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tv   Today  NBC  June 12, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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california, from truckee to try to go, you know, quell those flames. certainly don't want some of these to set up and grow. yeah. love the camaraderie with our fire crews around the state, around the nation. let's take a look at our inland 7-day forecast. we'll do mid 80s for today. slightly cooler tomorrow. but then look at that stable throughout the next seven. and south bay starts the bill. but it's not as bad as we often see at this time. so that's great for silicon valley. all right. we'll take it. that is what's happening today in the bay. the today show starts right now. also join us for our live streaming newscast at 8 a.m. and good wednesday morning. will the son of the president be sent to prison? >> the jury delivers a swift and certain verdict against hunter biden. it's june 12th. this is "today." guilty. hunter biden convicted on all three counts in his federal gun trial. >> this case was about the
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illegal choices defendant made while in the throes of addiction. >> hand in hand with the first lady moments after the verdict, the president himself flying to delaware to support his son. just ahead the potential for prison time. what jurors are now revealing, and the impact on his father's campaign. we've got complete coverage. terror sting. eight men with ties to isis arrested inside the u.s. after crossing the southern border. what we're learning about the sweeping operation, the timing behind it, and how those suspects got into the u.s. rush hour chaos. a crowded bus hijacked in atlanta, the suspect holding the driver at gun point, leading police on a dangerous and deadly chase. just ahead the frantic calls from passengers to loved ones, and how that wild scene finally came to an end. marking the day. 30 years after the murders of nicole brown simpson and ron goldman, unanswered questions
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still surrounding the case, the trial, and the verdict. what a lead investigator is now saying about the evidence against o.j. simpson that jurors never saw, and how the families are honoring the victims today. those stories plus, stunning discovery. remarkable treasures just now being unearthed in the lost city of pompeii. >> oh, wow, this is the blue room? >> it's a very special thing. >> it's so vibrant. oh, it's stunning. >> we'll take you there live for an exclusive behind the scenes look at a new effort to uncover ancient secrets. and major beef. the world of competitive eating rocked by stunning news. >> joey chestnut! >> the king of the sport banned from this year's july 4th hot dog eating contest, an event he has won 16 times. the news fans are finding so hard to swallow.
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today june 12, 2024. >> announcer: from nbc news this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. hi, everybody. good morning. welcome to today. that shot for a moment, beautiful manhattan on a wednesday morning in june. view from the sky, bird's-eye view. >> you really get to see that perspective where we are. it's good to see that. we are going to start this morning with a another historic verdict in the spotlight. hunter biden guilty on federal charge. >> it took a jury in delaware three hours to convict the president's son on all criminal counts he faced after a trial filled with details about his struggles with drug addiction. >> hunter biden now faces possible prison time as well as a separate tax case now just months away. president biden saying he will not issue a pardon for his son. >> we've got it all covered including what sentencing could bring. we'll begin in delaware. ryan nobles in the courtroom for
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us for the trial. good morning. >> reporter: hunter biden and his legal team have promised to appeal yesterday's verdict. his conviction means the president's son is facing the possibility of jail time, and it comes as his father's re-election campaign is gearing up. within minutes of the jury handing down their verdict, hunter biden was leaving the wilmington courthouse hand in hand with first lady jill biden. and then last night as his father, the president, was arriving in wilmington, hunter was there to meet him. the president who has said he'll not offer his son a pardon issuing a statement offering his support, without attacking the system that could send his son to jail. jill and i love our son, and we are proud of the man he is today. adding, i accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal. the decision drawing a fairly muted response from republicans, possibly removing a popular gop talking point about a double standard of justice for the president's family.
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after former president trump who was convicted of 34 felony counts of his own have often claimed that the justice department has been weaponized against him. >> i just went through a rigged trial in new york. >> reporter: the special counsel in charge of the hunter biden investigation arguing his team prosecuted this case without any political pressure. >> no one in this country is above the law. everyone must be accountable for their actions, even this defendant. >> reporter: inside the jury room it did not take long to come to the conclusion that hunter was guilty on all three felony charges related to possession of a firearm while using narcotics. a female juror telling usa today she did not want to find hunter biden guilty because, quote, he needed help, adding in my opinion this was a waste of taxpayer dollars but saying the evidence led to a conviction. a different member of the jury telling nbc an initial poll of jurors showed a 6-6 split, but
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when they came back the following day they quickly moved to a conviction. juror number 10 telling nbc hunter's powerful family played no role in their decision making process. he asked us to conceal his identity. >> it was not politically motivated. politics never played in anything that we said in the jury room. >> reporter: and first lady jill biden did not make it back into the courtroom to hear the verdict read, but she was in the courthouse shortly after. sources telling nbc news she cried when she met hunter after he left the courtroom. savannah? >> all right, ryan, thank you. nbc's senior legal correspondent laura jarrett with us now. laura, let's start with this case in delaware. what is the likelihood of prison time for hunter biden? >> so the reality check here is even though the maximum is ten years, it's unlikely that the judge is going to impose that given the fact that as of right now he doesn't have a criminal history. he's never been convicted before. there was nothing in his past, and that's one of the things that the judge would use in
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gauging that it's going to be completely up to her discretion. but we should note people do get prison time for this. in fact, usually 90% of people get prison time for this. >> and there are federal sentencing guidelines they're not going to be the statutory maximum of ten years. >> it's more around the neighborhood of like a year and 15 months. >> okay. this is not the end of the legal road for him. he fates tax evasion charges in september in los angeles. >> nine different counts of tax evasion. essentially the gump has accused of him of spending his money lavishly on everything but his taxes. now, he still can plead guilty in that case. there's still an opportunity here -- i'm not suggesting that he will, but at least that's still on the table. and if he doesn't and if hegoes to trial and he's convicted in that case, yesterday's conviction is going to be used against him because then he does have a criminal history. so that's what ups the ante for him come september. >> the president was asked point blank will you pardon your son, he said no. he was not asked will you ever
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commute the sentence for your son. will you explain it? >> say he was given a prison term let's call it in the neighborhood of a year, he can reduce that sentence by commuting the sentence to nothing if he wanted to. now, this is completely within the president's discretion to do that. >> he hasn't weighed in one way or the other on that. >> not on that, no. >> laura, thank you. also this morning we're learning about a high profile sting operation here in the u.s. eight men with suspected ties to isis arrested by federal agents in threemajor cities. nbc's chief white house correspondent peter alexander has the details. peter, what do you know this morning? >> reporter: hoda, good morning. those eight suspects you all note are all men from tajikistan alan all arrested by i.c.e. over the weekend in philadelphia and new york for potential ties. at the time authorities found no evidence of terror ties.
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their criminal background checks at the time all came back clean, but the fbi has since been investigating a potential threat coming out of central europe that included monitoring these men for several months. a series of terror suspects in isis linked attacks notably have originated in tajikistan. that, by the way, it borders afghanistan and china including the gunman in the moscow concert hall attack that happened back in march where isis claimed responsibility. hoda. >> peter, all of this under the backdrop of border security one of the issues dominating the presidential race. >> reporter: the economy and border security and immigration, of course. republicans blame president biden for the record number of migrants illegally crossing into the u.s. on his watch, arguering h he's weak on immigration and border security. remember republicans recently tanked a border security deal at the urging of former president trump and this is a deal the border patrol union had
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endorsed. restricting asylum requests once illegal border crossings reach about 2,500 migrants a day. to be clear, hoda, we remain in what is a high threat environment. the fbi director recently warning congress some dangerous individuals have illegally crossed into the u.s., and he remains concerned about a particular network with isis ties, hoda. >> peter alexander at the white house, thank you. there are new developments in the push for a cease-fire with gaza. secretary antony blinken now in the region urging both israel and hamas to accept a proposal backed by the white house, also meeting with the families of american hostages. nbc's raf sanchez in tel aviv this morning. raf, good morning. and we've heard from hamas on this issue. >> reporter: that's right, savannah, good morning. nearly two weeks after president biden laid out that cease-fire proposal to end the war in gaza and free hostages there is finally a response from hamas, but that response is not a clear
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first hurdle here is getting that deal between israel and hamas. savannah? >> all right, raf sanchez with the very latest, thank you. 7:12 craig, jones the table.
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>> good morning to you as well. a wild story down in atlanta yesterday. authorities there in atlanta still piecing together this frightening incident, a public transport bus -- a public transit bus hijacked at gunpoint. it led to a high-speed chase through rush hour traffic, and al in a downtown atlanta food
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court. authorities say they do not believe the two incidents are connected. >> priy, thank > let's turn now to the weather. heavy rain drenching parts of florida this morning. flash flooding left cities like sarasota, naples, and miramar under water yesterday. residents saw up to 8 inches of rain in three hours. several vehicles had to be pushed out of the flood waters and causing delays at local airports and they're not out of the woods yet. let's check in with al to see
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what's going on down south. >> good morning to you. and that's right flood watches for 7 million people from just south of tampa all the way down to key west. some places already picking up the entire month of june's rainfall. you can see the rain showers, thunderstorms still continue to plague that area. this stalled front, tropical moisture, down downpours, tropical moisture in southern florida tomorrow. showers and storms develop over these saturated areas. friday that front still lingers over the sunshine state, more areas of heavy rain. some places may pick up on top of what they've already gotten 15 inches of rain or more. and if that's not enough, we're looking at possible tropical development along that system in the next seven days. this zone right off the south eastern atlantic coast could see a tropical system develop. we're going to be watching that as well. and we're looking ahead to next week, and all of this hot weather starting to make its way
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to the east with temperatures in the 90s. some of the warmest conditions yet. we're going to look at that coming up in the next half hour, but we're going to get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. version of yourself. ♪♪ and helping those around you do the same. (camera click) too bold? never too bold. when we come together to celebrate our full selves, ♪♪ we belong to something beautiful. (camera click) ♪♪ rare beauty only at sephora.
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and that's your latest weather. guys? >> al, thank you. coming up the oj simpson case exactly 30 years after the murders of nicole brown simpson. the questions that remain unanswered today. kate snow with that. >> good morning. all these years later, i spoke with one of the lead investigators on the case of the more than 20 pieces of evidence he wishes had been included in the trial and why he thinks even then the verdict probably would not have changed. hoda? >> all right, kate. we'll check back with you. also ahead, an exclusive look at the stunning new discoveries being made in the ancient city of pompey. we will
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still ahead, a heart felt tribute from jenna to her grandfather, former president george h.w. bush on what would have been his 100th birthday. >> remember the sky diving adventures? we're going to celebrate his remarkable life. but, first, your local news and but, first, your local news and weather. i got help to push back. i got help to push back. lybalvi helps us push back against bipolar 1. once-daily prescription lybalvi is proven to treat manic or mixed episodes of bipolar 1 in adults, to help you push back. elderly patients with dementia have increased risk of death or stroke. do not take lybalvi if you are taking opioids or are in opioid withdrawal. the samidorphan in lybalvi can cause severe opioid withdrawal that can lead to hospitalization or increase risk of life-threatening overdose. get emergency help if you have trouble breathing, become very drowsy with slowed or shallow breathing, feel faint, very dizzy, or confused or have a fever, stiff muscles, rash, swollen glands or problems with your liver, kidneys, heart, or lungs.
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7:23 am
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(man) every time i needed a new phone, make your own i had to switch carriers... (roommate) i told verizon, everyone can get the best deals, like that iphone 15 on them. (man) switching all the wasn't easy. (lady) 35! (store customer) you're gonna be here forever. (man) i know. (employee) here is your wireless contract. (man) do i need a lawyer for this? those were hard days. representative. switch! now that i got a huge storage and battery upgrade... i'm officially done switching. (vo) new and existing customers get iphone 15 on us when they trade in any iphone, any condition. guaranteed. (man) i really wished you told me sooner. i'm laura garcia. here's a look at our top stories. i'm bob redell in redwood city. a local fire department is asking for your help in trying to determine the cause of this large fire to happen earlier. last week behind
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me, the menlo park fire protection district is looking for photos and videos that might have captured the early stages of this fire that burned down a large chunk of an affordable housing project under construction here on 2700 middlefield road, again in redwood city. the fire was reported around 1015 in the morning on june 3rd, which was two mondays ago. south bay firefighters able to quickly put out a tool shed fire. you can see smoke in from the flames in this time lapse video from san jose. a shed on woodhaven drive caught fire about 6:00 this morning. it's in san jose's east side. no injuries have been reported and the cause is under investigation. cooler temperatures today. cinthia pimentel is in for carrie. how are we looking? yeah, it was definitely a toasty tuesday. now, as we work our way through the workweek, we're going to cool those temperatures down to help us carry us through at least friday here we're going go down into the mid 80s for today in our furthest inland valleys. cool things down further for our
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thursday. so it's that typical bay area summertime. you leave the house with a jacket and you put it aside by the middle part of the day. as we go through the weekend. should stay fairly stable here. lots of sunshine in the 80s, and san francisco should also be in for some comfortable daytime highs. laura looks nice. thanks, cynthia and don't forget to join us for our today in the bay live streaming newscast live at 8:00 under scrutiny. the housing project concord leaders are rejecting now catching the attention of state officials. join us on roku, amazon fire tv, and
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♪♪ >> dad, got some great news for you. >> what's that? >> i rented the apartment. >> to who? >> fonzi.
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>> 7:30. that's a scene from "happy days." howard cunningham maybe wasn't having one of his better moments. the reason we're showing this clip is this morning that iconic tv dad may have reason to celebrate when carson shares the latest results from the bracket. we don't know. maybe. >> i like that we're really eventizing these bracket challenges. >> it's important. >> it is not a given. >> we'll see who he's up against. i can't remember either. okay. that's where the analysis ends. let's get to our busy half hour ahead. we will start with the oj simpson case. >> that's because it was exactly 30 years ago today that nicole brown simpson and ron goldman were murdered. two months after his death, questions still linger about the killings and the trial itself. >> our senior national correspondent and nbc news daily
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anchor kate snow is here with more. >> good morning, guys. so all of us who were around back then remember june 12th brings back memories of where we were when this started. the mythology of the white bronco, the designer gloves and shoes live on in our collective memories. for eight months in 1995 the country was obsessed with this trial. the verdict was divisive. it left two families reeling and many unanswered questions. >> 30 years after her murder, nicole brown simpson's family is trying to celebrate the way she lived. >> it happened the way it happened. you can't change that. now what we want to do is bring her back in this as that wonderful human being that she was. >> i think it is important that people get to know my sister. >> in a documentary released earlier this month, the sisters share their nicole. >> i kept my nicole really private for so long. >> ron goldman's father and
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sister saying the grief is always there. >> it doesn't leave you. it kind of moves through your day, and at different times of your day it can pop up. >> reporter: the verdict in the oj simpson murder trial was the end of a national spectacle. three decades later questions about the murder, the trial and the verdict remain. >> all of the evidence, the substantial evidence pointed in one direction. >> reporter: tom lange was a lead investigator on the simpson murder case. in his book "evidence dismissed," he argued 20 pieces of evidence against simpson were never mentioned in court and should have been. >> the blood on the rear gate thoroughly explained. the drinking glasses in chicago. blood splatter not put on as evidence. >> reporter: he believes there is more to say about the possible whereabouts of the murder weapon and the footprints made by expensive shoes. >> there is no doubt in anyone's mind whoever left those foot impressions is the killer.
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>> reporter: last week the fbi released 475 pages of documents details how agents went to italy to visit the shoe designer and determined only 96 pays of size 12 shoes were ever distributed. do you think if the jury had heard more about the shoes it might have helped convict oj simpson? >> no, i really don't. i don't think that would have changed anything. that's not the point. the point is you put on all evidence in a murder case. >> reporter: lange says the trial was never really about oj. >> i think there was a mistrust of the lapd. i think this was pushed by the defense, who essentially put the lapd on trial. >> reporter: so many what ifs played out in the immediate you over the years. now nicole's family attempting to reclaim their own narrative. >> why denise? why now? >> i asked my sisters and said, do you guys want to know this and let the world know who
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nicole really was and everybody agreed this was the right time. >> what are you hoping people are going to gleam from this? >> i really want people to get to know who nicole was and actually, you know, you want to humanize her. you want to be able to hear her voice. >> after 30 years, detective lange suggested this wasn't about celebrity. it was about two young people who were murdered. on this day, that's what we need to remember. >> interesting to hear that lead investigator say that he didn't think even if the evidence was presented it wouldn't have changed anything. and the moment with celine dion you did not see as the star opens up about why she refuses to let health challenges define her. first, an exclusive look at the remarkable new treasures now being unearthed in the ancient city of pompey. kelly cobiella is there with us.
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>> reporter: good morning to you. yeah, we're standing at the foot of the volcano and archaeologists are digging right behind me as we speak. they have uncovered drawings from children. from children. we'll have your exclusive tou this looks like an actual farm. it looks cute on the app. [farm animal sounds] ♪♪ meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals aren't what they're cracked up to be, try one where you know what you'll get. new centrum menopause supplements help unpause life when symptoms pause it. with a multivitamin plus hot flash support. (♪♪) daily zz for quality sleep. (♪♪) and enxtra for focus and clarity. centrum, powered by clinically
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studied ingredients. (vo) on average, we spend 93% of our lives indoors. centrum, powered by clinically but can you imagine missing a moment like this? life happens out there. (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪
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♪♪ sure, feels good when you get it right. and with the number one powered toothbrush brand recommended by dental professionals. philips sonicare makes it easy for you to always get brushing right. what keeps baby's skin healthy? a diaper that doesn't leave skin wet. that's why pampers swaddlers absorbs wetness better for up to 100% leakproof protection and 0% skin irritation. pampers. for healthy baby skin. centrum! it's scientifically formulated to help you take charge of your health. centrum gives every body a healthy foundation. supporting your - oops - energy, immunity and metabolism. and yours too! you did it! plus try centrum silver, now clinically proven to support memory in older adults.
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(man) that looks really high. (woman) now cit is high.roven whenever you're ready. (man) are there any snakes? (woman) nope. (man) are you sure? here we go! (vo) it's time to push your limits. (woman) you're doing great! (man) oh, is that a buffalo? (woman) babe, that's a cow. (vo) the subaru crosstrek wilderness. adventure on the edge. we are back at 7:39 with "in depth today". >> this morning we're getting an exclusive behind the scenes look in pompey where the biggest archeological dig there in years turned up some remarkable discoveries. >> kelly cobiella has a front row seat. she's there for us live this morning. kelly, good morning.
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>> reporter: guys, good morning to you. yeah, you know, archaeologists have been excavating this site for more than 200 years, but a third of the city has remained uncovered until now. in the shadow of mount ve soouf yus. are we on a roman road yet? >> we're making a journey of about 2,000 years. >> reporter: now the biggest dig in a generation has unearthed a breathtaking scene from the past. >> oh, wow. this is the blue room. >> it is a very special theme. >> reporter: it is so vibrant. oh, it's stunning. nbc news getting an exclusive look at this or nately decorated shrine as it was nearly 2,000 years ago. female figures representing the four seasons and rare egyptian blue paint on the walls. >> blue was the most expensive
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color. >> reporter: on the floor, a row of clay jugs and oyster shells used for plaster, sitting exactly as builders left them that fateful day in 79 a.d. >> something strange is happening, and you could hear a big bang and it starts raining these pumis stones. >> reporter: the entire city was buried in ash and frozen in time. bakers and artists, builders and merchants, more than 20,000 people lived here. this was a big, wealthy, thriving city. today teams are finding new clues about how those people lived. carefully putting the pieces back together. >> seeing something for the first time in almost 2,000 years. >> reporter: exposing entire rooms like this newly discovered banquet hall decorated with mythical figures like the beautiful helen of troy, showing the sophistication and elegance.
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some of these new finds open to the public this month. we were given an up close look. >> we thought that was amazing. we had no idea of what we were going to come down on to. >> reporter: frescos from the ceiling to the floor, and this intriguing image of a boy and his dog. >> this is unique. >> reporter: around the corner, another surprise. charcoal drawings made by children. a hunting scene, a boxing match. >> little hands. little giggles of the children. >> reporter: it's like a hand reaching out from the past. but not every picture is clear. this unfinished reigniting an age-old debate about pizza. this is not the first depiction of pizza. it looks very much like a pizza.
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but so many incredible finds. and really they have only scratched the surface. there are ruins underneath where i'm standing right now. guys, they will be working on this site for the next several months. who knows what they might find? >> kelly, that was so fascinating. thank you so much. just the fact that so much of that ancient history remains intact. the colors are still so vibrant. >> i cannot believe after 2,000 years the blue looks like that. >> and that there is still things to be discovered. that's really cool. >> yeah. let us get a check of the weather from mr. roker. >> yeah, they had a bad forecast that day. it was not so good. we have some hot weather to talk about. 18 million people from california all the way into texas under heat advisories, watches and warnings. look at some of these temperatures today. sacramento 95. omaha, nebraska 95 degrees. chicago, you are going to be 11 degrees above average at 90. tomorrow that heat spreads to the east.
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new york city, we're going to be into the mid-80s. oklahoma city 93. and then this big area is going to continue, start to expand into the weekend. it will be into the mid-80s. memphis will see temperatures into the 90s as well. guess what? this goes into next week as the big high pressure ridge builds in. jet stream up to the north. look at some of these temperatures as we head into early next week. new york city into the low 90s. records are possible. cincinnati, st. louis and
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and that's your latest weather. guys? >> al, thank you. still ahead, the july 4th hot dog eating contest without its superstar joey chestnut. the surprising reason he says he has been banned from this year's big event. plus, a can't miss morning boost all coming up foyou boost all coming up foyou afr te i miss you, mommy. when you think about it. are you coming home? i'll be there when you wake up. half the trips the world takes are trips home. i'll call you soon, dad. it's the feeling we all eventually long to get back to, no matter what took us away to begin with. we know because at delta we're travelers just like you. which is why we try to make you feel at home long before you even get there. (♪♪)
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(grandpa vo) if that's not rich, i don't know what is. (vo) the key to being rich is knowing what counts. (vo) when it comes to nature valley, which camp are you in? two bars in one pack? or two cravings packed into one bar? (dad) sweet. (daughter) and salty! (vo) nature valley sweet & salty bars, in delicious flavors like dark chocolate, peanut, and almond. shop etsy until june 16th and get up to 30% off father's day gifts that go beyond the classic go-to. save on personalized gear, and other things dads dig. when you want a one-of-a-kind gift to show him he's #1. etsy has it. ♪♪ are you tired of your hair breaking after waiting years for it to grow? meet new pantene pro-v miracles. with our highest concentration of pro-vitamins yet, infused with ingredients like biotin & collagen. strengthens hair bonds and repairs as well as the leading luxury brand
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without the $60 price tag. for stronger, healthier hair. ♪♪ if you know, you know it's pantene. ♪♪ we're back with carson. we're also back with some news that is rocking the world of competitive eating. >> the competitive eating story, i love it. it is really a seismic shift here, guys. weeks before the nathan's famous hot dog eating contest, there is major beef, unintended, between its organizers and the sports biggest star. we learned that joey chestnut will not be out there doing what he does best, shocking fans. >> it's making us sick. >> joe fryer has all the details. >> look away, look away. >> so both chestnut and major league eating say this is not what they want. the decision stems from his
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conflict with a major hot dog brand. but this dog fight may not be over just yet. when it comes to eating dogs, he's america's top dog. 16-time nathan hot dog eating champ joey chestnut. >> i give you the number one ranked eater in the world, joey chestnut. >> but this fourth of july, the feeding frenzy's most famous mouth won't be defending his mustard belt. >> it is probably one of the saddest days in sports history. >> you are taking away an american hero. i said it. >> major league eating says chestnut is unable to compete because oaf his new partnership with impossible foods, which launched a plant-based hot dog this year. but chestnut says he was banned, writing on social media, i do not have a contract with mle or nathan's. they're looking to change the rules from past years as it relates to other partners i can
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work with. rules stipulate no participant can be endorsed by a competing hot dog brand. >> it would be like michael jordan saying to nike, i'm going to represent adidas as well. >> organizers insist nothing has changed, and they just want their star eater back. >> he's an american eater and we want him there. if we can resolve it, we will. >> chestnut says he's gutted. for fans, the beef is real. >> this is a disgrace. this is a strategy. >> when it comes to downing dogs, the competition isn't even close to chestnut, who set a world record back in 2021, scarfing down a belly busting 76 franks and buns in just 10 minutes. now, chestnut who said he had been training reassured fans in a statement they will see him again. stay tuned and stay hungry. meantime, impossible food says it supports joey competing adding, quote, meat eaters shouldn't have to be exclusive
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to just one weiner. >> you just said that, joe, on television. >> of course, if joey chestnut doesn't end up at coney island, think of the new generation of competitive eaters that could be presented to us. >> this needs the documentary treatment, like that woodstock thing that happened that everybody was wondering about. >> they both need each other. watching the nathan's hot dog eating contest without joey chestnut. >> watching it is really kind of a -- >> the soaking in the water of the buns. >> did you know it would come the day after and you could still smell the hot dog. >> all right. okay. >> that is true. he wouldn't have slept. when he won it was like he won the stanley cup. he would be up all night in new york. >> and then it is like coming out of your pores. >> they got a result. >> hot dog meat sweats. >> we could probably use a
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boost. >> okay, i got you covered. a woman weighed in. she named her baby boy after the man who raised her since she was 11 years old, and this is his reaction. >> really? i thought it was just -- >> no, that's the name. >> that's the name? >> wow. what a moment. beautiful. beautiful. the new mom posted the video on social media with the caption, best grandpa and dad out there. congratulations. >> sweet. so much better than the hot dog story. coming up, the star teasing a possible baseball sequel. also the final four in our top tv dads bracket challenge. tv dads bracket challenge. wait u introducing kardiamobile. with kardiamobile, the fda-cleared smart device, you can take a medical-grade ekg
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in just 30 seconds from anywhere. every morning i check, make sure i'm in good shape. and it makes me feel pretty good about my heart condition. kardiamobile is proven to detect atrial fibrillation. and it's fda-cleared to detect normal heart rhythm, bradycardia and tachycardia. i mean, you might as well be in a doctor's office. get one for dad this father's day for just $79. see our father's day sale at or amazon. centrum! it's scientifically formulated to help you take charge of your health. centrum gives every body a healthy foundation. supporting your - oops - energy, immunity and metabolism. and yours too! you did it! plus try centrum silver, now clinically proven to support memory in older adults. look at that sweet frosting and filling. that's what makes pop-tarts such a great snack! i sure hope we get eaten soon. we will. i made a sign. [vending machine buzzs] it's working! pop-tarts! crazy good.
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side effects may not appear for several weeks. i didn't have to change my treatment. i just gave it a lift. ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. [♪♪] and learn how abbvie if you're only using facial moisturizer in the morning, did you know, the best time for skin renewal is at night? olay retinol24 renews millions of surface skin cells while you sleep. wake up to smoother, younger-looking skin with olay retinol24. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪♪) i came here to find love, but instead i found a best friend. señor snuffles? you stole my sock and now you've stolen my heart. will you accept this milk-bone as a symbol of my love. ♪ more dog ♪ new centrum menopause supplements help unpause life when symptoms pause it. with a multivitamin plus hot flash support.
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(♪♪) daily zz for quality sleep. (♪♪) and enxtra for focus and clarity. centrum, powered by clinically studied ingredients. switch to shopify so you can build it better, scale it faster and sell more. much more. take your business to the next stage when you switch to shopify. a very good morning to you. it is 756 right now i'm laura garcia and i'm kris sanchez happening now here's a look at what we're working on for our 8:00 streaming newscast. i'm ginger conejero saab in san francisco, where later today, the city's five mayoral candidates will take to the debate stage for the first time this season. incumbent mayor london breed daniel lurie, supervisor asha sapphire, mark
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farrell and supervisor aaron peskin will be at the sidney goldstein theater in san francisco civic center area to debate for the first time. that's after the first debate was canceled several weeks ago. that event starts at 630, but in-person tickets are already sold out. tickets to the virtual event are still available for purchase at city box we will bring you updates on air and online at nbc. bay thank you very much. ginger. cinthia pimentel in for kerry this morning. how's the forecast looking? we're building into that summer pattern where we bring a jacket in the early morning hours and then put it aside as we look at some toasty temperatures still inland, not quite as hot as yesterday. we'll do mid 80s, further cooling down into thursday, but then steady over the weekend. in the 80s as well. back to you. all right. thank you cynthia. and don't forget you can watch our today in the bay streaming newscast live at 8:00. we'll talk with scott mcgrew who breaks down the new inflation data. and the key decision coming from the fed later today. you can watch on
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drop your jaw. and jump for joy. pixar fest is here! with a new parade. so, join the party, now through august 4th, 2024. visit the disneyland resort with a special 3-day disneyland ticket offer for a limited time.
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♪♪ it's 8:00 on "today." coming up guilty. hunter biden convicted on all counts in his federal down case. the details on his possible sentence, the president's response and how it might impact the 2024 race. plus, all eyes on inflation.
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a look at the new numbers out this morning ahead of a major decision on interest rates. coming up, what it means for your bills and your bottom line. and remembering george h.w. bush. >> we as a people have such a purpose today. it is to make kinder the face of the nation. >> jenna shares a touching tribute for her gampa, honoring the life and legacy of the former president on what would have been his 100th birthday. all that plus, miley unplugged. >> did you ever feel that way about your father? >> a new sneak peek at "despicable me 4". >> you messed with the wrong principal. >> and "space balls" the sequel? >> who knows? good willing, we'll all meet again in "space balls 2: the search for more money." it's all coming up on today,
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june 12th, 2024. >> today is our 25th anniversary. >> from grand rapids, michigan. >> class of 2024, go tigers! >> visiting from birmingham, alabama. >> from iowa. >> freeport, illinois. >> virginia. >> and california. >> hey to alison in jonesboro tennessee. >> today is my 70th birthday. >> from tampa, florida celebrating 63 years of marriage. >> 63 years? wow! and it looks good on them, too. good morning, everybody. wednesday morning. happy crowd out there.
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>> let's get right to your news here. we will begin with that historic verdict out of delaware. hunter biden found guilty on federal gun charges. but will the president's son be sent to prison? ryan nobles joins us from washington with the very latest. ryan, good morning. >> reporter: hey, savannah. good morning. it took the jury of 6 men and 6 women to convict hunter biden of three federal charges. the guilty verdict means the president's son is facing prison time. but the judge is yet to set a sentencing date. president biden met with his son in wilmington shortly after the verdict was read. he also released a statement saying he was proud of the man that hunter has become and said, quote, i accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal. and hunter's legal team has said they do plan to appeal this case. inside the jury room, one juror
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told me the panel was split 6-6, but quickly moved to deliberations yesterday morning. david weiss, a special council over seeing this said politics played no role in their prosecution. instead, this was about hunter biden and his choices. his legal troubles are not over. he faces a criminal trial for tax evasion that is set to begin in . >> johnson & johnson will pay $700 million in a nationwide settlement over allegations that it misled customers about the safety of its at all come-based powder products. the company has been under scrutiny over the marketing of its baby powder which it sold for more than 100 years. an investigation by 42 states found asbestos was present in the talc, and the company failed to disclose that it could lead to cancer. under the agreement johnson & johnson will permanently stop manufacturing and selling all products containing at all couple powder. another story we're
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following close this morning, the state of the u.s. economy. two key indicators being released today, new inflation numbers and a reserve by the federal reserve on its plan for the interest rates. here to break it all down and the impact on our wallets, nbc's senior business correspondent christine romans. busy day for you. >> big day for your money. >> the federal reserve early in the year, we saw maybe we would see three interest rate cuts this year. halfway through the year. any reason to think that changes today? >> i don't think the fed cuts interest rates. you cut interest rates when the economy is weak. this economy is strong. the world bank saying the u.s. economy is exceptional and actually the dynamism of the american company is supporting the rest of the world. you've got an economy still creating a lot of jobs, inflation still too high. it's moving kind of sideways, but it's not the 2% the fed wants so they don't move today. >> if they don't cut the interest rate that we'll still see high mortgage rates and credit card rates so what do you do if you have to take on debt
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and don't want this issue? >> don't take on debt and make sure you have the best possible credit score because you get lower interest rates. put your money in a eye-yield savings account. 4%, 5%. if you're a borrowing saver you can get more borrow money for your savings. that's where you want to be. you don't want to be roll over credit card debt 25% annual percentage rate. that's just awful. >> yesterday the white house had an announcement talking about medical debt, a lot of people finding themselves buried. there may be relief in sight. >> there's a new rule that would exclude medical debt from your credit score. the fed is not lowering interest rates, but this is the white house essentially trying to lower interest rates for some americans by keeping that debt off of there. it could raise your credit score by 20 points which means you would have lower interest rates if you need to borrow money. >> wow. >> christine romans, as you said, today, your super bowl. >> my super bowl today.
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>> thanks, christine. a lottery group in michigan that calls itself the breakfast club have claimed that massive $842 million powerball jackpot from new year's day. an attorney representing the three winners appeared on their behalf yesterday. michigan law allows individuals of a lottery club to remain none mouse. the lawyers said they plan to retire earlier than expected. they will remain in michigan but plan to buy a vacation home in florida, and he says they want to help their immediate families and also give back to their community. >> that's who you love to see win the lottery, the breakfast club. >> the breakfast club. >> all right. still ahead, carson is working hard on "pop start" this morning including, yes, the newest results from our wildly popular top tv dad. >> popular. >> everybody is talking about it. plus, today's celebrations honoring former president george h.w. bush on what would have been his 100th birthday, and jenna is here to share her own
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tribute to her beloved gampe, but first, these messages. (man) switching all the wasn't easy. (lady) 35! (store customer) you're gonna be here forever. (man) i know. (employee) here is your wireless contract. (man) do i need a lawyer for this? those were hard days. representative. switch! now that i got a huge storage and battery upgrade... i'm officially done switching. (vo) new and existing customers get iphone 15 on us when they trade in any iphone, any condition. guaranteed. (man) i really wished you told me sooner. (roommate) i did. i'm adding downy unstopables to my wash. now i'll be smelling fresh all day long. [sniff] still fresh. ♪♪ get 6x longer-lasting freshness, plus odor protection. try for under $5! (ambient sounds, clock ticking)
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starbucks frappuccino drinks. (♪♪) the feeling of a comforting hug from your nana, but with a taste of creamy, delicious coffee. (noel) did you know it's possible to have a heart attack at age 36? i didn't. here's a tip. if you smoke, it's totally possible. that's what happened to me. (announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. centrum! it's scientifically formulated to help you take charge of your health. centrum gives every body a healthy foundation. supporting your - oops - energy, immunity and metabolism. and yours too! you did it! plus try centrum silver, now clinically proven to support memory in older adults. this delectable knorr ramen noodle recipe will put an end to your drive-thru dinner rituals. throw that knorr bouillon in that tasty combo of delightful carrots and the rich touch of bok choy. make your own knorr taste combo. it's not fast food, but it's so good.
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what causes a curve down there? is it peyronie's disease? will it get worse? how common is it? who can i talk to? can this be treated? stop typing. start talking to a specialized urologist. because it could be peyronie's disease, or pd. it's a medical condition where there is a curve in the erection, caused by a formation of scar tissue. and an estimated 1 in 10 men may have it. but pd can be treated even without surgery. say goodbye to searching online. find a specialized urologist who can diagnose pd and build a treatment plan with you. visit today. ♪ tommy: carolyn was murdered. and your fingerprints were found in her bedroom. rusty: i am the prosecutor in the case. i was at the scene following her death. but you were gloved up. we were work colleagues. rusty: what is the point of this? am i under criminal investigation? tommy: are you a violent person?
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dad! were you and carolyn romantically involved? ♪ leave! ♪ tommy: you want me to repeat the question? ♪ what keeps baby's skin healthy? a diaper that doesn't leave skin wet. that's why pampers swaddlers absorbs wetness better for up to 100% leakproof protection and 0% skin irritation. pampers. for healthy baby skin. happy birthday marty! oh no you don't, let me get this. ah, thanks... you're too kind. i've heard that. unlimited 2% cash back, the wells fargo active cash credit card. what do you want your legacy to be? >> i want somebody else to define the legacy. i banned the use of the l word,
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legacy word. i think history will get right and point out the things i did wrong and perhaps some of the things we did right. >> we are back with jenna's interview with her beloved grandfather. that was on his 88th birthday from one of your family's favorite spots. >> the tears are already here. today would have been president bush's 100th birthday. the george and barbara bush foundation are holding a three-day celebration in college day station. they are celebrating his extraordinary commitment to public service. >> of course, jenna is here with a very personal tribute. hey, jenna. >> i do. we all miss him dearly. on this day, i'm remembering the lessons he taught us and finding comfort in his love. my gampi wrote beautiful letters to those he loved. >> this should be an easy letter to write. >> reporter: letters filled with devoigs. >> i'll be there ready when you
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are. but i'll be there ready when you are. there is so much excitement ahead. >> love. >> i should be strengthened every day by our family love that picks me up every single day of my life. >> and in the case of my grandmother. >> i was only trying to keep up, keep up with barbara. i love you. >> i love you, too. >> so on what would be his 100th birthday, a letter for him. dear gampi, we miss you. we miss your letters and e-mails. we miss racing through the waves of the atlantic on your boat, fishing, laughing and debating around the dinner table. we miss your rules. don't be afraid to shed a tear when your heart is broken or because a friend is hurting. nobody likes an overbearing big shot. and as you succeed, be kind to people. thank those that help you along the way. we miss your quiet compassion, like the time you shaved your
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head for the son of a secret service agent that had leukemia. >> it was the right thing to do. >> we miss your belief that we are better when we work together. >> we as a people have such a purpose today. it is to make kinder the face of the nation and gentler the face of the world. >> and your lifelong devotion to our country as one of the youngest navy pilots in world war ii. >> are we ready? let's go. >> we remember your love of sky diving this week. many of your grandkids inspired by you will jump out of a plane. your milestone birthday tradition that you so proudly did in honor of our nation's military and your service. >> we have been blessed by a family that's together. >> you have been gone for eight years, but we feel you still as we look into the sky and see a thousand points of life. >> we're a better america. for an endless, enduring dream and 1,000 points of life.
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>> and simple acts of love. and in the smiles of your great grandchildren. devotedly, jenna. >> gosh, jenna. >> i know. wow. yeah. you know, it's so crazy, and i know many of you have lost people you love how when you mark an occasion after they're gone, it is really hard to even believe it's been eight years. >> wow. >> since i've gotten to see him. >> and so some of your cousins will jump out of a plane? >> they're all celebrating in college station. you know, i'm here with hoda, so i'm not going to be there. but they are jumping out of a plane to celebrate him. there is other fun things they're doing to celebrate. >> the life lessons he taught that you summed up in that short piece were incredible. what struck me so was the kindness. it's like, we're better when we're kinder. you told me a story of one time
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when your grandfather was in a wheelchair and president obama was landing somewhere, he made sure to be there to mark that moment. >> he says if the president of the united states flies through your airport, you go and you greet him. there was also a letter we wanted to include that went viral a couple years ago that he wrote to president clinton, after he lost which was just basically to sum up that you're my president now and i'm rooting for you. that was after, you know, a vicious campaign, a campaign where his heart was broken because he felt like he didn't finish the job. >> i mean, listen, your family obviously misses him. america misses him. >> yeah. >> america misses george h.w. bush in a big way. >> it is a better time. >> well, people talked about kindness. >> and i think, you know, we can all learn from it. it's not over. >> we also need it. we need it desperately. >> but he would say, and he loved this, he would sit around with friends of all different
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space, of all different political parties, and he loved to debate. that was his favorite thing to do. we would sit at that table and sometimes there were tears. sometimes there was anger. but there was always love at the root of it. i would say, you know, think about all of those that came before, the greatest generation when we looked at d-day last week. you know, let's learn from them and their sacrifice of service and family and love. but also conversations. >> yeah, civility. >> and gentleness. i mean, that was -- i remember as a little kid when i first learned to read, i went to the grocery store with my mom and i saw the word "wimp" on the cover of new york magazine and a picture of my grandfather. i knew the word because we called that -- you know, i didn't. but other bullies said wimp on the playground. it was a very popular word in that time. it was because he was gentle. he led with kindness. he wanted to be the type of leader that listened.
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so it was a stark contrast. i think being gentle and leading with love is actually the opposite. >> a great act of strength, actually. >> anyway -- >> i was bringing this into my office to hang a picture because i had it at home. i spoke at an event for your grandpa and grandma, and they sent me the loveliest letters. it is one of my prized possessions. >> i love that you have that. >> i have this. i'm getting ready to hang it in my office and i just wanted to share it because they mean so much to so many people. >> thank you for sharing that. it was therapeutic to write. >> the letter writing for that generation, too. >> yeah. by the way, to have those is the most prized possession. >> thank you, jenna. >> thank you, guys. love you. >> all right. well, we can see not much going on on the satellite radar, except for florida where there is heavy showers and thunderstorms. the heat is on throughout much
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of the country with the exception of the northeast, pacific northwest, even the 80s down through hawaii. severe storms in the northern plains. record highs continue out west. that flood threat continues down through texas. i should say through florida. and plenty of sshine through un all right. best time of the morning. power through. >> we got a lot to get to. >> miley cyrus has been in the headlines lately over
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speculation of recent family drama. but my next guest, miley opening up about her relationship with her mom tish and her dad, billy ray. >> a lot of people say in interviews my father is my hero. well, that ain't going to happen at my house. did you ever feel that way about your father? >> i mean, honestly, my mom is my hero. and my father i'm grateful for being able to watch him ahead of me. he's almost like given me this map. and there is a map of what to do and whatnot to do. he's guided me on both. >> okay. >> good conversation there if you want to check it out. oh, yes. telling it like it is. next up, bobby flay announcing a new collaboration. he's releasing a cologne with pepsi. the grilling inspired scent
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promises to smell just like barbecues and ice cold pepsi. is that what we want to smell like? the comments section absolutely hilarious. chef sunny anderson wrote smoked, made from the distilled tears of beat bobby play losers, understones of smugness. and savannah, referencing your favorite movie "anchorman," finally sex panther. if you want it for father's day, there is a call to action, i believe, guys. there is an online contest. yeah, there you go. to win a bottle, share a picture of your grill dad on instagram. we will have bobby flay on tomorrow. he will be on the plaza. and we will ask him about all of this. i don't know. >> so we can smell it. >> pepsi, bobby flay cologne. >> dr. pepper cologne. >> next up "despicable me 4," a
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sneak peek at the film and the latest installment. poppy prescott is gru's teenage neighbor that dreams of becoming a super neighbor and helping her pull off the heist at his alma mater. >> you mess with the wrong principal. >> go, go, go! >> oh, you won't get away with this. >> what a week we've had with "despicable me 4." minions have been on the plaza. chloe was on the show. it hits theaters on july 3rd. next up "space balls."
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would there be a part two to this story in the works? >> what? >> i am your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate. >> what does that make us? >> absolutely nothing. >> only certain generations will understand this. it is a sci-fi spoof on "star wars". >> if you haven't seen "star wars," this is completely. >> he always spoofed specific genres. >> sharing a picture of this heavily redacted script. it says based on characters by mel and there was a scene described by exterior star appeal. josh wrote, just handed in a film script that i think may be
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the funniest and best thing i have ever worked on. i'm so excited. i love josh, and i believe him. so we will keep an eye on that story for you. celine dion last night, hoda, your interview was incredible. it was about her battle with stiff person syndrome. also her healing journey and her hopes to return to the stage. now you can hear more of that amazing interview. do yourself a favor and check it out. it is in a "popstart" sneak peek. céline dion talking about letting this disease define here. >> this happens to one in a million. did you think to yourself, of all the people, like why me? >> i could have gone that route and say i have been working so hard on my life and i have done everything that the doctors said and i have been a good girl. is it going to take it away? is it going to make me feel bet sner is it going to fix anything? what is it going to do for me to
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question life and say why me, instead of living my life? well, i decided to live my life. >> i'm so impressed with people that have that take on something that's rare that happened to them. so many people are like, why me. >> she does not blame. i guarantee you we should all get tickets to her concert because she's going to be on stage. >> can't miss it. >> yeah. >> more of "making space with hoda kotb" whether you get your podcasts. all right, guys. father's day on the way. we're taking a look at some of the greatest tv dads. we kicked off monday with six super dads. what a list. it is now down to the final four. when i tell you yesterday's voting was off the charts, we have never seen in all the bracketology on "popstart" this kind of competition. paw beat bluey's dad.
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paw moves on. that's an old one. danny tanner neck in neck with mr. c. he went down. danny tanner, 52% of the votes. that was a buzzer beater in over time. over in the east, phil dunphy beats all alan thicke. and the brady bunch architect. >> he was an architect, baby. >> who will go to the finals? go to to cast your vote.
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hello, everybody!
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welcome back. it's 8:30. it is a beautiful wednesday morning. it is the 12th day of june. we're saying hello to our fantastic crowd. y'all look good! wow! wow, wow, wow. gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. oh, wait. >> she's freaking out. >> al, we have to get to this. >> wow. we're both turning 70? well, you are. >> back for another selfie. >> all right. five years in the making right now. >> okay. >> very sweet. >> what's your name? >> sharmane. >> happy birthday. coming up in this half hour, guys, they are costars and real life brothers in law. it is all in the family. here to tell us about their new thriller. cannot wait for this. it is an updated spin on presumed innocence.
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it is good. it's amazing. it is so good. that's awesome. we have steals and deals coming your way. jill martin brooks is here adding pops of color to your kitchen, closet and more. >> and we're getting close to father's day, so you know we will eat well. grilling steak sliders to inspire this weekend's menu. >> and he needs a new cologne. >> by the way, he will also be on the 3rd hour with great chicken thighs. jill will be back bringing the story of an entrepreneur who has a flair for hair. how one life-changing trip inspired her to start her own brand that now has a celebrity following. savannah has to sign a book. >> oh. i'll do that. you do the weather and i'll sign this. thank you so much. >> let's look ahead to your weekend. see what we have going on for you. record highs on friday in the mid-atlantic. june heat continuing out west. plus threats down through
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florida. on saturday, sunny and warm the eastern third of the country looking at wet weather through the upper great lakes. hot and dry out west. and then sunday, sunday, super sunny for father's day. in the northeast, mid-atlantic a wet one for our dads down in the gulf. a southwest sizzler out west and showers for 832 on our wednesday. we're going to feel temperatures just slightly cooler for today. that heat wave has exited from the bay area. temperatures in our inland valleys. mid 80s for today. much more cooler for tomorrow, thursday. but we'll keep temperatures steady over the next couple of days in the 80s for our inland valleys under sunny skies. enjoy that san francisco. the breeze will return, keeping temperatures bayshore 60s, 70s and 80s today. and that happens to be your latest weather. >> wait. is there an around the horn
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situation or what are you thinking? >> not yet. not today. not today. because i'm in the middle here and i have to go over there. >> all right. all right. coming up next, we will sit down with "presumed innocent" stars starring on their new thriller, their family dynamic and so much more. but, first, this is "today" on nbc.
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it's time to get away
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parade today. >> wow. you really can be a real [ bleep ], can't you, tommy? >> i get the sense the compassionate portion is over. >> i guess that's what it's like when the brothers in law get together. you haven't worked together like in scenes since i think like 2007. was that part of the draw for this process? >> oh, yeah. definitely. for me, he was already in it. >> did you recruit him? >> well, it was a wish. >> it was not a coincidence that i ended up in the show. >> yeah. and, jake, this is the -- i think this is the first tv project. it is the golden age of tv. but jake gyllenhaal has invested in it. why? >> also, the television medium. so to me, you know, being able
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to work in that space with people like that and on a story like this, which i think puts the character and all the characters, actually, in a really difficult position and you have to watch them get through it. it just offered up so many opportunities for performance and interactions with all the great characters. and i was like, i'm in. >> this is a very famous and beloved book. then it was a movie with harrison ford, no pressure, in 1990. are you familiar with the original? did you go back and watch? >> he was like 7? >> i was 10. >> yeah. i didn't watch it at the time. >> we would be talking to your parents. not appropriate. >> i saw it when it came out. i don't remember hold i was, but i was the right age for it. i was also a huge harrison ford fan. so i went to see it for him. >> it is great because, you know, i absolutely loved "presumed innocent" and i was watching some of the series. it is so good but it is serialized. you watch it week by week. i knew i love it but i forgot
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what happens. so it is new to us. if you loved it, you are getting it anew. >> what's interesting is david kelly is an expert at appointment television. so the movie was the movie and you could only get so much in that space. but in this space it is like every single episode. and it is really the reason i want to do it, too. i got to the end of the pile and i thought, i just need to know what happens there. i think the audience will feel that way, too. >> you have to take a deep dive into some of the other characters. and i think which actually strengthens the situation, you know, to really understand everyone's point of view a little bit more. >> waiting every week for a new episode is the new bing watching. what do you think that brings to it? >> it is about the story. story telling is part of being a lawyer. i'm telling my story, which is the version of events. what i hope people do is they watch it and then they have a week to tell their -- what they
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think is happening to other people and people can argue about what is what and they can engage with the audience. >> talk about being brothers in law. you guys are buddies. you're close. you're married to maggie, jake's big sis. what is it like being in scenes together? knowing each other, does that help with the scene? >> i think we both agree it absolutely helps. if you have a history with someone and you come into a scene and it is a fictional world, you get to bring all of that stuff. and, you know, we -- i mean, i love working with peter. he demands an honesty, not only as a brother but then also particularly as an actor. you just know you are working with someone who is up for anything. and it's a joy. even though the stuff we're doing is like -- >> for two characters that have an antagonistic relationship. people only argue like that who
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care on some level. >> i also heard you guys were roomies during some of the filming of this. how was jake as a roomy? >> he was at the corner of the house and i was down here. we would meet in the kitchen. >> i heard he stocked the fridge with your favorite foods. >> jake is very well organized. >> it is? are you one of those color coded -- >> no. the yogurts are in line. you know what i mean? for me, everything is pushed in there. >> what is his favorite food? >> his favorite food? >> anything that is what? is this a quiz? >> yes. we did research. i thought it was fermented stuff. >> oh, yeah. he loves pickles. >> look at what we have for you, peter. >> it's 7:00 a.m. what are you doing to me? >> some people like doritos and you are like pickles. >> yogurt does not go with
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fermented food. >> listen, this was in the research packet. i'm trying to make you feel at home. >> yeah. look, look. let's get into this. >> let's just do it. >> uh-huh. >> you don't think about pickles for breakfast, but maybe you should. >> that's a very new york pickle. >> full of electrolytes there. a little bit greener than a new york pickle, for some reason. >> okay. >> this interview is taking the right turn. >> i didn't expect it. >> you won't forget it, will you. you will come back, won't you? is that sauerkraut? >> this is exactly what it was like making "presumed innocent." thank you so much. a reminder, the first two episodes of "presumed innocent" are out today. watch them on apple tv plus. >> that last two minutes was
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worth the whole thing. all right. jill is in the house with a new addition of "steals and deals" to spruce up your wardrobe. but, first,
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jill's "steals and deals" is sponsored by wells fargo credit cards. credit cards made for the way you live. that's real life ready. >> and we're back with a brand-new steals and deals this morning. our friend and today lifestyle contributor, jill martin brooks is bringing some color into your life with home essentials, color tech and more. you can scan the qr code. i like the pop of color. look at what you did todayment you brought it, okay. >> yeah. let's start with how to cut your pickles, like jake said or other items you may have in the kitchen. these are amazing. it is time to clean, cleanse
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your knife, get in a whole new situation. the phantom chef knife and cutting board set is $29, that's 55% off. first pick your color. again, white is a color. >> i like that. >> it is so clean and fresh. you get five items. you get the three pairing knives, the medium cutting board and the large. the brands are made of high grade stainless steel. there is rubber feet at the bottom so it won't scratch. $29 for the set of five. >> brilliant. and looks good in your kitchen. next up, the tech world. >> our producer says this is one of her favorite items ever. the retail price $59.99. sale price $19. it can charge three devices at once. it has two usb ports and one usd port. what's great about this, you can charge it solar or by charging
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it. >> so you stick it out in sunshine and you have a full battery. >> and a pop of color. >> so much fun. with the kids, this is so great. the ethos waterproof action camera. the deal price $45. 54% off. i think we have a full screen here of some of the pictures taken. you can use it out of the water. look at how clear it is under the water. waterproof high res in 4k. comes with a memory card. send it off to camp. great to bring with you on a trip. >> i love this. >> right? is that fabulous? so $45, 54% off and priceless memories. >> and you can mount it, too, i like. how about some clothes? >> oh, right. here. this is my bodhi coverup dress. >> i love it. >> there was just an article about how the shirt dress is the new thing. >> yeah. >> it is a linen blend. tie it in a knot. wear it with a pair of pants.
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this is your sort of workhorse item for the summer. it is on trend, exciting colors. when you buy something from steals and deals, i like you to step out of your comfort zone. it is one size, easy breezy. put it on over everything. >> linen usually wrinkles up. this is a blend. i like that. >> this i love. so i have this in turquoise and white. but the mia bella necklace $39, 54% off. so we have hope. we have all the different names and iterations. you could do your kids names, you could layer. i just love these. solids or multicolors. mother of pearl and 18 karat gold chains. $39 to personalize. >> love it. looks so cute. >> if you go in the pool or shower, i suggest taking it off. >> this looks gorgeous.
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>> so a pop of color. what i love about these sets, you don't get the same ones. i encourage you, mix and match patterns of like colors. everything goes together. so look at all the options. this is the patina assorted set. four bowls, four cups, four plates, four dinner plates. the retail price is $72 to $96. that's 50% off. this always does well. porcelain, microwave and dishwasher safe, which makes clean up easy. what a beautiful day. >> it is substantial. you can feel them in your hand. go through the products one more time. >> we have the phantom chef knife and cutting board set. the solar backup battery. the waterproof camera. the coverup shirt dress. the mia bella necklace and the patina vie dinner ware. >> i love it.
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to grab any of these items, head to all right. let's go outside to carson. great morning outside here, guys. very happy. it's father's day weekend coming up. we have our chef throwing down some steaks. we have a mouth watering steak slider recipe that you might want toake
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golden 1 member cash rewards+ card. life is a journey best dreamed together. welcome back. this morning on "today's table," we're grilling up the perfect father's day feast. the executive chef and owner of barbecue will show us how to grill steak sliders. you can scan the qr code. we have an exclusive code to help you stock up on ingredients. you will get $10 off your sponsor walmart on your first three online pick up or delivery orders of $50 or more. always good to have you here. we will start with the sauce.
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>> yes, sir. >> the emphasis is on the sauce here. >> a perfect steak sauce, i love the flavors of horseradish with steak. i think they're meant to be. if you don't mind helping me out, in this bowl, we have mayonnaise and sour cream. we will mix all this together and add to it horseradish, little dijon mustard. >> yeah. >> a little white vinegar. i know, it's tricky, right? and then just salt and pepper. >> this is perfect on a steak sandwich or on the side to get your steak into the summer while you are grilling. it is a delicious flavor. it is not as punchy as you would think. >> you could use this on a prime rib, too. >> perfect to go with that. >> all right. sits down and hangs out. the next thing we have some white onions. we have a big old bowl. we will put it in our pan with olive oil and butter and caramelize it. be patient.
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it will probably take 45 minutes or so caramelize them low and slow. don't rush it. we want to develop the sweetness and color on the onion. give it a stir every now and then. >> what is father's day weekend like for you? >> hopefully it is me probably working, but hopefully i will get something to eat along the way and my family will spoil me. >> this will make it really special. start using it this entire summer. in our bowl we have salt, pepper and then all these awesome seasonings that will go along with it. garlic, onion, brown sugar, chili flake, some ground thyme, rosemary. we mix it altogether in our bowl and it will become our steak seasoning. at home, use this on steaks and hamburgers. use it on your eggs. it is an absolutely delicious seasoning you want to start using on everything. chicken, pork, you name it. here i have a nice filet mignon. it is father's day. we're spoiling ourselves on
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father's day. you can swap it with everything. >> no veggie oil. >> we will go right on the meat. if you want it to hit it with more, you can. that's a little more than what we want. >> you have heaters over there on the father's day weekend, uncle al. >> i know. all my favorite people here today. we will season up our steaks generously. throw it on the hot side of our grill. these are nice and thick. making sure that it is cooked through and through. >> that's an important thing. when we're cooking, zone grilling. have one side set to high, the other side set to low. it will be six minutes on one side, flip it. then transfer to the cooler side of the grill and let it get up to the temperature of 130 degrees for that medium doneness, which is that pink, warm center. >> a lot of people think a they are -- they are mom meter is the
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best way to do it. >> you can see that perfect medium doneness. over here, we have pretzel buns. we will hit it with the horseradish cream. >> the heel. >> did you eat the sliders over there? >> so tender. it is like butter. >> this is an elevated gift for dad in the form of a slider. >> and everybody likes sandwiches, right? can't go wrong with a steak sandwich. caramelized onions. and steak sandwiches are ready for dad for this father's day. >> wow, that is beautiful. and you can buy the ingredients for this recipe, scanning that qr code. go to we earn a small commission with the purchase through our links. we're back wit
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good morning. it is 856. i'm kris sanchez happening right now. a fire burning in nevada that started last night near reno. it's happening in the city of sparks behind a high school there. firefighters have been battling the flames throughout the night, and it's actually the second fire in the same area. within 24 hours, people are being asked to stay away from that area. we tell you, because as you know, we share resources with our western states. san francisco's license plate readers are already leading to crime solving, and they're not even all installed yet. the chronicle reports that about 100 are installed, which is about a quarter of the number that the city is planning. mayor london breed told the chronicle that the cameras are leading to investigators finding suspects investigators finding suspects almost every s ( ♪♪ )
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this morning on the 3rd hour of "today, major news out on the economy. from inflation to interest rates, we're going to break down what it means for our bank accounts, credit cards, mortgages and more. then later in "she made it," jill meeting the entrepreneur with a flair for hair.


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