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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  June 17, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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redwood trees with salmon. and on the coast were underwater. forests support thousands of species. species in the desert survive the heat of day and thrive at night. bobcats navigate around the city just like us. see how it all weaves together at california state of nature? a new exhibit at the california academy of sciences. let's see if triple a can take us somewhere fun. let's go somewhere. sandy let's go somewhere magical. but first, let's get this fixed hi, everyone. i'm ellison barber. >> i'm christine romans. "nbc news daily" starts right now. today, monday, june 17th,
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2024. summer scorcher. one in three americans will endure temperatures above 90 degrees this week, that brutal heat is already fueling dangerous wildfires, we're tracking the extreme weather coast to coast. pressing pause, israel's military said it will pause fighting each day along the humanitarian route in gaza. users beware, the surgeon general is calling on congress to require warning labels on social media. bada bing, the sew pran knows marks 25 years, the cast reflects on the show that changed television as we know it. but we begin this hour in southern california where firefighters are battling los angeles county's first wildfire of the year.
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>> it began on saturday, it's grown to more than 15,000 acres stretching across los angeles and ventura counties, cal fire said it's only 8% contained. >> this is what close to 1200 people saw before they were forced to evacuate from a state recreational area. steve patterson has the latest. >> reporter: firefighting operations are continuing here. crews are rolling out ahead of the fire right now, it's about 15,000 acres, we've heard that basically, firefighters have gotten some containment last night, last night it was 2%. right now, 8%. it's actually very significant when we're talking about a fire of this size, the problem that crews are having is with the winds, the amount of spread, the changing of direction, how fast
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the fire's moving, the fact that we're surrounded by this dry vegetation, dried out after all of this rain in this area has had, now it's grown up and as the sun comes out soaks up the moisture, creates this runway for this fire to move down, that's why it spread so quickly, we heard three injuries so far including a firefighter who's working as part of a hand crew on the fire late last night. we're also hearing about a couple of structures burned. one recreational, the other this parking lot full of cars, completely charred out. this fire hasn't done a significant amount of damage, it's burning away from homes, but it's close to an interstate. they're pushing it into more of forest area where they hope they can contain it and where they hope it will burn out.
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if the wind shift as early as tonight could be a whole handful of new problems. >> steve, thanks. california isn't the only place dealing with extreme weather conditions. third of the country is expected to top more than 90s. >> part as of montana and idaho are getting a taste of winter with some snow? june. bill karins is tracking it all but we start with shaquille brewster. chicago could hit a record high today and this is just the start, right, how are people preparing for the heat wave? >> reporter: it's a mix of trying enjoy the warmer weather, especially for folks who live in chicago and deal with those cold temperatures for most of the year, but also being safe as they're doing so, the temperature is at 93 degrees, if we hit 97 you're going to see that record, not just the temperatures also the humidity
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and that's when you see it's feeling like a temperature closer to 100 degrees. listen to what some folks told me about how they're managing these high temperatures? >> how are you dealing with these temperatures? >> it's pretty hot out, have some water and try not to stay out too long. >> sunscreen, you have to put on sunscreen every single day. >> reporter: the tips from the national weather service wear light clothing, stay hydrated and get those breaks wherever you can. go inside and enjoy this ac. you have chicago opening hundreds of cooling centers or at least making libraries, community centers available for folks to go inside and get that reprieve from that temperature because it's not just today or tomorrow you're going to have these high temperatures,
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90-degree-plus for days. >> bill karins, we're seeing fires in california, potentially record-breaking highs in chicago, what else are you watching? lot of red there. >> there is. it's snowing in idaho, pretty remote areas. the post fire, rapidly spread over the last two years, los angeles is at 70 degrees, the temperature isn't the big story with this, the arrows on here showing the wind direction, it's getting a little gusty, the post fire here, located just to the west of interstate 5 down to pyramid lake, the wind gusts are picking up as we head throughout the afternoon at the crest there are firefighters say it could go up to 50 miles an hour, that's the problem, it could easily spark up again, little less containment. that's a possibility. the other story, it's very dry
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and very windy, high fire risk in many areas of the four corners region, as far as the heat goes, lot of numbers, 9 million people are expecting 100-plus today, a few spots in ko, into the 100s in phoenix and yuma. washington, d.c., has a chance of hitting 100. >> it's still technically spring. bill karins, shaq brewster, thank you both. in israel, the prime minister officially dissolved his war cabinet. >> the shakeup kind of consolidates his power over decisionmaking over the war in gaza.
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it consolidates his power over decisionmaking in the war in gaza. nbc news chief international correspondent keir simmons joins us from beirut, lebanon. let's start with what's happening in the area, israeli military have warned of a possible wider conflict with hezbollah. >> reporter: things have been escalating. today we heard from the idf, the israeli military, they say they have killed another hezbollah fighter. last week the israelis killed a hezbollah commander, that led to retaliation from hezbollah and that's prompting once again a simmering war along the northern border of israel. southern border of lebanon here, could really explode into a full-scale war, the implications of that would be very serious indeed, but ultimately what worries washington is iran would be pulled into that conflict and therefore the u.s. would be, too, millions of refugees here,
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people remember the syrian war, millions of palestinian refugees here, too, from many, many previous conflicts, all of them, would have pressure put on them. that's the kind of thing washington is worried about it. >> keir, prime minister netanyahu hooz dissolved his war cabinet, another sign of division within the israeli government? >> reporter: look, there are clearly deep tensions within the israeli establishment, within the israeli government, you saw benny days ago resign from the war cabinet saying that prime minister netanyahu didn't have any aims or ultimate kind of plan after the war or even during the war and now we're hearing from the prime minister's office criticizing
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the idf itself for this announcement of a daily strategic pause to try to allow aid into gaza, i think it does reflect the huge tensions within israel and within the israeli government itself and as you mentioned the prime minister dissolving the that war cabinet likely in part because he doesn't want to bring in two extreme right members of his cabinet, that won't be look upon fondly by anyone, including the white house. they're continuing very difficult relationships within the israeli government. >> keir, thank you. it's time now for today's money minute. a potential battery breakthrough for apple. taylor swift would be causing the bank of england to shift course.
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her impact continues to be felt. hello, ladies. we'll start with japanese electronic distributor, a battery that could be used in wearable devices. . the apple supplier said it's will be used. the nfl commissioner roger goodell took the stand this morning, goodell described the package of games as a complement to the game's broadcast on cbs and fox and noted before its introduction in 1994 no way fans could access all sunday games. and taylor swift would delay an interest rate cut from the bank of england. it said last week that the economic impact of the tour
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could pause a september rate cut. fascinating. >> sure is. thank you so much. coming up, princess kate makes her first public appearance since her can sert announcement. what we saw from her and the rest of the royal family. the american tourist found dead on a scenic greek island. what what hepatitis c? don't just treat it. crush it with mavyret. conquer it with mavyret. cure it. with mavyret. mavyret cures all types of hep c. in only 8 weeks. the virus multiplies daily and can damage the liver over time. mavyret stops hep c and cures it. if you've had hepatitis b, it may flare up... ...and cause serious liver problems during and after treatment. tell your doctor if you've had hep b, a liver or kidney transplant, other liver problems..., other medical conditions... ...and all your medicines. do not take mavyret with atazanavir or rifampin.
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the united states surgeon general is calling for a tobacco-style warning label on social media platforms. >> writing in "the new york times" op-ed today, quote the mental health crisis among young people is an emergency and social media has emerged as an important contributor. he's also asking congress to pass the requirements since he doesn't have the authority to act on his own. joining us is anne thompson, what else is the surgeon general saying about his plan, have we heard back from the social media companies. >> they haven't responded at this point. the surgeon general makes clear in his op-ed today that this is an urgent situation and while we're waiting for congress to act he say there is are things families can do, and he laid out the urgency of this issue.
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>> not only have companies not demonstrated that their platforms are safe for kids, but there's growing evidence of harm, when adolescents spend more than three hours a day on social media we're seeing association of risks, the amount of use per day is nearly five hours. >> five hours. >> yeah, the average. talk to us, we know congress has to be onboard with putting on that label, what can parents do to make sure their children are safe. >> first of all the surgeon general says do not allow them on social media sites until they are through middle school, if you have phones at home, create phone-free times in your day, such as at meal time and especially at bedtime, because if they're doom scrolling at night that affects their ability to sleep, remember, kids' brains
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are still developing at this point in their teenage years, so it's not their mental health, it's their physical health that's at risk and if you're going to ask your teen to do it have the whole family do it so that nobody feels single out. >> is there a window or a guess as to when congress will consider going forward with a warning label? >> there's legislation and it has bipartisan support in senate to take some action to regulate social media, but that's all it is. it's got, you know, it hasn't started to move through the process. would this spur it? maybe. but remember, it's an election year and remember those social media companies, they donate a whole lot of money to political
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campaigns interesting to see how it plays out. the princess of wales marked a special return to public eye over the weekend by taking part in celebrations for king charles' birthday, it was princess kate's first public appearance since announcing her cancer diagnosis earlier this year. kelly cobiella has more from buckingham palace. a royal return for princess kate. smiling for the huge crowds surrounded by her children, later beaming for the king's official birthday parade, sharing a moment with prince william. it is the princess' first public appearance. a show of unity with king charles who's also undergone treatment for cancer. >> it is such a challenging time for the royal family to have everyone back together to
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reassure everyone that everything is going in the right direction for the king and for kate. >> princess kate sharing a personal statement friday, saying she was making good progress, but admitting there are good days and bad days. on those bad days, you feel weak, tired and you give in to your body resting, adding, on the days i feel well enough, it is a joy to engage with school life, spend personal time on the things that give me energy and positivity. >> i think people have seen the princess speaking in a more personal way than ever before. she's opened up in a way she's never done before, and sharing her vulnerabilities as well as the positives, you know, in this journey. >> the palace sharing these tender moments behind the scenes of kate with her children, who are also back in the spotlight for the first time in months. the family watching dad on horseback, part of the military pomp and circumstance. 6-year-old princess louie spotted yawning, then dancing. big sister, princess charlotte giving him a nudge.
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the youngest royals all making their social media debut with a touching post on father's day, saying we love you, pop pop. the palace said the picture was taken by kate. prince william posted his own father's day tribute to the king. in her statement, princess kate said she was blown away by all the messages of support. but the palace is stressing that this does not mean she's back to full-time work. her treatment is ongoing and will continue for the next few months. coming up, talk about wild ride, amusement park visitors left dangling upside-down in the left dangling upside-down in the air, how crews man ag “the darkness of bipolar depression made me feel like i was losing interest in the things i love. then i found a chance to let in the lyte.” discover caplyta. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta is proven to deliver significant symptom relief from both bipolar i & ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders
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i was remembering the details that i was supposed to. prevagen keeps my brain working right. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. wang in sonoma county, a wildfire has now grown to over a thousand acres. crews at the cal fire sonoma air attack base are launching planes and helicopters. nbc bay area's bob redell is there gathering details. bob the air attack on the point fire began early this morning from the sonoma air attack base. here in santa rosa, just north of the sonoma airport, you can see an air tanker behind me. looks like it's getting ready to take off. this was the scene about an hour ago when we had two air tankers who landed here. they pulled up to the base where the ground crew reloaded their aircraft with that red fire retardant that you see them drop on fires. the pilots kept their engines running so they could
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immediately take off again, because you sense of the urgency of this, they're only on the ground for 5 to 10 minutes before flying back to the point fire, located outside downtown healdsburg, about 20 miles northwest of where we're at right now. now we're just up on the front lines. this is at bradford ridge, one of the flanks of the fire where cal fire has dug in a line of containment. cal fire has several firefighters up there, along with their equipment, ready to pounce if that fire tries to cross that ridgeline. you'll notice we didn't witness much fire activity up there, but this is what it did look like overnight when there were a lot more flames. start around 1230 yesterday afternoon off stewarts point. skaggs springs road. that's near lake sonoma. 1100 acres have burned so far. those are the latest numbers. we believe at least two homes have been destroyed. possibly more. we also know, though, however, that firefighters have saved hundreds of other structures. there are roughly 430 people who have been asked to evacuate. cal fire believes that most have followed that mandatory order to get out the containment is at
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just 20, but cal fire believes that they can boost that number with a lot of hard work. today, a resources on the west portion of the fire are building and strengthening control lines overnight with the ultimate goal of tying in to the valley floor by this coming operational period. a cal fire firefighter who is a member of a hand crew was hurt overnight. a possible neck injury when a branch fell on him. you can see in this video the sonoma county sheriff's office choppered him out. he's been taken to a hospital. no update on his condition. cal fire says he's in his mid to late 20s here in santa rosa, bob redell nbc, bay area news. thank you bob. well, dry heat, gusty winds continue to fuel wildfires. here's meteorologist kari hall with our details. hi, kari, as we go throughout today, it's going to be windy with low humidity. hence the red flag warning that we'll have, especially in the north bay hills and around the point fire. still looking at
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some critically dry conditions now as we take a look at our high temperatures, it's going to be fairly mild for this time of year only in the mid 80s. for much of the north bay, oakland in the upper 70s, and about the same in hayward and fremont, 80 degrees in san jose and some low 70s for the peninsula into san francisco. with our coastline in the upper 60s going into the day tomorrow, it's basically a repeat of today, but it will be slightly cooler for the middle of the week. on wednesday. we're mostly looking at 60s and 70s across the bay area. we'll take a look at our 7-day forecast in about 30 minutes. thanks, kari an investigation is underway to track down people behind a dangerous sideshow. it happened on saturday, right outside santana row shopping center in san jose. police say someone was hit watching on the sidelines, then as an officer tried to help that person. people in masks jumped on his patrol car. this video spreading on social media. shoppers say it's concerning. this happened in a place with so many families and visitors. it's really unfortunate and
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frustrating, for somebody like myself who likes to walk a lot and not feel comfortable knowing that these kind of things are starting to happen even during the day. the officer inside the patrol car suffered minor injuries. the wait is finally over the harvey milk terminal at sfo just finished its final phase of construction today. san francisco mayor london breed cut the ribbon. the upgrades include a new ticket counter area, a new security checkpoint, two new gates, a museum gallery, and a walkway that connects every terminal at sfo. the terminal is named in honor of gay rights activist harvey milk. he was the first openly gay person elected to the san francisco board of supervisors, and we have a lot of folks who are really excited about coming to san francisco to celebrate pride. and as they get off their flights and see that they have landed not just in san francisco, but at harvey milk terminal, it will tell a story, one that we can be proud of. a fellow supervisor shot and
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killed harvey milk, along with mayor george moscone back in 1978. that does it for this edition of the fast forward. edition of the fast forward. i'll b liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with all the money i saved i thought i'd buy stilts. being so tall definitely has its advantages. oh whoa. here you go, kiddo. thanks. hi honey ready to go? yup. there it is, there it is... we go. i guess it also has some disadvantages. yes it does. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty, liberty.♪ if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect. new parodontax active gum repair breath freshener. clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. (smelling) ew. gotta get rid of this. ♪tell me why♪ because it stinks. ♪have you tried downy rinse and refresh♪
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it helps remove odors 3x better than detergent alone. it worked guys! ♪yeahhhh♪ downy rinse and refresh. "9 out of 10 people don't get enough fiber" benefiber is the easy, gentle solution for every day. its plant-based prebiotic fiber nourishes good bacteria in your gut working with your body to promote digestive health. with so many ways to enjoy, benefiber is your fiber, your way. i have active psoriatic arthritis. but with skyrizi to treat my skin and joints, count me in. along with clearer skin, skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to.
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there's nothing like clearer skin and better movement and that means everything! ask your doctor about skyrizi today. learn how abbvie could help you save. bottom of the hour now, here are so much the stories making headlines on "nbc news daily." dozens on people close to 30 minutes suspended upside-down after ride at an oregon amusement park malfunctioned.
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the ride got stuck at its highest point. one person was taken to the hospital for further evaluation. today, maryland's governor wes moore issued a mass pardon of more than 175,000 marijuana convictions, these pardons will forgive low-level marijuana possession charges. the democratic governor described the pardons to heal decades of social and economic injustice. this is the largest state pardon to date. celebrity chef gordan ramsay is opening up about a serious cycling accident and spreading the importance of wearing a helmet. he showed a serious bruise that he received on his torso. ramsay thanked the medical staff who looked after him at the
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hospital. a missing american tourist has been found dead in greece, arding to associated press, citing local media, it happened on a beach on a small island west of corfu, just the latest case of missing or dead tourist being found on a greek island, one of three people still missing is a retired los angeles county sheriff's deputy last seen nearly a week ago after going on a hike. josh lederman is following the latest. josh, let's start with dead american tourist, what more are we learning, foul play something authorities are look at this point? >> reporter: they're looking at all possible angles at this point many time. they haven't released his name, identity or where he's from, we do know police in greece have told local media there that the 70-year-old was last seen last tuesday at cafe on this tiny island, roughly 100 residents of the island, he was seen with two
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other tourists who is since left the island and two days later he was reported missing by the greek american who lives there and whose house he was staying at. the state department has confirmed that an american citizen has died there, although they're not releasing any information citing the need to respect the privacy of his family. >> josh, what do we know about the retired sheriff's deputy still miss and the other tourists who are either missing or dead. >> reporter: so many americans visit greece throughout the summer holiday, now there's been this string of disappearing or showing up dead is raising a lot of concern. that sheriff deputy he had been hiking by himself in scorching heat, never turned up to the rendezvous point to meet a friend. it fits a broader pattern of a lot of individuals in greece who are visiting, who go out hiking
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by themselves in the middle of this massive situation of heat, with temperatures spiking around 113 degrees fahrenheit there and running into trouble, either disappearing or later turning up dead. leading authority there to warning people to be cautious about those temperatures. lot of concern for the tourism industry there as we're seeing so many cases from the france, uk and the united states as well. >> josh lederman, thank you so much. we're just over a month away from the summer olympics in paris the usa swimming team is starting to take shape. jesse kirsch was there. he'll show you how several athletes made a really big splash at this weekend's olympic trials. >> it was electric in this building.
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the finals. they walk out into this nfl stadium, and this is what they see, historic crowds cheering them on the paris. the u.s. olympic swim trials making a historic splash. five american swimmers already clinching their spots on team usa, including superstar katie ledecky, who is heading to her fourth straight olympics after a decisive win in the women's 400 meter freestyle. in the men's 400, 19-year-old aaron shackell's win made him a first-time olympian. his dad competed for great britain in 1996. >> ever since i learned my dad was an olympian, i always wanted to be an olympian myself. it is unbelievable, to be honest. >> reporter: 22-year-old carson foster won the men's 400 individual medley after just missing the cut for tokyo. >> i have probably 25 family and friends sitting in the stands. i wish i could just jump that fence and go get them. >> reporter: nick think won the
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men's 100 meter breaststroke, earning his second trip to the olympics. after the victory, the soon-to-be dad celebrating with a rocking baby motion on father's day. his pregnant wife emotional in the crowd. but the weekend's biggest winner might be gretchen walsh in the women's 100 meter butterfly semifinals saturday, the 21-year-old set a new world record. what was going through your mind when you realized what you had just done? >> i mean, i feel like my reaction said it all, literally no words. all just raw emotion of being like, what the heck just happened. >> reporter: then on sunday she won the final, becoming a first-time olympian. after the win, she embraced her older sister alex, a tokyo silver medalist, hoping to clinch a spot on team usa again this year. >> i think we both learn so much from each other. >> reporter: usa swimming says more than 20,000 people here, the largest ever crowd for an
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indoor swim meet. step one for athletes, finish first in that pool and step number two, sign the postcard and get ready for paris. back to you. >> jesse, thank you. it has been 25 years since the hbo series the sopranos premiered and changed television history. the drama continues to influence pop culture even being featuring at this year's tribecka film festival. tom llamas recently sat down with members of the cast. >> reporter: the cast and crew just clicked from the get-go. this reunion taking on even more meaning as they reflect on cast members we lost including the great james gandolfini. ♪♪
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25 years ago, america met tony soprano. a family man. >> way to go, meadow! >> reporter: a businessman. >> who do you think you are? >> i'm the person who says how things go. >> reporter: and a ruthless gangster. >> you took on oath, and you broke it. >> reporter: the cast of the "sopranos," along with the creator david chase, sat down to mark the 25th milestone with the premiere of a new documentary. why are we still talking about the "sopranos"? 25 years later. >> why? because the writing was incredible. because of streaming. it's all over the world. more people watch "sopranos" now than who watched it when it was on originally. >> tony was a ruthless killer. yet, america loved him. why do you think that was? >> they loved him because jim
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had some magic in him. but you saw his damaged heart or something in that character. >> are you in the mafia? >> reporter: the hbo show america couldn't get enough of ran for six seasons. 86 one-hour episodes. millions tuned in. actor steve schirripa, a comedian at the time, remembers watching season 1 and then getting cast in the show. >> it was like an out-of-body experience. here i am studying lines with dominic and jim. it was like, am i really here? how did i get here? >> reporter: jamie lynn-sigler thought they were auditioning for something completely different, a show about opera. >> pilot. clean slate. hair in a ponytail. always looked very basic. when i got here, i was like,
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this is about italians. >> i heard after your audition, you asked david if you needed to sing. >> all the information i was given was a 16-year-old italian looking girl. for a show called "the sopranos." i come from a music theater background, so i was thinking it was going to be singing for television. i think i remember looking around, noticing there is no accompaniments. so should i sing acapella. i remember david telling me that was not necessary. >> reporter: part of the success of the show was a perfect balance of drama and comedy. but there were a lot of characters who came and went, especially when they crossed tony. >> joe, i want to ask you about this one, where tony killed you. that choking. that fight scene. what do you remember about shooting that scene and the acting? >> i remember if i had 20 more pounds on tony, the show would have been called the ciparettos. >> reporter: and one of the most memorable divides, when adriana
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cooperating with the fbi, leading tony to get rid of her. dematteo saying the acting came natural because inside she was so sad to leave the show. >> i had really made my peace with the fact i was leaving. >> this is you as a person, you're saying? >> yes. >> reporter: the cast, who were together for years, still consider each other family. >> it is hard to remember a life for me before these people. >> it was so collaborative, and i felt very accepted and respected and appreciated. >> reporter: since the show first premiered, the cast has stayed in touch but also has suffered tremendous loss. paulie walnuts died in 2022. >> he was a very loyal guy. tony and paulie are one, and they broke the mold when they made tony. he was a wonderful guy. >> reporter: and the shocking death of jim gandolfini who played the patriarch on the show
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but also a patriarch to the cast. >> i felt protected by him and loved by him. and he really was one-of-a-kind. and i feel very lucky to have been guided by him for as long as i was. >> as great an actor as he was, he was an even better guy. >> reporter: the cast find an still find levity with each other. an inside joke or a song from dominic who played junior. ♪ please don't talk about us when we go ♪ >> or something like that. >> reporter: and for all of them, it's easy to understand and explain why the "sopranos" are still part of our life 25 years later. >> listening to all this and you asking these questions, it's bringing back all these scenes, these amazing people. amazing actors. they were all so good.
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>> and you can still watch the "sopranos" on. i started rewatching it, and i'm hooked again. the cast pointed out something that no longer happens. when it came out, people got together. they made it an event and we had to wait another week for another episode. it was pre-binge. which made it more special. coming up, a new report on how easyealers d
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important story here, the nation grapples with ongoing opioid crisis among teens, new report is detailing just how easy it is for dealers to sell fake pills on the social media app snapchat. >> families and law enforcement also alleged the social media giant slow-walks police investigations into teen overdose deaths. joining us is a contributor editor to rolling stone. a 14-year-old kid overdosed, better if you tell us about alex. >> alex was this beautiful kid,
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absolute essence of southern california, he was a skater boy, surf kid, but he was prodigy, he like every kid in this story, was one of one and he just had this enormous brain that never stopped. and at the beginning of the pandemic, when all those overheated brains were trapped indoors, they turned to social media, the only connection to his tribe and there he met a dealer. a.j. smokey. >> let's attack about how it works. kids who use social media. how do they allege bad actors
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use the app to target their children. >> it's not just the families, it's more than a dozen senior law enforcement, state, federal, county who told me that snapchat which billed itself sold itself to mothers and children as a safe space for kids, as a space only for kids, but the features that hook those kids, disappearing content, geo filters were also catnip for the adults who prey on them, because there were no breadcrumbs, there were no data that lasted 24 hours it was the perfect place to sell drugs and commit other
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harms against kids. >> in your piece there's this moment that i love and people should go out and buy this to read the whole thing, you talk about there's this narrative or discussion happening among napchat officials. can you break that down for us. >> i spent 5.5 months talking to snapchat executives and here was the takeaway, that according to snap everything, those parents, those cops, those officials told me was a lie that snapchat was perfectly safe for children. federal agents had it wrong and twisted. >> snap referred to statement
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from your story, we're heartbroken by this terrible epidemic and are deeply committed to the fight against fentanyl. >> it's completely encrypted and they claim that they have hired up, but this's no way to corroborate any of their claims of safety. >> amazing reporting. this is out now. this is out now. people can get it, (♪♪) (♪♪) bounce back fast from heartburn with new tums gummy bites, and love food back. (♪♪) you'll find them in cities, towns and suburbs all across america. millions of americans who
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thanks to a unique combination of herbs, iberogast helps relieve six digestive symptoms to help you feel better. six digestive symptoms. the power of nature. iberogast. licht in gaza was front and center during a bay area graduation ceremony this past weekend at stanford university. more than 200 graduates walked out in protest. this is video posted by a group of students opposing the war. they left at the start of the speech by the outgoing university president, richard saller and billionaire philanthropist melinda french. gates actually delivered the commencement address. she talked about some of the struggles the class of 2024 has already faced during their time in college. yes, you are graduating into a broken world, but it is a community that rebuilds things. you've already started building that community here and together is how you'll make the broken
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things whole again. some students organized an alternative graduation held off campus. that ceremony was intended to honor students barred from the official graduation after recent protests on campus. stanford did not comment on the walkout. we are just days away from the official start of summer. the season will kick off with sunny skies. here's meteorologist kari hall with our forecast. hi kari. our high temperatures throughout the week are very seasonable. we are also slightly cooler than normal as we welcome in the first day of summer. we're looking at a high of about 83 degrees inland, but then starting to warm up for the end of the week into the weekend, with the hottest day on saturday. and a lot of our inland valleys will see highs up to about 92 degrees. meanwhile, san francisco's keeping it cool there with upper 60s and low 70s. it will be a little more windy and cloudy for wednesday into thursday, but then on friday we're getting some more
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peeks of sunshine and it will be a pleasant weekend ahead with our high temperatures in the low 70s. still concerned about the inland fire danger, so you'll want to keep checking back in for those updates. thanks, and 'll be backwe
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pre-book your tsa screening and hop right to the front of the line for free. consumer investigator chris karma shows us how and where you could save a ton of time. the program we're talking about is called clear reserve, and it's your ticket to bypass the tsa line. here's how you reserve a time slot in advance to clear airport security. when we made this video, clear reserve was available at these airports. sorry san francisco bay area. no sfo, sjc or oakland yet. i used clear reserve recently in orlando. let me show you how easily it worked. the day before my flight, i went to clear
12:57 pm next i clicked for you at the top and then reserve. originally i tried to book seven days out but it wouldn't let me and told me to check back closer to my flight. the clear website says the booking window varies by location, the rest of the process only took about 90s. i shared basic information like my name, my destination, my flight number, and how many people were in my party. side note ten. that's the max. next clear asked me when i wanted to clear the security checkpoint. i had a 6 a.m. flight, so i asked for a 5 a.m. slot. within a few seconds, clear emailed me a qr code, my ticket to bypass the tsa line on my travel day. i just showed my qr code to a clear rep who directed me to the clear reserve line. i was first in line. meanwhile, i would say there are about 200 people in the regular tsa line. try to be punctual. clear says it only holds those reserved spots for 20 minutes after your reservation time. after that, you're back in the regular line. thanks for the tip, kris that does it. for this
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edition of the fast forward, you can get more how to tips on our website we'll be website we'll be back with katie! its future you. constipation with belly pain again? our doctor figured it out. she said... it's ibs-c and linzess could help you get ahead of it. linzess is not a laxative. it's a once-daily pill that helps you get ahead of your symptoms. it's proven to help you have more frequent and complete bowel movements. and helps relieve overall abdominal symptoms - belly pain, discomfort, and bloating. do not give linzess to children less than two. it may harm them. do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. these aren't all the side effects. get ahead of it. talk to your doctor and say yess to linzess. learn how abbvie and ironwood could help you save. your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pronamel active shield
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jump. jump. jump. the olympics begin july 26th on nbc and peacock. and see "despicable me 4" only in theaters. rated pg. mendoza: she opened up her boutique. she had gone to europe. she was going out dancing at night. she was taking lots of pictures and posting on social media. it was a whole new world. she was excited. [music playing]


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