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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  June 20, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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suspension, maintenance and brakes. he's gym now during our stars stripes and saving sale, get up to $80 in michelin rebate savings with installation purchase. big o tires will even match up to $80 in rebate savings. that's double the savings. big o tires the team you trust when it comes to insurance. nobody gives you coverage, confidence like triple a, which means they don't need wacky ads with talking animals and i figured out you're hey, everyone. good thursday. so glad you're with me. "nbc news daily" starts right now. today's thursday, june 20th, 2024.
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wild weather, tropical depression alberto floods texas before making landfall in mexico. this comes right as tens of millions of americans are facing yet another day of brutal high temperatures. our teams are on the ground in the heat and the storm zone. breaking news, renowned actor donald sutherland dies at age 88. we'll have acclaimed career. and sins of the driver. a liquor store in washington state facing legal trouble after a doordash driver knowingly gave alcohol to a minor. why the store was held responsible and what other small businesses need to know to make sure this doesn't happen to them. and in today's consumer confidential, we explore the newest trend in workout clothes, resistance wear, it promises to help you burn more calories, but does it work? i put them to the test. we begin this hour with a triple weather threat from coast to coast. communities in texas are dealing with the fallout from alberto.
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the first named storm of the hurricane season. now downgraded to a tropical depression. that storm killed at least three people in mexico and as you can see here, it left texas neighborhoods under water. >> the waves just blow you away. mind boggling. >> it is hard to walk in, especially down this stretch, the current, you could feel it. >> never been through anything like this before. we're just going to have to take it one day at a time, i guess. the other big weather story is the scorching heat. many areas dead. -
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we exas. >> reporter: it is still pretty windy here. earlier we had a wind advisory, wind gusts of 40 miles per hour and we had tornado alerts warnings go into effect throughout the day yesterday. what happened after. let's listen to them. >> i was in the living room. and i came over there and showing him on my phone, i said, bob, look. that's right over here. by that time, it must have hit. >> reporter: it hit your house? >> yeah. >> reporter: fortunately they were in the living room and in the hallway. and not inside their bedroom where the wind blew off the roof of that part of the house. the neighbors did help them put a roof over that. and there is some damage on the outside, some of the damage that
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we have seen. there are members of state agencies going around to some of the properties assessing some of the damage. again, that was from the winds, not even the rain. you can see the flooding here up the road, we're still in rock port, this water is from one of the lakes nearby, this is not from the ocean. this is just some of the flooding, we have a lot of flooding in the beach communities, from the ocean and other areas along the whole coastal part of texas that is also suffering from flooding. >> glad they are okay. george solis, air quality alerts are in effect for new york and other parts of the country because of the oppressive heat. what are officials recommending people do to stay safe? >> reporter: limit your time outdoors as much as possible. when you have these consistent days in the 90s, not just the temperatures, but what they actually feel like, it is obviously a threat to health. here in new york city, heat emergencies were declared, meaning the cooling centers are now open and active for anyone
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needing to take a break. the other part of this is waiting until next week for those city pools to open. assuming that the lifeguard shortage isn't there. but, of course, that is always an asset for people to cool off when temperatures are unbearable like this. outside of that, you want to make sure you're wearing that light clothing, you want to make sure you're finding shade and staying hydrated. that is so crucial in a component people usually forget when out in the sweltering temperatures. here in central park, we have seen a number of people adhering to those messages. some of them on bikes, some walking swiftly to their destinations, doing everything they can to beat this heat. as we are out here, it is oppressive. you feel it here. i have my water making sure i'm staying hydrated as well because the temperatures are no joke. here in the city as well, you have schools that have actually dismissed early as well as a result of this heat. letting you know how seriously officials are taking this heat health emergency. >> george, thank you so much. i want to bring in bill karins now. you have a lot to keep track of
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today. what are you expecting as we head into the afternoon and this weekend? >> we're going to keep the heat wave, but it is going to shift and maybe the tropics, we could have something to worry about in a couple of days. alberto inland now, we still had areas of rain heading into texas. the on shore flow hasn't allowed the water to escape. that's why we still have high water in many areas. the hurricane center is watching two other locations. this one outside of the bahamas. we'll be heading up to north florida, near jacksonville, as we go throughout tomorrow at this time. in two or three days, could have another area of low pressure, maybe another tropical depression or storm trying to form and follow alberto back into areas of mexico. as far as the heat goes, it is pretty rare to have northern new england hot, still the mid-atlantic and the ohio valley, heat waves like this. but this is pretty exceptional, to see the heat index, boston 103, southern new hampshire, rochester, 106. albany, 102. it will stay hot throughout this region, right through the upcoming weekend. i've been showing people this map and no one likes it, this is the july forecast.
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coast to coast, everyone is expected above average temperatures. >> those are my favorite colors except for when we get to a weather map. thank you all. as americans try to cope with higher temperatures across the country, all of that heat is actually causing the economy to cool down. new studies show the impact of rising temperatures is costing states billions of dollars in economic growth. nbc news senior correspondent tom costello joins me now to break down the findings. how are higher temperatures causing businesses to lose money? >> let's get right to it the stats are really interesting here. at 90 degrees, worker productivity drops by 25%. at 100 degrees, it drops by 70%. it makes sense when you think about mail and package delivery, construction workers, transportation, warehouse, utilities, farmers, ranching, anybody who works outside. crop workers die of heat related illnesses at 20 times the rate of others. okay, speaking of that, crop and
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livestock losses, extreme heat can scorch and ruin crops and kill livestock. that sends prices higher in grocery stores. it can also lead to higher insurance costs. federal crop insurance payments, for example, reached $1.3 billion between 2001 and '21 and then, of course, it can lead to other weather events, hurricanes and tornadoes, and extreme heat, this is where consumers stay home. they spend less. so less money spent in shopping malls, theme parks, restaurants, gas stations. and tourists, what do they do? they avoid hot zones. they would rather be in cooler destinations. so, fewer tourists, for example, in texas, arizona, and florida. vicky? >> tom, speaking of tourists, we are closing in on the further of july travel period. what does the forecast look like if you're flying and driving? >> aaa out with their estimate, a record number of people traveling over the extended fourth. here's what they say. nearly 71 people traveling more
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than 50 miles. and that's up 5% from 2023. i just checked, by the way, where gas prices are. this matters to folks. most people drive. we're now averaging $3.45 a gallon. we average $3.57 a year ago. down 12 cents in a year. and down 14 cents from where we were a month ago. so, a little bit of more -- a little bit of extra change in your pocket if you're driving. >> tom costello, thank you so much. staying on your money, it is time for today's cnbc money minute. eli lilly is fighting a legal battle against companies selling fake weight loss drugs. and a showdown between two stars is set to be the most expensive wnba game ever. eman javers joins us now. >> legal action targets med spas, wellness centers and others to sell products containing the antidiabetic
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medication they sell under mounjaro and zepbound. they have the approval of the u.s. food and drug administration to sell the drugs. this weekend's rematch between basketball rivals caitlin clark and angel reese is set to be the most expensive in wnba history. ticket marketplace says the prices for the matchup range from $250 to over $9,000. average chicago sky prices, about 88 bucks. and sony music acquired the queen music catalog for $1.3 billion, according to variety. the catalog contains hits including bohemian rhapsody, another one bites the dust and we will rock you. believed to be the biggest ever acquisition of its kind, the sony deal does not include live performances, but includes rights to the uk group song and distributions. you can't read the names of the songs without hearing them ringing out in your head. >> so true. so good. yes. thank you so much.
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now to breaking news, actor donald sutherland died today in miami after suffering a long illness. his son confirmed the news on x earlier today, saying in part, quote, he loved what he did and did what he loved. here's nbc news correspondent liz kreutz with a look at sutherland's legacy. >> reporter: donald sutherland could play any part. in drama -- >> can't you see anything except in terms of how it affects you? >> no. >> reporter: comedy. >> i'm not joking. this is my job. >> reporter: action. thriller. >> the one at elizabeth's case was duplicating her. >> reporter: his range unmatched, attracted to complex characters. >> i don't play nice, bad or good. i just play the fellow. so i can find something in everybody to play. >> reporter: born and raised in canada, sutherland first found work in london before his big break in 1967 with "the dirty dozen." >> where are you from? >> madison city, missouri, sir.
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>> never heard of it. >> reporter: leading to a string of quirky characters in the '70s and '80s with starring roles in "mash." >> i've seen you somewhere before. i don't know your name, stranger, but your face is familiar. >> reporter: "klute." >> maybe i can bring you some friends. i have some terrific friends. >> no thank you. >> reporter: "jfk." >> they wage nonstop war against castro. >> reporter: and later in life he ventured into tv. >> welcome to the halls of power. >> reporter: and the cultural phenomenon "the hunger games." >> may the odds be ever in your favor. >> reporter: introducing himself to a whole new audience through his villainous turn as president snow. >> he was not evil, president snow. he had a job to do. and he did it. >> reporter: offscreen, sutherland married three times with five children, all of whom work in hollywood including his oldest son kiefer. in 2016, the pair played father and son in the western "forsaken."
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>> i have always felt not only as my father one of the most prolific actors in the english language, but also one of the most important. he's someone that i wanted to work with for my whole career. >> reporter: with a body of work spanning more than 60 years, sutherland graced our screens with his indelible presence, eventually leading to an honorary academy award in 2017. >> thank you for putting my name on this. >> reporter: the actor's face later gracing a canadian stamp, sealing donald sutherland's legacy at home and around the world. world. liz kreutz, nbc news. “the darkness of bipolar depression made me feel like i was losing interest in the things i love. then i found a chance to let in the lyte.” discover caplyta. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta is proven to deliver significant symptom relief from both bipolar i & ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. caplyta can cause serious side effects.
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the biden administration is rejecting an accusation from netanyahu who says the white house is withholding ammunition from israel. he made those claims in a video this week. as a result of netanyahu's claims, a meeting has been postponed. nbc news senior white house correspondent kelly o'donnell joins me now. this meeting on iran was postponed, but you're telling us there was another meeting that is going on with israeli officials at this point. what do you know about that meeting? >> reporter: officials say they'll reschedule the iran meeting, but there is some damage control, relationship repair going on. our colleagues over at the state department say israeli officials
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just arrived there a short time ago. the expectation is that secretary blinken and the president's national security adviser will meet with top officials from the israeli government, close to netanyahu to talk about a range of issues. netanyahu after putting out that video and seeing the pushback coming from the united states which said it is perplexed, disappointed and does not understand what his complaint about the movement of munitions to israel is even about, he put out a statement today saying that he is prepared to take the personal attacks after standing up to the united states where he says in the statement, willing to absorb the personal attacks if that's what it takes. netanyahu putting himself front and center in a running dispute with the u.s. administration at a time when president biden and his team have been providing lots of munitions and support for israel. but there are tensions about how israel is carrying out the war.
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of course, there is a push for a cease-fire and the return of hostages who have been held by hamas since last october. vicky? >> thank you so much, kelly o'donnell. louisiana's governor signed a controversial new law on wednesday. a new louisiana law requires public schools to display the ten commandments in classrooms. lawsuit already being planned and how lawmakers are defending the move. marissa parra is following the fallout. she joins me now. the sponsors of this bill in louisiana, they're trying to frame this as a nonreligious issue. how? >> exactly that, vicky. you just mentioned some words that we heard from governor landry himself, just this weekend, days before he signed this legislation. he said, quote, i can't wait to be sued. he has known that this upcoming,
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impending lawsuit would be coming his way and we all have known that would be coming. but let's talk first about when we talk about the reaction, let's talk about the supporters. so we have even the attorney general of louisiana talking about the depictions of moses throughout the ho halls of the . supreme court saying this is not meant to be religious this is meant to be a depiction of the ten commandments of the moral code of conduct. and so this is what we're seeing in terms of reaction. the ten commandments are the foundational script of our constitutional principles of law and equality and justice under god. we have on the side of the critics a lot of people wondering well, wait a second, what about the separation of church and state. this is something you'll see on your screen, a post on x, in part, this priest is saying, look, i love jesus in scriptures, this is not it. and continues how much taxpayer money will be wasted defending this in the courts only for it to be overturned?
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and that's a great transition to what happens next. because the legislation means that this would go into effect in 2025 at start of students returning from winter break. as we just talked about, the aclu telling me they plan to file this lawsuit in the next week. and so a lot of questions on could this interfere with that 2025 deadline, especially with this conservative supreme court we have right now only time will tell. >> we'll be watching. thank you so much. and coming up, everything you need to know about resistance wear. we're talking about workout clothes that help you burn more calories. calories. we'lsee how effective l th you'll get better when you're not blamed for a condition you can't control. you'll get better when your pain isn't minimized, dismissed, forgotten. we will never stop trying to get better. because when medicine
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which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. news daily, i'm janelle wang. we are following breaking news right now in oakland. that is where the fbi is searching. mayor sheng thao home. nbc bay area's velena jones is at the home in the lincoln highlands neighborhood. velena. what do we know so far? got anchovies? yeah, well, this all started hours ago. fbi agents are now gone, but we know that someone is still in the mayor's home as we speak. i just saw someone peek out the window moments ago. this all started around six this morning when fbi agents searched the home linked to mayor sheng thao here on maiden lane. neighbors told us that they were startled by the noise that started around again. six this morning. one of those neighbors tells us they heard people at the door. they say they did not
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see the mayor, but say they saw someone they believe to be the mayor's boyfriend, standing in the driveway by a car. after hours of investigation, our cameras spotted fbi investigators bringing at least four boxes and two separate plastic bins out of the mayor's house. law enforcement sources tell me this location is one of four places where search warrants were executed in oakland today. we're also learning agents from multiple federal agencies, including the fbi, irs, and postal service. inspectors are involved. it's still not clear what the warrants are connected to or who is the target of this investigation. now, so far, the city and the mayor have not made any comments as to what this fbi, fbi investigation is about or any comments related to this at all. we have also reached out to mayor sheng thao campaign. as you know, she is also facing a recall. so we have reached out to her campaign for comment. we are waiting to hear back. okay, a lot unfolding at this hour.
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keep us posted. thank you so much velena. of course we will continue to follow both of these all of these stories on air and online. you can also stream nbc bay area news 24 seven on roku, pluto and other streaming platforms. just use that qr code or search. nbc bay area to watch us whenever you want. also in oakland, juneteenth events erupted into violence last night. the search is now on for the suspects involved in a sideshow and a shooting near lake merritt, where thousands of people were nearby. and we want to warn you, the video we're about to show you may be disturbing. i know they shooting at each other. this started last night around 8 p.m. near lake merritt. authorities tell us thousands were gathered for unsanctioned and juneteenth events. the crowds were peaceful until an illegal sideshow started along the 400 block of grand avenue, about a half hour later, a fight also broke out nearby. now, as the crowd headed toward the fight, many shots were fired. oakland police confirm 11 people were shot,
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some officers injured. officers say they were overwhelmed by the chaos. we had 28 officers and four sergeants out here, so we had a full detail monitoring this event because we knew events were going to happen and we wanted to make sure people had a safe time. but unfortunately, that did not happen. opd is planning to hold a news conference to update us on this shooting at 1:00, about 30 minutes from now. it is officially the first day of summer and it sure feels like it. here's meteorologist kari hall with our details. hi kari, as we take a look at our high temperatures for this first day of summer, it's going to be nice. san jose will reach a high of 78 degrees and will be in the low to mid 80s for the south county, los gatos today 83 degrees and slightly warmer for the inland east bay with antioch topping out at 88 degrees and 80. in pleasanton in oakland will only see a high of about 71 here, and low 60s near the coast in half moon bay, redwood city will reach up to 72 degrees and
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some low to mid 60s in san francisco, so a lot of 52 for the outer sunset. and we're also going to see temperatures ranging from 60s near the coast to 93 in ukiah. and we are getting ready for some hotter temperatures. so we'll check that out in our 7-day forecast. that's coming up in 30 minutes. thank you. kari, we have an update on those fires raging across california. the north bay won the point. fire fortunately, it's cooling off. sonoma county has lifted the latest evacuation orders for all nearby homes. the point fire first sparked in sonoma county on sunday. since then, it's burned about 1200 acres, destroyed two homes and other structures. containment now at 70. and firefighters in colusa county are trying to get a handle on the sites. fire. it's now burned nearly 20,000 acres. it's located about 50 miles northwest of sacramento. the fire is now about 15% contained. it's being called the largest fire burning anywhere in california. fortunately, there are no homes in the area. of
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course, you can get the latest on our website,, on our website,, and we'll be back in 30 m when migraine strikes, you're faced with a choice. accept the trade offs of treating? or push through the pain and symptoms? with ubrelvy, there's another option. one dose quickly stops migraine in its tracks. treat it anytime, anywhere without worrying where you are or if it's too late. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. migraine pain relief starts with you. ask about ubrelvy. learn how abbvie could help you save. schwarzkopf dare to go blonde and let your hair tell your story. ♪♪ keratin blonde by schwarzkopf caghur hr color up to 9 levels. our professionally inspired formula up to 9 levels. pryour hair froeage with our exclusive bond enforcing system. ♪♪ be the blonde you've always wanted to be
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if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ headlinehere on "nbc news daily." power has been restored in were left in the dark from a e nationwide outage. power went out for nearly 18 million people yesterday afternoon. impacd traffic lights sh down the subway system in
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the capital city. the country's public works minister says a failure in the transmission line was likely to blame for the outage. in new york, two laws in place designed to keep kids safe online. new york governor kathy hochul signed two bills earlier today. one law requires social media companies to restrict kids 18 and younger to have verification and parental consent. the second law bans sites from collecting personal data of anyone under 18 without consent. the legislation has received pushback from social media companies saying it will violate the first amendment. > anrapper travis scott was arrested in miami this mor policendheyeld at the miami beach marina after s a fight on a yacht. the officers say the rapper was standing by the dock yelling at people on board. police say he was asked to leave, but then he later returned. scott was arrested on charges of disordly intoxication and trespassing property after a warning. police say he admitted to drinki sayin quote, it is
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miami. he has since been released. a liquor store in washington state is in legal trouble for selling alcohol to a minor, but here's the catch, the customer never set foot inside that store. instead it was a doordash delivery driver who handed off the purchase to someone who was under age. this all started when officers were doing compliance checks on alcohol deliveries. cornelius hocker has our report. >> reporter: the violation notice shows on june 5th, officers were doing alcohol delivery compliance checks. they ordered from liquor and wine through doordash and confirmed through the app they were at least 21. a doordash delivery driver picked it up, that same driver gaequila to an 18-year-old who showed h i.d. that clearly stated he was no. pedro feels like they did erytng rht, even checking the i.d. of the delivery driver. he blames doordash. >> i reread the contract and they guaranteed us that they
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will i.d. everyone and the order i.d. is scanned.leted until the >> reporter: stever, is aountable for allil licensee deliveries of liquor made on its behalf, which means for now, beer and liquor and wine is on the hook for this violn. >> thank you for that. we have nbc news legal analyst danny cevallos. first, let me read part of the statement and thenll chatn the other side. th said, we're deeply committed to helping ensure the safe delivery of all and it is a rpoibily we do not take lightly. the statement goes on to y, we understand how concerning this must be for this business and are in contact as we actively investigate this incident. so, let's talk about the liability here, why is it just that the store is in trouble and not doordh itself? >> because t law. it is not surprising because most of these ls were probably enacted before you had the proliferation of apps and dlufrrdlufr
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delivery apps and doordash which became huge during the pandemic. the law struggles to catch up with technology and what is popular. this is a fix that has to be legislative, but for right now, it is strongly disincentivizes doordash's business model. >> the store we understand has to pay a $1,000 fee or they might have to be closed for ten days. what about the -- the driver apparently also got a criminal citation, so, is a -- can they appeal? and what does this mean for all kinds of businesses who are in this space of delivering alcohol now? >> they can appeal, the store can appeal, uer a strict reading of the statute, they're on the hook. they're the licensee as far as alcohol distribution is concerned. they bear the primary responsibility just as a doctor who prescribes percocet bears primary responsibility. they're the ones who have the authority to dispense this drug. that's what this is. this is drug dispensing. and so, for that reason, the store will be on the hook. i would expect doordash from a business perspective is going to
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do everything they can to possibly even indemnifying the store but they have nor than just this as an issue. they need to come up with a solution going forward to ensure that their customer, the customer being the stores, that pay them, are reasonably satisfied they're checking i.d.s. it is the licensee on the hook. >> and quickly before you go, if you are one of these gig workers, what is your responsibility? what should you do? even if you're doordash is required, shod you be checking the i.d. before you hand over any alcohol? >> reportedly in the situation where somebody checks and shows an i.d., maybe they have trouble reading the i.d. or understanding, all state i.d.s look a little different to figure out how old somebody is, you have to ask the question what sufficiently checking the i.d. that's the challenge of a sting like this. it roots out the real problem. who is at fault? is it the delivery guy, the delivery company or the store. under the law, it is the store and the licensee. >> all right, danny cevallos, thank you so much for sorting that out for us.
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a nonprofit organization in new york city is helping thousands of girls strengthen their mental health in a unique way, girls be heard is helping young women from all different rough music,rt and dance.elve maya eaglin joins us now. >> take a look. >> i'm not afraid to say that. i was in the station with my suitcase, sitting there, like, i don't know where to go. >> reporter: anastasia is a performer with girl be heard, a nonprofit organization in new york city centered on empowerment and community, providing resources that have helped thousands of young women. ♪♪ the program encourages girls to express themselves using poetry, dance, music and acting. and a group of them created a
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show called rise, the pursuit of utopia. >> when you don't have people who really are there and you would like to tell you i'm proud of you, you got it, girl, i have that now, but i didn't have it before. >> reporter: according to the department of housing and urban development, of the over 650,000 people experiencing homelessness in 2023, about half were people of color. and research shows that there are racial disparities in mental health, with black people making up 13% of the u.s. population, but nearly 20% of people living with mental illness are black. and suicides disproionate affecting black young women. >> i go through a lot of depression. i had lost a lot of my family members and a lot of my friends. so it was very tough to deal with my mind. no matter how much, like, i have been through or, like, things i have tried to stop me, i never let it. there is something in my spirit
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that is called perseverance. and that's something that i know can't be taken away from me. >> reporter: the program supports girls from all types of backgrounds. >> the reality is that the community has a lot to do with the amount of validation, and the amount of support that they could be giving young people. >> reporter: cynthia is the executive director of girl be heard. for her, helping improve young people's confidence and mental health is personal. >> i lost a very close friend to suicide. a beautiful, black woman, artist in the community, i want to definitely emphasize the importance of seeking clinical help with menl health issues, but also promoting the power of community around creating spaces of safety and inspiration and healing. >> maya, the two women you interviewed found out about girl
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be heard while experiencing homelessness. tell us how they're doing w. the organization h hd them ansion in mentorship and guidance they're both rlly excited t be performing and being paid to perform. >> w love it. thank you for sharing their stories. we appreciate it we, t is a new trend in workoutthalled resistance wear. the clothing promito■ you burn more calories, and improve your form. but how does it all work? take a look. >> reporr: new active wear ads on social media promise everything from muscle support and increased calorie burn to posture correction. thisports viral aft ylor swift was seen wearing one. it is workout wear wbo and it is a fast growing segment of the $238 billion market. to understand the science, we found popular items to try. leggings with resistance bands sewn inside.
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leggings with compression for muscle support and recovery. form science sports apparel, the sports bra taylor wore and the sculpt shorts that help with posture and alignm who is it best for? that's what we're looking at. this senior tech style editor at the good housekeeping institute, they had five women test the products for up to three weeks. fit,e looked at the form bra. one of the promises for this sports bra is that it will improve your posture. what have the testers said? >> they did find when wearing this sports bra, they were more cognizant of their posture. they felt the band in the back gave the gentle reminder to pull their shoulder blades down and back. >> reporter: >> these are designed to help provide zone compression on your legs and this can help you aid with muscle strength and recovery. >> reporter: testers didn't really notice those benefits, but they liked the fit. >> the main comment our testers
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noted is that it is a little bit of a thicker material, because some felt it ran a little hot. >> reporter: the effectiveness of the benefits varies on many factors. and frequency of use and the medium thickness allows for year round wear. the sweet flex leggings made the boldest claims, that the built in resistance bands can help give you a better workout and burn more calories. she says testers found them uncomfortable because of the compression. the company says they're excited to take the first steps toward having clothing do more for you. how would i perform wearing these clothes in a workout lab? we went to the princeton longevity center in manhattan where certified exercise physiologist compared my form in regular clothes and resistance wear as i lunged, squatted, stepped and ran my way toward answers. >> she was warming up. and now it is around 83 beats or so. we're ready to start. >> he's reading that from a monitor i have above my sternum.
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i started in the leggings. can you tell if they're helping with my form at all? >> your movement is perfect right now. >> reporter: then i wore the sweet flex leggings. >> it is harder to work out with tighter pants. >> you're almost at 120 already. >> you saw a difference in my heart rate with the tighter pants. it got harder for me, which means more calories being burned. >> also cardiovascular conditioning. it is a good workout. >> reporter: next up, the form bra and shorts. >> i feel like it is holding my posture now that i'm running. you feel supported. >> reporter: we compared it all to regular workout clothes. tight leggings on, you feel more stability and movement. >> i see your movement is correct. what i also see a little -- a little movement of your hip, you're going in a little. that's a little bit of instability there. >> reporter: and then time for the big reveal. did the claims of our workout wear really live up to the hype?
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what was your biggest takeaway from regular clothes versus when i was wearing the resistance clothing? >> the takeaway here was really the running economy. with the outfit, you were very stable. your heart rate was under control. when you had the regular running outfit on, immediately we notice a hip drop on your right side, and we also notice your left elbow flying out. you were breathing a little heavier. that has been telling us that the outfits may help. >> these are not scientific experiments, results may vary f. also, these aren't the only companies out there that make clothing with claims like these. these are the ones we chose to try out. coming up, the heart pointing re of a baby girl after she fl io a pool. 'llhow y the video and what you need to know to keep yo familyur
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a terrifying close call is reminding parents just how critical water safety is, especially this time of year. dramatic new video shows a father in north carolina saving his 2-year-old daughter's life. he revived her with cpr after she nearly drowned in their family pool. nbc news correspondent mor esky hhis report. cannot hel but b minded of
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how critical cp cane in life sa situations. now, with school already and many parts of the y, pools, lakes r are filling up faster than ever. but as one north carolina family can attest, it only took a few seconds for a weekend of fun in the sun to take a potentially deadly turn. >> i never, ever in my life thought that would happen at my pool with my kids. >> reporter: a family's worst nightmare unfolding in their north carolina backyard. >> 911. >> yes, a kid fell in the pool. the baby is in the pool. >> reporter: 2-year-old mila swimming with her family and friends when a fun weekend became a fight for survival. >> i was sitting in this very spot, right here. >> reporter: her father says he was keeping a close eye on thep homeurveillance video captured
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what happened next. >> i heard my 10-year-old scream out my younger daughter's name, mila, likethat! i knew immediately that blood curdling scream, what that meant. i saw my daughter mila floating in the pool with her head down and her arms like this. i immediately jumped into the pool. >> reporter: matthew and his wife amy, both medical professionals, are also cpr ified. >> i immediately started mouth to mouth, i started breathing in her mouth, and my friend mpressioely started chest >> i heard a cry. i heard her t. and i heard that, and my heart filled with joy so much. and she was alive. >> reporter: rvived. but the cdc says drowning remains the leading cause of death for children ages 1 through 4 and that number is on the rise. by28% between 2019 and
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which is why safety experts say layers of protection are cruc starting with supervision. adults take turns being the designated water watcher. and in public, always check for lifeguards and where they're stationed. next, barriers. residential pools need a fence and self-locking gates. and conser alarms on doors that lead outside. finally, get cpr certified. >> it is vitallymporta to do breaths w oxygen is getting to t ain. we have minutes when we're been in the water, or anybody, for that maer. just like mila's can be saved. she spent one night in a hospital, but since then has made a full recovery. her parents and sister hoping their story helps others. >> everybody needs to be around -- my little sister, my little brother that swim
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well. >> i wt eon possible to know cpr because it really does save lives. >> before you hit the water, expertes say there are tips to keep top of mind here. one of those is even if you aren't a lifeguard area, make sure you have a buddy system in play. also, if you do have your children swimming, bri colors always a good idea, not j for you to spot them, but potentially a lifeguard as well. and above all, make sure adults are cpr certified, just in case an emergency arises. we'll send it back to yo >> important life saving advice, morgan chesky, thank you. much more news ahead. ay. ay. u're watching "nbcyo n so, i didn't think i needed swiffer. until... i saw how easily it picked up my hair every time i dried it. it only takes a minute. i saw how easily it picked up my hair look at that!dried it. the heavy duty cloths are extra thick for amazing trap and lock. even for his hair. wow! and for dust i love my heavy duty duster. up high and all around
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“the darkness of bipolar depression made me feel like i was losing interest in the things i love. then i found a chance to let in the lyte.” discover caplyta. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta is proven to deliver significant symptom relief from both bipolar i & ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. caplyta can cause serious side effects. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts right away. anti-depressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. caplyta is not approved for dementia-related psychosis. report fever, confusion, or stiff muscles, which may be life threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements which may be permanent. common side effects include sleepiness, dizziness, nausea, and dry mouth. these aren't all the side effects. in the darkness of bipolar i & ii depression,
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caplyta can help you let in the lyte. ask your doctor about caplyta. find savings and support at we want to catch you up on some breaking news from this morning out of oakland. the fbi searched oakland mayor sheng thao home this morning for an unknown reason. the mayor's office says it is aware of reports that the fbi is at the mayor's home. but it is referring all questions to the fbi, law enforcement sources tell nbc bay area it is one of four search warrant executions in oakland as part of a larger operation. agencies involved in the warrant operation include the fbi, the irs and united states postal service inspectors . our velena jones is following the story. she'll have more in our 430 newscast. meantime, tributes continue to pour in for the say hey kid. today, the giants get the chance to pay
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tribute to willie mays as they play on the field that started it all. the team will play the cardinals at rickwood field in birmingham, alabama. that's just miles away from where willie mays grew up. not only will the game honor mays, but also the leagues. fans are invited to watch the game for free at oracle park. gates opened less than an hour ago at noon. they will stay open until eight. willie mays passed away on tuesday. let's talk about the weather. the bay area is going to heat up over the next few days. meteorologist kari hall has our forecast. enjoy the cooler than normal weather that we'll see for this first day of summer. for much of the bay area, with some low 80s, the heat is going to crank up as we enter into our weekend. friday's high temperature 93 degrees and even hotter on saturday. and i think sunday it's still pretty warm, but probably the best of the days of the weekend to get outside and then looking at early next week, we'll come back to the upper 80s for those highs. and in san francisco,
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expect a high of 64 today. a lot of low clouds and fog, but more sunshine for friday and saturday with temperatures in the low to mid 70s. sunday is cooling back down again and we return to more fog in that june. gloom through the middle of next week. thanks, kari
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and lots of luggage. if an airline loses your luggage, it could pay you for essentials, but only if you ask consumer investigator chris chmura shows us how. the fed's airline watchdog recently said airlines delivered 99.42% of checked bags on time. that's great, but that left over 0.58% is still a ton of late bags, more than 200,000 a month. on the upside, alaska airlines website, for example, says most bags are located
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within 48 hours. still, that's two days of downside traveling without your stuff. let's keep reading, though. the very next section says get reimbursed on essentials and then it tells you how to keep your paid receipts for any travel essentials you buy while your bag is missing, such as toiletries and clothing. next, present your receipts at the airport baggage service office where you filed your report. other airlines do this too. it's in their contract of carriage that long. jargony agreement you never read but accept every time you buy an airline ticket. let's look at two things what's essential and how much money you'll get. essential is essentially up to you in the airline to hash out, say you're traveling for business. you have a fair argument that replacing a business suit is essential, even if it's expensive. say you're traveling to a beach vacation. an airline might balk at buying that business suit, but a bathing suit? you have a pretty good case for the airline to buy you a new one on their dime.
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to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a gamechanger for my patients - it really works. shame. it's been here as long as i can remember. living in glances of people i loved. and ones i didn't even know. (♪♪) but what good is shame when it comes to health? health is not about what weight we lose. it's about all of the things a body can gain. ♪♪) gru, your family's lives are at stake. it's about all of the things a [ laughter ]n. we have to get to the safe house. what about all my friends? you'll make new friends. probably better ones. oh! a lot of emotions. less talking. more walking. it has a vending machine. this will be great. [ laughter ]
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fire in the hole. [ laughter ] kristy sabo: she was my first friend. i remember walking by her classroom that day. it was the last time i saw her. what do you think had happened? i didn't know. i was scared, though. andrea canning (voiceover): she vanished one october afternoon. 10-year-old amy mihaljevic.


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