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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  May 24, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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today, friday, may 24th, 2024. the rush is on. tens of millions of americans are racing out the door for the long holiday weekend. but severe weather is threatening some of those plans. we're tracking what you need to know. campus tensions. a new round of protests erupting at colleges. demonstrators at ucla once again clashing with police and harvard's graduation ceremony interrupted by a walkout. how university presidents are defending their responses to the unrest. game changer. an historic shift in college sports, the ncaa clearing the way for schools to pay current and former student athletes. why it's happening now. and don't be salty. if it seems like everyone is on a beach vacation this summer and you're stuck at home, you're not alone. how you can avoid so-called travel-fomo, fear of missing out. we begin this hour with holiday travel. speaking of fear of missing out,
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we're talking about the rush today. millions of people from coast-to-coast are scrambling to get to their destinations for the start of the memorial day weekend. aaa says this is going to be one of the busiest travel days this year. an estimated 43.8 million people expected to be on the move during this long memorial day weekend from yesterday to monday. we've got you covered from every angle today from the roads to the airports to the all-important travel forecast. let's begin with nbc news correspondent priya sridhar at atlanta's airport, priya, talking air travel first. how is it holding up? >> reporter: yeah, that's right, this is the world's busiest airport, and i've actually been here for about nine hours so far, and i can report that things are pretty smooth and steady, at least so far, kate. let's take a look at the delays and cancellations being reported across the country. 3,446 delays so far, and 80
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cancellations. yesterday it was 888 cancellations. so things are looking a little bit better than yesterday, at least so far. but i know that there is some expected weather to occur later in the day that might impact things. now, the busiest airports are atlanta, dallas, denver, chicago, and los angeles today. so if you happen to be departing from one of those airports, or perhaps passing through one of those airports, trying to catch a connection, make sure that you give yourself some extra time. i know that tsa, at least here in the atlanta airport, staffed up today, trying to open up more security lines, to try to get everyone through those security lines as quickly as possible. but, it's always important to leave as much time ahead of your travel plans as possible, kate. >> all right, priya sridhar thank you. let's go to nbc news correspondent antonia hylton watching the roads from new jersey. most people are going to be getting around by car this weekend. how is the traffic? >> reporter: that's right, kate. in fact, of those about 44
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million americans, more than 80 80% are planning to hit the roads, be aware of the fact that already it's bumper-to-bumper traffic. families have been trying to get to new york city or to the jersey shore, and they've already been sitting at times in traffic for hours on end. they're coming to rest stops to get water and to get fuel. fuel prices are the other thing that people need to have in mind right now. on average, we're looking at about $3.61 a gallon, that's up seven cents from where we were this time last year. we've been talking to travelers who are factoring all the costs, what it's going to cost them to sit at times in all of that traffic for hours. as you just heard from priya there, even people planning to hit the skies, they will face some challenges. we are seeing this major summer travel rebound in the years coming out of the pandemic at levels unlike anything experts have seen since 2005. that's almost 20 years ago. that is the signal to everyone,
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no matter what route you are taking, to be prepared, to know where the rest stops are, and have a plan for your meals and your family. that's the only way to make sure that this is a safe and fun weekend for everyone. >> antonia, thank you so much. let's get the forecast now for everybody. nbc news meteorologist bill karins, bill, we've had some serious weather this week, we've had storms, middle of the country, is there a threat going into the holiday weekend, please say no. >> during the holiday weekend, not horrible today, but it looks like we could have two severe weather outbreaks, maybe even two tornado outbreaks saturday and sunday. we've had some nasty storms in areas of the midwest, right now, chicago, you're all clear, that storm system has moved through. later today we'll watch the dallas airport with significant delays, and large hail possible with those storms, not so many tornadoes. but this is already the map for saturday, upgraded this to a moderate risk of severe weather. this looks like another very dangerous situation that i-35 corridor heading up to oklahoma city to wichita, and surrounding areas. and then by the time we get through late afternoon, and
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evening, we should have numerous tornadoes, maybe even strong. by the time we get to sunday, heading into the midwest, st. louis, paducah, and areas south of chicago. one thing we haven't mentioned, bad weather on the west coast. looking good saturday and not bad sunday. >> that might be where you want to head, out west. bill karins, thanks so much. we're following a new round of protests hitting college campuses across the country. at harvard yesterday dozens of students stage add walkout during the graduation ceremony, demonstrating against the school's decision to bar 13 student protesters from graduating. >> this semester our freedom of speech and our expressions of solidarity became punishable. >> in california police once again clashed with demonstrators on the ucla campus. nbc news correspondent morgan
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chesky joins me from there. morgan, what have we been seeing today, and what happened yesterday? >> reporter: kate, a far different situation playing out on ucla's campus today than what we witnessed yesterday afternoon. and this was a hot bed of activity. it really began, though, yesterday, kate, when campus police located what was going up as a second encampment of sorts from those pro-palestinian protesters at a hall about a quarter mile from where i'm standing. it didn't stand long. hundreds of students that had gathered there in support filtered their way here to dodd hall where they planned to occupy it as long as they could. that only last add few hours before police cleared that building out. important to note, the swifter response than what we saw back on april 30th when counterprotest groups really clashed with that pro-palestinian group, and police waited before getting involved. the blame spread from school
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administrators to the campus police chief who has been since reassigned. a far different scene today, though, kate, right now no planned demonstrations here, but all quiet. >> that's good news. morgan, university presidents once again defended their approach to these student protests, to the situation, testifying before lawmakers on capitol hill. what did we hear there? >> reporter: you had leaders from several universities, ucla, rutgers, northwestern all being grilled by lawmakers. and importantly here, i want you to hear what the chancellor o ucla had to say when pressed about how he handled that specific encounter on april 30th. take a listen. >> during this period of time students are still attending classes. i should emphasize there is no encampment and there's no demonstrations that are problematic. >> reporter: you'll forgive me he was in fact referring to what was happening yesterday and that stood out, kate, because he appeared to be unaware of the
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protests that took place yesterday afternoon. he also acknowledged the fact, though, that police should have acted sooner back in april. meanwhile, both rutgers and northwestern said because of the violence essentially that they saw play out on ucla's campus they chose instead to have a dialogue with students to figure out their needs, something they were criticized for from mostly republican lawmakers. >> morgan chesky on that for us, thank you. well, relief today for an american tourist arrested for bringing bullets in his luggage on a flight out of turks and caicos, a judge decided today that brian hagerich will not face jail time. he was detained back in february. he says he accidentally left the ammo in a bag used for hunting trips. priscilla thompson has been following this for us. he was facing 12 years in jail. how did he avoid time behind bars? >> reporter: the judge set aside
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that sentence because of exceptional circumstances that she laid out, including that he says he had the ammo in his bag by accident, that he has no prior criminal history, and the impact that this could have on his 5-year-old daughter. we saw a lot of tears and a lot of hugs in that courtroom earlier today, and he actually came out and spoke to our nbc producer on the ground there about what this moment felt like, take a listen. >> absolutely elated. can't wait to get home. i have two kids that just can't wait to jump into our arms. >> what did it feel like walking through the end of it? >> overwhelming. >> overwhelming. just joy. this is what we've been waiting for, for the last 101 days. >> reporter: instead of that 12-year minimum he got a one-year suspended sentence, and a $6,700 fine, which as soon as he paid he was free to leave the country. we're told he's already on a plane back here to the united
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states. kate? >> priscilla, four other americans are facing similar charges over ammunition and luggage. some of them were in court today to show support. what could this sentence mean for their cases? >> reporter: two of them were in the court today, and they came out and they said that they felt grateful and relief, and they hope this will set the tone for their sentencings and hearings. there are a total of four americans who are now facing this potential 12-year sentence and hoping that a judge will find similar exceptional circumstances in their cases as they head toward their sentencing and hearings in the coming weeks. kate? >> priscilla thompson for us, thank you. time now for today's cnbc money minute. mortgage rates are on the decline. and you could be eligible for a settlement from apple. steve kovach is with us now. hi, steve. >> mortgage rates declined for a third consecutive week. 6.94%, according to data
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mortgage finance agency freddie mac released thursday. it comes as existing and new home sales fell last month and the number of new housing starts also dropped. 485,000 fidelity customers have over a million dollars in their 401(k) at the end of the first quarter this year, according to the investment giant. fidelity reported an average balance of nearly $1.6 million for those millionaires. but looking at the broader pool at fidelity the average first quarter balance for all 401(k) accounts hit $129,000, up 16% from the first quarter. the median 401(k) balance was $28,900. iphone customers could get up to $349 in a settlement, part of a proposed $35 million settlement on a class action lawsuit, the suit claimed iphone 7 and 7 plus users had audio issues with their devices. but, apple has denied the phones are faulty and did not comment
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on the settlement. kate, back to you. >> so do you have to have a 7, or would you say -- >> or used to have one, i guess. >> used to have one, maybe look it up and see if you're eligible for being part of that. >> cash in. >> steve kovach, thank you. coming up, for many shoppers, memorial day weekend means sales. how you can save big on some items this holiday weekend. plus, altercation at the altar. why a florida priest says that why a florida priest says that he bit woman a [tense music] one aleve works all day so i can keep working my magic. just one aleve. 12 hours of uninterrupted pain relief. aleve. who do you take it for? ...and for fast topical pain relief,try alevex. hepatitis c? don't just treat it. crush it with mavyret.
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a seismic shift for college athletes today, for the first time in over 100 years, they could be paid directly by their schools. the ncaa is paving the way for universities to share the money they make on college sports with their players. nbc news correspondent steve patterson joins me now with more. hi, steve. so, explain how we got here and how are they going to pay student athletes? how does it work? >> reporter: this came from a decision that the ncaa had to make. they were facing tens of billions of dollars in class action lawsuits, would have reverted or resulted, excuse me, in essentially bankruptcy and complete holistic restructuring. instead, they're like, well, let's settle, let's use $3 billion to avoid paying out tens of billions of dollars, and the most exciting part about this, is to prevent future lawsuits to establish a revenue-sharing
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model. in the big payout, the $3 billion, 2.77, manager sliek that, 14,000 athletes will take advantage, claiming they should have earned money because of these old rules now defunct. the more exciting part, again, the fact that there's a new model being established that will allow these universities to establish a model in which they can literally pay the athletes, the people who have been making these universities rich, for more than 100 years, will actually have a part of the business, a part of the pie. it's exciting. >> yeah, it is exciting. here's the big question. how are they going to decide how to disburse the money, to which athletes, who gets what? >> reporter: there's the rub. there are no rules. there was no guidance on how each school disburses the money. they came up with a formula which is about the average amount that each athletic department in these big power conferences takes in is about $100 million. they decided by whatever math
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formula that it is that 20% of that should be what is distributed on a yearly basis. so, in effect, i'm really bad at math, but $20 million or so. how that pays down to each athlete, to each program, it is completely unknown. and then how do things like title ix factor in, if you have $20 million, go 10,000,010 million for men's and women's sports. the basketball program and the football program makes all the money that people on the golf team and the gymnastics team and the water polo team should make just as much money. i think it all has to be worked out. none of it is set in stone. it is going to be messy, it is going to play out largely in court and it's going to take a long time before we get to a place where everybody is comfortable with this brand new world, brave new world. >> a whole new era. steve patterson, good to see you, happy friday. well, hunter biden was back in delaware courtroom today for the final procedural hearing before his federal gun trial begins next month.
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you might remember president biden's son was indicted last september for allegedly possess ing a gun while using narcotics. he pleaded not guilty. ken dilanian joins me from outside the courthouse. this hearing wrapped up after, i think, about two hours. what did we hear and what's going on? >> reporter: well, kate, big picture here, hunter biden went from the state dinner at the white house last night to sitting inside a federal courthouse today here in wilmington, delaware where next month he will go on trial for felony charges of lying on a form when he went to guy buying a gun, when saying he wasn't addicted to drugs. which evidence can be put in front of the jury was today's motions. both sides were given much of what they wanted. the government wanted to quote from hunter biden's memoir. she's saying that's okay. she's excluding the defense from raising the issue of why wasn't
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this case prosecuted back in 2018 by state authorities when the actual crime took place? so, none of this is going to really affect the outcome of the case that much. it's just a reminder that hunter biden is in serious water. >> special counsel david weiss wants to introduce the laptop of hunter biden. >> the judge allowed him to do that and there's 18,000 pieces of evidence as a part of that. but she's also allowing the defense to challenge the authenticity of certain emails. that will be litigated in front of the jury. >> ken dilanian, thank you so much. much. you are watching "nbc news (♪ ♪♪) (♪♪) try dietary supplements from voltaren, for healthy joints. ok, someone just did laundry... no, i add downy light so the freshness really lasts.
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spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy long lasting relief in a scent free, gentle mist. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. parents across the bay area say they are disturbed after a shooting happened at a high school graduation. one person arrested, multiple people shot nbc bay area's kris sanchez has the details from skyline high in oakland. we asked oakland police for any new information on the people that they have detained and what their relationship might be to the two people who were shot. those two people are in stable condition now. i want to show you what was happening leading up to that moment. congratulations. skyline high school, class of 2024. this was supposed to be the main memory for skyline high school
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graduates and their families. last night. but there's also the memory of what happened just after witnesses told us the shooting happened. just as the ceremony ended, when people were gathering to take photos. gunshots. and we always thought it was fireworks at first, but it was gunshots. oakland police say it appears that it started with a dispute and ended with a man and a woman shot. we don't know their ages, so we don't know if they are young adults and perhaps students. oakland police had help from the chp in securing the scene and getting everyone away without any other injuries. we also asked ousd for any new information. they also have not responded, but we do know that yesterday was the last day of school for everyone. in addition to being graduation day, today was supposed to be a teacher work day in the east bay. kris sanchez, nbc, bay area news. and oakland police just notified us that a third person was shot. that person drove him or herself to the hospital. fortunately, all three victims are expected to survive. and now we've learned that one person has been arrested. here's some
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other stories you need to know about a group in oakland seeking to recall. mayor shang tao is giving an update on their elf outfit efforts. health care advocates are asking state attorney general rob bonta to investigate a hospital closure in san jose. but first, a big rig caught fire along the bay bridge it's causing some delays right now. we want to show you new video posted on social media platforms. it happened around nine this morning on westbound 80. that's heading into san francisco. several lanes closed, but more are beginning to open up as cleanup crews clear the debris. it is unclear what caused this big rig to catch fire. health care advocates in san jose are taking action amid the impending closures at regional medical center. they are urging attorney general rob bonta to investigate in a letter. they claim the closures are discriminatory and would impact the lower income communities of color, and the hospital announced it was planning to close its trauma center in august due to low patient volume. however, in april, south bay leaders endorsed the idea of keeping it
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open. we are reaching out to the hospital for comment and will have a full update on the story in our evening newscast. a group in oakland seeking to recall mayor shane tao is delivering an update on their efforts. it claims to have gathered more than 30,000 signatures, surpassing its goal to place the recall petition on the november ballot. nbc bay area has not verified those claims. they say she is not tough on crime. that's a major reason for the recall. meantime mayor tao is addressing the city's massive budget shortfall. she says oakland will be short nearly $120 million this year, almost $300 million over the next two years. the mayor is proposing freezing around 100 city positions along with reducing non-critical contracts. memorial day holiday weekend is upon us, and it looks like it's going to be a bit chillier. cinthia pimentel has our forecast. a good friday to you? well, we have stunning skies over the bay area. it's breezy and definitely
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a shift in that pattern today. you need all those extra layers. you're probably feeling that wind already. it's going to get gusty anywhere from about 20 to 45 mile an hour. wind speeds out near the coast with those cooler temperatures for today, and also for tomorrow. so a bit of a speed bump in our holiday weekend here with those may gray skies. also, for our saturday morning temperatures, however, should rebound and actually get nice and cozy and seasonable into next week. but as far as our temperatures for today, we're only getting into the 50s and 60s near the coast, 70 into parts of our inland valleys, and i'll show you the extended outlook coming up in about 30 minutes. thanks, cynthia. and if you want to know the weather this holiday weekend are free. nbc bay area app is a great resource to have. you can scan that qr code right there to download it, and we'll send personalized weather alerts straight to your smartphone. in video game giant nintendo is announcing plans to open a store in union square in san francisco next year. this will be at second u.s. store. the first one
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is in new york. nintendo says the store will provide fans and experience through its characters and other products. mayor london breed says it's exciting news for the city and for nintendo fans in the bay for nintendo fans in the bay want the power of 5 serum benefits in 1? olay super serum activates on skin to hydrate, smooth, visibly firm, brighten, and improve texture. it's my best skin yet. olay [tense music] one aleve works all day so i can keep working my magic. just one aleve. 12 hours of uninterrupted pain relief. aleve. who do you take it for? ...and for fast topical pain relief,try alevex. schwarzkopf has 125 years of professional hair expertise. that's why i trust them
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it quickly eliminates migraine pain. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. ask about ubrelvy. this here is a vacation like nowhere else because here you can find new thrills big chills. and oh look at that. theres a new adventure happening every day. universal orlando resort. bottom of the hour now, here are some of the stories making headlines on "nbc news daily." more than 100 people are believed to be dead after a landslide buried a village in a remote area of papua new guinea.
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it happened early thursday morning. the country's prime minister says emergency services are working to recover bodies and repair damaged infrastructure. one local official calls it an unprecedented natural disaster. documentary film maker morgan spur lock has died, he directed and produced dozens of films and tv series, but best known for "supersize me" where he ate nothing but mcdonald's for 30 days in an effort to document. he was 53. a florida priest is being accused of biting a woman at church. video from the cell phone shows the priest refusing communion bread to the woman because she did not do the prior steps necessary to receive communion. when she went to grab a piece of the bread he apparently grabbed her arm and bit it. the priest told officers the woman attacked him first.
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the woman plans to pursue charges. following breaking news out of haiti. a young american couple doing missionary work there has been killed by gang violence. missouri state representative ben baker announced on facebook his daughter natalie and her husband david lloyd were killed during an attack thursday night. nbc news senior white house correspondent gabe gutierrez is following this story. >> reporter: kate, the details of this attack are harrowing. i spoke with a mother of one of the missionaries killed. he was 23 years old, killed along with his wife natalie in a haitian. they were part of a non-profit that took care of children in haiti. his mother tells me she got a phone call yesterday from her son, she said that he said that the compound was under attack by an armed gang and that he just had been beaten. shortly after that a second gang arrived and his mother says they shot the missionaries before they set the building on fire. the violence in haiti has been escalating ever since the
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country's president was assassinated three years ago. gangs controlled most of the capital, and now leading a multi-national security force to help stabilize haiti is kenya. today that country's president is wrapping up a state visit to the u.s. the biden administration has promised to set aside $300 million for the effort, but the president stresses there will be no american boots on the ground. >> gabe gutierrez for us on that, thank you. and gabe will have much more on that story coming up tonight on nbc "nightly news." the united nations top court is ordering israel to end the operation in the city of rafah in gaza, the latest diplomatic blow to israel as it faces increasing pressure from the international community over the war in gaza. the international court of justice's ruling did not order hamas to return israeli hostages. overnight, israel's military said it had recovered the bodies
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of thee more hostages in gaza. matt bradley joins me now here on set. matt, good to see you again in person. i hope you're staying in new york for a while. the international court of justice has no means of enforcing this order. but what's the significance here? >> yeah, just like we've been talking about before with these other cases and this is part of a barrage of international judgments and criticism we've been hearing for months. but just like those other cases, this is going to be mostly symbolic. they're not necessarily -- the parties aren't necessarily party to the treaty. but it is still a very, very serious judgment and one that is going to only rally more and more international opinion against israel, particularly at this very critical moment as it enters into rafah. weeks into the battle we've seen more than 800,000 palestinians from rafah displaced elsewhere in the gaza strip. those folks had already been displaced, many of them two or three times from elsewhere in the gaza strip. we're starting to see, again, the same kind of humanitarian disaster that we've seen in the past happening in realtime as
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these court cases are delivered. it's not going to surprise you, kate, the israelis were not happy to hear about this, and they've vowed they're going to continue their operation in rafah despite that ruling from the court. >> the israeli military we mentioned says that they have recovered three bodies of hostages who had been held by hamas. can you tell us more about that? >> yeah, they were three bodies recovered, and again thought to be about 124 # people living or dead who are still not recovered. we don't know how many are alive or dead. again, these three bodies were people who had not been announced as having been deceased before this. so this was either they were suspected of having been killed already or this was just sort of a revelation that these three people had been killed. this is something that is going to be obviously devastating to these families as the israelis once again push into rafah, what is considered billed as a final operation to get rid of hamas. it's obviously upsetting a lot of people in the international community as we've been seeing but also the families of those hostages who want their family
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members back alive. they feel that this final push into rafah, this final effort to dismantle hamas is working at cross purposes with freeing those remaining hostages. >> matt bradley, thanks so much for being here, appreciate it. there are new developments this hour in the university of idaho murders case, defense attorneys for bryan kohberger, the man accused of killing four students in 2022 are attempting to discredit the investigative tactics used by police. nbc news senior legal correspondent laura jarrett explain. >> reporter: a surprise witness took the stand in court late thursday in the defense team didn't hold back from grilling him. the lawyers try to build up a stronger alibi and the victims' families are left waiting for a trial date. new signs of the defense team on offense as bryan kohberger's lawyers appeared on the hunt for ways to avoid trial. now trying to discredit the investigative tactics police used to zero in on him.
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a moscow police detective who helped prepare the analysis of kohberger's cell phone data facing tough questions. >> but you didn't save your work? >> i did not create a session log. >> reporter: investigators created a map of kohberger's alleged activities before and after the killings of four college students, madison mogen, kaylee goncalves, xana kernodle, and ethan chapin, stabbed to death in their off campus home near the university of idaho in 2022. kohberger's defense tried to argue he wasn't near the house when the murders happened and was out driving around that night, his attorney trying to poke holes in how investigators failed to preserve video of the main roads around moscow. >> what did you learn. >> i do not read emails. >> reporter: an attorney of the family for kaylee goncalves called the defense team's strategy a ruse. >> didn't have any evidence at all. look over there, don't look at the evidence.
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>> reporter: authorities say cell phone records show kohberger's phone leaving his apartment in pullman, washington and traveling south in the early morning hours of november 13th, one possible hole in the case, his phone apparently turned off for at least two hours, the exact period of time authorities believe the murdered took place. authorities also pointing to surveillance video allegedly showing a white hyundai matching kohberger's vehicle casing the victims' house on the night of the killing. goncalves family attorney shannon gray says the litany of pre-trial hearings is incredibly difficult. >> the families need something to look forward to, they need something to happen in the cases rather than just hearing motions all day long every day of every month. >> reporter: next week we're going to hear from more witnesses as the defense tries to try to compel more discovery. but the goncalves family is looking forward to hearing when they are going to decide a change of venue. the defense is looking to move
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the trial out of the county where the murders took place. that date is set for june 27 9. after that, of course, the biggest decision, when this trial takes place. back to you. >> right, okay, laura jarrett, thank you. and let's switch gears. we are wrapping up getaway week here on "nbc news daily." today we're focusing how to stay present and mindful while you're on vacation. you've likely heard the term fomo. fear of missing out. well, you can also get travel fomo, the feeling we get when we're scrolling through social media and looking at the great places friends are visiting. here to talk about it all is psychologist jennifer hartstein. what's the psychology of fomo? >> it's envy. you're envious of what other people are doing. we are living kind of our lives through their lens instead of living our own lives. that could be so much better. we're forgetting what we're
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doing that's good for ourselves. but everything looks better, especially on a social media screen. >> grass is greener on the other side, always. >> always, always. >> what is the solution? how do we try not to be bothered by or get riled up by seeing other people's pictures? >> first of all, acknowledge that you might. denying that we are never going to feel envious of another person makes us suffer more. so i think it's okay to say, i wish i could do that. but then put your phone down. get off a screen. don't check social media so much. be mindful of what's going on in front of you. and when you get distracted by other things, remind yourself that you've got maybe some good stuff happening or you maybe are creating good stuff and figure out how to lean into that. >> good point. the gratitude for what's in front of you and what you have, instead of the jealousy of what somebody else has. realistically we don't have the time and money, too, to go off on a huge adventure you're seeing your friends have. that can be part of it too.
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how do we deal with being bombarded with images of something we feel like we can't have, ever? >> that's going to happen to us also and it's happened to me, and i'm sure it's happened to you. one of the main things to remember is, what can you do? so maybe i can't go on some crazy big exciting vacation, but i can do something cool where i live and learn more about where i am or some place that's drivable or do some school stay-cation or research what i want to do down the road. >> what i tend to do when i see other people having a great time, i plan my next, even if it's small, what am i going to do to get away? is there psychology of planning your next vacation? >> there is, and it takes us out of the moment. there's something really exciting about the excitement. and the looking forward to, which is great. but we also like we're here now. so we're here now. and we're trying to kind of be more present. how do we create that schedule for ourselves? how do we create that boundary
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for ourselves? how do we create what we need in this moment while we're learning what we can do in the moment? >> put that back up. a slightly different question. how to disconnect, whether you're on vacation or here at home. >> yes. >> how do we disconnect this summer? >> all right, so i think it's so important for all of us, we're hearing so much more research about how much more we need to be disconnecting. so one of the things that i really lean into for myself is i create a schedule. when am i checking in? so even the people around me can hold me accountable. i'll check in, in the morning and before we go to bed and the rest of the day the phone gets locked up or put away some place. >> when you're away. >> when i'm away and even if i'm home and taking a day off. i'll say to my husband, keep an eye on me. i don't want to be on my phone. be more mindful. why am i lifting up my phone? ask myself that question. and then i'll kind of look around and be present and connect with the people around me which makes things richer.
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>> i sometimes put my phone in a drawer or away where i can't get at it. it's so tempting to pick it up. >> i was recently away, and i had no service. i was using my phone as a camera. and i meanlessly -- we were just driving and i mindlessly went to pick it up and laughed, what am i going to do? >> yeah, there's no connection. jennifer hartstein, just like us. >> we all do it. >> that was interesting. appreciate it. good news, if you're planning to be at home this holiday weekend, how you can score some pretty awesome deals. all from the comfort of your couch. see, you don't need fomo. just do that. first, we have to tell you about today's daily snapshot as we begin this memorial day weekend, wanted to just stop for a second. a reminder of what this holiday is truly about. this is milwaukee, wisconsin. volunteers helping to put up a field of flags around the city's war memorial. the tribute will feature more than 27,000 american flags representing wisconsin natives who died in service to our
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nation. more "nbc news daily" right after this.
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well, memorial day weekend is a lot of of things, it's also the biggest shopping day of the -- one of the biggest shopping days of the year. and sales at many of our favorite brands, retailers already under way as we speak to help you find some of the best
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deals online, and in store, our nbc select team is here with tips on what to buy, what to skip, how to get the most out of your money. nbc select editor zoe malin joins me now with everything you need to know. >> absolutely. >> best sales happening this weekend, where do we look? >> memorial day is one of those times where a little bit of everything is on sale. there's a couple categories to pay close attention to. first thing is home and kitchen appliances, refrigerators, smaller appliances like vacuums and air fryers will be competitively priced. and bedding and mattresses. with mattresses, think about last year's models. memorial day is a time for retailers to move out old stock and make room for new stock. if you want a new mattress, last year's still great, you'll get a great price. that goes for tech. focus on last year's generation and even some spring and winter clothes. then you also want to think
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about groceries. memorial day is a time where you gather with your friends and your family and you barbecue. so, think about food and beverage dis counts as well as paper goods. >> does that mean bulk places or your regular grocery store. >> your regular grocery store, and online delivery platforms. >> whatnot to buy. what do we skip memorial day weekend? >> it's when you kick off summer but it's actually the worst time of year to buy summer-related goods. >> patio furniture. >> exactly, grills, beach supplies. these are very in demand items right now. so we're not going to start to see lower prices until about mid-august. also, school supplies. try to hold off right now because there are some tax-free days coming up this summer if your state participates, that's a great time to buy those products. also, newer tech. new tech like tvs and sound bars and headphones that released in 2024, the best prices will be amazon prime day, which is in
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july. >> and clothing. >> not summer clothing. >> seasonal clothes. >> yes, exactly. >> what about shopping in store versus online, what do you think? >> yeah, so the great thing about memorial day is that you'll find comparable prices in store and online. so, long story short, shop where you're comfortable. the great thing about shopping in store, though, you can test out the products, you can sit on that mattress. you can open the doors of that refrigerator. but online can be convenient, but make sure you keep an eye on shipping and delivery fees. and shopping online, and then picking up in store is a really great option because that way you get the price, the really great discount, the convenience of shopping online. but skip the fees. >> shopping in person, which stores are actually open on memorial day weekend? >> so memorial day is a federal holiday. some storing may be closed. your best bet is to visit big
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box retailers, walmart, target, best buy, check the hours before you go. look online just in case anything has limited hours. also, there will be sales on grocery stores, you can definitely shop those in person on memorial day, and pharmacies, find great deals during the day as well. >> the big ones will be open on memorial day. >> check the hours. you never know about limited hours. >> i'd rather be at a barbecue. thank you so much. to check out more tips, scan that qr code that's on your screen right now. i'll give you a second to do that. scan it right there. scan it right there. or, head over to “the darkness of bipolar depression made me feel like i was losing interest in the things i love. then i found a chance to let in the lyte.” discover caplyta. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta is proven to deliver significant symptom relief from both bipolar i & ii depression.
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and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. caplyta can cause serious side effects. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts right away. anti-depressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. caplyta is not approved for dementia-related psychosis. report fever, confusion, or stiff muscles, which may be life threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements which may be permanent. common side effects include sleepiness, dizziness, nausea, and dry mouth. these aren't all the side effects. in the darkness of bipolar i & ii depression, caplyta can help you let in the lyte. ask your doctor about caplyta. find savings and support at tide is busting laundry's biggest myth... that cold water can't clean. cold water, on those stains? ♪♪ cold water can't clean tough stains? i'd say that myth is busted. turn to cold, with tide. after advil: let's dive in! but...what about your back?
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it's fineeeeeeee! [splash] before advil: advil dual action fights pain two ways. advil targets pain at the source, acetaminophen blocks pain signals. advil dual action. this is a hero, walking his youngest down the aisle. which, to his bladder, feels like a mile. yet he stands strong, dry, keeping the leaks only to his eyes. depend, the only thing stronger than us, is you. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, i've bee telling everyone. baby: liberty. oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ feeling claritin clear is like... ♪♪ [cat meow] —is she? letting her imagination run wild even though she has allergies. yeah. want the power of 5 serum benefits in 1?
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olay super serum activates on skin to hydrate, smooth, visibly firm, brighten, and improve texture. it's my best skin yet. olay let you know that traffic in the south bay is really slow because of a crash on 101. take a look at the traffic map. see that? all red? that's southbound 101. this crash happened about 90 minutes ago just north of blossom hill road. the left two southbound lanes are closed. hazmat crews are responding because about 100 gallons of fuel spilled on the road. no word yet when those lanes will reopen. we'll keep an eye on it and bring you updates at we have an update again on that shooting at skyline high in oakland. three people shot after this graduation ceremony last night, all three expected to survive.
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it happened before 8:00, and police say that's when two groups got into a fight in the parking lot as people were leaving the graduation ceremony. officers detained several people and confirmed just about a half hour ago they made one arrest. police are still investigating this incident. the weather this holiday weekend is cooler and a bit breezy. our cinthia pimentel is here with our 7-day forecast. hi, cynthia. well, we thought we could put away those layers as we were transition to almost june, but we actually need them, especially out towards san francisco. and the coastline is going to get gusty as we follow a weak cold front that's moving in from the pacific northwest as we go on into our saturday. going to start with a bit of a gloomy feel to it before the skies eventually clear by the mid morning hours. our holiday monday is also going to stay nice and comfortable 60s there in san francisco. the winds should also die down and if you're looking for more of that unofficial start to summer, our inland valleys will definitely have it. after a cool start to
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the weekend. low 60s mid to upper 70s as we go on into sunday and monday and then eventually starting to feel more seasonable as we go on into the last couple of days of may.
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the state gave to california families will be headed into lawmaker hands. consumer investigator chris comer breaks down what's going on, and he says there's still time for you to get your money if you didn't already spend it. good friday morning, june 1st. the state's going to start winding down the middle class tax refund program and taking back more than a quarter billion unclaimed dollars intended to help families deal with inflation back in 2022. but now, in 2024, you can still access that money if you act fast. scan the qr code on the screen right now to contact the state by june 1st.
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lots of refund money never made it to taxpayers or was stuck on debit cards. the state sent out. san jose state student carlos solis was in that boat with his $700 card until he called us, because calling the state was fruitless. i kept calling and calling for the period of six seven months, and it was the same deal every every day, every time. it was just, oh, sorry to hear that. or let me transfer you to the right department. and i got disconnected after helping carlos get his full $700 refund, we looked into what some state leaders believe went wrong with this program and why so many families didn't claim their slice. you can watch our full story right now on our website, slash responds. and don't forget, contact the state by june 1st to see if you can claim your middle class tax refund. it could be a few hundred bucks. have a great holiday weekend. thank you. you too chris. get all your local
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news and your local forecast on our website that does it for this edition of the fast forward. i'll be back with fast forward. i'll be back with hourly updates all afternoon (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. want the power of 5 serum benefits in 1? olay super serum activates on skin to hydrate, smooth, visibly firm, brighten, and improve texture. it's my best skin yet. olay [tense music] one aleve works all day
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benefiber is your fiber, i'm andrea canning, and this is "dateline daytime" on nbc.ou to get in the car with us." they zip-tied my arms and zip-tied my legs, duct taped my hair. there's no words. i'm sitting there just hysterical. andrea canning: what's that feel like?


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