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tv   Today  NBC  May 28, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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roku and other streaming platforms. let's go look at that forecast for us. looking good. it looks great for today. it's going to be cooler than normal temperatures in the upper 70s for some of our warmer spots, and then we'll be in the mid 80s tomorrow. you can see how hot it gets on thursday, but it will be cooling down slightly for the weekend and good for right now. across the san mateo bridge on the right, things move nicely and lighter traffic than your typical tuesday, but more folks are coming back in town. we see the slowing in your usual suspects, but also look at the top of the screen slowing for one on one north out of mountain view. all right. thank you. well, look, that's what's happening here on today in the bay. thanks for making us part of your morning today shows coming up next. we'll see you at 8 a.m. for a streami good tuesday morning. ♪ good tuesday morning. a critical day at former president trump's criminal trial. >> both sides set to deliver their final pitch to jurors.
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it is may 28th. this is "today." making their case. closing arguments getting underway this morning at donald trump's hush money trial. a pivotal moment in the closely watched courtroom showdown. straight ahead, what prosecutors still need to prove, the defense's strategy and the potential impact of the case on the 2024 campaign. picking up the pieces. powerful storms wreak havoc over the long holiday weekend. >> the floor, you could just feel the floors just wave up and down. >> dozens of tornadoes causing a path of destruction across the country. thousands of flights delayed on a record day at the airports. we'll have the latest. and al is tracking the next round of severe weather. growing outrage. israel under fire for the deadly weekend attack that killed dozens of civilians in rafah. prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu now calling it tragic. as protests over the war mount in the middle east and here in the u.s. a live report just ahead. speaking out. the family of the soap opera star murdered in los angeles while trying to stop a group of thieves opening up to nbc news. >> when the person looked up, they had on a mask and johnny stepped in front of a co-worker and was shot. >> inside the search for the suspects and how his family wants people to remember him. all that, plus shark watch. sightings force popular beaches to close for memorial day. why experts say 2024 could be the biggest summer of sharks in years. and honoring an icon. tributes pouring in for basketball legend and beloved broadcaster, bill walton, one of the game's most colorful characters. >> bill is just stripping down right here. bill is taking his shirt off. >> while on his court, the former boston celtics finish off the pacers. >> that's it. it's over!
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>> sweeping their way to the nba finals. today, tuesday, may 28th, 2024. from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. well, good morning. good to see you. welcome to "today." we're so happy you are joining us on a tuesday morning. such sad news about bill walton. he had a long battle with cancer and died at 71 years old. >> what a legend. there was a moment of silence before last night's celtics/pacers game in honor of a life well-lived. we'll get to that in just a little bit. meanwhile, we are keeping an eye on severe weather overnight. this is heavy rain here in the northeast. storms impacting millions throughout that long memorial day weekend. >> and check this out, this is the scene this morning at hartsfield-jackson airport in
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atlanta. a lot of people still trying to get home after a record-setting weekend of travel. the good news there is an end in sight to this extreme weather. al will have the forecast in just a moment. but let's get started with closing arguments getting underway this morning at the criminal hush money trial of donald trump. once they're completed, the judge will give the jury its instructions and then verdict watch gets under way. that verdict could come in hours, could take days, maybe longer. the former president facing 34 felony counts. we will start with laura jarett. good morning. >> hoda, good morning to you. this is it. it is a make-or-break moment. a chance for both sides to tell the jury a story they'll carry with them into deliberations. the basic facts of this case not even largely in dispute. whether those facts add up to a crime soon in the hands of 12 new yorkers. this morning, former president trump back in court as the prosecution and defense make their closing arguments to the jury of 7 men and 5 women. the state tasked today with tieing together the sprawling threads left hanging for more than 20 witnesses over the last
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six weeks. witnesses like tabloid mogul david pecker who described a plan to catch and kill stories that could hurt mr. trump's election chances. prosecutors expected to highlight mr. trump himself on tape, discussing how to structure at least one alleged payoff. former trump aid hope hicks explaining the fallout over the "access hollywood" tape caused a scramble. to suppress any stories that could damage mr. trump's standing with pefemale voters. but only one witness, michael cohen, directly connecting a plot to buy the silence of stormy daniels to the alleged crime of doctoring business records. the jury hearing the former fixer drew on a home equity loan to pay the porn star $130,000 on the eve of the 2016 election. cohen testifying he -- he did at mr. trump's direction and that the former president approved a
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bogus reimbursement plan. >> it's a persecution, not a prosecution of any legitimacy. >> but the defense has tried to sow seeds of reasonable doubt and discredit mr. trump's now disbarred lawyer as a prolific liar out for revenge, using his own words. >> you better believe i want this man to go down and rot inside for what he did to me and my family. >> the crux of the case surrounding reams of invoices, ledger entries and checks bearing mr. trump's signature. all falsified, according to prosecutors. but the defense argues there was no crime. these are merely 34 pieces of paper, not false records. >> all right. laura is with us now, our senior washington correspondent hallie jackson also joining the conversation. so, laura, lay it out. what does the prosecution, what does the defense have to do today? >> the prosecution has to make this make sense. it is sprawling. it is a web of a lot of circumstantial evidence. but they still have to prove the former president's intent. and the only person that they have to do that for them is michael cohen. and the defense spent days poking holes left and right in
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his credibility. so if the jury believes michael cohen, you can see a conviction possibility. if the jury does not believe michael cohen, i think it will be really hard for the prosecutors to get a conviction. >> they have to connect donald trump not just to the hush money payment but to the scheme to cover it up with the business records crime. >> yes, the falsification. cohen is the only one who says he had advanced knowledge before the payment is made and then actually participates in how they were going to structure the payment. so he actually puts donald trump in the description of a legal retain tore pay him fees when he says he didn't do any legal work for donald trump. >> and what's the weakness in their arguments and what are the strengths? >> the strength is that he was paying his lawyer. everybody agrees michael cohen was his lawyer. but one of the struggles here is that the defense doesn't really have a story of what happened. if they think this was all in the up and up, why didn't they structure it in this odd way, paying him way more than he ever was entitled to, grossing up, they say.
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why did that happen? why do it that way if these were just legitimate legal services? that's curious. >> all right, let's turn to hallie. the x factor has always been how that plays politically, if it will have any impact on the 2024 election, which, of course, is fully underway now. >> yeah, you call it an "x" factor for a good reason, savannah. people will have a minute to sit with it and sit with pollsters on this. but there are signals and new numbers about what this verdict when it comes could mean to independents who will play a big role in this election. now, listen, overall, new numbers show about two-thirds of all voters feel like this is pretty baked in. conviction, acquittal, it will not change how they plan to vote come november. but for 23% of independents a conviction would make it less likely they would vote for former president trump. by the way, 6% of trump voters say they would be less likely, too. that's not a big number.
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but, again, this is a margins election. it is seeing to be super duper close. 60% of voters say they believe these charges against the former president are serious. functionally, what does this mean for the former president once this does finish up if in fact this trial does end this week? it means he doesn't have to campaign while managing the logistics of the courtroom, right? typically, on wednesday, the day off from the court, we've seen him do some rallies, we've seen him do a lot of fundraising. fund-raising is critical for him, savannah, especially considering that since early last year, he spent about $60 million, he and his allies on legal fees. >> all right, hallie, thank you. quickly, laura, there are three options here for the jury. they can convict. they can acquit. or if they can't agree as a jury, it is a hung jury and the effect is? >> the defense only needs one for there to be a mistrial. they only need one holdout. one who says i don't think i convict. i have reasonable doubt. let's turn to the war in
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gaza and the growing outrage. over a deadly israeli air strike in rafah. at least 45 people were killed when the attack targeting senior hamas leaders sparked a fire at a camp for displaced civilians. israel's prime minister now describing it as, quote, a tragic incident. nbc's raf sanchez joins us with the very latest. hey, raf. good morning. >> reporter: our crew in gaza confirms israeli tanks have pushed into the center of rafah. there is no comment yet from the white house, but this could be a violation of president biden's red line that israel should not mount an all-out assault on the city. and it comes just days after that deadly israeli strike on the camp for displaced people. this morning new fall-out after that deadly strike in rafah over the weekend. an israeli official tells nbc news, it appears the bomb ignited a gas tank at the camp, sending flames ripping through
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the site as displaced families slept in shelters made of wood and plastic. at least 45 people were killed, according to the emergency services in hamas-run gaza. many of them women and children. hundreds more wounded. these three brothers lost their only sister. they say she was 7 months' pregnant. the idf said the strike killed two senior hamas commanders. but amid international criticism, prime minister benjamin netanyahu calling it a tragic incident and promising an investigation. though giving no sign he will halt the military offensive in rafah. the white house says the images are heart-breaking, adding israel must take every precaution possible to protect civilians. the death toll in rafah bringing protesters onto the streets. from new york. to los angeles, to paris, where demonstrators clashed with police. many of the families at the
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rafah camp had been displaced several times already because of the fighting but were still unable to outrun the war. why did those innocent people die? what was their guilt, this woman asks. now they're packing up their tents once again and preparing to move on. and the un security council will and we're learning that the u.s. military is unable to deliver aid into gaza by sea after damage to its temporary pier off the coast. that's according to a u.s. official and united nations official speaking to nbc news, hoda. >> raf sanchez in tel aviv, raf, thank you. all right. and craig joins us now. good morning. >> hey, savannah and hoda. good morning. good morning to you as well. that severe weather that took a toll on the holiday weekend still causing problems. powerful storms swept across the country, spawning dozens of tornadoes, leading to deaths, damage. damage.
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an absolute travel nightmare on the roads and airports. we have complete coverage, including mr. roker's forecast. maggie vespa joins us now from hard-hit kentucky. good morning. >> reporter: hey, craig, good morning. millions of americans sadly once again waking up to jaw-dropping damage like this. look at this home. it's completely ripped apart. families tell us a couple in their 90s rode out a tornado on that bed after family says they couldn't make it down to their basement in time. miraculously they tell us they are okay, having survived this latest round of violence spring weather. storms washing through the northeast overnight, capping a memorial day weekend of wild weather. >> the car is shaking. >> reporter: with more than 70 reported tornadoes touching down across nearly 15 states since friday afternoon, leaving at least 24 people dead. >> my mom came and told me we have to go bunker down. >> reporter: the governor saying five were killed in kentucky alone after multiple reported twisters plowed through that
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state sunday night. >> when it hit, the floors, you could feel the floors just wave kind of up and down. >> reporter: dawson springs southwest of louisville decimated. from above, you can see home after home shredded. 17-year-old emma costco took cover with her boyfriend's family in their basement, hearing the tornado suction pull doors and drain pipes. >> we go upstairs. there is nothing left, really. >> reporter: the family's grandparents sat on their bed in this nearby home, torn to pieces. miraculously, they survived. this morning people are also picking up the pieces in oklahoma, arkansas and valley view, texas where video shows an apparent tornado mangling this gas station with winds up to 140 miles an hour. >> as we're running, the windows exploded around us. >> reporter: the building torn apart as terrified customers took cover in bathrooms.
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>> the powerful force was just crazy. >> reporter: hard-hit communities hoping for a break as they try to piece shattered lives back together. and going by the numbers, 2024 now has close to a thousand reported tornadoes so far, making it the second busiest start to a year for tornadoes ever reported. craig? >> just looks terrible behind you there. maggie vespa in kentucky for us. maggie, thank you. and let's focus now on the weather's impact on the record-breaking memorial day travel rush. priya is at the airport in atlanta for us. it was a tough day yesterday there. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. as millions are returning home from their travel destinations, americans are gearing up for a busy summer travel season ahead. americans taking to the skies in record-setting numbers over the holiday weekend, signaling a busy summer travel season ahead. >> we were worried about traveling because there is so
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many people traveling today. >> reporter: in fact, five of the busiest travel days ever all occurring this month, according to the tsa, along with delays and cancellations along the east coast, some scares in the sky. this united airlines aircraft engine catching fire monday, causing delays at chicago o'hare airport. and passengers on a spirit airlines flight told to put on their life vests on a trip from jamaica to florida this weekend. the airlines saying it was out of an abundance of caution and the plane returned to jamaica safely. but the majority of americans, more than 38 million, opted to hit the roads over the holiday weekend. the most for memorial day since aaa began tracking in 2000. >> it's been okay. there was an accident that slowed things down. other than that, 95, which is notoriously bad, has been good. >> reporter: now experts say the blockbuster memorial day numbers indicate a strong outlook for the summer travel season ahead.
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>> with this busy memorial day now in the rearview mirror, we have summer to look forward to. and there is no doubt in our minds that this summer is likely to see more record-breaking days when it comes to travel. >> reporter: for many, this weekend serving as a good omen for summer. and if you are thinking about booking a summer vacation and you haven't done so just yet, our friends at say you may want to target the last two weeks of august. that's when you could maybe get a good deal. savannah. >> thank you very much. >> that's also when the kids go back to school in a lot of places, though. >> yeah, that's true. >> i personally know someone that got stuck in that horrible memorial day traffic, this one right here. >> oh, my gosh. our flight got canceled from virginia, so he ended up driving to d.c. and then get on the train. lots of people were in that kind of planes, trains and automobiles mode yesterday. >> she ended up making it. but friends who waited for the flight ended up getting a flight cancellation. >> i was giving savannah advice. >> i pulled the roker card. i said, are you in the mood for giving a personalized weather
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forecast? >> good morning, everybody. our friends in dallas, right now there's a ground stop at dallas airport. they had 77 miles an hour wind gusts. so we have a really rough go right now for texas, central texas. we have a severe thunderstorm watch. we have severe thunderstorm warnings. tornado warnings to the east. of the dallas. that's a dangerous situation right now. the rest of the country, we are looking again for dallas, central dallas. we have 25 million people at risk, not so much for tornadoes, although we did see that tornado warning, but destructive wind gusts of over 85 miles per hour from lubbock, wichita falls, dallas, san antonio, down to laredo. we will be watching this as this severe threat intensifies. a moderate flood risk for central texas. the heavy rains will spread across the south. we are looking at heavy rain from dallas down to austin. locally up to 5 inches of rain. we're getting to your local
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forecast in the next 30 seconds. recipes that are more than their ingredients. ♪ [smoke alarm] recipes written by hand and lost to time... can now be analyzed and restored using the power of dell ai. preserving memories and helping to write new ones. ♪
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and that's your latest weather. guys weather. guys? >> thank you so much. still ahead, a search for suspects and answers after the weekend shooting death of a soap opera star in los angeles. morgan chesky sat down with his family. >> hey, hoda. good morning. it was a stunning murder that robbed hollywood of their own. coming up, we're sitting down with the family of general hospital star johnny wactor. what they're saying about those final moments and the legacy he leaves behind. >> all right, morgan. and then we've got new warnings for beachgoers with the summer season just under way. shark sightings e already on thare
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still a lot more ahead. still a lot more ahead. including a "today" exclusive. >> iconic supermodel christie n.
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brinkley will join us. it's her first interview since diagnosed with skin cancer. she's got an important message to share as we head into summer. but, first, your local news. that grimy film on your teeth? dr. g? (♪♪) it's actually the buildup of plaque bacteria which can cause cavities. most toothpastes quit working in minutes. but crest pro-health's antibacterial fluoride protects all day. it stops cavities before they start... crest. before my doctor and i chose breztri for my copd, i had bad days. [cough] flare-ups that could permanently damage my lungs. with breztri, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing. starting within 5 minutes, i noticed my lung function improved.
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a diaper that doesn't leave skin wet. that's why pampers swaddlers absorbs wetness better for up to 100% leakproof protection and 0% skin irritation. pampers. for healthy baby skin. ♪ i wanna see all my friends at once ♪ ♪ [droids beeping] [loud indistinct chatter] ♪ [message received tone] ♪ ♪ i wanna see all my friends at once ♪ [find my chime] ♪ ♪ i wanna see all my friends at once ♪ ♪ [find my chime] [in unison] - hey! ♪ [thud] ♪ ♪ i wanna see all my friends at once ♪ it is 726 right now. i'm laura garcia. breaking news. we're following this morning in san leandro, where a car crash and a driver was found dead inside.
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bob redell is there. and, bob, this all started. i understand with a shooting. correct. so we believe that the person who was shot was trying to escape the shooting scene, which is about a mile away, and they ended up crashing her car here in san leandro on macarthur and durant. their cars have been taken away, but they obviously collided with this white van. and there's damage done to the soundtrack. music, karaoke. this all unfolded around 1120 last night. as i mentioned, about a mile from here on, macarthur and 98, which is actually in oakland. that's where police responded to reports of shots fired. an officer on the scene told our photographer that someone was shot while sitting in a car. you should be able to see the video. the dozens of shell casings on the ground at that location after the shooting of the victim, either drove or had someone drive them to the location where i'm at. again about a mile away, their vehicle again crashing into that white van behind me. the black car carrying the victim wrecked up on the sidewalk, where the victim was declared dead from their gunshot wounds. reporting live here in san leandro, bob
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redell nbc, bay area news. all right. thank you for the latest there, bob. let's check the latest when it comes to our forecast. meteorologist kari hall keeping tabs on that for us. yeah, we're starting out cloudy across the bay area, but once it clears out for the inland areas, it's going to be a very pleasant day. comfortable temperatures in the upper 70s and low 80s in a few spots and 60s near the coastline. laura. all right. thanks, carrie, and don't forget to join us for today in the bay live streaming newscast. at 8 a.m. we're going to talk one on one with a state lawmaker about the push to fund a workaround for perhaps the bay area's most dangerous train crossing. join us on roku, amazon fire tv, and
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pulls back, lost the ball, on the drive, pulls back.
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lost the ball, got it back. kicks it out right. corner three. derrick white from downtown. >> how about that? 7:30 now. and the boston celtics are headed back to the nba finals after completing the sweep of the indiana pacers. final last night 105-102. celtics are back in the finals for the second time in three years. they will face either dallas or minnesota, game four of that series is tonight. >> uh-huh. and speaking of the nba and settic greats, we're going to look back at the life and legacy of bill walton. he died yesterday after a long battle with cancer. that will be coming up later this hour. >> celtics probably playing that game last night in walton's memory. i'm looking forward to that. first, though, we do have a lot more do get to, including new details on a shocking crime over the weekend. police in los angeles still searching for the suspects that shot and killed actor johnny wactor, best known for his role in "general hospital." nbc's morgan chesky joins us now with the very latest.
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hey, morgan, good morning. hey, guys, good morning. talk to anyone who knew him, they will tell you johnny wactor was determined to make his hollywood dreams a reality and so incredibly kind. which is one reason why his death over his catalytic converter hits so hard. now his family is speaking out about those final moments and what they want the world to remember about their beloved brother and son. this morning, as police hunt for the suspects that gunned down johnny wactor in downtown l.a., his mother and two brothers now sharing new details about the 37-year-old actor weighs final moments. >> never going to get to talk to him again. >> his family sharing wactor was leaving a second job at a downtown bar later than usual and walking with a coworker when he noticed a man near his car. >> johnny thought he was being towed. he said, hey, man, you towing my car? when the person looked up, they had on a mask and johnny stepped
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in front of the coworker, and he was shot. >> when you heard johnny's final act in life was to protect someone else's? >> i mean, you know, i use the word "hero" and thankful that that person is okay. and that when he died he wasn't alone. >> scarlet wactor says according to police three men were trying to steal the catalytic converter off her son's toyota prius. similar to this one. it is one of the most targeted models nationwide for this kind of theft, and number one out west. the reason, experts say, high levels of valuable metals inside the hybrid's converter. when you found out that all of this stemmed from a catalytic converter -- >> this person is evil. >> this will take me a minute to re-learn how to just live.
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>> wactor was best known for playing brandon corbin on "general hospital." off screen he was an avid rock climber. here he was last summer picketing during the hollywood writers' strike. tributes to the actor now pouring in, as his family prays the killers are brought to justice. >> i think they are cowards. as a parent, you never expect to bury a child. >> morgan, boy, we just heard from his mother there. did she mention how she and the family are coping with this loss? >> yeah, hoda. she did. in the midst of this incredible grief, scarlet said she's been watching her favorite clips of johnny from "general hospital," but shared her favorite recent memory was how johnny helped his brothers plan a big surprise birthday party for her just this past january. hoda. >> i love that. >> morgan, thank you so much. >> what a shame. coming up, we will take a closer look at statins. showing new benefits to certain patients. we're going to break down
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everything you need to know. first, though, the unofficial start of summer just started. and sharks already forcing some beaches to close. sam brock is on that story for us. hey, sam. >> reporter: hi, guys. craig, good morning. that closure in southern california after a surfer was bumped off his board by a shark. guys, now at the east coast, a warning at the moment from the new england aquarium about white sharks. why now? that story coming up next. introducing allison's plaque psoriasis. she thinks her flaky gray patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. allison! over here! otezla can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for over a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting.
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that can lead to hospitalization or increase risk of life-threatening overdose. get emergency help if you have trouble breathing, become very drowsy with slowed or shallow breathing, feel faint, very dizzy, or confused or have a fever, stiff muscles, rash, swollen glands or problems with your liver, kidneys, heart, or lungs. other serious side effects may include high cholesterol, weight gain, potentially fatal high blood sugar, uncontrolled body movements which may be permanent, dizziness upon standing, or falls. are you ready? ask your doctor about lybalvi. looking for co-pay savings? for info text “copay” to 45286. [♪♪] coming up on 7:39 this morning. coming up on 7:39 this morning. on "in depth today," a very early start to the shark season. >> yeah, sightings for several popular beaches to close over this memorial day weekend. this is a trend they expect to
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see all summer long. >> sam brock joins us now from near downtown miami. hey, sam. >> reporter: hi, guys. good morning. craig, savannah, hoda, look. it feels like we have been talking about sharks a lot in recent years because we have. by all accounts, it was a safe weekend here in florida, which has the highest concentration of unprovoked attacks in the world, guys. last year we did see an uptick in terms of global incidents at 69. but on the east coast, a brand-new warning from scientists this is at the new england aquarium, about the fact that white sharks are migrating to the northeast right now, and they want swimmers to be on the lookout. as beachgoers across the country begin to soak up the warm weather on the sand and the sea -- >> at the beach. >> reporter: -- marine experts have warnings about the rare but potential dangers that could be lurking beneath the water. right before the holiday weekend, a flag from the new england yeah yum, urging the
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public to be aware of their surren surroundings. be aware of their surroundings. after reports of multiple marine mammals spotted. >> it is very much a wild environment any time you are entering the ocean. >> reporter: unprovoked shark attacks and fatalities are up worldwide. the u.s. had 36 such attacks last year, accounting for more than half of the 69 incidents across the globe. and a jump from the average of 63 the previous five years. >> if you are swimming in an area where there are large sharks feeding on large prey, you know there's an element of risk. >> reporter: the state of florida experienced 16 provoked shark bites in 2023, at least double any other state. >> swim near the life guard because we can tell you what's going on, what's safe around this area. >> reporter: a rare white shark swimming 30 miles off the coast of alabama, the first known sighting in that area recorded by scientists. groups like o-search have been tagging sharks for research
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purposes and for realtime updates about the predator's whereabouts. last month, two white sharks off the coast of florida, appearing to head north for the summer season. >> water has sharks in it. we have been swimming in it for years. i think everybody will be safe this summer. >> reporter: in new york, drones deployed to spot sharks. in the hopes of taking a bite out of potential attacks. last month, 24-year-old marlin wakeland was bitten by two sharks at a marina in the bah bahamas, after slipping off a fishing boat into the water. >> he grabbed my left leg, kind of pulled me into the water. at that point, my head went under water. >> reporter: he since recovered from his injuries, but knows how lucky he is to be alive. >> they can and will kill you. i got very lucky. >> i mean, sam, short of my preferred way to reduce risk, not going in the deep water, what can folks do to reduce their risk of encountering one of these sharks? >> reporter: i like your preference, craig. i would fall into the same boat. no pun intended. there is a lot of ways to reduce your risk.
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a lot of them are common sense. swim with a friend. make sure you have a buddy system in place. stay close to the shore. do not go swimming during dawn or dusk. avoid wearing shiny jewelry because that can be mistaken by the sharks. scientists say a lot of this is a numbers game. the fact we have more people swimming now than ever before means you will also have more unprovoked shark attacks. back to you. >> sam, thank you. >> we have a lot of shark sighting. we have a lot of shiny jewelry. >> unprovoked shark attacks, it's as if, are they getting into arguments with the sharks? >> don't poke the bear. anyway, al is just over here staring at us. >> i think you guys just jumped the shark. hey, we have been talking about all this lightening down in dallas. well, this is just a few minutes ago. this is the dallas-fort worth airport. ground stop is extended. they also have a ground stop at dallas love field. take a look at the radar.
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this is why we are looking at this. i mean, a severe thunderstorm firing up. we do have tornado warnings, severe thunderstorm warnings and thunderstorm watches from wichita falls all the way down into central texas. so we will be watching that. plus, they got some heat. this system will knock down some heat. but heat advisories down through texas, record highs possible all along the gulf from brownsville, the heat index, feels like 112. 99 in new orleans. dallas, i should say tampa will feel like 101. tomorrow look at these temperatures chilly around the great lakes into new england. even memphis 5 degrees below average. temperatures then become more mild during the week. it will be beautiful here in new york. mid-70s, upper 80s through raleigh. chicago will see temperatures in the mid-70s.
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and that's your weather. and that's your weather. >> coming up next, tributes pouring in for beloved nba legend bill walton. a one-of-a-kind star on and off the court. we will remember his remarkable and colorful life coming up after this. s no longer mine. my active psoriatic arthritis joint symptoms held me back. don't let symptoms define you. emerge as you. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months and the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years. tremfya® is proven to significantly reduce joint pain, stiffness and swelling. it's just 6 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions may occur.
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nbc's kaylee hartung has more on his remarkable life, kaylee, good morning. >> hey, good morning, guys. bill walton was as unique a sports figure as we have ever seen. a celebrated player that always valued team work with a spirit and love for life that was infectious. his good friend nba legend larry bird calling walton his childhood idol, saying he was a joy to know. >> maybe i'll just strip down right here. >> bill is taking his shirt off. >> as eccentric off the court as he was on it, bill walton was larger than life in more ways than his nearly 7 foot height. overnight, the celtics honoring their former star, after capturing the eastern conference title with a sweep of the pacers. >> one of the greatest celtics of all time. this is dedicated to bill. >> reporter: with a shock of red hair and a broad smile, he always radiated positivity.
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and you never knew quite what he would say and do. >> take a bite out of it when it's lit. oh, my. >> reporter: in the early '70s, the southern california native was the country's top college player at ucla, under coaching icon john wooden, winning two national titles together. >> coach wooden was this remarkable human being and this force of nature. >> reporter: then he was drafted first overall by the portland trail blazers in 1974. >> walton on the klein! >> reporter: leading them to the only championship in franchise history. despite debilitating injuries that threatened his career, the big man revitalizing his game on the celtics' legendary 1986 championship team. >> that year he played 80 games, and we won a lot of them. we won a lot of them because of him. >> reporter: after he retired, walton pivoted to the broadcast chair. >> if you were smiling and laughing at bill, it was a good
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for bill and us. >> reporter: espn's with it. >> the rules for different. when you are a hall of famer and you are one of the greatest to ever play, there are things you can do and say that others can't. >> reporter: a true free spirit, walton was a fan and friend of the grateful dead. >> i got to my first show in 1967. i got to the front of the stage, and i never left. >> reporter: and in the end, walton's legacy perhaps summed up best by the man himself. >> i'm the luckiest dude in the world, man. i was born into a world of hope, optimism, peace, love, books and music. >> reporter: and, guys, just to get a sense of the impact walton left on seemingly everyone who came into contact with him, take a look at some of these tweets from other legends of the game. magic johnson called him one of the smartest basketball players to ever live. dr. jay saying the beloved champion and character enjoyed life in every way. while kareem abdul-jabbar wrote, the world feels so much heavier now. he was the best of us. guys, if i had a tie dye grateful dead t-shirt, i would
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have worn it today. >> close. >> thank you, kaylee. >> thanks. all right, guys. feels like a good time for a boost. i got not one, i got two for you this morning with one central theme. it is called a senior walk. so high school seniors just about to graduate go back to their elementary schools and walk-through their hallways with the students and teaches cheer for them. watch what happened when a boy named ryder sees his big brother dylan coming down the hallway. it happened so fast, they actually had to slow down the video. he jumped into the arms of his brother. their mom posted this on instagram. my mom heart is bursting. she said dylan is not just his big brother but also his best friend and role model. here is another senior walk moment. that's a teacher. mrs. lawrence, you will see her in a second. she caught that young man way back in kindergarten. they stayed close ever since. she tells him, i'm so proud of you and he gives her a big hug. you can see that moment right there, proof of how important these kids are and how important
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all the incredible teachers are out there. >> teachers are the best, right? >> yeah, definitely. guys, coming up, we have good people here in studio 1a. grammy winner darius rucker is here to talk music, touring with hootie and his most personal project to date. and look who we have in our studio, the inspiring christie brinkley. ... disappear... and sprays can leave grime like that ultra foamy melts it on contact. magic. new ultra foamy magic eraser. the magic never leaves you when you stay with the disney resorts collection. it's up early, giving you extra time in any of the 4 theme parks, every day. and welcomes you back to even more magical moments...'ll never forget. plus, stay longer and save more... with up to 30% on rooms at select disney resort hotels!
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♪ behr behr behr behrrrr ♪ no, no. exclusively at the home depot. (♪♪) i've got to go. ok. bye. mom! (♪♪) -thanks mom. -yeah. (♪♪) (♪♪) you were made to dream about it for years. we were made to help you book it in minutes. good morning. it is 756 on marcus washington and i'm laura garcia. here's a look at what is happening now, what we're working on for our 8 a.m. newscast. expect a busy day. i'm ginger conejero saab in san
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jose, where police are offering few details at this point into a homicide investigation that continues on into this morning. we're on the 300 block of north 20th street. what we do know so far, police responded to a possible shooting last night after 6 p.m. someone then barricaded themselves inside a home and several hours later, the suspect surrendered. police then discovered a woman's body inside the home. the motive and circumstances surrounding the event are still unknown. we are waiting to hear more details from san jose police. we'll expect a busy day in court for the man who violently attacked paul pelosi today. the judge and david depapes federal case is expected to reopen the sentencing hearing. that's because depape was never allowed the opportunity to speak when he was sentenced to 30 years. the sentence duration is not expected to change. also today, his attorneys are expected to argue the state's charges should be dismissed, citing double jeopardy testimony may begin in that trial as soon as tomorrow.
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let's get a look at the forecast for this tuesday. how's it looking, gary? yeah, it's going to start out cloudy and then shape up to be a nice and mild day. temperatures in the upper 70s, but we will be heating up through the end of the week. temperatures peaking on thursday at 90 degrees but cooling off in time for the weekend. all right. make sure to join us for today in the bay live streaming newscast, starting in just minutes at 8 a.m, we'll talk with one state lawmaker about funding a new workaround for perhaps the bay area's most dangerous train crossing. you can find us on roku, amazon fire tv, xumo, and streaming platforms including, and from our app
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( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving.
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how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ ♪ it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, making their case. closing arguments in trump's criminal trial today. both sides looking to deliver
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their final pitch. what happens next, and how it affects the 2024 race just ahead. plus, statin study. a new look at the popular drugs used to fight cholesterol and the new benefits for older adults. what you need to know before your next doctor's visit. then, christie brinkley live. the supermodel, icon and original uptown girl is here for her first sitdown interview since revealing she has skin cancer. coming up, the latest on her diagnosis, treatment and the new exciting project she's taking on. all that, plus box office bust. >> start your engines! >> the countdown to pat sajak's final spin. >> would you spin the darn thing again? >> and darius rucker live. ♪ ♪ rock me mama like a wagon wheel ♪ >> the singer turned author opening up in his new book,
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today, tuesday, may 28th, 2024. we just finished our first year. >> on rocky top. >> today is our 44th anniversary. >> from arizona. >> visiting from henderson, kentucky. >> sugarland, texas. >> detroit, michigan. >> oklahoma. >> and iowa. ♪ >> on a mother/daughter trip. >> from ohio. >> our graduation from alabama. >> good morning to our mi maw who watches "today" every day in vero beach, florida. >> taking our summer vacation. >> a trip to "the today show" from houston, texas. >> we see you, houston. we see everybody out there. good morning. welcome in. it's tuesday morning. so happy you are coming out here. we're officially in summer. >> yes, we are. >> beautiful summer morning. good to see everybody.
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>> i mean, smiles like that in the summer. >> happy people. >> yeah. we have two great guests. tomorrow chip and joanna gaines. we will help them celebrate a big fixer-upper milestone. we'll chat about their new project and catch up on life with their big and busy family. >> looking forward to that. let's get to our news at 8:00. closing arguments underway this morning in donald trump's hush money trial. prosecutors and defense looking to score final points with the panel before it decides the fate of the former president. our senior washington correspondent hallie jackson joins us now with the very latest. hey, hallie, good morning. >> hey, hoda. good morning to you. so both sides, the prosecution and the defense, are expected to take most of the day today to take the final arguments to the jury. now, remember, this all revolves around those 44 counts of falsification of business records to cover up an alleged affair with a former adult film star before the 2016
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election, an affair mr. trump deny, of course. prosecutors argue that this cover-up came as part of his scheme to interfere with the election. the defense is likely to reiterate their view that the prosecution's star witness michael cohen is they say a liar out for revenge. the jury could begin deliberations as soon as tomorrow. and those 12 new yorkers may take just hours. they may take days to decide the former president's fate. we don't know. even if he were to be convicted here, there is nothing that would prevent mr. trump legally from continuing his presidential run. lots to watch on a busy week in new york, hoda. >> hallie jackson for us, thank you. a new study finds prescription statin drugs are effective in lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease and death, especially in older adults. joining us is "today" contributor dr. tara narula to break it all down. good morning. remind everybody, if you don't know, what statins are. >> they have revolutionized how we have been able to care for patients with cardiovascular disease. they're one of the most powerful tools in our arsenal.
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they lower the bad cholesterol, the ldl. they keep plaques you may have in your arteries stable. they decrease risk over time. we know that for patients 40 to 75 who have risk factors for heart disease but no known cardiovascular disease, statins have been shown to reduce risk of stroke and heart attack and death by 26%. what to do with our patients over 75. this has been a black box really because we haven't studied these patients. this new study really shows those patients in their 70s and even 80s actually also benefit in terms of reducing heart attack and stroke and there were no serious concerns of side effects or risks. >> let's talk about side effects for a second, i think a lot of people i know, some who were on statins who had things like muscle issues and other issues, but this study showing something different? >> i think this gets so over popularized. the reality is the serious side effects, muscle inflammation and liver inflammation, this is a magnitude of less than 1%. most people tolerate these very well. 80% to 90% don't have any side
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effects. the most common are muscle or joint aches or pains, but, hod day, if you stop the medication in most of those cases, the statin side effects will go away. you have other options. there are 7 statins on the market to try. don't be afraid. give it a try. in this elderly population, it is also about quality of life. i feel like these patients many times get undertreated. but i like to say, you know, it's about if you have a stroke or heart attack and develop heart failure. you can't talk or see or walk, those last 10 or 15 years of your life are really impacted. so it is important to have this conversation with your doctor. >> doctor, thank you very much. to tennis now. rafael nadal, a 14-time french open champion, was knocked out in the first round at roland-garros. this is the first time it's ever happened. he lost to the number four seed. alexander zverev. nadal has struggled with some injuries in the last couple years. after the match, the 37-year-old said that this could be his
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final french open. nadal saying, quote, i am not 100% sure, but if it is the last time, i enjoyed it. >> nice standing over there, too, for him. the house made famous in the 1990s hit movie "home alone" is back on the market. that's right. the chicago area house where kevin mcallister was left behind while his family vacationed in paris, it can now be yours. the price tag is a mere $5.25 million. it is for sale for the first time since 2012 when it was purchased for $1.58 million. 5 bedrooms, 6 baths and a 3 car garage. they obviously re-did it. >> wow. all right. >> we're on zillow right now. just ahead, carson daley putting the finishing touches on a packed "popstart," including a surprise at the holiday weekend box office. first, we're sitting down
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with an icon, christie brinkley, what she wants people to take away from a recent health care. and new projected and milestones she's celebrating. that's all right after this. [dog whimpers] [thinking] why always the couch? does he need to go to puppy school? get his little puppy diploma? how much have i been spending on this little guy? when your questions about life turn into questions about money... there's erica. the virtual financial assistant to help you spend, save, and plan smarter. only from bank of america. what keeps baby's skin healthy? a diaper that doesn't leave skin wet. that's why pampers swaddlers absorbs wetness better for up to 100% leakproof protection and 0% skin irritation. pampers. for healthy baby skin. i'm going to miss you so much!
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had great doctors that removed the cancer and stitched me up to perfection. she's spreading awareness about skin protection and to help others. and what a platform it is, having been on more than 500 magazine covers and counting, christie brinkley has been a household name for decades. >> i never really thought i was like model material. to this day, i still kind of am amazed by the whole thing. >> she was "cover girl's" actual cover girl. and has been front and center on the iconic "sports illustrated" swimsuit issue multiple times, including early this month for the 60th anniversary. >> it is one of my favorite things i do each other. just doing it is really fun. >> at claim to fame, she's that "uptown girl." christie brinkley and billy joel were married for nine years, welcoming daughter alexa in
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1985. christie had two more children, son jack and daughter taylor, all while continuing her modeling career. and now launching a new apparel line. proving this writer, activist and entrepreneur has always been more than what's on the cover. that's so fun to see, a walk down memory lane. good morning. it is good to see you. >> good morning. so, so happy to be here. >> well, let's talk about this skin cancer diagnosis because it was a bit of a scare, and it was really surely just a pure coincidence that you discovered it. >> yes, yes. you know what, it is skin cancer awareness month. we're starting summer. and it is just time to remind everybody to really use your sun block and a hat. and get a checkup. because i wasn't even scheduled for a checkup. i was actually accompanying my daughter to the dermatologist, and i was in the room. and he had this little magnifying glass out and he was looking at a couple things she was worried about. i thought, you know, there is that little spot right on the side of my head right here. look, you can see it.
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they did touch a great job. and i thought, should i say anything? it's not my appointment. right at the very end as he was putting away his thing, i said, before you put it away, can you look at this. he looked and he goes, we got to do a biopsy immediately. this is something. then the biopsy came back cancer. and then they got a great surgeon, a great, you know, plastic surgeon to stitch it up, and they took care of it. luckily my hair grows in that direction. >> wow. >> but the scar is barely noticeable. >> they do a beautiful job. so it is really important to get checked. >> yeah, we're glad we covered that. by the way, you are fantastic. you turned 70. i was struck by a beautiful poem that you posted about yourself. i was surprised about this. you say looking in the mirror on my 70th birthday, and what do i see? i'm finally happy with the person looking back at me. i'm no longer critical and
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demanding. now i'm grateful and understanding. what did you mean by that? tell me. >> yes. well, i am always happy, but when i was younger i was -- i was probably my harshest critic. and -- and i think i was trying to live up to expectations of what "they" would think. for instance, i -- after i did "sports illustrated," i never felt comfortable on the beach again in a bathing suit because "sports illustrated" makes you look so good. they put you in the bathing suit that they have chosen out of like 1,000 bathing suits because it looks best on you. they put you in the best light. you take your very best angle and you twist and you -- you know, i would have to walk down the beach like sucking it in and walking along like this to try and look, you know, halfway decent. so then i -- when i turned 70, i was like, who am i trying to live up to whose expectations?
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it's my life. >> yeah. christie brinkley is afraid to wear a bathing suit in public, there is no hope for any of us. but it is true, especially when you are younger. >> you know what, they probably weren't even looking at me. but you in your mind think, oh, they're thinking of that magazine cover. you have to live up to it. but at 70, you just go, you know what. >> this is 70. it is working, yes. we will take it. and you have a new fashion line out. >> i know. >> it is called tower hill. tell us about it. >> it is called tower hill. it looks like twirl. it was inspired by my house, tower hill. but spelled t-w-r-l-l. >> uh-huh. and everything is under $100. and we partnered with hsn. so i'm going to be on there on, let's see, the 29th. it's going to turn midnight, at the stroke of midnight, when
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else? and i will start at midnight with a two-hour show until 2:00 in the morning, and i'm going to go around the clock until midnight the next day. >> wait, what! >> well, a couple breaks. but no breaks seems to be -- looking at my schedule, but no break seems to be longer than three hours. >> oh, my gosh! >> so it's going to be a marathon. and by the second night, i'll probably be like -- >> well, we're just so happy for you, christie. we have an old copy of a "sports illustrated." you're on this. this is your first one. you were on the cover again at 70. these are just beautiful, amazing pictures. what do you think of when you look at the current "sports illustrated" now? >> you know, "sports illustrated" has really turned into the most amazing magazine. like it's always been great and
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amazing. but to be there this time having just turned 70. and, you know, 70 is one of those birthday milestones where you look back and you look forward and you really sum everything up and you get all emotional. and i felt like, i'm 70 and they've asked me to come be on another cover with them. yes, i was covered from my wrist to my ankles. but still, you know, they're inclusive. and i know what that means to start to feel like invisible, you know. when you're just -- like you don't have the same like thing happen, like as you, you know, get older. obviously today i have professional hair and makeup. >> you are never invisible. >> you try to go out. and it's really nice to be included. >> yeah. >> we see. >> you know? >> christie, thank you so much. >> you will come back and see us on the fourth hour. >> we have a date.
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>> a fashion show. >> looking forward to that. and we want to mention your new apparel line twrll launches wednesday. >> at the stroke of midnight. >> al, over to you. >> 70 looks great. i'm looking forward to that. all right. we are looking at severe thunderstorms still making their way through northern texas. airport delays, big problems there. the rest of the country, relatively clear. the heat is on from the southwest through the gulf with temperatures 80s, 90s, 100s. 50s in the pacific northwest. 60s around the great lakes. for today, some showers and storms coming across the great lakes. florida.ighs down through
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that's your latest weather. best time of the morning. come on. >> i got to tell you, 1983, pre-teen me still freaking out christie brinkley is here. hot girl in a red ferrari on vacation, come on, that's when i started to feel things as a kid. >> wow! >> and the pool scene? do you remember the pool scene with chevy chase. it's too bad you're married. i'm in the mood for some fun. let's get right to it. it's crazy. >> this is crazy. >> first up, at the movies, it was a rough few days at the box office, ranking the first memorial day in decades with the exception of 2020. of course, theaters were closed
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then. furioso and garfield led the sales. ticket sales were down from last year. the "mad max prequel" narrowly beat out garfield in domestic sales. it nearly beat out lat sagna loving cat. do not worry. we have a lot of great movies coming out this summer. "despicable me" comes out. twisters from the sister company nbcuniversal. and the latest installment of "deadpool." next up, "wheel of fortune." pat sajak will be saying very soon, long time host pat sajak will be saying good-bye to the wheel after revealing last year that this season would be his last. we now know when the final pat episode is set to air. confirming with sajak's reps that it is slated for june 7th. soon. sajak has hosted the show since it launched in 1981 alongside vanna white.
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after he signs off, ryan seacrest is set to step in as host. next up, cold play. the seven-time grammy winners hit the stage across the pond at the bbc radio one's music festival. they closed out the weekend with a surprise guest, sabrina carpenter who was just here on "snl" a couple weeks ago joined them to perform their 2014 track "magic." here's a listen. ♪ ♪♪ ♪ >> yeah. we're just waxing on about how great they were here at the plaza. >> do you remember it was pouring down rain? >> chris is like, we're making memories. this is great. >> bring them back. >> sabrina carpenter is having a moment, good for her.
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next up, bradley cooper. who remembers this oscar-nominated performance? ♪ ♪ ♪ takes a lot to try maybe it's time to let the old wings down ♪ >> over the weekend, cooper stepped back into the shoes of jackson maybe with a little help of pearl jam. a surprise duet. this was at the napa festival. here is a little bit of them together. ♪ ♪ maybe it's time to let the old wings down ♪ takes a lot to change your plans and trying to change your mind ♪ ♪ maybe it's time to let the old ways die ♪ >> check it out. that's what they do. they sound just like us. >> exactly. >> that was a cool moment because that's who he sort of studied under, bradley did,
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eddie vedder when he was getting ready for his starring role. >> i didn't know that. jason kelce is speaking out after x users slamming the retired nfl's family following comments jason made on the new heights podcast about that controversial commencement com speech. it seems you are a bit hypocritical. wow, that's a speech from travis' speech. your wife is a homemaker. it seems you are a bit hypocritical. wow, that's a lot. yesterday jason addressed that tweet with a lengthy response on social media. i won't read the whole thing but in part says i don't think of kylie has a homemaker. i think of her as my wife, as a mother. she has an occupation, as do i. and we keep our house as best we can. our marriage is a partnership. we are equals and figuring it out on the daily. clarifying he didn't mean to down play anybody that is a homemaker but reiterating that is not their family dynamic. and it was a busy weekend to
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jason on twitter, bringing some levity to the platform with his brother after someone tweeted this courtside pic of travis saying what the blank did taylor's cats do to his jeans, making fun of his shredded jeans right this. >> jason shared the tweet, now that's funny. cool. just ahead, guys. music star darius rucker. >> hey now! >> hey! >> good to see you. >> good to see you. >> in the house. >> welcome back. welcome back. thank you. >> look at you. you do everything. >> i don't know about that. >> i don't know. i just do what i can. >> we will talk with darius about all that and a lot more, as he says. bu
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wheel ♪ and we're back on a tuesday morning at 8:30. so happy you joined this crowd on a sunshiny beautiful day. just happy to have everyone here and have the unofficial start of summer. also out here this morning, where is he? darius rucker saying hello to fans. we have a lot to be celebrating this morning. >> lots, lots. he has been with hootie & the blowfish for decades, a solo country star as well. now darius is sharing his remarkable life story and a really compelling new memoir. looking forward to chatting with him in a few minutes. also, ahead the lovely ally
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love with some simple swaps to help you feel your best as you go about your day. >> and chef elena has the ultimate summer salad with the green goddess dressing that you'll be making over and over in the summer months. >> lunch is served! then on our 3rd hour, the taste of a new york city staple. the chocolate babka. you remember that "seinfeld" episode. we will show you how it's made at a bakery where culture and tradition are a really important part of the recipe. yum. looking ahead to tomorrow, we will catch up with rumor willis. she welcomed a baby. she's now headed back to the stage. we'll talk about how she is doing and her father as well tomorrow morning on "today". >> al, your people are here. >> well, we've got a checklist here. wow. so, let's see. we checked you. >> you're the first one. >> there you go. >> everybody else has to come over. guys, hey, craig. oh, dylan. sheinelle, no, she's not here. hoda, hoda, we need you to check
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off. >> okay. right here, right here. >> check it off. you check that off. let's show you what's going on. let's look ahead to the weekend. great day in the east, storming on friday in the mid-section of the country. the west is best. as we move into saturday, another winter here in the northeast, mid-atlantic. shower and storms. sunny and hot western third of the country. sunday, sunday, beautiful in the east again. some southeast storms continue good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we're in for some nice weather today. eventually clearing out for the valleys, and we're keeping the cooler than normal temperatures. only in the low 70s for fremont, 71 for mountain view. but we're still warm. warming up to 81 in santa rosa. now, tomorrow, we really start to feel those temperatures heating up in the north bay into the mid 80s upper 70s, low 80s for the east bay.
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but then on thursday we're well, your sign is well, your sign is like a prediction. it's you and al roker. >> exactly. >> who are you? >> brie. >> i love the cheese. that's fantastic. >> you manifested it. up next, we will go one-on-one with darius rucker, opening up about his pioneering path like never before. his big summer plans with hootie & the blowfish as well. but, first, this is "today" on nbc. t, this is "today" on nbc.
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♪ i only want to be with you ♪ ♪ ♪ all i want to do i only want
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to be with you ♪ oh, we're back with the sweet sound of hootie & the blow phish rocking our plaza way back in 1999 led, of course, by darius rucker. he has sold more than 25 million albums and won grammys for best new artist. darius also now one of the biggest country music stars on the planet, winning another grammy for best country star performance in his hit "wagon wheel." now for some reason, he has decided to share his entire journey in a new memoir called "life is too short." d, always good to have you back. >> always good to be here. >> a couple years ago, we talked about this. i said it. memoirs only work if you put it all out there. >> yeah. >> you put it all out there in this particular book. you write about the music. you write about the demons. you write about the family. standards informs me i have to reveal that i actually wrote a
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review of the book as well. and the way that it's set up, every chapter devoted to a song that shaped you in some way. what would you say was the most meaningful chapter to write about? >> oh, when i wrote about my mom when she was in the coma and she died. that was -- reading that back brought me to tears. that was very meaningful to me. that was the most meaningful to me. >> there's carolyn right there. you have got three adult children. >> yes. >> when you went to your children and you said, you know what, kids, dad has decided he wants to write a book, what was the reaction? >> nobody wanted me to write the book. nobody was -- i mean, they weren't against it, but nobody was excited about it. you know, but they knew i was going to do it. and everybody was -- you know, they get my back like they always do. actually, i was with dani yesterday. she was like, should i read it? i was like, that's up to you. >> you don't know if they read it yet?
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>> i think jax looked at it. dani is still contemplating. i'm sure terry will read it. >> you devote a lot of the book as well to your life on the road in the '90s with hootie. and later as well. and there's a lot of drug use in the book. >> yeah. >> you write about how much drugs, how many drugs, at what point you were using these drugs. at one point you said, you were surprised you made it out alive. >> yeah. >> how did you get that monkey off your back? >> oh, when i quit, i quit. you know, it was one of those things where, one day -- i told the story in the book, one day i was told i had to quit, you know. and i walked away from it. and it was the best thing that's ever happened to me. it was probably the best day of my life. all four of us, we're happy all four of us are still together because one of us could not be here really easy. >> you talk about the band. >> yes. >> and beth, your ex-wife, who saved your life when she said the drugs have to go. >> yeah.
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>> i want to switch gears. earlier this year, folks know you had a run-in with the law down in franklin, tennessee. two counts of casual exchange of a controlled substance. one count of violation of tennessee vehicle registration. all misdemeanors. what happened that day? walk us through what happened. >> it was really -- it's funny, because i was going to a friend as you house, they were moving and asked me to take some stuff and i did. got pulled, got stopped. the crazy thing was they let me go. and it was a year later that i get a phone call that said there is a warrant for my arrest. so i went down. 57 years never seen the inside of a jail cell. but, you know, i went down and we handled it. my lawyers are taking care of it. it is what it is. >> you said the friends asked you to take some stuff. >> yeah. >> as in, take it and put it in the car or -- >> yeah. they were moving and couldn't fly with it. cow take it.
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>> we reached out to the sheriffs department. we have not heard back yet. but as we sit here, the charges are still pending? >> yes. >> all right. let's talk about the tour. you guys, hootie & the blowfish going back out. >> yes. >> starting in dallas this week. >> yes. i'm very excited. you know, rehearsals are great. we haven't been out in 15 years. but this might be the last time we do it. so we're all really excited about it and will have a good time with it. >> and how many dates? >> 50. >> 50 dates. and you just got back from touring in europe as well. >> one of the greatest tours i have ever done. was the european tour i just did. it was unbelievable awesome. >> i want to talk more about this next hour. i want to get your take on something because you have made quite the name for yourself in country music. you write about that in the book as well. i feel like we're in this moment where artists that look like us, there are a lot more of them in country music than there were a few years ago. you have beyoncé's transformational album. there are other albums.
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you were the first artist since charlie pride that burst on to the scene in a meaningful way, an artist of color. do you feel like you have gotten the due you reserve? for opening a lot of doors for black artists in country? >> i don't. but i don't think even going back to hootie club days, i don't think we ever get to do what we'd done. you know, now everybody is talking about this great renaissance. the one thing that i'm proud of is that none of the folks, beyoncé and everybody, had to hear i don't think of my audience except a black country singer. because i heard that, and i proved it wrong and that's when, you see kane brown and warren treaty and all of these guys, i love it. but, you know, maybe i'll get my due when i'm dead. that's okay. >> maybe before that. >> oh, we'll see. >> before we get out of here, there's a passage in the book that when i read this, it touched me. and it's the life is too short
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chapter. "i wish it would rain" is the chapter title. you write in part, i lift my head, dab my eyes and say i wish it would rain again and again. this is our final concert, the concert that you're supposed to hear, a concert for the two of us connecting the same way we did. connecting my entire life with her. deeply, lovingly, with our whole hearts, our souls. just feeling each other, connecting through music, through a song. you were writing about your mother after she had the heart attack. >> yeah. >> she never got to see hootie play. she never saw -- of all of the things in my life, she never saw us play. she never saw us have the success we had. that moment was -- you know, i was on the road and she was in a coma. i came home and sang, "i wish it would rain" probably 100 times that day. that made me cry. that meant a lot to me. >> what do you think carolyn's boy would say about all the
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success that we have enjoyed? >> she would be so proud. she would be so proud and keep telling me what she is always telling me. if you're going to dream it go try to live it. and she'd have a really big house. >> always a pleasure. >> always, my brother. >> and you will come back next hour as well spend time talking about the book. talk about life as well. the book is called "life is too short." tickets for hootie's summer tour on sale now. hoda. beautiful conversation, craig. coming up next, ally love is sharing simple swaps to get you ready faster in the morning. but, fir, this is "today" on st
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cash rewards+ card lets you try the things you love with your true love. when you can enjoy the rewards of every experience that comes your way, what are you waiting for? dive right in. golden 1 member cash rewards+ card. life is a journey best dreamed together. ♪ we are back with "love your mornings." our friend and "today" contributor ally love is here to remove and replace daily things. we like small little steps, ally. something everybody can do. >> absolutely. small changes create big habits
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that have a huge impact. we will remove the sugary drinks. >> okay. get rid of the sodas and lemonades. we're putting in place bottled water. this is water with springs of mint in it and some watermelon. >> oh, chunks of watermelon, uh-huh. >> proper hydration. removing the sugary drink. it has natural sugar and it tastes good. throw it in a big gallon of water, put it in the fridge, you have spa water. >> i love it, you can store it away. >> exactly. >> what about our phone? let's get that cleaned out. >> when someone opens their phone and their apps are everywhere, we are removing the clutter and chaos and replacing them with organizational folders. so, all you need to do is think of mental health. put all your mental health apps in one folder. >> in one space. >> exactly. all your social media, all your education. i have them on my phone. >> clean. >> it reminds you that you have
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those apps and you need those apps. i am reminded because i can clearly see on my phone. >> the ted talks. >> yes, peloton, we got them all. >> i love that. what about getting ready in the morning. let's make it simple. let's streamline. what can we do? >> i do not like trying to find an outfit. the top doesn't match the bottom. i'm a unicorn kind of girl. this is a two piece. >> are those shorts? >> this is a skirt. this is not a dress. >> are you sure? >> you want to find a unicorn outfit where the top matches the bottom. top matches the bottom. if they lose each other, when you are looking for them, you know exactly what you are looking for. you remove taking time to get dressed and replace it with something that matches, looks good, goes together. >> simple. >> i can't believe that's not a dress. that's shocking. >> everyone today was, i love your dress. i was like, thanks. can't wait to tell you what it is. >> everyone starts with a hot cup of coffee. there is nothing wrong with that. but you think we can do some replacements and such. >> there is nothing wrong with
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your coffee and matcha. it's summertime, we iced it up today. basically taking your morning routine, cutting back on time by making ice cubes the day before. all you need to do is take your glass, put some water, oat milk or if you are taking new york city transit, put it in your water bottle, it will melt. you have coffee and matcha to go. >> this is a good idea. all you do, freeze the cubes, pop them in a thermos and off and running. >> this is my favorite one. okay. >> this is your favorite. >> go ahead. negative social media. we're removing negative social media. the comparison is the fife of joy. and we're going to preplace it with feel good. instagram today or tiktok. we will replace it with pinterest. get creative. i have bread making, motivational note boards. i love seeing people do things. and it sparks that creative energy. i love bread.
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i love bread making. this is my pinterest right now. >> can i tell you what happens on instagram. if you follow people like good news movement and all those kinds of things, that's what starts circulating on your feed. so if you are selective, it almost course corrects. all right. we have a little time of this one. >> yes. removing hard strap bags. after work you go to drink or dinner. you don't want it to hurt your body. this is cloud bag. it is nice and light. put it on your shoulder. it doesn't hurt your back. >> it's light as a feather. >> i love this so much. love it. ally, we love you. all right. carson daley, over to you. >> a lot of love to go around. thank you guys very much.
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and we're back with "today
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table" series. this morning, chef elena veser is sharing a simple salad that says is seriously addictive. you can scan the qr code to share this recipe. we have an exclusive code to help you stock up on ingredients. your first three online or pickup delivery orders. v or more. so good luck with that. 3 chef, good to have you here. we will make this great salad. but we will start with some of the things that you will put on your salad. that's the first thing to do. >> of course. when i'm making a salad, i want to think about the textural exciting moments that i can have. starting off, we will use some chick peas. if you want one that basically tastes like it's fried, dry them off, pop them into a 400-degree oven, dry them for 15 minutes.
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then take them out. so they will start to dry out and crisp up. and then for that extra flavor and love, we will add some olive oil to this pan. we will hit them with salt. >> is this a healthy version of a crouton? >> it is. it's packed with crouton and so easy to make. pop it back into the oven for 15 minutes, tossing them every 15 minutes. they're done. our goal is to not eat all of them before the salad is done. >> what are we doing here? >> now, we're making a really easy marinade for chicken. this is olive oil. use any vinegar you have on hand at home. this is garlic powder. we're adding in lemon juice. >> chicken to lock in the juice. >> lock in the juices. make sure it is nice and marinated and full of all of those flavors. we will hit it with some salt and pepper. >> we have our salad eating group, i want to shout them out as they are starting to indulge on our delicious salad. >> what are we thinking? >> it's all avocado based. that's amazing. >> how long does this chicken taste? speed it up a little bit.
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>> it takes no time. it takes no time at all. we're just going to let this marinate. do it the day before. take it out. then we lay it flat. they're really thin. essentially what we will do is put it on to a pre-heated grill. these will cook nice and evenly. it only takes four minutes a side. we will get the nice, sexy grill marks which is what summer's all about. >> it doesn't apply to me. if you didn't eat meat, is there a swap? >> yeah. you can do tofu. you could do truly anything you want. >> let's keep it moving. i hear the phrase green goddess salad. >> okay. i used to hate green goddess until i find avocado green goddess which basically swapped the yogurt or mayo for avocado. >> that is the creamy.
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>> we've got oil, parsley, tarragon. spinach. we have chives, anchovies. lemon juice and zest and vinegar. >> what is that? >> vinegar. that's cherry vinegar. then what we will do is add that. yes, blend it up, add a little water and there it is. >> i love crispy lettuce on my salad, chef. how do you keep the lettuce crispy? >> put it into the fridge and take it out right before cooking. we will add some radishes. >> that's good. >> we have our dressing at the bottom. >> i love that. >> toss it altogether. and then add in those chick peas at the end. >> oh, that's the way to start summer. chef, you really did it with this. >> thank you. >> what kind of lettuce is this? >> this is a nice crispy romaine. anything that's nice, cold and crunchy. >> i love it. get these recipes by scanning the qr code. "today" earns a small commission from purchases. and elena is back making killer
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ribs. a date molasses thin good morning. it is 8:56 a.m. marcus washington. well, calls are growing to fund a proposed grade separation at what's considered to be one of california's most dangerous train crossings. burlingame's caltrain crossing on broadway. over the years, there have been numerous collisions. now, we spoke this morning with state senator josh becker. he's calling for a $100 million budgeted for $100 million, budgeted for a planned grade separation, which already includes renderings, similar grade separation ideas for proposed for two other peninsula train crossings one in mountain view, the other in palo alto. well, happening now, becker is wrapping up a news conference. our ginger conejero saab is monitoring that. she'll have a live report during our midday newscast as well. san jose investigators are trying to
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piece together what led up to a long standoff that ended last night with a man in custody. officers then found a body of a woman inside the home of that standoff. police are not yet saying how the suspect was connected to the woman. head over to our home page now for the latest information. also on our home page. the owner of an oakland lumber yard
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this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," s


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