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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  June 12, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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beautifully. i'm attorney sean azari and i'm attorney shervin lazzari. if you get hit by a big truck, don't trust the insurance company. call us. we're the law brothers. these big companies have big insurance policies, but they'll do everything they can to pay you as little as possible. my brother and i will fight them to get you the big money that you deserve. call us. we're the law brothers. hurt by a big truck. call one (800) 222-2222 or visit hi, everyone. "nbc news daily" starts right now. today, wednesday, june 12th,
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2024. new numbers show inflation slowed last month and even more than expected. we're breaking down the numbers and what they mean for your bottom line. border breach. eight suspected terrorists with potential ties to isis arrested in a sting operation. where the men were discovered and how they managed to enter the country in the first place. hijacking nightmare, the driver of a crowded public transit bus in atlanta held the at gunpoint. the child chase captured on live television. how it finally came to an end. and seize the day, one program is teaching young people to tame the held the on and off the water. how they are sailing into success. i'm telling you you want to stay tuned for that story. it's very uplifting. >> it was so fun to be on the water with those folks. we're going to start this hour with that major breaking news about the economy and your money. >> two important updates now out on the same day. the federal reserve announcing that it's holding steady on
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interest rates. there's not been a change in interest rates since last july. the fed chair spoke about the decision a short time ago. >> we don't think it will be appropriate to reduce rates until we have more confidence that inflation is moving back down to 2% on a sustainable basis. >> the feds announcement coming just hours after the may inflation report was released. consumer prices were flat. the last time that happened was july 2022. prices were up 3.3% compared to a year ago. here to help us sort through all the numbers is data correspondent brian chung. let's start with the interest rates. what else is the fed saying about the decision and when could it start cutting rates? >> again, the decision today they did not do anything with interest rates. they have been holding them high deliberately slowed the economy to take inflation down. and the fed announcement today seemed to point to some modest progress in the last few months on inflation. we just got that data this
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morning showing inflation cooling from a rate of 3.4% in operate to 3.3% in may. maybe the took took some solace in that. we got something that showed there was a strong likelihood of at least one interest rate cut by the end of this year. maybe to that positive inflation report that we got this morning. but again, this was a pullback from what the federal reserve had projected earlier in the year. they were projecting the possibility of multiple interest rate indicate kuts by the end of year. now they are in the odds that maybe the first couple happened in september. that could indirect relief to the mortgage rates, auto loan rates, credit card rates that remain very high. we'll have to see. >> let's talk about consumer prices. so inflation, as we said, slowed a bit for the second straight month. what do we think is behind that cooldown. >> we got some help from energy prices. when you look at food price, they did go up in may. what you're looking at on the
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screen are monthly changes. food away from home got more expensive than buying groceies and cooking at home. that explains why a lot of americans are not going out to restaurants. but one last point i want to make is that shelter cost. rent continued to increase by .4 between april and may. something worth watching. >> beyond the categories of food, shelter, put this together for us. what's the state of the economy right now? >> it's still not quite resolved on the inflation story. you have to remember that 3.3% figure is good. economists want to see that closer to 2%. when you look the at the jobs market, we have had estimate job creation in this country. the unemployment rate has been at 4% or below that for 30 straight months. tough go back to 1950 to get a number that large. >> thank you. >> we have new details about an alarming breach at the border.
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>> authorities arrested eight men. they are suspected of having ties to the isis terror group. it's not the first time individuals connected to isis have crossed the border and remained in the united states. immigration officials took a man into custody who also had ties to the islamic state. he's been in the u.s. for two years. >> tom winter has been tracking this all day. what more do we know about these men and sort of how they got into the country in the first place and then thousand they were captured? >> they came through the southern border. one of the people involved that was arrested claims that they downloaded the app that the biden administration set up so you could set up an appointment with the judge to hear your asylum the claim and to try to get processed through the system. that's how they came into the country. when you come into the the united states, there's various databases that your name could be checked against. so when they check these names against those databases, there were no reason to detain them on
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site. then there's several ongoing investigations as it pertains to terrorist threats and other parts of the world. that investigation they highlight these eight men initially and we're told over the the past several months have kept close tabs on them before they brought terrorism charges here, which they could bring charges. >> you awe lied to it. how are they characterizing the state of terrorism, terror threats right now in the u.s. and how are they getting past the border. >> to address the first point, this is as bad as it's ever been. not only do you have significant terrorist possibilities and foreign directed threat, over the last eight or nine years, but that's a major concern. the concern from the people consuming all this stuff online
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and some of the violence that's been associated with the protest. when you put it all together, it's a concerning picture for law enforcement. the fbi director telling our colleague lester holt this just a month or two ago it was one of the most concerning times of his entire career. as far as people getting past the border, when they expand the show to nine hours, we can get through all the various reasons for that. but the bottom line is, as we have all seen, the southern border, there's definitely a security issue. >> tom winter for us, stay on it. appreciate it. it's another brutal day of weather for millions across the country. the southwest, it's getting even hotter. more triple-digit temperatures are expected in california, arizona, texas, all the way to colorado. >> meanwhile, some folks in florida are dealing with this. for the first time ever, nearly 4 inches of rain fell in sarasota in just 1 hour last night. more is expected today. meteorologist bill karins is
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tracking conditions from coast to coast. we start with nbc news correspondent liz kroit in a sizzling las vegas. so you have been out there for weeks now. how is the heat? have you gone back and forth? you have been there a lot. >> we have been back and forth to phoenix and las vegas over the past week. it's been very hot. it's already in the triple digit temperatures. 14 days straight of 100 degrees or higher. it's been this way since may 30th. the hottest start to june on record, so thankfully there's a lot of tourists. >> have you seen any heat-related illnesses in the county so far this summer? >> we see them every single day from the smallest amount to where tourists came and didn't realize that they couldn't be out on the strip all day long.
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only drink alcohol and not drink water. so we do have a lot of calls. we have calls for kids around the water system. >> hydration is key. water, water, water. stay in the ac as well. the city has cooling centers set up for those without ac and can get relief from the heat. >> really critical that people take the heat seriously. bill, we're talking extreme heat on the west coast. heavy rain in the south. is any of this going to let up soon? >> a little towards the weekend. not a lot, but a little bit. we're in the triple-digit club in numerous locations. vegas at 104. and we should head up towards 110 in both locations later today. how about reading? up to 106 today. grand junction, colorado, 100. it's widespread. now through the middle of the country, you'll hear all of this heat heading towards the east coast as the west coast begins to cool off. we have about the 15 million people under heat advisory and
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heat warnings. some of these will be dropped later today. speaking of florida, we have flash flood warnings from fort lauderdale through downtown miami. torrential rain yesterday. in addition, we have done it for the last couple hours. so the longer it rains, the harder it rains, the easier it is to get flash flooding. a lot of urban flooding. this just an epic downpour. so here's miami. you see the bright red. when it's the yellow, it's steady rain. even when the reds are gone, it's steady rainfall. these storms are regenerating over the top of each other. as far as rainfall total gos over the next three days, we could see an additional 4 to 8 inches of rain. so really serious issues in south florida. >> people stay safe through it all. . >> bill, thank you. sglnchtsz elon musk is dropping his lawsuit. they have a new owner.
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a banana brand must pay $38.3 million to a group of men. it intends to appeal that verdict. the company previously pled guilty to u.s. criminal charges of doing business with the same group back in 2007 and paid a $25 million fine. elon musk dropping his lawsuit against open ai and ceo sam all theman. one day after musk openly criticized open ai's new partnership with apple. musk, who was a former board member on openai, implied that the team focused too much on catering to its major investor microsoft putting profit over helping humanity. and french app developer will acquire photo sharing app for $537 million. the fleeting photo sharing app fell out of favor with users
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after hitting its peak during the pandemic. and struggled to stay relevant with users. they say it will innovate and refocus the app for growth. they are going to try to do that voodoo that they do so well. >> if you don't know whats, you can only take a photo the a certain time. >> take a photo of whatever you're doing. keep it real. thank you. coming up, major beef. fans are gutted after learning america's top professional eater will not be competing in nathan's annual hot dog eating contest. >> and why the champ is barred >> and why the champ is barred from the wh en my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition
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or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with 4 powerful pain-fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief. depend keeps you drier than ever... so you can say yes to more than ever. yes yes yes no. depend, the only thing
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stronger than us, is you. my life is full of questions... how do i clean an aioli stain? use tide. do i need to pretreat guacamole? not with tide. why do we even buy napkins? thankfully, tide's the answer to almost all of them. —do crabs have eyebrows? —except that one. for all of life's laundry questions... it's got to be tide. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪
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an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. is. right now in atlanta, a man is in custody after police say he hijacked a public transit bus full of passengers. check out this video of bystanders capturing these chaotic scenes as the suspect led police on a high-speed chase. investigators say the hijacker forced the bus driver to drive at gunpoint. one passenger was shot and killed. kathy park joins us now. walk us through how this all got started. >> good afternoon to you. it certainly was a scary and terrifying day for a lot of folks in atlanta.
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it happened around 4:30 yesterday afternoon near downtown atlanta. you're looking at dramatic images from the scene yesterday. police say it really all started with initial reports of gunfire on a bus and a possible hostage situation. officials later confirmed that the suspect got into a fight with a passenger on board. apparently, the suspect now identified as 39-year-old joseph greer got ahold of that gun and began threatening people on board and ult mt. matly shot and killed the passion engineer and then forced the driver to continue driving. as you can see across several roadways, on a very busy interstate crashing into several vehicles. a little bit more on the suspect, we have learned that he's a convicted felon arrested 19 times before. he's now facing several charges, including kidnapping, murder, hijacking, and terrifying day for the 17 people on board this
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bus. take a listen to what they had to say. >> we're thankful to be alive. >> it's something we'll never forget. >> we have also learned that in this new twist, our local affiliate spoke with the suspect at a separate crime scene before this hijacking. >> thank you so much. exactly 30 years ago today, nicole brown simpson and ron goldman were murdered. o.j. simpson was charged with those murders. with his acquittal highlighting the racial divide. june 129 brings back memories of where we were when this started. the verdict was divisive. it left two families reeling and a lot of unanswered questions. >> reporter: 30 years after her murder nicole brown simpson's family is trying to celebrate
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the life she lived. >> it happened the way it happened. you can't change that. now we want to bring her back in this as that wonderful human being that she was. >> i think it's important that people get to know my sister. >> reporter: in a documentary released earlier this month her sisters share their nicole. >> i feel like i've kept my nicole really private for so long. >> ron goldman's father and sister saying the grief is always there. >> it doesn't leave you. it kind of moves through your day, and at different times of your day, can pop up. >> not guilty of the crime of murder. >> reporter: the verdict in the o.j. simpson murder trial was the end of a national spectacle, but three decades later, questions about the murders, the trial, and the verdict remain. >> all of the evidence, the substantive evidence pointed in one direction, and that was that -- >> tom lang was the lead investigator on the simpson murder case. in his book he argues at least
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20 pieces of evidence against simpson were never mentioned in court, and should have been. >> the blood on the rear gate thoroughly explained, the drinking glasses in chicago, blood spatter that was not put on as evidence. >> reporter: he believes there was more to say about the possible whereabouts of the murder weapon and those bloody footprints made by expensive brew bruno mali shoes. >> whoever left those footwear impressions is the killer. >> reporter: just last week the fbi released 475 pages of documents detailing how agents went to italy to visit the shoe designer. and determined that only 296 pairs of size 12 shoes that matched the footprints found at the crime scene were ever distributed. do you think if the jury heard more about the shoes it might have helped convict o.j. simpson? >> no. i really don't. and i don't think it would have changed anything. that's not the point. the point is, you put on all evidence in a murder case. >> reporter: lang says the trial was never about o.j. >> i think there was a mistrust of the lapd, this was pushed by the defense who essentially put
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the lapd on trial. >> reporter: so many what ifs played out in the media over the years, now nicole's family attempting to reclaim their own narrative. >> why was this the moment? >> i asked my sisters and i said, do you guys want to do this? and let people know, let the world know who any tole really was, and everybody agreed that this was the right time. >> reporter: what are you hoping that people are going to glean from this? from this? >> i really want people to get before my doctor and i chose breztri for my copd, i had bad days. [cough] flare-ups that could permanently damage my lungs. with breztri, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing. starting within 5 minutes, i noticed my lung function improved. it helped improve my symptoms, and breztri was even proven to reduce flare-ups, including those that could send me to the hospital.
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ask your doctor about caplyta. find savings and support at mayoral debate with mayor london breed and the four candidates who want to unseat her. and it's happening before a sold out crowd. nbc bay area's ginger conejero saab is at the venue where the debate will soon unfold. reporter the debate several weeks ago was supposed to be the first for the season, but when that was canceled, anticipation and excitement for this one grew. even more. tonight's event is the hottest local political ticket around. for the first time, san francisco's five mayoral candidates will take to the debate stage. mayor london breed nonprofit executive daniel lurie , supervisor aaron peskin, former san francisco mayor mark farrell and supervisor ahsha safai will be in a debate moderated by new york times san
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francisco bureau chief heather knight. i think it represents a moment that we're in as a city where the elections here, she's upon us, folks are showing up, and there's a lot of work to do. and so there's a sense of being woken up and of activity and of proximity right now to the election that i haven't felt in a while. we can expect tough questions around economic recovery in san francisco. mayor breed has been criticized for the current state of the downtown area. she's talked about her plans to revitalize it and bring businesses back. homelessness and open air drug use are also big issues. in san francisco, supervisor aaron peskin has backed supervised injection sites. public safety another big issue. mark farrell and daniel lurie have both laid out plans to prioritize public safety, as well as address the mental health and drug crisis. supervisor asha sapphire has previously criticized the mayor's leadership and proposals for the city's budget. and i'm here with kate goldstein bryer
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of city arts and lectures. kate, thank you so much for letting us get a sneak peek here at the venue. the sidney goldstein theater. what are we expecting for tonight? well, not our usual. our usual two people, an artist, a filmmaker being interviewed on stage. but tonight, as you can see, we have all five candidates here for what's going to be a really lively debate. a little, a little bit of seriousness, hard hitting questions. what san franciscans are concerned with and some fun to. okay. thank you so much, ginger. meantime, new details on that fire burning near the truckee river. it sparked this morning. the city of sparks. firefighters are now saying it's about 150 acres, but they say it's 35% contained. crews say no buildings burned. so far, but one vehicle was lost in the flames. they're still investigating the cause of this fire. it is the second one in that area within 24 hours. meantime, crews in the south bay also busy with another fire this
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morning. this one started around 6 a.m. a shed caught fire along woodhaven drive in san jose. fortunately, firefighters were able to put it out quickly and no one was hurt. it is still unclear what sparked this fire. some refreshing news. the bay area is getting a little break from that heat. here's meteorologist cinthia pimentel with our forecast. now a beautiful start to the day down here in the south bay. it was really warm yesterday throughout the entire bay area. i have better news for today. we're going to cool things down for not only today but tomorrow as well, giving us some relief from that heat. so let's plan our day in san jose as we talk about the noon hour, it is a bit warm to have lunch outside. you might want to keep it indoors with that ac. temperatures will hover right there in the low 80s for the middle part of the day and into the afternoon. we should see a little bit more cooling. definitely helping us rest a little bit better as we go on and wind down this evening. as far as our temperatures around the bay 60s and 70s bay shore, a few upper 80s for our inland valleys as we go on into
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fairfield 86, i'll bring you the extended forecast that seven day coming up in about 30 minutes. thank you cynthia, we have an update now on a housing project in the east bay. concord city leaders shut down a plan for an affordable housing development in the downtown area. developers asked the city council for permission to accept up to $90 million in state funding. that money would have covered construction costs. the city council denied their request. the state is warning concord that might prove move to be a problem, it says, by saying no concord may be violating state housing requirements. downtown berkeley city leaders also said no to a different decision. the california theater will now be part of a planned development. the city denied an appeal to stop the project. developers will keep the front part of the theater, but they will demolish the rest to make way for a new live performance space and 18 stories of housing. those are some of the latest renderings you see there. you can get all the day's local news and your latest forecast on our website,
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ask your doctor if it's right for you. (♪♪) [ french horn playing ] ask your doctor if it's right ahhh!!!. ahhh!!! ahhh!!! ahhh!!! - yah! yah! yah! ahhh!!! bottom of the hour. here are some of the stories making headlines on "nbc news daily." today is graduation today for the survivors of the 2012 sandy hook shooting. 330 students are graduating from newtown high school and plan to wear green and white ribbons with the words forever in our
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hearts to remember the 20 children and 6 adults killed. the victims will be honored during the ceremony, but exactly how has not been publicly shared. and an oregon man who spiked the smoothies of his daughter's friends with sedatives has been sentenced to two years in prison. the 57-year-old pleaded guilty to three felony counts of causing another person to ingest a controlled substance. he drugged the friends while they were sleeping over. they were hospitalized he made a tearful apology to the families saying he just wanted them to be well rested for the next day's activities. and an nba legend jerry west died at the age of 86. already one of the greatest players of all time. west went on to have a successful front office career as well building dynasties with the lakers, warriors, among others. he was an adviser for the
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clippers. he passed eaily this morning with his wife by his side. hamas is asking for changes to president biden's plan to end its war with israel. secretary of state antony blinken says some of those proposals go too far. blinken was in qatar earlier today as he met with the middle east leaders over the past few days. they launched 160 missiles into israel. that's according to the israeli military. nbc news international correspondent matt bradley is in jerusalem. matt, two days ago, it seemed like peace talks were far apart. the two sides. then yesterday you told us they made significant progress. >> remarkable how things change.
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trying to keep ahead of all this, you can tell it's not a done deal. we heard from antony blinkenen. . he had a press conference with the prime minister. you can almost feel the exhaustion and frustration in what he said. here's blinken now. >> israel accepted the proposal as it was. and as it is. hamas didn't. it maybe that hamas continues to say no, well, i think it will be clear to everyone around the world that it's on them. they will have is made a choice to continue a war they started. >> reporter: blinken is in the midst of his eighth trip to the middle east in as many months. so this is a man who has been trying tirelessly to get this deal together. it's so close. this is the first time we have heard the two sides coming together and now he's saying hamas is asking for more. but at the same time, we have to remember we have haven't really
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heard ab up or down approval of this from the israelis, even though he's saying they are on board. they are going to be discussing the teal. so it doesn't sound as it's totally with the program. and remember back on october 31st, or excuse me, august 31st, this is israel's proposal. benjamin netanyahu and his allies walked that back and said they weren't totally on board. but anthony blink would know. he's the guy in the room. >> i think biden was maybe april 31st. it was a month ago. >> it's hard to keep track. i understand. appreciate you following this for us. thank you. as the cost of college continues to rise, more young people skip cool altogether, enrollment rates have pushed smaller schools to close their
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doors. valerie castro takes a look at what it means for students now scrambling to figure out where to go. >> i think i was just shocked at first. >> reporter: a century-old catholic institution in missouri announcing students in march it's closing its doors. the tuition-dependent school citing low enrollment, strain among the causes. >> we have been forced to use part of our endowment as operational costs, never a good idea. >> reporter: 33 universities and colleges closed their doors in 2023. this is one of at least 13 so far this year, leaving students like abigail love scrambling. >> i just kind of looked around at everyone around me and i was like, oh my goodness, half of these people won't be able to finish, i won't be able to finish and i was just overwhelmed. >> reporter: one study finding more than half of students in a school that closes don't reenroll somewhere else.
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love is one of more than 600 fontbonne students who have to decide what's next. some like love will transfer thanks to a teachout agreement that guarantees acceptance into another cool with no loss of credits or change in tuition. >> it's terrifying but exciting at the same time. >> reporter: fontbonne's president says more schools and students will face the same fate. >> we're seeing far fewer high school graduates, which means that the number of students who might consider going to college has been reduced. and that demographic cliff, particularly impacts small tuition-dependent institutions. >> reporter: teresa steinkamp with the st. louis scholarship foundation a non-profit helping students navigate how to pay for college put fontbonne itself list of schools in financial distress. >> we look at the forbes financial scores and the u.s. department of education financial responsibility scores. >> reporter: fontbonne announced it was closing a week later. do schools in this situation owe it to current and incoming students to be fully transparent?
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>> i don't know what level of transparency is the right level, but i have met students this year who only applied to fontbonne. that really derails those students. >> we should be as transparent as we can be, but understanding that students are not astute consumers of an institution's finances. >> reporter: students we spoke to say it's not what they focused on when deciding where to go. >> it wasn't something i thought about and it's something i wish i would have. >> reporter: fontbonne will close in august of 2025, but with students across the country having fewer options overall could drastically change their futures. >> my fear is that as these institutions continue to close there will become an even wider gap between those who have the opportunity for higher education and those who do not. >> valerie joins me now, this is a real crisis in education. what are they doing at fontbonne? there's major beef between
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the organizers of the july 4th hot dog eating contest. a month before that event, we're learning the g.o.a.t. himself will not be chowing down. shocking fans and chestnut himself. here's joe fryer. >> reporter: when it comes to eating dogs, he's america's top dog. 16-time hot dog eating champ joey chestnut. >> i give you the number one ranked eater in the world, joey chestnut! >> reporter: but this 4th of july the feeding frenzy's most famous mouth won't be defending his mustard yellow belt. >> it's probably one of the saddest days in sports history. >> you're taking away an american hero. >> reporter: major league eating which organizes the event says chestnut is unable to compete because of his new partnership with impossible foods, which launched a plant-based hot dog this year, but chestnut says he was banned, writing on social media, i do not have a contract
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with mle or nathan's, and they are looking to change the rules from past years as it relates to other partners i can work with. rules of the contest stipulate no participant can be endorsed by a competing hot dog brand. >> it would be like michael jordan saying to nike, i'm going to represent adidas as well. >> reporter: organizers insist nothing has changed, and they just want their star eater back. >> he's an american hero and we want him there. if we can resolve it, we absolutely will. >> reporter: chestnut says he's gutted and for fans the beef is real. >> this is a disgrace, this is a tragedy roan whippet comes to downing dogs the competition isn't close to chestnut who set a world record in 2021, scarfing down a belly-busting 76 franks and buns in just ten minutes. joe fryer, nbc news.
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impossible foods says their support competing saying meat eaters shouldn't have to be exclusive to just one weaner. we hope this can all work out. it could be a chance for a new star to shine. back to you. right here in new york city, high school students and recent graduates are learning life lessons. >> rocking the boat is an a after school and summerment program on a mission to teach young people how to set sail for success . >> when you think about life in new york city, sailing may not immediately come to mind, but one nonprofit is teasing the narrative and rocking the boat.
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>> rocking the boat is an after school and summer program for students and recent grads on a mission to teach young people how to set sail for success. experience shl learning and an environmental science program all while providing access to social workers and services. roughly 96% of students graduate from high school on time. >> what do you think that impressive rate has to do with you and your organization? >> that opportunity to put your energy into something and see a return from that energy is incredibly powerful and transferable. so many other things in life. >> i like the big one. >> reporter: these students took me out on the water to show me the ropes. >> i just came here for fun. i started to figure out that i was really good at it. once i started getting good at it, i started to get informs invest. >> we teach them how to sail. sailing is an excuse for helping them grow and become better people. >> it means you have to take a
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position of authority and you're responsible for each other. so working as a team. i had never been sailing before. sailing is not something you get into in the bronx. >> what kind of people did you think about when you thought about sailing? >> not people like me. >> you don't see a lot of hispanic people. it's nice to show representation out on the water. >> our participants are almost entirely from the bronx. they represent the demographics of this community. definitely not what you'd think of when you think of sailing, which is incredibly white dominated sport. >> reporter: they now get paid as sailing apprentices hoping to soon get certified to teach sailboat racing. embracing newfound aspirations through the program and inspiration from a young sailing veteran. >> this will be my first day back on the water after racing around the planet. >> reporter: this 29-year-old is the first american woman to race nonstop around the world by herself. last month she shared expertise
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and advice to the program's young sailors. >> we're coming up and we're going to change this entire world. >> reporter: learning lessons about life on the water while setting sail for new horizons. >> i see myself continuing to sail. maybe even for college. i just fell in love with it. >> i fell in love with it too. these young people are brave. they are total veterans. president organization is now taking their mission to the west coast. >> rocking the boat is expanding to san francisco. >> that looks like a wonderful program all around. thank you for showing us that. coming up, being a parent can be lonely. even when you're
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in today's modern parenting, a surveyor finds two-thirds of parents experience isolation, loneliness and burnout. >> it was conducted by the ohio state university medical center and finds that many parents say they feel like they have no one to support them in their parenting role. joining us now is the psychologist and the author of the five priniples of parenting. let's dig in on the survey. it's sort of not great findings.
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66% of parents, 66% say they are lonely, isolated. 62% feel burnout. are you surprised? what's driving some of that? >> i'm not surprised by it. it's like we know this, but we don't change the culture to do anything about it. >> to that end, what's the solution? what can people do to get rid of some of these feelings? >> there's the community part of it. we can build community. it allows for more live interaction. although even online, finding your people to connect with is really important. and then authenticity, allowing for authenticity, allowing for acceptance of who we are and our individual differences. a lot of parents are performing so often and feel like they have to be so amazing until you're alone and then you're sobbing in a corner. if we could acknowledge this is not eay.
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we don't have to battle who did it the right way. instead we can kind of be there for each other. >> what do you think is contributing? are we in a particularly hard time to be a parent? what's contributing to those dark numbers that we showed? >> the world is much more isolated. there's no village anymore. even though there's this massive village it feels like we have lost our way in terms of just the individual interactions. we do not prioritize friendships, we just don't. we want to be perfect parents ask perfect partners. friendships are for later. but those are the things that feed us and fuel us. i think maybe this is good too, but those are the the things that keep you feeling like a human being. and supportive that you're lifted at the times when you need a little bit. even if that's five minutes of connecting with someone who loves you for you. >> sometimes it's connecting, but i want to hit on this burnout point. i'm not a parent, but when you're burned out in other spaces, sometimes the advice is step back. don't do it anymore. you can't do it.
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>> what do you propose? >> i think remember that we're modelling for them how we want them to move through the world. so even if we turn our volume down a little bit to not be so on top of them, in the service of their being able to move through the world without on to top of someone else or on top of themselves, we need to get away from the minutiae being more important. >> there were a couple things on the screen that spoke to me. prioritize sleep over productivity and take short, small breaks. so you don't have to take the whole day off of parenting. >> no, even a five mf minute phone call. sleep as a priority changes our mental health drastically. and then we can kind of put our oxygen mask on first. >> so good. we know someone who needs support, what do you recommend? >> a parent who needs support, first of all, there's two kinds
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of support. there's professional support where if there are mental health challenges, get referrals for a therapist. but for everybody else who is just like i'm just lonely. i just need a minute. friendship, community, authenticity. >> reaching out if you sense that someone is having some struggles. just reaching out. >> totally. >> hey, you got a minute, let's hang out. >> if you remember that we're all kind of in this together and you reach out when you're feeling -- when you get helpful. >> thank you for helping us. >> thank you for helping us. we really appreate ci schwarzkopf dare to go blonde and let your hair tell your story. ♪♪ keratin blonde by schwarzkopf can lighten your hair color up to 9 levels. our professionally inspired formula helps protect your hair from breakage with our exclusive bond enforcing system. ♪♪ be the blonde you've always wanted to be and write your own story with schwarzkopf keratin blonde.
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vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. full swing, and it's giving firefighters time to get the word out about fire dangers and to get prepared. today, we're looking into steps you can take to prevent a disaster at your home. hi temperatures and dry gas are fueling flames across the bay area. tyrone willingham lives next to the field in the hills of los gatos and burned a couple of weeks ago, but thanks to him and his neighbor, a bigger disaster was avoided. that's because willingham and his neighbor cut the grass around their homes to the lowest level possible before fire season. that creates the so-called defensible space. the fire department says. that allowed firefighters to put out the flames quickly, and they say their preparations kept the burn from becoming what could have been a devastating wildfire in
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the los gatos mountains. and i think that's what everyone should learn from this, is that if you take the precautions, that doesn't mean it won't happen, but it means hopefully that you lessen the degree. and that's what we're looking at right now, especially on those windy days. firefighters say tall grass fuels bigger burns. in other news, californians will get a chance to increase penalties for thieves. critics say that proposition prop 47 is contributing to a rise in crime. the aim of prop 47 was to lower jail populations by reducing the penalties for theft and drug crimes, but some say that's just emboldened thieves. a bipartisan group called californians for safer communities collected enough valid signatures to get an amendment on the november ballot to reform prop 47, the sunshine. it is not going anywhere, but we've got slightly cooler temperatures to look forward to. here's meteorologist cinthia pimentel with the details. well, it was that kind
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of morning where you bring a light layer out the door, but then you're pushing it aside as we talk about the noon hour into this afternoon, temperatures are actually going to be about 5 to 10 degrees cooler than what we were dealing with yesterday. that heat is gone pushing on east right now. we're going to deal with mid 80s for our inland valleys, further cooling it down for our thursday. but overall staying pretty stable as we go on into friday, saturday and sunday in the 80s. next week should be pretty much of the same as well. san francisco the breeze is back. our natural ac there through the city by the bay mid 60s for today. and then we'll see just comfortable temperatures for saturday and sunday as well. thanks, cynthia.
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hired to move and store her baby grand. she paid them once for storage in 2020, but then the company went silent. i started
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to wonder, like, what is happening to my piano? is my piano still there? are they still in business? and they never got back to me with anything. khanna said she asked them to return her piano back in 20 2021, 22 and 23, but nothing. then a few months ago, the company suddenly demanded a thousand bucks with her piano held as collateral. connor refused and called us. our team stepped in and reunited her with her beloved piano. you can watch our full story right now on our website, slash response. have a great day! okay thank you chris. and chris has so many to how videos. they're very short and sweet. about a minute and lots of tips and tricks on your consumer complaints and issues. you can get all of those on our website and you can also get your local forecast and the latest news at
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vision changes, or eye pain occur. nge your life. yeah, it was a pretty dark time. she was shocked. the last thing that you expect to hear is a police officer telling you that somebody is trying to kill your husband. [music playing] it's a "murder for hire." it's very serious. he offered me $50,000 to do this. i was not going to let this happen.


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