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tv   Today  NBC  June 6, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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with the organizers of an all new pride event that is set to kick off tonight in the city. well, that's what's happening on today in the bay. we will leave you with this live look at normandy in the 80th anniversary of the invasion there. today's show starts in just a moment with more tributes. hi, there. good thursday morning. we're tracking extreme weather, coast-to-coast. >> rare tornadoes in the east, more brutal heat out west and down south. good morning, it's june the 6th.
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this is "today." twister outbreak. >> oh, my god. >> a string of tornadoes causing damage in the d.c. suburbs and midwest. the storms that spawned them bringing heavy rain and flooding to the northeast overnight, while the season's first heat wave is expanding, triple-digit temperatures set to shatter even more records today. al's got the full forecast. remembering d-day. the world pauses to mark 80 years since the invasion that turned the tide of world war ii and changed the course of history. american veterans gathering on normandy's hallowed ground this morning, alongside president biden and other leaders to honor the heroes. we'll take you there live. breaking overnight, deadly air strike. israel under fire for bombing a school being used as a shelter in gaza. at least 30 people killed. israeli officials defending that attack. the latest in a live report from the region on the edge, straight
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ahead. dramatic testimony. hunter biden's ex-wife and former girlfriend, both taking the stand in his trial on federal gun charges. what they revealed about his history of addiction and their volatile relationships, with prosecutors set to wrap up their case as soon as today. waiting game. the mother of ethan chapin, one of the idaho college murder victims, speaking out. >> but at the heart of every true crime situation is a family like mine. >> what she's saying about the slow pace of this case, and how the family is moving forward while honoring their beloved son. those stories, plus, tipping point. new proof that americans are fed up with tip requests everywhere they go, restaurants, coffee shops, even self-service checkouts. inside those frustrations, and who you should actually be tipping. and tall tale. a stunning moment caught on
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camera. a giraffe lifting a toddler out of a truck in a drive-through safari in texas. >> oh, oh, -- hey! >> how she's doing and what her parents are saying about the video that's making headlines all around the world, today, thursday, june 6th, 2024. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb, from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. well, good morning. good to see you. welcome to "today" preponderance 7:00 a.m. on the west coast on this thursday morning. >> ceremonies marking the 80th anniversary of d-day. president biden among the world leaders honoring the heroes against staggering odds turned the tide in world war. we'll have a lot more on that ceremony in a moment. but first our top story, that wild weather. so this is the scene in gathersburg, maryland. in the wake of major storms overnight. several tornadoes, actually
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reported across the area. you don't normally see them there. nearly 20 in all from virginia all the way to michigan. >> and the big weather story out west, as you know, dangerous heat. it's on again for a large part of that region, near 30 million people from california to texas facing new alerts and triple digit temperatures. today and tomorrow set to be the hottest days of the week. >> al's ready for the full forecast. but first, nbc's gadi schwartz is in gaithersburg, the sight of that rare twister near d.c. good morning, gadi. >> reporter: good morning, hoda. this is so wild to see. this is not the flat land of oklahoma or kansas. this is a hilly, wooded d.c. suburb that's seeing debris and the damage from an ef-1 tornado that ripped through this neighborhood. you can see over here, there's two cars actually that are buried in all of this debris from this tree. there's this white one right here. there's a red one down the way. and if you come this way, i'll show you, some of the damage to the houses in this area.
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this house right here, this is one of the lucky houses that just had a branch hit the front porch. just down the street, there is another home where an even bigger tree than this came down, split the home in half, five people were inside. a family of five, but fortunately they're all alive today. overnight, terrifying tornadoes tearing through parts of the midwest and east coast. >> funnel clouds spotted in the area. >> reporter: in the d.c. suburbs, which rarely sees twisters, at least 12 reported. >> that is a tornado right there. look at the power flash -- the tornado is right here, okay? this tornado is right here. >> reporter: leaving widespread damage in gaithersburg, maryland. officials there say several homes were damaged by trees, and power lines snapped like twigs, including this one where a family of five was trapped. >> one person was injured. one person did suffer traumatic injury. >> reporter: debris blanketing the streets. >> we tried to make sure everybody in the neighborhood
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was okay. that's what we cared about. >> reporter: and more storms in the midwest turning deadly. a woman was critically injured near detroit and her 2-year-old killed when a tree fell on a home. an ef-1 tornado was to blame. as more storm systems sweep across the country, record-setting triple-digit temperatures are scorching americans out west. heat warnings are in effect for some 27 million people from texas to california, with temperatures spiking 20 degrees above normal for this time of year in some areas. >> it's oppressive and even my 9-year-old granddaughter did not want to go out in the heat. >> reporter: with the official start of summer still two weeks away, some forecasters are projecting excessive heat could be a sign of things to come. >> how am i going to survive august if i can't even survive june? it's been horrible. >> reporter: and we're showing you several different images from this neighborhood. about five homes were damaged. this is one of them. and when we're talking about
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people that are lucky, i want to show you this over here. this is a car, we understand, from the woman who lives here that her son had just parked ed in the afternoon, had just gotten home from work. look at the driver side is completely caved in there. came inside, and then they started getting those alerts on their phones and the news about what was coming. they took shelter inside a basement because they do have basements here. but what they do not have in this neighborhood tornado warnings, those sirens that sound because again this is the suburbs of d.c. >> gadi schwartz there for us in gaithersburg. >> let's go to al who's standing by with more. how did this happen? it's pretty rare. >> a warm front pushing through and we saw all this activity. this is the line coming through last night, and that same line now is making its way into the east, probably not as powerful, but we're still going to watch it. we do have a marginal risk from up state new york down to wilmington, north carolina. we are talking about the possibility of these strong
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storms. this warm front will bring heavy rain in new england strong storms along this cold front from new york state down into north carolina. now, out west we've got this strong high pressure. this big heat dome, this sinking air, warm air is trapping the heat at the surface, and so what we've got right now 27 million people under heat advisories. heat warnings from central california all the way into southern texas. we're talking about record highs today, salt lake city possible, reno, las vegas, down to phoenix, albuquerque, roswell, new mexico. tomorrow the heat expanding east. amarillo may break a record, same in fresno, and the heat moves east. look at these heat indexes, combine the heat with humidity it's going to feel like triple digits for the next three days, in fact right on into early next week for much of florida with temperatures feeling like 100
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degrees. now to today's observances of the 80th anniversary of d-day marking the invasion that turned the tide of world wa
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later joining french president
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emmanuel mac ron heading to omaha beach where some of the allied troops stormed ashore. the site of some of the deadliest forces. this year's pilgrimage particularly poignant, perhaps the last reunion for the greatest generation. among those honoring them, oscar actor tom hanks. >> we have a few men and women, who i see as being 16, 17, 18, maybe 25 years old, and they might be in wheelchairs now, but they're represented by everything that is here. were it not for their choice to come and do the right thing, 80 years ago, you and i would not be standing here right now. >> reporter: tom hanks, of course, a global celebrity. but the real stars of this day are the american veterans who have returned here. president biden will be back in normandy again, tomorrow. going to a place called point duhawk where american army
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rangers helped scale an incredibly steep cliff before overtaking german bunkers, one of the first steps to reclaiming this continent.g this continent. savannah and hoda, back to you. hoda? >> peter >> all right, peter alexander. peter, thank you. >> i love that the veterans aren you.stars. >> i love the veterans are the it is true. stars. it is true. you se you see them.them you say thank you., you say tha. th thank you for saving the world.. >> i was reading that some >> i was reading veterans were in hospice and they chose to take this trip, maybe their final trip. they got on the plane, they landed and they turned -- they had to be there. >> that's where they wanted to be. such a seminal moment. all right, we're also learning this morning about the gunman behind that alarming shootout near the u.s. embassy in lebanon. israeli officials are facing questions again this morning about an overnight air strike on a school in gaza that the idf says was being used as a hide-out for members of hamas. nbc's raf sanchez is in tel aviv with more. raf, good morning. >> reporter: savannah, good morning. president biden and the leaders of 16 other nations today releasing a joint statement
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calling on hamas to accept the cease fire deal that's on the table. they say there is no time to lose. the cia director was back here in the region yesterday, trying to push those negotiations forward. but this morning, there is no bloodshed in gaza. overnight, a deadly new israeli strike on a u.n. school compound in central gaza. israel's military says it precisely targeted two areas where hamas operatives who took part in the october 7th terror attack were hiding. but u.n. schools had been a refuge for civilians seeking safety throughout the war. and this morning, hospital authorities say the attack killed around 30 people. including women and children. this woman sits next to the body of her son ahmed. he was the youngest of my sons and my dearest, she says. the idf says it delayed the bombing twice to avoid hitting innocents, adding a number of steps were taken to reduce the risk of harming uninvolved civilians during the strike.
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but the attack evoking memories of this strike last month on a camp for displaced people in rafah. at least 45 killed after israeli bombs aimed at hamas commanders sparked a fire storm, flames sweeping through tents, made of wood and plastic as families slept. while the fighting rages in gaza, prime minister netanyahu visiting the israeli border with lebanon, warning israel is prepared to launch a, quote, very intense military offensive to stop attacks by iranian-backed hezbollah militants. meanwhile, new details emerging about the shooting attack at the u.s. embassy in beirut and the gunman wearing isis insignia who is now in custody. the lebanese army says the syrian national was shot four times but is now in stable condition. now the u.n. says at this point it is unable to say whether or not there were hamas fighters in that school. they're saying in a statement we remind all parties to the
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conflict that schools and other u.n. premises must never be used for military or fighting purposes and they're adding that more than 450 people have been killed inside u.n. facilities since the start of the war. savannah? >> raf sanchez in tel aviv. thank you. 7:14. a lot more to get to. welcome craig to the table. >> hoda, savannah, good morning. good morning to you as well. more key witnesses are set to take the stand on hunter biden's frl trial on gun charges. prosecutors are using women from his past to establish that president son's history of addiction. nbc's ryan nobles is covering the case for us, joins us once again from that courthouse in wilmington, delaware. ryan, good morning. >> reporter: craig, good morning. and at the core of this case, did hunter biden know he was an active drug user when he checked a box on a federal form before purchasing a gun? prosecutors are calling a series of witnesses with intimate knowledge of his behavior at the time and they say they could wrap up their case as soon as
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today. federal prosecutors spent wednesday building the case that hunter biden spent four years in a cycle of drug abuse. a window of time that includes the day he checked no on a box of a federal form saying he was not an active drug user in order to purchase a gun. biden has pleaded not guilty to the charges. he used cash for a lot of things, a good amount of it was for drugs, said zoe, a woman hunter met at a strip club in new york. the pair launched a relationship filled with drugs and alcohol. she testifying at one point that hunter was, quote, smoking crack every 20 minutes or so. also on the stand, hunter biden's ex-wife. she told the jury how she learned her then husband was abusing drugs. i found a crack pipe on july 3rd, 2015, she recalled. adding that it was on their porch. she testified how his drug abuse led to the end of their marriage. when she confronted him, she said, he acknowledged smoking crack. .
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reroutinely searched his car for and found drug paraphernalia before their daughters would drive, including into 2018 when hunter is accused of lying on the form. but the defense team is working hard to plant a seed of reasonable doubt with the jury. defense attorney pressing agent erica jensen about the form. do you know whether the defendant checked those boxes, he asked? not from my own observation, she replied. i'm not qualified as a handwriting expert. >> the prosecution rebutted with gordon cleveland, the man who sold hunter the gun and watched him fill out the form. >> what did he write, the prosecutor asked? cleveland said, he wrote no. still yet to testify, perhaps the most important witness, hallie biden, the widow of beau biden, hunter's brother and former romantic partner. she tried to throw away a gun at a grocery store. >> and we could hear from hallie biden today when the defense gets the case they forecasted that they may call naomi biden,
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h hunter's daughter. she may have a different interpretation of the events around this time than her mother who testified yesterday. >> ryan nobles in delaware. thank you. let's bring in laura jarrett, our senior legal correspondent. good morning. so the issue in this case, the defense is trying to say, well, maybe he wasn't an addict at the very moment he checked that box. >> that's such a tough road for them. the prosecutors really have an upper hand here because they clearly established that he was using a lot of drugs before and he was using a lot of drugs after. the defense's only hope is there will be somebody on that jury who has sympathy and has a little bit of reasonable doubt because the evidence that they have for that day in particular is only these text messages with hallie biden, text messages that the defense says, well, he wasn't really honest with her and she's going to be on the stand as soon as today. we'll see some cross-examination on that. >> is there any chance they stop the thing now and say let vees a plea. is there any chance? >> if you're hunters lawyers you wish you managed to get that plea secured months ago. now you can see all the embarrassing and damning
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evidence that has come out. now he lost all his leverage. what leverage do prosecutors have when now they have such a tight case to want to make a plea deal with him and he's facing so much prison time for this, guys. this is not a minor crime. we're talking about decades behind bars if convicted. >> let's turn to some of the legal issues that former president trump is also facing. looks like that georgia case has been stayed. the election interference case. it looks like the former president could lose his gun license in new york now? >> yeah, the georgia case, no one thought that was going to trial any time soon. but the appeals court will take up this issue about whether the prosecutor is conflicted ethically. effectively freeze the case. they won't hear that until october. that case is effectively on pause. as for his gun rights, it was news i think to many people that he even had a registered handgun there when he was indicted, it was suspended. now that he's been convicted, it should be taken away completely, just one of the many rights that you lose when you've been convicted of a felony. >> all right. >> laura, thank you very much. 7:19. let's check out mr. roker and
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see what he has going on. >> we have beautiful weather, sunny and nice conditions into the plains, all the way into the pacific northwest along the west coast. that heat intensifying as we talked about out west. we're going to get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds.
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and that is your latest weather. guys? >> al, thank you. coming up, the mother of one of the idaho college murder victims speaking out. what she's now saying about the long wait for a trial date and the spotlight it's put her family under. plus, is it time to start treating sugar like cigarettes? inside the push to put warning labels on a host of foods, snacks, and sweets. why some doctors say it's vital to deal with america's growing health problems. how the food industry is responding. responding. but first, this is " did my legs shrink?
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i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪♪ )
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that america's tipping culture has reached a tipping point, craig. >> yeah, the requests are now everywhere. restaurants, hotels, coffee to go. we'll take a closer look at the frustration after your local
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it could be the start of a domino effect. new parodontax active gum repair breath freshener. clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. when migraine strikes, you're faced with a choice. ride it out with the tradeoffs of treating? or push through the pain and symptoms? with ubrelvy, there's another option. one dose works fast to eliminate migraine pain. treat it anytime, anywhere without worrying where you are or if it's too late. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. migraine pain relief starts with u. ask about ubrelvy. learn how abbvie could help you save. to you. it is 726. right now i'm laura garcia. here's a look at our top stories that we're following, including the latest on a brush fire in the north
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bay. the crystal fire in saint helena is now 75% contained. crews stopped the fire at 60 acres just before five, shortly after it started. it caused an air quality advisory for some cities in napa county. luckily, no homes were damaged, but at least four firefighters were hurt. all are expected to be okay. one outbuilding was destroyed. well, here's what else is happening now. i'm ginger conejero saab in san francisco, where former president donald trump is set to be met with both fanfare and mockery. today he's in town for a lavish fundraiser at the pacific heights mansion, a venture capitalist, david sax. tickets to the private event are pricey. they reportedly cost $50,000. it has not always been a warm welcome for mr. trump here in the bay area. here he is being met with protests both in 2016 and 2019. we will be covering his visit and bring you updates on air and online at let's get updated when it comes to that forecast with meteorologist kari hall. it will be cooler today
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all across the bay area, and it's partly thanks to the return of the fog and the onshore wind flow. so in san francisco will be in the low 70s today, upper 70s for hayward. but we're still warm in the south bay with a high of 87 degrees, 91 in livermore and 93 in vacaville. but that's down about ten degrees compared to yesterday. laura. well, don't forget to join us for our today in the bay live streaming newscast. it's at 8 a.m. ahead. we speak with organizers of an all new pride event set to kick off tonight in the city. join us on roku, amazon fire tv, pluto and streaming platforms like nbcbayar
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hardware so he could pull his girlfriend from the crowd and propose. and of course, she said "yes." sealing it with a hug and a kiss. >> i mean! >> we've seen some pretty impressive proposals, pretty creative. that's top of the list. well done, sir. >> if the torch arrives just a few minutes late, we'll know why. worth it. 50 days until the opening ceremony. got a busy half hour ahead. we'll start with new frustrations being voiced by the families in the idaho college murders case. >> nearly 19 months after the killings of four university of idaho students, there is still no start date for that trial, and this morning, we're hearing from the mother of one of those victims. >> nbc's morgan chesky has that story. hey, morgan, good morning. >> hey, guys, good morning. before this case can even go to trial, the defense will try to get it moved outside of latau county, idaho. it got pushed back another two months from june to august.
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now in a new podcast, ethan chapin's mothers is touching on these ongoing delays, the nightmare that devastate herd family, and how they found the strength to press on. >> we're a regular family. the kids played soccer in sports and all of a sudden we were the top news story in the nation. >> reporter: stacy chapin opening up in her first podcast appearance, hosted by actor taylor lautner and his wife, taylor. >> we really only had two choices, and one was to just literally curl up and call it a day, which isn't an option, or we're going to start putting the pieces back together. >> reporter: it's been more than a year and a half since stacy's son, ethan chapin, along with xana kernodle, madison mogen, and kaylee goncalves were fatally stabbed in their home. near the university of idaho campus. suspect bryan kohberger was arrested six weeks later. a judge entered a not guilty plea on kohberger's behalf. but the victims' families still awaiting a trial date. >> that's right. we may never get to trial.
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>> reporter: amid a deluge of pre-trial motions and hearings. >> will you attend the trial when it finally happens? >> no. >> will anyone from your family? >> i don't think so. >> reporter: chapin first explaining that decision to savannah on "today" last year. >> it doesn't change the outcome. it just is energy that doesn't feel like it's well spent. >> yeah. >> you know, there's other places to put it. >> reporter: now telling podcast "the squeeze," the family's at peace with the pace of the proceedings. >> nothing changes the outcome. we cannot bring ethan back. >> reporter: the family of another victim, kaylee goncalves voicing frustration with on going delays through an attorney. >> the families need something to look forward to. they need something to happen in the cases, rather than just hearing motions all day long, everyday, of every month. >> reporter: meanwhile, chapin says the social media frenzy surrounding the case has taken a toll. >> the true crime nation is shocking, but at the heart of
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every true crime situation is a family like mine. >> the chapin family focusing on honoring ethan's memory every day. >> i mean, we have said, you just have to get up and be the best version of you. >> you can feel the frustrations from the families. and you mentioned, they're talking about the hearing to switch the venues has now been pushed back for a couple of months. why do they keep delaying this? >> hoda, bryan kohberger's defense attorneys requested that this date be reset for the end of august. they say one of their experts needs some extra time to finish his surveys of residents and analyze some data. now the defense is preparing to argue kohberger cannot get a fair trial in latau counties where the murders took place, making a huge impact on that close knit college town of moscow. however, prosecutors are pushing back here, saying this is a nationally-known case and you cannot escape media attention by simply moving it to another location, such as boise. hoda? >> morgan chesky for us on this story. morgan, thank you.
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still ahead on a thursday morning, the video that has everyone talking. i don't know if you've seen this, but there's this giraffe. it hoisted a toddler out soft a truck during a drive-thrusy farry in texas. the toddler is fine. don't worry. her parents are now talking about it. we're going to hear from them. >> all right. but first, could you favorite sugary treats be slapped with cigarette-like warning labels? vicky nguyen is here with that story. >> that's the new argument being made with doctors who say the sweet stuff the ruining our health. i'll show you what they're doing inside the campaign and where you might be able to see these labels coming soon on your fauf rit coffee drinks. that's next. all right. yeah. come on in man. we've got wine. we got a few more minutes on the burgers. cool cool cool. all right. i like mine. well done. hey, wait a few minutes. perfect.
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ask their doctor today about hpv vaccination. this morning on "in depth today," we are asking the question, is sugar the new tobacco. >> citing its potentially harmful effects, some health officials are saying, yes, with we should now put warning labels on food that contain high amounts of sugar, similar to the ones we're familiar with on a pack of cigarettes. >> vicky nguyen has been looking into this. this could be quite significant. >> this is a really big deal. it might seem like a drastic move to label sugary products the same way we label tobacco products, but with obesity and diabetes levels rising each day, each year, some doctors say putting a sticker on sugary food, could put a stop to our growing health problems. >> a chocolate river! >> that's the most fantastic thing i've ever seen. >> reporter: americans have a
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sweet tooth. on average, we eat more than 100 pounds of sugar per person each year. that's more than three times the recommended amount by the food and drug administration. and it's not just candy, snacks, and soda, hidden sugars in things like processed food, cereal, salad dressing and even yogurt are adding to our sugar intake. and in a recent "time" magazine article, dr. mark highman says it's time to treat sugar like cigarettes. is sugar the new tobacco? >> sugar for sure is the new tobacco. >> reporter: he's leading a movement to take the mystery out of what we eat by clearly labeling sugar on the front of food packaging. >> we say raising rates of diabetes, of heart disease, cancer, dementia, all linked to a higher consumption of sugar. and these are crippling america. >> reporter: do you think putting something as simple as a label on the front is going to change the way consumers eat? >> absolutely. i think people make choices based on what's the label. they buy low-fat food, high-fiber foods. >> reporter: data shows those labels are having an impact.
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a study looking at 2,300 families, food and drink purchases, found that overall calories bought from products required to have warnings dropped by 23%. overall sugar bought from those foods decreased by 26%. in new york city, part of the city's sweet truth act, a new rule would require food chains and coffee shops with 15 or more stores in the u.s. to use a warning icon to let consumers know eating too many added sugars can contribute to type ii diabetes and weight gain. the labels would be mandatory on menu boards and packages for food and drinks with more than 50 grams of added sugar. >> this allows new yorkers to make informed decisions about their health. >> reporter: and though a growing number of state laws are limiting local government control over food and nutrition, the big apple is just the latest to crack down on the sweet stuff. several cities across the country have implemented sugary beverage taxes. a recent study found purchases declined dramatically in five of those cities because of it. and the usda announced new
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nutrition guidelines for school meals that include plans to reduce sugar. food industry groups says labels like the ones new york city will see could demonize certain food products or confuse consumers and that existing nutrition labels provide enough information for people to make healthy choices. >> people have to have choice, they have to know what they're eating, and they have to be clear. and i think americans should have the right to choose what's good or bad for them. >> sugar is everywhere. we all have a sweet tooth. so if you want to lower your consumption, what's the low-hanging fruit? but don't do fruit, because fruit has sugar too. >> no, fruit is fine. fruit, the same kind of sugar, no, because it has fiber. fruit is fine. it's the hidden sugars and the added sugars. so dr. highman says, if you want to pay attention to your sugar consumption, 4 teaspoons a day is what you should be aiming for. that's about 16 grams. he says, when you are looking at the labels that exist, recognize sucrose, glucose, corn syrup, those are all different names for sugar. sugar is listed as 60 different names on labels.
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that's why it can be so confusing. if you're going to eat it, dessert is at the end of the meal for a reason. eat it with protein, fiber, fat. because you want to slow the absorption of sugar into your bloodstream. and finally, try to avoid processed foods as much as you can that you have that whole list of ingredients on the back that you can't pronounce. that you don't recognize. that don't really exist in nature. that's also a good rule of thumb. >> it's just so addictive. sugar. >> it really is. research shows that when you have some, you want more. that's why i think it helps people to realize how much sugar they're eating so they can make a choice for themselves. >> wow. all right, vicky, thank you. >> it's an eye opener. hey, mr. roker. how about a check of the weather. >> oh, come on, al! >> what are you eating, a doughnut. >> come on! and it's got the frosting! >> that was so bad. >> it's terrible. >> he's going right back to it after this weather forecast. right? >> it's really warm in the gulf right now. 80-degree water temperatures could possibly support that tropical development. look at these temperatures, they are way above average, where they should be for this time of
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year. and since 1851, this is where you see most of your tropical development. and guess what, we are looking right now at the noaa tropical hazards outlook. 20% chance of formation in the next couple of weeks, down around the gulf, and then, we've got the possibility of above-average tropical rainfall from central america right on into florida. we're going to be watching this over the next couple of weeks. for today, sunny and nice out west, heat intensifying through the southwest. strong storms along the eastern seaboard.
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>> and that's your latest weather. guys? >> al, thank you. coming up next, christine romans is here with a lesson on tipping. it's become very frustrating for a lot of people, right, christine? >> it has, and more americans are skipping the tip for their restaurant server, their hairstylist, their delivery drivers. inflation just one reason, so is the tipping culture overload. we'll get right into it. >> christine, thank you. and hoda, you have a morning boost on tap? >> got one ready for you! >> we'll be boosting right after this. rappel ride reverse rotate or row... ♪♪ before the athletes of team usa have their day in paris... they do what thousands of delta customers do every day... they fly.
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what causes a curve down there? is it peyronie's disease? will it get worse? how common is it? who can i talk to? can this be treated? stop typing. start talking to a specialized urologist. because it could be peyronie's disease, or pd. it's a medical condition where there is a curve in the erection, caused by a formation of scar tissue. and an estimated 1 in 10 men may have it. but pd can be treated even without surgery. say goodbye to searching online. find a specialized urologist who can diagnose pd and build a treatment plan with you. visit today. if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect. new parodontax active gum repair breath freshener. clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts.
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this is a craft 170 years in the making. (sniffing sound) for bold, smooth flavor in every batch of black silk. it's something we pride ourselves on at folgers... ♪ i don't give a med bout' my reputation ♪ yeah, i said folgers. [ cellphone ringing ] phone call from the boss? sorry. outdoor time is me time. ♪ i don't give a med bout' my reputation ♪ sticking it to the boss, that sounds fun. we have sort of a flat hierarchy, so -- wait, flo isn't the boss? well, you could say i'm a boss at helping people save when they bundle. nope, thanks. we're not gonna say that. -i'd rather not. -very cringey. ♪cinnadust♪ ♪
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(vo) cinnamon toast crunch. blasted with cinnadust. you are bountiful. your skeleton can support two times your weight. it's in your nature to stand strong. supplement your bones with high-absorption magnesium. nature's bounty. it's in your nature. shop the 4-day super sale at sherwin-williams and transform your space with color! get 40% off paints and stains, with sale prices starting at $29.39 find your new color, june 7th through 10th. shop online or visit your neighborhood sherwin-williams store! since the citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category... suddenly, life's feeling a little more automatic... oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. (chef vo) fancy feast. chef-inspired. earn cash back that automatically adjusts cat-adored. every silky broth, every impeccable paté, every delicious detail... brings you and your cat... closer together.
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fancy feast. love is in the details. rsv is out there. for those 60 years and older protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. they include the tip and i have to tip on top of the tip? a tip-top tip. i'll show them! >> i know that click. >> no, thank you, here's $1, okay?
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we're leaving! >> we're back with homer simpson voicing his issues with the current state of tipping. and let me tell you, more americans are joining homer's course. >> homer, the voice of america sometimes. right? everywhere you look, it seems like you're being asked to tip, but also, surveys show people are tipping less often than they had been in recent years. one in three saying the state of tipping has gotten out of control. >> here to break it all down is nbc senior business correspondent, christine romans. is that just it? consumers are kind of fed up? >> it's inflation, but also this tipping overload. they're being asked to tip when they haven't even seen a human being. they're being asked to tip a robot. people are just like, hey, wait a minute here. >> a robot. >> an ipad, i'm tipping the ipad 20%. consumers are pulling back. when asked if they will always tip, in 2021, 75% of people said they will always tip. today, that's more like 67%. whoen you go to the hair salon in --
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>> restaurant servers, like a waiter, waitress? >> yeah. 75%. now it's less. >> i was surprised that 25% of people don't tip or didn't tip in 2021. >> yeah. >> but look at the barbers or hair stylists. that's a little self-defeating. if your not tipping the person who makes you look good. but food delivery people, that dropped eight points. and car drivers down to about 41%. people over the past few years tipping less. and look at the takeout orders. down to 11%. the research shows that people feel like they can skip on the tip if it's an impersonal thing like you've ordered it on your phone and the whole interaction is on your phone and there's food that shows up at the front door, people feel more comfortable about skipping that tip. >> is that what's going on, people are now saying, all the tipping is going down the drain, because other places where you shouldn't have to tip, you're being asked to tip. people are like, forget it all. >> it's one of the reasons. another reason is that people feel the companies should be paying the workers more. it shouldn't be on the consumer who has been wiped out by inflation. they believe businesses should
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pay more, specially for things like the housekeepers in hotels. the tipping culture is just out of hand. you're asked every turn to tip. and confusion about how and how much to tip. people just get kind of overwhelmed and just aren't doing it. i think that's really interesting -- they're also really tired of going to the coffee shop, they whip the thing around, 20%. >> you get a water bottle. >> good job. and those who don't, let's just -- >> i do think there's some confusion. >> delivery fees and service fees. people are confused. i think we'll continue the conversation in the third hour. coming up in "popstart," carson has big news from "the voice." popular star being added to the family. we'll have you that and more coming up after your local news, weather and these quick messages. (gasp) more cookies! yeah! pay with the new target circle card and save an extra 5%.
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and get unlimited same-day delivery when you upgrade to the new target circle three-sixty. better in every way. that's the new target circle. [ "good day" ends ] i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪♪) hey, it's me...your skin. some cleansers get us clean - but take my moisture. cerave cleansers help me maintain my moisture balance with hyaluronic acid, plus 3 essential ceramides to help restore my natural barrier. so we're cerave clean. cerave hydrating cleanser. if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect. new parodontax active gum repair breath freshener. clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. it's time to feed the dogs real food,
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not highly processed pellets. the farmer's dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. it's not dry food. it's not wet food. it's just real food. it's an idea whose time has come. (ambient sounds, clock ticking) starbucks frappuccino drinks. (♪♪) the feeling of a comforting hug from your nana, but with a taste of creamy, delicious coffee. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal,
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dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪ 756 i'm scott mcgrew and i'm laura garcia. happening now. this is what we're working on for our upcoming 8 a.m. streaming newscast. there's a mountain lion wandering around a south bay neighborhood as we speak, folks in san jose's edenvale neighborhood spotted the cat last night. it's near
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l.a. drive and war admiral way, not too far from valley christian high school. the mountain lion was spotted walking in the front yards of many homes. at last check, police are asking neighbors to stay indoors, bring their pets inside. officer have been working with animal control to track it down. if you see it, call 911. now let's get a look at that microclimate forecast with meteorologist kari hall. it will be a little bit cooler today, but still warm in the inland valleys. we're really feeling that relief along the coastline with half moon bay looking at a high of 66 degrees 71 in san francisco, and as you make your way inland, will be in the upper 70s and low 80s. it continues to come down several more degrees tomorrow. so in san jose we're looking at a high of 84. that's just slightly above what we typically see for this time of year. we're going to have more nice weather for the weekend. we'll check that out. coming up at 8:00. all right carrie, thank you. and of course make sure to watch our today in the bay live streaming newscast that starts in just a few minutes. we'll discuss the fate of san francisco's pandas, which
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is on the line. the crucial discussion happening today on roku, amazon fire, xumo and streaming platforms and nbcbayar
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[ navigation ] stay straight for the next 200 miles. ♪ hey, come on, come on ♪
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♪ do what you want ♪ ♪ what could go wrong? ♪ ♪ come on, come on, come on ♪ ♪ come on ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪ get into an audi and go your own way. ♪ do what you want, yeah ♪ ♪ come on ♪ find your way to exceptional offers during the summer of audi sales event at your local audi dealer. it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, wild weather. overnight, tornadoes tearing
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through the midwest and east coast, leaving behind widespread damage, as millions out west face another day of sweltering heat. al's live with your full forecast. plus, how to save a life. what you need to know if someone has a medical emergency right in front of you. from cpr to choking, dr. john torres is here with an important crash course in saving lives. then, caught on camera. the wild video of a giraffe lifting a texas toddler into the air at a drive-through safari park. >> oh, look! oh, oh -- hey! >> her family now speaking out. all of that plus, counting down the top tours of the summer. >> welcome to the eras tour! voice"? >> sorry. >> and jelly roll doughnuts. >> oh, it's national doughnut day tomorrow. >> on a super sweet "popstart," thursday, june 6th, 2024. ♪ >> girls trip from lincoln,
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maine! >> on a mother/daughter trip from edmond, oklahoma. >> from brighton, colorado -- >> for her 26th birthday. >> teachers on summer break from kentucky! celebrating our 15th anniversary! >> visiting from north virginia. >> paris, illinois! >> alabama. >> and fresno, colorado. ♪ >> good morning, grandma! back in st. louis. >> witchta, kansas. celebrating mom's 60th birthday. >> hi, grandma and papa. >> watching in san luis obispo, california. >> we love you! >> class of '24! >> on our senior trip! >> from wisconsin! ♪ >> happy graduation. happy senior trip. wow, we've got a lot of celebrating to do. we're celebrating, by the way, 30 years on our plaza. >> yes, we are. >> we had a lot of fun doing
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that. >> got a bit of a surprise coming up in honor of that celebration. >> yes, we do. we do, we do. let's get to our busy morning right here. our news at 8:00. we begin with another round of severe weather, including some rare tornadoes on the east coast. at least 12 twisters reported in the d.c. suburbs. al's got your full forecast. but first, nbc's gadi schwarz is in gaithersburg, maryland, where multiple homes were badly damaged. gadi, good morning. >> reporter: hey, good morning, hoda. i want to pick up on the story of survival that we were telling you a little bit earlier, in the last hour. that was home that was split in half. this is that home that we were talking about. it starts right here. this root system that is the size of a minivan. this is what was toppled in that tornado that came through this neighborhood. and if you walk with me this way, this massive, massive oak tree, it fell on to this house sideways. and you can see, this is where the oak tree landed in the living room. there were five people inside of
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this home when the tornado came through. we understand that this home, unlike some of these in this neighborhood, did not have a basement, and hoda, we are also told that there was one person that was trapped underneath the tree. that person was rescued by fire crews, who came in a hydraulic jacks and jacked up this tree that weighs tens of thousands of pounds. they were able to extract them as well as four other people that were pinned inside of that home. they took them to the hospital. at first, we were told one person was in critical condition, because it was believed that the person that was pinned under this massive tree may have had internal bleeding. this morning, some good news. we are told everybody that survived in this house is expected to make a recovery. >> that's some good news there, gadi. thank you so much. we appreciate it. >> let's turn to al now, get a look at what's happening today. >> the remnants of that line stretching from the great lakes all the way down into the appalachians. we have a risk of severe weather today. wind gusts of 60-mile-per-hour, possible hail.
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but the good news is, from albany down to wilmington, the tornado threat very low. here comes that front, it pushes through. look for strong storms from new york state into the carolinas. out west, strong ridge of high pressure. this heat dome, basically. that warm air sinks and that traps the heat at the surface. and so we are looking at record possibilities from central california all the way into texas, for 27 million people. records possible, salt lake, roswell, new mexico, albuquerque, palmdale, california. tomorrow, stretches into amarillo, el paso, albuquerque, mt. shasta, las vegas, and heat indices over triple digits, as we get on toward the weekend into early next week, from miami all the way to jacksonville. guys? >> al, we'll come back to you in just a few moments. meanwhile, we turn to that wild encounter that was caught on camera. a giraffe actually hoisting a toddler into the air at a drive-through safari park in
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texas. thankfully, the toddler is okay, but her family has quite a tall tale to tell. nbc's joe fryer joins us with more on this one. joe, good morning. >> hey, there, craig, good morning. safari parks like the fossil rim wild live center in texas are all about getting up close and personal with animals. but one family did not expect the surprise of their lives when a giraffe grabbed their child instead of the bag of food she was holding in her hand. >> do you want to feed the giraffe? >> reporter: a family of three experiencing an unexpectedly wild ride at a drive-through safari park in texas, after a full-grown giraffe plucked their toddler several feet into the air. >> oh, look. oh, oh -- hey! >> reporter: the close call happened in just a matter of seconds. the animal, which was apparently looking for a snack, accidentally lifted 2-year-old paisley toten out of the back of her family's pickup truck. the fossil rim wildlife center tells nbc news, an incident like
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this has never happened before, writing in a statement, the safety of our guests and animals is always of utmost importance to us, adding, we are taking immediate action to make sure it won't happen again. fortunately, brave little paisley was not injured, and the next stop the family made that day was at the gift shop, where paisley got a toy giraffe and matching shirt as a memento. the family even tells nbc news this incident won't stop them from visiting the park again. in a facebook post, paisley's mom, sierra robert, called the entire trip a blast, but warned other visitors, i would discourage you from riding in the back of the truck. >> so they are very gentle, for those that have not hand-fed a giraffe. >> reporter: at the time, paisley's family had been following the park's rules, which allowed visitors to ride on the back of pickup trucks with tailgates up, but now the center says it will no longer allow visitors to ride through the park in truck beds -- >> oh, oh, hey! >> reporter: -- to prevent any
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future wildlife surprises. paisley's father tells us they are saddened by the new rule preventing visitors from riding in the back of the truck, calling the ordeal an accident at what they say is a great place for families. >> i didn't know giraffes got aggressive like that -- >> i think it was going for the food. that was the key like that. >> glad she's okay! >> giraffes, they're animals. >> that's true. >> joe, thanks. by the way, guys, ready for a morning boost. >> yes. >> okay, here we go. a woman named emily had some amazing news to share with her dad. she and her husband were expecting their baby after trying to get pregnant for more than six years, so she gave her dad a coffee mug and it said, only the best dads are promoted to granddad. here was his reaction after he opened that gift. >> really?! oh, this is absolutely fabulous. really?! you're having a baby?
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>> yes. >> that's fabulous. that is really good news! >> could barely get the words out. emily's dad so overcome, she called it the best birthday gift we ever gave him. >> i love how when he's first reading it, he kind of gives her the side eye, like, am i computing this. so cool. >> beautiful. still ahead, we have a very packed "popstart." carson is busy back there, will tell us about the summer's concerts, a new beatles movie, and a big new voice on "the voice." one you may recognize. first, would you know what to do if you saw someone who was having a medical emergency? a recent survey shows most of us would not. so we brought in dr. john torres. he's in the house for an important crash course in saving lives. how to save a life, right after this. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms,
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had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. control of crohn's means everything to me. ask your gastroenterologist about skyrizi. ♪ control is everything to me ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. (woman) purina one true instinct unlocked her true instincts. from day one, it's high-protein nutrition with real meat #1, ♪ control is everything to me ♪ supporting her healthy energy and strong muscles. and the life she was born to live. (vo) purina one true instinct. a difference from day one. if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect. new parodontax active gum repair breath freshener. clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪)
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i'm a bee and i've bumbled my way into your car. buzz but this hive isn't big enough for the both of us. boo oh wow, what a buzzkill. and if you don't have the right auto insurance coverage, paying for this could really sting. so get allstate, save money, and be protected from mayhem... like me. hey, it's me...your skin. some cleansers get us clean - but take my moisture. cerave cleansers help me maintain my moisture balance with hyaluronic acid, plus 3 essential ceramides to help restore my natural barrier. so we're cerave clean. cerave hydrating cleanser. drab mint. ahhh cooling flavor crystals? well that's fancy. nope, too fancy. ah, just the right amount of fancy. ice breakers... ooooh fancy.
8:12 am
okay, so here's my most requested hack for stubborn odors. you'll need vinegar, a large salad bowl and... oh, hi! have you tried tide fabric rinse? it works after your detergent to fight deep odors 3 times better than detergent alone. i love that. try tide fabric rinse. if you love to travel, capital one has a rewards credit card that's perfect for you. with venture x, earn unlimited double miles on everything you buy and get access to over 1300 airport lounges. open up a world of possibilities with capital one. what's in your wallet? saratoga means more than spring water. ♪♪ carefully crafted for over 150 years. ♪♪ each curve of the bottle each drop sourced and bottled for the perfect taste curating an experience that's timeless. saratoga, the official water of bravo's top chef.
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♪ 8:13 with some life-saving information this morning. nearly half of americans say they cannot do cpr, according to a recent survey from the ohio state university. this survey also reveals the majority of us don't know how to stop serious bleeding, and more than 40% can't help somebody who's scchoking. so we thought, let's call the doctor. dr. john torres, nbc medical contributor here. first of all, are you surprised by those results? >> i'm not terribly surprised. i think people do a couple things. one, they think, oh, my gosh, i'm going to hurt somebody, you're actually going to help them. >> what if i do it wrong? >> that's the other one, the
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main thing. i don't want to mess it up. the answer is, just do it. you are the thing that's going to save their life. that's the most important thing. the very most important thing, we're talking about cpr. hands-only cpr. the reason the american heart association did this, people were hesitant to do cpr, because they're hesitant to do that mouth-to-mouth and the intricate moves. they're like, just press on the chest. >> that's good enough? >> that's good enough. there's oxygen in the blood. we just need to move it around. so you become the heart. here's how you do this. first thing, make sure they're unconscious. are you okay? what they say is, if they're unconscious, just start it, regardless of what you think. >> if he says, i'm okay, don't do it. >> if they're saying, i'm fine, i'm just resting, don't do it. right in the middle of the chest. >> just keep going. >> what if he's okay -- all right, sorry, go ahead. dumb question. >> right in the middle of the chest, put your wrist in there, lock your fingers in. >> if i'm a lefty, should i do --
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>> whichever works. >> 100 beats a minute. >> how deep. that's hard. >> the other thing is, when you're starting, call someone else, get somebody to call 911, get an aed. >> they do it to "staying alive." there's a variety of songs you can do it to. the most important thing is to just go ahead and do that. are you all right! >> you are saving alive. a life. >> how long? >> you do it until the ambulance arrives or until they wake up. which they're probably not going to. it's probably the ambulance arriving more than anything. >> thank you. >> you did great. >> let's get on with someone who's bleeding. you see someone with a deep cut, a big cut, you want to do something to stop it. >> this is not unusual. in the emergency room, we see people come in all the time and they're bleeding and the blood is dripping out. blood is obviously important. you want to stop it. direct pressure is your friend. if you can get any kind of gauze or large band-aids, great to use, but if not, just use clean cloths. the main thing you want to do,
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let's say it's on your arm, take that until the bleeding stops. squeeze and squeeze and squeeze. what if you have a paper towels or a t-shirt that's not clean? >> you don't want to use paper towels or toilet paper or kleenex because it is going to get in the wound and then we have to clean it out. if you have to take your socks off, use those. clean is better, but anything. >> how long are you applying this kind of pressure? >> until it stops bleeding. more than likely you'll have to apply and wrap this and get to the emergency room if they're bleeding enough. >> how big of a cut are you talking about? >> we're talking about cuts that are gaping, that the bleeding won't stop, or specifically cuts that you can see things inside like the tendons or the bones. the other thing is, if you end up seeing blood coming through, soaking through this, don't take this off, don't look and peek and see if it's bleeding, you'll pull the scab off. >> leave it on, add more stuff to it. just keep adding things to it. applying the pressure.
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get it above their heart, and that will help, too. >> that was good advice. thanks, dr. torres. >> come on down. let's move on to what to do when someone's choking. you say, if you see someone two hands clutching their throat, that's international sign for choking. >> it is but not everybody does it. i call it the table clearing method, are you choking? just ask them, are you choking? if they are, turn them around, it's call the heimlich maneuver -- >> you'll use a real dummy for this. >> it's hard to tell exactly where to go. you want to go right underneath the xiphoid process. get behind them. put one hand in there, in a fist form, and in and up. in and up as hard as you can. >> okay. >> about six to ten times. >> as hard as you can. >> as hard as you can. not so hard that you're breaking things, but hard enough to get that out there.
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>> and how long do you do the heimlich? >> do it essentially until it either comes out or they go unconscious. if they go unconscious, lay them down gently and perform cpr. the other thing is, we used to teach what we call blind sweeps of the mouth. go in the mouth, look for a piece of food. you sweep your finger in there see if you can find it. we don't want you to do that anymore, because you might push it in further. if you see the food in there, go ahead and pull it out. >> does it matter if the person choking is a child? >> 1 and above, you want to do this. below the age of 1, you want to do essentially cpr maneuvers on them. >> can you heimlich yourself? dumb question. >> you can. chairs work really well, bend over a chair and do it. you'll be amazed at how much it just pops out. >> we just learned a lot. >> thank you. >> thank you. mr. roker? >> really quickly, sunny skies, beautiful weather out west, but the heat intensifying through the southwest. strong storms along the east coast. and we're looking for very humid weather down texas into the gulf. that what's going on aroun'sd
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that's your latest weather. savannah had to leave early. >> she had a moving up ceremony. >> what about "popstart"? >> vail is moving on up. >> i talked about your making space thing and she said, you never mentioned my thing. >> what you got? >> we have a lot to get to. today, stubhub is releasing a list of the top global touring artists of the summer. shocker as to who's number one. let's take a look at the big events that take place between
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memorial day and labor day. this is a "popstart" exclusive sneak peek with all of this exclusive data. let's start with pink in the top 10, at 10, chris stapleton, foo fighters, the boss, morgan wallen, in the top five, olivia rodrigo, zach brian, the stones, coldplay, and you can probably guess, here's a clue for number one. >> weird al jankovic. >> my name is taylor and welcome to the eras tour. ♪ in the middle of the night in my dreams ♪ >> beyonce is not on the list because of the memorial day and labor day. not a huge surprise, taylor at number one. this is her fourth time in stubhub's number one spot. u.s. fans flocking, of course, to europe to see that eras tour. and if you want a free concert, a great concert, easy, swing by our plaza. it's called today plaza, but just until tomorrow. and then it's back -- >> by the way, meghan trainor will be here tomorrow. i should come down. speaking of taylor swift, the grammy winner speaking up for fellow music star lady gaga. this week, gaga posted this tiktok in response to her recent comments about her body.
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the text reads, not pregnant, just down bad, crying at the gym, referencing a taylor song. that promptedtarial to taylor to write in the comments, can we all say it's irresponsible to comment on a woman's body. here for a personal take on that is craig melvin. >> i totally agree with taylor swift. >> it's ridiculous. >> how can i comment on how someone else looks? >> good for taylor. >> next up, the beatles, back in february, director sam mendez revealed he's been working on four individual bio pics about the legendary band members and according to a recent report, the fab four has been cast. let's take a look. we'll start with the two pauls. stepping into the shoes of sir paul mccartney. >> that's good. >> john lennon will be played by where the crawdads sing. that's eric dickinson. and charlie row, george harrison. >> okay.
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>> and last not but not least, barry keoghen who had quite a year will be ringo starr. casting not confirmed by sony, that's the studio behind the project. if you want to see how all that turns out, you only have to wait until 2027. glad i brought that up this morning. next up -- >> breaking news. >> you'll forget about me and that. next up "the voice" we revealed big news yesterday. >> yes. >> we have a coach making a comeback. >> we're coming back. i'm coming back is what i mean. season 27, yes, i'm coming back. i cannot wait. i'm well rested. i'm ready to go. little nervous. i'm not excited. i'm so excited. it will be great. i can't wait. it's going to be awesome. let's go. team adam is back. i feel bad for other teams. let's go. >> we're going to go. adam levine, one of the og coaches returning to "voice" chair in 2025, joined by kelsea
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ballerini, she was a coach for our comeback stage. done advisory roles in the past. she'll be teamed up with john legend and michael buble. again in the spring of next year. >> 2026? >> who knows anymore. >> before the beetles come out. >> yeah, just before. "the voice" warm up act for the beetles movie. all four of those coaches spring of next year. looking forward to welcoming back adam. finally, jelly roll, you're welcome in advance for the treats that we've got coming in. that's right. a dozen jelly donuts. >> what? >> what? >> chart topping country star, jelly role. thank you, g. money. >> teaming up in honor of national donut day. jelly roll got his nickname as a kid he loved the tasty treats that we'll have for you. here he is explaining. >> the jelly donut. >> i mean, i loved a donut. but you have to be careful to make sure they don't turn into mush. there's many of different dunken styles, too. the first one i affectionately
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named after my wife, i call this the bunny dunk. bunny hop, bunny hop, bunny dunk. then there's the nash smash. this is a nod to my nashville roots. and sometimes i even like to share a bite with my dog. aint that right, busy? he loves dunkin'. >> wow. >> busy has to clean up that mess. >> jelly roll looking good. looks like he's been off the donuts for quite some time. there you go, guys. mark your calendar. >> national donut day is toshl. celebrate with a free classic donut if you buy a cocktail but a drink. >> remember 45 minutes ago we did that segment on sugar? >> thank you. speaking of food, coming up, chef j.j. johnson, a neighbor here at 30 rock, he's about to share some family favorite and easy recipes that are perfect for summer j.j. in the kitchen
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after your local news, weather and these mess ams.
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i love it i love it when the crowd jumps. we're here on the today plaza. it's a fri-yay eve. you know what that means? tomorrow is fri-yay. and that means that we've got another great concert coming your way. doing the honors, one of our absolute favorites, music superstar, friend of the show, meghan trainor. she'll be here on citi stage to celebrate the release of her new album tomorrow. she'll do a full half hour of hits. >> wow. >> meghan is such a great guest here. meantime, ahead, chasse post is sharing her guide to this summer's hottest trends. love those shoes. >> and it's summer, we've got to grill. j.j. johnson is here. he'll share one of his great recipes, barbecue shrimp served with classic red beans and rice. cannot wait for that. >> looking forward to it. one of our favorites from sesame
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street, the one, the only, cookie monster! oh, yeah. oh, yeah, fan favorite. everybody loves him. he has some exclusive news, as he says, count down to paris olympics. >> that was a really good cookie monster. >> by the way, in addition to that talent, mr. roker, well, it's his turn to face today's big dare. his mission was playing the role of quiz master during a night of trivia at a hot spot here in new york city. >> fun. >> yes, yeah. and no surprise, spoiler alert, he crushed it. >> of course, of course. >> he crushed it. but your specialty continues to be the weather. >> yes, it is. >> please don't do it. >> here we go! that's all you. cookie will be very soggy in northeast on friday. it's going to be humid in the gulf, warm out west, intense heat. then as we get into saturday, we're looking at a few showers in northern new england, nice day through much of the east. record highs out west. sunday, sunday!
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sunny and cool, great lakes. applause for sunday, good. thursday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall today we'll see temperatures up to 90 degrees for the inland areas. it's going to be definitely lower than yesterday, but still pretty warm. and we continue to bring down those temperatures for friday into the weekend. looks pretty nice with highs in the low to mid 80s. and san francisco will see highs in the mid 60s for today, as well as what we'll see throughout the weekend with more clouds and fog starting out in the morning. clearing for the aft and that's your latest weather! >> thank you so much, cookie. now, to more of our week-long is celebration of 30 years on the today plaza. and this morning, we're going to celebrate with a sweet family from my beloved columbia, south carolina. >> will and janelle thorson, they first visited our plaza seven years ago to break some
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news and it turned into a special family tradition. take a look. >> i know where you guys are from, but why are you here? >> we're here to tell our friends and family, it's a girl! >> janelle and will, we hear y'all are expecting again? >> it's a boy! >> it's a boy. >> from columbia, south carolina, to break some news to our family and friends, we're having a boy! >> whoa. >> all right. the thorson family is here. janelle, will, and their three kids now, lucy, liam, and wesley. hi! we remember the first time you guys came on and you announced. so this just kind of became a tradition. >> yeah, we were so thrilled to be able to share with our family and friends and we feel like y'all are family here at the plaza with us. >> i've been watching since i was probably their age, so our whole family watches and what
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better way to share our news with everybody, all at the same time, so -- >> this is so crazy, isn't it? >> and al's still here. you've been watching that long. >> any news to break today? >> no news. >> all right, well, shucks. >> you're from columbia, south carolina, so we know you're good tome. people. what are the folks back in columbia make of all this? what do they say about this? >> they're so excited for us to celebrate with our kids. we have a great community that we're really involved with and they love our kids. really well. >> lucy, you have something sweet on your arm, what's that? >> a bracelet. >> that's so sweet. what's in your hand? >> a bracelet for you. >> oh! >> she came with gifts. >> thank you. that was so sweet. thank you, guys. you guys, i want you to take a look back. this is a picture of all of your kids lined up, wearing "today" show onesies. there you go! that should be in a frame. come back and see us any time.
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>> absolutely. >> this is your second home, all right? >> thank you so much. >> it's so special. it's just so special to get to share this moment with our kids full circle. we were stand right there with you. and right back there with wesley. thank you, guys. >> we love you very much. thanks, guys. >> the cookie monster is inside. do you want to come in and see cookie? >> let's do that. >> you got it. >> the thorson family. up next, chasse post has the hottest trends of the season. we're talking about fashion and beauty products that online shoppers really love for these warm summer days. chasse will have that for us. but first, this is "today" on nbc!
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today's best sellers. the official start of summer is almost here, and it's the perfect time to upgrade your fashion and beauty staples for the season. and this morning, we are bringing you products that
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customers love and you will, too. so shop all day contributor chassis post is joining us. you can shop along, just scan the qr code. you have some of the garments we need for the summer. >> we sure do, hoda. starting out with the most comfortable and versatile dress of the year. you can wear this little dress from the beach to brunch to the bar and beyond. and it feels like you're wearing your nightgown. >> you've got a cover-up you can put over the bathing suit. >> we have this great photo of our adorable shop today team wearing this three ways. you can style this dress a million different ways. a little midi dress, or is tunic style over t-shirts or shorts or pants. and it comes in 28 different colors and styles and it's around $39. sizes xs through xxl. you'll wear this, so soft and light. >> some cute tops. >> speaking of soft and light,
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hoda. i mean, this little go-to top for summer is great. it's all about the microfloral this season. and i just think, i love the little puffed sleeve and the little great little ruffle here. and again, super versatile. we have our adorable team modeling it once again and it shows you you can wear it with everything from trousers to a little skirt to jeans. i would dress it up with a little white jean with a heel. so cute. huge sale, over 60% off. normally it's around $49.99. you'll get it for around $17. this is a great one for the summer. >> you tell me that this is the shoe of the summer. >> yes! the fisherman's sandal. huge. these have been around for centuries, but they've had some comebacks. i think what everybody loves is that they're the perfect mix of modern and, you know, also classic, and they're a little chunky, a little funky, and so
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comfy. >> they've got that padding, i like that. >> under $25, six different colors. for the sandal of the season, that's a great deal. >> i've got to tell you, the price point, you can't beat it. let's talk about things for our face. >> do you use a vitamin "c" serum or a retinol serum? >> yes. >> this is from true skin, and we have two that come together. and i love that these come as a duo, because i've got to tell you, doesn't that feel good? >> individually, this is for the morning. and individually, these are mega-best sellers. this one, is 148,000 ratings. we have a picture here of our team member who shows you how to do it. a little drop in the morning,
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put it on your face, and you know vitamin "c." the brand says it brightens and lightens dark spots and boosts collagen and at night, you use the retinol drops, which i love because it's got anti-aging properties and it's great for reducing fine lines and wrinkles and more. $31 for the both. >> and speaking of drops, these are self-tanning drops. >> game changer from isle of paradise, huge best sellers, and you use these as kind of like a concentrate for a self-tanner, so you mix them in, 2 to 12 drops with your moisturizer or your foundation in the morning, or you do them at night, and many four to six hours, you'll have a great tan that de and you can see >> i tried thes natural glow. i think i'll add a couple more drops. that's the fun thing. you can customize your tan. >> and the different colors are dark, medium, light. >> yes, exactly. and these are around $29 for your face, all sorts of great ingredients. >> this is a must have at home when you travel. it's a good place for your hot items. >> this is one of our all-time best sellers at shop today. for good reason. it looks plain, but this does a lot. it's a two in one heat-resistant
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silicone mat/pouch. when you're using your hot tools, put it on the counter, so you don't burn or damage your counter. so you don't burn or damage your counter. but let's say you're done and it's still hot. >> slide it inside. >> yeah, it's a pocket! so you just slide it straight in there. >> you've got to go to work -- >> even while it's hot!$4.99! >> to purchase these items, scan our qr code, or go to and we should mention, that "today" does earn a commission from the purchases made through our links. thank you again, chasse. and it's so good for travel. and it's $4.99! this is such a great buy. >> price is right. thank you, chassis. >> to purchase these items, scan our qr code, or go to and we should mention, that "today" does earn a commission from the purchases made through our links. thank you again, chasse. carson, over to you. >> sorry. i'm just getting caught up with chef here. there's so much going on in your life, it's ridiculous. we should toast all the things happening in j.j. johnson's life.
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"today" food. one of our favorite chefs is here. of course, our neighbor, too, at 30 rock. we've got j.j. johnson, who's sharing a summer shrimp recipe that's perfect for the cookout, for a weeknight dinner. he's got a lot to celebrate. his book was named to the "new york times" best-selling cookbooks of 2023, and his restaurant brand field trip is growing internationally, with a new field trip opening up this summer at that paradise place. that is literally atlantis paradise island resort in bahamas. chef, as i mentioned, so much going on. congrats on everything. >> thank you very much. we have you right here. the new spot opening up in atlantis. >> a new spot opening up in atlantis. very exciting for me, for my family. >> you have kids that are about to turn 7, but as a kid, did you go to the bahamas? >> never went to the bahamas, to atlantis. my wife says that when i was a young cook, i used to say, hopefully one day i can afford to make enough money to bring my family to atlantis. now you're the guy with the spot. >> now i'm the guy with the
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spot, as you can see, that's behind the scenes a little bit of what we're doing. but we'll be there at the atlantis. very exciting. >> "today" show field trip. sounds like we've got to make a -- before we get the shrimp, the culinary program at the jazz club, what is that? >> so i partnered with jazz club in ann arbor michigan called blue llama. i do all the culinary program there. it's new, it's afro caribbean food. >> the whole jazz music and food combination. >> one of the most beautiful jazz clubs in america when you come to ann arbor. i have a lot going on. >> let's talk about shrimp today. >> let's talk about shrimp. this is my style of barbecue shrimp. something you can do really simple. i take your favorite creole seasoning, dump it in here. you can mix that up. a little bit of salt, right? and you can grill this. you can put it in your cast iron pan. i'm a big cast iron pan person. >> you have tails on here. >> tails on. nice-sized shrimp. you drop them in the pan, you want that nice sizzle.
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>> oil down? >> a little bit of grape seed oil. >> why grape seed? >> it will get a super high smoke point. it's not going to burn. a lot of us, when we're cooking, we're cooking burnt oil. olive only gets to about 220 degrees. when you cook with olive oil, it's burning. you're getting to 50, 400 degrees. >> what's a good oil? i love olive oil mixed with avocado oil to make your own blended oil. get your shrimp going, get it nice. i see you're cooking in the kitchen. let's build our sauce. you can put in onions, garlic, you can toss it, right? a little bit of lemon juice, right? >> yep. >> some worcestershire. that's some beer. >> this looks like my bed when i wake up, my leftover beer. >> throw that in there. some aromatics. let this reduce. and then throw in that shrimp you made when he gets perfect. and the bay leaf, you slide this
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shrimp right in here. slide it in. slide it in -- >> are you cooking it all off here or are you leaving a little under because more cook time? >> a little under. so some medium rare. i want a really nice color on one side. so we're here and this is what it looks like if you want to jump in. >> i do want to jump in. jump in there. then we'll get to red beans and rice. >> you have one minute. >> this is from my cookbook, the simple art of rice. my grandfather's recipe, got some andouille sausage. you have the ham hocks. >> the onions. celery. these beans should be soaked, everybody. >> you can use can beans, al. throw in your chicken stock. then remember, when you make red beans and rice, it's more red beans than rice. but do you wash your rice? >> no, i don't. >> no? >> you have to wash your rice. >> you do have to wash.
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it's very important. gets that first layer of starch off and then your rice will be perfectly fluffy. but the one thing you can't have here at field trip is when you go to the atlantis, you can spike your drinks. >> byo? little airplane bottle. >> no. base clu you get this beautiful pineapple ginger lemonade, put bourbon in it, tequila. >> for all the recipes. when we come back, we have very special olympic news from our ♪♪ we're in the middle of... seizing the date! ♪♪ in the middle of... trying new things! ♪♪ in the middle of the perfect pairing ...
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and parking it here for the night! ♪♪ so come get away... together... to the incredible, unforgettable illinois— the middle of everything. ♪♪ hey, flex. considering there's a heatwave, it's kinda chilly in here. oh, that's because i'm pre-cooling the house with the ac before 4 pm. then i'll turn our thermostat to a comfortable 78 or higher that way i could stay cool later. ooh, what about me? you're never cool. oh.
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>> announcer: this portion of "today" is sponsored by comcast, proud partner of team usa. oh, welcome back. check out the eiffel tower there on the plaza, as you can see, we are just 50 short days away from the start of the paris olympics.
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>> that's right! and this morning, guys, we have a very, very special announcement. that's right, our parent company nbc universal is teaming up with "sesame street" to bring this guy and his friends to paris as part of our coverage. cookie monster! >> yes, we're going to be there! bonjour, carson. bonjour, craig. bonjour, yes. we're excited. >> you got one word down. oui, oui. that's about it. >> what do you think about going to the olympic games? >> me so excited. me never been to paris before so so excited to experience the food, the macrons, the eclaires,
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all the important words! >> yes! >> do you have, cookie, a favorite olympic sport? what's your go-to? >> me like the one where they jump around on the mat and do flips? >> gymnastics! that's hoda's favorite sports. >> simone biles. >> you're going to meet simone? >> me no can wait. she's like the chocolate chip cookies of gymnastics. >> eshe like the goat. >> she is the goat. >> like they're wearing a hat. go to the wide shot. >> i have an eiffel hat. >> cookie, do you know how to say cookie monster in french? >> is it different than cookie monster? how you say your name in french? >> hoda. >> so me think it's just cookie monster. me hope so because that's what it says -- that's on my passport. >> do you know any other words? what do you know in french? >> besquit, macron. >> you mentioned that before.
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>> eclaire! >> have you ever tasted a macaroon. >> no. >> do you think you should give a taste test right now? >> me think this could be new olympic sport. >> okay. you would win. >> i've got you a plate -- how about you just taste one. >> you time me and see how fast me can eat the plate. >> go! >> yum, yum! done! >> how long? >> 3.8 seconds. >> world record. >> gold goes to cookie monster. usa. >> me did it. >> cookie, we mentioned some of your friends that are going to go to paris? >> elmo is going to be there.
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and abby and elmo's little doggy tango. >> we're all going to be there. >> we can't wait. you can catch the excitement with the crew from sesame street in france when the paris olympics kick off in just 50 short days. can't wait to see you there. okay? >> me can't wait. taking a hot air balloon. >> no, we'll get you a plane ticket. >> we'll be back. first, your local news and weather.
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well good morning everyone. it's 856. i'm scott mcgrew. happening today. the debate over bringing pandas to san francisco continues. the city supervisors audit and oversight committee will vote on what actions, if any, it's willing to take to bring pandas to the san francisco zoo. mayor. london breed is calling for $25 million. the committee recently said no and postponed the request until today, calling it a distraction, saying there were more urgent funding issues. the meeting will be at ten. happening now san francisco police investigating a shooting at dolores park before 1030 last night. the video shows crime scene and caution. witnesses say they saw at least one person midday news see you at the
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this morning on the third hour of "today," sugar warning. >> is sugar the new tobacco? >> sugar for sure is new tobacco. >> we're breaking down a new push to label sugary foods just


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