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tv   Today  NBC  April 20, 2024 5:00am-6:31am PDT

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good morning. thanks for starting your weekend off with us. the jury is now set in the first criminal trial of the former president, with expected opening statements to begin on monday.
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>> an unpresidented moment with 12 new yorkers selected to determine the former president's fate. it is april 20th and this is "today". ready to go. the people of the state of new york versus donald j. trump, set to start with a full slate of jurors and alternates now seated. the prosecution and the defense both expected to layout their cases on monday. all of this after an awful scene outside the court. >> i heard someone scream, he's going to set himself on fire. >> this morning the tragic turn as we look ahead to the historic trial. aid on the way. democrats helped the republican house speaker advance an aid bill that would send nearly 100 billion dollars in assistance to ukraine, israel and taiwan. the final vote on those bills coming today, along with another that could ban tiktok in the u.s. we're live with the drama on the hill. taking control. the faa ordering immediate action to require air traffic controllers get more rest after
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yet another near collision at a major airport this week. >> stop, stop, southwest 2937, stop. wanted. national park police are still looking for the men seen in this video destroying ancient rock formations at a popular outdoor destination in nevada. the charges they could face. ♪ ♪ all of that, plus taylor hysteria. ♪ and for our fourth night there we were ♪ >> the first video from taylor swift's surprise double album released overnight. what fans are saying about the songs, their secret messages and whether taylor is taking a swipe at kim kardashian. we will hear from america's favorite tortured poet. today, saturday, april 20th, 2024. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with peter alexander and laura jarrett. live from studio 1a in
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rockefeller plaza. welcome to "today." thank you for joining us on this saturday morning. you've got to figure there are a lot of over tired americans this morning. the young girls in my house after staying up for a couple of nights now to try to get all caught up on america's favorite tortured poet. >> literally easter eggs hidden in this. it is like a puzzle to figure out. i have to dig in this weekend. >> we are going to break down. that was the newest music video "fortnight" with post malone. we will have that all ahead. we start with after months of chaos, a dramatic break through on capitol hill. a bipartisan group of house members is expected to join forces to green light a series of aid packages that would send close to $100 billion in assistance to ukraine and israel and taiwan. also, the ban that could shut down the popular social media app here in the united states. first, we begin with opening statements set to get underway
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on monday in the criminal trial against former-president donald trump. on friday five more alternate jurors were chosen while outside court a horrifying scene as a man set himself on fire just yards from the courthouse steps. overnight we learned he died. >> nbc's yasmin vossoughian has been outside the court. she was there when the drama played out yesterday. >> it was history in the making. a jury impanelled and set for the criminal trial of a former president but outside tragedy at the very same time. this morning with full jury with 12 people and 6 alternates officially sworn in to hear the hush money trial of former-president donald trump. with a chaotic and disturbing scene friday across the street from the courthouse putting everyone on edge. video capturing a man setting himself on fire in the park area reserved for protesters. bright orange flames engulfing his body shortly after. >> i heard someone scream, "he's going to set himself on fire."
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i turned around and i saw a man dump liquid on himself, on his face, and he immediately lit himself with a lighter or something. >> reporter: police were able to extinguish the blaze after several minutes before an ambulance arrived to take him to the hospital in critical condition. his exact motivation still unclear. he later died from his injuries. police saying they see no connection between the incident and the trial of the former president. >> we do not believe he is -- this was targeting any particular person or any particular group. we just right now are labelling it as sort of a conspiracy theorists and we're going from there. >> reporter: back inside the courthouse, much of the day consumed with picking alternate jurors in case a regular juror cannot fulfill their duties. several potential jurors growing emotional, one asking to be dismissed saying she has anxiety and worried she could not be
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kb impersonal. another sobbing, this is so much more distressful than i thought it would be. the additional alternates were picked friday including an audio engineer, an add estimator for a construction company. >> this is a weak case and a case put in strongly because of politics. >> reporter: prosecutors accused mr. trump of falsifying business records to cover up his alleged roles in silencing adult film star stormy daniels on the eve of the 2016 election. he denies any relationship with her and has pled not guilty to any charges, saying again late friday he will testify. >> reporter: are you going t wi testify? >> yes. >> and opening statements will begin monday morning with a hearing on tuesday for the former president's violation of the gag order. likely a very busy week ahead, peter and laura. >> for sure. >> first of all, on you we're glad you are okay and keeping your calm during a dramatic
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situation there. the wasn't just drama outside, but inside the courtroom as well. you have been there all week. what struck you? what was the mood like in the room? >> it is tense. the judge is trying to make it very clear he is in control of the courtroom, often telling the president's lawyers sit down, even telling the former president himself yesterday, sit down, sir. i think he is trying to control the courtroom. meanwhile, the former president at times closing his eyes, sitting back, his arms crossed, people trying to figure out if he's sleeping or not. we're not sure, but his eyes are definitely closed unless he is talking to the jury. and then he is dialled in. he is not actually talking but talking with his eyes. any time they mention art of the deal he is very plugged into that. it will be fascinating to see opening statements. >> he wanted to get it moving quickly. tuesday will set the stage on the gag order with how the judge will go with this thing for the next six weeks. one light note, the president was asked about taylor swift and
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no comment. >> we'll get to that in a little bit. yasmine, appreciate you. >> thanks, guys. a quick reminder, we will have more with you in the next half hour. in the next hour nbc news will have special coverage on monday on the opening statements, both on air and online. we want to go to congress working on a rare weekend to move forward on a series of bills that would send nearly $100 billion overseas to ukraine and israel and taiwan. the votes later this afternoon could put the republican speaker, mike johnson's speakership in jeopardy. nbc's capitol hill correspondent is julie tsirkin in washington with more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, peter. after months of delay on foreign aid the house is poised to finally approve $95 billion for allies oversees. this comes about after house speaker mike johnson declared arming ukraine is, quote, critically important. that's an about-face from statements he made before he became speaker. aid to each country will be voted on separately with the
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bulk of the money for ukraine. $60 billion, which would send weapons overseas to help in the fight against russia and pay for new ammunitions in the u.s. to replenish american resources. republicans, peter, demanded $9 billion of the aid be a loan to ukraine, but that is debt that can be forgiven over time. a second bill would send $26 billion to israel for its war against hamas. democrats meanwhile demanded $9 billion in humanitarian funding with some of that money going to civilians in gaza. there's also billions more for taiwan. notably missing from the bill though is anything for the southern border. that was once a red line for the gop. after defying some in his own party by bringing the aid package to a vote, speaker johnson now preparing to fight for his job. furious hardliners are putting pressure on him to resign, pressure that will only build after democrats are expected to helpon
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help johnson pass the bill this afternoon. peter. >> we could also see a ban on the tiktok ban as well. what's the timing on that? >> that's right. there's another bill today on the popular social media app tiktok. the democratic-controlled senate, laura, will vote on the bills, foreign aid and tiktok as one package, which president biden said he would sign as soon as congress clears it. laura, peter. >> julie tsirkin in washington. >> we want to bring in the founder of "punchbowl news." jake, good morning. let's talk about speaker johnson for a second. for more than a year he opposed ukraine aid, said you have to do the border first. now he supports it. how likely is it to get passed today and what changed for him? what was the change of position? >> i think he started getting very high level classified briefings which explain the dire
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situation in ukraine and made him believe that vladimir putin is likely or in his view is likely to take steps to go to poland or other nato countries in the future, and he said i would rather send bullets than american boys to ukraine. he noted that his son is beginning at the naval academy in the fall, and he said it is a personal decision. i think to be honest with you a lot of people voted for mike johnson because of that position or because of adjacent positions, but this is a huge about face which really pleases a lot of democrats. >> jake, it used to be the case lawmakers had to work across the aisle to get anything done. now this is seen as groundbreaking somehow. is this actually going to cost the speakership his job? >> i think it will portend a challenge to mike johnson's speakership. the question then becomes will democrats save him, will democrats vote or vote to table any motion to kick johnson out of the speakership. i think the answer to that, laura, right now is yes. i think democrats are going to
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be very happy that he passed ukraine aid in the short term, but if marjorie taylor greene and other hardline conservatives keep coming from mike johnson's job they're going to get sick of having to save him. this does start a clock, of course, on the speakership. >> donald trump giving him a vote of confidence in the last week or so which could play into this. let me ask you about tiktok. is it 150 million plus that use the popular social media app right now. there's a good chance the thing passes the house. it is good through the senate right now. is it about to become a reality, a ban on tiktok in america? >> it does seem so, peter it of. it seems tiktok is on its way out. the company would be forced to divest or sell its stake in tiktok as bytedance. they were not eager to take it up, but now they seem poised to take it up. it is an app a lot of members of
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congress consider spy ware on capitol hill. its time is probably up. >> jerick sherman, thanks for getting up with us on a sunday morning. we want to turn to the middle east where he has been calm since israel's counterattack against iran in just over a day. nbc's matt bradley is in nearby lebanon, the northern border, with more. what's the latest there? >> reporter: peter, it looks like the entire region is stepping back from the brink of war. it has been well more than 24 hours since israel launched its counterattack against iran, firing missiles at the central iranian city of isfahan. both iran and israel down played the attack. iran media, nearly all controlled by the state, even going so far as to show the stram circle of i-- central cir of isfahan where traffic is proceeding at normal. this was in response to the drones and missiles fired at israel a week ago.
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tom llamas sat down with the iranian minister who was speaking through a government attacker. he refused to call it an attack. instead he referred to it as children's toys that israel had fired. here is what he said. >> translator: if israel retaliates and comes over to new adventures, then we will respond. if not, then we are done. we are concluded. >> reporter: the u.s. is down playing this as well. there's been no public statements from president biden, and even the secretary of state antony blinken hasn't said much more than that the u.s. had no real involvement. now, i spoke with an analyst here in beirut, and he said that this unpresidented violence between iran and israel what mostly symbolic. he called it a dance off now. it looks as though the music has stopped, at least for now. peter. >> yeah, with a lot of the world still watching that region. matt bradley with the very
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latest there. matt, thank you. well, back here at home. the faa says it is taking immediate steps to get exhausted air traffic controllers to more rest. the move comes after a series of close calls at airports nationwide including one just this week. nbc's senior correspondent tom costello explains. >> reporter: underscoring the high stakes of air traffic control, thursday's near collision involving two passenger jets at reagan national airport in washington. >> southwest 2937, stop. >> reporter: the faa investigating whether controller error played a role. it comes after a series of high-profile close calls and a national controller shortage. many controllers complain they're exhausted, working mandatory overtime and alternating between day and overnight shifts. now the faa is ordering changes. controllers must get ten hours of rest between shifts rather than the nine currently required, and 12 hours before starting a midnight shift, putting controllers on a par
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with pilots and flight attendants. >> our goal is to have a rested voice on both ends of the microphone. >> reporter: for the next three days the faa is accepting new controller applications, hoping to hire and train 1,800 this year after adding 1,500 last year. every day controllers handle 45,000 flights, 2.9 million people moving through, into or out of u.s. airports. >> our goal is to get to where folks aren't working overtime. >> reporter: but the controllers union warns the new rest rules could make staffing shortages worse. meanwhile, the faa is investigating this video. >> 55,000 -- >> really? >> reporter: why a new nighted illinois crew allowed a colorado baseball coach into the cockpit, sitting in the captain's seat during a charter flight with the plane on autopilot. united says it has removed the pilots from service and reported the case to the faa in what appears to be a clear violation of federal secure cockpit
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regulations. peter and laura, back to you. >> pretty scary. tom costello, thank you for that. time for a first check of our forecast right now. our friend angie lassman is at the wall for us. storms in this half. >> yes, most of the country good news weather wise, we are fairly quiet but a couple of trouble spots hanging out across parts of the south, texas to oklahoma, little rock to nashville is where we are seening rain this morning, and we will see thunderstorms across the southern tier of the country over the next two days. this is the area we will be concerned for flash flooding, dallas, waco, stretching out towards mississippi, jackson included in that. you could see high rainfall rates leading to flash flooding. i think it will be more isolated and localized but something to be aware of if you are out and about for your saturday plans. here is how it plays out. we have a system that will work across this area over the next day or so. the heavy rain will be something we have to deal with and maybe a couple of thunderstorms, marginal severe thunderstorms. nothing like what we dealt with earlier in the week. but as we get into tomorrow, the
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southeast will get in on the action. it will quickly move offshore, so by the evening hours most of that will be gone and you will look at nicer conditions. beyond that, there's the thunderstorm areas we will watch. the hail, the damaging winds, those are a couple of things good saturday morning. 5:17. waking up to temperatures mainly in the 50s. 49 santa rosa and in livermore. 54 in san jose. there is a little bit of fog near the immediate coastline up into parts of santa rosa and the valleys and along the east base shoreline. we should have a mostly sunny day, especially in walnut creek . as we look at the day plena we will go from the 50s this and that's the look at your forecast. guys. >> angie, thank you. still to come here, adrian brought us the search for the
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men who destroyed the treasured part of the national park in nevada. >> good morning, laura. there was widespread outrage of video of two men topping rocks video of two men topping rocks at lake thinking i should bring back my 100% all-white meat popcorn chicken combos for $6.99? you're in luck, i did. if you weren't thinking that, i bet you are now. my popcorn chicken combos are only $6.99. get 'em sauced & loaded for just a buck more. welcome to jack in the box!
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norman, bad news... foi never graduatede. from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling.
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visit to learn more. doc? we are back on saturday morning with the "weekly download." >> joe is here this morning with that. joe, good morning. >> peter and laura, good morning. among the headlines, another week of severe and dangerous weather. >> that's a big tornado. >> a dangerous tornado outbreak swept through the plains and midwest with reports of 20 tornadoes. >> it's coming our way.
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>> 911 emergency services went down in four states leaving millions unable to reach police or ambulances. law enforcement officials tell nbc news there's no indication the outages were caused by a cyber attack or other malicious acts. >> they are putting out airplanes. >> whistleblowers at boeing are speaking out saying the company puts production and profits ahead of safety. >> would you put your family on a plane? >> i would not. >> boeing says it is simply not true. we are confident in the safety and abilities of the 737 dreamliner. >> the nba suspended forward jante porter for life. the league said he gave confidential information to
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gamblers and wagered on games and pulled himself out of the game in hopes of helping a gambler win a bit on his performance. >> it is a cardinal sin in the nba. >> the indiana fever select caitlin clark. >> former iowa superstar caitlin clark was the number one pick in the wnba draft. >> i'm 22 years old. this is exciting. >> she will earn $338,000 in her contract. shy of the $55 million that the number one pick in the nba draft secured last year. >> the cicadas are coming. two brooding are crawling out of the soil in the midwest and south.
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>> how many? >> somewhere in the hundreds of billions to trillions. >> trillions? >> yes. >> prince william resumed royal duties this week, the first time since princess kate spoke out about her cancer diagnosis last month. >> finally, a special in-flight announcement for a bride-to-be on the way to the bachelorette party. the flight attendant asked for tips. >> the advice included keep going on weekly dates and enjoy the little things to its okay to go to bed angry. the bride-to-be captioned the video my heart is full. >> i don't have cocktail napkins, but what is your tip? >> i have a lot of thoughts.
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the best is to keep laughing together. >> i like date nights. enjoy the marriage as things go on. >> keep it going. i say stay connected with your friends. don't forget about them. >> don't forget the rest of us. still to come on "today," kevin bacon's big surprise for the high school where he filmed "footloose" 40 years ago. and excitement overnight after taylor swift's
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>> as nap as a going to one country chilly to start, but more sunshine and temperatures by noon sunny and 67 degrees.
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our skies are clear through the rest of the state. there is a system that we are watching as we go on into next weekend. we will talk about the return of those rain chances in the seven-day forecast, coming up at 7:00 am. coming up this morning on today in the bay, her sun died in police custody. now the grieving mom speaks out. her message after charges are filed against three officers who were there when it happened. we will have that, plus all your other top stories coming up at 7:00. please do join me and cynthia and the rest of our team. for now we will send you back to the today show.
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♪♪ ♪♪
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♪♪ i touch you ♪♪ we are back on a saturday morning, april 20th, 2024. there it is. the first video of taylor swift's album. "tortured poets." >> it already has more than 11 million views. we will have more on the video and reaction to the album in the next half hour. she has post malone face tattoos in the video. i don't think it's permanent. >> that would be a thing. we begin this half hour with the check of the headlines. the senate voting to extend a key and controversial surveillance law for two more years. one the biden administration says it critical to fighting terrorism. that vote happening after midnight when section 702 of the
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foreign intelligence surveillance act, known as fisa, had expired. demanding more protections for the civil liberties struck down. head of the vote, the bill heads to president biden's desk. the university of southern california says there are no guests at the commencement event next month. this comes days after the decision to cancel the commencement speech by the valedictorian who is muslim citing security concerns. the director of "crazy rich asians" is an alum of usc and was set to give the keynote speech and tennis star billie jean king was said to receive an honorary degree. sunny days will continue on "sesame street." they agreed to the new contract and wanted a.i. protections and historic minimum rates for
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content. now to the search this morning to the people responsible for the destruction of rocks at the iconic national park that were millions of years old. all caught on camera. we have adrienne in l.a. with more. >> reporter: laura, good morning. this video is another example of vandals destroying sites. there is a penalty. after standing merely 140 million years, it took a few pushes for history to tumble. almost a week after the release of the shocking video -- >> he's going to the fall. >> reporter: no leads in the search for the two men destroying the rock formations at lake mead outside las vegas. not once, but twice, knocking 140 million old red stone boulders off the cliff at the
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national park. steps away? a young girl screaming for them to stop. the viral video sparking outrage online with authorities seeking the public's help in identifying the two men who could potentially face felony charges, fines and even jail time for vandalism at the federally protected site. >> wiggle it just a little bit. >> reporter: it is the latest in a series of vandalism acts caught on camera at parks across the country. in 2013, boy scout leaders cheered as they toppled over the rocks in utah. they were sentenced to probation and a fine. a few years later? the vandals knocked over this sandstone formation in oregon. in 2022, zion national park ranger spent days cleaning up spray paint on the rocks. this morning, the search
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continues for the men seen trashing a national treasure. national parks are among the most protected areas of the country. peter and laura, if you recognize these men or the little girl, they want to hear from you as they investigate. how do you get in touch? call the tip line at 888-653-0009. team. >> thank you. >> let's be clear. why? the second question is really? the sandstones or dunes have expected for 140 million years. we don't use this word in our house, but these guys are idiots. >> disappointing. let's bring in angie and talk about not quite spring temperatures. >> i hope people didn't put away the jackets in the midwest. we have freeze alerts up for folks. minneapolis and mason city and
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des moines and madison. you are all waking up to cool conditions. we are ending up in the 20s in spots like sioux city and mid-20s for grand island. the extra layer is needed this morning. notice how expansive this cooler than normal air is extending the midwest. we have it as far as dallas which will hit 60 degrees today. you are running 18 degrees below normal for this time of year. tomorrow will see the spread east to birmingham and nashville in the low 50s and 60s. dallas in the mid-60s. that is the trend through the weekend. if you are looking for the warmer air, you will have to wait. we do start to see things become more mild as we roll into the workweek. st. louis will get back to the 70s on monday and tuesday. chicago in the 60s. ignore wednesday where you drop down to the 40s. some cooler air in the picture. by monday and tuesday in
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>> good saturday morning. the time is 5:36. taking a look at our current temperatures outside. 53 in san jose, with a bit more clearing, compared to san francisco, at 51. and some of that coastal fog hanging around. but it should push back as we go through here in the morning and give way to a mostly sunny afternoon. and more warming is ahead. as we take a look at our day planner in oakland, we'll start in the 50s and see more sunshine by noon. and temperatures, upper 60s that's a look at your forecast. guys, did you put your jackets away? they he are saying what i want to hear. >> angie, thank you. still ahead, why spring allergies are worse than ever this year and what you may be this year and what you may be able t o if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be.
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farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ are you crying? no. there's no crying in baseball! or with the capital one venture card because it lets you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase every day. and you can use those miles on any travel purchase. what's in your wallet? (vo) want to upgrade but still paying off your locked phone? break free from 3-year device contracts. switch to t-mobile, and we'll pay off your phone. and upgrade you to one of the latest 5g phones, free. you'll love this! centrum silver is clinically proven to support memory in older adults. so you can keep saying, you mastered it!
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we are back on saturday morning with "your health" with information for the allergy sufferers. >> one in four suffer. if you think it is already bad this year, you are not wrong. scientists say we are experiencing longer and longer allergy seasons. >> we have our immuneologist with us. is allergy season beginning earlier? >> it is because of climate change. the warmer temperatures are making the pollen seasons longer and carbon dioxide are making plants produce more pollen. >> is there something we he can do to reduce our exposure
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total total aller generals. >> we say keep your windows closed between 5:00 to 10:00 a.m. you can workout a at a different time. take a shower at night to get the pollen off you. a mask is helping as well. >> i start thinking of wearing of masks again. when you walk to the car and it is coated in the orange or green film. you know you will have a rough day. there are so many over-the-counter medications to choose which is a challenge. >> we always recommend the 24-hour anti-histamine. they last longer. there are nasal sprays.
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steroid sprays. anti-histamine sprays. stay away from the sudafed. you don't want to use for allergies. >> at what point is it worth to see a doctor to get help? >> many team don't realize allergies can trigger asthma which can be dangerous. we have 11 deaths a day from asthma. anything you are feeling below the neck, coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, don't treat over-the-counter. >> we were talking about animals. cats and dogs. they bring it into the home. >> they can bring in allergies and many people are allergic to their cats or dogs. >> thank you so much. i appreciate the help. what is coming up? >> coming up in "pop start," other artists released music on
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friday. t jt taylor swift. we will tell you who else is out we will tell you who else is out ♪wi♪ i have type 2 diabetes, bt i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪
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have you had your hershey's? inez, let me ask you, you're using head and shoulders, right? only when i see flakes. then i switch back to my regular shampoo. you should use it every wash, otherwise the flakes will come back. tiny troy: he's right, you know. is that tiny troy? the ingredients in head and shoulders keep the microbes that cause flakes at bay. microbes, really? they're always on your scalp... little rascals... but good news, there's no itchiness, dryness or flakes down here! i love tiny troy. and his tiny gorgeous hair. he's the best. - make every wash count! - little help please. [ cellphone ringing ] phone call from the boss? sorry. outdoor time is me time. i hear that. that's why we protect all your vehicles here. but hey...nothing wrong with sticking it to the boss. ooooh, flo, you gonna take that? why would that concern me? because you're...the... aren't you the..? huh...we never actually discussed hierarchy. ok, why don't we just stick to letting dave know how much he can save when he bundles his home or auto with his boat or rv. wait, i thought jamie was the boss. [ laughter ]
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it's funny because i'm not boss material! we are back with your "popstart." joe? >> first up, artists not named taylor swift, but dared to release music yesterday. they are the first in the tortured musicians. pearl jam released an album yesterday. and nikki minaj released her hit
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tfcu. a lot of fans did listen to it yesterday. kudos to those for holding their own on the day dominated by taylor's newest era. >> they did not know when they decided to release it. >> taylor gave us fair warning. it wasn't a surprise. she told us she would drop it. >> yeah. >> people want to listen to other stuff. >> one artist could have given her a run for her money. drake. >> up next, dick van dyke is making history as the oldest daytime emmy nominee. he scored it for guest performer in the daytime drama. van dyke played a man with amnesia because it is a soap opera. you may remember he has already won four primetime emmys in the
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1960s for the "dick van dyke show." i spoke with him before he turned 90. he said the secret to staying young is keep moving. clearly, that advice is paying off as he approaches 100. how cool would it be if he won? >> a baby joe fryer. >> i have not kept moving. dick looks great. >> finally, kevin bacon. for "footloose" star had the campaign for bacon to bust loose at the program. they raised money for the charity all building to this moment last month. >> i've been amazed at the work you have been putting into this
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with the musical and flash mobs and recreations. it hasn'tunnoticed by me. thank you, thank you. i'm going to come. i have to come. >> there you have it. bacon, who is also not aging, will visit the school today and have an interview with him on monday. can you imagine having kevin bacon visit you? >> the pressure is on for the dance moves. >> you know, peter alexander can be the understudy. >> stretch the hammy. joe, congratulations to the kids. still to come, the saturday still to come, the saturday morning boost and adorable way
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it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort.
5:52 am
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still to come on "today," the third grade teacher going viral for charging her students rent. not real money. and the first video for taylor swift's album is out. we have overnight reaction. but first these messages. oooh! i can't wait for this family getaway! shingles doesn't care. shingles is a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. ahhh, there's nothing like a day out with friends. that's nice, but shingles doesn't care! 99% of adults 50 years or older already have the virus that causes shingles inside them, and it can reactivate at any time. a perfect day for a family outing! guess what? shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective.
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shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. i'll be honest. by the end of the day, my floors...yeesh. but who has the time to clean? that's why i love my swiffer wetjet. it's a quick and easy way to get my floors clean. wetjet absorbs and locks grime deep inside. look at that! swiffer wetjet. ♪♪ you know that thing your family does? yeah, that thing. someone made it a thing—way back in the day. but where did it come from? and how did it get aaaall the way to you?
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curious? ancestry can help you find out. because that thing has a story, and it's still being written. see for yourself at ancestry. (vo) want to upgrade but still paying off your locked phone? break free from 3-year device contracts. switch to t-mobile, and we'll pay off your phone. and upgrade you to one of the latest 5g phones, free. (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy long lasting relief in a scent free, gentle mist. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills.
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after cooking a delicious knorr chicken cheddar broccoli recipe you will want to close your delivery apps. because nothing beats a perfect combo of sweet tomatoes, and smooth silky zucchini. make your own knorr taste combo. it's not fast food, but it's so good. when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri.
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good saturday morning. thanks for joining us. it's april 20th. i'm chris chmura. advocates is upset with the bureau of prisons with the abrupt decision to close the prison in dublin. now, they have an order to stop prisoner transfers. on monday, the bureau of prisons announced its closing immediately, the prison, which has been grappling with a long history of sexual abuse. advocates filed a temporary restraining order with the court this week, aimed at stopping the bureau of prisons and. >> reporter: transferring inmates to other facilities
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ahead of the closure. >> they're saying they are scared. they're saying afraid. the food shipments have stop. they're not receiving fresh food. >> advocates fear that proper procedures are not being followed. the bureau of prisons wouldn't comment, saying the matter is tied up in police. san francisco police have arrested three men in a string of car break-ins. this is the scene over golden gate park. police blocked off the area. police implicate the men in several car robberies around the city. they face charges including robbery, resisting arrest, and conspiracy. it is a beautiful, spring morning. cynthia is here with a look at our microclimate forecast. >> you're right about that. it will continue to be a nice weekend. temperatures right now, as we wake up, temperatures at oakland. 52 degrees. a bit cooler up there towards santa rosa, 49. and 54 in saratoga. we're dealing with a little of the patchy fog, that spring, summer-like pattern. it should push back to the coast. mix that here with the time in
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the noontime. hugging the coastline a little bit, as we look at the outlook, it's clearing into the afternoon. that should be a nice beach day and a beautiful sunset with all of the spring-like colors. we go through the rest of this weekend and looking ahead to one of the final weeks of april here. after the fog, we get into more sunny afternoons. 60s and 70s. by tomorrow, a bit warmer as we lose the patchy fog and continue to do so through monday. as we look ahead, we start to cool things down. and by late week, we are looking at a chance of that rain returning in the forecast. we'll take a look at the outlook together and the extended seven-day forecast coming up in a little bit. >> cynthia, i'm no dermatologist. i'm going to recommend sunscreen today. coming up this morning on "today in the bay," san francisco gets ready to light up, despite canceled 4/20 events. the steps one church is taking to make sure everyone is safe. we're going to have that story
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and all of your other top stories, coming up at 7:00. i'll be back. and so will cynthia. we hope you wil good morning. making their case. the prosecution and defense teams preparing for opening statements on monday in the
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criminal trial of donald trump now that the jury has been sworn in, but outside the court, a disturbing scene as the man lit himself on fire. we look to the next phase of the trial. saturday session. house speaker mike johnson facing the biggest test with several crucial votes today for aid to ukraine and israel and a potential ban of tiktok. will johnson have the votes to pass the bills? if so, could he lose his job? and waiting a fortnight. ♪♪ >> the first video of taylor swift's "tortured poets" released overnight to fans worldwide. ♪ >> as speculation takes turns over who songs are about.
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today, saturday, april 20th, 2024. good morning. welcome back to "today" on a saturday morning. >> good morning. >> you ready? >> good to see you on this taylor weekend. for you trying to have a conversation with your kids, the song is called "thank you amie." >> what's going on here? >> i'm saying. let's get to today's news. the opening statements are set to begin in the criminal trial of donald trump. alternates were chose own friday and outside the courthouse, a tragic scene where the man lit himself on fire and passed away overnight. there is not connection to the trial. we have yasmin outside all week braving the elements.
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good morning. >> it was a historic week with the chaotic end. the jury is seated. opening statements are set to begin on monday. there were a lot of he motions inside the courtroom as jurors voiced inability to be impartial. one saying through tears that the process is so much more stressful than i thought it would be. two jurors have been dismissed less than two days after sworn this. prosecutors in the case accusing trump of falsifying business records to cover up the role in silencing the payment to stormy daniels. outside the courthouse on friday, a horrific scene with the man setting himself on fre. he died overnight. authorities say this had nothing to do with the trial of donald trump. the former president and
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presumptive republican nominee will hold the first event since the start of the trial tonight in wilmington, north carolina. >> i think that is a fair estimate. yasmin, thank you. nbc news will have special coverage on air and online. after months of chaos, congress is in session on a saturday looking to vote on several bills to send nearly 100 billion of aid to ukraine and israel and taiwan. this also could put mike johnson's speakership in jeopardy. we have julie tsirkin with more. >> reporter: after months of delay, the house is poised to approve foreign aid after house speaker mike johnson declared arming ukraine is critically important. aid to each country will be voted on separately with the
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bulk of the money$60 billion wo overseas to fight against russia. republicans demanded that some of that money be a loan to ukraine. a second bill would send $26 billion to israel for the war against hamas. some democrats declaring that for aid for gaza. speaker johnson is now preparing to fight for his job as furious hardliners put pressure on him to resign. there is another vote today on tiktok. it is a bill for bytedance to sell tiktok or face a total ban in the u.s. the senate will vote on the bills, foreign aid and tiktok, as one package which president biden said he would sign as soon
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as congress clears it. peter. >> thank you. kristen welker will speak with president volodymyr zelenskyy tomorrow morning. it is hard to believe it has been 25 years since the shooting at columbine high school. in 2019, the colorado governor said this day would be observed as a day of silence. the 13 victims were honored at the vigil last night. that is the news. how about the boost? >> we have a good one here. a grandma is not keeping distance to keep her from her grand kids. >> once upon a time, there was a prince who wanted to marry a
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princess, but she would have to be a real princess. >> that's christine reading the classic "the princess and the pea." christine or meemaw started posting the stories are youtube so her out of state grand kids could see her. the video of one of her grand kids went viral with more than 20 million views on instagram. her subscriber count jumped to more than 9,000. she posted 22 videos in the last two weeks. everyone jumping in on reading time. >> she can be everybody's meemaw. i love that. coming up next, we are talking taylor. we have been telling you all morning. emilie ikeda is here on the case. >> you know what i have been
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listening to around the clock? the video is the first to come from the tortured poets department. i'll have more on that and what i'll have more on that and what fans are saying about who nothing comes close to this place in the morning. i'm so glad i can still come here. you see, i was diagnosed with obstructive hcm. and there were some days i was so short of breath. i thought i'd have to settle for never stepping foot on this trail again. i became great at making excuses. but i have people who count on me so i talked to my cardiologist. i said there must be more we can do for my symptoms. he told me about a medication called camzyos. he said camzyos works by targeting what's causing my obstructive hcm. so he prescribed it and i'm really glad he did. camzyos is used to treat adults with symptomatic obstructive hcm. camzyos may improve your symptoms and your ability to be active. camzyos may cause serious side effects, including heart failure that can lead to death. a risk that's increased if you develop a serious infection or irregular heartbeat or when taking certain other medicines. so do not stop, start or change medicines
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when the music stops grab any chair, it doesn't matter if it's your outdoor style or not. [ music stops ] i'm sorry, carl. this is me in chair form. i don't see you. -oh, come on. this one's perfect for you. but you. love it. i told you we should have done a piñata. i explained it so many times. um-hum. they're not sitting. -and it rocks... you need to sit down. ♪ wayfair. every style. every home. ♪ hellmann's real mayonnaise. every dollop is so rich and creamy. it makes any sandwich delicious. mmm... irresistible! hellmann's mayonnaise. since the citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category... suddenly, life's feeling a little more automatic... oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. i love that my daughter still needs me. but sometimes i can't help due to burning and stabbing pain in my hands,
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so i use nervive. it makes any sandwich delicious mmm. irresistible! best food's mayonnaise look at that. we're back on saturday morning with today's talker. this is all anybody is talking about. taylor swift's music. i keep calling it the "tortured poets society." >> it is common. it is the "tortured poets department" which dropped overnight. there is a song called "peter." >> our emilie ikeda is working through the weekend to tell us all about it. we were tortured for a moment. >> we're leaning in. this has been an all-consuming beat for me he this week.
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to say taylor swift is prolific, it is understatement. she is breaking records along the way. ♪♪ >> it did not take a fortnight for swift to drop the first video from the "tortured poets department." with the black and white visuals and post malone sending swifties in a frenzy. >> this is the best work. >> reporter: swift's 11th studio double album has taken on the weight of the holiday. listening events playing out nationwide through the weekend. ♪♪ >> reporter: swift posting, i'd written so much poetry in the past two years and wanted to share it all. all two hours and two minutes. ♪ just don't understand ♪♪
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>> reporter: usa today calling it brilliant. documenting her journey with heartbreak in the public eye after fans speculate with brits joe alywn and matt healy. the 31 tracks are the stunning run to superstardom between the record-breaking eras tour and massive concert film and nfl games supporting boyfriend travis kelce. >> is this travis? >> he may have gotten his shoutout on the album. ♪ when i touchdown ♪♪ >> reporter: this became the most streamed album in a single day as swift fans have another one for the record books. swift has shared the back story for some of the songs, including
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a favorite of mine. she actually has drawn some inspiration from "dateline." people who want to commit crimes, go to florida. >> let's get into the drama. there is history with taylor and kim and kanye. some wonder if a couple of songs are about that. >> fans believe they are inspired by the feud with kim and kanye. think back to 2016 when kim dropped edited recorded phone call with kanye and taylor that suggests approval for what was a crude lyric into a song. there has been feuding since. people think because there are themes in the songs of bullying and mentions of snakes and the capital letters as you mentioned. k.i.m. it seems the signs are there. >> you need a flow chart.
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>> swiftie math. >> your beat is busy. thank you. >> all encompassing. >> i know what my weekend will sound like. thank you. i appreciate it. angie, you are a swiftie. do you like it? >> i listened to all of it. i wake up at 1:00 in the morning. i was ready for the 2:00 a.m. drop for swift. all right. weather wise, we have nice conditions for most of the country. dry across the midwest. you have a couple of showers working across the northeast. if you have afternoon plans, those are out of here before you know it. showers and thunderstorms across the south. that's where we will see the active pattern through the weekend. dallas waking up to thunderstorms. stretching across tennessee and arkansas and this system that is bringing us the rain is on the move through the weekend. good saturday morning. the time is 6:15. a foggy start in san francisco.
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52 degrees. a bit of that sunshine breaks through a nice sunrise in walnut creek at 51. and that fog is lingering in the south bay, too. san jose at 53. as we plan our day in tin land valleys out towards brentwood. we go from 60s to 80 degrees by 3:00, 4:00, 5:00 this afternoon. there's more sunshine on the that's a look at the forecast. guys, perfect weather to stay inside and listen to taylor swift's album. >> another saturday inside. angie, thank you. still ahead, the elementary school teacher imparting lessons on life and money
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we're back on saturday morning with the third grade
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teacher doing something different with students. she is charging them rent to be in the classroom. >> not real money. it does seem like a tall order, but it is working well for her. >> nbc's digital reporter is here to explain. maya? >> this is a great one. thank you for having me. shelby does charge her students to use the desk and chairs in the classroom. this is not real money, but the classroom jobs and lessons on responsibility are paying off from a big way. >> if you have $384, say oh, yeah. >> like many, shelby says she loves her job, but feels overwhelmed and underpaid. >> i'm tutoring and science coordinator. i don't know anyone teaching or in education that does not have a second job. >> reporter: instead of working as a barista on the weekends, her tiktoks have been supplementing her salary as a third grade math teacher in north carolina. for every 1 million views, she
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gets $1,000 for the collaboration. >> i made six figures. my teacher salary is not half that. >> reporter: she is going viral saying the words nobody likes to hear. >> i am going to take your money. >> no! >> reporter: you are charging third graders rent? >> i am. i sure am. >> reporter: how does that work? >> they have jobs. i pay them. not real money. they have to pay me rent once a month. they have to pay bills. >> she is inflating your rent. >> no! come on. >> reporter: every month, $7 of rent is collected for the chair and desk. whatever is left over, they spend on rewards or save. she has 36 million views on tiktok alone. she says this is much more than just a viral moment.
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>> charlotte is known for generational poverty. a lot of my students of color, hispanic, see their parents living check to check. they see the money management of not thinking long term necessarily or the consequences. >> reporter: there is data behind the gaps. one study finding black and hispanic respond ants were at low levels of financial literacy. she is in fourth grade now, but one of the best students last year. >> hi, miss latimore. >> reporter: it is students like her that remind her of why she teaches. >> it is important for my students to see someone who looks like them. >> i'm tired of you looking at me in that. >> what is your favorite thing? >> she looks like me. >> i like her because she challenges us. >> i love her class because she
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encourages us. >> reporter: what keeps you waking up every day and excited to go to work? >> i'm sorry. >> reporter: don't apologize. >> it's going to sound corny. it's them. the corny little hugs that are germ filled and they can't let go. i love my job. >> how great is this? over the past few months, hundreds of people have been spending her classroom extra supplies and snacks. >> maya, that is an awesome story. i love saying she looks like me. the difference and impact is having you hope is contagious for other schools and communities. >> absolutely. >> just her saying teachers have to have a side hustle to actually survive. i think that underscores for her how real this is. how real this is. >> this we're looking for adults 45 and under
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to be in our hpv vaccination ad. sound like you? nah...not me. in a relationship. if you're sexually active and unvaccinated, it could still be you. i'm too old if you're under 45, you're not. for most people, hpv clears on its own. but for those who don't clear the virus, it can cause certain cancers. wow... gardasil 9 is a vaccine given to adults through age 45 that can help protect against certain hpv-related cervical, vaginal, vulvar, anal, and certain head and neck cancers, such as throat and back of mouth cancers, and genital warts. gardasil 9 doesn't protect everyone and doesn't treat cancer or hpv infection. these diseases may have many causes. your doctor may recommend screening for certain hpv-related cancers. routine cervical cancer screenings are still needed. you shouldn't get gardasil 9 if you're allergic to the vaccine, its ingredients, or yeast. tell your doctor if you have a weakened immune system, are pregnant, or plan to be. the most common side effects include injection site reactions, headache, fever,
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nausea, dizziness, tiredness, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and sore throat. fainting can also happen. help protect yourself against certain hpv-related cancers. talk to a doctor or pharmacist today. some people just know there's a better way to do things. like bundling your home and auto insurance with allstate. yeah, she knows. and some people... don't. like... come on. yikes! ughh... no. you know, there's a better way. save time and money by bundling your home and auto with allstate. you're in good hands with allstate. [♪♪] and auto with allstate. how you feel can be affected by the bacteria in your gut. try new align probiotic bloating relief plus food digestion. it contains a probiotic to help relieve occasional bloating, plus vitamin b12 to aid digestion. try align probiotic. ask sherwin—williams and save big
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during the four day super sale. get 40% off paints and stains, with sale prices starting at $26.69. hurry, it's only april 19th through the 22nd. shop online or at your neighborhood sherwin—williams store. scout is protected by simparica trio and he's in it to win it! simparica trio is the first chew with triple protection. whoa fleas! and ticks! (♪♪) intestinal worms! whoa! heartworm disease! no problem with simparica trio! this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions including seizures. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. for winning protection— go with simparica trio. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar.
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a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ are you crying? no. there's no crying in baseball! or with the capital one venture card because it lets you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase every day. and you can use those miles on any travel purchase. what's in your wallet? before we go, what was our top story today? congratulations to one of our cameramen. ryan and his wife are celebrating the birth of their first child. baby boy riley. congratulations to the beautiful family. >> what a cutie.
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congratulations. tune in for another "nightly news with lester holt." we are less than 100 days away from the paris olympics. good morning. it's 6:26. thanks for joining us this saturday, april 20th. i'm chris chmura. a major road closure could detower some of your weekend plans. in the north bay, caltrans shut down part of highway 37 for road repair. westbound 37 is closed from vallejo vallejo. caltrans doesn't plan to reopen 37 until monday morning. the red line is the closure. the green, how to get about it. drivers will be directed to 12, 29, and 121. this was the first of four closures used highway 37
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to get to napa. so, they are trying to wrap up construction before the bottle rock festival at the end of may. bay commuter, ferry service between san francisco and sauls lito is now suspended indefinitely. there was a structural issue at the pier. golden gate ferry will provide a bus bridge during the closure. cynthia is here with a quick look at your forecast. >> good morning, chris. good morning, everyone. starting with a little cloud cover. fog, closer out to the coastline. oakland the starting with some of the gloomy skies as well as san jose. the fog is building in from the foothills to most of the city. it's limiting our visibility, the further down you go into the santa clara valley, around morgan hill, down to three miles of coastline, down to about
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seven and up and towards santa rosa, it's cool and limiting that visibility through the sonoma valley area. we're going to keep the sunshine around for today. it will be breezy at times, as we felt the cooldown from yesterday, on to today. but nothing to ruin our weekend plans out there. it will be a little warmer as we go on into tomorrow. mixing out of that cloud cover and the winds dying down, just a bit further. upper 7 60s to 80 inland. we'll get a little more cooling in the workweek and later into the week. we could talk about the return of rain. it's light right now. the model is going to get it out of the picture. >> thanks very much. coming up on "today in the bay," her son died in police custody. now, the grieving mother speaks out. her message after charges are filed. we'll have that plus all your
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other top stories and cynthia's forecast, coming up at 7:00. first, a special edition of ""c nightly news" kids enbdi ♪ coming up, saving planet earth, the history behind earth day. and simple things you can do to help out. then, countdown to the


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