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tv   Today  NBC  June 18, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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easily on your smartphone app. you can take us with you on the go. maybe you're going on vacation, but you want to know what's happening where you live. speaking of that, i did that on my vacation. i checked you guys out. you missed us one day, but i did check it out. i should have called you. i did, i missed you guys. oh, that's me i wasn't hearing, i was gonna say, but you weren't here. so i was like, oh, cynthia's here. yeah. so that's right. he's always here for you. all right, look, thanks for making us a part of your morning right here on today at the bay. we'll see you back here during our local news update at 726 and our streaming newscast at eight. and of course, our midday news is at 11 a.m. this morning. enjoy your tuesday hi there. happy tuesday. if you thought it was hot, you haven't seen anything yet. >> yeah, the historic heat wave just getting started. it is june the 18th. good morning.
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this is "today". >> brutal hot. >> very, very, very hot. >> excessive heat warnings now stretching nearly from coast to coast. 80% of the country facing temperatures in the 90s. some areas hotter than that. states of emergency now declared in parts of the northeast. while across the west, thousands forced to flee raging wild fires. down south, a new tropical threat. al is tracking all of it. border battle. the white house set to unveil sweeping new protections for hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants, the spouses of u.s. citizens. straight ahead, a look at the plan and its impact on the 2024 election race. breaking overnight. new tensions. south korea fires warning shots after north korean soldiers crossed the border for the second time in recent days. this as russia's vladimir putin heads to north korea for the first time in nearly a quarter
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century. the very latest in a live report from the region on edge. in the hot seat. boeing's ceo set to face a grilling on capitol hill today over the company's safety and quality control issues and what it's doing to fix them. we're there live with what it all means during one of the busiest summer travel seasons ever. all that plus survivor story. >> i yelled help and shark, just two clear words. >> a swimmer recovering from a vicious shark attack returns to the beach where it happened. >> it is emotional being here. >> just ahead, his harrowing encounter in his own words. and boston pops. >> he loves these. puts it up half court at the buzzer, bang! >> the celtics finish off dallas to clinch a historic title. >> banner number 18 has been secured. the celtics are nba champions. >> we have all the highlights and boston's plans for a massive
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victory parade, today, tuesday, june 18th, 2024. ♪♪ >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> well, good morning. good to see you. welcome to "today." happy you are joining us on this tuesday morning. >> it is a hod one. a record shattering heat wave. more than 150 million people facing temperatures in the 90s today. >> yeah. those high temperatures are expected to last into the weekend. the heat is so bad that several health care and labor groups filed a petition pushing fema to declare extreme heat a, quote, major disaster. >> the heat is fuelling 20 dangerous wild fires across multiple states out west. air quality alerts being issued because of the smoke. >> all of this and what's expected to be the season's first tropical storm is forming down in the gulf, the storm which would be named alberto set
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to bring heavy rain and coastal flooding in the next few days. so we do have a lot to cover. al will have the full forecast. but first, nbc's maggie vespa is in pittsburgh where it could reach 100 degrees for the first time in 30 years. hey, maggie. >> reporter: hey, hoda. good morning. yeah, that is a possibility. as you said, if that were to happen, it actually would be a first for the month of june here in pittsburgh. meantime, the national weather service saying this part of the country, the ohio river valley may be in the midst of its most impactful heat wave of the 21st century as this early blast of summer weather only escalates. brutal summer weather only escalates. this morning tens of millions from coast to coast are broiling, thanks to an early blast of record heat. >> oh, my god. it is going to be hot. >> reporter: more than 70 million americans waking up under heat alerts from iowa through maine. a stubborn heat dome sending temperatures soaring and threatening to shatter more than 100 daily records this week.
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in the midwest, chicago hitting 97 degrees yesterday, smashing a record set back in 1957. and detroit residents taking a sweltering 101 degree heat index in stride. >> a great, smothering heat and then a beautiful cool breeze off the michigan water. >> reporter: the national weather service warning the ohio river valley may experience its most impactful heat wave of the 21st century. >> you can't be out too long. you have to stay hydrated. >> reporter: and blistering temps are now barrelling east, with officials in several major cities warning people to take the heat seriously. >> summers are different than they were before. >> reporter: new york's governor activating the national guard. boston's mayor declaring a state of emergency. but out west, the emergency is wild fires, with more than 20 burning across multiple states. new evacuation orders issued yesterday for an entire community in new mexico. a village telling residents go
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now with two fires growing rapidly in the area. and in california -- >> make sure you got our back. >> reporter: the post fire north of l.a. now topping 15,000 acres and threatening dozens of homes. with dramatic conditions in the west and extreme heat rolling east, americans bracing for a wild weather week. all right. so back to the heat and adding to the chaos here, tens of thousands here in pittsburgh lost power overnight after severe storms rolled through and crews are racing to restore it knowing how desperate everyone is for air-conditioning. hoda? >> yeah, all right. maggie vespa for us in pittsburgh. maggie, thank you. >> makes for a long night. >> good morning. maggie put it best. we are looking at a long duration heat event through friday.troit, cleveland, buffalo, syracuse, bangor maine. we are looking at temperatures anywhere from 10 to 30 degrees above average for those records. for today, buffalo not quite close to the record but the heat
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index will be 98. it will feel like triple digits in pittsburgh. it will feel like 90 in boston, 96 in washington, d.c., and then we move on into tomorrow. look at this. triple digits in concord, syracuse, syracuse, al tuna, pennsylvania 93. feels like 100 tomorrow in cleveland. and that heat continues right on into thursday. we're not going to really see a break in this for at least a week in this area in purple, stretching from new england all the way down to detroit, st. louis, cincinnati. this is a long duration event that could actually be deadly if you are exposed to this heat long enough. here is the deal. through thursday, this strong dome of high pressure hangs into the northeast. but then as we get toward the weekend, it slides back down to the south so we get a little bit of a break for up state new york and new england. but the midwest and the mid atlantic states on into the great lakes still going to be feeling that heat. you can see. look at these. these are the number of days in a row where we are looking at this heat wave. syracuse four days.
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cincinnati eight days 90 or above. new york five days. dc eight days as well. and we've got potential tropical cyclone number one. right now tropical storm warnings up from brownsville to corpus christi. we will look at that in detail coming up in the next half hour. guys? >> al, we'll check back with you on that. thanks. in the meantime, a key issue in the 2024 race is in the spotlight. president biden set to announce new executive actions on immigration. one of them shielding undocumented spouses of u.s. citizens from deportation. nbc's senior white house correspondent gabe gutierrez joins us. gabe, so tell us about the plan. >> reporter: good morning. this is a major step for the white house after a crack down border crossings by tightening asylum roles earlier this month. this could impact half a million of undocumented immigrants living in this country. typically the u.s. provides a straightforward path to
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immigrants who enter the country lawfully and end up marrying an american. but this will address those that came here illegally and want to get a green card through marriage. those who were married before today will be allowed to get work permits on a case-by-case basis without ever having to leave the country. they have to have lived in the u.s. for at least ten years, so have three years to apply for that green card to live and work permanently here. a senior administration official says anyone who has previously been deported will not be eligible, hoda. >> all right, gabe. so what about the children of undocumented immigrants. what would their status be? >> reporter: yeah. back in 2012, president obama allowed kids whose parents brought them to the u.s. when they were young to stay in the country. they were known as dreamers. now the biden administration will make it easier for them if to get work visas if they received a college degree and get a job offer from a u.s. employer. recent nbc news polling shows that voters consider immigration one of the most important issues
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facing the country, second only to inflation and the cost of living. the trump campaign, meanwhile, is already jumping on this news, accusing president biden of prioritizing illegal immigrants over americans. hoda? >> gabe gutierrez for us. there at the white house. gabe, thank you. breaking overnight, new tensions on the korean peninsula. south korean's military firing warning shots after soldiers from the north crossed the two countries briefly. it comes ahead of a rare visit by russia's vladimir putin. janis mackey frayer has the latest. what do we know the border incident? >> reporter: good morning. ahead of vladimir putin's first visit to north korea in over two decades, warning shots were fired by south korean soldiers at the demilitarized zone. the dmz that divides north and south korea. now according to south korea's military, it happened when a group of north korean soldiers, 20 or 30 or them, heavily armed briefly crossed the military
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demarcation line. officials say it did not seem intentional, but this is the second time in over a week it happened. north korea has been sending troops this to this border area to plant land mines, measures seen as preventing defectors from crossing over to the south. adding to tension, reporting that multiple north korean soldiers were killed in land mine explosions on the north side of the dmz, this according to south korea, officials not saying exactly when that happened, but they are calling it a separate incident. >> janice, as mentioned, this comes ahead of putin's visit today. u.s. officials watching that very closely. why is the russian president visiting north korea? >> reporter: well, putin is set to meet with kim jong-un. they last met nine months ago when kim traveled to eastern russia. putin's main goal is to shore up military ties and a supply line, mainly artillery shells and rockets with the war in ukraine dragging on and russia facing
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shortages in their weapon supplies. north korea has supported russia with munitions. according to the u.s. and to south korea, while moscow in turn has given aid and other technologies, though both countries deny they're skirting sanctions. still, the white house has called this deepening relationship concerning because of how it's feeding not only the war in ukraine but instability on the korean peninsula. savannah? >> janis mackey frayer in the region for us. thank you. also this morning, top u.s. officials are sounding the alarm about the potential threat of a major terror attack against americans. the former acting head of the cia saying the warning signs have, quote, echos of the run up to 9/11. nbc senior washington correspondent hallie jackson joins us with more on all of that. hey, hallie, good morning. >> reporter: hoda, good morning. taken together, it's been a cascade of warnings about the threat level in recent weeks with the former acting cia chief saying, given the stakes,
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complacency is a greater risk than alarmism. new alarm bills about the threat of terrorism in america from a former top intelligence official warning in foreign affairs the united states faces a serious threat of a terrorist attack in the months ahead. former acting cia director with national security expert graham ellison comparing the current threat tloefl the run-up to 9/11 and pointing to testimony from fbi director christopher wray the impact of hamas attack on israel. >> we have seen the threat from foreign terrorists rise to a whole another level after october 7th. >> reporter: from other top biden administration officials. >> we're in a elevated global threat environment. >> every morning, we worry about this question. we try to track anyone who might be trying to hurt the country. >> reporter: last week u.s. immigration officials arrested eight men for potential ties to isis in central asia. two people familiar with the matter tell nbc news the men entered the u.s. through the southern border and their
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some as recently as last year and their criminal background checks came back clean when they crossed. house republicans for months blamed president biden's immigration positions. >> as a result of the administration's policies allowing the people to cross the border unvetted we have terrorists actively working within the united states that are a threat. >> reporter: u.s. customs and border officials recorded more than 200 encounters with officials on the terror watch list at the southern border in fiscal year 2023 and nearly twice as many on the northern border. altogether, just a fraction of less than one half of 1% of all cvp encounters that year. the white house says congress must do more, pointing to the sweeping border bill killed by republicans this year. >> everybody can talk a good game, but you can't really change what's happening at the border unless you have legislation. there is no magic wand that can be waved here to make it go away. >> the biggest threat we face are attacks overseas against our embassies and our military bases.
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there is a threat against the it will be much harder to penetrate our defenses. >> so hallie s there any indication that the president would consider raising the terror threat alert level, for example, in light of all this? >> reporter: that's a good question. top national security spokesperson john kirby says he's not aware of a decision to change that, but it is something the white house is watching closely every day. the concern remains not just groups like isis-k, which is the off chute blamed for attacks in iran and moscow but domestic extremists as well. >> hallie, thank you very much coming up on 7:15, let's bring craig to the table. >> good morning. good morning to you as well. the ceo of boeing faces a congressional grilling today as his company faces both an faa and fbi investigations over that max 9 mid flight blowout earlier this year and revelations of poor quality and safety control on boeing factory floors. nbc's tom costello covers
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aviation for us. he is on capitol hill. tom, good morning to you. all of this, of course, comes after several whistleblowers have come forward. >> that's right. new whistleblowers. the senate committee says new whistleblowers are alleging that aircraft parts did not meet boeing standards but were still used on new planes and hidden from faa inspectors. boeing this morning tells us and encourages whistleblowers to come forward and ceo dave calhoun will tell congress boeing's culture is far from perfect but it's making progress. also in that hearing room today, families of the victims who died in two fatal max 8 crashes overseas. >> reporter: this woman has again flown all the way from london to washington on behalf of her father. joseph curry died when ethiopia airlines flight 302, a boeing max 8, crashed in 20 18. it followed lion 8 crash in
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2018. in all 346 people died. she will be in the hearing room today pushing congress and the justice department to hold boeing accountable. >> i never want any 23-year-old to wake up to the reality that i have woken up to and the nightmare i have continuously lived for the last five years. >> reporter: in the crosshairs today, boeing ceo david calhoun, who was chairman of the board during the max 8 crashes. he's already admitted to serious quality control and safety breakdowns at boeing, and last month submitted to the faa a plan to address boeing's problems. the company remains under faa and fbi investigation. in written testimony, calhoun apologizes to the families of those lost and the passengers on the max 9 plane that suffered the mid-air blowout in january. he will tell congress, we are taking comprehensive action to strengthen safety and quality. in hearings last week, bipartisan frustration with boeing and the faa.
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>> these safety lapses caused serious questions in the public about the safety of boeing's planes. >> there is a disconnect between senior leadership and front line employees on building a safety culture. >> reporter: faa chief, michael whittaker. can boeing change the culture down to the assembly line? that's a big ask. >> it is a big ask. but culture change is possible. it takes a long-term commitment. it takes top-down leadership, but it is possible, so we will make sure they're executing it. whitaker has only been on the job since last fall but admitted the faa failed to properly inspect boeing facilities and hold boeing accountable after those max 8 crashes. he also tells me more whistleblowers have come forward with more allegations. craig? >> all eyes on capitol hill today. tom, thank you. let's go to the nba finals now. we have a live look in boston. people are still partying, apparently, because the celtics are champions once again. it was a blow-out win over
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dallas in game five. >> trying to guard tatum. tatum spins, falling away. it is up and good. it's over. time to say it again, boston. anything is possible. banner number 18 has been secured. the celtics are nba champions! >> wow. jayson tatum led the way. boston with 31 points. the celtics won that. it was a blow-out, 106-88. boston as the announcer saying winning a record 18th championship, passing their rivals the l.a. lakers for the most titles in nba history. it's their first since 2008. jaylen brown, by the way, named mvp. there is a victory parade expected today. they're keeping a close eye on the weather since it is so hot. if you are looking to next year, the odds makers are already picking the celtics for next year again. there you have it. >> really? >> tatum is coming back. and the most storied franchise in nba history. and the future is bright because their head coach, just the
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second year. as the head coach. >> wow. >> before this head coaching job, division ii school. >> oh, wow. >> that's neat. >> youngest coach to win it since 1969. >> wow. >> how are you? >> well, i'm feeling great. not as good as everybody in boston. congratulations. red sox are doing well, too. you're having a great year. hey. looking at this heat wave here building in the east. severe storms coming across the upper midwest with the cold front and a fire risk continues out west. we're going to get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds.
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coming up in the coming up in the next half hour, we will take a look at the possibility of our first tropical system of the year. >> is that hurricane alberto. >> tropical storm alberto. >> if it comes to be. >> yeah, okay. unless it gets a promotion. all right, al. just ahead vicky nguyen will join us. she has a guide to creative and cost effective ways you can beat the heat. plus, the survivor of a harrowing shark attack back on
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the beach where it happened and sharing his remarkable story with nbc's gadi schwartz. hey, gadi. >> reporter: hey. 19 swimmers in the water and the shark chose him. we will introduce you to the california man lucky to be alive and those who saved him coming up. >> thank you. but, first, this is "today" on nbc.
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available at coming up, al's one-on-one with the one and only eddie murphy, the return of "beverly hills cop" 30 years in the making. >> cannot wait, but, first, your local news and weather. eather.
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that powers our phones. (waitress) all with the security features we need. (aaron) because my businesses are my life. man, the fish tacos are blowing up! so whatever's next... we're cooking with fire. let's make it happen! (vo) switch to the partner businesses rely on. we thought we climbed every mountain, and then... ll cool j. turkey club. thank you, thank you. i know. keep it together. progressive can't save you from becoming your parents, but we can save you money when you bundle home and auto with us. -wow, you're tall. -ugh. what's the square root of pi? ♪♪ ihop? some things just add up. like the 2x2x2 at ihop. 2 eggs your way, 2 bacon strips and 2 buttermilk pancakes. monday thru friday. all for 6 dollars. good morning to you to 726. right now i'm laura garcia. here's a look at our top stories
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. i'm ginger conejero saab in sonoma county where progress has been made on the point fire. it is now 40% contained and remains at just over 1200 acres. cal fire says crews made progress overnight with the help of favorable weather conditions. an evacuation order remains in place for people living in the area of dry creek valley, which is home to several private vineyards. so far, two structures have burned, but cal fire says the point fire is not actively threatening any others at this time. let's check the forecast for this now. tuesday morning with meteorologist kari hall. and we've been getting a lot of smoke coming in kind of a hazy sky today, but at least temperature wise we are seeing some nice comfortable weather. and i do think the return of the onshore wind flow is going to help clear out the air a little bit more as we go into the afternoon, as our temperatures top 85 in livermore, 87 for the concord area into the north bay
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will be in the mid 80s upper 60s for san francisco. looking ahead to our first day of summer, we're going to see temperatures in the mid 80s but heating up for the weekend mid 90s with a peak of those highs on saturday and then coming down a little bit for sunday into monday while san francisco is going to reach a high of 70 today, it will be breezy and mostly cloudy as we welcome in summer. laura. all right. thank you, kari and don't forget to join us for our today in the bay live streaming newscast at 8 a.m. join us on roku, amazon fire tv, xumo, and streaming platforms including, and of course, from our app. another local news update coming up in about half an hour. hope to see you then.
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♪ 7:30. now take a look at that. that is a basket of our
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smartphones. we decided to toss them in that basket for the whole show this morning. we were talking about our conversation with the surgeon general. it was a warping label on social media. every parent knows their kids are dying for the smartphones. and every parent knows we're as addicted as anyone else. >> we have 30 minutes so far. usually on commercial breaks we're taking care of our kids' logistics and stuff. >> we are able to catch up with our family. >> can we have our phones back? >> we should do this more often? >> we should do it every day. >> i think we should do it every day. >> okay, okay. tweet us if you see it on the desk. >> but we won't see it until 9. first up this half hour, shark attacks once again in the spotlight. you recall three people were hurt in florida this month. and a san diego swimmer was also recently attacked. >> now he is sharing his incredible story with gadi schwartz who joins us now. hey, gadi, good morning. >> hey, good morning, guys. caleb adams wife calls him the
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unluckiest lucky person ever. after having to fight off this shark. he spoke exclusively with "today" to tell us about this terrifying experience and how people he barely knew swam through bloody water to bring him to safety. >> reporter: beach goers are soaking up the sun and surf as summer gets under way. but be ware, new warnings about the dangers of sharks under the water surface. caleb adams bears the scars from his close encounter. >> i yelled help and shark, just two clear words. >> reporter: he was in the waters with 18 members of an open waters swim group. >> it was a strong hit to my body. i knew i had been hit by a shark. and i tussled with the animal for what was seconds. >> reporter: swim buddy kevin barrett heard him yelling for help. >> you know that's a real scream. >> the second time i struck the animal and i felt a softer
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tissue. i'm going to speculate that that was inside the shark's mouth. i have several cuts on my hand and wrist. >> reporter: the shark disappeared by the time kevin got there. >> when i was swimming him in, the blood was pouring out of his chest. we just needed to get him ashore as quickly as possible. >> reporter: life guard helped get caleb on to the beach. >> we could really see the traumatic extent of his injuries, and it was not pretty. he tipped his head under his chin, don't look down. caleb was amazingly calm. >> reporter: he was rushed into surgery. his entire torso a road map of shark bites and stitches. experts say attacks like the one caleb survived may become more frequent as beaches get crowded this summer. >> it is very much a wild environment any time you are entering the ocean. >> reporter: still extremely rare, last year saw an uptick in unprovoked shark attacks and fatalities. the u.s. had 36 unprovoked in 2023, accounting for more than half of the 69 incidents across the globe. florida leading the nation in attacks.
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just this month, three swimmers off the florida panhandle were attacked by sharks in a single day. but west coast beaches are also a hot spot. in california, barely two weeks after the shark attack, caleb has returned to the same beach with his wife ginny. >> it is emotional being here, without question. >> reporter: reflecting on those that stepped in to help. >> i have a beautiful community to lean on. and i'm very thankful. >> reporter: and they say that stretch of san diego has become a nursery for young great white sharks, so they're going to be testing to figure out exactly what kind of size of shark that bit caleb and how many more might be in that area, but that stretch down del mar definitely a spot to keep an eye on this summer. guys? >> all right. gadsy schwartz for us. gadi, thank you. still ahead, a conversation i can't wait to share with you on a tuesday with an american hero. his name is bill greasy. he is the oldest living negro league player who entored other baseball icons.
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his incredible story ahead of the major league, a tribute to legendary rickwood field down in alabama. that's america's oldest ballpark. >> we look forward to that. but, first, vicky nguyen is here to stay cool and save money during this brutal heat wave. >> hey, good morning. i will join you also and put my phone in the basket. coming up, i have tips for you on how to stay cool in your home even without ac. a cooling spray you can make yourself and a cool trick for pushing the hot air out of your car. that's all next right here on "today." and encouraging messages of hope to help support nearly three hundred-fifty thousand patients facing cancer nationwide. we call it “the subaru love promise.” and we're proud to be the largest automotive donor to the leukemia and lymphoma society. subaru. more than a car company. since the citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back
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had some daily wins in reducing my symptoms. but i was still masking my depression. so i talked to my doctor. she told me i could build on my wins, without changing my antidepressant. rexulti, when added to an antidepressant, significantly reduced depression symptoms more than an antidepressant alone. and less depression... that's a win. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have an increased risk of death or stroke. antidepressants may increase suicidal thoughts and actions and worsen depression in children and young adults. report new or sudden changes in mood, behavior, thoughts, or feelings, or if you develop suicidal thoughts or actions. report fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, which can be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar which can lead to coma or death; weight gain; increased cholesterol; low white blood cells; unusual urges; dizziness on standing; falls; seizures; trouble swallowing, or sleepiness may occur. keep moving forward. ask your doctor about rexulti.
7:40 am
>> hey! >> okay. it is 7:40. that was "three amigos," a good reminder that we should stay hydrated during this brutal heat
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wave. >> if we can. >> if possible. >> tens of millions of americans under heat alerts this morning, we could all use practical advice of what to do in these steamy weather. >> here is with great ideas, cool as a cucumber as always, vicky nguyen. what are your tips this morning? >> good morning. close up your homes like a cocoon. that includes the windows. sometimes people forget to put the shades down, the blinds down. if you are using air-conditioning, use it only in the rooms. you're spending time. downstairs maybe in the daytime. upstairs at night. turn up the thermostat when you are away for work. for that eight-hour period, turn it up 7 to 10 degrees. that will save you 10% on your cooling bills over the year. just be mindful if you have any pets at home. if you don't have air-conditioning, use a portal fan. move it to room to room with you. we talk about wearing loose clothes. eating light foods is another thing to do to keep your body temperature down, lettuce, cucumbers, water, celery, watermelon. cooking in the early part of the day in the slow cooker instead of having to fire up the oven or the stove. >> let's talk about nighttime. you did mention some people
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don't have ac. some people's ac units are not functioning properly. sg has that, too. >> your ac -- >> oh. >> what is the best way to stay cool at night? >> open your windows. encourage that -- >> cold rag last night. >> absolutely. >> the cool shower before you go to bed and also maybe sleeping in your home's lowest level. the basement is always cooler. this one i love. if you have a television, a computer, gaming console, lamps, things in your bedroom, right. unplug them because even when they are in stand-by mode, they tend to emit just a little bit of heat. all of that heat adds up. so that rises -- raises the temperature in your room. >> vick, what if you are like the three amigos and have to be outside. >> absolutely. >> what can you do? tips for folks who have to be outside? >> momma says don't go outside with wet hair in the winter. in the summer, that's a good way to keep your head cool. keeping your head cool keeps your body cool. i can't say you'll love how your hair looks as it dries in the humidity.
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wearing a shirt that is wet if you have to work outside. that's not practical for everyone. neck fans. people wear them when they're at amusement parks. blows cool air on your neck. 6 bucks on amazon. portable fan with a mister will make a big difference. now, this cooling spray tip i love. i never heard this but it's a spray you find in a first aid kit made with active ingredients like menthol. spray it on your skin and cools you down instantly. folks at american family care, make your own. add a few drops of peppermint oil and spray that on to you. cools you down right away. also in a pinch, dunk your hands and your feet into cold water. your wrist has a bunch of pulse points with blood vessels close to the skin. that will cool you down quickly and hydrate, hydrate. drink all day long, even when you're not thirsty. >> hydrate or die drate. >> the kids say that at our school. i didn't realize that was a thing.
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hiydrate or die drate. let's talk about the car. if your ac is not working in the karks roll down the windows. >> so important to keep your car cool, park in the shade if you can. if you can't, use a sun shade, the reflective little tur tans for your windshield. they have glass roofs but you can get a custom shade for the glass roof as well. the other thing to think about is using the fan trick. i shot a video to show you. when you come back to the car, it's like an oven, open the window on the opposite side and then go to the door and you're basically using the door, swinging it open and shut like that, to push the hot air out the window. it works, people, swear by this trick. >> of course, you get real hot doing that exercise, but. >> then you get in. this is the smart way to use the ac in your car. crack the windows just a little bit. crank it all the way up. turn the ac temperature all the way down and then want to only open the vents at the bottom near your feet. as the cool air is coming in, it's pushing the hot air up and out the windows. keep it on the fresh air, not the recycled air. when it gets cold, that's when
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you turn back on that recirculation and that will keep your car cool. most efficient way to cool down your car. no ac, put a frozen water bottle or ice pack in front of the vents. duct tape to the front of the car. it will bring the cool air into your car. a damp cloth. you get in and that steering wheel is so hot. wipe everything down to sit down and not burn yourself. >> that's great. great tips. >> thank you, vick. >> i learned a lot today, vick. hydrate or die drate what the kids say. >> kids are drinking water, though, it works. >> because you make them fan them and feed them little grapes when they -- when you're just laying there. just fan you, keep you cool. >> what are you talking about? >> make your children work. >> i treat them like slaves? >> i didn't say that. >> this is what happens when we put our phones away, you know. >> how about a forecast? >> that took a turn. any way, we do have our first
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tropical storm warnings from brownsville just north of corpus christi. why, because we have this system getting itself together. potential tropical cyclone 1 currently 335 southeast of mexico. it is moving north at 6 miles per hour. probably makes land fall some time thursday morning early. as a tropical system would be alberto if it happens. but the biggest story is going to be all the rain. we're talking hourly rain fall rates from south of corpus christi to houston. two to three inches likely. that's going to be a big problem because we could see upwards of 10 inches of rain and look for flooding from corpus christi all the way to houston. so we're going to be watching
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can i have my phone back? >> we should give you your phone back. >> all right, al. thanks. somebody was -- was someone's phone ringing? >> what is that? >> they're doing that from the control room. >> that is so rude. >> making text dings in our ears. >> it's like pavlov's dog. we're all like -- we're learning. every day we will do it this week. coming up, your morning boost is on the way. plus, what is that? that. the bizarre monolith that popped up a few years ago. it made a return in vegas. we will dive into the mystery coming up right after this.
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okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪♪) ohhh crap. now we gotta get 30 grams france something.protein. wait! we could use etsy's gift mode! alright. done. (♪♪) plateau de fromage! [cheering] oh la ! [cheering]
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don't panic. gift easy with gift mode, now on etsy. pet parents can save more this summer at petsmart. with lower prices on hundreds of items storewide. and right now, save $10 when you spend $35 on select toys. (♪♪) petsmart. anything for pets. (♪♪) (♪♪) refresh your senses with a kick of citrus flavor. do the dew. if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love. some things should stand the test of time. long lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision and can help you go up to 4 months between treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness, or allergies to eylea hd, n't use.
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eye injections like eyla hd may cause eye infection, separation of the retina, or rare but severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye. an increase in eye pressure has been seen. there's an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. the most common side effects were blurred vision, cataract, corneal injury, and eye floaters. and there's still so much to see. if you are on eylea or a similar type of treatment, ask your retina specialist about eylea hd today, for the potential for fewer injections. (ambient sounds, clock ticking) starbucks frappuccino drinks. (♪♪) the feeling of a comforting hug from your nana, but with a taste of creamy, delicious coffee. a. . ...hello summer!
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oh yeah, it's ball park season. ♪ we're back with carson here. what a strange sight in las vegas. >> look at that. anything to do with the vegas raiders, but it doesn't. it is a mysterious monolith spotted on a hiking trail over the weekend. >> there's been a bunch of these. so the police actually -- va gas police posted those pictures. a volunteer search team went out to it in a remote area and confirmed it's just this 10 foot standing monolith. these were popping up during covid. >> where? >> all other the world actually. >> okay. >> one found on fremont street right there. you think there would be cameras all over and see this if it was an art installation somebody would be caught. i don't know about that. most recent one was found in wales.
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a guy named craig mure found it in wales literally the middle of nowhere. craig mures a stone mason. the best craftsmanship you can imagine. for those conspiracy theorists think this was aliens, they're very handy. >> stonehenge. >> i think someone is punking us. i think someone is sneaking around and placing these things. >> clearly. what else would it be, an alien. >> that is the popular theory. >> someone has to put it there. >> maybe. a lot of folks on the internet -- >> come on. come on. oh, carson before we go on with the boost, can you please take your phone and place it in the basket. >> i don't bring my phone to set. >> of course you do. take it. >> liar. >> liar. >> there we go. kids, let's have a little boost here. a group of cousins decided they wanted to surprise their grandma. they were going to have a sleep over at her house. they got their sleeping bags, pillows, candy and made their way to the house. when she first answered the
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door, wait, what? she was caught off guard. one by one, they made their way in. grandma gave each one of her grand kids a huge hug. and that's when she started getting emotional. here they come. >> the rest of them will be here later. >> don't cry. >> they all came. they all came. can you imagine. all the grand kids under one roof together. how sweet. what a moment. >> why are you convinced it's the work of human hands? there are so many ufo things right now. it could be -- >> i don't know. could be aliens. we have the outfits coming up. chief! doug. (inaudible sounds) ooooo ah. (elevator doors opening) (inaudible sounds) i thought you were right behind me.
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only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪ [ em beihold's "good day" begins ] meet the new target circle, the easiest way to get more target. that means automatic deals when you join for free. that's the new target circle. (gasp) more cookies! yeah! [ "good day" ends ] (cat 1) friskies world! (cat 2) come on - let's explore! (cat 1) that's made with real salmon! (cat 2) look what i found - lil'soups! - for cats! (cat 1) there's the delicious taste of tuna we treasure! (cat 2) mmm... definitely coming back tomorrow. (vo) friskies. always more to explore. if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect. new parodontax active gum repair breath freshener. clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. this is a craft 170 years in the making. (sniffing sound) for bold, smooth flavor in every batch of black silk. it's something we pride ourselves on
7:55 am
at folgers... ♪ i don't give a med bout' my reputation ♪ yeah, i said folgers. (male vo) kate made progress with her mental health, but her medication caused' unintentional movements in her face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so her doctor prescribed austedo xr— a once-daily td treatment for adults. ♪ as you go with austedo ♪ austedo xr significantly reduced kate's td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, kate can stay on her mental health meds— (kate) oh, hi buddy! (female vo) austedo xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, or have suicidal thoughts. don't take if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo xr may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, or abnormal movements. seek help for fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, or sweating. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness. ♪ as you go with austedo ♪
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(male vo) ask your doctor for austedo xr. ♪ austedo xr. ♪ garcia and i'm marcus washington. happening now. here's what we're working on for our upcoming 8 a.m. streaming newscast. later this afternoon, the richmond city council will vote on whether or not to approve a new tax on the chevron
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refinery, which operates within their city limits. if the council votes yes, then this proposed new oil refining business tax ballot measure will go before voters in november. the mayor and vice mayor of richmond say the new tax would raise millions of dollars annually for the city while they, along with environmental groups, accused the chevron refinery of harming the local environment and the residents of nearby. last month, chevron did tell kqed. this proposed tax is, quote, hasty and being pushed by , quote, one sided interests. let's get a look at that forecast for us. meteorologist kari hall is tracking those numbers across the bay area. it looks really nice for today. very seasonable temperatures. and we're ranging anywhere from mid 60s near the coast to upper 80s for the inland valleys. and it will get slightly cooler for tomorrow as we get a stronger ocean breeze. 60s and 70s with a lot more of that in the forecast. so we'll be giving you those updates as you check back in. perfect. and make sure to join us for our today in the bay
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live streaming newscast, starting in just minutes. putting a tax on oil refineries. the key vote richmond city leaders are set to take today, and how it will allow local upcoming election. juring the oi
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the rash on your back, has traveled south to well...
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let's just call it south. thanks to amazon pharmacy, you've avoided the added discomfort of having to pick up your itchy bum cream... in person. you're so sick, you can't even get up, to throw up. so, you scheduled a virtual visit with amazon one medical. maybe now you can stop looking at your popcorn bowl, like a toilet bowl. ♪♪ coming up, the heat is on. tens of millions facing scorching temperatures this
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morning. >> hot. very, very, very hot. >> the record breaking heat fuelling dangerous wild fires out west, with high temperatures expected to last into the weekend. al has your full forecast. plus, field of dreams. craig takes us to birmingham, alabama for a very special tribute to the negro leagues. >> this is howard graham, willie mays. satchel page as well. >> hank aaron. >> all the greats. >> yes. >> his inspiring conversation with the oldest former player. >> what was your go-to pitch. >> looked like a fastball and drop off the table. two strikes. bye. >> that's coming up. and he's back. >> this isn't my first time in beverly hills. >> al goes one-on-one with eddie murphy on bringing axel foley back. 30 years later. >> director said, i want you to come -- i have this place.
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run those steps. after we shot, he was like, can you come down with more urgency and faster? and i was like, no. >> the interview you do not want to miss. all that, plus luke wilson live. >> when you see men working, figure out how to help, both of you. >> ariana gets wicked excited. >> the most beautiful, elaborate sets. and love lift us up again? all that and more on "popstart," today, tuesday, june 18th, 2024. ♪ >> visiting "today" from fairfax, virginia. >> north dakota. >> bristol, tennessee. >> michigan. >> florida. >> coconut, iowa. >> and woodland, texas. >> mother-daughter trip from huntsville, alabama. >> hi to our granddaughter, annie.
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>> we love you! ♪ >> from south carolina to new york city. >> on jordan's graduation trip. >> in wisconsin. >> celebrating our birthdays from virginia! >> three generations, from three states here to celebrate their 50th anniversary. >> hey, guys. welcome back! good to see you. it is a tuesday morning. we are so happy you are joining us. look at that crowd. everybody engaged. everybody here. we're ready to have some fun. >> i feel so present right now without our cell phones. >> we started this morning at 7:00. >> yes. >> we put our cell phones in a basket. everyone agreed. >> savannah, me, craig, al. carson. >> so i want to show folks, ladies. we've all been playing by the rules all morning. so watch out. i don't want you to fall over here.
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but someone told me that mr. daly is back here on his phone. >> how else am i supposed to do my notes. >> you cheater. >> do you want "popstart" today, people? >> hoda, you got it? >> way to go, craig. >> how am i supposed to study my notes. >> when did you start studying notes for "popstart." sit in the bin? put it back in the bin. >> listen, there's going to be -- a write-up in the file for mr. daly. >> to 7 to 9, you guys. >> get to our news at 8:00. thank you, craig. we begin with that historic heat wave from coast to coast. 80% of the country facing temperatures in the 90s and some places hotter than that. al will have the details. first, nbc's maggie vespa is in pittsburgh. it could reach 100 degrees for the first time in 30 years. maggie, good morning. >> reporter: hey, hoda. good morning. yeah, things are already heating up this morning in pittsburgh. as you point out, we could see triple digits here. later on this week, if that happens, it would be the first
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here ever for the month of june. more than 70 million americans total from iowa through maine waking up under heat alerts this morning with several major east coast cities absolutely sweltering. we're talking about, new york, d.c. and boston. that city's major declaring a state of emergency because of the heat. out west, the emergency is wild fires. more than 20 wild fires this morning are burning across multiple states fueled by the heat. 15 of those are in california alone. hoda? >> all right. maggie vespa for us. maggie, thank you. >> all right. al is back now. who will get it the worst? >> stretching from the iowa to the northeast, on into the appalachian, 73 million of us, potential record highs through friday from bangor to louisville, kentucky. the heat index will feel like 98 in buffalo. 94 in bangore. going to feel like 98 in cincinnati today. tomorrow we feel like triple digits in syracuse, concord, new hampshire into cleveland, ohio. and then we look at these temperatures continuing into the
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mid 90s and feeling like well over 100 throughout the northeast. the exceptionally strong heat dome builds into the northeast. by the end of the week, it does reverse a bit, gets a bit of a break from new york to new england. but it stays hot in the midwest. in fact, consecutive days of 90 degrees or more. chicago 7 days. detroit 7. same in pittsburgh. new york 5. washington, d.c. you'll see 90s right until monday. craig? >> all right, mr. roker. we will come back to you in a few moments. meanwhile, a u.s. secret service agent was robbed at gunpoint over the weekend as the president joe biden was visiting los angeles for a fundraising event. secret service officials say the agent was returning from work saturday night when he was accosted in a residential community in tusen. it's about an hour southeast of los angeles. police say that the agent also had his bag stolen. the agent fired his gun during the confrontation. but the secret service said they do not know at this point if anyone was shot.
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the police say they have not found a suspect. golfer rory mcilroy is speaking out for the first time since he came up short in the final round of the u.s. open. on sunday. mcilroy finished in second place after missing a couple of short putts on the last few holes. he took to instagram yesterday saying in part, yesterday was a tough day. probably the toughest i've had in my nearly 17 years as a professional golfer. he went on to say, i feel closer to winning my next major championship than i ever had. the one world i would describe my career as is resilient. i have shown my resilience over and over again. in the last 17 years. rory will take a few weeks off and then be back to play the scottish open. >> things get weird when we don't have our phones. look at this, guys. this looks like a scene from a sci-fi movie. take a look -- really do. take a look at the 270 foot dragon wrapped around one of the country's most iconic
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skyscrapers. the what is it doing there? word is it was installed by the same aliens that put that monolith in los angeles. >> you beat me to it. >> yes. actually, it is all part of the new season of "game of thrones" prequel "house of the dragon." empire state building is also hosting a game of thrones experience on the 80th floor along with a chance to sit on the famous iron throne. >> what if the aliens are a fan of the show. they install the mon list and then the dragon -- >> okay. >> it's all connected. >> pull him back. come on home. >> you're coming up with this without the internet. that's impressive. >> eye on carson. eye on carson. >> stop it! >> stop it! >> do not go near the phones. >> i'm putting all my -- i want to be honest with this whole thing. >> how many do you have? >> oh my god. >> i got the burner down here. >> oh my -- >> okay. now we're on the up and up. okay. >> wow. >> thank you for your honesty. >> thank you. [ laughter ]. >> carson.
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ahead on "popstart" new details on ariana grande's "wicked" role. first, our inspiring conversation ahead of major league baseball's tribute to the negro leagues with the oldest living veteran. just wait until you hear the stories that he has to tell. we'll do that right after this. (lady) 35! (store customer) you're gonna be here forever. (man) i know. (employee) here is your wireless contract. (man) do i need a lawyer for this? those were hard days. representative. switch! now that i got a huge storage and battery upgrade... i'm officially done switching. (vo) new and existing customers get iphone 15 on us when they trade in any iphone, any condition. guaranteed. (man) i really wished you told me sooner. (roommate) i did.
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(♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (ambient sounds, clock ticking) starbucks frappuccino drinks. (♪♪) the feeling of a comforting hug from your nana, but with a taste of creamy, delicious coffee. since my citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category... suddenly life's feeling a little more automatic. like doors opening wherever i go... [sound of airplane overhead] even the ground is moving for me! y'all seeing this? wild! and i don't even have to activate anything. oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card.
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[mind blown explosion noise]
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( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. ♪♪ sure, feels good when you get it right. and with the number one powered toothbrush brand recommended by dental professionals. philips sonicare makes it easy for you to always get brushing right. philips. people call it the biggest smalltown festival in minnesota. and we came up with the idea of creating a community s'mores table. the hershey company got wind of this and sent 40,000 candy bars. made my day a hundred times better. i love s'mores so much. (michael) copd is harder on the folks around you, i think. it affects my wife terribly. and she smoked, and she quit.
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and if you ask her why she quit, she'll say because she needs to be here for - to take care of me, so. sorry. (announcer) the people you love are worth quitting for. you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. [man grunting] ♪ “kariye pyar” by nahid akhtar ♪ ♪ ♪ indistinguishable vocalizations ♪ [camera click] ♪ indistinguishable vocalizations ♪ [camera click] [camera click] [camera click] ♪ indistinguishable vocalizations ♪ ♪ [water splashing] if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect. new parodontax active gum repair breath freshener. clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from
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parodontax, the gum experts. (man) that looks really high. (woman) a newit is high. from whenever you're ready. (man) are there any snakes? (woman) nope. (man) are you sure? here we go! (vo) it's time to push your limits. (woman) you're doing great! (man) oh, is that a buffalo? (woman) babe, that's a cow. (vo) the subaru crosstrek wilderness. adventure on the edge. welcome back, guys. tomorrow marks the nation's
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juneteenth. and this year major league baseball is embracing the holiday with a very special game. >> craig, we have been looking forward to this. you went to alabama, birmingham for a first look. >> i did. mlb at rickwood, it's a tribute to the negro leagues. it will be held thursday night. celebrating black excellence within the game of baseball. it will be the first ever regular season in alabama played in the oldest ballpark in the country. i got the chance to visit the historic rickwood field for one of the sports lesser known legends is about to be honored. ♪ rickwood field's green walls, the oldest park in the nation built in 1910. this is hallowed ground. willy mace. satchel page. >> hank aaron, jackie robinson, all the greats. >> yes. all the greats played here. >> reporter: and now it adds a
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special new chapter. major league baseball is preparing for a tribute to the negro leagues, a special game honoring players excluded from the game they excelled at because of the color of their skin. there were multiple major negro leagues established back in 1920. and some lasted for more than 40 years. april brown is mlb's senior vice president of social responsibility. >> we really hope that young people across the globe learn about these great players, the negro league players that didn't make a lot of money, but loved the game. they changed the game in many ways. and the game that we see on the field today is a product of that. >> reporter: one of those men, 99-year-old bill greson. >> every sunday this ballpark would be filled. this is one of the greatest
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ballparks we played in. >> reporter: even if he never picked up a baseball, he would be an icon. he's been in birmingham for five decades, grew up neighbors with martin luther king jr. and became one of the first black men to serve in the marines. greson first took the mound at age 22 and played five seasons in the negro leagues. what was your go-to pitch? >> looked like a fastball. >> yeah. >> and dropped off the table. it was awful. two strikes on you, bye! [ laughter ]. >> reporter: during his time with the birmingham black barons who called rickwood field home, he was teammate, mentor and friend to willy mace, one of the greatest players of all time. what was your relationship with him like? >> we were like brothers. whatever i could do to help him stay strong in the faith and believe he would be one of the best that ever was. >> reporter: greson himself finally made it to the majors in 1954. becoming the first black pitcher
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in st. louis cardinals history. this is years after jackie robinson integrated the league. you still faced a fair amount of racism. >> oh, i was not fully accepted, even in the clubhouse. i was apart from the other fellas. >> reporter: but thursday night will be a celebration. and there is no better city for it than birmingham, alabama, home to those famous black barons, yes, but also an epicenter of the civil rights movement, once considered the most segregated city in the country where its black citizens faced fire hoses in the streets, bombs at their churches, a city of both black tragedy and triumph. >> we hope that young people learn about this history. birmingham being the center of civil rights and that people
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learn that there were negro league players that had dreams to just play this game that they loved and were able to do it right here. >> reporter: a fitting homecoming for greson and the thousands of fellow players like him. >> god gave us gifts. i used it and it was a blessing. >> wow. >> so, you know, reverend greason there, to integrate back then in the marines, racism we saw there, the racism he saw in baseball, i could have sat there for another three hours and talked to him about just what he's lived through. oh by the way, still preaches 50 years in the pulpit. >> every sunday. >> still preaches every sunday. >> wow. >> so this thursday night, mlb will be honoring him down in birmingham. and it's fitting because the st. louis cardinals who reverend greson played for and the san francisco giants the team of his lifelong friend willie mays played for will be playing each other and playing in uniforms from the negro leagues.
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>> great story, craig. >> love that. mr. daly, your turn. >> is it, all right? i thought it was weather. >> i do weather first. >> al's turn. >> you want to do "popstart". >> i certainly defer to you. >> tt's what's going on arhaou "popstart." >> this will be a crap shoot. let's take a look. i haven't seen the scripts because you stole my phone.
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ariana grande, the actress and singer is on the latest episode of the podcast "pod crush." during their two-part episode, opening up about what it was like seeing the "wicked" set in real life and working with her partner, cynthia arivo. >> it's so beautiful. it's the most stunning visuals and the sets were real practical sets. and it's not -- >> yeah, so impressive. >> barely any cgi. >> unbelievable. >> the flying monkeys, sure, they weren't there. >> what? >> there's something baked into these roles where you're so different from one another that you never know how it can go. it was just the most symbiotic, beautiful i feel so grateful to have done this with her. sorry. >> a nice moment there looking forward to "wicked" from our sister company universal pictures hits theater in november. up next cold play. 10th studio album called "moon
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music." chris martin and the guys were playing in a concert in budapest and decided to give a preview of their new single. ♪ >> sounds like a cold play hit. feels like i'm falling in love drops on friday. that album comes out october 4th. next up, miles teller, the actor who helped a new generation cut loose is getting tom cruise in bringing back "top gun" is getting ready to revive another '80s classic. and here's a hint. ♪ that's a classic scene. if you are definitely of a certain age, you know what you are seeing here. a classic. "an officer and a gentleman." richard greer, deborah winger. kwlasz classic. they're doing the remake right now. miles teller is set to take on the role of richard gear there who is going to play deborah
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winger? i don't know. do you know who i think? michael b. jordon as the drill sergeant. you're welcome. finally, paris olympics just 38 short days away. check this out. final rehearsals are underway for an opening ceremony. >> what happened, hoda? you hate me that. there is a parade of the world's greatest athletes. >> now she cost perfect timing. of course, team usa will be showing up in style as we always do and apparently hoda is having a quick change will stretch for a hot second here as we continue to look at the images from paris. hoda is getting a little preview joined by some of our best usa athletes. hoda. >> good to see you guys. wow. we made it. it's good to see you guys. we're so happy we have some olympians and olympic hopefuls and of course we have david lauren. raffle lauren has been in charge of outfits for so many years. tell us about the inspiration. these are the opening and
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closing ceremony outfits. >> thank you for having us. you look fantastic. we're so proud to dress our team. these are really american ambassadors and are going to walk on the biggest, global stage that's ever been. and we wanted to do something that was modern but distinctively american. >> cool. >> and very ralph lauren. >> opening ceremony, closing ceremony and we got -- >> village gear. >> i love it. let's start off with daniela, kite boarding. congratulations. >> thank you. >> you are the first person i think in the united states to compete in this particular event in the olympics. tell me how you're feeling. >> oh my gosh, it's just so exciting. i'm so excited to share this sport that i'm so passionate about and love so much with the rest of the world. so i hope everyone really enjoys watching it. i know i'm going to have a lot of fun out there. >> we can't wait to see you. that's a great opening ceremony gear. >> thank you. >> we can't wait. jamal, you're rocking the closing ceremony jacket. you'll be competing in the paralympics and the trials are
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still coming up at the end of the month. >> yes, ma'am. >> you won bronze in tokyo. how are you feeling about making the team this year? >> very positive. a person of leadership for the team and i really just rally the troops as we all head into paris. >> you feeling good? >> yes, ma'am. >> by the way, you in that closing jacket -- >> you and i have something going here. >> we got it going on. >> yes, ma'am. absolutely. >> i love this look. let's talk to cameron larson. you're a bmx racer. >> i've been racing since 5 years old and professionally since 18. >> your parents didn't mind you at 5 racing around. they were all for it. >> they probably did. at the end of the day, they have to let kids have fun. >> your parents let you have some fun. and we're about to have a moment right here on this show. because you have been wringing your hands, biting your nails wondering, am i going to the olympic games to compete for team usa. do you have an announcement for us today? >> i do. i'm super excited to officially
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announce that i made the 2024 olympic team. >> come on! [ applause ]. >> come on! how do you feel? >> it feels amazing. >> we're so proud of you. >> it's a big honor and feel a big privilege being able to represent my country on the world's biggest stage. >> you guys, we're going to be looking for you guys, opening ceremony, we know the jacket. we'll be looking for you, daniela. we'll see you again. thank you so much. these are awesome outfits. we'll have a lot more on the u.s. olympic team trials tonight on nbc and on peacock. all right. savannah, over to you. >> hoe ad we decided to get dressed for the occasion and olympic gold medalist luke wilson is in the house. wait. what would be your event? >> napping. >> napping. we love that. he's in the new kevin costner
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hey, flex. considering there's a heatwave, it's kinda chilly in here. oh, that's because i'm pre-cooling the house with the ac before 4 pm. then i'll turn our thermostat to a comfortable 78 or higher that way i could stay cool later. ooh, what about me? you're never cool. oh.
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good morning, everybody. it is 8:30. it's a beautiful day out here. little muggy. going to be a hot one today. and all around the country. we have a heat wave cooking up. and we have one of the hottest stars right now on our plaza, luke wilson greeting our crowd. so sweet. we're going to see him in "horizon" the new epic western by kevin costner. he will tell us about getting tin viation from the man himself. >> hold on. we need to make a dream come true. hoda, hoda? what's your name? >> sophie melendes. your bucket list is? >> to meet hoda kotb . >> there it is. >> dream accomplished. >> check it off. >> check that off.
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>> she said she wants to be a journalist and a writer. oh, how old are you? >> i'm 12. >> you're going to make it, girl! you're going to make it! >> save the tape. >> we love you. we love you. >> see you tomorrow at 4:00 a.m. >> that's it. but don't bring your phone. also ahead, a legend back in the legendary role. we're going to share my interview with eddy murphy about the return of detective axle foley after three decades. >> wow. and the stars just keep coming because we are sharing more of our emotional conversation with celine dion and how she's finding and fighting her way back to health. just a few minutes on the third hour of today, legendary actor will em defoe will join us live to tell us about his new movie. dark comedy with an a-list cast. we have a sneak peek of "the bike riders." >> let's get a forecast. it's steamy out there. >> let's look ahead toward the weekend. going to be heat wave continuing
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in the northeast, mid atlantic into the mid plains. stormy in the northern plains. hot out west. saturday, we are looking at simply sizzling weather throughout much of the country, midwest storms continue. hot and dry out west. sunday, sunday, record highs in the mid atlantic and northeast. gulf coast storms continue and very hot in the western two i i had to go out of that neighborhood. people over. good tuesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall for our inland areas. it's going to be in the upper 80s today. may notice some smoke and haze in the sky. that should clear out as we go into this afternoon, into the evening. and tomorrow will be cooler as we see the return of the onshore wind flow that will pick up as we go throughout the day. summer officially begins on thursday, and for the weekend it's going to be much hotter mid 90s for friday into saturday with san francisco's temperatures right at about >> that is your latest weather.
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looks like time to go around the horn. there we go. bucket list. look at this. hey there, double nickels. both of these folks graduating. hey, look at this. a couple of sweet 16 birthday parties. you beat breast cancer, good for you! and we have these nice folks out there. there you go, ladies and gentlemen. around the horn. it's a hot one. by the way, we've got our friends from cleveland here. we got denita and isabelle from wkyz and the go team. >> yes, woo! >> back to you, guys. >> all right. thank you so much. what's coming up next? coming up next, we can't wait to see al roker's conversation with the one, the only, eddy murphy on the return of "beverly hills cop" and what's next for the superstar. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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we are back. it is 8:36. we have been looking forward to this one this morning as well. mr. roker got to sit down with the legendary eddie murphy. >> that's right. after 30 years, it is very appropriate, given our weather, that the heat is back on. eddy reprizing his role as detective axel foley in "beverly hills cop." reprising his role s detective axel foley in "beverly hills cop." while time may have passed, not much is changed. he is back in beverly hills fighting bad guys and wreaking havoc on the streets. after 30 years -- >> foley! helicopter. >> -- detective axel foley is back. >> this isn't my first time in beverly hills. >> yeah. i saw that. '84, '87 and in '94. >> reporter: eddie murphy reprising his role as the wise-cracking cop as detroit in "beverly hills cop" axle f. the fourth installment of the
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hit franchise. >> hey, miss, doesn't he look about 10, 15 years older than me? we're the same age. >> what was it like stepping back into the role itself? >> it felt like old man. i did "beverly hills cop" when i was 21. and i'm 63 now. >> reporter: in this long-awaiting sequel, axle is once again solving crimes and causing chaos. >> a lot of blind spots in the snowplow. >> reporter: this movie filled with action. >> now i would rather not do any stunts. >> you would rather stay on the couch. >> yeah. let me shoot something. and the director said, i want you to come out of this place and run down the steps. after we shot, he was like, can you come down with more urgency and faster? and i was like, no. i was like, i'm not doing anything action. don't call me unless you offer me the same type of [ bleep ] you would offer morgan freeman. >> reporter: reporting for duty in the new film are all of axle's old friends.
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>> how many people have you pissed off so far. >> yeah, 50/50. >> reporter: and some new enemies and his toughest partner yet, his on screen daughter jane played by actress taylor paige. >> jane, this is your father. before you hang up, i'm in town. >> there's a sweet center to it because it's you and your daughter. >> yeah. we find out that he's been married. didn't work out. he's had a kid. you have heart stuff and emotional stuff going. >> reporter: axle f. also turning into a real life family affair for the father of 10 with a cameo by his real life daughter ria. >> you know, this is really embarrassing. >> you should have thought of that before your joyride back there. >> she is the one that arrests me. in the other scene i get arrested, that's my son-in-law tasing me in the neck. it was right after they got married. he was on the set tasing me in the neck. this is surreal. >> speaking of your daughter, what was father's day like for you? >> like any other normal father's day for everyone. my kids come around.
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>> i remember talking to you once, and you said the ideal day for you when you are not working is that you're home and your kids are within ear shot. >> yeah. that means i have a nice, quiet controlled space. i have a 5-year-old and an 8-year-old. they make a lot of noise. >> that's why you like to hear them in the distance. >> you need a little space. >> do the young ones know the cultural icon that dad is? >> not at all. and the older ones don't care. >> reporter: in 1984, the release of "the original "beverly hills cop" catapulted murphy to superstardom. >> it was my first movie that i'm the lead in. if i traveled overseas, they would call me axel foley. to this day. axle foley. axel is every man.
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he's not a superhero, super cop. he's the every man that rises to the occasion. that's why people like him. and more than anything, he's funny. >> reporter: four decades later, the oscar-nominated actor and comedian continues to bring the laughs and make movie magic. >> you said at one time you want to retire at 50. here you are in your early 60s. are you going to keep going? >> i think i will keep being a creative person until the day i die. >> what kind of movie haven't you done that you still want to do? >> i haven't done porno. i have not done porno. and i think that would shake people up right now, if i made that twist. >> will we see axel foley again? >> i hope so because this movie turned out so good, specially if you grew up watching the movie. then you really, really, really like this new picture. >> okay. >> so excited to see that. >> it's a fun movie. i mean, paul reiser is back. coming up, we will be talking with john ashton and judge
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reinhold. taggart and kevin bacon comes in as not a nice fella. >> sounds like they stayed true to the beverly hills crew. >> yeah. they've updated the music, but it's still that same sound track, which is terrific. >> that's awesome. >> and joseph gordon lev it will be -- >> he'll join us in a little bit. >> we also have to mention "beverly hills cop" releasing globally on july 3rd only on netflix. looking forward. from one star to another, we'll sit down with luke wilson about his role many kevin costner's western epic horizon and some other potential projects.
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we are back at 8:44 with the very talented luke wilson. he's beloved for his roles in "legally blonde," "old school" and the royal ten balms."
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he saddled up trying to keep people in line as they make their way out west. here ♪ we are back at 8:44 with the very talented luke wilson. he's beloved for his roles in "legally blonde," "old school" and the royal ten balms." he saddled up trying to keep people in line as they make their way out west.
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here's a sneak peek. i met him a couple times just in passing. get the call from him and get to hired from him, that was a high point in my life. >> there was a moment where he basically said, are you in this with me? >> yeah. it's funny because it was like, you know, to me a job interview. then at one point he said i hope you'll go west with me. then i was just silent. i just remember saying hell yeah. i wish later i would have been more eloquent about it and said something besides hell yeah, but that's what came out. >> you were already in character for the wagon leader. hell yeah. it was shot in southern utah. it's so beautiful. you -- there's a picture of you and kevin. i mean -- you took this picture or somebody took this of you. >> our friend kale, yeah. >> what was it like to be in something like this, it's four parts. it's a major commitment. >> it's an epic. and it's incredible that he's done it. kevin said it's as far out on a
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limb he's ever been. i love the fact that he's taking a chance. proud to get the chance to take a chance with him. but, yeah. it's a really incredible story about just the west ward expansion and how the west was a proving ground for people. any strengths you might have or any weaknesses they get exposed in these -- in the journey west. >> yeah. and you get absorbed in the stories of these various characters and i guess over the course of the movies we'll find out how they may intervene. >> different stories will come together. >> now a little birdie whose name rhymes with kevin costner told me that your mom paid me a visit to the set. >> she did. >> does she usually come? >> she does. >> look at you. >> my brother owen does a good job of getting her on sets. sometimes i'm trying to concentrate. but yeah, she came out on set. at one point i did look over and she -- i said, what is that you're -- she had a drink. oh, it's a smoothie. where did you get a smoothie. we're the middle of nowhere in
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moab. catering made it for me. you can't be asking for a smoothie. you can't scold your mom. we're going to give mrs. wilson whatever she wants. >> oh my gosh. she's a photographer. so she was really in heaven being out there. >> it's absolutely stunning, the scenery. i have to ask you about "legally blonde 3." there's word it's coming out. what do you know? >> there's this young upstart "barbie" we have to deal with. no. i haven't heard anything myself. i mean, i talked to reese couple years ago and some of the other cast members. i think everybody would be up for doing it, but reese is such a sharp person. i think she just wants to make sure that the script is really good, if it gets done. she has so much other stuff going on, like her book club. >> she has the prequel. there's a prequel high school. maybe you could visit her from the future. >> or play emmitt's dad or something like that.
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>> i'm here for it. >> no. she's great. hopefully we'll do something. >> luke, thank you so much. >> thank you. appreciate it. >> the movie is called "horizon:an american saga." chapter two arrives august 16th. coming up next, hoda's powerful conversation celine dion. the hope she is givi "you've got a friend in me, you've got a friend in me you just remember what your old pal said. boy, you've got a friend in me." everyone's invited to pixar fest at the disneyland resort for a celebration of friendship and beyond you won't want to miss. now through august 4th, 2024. vist the disneyland resort with a special 3-day disneyland ticket offer for a limited time.
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we are back with hoda's conversation with céline dion. >> we saw that incredible interview you did. we're taking a closer look at the rare disorder she suffers from. >> most of us have never heard of stiff person syndrome before celine announced she had the diagnosis a couple years ago. i was researching it. i couldn't quite grasp the severity of the symptoms. to watch them attack her body in raw scenes that play out in our
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new documentary "i am celine dion" was truly shocking. celine dion stepped on the red carpet monday for the premiere of her new documentary, looking very much like the celine dion we all know and love. for the better part of the last two decades, she has felt mysterious symptoms attacks her body and her voice. >> what was happening to your voice? when you were trying to sing -- >> it is like somebody is strangling you, pushing your larynx this way. >> celine dion delayed her show. due to some severe muscle spasms. she says she's heartbroken by this. >> reporter: due to the complexity of the condition, her doctors methodically eliminated disease after disease, coming to a conclusion. >> i have been diagnosed with a very rare neurological disorder called the stiff person syndrome. >> reporter: but now for the
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very first time, a glimpse into celine's world, living with the disorder in the new documentary "i am se loeb deion." >> i have to admit, it's been a struggle. >> the impact difficult at times to watch. >> if you could read it in a book and it will tell you something and you go, oh, that's it. but to watch what was happening to you, i mean, it looked like you foot cramped for a second and you went, oh, there that goes. and then little by little it worked its way up your body. and when i looked at you, i was like -- i was screaming, someone call 911. that's what i was yelling at the movie, like call 911. she needs help. and tears were coming down your eyes. and i was like -- and as well as in the audience. and i said, what is she feeling? what is she thinking? what is she seeing? could you feel, think, see? did you know what was happening in that moment? >> long time ago i would lose it for two hours without knowing. when it started at the beginning, like id said to you before, it started here.
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no, okay. it is going to be fine. then you have a hard time to walk. and then you blank for two hours and you are like, oh, my god, what happened. >> irene taylor is the documentary film maker. >> i never told you this, but it was the most extraordinary and extraordinarily uncomfortable moment in my life as a film maker but also as a mother, as a fellow human because i didn't know what was happening, and i had this uncertainty whether to keep filming or not. but she gave me the strength to just keep going. we had been filming together for many months at that point. so she really trained me, just keep going. if i have to stop you, i will stop you. her body was enduring something that was unimaginable. i wasn't sure if she was aware of it. and i wasn't sure if she was going to survive it. i mean, it was really -- it's really hard to even sit next to
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her and talk outloud about it because it was very intense. >> i just want you to know that you did the right thing. i'm sorry that it was hard. >> oh, not as hard as it was for you. >> reporter: but over the last few years, little by little, life has become less difficult. >> since the end of the documentary, there has been significant progress. >> dr. amanda pique is a neurologist treating celine. >> patients suffering from this disease can get back to things that they loved doing prior to the on set of their symptoms. it takes time, and it takes a lot of treatment, working day by day to improve quality of life. ♪ i was waiting for so long ♪ ♪ for a miracle to come ♪ >> reporter: her condition is
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being managed with antibiotic treatment and physical therapy. her health has turned the corner. >> i have to trust myself. i have to trust my team. i have to trust my voice. i have lived through things, but we all do. >> yeah, we all do. >> people have things. >> we all do. >> but lots of joy as well. i'm about to live a lot of happiness. ♪ >> oh my gosh. >> at her documentary premier, she's something. she got a standing o. like the place went crazy. >> it feels like a movie, she's the star of the movie and everybody wants the hollywood ending. i want to know -- >> yes. >> is she going to be okay? full comeback tour? >> i believe she's going to sing. she was talking to her manager while i was there. can i tell hoda the dates. so i feel like there's a date out there. >> yeah. >> but not -- it's not -- she won't be exactly herself, but she will be amazing. "i am celine dion" it's raw, it's powerful, it's eye opening and streaming globally on prime video on june 25th. it is one of those, don't miss it. oh, no.
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don't get your phone. it's not over. it's not over yet. >> this is mine. >> it is over. good morning. it is 856 a marcus washington. well, crews are making progress in containing a wildfire burning in the north bay over crews. they announced that the point fire is now 40% contained. now the flames have burned more than 1200 acres so far. sonoma county is still under a local state of emergency. some people forced to leave on sunday still out of their homes this morning. the bay area air quality district has issued an advisory for that area today. this is all due to the smoke happening now. our own ginger conejero saab, she's in sonoma county this morning she'll have a live report on the firefighting efforts. meteorologist kari hall. she's also tracking conditions for crews engaged in that wildfire battleyou.
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this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," survivor speaking


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