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tv   Today  NBC  April 25, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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pier. there's a bus bridge in place. friday and saturday, bart has two areas with major track work going on, and the same thing for the orange line down here for vta. >> thank you, mike. the "today" show is moments away, and we will continue on "today in the bay" on roku and other platforms at 8:00, using ai for school work. scott mcgrew talks to the ceo about how often this is happening and what parents need to know. good thursday morning. college campuses reaching a boiling point. >> with new protests erupting overnight. it's april 25th. good morning. this is "today." powder keg. pro-palestinian protesters facing off with police. some demonstrations turning violent, ending with mass
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arrests. with new calls for university leaders to restore order or step down. >> this is dangerous. this is not freedom of expression. this is not first amendment. >> we're live with the latest on the growing unrest on campuses coast to coast. >> legal drama. multiple cases involving former president trump coming to a head today. new indictments for his inner circumstance circle over 2020 interference. all while his historic hush-money trial resumes in new york. we'll break down what's at stake. proof of life? hamas releases new video of an american man captured during the october 7th attack. alive, but appearing to be badly hurt. >> he certainly doesn't look like himself, but it was amazing to see him. >> how his family is responding this morning. trouble in paradise. an american tourist facing 12
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years in an island prison for what he says was an innocent mistake. >> it's the most awful thing that i have ever lived through at this point. >> his family desperately hoping for a resolution. >> i don't know what's in store for ryan. i don't know what's going to happen with our kids. >> what he's accused of and what happens next. those stories, plus, summer shortages. popular weight loss drugs already in short supply. >> i have been calling pharmacies every single day. >> why they may be even harder to find this summer. and feeling the draft. >> with the first pick in the 2023 nfl draft -- >> it is draft night. the crowned jewel of the nfl off-season, with fans whipped into a frenzy. the likely number one pick, ready for the call.
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>> being here, being at the draft, possibly being the number one pick, it's crazy. >> we are on the clock, live from detroit with all the nfl " guthrie and hoda kotb from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. good morning fanfare. today, thursday, april 25th, 2024. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb, from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> good morning, guys. welcome to "today." thanks for joining us. this is not a perspective you see very often unless you're flying into new york. that is central park, smack in the middle of manhattan. beautiful greenery. i mean, isn't that nice to see? >> on a clear, gorgeous day, when people say, why do you live here? >> that's our backyard, for people who know, who live in new york. >> absolutely beautiful. detroit is the center of the sports universe tonight. the nfl draft, caleb williams, the number one pick, expected to be. from usc, the quarterback. that will be a fun one. we'll have more on the draft coming up. but we will begin with another night of chaos across a growing number of college campuses coast-to-coast.
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new protests forming over the issue of the war in gaza, from california, where nearly a hundred people were arrested at usc after refusing police commands to disperse, to ut austin where several faculty members say they will not teach today over the school's, quote, militarized response to an on-campus protest. >> to new york where house speaker mike johnson was booed by students when he visited columbia university, asking the school's president to step down. those are a few of the growing number of schools where protests are taking place. nbc's stephanie gosk joins us from new york's columbia university. hey, steph, good morning. >> reporter: hoda, good morning. you know, columbia university extended the deadline for the tent encampment here by 48 hours, but that deadline runs out tonight at midnight. and the students i've spoken with here say they aren't going anywhere. as you mentioned, tension around the country is growing, it's spreading, it's leading to dramatic confrontations with police and dozens of arrests.
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the temperature this morning on some college campuses, reaching a boiling point. a growing number of protests forming over the ongoing war in the middle east, at campuses across the country, some leading to standoffs, including the university of texas at austin. students and police clashing during protests wednesday. more than 30 were taken into custody. protesters gathered outside the jail, with some faculty saying in a statement, they would not work today. and overnight, police and protesters also clashing at the university of southern california. >> get back! get back! >> reporter: officers hit with objects arrested more than 90 people, though it's unclear how many were students. and back on the east coast, a dramatic scene at emerson college. where students are encamped on an alleyway in the middle of downtown boston. police and demonstrators facing off. the tensions rising nationwide
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as reports of anti-semitism and islamophobia have skyrocketed since last october, with the antidefamation league and center for american-islamic relations each reporting record-high complaints. house speaker mike johnson and other republican lawmakers at columbia university wednesday, where they were shouted at by students. the lawmakers calling on the school president to resign over her handling of an encampment where police arrested dozens this week, and which some jewish students say has become a point of intimidation. >> the first responsibility of a university administrator is to keep their students safe. >> if you were the president of columbia university today, what would you do about this tent encampment? >> i would immediately bring order to the chaos. if necessary, i would call in the nypd. i would ask the governor to send in the national guard. >> reporter: the columbia board of trustees has expressed its support for the president,
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saying that she has struck that ever-important balance between freedom of speech and also ensuring the safety of jewish students, making sure they're not harassed and intimidated on campus. hoda? >> steph, it seems like every day we're reporting on another campus, where these protests are breaking out. so what happens next? >> reporter: well, they're here to stay, according to the students i've spoken with here at columbia. and we were walking around that encampment yesterday, hoda, and i was struck by how well organized they are. they have a lot of food coming in. they have good tents, the weather is not that bad. they say they are willing to stay here until their demands are met, even if it means weeks, and in just three weeks, this campus is going to have its graduation, and it takes place exactly where that tent encampment is set up right now, hoda. >> stephanie gosk for us there at columbia. steph, thank you. now, to a very busy legal day ahead for former president donald trump. his criminal trial resumes in new york, and the u.s. supreme court, meanwhile, will begin hearing arguments in a critical case deciding whether he is
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immune from criminal prosecution over his alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election. all of this as members of his inner circle were indicted in a new case in arizona overnight. we've got team coverage of all of these legal developments. we'll start with nbc's senior legal correspondent, laura jarrett, live from the supreme court this morning. laura, good morning. >> reporter: savannah, good morning to you. the justices are set to hear their final argument of the term here this morning on an issue they have never faced before. a former american president charged with trying to defraud the government he once led, arguing that he should be completely immune from prosecution. but the timing of the ultimate ruling, perhaps just as important as the substance of the decision itself. this morning, the high court forced to confront the key question that will determine if donald trump goes to trial for trying to overturn the last election before the election this november. this as the former president faces fresh legal jeopardy for
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his efforts to subvert the 2020 election results, this time in arizona where a state-run jury indicted is 1 republican officials wednesday for their unsuccessful ploy to award the electoral votes to mr. trump, despite his election loss to president biden. among those indicted, his former chief of staff, mark meadows, and mr. trump's former lawyer, rudy giuliani. >> i will not allow american democracy to be undermined. it's too important. >> reporter: mr. trump is described as an unindicted co-conspirator, but was not charged. yet his efforts to stop the peaceful transfer of power -- >> we will never give up! we will never concede. >> reporter: also at the heart of the case in front of the u.s. supreme court today, as his legal team hopes to persuade the justices he should be held completely immune from the charges. any acts he took while still president, his side argues, must be shielded from any prosecution. >> a president has to have immunity.
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if you don't have immunity, you just have a ceremonial president. >> reporter: but a federal appeals court was unpersuaded using stark hypotheticals on what a future president could do and still avoid criminal charges. >> could a president order s.e.a.l. team 6 to assassinate a political rival? >> reporter: in the view of mr. trump's lawyer, yes. special counsel jack smith has urged the high court to reject mr. trump's immunity theory, and quickly. >> my office will seek a speedy trial in this matter. >> reporter: writing in court papers, a bedrock principle of our constitutional order is that no person is above the law, including the president. but the elephant in the courtroom, the impending election, as the prospect of a trial completed before november very much in doubt. >> let's talk about this claim at the supreme court today, of presidential immunity. we know that a person can't by long-standing practice in tradition, can't be prosecuted while he is in office, but this
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is about criminal acts allegedly taken outside of office, potentially. so how broad is this claim here? >> reporter: savannah, the claim is so broad, so vast, that i think that's why so many observed that the justices are unlikely to hand him a complete win, a complete full stop saying that he's completely immune. because if he is, then he can do anything in office, including trying to have a political rival assassinated. it seems unlikely the court will go that far. but they can do things far short of that. and they might be interested in trying to uphold some limited immunity for official acts, things that happened when he was actually president. and that's where the rubber will meet the road on this. >> if this trial is delayed past election day, no matter what happens today at the supreme court, that is a victory and part of the legal strategy for the trump team, isn't it? >> reporter: that's right. and even if sort of he gets a legal loss here, savannah, if you will, the fact that we're even here today in front of the supreme court instead of at a trial is a loss in some ways for the special counsel's office
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that wanted to try to take ka this case to trial as quickly as possible. in fact, there are a variety of different scenarios, including the supreme court saying, we're not sure that there's actual immunity here and we have to send the case all the way back down to the trial court to do a little bit more work on that. that, too, would be a loss for the special counsel's office, savannah. >> okay. and we now have another case. this one comes out of arizona, a state case indicting several individuals. donald trump is not mentioned by name. is there a chance this case could reach him at some point? what are the ramifications of it? >> reporter: right. even though he's not indicted, so many members of his inner circle are indicted in this case, that it jeopardizes him to the extent that they could try to cooperate. we saw this in georgia. so if they put the squeeze on all of those individuals and flip on him, that's where the risk comes into play, savannah. >> laura jarrett, big day at the court. thank you. let's move to day seven of donald trump's hush money criminal trial right here in new york city. this morning, the former president back in court.
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he has pleaded not guilty on 34 charges of falsifying business records. the former publisher of the "national enquirer," david pecker, is expected to continue his testimony today. he told jurors earlier this week about arrangements to, quote, catch and kill stories that could have hurt trump's 2016 campaign, like one involving adult film star, stormy daniels. >> here to offer some perspective on that, criminal defense attorney, danny cevallos and nbc news legal analyst. danny, good morning. before we get to the testimony, we had a hearing in court about the gag order and alleged violations of the gag order. how do you think judge marchan will handle this? >> i thought justice marchan might have handled this yesterday, but he was catching up on administrative business. i think he's got a really difficult decision. you could say that every single gag order, they're relatively rare, but every gag order is a close constitutional call, because it brings competing constitutional interests directly in conflict. you have a first amendment right
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to speak, you have the public's interest in a fair trial, and the judge has to control the courtroom and protect witnesses and i think even especially jurors. so this is a difficult choice. i think, as he has done in the past, he likes to split the difference. he might impose fines, probably in the thousand-dollar range, which is significant. the people have asked for that dollar amount, i believe, because they're trying to establish the bottom rung of a ladder, and in incremental ways, that's how sanctions work, they will eventually get to the end of the ladder, if they need to, which is as crazy as this sounds, incarcerating the president to punish him for violating a gag order. >> all right. meanwhile, back to the testimony. david pecker, the prosecution's first witness, who talked about this strategy to catch and kill stories that were unflattering to trump, trying to frame this case as a way of the -- that the hush money falls into this pattern of trying to influence the election. what do you expect when cross-examination starts?
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>> forget michael cohen, i think that david pecker is the people's star witness. we're only one witness in and he's not even halfway completed his testimony, but the government must have known he would be good, they started out with a bang. he's talking about a subject matter that people find fascinating. the underbelly of paycheck -- or excuse me, checkbook journalism. everybody is interested in hearing that. i know i am. he's somebody who knew trump personally and he has less credibility issues than michael cohen. he's a compelling witness and a good one for the people. i'm sitting here wondering, what are they even going to cross-examination him on? >> we shall see. danny, thank you very much. 7:15. craig joins the table with some video just released of a hostage that seems to be in better health. >> just released. hoda, savannah, good morning. good morning to you as well. the last time his family saw american hostage hersh goldberg polin, he was badly injured. he was being captured during the
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october 7th attack. well now, now more than six months later, they are hearing from him and they're also holding out hope he will come home. nbc's raf sanchez is live for us in jerusalem. raf, good morning. >> reporter: craig, good morning. for 200 days, john and rachel goldberg polin had no idea whether their son hersh was alive or dead until they saw this video. we just wrapped up an interview with them here in jerusalem, and they tell us they will not rest until there is a deal to bring home not just hersh but all the remaining hostages. >> reporter: this morning, the fbi looking for clues in this hamas video of american-israeli hostage, hersh goldberg polin and his parents getting a first glimpse of their missing son. the video is undated and shows hirsch has lost his left hand, but he's alive. his family gave us permission to show the footage. >> what was it like for you to see that video? >> i mean, initially, you know,
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we were just crying. this was a tremendous validation and on the other hand, we see him. he's in captivity, he's obviously suffering with this missing dominant arm. >> he certainly doesn't look like himself, but it was amazing to see him and amazing to see that he speaks like himself with clarity and strength. >> reporter: the last sighting of their son was only october 7th, as he was kidnapped from the super nova music festival, his left arm badly damaged by hamas grenade. rachel and john have campaigned tirelessly for their son's release. since october 7th, a painful daily ritual. >> so every day, i write the number of days it's been since hersh was stolen. >> reporter: hersh is one of five americans still believed to be alive in hamas captivity. four others were released last year, including 4-year-old
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abigail edan, the youngest american, who yesterday became the first freed hostage to meet president biden at the white house, but israel says 133 hostages are still in gaza. at least 36 of them confirmed dead. >> how do you stay hopeful? >> we say all the time, hope is mandatory. it's not really a choice. it's mandatory. >> reporter: hope is mandatory. while the world saw that hostage video for the first time last night, a source tells nbc news that hamas passed it to qatar several days ago, who in turn passed it to the u.s. government. craig? >> hope is mandatory, indeed. raf sanchez in jerusalem, thank you. let's move to the nba playoffs now. a big upset last night in boston. >> here a little sidestep three. it's good again! >> miami heat hitting a franchise playoff record, 23 three-pointers. they go on to win it, 111-101. that series all tied up at a game a piece. game three saturday in miami.
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and in oklahoma city, the thunder take a commanding 2-zip lead in their series against the new orleans pelicans. okc wins easily, the score there 124-92. >> the pelicans won't have much of a shot unless williamson comes back. >> yeah, i was just about to say that. weren't you? it's like you were reading my mind. >> 76ers/knicks tonight. i know you're interested in that. >> very excited about that. embiid, there. mr. roker, what do you got? >> very fit you had the thunder there, we'll be bringing the thunder and lightning and a lot more. warm front slowly lifting north ward. we'll see storms developing from texas to nebraska. we've got an enhanced risk from garden city down to abilene, witchta falls. we've got this risk for ef-2 tornadoes tonight and those are the nocturnal ones, twice as deadly. we move into tomorrow, heavy rain for the upper midwest. this risk now moves from dallas to des moines, this enhanced risk from omaha to kansas city with ef-2 tornadoes possible and
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damaging hail, but the risk stretches from dallas up to omaha. then we move into saturday, which is the day we're probably the most concerned about, with new storm system in the southern plains. we're talking about this enhanced risk from kansas city, down to dallas. ef-2 or possibly even stronger tornadoes, long-track tornadoes, and this lasts right on into sunday as well. and as we look as far as the rainfall, 2 to 3-inch rainfall rates possible. we could be looking at some flash flooding between kansas city, oklahoma city, and little rock. we're going to get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. ? wild! and i don't even have to activate anything. oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card.
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[mind blown explosion noise] i am meteorologist, kari hall. it's going to be a cloudy day, at least to start with peeks of sunshine. morgan hill and in livermore will be in the upper 60s today. upper 60s as well tomorrow with partly to mostly cloudy skies and then maybe a stray shower. go into the weekend, mostly sunny and temperatures warming up into the 70s inland and and that's you're latest weather. guys? >> thanks, al. >> al, thank you. coming up, an american tourist in turks and caicos facing 12 years in prison. sam brock following the case. hi, sam. >> reporter: hi, savannah. good morning. that man says he accidentally took hunting bullets in an overnight bag and didn't even realize until he was leaving turks and caicos. his family's emotional plea
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coming up next. >> all right, sam, thank you. plus, weight loss drugs are already hard to find, and now summer is around the corner. why a lot of folks are worried those shortages could get even worse. but first, this is "today" on nbc. next. next. stop. we got it? no. keep going. again... [ gasps ] next. if you don't pick one, i... am i keeping you from your job? next. stop! do we finally have it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer.
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motor city revved up for the nfl draft kicks off tonight in detroit. >> nationwide, folks are revved up. we'll take you inside the acts, and we'll hear from the young man that most experts say will be the number one pick likely in chicago. but first, your local news. ♪ ♪ to bear my skin, yeah that's all me. ♪ ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ( ♪♪) with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and most people were clearer even at 5 years.
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skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions... ...and an increased risk of infections... ...or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms,... ...had a vaccine, or plan to. ♪ nothing and me go hand-in-hand, ♪ ♪ nothing on my skin, that's my new plan. ♪ ♪ nothing is everything ♪ now's the time,... ...ask your doctor about skyrizi,... ...the number one... ...dermatologist-prescribed biologic in psoriasis. learn how abbvie could help you save. (man) excuse me, would you mind taking a picture of us? (tony) oh, no problem. (man) thanks. (tony) oh, yeah that's a problem you need verizon. trade-in that old thing and get a new iphone 15 pro with tons of storage. so you can take all the pics! so many selfies. a preposterous amount of pano! that means panoramic. and as many portraits of me as your heart desires. (woman) how about none? (boy) none. (man) yea none feels right. (vo) trade-in any iphone in any condition
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and get a new iphone 15 pro - on us. only on verizon. (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. good morning. it's 7:26. i am kris sanchez. right now pro palestinian protests are sweeping colleges nationwide. i am bob redell at uc berkeley and we are on the fourth day of the encampment
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here. they remain peaceful, not the case south in los angeles, where yesterday police moved in and arrested 93 pro palestinian protesters that set up an encampment at the university of southern california. that campus remains closed today to the public. i am ginger conejero saab in san francisco. later this morning there will be a hearing in sacramento to discuss important moves for california's home insurance market. this comes as allstate hints at a possible return for writing new homeowner policies in california if certain conditions are met. you will remember allstate stopped writing new homeowner policies in 2022 because of rising costs, and josh becker is hosting a town hall on this issue later at 4:00 this afternoon in hillsborough. it's cloudy but not too shabby. >> we will see breaks in the clouds. we are seeing that now in san
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rafael as you are heading out. temperatures in the north bay will reach in the mid-60s today. very much like yesterday's weather. we will see more clouds and cooler than normal temperatures tomorrow. kris? >> thank you, kari. our streaming newscast for "today in the bay" starts in just about half an hour, and we are going to talk about ai and school work and what we as parents need to know about using that.
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>> she didn't do it on purpose. >> maybe unconsciously i did. it's no use. i'm going to the pen. >> we have to get her a lawyer. >> where's the phone? >> over there. >> do you have any change. >> i think so. >> i'm going to lose my job. >> just calm down! >> i'm no fool.
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you think they're not going to fire me for a thing like that. >> 7:30. still good! thursday, april 25th, 2024. we sure do like a throwback. that's the 1985 classic, "9:00 to 5:00." dolly parton, jane fonda. coming up in "popstart," who is thinking about giving that a little reboot. a major star, it says right there. >> i'm looking forward to that! let's move now to a family vacation that's turned into a legal nightmare for an oklahoma father of two. ryan watson was celebrated his 40th birthday, he was in turks and caicos. now he's not allowed to leave after police say he violated a relatively new law that could land him in prison for 12 years. nbc's sam brock spoke with him. sam, good morning. >> reporter: yeah, hoda, savannah, craig, good morning. ryan watson was just remanded on bond and now he's waiting around in turks and caicos to see how strict the government might be with a possible sentence.
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he told me that he had an overnight duffel that he thought was clear but apparently had contained some sort of hunting bullets from a trip that was months prior. and he now faces the prospect of being jailed and away from his family for years. it was the 40th birthday celebration for ryan watson, celebrated with his wife, valerie, and two other couples that went from bliss to torture in an instant. >> to not be home with my kids, to not be home with valerie right now, it's the most awful thing that i have ever lived through at this point. >> i don't know what's in store for ryan. i don't know what's going to happen with our kids. >> reporter: the chain of events started by what watson says was a simple mistake on a trip to turks & caicos two weeks ago, not realizing his duffel bag contained deer hunting bullets from a trip months earlier. >> i never recall putting those -- that ammunition in that bag, but you know, somehow they ended up in there. >> reporter: the turks & caicos government tightened its laws in 2022 around firearms and ammunition, with a mandatory
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term of imprisonment of not less than 12 years. last september, the bahamian embassy and u.s. government issued warnings to travelers, but the watsons say they were unaware. >> i have never, ever intended to bring any type of ammunition into this country. >> nbc boston first broke the story of the couple's detention as their 7 and 9-year-old kids waited for them in oklahoma city. >> i was like, we can't both be in prison for 12 years. we have kids at home. >> reporter: valerie was released and reunited with her kids, but ryan can't leave the island. another american, brian hagrich is also being detained there and awaiting trial. the pennsylvania father of two was arrested in february when authorities also found hunting bullets he said he didn't know were in his bag. >> this has happened to enough individuals already and we certainly don't want to see this happen to anybody else.
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>> reporter: turks & caicos officials say eight firearms and ammunition prosecutions have involved u.s. tourists since the law went into effect. that includes this indiana man, who received a shorter, eight-month sentence for exceptional circumstances. ryan watson says he's desperate to get home to his family. >> we can't set any type of expectations on when i can be home to those kids. and that is and will always be my ultimate goal. >> so, sam, explain this exceptional circumstances deal. >> so ryan watson certainly could qualify, hoda. we're all waiting to find out if he will, based on the criteria that the government there had laid out for the case of that indiana man. examples they cited of exceptional circumstances include things like no criminal intention of use with those bullets, in addition to that, good standing and character in your country at home, a licensed weapon that would have been in play here and firearm training previously. the state department has weighed in and says they're at the ready
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to help in any way they can. but the reality of the situation is this is another country's rules and laws and there's just not that much that they can do. hoda, back to you. >> thank you, sam. coming up, we've been talking about this a lot over the last few days, especially the future of tiktok very much in doubt. well, now the battle over that wildly popular app is taking shape and the company's ceo is saying this morning about a possible ban. but first, shortages of those popular weight loss drugs could be about to get even worse. our emilie ikeda has more. hey, em. >> hey there, good morning. we can feel it. the season of beaches and bathing suits is fast approaching. could that have an effect on the demand for the already sky-high interest in those weight loss drugs? coming up, what doctors are saying about it. and there were some days i was so short of breath. i thought i'd have to settle for never stepping foot on this trail again. i became great at making excuses. but i have people who count on me so i talked to my cardiologist.
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(man) oh, is that a buffalo? (woman) babe, that's a cow. (vo) the subaru crosstrek wilderness. adventure on the edge. dad, don't forget about my new cleats. sweetie, i can't make it to dick's this week. have you heard of have i heard of girl: let's go! let's go! have i heard of (screaming) whoa. don't overthink it. let's go shopping. actually what i need are some cleats. how about one of these? great. done. anything else? no. golf clubs? not for me, for a friend... yeah, yeah, of course... anyone impressed with how fast that was? yeah, totally! i know, i went to dicks... my cleats! thank you! i love you! wha... i-i went to ever heard of it? girl 2: yeah, i told you about that. ( ♪♪ ) (vo) if you have graves' disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more. girl 2: yeah, i told you about that. that gritty feeling can't be brushed away. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition
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called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at ♪ we are back with in depth today and also back with some questions about those really popular weight loss drugs. >> people are already having a really hard time filling prescriptions, and now some are worried that the shortages are about to get even worse. emilie ikeda is here to tell us how summer could impact the supply. hey, em. >> hey, guys. good morning. doctors tell me it's like finding the golden egg in an easter egg hunt, with some patients traveling hundreds of miles to get their hands on zepbound and wegovy. and this has some left wondering, as the weather gets warmer, will even more americans try to get on one of the drugs? this morning, the scramble to find wildly popular weight loss drugs is heating up. >> i have been calling pharmacies every single day.
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>> reporter: dominating the conversation from tiktok -- >> is anyone finding it anywhere online? it's like "the hunger games" out here. >> reporter: to reddit, where there's a thread devoted to strategies to finding the coveted medicine. dr. anthony mallard practices in chicago, but has patients picking up prescriptions in california, florida, and beyond. >> we're seeing patients try to get the medication from literally anywhere they can. sometimes it's within the united states, sometimes it's outside the country. >> reporter: according to the fda, there's a shortage of all but one dose of weight loss medications wegovy and zepbound because of a demand increase for the drug. a demand some say the season of beaches and bathing suits could further exacerbate, with promotions plugging, get ready for summer. in florida, mind, body, and soul medical tells nbc news, with summer fast approaching, the urgency for these medications has become next level, fielding a record number of daily inquiries. while other practices say health
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benefits still remain a driving force. >> these are medications that improve a number of medical conditions. can make exercise become easier. >> reporter: for tara, her summer goal is about a healthier summer body and mind. >> i want to be able to experience the sensation of being able to go on vacation in a smaller body. i just wanted to see what that felt like. >> reporter: the massachusetts resident said she had to switch from a zep bound to a drug compound which is not fda approved because of drug shortages. >> it feels like it should be available to you. it was prescribed to you. a disease, what we're suffering from. >> reporter: doctors underscoring the most important benefits of weight loss drugs lie in patient's health, regardless of the season. and the fda predicts zepbound shortages will continue through june and there's no estimated time line for wegovy. the drugmakers say they're opening new manufacturing sites, but some believe it could take new weight loss medications to really ease the pressure on this market. >> more meds.
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>> a lot of demand. >> thank you, emilie. al's got another check of the weather. >> yep, we sure do, guys. and we're talking about again another chilly morning from the great lakes to the northeast. 48 million people under frost advisories, freeze watches and freeze warning. from saranac lake, it's 16 33 degrees in columbus. 33 in binghamton. new york city, 43. a mixed bag of highs. rapid city, 16 degrees above average an 75. minneapolis, 68 degrees. indianapolis, though, burlington, vermont, new york, and virgin beach all below average. tomorrow, oklahoma city, you're way up, same in st. louis. philadelphia down to wilmington and asheville, below average. and then temperatures start to get warmer by monday, syracuse, you're 81. 87 in richmond. louisville, 81. and guess what, we are watching the tropics already. this gives you an idea of how warm these ocean temperatures are. right now this is the sixth earliest tropical outlook issued by the national hurricane center. the water temperatures out in
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the atlantic, they should be this temperature around mid-june and that does not bode well for our hurricane seseason. good thursday morning. i am meteorologist, kari hall. we do have a really nice start this morning. it's clear here at the golden gate bridge but we are at times going to see a mostly cloudy sky and breezy winds picking up today. temperatures heading towards the 60s, and in the north bay mid to upper 60s and a high of 71 expected in concord and in fairfield. tomorrow it will be slightly cooler. we are expecting more clouds and even a >> and that's your latest weather. coming up, detroit will be rocking, because the nfl draft is just hours away. kaylee hartung, who else, right there to break it all down. and then hoda will have a musical morning boost for us right after these messages. ♪
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long lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision and can help you go up to 4 months between treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness, or allergies to eylea hd, don't use. eye injections like eyla hd may cause eye infection, separation of the retina, or rare but severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye. an increase in eye pressure has been seen. there's an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. the most common side effects were blurred vision, cataract, corneal injury, and eye floaters. and there's still so much to see. if you are on eylea or a similar type of treatment, ask your retina specialist about eylea hd today, for the potential for fewer injections. norman, bad news... ask your retina specialist about eylea hd i never graduated from med school. what?
7:46 am
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7:47 am
to create innovative products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen. since the citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category... suddenly, life's feeling a little more automatic... oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. breathing claritin clear is like... is he? claritin clear? yeah. fast relief of your worst allergy symptoms, like nasal congestion. live claritin clear® when it comes to hair supplements, you just never know. you see things online,
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you just don't know if they're going to work. is this going to be powerful enough, and i'm actually going to see substantial results from it. my dermatologist recommended nutrafol, and it's 100% drug—free and clinically tested. within three months, my hair is fuller. it's longer, it's thicker. it's so nice to be noticed for my hair after hiding it for so many years. try the #1 dermatologist recommended hair growth supplement brand at rsv is out there. for those 60 years and older protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy.
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7:48. carson is here. >> i know that sound? getting excited already. for football fans, we've had this date circled on our calendar for months. the nfl draft is tonight. it's become not only a marquee event, but really a reason to party. >> nbc's kaylee hartung live and in the big d. she sat down with the college star most experts expect to be number one pick, most suspect will go to chicago. kaylee, good morning. >> reporter: most experts, we're going to go with all the experts. but motor city here is revved up for this event that has become one of the biggest spectacles and one of the most unique fan experiences in all of sports. the finishing touches are being put on the draft theater here. detroit has been planning for this for about two years. but for the young men who are going to walk across this stage behind me tonight and realize their dreams comes true, this is a lifetime in the making.
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>> 2023 nfl draft. >> reporter: it's one of the most exclusive clubs in the sports world -- >> first pick in the draft, the indianapolis colts select, peyton manning. joe borough. >> reporter: and in a matter of hours, caleb williams is widely expected to hear his name called as the number one pick in the 2024 nfl draft. at what point did you believe that being the number one pick was actually possible? >> when i was 12. it's becoming a reality actually. being here, being at the draft, possibly being the number one pick. it's crazy! >> does out feel real? >> it feels real. feels real. feels like i was supposed to be here. >> so this is how usc's former heisman winning quarterback gets prepared for the biggest night of his life. >> wow! >> does he lose at anything or no? >> reporter: surrounded by his closest group of friends and confidants. >> how do you imagine emotion hitting you on thursday night? >> excited. but all of the emotions on the field that you see, i probably won't have those. >> do you think that you are going to be able to sleep well
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the night before the draft? >> i'm going to sleep like a baby. >> reporter: over the next three days, 257 young men will be called to begin their nfl journey, but only williams and 12 other prospects will have the opportunity to walk on stage in detroit and hug the commissioner if they dare. >> what's the move on stage with the commissioner? >> give him a big hug. >> reporter: beyond the first overall pick, all but certainly sending williams to chicago, experts agree we're in for a wild ride. >> definitely is a lot of uncertainty after the number one pick. >> reporter: as the next generation of nfl stars await their crowning moment, the city of detroit is suiting up, too. construction has been underway for nearly a month, building a footprint that covers nearly 2 million feet of downtown, in anticipation of nearly 200,000 fans flooding in to celebrate. >> i'm excited for the city of detroit to show the world that we are prepared to have a safe and welcoming event. >> it's a big moment. >> it's a long time coming for even a longer time to come.
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i'm ready for the moment. >> reporter: and key to the moment for the 13 guys who have made the trip to detroit, guys, of course the fashion. i asked caleb who has been known to be something of a trendsetter over the years. we've seen him in the pages of "gq" magazine. i asked him if i could get a peek at the suit, he said aba salutely not. he's keeping it locked up until tonight. we have to wait until he struts down the walk. he gave a hint it would be navy blue with silver accents. by the way, we were playing spades over lunch yesterday. yes, caleb and his teammate jeff won the first round while we were filming, but when we played the second is when gavin and i won, his buddy. >> wait, there was no tape of that one? >> kaylee? >> reporter: there was no tape. >> interesting! we believe you. >> kaylee hartung plays spades. >> another take away. >> i like it. >> thank you, kaylee. carson, how is "popstart" shaping up? >> very nicely. thank you for asking, savannah. and it's good to be friends with
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beyonce, apparently. one of the stars we have, how beyonce surprised one of her youngest fans with a very, very special gift. you'll like that coming up on "popstart," but first a quick check of your local news and weather. .. .with injections every two months. stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've had an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. feel unstoppable. ask your doctor how lasting remission can start with stelara®. johnson & johnson can help you explore cost support options. ♪ meow, meow, meow, meow. ♪ johnson & johnson can help you explore ♪ meow, meow. ♪ [ background cats singing ] ♪ meow, meow, meow. ♪ ♪ meow, meow, meow. ♪
7:54 am
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you don't take yada yada in life. don't take yada yada from your wireless provider. get a new iphone 12 with 5g for only $99.99. only at metro. -oh, here comes the bread guy. -come on. if you save nearly $750 like this, imagine what we could get. oh, like blackberries, cranberries. -exactly. -halle berry. i'm just kidding, but i love her. switch to progressive, and you could save hundreds. ( ♪♪ ) asthma. it can make you miss out on those epic hikes with friends. step back out there with fasenra. fasenra is an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. ( ♪♪ ) fasenra helps prevent asthma attacks. most patients did not have an attack in the first year. fasenra is proven to help you breathe better so you can get back to doing day-to-day activities. and fasenra helps lower the use of oral steroids. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur.
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don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. get back to better breathing. get back to what you've missed. ask your doctor about fasenra, the only asthma treatment taken once every 8 weeks. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. good morning. it's 7:56. i am marcus washington. i am kris sanchez. here's a look at what is happening now. >> reporter: i am bob redell at uc berkeley. we are now in the fourth day of the pro palestinian protesters encampment here. they remain peaceful. not the case down south in los angeles where yesterday police moved in and arrested 93 pro palestinian protesters who set up an encampment at the
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university of southern california. that campus remains closed today to the public. let's get a look at the forecast for us today. meteorologist, kari hall, tracking the numbers. >> the nice and cool weather continues for us today. even though it has been cloudy, we will continue to see a mostly cloudy morning and peeks of sunshine throughout the afternoon. tomorrow we will do it all over again. for the weekend it will be clearing out and warming up with our inland temperatures in the mid-70s, and even upper 70s for the beginning of next week while san francisco will reach a high of 62 and expect it to be windy and a few spotty showers possible tomorrow. then we are going to see things drying out for the weekend. kris and marcus. >> thank you, kari. be sure and watch "today in the bay" streaming newscast coming up in a few minutes. we will be talking about we will be talking about weinstein's
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we're in the middle of... seizing the date! in the middle of the perfect pairing ... and parking it here for the night! so come get away... together... illinois— the middle of everything.
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♪ it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, campus clashes. new protests on college campuses across the country, more arrests overnight amid the growing number of demonstrations. we're live with the latest. and tiktok.
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president biden signing a bill that would ban tiktok if it isn't sold in the next year. >> it will make america safer. >> the app ceo and users pushing back. >> rest assured, we aren't going anywhere. >> what you need to know about the next steps, straight ahead. ♪ then, new hope. inside the groundbreaking research that could be life changing for women everywhere. >> there is a potential if we can delay menopause, we cannot only delay a lot of negative consequences that come with menopause, but delay a lot of the negative consequences from it. how scientists are trying to delay menopause and preserve fertility. ♪ working 9:00 to 5:00 ♪ >> all that plus jennifer aniston working 9:00 to 5:00? >> you think they're not going to fire me for a thing like this? >> a special surprise for a big beyonce fan. >> beyonce is here. >> and 20 years of 13 going on
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30. so let's celebrate! >> we're going to a party in a limo! >> today, thursday, april 25th, 2024. ♪ from herman, missouri! >> sisters on a bucket list trip. >> sending love to nahna and papa, watching in michigan. >> hi to our friends at liberty park middle school. >> in birmingham, alabama. >> ana's turning 10! ♪ >> shout-out to wakefield, mississippi. >> new york! >> caldwell, idaho. >> and hugo, minnesota! >> to meet hoda and savannah, because today is her 1st birthday. ♪ >> happy birthday to you! good to see everybody outside
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this morning. hopefully the last of the chilly mornings here in the northeast. everyone's bundled up, but we'll come out and say hello in just a little bit. it is a busy morning. let's get right to our news at 08 clock. we begin with chaos on college campuses across the country. new protests over the israel/hamas war erupt overnight. some demonstrations turning violent and ended with mass arrests. nbc's stephanie gosk joins us now from new york's columbia university. steph, good morning. >> reporter: hi, hoda. good morning. you know, these student protesters are demanding that their universities cut financial ties with israel, but these encampments that we've been seeing from coast to coast have become at times flash points for harassment and intimidation of jewish students. there have been a number of places where there have been dramatic confrontations with police, including number of students taking over a public alliway and confronting with police. overnight, there were more than 100 arrests at emerson. there were also clashes between
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police in riot gear at the university of texas, arresting protesters there, dozens of them. and then in california, at usc, there were protesters who were told to clear out of the center of campus. some of them did not listen to that call. they were also arrested. here at columbia, there was a visit from lawmakers, including house speaker mike johnson, who stood on the steps of the library here at columbia university and called on the president to step down if she could not get control of the protesters here on campus. meanwhile, the board trustees here at columbia issued a statement in support of the president. they say that she has done that ever-important balance act of striking a balance between the importance of freedom of speech and maintaining the safety of students here, so they are not harassed. hoda? >> stephanie gosk for us there at columbia. steph, thank you. >> now to the uncertain future of tiktok. the president has signed a bill that would ban the app if its
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chinese parent company doesn't sell it, but the ceo of tiktok plans to fight back. nbc's savannah sellers is here with the legal fight that is taking shape now. savannah, good morning. >> hey there, good morning. that's right, this legislation included in that larger foreign aid package says that tiktok must find a buyer in 270 days, though president biden would be able to grant an extension of three months. now, beijing could block the sale, not to mention it's a tall order to find a buyer for this company, said to be worth tens of billions of dollars. >> it's going to make america safer. >> reporter: this morning, the clock ticking for tiktok to find a buyer or be banned in the u.s., after president biden signed into law a foreign aid package that includes a provision forcing the sale of the chinese-owned company in the next nine months. on the app, its ceo vowing fight back. >> make no mistake, this is a ban. a ban on tiktok and a ban on you and your voice. rest assured, we aren't going anywhere. we are confident and we will keep fighting for your rights in the courts.
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>> reporter: and urging users to rally in support of tiktok. >> i'm going to be really upset, like, everybody is on here. >> reporter: any potential ban is likely years away, as legal challenges play out, but even if a ban does go through, tiktok wouldn't suddenly disappear from phones. instead, no new downloads or updates would be possible. lawmakers who pushed for the bill to pass say the app must be sold from its chinese parent company bytedance to protect american users' data. >> through this process, have you learned anything about americans' data on tiktok that does really concern you, anything concrete? >> yes, rivers of data are being collected and shared in ways that are not well aligned with american security interests. >> reporter: fbi director christopher wray telling lester holt that tiktok's parent company is behold on the the chinese government. >> we're talking about the ability to control or collect data on millions and millions of users and to use it for all sorts of influence operations, like driving their ai efforts. >> i flew all night, yeah. >> you came on a red eye?
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>> yes. >> reporter: other tiktok creators traveling to the capitol from far and wide to demonstrate against the ban. >> tiktok has given me every bit of voice that i have. >> so as i mentioned, tiktok vows that they are taking this to court. they will argue this impedes user's free speech. now, whichever side were to lose that battle would likely appeal to the supreme court potentially setting up a year's long showdown, guys. >> keep us posted, savannah. thank you. to some breaking news. new york's highest court overturning harvey weinstein's 2020 rape conviction. the court finding the judge at the landmark trial prejudiced the exmovie mogul with improper rulings including a decision to let women testify about allegations that were not part of the case. the court ordering a new trial. weinstein will remain in prison because he was convicted in los angeles in 2022 of another rape and sentenced to 16 years in prison. former usc football great reggie bush is getting his heisman trophy back.
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it comes more than 14 years after it was taken amid accusations he received improper benefits as an athlete. five years, the honor was stripped in the wake of allegations that his family received financial benefits from agent. yesterday the heisman trophy trust reinstated bush citing economics in college athletes and, quote, we are so happy to welcome him back. >> reggie bush should have gotten that trophy back years ago. a boost? i got you covered. this is cute. when a grandma finished her physical therapy and did not need her walker anymore, her grandson decided to celebrate by writing a catchy little song. here is is it go. ♪ grandma's got no walker, hey ♪ ♪ grandma's got no walker, hey ♪ ♪ grandma doesn't need a walker anymore ♪ ♪ grandma doesn't need a walker anymore ♪
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♪ grandma's got no walker ♪ >> that's good. >> grandma's got no walker, hey. >> she may not have a walker but she's not moves. >> she got rhythm, too. >> people on social media loving this. where do i buy tickets for the next show. this brought me so much joy. grandma and her grandson adorable. what a beautiful relationship. >> love it, love it, love it. >> that's awesome. coming up in "popstart" a classic film back on the clock. which hollywood superstar is pl planning an update of the film? our anne thompson found out how scientists are trying to delay menopause right after this. to your antidepressant. partial response happens when your antidepressant alone isn't enough. let's try adding rexulti. when added to an antidepressant, rexulti significantly reduced depression symptoms
8:10 am
more than an antidepressant alone. so you can build on your progress. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. antidepressants may increase suicidal thoughts and actions and worsen depression in children and young adults. report new or sudden changes in mood, behavior, thoughts, or feelings, or if you develop suicidal thoughts or actions. report fever, stiff muscles, and confusion which can be life threatening or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar which can lead to coma or death; weight gain; increased cholesterol; low white blood cells; unusual urges; dizziness on standing; falls; seizures; trouble swallowing, or sleepiness may occur. ask your doctor about rexulti. (woman) ugh, of course it stops loading at the best part. (tony hale) i wasn't eavesdropping, yes i was. you need verizon. get their crazy powerful network out here, and get six months of disney bundle on them! and it is all good. (vo) that's right, stream on the go, with six months of disney bundle on us. all your favorite content from hulu, disney plus and espn plus is all yours,
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and watch it all on the new galaxy s24+, also on us. only on verizon. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪♪) what if — you could wash and dry in one machine? your fridge could recognize your groceries? your range could suggest what to cook? do less. live more. welcome to bespoke ai. samsung. look at that sweet frosting and filling. that's what makes pop-tarts such a great snack! i sure hope we get eaten soon. we will. i made a sign. [vending machine buzzs] it's working! pop-tarts! crazy good. (♪♪) i've got to go. ok. bye. mom! (♪♪)
8:12 am
-thanks mom. -yeah. (♪♪) (♪♪) you were made to dream about it for years. we were made to help you book it in minutes. saratoga means more than spring water. ♪♪ carefully crafted for over 150 years. ♪♪ each curve of the bottle each drop sourced and bottled for the perfect taste curating an experience that's timeless. saratoga, the official water of bravo's top chef. ♪ i'll stop the world and melt with you ♪ ♪♪ ♪ mmmm ♪
8:13 am
♪ i'll stop the world and melt with you ♪ have you had your hershey's? shopify helps you sell at every stage of your business. so you can sell it online, take it in person and go big. like a million orders big. whatever the stage, businesses that grow grow with shopify. rsv is out there. for those 60 years and older protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. since my citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category... suddenly life's feeling a little more automatic.
8:14 am
like doors opening wherever i go... [sound of airplane overhead] even the ground is moving for me! y'all seeing this? wild! and i don't even have to activate anything. oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. [mind blown explosion noise] our on going series the future of fertility. this morning, we're looking at groundbreaking research being done at columbia fertility in new york city that could help women young and older. >> there's a clinical trial happening to see if menopause could be delayed. that means fewer years to suffer the adverse effects and more years for women to try to have a family before it starts. nbc's anne thompson is here. she's got more. hey, annie. >> how incredible science is. did you ever even think this would be possible?
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the idea behind this is that the ageing of a woman's ovaries is out of synch with her life span, with women living longer, more vibrant lives, well into their 70s and 80s. scientists are now looking at the possibility of delaying menopause, which would also cardiovascular issues, delay the increased risk of cardiovascular issues, osteoporosis, and yes, that nasty weight gain that comes along with it. >> actress bonnie is in a profession that values youth. but her determination to delay menopause is not just a business decision. >> your life is on a great trajectory and then you hit this and then there's a cascade of negative health impacts. it looks like a cliff. >> reporter: falling into a world of hot flashes, night sweats and mood changes. >> did your mom and grandmother have health problems that you associate with menopause? >> my grandmother and my aunt
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both broke hips and my mother has been complaining about it for 20 years. >> reporter: and bonnie's frustrated by what she says she's heard from too many doctors. >> most doctors, they'll say, oh, it's normal, it's healthy. you know, you can't fight it, you shouldn't fight it. but i would say, you know, erectile dysfunction is normal and healthy and men want to fight that. >> do you think menopause an ignored by the medical community? >> i think women have been ignored by the medical community. ♪ >> reporter: now researchers at the columbia university fertility center are trying to delay menopause. dr. zeb williams' target is a woman's ovaries. >> the ovary, for so long, has been viewed just as a source of eggs, but we really now appreciate that this little organ does so much more in terms of the women's health and well-being. >> what else does it control or impact? >> the hormone from the ovaries have an impact that goes as wide as how the patient feels, the skin and appearance and wrinkles and protecting the heart and cardiovascular disease and
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dementia. >> will it make women healthier? >> the hope is that there is a what is so dramatic about this -- potential that if we can delay menopause, we can actually not only delay a lot of the negative symptoms that can come with menopause, but delay a lot of the negative consequences from it. >> reporter: including infertility. >> so how are you trying to delay menopause? >> by really tapping into the rate at which eggs get used up in the ovary. i think most people realize that a woman is born with all the eggs that she'll have and that those eggs get used up as she ages. and once all the eggs are used up, that's when menopause occurs. >> to slow the number of eggs a woman releases each month williams is using traditional an anti-rejection drug for transplant patients. >> does delaying menopause increase cancer risks? >> this is something that we don't think will occur, but like with every intervention we do, we'll have to closely monitor. >> reporter: bonnie is one of
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100 women between the ages of 35 and 45 in the double blind study. half take five milligrams and once a week for three months, the other half gets a placebo. they are monitored for a year. so far, dr. williams says there are no adverse effects. and though bonnie doesn't know if she's gotten rapomicin, she says her sleep and energy levels have improved and her skin looks even better. >> anything that will help women have more agency, more control over their bodies, more choice, not having to say like i have this narrow window from 25 to 35 where i have to make my whole career, get established, get a house, find a mate, and raise a family, that's a very small amount of time that we are asking modern women to do everything. ♪ >> now, dr. williams expects the study to be completed and published in about a year and a half. they are still enrolling women, and now the big question is
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whether or not rapomicin could become the standard of care for women in the 35 to 45 age range that want to delay menopause. >> and not just for fertility, but for a whole range of issues. >> for your general health. >> wow. >> thank you, anne, that's fascinating. tomorrow on our fertility series, two couples share their journeys to try to break the stigma around male infertility. that's coming up tomorrow on "today". >> i like it when stuff like that happens. >> we see you camera 4, anthony. >> we see you. >> we had to scooch. because there's al over at the weather. >> we're old pals. we hang out together. hey, guys, this is the beginning, today, tonight, the beginning of what could be the longest outbreaks duration wise of the plains since 2019. severe weather today, we're talking about 5 million people, damaging winds. the tornado risk is what we're most worried about. dodge city down to witchta falls. tomorrow, we have that enhanced area, 19 million people, omaha,
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kansas city, down to davenport dallas for baseball-sized hail. saturday, more of the same. 33 million people at risk with this system. and we move into sunday. again, big risk, 24 million american people from illinois down to texas. we'll be watching this very closely over the next 96 hours. that's what's ing on around thgoe as we take a look at our 7-day forecast, we are going to have a lot of clouds today. eventually some sunshine for parts of the bay area this afternoon. our high temperatures will reach in the upper 60s. also cloudy tomorrow with a slight chance of a spotty shower. then we clear out for the weekend and temperatures come up a few degrees reaching in the low and mid-70s, and upper 70s expected early next week. for san francisco, 62 today and a very nice weekend on the way >> if you're heading out, sirius xm channel 108, 1:00. "today" show confidential, if you're having trouble sleeping. but right now, best time of the
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morning, "popstart!" >> let's go. >> total drive-by shooting. >> total drive-by. >> golly. >> they can't even defend themselves. let me start with "popstart" and jennifer aniston taking up a new 9:00 to 5:00 re-imagining this '80s classification. classic. >> oh, that sounds good! what could we get on him? >> a sex scandal! take a picture of him in bed with a prostitute! >> no, who would care? >> yeah, hart would just buy up the copies and send them out as christmas cards. ♪ >> i'm surprised it took this long. that movie was so great. and so classic. 9:00 to 5:00, a new one in the works. jennifer aniston are working on a fresh take of the comedy. no casting pics have been revealed. we'll keep you peeled. but what about a fun casting for the trio. >> dolly's got to have a cameo. >> of course. absolutely. next up is beyonce. just last week, this little boy
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went viral for his love of the music superstar. >> beyonce. >> beyonce's in here. you like her song? >> beyonce? >> no, we don't know her? personally. we don't know her personally. >> she's our friend. >> she's our friend? >> yeah. >> i haven't met her. >> beyonce is my friend. >> beyonce is your friend? >> yeah. well, guys, now they do know beyonce personally. tyler's mom revealing beyonce sent a big surprise to her tiny fan. that's right, sharing a series of pictures on instagram and writing, through the power of queen bea's internet, she saw that video and sent over some of her favorite blue flowers and a new animal best friend for tyler and the sweetest message that her family will now always treasure. the message beyonce told tyler, sigh eyour halo. >> whoa, that's beautiful. >> that's beautiful. >> a little boosty there. >> a besty boosty. >> feels good.
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next up is carol burnett. last night, the comedy legend stopped by "jimmy kimmel live!" revealing before she made it on the big screen, big on the big screen, carol worked at a local movie theater in hollywood, but that job was short lived after some customers tried to walk in on the last few minutes of a hitchcock movie when carol was working. >> and this couple comes in, and it's the last five minutes of alfred hitchcock's "strangers on a train." the manager comes up and the manager just says, what's going on here? and the woman says, she won't let us sit down! we want to go sit down. and i said, mr. batten, that was his name, i said, it's hitchcock, you know, i'm such a movie fan, it would just ruin it for them. and they're complaining -- he looks at me and he says, burnett, and i said, yes? and he goes, he ripped off an epaulet. >> wow, fired her.
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>> sweet story ending here. carol went on to say years later when she finally got her walk on the hollywood walk of fame, they put it right in front of the theater where she walked. >> success is the best revenge. next up, andrea bocelli. the big celebration is in the works honoring three decades of these golden pipes. ♪ ♪ hallelujah ♪ >> you remember that? >> why didn't you jump in on that? >> oh, my god. >> do you remember that? >> how can i forget? it was amazing. >> get ready to grab your passport. yesterday, the singer announcing a three-day concert event will be held in his hometown in italy. they're calling it andrea bocelli, 30, the celebration. three-day party promises a lineup of international artists,
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special guests, ed sheeran, shania twain, jon batiste, a few i grabbed. pack your bags, rolling hills of tuscany. tickets are on sale now. >> okay. >> when is it? got to get through the paris olympics first and then the "today" show in tuscany for an andrea bocelli. the beloved cost mates celebrated the rom com's 20th anniversary. and they shared this sweet advice for teens today. >> i think we saw and we found in this movie, like, the grass isn't always greener, you know. you want to grow up so fast, but you're missing out on a lot. >> hold on to your innocence. >> hang in there. that's the main thing. have faith in who you're becoming, even if it's messy. >> that's right. and the video captioned, forever 30, flirty, and thriving. >> that's good.
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>> good "popstart." still ahead, guys, pat abdu is here, from pig beach, cooking for a great cause this morning. >> his kids are here, too. good morning. it's 8:26. i am marcus washington. today sfmta workers have plans for stricter traffic enforcement in the city. we told you about a plan next month, the zero vision plan. the agency will deploy extra
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patrols for one-week periods enforcing on parking violations. workers say that effort puts them delivering tickets in more danger for assaults and threats. a rally is scheduled along van ness street today. we have a lot of clouds in our forecast today. we will see peeks of sun for the afternoon. temperatures inland will reach in the upper 60s. we will see a repeat tomorrow. even the possibility of spotty light showers. it will be clearing out for the weekend. temperatures warning up. san francisco will see a cloudy day. highs in the low 60s. partly cloudy tomorrow and 62. looking at some mid-60s for the weekend and extending into early next week, overall nice weather ahead in our forecast, marcus. >> thanks, kari. we will have another local news update coming up in 30 minutes. i will see you back here then.
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♪ 8:30 now on a thursday morning, 25th of april, 2024. and listen. that's the future right there. take your kids to work day here at nbc and we've got so many great kids.
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kids of our tech crew, of our producers, on-air, correspondents, everybody! look at these adorable -- >> go slow all the way. >> yeah! >> i recognize -- >> i know your dad, i know your mom. >> i recognize delano melvin, dylan's kids. where are your kids? >> hailey and hope are right there? >> hi, guys. y'all all right? >> you know it's funny, we all share the stories of our kids, but every once in a while we get to see everybody's kids. like, oh, they're real. >> we got one more over here running cable. actually, what's your name? >> tyler. >> tyler the creator. >> tyler, get your union card! >> up next, wired headphones are making a big comeback. vicky nguyen is plugged in and will tell us what's behind that trend.
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plus listen up, our shop today team is offering one of their incredibly popular boxes all full of vacation must-haves, nearly 70% off. these curated boxes sold out in 90 minutes last time, so get ready, get ready. >> wow. >> we finally get headphones wireless and now we're going to go back? what's happening? >> what a tease. >> analog, baby. >> people keep losing them. that's why. >> and they have better sound. >> i'll tell you what we also got this morning. some early morning barbecue. our good friend, chef matt abdu is here doubling down on the meat, a cheddar biscuit burger, a real burger patty, cheddar cheese and brisket on top. it's all for a great cause. we'll talk to chef matt coming up. and coming up on the third hour, we're talking about financial wellness with expert tips on reducing stress around money, for making investments, to getting a loan. also the great jim gaffigan is on with a new seinfeld movie unfrosted about the creation of
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pop tarts. coming up from the deli line to the starting line in paris. i recently went down to baltimore to meet a guy named dylan beard. by day, dylan trains by jumping over hurdles at the track, but by night, he's working at the deli counter at walmart to pay for all of that training. we'll have his story tomorrow on "today." and a really special surprise in store for that amazing young man. >> let's get a check of the weather. >> let's show you what we're looking at as far as the weekend is concerned. a stretch of weather coming up for the plains. sunny in the east on friday tomorrow. showers out west. we move on into saturday. we're looking at more severe weather in the mid-plains, sunny and warm along the eastern seaboard, mountain snows out through the rockies. sunday, sunday, feels like summer along the coast, east good thursday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. today we are going to see a lot of clouds over head, some peeks of sunshine and temperatures in the upper 60s.
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you'll also notice today it will become windy. we'll see gusty winds continue tomorrow. a mix of clouds and peeks of sunshine as well. then looking at a slight chance of rain before we make it to the weekend where we are going to be clearing out, temperatures in the low to mid 70s and looking weather. >> this is so awesome. al, thank you. just look at these cuties. what's your name? >> christian. >> christian, who is the son of one of our great audio technicians, and they're literally identical. chris, come over here, i want to show you the identical twin situation. literally, i can't tell -- >> christian, will you show a quick dance move? >> okay. >> he's got dance moves, too. uh-huh, uh-huh! go, christian, go, christian. >> my man!
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>> everybody dance! coming up next, guys, the great headphone debate. have you heard, wires are making a big comeback. vicky nguyen tells us why, but first this is "today" on nbc.
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this morning in "today's" consumer, what's old is new again. wired headphones, wire headphones are making a comeback, thanks to in part social media. >> okay, well, some say it's a fashion statement. others worry that wireless headphones aren't safe. really? vicky nguyen -- >> from donna on your show, she was wondering about these tiktok videos showing, the rf radiation coming from those wireless headphones isn't safe. good morning to you. you may have seen a lot of those videos on your own social media. and it prompted a new wave of
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and it prompted a new wave of wired headphone users who say, there are other benefits to plugging in. so here's what you need to know about this great headphone debate. >> emf radiation. vr have you seen these videos? >> actually carry more risk. >> reporter: social media users claiming wireless ear buds are unsafe because of emfs. >> this is an rf meter. it measures radio frequencies in the air. >> reporter: collectively, videos like these have racked up more than 64 million views. >> 300 times. this poor girl is frying her neurorons just to show this to you guys. >> a lot of people saying these wireless ear buds provide a radiation risk. what say you as a doctor? >> when it comes to radiation, with the wireless radiation, it's a bluetooth radiation, it's non-ionizing a very low amount of radiation, very low energy level. it's not enough to change the dna inside the cells or cause cancer or tumor growth.
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like some people are concerned about. >> reporter: dr. john torres says the research is not conclusionive about prolonged use because these devices have only been on the market for 18 years. >> if you use them for five, six decades, eight hours a day, that we don't know. right now, average, even heavy use shouldn't be a concern. >> reporter: samsung didn't respond to our request for comment, but apple's website says its air pods have been approved as safe by the federal communication commission, which sets the maximum level of radio level frequency that a device can emit at any given time. dr. torres says in the here and now, the bigger concern with in-ear headphones is the volume. >> what do we need to know with volume control? >> that's a very big concern. specially with children. it's a cumulative process, the damage you get that causes hearing loss. the concern with these in-ear ear buds is that they occlude the ear canal. so all the energy from that noise is directed straight at the ear canal or the eardrum itself. >> reporter: he suggests limiting the volume on headphones through your setting
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or by using apps. if someone standing next to you can hear your music, that's a sign it's too loud to be safe. >> my head has a dent! >> what is gamer's head. is it real? should we be worried about it? >> it's got a few names. headphone dent. gamers head. a lot of people are saying, that's my skull getting deformed. it's not their skull getting deformed. the soft tissue we have on top of our head is getting dented in, because they're wearing these hour after hour. after a few hours, you go to sleep the next morning, that should be gone. >> if you're wired curious, the move towards wired headphones is driven by taste makers, the founder of the wired it girls instagram page featuring celebrities like bella hadid and the olsen twins. >> what is a wired it girl? >> a wired it girl is somebody that people look to for taste making, style, what are they wearing, what are they eating, what are they listening to. >> reporter: she says the $19 headphones aren't too precious
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if they get lost and wired headphones make an unpoken statement, too. >> i think it sends a message to me, like, hey, don't speak to me right now. i don't want to be approached. >> reporter: wired or not, inside the ear or out, the key to remember with any type of headphone is keep the volume down and ultimately the time you use them to keep healthy ears. >> and you can't beat the affordability of wired head phones. right? basic headphones start at $5. the apple ones, $19 and the sound quality is just better when you have the wired headphones. >> i have friends who are musicians, a-list musicians who have mobile studio on their tour bus and lay vocals with these. i swear to god. >> the basic ones. >> $20. >> i know d-list musicians who do that. by the way, there's no pluggy thing anymore. >> you have to get an adapter unless you have an old phone like i do and it works the one -- the one that comes with the phone. >> what did you call it? >> you have to get a dongle. >> is that a real -- >> it's really. it's a dongle, you plug it and
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then it dangles. dongle dangle. >> you google dongle and yao get that -- >> careful. some other things might come up. >> that was a great story. thank you. >> appreciate it, vicky. >> thanks. >> you can't say dongle on tv. >> sure you can. >> apparently you can! straight ahead, get those phones ready so you can snatch up one of shop today's limited edition vacation boxes. >> maybe they've got a dongle. >> maybe there's a dongle in the box. >> there's kids here, uncle al. >> this is an exclusive box for nearly 70% off. but first, this is "today" on
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back now with the next edition of a shop today's highly coveted boxes. and this one, this one is chockful of vacation must haves for the upcoming travel season.
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the shop "today" team carefully curates this box. and when you buy it, you'll receive everything that you see here for 68% off and it ships for free. shop today editorial director adrianna brock is here to show last time, sold out in 90 minutes. get your phones, scan the qr code. this is hot. us what's included. and these boxes, by the way, last time, sold out in 90 minutes. get your phones, scan the qr code. this is hot. >> our audience is loving this. and here's the deal. you get a vacation box, so if you're traveling spring/summer, get this right now, you're getting over $400 worth of stuff for $129. >> straight to your door. >> let's break it down. >> let's break it down. >> first, we have some beauty products to help you prep for your vacation. the crest white strips, these are best sellers, this is an $80 value right here. >> put the strips on -- >> do the strips for an hour, comes with the l.e.d. light you only use for five minute. it comes with a pack of 20. the brand says in 20 days you'll
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get up to 30 shades lighter. this is great for coffee stains, good beauty prep for the whole season. love that. >> what's next? >> this is from a brand called wyos, we're obsessed, because their whole thing is for making beauty products that are good for on the go, and this is tsa friendly because it's solid form. we have the face wash and the shining star. >> explain how this works. >> the cleanser, you put it on, add a little bit of water, to emulsify it and cleanse your skin like you would. great for on the go. >> smells good. >> yeah. and the shining star, this is one of my favorite multitaskers, >> what does it do? >> basically an lotion oil in a bar. you can use it on your elbows, your hands, head to toe. >> i love this! what's the serum. >> a little bit of luxury beauty here. we have the outset. this is the brand's best-selling serum. this is scarlett johansson's line. this is a $46 value and the brand calls it the prep serum.
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this is a four in one. basically what it does, it's going to firm, brighten, plump your skin and hydrate. use it morning and night before your beauty routine. this is a luxury beauty find. so easy to use. >> i love her line. i use her line, too. e. >> so good. it's made for sensitive skin. it's made for all skin tones. >> this is one skin. this is their sunscreen and they've combined sunscreen with skin care. it's a mineral sunscreen, you'll get the sun protection, but you've formulated with peptide so it will help, according to the brand, they say it can help with damage from the sun that you already have. think of it as an anti-ageing sunscreen. >> and it rubs in nice. >> and feels good on. it doesn't feel so thick. >> exactly. >> let's get so some compression socks for travel. >> if you're a frequent flier, you know compression socks are essential. this will help with your leg and foot swelling. these are from comrade. whether you like the thigh high, ankle, or castle, and they come in different compressions from
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light to moderate to firm. depending on what you like, this is it. they've got it. >> let's go tech. let's talk about bagalini. this is a brand designed by flight attendants. so you know they've made it with intention. >> right, right, right. >> and this little cross-body bag, the bryant. it's a $55 value. it has the pocket, card slots. phone pocket. >> all your stuff you need. >> all right. let's talk about the rush charge. this is a $49.99 value. what is really great about this charger, it's a fast charger. it will charge 2.5 faster than your average charger. use it on your laptop, tablets and your phones. you have usb-c to usb-c. it comes in black and white. and look at that adapter. >> bring us home. you know people are clicking and clacking. >> the shutterfly 8 x 8 photo book is awesome. a 20-page book with a hard cover. put your vacation memories in
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it. you have until the end of the year. >> love it. brilliant. >> i know you're on fire trying to get on this. this sold out last time in 90 minutes. the shop limited edition vacation box. scan the qr and today does get a commission of some of the purchases made on our website. carson, over to you. >> chef matt abdu, the head to coming up on the third hour, another box, all new products, you do not want to miss it. and today does get a commission of some of the purchases made on our website. carson, over to you. hey, guys. we're with young chef matt abdu. we have young members of his family here. the future of the barbecue business right here helping us out. we have an incdible tradition reco
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>> we are back with "today" food. today we're cooking for a cause. one of our favorites around here, we have matt abdu, chef
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and owner of pig beach with locations in queens, west palm beach, and louisville. matt cooks some of the best barbecue around. it's just that simple. this morning, he's doing it to honor his brother-in-law jeff who passed away six years ago. always good to have you. >> thank you for having us. >> we talked about the last year. glad to see this is a tradition. tell our viewers a little bit about your brother-in-law. >> jeff was our opening partner and fetch at pig beach barbecue when we first started. he tragically passed away at the age of 36, leaving behind his daughter, haze, which was 16 months, and his wife, sarah. you can see his daughter haze in the camera there. we started a foundation in his name and host this really awesome barbecue every year where we bring up 30 of the country's best pit masters to all give their signature taste of a bite and do this incredible dine around at pig beach in queens and it was a special time to raise money for high school graduating students. >> what do you think jeff would think about the pit master event? he was executive chef? >> the reason why all of these
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guys come, they got to know jeff and loved him so dearly. he would be giddy. he had that high-pitched squeal of a laugh. happy all the time. you couldn't just smile being around him. he would be beside himself. >> he loved barbecue and loved to play golf. he was my kind of guy. >> for sure. and speaking of family, we've got some family. young helpers today. >> bring your kids to work day. >> my son, luke, come on over. >> this is my niece, hayes. jeff's daughter. samuel, jeff's nephew. you ready to start cooking? >> yep. >> was this chef's burger sort of thing? >> the burger is a combination of jeff's two favorite things, his brisket sandwich and legendary burger, we're putting them all together and starting it off with this refreshing sometimes it can be creamy and rich. light vinegar coleslaw. this is vinegary, light, a lot of bell peppers. sliced bell peppers, cabbage, cilantros, carrots, and we have
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our little pickling liquid with vinegars. we'll add some salt, sugar. >> put the kids to work. >> dump the stuff in here. good work! come on, hayes! dump it right on in. fantastic! >> great work. >> and that's the pepper. we've got all of our ingredients in here, we'll bring it up to a simmer and pour it over this coleslaw mixture. we'll let that sit for at least an hour. >> you want that sit a little bit. >> you want it to be hot. ideally, let it sit overnight in the fridge, it will get perfect. >> next, we'll make our burger to go with our vinegar coleslaw. whenever you're making a burger, season your meat really, really well. salt and pepper.
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and we'll throw this on to our hot grill. these burgers are about 6 ounce burgers, so probably will take three to six minutes a side to be cooked to medium. season both sides of your burger. once burger is almost done, we'll put a slice of cheese or two on top. let's do three slices! i like your style! >> y'all like cheeseburgers? >> yeah! >> we'll let that cheese melt on the burger. >> a lot of people overcook their burger waiting for the cheese to minute. >> if you have a lid on your grill, shut it. >> look at craig going for seconds! >> i was getting one for carson! >> put the lid down on the grill and it will help melt the cheese a lot faster. obviously, you want it to go a little bit more. scooch down one last time. and now, let's put some brisket on top of our burger. just use your hands. we have some of jeff's legendary brisket. load that up with brisket, top it off with barbecue sauce. throw those crispy onions on
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there. >> the brisket cheddar crunch burger, why not. >> what did we shoot at pig beach? >> father's day. a beautiful segment for that. and this saturday is the barbecue -- >> nice work, kids. >> what time is that? >> the general admission starts at 11:00. tickets are still available if anybody would like to join us. good weather for this week. >> absolutely. >> hold you to it. it's a great cause. come on by the restaurant. >> 30 pit masters outside your house. >> carson, what do we think of the burger? >> delicious. >> he liked it. arson's sign of approval. >> we can learn more about the jeff michener foundation, go coming up on hoda and jenna, viveca a. fox will dish on her fun new movie. that's she's got going. next on the third hour, comedian jim gaffigan will be with us.
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good morning. it is 8:56. i'm marcus washington. a major insurance company could soon resume writing policies. allstate says the move would come with some conditions and wants the department of insurance to allow them to use catastrophic modeling when requesting rate increases for owners. this is when they computerize those reports which simulates potential catastrophic events. allstate stopped writing new homeowner policies at the end of 2022 due to wildfire risk. a new park set to open in san francisco, china basin park is located near oracle park and the bay bridge at mission rock. this includes five
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. a final farewell. the services planned for a police officer killed after being injured in a crash while on duty. plus, a bond created between two women, and the
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this morning on the third hour of "today," summer scramble. an unprecedented demand leading to a shortage on popular weight loss drugs. >> just wanted to be able to experience the sensation of going on vacation to a warm destination in a smaller body. >> why some ps


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