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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  April 9, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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clue five, your recruiter is a ghost. if a basic web search turns up nothing about your recruiter, you're likely dealing with a scammer who is just trying to steal your identity. >> thanks, chris. don't forget, nbc bay area is also streaming 24/7. you can watch us whenever you would like on roku or other streaming platforms. right now at 6:00, an east bay business damaged overnight after flames ripped through the building. we have new video of the aftermath and an update from investigators at the scene. >> digging into california's insurance crisis. this morning we're getting a clearer picture of which areas will get hit the hardest by the loss of bay area homeowner policies after state farm's decision to pull out of high fire risk areas. we're live this morning breaking down the impact. plus -- >> it really does feel like tiktok is being targeted in a specific way. >> tiktok facing an uncertain
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future, and so are many businesses who rely on it. the impact it could have on local small shops here in the bay area if the app is banned. i'm marcus washington. >> and i'm laura garcia. thanks for starting your day with us. let's get a look at that forecast with meteorologist kari hall. you say it's going to be nice today. >> it's going to be nice and warmer. we're going to have a little more of a taste of spring as we go through the middle of the week. we're starting out chilly with upper 40s, but it is all clear and that sunshine will bring in warmer temperatures throughout the day. and when we do get that warm-up, people think, i'm going to the beach today. well, here is a look at half moon bay's forecast. it starts out at 53 at 9:00, and then we'll see temperatures only hitting about 60 degrees before it starts to come back down. it's going to be breezy, but a lot of sunshine, and beautiful views. as our highs for the inland areas will reach into the
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mid-70s, dublin, livermore, 75 degrees. also 75 in novato and san mateo. we'll reach a high temperature of 68 degrees, it will be even warmer tomorrow, with some parts of the south bay into the east bay in the low 80s. so i'll have more on that. we'll talk about the changes as we make it closer to the weekend coming up in a few minutes. >> thanks, kari. we are learning new details about an intense late night fire in hayward. citizens app video showing flames they shot into the air. we know it started around 9:30 at an insulation business. this is near the intersection of tripaldi and hall on hesperian boulevard. the firefighters closed off that area until early this morning. at one point flames threatened to spread to a cabinet store just next door. >> flames were shooting through the roof about 30 to 40 feet up in the air. crews made entry and the fire load was severe. we backed out and we immediately
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went to defensive mode, called for a second alarm. >> no one was hurt. firefighters are still looking into how this all started. new this morning, a new look at which california neighborhoods are getting hit the hardest as the state's largest insurer announces plans not to renew some home insurance policies. "today in the bay"'s bob redell joins us live in contra costa county this morning. bob, i understand the city of orinda is bearing the brunt of most of this move. >> reporter: unfortunately, you are correct. good morning to you, laura. according to the san francisco numbers, the chronicle, according to numbers they obtained, state farm will be canceling 1,703 homeowner insurance policies here in the town of o iranian did, that's 55% of their policies here in this town, and that represents the largest number for one single zip code. you can see on this map we've put together, in nearby
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lafayette, they're going to have almost 1,000 policies canceled there, down in the south bay, the zip code that represents part of santa clara and santa cruz counties, just over 1,000 policies. up north in the north bay, there's a couple of zip codes in santa rosa and other parts of sonoma county, and that represents about 1,400 policies. last month state farm issued a written statement explaining its decision to no longer write new policies for new california homes and to end coverage for about 50,000 existing california customers. the statement reads, quote, this decision was not made lightly, and only after careful analysis of state farm general's financial health, which continues to be impacted by inflation, catastrophe exposure, reinsurance costs, and limitations of working within decades-old insurance regulations. homeowners who live in areas at high risk of kind ofs like wildfires will have to buy into the california fair plan. it is expensive and only offers
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fire coverage. last month we talked to a nonprofit research group about the growing number of nonrenewals in fire and densely populated zones. the group says insurancers have been losing money due to california premium limits, and for every dollar insurance companies receive in premiums here, $1.08 is spent on paying out claims, primarily due to wildfires. the insurance information institute, the group i was referring to, says the california department of insurance is updating regulations that could bring more policy options at competitive prices back to the state. >> that would mean being able to charge what is commonly known as actuarial rates, something that's not occurring today. >> reporter: but the institute says it could take a few years for the california homeowners insurance industry to stabilize here in the state, even after those new laws are enacted. reporting live in orinda, bob
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redell, "today in the bay." >> thanks so much, bob, for the latest. a member of the san francisco sheriff's department is facing domestic violence charges. 49-year-old deputy sheriff jonathan espiritu is being arraigned -- he was arraigned yesterday. hess ex-girlfriend reported him earlier this month after finding a tracking device in her car. she claims he strangled her and later attacked her. the charges include domestic violence, battery and assault. he pleaded not guilty and will be back in court next week. happening today in san francisco, librarians plan to demand more security. organizers say san francisco's drug and homeless crisis is spilling into public libraries, making them feel unsafe. they say the majority of branchs lack proper security, sometimes forcing library workers to intervene to try to keep patrons safe. the group plans to gather outside the city's main library near civic center at noon.
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well, congress returns from his two-week recess with a busy agenda that includes decisions on ukraine aid, israel funding and funding for the baltimore bridge collapse recovery, and reauthorizing the federal aviation administration. house speaker mike johnson is facing pressure to make good on his word to bring ukraine assistance up for a vote. doing so would also trigger a vote that could oust him from his role as speaker. and senate lawmakers may soon be poised to debate a possible ban on tiktok. this follows the house vote last month ordering tiktok's china-based parent company to either divest or face a national ban which some argue may impact small businesses. a new economic report from tiktok claims that small businesses reap $3.4 billion in the gdp directly from use of the app, which also supports more than 28,000 jobs.
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and nearly all small businesses in california say that their business increased after promoting on the app. 72% of californians have spent money on items they first saw on tiktok. we spoke with the ceo of the fremont based pampered nail gallery. she credits viral tiktok videos with gaining millions of views of her customers' press-ons and worries about the damage from a potential ban. >> this is kind of a wild card to take away something that definitely amplifies your reach and your ability to reach customers. if you take one of those things away, one of those huge pillars away, the effects on the business can't be good. >> tiktok argues a ban would violate america's first amendment rights and the senate is expected to pick up that tiktok debate within the next few weeks. 6:08 on your tuesday morning. taking a peek outside. nice sunrise over the bay area. as we take a live look at
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downtown san jose, kari, you say it's going to get a little warmer? >> yes, this afternoon it's going to feel really nice. and we're on a warming trend that does continue for the next couple of days. let's check out san ramon. starting out this morning in the upper 50s at 9:00, at 1:00 today it's 71 degrees. you see how fast those temperatures go up, and then reaching into the mid-70s before starting to go back down around sunset. our temperatures, our highs today will be above what we typically see for this date in april. concord will be about 7 degrees above what's normal, and about the same in santa rosa as we hit a high of 75 degrees. in san francisco, just slightly warmer than normal, with oakland looking at a high today of 72, and 78 today in san jose. we'll talk about more changes we have coming our way as we get closer to the weekend. as we get on the roads, i wanted to check on the bridges because the bay bridge now that the metering lights are on, is starting to slow down just a bit. no incidents on the bay bridge.
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it takes about 13 minutes. and the richmond bridge is about eight minutes, san mateo bridge 12. you can see the backup as we take a live look a the approach to the bay bridge and the toll plaza. it is flowing very well across the san mateo bridge this morning. no issues, and once again, we're seeing all green sensors showing that this is the usual flow of traffic. and there's no major incidents, which is great news for what we call a traffic tuesday. usually it's a little bit busier as more people are heading into the office. and watching that same slow stretch of 101 going northbound in san jose. but today, no incidents there. i'll keep an eye on it. back to you. >> thanks, kari. it is 6:10 right now. the a's are set to leave oakland but may not get a warm welcome when they eventually move to las vegas. ahead, the new poll revealing the way those in sin city really feel about the new team. spirit airlines is struggling and asking the important questions of google.
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out to the futures this morning, we'll be waiting on inflation data. i'm not sure the markets will move much today. you know what, a lot of folks are still talking about it this morning, that total solar eclipse. and if you're itching to catch the next cosmic event in person, well, we've got you covered with a look into the future.
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds
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up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? good tuesday morning.
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it is now 6:13. we're taking a live look outside at a beautiful sunrise over walnut creek. it will be clear today. we're going from low 50s to the mid to upper 70s for this afternoon. you want to make some time to enjoy the nice, warm weather because things change this weekend. a look outside and a look at our drive times as you're heading out for your commute through the tri-valley. grant line road to 680 takes you about 25 minutes, slowing down just a bit. we're not seeing any major incidents, and hopefully it stays that way. i'll have another update in a few minutes. good morning, very happy tuesday to you. the markets may take a day of rest. we get both inflation data and the latest fed minutes tomorrow. so making a move today might be premature. shares in truth social which trades as djt are down 11% in a single day. it has erased its gained since it started trading, down from
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66. traders are scrambling to find shares to short of truth social. save is spirit airlines. it's having a lot of trouble. the government barred its merger with jetblue and it's having problems getting its hands on enough airplanes. this is not a boeing problem. spirit uses airbus but it has had inspection and safety slowdowns. spirit says it will have to furlough some pilots at a time when the rest of the airline industry is thriving. a civil trial against tesla for the death of an apple engineer on 101 in 2018 was supposed to begin yesterday, but tesla settled the case. the ntsb says the driver was on autopilot, playing a game on his phone, when the tesla hit a barrier in mountain view. we expected the family's lawyers would point to tesla's marketing of its full service driving, which, by the way, it's not, as the reason their loved one trusted the car enough to take his hands off the wheel. tesla has fought similar cases
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in the past and won. target has launched its new membership program, circle 360. you get free same-day delivery on orders over $35 from target, but also places like petco. it's $49 right now but the price will go up in a couple of weeks. the wall street journal and moody's says salt lake city has the nation's hottest job market. everywhere is doing quite well, but salt lake city is tops, followed by three cities in florida. austin is not in the top five. it is number seven, though, followed by nashville, tennessee. google has a high ranking search term. maybe you can guess what it is. it's, why do my eyes hurt? a look at the spike in queries over the last 30 minutes, yesterday, top states were arkansas, iowa and south carolina. arkansas was the only one in the path of totality. i was reading that, obviously, if you look into bright lights,
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you squint and you do this, but the thing that you're actually damaging does not have nerves. so you are not aware of how badly you are hurting. it's like looking at somebody welding. never do that, by the way. you don't know what's happening. >> exactly, the burn. yeah, it's a lot of strain. >> it is. thanks, scott. >> you bet. new at 6:00 for you, new signs las vegas voters are not sold for funding for the a's on the strip. the latest poll finds only one in three voters in the city support the stadium funding. more than half oppose it. 17% are unsure about it. the a's just last week announcing plans to play in sacramento starting next year until 2028. this is when the new proposed stadium is supposed to open. right now, a nearly $400 million funding plan is still undecided
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for that new stadium, and it may still wind up on the ballot. fans may be asking who needs it more when steph and the warriors battle lebron and the lakers tonight in los angeles. we know the warriors have a pretty firm hold on the postseason spot, with just four games to play. the lakers have a realistic chance to move up to possibly the six seed if they keep on winning. the warriors are basically locked into the play-in round. the regular season actually ends this sunday. hard to believe. >> that it is. totally captivating, that is what a lot of people are saying after seeing yesterday's solar eclipse in the path of totality. now, here is how it looked in maine in one of the locations where the skies were really the clearest. here is a time lapse video of that experience in northern texas. the day briefly turning into night as the moon passed between the earth and sun. >> when is the next total solar
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eclipse? well, if you are willing to travel internationally, you can catch the next one in 2026 from greenland, iceland or spain. the next total solar eclipse in the united states won't come until 2024. it will go through montana and the dakotas. in 2045 there will be another one in the u.s., it will go from california to florida. >> can you imagine if we're all still here for that next eclipse? >> no, i can't. you probably wouldn't want to imagine that either. >> 20 years, we'll see. all right, well, we're starting out all clear this morning. we're able to see a beautiful sunrise and a few more clouds over the golden gate bridge this morning. but for most of the city, it is a clear start. we're going to see this clearing out fairly quickly over the next couple of hours, and we are back to the sunshine we've been enjoying for the past couple of days. you will also see the storm
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system that we had over the weekend is now moving over to the texas panhandle. it is drawing up some of the moisture from the gulf as it moves over parts of the south and there is a threat of severe weather that we'll continue to monitor throughout the day. as our temperatures heat up, we're going to be well above what's normal for this time of year, up to 78 degrees in san jose and 77 in concord, napa, novato, as well as santa rosa, up to 75. and then even warmer tomorrow, with some upper 70s in the north bay, but low 80s for the tri-valley down to the south county. a high of 82 in morgan hill tomorrow afternoon. we'll see more of that on thursday, then things change shortly thereafter as we get the high pressure that's kept us warm, breaking down, pushing off to the south and making way for a storm system to roll down the coast. that's going to bring us rain and some winter-like temperatures for the weekend, and, unfortunately, that may change some of your outdoor plans for saturday. it's still going to be chilly on
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sunday. then looking at how much rain we may see, for most of us it's going to be a fairly light rain, with along the coastline up to an inch of rainfall. then as you go toward the delta and inland east bay, it's about a quarter to half inch of rainfall. the biggest thing will be the drop in temperatures. take a look at morgan hill. going from low 80s on wednesday and thursday, to only 66 and windy on friday, and then 55 degrees for a high temperature on saturday, then a gradual rebound to some milder temperatures next week. a look at our seven-day forecast shows that our inland areas will go from mid-70s to low 80s, and then back to the 60s on friday, which is about normal for this time of year. it gets even cooler on saturday and sunday, with some scattered showers and possibly lingering rain on sunday as well. monday it clears out, but it won't be much warmer in san francisco, a high of about 60 degrees. getting out on the road this
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morning, let's check in on some of our cameras. this is a live look at our oakland camera. 880 is flowing well, looks great with a clear sky. the approach to the richmond-san rafael bridge is slowing down just a bit. no major incidents. we've also seen a better flow of traffic this morning compared to yesterday, on 101 in san jose going northbound, not seeing any accidents, no major icons shows that we do have any collisions. but it is slowing down on the bay bridge and the approach to the san mateo bridge. but overall it does look great. a closer look at the south bay, where earlier it was slowing on 101, but now things have cleared up as people are heading to work this morning and rolling across the peninsula with at least the speed limit, so that's great news on this traffic tuesday. marcus and laura. >> thanks, kari. 6:22 this morning. and the right to clean air in california. that's what some lawmakers are demanding in sacramento. ahead on "today in the bay,"
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that new push to phase out the state's use of oil and gas. and before we head to break, check out these pictures bob redell posted on instagram over the weekend. poppies, a cowboy and some goats. lots of fun to be had. this is all in livermore. bob is always posting some nice fun content. looks like spring is in the air. very nice. make sure to follow
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welcome back to "today in the bay." and turning to our climate in crisis, state lawmakers could ask voters to add an amendment to the state's constitution later this year. supporters say, if approved, it would guarantee the right to clean air, water and a healthy environment. southern california democratic assemblyman isaac brian is behind that proposal, and part of the effort is a push to phase out california's use of oil and gas within the next two decades. supporters say low income, black and brown communities are disproportionately impacted by poor environmental management, and opponents of the measure include the california chamber of commerce. it considers the measure a job killer, with far-reaching negative consequences that would impair government operations. it also describes the push as a,
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quote, stunt development for new housing, infrastructure, and clean energy project development. there's no word on how much this could cost california. in a statement, he says, quote, in california, we beat our chest about being climate champions, we do it nationally, we do it globally, but we are behind other states. our people do not have a fundamental right to clean air, clean water and a healthy environment. we can change that, and we're going to change that, end quote. for more stories like these, visit our website,, and click on the climate in crisis tab. >> thanks, kari. it is 6:27. a lot more ahead at 6:30, including another weekend of illegal sideshows across the bay area. but this time in the suburbs. a new warning from the chp for anyone wanting to try these dangerous stunts. >> reporter: plus, san jose city
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council is set to vote on a controversial proposal that would crack down on homeless encampments near schools. encampments near schools. we'll have the details ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving.
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how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ she got that dress with the extra money she saved using our brand new grocery outlet app. it's been really fun seeing what everyone's
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doing with the extra money they save. nice shirt. just got back from vacation. a butler? super nice guy. i got to start using the app. we know you care. [music plays] but if this is all too real for you and your loved ones. make the call. because we care too. ♪♪ home instead. to us, it's personal. right now at 6:30, overnight gunfire in the east bay. new videos showing bullets piercing multiple cars. the new details from investigators at the scene. a battle over unhoused heats up in the south bay. a vote today may ban homeless
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camps near some schools. we hear from san jose's mayor about the controversial measure. plus -- >> the renaming proposal will cause immense confusion for travelers, especially those who do not speak or read english. >> the bold new challenge from san francisco city attorney, the leaders follow through with the name change proposed for oakland airport. this is "today in the bay." 630 on your tuesday morning. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. let's get you caught up with the forecast. meteorologist kari hall is tracking the temps across the bay area. a beautiful sunrise. >> yes, and temperatures going up over the next couple of days. spring-like weather coming in, after kind of a cool weekend. and we do have a cool weekend on the way. so let's talk about all the changes that we are going to see over the next few days. comfortable, with a clear sky,
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and some of our inland valleys will hit the low 80s. now, friday it cools off, and rain chances return for the weekend. a look at santa rosa, where our temperatures will go from mid-50s to mid-70s today, reaching into the mid-70s around 2:00 to 3:00. then we're going back down as we get closer to sunset. overall a beautiful day all around the bay area. mid to upper 70s in our forecast and some parts of the bay area, from the south bay to the inland east bay will hit the low 80s tomorrow. we'll talk about that and what's ahead for the weekend in a few minutes. >> sounds good. thank you so much. new overnight, we are working to learn more after several vehicles were found with bullet holes in rodeo. our photographer capturing this video not too far from zion baptist church. deputies are confirming that a
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shooting did take place, but so far no other details are being released. happening today, a key vote is set to happen on a controversial proposal aimed at cracking down on homeless encampments near schools in san jose. >> "today in the bay"'s ginger conejero saab joins us live this morning. ginger, several schools will be immediately impacted if this passes. >> reporter: that is correct. good morning, laura and marcus. independence high school, which is behind me and behind those rvs that are parked, kipp, which is not far from here, challenger and shirakawa, those are the schools that would be part of a pilot program that would create a buffer zone around those schools for homeless encampments. now, we have previously reported on this story before. students and city staff proposed this ordinance, which would prohibit any tents, rvs and other dwellings within 150 feet of licensed preschools, daycare facilities or k-12 schools. now, when the schools brought
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the issue for an initial vote in january, unhoused advocates warned a blanket ban discriminates against homeless people. now the ordinance is up for a vote. if passed, the city would have the authority to tow those vehicles and remove those encampments. city leaders estimate san jose is home to 850 lived-in vehicles and that nearby 1,500 residents could be impacted by the policy. mayor matt mahan wants to make sure students have access to education without feeling scared about going to school. >> we've heard from a number of students that they don't feel safe walking to school, even being at school when there are tents and rv encampments right up against the school boundaries. so we worked with a number of students, particularly at kipp in east side san jose, to bring toward a thoughtful ordinance. >> reporter: student activists have said they do not want to
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criminalize the unhoused, but they insist they should feel safe when walking to school. there have been reports of cat calling coming from rvs parked in front of kipp and independence, needles have been found on school picnic tables. but an important part in this for the students is providing services for the unhoused, which is part of the ordinance as well. and this comes as san jose is really making use of ai. it's tracking some of the encampments, as well as graffiti, and even potholes throughout the city using ai in vehicles gathering data. so that's an interesting bit in this. that city council vote is set for 1:30 this afternoon. >> we'll continue to follow this one. thank you, ginger, for the latest. new this morning, the posey tube is back open. this comes after you may have heard people were trapped in their cars inside there when a fire happened last night. traffic did stop around 7:30,
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firefighters were able to battle the fire inside the tube. eventually first responders were able to evacuate drivers. crews used large fans to clear out the smoke. the posey tube is open again. happening today in san francisco, a woman charged in the tragic death of a young girl near oracle park last summer is due in court for her arraignment. the unidentified 4-year-old girl was in a stroller when an suv struck her and her parents at the intersection of 4th and king streets next to the caltrain station in august. police later arrested 71-year-old, and police say she failed to yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk. illegal sideshows are not only a problem in small cities, but apparently large ones as well. well, at least that was the story this past weekend, this is
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when police in palo alto, mountain view and menlo park all reported those smaller and quicker sideshow incidents, and this was all in the wake of a larger sideshow that stopped late night traffic on the bay bridge. chp has this message for anyone taking part. >> our main concern is the safety of the public and we would ask that those who are considering or actually engaging in these activities would think twice before they do so. >> now, the bay bridge incident, authorities did detain two minors and arrested two adults. traffic was halted for about 20 minutes. san francisco leaders are vowing not to give up their name without a fight. at least when it comes to renaming oakland airport. the commission on thursday will debate changing oakland airport's name to san francisco bay oakland international airport. an airport spokesperson argues it could clarify -- it would
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clarify more than confuse. san francisco leaders, however, they disagree, and last night threatened legal action if oakland goes ahead with the plan. >> the current proposal also fringes on sfo's trademarks. sfo began operating almost a century ago and has used san francisco airport through most of the history. they've had these trademarks for so long, they are incontestable under federal law. >> oakland airport leaders argue the change is needed because people don't realize its close prompt to san francisco and business is being lost. they also say a new survey finds about half of east bay residents are at least somewhat comfortable with the name change. taking a live look at walnut creek this morning. good morning, east bay. it's time to get a look at that forecast. meteorologist kari hall has a look at how things are going to warm up today. >> it's going to warm up quite a bit. even though it is cold now, getting started on this tuesday,
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we're seeing temperatures in the low 40s in parts of the tri-valley, with dublin 43, 49 in san francisco, and it is 41 in sonoma. but then as we take a look at the trend for today, in oakland we'll go from upper 40s at 7:00 to low 60s, and then 70 degrees. really comfortable for the middle of the day. and our highs will be above what we typically see for this date, with santa rosa up to 75 and our usual high temperatures about 68 degrees, 70 is our usual high temperature in concord for this date. but we're going to see a high of 77, so you can see how much above normal this will be today, and even warmer tomorrow. so we'll talk more about that warm-up and then eventually cooldown in our weekend forecast in a few minutes. i wanted to show you what's happening for the morning commute, a look at some of our bridges. the richmond-san rafael bridge is not showing issues, but it is a little slower. a big backup at the bay bridge,
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but not seeing anything really happening there. and slowing down a little bit as we usually see at this time on the san mateo bridge, more people are heading to work at this hour. we've seen it slowing down, even on the approach to the san mateo and dumbarton bridges, but not seeing any accidents, which, of course, is great news. let's keep it that way on this tuesday morning. marcus and laura? >> thanks, kari. we're talking about a really interesting story, ensuring accessibility for the deaf community at live events. >> i was completely ignorant. i didn't realize that deaf people enjoyed music, let alone enjoyed live music. >> ahead on "today in the bay," we hear from the makers of a documentary who are shining a light on the importance of interpreters in entertainment. plus, congress gets back to work and america gets a visit from
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it is now 6:42. it looks great outside, but it is chilly, and in san francisco it is a mostly clear start. we're going from low 50s to upper 60s today, and even some upper 70s for the inland valleys. we'll talk more about the continued warm-up and what's ahead for the weekend. looking on the roads, we are getting a view all around the bay area, as well as a slowdown in contra costa county, checking out highway 4, going westbound,
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it is a slowdown there as we usually see. but there's also an accident there on one of the on-ramps. so i'm watching to see if this has an impact to the bigger commute. we'll talk more in a few minutes. it is 6:43 right now. president joe biden greats the prime minister of japan at the white house today. >> scott mcgrew, japan is becoming an even more important ally to the united states. >> we really are leaning on them. good morning. it's where we base a lot of our forces that would be involved in a fight over taiwan, and keeping an eye on those islands that china is building in the south china sea. though there is a tension. we're the ones who insisted japan be non aggressive after the second world war, and now we're leaning on them as part of our defense in asia. the prime minister, who grew up in new york city, will speak to a joint session of congress tomorrow. president biden was surrounded by seven, count them, seven signs saying canceling student debt as he announced a new plan to cancel student debt
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at a speech in wisconsin yesterday. >> tens of millions of people's debt was literally about to get canceled, but then some of my republican friends and elected officials and special interests sued us and the supreme court blocked us. that didn't stop us. i mean it sincerely. we continue to find alternatives to pass the student debt payment that are not challengeable. >> now, we went over some of numbers the white house sent us and they indicate more than 200,000 californians would benefit from proposed student loan relief. the white house says the plan is not reviewable by congress or the courts, but there is still a process involved, and new relief may not come until fall. as we predicted, former president trump is getting pushback from members of his own party over his newly announced policy on abortion. mr. trump says he does not favor a nationwide ban and thinks exceptions should be made for rape and incest, and the life of a mother. his former vice president, mike
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pence, said it was a, quote, slap in the face to the millions of pro-life americans who voted for him in 2016 and 2020. trump and republican senator lindsey graham got into a kerfuffle on social media. graham, who has proposed a federal ban at 15 weeks, also angry at trump's announcement. trump accusing graham of wanting to keep the abortion issue in the news. an appeals court in new york has refused donald trump's motions to delay his first criminal trial. the one over hush money to an adult film actress. trump's lawyers argued they would not be able to find an impartial jury. that means the first criminal trial of a former president in all of u.s. history starts on monday. and then the u.s. supreme court will hear arguments over the presidential immunity question on the 25th. lawyers are arguing presidents are above the law, trump's lawyers, as president. u.s. prosecutor jack smith filed
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an argument with the court yesterday saying the opposite. a bedrock principle, he says, of our constitutional order is that no person is above the law, including the president. and congress gets back to work today after a long break. they've got a lot on their plate, including the speech by the japanese prime minister, the speaker of the house wants to fund ukraine and the senate may take on that tiktok ban. >> all right, thanks, scott. okay, maybe it's not the level of total eclipse, but still a rare phenomenon in college basketball. uconn last night, once again, winning the ncaa championship. this time they beat purdue 75-60 in arizona. the huskies took a double digit lead early on in the second half. never looking back there. this marks the first back-to-back ncaa title in men's college basketball since 2007. the last time we saw the repeat, the florida gators. most of us remember our
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first concert, or maybe your first live performance that you saw, and really the joy, the feelings it brought, with the noise, the crowd, the dancing, the works. >> just go back to that moment, and then take out the sound. yeah, that is the reality for thousands of people, and there's a new documentary now making noise about the problems they face. >> i said, hey, there's no interpreter here. oh, sorry, there's nothing we can do. >> a documentary "sign the show" is shining the light on the importance of interpreters in entertainment and providing accessibility for all. filmmaker and bay area native is hoping to give a voice to the deaf community. >> i was completely ignorant, i didn't realize that deaf people enjoyed music, let alone live music. i started talking with the interpreter and then communicating with the deaf people through the interpreter, and come to find out that deaf people are just like hearing people, they love music, but they have a lot of challenges
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and barriers to getting access to live entertainment. >> for executive producer matt maxey, the issue is personal. >> the more i actually go to venues and events and festivals where they have the accessibility, i find myself feeling more free, more involved, more normalized where, hey, i don't have to go above and beyond just to feel equal. >> several big artists appear in the doc, including kelly clarkson, chance the rapper and andre 3,000. flame tells us he gained new insight about the deaf community after mistaking an asl interpreter for a concertgoer back in 2018. >> i think people, i think we undermine people that can't hear. to me, they're just as intuitive, just as smart. >> he says as an artist, he
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loves seeing everyone get involved and enjoy the show. >> in a more touching manner, i felt it saying the words without hearing the words. >> the group is hoping to gain national attention from viewers about the issue as we mark national deaf history month. >> it's a great documentary. you can watch "sign the show" now on apple tv, tubi and google play. the director you saw at the beginning of the story, she's going to be appearing on the kelly clarkson show today. you can watch the interview at 3:00 this afternoon right here on nbc bay area. >> i love that perspective. so important. >> absolutely, yes. >> very good. nice to know. sunrise over the bay area. >> it looks great. >> it's going to be a little warmer today, finally. >> finally warmer and we get it for a few days before it cools down again. we're in that time of year where things can change day-by-day. a look at our temperatures, we're in the upper 40s. it is a clear view all across
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the bay area. and then taking a look at our highs for today, we're up to 68 in san francisco and san mateo, across the bay, low to mid-70s. 75 in dublin, as well as 75 in mountain view, and mostly mid-70s for much of the north bay. as we take a look at tomorrow, going up a few more degrees with a high of 81 in livermore, 82 in san jose, and upper 70s for the north bay. and then on thursday, we're also still feeling the warm temperatures inland, while the coastline is remaining about the same and getting ready for that dip in temperatures on friday. so once the high pressure that's giving us the beautiful spring weather starts to break down and move off to the east, it does make way for this low pressure system, the storm system that's going to be coming down the coastline and bringing us not only a wet saturday, but also very chilly, and the sierra will get some more snow. and then going into next week, eventually warming up. but i wanted to show you this
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live look of lake tahoe this morning. just a beautiful sunrise over the lake, where the temperature now is 25 degrees. let's check out that sierra snowpack that is above what we usually see for the april 1st measurement, and we're now at 112% of the normal amount. the northern sierra is at 127% of the normal amount of sierra snow. there's some more light snow on the way before we make it into early next week, about 1 to 6 inches of snow, and some of the heavier snow will be for those upper elevations farther to the south. then looking at our seven-day forecast, here in the bay area we'll go from mid-70s today to low 80s tomorrow and thursday. friday is when it starts to cool off, we only make it into the upper 60s. yes, it will be windy, and even colder on saturday, with a high of 57 for some of our warmer spots. and then a few lingering showers on sunday. but overall we are going to have to enjoy the next few days
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because the weekend, unfortunately, will not look like what we'll see for this afternoon. getting out on the roads this morning, here is a quick look at palo alto, highway 101. the sun is shining. take the sunglasses today. as you approach the bay bridge toll plaza, we are seeing that backup there, and also a slow drive across the san mateo bridge. we are now in our traffic tuesday, seeing it in full effect. haven't seen any major accidents, which is great news. and i'll continue to monitor all of that for you, laura and marcus. >> sounds good. let's hope it remains clear. it is 6:52 right now. happening now, a new state bill is aiming to protect students from harassment and bullying at schools. under the proposal, a new civil rights avenues within the department of education would be formed. the office would investigate complaints of intimidation and more across the state. the office would report frequently to the department of education and give recommendations.
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advocates of the bill say it's an important step to commit to student safety. and up next, we take a look at the top stories making headlines here on "today in the bay," including california's insurance crisis. the areas expected to be hit hardest by the loss of bay area homeowner policies after state farm's decision to pull out of high-risk areas. plus, keeping the unhoused away. this is a vote happening today on a controversial proposal to ban homeless camps and keep them away from schools in the south bay. first, are you registered to vote? our sister station telemundo is teaming up to answer all questions about registering to vote for the presidential elections. help is available today from 9: a.m.00
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6:57 this morning. we want to welcome you back. we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories on "today in the bay." >> overnight officers found multiple vehicles with bullet holes in the east bay. our photographer capturing the video around midnight in rodeo. this is along napa avenue near mariposa street, not too far from zion hill baptist church. deputies are only confirming a shooting took place. a business is damaged after an overnight fire in hayward. citizen app video showing the flames shooting into the air. firefighters say this started around 9:30 near the intersection of tripaldi and hall by a costco. crews closed off the area until early this morning. firefighters were able to get the burn under control after hours of fighting, about an hour.
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no one was hurt and firefighters are still looking for a cause. a new look this morning at which california neighborhoods are getting hit the hardest as state farm announces plans not to renew some home insurance policies. the "chronicle" crunched the numbers. these are top five zip codes in the bay area where homeowners would see the biggest impact. last month state farm issued a written statement reading, quote, this decision was not made lightly, and only after careful analysis of state farm general's financial health, which continues to be impacted by inflation, catastrophe exposure, reinsurance costs, and the limitations of working within decades-old insurance regulations. homeowners needing coverage will likely have to obtain it from the state at higher costs. regulators are still working to come up with more affordable options. in just a few hours, a key vote is set to happen on a controversial proposal aimed at cracking down on homeless
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encampments located near schools in san jose. it would prohibit any tents, rvs and other dwellings within 100 feet of licensed preschools, daycare facilities or k-12 schools. if passed, the city would have the authority to tow those vehicles and remove those encampments. unhoused advocates warn a blanket ban discriminates against homeless people. we've seen some sunny days, but cool temperatures. today it's going to warm up a little bit? >> yes, it's going to warm up between today, tomorrow and thursday, and before you know it, we'll see some 80s in the forecast. that's what's happening on "today in the bay." coming up next for you, the "today" show. >> have a great afternoon. hi, everybody. happy tuesday. we're still kind of glowing after that breath taking eclipse. >> we are. it is a special moment, and it united the country. it's april 9th. this is "today." ♪


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