in 2016 for homicide. at the time of his arrest, sfpd says he was wearing an ankle monitor. cauich eventually pleaded guilty to charges, attempted murder, elder abuse and assault. the district attorney recommended a sentence of 12 years, but on friday the judge sentenced cauich to probation. the proposed terms will be further discussed today. >> i don't know that there's a lot that the community can do, aside from hold demonstrations to show what our intentions are. you know, we can ask for better rehabilitation services for the people who qualify for them, who need them, and who can be rehabilitated. >> reporter: and that rally outside san francisco's hall of justice will start at 8:15 this morning. we will be there, afterwards community members are expected to listen in to the courthouse -- or to the hearing as the terms for cauich's
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probation will be outlined. in san francisco, ginger conejero saab, "today in the bay." >> thank you very much, ginger. secretary of state antony blinken is in tel aviv to meet with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. this comes amidst the threat of a new large-scale ground offensive in the city of rafah. the white house is seeking an immediate cease-fire and today the u.n. security council reviews the recent u.s. resolution that calls for a cease-fire, along with the release of hostages. a vote is expected to take place later this morning. as teams in monterey county search for a missing hiker, her family members are speaking out. caroline was last seen monday morning when she left for a hike in carmel valley. police conducted an all-out search, including dogs, drones and a helicopter. her family says their daughter is strong and can survive in the wilderness. >> i have been holding an image of caroline, wrapped in a
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blanket smiling, carrying her to safety. we are confident she will be found safe. >> she's very familiar with the area and she's an avid hiker. >> she is very strong and resilient, and we have great faith that she'll be found and she's doing whatever she can do to stay safe. >> we hope she is found. investigators say meister was only equipped to hike for one day. new overnight, new confirmation the fbi is conducting a criminal investigation into the las ta airlines midair scare back in january when the sealed door panel blew off the plane following takeoff from an airport in oregon, later tied to missing bolts. no one was injured, but nbc has obtained a new letter written by the fbi to passengers that suggests that they may be possible crime victims, but no real updates can be given on the process of the investigation, and nearly two weeks ago the justice department first
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announced a probe. several passengers are also suing boeing and the airline. 6:06. thirsty beer lovers have something waiting for them after a cold night outside. they'll be one of the first to experience the holy grail of beers. later this morning the russian river brewing company will release this year's pliny the younger triple ipa. it marks the 20th anniversary of the popular brew. it's only available at two russian river pubs, in santa rosa and windsor. fans will be rewarded with a chance to buy up to three 10 ounce pours, along with three souvenir bottles for the fridge. okay, here we go. you know, a lot of people are, like, i can sit out and enjoy this beer. they've got to do it early in the morning. >> yeah, and it's not as cold as it has been, so i guess that's the plus for people who are camping out early this morning. but we are still feeling some chilly temperatures where you do need to bundle up if you're going to be out there for a
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while. it's in the mid-40s in sonoma, but we're mostly seeing low 50s across much of the rest of the bay area. it's 50 right now in san jose. and in santa rosa, we're going to see the rain arriving a little bit earlier compared to some of our other microclimates, where we are going to see the rain in the north bay by late morning, picking up and continuing as we go throughout the afternoon, as our temperatures head for the upper 50s there. and we'll see it much warmer for the south bay as the rain doesn't arrive until most likely around sunset, so we'll be in the low 70s. it will be in the upper 60s in dublin and some mid-60s in oakland today. 64 in san francisco. definitely cooler tomorrow, with most of our high temperatures in the 50s, as that rain continues off and on throughout the day. so we'll talk more about what to expect and how much. mike has a look at how much you can pay at the gas pump. >> fortunately for folks heading to tahoe, perhaps they can get an early start and beat some of the snow and they can head through vallejo to get the lowest price in the bay, $4.23
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at royal gas. the station royal gas on tennessee street near highway 29. there's another one a few blocks down that's 10 cents higher. in alameda county, it's $4.27 at hayward's r stores on hesperian boulevard, and san jose, $4.29, great gas on stevens creek boulevard near where the transition is. that's all reported through, all the changes. we're looking at the roadways, it's a light friday, traffic flowing as we would imagine. we have slowing for highway 37 at the top. we have no slowing for highway 4, but we do have a crash on 680 just south of highway 4. we'll track that. we see slowing on the bay bridge as well, from about treasure island into the city. the live view, a bay bridge toll plaza itself, the metering lights are on but there's no backup visible on the camera. vasco road only at 18 minutes, an easy drive out of contra costa county down to 580,
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alameda county. >> thank you, mike. 6:09 this morning. another cosmic phenomenon on the horizon. coming up, the once-in-a-lifetime stargazing event that will soon be visible in the skies above, and why you'll probably have to keep your eye peeled to see it. meanwhile, reddit unexpectedly jumps on its first day of trading. let's go out to the futuring this morning and see what's in store. store. it looksike a mild start to l
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thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy.
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ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product.
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the time is 6:12. let's get a look at our day planner for brentwood. we're starting out with sunshine and temperatures in the mid-50s. it will warm up quite a bit going into the afternoon with a mix of sun and clouds, and rain will be coming in right at about 5:00 to 6:00 this evening. we will be tracking rain off and on throughout the weekend. we'll talk about the impacts coming up in a few minutes. we're looking at a smooth drive, san jose, headlights toward us northbound at 280, underneath that 17 or 880 over-crossing, depending on which direction you're traveling. the south bay does look like we have green sensors all around now. i have an update, more information, maybe good information, maybe good news for you through concord. good morning. very happy friday to you. we just saw the futures before the break, pointing slightly lower. shares in apple fell about 4% after the department of justice and attorneys general from
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various states accused the company of monopolistic behavior. reddit, i'm a bit surprised, to be honest with you, up nearly 50% on its first day of trading. it debuted at $34. the price spike indicates a lot of users who were given early access to the stock didn't sell. now, reddit is a popular website but it doesn't make money, it loses money. but its success yesterday may inspire other holdouts to eye the public markets. holdouts that do make money. stripe, one of san francisco's most successful companies, is still private. and rubrik in palo alto, very successful company, we know they've been flirting with the idea of going public as well. state farm has announced it will not renew 72,000 home insurance policies in the state. in a statement, the state farm said it needed to make sure it had enough cash on hand to pay future claims. our consumer investigator chris
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chmura is looking into this latest chapter in california's insurance crisis, including what you should do if your policy suddenly ends. you can watch his full report on our website, doordash, wendy's and google have made a deal to deliver by drone. there's a pilot program, so to speak, in virginia, using google's wing drones, customers there can have a deliver by drone option in their doordash app. microsoft announcing new computers and tablets that have the ai built right in. microsoft says the ai saves workers as much as ten hours a month. speaking of ai, you may have seen these read the article buttons on websites to read the article aloud. usually it's not a recorded voice, it's ai reading the article. it doesn't always go well, seeing as it's friday, i thought
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i would leave you with this. google's ai having a bit of trouble with numbers. >> and i still remember how amazed i was at the moves it came up with. complex, strategically. famously more complicated than chess with dsh -- >> zeros. >> the breath control. >> this was on google's blog, so they put up a little thing that said that ai has been enabled and we'll fix it. the first time i saw it was on my phone and i was crying. >> okay, so we won't be replaced just yet. >> not just yet. [ laughter ] >> okay. thanks, scott. >> you bet. it is 6:16 for you this morning. expect an array of colors in
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fremont this weekend. tomorrow the holi event will be held at washington high school. holi is known as the festival of colors and marks the start of spring. if you're planning to check it out, you can buy tickets online. just make sure you wear something you don't mind getting covered with colored powder. sky watchers, get ready, because for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, it is coming your way. we're talking about a new star that will be visible for a short time. >> astronomers say a rare cosmic eruption is supposed to happen in the milky way soon, two stars, a white dwarf and red giant has been closely orbiting each other in a system known as tcrb. it's supposed to erupt sometimes between now and september and will only be visible to the naked eye right next to the
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hercules constellation. >> nasa always live streams those events, so that may be the best place to watch it. >> i remember as a kid, when you start learning about the star formations, i can see the big dipper. >> it's amazing, especially at higher elevations, camping or something like that. >> the problem is, when i look up, i could make the big dipper out of pretty much any stars. oh, that's it! >> we might have a problem seeing any of that this weekend, because there will be a lot of clouds, and then we're also getting ready for the lunar eclipse on sunday. so that's going to be very interesting to follow. but it does, once again, look like we may not have the best view due to the cloud cover. we're clear for now as we head out the door in san jose, it's 50 degrees. it's 52 in walnut creek, and oakland headed for 54 degrees. and we're starting out there,
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but this is where we're going to end today, with a high temperature of 66 in oakland, 68 degrees in dublin, and 71 in san jose. low 60s in the north bay, as the clouds and the rain arrive a lot earlier and that keeps those temperatures from warming up. but tomorrow we will all see a lot of clouds and off and on rain, and that's going to keep our high temperatures for the most part below 60 degrees. about the same on sunday as well, but we should get some clearing during the afternoon. so this is what is changing our weather after a lot of sunshine and nice weather throughout the week, the storm system is approaching and it's going to bring in times of rain, mostly cloudy skies, but also bring in cooler temperatures that we'll see for the weekend. a closer look shows that we haven't yet seen any rain falling, but it's not far away, and we're seeing it moving into far northwestern california. toward 1:00 to 2:00, it's moving into the north bay, parts of sonoma, napa county starting to get rain. then moving into marin county
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around 3:00. then as we go into the afternoon, into the evening, rain continues to spread across the bay area, and later this evening is when it most likely will pick up and we'll just see it off and on throughout the weekend. it won't be raining the entire weekend, but there will be some showers moving, at least in one or another part of the bay area. it will be somewhere around the area. we'll see still on sunday rain chances continuing into the morning. so in all, we're looking at about 3/4 to 1 inch of rainfall, just really depending on where some of the heavier rain will be setting up and moving through. and we could see up to 1 1/2 inches of rain farther to the north in ukiah. we're not expecting a major impact, but we will have to watch out for the potential of a few isolated thunderstorms, and possibly a break in the activity late on sunday, monday and tuesday are dry, but there will be another storm system approaching for the middle of next week that's going to keep things cool and soggy for a little while longer.
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so we're getting much needed rain coming back after a bit of a break, and a taste of spring for a few days. mike, it seems like now it's still friday light. >> at the toll plaza, it is very light. but the metering lights are on. with the change in volume, we could see some more backup forming, or we could see backup. we do see slowing getting into san francisco, standard when we have that volume. there's slowing at the richmond bridge heading toward the north bay. highway 37 shows the build and so does highway 4. these are typical commutes in the westbound direction. good news for concord, no slowing shows up for this crash, no major injuries, no injuries reported here. and it is northbound 680 approaching concord avenue, counter to the commute. the commute is without any major issues, a little slowing on 242. a little slowing on 880 through hayward out of san leandro. and on the peninsula, there is a crash 101 at woodside and i don't see any slowing. it sounds like everything is out
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of lanes. in the south bay, just that little bit of slowing shows up for 101 as we start to rebuild the volume through the south bay. here is the volume on the san mateo bridge. it looks great, westbound is your commute direction. things are really calmed down and we're back to what you would expect on a friday. once again, the bay bridge, you have a smooth drive. the metering lights are on and you will be pausing just for a second and slowing once you hit treasure island. >> thanks, mike. coming up next, nbc bay area responds. >> how is this for march madness? a viewer canceled a trip right after he booked, but the company shorted his refund almost 2 grand. i'm consumer investigator chris chmura. nbc bay area responds next. and a quick note before we head to break, starting monday you can watch our "today in the bay" live streaming newscast at 8:00 a.m. you can watch it on roku, amazon fire tv, xumo and other streaming platforms. you can also catch it online at
6:23 am or on our smartphone app. be sure to scan that qr code on your screen. u can find ouryo
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morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business.
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happy friday. we're filling out a bracket of our own. we dug through our complaint database for the most common complaints you send us. call it our egregious eight to start. here there are in no particular order. internet, cell service, banking, stores, home repair, travel, car
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buying, online shopping and government. all right, we kept sifting to get to our frustrating four. let's take a look at who advanced. banking, stores, travel and government gripes. all right, now on to our terrible two. who will make it into the finals? well, it's going to be stores and travel. when we tallied up all the complaints, travel emerged at the number one spot. we're getting more gripes about travel than anything else, flights, hotels, rental cars, cruises, insurance. you name it, we received a complaint about it. for example, we're wrapping up a case for david in san jose to get an $1,800 travel insurance refund for a cruise he canceled right after he booked. the policy never kicked in. so getting back the price he paid for the policy will put $1,800 right back where it belongs. if you need an assist scoring a refund, let us know. scan the qr code on screen to fill out our consumer complaint form online. have a great weekend.
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>> you, too, chris. we've got a lot more coming up, including the first weekend of spring being met with wet weather. a live look at san francisco where it is dry for now. meteorologist kari hall, of course, is tracking the impact to your weekend plans. plus, the new fare gates installed at west oakland b.a.r.t. will start popping up at the civic center station and installation begins later today. just how effective they've been at stopping fare cheats coming up in a live report. and protesting pickleball, not everyone is happy with one city's newest pickleball courts. why opponents feel an upcoming tournament is really crossing
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another one in the books. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente. ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs.
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♪ bmo ♪ people playing by the rules and paying to ride, when they see people cheat the system with impunity, that's frustrating for them and it's just not right. we want to change that. >> right now at 6:30, b.a.r.t. expanding its new fare gates. we're live testing out the setup coming soon to a san francisco station. the final hours of oakland's in-n-out, the new measures the mayor is taking to improve safety along the dangerous corridor. march madness is tipping off
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and the bay area is rt to represent. we've moving you forward with what's on tap for st. mary's and stanford. this is "today in the bay." and you'll never guess who i'm rooting for. >> university of memphis? >> go gales, they play tonight. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. let's make our way over to meteorologist kari hall. go, kari, go, with that weather forecast! >> take it away. >> i guess i'm cheering for the warriors because none of my teams are in march madness after the first round. we do have a great start this morning, and it will be madness in our weather, too. we're going to see a lot of changes coming in. a wet and chilly weekend after such a warm and sunny week. things change over the next, i would say, ten hours. we're going to see that rain dropping in and there will even be a chance of thunderstorms today and tomorrow. rain chances come back for the middle of next week.
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let's get you started in mountain view, where we start with sunshine in the low 50s and eventually we'll see more clouds coming in and rain in time for dinner. it will be in the low 60s, but it will still for the most part, be a nice day. the north bay sees the rain a lot earlier and we'll have cooler temperatures and off and on showers through tonight into the weekend. i'll be tracking that. mike, you're saying that the friday commute is now showing up. >> it's showing itself. this is the richmond bridge heading toward the north bay. things are picking up on the speed sensors and we see slowing westbound 580. that's pretty standard. highway 37, highway 4, and the bay bridge, also. the lights are on at the bay bridge, we don't see the backup. in the north bay, we see a blotch of maybe some fog or mist. kari talks about the timing later on. we do have a new crash in the east bay, actually two new crashes. it looks like one is in the sunol area for 680, another near the dumbarton bridge for 880.
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i'll check on those. >> thanks, mike. new this morning, b.a.r.t. is installing another set of those new remodelled gates in an attempt to crackdown on fare jumpers. >> bob redell joins us live from the west oakland b.a.r.t. station. the new gates were installed about four months ago. do they know how effective it's been in trying to stop fare evaders? >> reporter: they've been installed since the end of december, and they say anecdotally they've seen people come down the stairs and see these gates and turn back and go to another station where they can evade the fare because they don't have these gates. these new gates, they are not something that you can jump over. you can -- they're not impossible to get through, but it is hard. you can see there's some wiggle room. this one in particular, very hard to get through. it's got a mechanical braking system on it, which is a device that b.a.r.t. is leaning toward
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for their other fare gates. later this morning, b.a.r.t. will start installing these new fare gates at the civic center b.a.r.t. in san francisco, and then at all the stations by the end of next year. again, this is an attempt to stop fare evasion, a problem that costs the transit agency anywhere between $15 to $25 million a year. >> it's a cultural thing. when people play by the rules, pay their fair share to ride, and they see someone cheat with impunity, it creates frustration and it's disheartening. so we want to reverse that trend. >> reporter: the civic center installation begins today, the next stationness line are montgomery, powell, 24th street, sfo, fruitvale, richmond and antioch. all stations slated to get the new fare gates by the end of 2025, at a total cost of $90 million. $86 million of that money is already funded.
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they're still looking for $4 million, which b.a.r.t. doesn't think they'll have a problem finding. reporting live, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> they look like they're working so far. thanks, bob. new at 6:00, this is your last weekend to visit oakland's only in-n-out. the chain is expected to close its only oakland location along the hegenberger corridor. the company first announced the closure in january, citing safety concerns. it's believed to be the company's first ever store closure. other businesses, including a denny's and a black bear diner have left the same area. mayor sheng thao recently joined county and state leaders to announce republicans for new safety measures there. people in one east bay city are souring on a plan to open new pickleball courts, so much so, they're organizing protests starting later today. developers are transforming part of richmond's craneway pavilion into pickleball courts they plan to open for a weekend tournament, and that's despite
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the fact that city leaders say that the pickleball court proposal was rejeked last year. a second proposal for permanent courts and a club is still under review by the city and state. the while the developer insists that the weekend tournament is a standalone event, it is not sitting well with a lot of opponents. >> this isn't about pickleball. it's about public space. we want to make sure that the craneway pavilion stays at a public space. >> now, the developers did not comment to nbc bay area, but in the past they have said that the proposal is within existing lease agreement. supporters argue that public events won't go away and the venue will get more use. council members are expected to debate that proposal again as soon as next week. march madness is already in full swing. check your brackets because cinderella is arrive and well. st. mary's men's team left for spokane on wednesday and they're taking on grand canyon tonight. the madness is already playing
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out with oakland leading the way. not our oakland in the east bay. we're talking about oakland university from michigan, shocking the world and a lot of brackets last night when they upset basketball blue bloods kentucky. the final score was 80-76. oakland's star player was an uber driver last year and scored a game high of 32 points. the stanford women also get under way later today. they're taking on norfolk state at maples pavilion, the 25th time stanford is hosting a tournament game. players hope it provides an advantage. >> we're excited to play at home in front of our fans and hopefully have two games this weekend and then move on to the rest of the tournament. >> if they win, they take on the winner of iowa state and maryland on sunday. winter is officially over, and i only say that because in the sierra it doesn't seem that way because a winter storm warning will be in effect
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starting at noon today. here is a live look this morning at donner summit, 80 near the area. moderate to heavy snow is expected through sunday morning in the higher elevations. the national weather service is advising against any travel to the area. >> it's been tough to find some windows to head up there, but the good news is that with so much snow, the season is going to last a lot longer. >> absolutely. it has been amazing to see, and we are now at normal. so this is really great news, with more snow on the way. there is that winter storm warning that begins at noon today, but it may initially start out as rain because temperatures have been quite warm. but once it starts coming down, visibility will be very low, and that will make travel basically impossible. let's talk about how much we're expecting here. anywhere from 11 to possibly 22 inches of snow, and it could be higher for those upper elevations. and if you do go, you have a few more hours to get on the road, and then maybe just wait until monday before you come back. and then there will be some
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additional snow next week, so that's maybe all for next weekend as well, with a total of 84 inches possible in kingvale over the next week. this picture makes you want to hop on the road. it is beautiful. but we are going to see temperatures in the mid-40s, rain, and then changing over to snow as it drops down to 22 tonight, and very cold with snow showers continuing through the weekend. if you don't want to risk it and you're going to stay home, maybe you're going to the warriors game, it's going to be in the mid-50s, off and on rain here as well, and they'll have viewings of the march madness games at thrive city. you'll need rain gear for the holi festival of colors in fremont. we'll see scattered showers, highs in the 50s, but the event will be going on rain or shine. there will also be the free easter carnival at golden gate park in san francisco. we'll see temperatures there staying on the cool side, only in the 50s. mike, you're seeing that there was a crash and some slowing on 80.
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>> this is i-80 coming into the area. if you're heading to tahoe now or later, you can go eastbound 80, this is the cordelia junction, and westbound, your commute coming in, there is a crash blocking at least one lane and we see the backup forming pretty quickly. it's holding some folks up at the cordelia junction, keeping the carquinez and benicia bridges clearer than they would normally be on friday. a disabled vehicle in concord adding to the slowdown. i'll monitor that. no major incidents throughout the rest of contra costa county. in the city, kari told you about the warriors game. friday night traffic on 280 getting to the area may be a little more congested because there's a game. another good occasion at maples pavilion, laura and marcus were telling you about the big basketball game, stanford, women's first round for march madness is at stanford. back to you. >> go lady cardinals. a popular restaurant
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burglarized, the owners show up to find their business ransacked and windows smashed. just a few minutes ago in the united nations, a cease-fire plan failed. we'll have the very latest coming up. and who wants to be a millionaire? >> me, me, pick me! how about a billionaire? >> well, your chances, they are there. we're going to talk about that when we come back because there are two jacots that ckpon
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good friday morning. right now at 6:43, here is a look at our day planner in castro valley. we are going to have a clear, sunny start, in the low 50s. it will be a cool morning but we're going to see temperatures climb into the mid-60s today as rain arrives in time for the early afternoon into the evening. we'll get a look at the timeline for all of our microclimates in a few minutes. great news, the crash we saw in fremont for the nimitz, southbound -- the crash was southbound, but it's out of lanes. it's just a minor distraction. in oakland, no problems, no slowing past the coliseum. the volume is building. 680, there was another crash, coming up. >> thank you, kari and mike. 6:44. breaking news, the u.n. has rejected america's cease-fire plan for gaza. >> scott mcgrew is here now. this was a planned endorsement by the white house, but opposed
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by russia. >> opposed by russia. good morning. it was 11 in favor in the vote, 3 against, one abstention, and then russia vetoed it. it's not clear if the cease-fire would have worked. hamas and israel would have stuck to it, starting with hamas releasing hostages. the u.s. has voted past cease-fires down in the united nations as well. either way, back to the drawing board. secretary of state blinken is meeting with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu as we speak. the u.s. urging the israeli leader not to attack the palestinian town of rafah, where so many from gaza have sought shelter. we expect a vote in the house this morning to pass massive new funding for defense. the state department, education and new spending for border security, a lot of it, very similar to the spending republicans turned down at the urging of former president trump last month. once again, house speaker mike johnson right there is going to
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need the enthusiastic participation of democrats to get this done. the conservative wing of his own party does not like all this spending. government debt is around $34 trillion. if we all paid our fair share, it would cost us around $280,000. democratic senator bob menendez, along with his wife, have been accused of accepting bribes for working with a foreign government. you know that. but he still hasn't stepped down, and now he's not ruling out running for re-election, though the democrats won't let him do that as a democrat, so as an independent. >> i will not file for the democratic primary this june. i am hopeful that my exoneration will take place this summer and allow me to pursue my candidacy as an independent democrat in the general election. big weekend for donald trump. he has until monday to either come up with a bond in his new york fraud case or pay the fine. either way, he's got to come up
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with hundreds of millions of dollars in the next 72 hours, and his lawyers tell the courts he can't do it. he's not liquid enough to come up with that kind of cash, and nobody will lend him the money, say the lawyers. so there are four potential outcomes here. he pays the $354 million judgment and gives up the case, he pays a $454 million bond while he appeals the case. bonds are always more because they include the interest that will be charged during the appeal. he gets the courts to reduce the fine or the bond, which seems exceptionally unlikely. or, laura, new york state starts seizing his property. >> we'll see what happens. thank you very much, scott. it is 6:47 right now. the owners of a popular fremont restaurant expressed shock after thieves ransacked their business and stole their safe. it happened yesterday at a
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skillet'z cafe on niles boulevard. the co-owner priscilla bravo posted video of all the damage on social media saying there was glass everywhere and nearly everything was stolen. ironically, while repairs are happening at the damaged restaurant, her her restaurant, billy roy's burger, is taking part in the city of fremont's restaurant week. >> it's going to affect us a lot. i haven't had time to process anything because we had an event and life goes on and there's bigger issues in this world than what happened to us. but i think tomorrow we're going to realize that, you know, there's bills that need to be paid. >> she isn't putting a dollar amount on the damage and stolen items but says nothing like this has ever happened to her before. fremont police are investigating. happening today, a flag replacement event in san francisco's castro neighborhood is happening. so at noon, teams will replace the rainbow pride flag at harvey milk plaza. the old one will be donated to the american bookbinding museum. the flag is replaced every three
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to four months to ensure the symbols stay pristine throughout the year. trending this morning, maybe you can become the latest member of the billionaire club. >> that's because there are $977 million up for grabs in tonight's mega millions drawing, and if you don't win tonight, there's always tomorrow. that's when three-quarters of a billion dollars will be up for grabs in the powerball drawing. if you don't win tomorrow, there's always the next day where kari is hoping that at least the weather can be a little money for us, if you like the rain. >> not raining dollars, but just water. >> we always say your odds of winning the lottery, you have a better chance of being struck by lightning. >> how good are those chances? >> we have some thunderstorms in the forecast. >> oh. >> i want the lottery. >> me, too. >> let's keep it positive. we will have a chance of thunderstorms not only today,
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but tomorrow, and some of those scattered showers moving through and temperatures will be dropping. it will also be quite chilly over the next several days. next week there will be a slight break in the rain, but then rain chances come back for the middle of the week. so we're seeing things really getting a lot more active here, but it is such a beautiful, refreshing start as we take a live look outside in san francisco. as the sun rises, a few of those clouds moving by, and we're going to see a mix of sun and clouds throughout the morning. it's not until the afternoon where we start to see the scattered showers moving in and then the rain picking up going into the evening. we're headed for 64 degrees for a high, 66 across the bay in oakland, and 69 in fremont today. san jose, we will see the rain holding off longer, we'll have a chance to warm up to 71. but compare that to the 60 we'll see in santa rosa where the rain a lives a lot earlier. tomorrow we're all looking at temperatures in the upper 50s and low 60s. so this is what's about to bring an end to the 70 and sunny
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weather we've had all week. this is a storm system that will bring in some clouds and cool temperatures for the weekend, but as of now no rain just yet. it's still just to our north, and as we time it out, we're going to start to see the rain making it into much of the north bay from santa rosa to calistoga, toward ukiah, at about 3:00 today, and continuing to make its way across the rest of the bay area into san francisco in time for dinner. and the east bay for around sunset, and then picking up this evening. there will be a few breaks in the waves of rain, but we are expecting it to be pretty soggy at times tomorrow. in total, before this rain wraps up on sunday, we're looking at about an inch of rainfall, pretty widespread from the north bay into the east bay. there may be a few areas like morgan hill, san jose, that get about three-quarters of an inch of rain or less. so we are looking at wide-ranging impacts, but we're all going to have a cooldown and also some times of rain for the
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weekend. on monday and tuesday, it's going to be partly cloudy, and before we have a chance to warm up, another storm system drops in and brings us some scattered showers for next wednesday into thursday. but we are going to have -- we're going to go back to winter for a little while, at least for the next seven days. mike, you were tracking a backup in concord. >> we're staying mostly friday as far as the flow goes at the bridges. the metering lights are on, but no backup at the bay bridge. the backup is in concord, coming into concord out of pittsburg and bay point for westbound highway 4. there's a disabled vehicle, it's blocking your two left lanes. those are your fast lanes as you're getting toward willow pass road. the backup extends past bailey, so folks who do normally take kirker pass road, maybe do that as you can save a little time. highway 4 to 680, that's really jumped up in time, added about 20 minutes over the last period, so kirker pass road gets you out
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of that backup because of the disabled vehicle over in concord. in the south bay, we're looking at north 101, typical pattern for the slowdown. 87 slows a bit. the crash is counter-commute. >> thank you very much. morgan hill schools are announcing plans to lay off staffers. they report the district must cut more than $5 million before next fall. it will mean slightly fewer teachers, office staff and counselors. families are petitioning to stop the staffing cuts which have already been approved. trustees this summer will have to approve a final budget. next, a quick look at our top stories, including b.a.r.t. expanding its new fare gates. a look at the new setup coming soon to one san francisco station, and how the gates are faring at stopping fare jumpers. plus, bay area beer lovers are lining up this morning for a special pour of pliny the younger. everhing you nytee
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6:56 this morning. welcome back. we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories on "today in the bay," including an angry rally planned today for san francisco. >> activists are outraged with the recent sentencing of a man who assaulted a woman in her 90s. ahn peng taylor was seriously injured after an attack in 2021. she was stabbed but survived. her attacker, daniel cauich pleaded guilty. he could have received a maximum of 12 years in prison. upset community members are expect to do rally where proposed terms will be outlined. later today b.a.r.t. will begin installing a new set of
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modernized fare gates as part of an effort to crack down on fare jumpers. the gates were first installed last december at the west oakland station. b.a.r.t. says it's been effective in stopping evaders. the installation takes place at another trouble spot, san francisco's civic center station. all systems should have the new fare gates in place by 2025. in total, the cost will be $90 million. in-n-out is has announced the closure of its hegenberger location siting safety concerns. this is the first ever store closures. other businesses include a denny's and black bear diner that have left the same corridor. some thirsty beer lovers are getting ready to experience the holy grail of beers. >> red river is releasing pliny
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the young. they were lining up in santa rosa and windsor and this marks the 20th anniversary of the brewing company -- or the popular brew. each customer can receive up to three 10 ounce pours and three souvenir bottles for the fridge. >> i'll just stick to coffee for the breakfast of champions. kari has a look at our forecast. >> it's a nice, mild start. we're headed for the upper 60s. it will be cooling down over the weekend as the storm system arrives and brings us some rain later today. it's going to be off and on throughout much of the weekend. also a chance of thunderstorms, we're watching out for that. then on sunday, the rain gives us a brief break for a few days. but then there will be more coming by the middle of next week. we have one tough drive this friday, highway 4, contra costa county, into concord out of pittsburg and bay point. a disabled vehicle now just pushed to the shoulder. we should see recovery, but it's backed up to about kirker pass or railroad. there's the bay bridge, no backup, but we do have clouds coming in as we look at san
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francisco. we'll see the clouds just above the city. the "today" show is just ahead. we continue "today in the bay" on roku and other streaming platforms. watch your 7:00 a.m. newscast next. you can see it online at or on our smartphone app. >> that's what's happening here on "today in the bay." get out and enjoy the dry conditions while you can. >> wait, and this, too. st. mary's gaels, tonight! go gaels! >> there you have it. have a great morning. we'll see you during our midday newscast at 11:00. >> go gaels, they're in my bracket. good friday morning. we are tracking some wild weather all across the country. >> and it could have major impact on your weekend plans. it is march 22nd. this is "today."


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