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tv   Today  NBC  June 25, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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yeah, we're seeing a mixed bag of weather. you want to make sure you have that nbc bay area app so that you can get alerts if there's any thunderstorms approaching your location and approaching there it is. the disabled vehicle under the arrow on the right. we do have a tow truck, so i think we should see a little relief on the san mateo bridge. all right. thanks guys. well, the today show is moments away. however we are continuing today in the bay on roku, pluto and other streaming platforms and live at eight. the ceo of forever california will join us live to talk about the future of the proposal to build a brand new city in the bay. all right. a lot to talk about at 8:00. all right. thanks for making us a part of your morning today show starts now hi there. good tuesday morning hi there. good tuesday morning. a major development in a case we followed closely for more than a decade. >> julian assange now out of
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prison and heading home. it is june the 25th. this is "today." breaking overnight. the controversial wikileaks founder suddenly agreeing to a plea deal with the justice department after spending years in a british prison. his wife speaking out this morning. >> it is a whirlwind of emotions. i mean, i'm just elated. >> straight ahead, why this all happened now and what's next for him. on the brink. a minnesota dam in danger of imminent failure this morning. part of a flooding emergency playing out across the midwest. entire neighborhoods underwater. evacuations underway. and more severe storms headed that way. while the record-shattering heat wave pushes south, tens of millions set to sweat it out today. al will have everything we need to know. tragedy in paradise. new tributes pouring in for the surfing legend and actor killed
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in a shark attack in hawaii. what we're learning about the deadly incident and how a close knit community is honoring one of its heroes. value war. with food prices still sky high, fast food chains now locked in a battle for your business. mcdonald's rolling out a new $5 deal today. but is it enough to win back your business? we will ask the president of mcdonald's usa when he joins us exclusively. all that, plus hockey history. >> sam reinhardt scores! >> the florida panthers win a thrilling game seven to become stanley cup champions for the very first time. >> the florida panthers have won the stanley cup! while in baseball, tennessee hangs on to win its first college world series. >> swing and a miss! and for the first time, rocky top reaches the mountain top of college baseball. >> all the highlights just ahead.
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and country cool. grammy winner lainey wilson, one of the hottest names in music, is taking over our plaza. ♪ >> so hang tight, honey, for a special concert you do not want to miss, today, tuesday, june 25th, 2024. ♪ >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> good morning. good to see you. thank you for joining us. yeah, your calendar is right. it's tuesday. and we got a good concert outside. >> oh, yes. it's summer. anything goes. lainey wilson out there doing a live check right now, doing a sound check. she will take the stage for our crowd out there in just a few minutes. cannot wait for that. meanwhile, look at this. it's a scene out of minnesota.
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a dam right there a critical scene on the brink of collapse. those rushing waters part of the flooding that's been impacting a large portion of the midwest. al has the forecast in just a moment, including today's threats of more severe weather. but we are going to begin with the breaking news overnight on julian assange. the man behind one of the most damaging leaks of classified documents in history. wikileaks showing assange leaving the uk where he spent the past five years in a maximum security prison. >> it comes after an agreement with the u.s. justice department, agreeing to plead guilty to a single charge of conspiracy. stemming from his involvement in the publishing of nearly half a million secret american military documents back in 2010. >> nbc's chief international correspondent keir simmons joins us now with the very latest. hey, keir. good morning. >> reporter: hoda, good morning to you. this is making headlines around the world after a 14-year legal saga. julian assange leaving the uk, arriving in bangkok and arriving
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into the u.s. territories of mariana islands where the justice department says he will enter a guilty plea before flying on to his native australia a free man. today, wikileaks founder julian assange is out of prison, departing the uk overnight in this video released by his organization. it comes after the u.s. justice department announced the apparent plea deal with julian assange, allowing him to plead guilty count to a single count of conspiracy to con dame and disseminate national security information, according to court documents. he is expected to return to his native australia. with credit for time served, more than five years in a british prison. wikileaks posting on social media, julian's freedom is our freedom. assange's wife reacting to the news overnight, speaking to the bbc. >> it is a whirlwind of emotions. i mean, i'm just elated.
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it feels like it's not real. >> reporter: the deal stems from one of the worst leaks of classified material in u.s. history, back in 2010. >> the real story of this material is that it's one damn thing after another. >> reporter: wikileaks posted military documents including this 2007 video of an apache helicopter killing u.s. civilians. they disclosed those classified documents starting in late 2009. manning was sentenced to 35 years in a military prison, but president barack obama commuted her sentence before leaving office in 2017. julian assange previously denied any wrongdoing and had been fighting extradition to the u.s. while in british custody. >> i ask you all to shout louder lobby harder until he is free. >> reporter: while assange's supporters hailed him as a
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whistleblower, even a folk hero, some intelligence analysts say assange did untold damage to u.s. national security. >> julian assange did the wrong thing. julian assange hurt the united states government. he put the lives of our troops in danger. he put the lives, particularly of iraqi citizens who helped our effort in the war in iraq in danger. so this guy did a lot of bad things. >> we saw he pled guilty to one charge there, keir. what do you know about the actual plea deal? >> reporter: well, hoda, saying this morning, the white house, that it had no involvement in this plea deal which was announced by the justice department. and it has no connection to julian assange's vomt in the 2016 election when wikileaks released materials from the democratic national committee and hillary clinton's election campaign. julian assange has never been charged in that case. russian intelligence officials, hoda, were indicted by the u.s. hoda? >> keir simmons for us on that
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story. keir, thank you. the other big story we're following this morning, that flooding emergency in the midwest. after days of heavy rain and more on the way, a number of communities are underwater there. several dams across the region are at risk of imminent failure. al is standing by with the forecast. but let's get started with nbc's shaquille brewster is in sioux city, iowa this morning. shaq, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. president biden overnight approving a disaster declaration for certain counties in iowa as the death toll officially rose to two people across two states. and when you look at the water levels behind me, the tragedy here becomes all too clear, this is a residential street. the water only getting deeper as you move further back. it's all part of historic flooding that has impacted and thetenned nearly 3 million people, not just here in iowa but across the area. this morning in minnesota, the failure of the dam appears
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imminent. overnight a support structure already experiencing what the sheriff's office called a partial failure. the damage part of the deadly river flooding impacting three states. >> we are really looking at unprecedented times right now. >> reporter: rivers overflowing their banks at historic levels, submerging entire communities and putting pressure on infrastructure. more than 3,000 buildings inundated according to a private analysis of satellite images. water rising to levels that caused a partial collapse of this key railroad bridge in sioux city connecting south dakota and iowa. that collapse the result of an all-time record high river crest, exceeding the previous record by more than seven feet. in iowa, several counties facing overnight curfews and evacuations. >> we have assisted 17 people by boat or by walking them to a safe location. >> reporter: kim woods' husband
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noticed the rapidly rising water the middle of the night. the couple scrambling to escape. >> we literally drove through everybody's yard up until this house right here. >> reporter: that was the only way out? >> that was the only way out. >> reporter: and the danger is not over. with several rivers forecast to hit flood stage in the coming days, a total loss for so many still at risk of even more devastation. >> we'll get through this. >> reporter: and unfortunately, there is rain in the forecast when you get into later this week. look, even without that threat, the water here is not expected to go away any time soon. the river levels got so high that it's not expected to even go back to the previous historic all-time record until thursday and not expected to break that flood stage until this weekend. savannah? >> shaquille brewster, thank you very much. >> so much to keep an eye on. let's go to al roker at the map.
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hey, al. >> good morning. good morning to you. as you can see, we have severe thunderstorms moving through grand rapids, chicago right now under a severe thunderstorm watch until later this morning. and this is all part of a cold front that's pushing through. thunderstorms rumbling through the midwest today. we have the second round of storms developing this evening. we are looking at 31 million people from omaha, nebraska down to springfield, missouri, fort wayne, indiana, chicago, illinois. wind gusts, brief tornadoes possible. then tomorrow this system pushes to the east all the way from the northeast down to the gulf. we're looking at locally heavy downpours with flash flooding possible. tomorrow, 43 million people at risk, including albany new york, new york, philadelphia, washington, d.c. we could see some brief tornadoes, isolated hail, damaging wind gusts as well. we also have a real risk for flash flooding from des moines, quincy, kansas city, peoria with hourly rain fall rates up to 2 inches per hour. as you can see, cutting a swath
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from eastern iowa all the way into central pennsylvania and the northeast. we could see locally some places four inches of rain or more. savannah? >> al, thank you. now to the latest on the push to free more hostages in gaza. families releasing disturbing video showing an american and two others who were taken by hamas during that october 7th rampage. it comes as israel's defense minister visits washington for key meetings. nbc's matt bradley joins us from jerusalem on all of this. matt, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. as you said, israel's top military leaders in washington meeting u.s. officials as the war in gaza rages with strikes overnight. and it comes as the family of one of those american hostages release new video shot by hamas showing his abduction on october 7th. they're hoping it will spur calls to release those remaining hostages. but a warning, this video is very graphic. today israel's assault on the
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gaza strip continues. the idf striking two school compounds overnight. attacks the civil defense, the emergency service killed 14 people and left several injured. israel's military said the two schools had been used by hamas as a shield for its terrorist activities. the war in gaza, among the topics that israel's defense minister discussing with top officials on a visit to washington, including secretary of state, antony blinken. >> he is emphasizing a few things in his meeting with the defense minister. number one, our ongoing commitment to israel's security. number two, the importance of israel developing robust, realistic plans for the day after the conflict. >> reporter: another major goal, patching up disagreements in a fraying alliance. gallant saying in a statement overnight, we must resolve the differences between us quickly and stand together. israel's leadership now more isolated than ever as families of the remaining hostages still held in gaza ramp up protests and calls for a deal, including american hersh goldberg-polin, whose mother and
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father are demanding action. yesterday they released a video of hersh's abduction along with two others. the video was shot by hamas militants during the october 7th attacks. you can see hersh's captors celebrating and his left arm had been severed by a grenade attack. you still haven't seen the video? >> no. >> do you expect to see it? >> i don't know. i feel like i've lived in this parallel universe of anguish for 262 days. >> reporter: like many here, the family is angry that months of negotiations haven't freed their son. >> these are real people with dreams, with aspirations, with families waiting for them. this is our son. >> reporter: and savannah, amidst that sparring between israel and washington, we heard again from benjamin netanyahu yesterday. he was walking back comments he made earlier this week. this time he's saying he won't end the fighting in gaza until
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all those hostages are released. but the organization representing the families of those remaining hostages are slamming the prime minister, accusing him of making inconsistent statements, and they're demanding an urgent meeting. savannah. >> matt bradley in jerusalem, thank you. federal judges in kansas and missouri have temporarily blocked president biden's student loan forgiveness program. so the rulings put a pause on the save plan which allows borrowers whose balances were $12,000 or less to have their debt forgiven after ten years. the decision does not cancel financial assistance that's already been provided. in a statement, the white house said this, we strongly disagree with today's rulings and the department of justice will continue to vigorously defend the save plan. all right. much more to get to. 15 after. we have craig here. shoppers will be happy about this morning. >> oh, savannah, hoda, good morning. good morning to you as well. yes, for a lot of folks it's christmas in july because amazon just announced the dates for prime day, july 16th, and 17th.
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it is, of course, the online giant's annual and biggest sale of the year, and it's also pushed other major retailers to roll out their own summertime bargains. here to break down everything we need to know nbc's business correspondent brian cheung. always good to have you. >> hey, guys. >> what do we know about prime days? what can you tell us? >> yeah. amazon just announced dates for this year. this is their hallmark sale of the year. it will take place july 16th and 17th. that's thee weeks from now. these will be deals only available to members of amazon prime, only if you are forking up that $139 a year. there is discounts for students and others as well. again, it will cost you some money to access some of these deals. >> so what typically goes on sale on a prime day in the summertime? >> basically what amazon said about this year, there will be special things as well for 2024. they're saying they are giving the best discounts they have seen on their own brand products. alexa, the fire sticks for your tvs. they also have the ring doorbell.
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could be a good time to get into that as well. tech, beauty, small appliances, they are also specifically leaning into back to school and college items. i know not everyone is used to shopping for mid-july in that. they also say new deals every five minutes. they will wheel out new celebrities to unveil them. like megan thee stallion. pretty star-studded event. don't buy anything you don't need. and try to price compare just to make sure you are truly getting the best deal. >> is that how you know? sometimes you will see something on prime and say, that's a great deal, but not necessarily. >> not necessarily. that's why you want to check and cross-check with other retailers as well. target, best buy and walmart. also for amazon itself, set up deal alerts. if i need a hair curler or something like that, set a deal alert for that. your can also -- there's these exclusive invite only deals as well. there's a little planning that amazon will allow you to buy as well. >> just you say a hair curler? >> sorry. what is the technology for that? >> a curling iron. >> a curling iron. >> i knew what you meant.
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by the way, you don't need one. >> neither do you. >> your salad is perfect up top. >> hot rollers. >> exactly. >> i'll work on the terminology. let's move to the nhl. the party is still going on in south florida. the florida panthers are stanley cup champions for the first time in franchise history. >> here's reinhardt on the counter. sam reinhardt scores! three seconds to go! the florida panthers have won the stanley cup! >> there you go. the panthers beating the edmonton oilers 2-1 in a game seven thriller. florida avoiding a historic collapse after being up in the series 3-0. then they lost three straight. the panthers victory parade is scheduled for sunday. that was a nail biter. >> yeah. got another championship to talk about this morning, college baseball. crowning a world series champion last night.
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it happened in omaha. here's how it ended. >> swing and a miss! and for the first time rocky top reaches the mountain top of college baseball, they are the world series champions. >> tennessee winning its first men's college world series title, beating texas a&m 6-5. the volunteers are the first number one seed to win the championship in 25 years. >> wow! >> that's hard to believe. a celebration. all right. let's check in with mr. roker and get a check of the weather. hey, al. >> good morning, guys. we're looking at severe storms comes across the great lakes. very hot and humid still through the gulf. we will take a look at that coming up in the next half hour. southwest storms. monsoonal moisture hanging out. along the west coast, just gorgeous today. plenty of sunshine and seasonal temperatures. we will get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds.
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and that's your latest weather. guys? >> all right, al.
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thanks so much. still ahead, growing tributes to a surfing star killed in a shark attack off hawaii while doing what he loved most. stephanie gosk is following that story. hey, steph. >> hey, hoda. so family, friends, the entire surfing world is reacting to this tragic, shocking death. perry knew those waters incredibly well. and shark attacks are rare, especially fatal ones. we'll update you coming up. >> all right, stephanie, thank you. the fast food wars are heating up this morning. major chains in a battle for your money. kicking off new deals. we're going to talk about it all with the president of mcdonald's usa when he joins us for an
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hold on... this trip got me alaska gold 75k status?? looks like i leveled up somewhere between san francisco and new york. i knew you earned miles faster than other airlines but like...okay, this is next level. i wonder if they'll take my photo. and put it in every seatback. on every airplane. i really hope fame doesn't change me.
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all right. coming up, fans of "freaky friday" have waited for more than 20 years. >> we sure have, yes. that is jamie lee curtis and lindsay lohan on the set of the sequel. all the details on "popstart." but first your local news.
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just like i was. dryness and frizz could be damaged hair that can't retain moisture. new pantene miracle rescue deep conditioner, with first-of-its-kind melting pro-v pearls... locks in moisture to repair 6 months of damage in one wash, without weigh down. guaranteed or your money back! for resilient, healthy-looking hair... if you know, you know it's pantene. arthritis pain? we say not today. tylenol 8 hour arthritis pain has two layers of relief. the first is fast, the second is long-lasting. we give you your day back, so you can give it everything. tylenol. number one doctor recommended for arthritis pain. (music playing) get summer styles now from $2, $4, $6 and $8 dollars. only at old navy.
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if you love to travel, capital one has a rewards credit card that's perfect for you. with venture x, earn unlimited double miles on everything you buy and get access to over 1300 airport lounges. open up a world of possibilities with capital one. what's in your wallet? looking for a reason to try the new $5 meal deal at mcdonalds? here's one, two, three, four and the price makes 5. that's everything you get with the new $5 meal deal at mcdonald's. if you have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease... put it in check with rinvoq... a once-daily pill. when symptoms tried to take control, i got rapid relief and reduced fatigue with rinvoq. check! when flares kept trying to slow me down i got lasting steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check!
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and when my doctor saw damage, rinvoq helped visibly reduce damage of the intestinal lining. check! for both uc and crohn's: rapid symptom relief lasting steroid-free remission. and visibly reduced damage. check. check. and check! rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal, cancers, including lymphoma and skin, heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. put uc and crohn's in check ...and keep them there with rinvoq. ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq and learn how abbvie can help you save. good morning. it's 726. i'm ginger conejero saab. here's a look at our top stories. i'm bob redell outside of antioch city
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hall, where tonight the city council and mayor will consider a new ordinance that would prohibit sideshows, the illegal activity that shuts down intersections while drivers burn rubber and spin their cars at high speeds. the city council will be considering two versions of a new ordinance, one that prohibits the organizing and advertising of sideshows. the second not only goes after the participants, but also the spectators. if this ordinance is approved, it would add more muscle to the state law, which already prohibits this illegal activity. now let's take a look at your choosing morning forecast with meteorologist kari hall. we're starting out milder around the bay area. we can feel the humidity and every now and then we've seen some spotty showers passing by that chance will continue today, and even the possibility of thunderstorms which may come without any rain, some dry lightning, and that would increase our fire danger today as our temperatures head for the mid to upper 80s for the south bay and a few low 90s, but
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mostly 80s around the north bay that will feel a little bit warmer than it did yesterday because of the humidity and looking at some drier air moving in for tomorrow and temperatures in the mid 80s. meanwhile, san francisco will continue to reach into the 60s into the weekend. ginger. thanks a lot, kari. now don't forget to watch our today in the bay live streaming newscast at eight. ahead a major decision for san francisco schools are kris sanchez breaks down the closures that could soon be coming. we'll have another local news update for you in half an hour. see you then.
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[ navigation ] stay straight for the next 200 miles. ♪ hey, come on, come on ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪ ♪ what could go wrong? ♪ ♪ come on, come on, come on ♪ ♪ come on ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪ get into an audi and go your own way. ♪ do what you want, yeah ♪ ♪ come on ♪ find your way to exceptional offers during the summer of audi sales event at your local audi dealer.
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♪ oh, how good does that sound? 7:30 tuesday morning. street gearing up for a special concert on the plaza.
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their going to pour some watermelon moon shine. it's early. doing the honors, lainey wilson. she won the best coveted album in this year's grammys, and we're all about to find out why. >> she's a peach. it will be fun. >> and also the most awarded artist in the cmas. she made country cool again. >> was it ever not cool? sorry. >> that's the name of one of her songs. >> oh, i was like oh. >> by the way, i had the same reaction. it always was cool. >> that's right. we do have a busy half hour ahead on this tuesday morning. we will start with new tributes to a legendary and beloved surfer in hawaii killed in a weekend shark attack. >> the incident incredibly rare and sending shockwaves through the community. nbc's stephanie gosk joins us now with more on this. hey, steph, good morning. >> hi, guys. good morning. perry grew you have surfing in the same spot he was attacked. by a shark. his friends say no one knew the waters off of awahoo like he did. a professional surfer and a life guard. his friends saying if this could happen to perry, it could happen
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to anyone. the shark attack left his family and the surf world shaken. perry's wife and fellow surfer amelia telling nbc news, her husband was a man of faith and tragic though his passing may be, he left this world doing what he loved, where he loved to do it. this one is hard to believe, writes surfing legend kelly slater. you truly lived the life you loved. the queen of the pipeline posting, i will cherish our memories forever. jason surfed with him for more than 20 years. what impact is his death having on the community there? >> it's really hard to gauge because it's immense. this guy is the salt of the earth. just really genuinely good person. >> perry was known for surfing hawaii's pipeline, one of the most dangerous waves in the world. >> world class waterman, second to none. professional at the highest level in surfing. >> he went on to be an actor getting roles in movies like "blue crush."
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most recently, he worked as a life guard at pipeline, saving fellow surfers caught in the the huge surf. sunday afternoon, officials say there was little they could do to save perry. he was surfing near goat island when the 49-year-old was attacked by a shark and bitten multiple times. >> honolulu ocean safety responded via jet ski. and brought the surfer here to shore. >> reporter: shark attacks are rare in hawaii, averaging nearly eight a year. there have been only six fatalities in the last decade. worldwide the number of shark attacks increased in 2023, 69 unprovoked attacks, according to the university of florida. ten of those attacks were fatal. >> it's their world. it's a very rare occurrence. you surf the same waters thousands and thousands of times. these things do happen. >> he says for perry, the risk was always worth it. >> he was doing what he loved and he was surfing at a spot that he grew up and cherished
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since childhood. >> such a sad story. what do we know about what led up to this attack, steph? >> so a shark researchers in hawaii said they have been seeing in that same area some shark sightings. sharks near surfers. she herself had seen it herself without attacking the surfer. she added that that particular area the water is really deep and might have been harder for emergency responders to get to him. all those things coming together in a terrible tragedy. the whole community is completely rocked. >> stephanie, thank you so much. we appreciate it. still ahead, new details on a another royal family health scare. this time princess anne, king charles' sister recovering after an accident at her country estate. we have the very latest in a live report from london. first, this morning, we're going to dive into the fast food wars. customers fed up with rising prices. more chains are creating deals to give you bang for your buck. so we'll go one on one with the president of mcdonald's usa
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7:38 am
wanna know a secret? more than just my armpits stink. facts. that's why i use secret whole body deodorant for clinically proven odor protection everywhere. so i smell great all day, all hike, and all night. secret whole body deodorant. (ambient sounds, clock ticking) starbucks frappuccino drinks. (♪♪) the feeling of a comforting hug from your nana, but with a taste of creamy, delicious coffee. [ cellphone ringing ] phone call from the boss? sorry. outdoor time is me time. the feeling of a comforting hug from your nana, sticking it to the boss, that sounds fun. we have sort of a flat hierarchy, so -- wait, flo isn't the boss? well, you could say i'm a boss at helping people save when they bundle. nope, thanks. we're not gonna say that. -i'd rather not. -very cringey. (aaron) i own a lot of businesses... so my tech and my network need to keep up.
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thank you verizon business. (kevin) now our businesses get fast and reliable internet from the same network that powers our phones. (aaron) so whatever's next... we're cooking with fire. (vo) switch to the partner businesses rely on. mmm...rainbow sprinkles, jammy filling and frosting?! friends, pop-tarts, pastrymates! lend me your ears! —oh boy. we're going off the crust again. wait till i get warmed up. pop-tarts! crazy good. this morning on "today's consumer," the fast food wars. >> yeah, they're heating up in a big way. this summer especially with popular chains looking to lure back those inflation weary customers. >> mcdonald's is joining with a new $5 value meal that kicks off today. we will talk with the president of measuring donald's usa in just a moment. but first nbc's sam brock joins
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us. sam, good morning. >> reporter: yeah, savannah, hoda, craig, good morning. obviously, mcdonald's is a part of americana. like all have been fighting inflation. the average price of a menu item in the last five years has gone up 40%. the company says just to keep up with the cost of rising goods and staffing. yet, today, they are dropping this $5 meal deal, their latest push to bolster sales and keep . customers coming back. ♪ you deserve a break today ♪ at mcdonald's. >> reporter: this morning mcdonald's is unveiling a new break for your wallet with your value meal to combat rising prices and lure consumers back to the golden arches. starting today for $5, the fast food chain will offer your choice of a mcdouble or chicken sandwich, small fries and a small drink at participating locations across the country. the $5 meal deal is expected to run nationwide for four weeks
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with some franchises committing to extend the offer. >> my restaurants plan to be at the forefront of trying to bring some relief to an inflation impacted customer. >> reporter: the price of food away from home rose 4% just over the last year, according to the bureau of labor statistics. with a recent survey finding one in two consumers plan to cut back on eating away from home in order to save money. >> can we talk about how ridiculous fast food prices are? >> reporter: as frustrated customers feel the bite. >> almost $9 for a big mac. >> reporter: of prices at the drive through. it is not just mcdonald's not loving the impact of customers pulling back. ♪ like like a king kwho is on a budget. >> reporter: places like burger king and wendy's are already offering their own $5 rival deals. >> in terms of price, pretty good. >> reporter: now with mcdonald's entering the battle of the buns, with its summer of value, its president serving up a direct message.
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we heard our fans loud and clear, adding, value has always been part of our dna. we're focused on living up to that legacy and offering delicious, affordable options. so mcdonald's, guys, has posted its prices. so you can get a sense of where we stand present day versus five years ago. the big mac, for example, is up 21%, medium-sized fries, those are up 44%. the company also adding the franchisees have the opportunity to offer you personalized and unique deals. the best way to save money is perhaps sign up for the rewards app. savannah and hoda, back to you. >> sam, thank you very much. joining us the president of mcdonald's usa. good morning. good to see you. >> thanks for having me. >> you just announced this promotion. restaurants don't cut prices for fun. did consumers essentially force your hand by being fed up? >> yeah. i have zigzagged the country. i have been in our restaurants. i have sat in focus groups. customers are telling us they're really stretched. they're really stretched. they felt the stress of the inflation over the last two
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years. so this is a great opportunity for mcdonald's to bring them value. i know we're talking about these fast food wars. i think of them as value and affordability wars because that's what our customers want. >> let's talk about the $5 deal. which makes people go, oh, cool, i'll go back to mcdonald's. and then you look at the time frame, and it says a four-week promotion. why not just extend that through? >> yeah. we already see some franchises are going to vote this further through and they have already done so in places like denver and dallas and phoenix and las vegas and kansas city. what we really want to do is talk about this nationally for four weeks. we think it will be a promotion for longer than four weeks. like the spot just said, you always have opportunities to find the local deals they have. and the app offers great value everyday. >> you know your competitors are trying to eat you for breakfast, right? they announced a $3 meal at wendys or it will be all summer. ultimately that's good for consumers.
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do you expect to have to continue to face these pressures and continue to lower prices like this? >> you know, i think never think of satisfying customers as facing a pressure. i think this is the great thing for our business. it's a great thing for our customers. we'll stick to it. as long as our customers need value, we're going to provide it to them. >> the thing that went viral was that $18 hamburger in connecticut. and everyone went crazy over it. you went on to say, wait a second. i can't remember what your exact words were, but you call a lot of this stuff simply not true. that cases like these are outliers. but there is something about perception, isn't there? i'm not going to stop there because i remember they have high prices. >> yeah. that is the exception not the rule. but you're right. there is this perception about fast food prices having gone up. i did write this open letter to sort of, you know, take some of the myths out of the marketplace. but we are, obviously, really committed to value. i think that the $5 price point and continuing to lean in to
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value and affordability, making this the summer of value at mcdonald's obviously will change that perception. >> it is interesting because your facts sheet is quite transparent. you really went point by point on this. it says our prices aren't double the rate of inflation. but you did acknowledge right then and there, our prices have gone up 40% in the last five years. >> yeah. >> is that more than other chain restaurants in your category have gone up? >> yeah. i wanted to be transparent to our customers, first of all. that's where i start. mcdonald's, obviously, we get a lot of scrutiny and focus. i wanted to be transparent. that's roughly the same as many other restaurants. we still feel like we're incredibly competitive and offer more value and affordability with the 5 million deal, local deal and deals on the app. >> can i ask another question. >> sure. >> we have done a lot of studies on people like ozempic, and these other things, changing the way they eat, changing their
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behavior patterns. do you think that plays into your bottom line? >> we will always stay connected to where consumers are. if you had me in the studio four years ago, we would have been talking about covid and everything mcdonald's is doing to serve a big mac safely. if customers move to taking more products like ozempic, we'll make sure to be there for whatever needs they have coming from restaurants like mcdonald's. >> that's like the opposite of super size. >> mini burger and tiny fry. >> it could be. there could be more snacking. there could be more protein. that could be one of the things that manifests itself in our industry. >> it's huge. these weight loss drugs changed so much of the food, the grocery industry, the diet industry, certainly the fast food industry. have you noticed it? >> we haven't seen it in our numbers. >> thank you, joe. >> thank you so much. >> thank you, joe. we appreciate it. >> appreciate it very much. time now for another check of the weather. we have mr. roker. hey, al? >> what about the mcrib? >> i knew he was going to ask about it. >> year-round. >> he wants the mcrib. >> fyi. i did ask -- >> asking for a friend.
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>> it's coming later this year. it will be back. >> that's what i'm talking about! >> i did ask about the shake machine, why is it always broken. >> that's the headline, mcrib is coming back. >> broke a little news. all right. we are looking at 70 million people under heat advisories, heat warnings from california to central plains, all the way down into florida right now. look at these heat indexes. it will feel like 106 in st. louis, 107 in dallas. 96 in atlanta. richmond a little cooler. why? the humidity level dropping. you can see it here in the northeast. the heat index actually cooler than the actual air temperatures. in albany, in boston, in new york city, in buffalo and in pittsburgh. so get a little bit of cool air. but then temperatures start to rise a little bit. the heat indexes especially down south again, triple digits. as we make our way into the latter part of the week, temperatures warming up in cleveland by saturday. you're 89. 99 in nashville. new york will see temperatures still rather comfortable. but down in raleigh temperatures
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into the mid-90s. that's what's going on around the councountry. weather. >> the mcrib should be year round. >> we knew it. >> all right. thanks, buddy. still ahead, we had so much fun yesterday with jennifer garner and her incredible mom, pat. and apparently you did, too. you really loved that famous cobbler recipe. we are going to share some of the many responses that you flooded with and hoda
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7:50 am
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and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. avoid grapefruit during treatment. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain, a change in your heartbeat, dizziness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills, or other symptoms of an infection, a severe or worsening rash, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. long live life and long live you. ask your doctor about kisqali today. ♪ carson daly here just in time for the "boost." >> all right. here we go, craig. this is a cute one. imagine this. so a woman buys a house on the exact same street as her sister, and that means all their kids can grow up together. the question is who's more excited, the parents or the kids? it kind of seems like it might be the kids. >> awe! >> that right there is a cousins' reunion right on the
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sidewalk. the baby is even into it. the crew is in for a fun summer and many years to come. >> that is my life story. my sister moved across the country after our parents died from california and new york. we live on the same street, cousin power. >> love it mm. >> it is the best. >> it's the best. >> lainey wilson also the best. packed live for a tuesday morning concert. but, first, a check of your local news and weather. ♪ >> let's go! can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at wanna know a secret? more than just my armpits stink. that's why i use
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7:55 am
looking for a reason to try the new $5 meal deal at mcdonalds? here's one, two, three, four and the price makes 5. that's everything you get with the new $5 meal deal at mcdonald's. are you crying? no. there's no crying in baseball! or with the capital one venture card because it lets you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase every day. and you can use those miles on any travel purchase. what's in your wallet? introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see.
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otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. it is 756. i'm marcus washington and i'm ginger conejero saab. here's a live look at the state capitol, where today, governor gavin newsom is set to deliver his state of the state address. now, this is happening at a crucial time. just a few days after he and state lawmakers reached a new budget deal. the
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deal outlines, outlines rather huge cuts to affordable housing and the prison system. we're expecting more details in today's speech. let's get a look at that forecast for you. meteorologist kari hall tracking that rain in our area today. yeah we've seen some off and on showers and monitoring for the potential that we could see some thunderstorms as well. there have been quite a few lightning strikes across the region. very concerning is that could increase our fire danger if we get that lightning on some dry vegetation out there, and it's going to feel just very hot and humid this afternoon. but a cooling trend with some drier air in the forecast throughout the week. today we'll see temperatures in the mid 60s in san francisco, mid 70s for oakland and parts of the east bay and up to the low 90s for the inland east bay into the north bay. hotter temperatures this afternoon, but looking a little bit cooler the rest of the week. back to you. all right. and don't forget to watch our today in the bay live streaming newscast. in just minutes, the ceo of california forever joining us live to talk about the future of the proposal
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to build a brand new city in the bay area. and you can watch it on roku, pluto, and other streaming platforms, including
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♪♪ it's:00 on "today." coming up, new deal. julian assange, the man behind one of the most damaging leaks of classified military documents
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in american history now free from prison after reaching an agreement with the u.s. justice department. this morning, new details on the deal, the timing behind it and what is next for the wikileaks founder. then, women's health and help. this morning we are shining a light on a problem many women face, the struggle to get real answers at the doctor's offi. our. narula shares her own story along with a special group of women. all that, plus momma gardner's recipe goes viral. >> no, no, no! >> jen, go to your room! >> shrek headed back to the swamp. and things are getting freaky. >> oh, i'm like the crypt keeper! >> okay, that's enough. >> it's all on "popstart". and hello, lainey. country singer lainey wilson is
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ready to rock our plaza. she will perform her newest hits live, so get ready t2024. ♪♪ >> ♪ kicking off tuesday with lainey wilson. >> good morning from south carolina. >> orlando, florida. >> washington, new jersey. >> fort wayne, indiana! u. >> holland, michigan. >> and drums, pennsylvania. ♪ >> tns celebrating our 15th birthday. >> from new orleans. eady to rock with iney! >> hey, savannah and hoda! today's my first concert. >> we love you, lainey! ♪ >> welcome back. isn't it fun when this is our tuesday morning? >> yes. >> we have a great concert outside. a lot of first-time concert goers outside, by the way,
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everybody came to see lainey wilson, one of the most decorated young artists in country music. >> she has such a fantastic back story, too. we'll speak to lainey. we'll hear her music in a moment. our countdown to the paris olympics hitting the one month mark tomorrow. so we are going to celebrate in a huge way. >> let's go! we're going to take you live to paris. we will check out the final prep there. with the u.s. team trials well underway, mike tirico will join us more on the athletes to watch. >> we're looking forward to that. let us get now to our news at 8:00. we begin with a major development in a case we followed closely for more than a decade. julian assange, the controversial wiki leak founder, behind one of the most damaging leaks of u.s. military secrets in history is now out of prison and heading home. nbc's chief international correspondent keir simmons joins us with the latest on this plea deal. hey, keir. >> reporter: and hoda, this is an extraordinary shift by the
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u.s. justice department, reverberating around the world. julian assange now flying around the world, landing in bangkok and going on to the u.s. territory of the northern mariana islands where a justice department official says he will enter a guilty plea. now, he's been accused of illegally hacking a u.s. intelligence. the u.s. has wanted him for trial for that for a very long time. that will now not happen. his wife says she is waiting in australia with his two young children to greet him, and that he will be there soon. this is what she told the bbc just this morning. >> it is a whirlwind of emotions. i'm just elated. it feels like it is not real. >> reporter: and the white house this morning, hoda, saying that it had no involvement in what was a justice department decision. julian assange divides people. this will be controversial. there will be those that say
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this is a victory for free speech. others will say he illegally did enormous damage to u.s. national security. hoda? >> all right. keir simmons for us in paris. keir, thank you. the number of travelers moving through u.s. airports hit a record on sunday. the tsa said it screened nearly 3 million people at airports sunday, breaking a record set just last month on the friday before memorial day. but they don't expect this record to last too long. the tsa forecasting it will break the 3 million barrier this coming friday when many people will be getting a jump on their july 4th holiday travel. some new details this morning about the condition of a beloved member of britain's royal family, princess anne, the younger sister of king charles is recovering from a concussion after potential impact with a horse. nbc's kelly cobiella joins us from london with the very latest on this. kelly, good morning. >> reporter: craig, good morning to you. yeah, this accident happened at princess anne's country estate. about 100 miles west of london.
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we were told it was serious enough that an air ambulance was dispatched but wasn't used in the end. this morning the palace says that princess anne is in a comfortable condition, but it is yet another health scare for the royal family. one of the hardest working and most respected members of the royal family, princess anne has a long and distinguished history as an equestrian, competing in the 1976 olympics and remaining active at the age of 73. >> princess anne is the king's right hand woman. other than the queen, she's probably one of the most important people in his life. >> reporter: king charles' younger sister was walking on her estate when the accident took place. while the exact cause of her injuries is unconfirmed, they're thought to be consistent with the potential impact from a horse. >> they believe the injury was sustained by some sort of strike from a horse, possibly a kick. >> reporter: princess anne will miss a state visit this week from the emperor and empress of
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japan. her injury comes at a tough time for the house of windsor, with both king charles and kate, the princess of wales, battling cancer, princess annehas taken on even more of the workload for the family. >> she largely prefers to do that without the media there, without any great fuss or fanfare. >> reporter: after a difficult few months for the house of windsor, royal observers say there have been positive signs lately. king charles remaining visible, despite his ongoing treatment. and princess kat able to join her children and the king's official birthday party. but missing out on taylor swift's concert and royal selfie. princess anne is expected to make a full recovery. and may be able to return home later this week. her royal duties for the week have been postponed. her royal highness sends her apologies to anyone that may be inconvenienced or disappointed as a result. and princess anne missing quite a big event today, that state
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visit began today and just a short time ago there was a ceremonial procession here at buckingham palace. prince william, the king and queen all involved in that procession. there is a lunch here as well and then a state banquet here tonight for the emperor and empress of japan. again, princess anne missing all of that as well as a visit to canada later this week. but doctors are likely being really, really careful with her health, making sure that she is back to full recovery before she goes back to work. craig? >> kelly cobiella for us there outside buckingham palace. kelly, thank you. a south jersey police officer is being hailed as a hero this morning after rescuing a couple from an apartment fire. the incident earlier this month was captured on the officer's body cam. kevin long was the first person to arrive at the scene. he found that apartment fully engulfed in flames with thick, black smoke filling up the house. >> wow!
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>> fully engulfed! fully engulfed! >> get out, get out, get out! >> my husband! >> sir, where are you at? >> first he made sure the wife got out okay. then he rescued her husband who is physically disabled. he could not walk. thankfully, nobody was seriously hurt in the fire. the fire department recognized the officer long for his bravery and quick actions. >> officer long, a hero among us. >> wow. >> you wonder how many of those happen and aren't captured on camera. >> you know it happens every day, but to see that bravery, wow. >> yeah. coming up, some big news from eddie murphy on the long-awaited return of shrek and donkey, of course. carson has all the details ahead in "popstart". plus, we are shining a light on women's health and the struggle many face getting the right diagnosis. what you can learn from these women and their stories. but first, these messages. , plus is safe for use around people and pets. gotcha. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly. try killing bugs the worry-free way.
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looking for a reason to try the new $5 meal deal at mcdonalds? here's one, two, three, four and the price makes 5. that's everything you get with the new $5 meal deal at mcdonald's. (music playing) get summer styles now from $2, $4, $6 and $8 dollars. only at old navy. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium.
8:14 am
since my citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category... suddenly life's feeling a little more automatic. like doors opening wherever i go... [sound of airplane overhead] even the ground is moving for me! y'all seeing this? wild! and i don't even have to activate anything. oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. [mind blown explosion noise] edition of our series "women's health today." this is a summit of sorts on a very important topic. incomes nbc news medical contributor dr. narula brought an issue to our attention that so many women can relate to. going to the doctor and still struggling to find an answer to a medical problem.
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>> she's been outspoken, encouraging women to take charge of their own health. >> we're happy she is with us, along with a few women who will share their stories to try to help others. good morning, all of you. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> and dr. tara, first you are coming as a patient, not a >> i doctor. >> i am. you, yourself had a medical incident that went undiagnosed and unexplained to this day. >> right. when i was 24, i noticed something was wrong with my vision. second year of medical school. i didn't know what. i ended up seeing a doctor in miami who told me i had a visual field loss in the bottom part of my right eye. they thought i might have had multiple sclerosis and said i needed brain mris for the next five years. another doctor i saw said you might have had a stroke. so there were multiple diagnoses. they couldn't tell me exactly what had happened. they couldn't tell me if it would happen again. here i was in the beginning of my career wondering, am i going to go blind? is this something that will be progressive? it was scary and challenging, but it taught me what it meant to be a patient and what that fear is like of walking in a
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gray zone where you don't necessarily have a diagnosis or know what's to come. >> that brings us to you, hailey. you had heavy periods when you were younger. such pain you were throwing up. you went to doctor after doctor for ten years and no one knew what was up. tell us about that process for you. >> yeah. initially, when i first started my period, the pain was so bad that like you said i was vomiting, which triggered eed m parents to see a doctor who found a very small ovarian cyst and that was assumed that was the problem. i was put on birth control. that wasn't alleviating the symptoms. the dosage was increased to the highest dose offest row general they could put me on. then i went years. i had two children. i had extraordinary pain every time my cycle would come back after pregnancies. >> did you have -- i'm not s in
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saying and eventually was diagnosed. adenomyosis. >> did you have -- i'm not saying female or male doctors, but this is kind of something that women are familiar with. who was your doctor? and do you think that had anything to do with it? >> yeah. so i don't. it wasn't my experience that it mattered. my first doctor was female. then i had male doctors. >> yeah. >> i did have a male doctor who i had an appendectomy that was unnecessary. they found my uterus was enlarged and they called it foggy, which is like squishy. i went to follow up with my gynecologist and he didn't even do a pelvic system. exam. so it was right after that that i found my doctor. walked in, explained what was going on and it was a shock. he believed me. and it was great. >> jasmine, your situation was different. you were a young woman and you were having symptoms and begging for a colons no skoe pi, no, you're too young to have colon cancer. then what happened? >> at first i was pregnant in 2020 and 2022. 2019 i had my first episode of blood in the stool. i went to the doctor.
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they said i had ibs. i was too young to get a colonoscopy. i tried to advocate for myself because my grandmother passed from colon cancer. the episode stopped. i was like, okay, i'm okay. nothing is happening. and then in 2022 when i was pregnant with my daughter, i started having a consistent amount of blood in the stool. that's when things became more alarming. i had about maybe four or five e.r. visits before the gynecologist said, okay, she needs to go to aghast gas troll gist. >> they were saying it was hemorrhoids. don't worry about it. you're only 30 years old. i'm like, kids have cancer. it doesn't matter what age i am. >> and you were diagnosed? >> yes, i was diagnosed three week after having my daughter in 2022. >> with colon cancer. >> it was stage three by the time they found it. >> and it was in your family. >> yeah.
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>> you're in remission now. >> yes. >> so glad to hear that. >> yes, i am. >> amy, what about you? you experienced some symptoms that are nebulous in the beginning, and that could make it really hard to diagnose. >> yeah. i did. i was having headaches, ear pain, some chest pain. it was all very unclear. i thought a lot of it -- oh, insomnia, too, which was one of the worst parts. i thought it came down to menopause. i went to see my gynecologist. as part of the routine exam, they took my blood pressure and it was much higher than it usually is. so over the next couple of nights, i just had really bad nights, huge flare-ups of the symptoms. so much so i went to the emergency room the next day. everything was normal. they told me to follow up with a cardiologist. that's when i saw dr. narula. from there i just saw a whole series of doctors, a
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pulmonologist, two emts, a neurologist, hematologist, a rheumatologist. and i finally, it seems like, there are issues with my neck, musculoskeletal issues that might be contributing to possible migraines. it's still a little unclear. >> we have about a minute left, these are three very different stories yet you can pull out similarities and lessons. >> right. can you bottom line it for us, what women can take away? >> yes. there are three things. the first and you heard it come through in everyone's story is believe, believe in yourself and your symptoms. too often women down play their symptoms or someone else down plays it. and that could be a doctor. so you have to trust your instincts. i tell them you know your body. you know if something is wrong. fight for what you believe is happening. the second is support. maria shriver published in her sunday paper blowing your whistle for help. this is when you need support, whether it is getting a
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diagnosis, asking questions, going through treatment. the third thing is don't be afraid to seek out more opinions. we talked about this earlier. medicine is not black and white. it is gray many times. you may see three different specialists who give you three different diagnoses and three different treatment options. don't be afraid to go on this journey of seeking care from more than one provider. if necessary. >> you always say if you're going to the doctor, bring your notebook or even record. i recorded on voice memo because it's so overwhelming you want to be able to listen to it later. what did they say exactly. >> that's right. >> ladies, thank you so much. dr. narula, thank you too. for more on getting a diagnosis and to learn more about dr. narula's own story, we encourage you to scan our qr code on the screen and head to our website, let's go over al to get a check of the ally. >> strong storms down in florida. southwest storms with mooonal moisture.ns
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and that's your latest -- >> oh, that was terrible. what happened? >> best time of thmorning! >> so sorry. >> we got to go. we g tstart. first up, it's "freaky friday." how maimes has this happened? roll the tape. good morning. >> maybe we are crazy. >> i, for one, am not crazy. i'm merely a grown woman trapped in my daughter's body. >> well, it's about to happen once more because the
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long-awaited "freaky friday" sequel is finally in the works. yesterday jamie lee courtis and lindsay lohan shared a sneak peek from the set, a reunion for the duo. 20 years in the making. disney revealing it is slated to be released late next year. next up, eddie murphy revealing that he's getting ready to step back into another iconic role, and here's a clue. >> what are you doing? no. >> this is going to be fun. we could stay up late swapping man stories. and in the morning, i'm making waffles! >> all right. anchors are walking in and out of "popstart" today. whether they're coming or going. craig is sliding in like cramer from seinfeld. hoda just walked out. >> she has a date. >> what is going on here? >> eddie murphy revealing that donkey is about to get a leading role. take a look. >> we're doing another shrek and we're doing just a donkey movie. >> by himself. >> just donkey.
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well, his dragon wife and his half dragon donkey children will be in it. >> i love that. that means another eddie murphy-uncle al interview coming up, too. >> yeah. >> that will be fun, too. next up, our buddies from yesterday, pat and jennifer garner, what a fun time that was. that was great. >> you made it happen. >> wonderful mother day. they were here in studio. they cooked. right from jen's instagram pretend cooking show. we made it happen live. the recipe, by the way, guys, now blowing up at very easy. some people just started to make it yesterday. people started sending us their photos of the cobbler. i grabbed a couple. couple shoutouts. kimberly served up the dish and the story. there is the ice cream. >> there you go. >> the kids at the daily had dox, no relation, had this snack. my neighbor had a couple blueberries left in the fridge. keep the cobbler content coming, guys. it will keep the lights on around here. >> the cobbler content
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challenge. >> would you like to lead that, al? >> i would love that. >> i might ask you to leave. >> you wouldn't be the first. trust me. >> if you want to get in on the fun, you can find that recipe on submit your photos, and we will put it up. finally, time for today's top summer blockbusters all-time bracket list. kicked it off yesterday. tens of you voted at >> thousands. >> let's see which films advance to the next round. superhero smackdown -- "avengers" beat "batman." it's been a busy summer for sharks, if you have been watching the show "jaws." that took down the dinosaurs of jurassic park. e.t. phone home, do you know what he said? i'm not coming home because i won the bracket. he will stick around. we have "top gun" on the other side. "indiana jones" passed "forest gump." "star wars" won. "barbie." "back to the future" also moves
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on. round two, vote. >> go! >> okay. hey, hoda, where are you at? >> hey, girl. look who is here. lainey wilson. we will head out and talk to fans. first, you have something you want to announce. >> the track listening to my record "whirlwind." and surprise, it is coming out july 4th. >> and miranda lambert is on, too? what's happening? come on! let's go! let's go! let's go! come with me. we got this girl. amazing artist coming up. but, first, a check of your local news and w come with us, come
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