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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  April 29, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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your emblem of devotion. have your engagement ring custom made by the jewelry exchange. choose a one carat lab grown diamond for 5.99. or a natural gia for 1990. 18 k mounds are 4.99 thousands of choices. always the best deal. the jewelry exchange, redwood city. let's see if triple a can take us somewhere fun. let's go somewhere, sandy. let's go somewhere magical. but first, let's get this fixed. triple a, your membership hi, everyone. i'm zinhle essamuah. >> i'm kate snow. "nbc news daily" starts right now. ♪♪ ♪♪ today, monday, april 29, 2024. campus ultimatum.
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a deadline for columbia protesters to leave or face suspension comes and goes. congress looking to get involved. a string of terrifying nighttime tornados rips through the heartland, killing at least five people. we're tracking the recovery as some parts of the country brace for spring storms. at what cost? new data shows buying a home may not be cheaper than renting. where and why it might make sense to have temporary roots. super holiday? people have been calling in sick on the day after the super bowl for decades. now the head of the nfl is floating the idea of scheduling the game on a holiday weekend. no shortage of stories to start the week. >> it's a busy monday. >> we start with breaking news. a crack down on campus protests happening across the country. >> a walk-out at ucla. there's new demonstrations at
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the university of southern california. pro-palestinian protesters marching outside the president's home. last week usc canceled its commencement ceremony because of security protocols. on the east coast, a deadline has come and grown for protesters to leave the encampment at columbia university in new york city. the school says any students still there will face suspension. >> it's coming after a weekend full of protests at schools from boston to los angeles. george solis is outside columbia in new york city. david, let's start with you in california. what are you hearing? >> reporter: this walk-out is starting. it's about five days after the encampment. students are trying to ratchet
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up pressure on the university. students have said they got no meaningful response from the administration whatsoever. they are asking for them to divest from israel and from companies they say are complicit in the war in gaza. i asked students what's motivating them. i want you to look at a clip. >> the fact i'm live streaming a genocide on my phone every day and the university of gave money to is invested in companies that orchestrating this genocide. it really disgusts me to my core. >> reporter: ucla and the uc system is an example of what happens when universities allows these encampments to stay. this encampment has grown three or five fold since i've been covering this.
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this is in contrast to usc where the university called police on the students as they started their encampment. it will be interesting to see what happens at columbia as the university promises to crack down further on that. back to you guys. >> let's go to columbia. george solis is there. what happens with this ultimatum that was set that students were going to get suspended. what are you hearing, george? >> reporter: so to say things have ratcheted up is an understatement. what's unfolding behind me tells the tale. pro-palestinian demonstrators outside the gates of columbia. some have been arrested. the nypd cracking down on what's going on here. inside the gates, the 2:00 p.m. deadline has come and gone. no one has dispersed. we've seen support from the faculty there linking arms outside that encampment. the students not moving. a little earlier this afternoon some of the organizers holding a
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press conference saying the university did not negotiate in good faith and they have no plans to disperse from the encampment. again, that just heightens the tensions here. with chants here growing louder and louder. covering the event over the weekend, the nypd presence was extremely diminished. they took away the barricades that they spent a lot of the afternoon putting up again. as we've seen the pro-palestinian protesters gathering outside chanting some of the things we've heard again and again. every time we hear that escalation outside is usually because someone has been taken into custody. the 2:00 p.m. deadline come and gone. we'll see how this plays out. >> george and david, thanks. congress is getting ready to act this week. >> the house is expected to take
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up a bill that will condemn anti-semitism on college campuses. lawmakers haven't taken action yet. ryan nobles joins us with more. ryan, what would this bill do and how much support does there seem to be in the house? >> reporter: it's called the anti-semitism awareness act. it would change the federal government's definition of what is anti-semitism and would use the international holocaust alliance's definition. part of that definition says that denying the jewish people their right to self-determination falls under the banner of anti-semitism. there are many in the progressive wing of the democratic party that believes it's a response to the anti-zionist wing of this political movement.
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they're saying it's not a religious question. it's more of a political question. this is something that probably has enough support to pass the house because there are enough republicans that are in support of it and a significant number of democrats. the bigger question is will it make it through the senate which requires 60 votes beyond which is a lot more difficult to attain than in the house. we'll see how that plays out as the bill gets to the floor. >> ryan, let's talk about something else being considered. house speaker mike johnson threatening to cut federal funding to schools that don't crack down on protests. how realistic is that possibility? >> reporter: it would be difficult for a number of reasons. first, something along these lines, this anti-semitism awareness act would have to be passed into law. there's no guarantee there. also, it would have to compel the department of education or whichever administration is in charge to enforce it to the
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level that they could withhold funds. now, perhaps on a case by case basis there could be an assessment made when these federal funds are handed out. to come up with a plan that has a blanket effort to hold back federal funds to campuses in which there is a subjective question as to whether or not they're dealing with anti-semitism on campus seems unlikely. >> ryan nobles, thank you. parts of midwest bracing for another round of potentially dangerous weather as we head into the week. many people are just getting the chance to assess all the damage. >> one person was killed in iowa and at least four others in oklahoma after dozens of tornados swept through this weekend. you can see the destruction there on your screen. here in the small town of sulphur, oklahoma, most buildings are in rubble. trees and power lines down and a postal truck flipped on its side. >> in the south, rain is causing
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flooding concerns in texas and louisiana. all coming before the next round of storms move in this week. meteorologist bill karins tracking all of it, where we are and where we're headed. let's start with guad venegas in sulphur, oklahoma. guad, the pictures don't convey how bad it is. the governor says a lot of businesses are destroyed. what are you seeing? >> reporter: kate, the governor says it's the worst he's ever seen in oklahoma. up close what we see is a lot of debris. some of it from the structures. some of it from the trees. the neighbors have got together to help each other. this was a liquor store that was destroyed. the people that own the property are getting help from a construction company. you can see they brought in machinery. this is one of the businesses that's done a great job clearing a lot of debris. they're using machines. across the street you have crews
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working with utility poles they put up. when tornados come through, they destroy the power infrastructure. that's important because you need power for all of this to function. there's a gas station over there that was completely destroyed. over here we have volunteers doing some of this essential work to clear a lot of the trees. that's a giant tree that was torn out and pushed against that house. the volunteers helping the owners clear everything out of the way so they continue with the damage assessment here. kate? >> guad, so much damage and destruction. bill karins, let's bring you in now. so many areas need time to recover. this break in storms won't last long, right? >> no. they have today and tomorrow storms return. what was left of the weekend storms is through louisiana. that's exiting. as we go through tomorrow, the humidity returns. cold front going through the middle of the country. that's where we'll see stronger storms. copus christi, new orleans has
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a chance for strong storms. there's a slight risk some of these will be severe, isolated tornados and the possibility of large hail. another dangerous round coming midweek. >> bill karins, guad venegas, thank you. let's turn to cnbc's money minute. >> a piece of british royal history is going up for auction. courtney reagan joins us now. >> reporter: nice to see you. home furnishings retailer williams sonoma must pay a $3.2 million for saying products were made in the usa when they were actually made in china. the settlement is the largest for a made in the usa case. the eu is opening a probe
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into meta over its handling from misinformation from foreign actors, including russia. regulators believe facebook and instagram didn't go far enough to moderate political advertising that could affect elections. the european commission declined to comment. queen elizabeth ii's personal car is up for auction. you don't have to have a royal budget to buy it. so far 50 bids have been made for the queen's 2001 majestic with the highest bid at $59,000. the auction goes until monday. pretty cool to own a piece of that history if you're the winner. back to you. >> seems low for an action like that. >> maybe we should put a bid in. coming up, authorities in washington state are searching washington state are searching for an escapee wearing black and i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way.
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some potential bad news for potential home buyers. a new study shows renting is more affordable. >> the typical home costs more than 37% to buy on a monthly basis. joining us now christine romans. for starters why are we seeing the shift in the housing market? >> home prices are high.
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mortgage rates are high. home insurance is rising. for people buying a home, it costs more than renting in these big cities. usually the personal finance advice is don't throw your money away to the landlord. invest in the american dream. now the math is upside down. don't give yourself a lot of grief if you're renting in these places. you're buying time for a different housing market later on. >> let's talk about where it's cheaper and where it's more expensive. you want to start with the expensive. >> san jose, san francisco, seattle, salt lake, austin, texas, these are some of the places where the rent and the mortgage -- huge gap between them. much, much less to rent than buy. if you're in detroit or pittsburgh, cleveland, philly, buffalo, those have a much smaller gap. i would say if you find the house that you want in a
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neighborhood you want in a school district you want, all those things you want, i wouldn't be worried about a mortgage rate. you can refinance down the line in some of these places. this is a financial decision. it's an investment decision, but it's a family decision. you'll live and raise your family in this house. depends on your circumstance. >> this conversation strikes a bigger cord. the american dream is affiliated with home ownership. is it the best economic move now? >> you need to make sure you have money for the downpayment, that you can afford a couple years at 7% mortgage before you can refinance, that it's the right move for you. hope is not lost. usda, va, fha, alphabet soup, loans. for a good credit score, low income, there are government programs to get you in there
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with a small downpayment and a low mortgage rate. those avenues do exist for people. i would say do your research. if you want to be a home owner, it is how communities build wealth in this country historically. >> christine romans, great to have you. king charles will return to public duties tomorrow after being out of the spotlight for several months while undergoing cancer treatment. >> it's one of the things the british royal family has to celebrate this month, including a wedding anniversary, several birthdays and a year of the king's reign. kelly cobiella has more. >> reporter: king charles is preparing to return to public facing duties nearly three months after his cancer diagnosis. the king is still undergoing cancer treatment, which the palace says will carry on. he's feeling well enough to get back out in front of the public. the palace announcing king charles and camilla will make a joint visit to a cancer treatment center tuesday. >> they've been through such a great deal. it's been difficult for everyone involved. for the public, this is hugely
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reassuring. >> reporter: the palace releasing a new photo of the king and queen camilla one year since his coronation last may. no update on the health of princess kate who announced last month she's undergoing preventive cancer treatment. their health scares bringing the king and his daughter-in-law closer. the king granting kate an historic honor, becoming the first royal to receive a title that recognizes outstanding achievement and contributions to public service. kate married into the royal family 13 years ago today. the prince and princess of wales are celebrating their wedding anniversary privately, releasing this picture the mark the day. >> they're going through some challenging periods of their married life, but we know she really relies on william. they're a huge support to one another. >> reporter: william was back at work last week, sharing jokes. >> i'm going to tell you a joke. this is charlotte's favorite joke.
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knock knock. who's there? interrupting cow. moo. >> reporter: the proud father and his family celebrated prince louie's 6th birthday last week. the palace releasing this picture taken by kate. now getting ready for another birthday with princess charlotte turning 9 thursday. kelly cobiella, nbc news. still to come, a california town is being invaded by black bears. they're wreaking havoc, infiltrating people's homes, infiltrating people's homes, eating sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte™. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts.
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ask your doctor about breztri. welcome to the fast forward on nbc news daily. i'm janelle wang. pro-palestinian protests continue at stanford and other colleges across the bay area and country. nbc barry's kris sanchez is at stanford as school leaders lay out potential consequences for students, stanford university did notify these students that they are now in violation of the community standards and now face possible expulsion or arrest. now, while we did see university workers power washing the chalk off the sidewalk, we haven't seen anyone taking down tents here at white plaza, where the university also posted large posters of the letter e mailed to students on thursday night detailing their violations. the university's letter also warns of that expulsion or arrest. now, we did talk with a first generation low income student from the central
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coast who is having some very serious conversations with his family. honestly, they are really scared, i keep talking to them in person, talking to them about arrest, talking about, the possibility of me being suspended or expelled. and they get really worried and they're just like, i understand this is important to you, so i just want you to take care of yourself. at the end of the day, we're fighting for human rights and people's lives. no comment from stanford today. but over the weekend, students at sonoma state joined the protest, pitching tents and holding a rally there. cal poly humboldt, which joined the protest earlier, is now shut down for the rest of the semester as protesters there occupied two buildings at usc the famed tommy trojan statue was vandalized with the words say no to genocide and the main graduation ceremony is still canceled and nearly 100 people were arrested last week. also in southern california, at ucla, protesters clashed on campus at some point, things got physical between the two sides. demonstrators rushed security gates until police were called in. so the san francisco
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state rally is planned for the noontime hour, and we expect that faculty will join in with the students to decry what's happening in gaza and to call for a cease fire and divestment at stanford university. kris sanchez nbc, bay area news and the south bay the family justice center courthouse in san jose is closed again today after a power issue. the outage is part of an ongoing problem with power that began back in march. the court says it relies on generators, but they have failed several times. a fourth generator up and running at noon today. afternoon calendars will proceed as planned, so that is good news. our damian trujillo is looking into the story. he'll have an update in our afternoon newscast. a south bay deputy in a high-speed chase wound up injuring four innocent people. it happened yesterday afternoon in san jose. the deputy was trying to pull over a speeding car when it crashed into a different car and suv. the suspect took off the deputy in all four passengers in that suv suffered non-life threatening injuries after the crash. other
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deputies tracked down the suspect and arrested him. the driver now faces multiple criminal charges, including driving a stolen vehicle. you may feel a slight breeze in the air today, but it's still going to be warm enough today and the next few days to enjoy the outdoors. here's meteorologist kari hall with details. hi, carrie, today is going to be another really nice one, but still very windy along the coastline and in half moon bay, we're only going to see a high of 62 degrees. we're up to 66. in san francisco, and the farther you go inland, the warmer the temperatures will be. fairfield will be the warmest spot with a high of 77 degrees. tomorrow we're looking at more of the same. not much of a change in temperatures, but it will be slightly warmer going into wednesday with a few more spots headed up to 80 degrees. we'll see that in concord and fairfield upper 70s for the north bay, hayward and fremont looking at a high of 77 degrees, and we will see the peak of those temperatures on thursday. so we'll take a look at those highs and what's ahead coming up
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in the 7-day forecast in about 30 minutes. thank you carrie. the heartbroken community is still mourning the loss of a family of four killed in a car crash. the george family was killed last wednesday on foothill road in pleasanton. police say their electric cars slammed into a tree and then burst into flames. friends identify the family as the dad to run. mom lindsey and their sons rowan and aaron. rowan was an eighth grader at hart middle school and aaron was a second grader at donlon elementary school. yesterday nearly 200 classmates, teachers and friends gathered at valle vista park to remember the family. i still can't believe nobody can believe that they're gone. he called my son just two hours before it all happened. police say speed may have played a role the investigation into why the driver lost control is still going on. you can get all the day's news and your local
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wetjet absorbs and locks grime deep inside. look at that! swiffer wetjet. bottom of the hour, here are some of the stories making headlines on "nbc news daily." >> the family of a black teenage who was shot after knocking on the wrong door has filed a civil lawsuit. ralph yarl's family is suing the
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alleged shooter andrew lester, as well as lester's home owners association. lester was charged with felony assault and pleaded not guilty. the lawsuit claims the home owners association failed to communicate regulations or educate residents about the dangers of disarming firearms on the grounds and failed to render aid to ralph yarl after he was shot. for the first time since the francis scott key bridge collapsed last month, a a container ship arrived at the port of baltimore. it made it through a temporary channel with 1,000 containers on board. the 35-foot deep channel will only be open for a few days. it will allow several ships to make its way out and others to make its way in. the port's main channel is set to open next month. authorities are searching for one more zebra that escaped in washington state. drivers worked together to prevent the zebras from walking
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on to the interstate. three of the animals were recap recaptured. turning to the latest developments in the israel/hamas war. one month after seven workers were killed by an israeli air strike, world central kitchen is continuing operations in gaza. it's not clear if their own staff members will be on the ground. it comes as israel and hamas return to the bargaining table. netanyahu spoke with president biden yesterday about a new cease-fire proposal. >> one thing that could complicate the talks, israel is concerned the international criminal court could issue an arrest warrant for prime minister benjamin netanyahu. matt bradley joins us now from london. matt, hamas released hostage videos over the weekend. what do we know about the state
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of the hostages now? >> reporter: very little, including crucial information like how many hostages remain alive, where they're being held and whether or not hamas is holding them. that's been complicated. even though hamas is leading the negotiations among the hostage takers, they're not the only ones who took hostages on october 7th. the big issue is that some of hostages, maybe more than a third, dozens, have been killed since taken hostage. the israelis say more than 30 have been confirmed dead. more than 130 are thought to have been held hostage remain held hostage in the gaza strip. either some of them died of the wounds they sustained on october 7th or they were killed at the hands of captors or died from israeli attacks. now we're hearing the israelis could be willing to accept a lower number of hostages. they said just today they would negotiate over 33 hostages among
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the more of 100 thought to remain in the gaza strip. this is practical because the israelis are convinced many hostages died. they've been presenting this as a concession. secretary of state blinken agrees, blaming hamas alone for the continuing impact. here's what secretary blinken said. >> hamas has before it a proposal that is extraordinarily, extraordinarily generous on the part of israel. in this moment the only thing standing between the people of gaza and a cease-fire is hamas. >> reporter: as you can see, not a lot of optimism surrounding the continued negotiations. >> matt, let's talk about the possible arrest warrant for prime minister benjamin netanyahu. if the international criminal court issues that, what does it mean? >> reporter: it doesn't mean the prime minister is going to be arrested or set to jail. international law doesn't work that way.
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we heard from the white house today, from the state department, saying the icc doesn't have jurisdiction over the israeli/palestinian conflict. that's because the israelis aren't party to the treaties that create the icc. it could limit where netanyahu and whoever else might be charged travels. other third-party countries can arrest. the real issue is one of reputation. netanyahu and his deputies will not be in great company if charged by the icc. >> matt bradley, thank you. a third american in just three months has been arrested in turks and caicos for allegedly bringing ammunition into the country. sam brock has been followed this story. sam, what do we know about these three americans? >> reporter: in addition to the three fathers that you showed on
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your screen, we have a fourth man, a 72-year-old who was a retired school teacher from texas. he was arrested. that's four in just a matter of month. you have tyler, brian and ryan. for brian and ryan, i spoke to them last week. they're in pretty similar situations, both in their 40s. took their families for a vacation. didn't realize -- they're hunters. they had ammunition left over from previous trips. in ryan watson's case it was months prior. was able to get through tsa and didn't learn about it until returning and was detained. in turks and caicos they tightened their laws and made it a crime or any ammunition facing a mandatory sentence of 12 years behind bars. here's a snippet of our conversation with those two men.
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>> my heart sunk. i had no words. i'm thinking of the next 12 years i'll have children graduating high school. they'll be starting schools. so many milestone events you think of. >> it's impossible. it's impossible to comprehend. >> reporter: brian, the man on the left side, is going to be standing trial this friday. they believe it's going to be a litmus for how lenient or strict the court may be. >> these americans have allegedly broken the law there. have we heard from the u.s. government about whether they intervene? >> reporter: we have. the state department said we'll help, but there's only so much we can do. it's another country's law. they issued a warning, you see it right there, check your bags! don't bring ammunition as we're seeing a growing number of americans dealing with the
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consequences. kate? >> sam brock, thank you. the upcoming nfl season may look very different. a new rule will allow players to wear these shoft shell caps on their helmets. nbc news correspondent george solis has more. >> reporter: the nfl now using these soft shell helmets, given the option to wear guardian caps beyond practice. engineered to stop head injuries by as must have as 20%. the league cementing their stance. >> if you're taking a punt from mike tyson straight to the face, would you rather put a pillow on your face or face it straight on? >> we saw the guardian cap this year. it has a 50% reduction in concussions for the players who wore it.
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>> reporter: nbc news on the field with washington commanders forward shadiq howard. >> i wasn't sure what to think. >> we've seen players sacrifice looking cool to prevent injuries. you see cte and things that affect you later on. if they prove it reduces it, players will get on board. >> reporter: reaction has been mixed. one player writing this is the craziest thing ever. it's not just the pros. high schools have been using them for year. >> when we first started wearing them, coaches were coming up to me making fun of us. >> reporter: this high school team in michigan has been sporting caps since 2017. >> we care about player safety and we'll push the envelope for sure. >> reporter: will guardian caps take the field or fumble? george solis, nbc news. we may have good news for
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football fans. >> nfl commissioner roger goodell expressed interest in extending the regular season so super bowl sunday falls on a holiday weekend. here's nbc news correspondent kaylee hartung. >> we should have off the day after the super bowl. >> it's nuts that people are expected to go back to work after super bowl sunday. >> reporter: nfl commissioner roger goodell is mulling an idea that could make the monday after the super bowl fall on a holiday. >> that ends up on president's day weekend, which is a three-day weekend. it makes it sunday night and then monday off. >> reporter: that switch suggested on "today" back in february. >> that's the perfect idea. >> just do president's day weekend. >> reporter: his plan would keep the 20-game total, but shorten the preseason by one game and add it to the regular schedule. over the weekend bengals quarterback joe burrow
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suggesting if there's an additional game he would like to see an added by week. word of the move has fans giving kudos to the commissioner. >> a president's day weekend super bowl. that is awesome. roger goodell, great job. >> reporter: while some of the nfl's biggest stars expressed support for fans getting post super bowl monday off. >> make monday a holiday. the country should change what they're doing for the super bowl. >> reporter: extending the season has been a sore point for players. in 2021 when the league added a game to the regular schedule making for 17 matchups, the decision narrowly passed, receiving just 51% of votes from the players union with members expressing concern about health and safety. >> they're saying 17 so they can get to 18. that's two more opportunities for players to risk their bodies, put their bodies on the line. >> reporter: this weekend's draft broke an attendance record with 800,000 fans packing downtown detroit. as goodell signals a change, the
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league's next move may super size the super bowl. the commissioner did not lay out a timeline for any potential changes. the next labor contract is up in six years. that's a time when scheduling could be discussed. here's a heads up. super bowl in los angeles in 2027 could be a preview of what's to come. it's already going to fall on president's day weekend. back to you.
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finding themselves try to get away from bears. bears have invaded their towns and some breaking into homes and cars. elwyn lopez has more. >> reporter: this community in california has always been surrounded by wildlife. >> doesn't care i'm here. >> reporter: now it's turned into what some call an invasion. black bears now out of the woods and crawling on to patios. somehow opening car doors. >> holy [ bleep ]. >> reporter: even breaking into
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homes. this one chased away by a nonlethal gun. >> how would you describe the bear situation here? >> honestly, it's out of control. >> reporter: ian woke up once shocked as he spotted a bear opening his fridge. >> i asked who was in the kitchen. the bear replied with a lengthy, sturdy growl. i hit that stun gun and that electrified sound made the bear jump out the window he came in. >> reporter: since last july there have been over 560 bear-related incidents, already far higher than the 319 from the year before. >> we're going on bear patrol. >> reporter: stan patrols the town nightly looking for bears. within less than an hour -- there's a bear. we saw two of them. his goal to scare them away. across the west, bears wander away from their natural
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habitats, infiltrating suburban towns, backyard pools and grocery stores. some experts say wildfires and droughts have forced them to look for food elsewhere. at pine mountain club, some blame the wildfires. others see another culprit. >> we have a few residents who think they should feed the bears. they contribute to the problem. we're working to deal with that. >> reporter: now home owners doing whatever they can to keep bears from breaking in. >> i love our wildlife, but i love my home and family. >> reporter: the problem so dire here that dozens of homes boarded up like this one after bears barged through. >> we're anticipating it getting much worse. >> this is your new reality? >> it is. >> reporter: a new reality testing the limits of how people and bears can co-exist.
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>> wow. elwyn lopez, thank you. there's a different kind of bear heading to california. >> china has finalized plans to send pandas to the san diego zoo. jacob soboroff has a look at the panda-monium. >> reporter: a double dose of cuteness coming to california. the two pandas, yunchuan and xinbao. the male is mild mannered. the female is a witty intro vert. >> it's a globally beloved
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animal that brings happiness and joy. >> reporter: the import can't come soon enough for americans reeling from the return home of the pandas from the washington, d.c. zoo. >> i love them. >> i'm sad to see them go. >> reporter: panda population is so valuable. it's a look diplomacy. richard nixon's trip brought forward a new relationship with china. >> i think panda-monium is going to break out here at the zoo. >> reporter: pandas became the main attraction with millions flooding to see the furry friends munching bamboo and body shredding. >> it's such an experience. the fact that we've been able to
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have giant pandas in the united states has contributed highly significantly to the preservation of the species. >> reporter: for now the only place to see them is at the atlanta zoo and perhaps not for long. their panda loan is due at the end of the year. when the two arrive, there will be plenty of time to see them. >> i love the pandas. >> so cute. >> so cute. >> for people who feel limited by the unpredictability of generalized myasthenia gravis and who are anti-achr antibody positive, season to season, ultomiris is continuous symptom control, with improvement in activities of daily living. it is reduced muscle weakness. and ultomiris is the only long-acting gmg treatment with the freedom of just 6 to 7 infusions per year, for a predictable routine i can count on.
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ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq and learn how abbvie can help you save. today. that plan was actually put on hold. the original redesign would reroute traffic through west portal and ulloa street street. the goal to make it safer for pedestrians and cyclists. this project comes after a deadly crash in march, where a driver plowed into a bus stop, killing a family of four. now, the san francisco chronicle is reporting that a supervisor has brokered a new agreement with residents and businesses in the west portal neighborhood. according to the chronicle, supervisor myrna melgar will allow business leaders to form a committee to look at the impacts of traffic and parking in that neighborhood. the move halts the current redesign, but the supervisor tells the paper she hopes the group's input will help lead to a new plan. by september. angry activists are
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raising new concerns over the texting scandal rocking antioch's police department nearly two years ago, disturbing texts among officers emerged during an investigation that was led by the fbi and the contra costa county district attorney's office. yesterday, dozens gathered outside department headquarters. they fear some of the officers involved in the scandal may have been reinstated . and they're upset about what they believe is the lack of transparency. macy we don't know which officers have been reinstated and which officers have been rewarded for their misconduct with a years long paid vacation, sending gorillas and monkeys and other racist memes are we safe with those guys? the police department has not responded to our request for a comment. activists also marking ten years since a police assault incident involving a young black man who later took his own life. let's talk about our weather. the sun will be shining for the next few days, but that is going to change this
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weekend. here's meteorologist kari hall with our forecast. look for highs in the inland valleys and the low to mid 70s today and tomorrow, with a slight warming trend through the middle to end of the week. by thursday we'll see those temperatures peaking up to 80 degrees and still pretty warm on friday. but then the weekend we are expecting more clouds, a chance of rain, and a significant drop in temperatures with some of our inland highs in spots like santa rosa, livermore, san jose only in the mid 60s. and for san francisco, we're going to see highs in the mid 60s today. but it does get a little bit warmer by the middle to end of the week. and the weekend. it's going to be chilly. it's going to feel more like winter with off and on rain chances, as well as cloudy skies and temperatures only up to 62 on saturday into sunday. thank you ca
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project, along with a fix to an
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existing site. the nonprofit will renovate the emmanuel house overnight shelter on fourth street. the organization also plans to build another housing complex on the same site. earlier this month, santa clara county supervisors approved $4 million for this project. barbie is paying tribute to a bay area gold medal figure skater. the company is launching a kristi yamaguchi doll as part of its inspiring women line. this also marks the start of the asian american pacific islander heritage month this wednesday. in 1992, yamaguchi became the first asian american to win an olympic gold medal, and yamaguchi says she will not take this honor lightly. it really meant a lot that they want to get an accurate, like likeness of me. we want kids to see themselves and to be able to identify with their heroes. the dolls outfit recreates the one yamaguchi wore when she won gold in the 1992 winter olympics. she says that was the only time she ever wore that outfit in competition. congratulations,
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kristi. get all the day's news on our website, on our website, that does it for us. have a if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ [♪♪] if you're only using facial moisturizer in the morning, or ketoacidosis. did you know, the best time for skin renewal is at night? olay retinol24 renews millions of surface skin cells while you sleep. wake up to smoother, younger-looking skin with olay retinol24. sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte™. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief
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ask your doctor about caplyta. i'm andrea canning, and this is dateline. and i'm like, what? josh hamilton: we had a beautiful 15-year-old girl just vanish. chena papa: danielle was talking about this creek. and some kids were trying to get her to go hang out. and somebody said that they saw her get in a truck. there was another story that she was with her mom.


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