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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  March 31, 2024 7:00am-8:01am PDT

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good morning. it is sunday, march 31st. this is a live look at japantown in downtown san jose. and this is "today in the bay." thanks for joining us, everybody. happy easter. i'm in for kira klapper. it's been a wet few days across the bay, so when will it end?
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cinthia pimentel has a look at your microclimate forecast. hey, cinthia. >> good morning, everyone. happy easter morning. impactful spring showers since yesterday afternoon, but that low pressure system is moving down into southern california, so it will give us a bit of a break as we enjoy our sunday around the bay area. as far as our planner goes for today on this easter morning, we are starting off a bit cool and with some clouds here and there. a bit more of those breaks in the sunshine as we go into the afternoon. but there still remains a chance of seeing some afternoon showers. not everyone will get it, so i'll show you that timed outlook in the full forecast. and also, we are going to be warming up the first couple of days of april. details coming up in 15 minutes. many people saw rain and lightning yesterday, but lots and lots of hail. you can see just how much came
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down in belmont, and enough water to trigger a small stream there. hail piling up in our own director's backyard in belmont. take a look at the top left of your screen, you can see the plane traveling there. actually getting struck by lightning while it was flying through that storm. it was captured by a driver in south san jose. here's a closer look there. you can see the plane flying in from the left side, and the lightning making a direct lightning strike. lightning strikes are more common than you think. most commercial planes are hit by lightning at least once a year. track the weather 24/7, just use the camera to scan the qr code
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where you can stay on top of weather in your neighborhood. developing news out of the sierra, where a small plane has crashed near truckee. you can see from the video, the plane went down in a snowy area. first responders are holding the scene until investigators arrive this morning. officers did confirm at least two people were killed in the crash. on the flight tracking system flight aware, there was only one arrival due at the airport around the time of the crash. the flight originated out of colorado. radar shows the plane did not reach its destination. we'll bring you the latest on this story on air and online as we get it. homeowners beware. around the bay and across the state, some are being told their homeowners insurance policies will not be renewed. insurance providers say policies are in areas that are considered high risk because they're too densely populated. so what does that mean exactly?
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tom jenson breaks it down. >> reporter: san francisco is the second most densely populated city in the u.s., and some homeowners learned because of that designation, their policy will not be renewed. a woman who lost her home in the tubbs fire said state farm dropped her policy last week, and she can't find another private insurer to step in. it means she'll likely have to by the california fair plan. it's expensive and only offers fire coverage. state farm issued a written statement to nbc bay area earlier this week, explaining its decision to no longer write new policies for new california homes, and to end coverage for about 50,000 existing california customers. it reads --
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>> reporter: the latest financial report from the parent company shows a net worth of more than $134 billion. >> it feels like they're trying to ratchet up the pressure on the california department of insurance. >> reporter: we talked to a nonprofit research group about the growing problem of non-renewals in densely populated zones. insurers have been losing money and for every dollar insurance companies receive in premiums, $1.08 is spent in paying out claims. he says the california department of insurance and commissioner ricard other laura are updating regulations. >> that would mean being able to charge what is commonly known as sound rates. something that's not occurring today. >> reporter: he says it could take a few years for the california homeowners insurance industry to stabilize, even
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after the new laws are enacted. >> but it's not going to happen right away. it's not an immediate fix. >> reporter: in the meantime, homeowners are left worrying about whether today's policy will still be there tomorrow. tom jensen, "today in the bay." dmen -- hundreds gathered in palo alto yesterday, to demabldz the city approve a cease-fire resolution in gaza. they've been holding vigils every sunday to remember the children killed in gaza. >> it's our duty as citizens and their duty as local government to be able to speak up for upholding the values of our country and stand for human rights and equality and find ways to put pressure on ending the current conflict. >> organizers say while members
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of the city council have held talks with them, no one has agreed to support a resolution. israeli leaders have said they will not agree to a cease-fire deal unless it includes the release of all hostages taken by hamas on october 7. a soldout crowd witnessed history last night in san jose, as women's professional soccer made its debut in the bay area. 18,000 soccer fans came out for the inaugural home opener. while the final score may not have been what they hoped for, it didn't dim the excitement. emma gosk was among those to witness history. >> reporter: they have so many fans, especially with women and girls, who believe that having this professional women's soccer team in the bay area is a triumph and inspiration. the first-ever home opener for bay fc, the women's soccer team
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scored impressive goals, not only for the pitch, but for the women and girls watching them play. >> it's so emotional seeing so many people support women and women in athletics. you don't often see that. but it's going to be amazing. >> we've had season tickets for the earthquakes for a long time. time to support the women. >> reporter: the first 5,000 fans were gifted commemorative home opener pips. >> go, bay fc. >> reporter: mega fans showed up in their bay fc merch. >> i played when i was a little kid, so this is a full circle to see these women with all these people here and being paid to do something they love. it's awesome. >> reporter: kids sported jerseys from their club soccer teams. >> i've been playing since i was 3. >> reporter: bay fc was co-founded by national soccer
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stars with bay area roots. >> bay fc, come on! >> reporter: jenny grew up watching them dominate the sport. now, she's a bay fc season ticketholder. >> my first time ever having season tickets for anything. i love watching women's soccer, and i just couldn't turn it down. i'm so excited that we got the opportunity. >> reporter: emma goss for "today in the bay." this easter, the first unitarian church in san francisco will host a free dinner and everyone is welcome. dinner comes with all the trimmings, including ham, potatoes, corn and pie. there will be a ton of giveaways, including free clothes and haircuts by local barbers. the easter bunny is rulered to make an appearance. the event runs from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. in san francisco. we still have a lot more
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ahead on "today in the bay." coming up, live to washington, d.c. to talk presidential politics with kristen welker. politics with kristen welker. what roles will former
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welcome back, everyone. trump campaign predicts it will raise more than $30 million at a florida fund-raiser next weekend, which would surpass the $26 million joe biden just raised at a new york fund raiser while sharing the stage with former presidents obama and clinton. with still about seven months to go until election day, will star power and big money be enough to secure a presidential win in the biden/trump rematch? kristen welker, moderator of "meet the press," is joining us live to break it down. thank you for joining us this morning. as we inch closer to that november election, what kind of role might we expect obama and clinton to play on the campaign trial in light of the fact there seems to be this growing sense of dissatisfaction from voters
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on both sides of the aisle about their options for president. >> it's a great question. great to be with you on this easter sunday. i asked that same question of congressman clyburn, how much are we going to see those two past presidents out on the campaign trail? he wouldn't give specifics, but indicated yes, they are going to be a part of this re-election effort. look, there is no doubt that big fund-raiser was a jolt. it helped to energize the democratic base and helped to raise a whopping more than $26 million. so all of that is significant, but look, this race is going to be fought and won in the battleground states, with moderates, with independents, with suburban voters. so the question is, how engaged will they stay and will they continue to make a play for those voters? now, look, we know this is a strategy that has worked. rewind to 2012. that's when former president clinton started campaigning for then president obama, who was in the fight of his political life
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against mitt romney. obama referred to him as the explainer in chief, and it worked. it actually helped to boost his ratings, to boost democrats being energized around him. the question is, will it work this time around? as you laid out at the top, former president trump is going to be holding his own competing fund-raiser this coming week. so when it comes to the cash dash, there's a big fight there. but we know that money doesn't translate into victory. this election will be fought and won again in those critical battleground states. that's what we will be watching for. >> kristen welker, live in washington, d.c. this is the first time for me to tell you congratulations to see you in that chair. kristen welker, thank you so much. if you missed "meet the press" that aired this morning at 6:00 a.m., you can watch the show with kristen welker online on any of our streaming platforms. coming up in about 30
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minutes, we'll be talking about the fda's actions to expand access to an abortion drug. larry gerston will be with us to explain what the u.s. supreme court has to say about it. in san jose, people came together to honor fallen heroes. ♪ ♪ [ "taps" being played ] >> this was the remembrance ceremony for those soldiers at the vietnam war memorial in san jose yesterday. the ceremony began with the presentation of colors and remarks from local leaders. and then members of the san jose vietnam war memorial foundation read the names of the soldiers killed. the foundation says it's part of its efforts to give back to those who gave everything. >> these are all the boys that were lost from san jose, that were lost on the soils of vietnam. >> you were one of the lucky ones? >> i'm very lucky, question. my career field wasn't as critical, but we were there whenever they needed us.
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i was very -- one of the lucky ones. >> this is the 11th anniversary of the san jose vietnam memorial and remembrance ceremony. many people are celebrating self-holidays this spring. if you are inviting people over today, one thing you don't want to invite is food-born illness. every year, about 128,000 americans are hospitalized and 3,000 die from food-born illness. but there are some tips that you can follow, including using a thermometer to measure the heat of meat. never thaw meat on the counter. don't leave food out longer than two ours. and usda food specialists have a few other tips for how to hunt for easter eggs safely. >> we want to make sure that our children are washing their hands after touching the egg shell, because that shell does have harmful bacteria on it. when we are placing these eggs
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and hiding them, maybe by a tree or maybe in a field somewhere, they're still getting in touch with the ground, and there's bacteria there. so we want to make sure that our kids are washing their hands with soapy water for at least 20 seconds. >> another recommendation is to keep your veggies separate from your raw meat. for more information on food safety, go to foodsafety .gov. on monday, the white house easter egg roll will happen. 40,000 people, mostly children, are excited to gather on the south lawn. this year's wooden eggs feature the first pets commander, and signature from the president and first lady. the tradition dates back to 1878, when president hayes invited egg rollers. it used to include hard boiled eggs, then plastic ones, then wooden eggs. >> it was in 1981, the reagan presidency, that introduced the
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concept of wooden eggs, and they had their friends and celebrities sign the eggs. they became a wonderful keepsake. >> new this year, is the white house historical association lets visitors take a tour of the white house and find hidden facts online. al roker will be live to preview the festivities. watch it tomorrow on "today" at 7:00 a.m. right after "today in the bay." my kids are super excited about finding easter eggs. hopefully they're probably not watching, but how is the weather going to be for that? >> a very important question on this sunday, and the good news is, we dealt with a lot of that severe weather yesterday afternoon, if you remember from that hail video. but today, we do have some calmer conditions for egg hunts, outdoor services, really taking a look at what happened
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yesterday, though. most of that activity was from the parts of the peninsula down into the south bay. you can notice ben lowman, some of that activity was bull's-eye into the south bay. as we go into our sunday morning, we are calming down. storm ranger is picking up on light showers starting to push south and east. most of that, maybe not even touching the ground. seeing a lot of that cloud cover hanging around parts of the bay. i know lots of people want to see the forecast, and we are starting to clear out. most of that fog will hang on tight to the coastline. so around 10:00, lunchtime looks nice, except breezy out to the coastline, as well. so your opportunity to get everything done, all that excitement in the first half of the afternoon. because then we take that time stamp to about 3:00, and we see some of those convective showers starting to take place to the north. some of the hills from the diablo range could get severe times as we see the possibility
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of thunderstorms for one more day. so keep an eye on the forecast as we take it to 5:00, 6:00. napa county, and just about the tracee, livermore line and east morgan hill and gilroy. that will be about it. so really the story to have day is the majority of sunshine took the chance of those afternoon showers. we can see it play out with about a tenth of an inch of rain or less with a possibility of hail. this is a live camera in south lake tahoe. we have that winter storm warning, with one to three more inches of fresh powder. as far as our temperatures today, you'll feel just a little warmer with more of those ticks of sunshine rolling through. 60 in san francisco, and we'll do mid to upper 60s as we make our way into the valleys. it will be even nicer as we go into the start of april. monday and tuesday are the warmest days of the next week,
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as we start to build more of that high pressure in here. you can see the contour lines building. sunny skies, even the temperatures in the 70s as we kick off april. so we really have to get through this wild weekend to see more of that sunshine ahead. and then it wouldn't be forecast without mentioning some rain once again. it will be into the later part of the week, thursday, friday, and friday looks a little trekky. you know why? it's the giants' opening day, so we'll watch that carefully, with rain and sierra snow. so the seven-day forecast, a bit breezy, maybe a chance of some rain in san francisco as we go into our easter sunday. but then really starting off the week with mild temperatures. upper 60s before we shift once again, picking up the wind in the inland valleys and dropping temperatures down from the 70s back into the 60s, and a chance of seeing the clouds and rain at times as we go into the second half of the week. thursday, friday, and i think the forecast should clear out by
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saturday and sunday of next week. >> looking forward to the 70s. >> me, too! just soak up all the sun. >> it feels like it has been wetter than previous years. is that just a feeling or is that what we're seeing right now? >> we were in an el nino year, so that tends to boost up the rain rates in california. but you know, we just deal with it as it comes. >> cinthia, thanks. there's still much more ahead on "today in the bay." coming up, the hometown for the bay area's new soccer team, spoiled by a very close watch. we have the highlights from bay
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bay fc played their first-ever home game at paypal park, selling out to a crowd of 18,000 fans. the new women's soccer team put on a thrilling match against the houston dash, coming up just short in the final minutes. they got their first-ever goal
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at home in the 19th minute. the houston dash launched a comeback, first tying, then taking the lead late in the second half with a rebound off of a penalty kick. late in the game, with extra time on the clock, bay fc ties it up again. this is this the 93rd minute. but houston spoiled the first-ever home game with a late goal to win 3-2. the giants won their second game in a row, beating the san diego padres 9-6. rain is in the forecast for san diego today. the giants take on the padres again at 1:10 this afternoon. for the a's, they lost to the guardians 12-3. switching now to hockey, the sharks beat the st. louis blues 4-0, only the seventh road win of the season. the road to paris continues for a number of athletes.
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that road leads through the bay area, including gymnast ryan flust. he fell in gymnastics after watching the 2008 olympics in beijing. he's a member of the u.s. national team. he graduated from stanford last year, but stayed on the peninsula to keep training there. stanford's head coach, who also coached team usa in tokyo. >> training in stanford is like a national camp every day. you're being held accountable by the best guy in the game. >> he is hoping to be one of those on the olympic team. he's ranked third after february's winter cup meet. nearly half of the u.s. national team trains at stanford. our jessica aguirre caught up with them last summer. you can watch her full story by going to
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remember, we'll have all your olympics coverage right here starting july 26th. still ahead on "today in the bay," supporting san francisco's chinatown. what a former mayor says could bring more tourists to the neighborhood. and fresh snow in tahoe. how much has
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nice to meet ya. my name is david. i've been a pharmacist for 44 years. when i have customers come in and ask for something for memory, i recommend prevagen. number one, because it's effective. does not require a prescription. and i've been taking it quite a while myself and i know it works. and i love it when the customers come back in and tell me, "david, that really works so good for me." makes my day. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. morikawa on 18. makes my day. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought
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to you by comcast business. good morning. it is sunday, march 31st. happy easter, everyone. you are taking a live look at san jose. it's been a couple of days of welt weather for us. hopefully, we're expecting some sunshine in the coming weeks. cinthia pimentel has a look at our microclimate forecast. >> good morning, everyone. the cameras behind me showing a thin layer of cloud cover as we get rid of the blustery saturday afternoon in some parts of the bay with hail at teams. it was really statewide activity
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yesterday, as the storm system continues to barrel down into southern california. they're also seeing some potential flooding in parts and some lightning being detected off the coast there. so that will continue to push on through, and we're seeing that our outlook is mostly dry for easter morning. then a chance of afternoon showers. i'll walk you through that outlet hour by hour, and we'll talk about the warmup coming up. >> cinthia, thanks. it's not just the bay area getting hit by intense storms. most of california is once again in the bull's-eye with tens of millions on high alert for life threatening flooding and mudslides. here is that report from nbc. >> reporter: californians once again soaked, facing yet another round of punishing rain and snow after an already relentlessly wet season. >> i thought it wasn't going to rain for easter sunday, so it's pretty bad. >> reporter: overnight, 21 million people under flood
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alerts. in the san bernardino mountains outside los angeles, dozens of drivers trapped in the snow. >> you have to put chains on. >> reporter: near tahoe, residents bracing for 2 1/2 feet of snowfall and hazardous travel conditions. >> we saw some train control signs, but we weren't expecting this. >> reporter: expect this for outdoor easter egg hunts. >> we're trying to offer as much as we can to the community. >> reporter: in just three months, californians have endured catastrophic mudslides, flooding, and rescues from rushing rivers. >> so close. >> reporter: behind it all, rising concerns that california may be entering a new era of extreme weather. >> this environment holds more moisture in the air, and it's able to pull heavier precipitation into the region. >> reporter: residents hope thing is the last in a seemingly lasting set of gray weekends.
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you can hear it, not just see it across the bay. we didn't just get rain and lightning, but also, you hear it, plenty of hail. you can see just how much came down in belmont, and enough water to trig they are small stream on the treat. this is hail piling up in our own director's backyard. so skiers are flocking to the sierra for the holiday weekend. this is a live look at the pal saids in tahoe. the resort tell us they received six inches of new know, bringing their snow total for march to 13 feet. they will remain open until monday, may 27th. that is weather and conditions permitting. the uc berkeley snow lab received more than nine inches over the last day and expect another 6 to 12 inches by this
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afternoon. track the weather 24/7. just use the camera on your phone to scan this qr code. it will take you straight to our free app where you can stay on top of the weather in your own neighborhood. new this morning, a sideshow traveled all over the east bay overnight. the first sideshow happened just after 12:30 a.m. on franklin county road in hercules. people were lighting fireworks while hundreds of spectators watched cars do donuts at the intersection. about an hour later, the sideshow popped up about 30 miles to the east in antioch at the intersection of golf course road and lone tree way. at about 3:00 a.m., the group headed south to oakland and blocked the intersection there at 51st and telegraph. fireworks were set off yet again. oakland police stopped the event
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soon after, but no word on any arrests. we're following developing news out of the sierra where a small plane has crashed near truckee. you can see the video there. the plane went down in a snowy, wooded area. police say first responders are holding the scene until faa and ntsb investigators arrive later this morning. officers did confirm at least two people were killed in the crash. on the flight tracking system flight aware, there was only one arrival due at truckee's airport. the flight originated out of colorado, and the radar shows the plane did not reach its destination. we're continuing to investigate and will bring you the latest on air and online as we get it. the mayoral race continues to heat up in san francisco. the push for votes came to chinatown. mark farrell, who served as mayor in 2018, is among those running for mayor. during a rally yesterday, he
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talked about growing up in chinatown, calling it the heart and soul of the city. he also outlined provisions for improving san francisco, from expanding police staffing to addressing the city's homelessness crisis. >> we need to clean up the streets of san francisco once again. when i was mayor in 2018, we cleared out all the large -- i will do it again in my first year in office, because i believe the sidewalks of our city belong to everybody. >> he also spoke with small business owners. he's running in a crowded field that includes london breed, daniel lor, and others. now to the bridge disaster in baltimore, where youcrews ha started cleaning up the debris from the river. we're hearing from the man who may have been one of the last drivers across the bridge just before it collapsed. this is a live look just there.
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let's hear now from nbc's erin gill crest. >> reporter: cleanup of the bridge underway. salvage teams are using gas-powered cutters to chop giant sections of steel into smaller pieces. a crane will then hoist and remove those pieces. the goal to open up a channel to get more vessels to the site. do you have any timeline to open that temporary channel? >> it's going to take a little bit of time to first ensure that these initial pull that we're taking does not have secondary consequences. >> reporter: moving what's left of the bridge, the cargo ship beneath it and the debris on the river bed will be a pain staking process. nearly 400 people are working to get the river back open after tuesday's crash. this baker was leaving one job to another, taking the key bridge as he's done every day
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for 15 years. >> if i had been one minute later, i probably wouldn't be here. >> reporter: he believes his was one of the last cars to cross just before 1:30 in the morning. >> i told my daughter, i'm like in a little fog. it's very scary. >> reporter: meanwhile, so many people wait. families wait for answers about their loved ones. the four men whose bodies haven't been recovered. >> right now, the conditions make it unsafe for rescue divers. but as soon as those conditions change, colonel butler has assured me that those rescue divers will be going right back in the water. >> that was aaron gilcrest reporting. today mark what's known as transgender visibility day. now sacramento is declaring itself a sanctuary city for trans people. it ensures the rights of transgender people are upheld and no city resources are used
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to help law enforcement and other communities who might try to prosecute those who helped minors receiving gender affirming care. crowds showed up to voice support and opposition. supporters say it's a civil rights issue, while opponents are worried about the mess ajit sends to young people. fast food companies are warning about layoffs as a minimum wage increase takes effect tomorrow. fast food chains must raise their minimum wage to $20 an hour. grocery stores are exempt under the law. the south bay labor council defends the hike, calling it a job creator, not a job killer. this easter, the first unitarian church in san francisco will hold a free dinner, and everyone is welcome. dinner comes with ham, potatoes, gravy, corn, and pie. there will be a ton of giveaways, including haircuts by local barbers. the easter bunny is also rulered
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to make an appearance. the event runs from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. stay tuned with us for more on "today in the bay." a massive data leak impacting millions of at&t customers. the information compromise and the actn the compaiony
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we're waking up to the clouds over san francisco, with some more breaks in the sunshine there. temperatures 52. a bit gloomy over the richmond bridge and cooler at 48. and a little bit more of that sunshine in walnut creek at 49. and down into the south bay, cooler afternoon, after a really eventful saturday evening where we saw a thunderstorm and hail roll on through. stormranger is picking up on light drizing pushing east of the bay area. we'll see that cloud cover
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diminish, so perfect to do outdoor service, the egg hunts with the kids. most of that cloud cover will hang out to the coastline, with a chance of seeing drizzle. but most of us by lunchtime, will be enjoying some more sunshine. the grass will be wet, so maybe stick to the picnic tables. in the afternoon, this is where it gets a little tricky. might be the time to come back indoors, as we see the showers popping up in parts of the north bay hills, and it continues to push on through the mountain areas just south. so don't be surprised if you start to hear and see some of those thunderstorms develop in the afternoon out towards livermore, tracy, and into the san joaquin valley and east of morgan hill and gilroy. this activity winds down, giving way to a mostly clear night, and a mostly clear monday and tuesday, as we get ready to leap into april with some sunshine and some warmer temperatures. throughout the state, we get clearing for monday and tuesday with high pressure coming back in, giving us clear skies and
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sunshine. temperatures are going to be very enjoyable for monday. looking at the 70s returning on the board. warmer in san francisco, in the upper 60s, with the winds dying down. tuesday should be very pleasant, reaching 80 degrees in ukiah. 70s in fairfield, concord, along the peninsula very pleasant. and san jose, 75 degrees, feeling a little more like spring around here. on wednesday, the changes right back into turning a little more cloudy and breezy. and that's because you guessed it, we have more rain on the way. we will begin our first late week of april here with some showers developing into thursday and friday. the only thing that makes me worry about this, it is the giants home opener on friday, so we're watching this closely. i'll give you the forecast for that. not only rain but sierra showers and rain that trickles down into parts of the central coast and los angeles. so we'll watch that as those details develop. but overall, enjoy your easter sunday, with friends and family.
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and those warm temperatures in our inland valley. soak up all of that sunshine, and get ready for the umbrella once again as we go into the late week with more of the wind picking up and the chance of rain into thursday and friday. >> so enjoy the sunshine while it lasts. >> yes, of course
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standing up for their rights against discrimination. that was the message at an event in chinatown yesterday. >> i want to protect etch here. >> that's esther young lamb of the group peace. she created booklets on how to report a hate crime at the start of the pandemic. the work has been recognized by lizzo. the nonprofit and other organizations in oakland held the workshop for the aapi
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community. there's also self-defense training and private consultations on how to get mental health services and victim support. the workshop was also interpreted in several languages. a second shipment of aid for gaza left yesterday. the aid is being taken by a cargo ship and a spanish ngo ship. it included two forklifts and crane to assist with future deliveries. cyprus established with israel a maritime corridor to facilitate prescreened cargos arriving into palestine. the united nations has warned that famine is imminent in the gaza strip. more than half of the population of 2.3 million people could face famine by july. while aid is on its way, weapons are also headed to israel. a u.s. official says the biden administration plans to send thousands more massive bombs to
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israel. this comes as u.s. officials says israel has provided the u.s. with assurances they are using american supplied weapons within the laws of war. an investigation is underway after a massive data leak at at&t, impacting millions of customers. the company says the leak happened two weeks ago. more than 7 million current customers are affected, and more than 65 million former customers. they say the information that was compromised includes social security numbers, and some of that data has been posted on the dark web. at&t says it's attempting to contact affected customers and offering free credit monitoring services. last monday, the u.s. supreme court heard arguments whether the food and drug administration acted appropriately by expanding access back in 2016 of the abortion drug, mifepristone. they claim the agency didn't research the implications and asked the drug be taken off the market until safety was assured. larry gerston joins us now to
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break this down. larry, what exactly is this here? >> it's a mess. we've got to go back to the dobbs decision that occurred in 2022, where this issue, the right for a woman to decide what she wants to do with her body in terms oh of a pregnancy, was shifted from a national right to the state. now, that might seem simple, but take a look at a map that we have put together and you'll see just how complicated it is in terms of where the policies went one way, the other way. no abortions in some states, some abortions allowed whenever you want and need it. despite all that, abortions last year, reached an all-time high. 1 million abortions. and the kicker here, 63% of all abortions use mifepristone. that's how critical it is to so many millions of women
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throughout the country. that's the standing right now. the question is, where do we go from here? >> that is the question. bearing in mind the dobbs decision, how likely is it that the u.s. supreme court will choose to restrict a woman's ability to be able to have an abortion? >> good question. we know how divisive it is. the whole country knows. as a matter of fact, most public opinion polls suggest that donees is not something the public wants. that said, what we have now is justices deciding what to do. what's the next step, given they know what's going on, they read papers. do we go further here? do we act on this chaos, or maybe we back off? we have a hint that they may be backing off, because now the justices are concerned with standing. what's standing? standing means, do you have a right to be here? are you being hurt by what's going on? if you have standing, we'll go further. if you don't have standing, we're not going to take the tas.
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that's as historical as anything in the supreme court. by the kinds of questions the justices are asking, it seems like they're leaning in that direction. it's an off ramp. rather than continue this thing over and over again and make things perhaps worse for some, better for others, they're saying let's take a pausz. but the questions are hinting in that direction. >> let's talk about the implications of this. does that mean the justices will decide to leave things where they are, in which case would mifepristone be allowed to continued? >> two answers here. yes, if they go by the standings, it looks like mifepristone will continue as it has been, without any interference. that's the good news or bad news, depending on how you look at it. here's what's going on in the background. something known as the comstock act of 1873, which denies the ability of people to send obscene things and information and, and any way that a woman could get an abortion through
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the mail. that's what mifepristone goes to. to pharmacists, doctors and whatnot. that act is still in place. the question is, will congress go ahead and get rid of that act, or will this act be lingering for somebody else in the future? once again, take this case to the u.s. supreme court. >> larry gerston, political analyst for us, breaking it all down. appreciate it. all right. next, a quick look at the top stories, including minimum wage, an incross to $20 an hour for some workers. it's good for employees but maybe not employers. what some business owners are saying before t
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welcome back. let's get you caught up on the top stories we are following. first to the sierra where a small plane has crashed near truckee. it went down in a snowy, wooded area. officers say first responders are holding the scene until faa and ntsb investigators arrive this morning. authorities have confirmed at least two people were killed in the crash. on the flight tracking system flight aware, there was only one arrival due at the truckee airport due around the time of the accident. the flight originated out of colorado. we're continuing to investigate and will bring you the latest on the story as we get it. skiers are flocking to sierra for the holiday weekend. this is a live look at palisades
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tahoe this morning. the resort sent us this video yesterday morning. they received six inches of new snow, bringing the march snow total to almost 13 feet. palisades tahoe will remain open until memorial day, may 27th. of course, weather and conditions permitting. track the weather 24/7. just use the camera on your phone to scan this qr code on your screen. it will take you to our free app where you can stay on top of weather in your neighborhood. and fast food owners are warning of layoffs, hiring freezes, and higher prices, as a new minimum wage increase is set to take effect tomorrow. on monday, fast food chains with 60 or more locations must raise their minimum wage from $60 an hour to $20. grocery stores are exempt under the law. the labor council defends the wage hike, calling it a job creator, not a job killer.
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this easter, the first unitarian church in san francisco will host a free dinner tonight, and everyone is welcome. it comes with ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, pie. participants will get a free gift, free clothes, and even free haircuts by local barbers. we're also hearing the easter bunny will make an appearance to take photos with your kids. it runs from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. in san francisco. hopefully, we'll have some sunshine for people to enjoy that today. the question, is how long will it last before we get wet weather? >> maybe your kids are up now and they're excited to get you home and see the easter bunny and all the egg hunts and everything. the good news is, we stay dry for the first half of the day. maybe some cloud cover out to the coast, but the rain is mostly done with us. however, the amp showers will bring people inside, mainly through the north bay mountains and some of our inland hills. the chance of seeing thunderstorms develop in parts
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of napa and solano counties, towards tracee and the diablo range exists. but then we see warmer temperatures to start off the week. 70s are back and sunshine. >> 70s and sunshine. cinthia, thanks. and thank you for sharing your morning with us. we'll have more local news tonight at 5:00, 6:00, and 11:00 and all day at have a great day. happy easter, everyone.
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