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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  April 24, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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hi, everyone. i'm zinhle essamuah. >> and i'm kate snow. "nbc news daily" starts right now. today, wednesday, april 24th, 2024.
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back to school. the speaker of the house meets with students at columbia university amid ongoing protests over the israel/hamas war. as more students at bigger schools make their voices heard. ticking clock, the bill forcing tiktok's parent company to sell signed into law. the next steps. security concerns over your information. accessed deny snd millions of americans could lose internet access, including nearly 3 million in california alone, why funding for a crucial program may soon dry up. and out of bounds. you know those parents, the ones who get too involved in the game. >> you'll want the stick around for that one. good behavior is important. >> yes. we'll start this hour with those growing protests on college campuses nationwide over the israel/hamas war. >> usc has joined the movement of schools with encampments,
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students set up tents in a park where commencement is scheduled to be held in just a few weeks, some protesters there are also facing off with police officers who are trying to break up that camp and encampment also growing at uc, berkeley, more than two dozen tents on the main part of that campus. a rally is under way at the ufrt yao of michigan this afternoon. camped out at the ann arbor campus earlier this month. a large crowd of demonstrators at the university of texas, austin. >> columbia university said it's in talks to clear out a protest camp, the school initially set a deadline for midnight last night to reach an agreement, that deadline has since been extended. speaker mike johnson is meeting with students at columbia today he's calling for the university's president to resign. what else is speaker johnson
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saying about his visit to the school in. >> reporter: the speaker said he'll be standing here at columbia university side by side with jewish students and republican members of the house from new york in what he calls to bring some accountability to this campus and push out what he called, describe the president as inept and weak leader. they can't even, you know, maintain the safety or ensure the safety of jewish students here, so he's been talking about columbia but also the other protests around this country which he called actually disgusting and he'll be standing here with jewish students here who say they feel unsafe. >> what some of the agreements now between columbia, the administration there and the protesters and where do those talks stand? >> reporter: so, kate the negotiation between those protesters and the administration are ongoing, but they have, you know, arrived at some common ground, for
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protesters the stay, one, remove significant number of the tents out there on the lawn, remove nonstudents from the encampment, also prohibit any harassing or discriminatory language and they also agree to follow safety rules, fire safety rules, kate. >> all right, tremaine, thank you. president biden has signed a massive $95 billion foreign aid package into law. >> it includes billions of dollars in security funding for ukraine, israel and taiwan, as well as humanitarian aid for gaza, but one of the most talked about portions of this legislation has to do with the future of tiktok. now facing a major threat here in the u.s. the china-backed owner of the popular social media app is now told to sell its stake within a year, if it doesn't do that, tiktok could be banned nationwide. >> tiktok now vowing to fight this legislation in court, saying, quote, we believe the
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facts and the law are on our side. let's bring in cat, lester holt spoke with the fbi director about these national security concerns. first, let's take a listen. >> tiktok's parent company is beholden to the chinese government, so that for us manifests itself in three specific ways, it has to do with the data, the recommendation algorithm and the software, the data we're talking about the ability to control or collect data on millions and millions of users and to use it for. >> why is the app seen as so much as a threat. >> china has access data in the
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past, for years, before tiktok's existence, they were able to get that data from other social media companies. >> we've heard so much from influencers, lobbying on capitol hill, now this bill is a law, what are they facing now, creators and influencers on tiktok? >> tiktok is a unique app. because unlike a lot of other apps it's a lot easier to go viral, small businesses can post content and get more eyes on it for free than ever before. >> that's the big question, if tiktok goes away, if this potential ban comes through that likely wouldn't happen for another year or so, right, so what's going to happen with tiktok between now and then. >> right now, there's nothing going on with tiktok. they're not freaking out and they're not worried yet, but for a while this bill has been discussed for four years now.
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>> we think that tiktok will file suit potentially. >> yes, they will challenge this in court and bring everyday to the table. >> have you heard from any creators on the other side, actually, i wouldn't mind if this app goes away? >> that's a good question, i think some people have expressed not really liking the effect tiktok has had, but at the same time lot of people are concerned about the precedent this will set as well. >> kat, thank you so much. rapper megan thee stallion facing bombshell allegations from her former cameraman. >> the rapper's now being accused of harassment and a hostile work environment. her attorneys are denying the claims and saying she'll fight the lawsuit in court. blayne alexander joins us now. what more do we know about these
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allegations? >> reporter: they're pretty startling allegations, ladies, this is a lawsuit that came out yesterday in court and in it a former cameraman of megan thee stallion is basically saying that he worked for her at some point in that capacity as a cameraman, couple of years ago he accompanied on a trip to ibiza, he saying after a night out of partying he was riding in a car back. he said in the lawsuit that he was embarrassed. he was mortified and offended. then he said things started changing the next day. he basically don't discuss what you saw. after that he said that her behavior began to change. he says when they got back to
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the states the amount of bookings started decreasing until his services were ultimately terminated in the summer of last year. >> blayne, has megan thee stallion said anything about these allegations? >> reporter: her attorney is responding sharply. basically saying this is an employment claim for money -- with no sexual harassment claim filed and salacious accusations with attempt to embarrass her, the statement concludes by saying, we'll deal with this in court. time now for today's money minute. tesla's stock is bouncing back today after a new plan announced by elon musk. popular energy drink is facing a lawsuit. kate rogers joins us now. tesla shares are up nearly 10% today even after the automaker reported a 9% drop in first quarter revenue tuesday, the stock is jumping after elon
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musk told investors will start producing new affordable models in early 2025. makers of the energy and sports drink prime high brags being pseudoed over misleading consumers over its levels of caffeine, the drink founded by logan paul and -- contained more caffeine than advertised. logan paul said there's zero everyday to substantiate the claim. and deep blue sports and entertainment is launching a free platform for women's sports. podcasts, and featured profiles on athletes. what a year for women's sports. >> women's sports has had a renaissance. that's pretty cool.
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>> it's about time, isn't it. >> sure is. i agree. coming up, agreements banned. the agreement that biden administration made that might make it easier for you to change jobs. >> ♪♪ missing out on the things you love because of asthma? get back to better breathing with fasenra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. step back out there with fasenra. ask your doctor if it's right for you.
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. the high-stakes battle over abortion rights returns to america's highest court today. >> the supreme court heard arguments regarding idaho's nearly total ban on abortions at issue whether the idaho law conflicts with federal rules that requires emergency doctors to intervene and provide care to pregnant women. >> remember, idaho has banned abortions in all cases except for instances of rape or incest. it's also illegal to help a minor get an abortion punishable by up to five years in prison. >> joining us now is yamiche alcindor is outside the supreme court and also with us is barbara mcquaid. can you talk about the arguments the justices heard today. >> reporter: this is a
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significant abortion case that came before the supreme court and the issue is a federal law supersedes idaho's state law. the law essentially is saying doctors in the emergency room have to treat and stabilize someone if they come into the emergency room with a souter of emergency situation, it was really interesting to hear these oral arguments because the justices including conservative justices and liberal justices. amy coney barrett and sonia sotomayor will weighing in on health risks versus death. can a doctor in idaho treat a woman in idaho is a health risk. idaho is saying no. idaho's law says she has to be on death door in order to be treated. idaho argued that their law is sufficient, doctors can make their objectsive decisions on whether or not they want to
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treat a woman she doesn't have to be on death door. amy coney barrett was interesting to watch today, she asked whether or not pros durts might disagree with the doctor's decision, the lawyer for idaho said yes, they could. a stunning moment said to the lawyer from idaho, i'm stunned by some of the answers you're giving here and a bit concerned about whether or not prosecutors might put doctors in jail for doing something that was a good faith effort to save the woman and the baby. >> what do you make of the arguments we heard today. >> it's always difficult to predict, i heard some skepticism from justice barrett, maybe even from justice kavanaugh and chief justice roberts, i don't know if we'll see this traditional conservative progressive split that we sometimes see, it seems under normal federalism provisions of federal preems,
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when you have a conflict wean federal law, emergency medical treatment and labor act, and a state statute, the idaho law that makes it a crime to perform an abortion unless the life of the mother is at stake, then the federal statute prevails, that's the supremacy clause of the supreme court. lot of argument today about whether there was any daylight between these two things and there really is. what some of the justices really ill lis it, there could be there's a very serious health risk where the life is not at stake. >> the supreme court is in tricky position right now since the justices overturned roe v. wade and states are doing their own thing, are they going to have to intervene on every abortion in every state when there's a challenge. >> i think so. this is the chaos that comes
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from dobbs decision. there are all kinds of implication that come about when you criminalize health care. we've seen challenges out of other states about, you know, heartbeat laws and other kind of things. it seems to me that every one of these new restrictions is likely to have some sort of legal challenge it could end up in the supreme court. >> i want to end up with something you brought up, the challenge facing doctors who have to try and navigate providing care to women but also trying to avoid jail. >> reporter: i talked to an idaho doctor who came here to protest in the favor of the biden administration, she told me and echoed the language i i've heard from doctors it's chaotic, many doctors fear they'll end up in jail for trying to save a woman's life, so a real challenge for doctors in idaho right now. >> all right, yamiche.
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a suspect has been arrested after a ring camera caught him allegedly attempting to kidnap a woman. >> maura barrett has more on the charges the suspect is now facing. some may find the footage disturbing. >> reporter: the shocking seconds caught on camera. >> please help me! please help me! >> this woman desperate for someone to open their door before a man runs up. >> please help me! >> reporter: carries her away. puts her in a truck. captured by doorbell camera near a major road in oregon. about 20 miles from downtown portland. the police have arrested the man charged with kidnapping, identified after the video circulated on social media. she only wanted to share her first name due to safety concerns, marysol, lives in the
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home with doorbell camera, she called 911 immediately after seeing the doorbell alerts, within ten minutes of the ins dentd happened. >> she looked scared. she was frantic and she needed help. the way she grabbed on to the door in the video, that's like not normal. >> reporter: an alert on a dark camera. >> please help me! please help me! >> reporter: leading to a quick arrest about 24 hours later. maura barrett, nbc news. still ahead, massive protests at the tennessee statehouse over a controversial statehouse over a controversial bill that would put more if you have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease... put it in check with rinvoq... a once—daily pill. when symptoms tried to take control, i got rapid relief... and reduced fatigue with rinvoq. check. when flares kept trying to slow me down... i got lasting steroid—free remission... with rinvoq. check. and when my doctor saw damage,... rinvoq helped visibly reduce damage
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with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. good wednesday, earn. the "fast forward" on nbc [ inaudible ]. long-term air has gotten better here in the bay area and in california. the bad news, one bay area county received a failing grade in all three measures of air pollution. a look behind us. take a look at those cars coming on and off of the bay bridge. the bay area is where it is on this report because of the transportation sector. our cars, vehicles, play a large
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part in the our source for pollution. look at where we stand because of our choices in commuting. the bay area mainly san jose, san francisco and oakland rank seven most polluted. fifth in particulate matter. ozone, bay area 13th in the nation. according to data from the u.s. environmental protection agency. both ozone and particulate matter impact health especially in young and elderly. might have expected a better grade given fewer wildfires last year. according to the american lung association wildfire smoke is not the biggest problem. >> dominant source of air pollution in california and the bay area tends to be the transportation sector. so everything from cars and trucks and buses to the ships at ports or other equipment at the ports, rail yards, that are very heavily polluting, and that's why all of these types of sources really do need to be
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cleaned up. >> reporter: according to the state of the air report the clean effort to live in, california counties receiving a failing grades in all three measures of pollution. they are in alphabetical order, santa clara county failing in ozone, for the term and year-round pollution measures. to see more of the state of the air report go to in san francisco, ginger conejero, bay area news. nearly two years after his arrest mma fighter back in court to set a trial date. facing attempted murder charges for a shooting back in 2022. prosecutors say he shot at a man named harry gillardi during a high-speed chase that snaked through cities in the south bay. he pleaded not guilty. he claims gillardi molested a family member of his at a day care. the man accused of driving his tesla off a cliff on purpose with his family inside back in court today.
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the judge is still working to determine if darmesh patel is fit to stand trial. driving a tesla the car plunged down a 300-foot cliff. his wife and two children in the car and all survaved. his wife claims he did it deliberately and had been depressed. patel pleaded not guilty saying he just pulled over to check a tire. two witnesses appeared in court. a final decision by the judge is not expected until may 2nd. clouds in the skies, lots of them. bright days to look forward to. here's meteorologist kari hall with the weather. >> temperatures reach into the upper 60s for today. this is a little cooler than normal, but also had a lot of cloud cover. expecting peeks of sunshine for today. in hayward and free mont, high of 68. 69 antioch and upper 60s for much of the peninsula, palo
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alto, 67. half moon day also. san francisco mid-60s for today and mid-60s for the north bay. clear lake warmer spot high of 70 and a light wind. we're going to see this weather repeat over the next few days and then see a slight warm-up. take a look at our extended seven-day forecast coming up in about 30 minutes. >> thank you, kari. known as a trail blazer in california schools and awarded teacher. today california remembers the life of delaine eastin who died age 76. eastin the first-ever woman elected to a state-wide constitutional office and the only woman served as state superintendent of public schools. before that she represented alameda and santa clara counties in the state assembly and a council member for union city. a public celebration of life is being organized now and going to take place, scheduled for later this summer. no specific date has been
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released yet. get all the day's news local and our weather on our website that does it for kerendia presents the abc's of ckd. c is for chronic, because chronic kidney disease in type 2 diabetes gets worse over time. k is for kidneys, because kidney damage can lead to kidney failure and dialysis. d is for doing more to protect your kidneys. kerendia is for adults with ckd in type 2 diabetes and is a once—daily tablet that is proven to reduce the risk of kidney failure, which can lead to dialysis. kerendia also slows the progression of kidney damage and reduces the risk of cardiovascular events, such as heart attacks. do not take kerendia if you have problems with your adrenal glands or take certain medications called cyp3a4 inhibitors. kerendia can cause high potassium levels in your blood. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and ask before taking potassium supplements or salt substitutes containing potassium. kerendia can also cause low blood pressure and low blood sodium.
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kidney damage from ckd in type 2 diabetes is not reversible. don't wait to ask your doctor if kerendia is right for you. if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect. new parodontax active gum repair breath freshener. clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. shingles. the rash can feel like an intense burning sensation, and last for weeks. shingles could make it hard to be there for your loved ones. over 50? the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside you. don't wait. ask your doctor about shingles. ♪♪ ♪♪
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bounce back fast from heartburn with new tums gummy bites, and love food back. ♪♪ bottom of the hour now, here are some of the stories making headlines on "nbc news daily." take a look at this video, that's athens, greece, blanketed under a deep orange haze, caused by clouds of dust blown in from the sahara desert.
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the dust can pose a risk to people with asthma. greece's weather service said the air is expected to clear out the day. warning, some viewers might find this story did stressing. five military horses ran loose through the streets in london. galloping riderless during the busy morning rush hour, one was covered in blood. the army said the horses bolted after getting spooked by construction while they were practicing for a parade, officials said the horses were collided with vehicles and hurt four people in three separate incidents. as for the horses, an army spokesperson said they're safe. reggie bush is once again recognized as a heisman trophy winner. he was named college football's best player back in 2005, the honor was stripped five years later over allegations his family received benefits from an agent while bush was still a
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student. the president of the heisman trophy trust site said the recent changes was behind that. in tennessee teachers are one step closer to being allowed to carry guns inside their schools. >> despite protests outside the chamber lawmakers passed that law last night and it heads to the governor's desk to be signed into law. kathy park is following this one for us from nashville. kathy, how would this impact teachers and what are you hearing from people out there today? >> reporter: good afternoon. we won't see the impact of this bill right away, because we're still waiting for the governor to make it official, until then a lot of school districts throughout the state of tennessee they plan on waiting for the governor to sign it and it's likely that he will and once that happens they want to
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have discussions with school leadership. lawmakers are saying this doesn't require teachers to carry a handgun but it does open a pathway for them to have one if they wish, couple things need to happen before they can move forward. they need the have training, 40 hours of training annually, mental health evaluation, important to note there's a eye level of confidentiality as far as who can actually carry a handgun, but as far as the reactions, protests quickly after the final vote yesterday behind me at the state capitol and lawmakers, teachers, students, parents, pretty much outraged with this decision, because their biggest fear is that access that potentially a student can have the gun is not securely and safely stored, they believe this heightens the risk within the classroom, so earlier this afternoon we had a chance to speak with respective
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johnson, he was reinstated but after being expelled after a protest on gun violence on the house floor, here's his reaction to the bill. take a listen. >> yesterday you had teachers, students, grand mothers, clergy in the gallery begging them not to do this. this is the wrong direction. we don't need laws putting more guns into our classrooms. we should be banning assault weapons, red flag laws, safe storage laws, instead we're going to put more guns in school. >> reporter: and he was mentioning there will be a group that will march to the governor's mansion hoping he'll veto this legislation, unclear the time line the governor will sign it, in the state of tennessee, you have a republicans supermajority it's likely he'll sign it.
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>> kathy, thanks so much. a huge decision from the federal trade chicago that could impact working americans across the country. >> the ftc yesterday voted to ban noncompete clauses, an estimated 30 million americans work on contract that have clauses. they prevent employees to go to work to their competitor. here to break this down is brian cheung. we know about those. lot of contract in television have these. switch networks you have to take a break for a certain amount of time. some states already do this already, ban these, california and oregon, what's the reasoning behind the national ban. >> what makes it so significant is it's federal. there are number of other industries that employ noncompete clauses, doctors and nurses, tech workers often face them.
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but even more blue-collar jobs face them in the past. eight years ago, jimmy john's, the sandwich shop had a noncompete very much in the public view that face aed a lot of criticism. they'll no longer be able to deploy those clauses you can't switch to a competitor. >> the reasoning for companies to have these was to protect these ip. >> the ftc says it's for any for-profit company. some exceptions for existing noncompete clauses for executives at some of these nonprofit companies. if you're a nonprofit you still have a noncompete that prevents them from going to a rival. but again for the most part this is going to cover most of corporate america. >> millions of people, are we
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expecting any legal challenges in. >> there's already one. the business roundtable, a massive business lobbying group coming out and saying, look, this should be up to the states, california had something like this in place and you have these big trade groups why don't leave it up to the states there's no federal bill to do this. they say that the ftc doesn't have the jurisdiction. we'll have to see. >> brian with the latest on this big development. turning now to digital divide, millions of americans could lose internet access if a government subsidy is allowed to run out. >> here's the backstory, low-income families enrolled in the acp program, that funding part of president biden's infrastructure bill has almost dried up. liz kreutz has more on this. >> reporter: you've been speaking with school districts
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in california they're worried about this funding going away. what exactly are they saying in. >> reporter: three million people just here in california are on this program and many of them are students who rely on it to do remote learning at home or just to have access to the internet home. l.a. unified school district is deeply concerned about this program ending and the oakland unified school district said prior to program 12% of students had wifi access at home. after the program now 98% of them do, largely because of acp. take a listen. >> paying for internet access is going to be a luxury in a lot of cases across oakland. this is about making sure all kids have the access to information and knowledge that all their other peers. this is about leveling the playing field. >> reporter: so, guys, this will have a big impact on a lot of
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students when this program ends next week. >> there's bipartisan group of lawmakers trying to get this program extended, why are some republicans pushing back on that? a cost thing, what if congress doesn't extend it, then what? >> reporter: it's very expensive, even this push to get it extended is asking for $7 billion for the next year, so that's part of it, there are also republicans including senator ted cruz this program is life for fraud and abuse. as far as what people can do, there aren't a ton of alternatives. there are also some providers that offer programs to low-income homes so folks can look into that as well. >> liz, thank you. we've got breaking news from the state of arizona, where
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lawmakers in the state house just passed a bill to repeal a civil war era abortion law, the near-total ban dates back to 1864, it made abortion punishable for anyone who performs one or helps a woman obtain one. it was upheld by the state supreme court earlier this month. lawmakers' third try in three weeks the vote heads to the state senate voted in a similar repeal just last week. let's turn now to today's daily health, fda said remnants of the bird flu virus has been found in pasteurized milk. >> the fda does insist, however, that milk is still safe to drink, joining us now to get into this is nbc news medical contributor dr. vin gupta, that doesn't sound good, you hear traces of bird flu in milk, caused for alarm, what do we know about whether drinking milk
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that has that actually could spread the virus? >> we have imperfect information, unfortunately. they're being detected by the tests we have for avian flu. if we tested for bacteria like listeria, we don't talk about to the american public this is part of the pastization process. this is why we believe the supply to be safe and there should be not alarm, but again, one thing to say that but another thing to believe. >> dr. gupta, nbc news has reporting while the fda maintains that milk is safe to drink it notes it's still waiting on results of studies to confirm this. in the meantime should we be throwing out our cartons of
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milk. >> definitely not. the fda is taking extra precautions as you pointed out, zinhle, saying these final tests will take time. again, this is something that we've seen, it's harder to kill pathogens that are in milk through pasteurization. >> there was a small trend toward nonpasteurized milk, not a good idea right now. >> definitely not be. don't drink raw milk, especially right now with these unknown. >> reporter: we should note only one dairy worker has been infected so far, human, and developed pink eye. what are the symptoms to look for in. >> traditional flu-like symptoms, body aches, pink eye to some extent.
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if it's mild symptoms if you've had an exposure, traveled close to one of these dairy farms where we detected this specific virus, present that, talk to your doctor about these, they're being advised to keep their index of suspicion higher to make sure we're testing people who need to be tested. >> really helpful information. up next, state of play. how parents can make sure they are a positive influence from the sidelines of their kids'
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in today's modern parenting we're talking kids sports, little league, softball season is in full swing. >> yes, but, and things can sometimes quickly afoul, if parents and coaches become overly competitive, have you seen this? our next guest offers up real-life advice. >> advice for little league parents, keep a positive tone. so no performance-based yelling. that puts immediate pressure on the player. pressure turns into anxiety. and anxiety turns into a fear of failure. >> no performance-based yelling. i love it.
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joining us now is james lowe, he's an mlb ambassador. james, thank you for being here. >> thanks for having me. i'm pretty fired up. >> yeah, let's talk about it, we were talking during the commercial break, parents are often coaches at these little league games or these youth sports games, what are your top three tips for team leaders to create a fun, relaxed environment? >> first, i always say build trust and to do that you got to listen to the kids, ask them what they love, what do they love to eat. i give them nicknames based off of that. once you got that, then just prioritize joy and character development. i think if we prioritize winning, then that right fielder who's not getting any attention they're going to quit, that pitcher who's getting overused because they're the best pitcher they're going to burn out. >> sometimes maybe rightly a
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parent has feedback for their kid, right, but we see it manifest in adult temper tantrums at sometimes, what's a constructive way to go about it. >> i go to mom and dad, they would sit way far away and they would smile and laugh and day would clap but there was no pressure in the moment, there was no fear of the car ride home, i really enjoyed the big moment because they treated the 0 for 5s and 25 for 5s the same. so, smile. less micromanaging and make them want to come back next year, that's the real issue. >> more about the playing less about the winning. >> exactly. if you're trying to win a youth game, you know, let's be honest, i don't know how many are going to make the major leagues, but they're all going to be members of the community. >> i have been on the sidelines
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years ago, where another parent starts to really get emotional or really get into that and what do i do if i witness that behavior? >> i think it's tempting to fight fire with fight. i don't know if that works. you have to build trust with them first. take them out for coffee, find out where the anxiety is coming back, you built that trust. i also think the way you act, if you lead by example they'll see that. you'll notice your body language is calm and your tone is positive. >> that's good. not only just the parents, though, sometimes the kids are holding big emotions during or after a game, how can a parent navigate these big post-game emotions. >> you got to build a culture beforehand, a culture of wink and learning.
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let's create this culture we're going to learn so much from our failures and become a better human because of this. wins don't matter until you're on tv. >> there are so many benefits to youth sports, right. talk about that. there's so much good. >> so much good. the social skills that you gain from it. i mean, i teach a lot of 5 and 6 years old who grew up in a lot of isolation because they weren't able to get out and they have a lot of trouble talking to each other and communicating. . social skills, obviously the lhysical and menta [ cellphone ringing ] phone call from the boss? sorry. outdoor time is me time. i hear that. that's why we protect all your vehicles here. but hey...nothing wrong with sticking it to the boss. ooooh, flo, you gonna take that? why would that concern me? because you're...the... aren't you the..? huh...we never actually discussed hierarchy. ok, why don't we just stick to letting dave know how much he can save when he bundles his home or auto with his boat or rv.
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wait, i thought jamie was the boss. [ laughter ] it's funny because i'm not boss material! nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. schwarzkopf dare to go blonde and let your hair tell your story. ♪♪ keratin blonde by schwarzkopf can lighten your hair color up to 9 levels. our professionally inspired formula helps protect your hair from breakage with our exclusive bond enforcing system. ♪♪ be the blonde you've always wanted to be and write your own story with schwarzkopf keratin blonde. what story will you tell? everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white
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provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. for people who feel limited by the unpredictability of generalized myasthenia gravis and who are anti-achr antibody positive, season to season, ultomiris is continuous symptom control, with improvement in activities of daily living. it is reduced muscle weakness. and ultomiris is the only long-acting gmg treatment with the freedom of just 6 to 7 infusions per year, for a predictable routine i can count on. ultomiris can lower your immune system's ability to fight infections, increasing your chance of serious meningococcal infections, which may become life-threatening or fatal, and other types of infections. complete or update meningococcal vaccines at least 2 weeks before starting ultomiris. if ultomiris is urgent, you should also receive antibiotics with your vaccines. before starting ultomiris, tell your doctor about all of your medical conditions and medications. ultomiris can cause reactions such as back pain, tiredness, dizziness, limb discomfort, or bad taste. ultomiris is moving forward
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with continuous symptom control. ask your neurologist about starting ultomiris. welcome to the fast forward on nbc daily. today, the governor responded to arizona's abortion ban with an offer to help. the arizona supreme court allowed a near abortion ban to go into effect. the ban is from 1864, prohibiting all abortions with the only exception to save the life of the mother. this morning, the governor proposed a bill to help those wanting an abortion. it would offer arizona doctors a way to get an expedited license in california to allow arizona doctors to provide abortions for patients traveling to california through the end of november. this morning, governor newsom explained the state's responsibility to help. >> no state has more to do and
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more responsibility to promote what needs to be done than our state. so that's the spirit that brings us here together. and that's the spirit that i'm confident will bring 2/3 of the legislature to meet this moment head on and get this bill to my desk as quickly as possible. >> the governor is working with the california women's caucus to pass this bill. if you're making weekend plans, it's a good time to head outside. we have sunshine ahead. here's kari hall with the forecast. >> we have some nice and comfortable weather over the next several days. cool to start in the mornings, but the afternoons will see highs in the upper 60s and even low 70s for the weekend. saturday and sunday are looking very pleasant. morning clouds and afternoon sunshine, a slightly warmer temperatures for the beginning of next week. a look at san francisco with a breezy wind, mostly cloudy and a high of 63 degrees. we'll be seeing more of these
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mornings in the low 50s over the next few days with our high temperatures in the mid 60s. very seasonable for this time of year. only a couple of spotty, light showers by the end of the week. we are going to dry out and see more sunshine for the weekend. >> thank you, kari.
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it is never too early for back-to-school season, and our annual effort to provide kids with backpacks and school supplies is kicking off tomorrow. and chris chumura is our team leader. >> we'll be in palo alto tomorrow afternoon. we'll be having some fun and supporting our schools. we are once again partnering with the nonprofit family giving tree. this year, it's hoping to provide free backpacks with supplies to thousands of deserving students. with your help. we usually kick off this campaign in the summer, but we are starting early, because times are still tough and making it in the bay is still not easy.
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>> the need is a near constant. it's not something that starts with the school year, it's something that lives throughout the year, with the school year and outside of it. >> here's where you can meet our family and the family giving tree tomorrow. town and country village in palo alto. our team will have kids games, prizes, and an opportunity for you to donate to this backpack drive. can't make it? no worries, donate from home. snap the qr code right now to make a contribution online. thanks for supporting our schools, and see you tomorrow in palo alto. the california garlic festival is moving locations. you may remember the festival removed to stockton after organizers shut it down back in 2022. for the past few years, it's been held at the san joaquin fair grounds. now the garlic festival will be at mersed fair grounds on august
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30th, 31st and september 1st. tickets cost around $15. that's it for this edition that's it for this edition of the fast sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte™. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. caplyta can help you let in the lyte™. ask your doctor about caplyta. find savings and support at if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect. new parodontax active gum repair breath freshener.
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for all of life's i'm craig melvin. and this is dateline daytime on nbc. r samuelson: a hopelessness. you know, where did she go? who did she see? i just want to know what happened to my sister. craig melvin (voiceover): a young mother is missing in a case gone cold. that was so important to me to know


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