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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  May 10, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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it so this year, for the first time, rich started welcoming school tours to his private paradise. the kids get to tour the ship, see the treasure and even learn knot tying local history, even local geology. you can experience the whole story at nbc bay area proud, as well as hundreds of other stories about people being good to each other in the bay area oh that's fantastic. i love that is it just school children who can come in? i bet they let you. well, it's a quick reminder. you can catch garvin story as well as other nbc bay area news stories. whenever you want. we are streaming 24/7 on roku and all these streaming platforms. you can also watch live newscasts, breaking news updates, and more local content. well right now at six, an overnight fire engulfs a warehouse in the east bay. we have live camera at the scene, and we're watching their containment efforts there. here's a live look at the state capitol, where governor newsom is set to unveil his revised
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budget. the program is thought to be on the chopping block and the likely impact. and a new chief in town, oakland, gets ready to welcome floyd mitchell. his main focus as he hits the ground running. this is today in the bay. well good morning. it's 6:00 straight up on your friday morning. i'm scott mcgrew and i'm ginger conejero saab. we are in for marcus, who's off this week, and laura, who will join us in just a moment to talk about her story. we're going to get a look at the commute from mike and the things you're watching out for. but we'll start things off with the forecast. with meteorologist kari hall. it's friday, we have a beautiful sunrise over san francisco. it's all clear and it's going to be another warm one for the inland valleys. headed up to 90 degrees today, 80 for the coast and the bay. and for the weekend. it's going to be a mild one, especially for the inland areas and some cooling near the coastline going into next week. more dry and warm weather that continues. not seeing too many changes here as
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we take a look at our morning commute through san rafael and our temperatures in the low 50s. look at the trend here. going from low 50s to low 80s by early in the afternoon, and we're going to see temperatures there. head for the upper 80s while we'll see upper 80s and low 90s in the valleys. the coastline is going to be definitely much more comfortable. we'll talk about the weekend coming up. and mike, you've got some lanes now open on 101. yes. we've now all got some lanes open southbound 101 chp confirms. yes, there are some lanes open past the scene. still reports of two crashes, five vehicles and slowing south 101 towards san antonio. but the freeway is open after an earlier traffic break to remove some vehicles and some debris. so southbound 101 is now reconnected between palo alto and mountain view. the northbound side shows light slowing through san jose because it's friday. lighter, typical traffic flow, typical patterns not popping up with any slowing for the tri-valley. but we do have slowing into richmond. an earlier crash at central has cleared. now we should see recovery back to you. well,
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we've been watching this one all morning. a warehouse in fremont caught fire around 1215 last night. this is on millmont drive now. they're still out there working, monitoring hot spots and assessing the damage. and in fact, we have a live camera out there for you as well. roads are back open in the area. crews say the building was some kind of storage facility for food preparation. fortunately, nobody hurt there. still trying to figure out what caused that fire. well happening today, a lot on the line for state funded programs, some of which can make all the difference for those who need it. that's right, governor gavin newsom is expected to unveil his proposed budget. and california now hemorrhaging cash today in the bay's laura garcia, is still getting over her nasty bout of laryngitis. but she is in our newsroom. and laura, there are lots of concerns about just what kind of programs may be cut. and because of that, ginger, we could see a lot of slashing going on this morning. governor newsom is expected to release his revised state budget proposal in february. a
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nonpartisan group says the state shortfall could be up to $73 billion in 2022. california had a huge surplus, nearly $98 billion, but now it's a much different financial picture, according to la times. here's what could lose money a $40 billion funding reduction was proposed, impacting a program that helps prisoners seeking to shorten their sentences through public defenders. now if approved, money could come out of a program for those who can't afford private attorneys. in the meantime, $30,000,000,000 million should be slashed. could be under a proposal impacting a 24/7 hotline that helps foster children and their caretakers resolve conflicts and receive support. child welfare advocates say the move could shut it down altogether. either. the governor is proposing cuts to a program that offers grants to people and nonprofits to help buy homes or risk of foreclosure. the goal is that housing remains available
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to people with low incomes. but $248 million could be slashed over the next three years. money to fund several climate friendly programs also up on the chopping block, it includes potential cuts to a program that helps mainly oil and gas workers find new jobs. as california is shifting away from fossil fuels, we have a live look at the state capitol in sacramento on this friday morning. the governor is expected to announce that revised budget today. this morning, some republicans say the state should have saved more money in its reserves when the financial picture was better. it's also important to note that these proposals to cut funding are just temporary. state lawmakers might give the final okay. back in january, you may recall the california legislature, nonprofit fiscal and policy advisers project. they actually projected the governor's budget include nearly $22 billion in general fund support for higher education, an increase of $226 million. in the meantime, san jose state senator dave cortese is a member of that
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state budget and fiscal review committee and a budget subcommittee on education ahead of today's announcement by the governor, he says in part, quote, we must safeguard our youth, ensuring they are secure, nourished and engaged in learning so they are prepared for today's challenges and tomorrow's opportunities. our focus must also extend to quality, sustainable careers for our teachers, who dedicate their lives to helping others. end quote. well governor newsom's announcement is set to get underway. as i mentioned, it's all happening at 11:00 this morning. state lawmakers must give the approval of the new budget proposal by june 15th. so that's our window here. we'll of course, be watching to see what happens to make up for this huge shortfall. ginger, thank you for that, laura. well, very good morning to president joe biden and the first lady who are waking up in the bay area this morning. let's take a live look at the fairmont hotel on san francisco's nob hill that is where the busy couple is staying. now. the two arrived on
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separate flights yesterday, both expected to attend fundraisers today before yet again going on their separate ways when they leave the bay area by tonight, the president will be in seattle. the first lady down in southern california, our kris sanchez, is in san francisco previewing their day and the protests planned by palestinian supporters. she'll have a live report in our next half hour. 606 happening today more protests, students at uc berkeley's law school graduate, and there is a plan to protest in favor of israel. protesters say they will display a large sign around campus during the commencement ceremony. the students say the billboard will name nine student organizations that signed a petition to ban speakers who support the state of israel from participating in campus events. the billboard will move around campus through the day as those protests continue. ceasefire negotiations in the middle east are stalling. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has vowed his country
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will stand alone following president biden's threat to withhold weapons today in the bay's brie jackson live in washington, brie some on capitol hill, particularly gop up in arms about biden's withholding these weapons. that's right. good morning scott. so president biden's threat to stop sending certain weapons to israel, it is being met with mixed reaction. in fact, one israeli official is calling it a very disappointing decision, even frustrating the biden administration standing by president biden's warning that the u.s. will halt weapons to the israeli military if it moves forward with a full scale assault on rafah. we're currently reviewing some near-term security assistance, specifically, we paused one shipment of weapons consisting of 1800 and 2,000 pound bombs and 1700 500 pound bombs, we've not made a final determination on how to proceed with this
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shipment. some republicans are raising alarms. mr. president, if you do not change this policy, you will have destroyed the last best chance to deliver lasting stability in the mideast for generations. while other lawmakers support president biden's decision and raise concerns about the 1 million palestinians sheltering in rafah . mr. president, we must now use all of our leverage to make to prevent the catastrophe in gaza from becoming even worse. former president trump blasted his political opponent's threat to cut off weapons to a close ally. lauren. well, i wouldn't do what biden did. he just abandoned israel. democrats insist the u.s. stands firmly behind israel. the president is doing the right thing. we want to support israel. we want to make sure that the actions that they take to defend themselves and to stop the mass terrorism do not involve innocent people in their lives. divisions over the u.s.
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response to the israel-hamas war are expected to play a key role in the decision voters make in the presidential election, and a key concern for president biden's reelection campaign is that voters will be unhappy with his handling of the war and stay home on election day, potentially tipping the scales for former president trump in battleground states like michigan, arizona and pennsylvania. a lot of history happening very fast. all right, brie, thank you. and tomorrow begins a new chapter for oakland as its new police chief, floyd mitchell, takes the reigns. mitchell joins opd after serving as chief of police in lubbock, texas. it will mark the end of a 15 month period without a permanent chief. oakland mayor shengtao says even though it's been about six weeks since she made the announcement, there has been a lot of work going on behind the scenes. he's working closely with interim chief allison and also assistant chief chief tony jones. we're really
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bringing him up to the different strategies that we are working on, but the first order, of course, when he gets in is always about bringing down crime rates. well, the mayor says mitchell is coming into an improved situation. she says oakland's overall crime rates for the first part of this year are down more than 30% compared to last year, 610, and it is set to warm up this weekend. i'm sure we'll see people at the beaches. we flew over crissy field yesterday, people enjoying the sun. not just humans. there's man's best friend out there cooling off in the water too. it's a good weekend for it. yeah, that was nice to see yesterday in san francisco and along the coastline. we may have made it to the peak of those temperatures yesterday. and so in spots like half moon bay it will be cooler, but still really pleasant. the high temperatures will be in the mid 60s. instead of seeing those upper 70s and low 80s. so as we take a look at
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what's bringing down the temperatures, the fog is back. so carl, the fog will help cool off san francisco while the inland areas will reach the peak of the heat today and mother's day weekend is going to be sunny and warm, but gradually cooling off as we head into next week and staying dry. take a look at the range and temperatures. we'll see a spread of at least 20 degrees from half moon bay at 71 today, with fairfield today hitting a high of 91. we'll talk about the weekend. mike has a look at lower gas prices. you know carrie, i've seen and you've probably seen as well some prices dropping a few more cents over the last week. mill valley's low is now 477 at arco on redwood highway, south bay in the middle here, at best, is santa clara, with the best of 463 at platinum gas on washington street. and despite others trying, we still have the bay area champ in fremont. it's fliers on osgood with 434. this is the second week solid that it's been there. thank you for reporting that. so we can keep
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track of these things on on the roadway. we are looking at one trouble spot much less trouble there. still a crash. still two crashes. in fact. and taking care of stuff in two lanes. but three lanes. well two lanes and the express lane are open for southbound 101 through palo alto just before you get to san antonio. a smooth drive despite that crash there and the rest of the bay. the backup mild at the bay bridge, but the metering lights are on. thank you, thank you mike 612 you remember when alta vista was like the search engine or yahoo? then it became you don't. then it became google, right? okay. so now now google may not be number one. next on today in the bay, the new announcement set to be made by san francisco's openai, and how it could change the future of search. i don't think i had a computer then. well take a look at this. a petty neighbor fighting back against one. california. the city. the city said, hide your boat. and he did just that. but the viral piece of artwork that's now disguising his beloved vessel. we'll show you that we'll be ri
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did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3...
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i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪♪ )
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it to the day, but it's going to heat up quickly going from upper 50s to low 70s at 10:00 and low 80s by 1:00 today. so it's going to be another hot one. we'll talk about the weekend and when we get a bit of a cooldown coming up. oh, and look at that
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lower left hand corner reflection off of a sign there. sorry about that, but i want to show you over on the right side, traffic away from us. not really packed in nice loose pack for westbound 92. that's your friday lighter commute. if you're coming eastbound with those headlights, that sunlight will be in your eyes. prepare for that. bring those sunglasses. we'll show you how things are shaping up on the peninsula where we have that crash. mike. and he was right again. well, a look ahead before the bell. wall street. dow jones go up. the reason more people filed for unemployment showing a softening of the economy, which could help push interest rates down. san francisco based openai plans to announce its artificial intelligence powered search project on monday, no doubt raised the stakes in its competition with google. the announcement could be timed to day before the tuesday start of google's annual i o conference, where the tech giant is expected
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to unveil its own ai related products, planet fitness hiking prices for new customers for the first time in more than 25 years, new members will pay $15 a month for the basic plan, up from ten current members. get to keep the $10 rate. planet fitness also said it will start testing higher rates for its top tier membership, known as the black card, this summer. well, trending this morning, a seaside man is fighting back after he was told to hide his boat on his own property nearly a year ago. etienne constable received a letter from the city it required him to build a six foot fence in front of his boat. now, after discussing it with his neighbor, he decided not to fight back and build a fence around it. he then had his neighbor, who is an artist, paint a realistic mural of a boat on it. now the images are going viral. i'm not a rule breaker, but but i am. i like to make a political statement as necessary and as well as a
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humorous statement and a creative statement. so i'm, you know, all in favor of generating discussion and making people smile and the reaction is extremely more than we ever expected. and we're both just tickled about it. tickled about it. that's a good way to put it. constable says he considers it a first amendment right of expression and would be surprised if the city tells him to take the mural down. that shot right there. you cannot tell that that isn't a boat, man. good thing there are no road runners or coyotes in kathy try to go through, except somehow road runner would be able would be able to write exactly. that is. that's fantastic. wow. yeah, yeah, i love that. let's get that mirrorless some more work to. that's absolutely. yeah. that's i was going to say that little signature there. you got to give some love to that guy. we got a storm coming but it's easy loader it's a solar a solar storm. yeah. this may be lighting up your social media feeds this weekend. it's one of the biggest solar storms in
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years. and it may just thrill people here in the bay area tonight. probably on social media, though, the aurora borealis or northern lights are expected to light up much of the northern half of the u.s, and the lights are byproduct of a geomagnetic storm activity, noaa says the charged particles are expelled from the sun and may have been hurtling toward the earth over the past few days, and expected to arrive in the bay area tonight and remain through sunday. now, as i mentioned, we may not be able to see it that well here, but in california, if you have a powerful telescope, you may be able to see some greens or some yellows in the sky. so the chabot space center and science, space and science center will host a telescope viewing tonight and tomorrow night. so look up for that and let's talk about our clear skies that we're going to see. and our morning start in the upper 40s in the north bay. but we are seeing mostly low 50s elsewhere. it's 53 in dublin and
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58 in san jose. as you head out on this friday morning, air quality may be a bit of an issue with some moderate air quality, thanks to not much wind movement as well as high pressure pushing everything back down into the valley. so the coast and the bay, the east bay and santa clara valley will have some moderate air quality for this afternoon. and we're going to also see a hazy look to the sky as our temperatures head for the mid to upper 80s, even up to 90 in concord, 88 in napa and martinez, as well as santa rosa. san francisco already hit the peak of the temperatures and will be cooling off just slightly over the next few days. tomorrow we're in the low 70, really comfortable there, but still hot inland, and then we get a bit more relief for the inland areas on sunday. mother's day looks nice. concord we'll see a high of 84 degrees and i know when it heats up you want to head to somewhere cooler. the coastline is going to be the place to be. stinson beach, santa cruz, monterey will all see temperatures in the 60s, even up to 70 for santa cruz for
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sunday. while our valleys will be in the upper 80s for today and tomorrow. it's looking a touch better for the end of the weekend into early next week, but all of these numbers are still well above normal. even for this time of year. we're usually in the low 70s and we don't see that anytime soon. but san francisco will bring it back to the upper 60s there from sunday into next week. now, mike, you're tracking something in the tri-valley. yeah, a report came in and i was really alarmed, but it's been about ten minutes since i first got the report. i gave the chance for things to sort out. not a lot more detail for northbound 680. so it's opposite your commute coming off the dublin interchange light commute this morning, again opposite your commute. reports of a car that may have flipped over several times that was a secondary report. the initial report just talked about a car going off the roadway and into the side dirt area, into the ditch. so those are pretty dramatically different. and i don't see a lot of report about crash injuries or debris. so we'll just say things are pretty smooth at the dublin interchange right now.
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now we're looking at 101 still pretty smooth. the crash involving two crashes involving five vehicles, still active scene there. southbound past san antonio. there's a minor fire. i'll let you know if that's a problem, but it's probably just a trash can fire back to you. all right, mike? well, the nation's top marine is showing some gratitude this morning. up next, after nearly losing his life, he's reuniting with a stranger who came to his rescue. but first, a reminder, giants fans, nbc bay area the place to be tonight. the team starts a three game series hosting the reds. our coverage begins at seven tonight. right here on nbc. bay area
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i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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you can file this under right place, right time. major general eric smith collapsed last year on a run in washington, d.c. his heart stopped. he is alive because someone walking down the very same street stepped in to help. believe it or not, that man is a cpr instructor. he was in town for a marathon. he tells today about keeping smith alive until first responders arrived. my sister started calling 901. my dad joined us, then we started assessing the person to see what was wrong, and could
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tell that they weren't breathing. they weren't responsive. so we started cpr. that just renews your faith in humanity now. major general smith says he was born with a faulty heart valve, but he didn't know about it until that day. and he says he will forever be thankful. you can watch that whole story today, this morning, to hear that whole thing. it's coming up right after today in the bay and next, the top stories that we're following today, including name change, legal challenges, the reason the oakland airport is asking a judge to step in as leaders vote to change its name. plus, it is a beautiful day in san francisco. and this is where president biden and the first lady are waking up as they prepare for a day of fundraising. protesters are preparing for a day of getting
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president biden and the first lady are waking up in the bay area for one reason. we're live this morning with the stops they're making and the protest plans that are also taking shape. a sudden school shutdown, families forced to scramble, a stunning announcement leaving parents, teachers and students in limbo. plus a weekend warm up underway. meteorologist kari hall is tracking summer like
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weather and how long it will stick around this is today in the bay and good friday morning. i'm ginger conejero saab and i'm scott mcgrew. we're filling in for marcus and laura. let's take you out. live to the symphony in san jose. a new show debuts there this weekend. our bob redell is waiting in the wings. he'll have a live look coming up at 645. well, as that warms up, we're talking about a weather warmup first for the bay area with meteorology kari hall. we've been i've been loving it these past couple of days. i don't know about you guys, but i know people in san francisco love the warm ups. but while in the valleys, it's like, okay, this is a little too hot and you've already made it to the peak of the temperatures in san francisco and along the coast. it's going to gradually cool off here. and you can see why, as we take a look at that live camera in san francisco with our temperatures in the upper 50s, the fog is back. meanwhile it is
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clear elsewhere and it is already warmer. so take a look at menlo park today. we're going to go from our start in the morning at 55 degrees to some upper 70s at 1:00 today, and we're going to see the highs in that area in the upper 70s and low 80s. fremont today, 86 and 91, in fairfield. so we'll talk about a slight cooldown coming up in a few minutes. ginger and scott, thanks a lot, carrie. well, 631 frustration, excitement. president biden and the first lady are waking up in the bay area for the president. this is this is about money. well, not so for those trying to send a message to the white house about the war in gaza today in the bay's kris sanchez is live for us on san francisco's nob hill. and chris, protesters expected to make their voices heard. is it quiet out there? what's going on? no protesters here at this point right now. but i can tell you that guests are not getting curbside service as they come and go from the fairmont. you can see the barricades here around the hotel where the
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president and first lady overnighted as they made their way around san francisco. now we know that the president and the first lady are going to attend fundraisers today, he arrived at moffett field yesterday and then went came to san francisco's marina green by helicopter. the president is first attending an afternoon fundraiser in portola valley, hosted by billionaire venture capitalist vinod khosla. he will also stop by the palo alto home of former google and yahoo executive marissa mayer. the president has no public events. biden is here not to win over the voters. they're already won, he's here to win over the money. a protesters are hoping to win some of his attention. they are planning to line alpine road with a so-called human billboard of messages about the president's position on israel. the president has warned that he will cut off more weapons deliveries if israel fully invades rafah. now, after his
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events here in the bay area, the president will head north to seattle. the first lady will head south to southern california in san francisco. kris sanchez today in the bay. well, i know the last time that the president was in town or one of the recent last times protesters actually made it to the lobby of the hotel. so we don't know what we're expecting, really, for the day. thanks for keeping us posted, chris. yeah, it seems quiet. well, only on nbc bay area a surprise announcement leaving parents, teachers, students stunned and shocked in newark, leaders at new horizons charter school say today will be the last day of school forever. the pre-k, elementary and middle school all shutting down. an email to parents cites financial problems, low enrollment, staff shortages. the school operator also filing for bankruptcy. about 100 kids attend the school, parents and teachers scrambling. the school was supposed to go until may 31st, so this came as quite a shock to
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everybody who is now scrambling for day care and, and other schools and school gets out in three weeks seeing it in this way so abruptly, so fast, really breaks my heart. yeah. so teachers say they haven't been paid since early april. the school will go out with a graduation ceremony for eighth graders this afternoon, a controversial name change. the oakland international airport will now be the san francisco bay oakland international airport. port of oakland officials unanimously approving that name change yesterday. this comes as san francisco files a lawsuit claiming the new name infringes on the sfo brand and could cause widespread confusion for travelers. port officials say the name change will create more awareness for the airport's proximity to attractions around the san francisco bay. the port's chief legal officer says they're filing a counter suit against san francisco regarding
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the vote by the port. san francisco city attorney david chu said it is disappointing oakland chose to ignore our multiple offers to collaborate on an alternative name to avoid litigation when we had no choice but to move forward with the next steps. in our trademark lawsuit happening this weekend, a rally in response to racist messages left in san francisco. as we have reported, terry williams says he found racist images and words on his front doorstep. the first package arrived april 26th. a second one came last sunday. now, williams has been a professional dog walker for decades and frequents alamo square. he thinks he was spotted and followed home neighborhood shows a potential says their face was hidden behind a mask. neighbors plan to rally in support of williams. that rally starts tomorrow at ten. now, san francisco will remember an icon this mother's
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day. mourners will gather at 1 p.m. for a celebration of life honoring the reverend cecil williams. the service takes place at the same church. he turned into a shining light in the tenderloin the glide memorial williams died two weeks ago at the age of 94. he was a champion of civil rights, lgbtq rights, as well as helping the poor. the celebration will include a piano and a microphone set up outside on ellis street so guests can share their memories. that service will also be live streamed on facebook and youtube. so important to san francisco. yeah hopefully his impact will continue on. well, we know his impact will continue on and celebrated really in a beautiful way on sunday. well, this weekend you can also celebrate asian american, native hawaiian and pacific islander heritage month with a polynesian party. temecula association has deep roots in hayward. many native hawaiians left their islands to make their homes here in the 70s. they're hosting the
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hawaiian may day festival this saturday with music and dance and arts and crafts and of course, native food and treats. the organizers say that while all aanhpi people are special, you can recognize native hawaiians by their big hearts. whether or not you were hawaiian or whatever nationality you are. you know, hawaiian people are really gracious to everybody and they love one another and they'll give you the shirt off their back. well, the hawaiian may day festival is tomorrow from noon to six in the evening, and that's at b street and main in downtown hayward. i think i saw over shoulder free admission on top of that, and it's going to be a gorgeous weekend for it. yes, lots of sunshine and it's not going to be as warm there in hayward. we're going to start to see those temperatures coming down a few degrees, but you'll still need the sunglasses, the sunscreen for being out there throughout the afternoon. take a look at our trend. so we're starting out by the time the festival begins in the low 70s, and then as we go throughout the
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day, it will peak in the upper 70s and then quickly start to come back down around 3 to 4:00 and then into the evening with some nice and comfortable temperatures. if you're going out tonight around the los altos area, they're going to have the bubbly stroll happening starting at 6 p.m. a great for after dinner walking around enjoying the nice comfortable weather. but bring a jacket because temperatures will drop very quickly as soon as the sun sets into the upper 60s, it will be in the mid 60s tonight in san francisco for the giants game. if that's a little too cool for you, then maybe you can watch it from the comfort of your couch. we'll be showing it right here on nbc bay area and then looking at some nice warm weather for the mill valley music festival. both saturday and sunday, we'll see about the same temperatures, but our highs will head for the low 70s. and it also stays nice and clear. so really nice there, as well as in san rafael, where temperatures will be slightly warmer for the classic car parade. probably one of the events my son would love to go see. we're going to see temperatures from 70 to the
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upper 70s. the peak of the warmth will be right at about 4:00 in the afternoon, and cooler weather for palisades. while there's still some snow on the upper parts of the mountain, you're going to get temperatures there at some of the resorts in the upper 60s into the weekend. now mike, you're seeing that bart has an alert. yeah, it sounds dramatic, folks, so listen up. but, you know, locals who use bart all the time, you know how to get around this. we have a bart with an alert saying there is no red line service right now. that's the line coming out of richmond and traveling down along the east shore freeway. locals know that because of this equipment problem, takes out the red line. you can still use the orange and yellow lines to get over to the peninsula as alternates, so keep that in mind right now. check the bart website, but they will tell you the same thing. yellow and orange lines will take you about your way as a substitute for that red line. now let's get out to the roadways. we're also talk about what else is going ahead as traffic this weekend will be blocked. so i wanted to warn you. eastbound highway 37
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will be inaccessible starting tonight at about 9:00 from sears point over to mare island. remember, we had the westbound side a few weeks ago. this weekend. it's eastbound, and that will be closed tonight. reopening by the monday morning commute. it's opposite your commute direction and your alternate is a lot longer, but you can make that alternate and you'll do that this weekend and probably next weekend as well. back to you. looks like the weather is going to hold, so that's good. yeah. all right mike thanks. negotiations for a cease fire in the middle east are on hold as president biden is threatening to withhold weapons from israel ahead on today in the bay, we hear from one retired israeli commander on the impact the developments are having on this ongoing war. plus, keeping lake tahoe blue. the way you can help out this weekend with a project. plus, i'm bob redell we're live here in downtown san jose outside the california theater, where you can see, yes, we have a passion for that guy, mister puccini. i'll explain. stay with us. you're watching today in the bay
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new york city. there's word his former attorney, michael cohen, will take the witness stand on monday. cohen claims he paid adult film star stormy daniels the $130,000 for her silence during trump's 2016 presidential campaign. trump, facing 34 counts of falsifying business records. prosecutors say he hid reimbursement to cohen testimony
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meantime, just resuming this morning, former white house aide madeleine westerhout expected to return to the stand. it's 640 for the latest reports out of the middle east. say the cease fire talks are faltering and israel is moving ahead with its incursion into rafah, down in southern end of gaza. white house once again warning saying israel saying don't smash into rafah. the biden administration's delayed the delivery of heavy bombs that were part of the military aid to israel to prevent that country from using them against targets in the city of 1 million people. we spoke a short time ago with a former general in the israeli defense force, who says he had warned his government over and over that hamas was going to attack and now warns the israeli attack on rafah has to go forward with or without american help. here's retired brigadier general amir avivi. it all depends on rafah. and when the
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administration sends it, don't want to go. they don't want israel to do a ground incursion in rafah. they're basically calling israel to lose the war. israel cannot lose the war. hamas will be able to rebuild itself from scratch in a few months. they will gain a full power again. and everything, everything we lost all our losses, our soldiers and everything will be for nothing. the pentagon says an american ship called the sagamore is ready to unload. desperately needed supplies into gaza. but the floating dock. the us wants to build isn't ready yet. israel in the past has prevented gazans from building their own harbors and closed most land crossings, meaning it's difficult to get other food and supplies into gaza. thanks, scott. 646 now and new at six citizen scientists. take note your work is needed in lake tahoe. the league to save lake tahoe is looking for volunteers to be scientists for
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a day, but you'll have to get there quickly, because tomorrow morning, they are conducting a yearly watershed survey called snap shot day. volunteers will collect water quality samples across the lake, and those samples will be used to record characteristics like sediment, oxygen and nutrient levels, as well as temperature and ph levels. the event starts tomorrow. we're going to ask mike what the traffic is going to look like in just a bit. so listen up. it's going to be at 9 a.m. at lake tahoe community college, and we're moving you forward ahead of mother's day weekend. consider this your official reminder. it's sunday, and this morning we're shining light on two groups helping to, help bay area's moms. the groups are the organization can help a mother out holding a mother's day donation drive to collect diapers and wipes for local agencies in just a month, they collected more than 15,000 diapers through their network. mom blogs, as well as their play and learning spaces. meantime two east bay moms who wanted to
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give back to their fellow mothers. so bhikshu bailey as the founder and up and coming jewelry brand, gold stores. devarana is a local artist, painter and dancer. together, they've designed jewelry that aims to pay special tributes to mothers everywhere. i think it's important, especially women mothers supporting other mothers and women of color like it's almost like a subset of like a bigger population. and you need to push each other up. the jewelry company also collected diapers for the help a mother out program. well, this weekend, symphony san jose will celebrate the work of one of the most well known composers whose operas might sound familiar. even if you don't go to the opera today in the bay's bob redell joins us live from san jose's california theater. bob are you passionate for puccini? you could say i have a proclivity, a predilection, a propensity for
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giacomo puccini, who's going to have a symphony? san jose here at the california theater tomorrow, and sunday, a performing some of his works, even if you're not into opera, i'm sure many of you have heard of la bombe that is what puccini is known for. the man has been dead for 100 years, and his work still, you know, resonates for a lot of people. got ben gulley, who will be performing. you're a tenor, correct? that's right. yeah. can you give us a little bit of your your sound? oh why not? you know, 630 singing nothing better than norwalk delaigue one of the toronto artistically troubled. the seller all all above in gerard ventura world vintage theater. i know you are hesitant about
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performing on a sidewalk, but you got to understand the people at home when we, even if we don't know opera, we know that that resonates with us. what were you just. oh yeah. next time you do a little bit more crescendo. yeah. exactly. what were you singing? that is, that is puccini's masterpiece. it's kind of his anthem. it's nessun dorma from the opera turandot. all right. yeah. hey, break a leg tomorrow night. yeah. robert massie is the artistic director. what do you say to people who've never been to opera? what will they get out of this performance? oh, they're going to be surprised. we're so excited to be doing this production, we're celebrating 100 years since puccini's passing. we're going to be doing some of the best arias, duets and choruses from nine of his 13 operas and it's a great opportunity to come. if you've never been to the opera, if you've never been to the symphony, this is definitely the production to come check out. and quickly, he is known for libel, wim, which translated into rent. is that correct? yes, yes. and then madama butterfly, which is a madame butterfly. what does it say about a man
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who's 100 years gone and he still has this impact? yeah, i think he i think he'll he'll do he'll do well, yeah. okay. great. thank you very much. when he passed in 1924, he was worth $200 million. that was in italy. and that would be like $3 billion today. jennifer schuller , soprano. hey, good morning. thanks for getting going, can you give us a little sound? laura de la la birligi reggae as in your boy. wow. does. how much does that take out of you, or is it professional? everything it takes. everything yeah. no, but i mean, as a i know you're a professional. you do this for a living. but when i see that, i think, wow, the effort that must take to produce that sound is
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that for just you? just another day. another day in the opera? i would say, you know, singing is just like, as as an opera singer who's been doing it for a long time, it's part of you, it's always some, effort that you have to keep your voice up and you have to, you know, continue to practice and perform, but, you know, it's part of you. i don't know, it just sort of, it just becomes that. well, that was wonderful. it was a great treat. and with the with the lobby here on the sidewalk, it just. the sound was amazing. thank you both, all three of you, for getting up early, passionate puccini, going to be here at the california theater, tomorrow and sunday, you can go to the, symphony san jose website for more. and we just ran out of time because i was just about to do an aria. oh, i'm getting the rap. sorry, i think sorry. some other story. sorry for that, bob. no, no, there's bigger stories going on. president biden's in town. there's no way. no way i'm doing an aria. no. i'm told we got to get to the weather next time, bob. darn it, darn it. maybe the president wants to hear you
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sing. exactly. the fcc bob redell. yeah. bob redell. thank you. speaking of, we do actually have to get to the white house. yeah, it is going to be nice and warm weekend across the bay area. and if you remember, last weekend it was cold and rainy. yeah, that's a distant memory. but we're starting to see things change for san francisco with the return of carl back in from vacation. so we are going to see temperatures in the city and along the coastline a little bit cooler. but the valleys are still going to have to deal with some high heat today, the peak of it. and we'll have a sunny and warm weekend next week, gradually cooling off. take a look at the 7-day forecast as it comes up. we're going to talk about why it's hot. we have high pressure overhead. it has a very light clockwise wind flow and also that air sinks down. so as it heats up and as it moves into the bay area, it's also going to trap any pollutants that we're seeing as well. so this high pressure giving us a clear sky. and we're also going to see temperatures heating up again for the south bay in the mid to upper 80s, up to 87 for san
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jose, 90 in concord and in napa, as well as santa rosa. we're in the upper 80s and then take a look at tomorrow's forecast, where along the coast it is feeling cooler, but we're still hot for the inland areas. fairfield reaching 92 degrees, and it's going to be a while before we catch some relief. morgan hill will continue to see temperatures in the 80s. and mike, you have more detail about that bart alert? yeah, a little more complicated and more detail clarifying here. we do have no red line service. that means the orange lines also impacted between richmond getting down to macarthur. so the orange line and oh the my goodness, orange line has only service between berryessa and macarthur stations. you can use the yellow, green and blue lines, though they are not impacted. so there's the impact to your bart for this morning. back to you. thanks a lot mike. happening now your pkg pkg andy. bill rather is about to go up again or down depending on how much energy you use. state regulators approved a rate change. pge is now adding a flat rate of $24 to your bill. now in exchange, your usage rate
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will be lowered by about 5 to $0.07 per kilowatt hour. if you live in warmer areas, you'll be paying less and also ev users who charge at home and lower income households will pay le. we'llss
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stories. president biden and the first lady waking up in the bay area, both expected to attend fundraisers tonight. the president will move on to seattle and the first lady will be in southern california. also today, students at uc berkeley's law school graduate, and there's a plan to protest in favor of israel. protesters say they will display a large sign around campus during the commencement ceremony. the students say the
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billboard will name nine student organizations that signed a petition to ban speakers who support the state of israel from participating in campus events, a surprise announcement leaving parents and teachers and students stunned in newark, leaders at new horizons charter school say today will be the last day of school forever. pre-k elementary, middle school all shutting down. an email to parents cites financial problems, low enrollment. the school operator also filing for bankruptcy. about 100 kids attend that school as well. today is the last day of the week for us leading into the weekend. then we'll take a look at the weather. yeah, we are going to have a lot of sunshine and it's going to start out nice and cool for the bay area, but warming up back into the upper 80s for the inland areas and we'll see the same thing tomorrow. just a touch cooler on mother's day. if you're making plans to get outside, do it. it's going to be great. upper 60s for san francisco and we have an issue. still. the alert is there are no red line service for the bart system, no red line
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services and equipment problem that affects the orange line as well. it's limited to between macarthur and berryessa. that's the note. hopefully. mike, hopefully people working from home the today show is a moments away. however, we are continuing today in the bay on roku and other streaming platforms live at eight. the impact the latino vote will have on the november election. and a final reminder the giants started a three game series at oracle against the reds tonight. you can watch the game right here on nbc. bay area. and that's what's happening on today in the bay. the today show starts now. thank you for joining us and happy friday. hey good good friday morning. mounting tensions between president biden and benjamin netanyahu overnight. >> good morning. it's may 10th.


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