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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  April 15, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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right now at 5:00, dangerous and destructive sideshows taking over east bay streets.
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we are live with more on the reaction from city leaders as they work to put an end to this illegal activity. plus, the first ever felony trial of a former u.s. president will start today. our team breaking down what's expected as jury selection begins in the donald trump hush money trial. rising tensions amid threats of retaliation. world leaders urging restraint after israel vows to counterattack following iran's drone and missile attacks over the weekend. this is "today in the bay." and good morning to you on this monday. i'm marcus washington. >> and i'm laura garcia. we'll get to those headlines in just a moment. we're going to start with a look at the forecast. meteorologist kari hall is tracking what we can expect. >> what a weekend, right? it was cold, it was raining. then it did clear up a little bit yesterday. but we know that it's not supposed to be this cool for mid-april. today we're going to gradually
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see the sky clearing out and temperatures warming up, eventually we'll make our way back to spring weather. right now it is 50 as you're heading out in dublin, 52 in oakland, 45 in san francisco. we're in the low 40s for the north bay. so it is a cooler start there. here is a look at our high temperatures this afternoon. in the mid-60s for the north bay. 66 in dublin and livermore, san jose will see a high of 68 degrees. it's still cool, but it will feel a lot more comfortable as we get more sunshine and not as much of a wind. we'll talk about the warming trend we're expecting as we go through the week. mike is back tracking, already, a number of early incidents. >> we have a number of incidents on the blotter and on the map here. the ones i'm concerned with, the rest -- none are major injuries. there is one going eastbound 580 and it sounds like it may have a lane blocked by a crash. no injuries. that's getting toward vasco but not interfering with vasco. this is in the commute direction, a disabled vehicle
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that may be blocking the slow lane as the commute starts to build out of the altamont pass. again, no major issues. we have a wind advisory for the altamont. oh, something new near the bay bridge. i'll check that out. >> we'll check back with you. thank you. we are following breaking news, a bombshell plan from tesla to conduct massive layoffs. a just-out report from business insider indicates the company, as soon as today, may be cutting more than 10% of its workforce. tesla, so far, not commenting, but did recently report poor quarterly earnings results. the report cites an email sent yesterday by elon musk. tesla employs close to 150,000 people around the globe. that includes about 20,000 at its fremont factory. it's still not clear if any of the layoffs will impact the fremont plant.
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this morning, more calls for actions following another weekend of dangerous sideshows in the bay area. >> "today in the bay"'s bob redell is joining us live from the east bay. so, bob, one local leader is begging police to do more here. >> reporter: correct. good morning to you, marcus and laura. we're talking about oakland city council member gallo, who says he and residents have been complaining to the deputy chief of oakland police that they need more assistance in cracking down on illegal sideshows that take place on our freeways and local streets. that was the scene early sunday morning, just over 24 hours ago. illegal sideshows took over intersections at several locations in oakland sometime before 2:00 a.m. hundreds of people, as you can see, watched as the cars did those dangerous donuts close to spectators. you saw a video of the fireworks
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going off and there were reports of gunshots. opd says when officers arrived at one scene, people did disperse, but not always in an orderly fashion. as you just saw in that video, a driver rammed their sedan into at least one oakland police car as officers yelled at that driver. at one point overnight, a car was set on fire. the next morning, we're talking about yesterday morning, sunday, workers had to clean up the charred mess in the middle of the road as city council member gallo looked on. he tells us he was impressed that opd showed up to try to stop the sideshows, and in some instances issued citations. >> the reality is oakland does need more officers. i still remember the day when they had 780 officers. we can do a lot better, but it's going to take all of us united to get it done.
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>> reporter: we asked oakland police about citations or arrests, but did not hear back yet. after sideshow activity in the city the weekend before, opd posted on social media saying violent, disruptive and illegal behavior will not be tolerated. officers will issue citations, make arrests, and tow cars. reporting live here in the east bay, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> pretty active weekend. thank you. well, history is set to play out in just a few hours inside a new york courtroom. donald trump, manhattan prosecutors and potential jurors will gather to start the first ever felony trial of a former united states president. "today in the bay"'s jay gray joins us with a closer look at what to expect. good morning, jay. >> reporter: good morning, laura. barricades up outside this manhattan courthouse, high security and high drama expected as well in this case, the first
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of three felony cases against the former president, set to begin in just a couple of hours here. it is a controversial and complicated case. >> allegations that someone lied, again and again, to protect their interests and evade the laws. >> reporter: former president trump facing 34 felony counts of falsifying business records to conceal damaging information and unlawful activity from american voters before and after the 2016 election. specifically a six figure payoff to silence former adult film star stormy daniels. trump continues to deny the affairs and any illegal payments, calling the case politically motivated with a crooked judge and partisan d.a. >> they found nothing, which makes me perhaps the most honest guy, almost, in the world, i think. they found nothing. but like all true communist --
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this is what you call a communist show trial. >> reporter: the list of potential witnesses lists like a cast of a soap opera. stormy danieling, michael cohen, michael avenatti, now in federal prison for stealing clients' money and former trump aides, including hope hicks. the drama playing out against the 2024 campaign, mr. trump, the presumptive republican nominee in the race for the white house. now, look, this trial could go on for months. today potential jurors will show up, a pool of about 500. they're trying to get to 12 and 6 alternates. some questions they'll face will include questions about their political beliefs and affiliations to organizations, prior knowledge of the
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accusations against the former president, whether they follow him on social media or receive one of his email newsletters, and, of course, if they can be impartial during this first of its kind case. >> wow, what a fascinating time in our own u.s. history. jay gray, thank you very much for the latest. 5:08 this morning. israel now weighing its options following iran's retaliatory attack over the weekend. we want to give you a live look in tel aviv where the israeli war cabinet is set to be holding an emergency meeting at this hour. the same group met yesterday without a final decision on a scale or timing of that response. iran over the weekend launching more than 300 missiles and drones toward israel. amazingly, most every threat was neutralized before causing damage, and the only casualty is said to be a severely injured young girl. now, iran's call for the attack is revenge for israeli air strikes on the iranian embassy
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in syria. while iran now apparently considers the matter concluded, also vowing a more severe response if israel makes another move. the u.s., meanwhile, is prepared to help defend israel, but is already indicating that it would not take part in a retaliatory strike. bay area faith leaders are fearing a new escalation in this conflict. members of oakland's congregation beth abraham gathered at the time the assault was under away. they hope that what's happening overseas will not trigger hate crimes in the bay area against jews. one political expert is hoping things will not escalate. >> the first concern was for our israeli brothers and sisters, but, secondly, it was about the anti-semitism here. we know it happens, it happens even when israel doesn't respond. >> the way in which iran conducted its retaliation was intended to bring tempers down a
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bit, and i think it has succeeded in that objective. >> the oakland congregation just received $250,000, this is for security upgrades to help protect their temple from hate crimes. turning to decision 2024, the race for california's 16th congressional district is heating up again. a recount is set to begin later today. former san jose mayor sam liccardo won, and after two requests for a recount, it is possible the field could be narrowed to two candidates. assembly member low and santa clara county supervisor simitian both won 30,249 votes last month. now, if the results turn out the same, the men will have to pay the cost of the recount. taking a live look outside overlooking san jose, now on this monday morning, a fresh start to our workweek. what are we in store for
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weather-wise? a mixed bag of everything over the weekend. >> now things are calming down as we enter into our new workweek and it's eventually going to be warming up. right now we're in the low 50s with a calm wind. in berkeley, we will start with a lot of clouds this morning. then the peaks of sunshine starting to break out around noon. it will still be in the upper 50s and low 60s for later today as we get much more sunshine for the afternoon. overall, our temperatures, very seasonable for this time of year with upper 60s for the south bay, mid-60s for the east bay, as well as the north bay. we'll talk about that warm-up in a few minutes. mike takes us back to the bay bridge. >> this icon, the crash icon did show up as we finished the last report. it's going on eastbound, so getting off of the bay bridge right around the toll plaza. no slowing on the sensors, no injuries reported, and the live look shows you -- we can't see that side, there would be flashing lights and activity over there. again, i'll track that, but so
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far nothing getting over to the oakland side. from the oakland side, an easy drive. just starting to pick up a little bit in the volume to san francisco. the rest of the bay looks nice out of the north bay, and the golden gate bridge is also clear. it is 5:12. apple is no longer the world's top smartphone maker. coming up, the company now taking the top spot. wall street trying to recover from last week's drubbing and more trouble for united airlines. a big day on tap for women's basketball as the wnba draft begins. ahead we hear from basketball superstar caitlin clark about her future plans. we are counting down to the paris olympics. a group of talented gnasts and hopefuls will be joining the
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good monday morning. it is 5:15. we're getting a look at cupertino and what to expect throughout the day. in the morning we're in the low 50s and it will be mostly cloudy. but we will see a lot more sunshine going into the afternoon. and overall it will shape up to be a nice and seasonable day. we're about to see things warming up as we go throughout the week. we'll talk about that in the full microclimate forecast coming up. it's headlights and a bright advertising light on the left. that's ravenswood shopping area by ikea on 101, which moves
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smoothly. 280 is the same in this section. we'll show you where things are starting to build coming up. good morning. happy monday to you. apple's ceo tim cook in vietnam this morning. the blog says tesla is planning layoffs, we have not been able to independently confirm that. markets had a terrible day on friday, their worst all year, as investors worried about inflation. if inflation sticks around, so, too, will high interest rates. now, remember, wall street is not the economy. the economy continues to do well. growth is up, wages are up, unemployment near historic lows. a new survey of economists by the "wall street journal" found fewer of them were entertaining the idea of a recession, down to about 10% of economists thinking we would have one quarter of negative growth. samsung is the best selling phone maker, beating out apple.
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the number of iphones worldwide continues to fall according to research data. samsung makes 20% of all new phones sold, apple 17%. samsung is going to get billions of dollars in grants from the chips bill to build a factory in texas. the commerce department will announce a $6.8 billion grant. the chips bill hopes to encourage more manufacturing here to make us less dependent on foreign countries for critical computer parts. united airlines has canceled its investors day. the company has run into all kinds of problems, mostly from boeing made aircraft. united said it would be sending a wrong message to have a day celebrating achievements when the team is focused on working with regulators to improve safety. this weekend on our podcast on sand hill road, i talk with one of the richest men in israel, the founder of checkpoint software who started
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a new company. people call him the godfather of cybersecurity. >> did you know that you are the godfather of israeli cybersecurity? >> i heard this term being used before. but i think there are many godfathers to this success. i've done well, you know, and i've lived an interesting life. so, that's a benefit. >> one of the most powerful men in israeli software on sand hill road. you can get that wherever you find your podcasts, apple podcast, et cetera. he was part of unit 6800, the idf's cybersecurity spy agency. we talk about that as much as we can, which is not much. [ laughter ] >> just between you and me. >> thank you, scott. 5:19 right now. and one of the very best to ever play the game of college basketball will likely make one more big headline by the end of today. that's because today is wnba draft day.
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iowa's caitlin clark is expected to be chosen with the top overall pick owned by the indiana fever. they just finished her college career scoring more points than any other player in women's or men's history. she tells "today" she never forgets where she came from. >> professional soccer players, basketball players, that's what i wanted to be growing up. i think the impact can be so important. i always try to make as much time as i can, see them scream your name or have your jersey on, that never gets holds. >> you can see that interview at 7:00 this morning on "today" right after us here on "today in the bay." looking forward to another nice day for us? >> yeah, looking forward to a warm-up. that's what we'll see throughout the week. >> are we? >> well, you know, it was a little chilly. it's not too bad.
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we're going to have a really nice week ahead. we're starting out with a few clouds. if you're wondering, how much rain did we measure over the weekend, it was pretty good for hills, mountains, coastal areas. in ben lomond, we had almost 2 1/2 inches of rain, in mount tam had 1.72 inches, and sfo about a quarter inch of rain. really, it was dependent on where you are with how much rain you saw over the weekend. as we're waking up and heading out, we are going to see a mostly cloudy morning, temperatures in the low 50s and a slower climb in those temperatures as we go throughout the day. as you're checking out the seven-day forecast at the bottom of the screen, we're going to see 70s and eventually some low 80s coming our way. we're still going to have some seasonable weather for this afternoon. in the mid to upper 60s all across the bay area. and then tomorrow, look at the jump in temperatures, with hayward a high of 73 there, los
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gatos 77. we'll see mid-70s for the east bay, as well as the north bay, while san francisco will be in the mid-60s. and then on wednesday we're still seeing those warmer inland temperatures, but then we're headed for the low 80s before the end of the week. so looking at the overall pattern, it's nice and quiet here, and it's going to remain very quiet, dry, not expecting any storms coming in for a while. so we'll see in concord our temperatures warming up into the upper 60s and low 70s, and eventually into the low 80s by the end of the week. the weekend is looking beautiful, with our valley highs in the low to mid-70s and sunshine, while san francisco will see temperatures going from low 60s today to 70 on wednesday, and then dropping back to the mid-60s for the rest of the week. mike, you have for info on the bay bridge crash? >> smooth drive, beautiful view. this is the commute direction. headlights coming in is eastbound down the decline. no slowing there. there was no activity at the
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toll plaza that we could see. but if we look at these speed sensors getting away from the bridge, there is a little slowing as you're exiting south onto 880. that looks like there may be crash activity just off the shoulder. in the commute direction, a little slowing at the toll plaza. that does indicate a little more traffic volume coming through. no major issues upper eastshore freeway. walnut creek interchange moves smoothly, as does the rest of the bay. >> thanks, mike. 5:22. next on "today in the bay," nbc bay area responds. >> a home builder put a family's toilet in the shower, and then left it there for months. i'm consumer investigator
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welcome back. it is 5:25 right now. nbc bay area responds to an east bay family whose new home had two problems. problem one, the bathroom that was out of service for months. >> and problem number two was an unresponsive builder. they asked consumer investigator chris chmura to help. >> heather and brian in pleasanton had a bathroom that needed major help. no, their toilet is not supposed to be in the shower. let me explain. heather and brian said some floor tiles popped loose and grout was cracking. their home was under warranty so they asked the builder, d.r. horton, to fix it. workers tore up the floor and put the toilet in the shower. they had new materials delivered to the front door, yet by late december, no one had returned to
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finish the work. heather and brian repeatedly asked them to, but no. they contacted us, we contacted d.r. horton and it then finished the project. here is the bathroom now. done, finally, and free. we asked d.r. horton what happened here, and it said it strives to respond to homeowner inquiries in 48 hours, then depending on the issues, it can take up to 60 or 90 days to complete resolution. unfortunately, in this case, we did not meet our internal expectations, nor the homeowner's. heather and brian contacted us online. you can, too. scan the qr code to fill out our consumer complaint form online. >> thanks, chris. coming up next, the top stories we're following, including posing as a police officer. the suspect arrested in the south bay and the multiple charges he's now facing. no visitors, no programs, and no services. san francisco jails went into a lockdown over the weekend. up ahead, we'll tell you why
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authorities had to take this bold move and how long it will last
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right now at 5:30, locked up and locked down. we're live in san francisco where two county jails are on high alert, and how the sheriff's department is responding. and up until now, they've all been civilian trials. today the very first trial, criminal trial of a former u.s.
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president. and a day a lot of folks don't like. it is tax day. if you haven't filed, we've got you covered. ahead, tips for last-minute filers. this is "today in the bay." beautiful day, april 15th. oh, yes. [ laughter ] >> i was feeling sorry for the people born on this day. it's tax day. >> good morning. i'm marcus washington. >> i'm laura garcia. let's start with a look at the forecast. meteorologist kari hall is tracking what we can expect. >> i guess a lot of people will be inside trying to finish up those taxes. it's going to be a nice day. we're looking at temperatures in the low 50s to start in the south bay, it's in the low 40s in the north bay. we had some very chilly weather over the weekend. but it is going to get better. as we take a live look outside in walnut creek, we're starting out with some upper 40s here, and there will be a mix of sun and clouds throughout the morning. for the afternoon, much more
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sun, as our temperatures make it into the mid to upper 60s, up to 68 in concord. we'll be in the mid-60s for much of the north bay as well. i'll be tracking the warm-up. mike, you were checking on the san jose slowing. >> we may not see a lot this week. last few weeks we've had scattered spring breaks. last week was san jose unified's spring break. there are other school districts around the bay. keep that in mind for the next week or so. it's lighter right now. no slowing shows up where the arrow is. that's where we would see the slowing by the camera. out of the altamont pass, standard. there's a disabled vehicle reported, a rig on the shoulder. but it is on the right shoulder now as you're exiting the altamont pass. and there's a little bit of fog reported. it shows up on our road weather index, highway 37, 121, folks through petaluma, santa rosa, they know it may be there and it may be an issue. >> thanks, mike. breaking news just coming into our newsroom, the fbi
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opening a criminal investigation into the baltimore bridge collapse. that investigation focusing on the circumstances leading up to the deadly incident, including whether all federal laws were followed. six construction workers were killed when that ship lost power last month and drifted into a leg of the bridge, causing that collapse. american history will be made another as the very first criminal trial of a former american president gets under way. >> scott mcgrew joins us now. it all starts with jury selection. >> yes, and i have the questions for the jury in my hand. there are 26 questions they will ask, like have you ever attended a trump rally, or an anti-trump rally, what sort of podcasts do you listen to. they will not be asked who they voted for or who they intend to vote for. the judge won't allow it. question 32 just picked at random, asks, do you have any feelings or opinions about how mr. trump is being treated in
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this case. they'll also be asked the standard fare that you would see in any trial, what do you do for a living, have you ever been the victim of a crime. lawyers on both sides get to reject some potential jurors without having to explain why, just like they do in the movies. last week, former president trump said he would testify in his own defense. that could be a good idea or that could be a terrible idea, depending on the trial or defendant. it is quite possible trump's lawyers will tell him not to because trump's behavior is unpredictable. video here of him at that new york city civil fraud trial in which he testified and lost. he testified and lost in a previous case, the civil trial brought by e.j. carroll. in that courtroom the judge threatened to throw him out. the judge said, i hope i don't have to consider excluding you from the trial. i understand you're probably very eager for me to do that. trump said, i would love it. the judge said, i know you would.
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you just can't control yourself in this circumstance, apparently. now, trump, generally speaking, has to be at this trial whether he testifies or not. that's new york state law. he can be asked to be excused for some days, but the judge has to approve that. as for the actual accusations as we get ready for today's trial, trump is accused of faking business records to cover up hush money payments to an adult film star threatening to go to the tabloids with an account of their affair. trump doesn't deny the payments, but his former attorney michael cohen -- he does deny having the affair. now, remember, hush money and affairs are perfectly legal. it's covering them up with fake business records that's not legal. >> that's a felony? >> technically it's a
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misdemeanor. but if you do it in an attempt to cover up another crime, it's a felony. what's the other crime? the d.a. doesn't have to say. we can speculate. it can be federal elections fraud, that kind of stuff. but the judge says he doesn't have to prove the second part, only the first. and this becomes a felony. >> interesting. we'll see how it will play out. history being made. a live look this morning in tel aviv as well, where israel's war cabinet is believed to be holding another meeting right now in response to iran's weekend attack. and there are new fears in the u.s. about the situation escalating into a wider regional conflict. the white house says president biden is already advising israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu not to retaliate, indicating the u.s. would not participate in offensive operations. at the g7 meeting yesterday, the president urged restraint. in the meantime, there are renewed calls from congress to pass the now stalled bipartisan
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israeli aid package. >> the fact that the united states and israel were cooperating and this was in planning for weeks shows that our commitment to israel's security is ironclad. >> let's get it voted on so not only israel can get additional resources to defend, which they clearly need, but ukraine can as well. >> the vote is expected to happen as soon as this week. happening today, the promise of global action by palestinian reporters, including actions promised right here in the bay area. the group is calling itself a-15 for april 15th. organizers designed a website calling for a global economic blockage in more than 50 cities around the world. bay area organizers are vowing actions this morning at west oakland b.a.r.t. station and later today at two fremont locations. the warm springs b.a.r.t. station and nearby tesla factory. global protest locations today include ports and other
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so-called major economic choke points. it is 5:37. new this morning, santa clara county sheriff's deputies get quite a surprise pulling over a man over the weekend. someone allegedly impersonating a police officer. here is the video posted yesterday in the west valley division. there was a silver car with flashing lights. deputies pulled the car over for expired registration. the driver was said to be wearing a security uniform with "police" on it, along with a duty belt and a bullet proof vest. he's facing multiple criminal charges, including possessions of weapons and methamphetamine. two san francisco county jails remain on lockdown after a surge in inmate attacks targeting jail workers. >> visitors, programs and services are all being cut off at two locations. "today in the bay"'s ginger conejero saab is live in san francisco this morning. ginger, we're learning this has apparently been a growing issue for some time.
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>> reporter: that is correct, laura and marcus. the san francisco sheriff's office says there have been seven staff members injured in the past two weeks. this is, as you mentioned, a growing concern for the sheriff's office. some of those injuries have resulted in serious injuries, some of those assaults, i should say, have resulted in serious injuries. that is why a lockdown went into effect over the weekend, and we still don't know if that lockdown has been lifted. but it went into effect at san francisco county jail number 2 on seventh street and county jail number 3 in san bruno. all visits, programs and services were canceled, because the san francisco sheriff's office says there has been an increase in assaults on deputies and jail staff by inmates. the sheriff's office is investigating the cause of these attacks, and whether or not they are correlated. the president of the san francisco deputy sheriffs association, the union that represents deputies, he says if
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you date back a week earlier, which would be march 24th, there have been nine assaults. and he says inmates are attacking other inmates, also. >> on april 12th it was like the worst day in my history of the department. you just felt like the bottom just fell out of the department because of all of the attacks on deputies and the prisoner versus prisoner fights. >> reporter: the president of the union believes a spike in violence is a result of a staffing shortage in the department. over the weekend, he sent a letter on behalf of the union to the sheriff and city leaders demanding help from the california national guard to fill in those staffing gaps. and the department says that normal jail operations should resume this week, but they did not specify a date when that would happen. we will be watching to see this developing story and give you guys the latest.
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back to you. >> thank you very much, ginger. well, happening today, it is tax day, but experts call it a perfect opportunity to get your finances in order. expert tips include canceling any unused subscriptions, such as streaming services. also, instead of splurging with your tax refund, try saving it, or even use it to make a dent in your accumulated debt. wealth experts say changing habits can eliminate the fear many people have. >> i feel like many people are looking for this big one purchase from their tax return, not realizing that was money that they had worked for. but if you can do it sensibly, you can start seeing that your money will be working for you instead of you working for your money. >> experts say that taking inventory of your finances will allow you a better match with your goals in the long run. let's take a live look outside at the golden gate bridge on this monday morning.
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traffic kind of light. mike is back this week. we'll check in with him. but first, let's check in with kari. now a warm-up is on the way. eventually we are going to see warmer temperatures. we've had a little low clouds and fog to start out this morning in san francisco and parts of the north bay. as we go into the afternoon, we'll see a mix of sun and clouds and warmer temperatures headed for the upper 60s. then we see a bigger spike tomorrow as that sunshine continues. the rest of the week it's looking nice and warm with some very warm spring-like weather. we're going to see brentwood going from low 50s to low 60s and then more sunshine for later today, with our highs in the upper 60s. we'll see upper 60s for the south bay, los gatos, and into the north bay, santa rosa reaching 68 degrees. we'll see some low 60s in san francisco. so we'll talk about the changes as we go through the week coming up. mike, you have a little bit of a wait at the bay bridge. >> it's right on time, typical time. the last few weeks have been
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lighter. we are looking at the backup at the bay bridge as the metering lights have been on for a few minutes. so you will have to pause as you're getting toward san francisco. no major issues, but we do see the build also for highway 4 and for highway 37. so typical spots, again, showing a regular pattern and a little more fog in the north bay. just be advised. as you look at the rest of the bay, we have a coliseum event, the a's are playing a home game, 6:40 p.m., so there will be clouds off of the freeway and toward the coliseum complex. keep that in mind, supporting our home team while they're still home. the rest of the bay, a smooth drive. we do see in the south bay another event we're going to call out. folks are not all aware that the bay fc came will be at paypal park. we need to change the lettering. we want to support the players and their colors, but we've got to make it legible. 5:00 p.m. game, just south of the airport on coleman. now slowing shows up for 101.
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back to you. >> thank you, mike. it is 5:43. we're going to talk about listening the health risk for expecting black mothers. >> black women account for only 5% of pregnancies in california, but make up 21% of pregnancy related deaths. >> ahead for you here on "today in the bay," we mark black maternal health week. ahead, new steps being taken to provide more support. and the summer olympics about to clear a major hurdle. details on the traditional ceremony set to start tomorrow. and coachella weekend one is a wrap. we missed out. >> oh, man. >> but we do have highlights this morning, some of the most talked about
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good monday morning. right now at 5:46, we're taking a look at morgan hill. we will have a few clouds to start, temperatures in the upper 40s, and mid-60s as we go throughout the day. i'll be tracking the full forecast coming up. we're looking at the san mateo bridge and a live look shows you the traffic volume picking up. no problem. good spacing, judging by the westbound taillights. that's your commute direction. we're still waiting for the commute volume to arrive off of 580. we'll show how things are shaping up for 92 coming up. it's 5:47 right now.
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o.j. simpson's attorney is talking about what will happen with his remains. he will be cremated and it his brain will not be donated to science. some think it should be evaluated because of football injuries. there are plans for a small service limited to close family and friends. we are marking black maternal health week and doctors and health care workers recently gathered in washington to shine a light on maternal health disparities. the cdc saying that black women are three times more likely than white women to die from a pregnancy related cause. experts cite several factors, including low quality health care, structural racism and underlying chronic conditions. advocates say this is leading to a lack of choice when it comes to where they deliver. >> lack of access to equitable resources such as midwives and
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lack of choice in regards to where they want to deliver, whether it is a home birth, hospital birth, or at a birthing center. and then thinking about just social factors, such as housing insecurity, food insecurity, like, these are all playing a role in how someone is able to show up with their health care. >> last week president biden officially proclaimed this black maternal health week. the white house says it is working to grow and diversify the workforce to better serve and support expecting mothers from underserved communities. it is suddenly win or go home for the golden state warriors, without steph curry or draymond green, they closed out the season with a win over utah. it didn't matter after the kings and lakers won and the warriors finished tenth in the conference. they play the kings tomorrow. here is coach kerr.
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>> we're happy to have a shot. it could have played out a number of different ways today, and played out as it did. so we'll get ready for sacramento. >> whoever survives tomorrow takes on the lakers or new orleans for a spot in the first round. the warriors will host a watch party tomorrow night outside of chase center. we are over 100 days from the start of the paris olympics, and tomorrow it means the lighting of the olympic torch. it will happen where it always does, olympia, greece, the birth place of the games. the torchbearer will start the 11-day relay throughout greece, ending in athens. the torch will head to france on a three-masted ship and on may 8th it will start the french leg. that will cap off with the lighting of the flame at the opening ceremony july 26th. of course you can watch olympic
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coverage exclusively right here on nbc bay area. turning to a slow weekend for the box office, but a gangbusters one for one film studio. >> there's some kind of misunderstanding here. >> what? >> you're american, okay? >> okay. what kind of american are you? >> "civil war" topped the box office, bringing in more than $25 million in its opening. it is the highest grossing opening weekend ever for an independent film studio, a-24. the movie follows journalists who risk their lives to document a violent america. it over-performed in a few different cities, including san francisco. in second place, "godzilla and congress" and "ghostbusters" and frozen empire rounded out the top three. the first weekend of coachella is in the books. stars graced the stage, including new jersey's own the
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fugees. ♪♪ >> so the iconic hip-hop band surprised fans with a reunion. that wasn't the only music festival's only surprise. ♪♪ ♪ i'm just a girl ♪ gwen stefani took the stage, it was the first time she and her band mates joined up in 15 years. will smith made an appearance and performed his hit song from 1997. coachella continues next weekend. >> wow. pretty cool. that must have been really cool for no doubt. 15 years. >> and they knew the songs. [ laughter ] >> the average age there is kind
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of young. >> i'm just a girl in the world. what in the world is going on with the weather? >> it was pretty crazy over the weekend and it didn't at all feel like we're in the middle of april. we had such chilly temperatures, some off and on rain, and it started to clear up a little bit yesterday to give us a break. the rain is out of here, but we are seeing the clouds starting to roll over the golden gate bridge. i wanted to give you this view from high above from our sutro tower camera, because we've had issues with visibility in parts of the north bay this morning. elsewhere, it is mostly clear. we are going to see our temperatures going from 49 degrees to start out. a lot of 50s throughout the morning into the early afternoon. but then for later today, there will be more sunshine, but our temperatures only reach into the low 60s. now, as you make your way farther inland, it's, of course, going to be warmer with highs in the mid to upper 60s today. then we'll see a jump in
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temperatures tomorrow by almost 10 degrees in some spots. san jose, we'll see highs in the upper 70s, mid-70s from martinez to livermore, and 73 in novato, while santa rosa tomorrow will see a high of 75. and it is slightly warmer for wednesday, but that's going to be the trend as we go throughout the week. high pressure is building, we're seeing the storms now moving off toward the east, and we are going to see this high pressure building nearby, just to our south, so that's going to keep us on with an ocean breeze throughout the week. then we'll see temperatures climbing just slightly, but not a major warm-up once we hit those upper 70s and low 80s. we'll just stay there. santa rosa going from upper 60s today to upper 70s for the next several days after that, and the weekend is looking beautiful. our seven-day forecast shows that we are going to have nice sunshine and mild temperatures, but going a little bit above what we typically see for this time of year. a lot of changes in the works
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with these temperatures that are taking us on a pretty wild ride. and, mike, how is the ride through the tri-valley? >> overall everything is looking good. we had about five, maybe seven minutes for this crash to happen, and then clear south past vargas. behind the shield is where there's slowing from 84 to vargas. it looks like everything should be recovering. there is, of course, the build at the bay bridge toll plaza. back to you. >> thanks, mike. happening now, police are searching for a gunman who killed two women in the north bay. this happened saturday night on riverside drive near laurel street. one of the victims died at the scene. the other later dying at a nearby hospital. so far, no other details are being released, but investigators want anyone with information to call 911. there's much more ahead on "today in the bay" this morning, including breaking news, bombshell announcement from tesla. the global layoffs
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5:58 this morning, and nbc bay area responds to an east bay family whose new home had two problems.
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problem one, a restroom out of service for months. >> that could be a big problem. the other one was a problem, an unresponsive building. >> heather and brian in pleasanton had a bathroom that needed major help. no, their toilet is not supposed to be in the shower. let me explain. heather and brian said some floor tiles popped loose and grout was cracking. their home was under warranty so they asked the builder, d.r. horton, to fix it. workers tore up the floor and put the toilet in the shower. they had new materials delivered to the front door, yet by late december, no one had returned to finish the work. heather and brian repeatedly asked them to, but no. they contacted us, we contacted d.r. horton and it then finished the project. here is the bathroom now. done, finally, and free. we asked d.r. horton what happened here, and it said it strives to respond to homeowner inquiries in 48 hours, then depending on the issues, it can take up to 60 or 90 days to
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complete resolution. unfortunately, in this case, we did not meet our internal expectations, nor the homeowner's. heather and brian contacted us online. you can, too. scan the qr code to fill out our consumer complaint form online. don't forget, nbc bay area always streams 24/7. you can watch us whenever you like or wherever you are on roku or other streaming platforms. breaking, tesla is reportedly set to make massive layoffs. details this morning on the number of jobs being cut worldwide. dangerous and destructive weekend sideshows take over east bay streets. at one point a vehicle even rams into police cars. reaction from city leaders as they work to put an end to the illegal activity. and the first ever criminal trial of a former u.s. president will beg


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