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tv   Today  NBC  May 30, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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hall. nice and sunny all across the bay area, and also cool if you're in one of the areas that's going to be heating up. get in those outdoor activities early and bay area traffic is lighter, but it's still there. here's the south bay we continue to build in your usual suspect routes. and the today show is just moments away. however, we are continuing today in the bay on roku and other streaming platforms live at eight pints for pause. the way that you can help animals in need this weekend while grabbing a brew, change drinks from morning to night right. look, thanks for joining us here on today in the bay today show starts next i like that buenos jueves por la mañana. día dos de las deliberaciones en el juicio donald trumps. y podría ser otro día largo para los jurados. es el 30 de mayo. esto es hoy.
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de vuelta a eso. doce jurados ahora sopesan el destino del ex presidente tamizando a través de semanas de testigos y una complicada lista de instrucciones del juez. destino del ex presidente good thursday morning. day two of deliberations at donald trump's trial. >> and it could be another long day for jurors. it's may 30th. this is "today." back at it. 12 jurors now weighing the fate of the former president, sifting through weeks of witnesses and a complicated list of instructions from the judge. this morning, the takeaways from day one including the key testimony they asked to be red back, as the nation awaits a verdict in a case that could have a major impact on the 2024 race. time's up. boeing facing a deadline today to tell federal investigators how it plans to fix its safety and quality control issues. the embattled plane maker under fire for a string of alarming incidents, including that frightening mid-air blowout. we'll have the very latest. and the investigations that boeing still faces. flag fallout. supreme court justice samuel alito rejecting calls to step aside from cases involving the 2020 election, after those controversial symbols were seen flying outside his homes. what he's now saying about them, how they got there, and why he
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is not backing down. new twist. convicted killer scott peterson back in court, pushing for a new trial. just ahead, the evidence that will now be re-tested for dna, and what it means for the decades-old case. all of that plus, big win for shoppers. another major retailer ready to slash prices. the impact on your search for deals and your bottom line. all of that, plus, astronaut al! >> you're sitting in the commander spot. >> an out of this world adventure for mr. roker, training with the crew getting ready to travel to the moon. >> this little briefcase is our oven. >> space oven. >> so does he have the right stuff? and hit the brakes! >> just one second. i'm parking right now. the stunning moment a man shows up from behind the wheel for his suspended license hearing.
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the judge at a loss for words. >> i don't even know why he would do that. >> why he will not be driving again anytime soon. >> oh, my god. >> today, thursday, may 30th, 2024. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb, from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. good morning, guys. welcome to "today." 7:00 a.m. on the west coast. let's clear that up. that man appeared in court on zoom in a car for driving with a suspended license. >> the judge was shocked. more on that case in a little bit. gives you a smile. but we have a serious case in new york. the jury weighing the fate now of former president trump and his criminal hush money case. >> deliberations pick back up a short time ago following more than four hours of deliberations yesterday.
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so the jury asking several questions pertaining to the testimony from two key witnesses, national inquirer publisher david pecker and michael cohen. >> how soon we may get a verdict. let's bring in nbc's senior legal correspondent laura jarrett. laura, good morning. >> hey, savannah, good morning. it didn't take long for this jury to send up a flare for help. jurors appear to now want to go back to the beginning. >> reporter: this morning, the jury determining donald trump's legal fate back at it. >> mother teresa could not beat these charges. >> after roughly four and a half hours of deliberations wednesday, a bell loudly ringing in the courtroom, signaling a note to the judge, the foreman asking for a read back of testimony from the very first witness at trial. tabloid mogul david pecker. and mr. trump's former fixer, michael cohen. two men who placed the former president in the room where they say the trio agreed to influence the 2016 election.
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before that, jurors receiving a dizzying dissertation. they can't convict unless they find his testimony corroborated by other evidence. without written copies of the judge's instructions in the deliberation room, that bell in the courtroom soon ringing again. as the jury asked to re-hear at least some of the legal rules governing the charges mr. trump has pled not guilty to. the seven men and five women holed up during deliberations with a laptop loaded with nearly 300 exhibits, but with no access to their cell phones as a presumptive gop nominee sits in a court waiting room, waiting for news with his attorneys, friends and family. don jr. taking to tiktok to pass the time. >> hey, guys. i'm here with your favorite president. we're cranking out a couple mean tweets at the courthouse. >> all right, laura. let's go to law school. >> yep. >> we want to show people why this is such a complicated case for the jury. either you'll understand at the end or have a lot of imp thi for the jurors here. >> yes. >> first of all, this crime that
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is charged, 34 counts of falsifying business records. normally that is a misdemeanor. >> normally a misdemeanor. only reason it's bumped up to a felony in this case, because prosecutors say it was in furtherance of another crime. it was trying to conceal that ore crime. >> and that raises the question, what is the second crime alleged here? >> so in this case, the prosecutors have pointed to president trump, michael cohen and david pecker, you just heard, conspireing to try to influence voters in a way they say broke new york state law. they point to this new york state law that says, it is a crime to try to promote an election by unlawful means. unlawful means, guys, this is the key phrase. >> this is step one. this is step two. there's a third step. what are those unlawful means? and this is where it gets very confusing. >> it's almost like a nesting doll. if you get to that step, then you can get here. but if you don't think he's falsified anything, you don't get to the conspiracy in here, by the way. if you get to the falsification, you get to the unlawful means, prosecutors have offered a variety of different avenues
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that the injury could choose from potentially, violation of election law, on that front, remember, this is all about the payment to stormy daniels ahead of the election. and prosecutors say when michael cohen made that payment, it actually violated federal law. you didn't hear a lot of testimony about that. but they say it violated the federal contribution limits. and so that could be one of the crimes. possibly other false records, to banks, other tax laws. again, they didn't hear a lot about this because these are not charged crimes. this is their hook to get the felony. these are not actually in the indictment as crimes themselves. >> and they also raise maybe it was a tax laws that were violated. could be state tax laws, could be federal tax laws. the bottom line is, by the time you get to this third step, it's a grab bag. jurors can essentially choose their own adventure. which law do they think -- how was this election wrongly tried to be persuaded with this unlawful means. which one is it? and they don't have to be unanimous. >> they could have 12 different theories and don't have to agree
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and could still convict him. >> there's not necessarily any evidence of these other crimes in the record. the jurors didn't hear that this was -- they don't have to prove each and every element of any of these crimes? >> no. it's interesting they're asking for the testimony of david pecker, because he's about the conspiracy. he doesn't have anything to do with the falsification of business records. it's interesting they're curious about that. >> but they're also asking to have the jury instructions read back to them. if you are confused and would be forgiven if you were. i had to read the jury instructions twice yesterday afternoon. they don't get to read them. they listen to them and now asking to hear them again because it's so complicated. >> reading this stack of paper of 53 pages took over an hour. we don't know, do they want to hear all of it or some of it but they don't get this stack back in the room with them. they just have to rely on their memories and notes. >> it's very, very complicated. we'll continue do watch it. other to you. >> thank you for the law school class. that was great. it's deadline day for the troubled plane manufacturer boeing to show federal
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regulators it's serious about making some safety improvements. the faa gave boeing 90 days to come up with a plan after that terrifying mid-flight blow out on a 737 max 9 that highlighted major quality control concerns. here we are now. tom costello covers aviation. what this plan going to lay out? >> the faa chief has said, this is not the end, this is the beginning. that boeing has got to prove that, in fact, it is on track. it's got to lay out a road map here to get quality control, safety culture under control. so the plan that boeing is submitting today is this kind of a road map and boeing has said the bottom line they have to focus within the basics in the company. and that means, they know that everybody on the assembly line is knows their jobs and is doing their jobs. this starts back with the 737 max-9, the door plug blowout back in january. as you know, that happened over
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portland, oregon, and that led to investigations which revealed significant defects and problems within the boeing manufacturing process. we've now got multiple investigations, faa, ntsb, fbi investigations here and so now boeing, as a part of this plan that the faa was demanding, must lay out its road map to get its act together. this is the beginning, not the end. >> and meantime, the department of justice is meeting with victims' families. what's that all about? >> this relates back to the max-8 crashes, in which we had 346 people die, in indonesia and ethiopia. boeing was able to avoid criminal prosecution on that. they had to sign an agreement, essentially saying that they would keep their nose clean, that they would double down on safety, they would fix what was broken. they would no longer hide problems. now the doj is saying you violated the terms of that agreement. in fact, you could be liable for criminal prosecution, related back to the max-8 crashes. the families of the victims, they are meeting with doj, they
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want to see boeing prosecuted criminally for what happened so many years ago. >> yeah, all right, tom, thank you so much for the update. we appreciate it. >> you bet. on the subject of aviation, a frightening close call at reagan national airport. an american airlines jet was cleared for takeoff and was speeding down the runway at the exact same time a private plane was landing on an intersecting runway. the american pilot was forced to slam on the brakes and just listen to the exchange between the control tower and the two pilots involved. >> american 2134, cancel takeoff clearance. go around, go around! >> rejecting takeoff, 2134. >> cannot go around. we were already on the ground. >> the two planes coming within just 1,300 feet of each other. aviation experts say the american plane was almost to the point when it wouldn't have been able to stop. that is the second close call at reagan national just in the past six weeks. the faa is investigating the incident. also this morning, supreme court justice samuel alito is
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rejecting calls to recuse himself from cases related to the january 6th attack after two controversial flags were seen flying at his homes. nbc's senior washington correspondent, hallie jackson joins us now with that story. hey, hallie, good morning. >> hey, hoda, good morning to you. in deciding not to step aside, justice alito is pointing the finger at his wife for flying those controversial flags. now, some critics are slamming his decision as an ethical lapse in judgment, even as some conservatives argue, he had no reason to recuse in the first place. >> reporter: new court criticism from top democrats this morning after a flag-flying controversy involving justice samuel alito, and the provocative symbols seen at his properties in virginia and new jersey. alito, in a new letter to congress, explaining that he had no involvement in the decision to fly the "appeal to heaven" flag at his beach home last summer. you see it here in photos first reported by "the new york
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times," a pine tree on a white background, a symbol rooted in the revolutionary war, but more recently linked to christian nationalism and support for donald trump, appearing multiple times during the january 6th attack. alito says his wife is the one who put up the flag and that neither of them were aware of any connection between this historic flag and the "stop steal" movement. alito is reiterating that his wife was also responsible for the upside down american flag, long seen as a symbol of distress, on the flagpole outside their virginia home in the days after january 6th. flown, he says, because of a very nasty neighborhood dispute. as soon as i saw it, he writes, i asked my wife to take it down, but for several days, she refused. alito later writes, my wife is fond of flying flags. i am not. adding, she makes her own decisions and i have always respected her right to do so. it's why the justice says he will not step aside from key cases involving january 6th defendants and former president
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trump's claim of immunity in connection to his election interference case. and that that a reasonable person, not motivated by political considerations, would agree this does not meet the recusal standard. some republicans, like senator mike lee, backing up the justice, saying he's absolutely right not to recuse, but democrats slamming the decision. >> what justice alito is doing, in fact, is dragging down the credibility of the court, destroying american people's trust in the court by these kinds of flimsy excuses. >> now, alito is winning praise from former president trump who is applauding what he calls the justice's intelligence, courage and guts in deciding not to step aside. but the backdrop to this, and something that the judiciary chairman is referencing, the public's declining confidence in the supreme court. guys, the court's approval rating is near its record lows right now. >> hallie, thank you so much. 7:14. a lot more to get to. craig joins the table. hi, craig.
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>> hoda, savannah, good morning. good morning to you as well. folks, new developments in that high-profile case involving the world's top-ranked men's golfer, scottie scheffler. prosecutors have now officially dropped all of the charges tied to a traffic incident at this month's pga championship in louisville. now new video has surfaced shining more light on the moments following his arrest. nbc's stephanie gosk has been following this for us from the beginning. steph, good morning. >> hey, craig, good morning. the prosecutor's office has confirmed to nbc news, the leaked body cam video is authentic. now, scottie scheffler was supposed to be arraigned next week in a louisville court, but instead, the prosecutor says there isn't any evidence of a crime. agreeing with scheffler, that it was all a misunderstanding. >> reporter: this morning, scottie scheffler is getting ready for his next tournament, without worrying about a criminal trial. the charges against him are dropped as leaked body cam video surfaced online. >> as you can see, i'm still shaking because i was afraid, i didn't know who he was.
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>> reporter: showing the moments after scheffler's arrest for allegedly assaulting a louisville police officer. >> first of all, i didn't know he was a police officer, i thought he was a security guard. >> reporter: an unrelated fatal collision had taken place near the entrance to the pga championship earlier that morning. contributing to a scene that scheffler later described as rainy and chaotic, causing traffic to back up as he was the trying to get to the golf course. >> why does it matter if he was a security guard or a police officer if somebody is telling you to stop. >> you're right, i should have stopped, i got a little bit impatient. i'm quite late for my tee time. and as he was reaching into the car, he grabbed my shoulder and hit me, like -- >> trying to get you to stop, right? >> yes. >> okay. it seemed to be a little overaggressive because the entrance was open. >> reporter: the arrest report said that scheffler didn't stop and dragged detective to the ground. scheffler's lawyer directly dismissing that allegation. >> he was not dragged. you believe they would have dismissed this case if he was dragged? no, they would not have. >> reporter: and condemning the
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police. >> i think everybody sees something like this happen and realizes they're one wrong turn or running into the wrong person away from going to jail themselves. >> reporter: overnight, the officer who arrested scheffler speaking out in a statement. to nbc's louisville affiliate. brian gillis saying his honesty and integrity had been challenged, adding, to be clear, he was dragged by the car and received visible injuries. gillis writing, i'm going to recover from it, and saying he and scheffler both agree there will be no ill will going forward. >> we reached out to the louisville metro police department for comment on scheffler's remark in the video that he was hit by the officer, and have not heard back. and scheffler wants to put it all behind him, writing on instagram, police officers have a difficult job and i hold them in high regard. >> okay, stephanie gosk. steph, thank you. let's say good morning to al and get a check of the weather. >> hey, good morning, guys. good morning to you. here we go again for our friends down in texas. more heavy rain stretching from kansas, nebraska, all the way
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down into oklahoma and texas. in fact, we have some severe thunderstorm warnings down in northern texas. we're watching that. during the day today, this cold front will move across the northern plains. severe storms coming on in here. we have the risk of severe weather for some 10 million people. lubbock, texas, amarillo, as well. damaging winds, low tornado risk. that's a good sign. tomorrow, those risks of storms move from dallas on into houston, locally heavy rain. we could be looking at flash flooding there. we're talking about 22 million people at risk. the main threat is going to be those strong wind gusts and heavy rain. we've got a risk of flash flooding from kansas city, witchta, multiple thunderstorms for today, and that moves into tomorrow, from memphis on into alexandria, shreveport, austin, and houston. rainfall amounts anywhere from 1 to 3 inches, but locally could be 4 to 5. we'll be watching this area very closely. we're going to get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds.
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weather. guys? al, thank you. coming up, new ruling in convicted murderer scott peterson's push for a new trial. nbc's liz kreutz is following the case for us. >> hey, savannah, good morning. a judge denied all but one of scott peterson's requests for new dna testing. we'll tell you what piece of evidence is going to be re-tested and what this means for a potential new trial. guys? >> liz, thank you. plus, inside the value wars that have exploded from major retailers to fast food giants and now pharmacies. we're going to break down the latest price cuts and tell you how you can take advantage. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. can't afford your medication? astrazeneca may be able to help. ask your doctor about breztri. no, my denture's uncomfortable! dracula, let's fight back against discomfort. with new poligrip power max hold & comfort. it has superior hold plus keeps us comfy all day with it's pressure absording layer. time for a bite! if your mouth could talk it would ask for... poligrip. (nicole) welcome to blue buffalo's one taste is all it takes. (katie) gill wants food that tastes good, it would ask for... if he doesn't like his food he will walk away. (nicole) we sent you blue tastefuls dry food... (katie) he devoured it. clearly he was a big fan. it's healthy, and he loves it. (vo) pick up blue tastefuls today. good morning at 726. i'm ginger conejero saab. breaking news this morning in the east bay.
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that is where an early morning fire wiped out a popular food venue. today in the bay's bob redell is live in castro valley and bob, what do we know about this fire? well, sadly, this is a devastating image for people who live here in castro valley. the lake chabot public market, just died at a fire in a fire that started around 220 this morning. you can see the fire for the most part is out and is contained to this structure, but there were at least six food businesses inside. we just spoke to one of the owners of a pokay go pokay bar here who's just devastated. she said business was just starting to pick up in recent weeks and now this. they're not clear on how long it will take for them to rebuild the cause of the investigation. the cause of the fire is still under investigation, but a battalion chief with the alameda county fire department says it does not appear to be suspicious. and he himself somebody who has raised here in castro valley, calls this public market the pillar of the
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community, sadly gone. this morning after this fire, reporting live here in castro valley, bob redell nbc bay area news. thank you. bob and as we continue on with this thursday morning, let's get a look at the weather today and maybe into the weekend. we're starting out with sunshine and temperatures are going to be warming up in the inland valley today with some mid 80s. even up to 91 in fairfield will mostly see mid to upper 80s in the north bay, but cooling down for the weekend. ginger thanks carrie. now don't forget to watch our today in the bay live streaming newscast at 8 a.m. we'll spell out a brand new hands on program in san jose that's meant to clean up city streets. you can watch us on our streaming platforms and ao onls
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mr. harris -- >> are you driving?
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>> actually, i'm pulling into my doctor's office, actually. so, so just give me one second. i'm parking right now. >> i don't even know why he would do that. so defendant's bond is revoked in that matter. defendant is to turn himself into the washington county jail by 6:00 p.m. today. >> oh, my god. >> i mean, just, what happened? even the judge is speechless. that's michigan. a courtroom there. a man facing, yes, a suspended license charge, made a court appearance while driving. he still doesn't have a license, and now he's got an appointment at the jail cell. >> i mean, it's the judge's reaction, as well. >> it is. >> wait, do i have this right? are you punking me? >> exactly. we do have a lot to get to in this half hour. we'll begin with new developments in the scott peterson case. >> the convicted killer pushing for a new trial more than 20 years after he was found guilty of murdering his pregnant wife, lacy, and their unborn child.
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yesterday, peterson appeared virtually at a key hearing on requests for new dna testing. >> nbc's liz kreutz is at the courthouse in redwood city, california, for us. good morning. >> reporter: hey, savannah, good morning to you. this is likely not the outcome scott peterson wanted. his attorneys with the l.a. innocence project argued for new dna testing and what they say is evidence that was suppressed at the time of the trial. but a judge largely sided with the prosecution, just like a jury did 20 years ago, at this very same courthouse. >> the court is going to respectfully deny the request to test items 13 and 14. >> reporter: this morning, a major setback for convicted killer scott peterson in his quest for a new trial. >> based on the argument that was articulated today, the court finds that there has been failure demonstrate a sufficient chain of custody that would permit dna testing to be completed. >> reporter: a california judge denying all but one of peterson's requests for new dna testing, on evidence that his attorneys with the los angeles innocence project was initially
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suppressed. >> your honor, we would submit there is reasonable probability that favorable dna results would have changed the outcome at peterson's trial. >> reporter: peterson, 51, joining the hearing virtually from prison, where he is serving a life prison without parole for the 2002 murders of his pregnant wife, lacy, and unborn son, connor. his attorneys asking to test the sample of a mattress found outside a burned out orange van the morning laci disappeared. >> should laci peterson's dna been found anywhere, that would be inrefutable exculpatory evidence mr. peterson's claim to innocence. >> reporter: the prosecution pushing back that dna testing showed no blood on the mattress and only male dna. >> these are claims that have been previously litigated. >> reporter: the judge siding with the prosecution, saying the van is not related to the trial. but the judge is allowing dna testing on one item, duct tape found on laci's pants when her body washed ashore in san francisco bay.
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>> do you think the dna on the duct tape would still even be viable this many years later? >> arguably, yes. arguably, yes. >> reporter: mark geragos represented peterson 20 years ago and disputes the prosecution claim there's overwhelming evidence against him. >> if it was overwhelming, there would not be this fascination with, what does the new evidence show? >> reporter: and a hearing to talk about testing that duct tape is scheduled for july. scott peterson's brother and sister-in-law were here at the court supporting him. they did not respond to reporters' questions about that judge's ruling. laci's family has not commented. guys? >> all right, liz, thank you. i want to turn now to nbc news legal analyst, danny cevallos. so there were a lot of different things that the defense was hoping to get re-tested. only one piece of evidence will be. what do you make of that? >> really, what the judge did was basically deny the motion, almost in its entirety. concluding that the items in the van are no longer in custody. the hammer, the glove, the things that washed ashore, the
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defense didn't meet their burden. that's the key. they have the burden here to show that they could be connected and that they, if tested, could result in a different outcome. and the judge concluded that to everything, other than the duct tape, they didn't make that showing. and it makes sense with the duct tape, it's known that it was actually attached to laci. there's a stronger argument to be made that dna could yield something interesting. >> so with that tiny piece of re-tested, evidence, if it does show something, is that all it takes for a new trial? >> the dna is the most common, most successful, newly discovered piece of evidence. it's the strongest case to be made for a new trial. there are many other items that could be newly discovered evidence. in the modern era, with dna testing where it is now, that's probably your best-case scenario. they have a glimmer of hope on the peterson defense team if the dna yields something interesting. >> it was tested way back then, but their argument is that dna testing is so much better now? >> correct, yes.
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in fact, as i understand it, the peterson trial may be the first case to use mitochondrial testing. since that time, 20 years, dna testing, as most folks know using 23 and me and all these other testing used in criminal cases, they have really made incredible advancements. >> what's the likelihood, danny, at this point that he actually gets a new trial? >> now we can say that a tiny percentage of the items to be retested, very much narrows his chances. and then going from there, it's really a long shot that that dna, after all of these years, even dna that would yield anything helpful. >> danny, thank you. all right. still ahead, the co-worker shielded by soap opera star johnny wactor when he was shot and killed, she's speaking out for the first time. what she's revealing about her final moments as police search for suspects. first, christine romans is here with good news for shoppers. this morning, more popular chains ready to slash prices, christine? >> attention, falling prices, look out below. hundreds of items will have lowered prices here on your neighborhood drugstore shelves.
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this is... (dramatic sigh) ...the saddest day of my life! mmm-hmmm... it's so hard to walk away... really, really hard. but i'm gonna stay strong! instant online offers. carmax. [introspective music] recipes. recipes written by hand and lost to time. are now being analyzed and restored using the power of dell ai. ♪ take a moment, to be present... like henry. milk-bone comfort chews. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium.
7:41 am
back at 7:40 this morning. today's consumer, new stores diving into the value wars. >> we like the value wars. following the lead of other retail giants, walgreens announcing it is lowering prices on more than a thousand items, looking to win over customers who might be struggling to purchase those everyday essentials. >> nbc senior business correspondent christine romans is here with a closer look and what it means for you. okay. so we walk into a walgreen's, where are we going to find some deals? >> 1,300 items will have lower prices. this is one of those stories where people aren't screaming at the tv when i'm giving you this news. i really appreciate this new phase of the inflation wars, where these retailers understand that people are fed up with higher prices and they want value.
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they will go some place else. one a day gummies, $11.99 for men and women, down from 13.99. squish mallows down from 24.99 to 20. a lot of different things at walgreen's that will be cheaper. >> a lot of folks have been voicing their frustration over fast food prices, specifically. there was that $18 big mac that went viral. now the mcdonald's president and ceo is speaking out. >> he wrote this letter to his u.s. fans or mcdonald's u.s. fans yesterday. he said, while he was worried and concerned about that viral $18 big mac combo, he wanted to remind everybody, that it was one location. and that actually they hadn't jacked up prices well, significantly above inflation. he pointed out the big mac is up only 21% since 2019, which a lot of us are like, yeah, that's 21% since 2019. a lot of people notice -- fries are up as well. he was trying to show that we are going to do what we have to
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do to make sure that you still feel like you have a value at mcdonald's. but all the big fast food places now have value menus. they are fighting for your dollar. instead of you fighting to find something a little cheaper, now they're fighting to make sure you go to them. >> guys, we talked about fast food and aren't any mcmuffins coming. i don't understand what's happening. how about gas? >> gas today a penny less than it was last summer. the white house last week released 1 million barrels of gasoline from a strategic reserve. that's meant to keep a lid on gas prices for the summer. that could help maybe a few pennies in the northeast for gas prices. overall, experts tell me you don't have that summer surge of driving like you used to. post-covid, people are taking their trips all the time because of hybrid work and the like. so i think the good news might be that you have flat gas prices this summer. so if you're planning your driving trip, that means it won't cost more this year than last year to drive and probably your big mac combo meal will be cheaper. >> okay. >> thank you, christine. >> glad tidings. thank you, christine.
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time for another check of the weather. >> all right, guys. let's show you what we got as far as our temperatures are concerned. not very summer-like in the northeast. high pressure bringing them nice weather. for us, cooler than average. boston 64. new york city mid 70s. lexington, 76, 3 degrees below average. that continues for tomorrow, boston, el kins, west virginia. knoxville, virginia beach. the good news is we start to see a rebound. look at this by monday, st. louis, you'll be 87 degrees. columbus, ohio, 83 by monday. washington, d.c. in the low 80s. new york city mid 80s. charlotte, we'll see temperatatures monda
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and that is your latest weather. guys? >> thanks, buddy. you'll be excited about this one. coming up, if you are not, check out the brand-new trailer we'll show you in "pop start" from "the bear." we'll have that and more morning boost from hoda, right after this. when symptoms tried to take control, i got rapid relief... and reduced fatigue with rinvoq. check. when flares kept trying to slow me down... i got lasting steroid—free remission... with rinvoq. check. and when my doctor saw damage,... rinvoq helped visibly reduce damage of the intestinal lining. check. for both uc and crohn's: rapid symptom relief...
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7:47 am
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it's amazing what real food can do. with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive. oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?! with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah ♪♪ introducing bubly burst, a new sparkling water beverage from bubly. it's bursting with fruit flavor, no added sugar and all smiles. (♪♪) (♪♪) try dietary supplements from voltaren,
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for healthy joints. and they're all coming? try dietary supplements from voltaren, those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly.
7:50 am
♪ we're back. carson's here. hoda, ready for the boost? >> i've got you covered, girl. this is a real sweet one. it's a high school graduation video that's getting tons of attention on social media. the video shows a group of kindergartners seemingly jumping 12 years into the future, all the way to graduation. take a look. ♪ >> well produced! >> that's so cool. >> so the scene that you see there, they're from louisville high school, in ohio. no, the kindergartners in the video are not actually those same kids from 12 years ago. they're youngsters from the class of 2036 who volunteered to be in the video.
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the idea is, it seems like these seniors were in kindergarten yesterday and then they blinked and walked across the stage. >> and that exactly what it feels like from a parent's point of view, too. one little leap and thoen then they're graduating. >> they're going to start planning for this now. >> there was a time, that's how you used to do it. al, i want to hear about your space mission. i've reserved a little spot in "pop zlsstart" for your space mission. plus we have george clooney and brad pitt. the full trailer is out of their new movie and uncle al and his nasa crew coming up in "pop start ", but first, a quick check of your local news and weather. ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body
7:52 am
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7:54 am
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7:55 am
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good morning. it's 756. i'm ginger conejero saab and i'm marcus washington. happening now. breaking news out of the east bay. six businesses, a total loss after an overnight fire at lake chabot public market in castro valley. now, this was one of the
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neighborhood's most popular places to eat, especially during lunchtime. you can see there the flames there shooting through the roof from this video. this was shot around 330 this morning. right now, there's no word of a cause of the fire. firefighters do tell us that the investigation is still in its early stages. here's a look at what's happening for our 8:00 streaming newscast. good morning. i'm tom jensen in san jose. the san benito county sheriff's department is thanking san jose pd for helping arrest 37 year-old daniel lopez zavala at a hotel last night in san jose. they say they arrested his girlfriend also. he said others are being investigated who helped zavala evade capture and more arrests could follow. let's get a look at our forecast for this thursday morning. yeah, we're waking up to sunshine. it's a beautiful, clear view here at the golden gate bridge. and that's where we're going to see temperatures in the upper 60s today. but the farther you move away from that cool water,
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it's going to be hot this afternoon. we're going to see a high of about 89 in concord and 87 in morgan hill. it's also going to be warm tomorrow with temperatures as hot as 90 degrees in fairfield. but a nice weekend. it's coming r way with highs in the upper 70s. back to you. thanks so much, carrie. and again, make sure to watch our today in the bay live streaming newscast starting in just minutes at eight. a brand new hands on program in san jose that's meant to clean up city streets. you can watch us on roku, amazon fire tv, xumo, and streaming platforms including nbc bay area .com. we'll see you soon
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next. next. stop. we got it? no. keep going. again... [ gasps ] next. if you don't pick one, i... am i keeping you from your job? next. stop! do we finally have it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer.
8:00 am
♪ it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, day two. the jurors determining donald trump's legal fate are back in
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the courtroom today. the testimony they're asking to hear again and the impact on the 2024 race. we're live with the latest. plus, speaking out. the co-worker with soap star johnny wactor the night he was murdered now breaking her silence. the new details she's sharing as the search for the gunman continues. then, ready for liftoff? we tag along with al for an out-of-this-world assignment. >> don't try this at home. >> training with the nasa crew getting ready to travel to the moon. >> what do you think? is he going to make the crew or not? we'll find out. all that, plus he-man gets a leading man. >> new details on that pitt/clooney collab. >> you have the same clothes, talk the same, you're basically the same guy. >> and you won't believe this man's talent. ♪ it goes on and on and on and on ♪
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>> today, thursday, may 30th, 2024. ♪ >> today, may 30th, 2024. >> hello to my fellow firefighters. >> in gra georgia. >> twins celebrating our sweet 16! >> visiting today from birmingham, alabama. >> lubbock, texas. >> scottsdale, arizona. >> witchta, kansas! >> -- for my 13th birthday >> and melbourne, florida. >> on a grandma/grandson trip -- >> for my 13th birthday. >> on our senior trip from north high school in new york. >> go, reds! >> brought mama on a bucket list trip. >> her first trip to new york. >> to meet savannah and hoda. >> ah, we can't wait to meet you too. >> our number one fan. >> i see you right out there. we appreciate you being with us. what a great thursday. what a great-looking crowd.
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>> looking ahead to tomorrow on "today," we're working on a new today's five things, all about the five things our experts would never do. the subject is women's health. the best advice doctors have to share for living your best life. let's get right to our news at 8:00. we'll start with day two of deliberations at donald trump's hush money trial. 12 jurors now weighing the fate of the former president as the nation awaits the verdict that could have a major impact on the 2024 presidential race. nbc senior legal correspondent laura jarrett is here. she's got the very latest. hey, laura. >> hi, guys. good morning. it did not take long for this jury to put out a call for help. a bell ringing in the courtroom to signal a question to the judge as jurors say they now want to hear key testimony from two witnesses, tabloid boss david pecker and mr. trump's former fixer, michael cohen. those readbacks expected to happen when court kicks off today. the jury also wants to re-hear at least some portion of this complex web of jury instructions that they sat through. they don't actually have the stack of rules with them in the room. instead, only armed with a
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laptop, loaded with nearly 300 exhibits to sort through. now, the judge has told them to quote set aside any bias that they might have for or against mr. trump and not to ignore any evidence, quote, simply because you want the trial to end. >> all right, laura, thank you so much. we appreciate it. >> thank you. police on new york's long island are stepping up security after a terror threat against the cricket world cup. the 12-day tournament begins this weekend. authorities say a pro-isis outlet posted a photo featuring the stadium along with a ominous message. however, law enforcement officials say there is no evidence of any plot specifically targeting that event. there will be a heavy police presence as a caution. we turn now to the latest in the shocking murder of soap opera star johnny wactor, best known for his work on "general hospital." wactor's co-worker at a local bar now breaking her silence about what happened during that shooting last weekend in los angeles. we get more now from nbc's morgan chesky, he's been following this story. morgan, good morning. >> craig, good morning.
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wactor's co-worker, and really one of the only witnesses to this horrific crime, shared that tragic play by play on social media. anita joy writing that she is heartbroken over the loss of a very dear friend and stressed that above all, the continued push for justice. >> this morning, the coworker there for the final moments of soap star johnny wactor's life speaking out. anita joy sharing her story for the first time, since the 37-year-old soap opera star was fatally shot last week. joy revealing that she is the colleague wactor shielded from deadly gunfire, following their bartending shift in downtown los angeles, when the pair walked up on a group of car thieves, who authorities say were attempting to steal the catalytic converter from wactor's car. joy posting on instagram, that when they approached the man, wactor asked them to leave, adding, quote, johnny kept his cool, hands open at his side in peace, then the shooting happened with wactor in front of her. johnny was between me and the
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man who shot him. as i heard the shot ring out into the night, he forcefully tumbled back into my arms, and as i grabbed for him, i shouted, honey, are you okay? and he only responded, nope, shot. joy saying that she and wactor toppled on to the street where she tried to hold his body up. as she was screaming for help and screaming at him to stay with me. joy says a security guard tried to perform cpr on wactor, adding that those his wound was extreme, writing, my god, he fought to stay. the l.a. county medical examiner confirming wactor's cause of death as a gunshot wound to the chest. wactor's mother, scarlett, confirming to nbc news anita joy was the coworker her son shielded from death. >> thankful that when he died, he wasn't alone. >> reporter: wactor's family and friends now pleading for justice. earlier this week, his ex-fiancee releasing this emotional video. >> these criminals can't keep being on the street. >> now anita joy writing, her only peace was, quote, that i
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was with him, and my only other peace will be seeing these awful men brought to justice. >> now, at last check, details on those suspects are still few. lapd only sharing the suspects were last seen in dark clothing and leaving the scene in a dark sedan. meanwhile, anita joy says friends of johnny have already established a gofundme to help his family with funeral expenses and at last check, it's already raised nearly $100,000. craig? >> those details are just heartbreaking. morgan chesky, thank you. >> let's move now to a spectacular sight in southwestern iceland. take a look at this. fountains of molten lava spewing from a volcano for the fifth time since december. once again, the fiery spectacle led to the evacuation of the popular blue lagoon geothermal spa. crews there are busy building barriers, trying to steer the lava away from roads and infrastructure. by the way, tom costello was just there. he said he was just there a week or so ago right before it happened.
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>> my in-laws are there right now. i just texted them to see if -- >> are they all right? >> yeah, they're fine. >> yeah, they're fine. in fact, get closer. >> i'm sure they're good. >> i love my in-laws. >> we know! >> but do you, craig! do you? in "popstart" -- >> hey, i have a volcano for you in hawaii you might want to go visit. "popstart," is coming up. who has the power when it comes to brunging he man to the big screen? carson will save us. he has some major casting news that all of us 80s kids want to hear. all right. but first, houston, we have a new astronaut in training. al will share the many highlights from his action-packed day with the artemis 2 crew, as we prepare for a mission to the moon. craig, you're kind of happy i was going to space, right? >> aim. that's enough. right after this. going to space. >> right after this. like doors opening wherever i go... [sound of airplane overhead] even the ground is moving for me!
8:09 am
y'all seeing this? wild! and i don't even have to activate anything. oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. [mind blown explosion noise] an alternative to pills, voltaren is a clinically proven arthritis pain relief gel, which penetrates deep to target the source of pain with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly at the source. voltaren, the joy of movement. (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) ♪cinnadust♪ (♪♪) ♪ (vo) cinnamon toast crunch. blasted with cinnadust.
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(vo) purina is supporting more touch therapy dogs to make a difference in the lives of more kids like me. purina cares here. for people who feel limited by the unpredictability of generalized myasthenia gravis and who are anti-achr antibody positive, season to season, ultomiris is continuous symptom control, with improvement in activities of daily living. it is reduced muscle weakness. and ultomiris is the only long-acting gmg treatment with the freedom of just 6 to 7 infusions per year, for a predictable routine i can count on. ultomiris can lower your immune system's ability to fight infections, increasing your chance of serious meningococcal infections, which may become life-threatening or fatal, and other types of infections. complete or update your meningococcal vaccines at least 2 weeks before starting ultomiris. if ultomiris is urgent, you should also receive antibiotics with your vaccines. before starting ultomiris, tell your doctor
8:11 am
about all of your medical conditions and medications. ultomiris can cause reactions such as back pain, tiredness, dizziness, limb discomfort, or bad taste. ultomiris is moving forward with continuous symptom control. ask your neurologist about starting ultomiris. new centrum menopause supplements help unpause life when symptoms pause it. with a multivitamin plus hot flash support. (♪♪) daily zz for quality sleep. (♪♪) and enxtra for focus and clarity. centrum, powered by clinically studied ingredients. welcome back! the next time nasa sends astronauts to the moon, the group will include the first woman and the next man to walk
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on the lunar surface. >> they certainly have the right stuff, but there is a question, does al roker, mr. roker, you went to houston to find out. how was it? >> the answer is pretty much "no." but it still was fun. in the 1960s, president kennedy said in part, we choose to go to the moon, not because it is easy, but because it is hard. well, with nasa's new artemis mission, the goal is to have humans back on the lunar surface by the end of this decade and its next crew invited me to train with them. >> and liftoff of artemis i. we rise together, back to the moon and beyond. >> reporter: perched atop's nasa's most powerful rocket, an uncrewed orion rocket leapt skyward, paving the way for humans to return to the lunar surface for the first time in 50-plus years. >> this is got to be one of the most proud moments of my life. >> reporter: but first, a crew of four will embark on a ten-day
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mission, orbiting the moon, a critical test flight, making sure that all systems are go. when people ask you, why do we need to go back to the moon, what do you say to them? >> we are humans, we are built to explore. we know how to live off of our planet. now it's time to push humanity out into the solar system. >> reporter: that's mission commander, reid weissman, a navy captain, who spent 165 days on the space station. victor glover flew on the second spacex dragon mission and he'll be the artemis ii pilot. mission specialist, christina cook, spending nearly a year on the space station and was on the first all-female space walk. jeremy hanson, mission specialist, and the first canadian to lead an astronaut class. this will be his first time in space. >> i turned my tree house into a spaceship when i was a kid. the tree house never made it to space, in my imagination, it did. but now it's like, okay, i'm actually going to go to space. >> reporter: the crew training in houston, invite med to spend
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a day to see if i had the right stuff. my first test, at the controls of the orion flight simulator with a spectacular view. >> you're sitting in the commander's spot and i'm sitting in the pilot's seat right now. >> reporter: i get some on-the-job training on my very first mission to the moon. >> this goes in, out, up, down, left and right. >> reporter: our trip today, docking with the orbiting space station. >> we're going to drift over, when that crosses in the center, tap it to the right three times and that will stop the motion. >> reporter: it's not exactly like learning to drive a car, but i think i got it. >> what do you think, is he going to make the crew or not? >> sign him up. >> reporter: all that work has worked up an appetite. so into the orion capsule simulator for a space food taste test. >> this little briefcase is our oven. >> space oven. >> used to cook everything from couscous and kale and what the team calls the gold standard. >> that's the brisket and macaroni and cheese. >> and you like that. >> that's good.
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>> do your taste buds change in space? >> you have fluids shifting to your head making you feel slightly contested, so foods can taste bland. we have a few things to activate those taste buds. >> hot sauces. >> reporter: after lunch, time for a little ride. artemis astronaut raja and i took a spin around the nasa rock yard, built to mimic the surfaces of the moon and mars. >> don't try this at home. >> reporter: we're inside a moon rover, an electric rv, where astronauts will be able to work and sleep while exploring the craters and other surfaces on the moon. >> the rover allows us to get into places that you would never be able to get on foot. >> reporter: this is the ultimate off-road vehicle. >> yeah. off-planet vehicle. >> reporter: and finally, a time-honored tradition. >> we have come to the decision that you have the humor and the technical acumen, truly the
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right stuff, to join this crew. so victor, will you do him the honors. >> we would love to present you with the official astronaut office coin and we always give those in a handshake. >> bring it in. >> welcome, al! >> wow, what an honor! >> wow! >> uncle al. yes, sir. >> i've got to tell you, you watch -- you know that it takes a team to do this, and the four of them are just terrific together, but the number of people who are doing all of this, you know, from mission control, to all the folks who are doing the research is really incredible. and to get these coins, i got two flight operations coins and of course -- >> those are so cool. >> the johnson space center coin -- >> so cool. >> really means the world. >> would you ever really do it? >> if i got invited, i would go in a minute. >> you would? >> oh, absolutely. >> we'll start a letter writing campaign. >> you can do it now. aren't there tourist flights? >> roker to space. >> that's right. >> to the moon. >> i got a guy in times square that will take them off your hands. >> i'm sure. >> in our third hour, we're
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going to do a call with our current astronauts who are up on the international space station. it's in our 9:00 story. >> okay. it was great. talked back and forth. >> you look like a kid in a candy store. >> these are the coolest people going. >> they are. >> they are taking us to the next frontier, literally. >> didn't it remind you to the movie in 1983, "the right stuff"? >> oh, absolutely. >> sam shepherd, what a great movie that was. >> absolutely. >> and it's going to put space exploration back in the forefront of our minds. we forget sometimes. there's still people up in the space station. >> did you try the kale? >> i did -- actually, the food was all pretty good. >> even the brisket? >> in fact, i want to go back and maybe do a story on the food lab. because they really do research all of this and it tastes good. >> well -- actually, the blueberry cobbler -- chef's kiss. >> before you were an astronaut, you were america's weatherman. can we get a check of the weather on earth? >> looking down from space, you
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can see we've got some showers, thunderstorms through the midsection of the country, unfortunately, central and northern texas, going to be under the gun again. the heat is on, from texas on into the southwest, down into the panhandle of florida. we're also looking at for today, sunny and mild conditions from the great lakes all the way into the southeast. a lot of heat in florida, severe storms, midsections of the country. out west, it's going to be hot and dry. that's what's going on around
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if you're heading out the door, don't forget, catch us on "today" show radio, sirius xm channel 108, "today" show confidential at 1 o'clock. great time to rearrange that sock drawer. but meantime, "popstart," best time of the morning. >> ouch! first up, on "popstart" today, we're going to talk about a show we all love, "the bear." finally, season 3, the trailer is out, giving a is sneak of the chicago spot's next chapter. carpal carmi and the crew ready to open up that new astronaut and chase a michelin star. >> they're different sizes, richey. >> they're not. they're the same. >> you can't see the difference in this? look at it. >> the vibe is weird! >> doors! >> doors! >> re-fire. >> it's not perfect it doesn't go out. >> no, no, no, i hate this. >> ritchie, no surprise. >> yes, surprise! ♪ >> you're going to be able to binge this one, season three.
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all the episodes will drop when it comes out on june 27th on hulu. i think we should all get together, watch all of them. >> party! >> over those sandwiches. the italian beefs. >> yes. we'll make all the meals from the thing. that would be fun. i'll work on that. next up, wolfs -- not legos. we talked about it yesterday. their new action film, it's the first time the guys have worked together in 16 years and in the movie, clooney is a professional fixer, hired to cover up a high-profile crime and a second fixer shows up on the scene, played by brad pitt and it forces them to work together, but they don't like it. >> talk. >> there is an art to this you may not realize. saying the same thing other and over. >> let's see your technique. i showed you my luggage card trick. admit it, it is cool. >> okay, fine, it's very cool. ♪ >> how long have you been partners?
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you got like the same clothes, kind of talk the same. like, basically the same guy. ♪ >> we're not partners. >> it's going to be good. >> i've been confused, because it's "wolf," and the plural of "wolf" is wolves, so not "wolfs," but in this case -- >> i think they're doing it on purpose because they want to show that they're both a lone wolf, but when you put them together they're wolfs. >> singularly in thought, plural -- >> together, but not partners. >> okay, good. i'm glad we settled that. >> "wolfs" hits theaters in september. next up, nicholas glitzine. we have "the idea of you" star scored his next big gig. and here's a hint. >> but the power of gray sky --
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♪ he-man, he-man, he-man ♪ ♪ i have the power ♪ >> that's nicholas galitzine. he's set to rock a blonde wig. do you know what that is? >> we didn't know. >> you didn't recognize he-man? >> show us wonder woman. >> by the power of gray skull, i have the power. that's what he wrote on social media to make it official. that he's playing he-man. this is amazon and mattel's long awaited universe. this is a project going on around town forever. different young actors. all that kind of stuff. finally we're set to see masters reunite in june of 2026. >> who is playing skeletor? >> do you know what i remember, stretch armstrong doll. >> i would watch that movie. >> right? do it. next up, "america's got
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talent," season 19 premiere, 55-year-old janitor and singer roger goodall from indiana took his first-ever plane ride to the auditions. thank goodness he did. he stunned the judges from the very first note. take a listen. ♪ just a smalltown girl, living in a lonely world ♪ >> what!in ♪ she took the mid night train going anywhere ♪ ♪ just a city boy, born and raised in south detroit, he took the midnight train going anywhere ♪ >> that's spot-on. >> that's crazy. >> that janitor cleaned up. >> he did clean up. he wasn't mopping around. >> uh-huh. i can't believe we didn't steal him for "the voice." they're our sister show, "agt."
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they shoot right next to us at universal. had i been driving a golf cart and heard that pull him. your dressing room viegt this way and put him on "the voice." >> what did the judges think? >> they loved him. he got a golden buzzer. then made a phone call to his fiancee to tell her the good news and heidi helped with that, too. >> hoda, "making space" dropped today. you have our friend, maria shriver on. >> oh, yes, yes, yes. >> tell us about what? >> you know maria, sit with her for five minutes and your life changes. she talked everything from the end of a marriage to what life is and everything that she's experienced. and also i think one of my favorite things she's talked about is the importance of slowing down. >> i've actually tried to slow down, because i'm a different person when i'm going slow. you know, everybody's rushing and they have their face in their phone and you know, running through their life. and i did that. and i don't remember a lot of it, because i was running through.
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and so now i try to go slower, so i can remember the conversations. i can remember the moments, i can remember the people. >> right. >> i love her -- the newsletter, the sunday letter. every sunday i get it on my phone and i read it. it's always great, really cool stuff, curated really well, and a little faith base. there's a little faith base in it, which i love. >> sunday paper. >> i read it every morning. >> we're looking forward to that "making space with hoda kotb." get that wherever you get your podcasts and follow for new episodes that drop every wednesday like they are today. shout-out to maria. >> maria, we love you. >> great "popstart." >> very well done. straight ahead, we're getting you ready for a summer fun right in your own backyard. chasse post, shop this list picks, just ahead. first, a check of your local news and weather. what's she doing?
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♪ 8:30 now. it's thursday morning. great crowd on the plaza. a little breezy. the sign game is great today. we've got a "i want to be al roker when i grow up." >> of course, who doesn't? where is craig -- oh, there. >> you have to get another idea. >> johnson city, tennessee. >> we have this one here. >> first time in new york city. >> hi, welcome. what do you think of new york city? >> fun. >> you got the glasses game down. what's your name? >> benjamin. >> all right, benjamin, nice to meet you! >> benjamin wants to be al. >> you just need to gain about 300 pounds and lose your hair. that would be great. that's fantastic. >> stop! >> that sound -- wait, should everybody come back tomorrow on the plaza? >> we've got a big concert, you guys. the music you're hearing is a little clue. that is anita, a grammy-nominated singer and one of brazil's biggest stars. she'll be here 24 hours from now. she's bringing some really
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popular latin pop funk energy to our concert stage. >> like that. meantime, ahead in this half hour, we have chasse post standing by at her post with summer fashions, accessories, and others must-haves for your next trip to the beach or the pool. >> okay. also in the house, jeff jay lee is in our kitchen prepping cheese burgers that made him an absolute legend here in new york. he'll share his secrets and recipe for another popular dish that's perfect for a weeknight meal. >> okay. looking forward to that. we also have a star-studded third hour on the way for you. including tony winner leslie otum jr. he'll be live in studio 1a. and we're going back to the 90s. you're going to love this. a performance from the '90s band bush. >> whoa. that takes me back to the coffee house, you know, chunky shoes and the whole thing. let's get a check of the weather, al. let's look ahead to the weekend. starts off tomorrow with a great day in the eastern third of the country. our southwest sizzler in the western third. then saturday, lots of sun along the eastern sea board. wet weather, great lakes down into the gulf. severe storms through the
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rockies, sunshine, western third again. sunday, sunday, still sunny in new england, right along the east coast, but stormy conditions stretching from the gulf into the great lakes. abundant sunshine out west a few showers in the pacific northwest. good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we are going to have temperatures spreading out across the bay area. where anywhere from 64 and half moon bay to 73. in san mateo. and we'll see a high of 83 in dublin. and we're up to 91 in fairfield. really hot valley temperatures today, and it's still going to be hot tomorrow, but we are heading into a weekend with some cooler temperatures as we go through the next few days in and that is your latest weather. oh, savannah?
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>> okay, mind blown. >> we're doing math. okay, we were talking about the time zone. we don't understand math. we just can read. >> it's already june. it's june everywhere, or it's about, right? >> yes. >> and that means it's time for read with jenna. >> it's not quite yet june, but are y'all ready for this month's read with jenna. i fell over. "swift river" by essie chambers. i love this coming of age story that's wrapped up in a sweeping family saga. picture this, it's 1987 and diamond is the only black person living in her small town, swift river. her father mysteriously disappeared. a letter comes in the mail, and secrets start coming out. it is so good. it is hopeful, beautiful, it's a story about race. identity, family, and ultimately, hope and love. i loved this book, y'all. it is a great summer read, and the book is in stores next
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tuesday. the author will be here, sorry, not today, to pass out books. but since y'all are from australia, this is for you. >> for the long flight home. go to your local indy bookstore or scan that qr code at the bottom of your screen. come read with us. this is the type of book you will open up, it's immediate, and you will not stop reading until you close. >> best kind. >> i loved it! >> did you love this book? >> i loved it! have i said it enough? >> did you know that the "today" show is on in australia. >> yes, i did. >> we were shocked. so there is a show called "today" show. but then you also see ours? >> absolutely. yes. at 5:30 in the morning it starts. >> did you know that savannah's homeland is australia? >> i was born in melbourne, yes, exactly. we may be related for all we know. jenna, thank you. love the new book. coming up next, the push for answers on a growing medical mystery. why are young healthy adults, some top-level the athletes experiencing a rise in heart attacks. we'll have that story, but first, this is "today" on nbc. good morning, australia!
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estábamos de vuelta con nuestra heart health series, with a new way of thinking about heart attacks. >> yeah, doctors say they're seeing an alarming number of seemingly healthy patients having heart attacks and those patients are getting younger and younger. >> nbc's anne thompson is here with a closer look. good morning, anne. >> good morning. this story is going to blow you away, because research shows that more than 10% of heart attack patients had no known risk factors such as obesity or smoking, now there's a group of doctors at mt. sinai here in new york city tracking patients to see if they can uncover the new risk factors behind this trend. >> reporter: matias escobar runs to control his physical and mental health. the 38-year-old fine tuning his mind and body with years of triathlons.
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until last october, when the unthinkable happened. matias collapsed at the end of a race from a heart attack. how close to death did you come? >> i was dead for several minutes. >> you were dead? >> i mean, my heart stopped beating and they kept me with cpr for 12 minutes, until the ambulance came. >> reporter: the heroic cpr was caught on camera. his smart watch recorded what happened to his heart. >> so you've got one heartbeat there -- >> and then nothing. >> reporter: for two days, he was in a coma. doctors mystified by how this young man in great shape came so close to death. >> did you eat a lot of red meat? >> no. >> did you drink? >> very, very little, i would say, social. >> how's the stress? >> i wasn't stressed out person at all. >> trying to unravel the mystery
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>> reporter: trying to unravel the mystery of young heart attacks, dr. dipak bat, director of mount sinai hospital in new york city. he's looking into patients presenting with no known risk factors, like diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. dr. bat says 12% of heart attack patients don't have those risk factors. >> we're seeing younger people come in like we never used to see before. >> why is that? >> well, that's a great question. i think there are a lot of reasons for that. one probably has to do with the obesity epidemic, but it could also be other things. i hate to say it, but there's more substance abuse these days, things like cocaine, for example, even smoking marijuana. >> reporter: another potential clue, long smoldering inflammation. >> i'm talking about inflammation in the arteries, supplying blood to the heart, it might lead to the plaque in that artery to act up, in fact, to
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rupture, a blood clot to form, if that blocks the blood flow in that artery, that's what causes a heart attack or heart muscle damage. >> the cause of inflammation in >> reporter: the the cause of inflammation in seemingly healthy people like matias, who are not obese and don't smoke is not yet clear. but as a precaution, the husband and father of a 2-year-old watches his diet more carefully. he's gone vegan, eating lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and less red meat is recommended, along with 30 minutes of exercise daily and getting a good night's rest. not easy when you worry if it of it coming could happen again. >> how do you manage that, that fear of it coming back? >> so i think that's probably the biggest part of this entire thing. what do you do with fear? then you're going to start feeling things in your body, so it's very important that you work on that right from the beginning. >> matias is learning to live with that fear. but in this case, knowledge is power. dr. bat says there are numbers we should all know.
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they're your blood pressure, your blood sugar, cholesterol, and yes, the size of your waist, because they can all be indicators of heart attack risk. and i'm happy to tell you, matias is going to run that new york city tri this year to get it back and conquer what happened to him last year. >> what a great example, if it could happen to him. >> right, lord knows the rest of us are in big trouble. >> good information. >> thanks, anne. coming up next, we're heading out to the plaza. chasse post will share some of her favorite picks for fun in the sun this summer. nbc.first, this is "today" on
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and we are back with shop this list today. and the lineup of great picks to kick off your summer. shop all day contributor our pal chasse post is here to share them with us. all you have to do is scan the qr code on your screen. get all of those products with
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just one click. chasse, we're getting ready for summer and you have the perfect summer dress. >> hoda, i am so excited about this dress. talk about an evaluated basic. this is from target's brand, "a new da." and what i love about it, it takes a fashion forward hot trend we're seeing everywhere, this mesh, this netting. but it makes it wearable! because essentially, you've got an easy little tank dress underneath, and you put this netting overlay on, and i mean, this dress can take you anywhere! >> i have to say, i saw someone wearing this dress. it's super flattering. >> so flattering! >> you can't really tell on this mannequin, but it's so flattering. >> it's kind of like a little camouflage. you can dress this up with heels to a wedding, i could wear it. you can wear it as a cover-up and everywhere in between. >> now we have the dress. >> and just $35! >> if you're looking for a
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fashionable little slide, this is it. this features another really big trend. we're seeing big designers use hardware. look out for big buckles and you know, lots of great metal sort of embellishments. soy love this -- i mean, the bamboo buckle. how cute, right? and the gold buckle here. and it's so comfy with this, sort of memory foam. we're getting that designer look for a whole lot less. $24 for these. >> shoes and dress. we need the right bag to go to the beach. >> for $10, have you ever seen a cooler bag? >> no! >> i love it! it's that see-through mesh fabric. >> and these are huge. you can use it for shopping, also great for traveler. >> good place for flip-flops. >> so many little pockets. look, they're not structured. you can roll it up and throw it in your luggage or use it as a carry-on. i love these bright colors too. >> and what's the price point on this? >> $10. >> how is it $10? >> right?! and it seems good quality. >> really good quality. so i'm loving this. >> now, this is something that a lot of people are a little
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scared of, i think. >> yes! i mean, you know, water adjacent summer activities and phones do not mix, right? so this is such a genius hack. it's from the case-mate, a little waterproof protected pouch. put your phone in here and check it out. you can submerse it in up to 3 feet of water. how cool is that? and even better, this is touch screen compatible. >> so you can still work the phone. >> you can use your phone, you can take videos, you can use it. >> you know you're supposed to be able to stick your phone in the water anyway? >> really? >> that's a thing. i'm scared to do it. >> i'm scared too. i would rather spend $15 to make sure i can. and it's also a little lanyard. so this is great. >> let's get rid of the bugs. >> these are fabulous. these are from a brand called buzz patch. here we have a photo of our little tester. this is luka. so he's the son of shop today's jo vanna.
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and he tested these patches for us. these are kid-safe mosquito repellant patches and luka reports he really likes the great designs. >> mom reports that he was outside all memorial day with no bites and it's deet free and all-natural. >> just peel them off after the day. >> you can put them on your clothing. they're citronella essential oil. so 24 come in this one pack. so throw those in your bag. >> hi, oev. you're on. a blow-up pool! >> i'm sorry, i've never seen a chiccer blow-up pool. and i guess we know why. chip and joanna gaines, right? >> of course, of course. >> this is hearth and hand with magnolia and they designed this one. and i love this awning stripe, the green and white, the inside, a robin's egg blue and it's inflatable. you can deflate this, fold it up, and take this pool party anywhere, hoda. >> i love that. you know who would go perfect in
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this little pool? we have the cutest little baby -- we have to show this cute little baby. what's your little baby's name. >> this is riley. >> riley is one of the cutest, of course. where's dad? dad, dad, dad, come out, dad? don't leave riley alone. usually you're carrying cable, but we're happy that you're here, hoda. congratulations. >> thank you so much. >> we love y'all. >> thank you. >> cutest ever. chasse, with thanks again. purchase these items, head to and today earns a commission on purchases made from this segment, which solely has products from target. carson daly! thank you very much. we have good summer fun that continues inside. we have the chef behind one of new york's best burgers and he's willing to share his secrets. going to tell you all about it and we'll have to eat a little bit of it, too. but first, this is "today" on nbc .
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i'm very excited right now. welcome back on "today" food. we're celebrating asian american and pacific islander heritage month with chef jay lee. his restaurant known for combining american food classics with traditional korean flavors. how about that marriage? that's dely shousz delicious. chef jay here to show us a couple of different restaurants including the famed cheeseburger, which everyone talks about. it's incredible there. cannot be described in one word. that is the picture of perfection. chef, good to see you. what a cool story you have. talk about it nowon for a second. is that a section of where you grew up? >> so nowon is the town i was born. i was raised until i was 8 years old. >> what is that town like? i know you left when you were 8. >> the city, lots of buildings but also my backyard was a mountain. i remember going up on hikes with my grandma on weekends.
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>> cool. you came here to the states and what sort of culinary jobs? >> i worked at a lot of places since 2007, as a prep cook in small ramen shops to fine dining restaurants, all over the place. >> a lot of burger background too? >> no, actually only one restaurant i worked at had burgers, but here i am making burgers. >> congratulations. everybody talks about these burgers. walk us through it for people watching at home how they can get inspired by this. >> burgers, classic, plain cheese burgers are great, but for me, it starts with the special sauce. it's made with kimchi. it starts off with mayo, some kimchi paste that we make. >> remind everybody about kimchi, where can they get it, what it is? >> kimchi is a fermented, traditionally fermented cabbage. it has lots of probiotics, very delicious. tangy, umami, i added fermented toasted coconut oil. chili paste, so more depth of
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flavor into the sauce. >> and you said that was may owe at the bottom? >> yes. >> this is the special sauce. >> and it looks like that. >> it's got some bite! >> we have our tasters over there. >> they're tasting already. >> that's how the sauce is done. done, ready to go. >> you have this in your fridge and you throw this on a lot of different things? >> exactly. that goes well on any sandwich. we have a cast iron pan, nice and hot, two burger patties here, season one side up with some salt and pepper. and take the seasoned side and add this to the pan. >> what's your ratio, 80/20, 90/10. >> 80/20. you need some fat. fat is flavor. make sure the patty is not too lean. >> this always happens when i try to do a smash burger. is there trick? >> you want to use some parchment paper, which i don't have today. i'm not prepared. we'll make it happen. >> that will help get it off with your smash burger. >> smash it, cook for about three minutes. the first side is really important.
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you want to make sure the crust forms the first side. so once that's cooked, about three minutes, flip over, and it's going to look something like this. shrunk down a little bit. american cheese. >> american. >> america all the way. you're going to melt the cheese, a little trick is you can add a splash of water into the pan, cover the lid. >> have you heard this whole thing about putting an ice cube on your burger? >> oh, yeah, i've seen some people do that. i koept personally do that, no. >> what's it supposed to do? >> i don't know. when you're grilling -- you put an ice cube -- who is they? tiktok? >> i know. i know. >> here we have the special sauce going down on the bun. >> the bun is butter toasted. >> onions, more -- >> some raw onion at the bottom. >> pickle. >> what is that? >> this is our kimchi that's roasted. going to add some of that at the bottom. right? we'll add some house pickles on the top. >> how many of these are you selling? >> we sell about a thousand a week between two restaurants. >> more than a thousand.
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>> wowzers. >> then double it up. >> how is it, craig? >> fantastic. >> really good. >> that sauce is -- >> that is a thing of beauty, chef. >> what else do we have real quick? a chopped cheese vibe? >> a chopped cheese rice cake. >> i'm going to try this burger. >> this is like a pasta. what is that? >> it's a rice cake. >> you can buy these? >> you can buy them. yeah. >> so good. >> go to your local asian supermarket and you'll be able to find them in the frozen aisle. >> looks like mac n cheese. >> we'll make a chopped cheese rice cake. a chopped cheese, a sandwich birthed in harlem, rice cake is a traditional street food, i wanted to bridge the gap between new york city and korea, both of my cultures. so we'll start off with some -- >> carson -- chef is so happy eating your burger, he doesn't realize that we're out of time. >> it doesn't matter. that depth of flavor is crazy. that's the most flavorful thing i've almost ever had. chef, incredible. two locations, check them out here in new york.
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these recipes are at good morning. it is 856 on marcus washington. well, at least six businesses are a total loss after an overnight fire at lake chabot public market in castro valley. this was one of the neighborhood's most popular places for people to eat, especially during lunchtime. those flames, they're shooting through the roof this morning. this video is from around 330. among the businesses inside a butcher, a barbecue place, a pokey bar as well as a ramen shop. right now, there is still no word on the cause of the fire. firefighters do tell us that that investigation is still in its early stages. now now happening now. bob redell he is speaking with the business owners. they're faced with so much overwhelming loss. he's going to have a live report for us during our midday newscast. you can head over to our home
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page right now for more details. well, that escaped inmate captured in san jose is now back in benito county. he escaped tuesday from the jail in hollister. authorities found him, along with his girlfriend and the sheriff says that they are facing charges now. may be coming for anyone who assisted the escapee. tom jensen will have the latest for us at midday on that.
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this morning on the third hour of "today," price cut. another major change slashing the cost of huns


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