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tv   Today  NBC  May 15, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

7:00 am let's check the forecast one last time. yeah, we're starting out with some clouds all around the bay area, but we're going to go back to the sunshine today. our inland temperatures in the low 80s. and today and tomorrow the warmest days of the week. we'll bring it back to the 70s in time for the weekend. well all right, well, that's what's happening here on today in the bay thanks for making us a part of your morning. the today show starts now. join us for our streaming newscast. that's at 8 a.m. you'll find it at . good wednesday morning. ♪ ♪ good wednesday morning. boeing coming under new fire. >> growing concerns ahead of the big summer travel season. good morning. it's may 15th. this is "today." air trouble. boeing facing possible criminal charges over two fatal crashes involving its jets.
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the justice department accusing the company of violating a safety agreement and this morning the faa sounding the alarm over a shortage of thousands of air traffic controllers nationwide. what it all means for you heading into the busy summer season. courtroom showdown. donald trump's former fixer grilled on the witness stand in make or break testimony for the prosecution. michael cohen's credibility and motivations now in the crosshairs as the defense comes out swinging. this morning the tough questions still to come and new signs the trial could wrap as early as this week. accident investigation. a new ntsb report shedding light on that fatal bridge collapse in baltimore revealing the container ship lost power multiple times including the day before it struck the key bridge. the question now, why did it ever leave port? we'll have the very latest. orca attack. killer whales sink a yacht off
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the coast of spain. passengers rescued after declaring an emergency. the incident, the latest in a growing and mysterious trend just ahead. deflated. nfl legend tom brady now voicing his regrets over that roast. >> i didn't like the way that it affected my kids. >> yet star says he would never do it again. >> all that, plus, hoops hysteria. >> a little bit of a hold. touch pass. oh, brunson! oh, brunson! are you kidding? >> the knicks and nuggets with pivotal wins in the nba playoffs. >> here it comes again! >> while a sellout crowd packed cai caitlin clark's first game in the wnba. what she's saying about her big debut. and best in show. >> the miniature poodle. [ cheering ] >> sage takes the big prize at
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the westminster kennel club dog show and the world's new top dog is celebrating with us live in studio 1a, today, wednesday may 1 15, 2024. from nbc news this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. hi, everybody. good morning. welcome to "today." it's wednesday morning. nice to have you along with us. >> good to see you. we begin with a pair of concerning stories for the airline industry just as this summer's travel season is heating up. the justice department is saying boeing violated its deal, a deal that shielded the company from criminal prosecution over those two fatal accidents involving 737 max planes. >> so that opens up the plane maker to potential criminal prosecution over those accidents. both of those took place six years ago, one in indonesia, the
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other in eating i dethiopia. >> this is coming as a just-released federal report shows the faa is now short thousands of air traffic controllers heading into what could be a record summer for travel. a lot to process. morgan chesky is from lax. good morning. >> hoda, good morning. this court filing from the doj makes it abundantly clear because they believe that boeing violated that 2021 agreement and now opens the door to potential criminal prosecution and that is something that families of these crash victims have now been calling for for years, and as for this new study from the faa, they do have more than 11,000 air traffic controllers, but to properly be staffed, the agency admits it needs at least 3,000 more and with memorial day travel just two weekends away, the skies are only expected to get busier. >> this morning more trouble for boeing.
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the u.s. government announcing that the aircraft manufacturer can now be prosecuted because the doj said it violated an agreement tied to two fatal crashes. >> there are families who lost their loved ones, hundreds of them have fought very hard for this day. >> in january 2021, boeing agreed to pay $2.5 billion to settle with the justice department. prosecutors accused the company of concealing information about its 737 max plane. after two crashes, lion air in 2018 and ethiopian air in 2019 that killed everyone onboard. the doj accusing boeing of failing to design, implement and enforce a compliance and ethics program to detect violations of the u.s. fraud laws throughout its operations. since the agreement boeing has come under increasing scrutiny. after the mid-air blowout on the alaska air flight back in january, boeing grounded its
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planes at the time to look into the issue and several whistle blowers coming forward to accuse the company of overlooking issues in manufacturing which boeing has denied and the families of the deadly 2018 and 2019 crashes have been putting pressure on the doj. >> the department of justice to make the right decision to make sure that nobody else has to go through what we've gone through. nobody else has to encounter the things that we have encountered. >> boeing confirmed it had received the notice tuesday from the doj saying in part, we believe that we have honored the terms of the agreement and look forward to the opportunity to respond to the department on this issue. this comes amid other concerns for passengers as the summer travel season is heating up.s ro a new report from the faa saying the air traffic control workforce needs reinforcements. the agency saying it needs more than 3,000 additional controllers highlighted by a number of recent close calls involving claims nearly colliding due to miscommunications. the faa pledging new measures to
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keep the skies safe. >> regarding safety concerns over the shortage, the faa says it does have a breaking point saying that it would actually reduce air traffic entirely before it would allow it to continue in any manner that could potentially compromise safety. hoda? >> morgan, let's go back to the boeing report you talked about. what may factor into the doj's decision on whether or not they're going to file criminal charges? >> reporter: this is interesting. in the court filing the doj says it isn't sure on its particular next steps, but it will consider boeing's explanation as to whether or not it will pursue criminal charges, but interesting insight from "the wall street journal." they mentioned an april meeting between doj officials and families of those crash victims during which officials were said to have shared potential criminal information that took place as a result of that probe into that alaska airlines incident and that could be a pivotal piece of information into deciding how to handle boeing going forward here. that's according to those
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familiar with that conversation. hoda? >> morgan chesky for us there in l.a. morgan, thank you. we move on to the latest on former president trump's criminal trial. his former fixer michael cohen on the stand tomorrow after facing tough questions from the defense. we've got two reports starting with nbc senior legal correspondent laura jarrett. good morning. >> savannah, good morning to you. there's no one else that matters more than michael cohen in this trial. he's the one that takes it from trump tower to the oval office. the defense has a mountain of material for cross-examination, all the more reason his a spraw crack at michael cohen. mr credibility is key. this morning, signs donald trump's criminal trial is coming to a close after his defense team took a sprawling first crack at michael cohen. mr. trump's lead attorney offering jurors a grab bag of reasons to question cohen's motives, from money, fame and media attention to jealousy and
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a lighter prison sentence, all an attempt to argue cohen, the only witness who directly ties the former president to the prosecution's charges can't be trusted. >> can you believe i've been in here for five weeks instead of campaigning. >> trump attorney todd blanche first launching into cohen's videos on tiktok that had criticized blanche, but the judge quickly warning don't make it about yourself. cohen depicted as a jilted former fixer now out for revenge. blanche asserting you were actually obsessed with president trump, weren't you, citing cohen's own words in his book. cohen also admitting he made more than $3 million off his books. tuesday's cross-examination highly anticipated, but only a small portion was spent on cohen's criminal history and admitted lies under oath and nothing on the critical testimony cohen had provided just hours before, a tedious, but legally significant play-by-play of invoices he sent and checks he received by mr.
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trump all littered, cohen says with false statements for how he reimbursed for having silenced stormy daniels on his behalf for the 2016 campaign, the heart of the state's case. he goes on to describe the once-tight bomb with the former president frayed and after the fbi raided his home and office in 2019. mr. trump tried to reassure him saying don't worry. i am the president of the united states. stay tough. which cohen understood for don't flip. >> let's take stock of this the prosecutors don't win their case likely. so how will his testimony come in o much seems that michael cohen is key to this case. prosecutors, if the jury doesn't believe michael cohen the prosecutors don't win their case likely. how did his testimony come in on direct and how has this crossed so far? are they scoring any points? >> he is very measured and he's being careful and very clearly well prepared and the defense is
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trying to get under his skin and they're goating him for certain things and so far he isn't taking the bait and he is resisting on certain things that he should be able to admit because they're clear facts. any time you see a witness try to start to parse say that was a lie, i think you're in dangerous territory. >> he's getting a little combative. >> he's resisting things and he hasn't seen the defense saying, are were you lying then or are you lying now? he's getting in another shot at him tomorrow and he had his first crack and he didn't take it. >> the first questions asked by the defense attorney were about the defense attorney which even the judge at side bar said what are you doing? the jurors popped up and kind of sleepy time. >> it's drama and you called me this name -- >> the judge really kneecaped him on that and he didn't recover at that moment. >> it's kind of irrelevant, right? >> totally. >> laura, thank you. all right.
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that trial is serving as an audition for trump's potential running mates in the 2024 race now echoing his attacks in the case and some campaign messages. meantime, we are getting a new look at where voters stand in new battleground states. nbc correspondent peter alexander has the latest. peter, good morning. >> reporter: hoda, good morning to you. donald trump's red wall of possible running mates is now growing, several of them taking turns at the mikes outside of that manhattan courthouse, a show of support and loyalty amid the former president's legal troubles. with the republicans' presumptive presidential nominee on trial a growing gop entourage is flocking to his defense. allies and some potential v.p. hopefuls arriving at a new york city fundraiser overnight and more at the courthouse. >> they are speaking very beautifully. >> including former candidate, vivek ramaswamy, doug burgum and
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j.d. vance. on thursday the would-be vps, and in those blue ties and all reading from the same playbook echoing his attacks on the rule of law. >> this is a third-rate banana republic and tying up the president from being out on the campaign trail. >> i think it's a sham prosecution. >> also in attendance, mike johnson repeating the statements made by the president. these are politically motivated trials and they're a disgrace. all of it allowing mr. trump's allies to attack the judicial system without risking him again violating a gag order which the judge has warned could mean jail time. the polls show him ahead, the latest flash point with joe biden announcing steep tariffs
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on chinese products most notably electric vehicles to cite what the white house calls unfair practices. >> the two rivals trading barbs on the topic. >> the chinese are eating our lunch. >> president biden responding. >> a long time. >> president biden says he's willing to debate mr. trump at least twice before the election and as early as june, aides say. mr. trump reportedly told fox i'm ready to go. the days they proposed are fine. hoda? >> all right. peter alexander for us at the white house. thank you, peter. new details are coming to light on the collapse of baltimore's key bridge. the ntsb just released its preliminary report on what went wrong onboard that container ship that crashed into the bridge causing its collapse. today the board's chair is set to appear on capitol hill. nbc's ryan nobles has the testimony. what are they taking from the report? >> reporter: we did learn a lot. the massive containership lost power twice as it was leaving
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the port of baltimore. they were triggered by electrical breakers that ectrical breakers that malfunctioned onboard leaving the ship unable to steer. the second blackout just 350 yards away from the bridge, not leaving enough time for the ship to anchor or get help from nearby tug boats before it hit the bridge. investigators also discovered the ship lost power twice just ten hours before the accident while in port. one of the outages was due to a crew peb emphasis mistake and led them to adjusting the electrical system, but the ntsb is investigating whether this is connected and played any role in the subsequent bridge crash. they will appear on capitol hill alongside federal agencies to provide update on everything from the recovery, cleanup, and investigation. >> this report, ryan, also detailed some harrowing experiences for members of the crew who were on the bridge but also on the ship. >> reporter: that's right, savannah. stories we had not heard before.
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a member of the ship's crew said he narrowly avoided being hit by the falling bridge as he was releasing the anchor, managing to escape just in time. and then there was that eight-member maintenance crew that was working on the bridge. seven of them were in their vehicles when they fell into the water. one was able t one was able to free himself is from his truck, but the other six died, and then a maintenancm supervisor was walking along the bridge as the ship struck. he was forced to run to a span of the bridge that survived the, crash making it right before the rest of the bridge collapsed. savannah? >> incredible. all right, ryan, thank you. 7:16. craig joins the table and another big story. >> we've been talking about this for a while. savannah, hoda, according to the latest nbc news poll, more than a third of americans cite the economy and inflation as the most important issue facing the country. in fact, take a look here. inflation has been ticking up since the start of the year hitting 3.5% in march. so where does it stand now?
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some new numbers were just released and we'll break them down and talk about the impact on consumers and on wall street, in fact. nbc senior business correspondent christine romans is here. first time this year inflation cooled a bit, the report just out. what are the top lines. >> 3.4%, so a little bit cooler than the chart you just showed. so you can say inflation is cooling, but not actually cool. i mean, 3.4% is still prices rising at a faster than normal pace, just slowing down a little bit from earlier in the year. so going in the right direction, but not mission accomplished just yet on the inflation front. >> are there certain categories that were up or down month to month, year to year? >> fuel costs up, rent and shelter costs up and those are sticky inflation numbers. think about your rent and housing. you can't switch month to month because they're rising so quickly. you're locked in. so that's a little bit of trouble and it's a pain point for a lot of american families and food prices went sideways and that's been an interesting development. groceries, groceries at home
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those have been improving while food out at restaurants have still been rising so you're seeing consumers start to switch a little bit. they've reached their pain point on paying more when they're going out to eat so they're eating home more. >> we talked about a fair amount. retail sales are up, they're keeping pace with inflation and unemployment is still low. >> yeah. >> when you ask the average american they still say the economy is not working for me. why is that? >> if you had told me all of this mix of top line economic data i would have said this is the best economy of our life time honestly, but no one feels it and the reason is inflation. inflation even though it's improving it has made a lot of things less affordable. homeowner's insurance has been going up. car insurance has been going up, day care and preschool, those have gone up 4% year over yore year. there are parts of the american experience that have become less affordable and that's made people grumpy and at the same time they're spending like crazy. there will be record travel and record concert going.
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>> credit card debt. >> credit card debt. it's a little bit of, you know, fear of missing out. you only live once all wrapped up in this economy. >> christine, thank you. a quick check of the weather for our friends across the west. mr. roker? >> her description is like you, cooling, but not cool. >> cracks himself up. >> out west, things are pretty clear. we have a few showers through the southwest and otherwise plenty of sunshine. take a look at this. eugene, oregon, a few degrees above normal. redding, palm springs 96. phoenix, right about normal at 95 and more of the same at temperatures again, into the 90s as you get up and spend your way all of the way to california and cools our way as we make our way to salt lake over the weekend. phoenix you'll be awfully toasty and los angeles, low 70s. plenty of sunshine and rain in the northeast and sereev
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and that's your latest weather. guys? >> all right, al. thank you. still ahead, an alarming new incident tied to a mysterious trend of orcas attacking ships. well, this time it sunk a massive yacht. we'll have the very latest and the search for answers. plus nfl legend tom brady speaking out about his recent roast and expressing major regrets. the impact on his family and why
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oh, it was a historic night basketball. >> we'll take you inside caitlin clark's wnba debut and hear from the star herself, but first, a check of your local news and weather. ♪ ♪ it removes 99% of grease and grime in half the time. dawn powerwash has 3 cleaning boosters
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so, here's to now. boost. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ 26. right now i'm laura garcia. here's today's top stories palestinian supporters suddenly pulling up the tents at two bay area schools, uc berkeley and san francisco. state activists started clearing cal's sproul plaza yesterday after a deal with administrators. in a public
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statement from the chancellor supporting a cease fire, sfsu activists plan to talk later today about the agreement just reached. there. it all comes with the regents meeting happening today at uc merced, where students are organizing a protest. i'm ginger conejero saab in san francisco. the recall vote for alameda county district attorney pamela price will be on november 5th, consolidating the vote with the presidential election. now, price is scheduled to address the media to react to this decision later. later this morning. that will happen at 10:00 in oakland. some wanted the recall earlier saying public safety is on the line. but in a final vote, the board of supervisors voted three to nothing, with two supervisors excused to consolidate the recall election. let's get a look at that forecast for this wednesday. how are we looking, carrie? it looks great. although it starts out cloudy, we are headed back to sunshine later today. our temperatures will reach into the low 80s and some of our warmer spots inland, and
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we'll do it all over again tomorrow. kind of on repeat through friday, but then slightly cooler for the weekend into early next week with mid 70s in the forecast, but also seeing that may gray in san francisco. and that's keeping those temperatures there cool along the coastline. laura. thanks, carrie. don't forget to join us for our today in the bay live streaming newscast. at 8 a.m. we'll lay out new data, shining light on the struggle to make it in the bay. join us on roku, amazon fire tv, xumo, and streaming platforms including our, and of course,
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♪ ♪ ♪ such a shame our friendship had to end ♪ ♪ purple rain, purple rain ♪ >> come on. we are back, 7:30. how about that iconic song off the iconic soundtrack from an
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iconic movie "purple rain" celebrating a milestone. get this, released 40 years ago. >> how can that be? >> man. >> it seems impossible, but we'll talk about that in pop start and show you how the anniversary is. >> still one of the all-time greatest halftime performances when he's playing purple rain as it's raining. >> and the whole record. >> we do have a busy half hour. we'll start with this mystery at sea. it's growing. >> we reported on a group of orcas that's bumped boats off the coast of spain and it just happened again. this time killer whales sinking a yacht. nbc's kelly cobiella has the story. kelly, good morning. >> reporter: seeing these majestic creatures in the wild is a dream for many and as we now know it can be extremely dangerous as yet another pair of sailors found out on sunday. a pod of orcas repeatedly ramming their yacht. the first reported encounter like this this year.
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it's the kind of heart-stopping wildliven countiers sailors thread, at times breaking the rudders leaving the boats unsteerable, or worse, sinking them. and now it's happened again. the crew of the 50-foot alboran sail boat called for help off the strait of gibraltar off moroccan rudders saying the orcas damage the rudder and the boat was taking on water. the crew rescued, the boat sank. the same pod of orcas have been toying with boats off the atlantic coast of spain, portugal and france since 2020.s more than 400 encounters, sinking at least five boats. >> sailors call these attacks and we don't call it attacks. we don't know why they're doing it. one hypothesis is that this is some kind of playfulness. they swim over, they play with
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the rudders and then they leave again. >> orcas, the largest member of the dolphin family can grow up to 32 feet long and weigh 6 tons, living as long as 90 years. this particular pod is critically endangered and scientists say returns to the same area everyi year looking fr bluefin tuna. ocean dire stressing we do not believe the orca's behavior is any sort of revenge or deliberate attack on people. experts think the orcas may actually be teaching each other how to break boat rudders. >> when this started it was only three of the orcas in this small population that had this peculiar behavior. now more than half the individuals in the population is doing it. >> spanish maritime rescue now telling sailors to steer clear of the area from april to august. stay close to the coast and don't try to harm the animals. >> so, kelly, what do experts think about why this has been
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happening in this particular region? >> reporter: well, they're not completely sure, but marine biologists do say that this behavior has only been seen in this pod, in this specific area and the pods often develop their own unusual behaviors or fads, as they call them and then drop them just as quickly. they compare the behavior to a dog playing with a ball. it just so happens that this pod is still very interested in playing with boat rudders for a fourth year in a row. these animals are protected, so it's illegal to hurt or harass them, but it's become such an issue, savannah, that the sailing community now has a website to log these encounters and also give advice on how to stay safe. savannah. >> maybe stay away. kelly, thank you. >> all right. still ahead, how would you like to get paid to live in a place where things are more affordable? >> yes. >> and life happens at a slower pace? >> yes. >> we have surprising offers tempting people to move to small towns. >> first up, tom brady taking a
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few shots of his own in the wake of that headline-making netflix roast. what's the nfl legend saying? >> i'll say this, the greatest source of all time is the most watched thing on netflix, but the star of the special says he wouldn't do it again. coming up, what he is saying he feels about the roast that was apparently years in the making. stay with us. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at hey! it's your dry skin. every day we lose ceramides i need to seal in moisture. cerave delivers three essential ceramides to help restore my barrier, so i can lock in moisture, feel hydrated, and look healthy. cerave facial moisturizing lotions.
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the subject of a recent comedy roast. he took jabs from celebrity friends and former teammates. >> serious jabs at times, but now brady is opening questioning whether he should have done that thing in the first place. emily ikeda is questioning whether he should have done it. >> the former quarterback has taken hits on the field, but during the netflix roast there were personal aims at his personal life including his high-profile divorce from giselle bundchen. some of it crossed the line for him as a father and he does not like the way that impacted his children. netflix's greatest roast of all time with nfl legend tom brady may have been a big success -- >> he is a three-time super bowl loser. please welcome, tom brady! >> but this morning the seven-time super bowl champ says he'll never do it again. >> i loved when the jokes were about me. i thought they were so fun. i didn't like the way that it affected my kids. >> brady, the 46-year-old father
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of three speaking candidly on "the pivot" podcast saying he's a fan of comedy shows, but didn't see the full picture when he first agreed to participate. >> all of a sudden you realize i wouldn't do that again because of the way it -- actually the people that i care about the most in the world. >> the comedy special airing live on the streaming platform earlier this month featuring high-profile guests including former teammates, stand-up comedians and celebrities who didn't hold back against the former quarterback. >> when you have to go 8 and 9 and all it will cost you is your wife and your kids. you have to do what the [ bleep ] you have to do. >> his diet program is so strict, but if you follow it exactly as he does, you, too, can lose your family. and seriously -- >> after the roast, brady's ex-wife supermodel giselle bundchen posting on instagram this mother's day about advice she learned from her own mom. children are forever. you will always be concerned and wanting to protect them.
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it doesn't matter their age. bundchen and brady filed for divorce in 2022 after 13 years of marriage. their split, a repeated punchline throughout the night. >> hey, tom. this is great. nice shoes [ bleep ]. did you win those in the divorce? >> for some comedians who participated in the roast, jokes about brady's children were off the table. >> we all just agreed, let's not throw the kids under the bus. >> the way i look at these things is giselle's a public figure. >> yeah. >> outside of him. so yeah, we can talk about that. >> brady says he learned an important lesson from the experience. >> i'm going to be a better parent as i go forward because of it. >> so according to netflix, the comedy special brought in nearly 14 million views making it the most watched show on the streaming platform for the week. nbc news has reached out to brady and bundchen's team for comment and we have not heard back. >> the roast, obviously, we saw it there and we've seen him on the podcast and we're seeing
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more and more of tom brady. >> definitely. >> what's next for brady? >> we know he'll be making his debut as color commentator in the league when they take on the browns and in his transition in the off the field role, when he played football he had this tight schedule and he had these developed habits and he's in a bit of a washing machine moment and he's trying to get used to and working on not having the control that he had as quarterback. >> thanks, emily. >> have anything to say? >> nope. >> well, probably, but -- >> yes, but -- >> not going to say it. >> i've got nothing. well, we've got some wet weather here in the northeast and heading into the weekend, guess what? it seems like every weekend we've been looking at wet weather for much of the northeastern area and in fact, philadelphia, nine out of the last 11 weekends we've had some rain. d.c. eight out of the last 11,
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new york, 10, boston nine out of last 11 and guess what? more rain this weekend, about a third of an inch for new york, half an inch in philly and boston, you can see upworard ofn inch of rain. out west, a gorgeous day along the west coast, unseasonally
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and that is your latest weather, guys? >> all right. al. we'll take you inside a special night in basketball. the w nbc kicking off its caitlin clark era with the newest star making her debut. stephanie gosk, i think she's officially our caitlin clark correspondent. good morning. >> we look forward to that and you don't want to miss this morning's boost coming up right after this. but i was still masking my depression. so i talked to my doctor. she told me i could build on my wins, without changing my antidepressant. rexulti, when added to an antidepressant, significantly reduced depression symptoms more than an antidepressant alone. and less depression... that's a win. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have an increased risk of death or stroke. antidepressants may increase suicidal thoughts and actions and worsen depression in children and young adults. report new or sudden changes in mood,
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to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. best food's real mayonnaise... every dollop is so rich and creamy it makes any sandwich delicious mmm. irresistible! best food's mayonnaise safelite makes it easy. you can schedule in just a few clicks. and we'll come to you with a replacement you can trust. >> vo: schedule free mobile service now at ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ take a moment, to be present... like henry. milk-bone comfort chews. i'm going to miss you so much! oh! i just got an online offer from carmax
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to sell this mom van. this is the greatest day of my life! (dramatic sigh) the saddest day of my life! (♪♪) [beep beep] (♪♪) with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, my skin was no longer mine. my active psoriatic arthritis joint symptoms held me back. don't let symptoms define you. emerge as you. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months and the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years. tremfya® is proven to significantly reduce joint pain, stiffness and swelling. it's just 6 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge as you. emerge tremfyant®. ask you doctor about tremfya®. ( ♪♪ )
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all right. welcome back. sheinelle jones is joining the party. we have basketball to talk about. >> yes. so here's the deal, all eyes were on star caitlin clark. you guys talked about this as she took to the court last night for her first regular season game with the wnba and the so-called clark effect was on full display. >> nbc's stephanie gosk was right there. she join us with more. hi, steph. >> reporter: guys, good morning. this place was packed last night. there was so much excitement and it was a little bit of a tough night for caitlin clark and she was struggling with turnovers and connecticut put their best player on her and even with the tight defense she managed to score 20 points and four three pointers. >> up from three and make it in. >> with that layup, caitlin clark made the first basket of her wnba career. the rookie phenom's pro debut
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with the indiana fever, a tough loss to the connecticut sun. >> clark, a good look from three. she got it! >> clark shook off some early nerves and ultimately ended the game with 20 points. >> clark and hits the three. >> including four three-pointers as her parents watched from the stands. >> just getting more comfortable and that will come with experience and getting to play with these girls. >> reporter: despite the somewhat rough start to clark's rookie tour it's clear how much her popularity is already impacting the game. >> how exciting is that? >> really exciting. it's so exciting. >> reporter: ticket sales are surging with some teams moving d demand. according to seat geek, the average retail price to see the their matchups against clark and the fever to larger arenas this season to meet the unprecedented demand. according to seatgeek, the average price to see them play on the road is $240, a staggering 133% increase from last year. >> here's clark off the screen and gets a look.
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>> reporter: fans wearing iowa and fever gear spotted throughout the sold-out crowd in inside connecticut's arena. ahead of the game, clark told me she was embracing the moment. >> i'm sure there will be a lot of basketball fans that appreciate the game and that's fun to play in front of. >> reporter: just after the wnba draft, clark's welcome to the pros included the new gatorade commercial all part of a tip-off to a wnba season which also featured the announcement of the league's newest team, the golden state valkyries. >> are you surprised and excited about how much energy there is around the wnba? ? it is insane. the difference a year can make. >> the talent that's coming in is really, really great. >> reporter: according to the wnba, clark becomes only one of three rookies that made three pointers.
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angel reese will make her debut tonight with the chicago sky so tune in. >> guess who will go see her this saturday against the liberty? >> who? >> me. >> jenna's going to go, too. >> it will be a lot of fun. >> i'm rooting for this. >> got a boost? >> i have a boost. a recent graduate from the university of north carolina charlotte had no idea what was waiting for her on the other day of her commencement ceremony so her family surprised her with a mariachi in celebration of her big ♪ ♪ ♪ what a day. you can see ♪ >> that's great. >> oh, what a day! you can see how emotional she is, seeing her family seeing it, and she captioned it i love my baby sister and she deserves everything in the world. >> i love mariachi. >> coming up, we're used to
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hollywood spin-offs. how about one for a game show? we'll tell you about the fun new twist on "jeopardy" coming to a streaming near you. suffes getting ready to treat us to a special live performance, but first your local news. -daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet.
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taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪ makeup meets skincare expertise. true match serum concealer by l'oreal paris. with hyaluronic acid corrects like a concealer, hydrates like an eye serum. an iron shaped applicator to conceal and re plump, with a radiant finish. true match concealer. we're worth it. c'mon, c'mon, it's wish time, baby. i'm kinda in the middle of somethin'. but i did the whole “rub the lamp” thing- and i'm doin' the whole “dunkin' cold” thing. this is not how this is supposed to go. the home with dunkin' is where you want to be. welcome to the new petsmart treats rewards™ collect points with every purchase.
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and right now, earn 2,000 points when you spend $20 or more on dog or cat toys. petsmart. anything for pets. ♪♪ sure, feels good when you get it right. and with the number one powered toothbrush brand recommended by dental professionals. philips sonicare makes it easy for you to always get brushing right. philips. sometimes your work shirt needs to be for more than just work. like when it needs to be a big, soft shoulder to cry on. which is why downy does more to make clothes softer, fresher, and better. downy. breathe life into your laundry. arthritis pain? we say not today. tylenol 8 hour arthritis pain has two layers of relief. the first is fast, the second is long-lasting. we give you your day back, so you can give it everything. tylenol. number one doctor recommended for arthritis pain. (aaron) i own a lot of businesses... number one doctor recommended so i wear a lot of hats. my restaurants, my tattoo shop...
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and i also have a non-profit. but no matter what business i'm in... my network and my tech need to keep up. thank you verizon business. (kevin) now our businesses get fast and reliable internet from the same network that powers our phones. (waitress) all with the security features we need. (aaron) because my businesses are my life. man, the fish tacos are blowing up! so whatever's next... we're cooking with fire. let's make it happen! (vo) switch to the partner businesses rely on. good morning. it is 756. i'm marcus washington, and i'm laura garcia. happening. now here's a look at what we're working on for our 8 a.m. streaming newscast. california wants to pay you $400 to help get rid of the gas tax. the state is launching a pilot program to test taxing drivers by the mile instead of by the gallon. that's because the state is losing revenues as more people go electric, and 80% of road
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repairs are funded by the gas tax. so the state is now trying to find a better funding source for 800 drivers will take part in that pilot program. you can find the info on ca road let's get a look at that forecast for you. meteorologist carrie horst tracking the current temperatures. yeah, we're starting out cloudy across much of the bay area. temperatures in the low to mid 50s as we're getting started. but heading to the upper 70s for much of the east bay. 81 for san jose and upper 70s for the north bay. santa rosa today 78 degrees, while san francisco keeps it cool with some mid 60s. here. we'll see more of the same tomorrow with our valley heating up, but a slight cool down for much of the rest of the bay area, including the inland areas with mid 70s for the weekend. marcus. laura. all right. thanks, carrie, and make sure you join us for our today in the bay live streaming newscast is going to start in just minutes at 8:00. the all new push to remove south bay homeless encampments and new data shining light on the struggle to make it in t bay. you canhe
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♪ ♪ it's 8:00. on coming up, major concerns, boeing now facing potential criminal charges connected to two deadly 737 max crashes as the faa warns about an air traffic controller shortage that
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could impact your summer travel. money moves. looking to beat inflation? >> when i go to the grocery store my grocery bill is less overall. >> our household budget is down, the mortgage is cheaper. >> why some cities across the country are offering financial incentives to live there. >> and poodle palooza. >> the best in show winner at the 148th annual westminster kennel club dog show is the miniature poodle. [ cheers and applause ] >> meet sage, westminster's newest top dog. the details on the competition ahead of a live appearance right here in our studio. all that, plus a milestone for "purple rain ". ♪ purple rain, purple rain ♪ >> legally blond goes old school. >> what? like it's hard? >> and "today" makes a >> celebrating turning
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connection. today wednesday, may 15, 2024. ♪ ♪ turning 50 today! >> good morning to our kids alex and cammy. >> in portland, oregon. >> stephanie from indianapolis, indiana. >> and erie, pennsylvania! >> hi to my niece molly. >> in ohio. >> i'm from eunice, michigan! ♪ ♪ >> sending love to my mom. >> in washington. >> our triplets' 20th birthday. >> from raleigh, north carolina! [ cheering ] >> wow! welcome back to "today" on a drizzly one, but a got shout out there on wednesday morning. we are so happy to have you along. >> i can't wait to put on our h lives with a ponchos to go out and see you. coming up tomorrow on "today" we have a deep story from peter alexander. his sister, rebecca, lives with a rare disorder causing her to go deaf and blind. she and peter are on a mission. they want to raise awareness and we were there as rebecca celebrated the launch of a new campaign that is years in the making.
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we will share their story when they join us live. >> looking forward to that. >> let's get to the news, 8:00 now. we'll start with the latest trouble from boeing, the company facing possible criminal charges over those two fatal crashes involving the 737 max jets. the justice department saying boeing violated a safety agreement that had shielded them from prosecution. nbc's morgan chesky in los morgan, good morning. >> reporter: savannah, good morning. in this court filing released late yesterday by the doj they made two things abundantly clear. they have not decided on if they will criminally pursue boeing, but they say the door is certainly open to do so after boeing violated this 2021 agreement that it had signed with the justice department following, as you mentioned, those two fatal crashes in 2018 and 2019. it was in 2021, savannah, that boeing led a $2.5 billion settlement with the doj, following those fatal accidents.
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the doj saying they believe boeing withheld information about those boeing 737 max planes. this is a form of accountability, savannah, that the families of those crash victims have been calling now for for years. boeing, for its part, has responded to this court filing saying we believe we honored the terms of the agreement and look forward to the opportunity to respond to the department on this issue. the doj saying back that they're certainly open to hearing what boeing has to say, but they believe that following multiple incidents and whistle blowers coming forward that boeing has negated that significant agreement back in 2021. savannah? behind this set >> and more headaches for boeing. that starliner mission which was supposed to carry astronauts to space. that mission has been delayed again. what's behind this setback? >> reporter: savannah, boeing says it needs additional testing, but this is the third time that the launch date has been pushed back from may 6th to may 17th and now all of the way to may 21st.
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the original reason for that scrub back on may 6th was because they needed to take a closer look at an oxygen, a liquid oxygen relief valve that is attached to the actual rocket that's supposed to take those two nasa astronauts into space and everyone is waiting to see when that will actually help. savannah? >> thank you. eight people were killed and 40 others hospitalized after a bus carrying farmworkers collided in florida. the driver of the pickup survived the crash and was charged with eight counts of dui manslaughter. police say there is a high probability that the death count could rise because many of those injured were in very serious condition. an investigation into the crash is still under way. a group of tiktok creators are suing the u.s. government. a new law forcing a sale or ban of the popular video sharing app violates their first amendment rights.
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last year tiktok and bytedance, it gives them until january 19th to sell tiktok. after a big win after the indiana pacers. >> 18 times. >> wow! what a finish! >> jalen brunson led the way for the knicks' 44 points for him and they won it pretty easily. 121-91 and they a 3-2 len that series. game six r. >> the denver nuggets beat the minnesota timberwolves 112-97 and the nuggets taking a 3-2 lead and they can close it out, by the way, tomorrow night? from the playoffs to a championship here. a miniature poodle named sage was crowned top dog last night right here in new york city.
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>> the best in show winner at the 148th annual westminster kennel club dog show is the miniature poodle. [ cheers and applause ] >> the crowd goes wild. sage emerging victorious from the non-sporting group competition. she's from houston. her handler cass masaka says he has been competing in westminster for 45 years and this was going to be his very last show, win or lose. by the way, for those of you keeping score for you at home, this is the 11th time that a poodle has won back in show. only wire fox terriers, savannah, have only won more. sage will saunter into studio 1a in a few minutes and will join us in the third hour. >> she's in hair and makeup getting a blow out. >> have you checked out connections this morning? >> not deeply. >> i've received texts about this, and the connections is a game. we like to play it.
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there is a game show tied and we'll try to solve it live in a moment. >> if we can't solve it that's going to look pretty bad. first, though, they're calling it inflation relocation. offers of thousands of dollars if you're willing to pack up and move to small towns. we will hear from one family who took the deal and says it improved their lives in a lot of unexpected ways. with breztri, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing. starting within 5 minutes, i noticed my lung function improved. it helped improve my symptoms, and breztri was even proven to reduce flare-ups, including those that could send me to the hospital. so now i look forward to more good days. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis.
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call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. can't afford your medication? astrazeneca may be able to help. ask your doctor about breztri. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) oh, uber eats has groceries now? i gotta remember that. yo, the best way to remember something is just forget something. what did you forget? hard to say... i know what you forgot. ♪♪
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hey! it's your dry skin. every day we lose ceramides i need to seal in moisture. cerave delivers three essential ceramides to help restore my barrier, so i can lock in moisture, feel hydrated, and look healthy. cerave facial moisturizing lotions. i'm going to miss you so much! oh! i just got an online offer from carmax to sell this mom van. this is the greatest day of my life! (dramatic sigh) the saddest day of my life! (♪♪) [beep beep] (♪♪) makeup meets skincare expertise. true match serum concealer by l'oreal paris. with hyaluronic acid corrects like a concealer, hydrates like an eye serum. an iron shaped applicator to conceal and re plump, with a radiant finish. true match concealer. we're worth it. neutrogena beach defense blocks 97% of burning uv rays for vital sun protection. so you can get more out of all your days in the sun. more protection. more sun. more joy. neutrogena.
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they say we should stop eating so much meat. more joy. so we made meat out of plants. because we aren't quitters. impossible. we're solving the meat problem with more meat. whoa! how'd you get your teeth so white? you gotta use the right toothpaste! dr. c?! ♪♪ not all toothpastes whiten the same. crest 3d white removes 100% more stains for a noticeably whiter smile. new personal best. crest. talenti salted caramel truffle layers, with creamy salted caramel gelato. -bradley. -it's cookies. -i can see the cookies, the jar is see-through. -i knew that. -i knew you knew that. talenti. raise the jar.
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mmm! this dunkin' cold is just right. and this dunkin' cold is just right. and this dunkin' cold is just right. how long is she going to do this? the home with dunkin' is where you want to be. since my citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category... suddenly life's feeling a little more automatic. like doors opening wherever i go... [sound of airplane overhead] even the ground is moving for me! y'all seeing this? wild! and i don't even have to activate anything. oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. [mind blown explosion noise] ♪ welcome back. as americans continue to grapple with soaring consumer prices and
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inflation more people are getting creative to save money or in some cases earn some extra cash. >> there are -- there are -- well, i had a bite to eat. i'm sorry. i'm sorry. there are programs that pay you to relocate and work remotely, savannah? >> look who is here, nbc's morgan radford. it sounds too good to be true. >> it does. we did some digging and it's not. it's a pretty interesting offer. we've spoken to people who took the deal of a lifetime. they're getting paid sometimes as much as $10,000 bucks to pack up and move to rural parts of the country and work remotely. you can call it inflation relocation. >> reporter: for millions of americans the cost of living comes at a high price, from food to housing, but what if you could move to a place where price increases and the pace of life were both slower? that's the shiny offer coming
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from states and dozens of small towns across the country, targeting remote workers. tulsa, oklahoma, offering $10,000 to workers willing to move there for a year and this indiana suburb offeringing a $5,000 grant, a year of free golf plus coffee with the mayor. it's the kind of offer the eisenberg family took up two years ago to live here in lewisburg, west virginia after ben's work took a hit. >> we're laying in bed looking at this beautiful house going, we're under water. i had heard about this program through social media and i said, you know what? i'll apply for it. why not? >> the ascent program paid them to move here for two years. thanks to a public/private partnership from the wing to wing found dalg, west virginia university and the state. >> what did you notice that were more expensive in maryland and less expensive now. >> when i go to the grocery store, the bill is less overall. >> the mortgage is cheaper.
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the movie theater is half of what it was in maryland. it's six bucks to go to a movie. all of the things we can do outside for free. >> free and fun. >> we're out on bikes. we like to get on the river and go kayaking. >> kayaking, rafting, biking. how much of this were you all doing back in baltimore? >> none of it. >> yeah. >> and all of this is free. >> all of it's free. >> all of it's free. >> the state's governor says he and his favorite furry friend want to welcome even more families like the eisenbergs. >> you're basically saying you come to live in west virginia and we'll give you all these little perks and everything. isn't that right, baby dog? >> are there any down sides? do you ever hear from local residents who say now you have the people coming from other states and housing costs are going up. >> they're happy with that because their property value has escalated. they know to have more opportunity you have to have
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more people and a bigger tax base and that's all there is to it. >> nearly 50,000 applications for this program have been submitted with 96% of those accepted choosing to stay after one year and nationwide, nearly 60 towns are offering similar deals with search traffic at one relocation website tripling since 2021. >> they might be looking for some place that's more affordable that they can have some more space. beyond that, they're being looking for community connections. >> connections that helped ben get a new business focused on outdoor activities up and running in a place his family now calls home. >> when you first applied to this program, callie, at some point did you wonder is this a scam? you're going to give me money to move? >> yeah. i mean, i definitely thought about that. i'm sure there are people that think it's a scam, but it's not. we're here. we're living proof? >> was it worth it? >> definitely. i wouldn't give up anything. it's a great place. >> the ieisenberg's parents
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decided to move, too expect and they packed their bags on the second visit and they were charmed. the kids say it was the best decision for them, too. the ascend west virginia organizers do want to stress to everyone watching this isn't just one town you can move to. they have four different areas all across the state and all with a little something different to offer and remember, there are other programs across the country that are doing this. >> so cool. almost heaven. >> i grew up there. your parents -- >> my parents, yeah. >> it's a great state. >> we used to be wild and wonderful. >> bumper sticker. i can see it. >> you still are wild and wonderful. >> okay, savannah. >> big thanks to the governor's dog, as well. how cute is that dog? >> he said no, this is my partner so we'll do this interview together and we are so glad they did. >> there you go. he got his own chair. let's get a check of the weather. >> all right, guys. good morning. we're looking at strong storms firing up across central florida
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and the eastern half, that's where we're seeing a lot of action, showers and thunderstorms with cooler weather and firing up in the central plains and along the that's your latest weather. the best time of the morning. >> i know i say it's packed every day, but it really is pack. we'll start with kevin costner, the "yellowstone" actor is opening up about the long hiatus for the hit show. reports are circulating about
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whether the delay was due to costner shooting his movie "horizon." the star is staying that's not the case telling the outlet kw "horizon" fit into the gaps. they just kept moving their gaps. costner continuing i don't want to get down in the gutter with the yellowstone thing, but what i'm telling you is straight up. i'm taking a beating. >> well there's that. >> i mean -- it's been over a year since the show's been off the air, so fan, we'll have to keep waiting to see what happens. >> a juicy pop start. >> we'll go to prince. it's been nearly four decades now since this big screen moment. ♪ ♪ ♪ purple rain ♪ >> to celebrate the 40th anniversary of prince's "purple rain" the film is being
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re-released in 4k ultra hd. what is that? i don't know, but it sounds fancy. it will also include cool bonus content including eight music videos and that special edition upon cross june 25th. this will be good. next up, reese witherspoon, the "legally blond" star gave the next chapter of the elle woods story confirming there is say prequel series in the works with this sweet video. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ this perfect day, nothing standing in my way ♪homage to the first movie. reese wrote, something pink is coming and saying the show will be about ♪ on this perfect day ♪ ♪ nothing can go wrong ♪ >> that montage playing homage to the first legally blond movie. online reese wrote, something pink is coming and revealed the show will be about elle graduating from harvard law school and it will follow the
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beloved character as a '90s high school girl and set to debut on prime video next year. chris pratt, the hollywood a-lister is preparing to hop back into this super-smash ♪ ♪ >> come on, mario! our big adventure begins now. >> hang on, luigi. >> in a recent interview with screen rant the voice of mario himself hinted at the possibility of a cinematic universe saying there are decades worth of games to explore just thinking from how legend of zelda how the nintendo cinematic universe could be created and what it could look like for the characters that i love. i mean, there's really no limit. >> absolutely. >> it does not exist. let's get to the origin story. we have the nintendo store around and the line is around. >> can he get his own movie? >> oh! >> talk about "jeopardy" now.
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does this sound like the kind of category you can get behind. >> a taylor swift song for 600. >> seen here wearing his signature hat this country singer was inducted into the headwear hall of fame in 2014. >> who is tim mcgraw? >> if you're a swiftie or pop culture junkie. a new spin-off of the iconic game show is in the works with the pop culture tournament edition coming to prime video. it will be all pop culture and promising the rigor -- >> we don't want academic rigor. >> talking about food, music and theater. talking about this, connections. the hit new york times word game has a special connection to the ladies on the couch this morning. savannah and you, too can be on "jeopardy" want to sign up? go to connections, the hit new york times word game has a very special connection to some ladies on the couch this morning. let's take a look at the board. savannah and hoda, two of the clues. we're going to play, but first we have to give a big old spoiler alert because people
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play every morning. so if you play this game and you haven't solved today's puzzle yet, take a break or two, okay? >> hoda and savannah are blind -- >> we can't -- >> can you put it back up again. >> bring it closer. >> can i give you guys a hint. >> savannah, prairie, meadow -- >> savannah, say it again. >> savannah, prairie. >> meadow. plain. >> me. >> you want me to take hoda out? >> what's another one. prairie. give me one more. >> direct, submit. >> okay. >> oh! >> frank, direct, straight and open. >> i don't know. >> try. >> oh, yeah! >> so smart. >> measure, bill, resolution, act. >> oh, good call. >> does anyone -- before we do it because we know, but what do we think this category is? >> aura -- >> i know it. >> hang on.
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>> i actually know the answer to this. >> it's star branch. >> it's a letter. >> oh, that is ridiculous! >> i played it this morn. >> oh! way to go, al. >> can i just say something? >> we're missing a letter routine. i'm sorry, connections. >> let me give some love this morning. this was a very difficult one for a lot of people, a lot of smart folks and you guys just made this happen. >> al played it and gave us the answer. >> i'm biassed. >> to be clear -- >> i love this game. it's my new wordle. >> yes. finally, wednesday. you know what that means? it is a brand-new episode of >> squeeze in one more. congratulations. >> you made it. >> all right. finally, so you know what that means? >> what's that? >> it's a brand-new episode of "making space" out right now. find it by scanning the qr code on the screen and with more of hoda's inspiring conversation
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with selena gomez and dr. vivek murphy about the method to change the conversation about mental health and gomez opening up about how she defines herself outside with lupus and bipolar disorder. >> how do you define yourself?l, >> i define myself as a loving, caring and a person who just genuinely wants to do anything to just help out someone. i think -- i think life can get distracting under so much noise and titles don't scare me anymore because i claimed my own story. i told my story, and i felt freedom from it. >> yeah. she literally spoke the words i have bipolar disorder and people in her own camp were, i don't want to say that. she said i'm saying it, and she felt a sense of freedom and ever since then she's, like, this is me. love me or don't love me. >> that's why she has more
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followers than beyonce and taylor swift and a bunch of people. she has an inspired conversation and she's found a new purpose and stepping right into it. >> i love the surgeon general, too. >> he's amazing. >> he talked a lot about mental health, loneliness and also phone addiction. >> if you want to hear more of that latest episode of "making space with hoda kotb" and follow her, follow you every wednesday. >> the best of broadway, we have
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when it comes to life golden 1 credit union sees, you're crushing it. you nailed that audition. you perfected that plate. your team's inspired. whether behind the scenes or center stage,
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♪ we are back, back at 8:30 on this wednesday morning. how's the crowd? [ cheering ] 15th of may 2024. folks came out on to the plaza despite the rain this morning. they're a little moist. they're still hanging in. >> a lot to celebrate. what's going on here? we've got triplets. triplets celebrating your what birthday? >> 20th. >> taylor. >> brooklyn. >> kayla. >> how cute! how cute! >> we have a grandma's dream come true. >> what was the dream? just to see you. you are my "today" show family. >> oh! >> oh! >> my granddaughters, lauren. >> grandma. coming up in this half hour, a lot of help for the summer months to come. we'll start with expert's picks from dr. henry to protect your skin while you enjoy the sun. >> a lot of people are getting
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ready for good old swimsuit season. what if we told you you could curb your sugar cravings while still enjoying things like cookies? >> what? >> oh, it's true. she's got recipes packed with health benefits and they will satisfy your sweet tooth. i can't wait. >> then our best of broadway week continues with "suffs." i can't wait to see this the six-time tony nominated musical is about the pioneers who helped women gain the right to vote and you'll be blown away when the capacity performs for us live. >> can't wait for that. later on in the third hour, we'll help prepare our homes with simple fixes and easy ways with us. >> i guess it's drizzling. >> we're distancing. >> we have our own umbrellas. to spruce up the backyard. >> george olyphant will come by. >> but first -- >> social distancing. >> the umbrellas. >> that's right. >> will it stop soon? >> eventually. anyway -- >> america's weather man. >> that's it! that's it! thank you very much! for the weekend, we're looking at sunshine in the northeast and
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showers and storms and great lakes is now to the gulf out west and looking pretty good and then we move on into saturday and lots of sun, the western third of the country really and heavy rain in the eastern third and then sunday -- sunday! rather wet in the mid atlantic, sunny and dry out west, hot down through texas. sunshine in the plains. that's what's going on around the country and here's what's happening as we sashay over thi. good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we're going to see temperatures today in the low 80s. and even though it's cloudy now, we will see sunshine. temperatures will be in the low 80s today and tomorrow as well as friday. but then it will be slightly cooler for the weekend with temperatures in the mid to upper 70s. that's where the inland valley san francisco won't see much of a change over the next seven days. we'll start out with some clouds, fog and drizzle. highs in the mid 60s, and we'll set it on repeat
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through the >> and look who's 50? >> what's your name? >> stephanie! >> stephanie, happy birthday. >> thank you. >> what a great group ! what a great group! how about you guys? where are you from? >> sacramento. what a caught fam. with the summer sun on the way, we are getting you ready with a
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♪ we're back with "shop this list" today. ♪ ♪ we're back with shop this list today and summer will be here before we know it and as we spend more time outdoors our skin will need extra protection. board-certified dermatologist dr. michelle henry is here with products and you can buy them one click by scanning the qr
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code on the corner of the screen there. dr. henry, good to see you. >> good to see you. >> hopefully the sun will be coming out soon, but when it does what's the best way to protect ourselves against skin cancer. >> simple, easy tips. one, sunscreen. spf, reapply every two hours and water resistant is great for perspiration and swimming. two, sun protect, 30. seek shade when the uv index is strongest, stay indoors. >> should you get a little sun? some people are vitamin d deficient. is there a time or window when you should get a little bit? >> it's not perfect. you will still get some uv light and in america most people aren't that compliant, but we're still getting uv and we know uv is a carcinogen. i would prefer you take a supplement if you're deficient, but take it if you can. >> we have a primer and a lotion. >> it's all from target and this is by elf.
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this is an invisible sunscreen. absolutely invisible and it will blur the pores and it's a primer and mattifying and it has aloe and hydrating. it's great for reapplying, spf 45, lightweight and calming for the skin. >> did you just put this on? >> that's a cream and that's great to top it off. >> one of the places we often miss is our scalp because who's got time, you can wear a hat, but what product do you have? >> women wear it the whole life >> smells really good. >> yes. >> all right and spf 30, easy to use and get in between the hair and it has aloe in it. the brand says it might help to hydrate the hair and abuse during the summer. >> it smells really good, too. >> yes. >> down the line, what's next. >> this is the total package body sunscreen. a lot of my patients are good at the facial sunscreen and not so good at the body and this is hydrating and lightweight and
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quick absorbing and it's clean, so a lot of patients love that. >> do you need a lotion on top of this sunscreen? >> this is a beautiful. it's a multitasker. >> everything all at once. >> it has rich butters to make it hydrating and it will give you the sun protection and hydrate the skin and feel good. >> we like one stop. one-stop shop. that's good. let's get to our feet because we need work right here. >> feet are about to make their summertime debut and they need help after the winter. >> yes, let's go. >> it's lactic as itd and it helps to hydrate and exfoliate the skin and it will help with the cracked heels. >> elbows? can you use it there? >> it's fantastic and cheaper than a pedicure, $9. 9. >> i love to put it on with socks and a nice little treatment. >> i already like the looks of this. >> we like a little tech in our skincare so this entire skin kit --
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>> it's cooling and put it in the refridge gerator. >> you can press this and it vibrates and it helps with tension, to debuff and helps your serums penetrate better. you can put your product first and then roll it on. it's a beautiful, nice, treatment at night, meditative -- >> how do you turn it off? >> quick and easy. >> okay. got it. doctor, all great products. purchases made from the segment which solely features items available at target. qr code or go to and we should mention that "today" does earn a commission on purchases made from the segment which are solely available at target. savannah, over to you. >> coming up next, we'll whip up >> coming up next, we'll whip up delicious recis with john pe it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort,
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♪ ♪ oh, don't talk about sugar. no, it's wellness wednesday. we are focusing on sugar cravings and how to get rid of them. if you love sweet, you're not alone. the average american consumes 17 teaspoons of added sugar every day, but according to the american heart association, men should eat no more than nine teaspoons daly and for women the number is lower, of course, just six. dawn russell's here to help us curb our sugar cravings and share some of her favorite healthy recipes and she's a health and wellness expert and founder of 8 greens. we always eat our veggies when you're here. >> yes, please. good morning. >> i am a sweet tooth person. >> as am i. i have a sweet mouth. >> i feel i have to have sweet after literally every meal. how can we get off that racket? >> so this is all about summer sugar cravings, and i have two recipes, soup and cookies, and what these two recipes achieve in their ingredients is a, they
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help stabilize our blood sugar level and two, they clean out our gut and we won't have the sugar craving sitting in us. >> are there times when you have more sugar cravings than other times? >> yeah. if your blood sugar level spikes or if your gut is not clean because it's craving the sugar. >> i don't think my gut is clean, but -- >> we'll get it clean. >> ones, really, but -- >> we'll do cucumbers. this is the beauty of this cucumber recipe. all it requires is a blender. us working moms, we can do it. >> this isn't sweet, this is to stabilize the sugar. >> the water and the fiber help. avocado amazing fiber. >> should i worry about with weight management and regulates your blood sugar level. >> avocado, amazing fiber. a big core. >> avocado is high in fat. >> then you have the fiber that is helping your gut that we're talking about. >> what's this? yogurt?
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>> greek yogurt. amazing pro biotic. everyone and their mother should have a pro biotic. dill amazing for digestion. olive oil. >> also a healthy good fat. >> apple juice and i don't want anyone writing in barking about the sugar in apples and this is why it's family approved and that's why your kids are having cucumbers, onions, avocado and dill. >> and organic and no sugar. >> no, let's just keep it real. >> keep it real because then they'll have all this. >> a garlic clove and we literally whisk it up and this is what comes out and you add water to purify it. >> you want to taste had? >> this is what we do in our family. >> oh, that's good. i'm actually shocked. >> you just drink it. >> i really like it. >> cheers. >> cheers. >> i'm shocked. >> it's a chilled soup. >> oh, my gosh. >> it would stabilize your sugar craving and that's what's so important. >> i would eat that for lunch every day. >> wow should. >> it's really nice.
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so here we have the no-sugar kid-approved cookies. they really do exist. >> your kids like these? >> my kids inhale these, like, every week. so the reason this is so special is obviously no sugar. we don't have the sugar spike terrors with our kids. two, it's really fun to make with kids and three, it's packed with so much nutrients and we already have mashed ban an as, coconut oil which is great because it lessens your hunger. >> a ripe banana? >> as long as you mash and this is what it needs to look like. maple syrup, amazing sugar lmond substitute, almond milk which doesn't mess with your blood sugar level and almond milk and what i do with my kids is use your hands. >> my kids' hands -- i don't really want them in food. >> we have to wash them. and here is the amazing bit. we have chia seeds and
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flaxseeds. amazing for digestion. chia seeds help you not feel as hungry. you then have raisins, amazing for fiber, pumpkin seeds, amazing for fiber. goji berry which is a prebiotic. cashews. >> a prebiotic different than a pro biotic? i always think it's a typo. >> no, you're leading me into my next point. >> this is a probiotic and the single most important thing i do for my children every day. children should have 5 billion and adults should have 25 billion, and if you have a capsule, this one i don't think opens, but you can open it and literally just pour it in and now your children have the probiotic. so you roll it all up and now here is the drum roll. >> okay. i'm ready. >> you give me the honest to god truth. savannah is no liar. >> that's true. >> okay.
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i like it. >> you don't love it. >> well, you know, i'm an oreo person. [ laughter ] >> they taste very good. it tastes very good. i might not have the raisins. >> oh, really? >> i'm not a raisin person. it's nice -- it's a nice breakfast, something with your coffee. >> the raisins add the sweetness that make your kids like it. >> what do i know? >> you know a lot. it's fabulous, you have kids. >> no sugar cravings. so much healthy stuff in there. >> that and oreos. >> we have the recipe on and coming up next the best of broadway and we ar
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♪ ♪ the citi concert series on "today" is proudly presented to you by citi. >> we are back with our best of broadway week and the tony-nominated cast of "suffs".
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>> it tells the story of a brave group of women at the heart of the suffrage who fought tirelessly for the right to vote. shaina taub making her the second woman in history to do that for a broadway musical. shaina, you are amazing. you're a genius, good morning. >> good morning. >> you've been nominateded for six tonys. >> oh, my gosh, yes. i am so excited for our show and so proud our company and it's such a proud moment and getting to share it every night. >> did you freak out when you got the tony tom nation? >> yes! this is such a joyful sister hood and the community of artists and it was great to celebrate as a group. >> you have producers, hillary clinton and malala yousafzai, and they're a part of the production. >> secretary clinton and malala
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have helped empower women and girls around the world and to have them bring the story to the world is amazing. >> you have an incredible cast. what will you perform for us right now in we'll perform the song called "the march," the mass mobilization of women dressed in white on pennsylvania avenue in 1913 and the song re-creates that moment. >> take it away. the cast of "suffs." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ mr. president, hear our cry ♪ ♪ mr. president, hear our cry ♪ ♪ we, the women of the country, we, the women of the country ♪ ♪ we demand to be heard, we demand to be seen ♪ n
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♪ we demand equality and nothing in between ♪ ♪ we demand to be heard, we demand to be known ♪. ♪ we demand an amendment. we demand an ament ♪ ♪ i've never felt so alive before ♪ ♪ i real i'm not alone anymore ♪ i'm a part of somethinging bigger exploding open ♪ i feel my world about to change ♪ ♪ i want to feel the change ♪ >> we demand to be seen ♪ neat we demand to be heard ♪ ♪ we demand our dignity will never -- ♪ we demand to be seen ♪ ♪ we demand to be known ♪ ♪ an amendment
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♪♪ we ♪ we demand an amendment ♪ ♪ we demand an amendment ♪ ♪ but then a mob of sne reshgs ring men stormed the street ♪ ♪ retreat ♪ grabbing my hair, will we make it down the avenue in one piece ♪ neat where are the policemen? where are the police ♪ get back, make way ♪ ♪ not stopping us today ♪ not today ♪ thoroughfare ♪♪ mr. president hear our cry ♪♪ inch by inch we'll make step back, step aside, don't break our stride ♪ let's push our way through the thorough fare ♪ mr. president hear our cry ♪ ♪ mr. president, hear our cry ♪ ♪ i want my mother to know i was here ♪ >> i want my sisters to know i was here ♪ i want my great-granddaughter to
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know i was here ♪ ♪ i was here ♪ ♪ i want my students to know i was here ♪ i want my niece to know i was here ♪ i want my great-granddaughters to know i was here ♪ ♪ i was here ♪ i was here ♪ ♪ i was here ♪ i want our great-granddaughters to know i was here ♪ ♪ we demand to be heard ♪ ♪ we demand to be seen ♪ ♪ we demand equality and nothing in between ♪ ♪ we demand to be heard ♪ ♪ we demand to be known ♪ ♪♪ we demand to be seen ♪♪ ♪ we demand a voice of our own ♪ we demand equality now ♪ [ applause ] >> yes! yes! >> amazing! >> wow!
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>> you killed it! oh, my gosh! >> that was amazing! >> standing up and cheering after that. ♪ wow! you guys, thank you. what a treat. thank you soy much. congratulations, shaina, congratulations to all of you for the tony nominations and together with another unforgettable performance and catch it at the music box in new york. >> we are back after your local news and weather. ♪ ♪ .
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good morning. it is 856. i'm marcus washington. happening now. antioch has agreed to a wrongful death settlement in a controversial police death from 2020. that's when angelo quinto died by asphyxia. this is after officers knelt on his neck. they were responding to a mental health call. the officers were never charged. now, bay area defense attorney john burris is holding a news conference later today. also happening now, alameda county da pamela price getting ready to address the recall election decision made by supervisors last night. they approved a vote as part of the november general election. price's supporters are still planning to attempt to block that recall vote from ever happ
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9:00 am
this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," roast this morning on the third hour top g.


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