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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  April 5, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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right now at 5:00, issuing a stern warning. the new message president joe biden is delivering to israeli leaders amid the ongoing war.
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also, we speak with one bay area couple experiencing pain from the ongoing conflict. plus, daca renewal delays. the new calls from senators for action to be taken as hundreds face longer wait times. and play ball. our team is live inside oracle park ahead of the giants home opener today. everything you need to know ahead of first pitch. this is "today in the bay." >> good friday morning. it's opening day as marcus just said. i'll ginger conejero saab. >> i'm marcus washington. we'll get you started with the day. mike has a look at the commute in just a bit. first, meteorologist kari hall has a look at that forecast. baseball forecast? >> definitely not. it is so cold and it's been raining off and on. so as you're heading out this morning, roads are still wet, you may encounter some spotty showers, and most of the rain just off the coast right now.
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as we go throughout the day, we're still going to see this activity across the region pushing through and bringing in spotty rain, even the possibility of thunderstorms. so we're still dealing with some unsettled weather today as that cold air continues to move in. and as we go into the afternoon, we're still going to have a chance of a spot shower and possibly some thunderstorms, once again. but it's not all of us. and looking at our hour-by-hour forecast, there will be times when we are mostly dry. then we're going to see the spotty showers developing mainly over the east bay and parts of the north bay. but really at any point today in any part of the bay area, we could see quick-moving showers. i'll be tracking that. mike, you were saying there are still some slick roads through san jose. >> this is 101, you see the mist kick up off of the cars. i got a lot of mist earlier as i drove through santa clara county as well. a lighter traffic flow but the slick conditions continue throughout this portion of the
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south bay. these buttons are going to start working. there we go. the green shows where it's still slick in many spots throughout the bay. so use caution. the pink and the white, that's where ice and snow registered overnight. on the road weather index, we could feel the chill in the air, but in the east bay, no major issues. just the slowing because of the slicker roadways. there are no major crashes getting to the bridges and across the spans. looking great right now. back to you. well, as the gunman in the half moon bay massacre awaits trial, a victim who lost her brother wants to hold the owner of the farm accountable as well. >> "today in the bay"'s kris sanchez joins us with the lawsuit. can you tell us more about this lawsuit, the victim's family wants to hold the owner of the farm accountable? >> reporter: they say there are several factors that contributed to this tragedy, and we expect to hear from the victim himself later this morning about the conditions at that mushroom farm which were bad long before the
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gunman went on that deadly shooting rampage in january of last year. pedro felix romero was a survivor who attended the ceremony marking a year since the half moon bay massacre in 2023. his brother is among the seven people who were killed. he spoke with us briefly on that day. [ speaking in a non-english language ] >> reporter: wanted you to hear his pain in his voice for yourself. he told us, my brother is no longer with me, every morning, he says, he remembers that a year ago they were together and now they are not. pedro has had three surgeries because of his own injuries and has not been able to work, so between his wage losses and the losses of his brother, the family is suffering emotionally, but also economically.
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later today, pedro felix romero will talk about why he and his family say the owner of california terra garden farm is also responsible for his brother's death. while the confessed gunman admitted to pulling the trigger and will be in court later this month, the family says the owner did not secure the farm, despite a shooting months before, despite physical threats by a former manager, and despite living conditions so deplorable that people lived under tremendous stress. the lawsuits were filed in san mateo county. we will be there when pedro felix romero talks about those lawsuits publicly. >> thanks a lot, kris. we'll be watching out for more developments on that. the israeli military is issuing new action following this week's attack, which killed seven world central kitchen nonprofit workers. following a probe into the air strikes, idf agreed to fire two of its top officers. an investigation claims to find
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serious errors and violations of protocol that led its forces to repeatedly hit the convoy. the idf says its forces believed it contained hamas gunmen. also overnight, israel is agreeing to open two new routes to get more desperately needed humanitarian aid into gaza. president joe biden says the u.s. will change its policy towards israel if it does not change its tactics in the war torn region. the message was communicated as part of a tense phone call between the two leaders yesterday. the ongoing conflict is a painful waiting game for a bay area couple. the sister-in-law, still believed to be in hamas captivity. they disappeared during the october 7th hamas attack in israel. ramon was later released, along with other hostages from around the world after 50 days in captivity. but she, along with her bay
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area-based family, are still anxiously waiting for news of the hostages' fate. >> i think something that everyone can connect with and identify with is the love that we have for each other, the love that we have for our families, for my brother, my sisters. the type of love, thinking about them, caring for them, i'm sure that type of love exists in gaza for people caring for their loved ones. >> yael, along with others, will stand in solidarity on the six-month anniversary of the middle east conflict. they will hold a vigil sunday in lafayette from noon until 2:00 p.m. well, president biden heads to baltimore today, more than a week after the devastating and deadly bridge collapse. we want to give you a live look at the francis scott key bridge this morning. you might recall that ship hit the bridge, causing it to come crashing down. now, the president is expected to meet with family of six of
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the construction workers who died in the incident. mr. biden is also expected to join u.s. transportation secretary pete buttigieg to get an update on the cleanup and recovery operation. the president has approved $60 million in immediate aid following the collapse. he has also promised the federal government will cover the cost to rebuild the bridge. new this morning, a new push to protect dreamers who are waiting for daca approval. senator alex padilla and other senators are urging the united states citizenship services to fix the application process. the processing years this time are 90% longer than 2023, averaging nearly two months. but some have reportedly waited more than five months for their application to be processed. well, this morning excitement is building for the giants home opener. the team is taking on the san
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diego padres at oracle park. the giants come home after playing their first seven games on the road. they played the padres and l.a. dodgers on the road but only have won two games so far. the team will look to feed off the energy from fans at oracle park to jump-start the season. opening pitch at 1:35 this afternoon. >> we're off to a start here. "today in the bay"'s cinthia pimentel joins us live at the ballpark with a look at the first pitch forecast. what do you have for us? >> reporter: good morning, marcus and ginger. everyone wants to know what the forecast will be like for opening day, and also the rest of your weekend plans. i'll tell you right now, it's cold, but at least there's no rain. and the field behind me is covered right now to keep it as dry as possible for the game time at 1:35. let's take a look at the hourly forecast, if we can, please. we are coming off of yesterday's active weather, there's no rain in the forecast, but we will
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eventually see some breaks in the sun with some gusty winds, around 20 to 30 miles an hour. it's going to be chilly. those temperatures aren't going to go further than the mid-50s. so it's not a bad idea to bring a big jacket, some layers underneath, blankets, beanies, gloves, everything to keep you warm. it's better to be over-prepared. after all, it is san francisco. now, you can watch the giants take on the san diego padres in their home opener on nbc sports bay area. coverage starts today at noon, and that first pitch, again, is at 1:35 this afternoon. now, back out live, aside from the forecast, i will be back in about half an hour to let you know about some cool sustainability efforts that the giants are taking on this season. so i'll see you in a little bit. for now, i'm going to send it to mike inouye with a look at the traffic. cinthia, you talk about the heavier jacket. if you're taking transit, one great way to get to the game over there at oracle park,
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continue to watch that forecast, of course. it's a midday game, but we're looking at 2nd and king, 4th and king, the key muni stations because they're right next to the ballpark. caltrain gets very close, about a block away from the muni stops as well. b.a.r.t., you can get across from the embarcadero and montgomery stations. across the water, we've got one ferry from larkspur and one returning specifically for the oracle park drop-off. we have options besides going across the bay bridge, for example. there will be more traffic likely getting toward the midday game and getting away from the ballpark. that is a concern as well as folks do leave the ballpark after the game, which would blend in with the friday getaway traffic out of the city. but right now, no major issues. new incident shows up on 101 just north of the area around novato, so we're looking at that. i'll bring you any big slowdowns. nothing right now. >> thanks, mike. today is your last day to
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strike a bargain at the 99 cent store. still ahead, the reason is long-time discount retailer is shutting down all stores. its jobs friday, and if you're going to work, why not work from the sea? plus, after a highly anticipated return, the comeback of oakland's first friday is postponed. stick around, because we actually have the new launch actually have the new launch date organizers are ten
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this van just hit me out of nowhere. i thought i was dead. after the accident, i was in a lot of pain and i decided that i needed to get an attorney because i could not work. i called jacoby & meyers they had their own dream team for every need, every area. they took care of me like a queen. i would recommend you call jacoby & meyers they really went to bat for me.
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good friday morning to you. it is 5:14. we're taking a look at our day planner in gilroy. we're starting out at 42 degrees and we'll hold steady there for a couple of hours as it stays mostly cloudy. notice as we go into the afternoon, there will be a chance of some thunderstorms moving through, and our temperatures only reach into the mid-50s. big changes ahead for the weekend into next week. we'll talk about that in a few minutes. and from the east bay into the peninsula drive, a smooth flow and transition for folks on the san mateo bridge. maybe some damp roadways, but not a big problem. there's more rain that hit the south bay earlier today and we see a little bit of water kicking up on the san jose cameras. we'll talk about what's going on in the east bay coming up. good morning. happy friday to you. look at some of these numbers on my board. we'll get to apple and we'll get to truth social in a minute. but look at the dow here, down
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500 in its worst loss of the year. there's more and more concern on wall street that the fed will not be lowering interest rates any time soon, because, weirdly enough, the economy is doing well. remember, wall street is not the economy and the economy is not wall street. the president of the minneapolis fed told cnbc he thinks the fed might not cut rates at all this year. that's a very glum outlook from somebody at the fed. he is not currently on the board that makes rate decisions. you may remember him as a guy who ran for california golf -- governor about ten years ago. economists are looking for 200,000 jobs added in the month, which would be less than previous months but still strong. the economists never predict this number correctly, at least not lately. shares in the company that owns truth social were down about 6% thursday, the stock
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down 40% since it debuted last week. fox broadcasting founder barry giller spoke about the stock. >> do you think that all of the investors are getting scammed, do you think they think this is a transference of wealth from one side to the other and that's the goal? what do you think is happening? >> i think they're dopes. i mean, who would buy a company that literally has -- what does it have, $30 of revenue? how could you put a value on it? >> apple says it's laying off 614 employees, mostly in cupertino. the company didn't say what those workers did. we suspect they were working on apple's research into an electric car, which the company has since abandoned. apple's biggest layoff since 30 years ago. a found a new work. virgin cruises is offering a work from ship program with high-speed internet, desks, everything we need to work from home.
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plans start at $10,000 a month. i was saying earlier, it is just like working and then realizing that nobody in the newsroom knows who captain stubing is. one of us at this desk is very old and it's not ginger. >> most people did know after someone gave a clue. >> somebody said, is that the guy from "moby dick" and we will not tell you that. >> it's not justin. he doesn't watch "love boat" but reads "moby dick". >> before ryan gosling was ryan gosling, check it out. >> the virgin crews, i'm going on one in june so i'll check it out. >> fantastic. >> maybe we'll do a show there in the future. >> thanks, scott. well, 99 cents only is
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closing all 371 of its stores, that includes this one in fremont that you're seeing, which has been open for more than four decades. the southern california-based company made the decision after several challenging years. they cited the impact of the pandemic, inflation, and rising levels of theft and shoplifting. 99 cents only has stores across california, arizona, nevada and texas, and it employs 14,000 people. sales to liquidate merchandise and store furnishings begin today. first fridays in oakland postponed due to rain. the event was supposed to start today but the town's signature monthly celebration blending art, culture, food and community. the organizers pumped the brakes on first fridays at the start of the year through march due to financial constraints. organizers say the plan is to try to open next week. but if that's not possible, first fridays will be in may. winter is over, but snow is falling in the south bay. this is what it looks like on mount hamilton near san jose.
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at times the snow was falling so fast yesterday, it was hard to see the lick observatory. and the snow also fell in santa cruz, on the santa cruz mountains. people stopped to watch the flurries of snowflakes coming down. pretty beautiful. we spoke to a 12-year-old boy, who loved his first time in the snow. >> i think, like, it's a new experience for me, because i've rarely seen snow. so it's basically exciting for me. >> what do you think now that you're looking at it? >> it's very cold. >> i'm sure it is. what's so interesting in san jose, when i was leaving yesterday, you could see the snow on the mountaintops and the green. it's beautiful. >> it is beautiful, and we could see it, too, in livermore in the hills. it's just been pretty amazing to see this in april. we've been waiting all season for it. we usually get it one or two times. but it took so long for us to really see a good coating of
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snow. let's talk about how much rain fell yesterday, and there were three spots that got exactly 1.10, in woodside, dublin and antioch had .77. right now it's just cold. temperatures in the low 40s. we're at 42 in oakland, 44 in san francisco, with a light wind, and the roads are still wet, but we've seen a lot of rain tapering off. so we are catching a break from a lot of the rain activity. but it's around the area. we're going to have a chance as we go throughout the day. some hit-or-miss showers as the system rolls down the coast. we're also seeing widening off the coastline. so far, none of that has made it into the inland areas. for san francisco, it's just going to be cold and windy, a mix of sun and clouds. the winds pick up again later this evening. our temperatures will head for 57 degrees in san francisco, 57 as well in san jose, and we're also seeing some mid to upper
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50s elsewhere. tomorrow it's only slightly warmer, but we are going to get a little bit more sunshine and off and on rain, the possibility for today, it shows most of us happening in parts of the south bay, the east bay, into the north bay. a little bit farther inland with those last little bits of rainfall. early on sunday morning, before most of us wake up and head out, it looks like there may be one quick passing wave of rain, just enough to wet the lawn, and then it's moving on. we're going to see mainly dry forecast, a dryer trend going into the weekend, but still cool, all the way up until monday when we will have the partial solar eclipse. then after that, we're headed for the 80s. we'll talk about those changes. mike, you have a new crash in oakland? >> we're seeing a lot of traffic heading south past the coliseum. i think there's some flashing lights, south 880, right around high street, just north of the coliseum. we saw a lot of slowing, i believe there was a traffic break to get everything off to the shoulder. we've gone to orange instead of
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red. i saw the traffic release south past the coliseum, just south of where the crash is reported. so hopefully that means recovery for 880. a smooth drive on the approaches toward the bay bridge. there is a stall reported near the span and it might be affecting folks, but 24 is smooth. it's the surface street near telegraph. everything else is smooth. next on "today in the bay," nbc bay area responds. >> car trouble cases land in our in box all the time. we'll show you how we respond and show you where you have serious leverage to motivate a mechanic to listen to you. i'm consumer investigator chris chmura. nbc bay area responds and telemundo 48 responde next. and we continue to celebrate the start of the season for the san francisco giants. we're highlighting two new players the team added this off-season, including third baseman, matt chapman, back in the bay after playing with the toronto bluejays last year.
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before that, he played five seasons with the oakland a's and
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happy friday. we deal with a fair amount of car repair cases, and pretty regularly. we just checked our database and counted more than 100 of them over the past four years alone. for example, telemundo 48 just helped maria in east palo alto.
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maria said she had been battling an auto body shop over a $3,700 repair that has dragged on for months and months, and still was not done. well, consumer investigator arlen fernandez's team got involved and got the shop to finish the job and returned maria's job to her. you don't necessarily need a tv station to get a mechanic's attention, you can called b.a.r., the bureau of automotive repair. when you file a complaint there, the shop is required by law to respond, or it could lose its license. you have the upper hand. you can also let us know. scan the qr code on screen right now to fill out our consumer complaint form online. have a great weekend. >> you, too, chris. next, top stories we're following today, including apple announcing layoffs. it's the company's first major jobs cut since the pandemic. ahead, our scott mcgrew breaks down when those layoffs will start and the number of employees this will impact.
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and good morning. i'm bob redell. we're going to take you live to oracle park in san francisco for the giants home opener taking place later today. the reason why some fans might feel like they're at an nba game when t
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right now at 5:30, baseball is back. we're counting down the giants
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first home opener at oracle park. ahead, we have live team coverage from the park on everything you need to know before you head to the game, from weather to transit. we're covering it all. and it comes as the a's fans are striking out. this as the team gears up to officially leave for the state capital next season. reaction from city leaders in sacramento and fans who say they will stay rooted in oakland. in cupertino, apple makes its first major layoffs since the 1990s. this is "today in the bay." >> good friday morning to you. i'm marcus washington. >> and i'm ginger conejero saab. there's a lot to get to this morning. but, first, excitement is growing ahead of some giants fever. the giants home opener is today. >> and we have you covered with this game day, and live team coverage for you and the forecast, to transit. first, bob redell will join us live inside the ballpark this
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morning. how are things looking out there? >> reporter: well, if you guys can hear the sound of these motors in the background, those are all the pressure washers, the workers are going throughout oracle park right now and spraying down the seats, getting ready for the home opener, which is at 1:25 this afternoon when the giants will be taking on the padres. they've got the field covered because of the rain overnight. this is the team's 25th season, 25th year here in oracle park. it is their 66th year in san francisco. we spoke recently with the giants president and ceo, who tells us that new this season, the team has revamped the sound system. i can't show you that. but i can show you the lighting, which will be most noticeable during night games here at oracle park. this is video from the giants. the new system, the lighting system, they say it adds new colors to the stadium. i don't think that's necessarily apparent in the video.
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but what it does show, it incorporates spotlights, moving spotlights, to give a feel that the team says is similar to an nba arena. in terms of food, there are more grab-and-go locations throughout the park and new kinds of food. cove crab noodles, onion rings, and a new waffle mint sundae, and a different kind of fried chicken sandwich, a type of sandwich you do not want to pronounce after you've had a few beers because people might misunderstand what you're talking about. first pitch today here at 1:25 at oracle park, and hopefully it warms up a little bit. it is a little chilly out here. marcus, ginger. >> the lights are pretty cool. is food is where you got me. let's get a look at the forecast. how is the weather going to be?
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>> it's so wet on the field, so the good thing is we're not expecting a lot more rainfall. there may be a quick passing shower ahead of the game, but it looks like it will be clearing out. but it's going to be windy. some of those conditions will be very chilly. you want to make sure you are layered up, even though the temperature will be in the mid-50s, it's going to feel a lot colder. we could see gusts at 35 to 35 miles per hour. that's going to make a curveball out there. as we go throughout the day, it's going to stay windy and cool, temperatures not changing much. as we're stepping out right now, a couple of spotty showers here and there. once again, feeling like winter around the bay area, even snow continues for mount hamilton. we'll talk more about that and your weekend plans coming up. with the midday game, that means midday traffic. >> right here in san francisco, beautiful coastal shot here where the park is. this is at basically 3rd and king. that's why it's key. 3rd and king across that 3rd
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street bridge, there's parking. folks will be walking through the area. ferries can come in. we're going to list the transit as well. there will be a lark spur to oracle park ferry, one in, one out. b.a.r.t. has embarcadero and montgomery stations. the key station is sf muni, 2nd and king, 4th and king. we mentioned the ballpark between 3rd and 4th. caltrain is about a block away. caltrain does have an additional train about 30 minutes after the ball game as well. so keep those options in mind and that reduces the need for parking. back to you. >> thanks, mike. >> you can watch the giants take on the san diego padres right on nbc sports bay area. first pitch is at 1:35. apple is cutting 614 employees in its first major layoff in nearly 30 years. >> scott mcgrew is in the newsroom. apple has previously avoided
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cuts, even as other silicon valley companies slashed hundreds of workers, sometimes even thousands. >> apple really hired conservatively, even as the other companies were snapping up everybody they could find. meta hired highly skilled college graduates with no idea what they were going to do with them. and then, of course, the silicon valley economy turned. apple makes plenty of money. live pictures from cupertino. apple has decided not to go forward with its effort to build an apple electric car and that appears a be where most of the cuts are coming from. reporters were quick to notice the street addresses on the warn notices that apple filed with the state matched suspected car research labs. speaking of jobs, just three minutes ago we got the latest monthly jobs report showing 303,000 jobs added to the american economy in the month of march. unemployment rate ticks up a bit
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to 3.8%, but still within historic lows. marcus, 303,000 is way more than these economists who can never get this number right, it's 30,000 more than the moving average. so the economy, apple aside, is doing incredibly well, and i guarantee you wall street is going to be unhappy about that because it means interest rates may stick around much longer. >> that is what a lot of people fear. thanks so much, scott. 5:36 this morning. happening today, one of california's most notorious convicted killers will try to overturn his death sentence. we're talking about richard davis, convicted of the 1993 kidnapping and murder of a 12-year-old, polly klaas. she was kidnapped during a slumber party. her body was found two months later in sonoma county. 79-year-old davis was sentenced
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to death in 1996. now his lawyers are arguing a 2022 california law invalidates his sentencing. enhancements for prior felony convictions, entitling him to a full resentencing. prosecutors argue it doesn't apply to his death sentence. davis will be in a san jose courtroom today for that hearing. the a's are moving to the state capital, only temporarily. but sacramento leaders say the move is still a major win for the city's economy. yesterday the team officially announced it will play at sutter health park for three years, and experts from visit sacramento say they looked at the economic impact major league baseball has on other cities. it is estimated the move will make a $650 million economic impact on the city in those three years. experts point out the new influx of people coming to sacramento will be to watch the a's. >> i think it's similar to the kings, certainly people will come down pregame, go to dinner, go to bars, restaurants, and
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then postgame they stay and they hang out and make a night of it. there's national television exposure. these games are broadcast across the country. we're thrilled to have it happen. >> sacramento mayor steinberg says he acknowledges the mixed feelings from fans, but he says keeping the a's in northern california is still a win. let's take a live look at palisades tahoe where there is a fresh dump of snow out there, just in time for the weekend. meteorologist kari hall is tracking our weekend weather forecast. a lot of folks might want to head to tahoe this weekend. >> yes, and you want to make sure you have those tire chains because mike said the chain controls are still up for 80, and most likely 50 as well. still snowing up there and very slick conditions. and then the winter weather advisory continues until tonight. so you might want to wait until the snow starts to wind down. another look at palisades tahoe, maybe they have those lights like they have at oracle. we are going to see more snow coming down today.
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only up to 30 degrees. then for tomorrow, as it begins to taper off, we're in the upper 30s for highs, overnight lows in the teens. maybe you want to stay somewhere closer to home where it will be warmer. there will be an earth day celebration tomorrow in san jose and we are going to have temperatures there at the park at 53 degrees, and headed for the upper 50s and low 60s into the afternoon. then wrapping up the weekend with the holy festival in san ramon on sunday from 2:00 to 4:00 in the afternoon. it's going to be in the low 60s. not yet feeling very much like spring, but we are going to have warmer temperatures next week. as we take a look at san francisco, it's going to be windy and cool, and we're looking at a mix of sun and clouds throughout the weekend. mike, you want to alert us about i-80 as well. >> you talked about i-80 through the sierra, we're talking about approaching the bay bridge. berkeley curve, flashing lights show up eastbound, but it's westbound where they stopped traffic. this is west 80 going over to
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the bay bridge, it looks like some folks are making that transition. it's to southbound 880 itself, that is the problem, and everything is backed up from powell, and building down the eastshore freeway. there may be another disabled vehicle. this is affecting the folks coming to the bay bridge, the flyover from the nimitz is moving smoothly and so it seems is traffic coming out of the maze. so right now all lanes off of the eastshore freeway and getting onto southbound 880 continuing down toward oakland is a problem. you may want to figure out your way of getting over toward 580 or highway 13 to take out the area away from the transition. we'll continue to follow that. the rest of the bay is moving smoothly. the sounds of summer return for one popular north bay concert series. ♪♪ ♪♪ >> you know it is a good guitar
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riff when you have scott mcgrew moving in the newsroom. you didn't think i saw. ahead on "today in the bay," everything you need to know before tickets for this year's mountain winery concert series go on sale. >> reporter: plus, i'm cinthia pimentel live at opening day. there's a new park right next door that giants fans and visitors to san francisco will be able to enjoy, and it was built with sustainability in mine. i'll show you next. and as we celebrate opening day, another addition to the team, south korean star lee who played in the kbo league for seven years. he hit 65 home runs during his time in the kbo league. time in the kbo league. she got that dress with the extra money she saved
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using our brand new grocery outlet app. it's been really fun seeing what everyone's doing with the extra money they save. nice shirt. just got back from vacation. a butler? super nice guy. i got to start using the app.
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right now at 5:44, we're taking a look at cupertino. it's going to be a very chilly morning, in fact, a really chilly day. we're going to see the sun peeking out from behind the clouds, even a chance of rain for the afternoon. a few spots may see thunderstorms. i'll be tracking and a looking ahead to the weekend coming up. on the eastshore freeway, berkeley curve is the concern. i know you see flashing lights, but really we're concerned right there. we notice two lanes are now open, southbound 880 off of westbound 80. the transition passing the bay
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bridge cutoff is open, once again. we'll show you the build coming up as you head toward berkeley. israel says it's committed to opening additional aid routes to allow for increased assistance to flow into gaza. now, this comes after a call with president joe biden, who warned of a potential shift in u.s. policy. president biden and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu spoke yesterday after the israeli air strike killed seven aid workers in gaza. biden called it unacceptable. here in the bay area, many raised funds to help the people in gaza. in los gatos, people stood in line buying tacos, pastries and coffee to support palestinian-owned businesses. the money the businesses received will go to islamic relief usa. >> i think it's really important to show up in spaces like this, especially if we may not be palestinian, but just make sure people know that we are all supporting and here for the cause. >> according to palestinian
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officials, more than 32,000 people have been killed in gaza. it was the seven people killed in gaza earlier this week that had president biden on the urgent call with the israeli prime minister. >> and, scott mcgrew, the white house described that call as business-like. >> business-like, and that is washington speak, ginger, i think for terse, or even angry. president biden and the whole world, of course, horrified by the attack on the world central kitchen aid workers. israel delivered an explanation, president biden insisted israel set up a new better system to protect aid workers and refugees. >> i would characterize this call as very direct, very business-like, very professional on both sides, and the president laid out his significant concerns about the direction and where things are going. >> israel released an initial report on the attacks this morning saying drone operators were looking for gunmen and did not realize the vehicles were from world central kitchen. it dismissed two high-ranking
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officers and reprimanded a third. meantime, prime minister netanyahu met with visiting u.s. senators in israel, repeated his request for more u.s. funding, the supplemental, as it's known in washington. >> someone you all have heard of, winston churchill, he said give us the tools and we'll do the job. give us the tools faster and we'll finish the job faster. i'm talking about the supplemental. i hope you find a way to give it as fast as you can. >> the pressure is on speaker johnson to get that funding and funding for ukraine when the house returns next tuesday. but it's only in session for eight business days before members leave again. johnson has been strongly hinting he will push for money to support ukraine, something many in his party oppose. support it, don't support it, when we say money for ukraine, it's mostly money spent by the u.s. government at u.s. arms factories to build or replace
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weapons sent to ukraine. the center for strategic and international studies says about 90% of u.s. money for ukraine stays in the united states. president biden will travel to baltimore today to the site of the fallen francis scott key bridge. he will meet with family members of the men who died and with the engineer and steelworkers who are working as fast as they can to remove the old bridge, and eventually build a new one. and the "wall street journal" is reporting the president will announce new student loan relief on monday. this new relief would go to people, among others, who have been making their loan payments all along, but now owe more money due to interest rates. the journal says the president will announce that in a speech monday in madison, wisconsin. >> thanks so much, scott. well, you have your chance to snag tickets starting today for one of the bay area's most popular summer events.
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general sales, again, at 10:00 this morning for mountain winery's popular outdoor concert series. tickets go on sale and they will include george lopez, you can catch him on june 8th, los lonely boys will hit the stage august 11th. singer rod stewart on august 13th and 14th. comedian chelsea handler august 24th. jerry seinfeld on october 6th and 7th. >> sounds like a good time. our opening day coverage continues this morning. the san francisco giants are swinging into the season with new food items, lights and sound, but, also, they're focusing on the importance of sustainability. >> we like to talk about that. "today in the bay"'s cinthia pimentel joining us from inside oracle park to tell us more on how this new area that fans as well as visitors will be able to enjoy. cinthia, take it away. >> reporter: good morning. the giants are covering all of their bases this season,
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including when it comes to our climate in crisis. they're dedicated to making sustainability a top priority with this season's opening of china basin park over at the cove. let me tell you more about it. it will be a mixed use neighborhood where people can gather on both game days and non game days. they'll have food trucks, fitness classes and a lot of green walkable paths along the bay. it includes a storm water garden that's basically an elevated boardwalk with native plants. there's also a thermal district energy system to help reduce emissions and water use. and team officials tell us the building plans were centered around the environmental issues present and forecasted in the city. >> you'll notice as you're walking through that there are different points of elevation because we've raised the site in response to what we know will be the sea level rise for years to come. we did a lot of work with engineering to ensure that it
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was something that wouldn't get washed away. >> reporter: so not only is it a place to connect with your friends and family, but it really shows the green innovation present in san francisco and the entire bay area as we face a rapidly changing climate. reporting live at oracle park, cinthia pimentel, "today in the bay." i want to send it over to kari hall with our full microclimate forecast. >> good morning, cinthia. thank you for that report. now, we are seeing some off and on light rain. we can see a couple of drops on the lens here in san jose. rain starting back up again. it's going to be hit or miss. now, looking at temperatures, it is such a cold morning. we even drop down to 39 in martinez, and it is 36 in los gatos, mostly some low 40s as you get ready to step out the door. and we are also seeing some snow on mount hamilton, a little bit of rain here and there, mainly for the east bay and along the coastline. and this storm system is going to keep it unsettled today. we're seeing lightning strikes offshore and that will be the possibility that we'll see
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today, again, like what we had yesterday afternoon. our temperatures head for the upper 50s today. this is not at all like what we like to see for this first week in april. only 55 for a high temperature today in morgan hill and 56 in walnut creek, 59 in hayward and oakland, and there will be a slight chance of thunderstorms, with gusty winds for the peninsula and mid to upper 50s for high temperatures today. downtown san francisco up to 57, 55 for the outer sunset, and for the north bay 59 degrees in santa rosa, and about the same in novato. looking at our hour-by-hour forecast, it does show that snow will continue to come down on mount hamilton. other areas are going to see breaks in the clouds and activity for today, and a chance of showers ramping up again later this evening, as well as that possibility of thunderstorms, and then one more quick-moving wave of rain before sunrise on sunday. so here is where we're expecting
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highs today, in the 50s, gusty winds near the coastline and in some hills up to 35. the thunderstorms we see may contain some small hail and more snow on some of our bay area mountains. lows tonight drop down to the upper 30s and the sierra will see about 2 to 4 inches of additional snowfall. things will start to quiet down after today. it's going to take a while before those temperatures warm up, but once it starts to warm up, we're going from highs in the 50s to low to mid-80s next week. there will be a drastic change over the course of the next few days. it looks clear for the solon eclipse on monday, and we're going to see temperatures in san francisco going to the low 70s next week. we have better spacing at the berkeley curve, vehicles are moving smoothly. there's still activity blocking one lane. because the jam was right here and there's a visual
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distraction, we do still have a slower drive. berkeley building as traffic builds from university. the bulk of the slowing before the camera. then things ease up. the bulk of the lanes are clear heading south onto the nimitz. a little slowing for highway 37, a little bit for highway 4. it's a light friday around the bay. watch the slicker roadways, especially in the south bay. back to you. >> thanks so much, mike. happening now, crews are continuing to assess for damage after a portion of the famous bigsby bridge collapsed last week. yesterday marked the first day convoys in and out of big sur were halted because of the weather. they're not expected to resume until tomorrow morning. the monterey county sheriff's office plans to lift an evacuation warning for the area once those convoys are up and running again. as californians face higher than ever pg&e bills, the ceo cashing in. all new at 6:00, the pay raise
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all new at 6:00, the pay raise she and other top execuves ti ( ♪♪ )
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you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ your car can be a source of
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pride and frustration. >> especially when it breaks down or you need body work. consumer investigator chris chmura and his team, they're here to help us with all of what we need. >> happy friday. we deal with a fair amount of car repair cases and pretty regularly. we just checked our database and counted more than 100 of them over the past four years alone. for example, telemundo 48 just helped maria in east palo alto. maria said that she had been battling an auto body shop over a $3,700 repair that had dragged on for months and months, and still was not done. well, consumer investigator arlen fernandez's team got involved, got the shop to finish the job and return the car. you don't necessarily need a tv station to get a mechanic's attention. you can also call b.a.r., the state's bureau of automotive repair. they license repair shops and when you file a complaint there,
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the shop is required by law to respond or it could lose its license. you have the upper hand. you can also let us know. scan the qr code on screen right now to fill out our consumer complaint form online. and a quick reminder, nbc bay area is streaming 24/7, watch us whenever you want on roku or our other streaming platforms. right now at 6:00, new legal trouble for the site of a bay area tragedy. a survivor from the half moon bay mass shooting suing the farm where it happened. the announcement today set to give us more insight into the conditions workers faced. plus, californians are paying more and more on their pg&e bills. the ceo is getting a pay raise. new details on her wage increase. plus, play ball. our team is live inside oracle park this morning ahead of the giants home opener today, and we have everything you need to know ahead of first pitch. this is "today in the bay."


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