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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  April 12, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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francisco. doors are open 9:00 to 4:00. first come, first served. have a great weekend. >> don't forget, nbc bay area always streams 24/7. you can watch us whenever you like on roku or other streaming platforms. breaking news right now at 6:00, an overturned big rig blocking the morning commute in the east bay. we are live on southbound interstate 880 with new details on that early morning traffic jam. plus -- >> i mean, nobody wants an abortion, they just want to be able to have it as a choice. >> all eyes on arizona, as the issue of abortion access takes center stage. the high-profile trip happening later today and the calls for california to help women. moving forward despite threats. after mounting controversy, the oakland airport approves plans for a name change. the looming legal battles they
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will likely face. this is "today in the bay." good friday morning. i'm marcus washington. >> and i'm laura garcia. let's get straight to that breaking news we're following for you this morning. an overturned big rig causing a big backup on 880 near 92. "today in the bay"'s thom jensen is stuck in the backup this morning. he joins us now on the phone. so, thom, how close are you to it? what is it looking like out there? there you go. go ahead, start over, thom. >> reporter: yeah, i think there's a little delay in our connection. it is not looking good for these folks who were just in this yesterday on 880 with a big rig. that one tied up the interstate for about two hours. chp is telling us it's not -- [ inaudible ] >> reporter: right now we've got
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one lane opened up for traffic to flow through. everyone is at a standstill. i've traveled 1.2 miles in the last 32 minutes and it looks like i've got another mile to get to the crash scene or the overturn scene. it looks like we're going to be driving for another half hour before we get there. >> i would imagine at that pace. hopefully we'll be able to see that live by our 6:30 hour. as you mentioned, this was a problem along that same stretch yesterday as well. we'll continue to monitor this breaking news on air and online. a good way to stay up to date on information is downloading our free nbc bay area app. it's a resource where we send push alerts with information. we'll check in with cinthia in just a moment with a look at the morning commute and maybe some workarounds for this area right now. in the meantime, we want to check in with our meteorologist,
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kari hall. >> it's a beautiful start to our morning, all clear as we take a live look outside in san francisco. it will turn partly cloudy and cooler today and we're dropping temperatures even into the weekend with some times of rain and highs in the 50s for tomorrow. it will be warming up next week into the 70s. take a look at our day planner for brentwood, going from upper 50s this morning to seeing some upper 60s for the afternoon. it's a pleasant day for getting outside for those outdoor activities. we're up to 71 for a high today in san jose and san mateo, 62 degrees, with napa and santa rosa up to 64 for a high temperature. the rain moves in tonight and the cooler temperatures continue tomorrow. we're only up to a high of 55 degrees in martinez tomorrow afternoon, 59 in san jose, and los gatos, a high of 57 degrees. i'll continue to track this. we'll talk about that rain and how much you can expect in the forecast in a few minutes.
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new overnight, one person is critically injured after being struck by a car in san francisco's tenderloin. this happened a little before 7:00 last night near turk. police say the driver stayed at the scene, was not impaired, and is cooperating with this investigation. developing right now, vice president kamala harris is heading to arizona today in the wake of this week's legal decision that may end abortion there. this is a live look in phoenix right now. the vice president visited last month ahead of her trip that she will be taking to tucson today, she'll revisit the area. the legal ruling will be her focal point today. "today in the bay"'s brie jackson is live in washington to break down what we know about this visit so far. good morning, brie. >> reporter: good morning, laura. so vice president harris' visit comes after the arizona state supreme court ruled a nearly 160-year-old near total ban on
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abortion is enforceable. according her speech, she is going to take aim at donald trump, specifically on his record surrounding this issue. harris is expected to point to trump's previous comments stating women who undergo the procedure should be, quote, punished. trump this week did shift his stance on the issue, commenting that arizona's supreme court went too far in its decision. arizona is considered a crucial swing state in the race for the white house with 11 electoral votes up for grabs. democrats are hoping that the issue of abortion will drive voters to the polls this november. >> brie, arizona's attorney general says she is fighting to ensure the near total ban is never implemented itself. california now being involved in some of this back and forth that's going on. >> reporter: so arizona's attorney general says she wants california to be a safe haven
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for health professionals who perform abortions. kris mayes making those comments with an interview with nbc news. the a.g. says she will not prosecute anyone in violation of the law, and right now there's an attempt to get signatures so that an initiative goes on the november ballot to codify reproductive rights in the state. here is mayes amplifying her position as part of a speech posted to the attorney general's youtube page. >> arizonans have my commitment that as long as i'm attorney general, i will fight like hell and my office will continue to do everything we can to protect and defend the fundamental rights of every arizonan. everything is on the table and we will pursue every option available to us to ensure that this decision is never implemented in the state of arizona. >> reporter: now, shortly after this week's announcement,
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governor newsom posted on x that he remains ready to help arizonans access reproductive health care. in a statement to nbc news, one abortion provider says, while he appreciates mayes' promise, ill likely will mean little to doctors who will not be able to perform the procedure without fear of arrest. >> so much to unpack there. brie, thank you very much, live from washington. 6:06 this morning. several bay area cities are in trouble with the feds. so the environmental protection agency fining six east bay cities and two utility districts for allowing sewage to flow into the bay. the epa says oakland, alameda, albany, berkeley, and sewage service in el cerrito all failed to prevent untreated sewage from reaching the ocean. officials say it happened multiple times between 2021 and 2023. the city has to pay more than
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$278,000 for 67 sewage releases. oakland port commissioners are moving forward with the controversial proposal to change the name of oakland's airport. the group last night voting unanimously to rename it san francisco bay oakland international airport. the decision followed lengthy public comment. the city of san francisco is already opposing the plan and the city attorney is now threatening to file a trademark lawsuit. the name change faces a second vote next month before it officially takes effect. san francisco mayor london breed embarking tomorrow on one of her highest profile trips since taking office. she's heading to china and leading a 30-person delegation. the mayor says her goals are to bring more economic opportunities to san francisco, boost tourism with china and secure an agreement to bring pandas to the san francisco zoo. >> our goal is to, you know, enter into major agreements and
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make san francisco significant to china and let them know that we are open to the business relationship that could be developed as a result. there's a lot we want to accomplish and a lot we want to bring back. >> the delegation includes local asian business and community leaders, ahead with the city's head of chamber of commerce. let's take a live look outside this morning. 6:08 right now. san jose looking nice and beautiful with that sunrise coming up on this friday. meteorologist kari hall has a look at what we can expect throughout the bay area. how is walnut creek looking? >> it's a beautiful start here, too. we are seeing a clear sky and a nice start to our friday morning. temperatures are a little bit milder and it will be cooler for today. we're going to eventually start to see some clouds working into the bay area today, rain later on tonight, with this storm system dropping in out of oregon into california. we're going to see some of the rain moving into the north bay
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right at about 1:00 to 2:00 in the morning. some of the heaviest rain falling while we're asleep. changing to a wintery mix of snow for bay area mountains and as well as mount hamilton and the santa cruz summit may see light snow. a bit of a break around noon except for the north bay, but then notice the return of showers tomorrow afternoon into the evening for some of those outdoor activities, we might need to move some with some wet weather that's going to be off and on throughout the weekend, and possibly sunday evening as well. cinthia has been tracking traffic on 880. >> no improvement, we don't have an estimated time of opening those lanes on 880 as people try to make their way onto 92. they are moving drivers to the winton on-ramp and it's very slow. the alternates are to continue on 238, take industrial, and then back up to 92, or just take
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the dumbarton bridge to move around this faster. it's not a fun morning. we go up to oakland, southbound direction as well, 10th avenue on-ramp, the number four lane is blocked after a crash there. and i just got a new one down here in the south bay. this is going to jam up the traffic northbound direction, 101 in morgan hill, two cars are in the center divide. it's a busy friday morning over here, guys. back to you. >> thanks, cinthia. honoring an icon among migrant farmworkers. ahead, the way one bay area city is planning to remember the life and legacy of cesar chavez this weekend. electric cars continue to get cheaper, plus a tennis playing robot. let's go to the futures. nasdaq is going to start at an all time high and it looks like it's going to lose from there. plus, the return of san francisco's cherry blossom festival. we'll preview the excitement happening this weekend.
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right now at 6:13 on this friday morning, we're getting a look at martinez as you get ready to head out the door. it's in the low 50s and clear for now. we will see more clouds coming in, becoming mostly cloudy and temperatures in the low 60s. it's going to be windy starting this evening once the cold front moves through. we'll talk about that, weekend rain in a few minutes.
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no friday light over here. southbound 880, all lanes are close in hayward trying to connect to 92 after two big rigs crashed. a lot of heavy duty equipment will be needed to move this out of the way. drivers are being diverted to the winton on-ramp. i'll talk about article knit routes. the nasdaq will open on a new high this morning. shares in apple saw their best day since last may, up more than 4%. shares of tesla were up, but this company continues to suffer. the stock is down more than 35% on the year. there's a softening of demand for electric vehicles, and that's caused tesla to cut prices again and again. ford as well cutting prices on its once super hot ford f-150 lightning electric truck by as much as $5,500 on one model.
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you're still paying $73,000 for the model that's getting the $5,500 price cut. the white house has announced yet more student loan relief, this time for people enrolled in its save plan. this is video of the president announcing an earlier plan earlier this week. this is the second in this week alone. more than a quarter million former students will see their loans wiped clean, says the administration. if you're affected, you should get an email today. during a phone conference with reporters yesterday afternoon, the white house said the latest totals show nearly $11 billion in relief for nearly a quarter million californians. as for the save plan, earlier this week the department of education said some of the relief it's offering would include people who haven't bothered to enroll yet. that said, enrolling is free and it's reasonably easy, and it's likely worth your time. how about some tennis this weekend? you don't have to find somebody to play with. this weekend on our program
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press here we'll talk to a tennis playing robot. >> why can't we take this machine and make it really smart, put computer vision on it. if you know where you're at on the court from the player's perspective, if you can track the ball and understand where the ball machine is, and then you layer over top of that an engine that understands the game and how an opponent might play you, you could create a simulated racket experience. >> you can watch that and our other interviews on "press here" right after "meet the press" at 9:00 on nbc bay area. he said later that golfers have all this cool technology, including simulators that will tell them the spin on the ball and things that make their game better. if you can have a tennis robot that's -- >> why wouldn't you in this day and age? let's hit the courts. >> let's go. thanks, scott. well, this weekend the cesar
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chavez festival and parade kicks off. it starts at delores park on 19th street, ending at 24th and mission street. it will start at 11:00 tomorrow morning. the festival is down the block from where the parade ends. there will be live music, vendors and other activities out there for the family to enjoy. that event comes just a couple of weeks after cesar chavez day. also this weekend in san francisco, the 57th nor cal cherry blossom takes off. >> it runs this weekend and next weekend as well. thousands will be headed to japantown to take part in the festivities. there will be sword displays, a tea ceremony and other activities. the famous parade will be next sunday, april 21st, which is probably a good thing, because we're getting that rain this weekend. yeah, it's going to be a little dicey out there for the cherry blossom festival. i think a lot of it is outside. yeah, not the best weekend.
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maybe we'll be able to catch some breaks. we know a lot of times in the bay area when we get rain, it comes in waves, and it's kind of off and on. we're seeing a clear start this morning, temperatures in the low to mid-50s. it is 51 as you're heading out in oakland and san jose is at 55 degrees. let's check out livermore for today. we're at 51 at 8:00, and the sun just peeking out. we will see some times of clouds passing by, a little more sunshine for the afternoon, and we're not nearly as warm as yesterday, where we were in the upper 70s and low 80s in the tri-valley. we'll see a high of 64 today. and looking at 71 for a high in san jose. we're still going to have a very pleasant afternoon, but you'll notice that it's going to be much cooler, and then tomorrow the rain comes in. once again, off and on. there will be some breaks in the activity. but we'll only see a high of 59 in oakland and san mateo, 57 in san francisco, and 55 in novato. on sunday, it is going to be
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mostly dry, a slight chance of a stray shower. our temperatures coming up a few degrees. let's take a look at the cold front and the storm system headed our way. we're going to start to bring in rain later on this evening. looking at our hour-by-hour forecast, shows the rain at about 1:00 to 2:00 in the morning for the north bay, into san francisco, and some of the heavier rain falling overnight. at 7:00 in the morning, it's going to be snowing on mount hamilton and some of our bay area mountains. for mid-april, this is really late. we are going to have cold enough temperatures as you go up above 3,000 feet. it will be chilly, windy and rain. there will be one quick passing shower on sunday afternoon, but other than that, sunday is looking like the better day to get outside. our rainfall totals may reach anywhere from 1 inch to 1 3/4 for some of the mountains. the further you to inland, it
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will be less, three-quarters of an inch. highs in the 50s, then we see it rebounding going into next week. warming highs in the upper 70s by next wednesday, while san francisco will go from 60 today to 55 for tomorrow. cinthia, you are busy this morning tracking several crashes. >> we are busy, trying to get everybody to work on this friday morning. in san lorenzo, this issue continues, southbound 880 to the 92 connecter. it's stretching back to 238, which is your alternate around this crash. that involved the two big rigs. you can take it down to industrial and come back to 880 to connect at the san mateo bridge. the other crash is also the southbound direction of 880. it's not a fun morning. 10th avenue on-ramp the four lane is blocked. we have things jammed up out of san martin, gilroy, this is northbound 101, this was two
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cars. they ended up in the center divide. overall it's just a busy morning. the metering lights are on at the bay bridge. >> that's really tough. usually it's friday light out there. it is 6:21 right now. a rare and deadly bacterial disease on the rise for dogs in southern california. southern california. up next the, ( ♪♪ )
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you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ new at 6:00, veterinarians
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in san diego are seeing more dogs coming down with a rare bacterial disease that experts say can be transmitted to humans. it's transmitted through urine from rats and other wildlife. dogs can be infected by stepping in contaminated water or even wet grass, and then licking their paws. in some cases, dogs can die as soon as two days after getting the disease. it can also be transmitted to humans and cause liver failure, kidney damage, meningitis and death. experts are urging everyone to take act. >> untreated it can be quite dangerous for both dogs and people. and as soon as your dog has clinical signs, they're shedding that in their urine. >> symptoms to look out for is if your dog is sick to its stomach, losing its appetite, and suffering other digestive issues. one word twice sums up the
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situation for dub nation. neck in neck. the warriors are now in an exact three-way tie for the playoffs with two games remaining in the regular season. they got off to a great start last night. they did end well, thanks to the win last night over portland. the warriors, lakers and kings are all tied for eighth through tenth spots in the playoff race. if things go right between now and sunday, the warriors could claim the eighth spot, which would mean one less play-in game. tonight they host new orleans. a lot more ahead at 6:30, including breaking news we've been following for you in the east bay. a rough morning commute. we're going to take you live to 880 in hayward where an overturned big rig is blocking traffic. we'll have an update on the situation and the way you can get around the mess. plus, a key announcement from san francisco city leaders marking a milestone in the
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city's policing reforms. we'll give youhe details t
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breaking right now at 6:30, a big rig crash shuts down interstate 880 in the east bay. the morning commute already jammed. we're live this morning with an update and alternative routes. major fears a teenager has been swept away in the russian river. new details on the search and
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efforts this morning. plus, the milestone for san francisco police. a landmark moment as crime rates fall. the celebration planned for city hall. this is "today in the bay." here we go, friday morning. it's busy as well. i'm laura garcia. >> and i'm marcus washington. let's get to the breaking news this morning that's impacting the morning commute in the east bay. a big rig crash snarling southbound traffic, this is on interstate 880. "today in the bay"'s thom jensen making his way to that scene. unfortunately, still stuck in traffic. are you at a standstill or are things creeping along? >> reporter: good morning. i actually just arrived on the scene, and i'm looking at the trucks, two of them it looks like are involved, or one truck with two trailers. chp has several units in here right now. they've got flares out and cones.
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now they've got traffic moving into two far lanes. the two left lanes, two or three of the left lanes, including the express lane, are still blocked and they're moving traffic around those as they try to get the big rig turned back right side up, and then pulled out of here. there is a large tow truck already on the scene. just for perspective, you're talking about this is just north of the highway 92 exit. it's right smack dab in front of planet fitness and the century theatre at the southland mall. the southland mall sign is right above me right now. it looks like it will not be as bad as yesterday's crash and overturned big rig that stopped traffic and the commuters in their tracks for about two hours, guys. >> thom, certainly a busy
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morning. thank you for that. we want to check in with cinthia pimentel. the crash is going to cause some headaches. day two, overturned big rig out there. >> and that traffic is stretching back to 238. that's where that crash was yesterday. that one involved the gas leak, too. this one, we just have to get a lot of heavy duty trucks to pick up both of those big rigs. the alternates that i can give you, the workarounds are to continue on 238, make your way down to industrial parkway in union city, and then go back up 880 or south. take the dumbarton bridge if you want to avoid the scene altogether. traffic is stretching back to kaiser at times. i have another crash southbound 880 in oakland, this is at the 10th avenue on-ramp. the number four lane is blocked. the details were a tesla hit a semi truck. a lot of issues this morning involving bigger trucks. this one in richmond, san pablo
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avenue off-ramp, the eastbound direction of 80, there was a car that got into it with a semi truck. you can take cutting boulevard and connect back to 580 if you're going west onto the bridge. back to you. >> we'll continue to monitor this breaking news story on air and online. another great way to stay up to date with information and downloading our free nbc bay area app. turning to our forecast. kari is tracking our friday outlook. >> things are going to change quite a bit. yesterday we had near record highs. today we're going back to what's normal for this time of year, and then tomorrow it will feel like winter around the bay area. as we get started in oakland, it will be a mostly cloudy morning and temperatures in the low to mid-50s. we're going to stay in the 50s today and see those highs make it into the mid-60s for a couple of hours during the afternoon. in san mateo, 62 degrees, once again, much cooler than yesterday. in fact, in concord we were hitting a high of 83. today, 66 is expected.
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and even lower tomorrow as our high temperatures across the bay area only reach into the 50s. we'll talk about the arrival of the rain later on tonight. as you're making weekend plans, some events going on, coming up in a few minutes. happening today, san francisco leaders are marking what they call a milestone in the city's police reform efforts. >> "today in the bay"'s ginger conejero saab is live in the city this morning. break down, what does this mean for the department? >> reporter: well, hopefully it will mean the start of a new chapter for sfpd. it is now more than seven years since the department of justice launched an independent and comprehensive review of sfpd with the goal of reform in mind. the doj launched their review in response to the department's use of force policies and practices. it came in the wake of a deadly police shooting in 2015 that sparked public outcry, as well as subsequent disclosure of racist and homophobic texts
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exchanged by some officers. the doj made 272 nonbinding recommendations to transform policing, with an emphasis on reducing use of force, increasing transparency, and working towards racial equity. the "chronicle" reports the department recently submitted evidence that it completed the final 27 recommendations. the department is reportedly still awaiting approval from officials. the "chronicle" reporting that numbers show the reforms have paid off. use of force incidents decreased by 65% between 2016 and 2022, recruitment of those from black, asian, hispanic and american indian backgrounds, that has increased by 30%. police shootings have dropped by 50% in the seven years since the review began, compared to seven years prior to that. the city is also reporting lower crime rates during the first quarter of 2024. property crime is down 32%.
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violent crime is down as well, 14%. those numbers are in comparison to the first quarter of last year. governor gavin newsom's office recently announced continued progress in the city's partnership with the chp. since may of last year, the chp has seized 42 pounds of fentanyl in the tenderloin. now, we expect that announcement to be made at city hall later this morning at 11:00. we'll see what this means for not just the department, but also for the city of san francisco. it sounds like movement in the right direction. guys, back to you. >> overall, just people visiting, they want to see change. thank you very much. new details this morning in what police say was repeated vandalism targeting a san francisco mosque. that suspect now facing hate crime charges. police say surveillance video from last week shows 35-year-old robert gray there in that video using a skateboard to smash windows of the mosque. he allegedly later returned at
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least twice causing more damage before police arrested him. the district attorney in san francisco, brooke jenkins, says gray is facing vandalism, along with hate crime charges. she says the office has zero tolerance for crime targeting religious spaces. a north bay legal firm will speak out after the recent decision not to file criminal charges against the former mayor of windsor. the attorney general's office recently suspended a criminal investigation tied to him after multiple women accused him of sexual assault. he later resigned as mayor in 2021. state prosecutors say they lack sufficient evidence to file charges. attorneys representing some of those women will speak out outside the sonoma county courthouse to talk about a possible civil case. new developments in the search for a missing swimmer in the north bay. teams will resume the search for a 15-year-old boy last seen yesterday in the russian river.
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this is video of sonoma county rescuers combing waters along stillhead beach. authorities say the boy had been swimming with friends. firefighters are also saying there's some advice everyone should follow. >> we caution people this time of year to really watch the water. the water is moving very fast. it's still at a high level. if you're not an experienced swimmer, we urge you not to swim in the russian river. i know the temperatures are up outside and it draws people to the river, but we caution everybody to be very careful because this is a very common occurrence when the water is moving at the rate it is. >> rescuers are expanding the radius of the search. several emergency agencies are involved. forest owners are filing a new legal claim against pg&e in connection with california's second largest wildfire ever. the dixie fire burned just under 1 million acres in the summer of 2021, well north of the bay area. cal fire has since determined it
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started when a falling tree struck pg&e equipment. several businesses are now seeking damages in excess of $200 million. the utility so far is not commenting. a live look in oakland this morning. this is where first fridays returns today. you're probably thinking it's not the first friday. that event was supposed to kick off last week, but the rain postponed it. it will take place on telegraph avenue between 22nd and 27th streets. it starts at 5:00 p.m. meteorologist kari hall has been talking about that incoming rain. tonight's event should be safe. >> yeah, the rain comes in later, so it looks pretty good. it's going to be chilly out there and not nearly as warm as the weather we've had. as we take a look at the forecast, there will be a mix of sun and clouds into the evening as you're heading out getting dinner. at 58 degrees, we'll see that at 5:00. we're dropping down to the mid-50s this evening. we will need umbrellas tomorrow
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for cesar chavez day in san francisco. this will be off and on with the rain chances, and overall mostly cloudy. temperatures will be in the low 50s, and in time for the parade, we'll be at about 52 degrees. if you're checking out the love our earth festival, a lot of events going on around the bay area, and this one is also going to have to dodge some showers in east palo alto. starting out in the morning at 51 degrees, so a very chilly morning. it's going to be breezy and headed for the mid-50s. if you're wrapping up the weekend at the omg family festival, we're going to see temperatures in the morning in the low 50s, but heading to the upper 50s, and another chance of showers the later we get into the afternoon. so we'll continue to watch the forecast and the changes. cinthia, you've been watching changes with the commute and breaking news this morning. >> and i just heard that our crews have made it in the scene. you can see southbound 880, they're trying to make the connecter to 92 and we do have
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the chp on scene, the overturned big rig and a couple of other big trucks involved. one of them did hit the center divide and they're bringing in heavy duty trucks to get this out of the way. the traffic is backing up to 238. your alternate is to continue on 238 through union city, and then connect back to the san mateo bridge or take the dumbarton bridge. crews are bringing us this live scene and we'll continue to track this throughout the morning. i did want to talk about other things that are going on as far as some other road closures. we do have this one that's going to last through august. if you take this shortcut on crow canyon road from san ramon to castro valley, that's going to be closed from 8:00 to 5:00 every day for the next couple of months. your alternates are 680 and 580. westbound 37 in vallejo will be closed this weekend, two weeks
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as well, and your alternates are american canyon and down 121. back to you. a new turn in a highly watched case. baseball star shohei ohtani's former interpreter is set to surrender to federal authorities in a matter of hours. the details coming out. vice president harris is headed to arizona where she's going to take on that new abortion law. if you're heading to yosemite, listen up. we are going to break down new changes starting this weekend that could really limit your visit. plus, the new cpingam
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good friday morning. right now at 6:44, we're taking a look at our day planner for gilroy. start out cloudy and upper 40s and we're headed for the low 60s. a drop in temperatures but a pretty nice day. we'll talk about the arrival of rain later tonight and how it may impact weekend plans. we've been tracking this crash, southbound 880 to the 92 connecter. this is the big rig that was on its side. our crews have made it to the scene. the traffic stretches past the southland mall to san lorenzo and 238. it's going to be a busy morning. your alternates are to continue south and eventually make the connecter back to 880 and the
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san mateo bridge. happening today, baseball star shohei ohtani's former interpreter is expected to surrender to authorities in connection to that massive theft charge. federal investigators say ippei mizahura used money to fund his sports gambling addiction and set up a bank account for ohtani and then transferred money to illegal bookmakers. he is accused of stealing more than $16 million. vice president kamala harris will campaign in arizona today and abortion will be top of mind. >> scott mcgrew, earlier this week the arizona supreme court said a near total ban on abortion could go forward. >> a very old law, it was an 1864 arizona law that had been dormant for years. 1864, arizona is still a territory, abraham lincoln is
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president. several states have seen these dormant laws pop up after the supreme court overturned roe. as we've discussed, abortion rights drives democrats to the polls. the biden-harris campaign is ready to take advantage. vice president harris will make the case for democrats clear to the arizona voters. according to her prepared remarks released, we must all understand who is to blame, she will say, it is the former president donald trump. it is donald trump who, during his campaign in 2016 said women should be punished for seeking an abortion. that's not perfectly accurate, but it's close. trump said during an msnbc interview with chris matthews that he agreed with a question, a scenario that matthews was talking about. >> do you believe in punishment for abortion as a principle? >> the answer is there has to be some form of punishment. >> for the woman? >> yeah.
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>> 10 years, 20? >> that i don't know. >> why not? you take positions on everything else. >> i do take positions on everything else. it's a very complicated position. >> speaking of former president trump, the speaker of the house, mike johnson, will travel to florida today to meet with mr. trump at mar-a-lago. on paper, they've got a lot to agree on, but they don't agree on a lot. trump encouraged house republicans to block one of the strongest border security bills and he is against a fisa law that johnson supports. johnson wants to introduce a bill to support ukraine in its fight against russia. trump opposes such support calling it stupid. today will be more about just bills. johnson is under threats from trump allies, most notably marjorie taylor greene. trump's right-hand another and another mar-a-lago employee will be in court today asking that the conspiracy charges against
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them be drop. they're accused of helping trump move boxes of classified documents the fbi was looking for. the expected argument is that they didn't know what was in the boxes, didn't know anything about the search. we still don't have a court date on the florida documents case. trump's first criminal trial, in new york, starts on monday morning. president biden wrapped up a tri-lateral meeting with counterparts from japan and the philippines. >> we mark a historic moment, the first ever leader summit between the united states, japan, and the philippines. it's truly an honor to have you here. >> the three countries have a common interest in the pacific, keeping an eye on china and its desire to expand power. vice president harris is expected in tucson just before noon our time. this will be her fifth visit, marcus and laura, to the state since taking office.
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>> scott, thank you. well, you know, this week it's really been nice with sunny weather. you're probably thinking about summer or maybe vacation. >> if you have your sights on yosemite, we've got the scoop on reservations. starting tomorrow you'll need a reservation to drive through yosemite national park on some days. through june, those days are saturdays, sundays and holidays. starting in july, you'll need a reservation every day. new spots will open up every morning at 8:00 a.m. they go very quickly, so the park says be ready to act fast. >> maybe you would like to spend some time somewhere a little less rustic. the national park is offering up two new glamping sites. one is open, offering up to 30 tents and 12 cabins. some of them include kitchenettes. one night in the premium tent will run you $200. it opens up this spring.
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now, it includes tents outfitted with electricity, private bathrooms and sites for fire pits. the suite tent will run you about $340 a night. >> that's my kind of glamping. >> that's about the price of a total. >> yeah, we went camping last year. i mean, just with driving in with a tent, you can spend about $50. so that's definitely a lot more -- >> that's definitely economical. >> absolutely. >> you rough it. i want to see the picture on a friday and then tuesday when you're done. >> i think a weekend is just enough. >> no kidding. so thinking about that, probably not this weekend because the weather is going to be very dicey, such a big change from what we had just a couple of days ago, and waking up this morning to a few low clouds over san francisco. this is looking at our sutro
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tower camera. we can see where it is a mostly sunny start. it will turn partly cloudy and overall temperatures will be cooler, dropping about 10 degrees compared to the record highs in some spots yesterday. for the weekend, times of rain and even snow on the hills above 30,000 feet. and it's going to feel like winter for a couple of days. but into next week, we'll be warming back up and seeing highs back in the 70s. really san jose is the only spot that would most likely make it to the low 70s today. we're going to see mid-60s for the east bay into the north bay, while san francisco will see a high of 59. then tomorrow we're in the 50s, 55 in livermore and 57 in san francisco. and not much better on sunday. we're in the low 60s, all of this well below that's normal for this time of year. we have a cold front coming into northwestern california. we can see the rain that's farther up toward the north. by the time it makes it to the north bay, most of us will be
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sleeping. some heavy rain and gusty winds. look at the snow that's going to be coming down on mount hamilton, parts of the santa cruz mountains and the north bay mountains. this is into the first part of the day. it looks like there is a bit of dry air coming in and a break in the activity through early in the afternoon, but it does return tomorrow evening into late tomorrow night. and then on sunday there may be one last wave of rain coming through, while most of the day will be dry. so big changes coming in. it looks like we could get some pretty decent rainfall totals, with some of the coastal areas and in the hills anywhere from an inch to an inch and a quarter. and then the valleys, about a half inch to three-quarters of an inch of rainfall. so we are going to eventually warm up after this soggy weekend, and looking at more sunshine next week. we start out on monday with our inland valleys in the upper 60s, and then upper 70s for wednesday and thursday. san francisco, 60 today, only in the mid-50s with off and on rain tomorrow.
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cinthia, what's the update on those major traffic alerts? >> major traffic southbound 880. you can see our crews are giving us live pictures as the heavy duty trucks have come out to move the big rigs. one of them crashed into the center divide. the other was on its side. we can see the crews sweeping up all of that debris. some of the lanes farther to the right there have opened up, allowing traffic to continue. so that will be another good shot to get yourself onto the san mateo bridge. but it is creeping along. the backup is past the southland mall there and as far north as the kaiser center there, if you are familiar with driving through southbound 880. we can see the work that continues to go there. i'm going to give you some alternates. we continue on southbound 238, you can make your way if you know the city streets around union city, and connect back to northbound or southbound 880 to make your way onto the san mateo bridge or the dumbarton bridge.
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another issue that i'm tracking this morning is further to the south, northbound 101, the commute direction for people coming out of the southern county, into san jose. this is going to take a while as that crash is in the clearing stages. back to you. >> thank you very much. happening now, the state moving forward with plans to buy six high speed rail trains. the california high speed rail authority board of directors just approved a mood allowing it to solicit proposals from two contractors. the trains would go up to 220 miles per hour and would help connect passengers in the central valley. the authority hopes to award a contract by the end of the year. the top stories this morning on this friday, starting off not so nice for drivers in the east bay. here is a live look this morning, where the big rig crash is snarling traffic southbound interstate 880. the backup has been growing all morning long. stick around, because we're going to update you on the
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6:58 this morning. welcome back. we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories on "today in the bay." >> first, we continue to follow breaking news, a big rig crash. it's slowing southbound traffic on interstate 880. "today in the bay"'s thom jensen is live at the scene with an update. >> reporter: good morning. yeah, you can see the big rig still up against the concrete divider there. it lost control. it was pulling two trailers. it lost the second trailer. they've got two big tow trucks in here, one that specializes in flipping these things back up. you can see traffic is moving onto the san mateo bridge right now, but it slows down a lot as
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we move this way, as we go back up to the north toward 238. it is just a standstill, absolutely concrete for about a mile and a half. i know cinthia has ways to get around this mess. thank you. the alternates i have are to continue on 238 and eventually work your way through city streets in union city and back to the san mateo bridge. not only do we have this issue, but we have to track the rain coming in. we're going to see some off and on rain and cool temperatures for the weekend. that's what's happening here on "today in the bay." it is friday so get out and enjoy while yo good friday morning. the world now reacting to the passing of o.j. simpson. >> putting renewed attention on a case that captivated the world.


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