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tv   Today  NBC  July 8, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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watch it on nbc sports bay area. what a legend. good weather in san francisco for that celebration. truly nice and cool. there will be some low clouds and fog, and we'll see that gradually clearing throughout the day. while the valleys will still have some hot temperatures in the low 90s today and tomorrow, then back to 100 degrees wednesday and thursday. well, we're back with traffic, but not quite fully restored and not as bad as kari hall numbers. vasco road does show more travel time heading south, so more volume out of contra costa county. more folks return this evening and then we'll see. probably bigger numbers tomorrow. just like this. temperatures today show just ahead, but you can get more local news as today in the bay continues to stream on roku, pluto and other platforms. live at 8:00. the reason the city of santa rosa might be closing some schools soon. all right, well, look, thanks for making us a part of your morning good monday morning. we are following breaking news. hurricane beryl makes landfall .
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it's july 8th. this is "today." beryl slamming the west coast with heavy rain and winds. a quarter of a million people already without power this morning. flooding now a major concern. the latest in a live report and a full forecast, including fore even more record-shattering heat on both coasts. democrats divided over what to do about president biden. good monday morning. we are following breaking news. hurricane beryl makes landfall in texas. >> it is set to impact millions in the south and northwest. good morning. this is "today." beryl slamming the west coast with heavy rain and winds. a quarter of a million people already without power this morning. flooding now a major concern. the latest in a live report and a full forecast, including record-shattering heat on both coasts. democrats divided over what to do about president biden. just ahead, more house democrats calling on him to end his campaign. biden himself defiant and on the trail. >> we're on the cusp of getting so much done. >> this week, a solo planned press conference could be make or break. boeing agrees to plead
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guilty to criminal fraud in a deal with the justice department. the massive fine it now faces and why the families say it is and why the families say it is not nearly enough. on trial. the high-profile case against alec baldwin getting underway more than two years after the fatal shooting on the "rust" movie set. we're there live. all this, plus shot in the arm. popular weight loss drugs reducing the risk of cancer in some patients. what you need to know. and taking it to the streets. >> we're racing in chicago. >> nascar zooms into the windy city in one of the wettest and wildest races of the year. >> caution comes out. >> the highlights and thrilling finish, today, monday, july 8th, 2024. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah
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guthrie and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. hi, there. good morning. welcome to "today." monday morning. reunited at last. >> glad to be back in the saddles here. >> yeah. we have extremeness to tell you about. early this morning, beryl making landfall as a category 1 hurricane in matagorda, texas, slamming that region with heavy rain, strong winds, and dangerous flash flooding. hundreds of thousands there are already without power. >> more than 120 million people on both coasts are waking up to heat alerts. the high temperatures breaking records, fuelling dozens of wild fires. one blaze in southern california now threatening neverland ranch. that's the former home of michael jackson. >> we have it all covered with priscilla thompson. she's in the path of hurricane beryl this morning. priscilla, good morning. >> reporter: yeah. savannah, good morning. beryl made landfall just east of us, and the rain has been relentless for the last couple of hours. we're getting a brief break from
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it right now, but the wind gusts are still incredibly high. they came in here at nearly 90 miles an hour earlier this morning. but i will tell you, you look at these boats behind me, and you see they are still tied down. that is good news, despite those high wind gusts and up to 7 foot of storm surge they were expected to see here. now the wind is shifting as the storm is headed east. this morning, hurricane beryl making landfall. >> wow, another big wave coming. >> reporter: bringing fierce rain, a dangerous storm surge, and fears of flooding. 80-mile-an-hour winds, toppling trees and ripping through towns. the storm strengthening to a category one overnight. >> there will be a deadly storm for people who are directly in that path. >> reporter: the center of the hurricane expected to pass just west of houston later this
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morning as the wind, rain, and storm surge pummeling the coast moves inland. more than 120 counties now under a disaster declaration.has been. the first hurricane of the season and the earliest category five ever recorded in the atlantic. terrorizing the caribbean, flattening homes and receivering communications and taking lives from jamaica to grenada. >> there is almost complete destruction of homes and buildings on the island. >> reporter: now as beryl makes there hoping to avoid a similar fate. >> i pray my community takes it seriously and boards up. >> reporter: and they're not alone as cities across the coast board up, evacuate and prepare for the worst. >> what do you expect to come back to? >> you just never know. >> reporter: and, savannah, there were red, blinking street lights just behind me. just as we were coming on air, this area lost power. now among the nearly half a million without power in the state of texas.
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that number sure to grow as the storm moves into houston and beyond. savannah? >> priscilla thompson with the breaking news this morning. we want to turn to dylan, who is in for al this morning. >> i can't believe we're still talking about beryl right now. the heavy rain approaching houston right now, where we already have about three and a half inches of rain falling at the airport there. winds up to 69 miles an hour in houston. 54 miles an hour just off the the airport there.tline. so the storm is still very powerful and will continue to winds are up to 69 miles an hou the day today. in houston, 54 miles an hour but then it will move up through arkansas, move up through indiana and il just off the coastline. so the storm is still very powerful and will continue to impact parts of texas through the day today. up to en it will move up throug arkansas, move up through indiana and illinois, raining itself out as it makes its way up to the eastern great lakes. we have been talking about this storm for so long now.stern gre storm for so long now. its impacts are so expansive. 2 to 3 inches of rain per hour 2 to 3 inches of rain per hour.. that could create some flooding, especially down across texas and when you have these tropical oor downpours, that could create ou some flooding, especially down across texas.ound is totallted m recent rains
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and flooding rain is possible through the midwest, too, where the ground is totally saturated. winds will be gusty throughout the day. when the ground is saturated and losing power in an area where from recent rains. when the ground is saturated ant losing power in an area where very humid is ce temperatures are hot and it is i very humid is certainly a a dangerous thing. dangerous thing.also the storm . the also the storm surge.ide is rigw the high tide is right now around in this area, so we could around in this area, so we coul the coast, too. also w see some of that flooding along dangerous the heat is out west. it is hot and dry, leaving the coast too. also want to point out how o fires spreading out in that area. down south a dangerous the heat is out west. it is hot and dry, leading to fires spreading out in that mid-atlantic, it's hot and very humid. very dangerous to be outsi for too long. hoda down south and into the atlantic, it is hot and humid. very dangerous to be outside for too long.the weekend on the campaign trail looking to ease concerns from hoda? voters and members of his own party about his age and ability >> all right, priscilla. following his performance in the first presidential debate. we'll check back in with you. meanwhile president biden spent the weekend on the this morning campaign trail looking to ease concerns from voters and members of his own party about his age and ability following his performance in the first presidential debate. top democrats in congress are calling on him to step aside in
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the 2024 race. we have two reports for you. we will start off with gabe gutierrez. good morning. >> reporter: president biden, the man who once embodied the democratic establishment now finds himself fighting it. in a new interview just moments ago, he's daring any opponent to run against him. this morning the pressure of president biden intensifying as democrats on capitol hill grow increasingly anxious about his campaign in the wake of that debate performance. four more house democrats say they believe the president should leave the race, bringing the total to at least nine. >> the president speaking out this morning. >> i'm not going anywhere. i wouldn't go anywhere if i couldn't beat him.
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>> reporter: the biden campaign points out that other lawmakers, including some from the congressional black caucus are forcefully defending the president. >> i'm supporting him. and i do believe he is the best person for the job. >> reporter: the president in an abc news interview friday was asked how he would feel if he stayed in the race and former president trump won. >> i feel as long as i gave it my all and i did as good a job as i could do. >> reporter: democrats responding. >> that is an answer that concerns me as well. this is not just about whether he gave it the best college try, but rather whether he made the right decision to run or to pass the torch. >> reporter: while allies push for president biden to answer voter questions. >> the clock is ticking. this is going to be a really important and vital week. >> reporter: vice president kamala harris on offense at the essence festival in new orleans, blasting former president trump. >> you have the former president, who is running to become president again, was openly talked about his
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admiration of dictators and his intention to be a dictator on day one. >> reporter: some democrats now wondering whether the vice president should lead the >> i think she very well could win overwhelmingly. >> reporter: president biden now saying it's not an option and h thursday and will beat him again. travel to this morning president biden will be on the world stage, higa meeting with global leaders at the nato summit in d.c. he's also scheduled to hold a rare summit on thursday and then travel to battleckson. what is the state of play right now? because you do have some house democrats saying, okay, the president should step aside, let someone else run. but you also have other democrats who are circling the wagons. and you have the president clearly defiant saying only the lord almighty, his words, could get him out of the race. >> so you talk about the state of play. since that poor debate performance, you've seen former president trump take the lead in a series of polls, but the
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headline is this. it is still an extremely close race today. in fact, there is a new bloomberg poll out showing in these critical battleground states while mr. trump leads in five of seven of them, almost five inside the margin of error, president biden is ahead in wisconsin and michigan, again, inside the margin of error here. you have got some key meetings with democrats on capitol hill, internal discussions for them this week. you have got the president having this very high stakes week at nato. and for former president trump, he's got a big week too. any minute he could announce his running mate before the republican convention begins next week. he has rallies in florida and pa. a really critical week in this campaign. >> isn't one of the issues here that democrats don't really know what plan b would be, whether it would mean that kamala harris is at the top of the ticket or whether it would mean as some have floated or some mini primary or a fight that could potential elevate a different democrat we're not talking about. >> yeah. let's just be real here. an open convention would be kind of bananas, savannahs.
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that's something that historians and politicos and pundits talk about because it's so beyond the norm of what modern presidential history is here. you are hitting on the phrase you hear from some of those that support president biden now, which is, okay, what's the plan? for the democrats who are calling for him to withdraw from the ticket, what is your plan b? you are seeing a bit of a coalescing around vice president kamala harris. it is difficult to see how she wouldn't end up being at the top of the ticket if president biden were to withdraw. remember, that the apparatus of the party, the money, the infrastructure t ground game piece of it would go to her, she would inherit it. but the bottom line is this. there is not an indication now that president biden is going to withdrew from this race. in fact, it is exactly the opposite. you heard him in that interview. he is all in right now as he says, he's in it to win it. his campaign is out with a new ad on the issue of abortion access, an issue they think he's strong in based on where the
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polling is. so they're full steam ahead. >> well, let's talk about former president trump on the republican side. for many, many months, they've been circulating this plan for 2025 and the new trump administration. it's from a conservative group called the heritage foundation. for the first time we're hearing former president trump on whether or not he supports this. so can you kind of explain what it is and what the significance is of this? >> for sure. former president trump is moving to distance himself from this. it's called project 2025. it's not directly affiliated with his campaign, but it's a think tank. this think tank has a lot of ties to the trump administration, former trump officials. it's basically this 900-page blueprint for what a second trump term could look like. it proposes a federal government under tighter presidential control. it would replace thousands of civil employees with political appointees, presumably more loyal to the former president.
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now mr. trump in a new post online says he knows nothing about project 2025. he disagrees with some of what's in this plan. and the group itself says it does not speak for any candidate for campaign. but this has taken an interesting role because president biden and his team tie trump to a dangerous plan. >> thank you very much. let's go to the breaking news overnight involving boeing. the plane maker agreeing to plead guilty and pay a massive fine stemming from two fatal 737 max crashes. tom costello joins us with this breaking news. hey, tom. good morning. >> good morning. in 2021, the justice department agreed to defer criminal prosecution against boeing if it agreed to undertake deep structural reforms and report honestly to the government. now doj says boeing's track record shows it violated that agreement, so rather than face trial, boeing has agreed to a
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plea deal. >> reporter: more than five years after two fatal max crashes killed 346 people, this morning boeing has agreed to plead guilty to a single felony charge related to the crashes. that charge conspireing to defraud the federal government. boeing confirmed overnight it had reached a plea deal with the justice department. the deal already, though, drawing reaction. >> victim families feel like boeing is getting off easy. >> reporter: court documents indicate boeing would pay an additional $235 million fine and be required to invest in more than 5 $55 million in compliance and safety programs. what the plea deal does not demand is legal accountability for the many lives lost. a faulty flight control system was implicated in both deadly crashes. a multi-billion dollar settlement in 2021 allowed boeing to avoid prosecution.
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last month prosecutors accused the company of breaching that agreement. overnight, pushback came swiftly from the victims' families who had chanted "shame" at the ceo, and their lawyers blasted what they call a sweetheart deal. >> 346 people died in those two crashes, therefore, a plea of manslaughter would be more fitting. >> reporter: boeing has come under increased scrutiny following a series of mishaps, including a door panel that blew off an alaska airlines max 9 fliept mid-flight. boeing has committed to changes from the board room to the assembly line. >> we have tried to look at literally everything we do to make certain that that can never happen again. >> reporter: but those promises ring hallow from the grieving relatives who are calling for even more action. >> when people are not held accountable, you are setting a standard of what you can get away with. >> yeah. the families of those who died have filed an objection to the
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court overseeing the case. they want the judge to throw this plea deal out, just reject it out of hand. hoda? >> tom, thank you. we turn now to the middle east. yesterday marking nine months since the terror attack on israel that sparked the war in gaza. while fighting continues to rage, there are new signs of progress toward a potential hostage and cease-fire deal. matt bradley in tel aviv for us. hi, matt. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. those hostage negotiations appear to be back on. an official told nbc news the cia is headed to cairo and doha this week for more talks. today, a renewed burst of optimism. hamas has softened its stance, a senior american official said, signaling it may free some hostages without a permanent cease-fire, something it had adamantly demanded. american diplomats told nbc news hamas compromised after israel invaded rafah. last week, israeli sensors
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reviewed all this footage. rafah is now a ghost town. this city is completely unrecognizable. it was only a couple of months ago that this was considered the last safe haven for palestinians. there is still a lot of shooting that's going on here. the idf showed us videos of what they said were booby-trapped homes. they say the barrels were trigled by remote control. nbc news has not verified their authenticity. they also highlighted extensive tunnels the idf says helped supply hamas for years. >> where all the tunnels were, where all the booby-trapped houses were, this area looks more like destruction because of hamas. >> reporter: for months, israel's military said they have entered a new, less intensive phase here, that they would focus on surgical strikes
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instead of expansive assaults. but for gazan civilians, the death toll is still climbing. despite the optimism around that deal, benjamin netanyahu faces substantial pressure from his own right wing cabinet ministers, some of whom have threatened to quit the government if he ends the war in gaza without completely destroying hamas. >> thank you very much. 7:18. let's check in with dylan. >> a lot going on. we have record high temperatures we continuing out west. that's going to continue for most of the week too. it's hot. it's dry. it's dangerous to be outside. it is hot and humid and dangerous to be outside in the southeast and mid atlantic for too long. stay hydrated. we're also looking at this cold front that will trigger a couple pop-up storms through the upper midwest. but beryl will bring flooding rain and wind gusts across texas.
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it will make its way north. that's a look at the weather across the country. we will get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. s to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. [mind blown explosion noise]
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and that's your latest forecast. coming up, new developments in a case we have been following for more than two years. alec baldwin headed to trial in the fatal "rust" shooting. our chloe melas is right there. >> reporter: hey, there. in just a few hours, a judge in alec baldwin's case will be deciding what sort of evidence can be presented during the trial this week and who can testify. >> all right, thank you. plus, could popular ugs for wedrig
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still ahead, one of our favorite stars, scarlett johansson. >> she will stop by to tell us about her new rom-com. it's called "fly me to the moon." but first your local news.
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(man) oh, is that a buffalo? (woman) babe, that's a cow. (vo) the subaru crosstrek wilderness. adventure on the edge. oo, prime day is july 16th and the 17th? with all these deals, i could be more than megan thee stallion. i could be megan thee... ♪ it's prime day ♪ ♪ sign up to be a member if you want free shipping ♪ ♪ it's prime day ♪ ♪ yeah, start clickin' ♪ (buzz) look whose joining us for my favorite part of the day! (leslie) cheerios are his love day ♪ (buzz) well, yeah. they can help lower cholesterol. (angela) ok. i love it. (phyllis) my love language is portuguese. i don't understand it, but i love how it makes me feel. if you're frustrated with occasional bloating... [stomach noises] or gas... your body is giving you signs. it's time to try align.
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so, if you shave it? (♪♪) dove it new dove replenish your skin after every shave. looking for a reason to try the new $5 meal deal at mcdonalds? here's one, two, three, four and the price makes 5. that's everything you get with the new $5 meal deal at mcdonald's. it's target circle week. with the neah?5 meal deal -what? what week? -circle. she's saying circle week. it's the biggest sale of the season! oh great! does that mean more savings or something? you bet your bottom derler! your bottom what? we're all creatures of habit. we've always had our bran flakes with plump juicy raisins and we probably always- ooh, frosting. kellogg's frosted bran. more delicious ways to bran.
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garcia. here's a look at our top stories. placer county deputies this morning say they are searching for 13 hikers who've been missing ever since the start of a wildfire. now burning about 15 miles outside of truckee. the royal fire started yesterday. it's already burned about 170 acres in the tahoe national forest. some evacuation warnings are now in effect. the hikers are said to range in age from 16 to 20. first responders are planning to launch a helicopter this morning to try to find them. i'm bob redell here in snow where pleasanton ridge and about 30 other locations within the east bay regional park district have reopened at reopened yesterday after they were shut down last tuesday because of the excessive heat and the risk of wildfire. but the park district said that the temperatures have dropped and the humidity has returned to levels. that makes it more safe
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for these parks to be reopened. we know it is hot out there, but believe it or not, a slight break today in those temperatures. carrie's got a look at the forecast, and it is nice to have the refreshing start that we're getting. this morning with 50s and 60s, because this is where we're headed. and our temperatures will spread out across the bay area. it really depends on your microclimate because in half moon bay will stay in the 60s today it will be in the mid 70s for san mateo and low 80s for hayward. and fremont. but we're still in the mid 90s and even upper 90s for morgan hill. this afternoon. laura, thank you very much. and don't forget to join us for our today in the bay live streaming newscast at 8 a.m. you can watch on roku, amazon fire tv, xumo, and streaming platforms including and of course, our free nbc app. we'll have another local news update for you in half an hour. i hope to see you then. have
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he hits the wall. that may be all he needs. >> back now at 7:30. what an exciting finish as nascar took over the slippery, rain-soaked street courses in downtown chicago yesterday. alex bowman locking up his spot in the nascar cup series playoff. wow! that's something. >> that's our sports commentary. >> wow! where's craig when you need him? he'd have something to add here. good monday morning to all of you. we have a busy half hour ahead, starting with new developments in a case in the spotlight for more than two years. >> yeah. alec baldwin's trial begins this week in new mexico. he's charged with involuntary manslaughter and faces up to 18 months in prison if convicted. nbc's chloe melas is at the courthouse in santa fe for us this morning.
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good morning. >> reporter: good morning. this trial is expected to last two weeks. during the trial, prosecutors will try to prove that alec baldwin had some sort of responsibility to make sure that the gun on that fateful day was not loaded with live ammunition and that he never should have pointed the gun at halyna hutchins. nearly three years after the shooting on the set of "rust," the film star alec bald lynn will face criminal charges in a santa fe court. >> are you doing okay? >> reporter: the case centers around baldwin which fired a live round of ammunition during a rehearsal in 2021, the incident killing halyna hutchins. the actor is charged with one count of involuntary manslaughter and faces up to 18 months in jail if found guilty. new mexico prosecutors will lay out how they believe baldwin is guilty.
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baldwin maintains he is not. >> i didn't pull the trigger. i feel that -- that someone is responsible for what happened, and i can't say who that is, but i know it's not me. >> reporter: prosecutors say a subsequent gun analysis report they commissioned found that the gun was functioning properly and could not have gone off without baldwin pulling the trigger. matt hutchins told hoda in 2022 he believes baldwin's actions led to halyna's death. >> it is absurd to me. >> reporter: baldwin has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing. later that year, hutchins announced he settled a civil suit and would serve as an executive producer on the film, which wrapped filming last spring. baldwin's trial coming four months after the film's armorer hannah gutierrez-reed was found guilty of the same charge and is
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serving her 18 months behind bars. hannah gutierrez-reed is expected to be called to testify by the prosecution. although, she said in a pretrial interview she did not want to cooperate and take the stand. during today's hearings, the judge is set to decide on whether to include certain witness testimony and evidence relating to alec baldwin's role as a producer. we reached out to alec baldwin's legal team for comment. the real question is whether the defendant will take the stand in his own defense. the central part of this trial really comes down to the gun, and alec baldwin has said repeatedly in interviews that he did not pull the triggering and that is something he could be cross-examined on if he takes the stand. >> it might be a game-time call there.
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thank you very much. still ahead, the booming business of anti-aging. we're going to explore some of the interesting new trends in the quest to live longer and if they could really help you turn back the hands of time. but, first, the benefit of those potential weight loss drugs in the battle against cancer. we'll break down everything you need to know after this. for every single meal of their life. it's amazing to me how many people write in about their dogs changing for the better. the farmer's dog is just our way to help people take care of them. ♪ it's target circle week. ah? take c-what? them. what week? -circle. she's saying circle week. it's the biggest sale of the season! oh great! does that mean more savings or something? you bet your bottom derler! your bottom what? frosted flakes good, they're grrreat!
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15 or more headache days a month each lasting 4 hours or more. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they start. and treatment is 4 times a year. in a survey, 91% of users wish they'd started sooner. so why wait? talk to your doctor. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications including botulinum toxins as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. chronic migraine may still keep you from being there. why wait? talk to your doctor about botox®. and get in the picture. learn how abbvie can help you save. and get in the picture. hmm that's great. you're great! i'm here to save you.
7:38 am
i'm good. cool. i think we should see other people. you know if you could just let your hair down. a little bit down! no no no no no. no no no! you're so far away, can't hear ya! the home with dunkin' is where you want to be. [customer service rep] discover customer service, this is maya. jennifer: oh, hi maya. you robots are sounding more human every day! [customer service rep] at discover, everyone can talk to a human representative. jennifer: alright, prove it. [customer service rep] wait, are you a robot? 24/7 u.s.-based customer service. jennifer: how would i prove that i'm not? (america ferrera) yoplait is america's favorite 24/7 u.s.-based strawberry yogurt. america the country, not me america. well, yoplait is also my favorite. but i don't talk about myself in 3rd person, normally. do i? (vo) yoplait. made with real fruit. i'm a rusty old boat hitch, and i am barely hanging on... ha ha ha. and while we're still miles from the lake, i'm gonna launch this boat right here. see ya. [rusty creak sounds] ahoy! [traffic noises]
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so get allstate, save money on auto insurance and be protected from mayhem. yeah, like me. ♪♪ (school bus stops) (silence) pop-tarts. crazy good. ♪ meow, meow, meow, meow. ♪ ♪ meow, meow. ♪ [ background cats singing ] ♪ meow, meow, meow. ♪ ♪ meow, meow, meow. ♪ [ background cats singing ] ♪ meow, meow, meow. ♪ ♪ meow, meow, meow. ♪ ♪ the only one cats ask for by name. ♪ we're back at 7:38 this morning on "in depth today." a potential side effect for those popular drugs for weight loss. >> nearly 10 million americans are taking the injectable
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medicines to lose weight or treat type 2 diabetes. now there is a new study showing they may lower the risk of ten different types of cancers. >> an associate professor, dr. raj. an associate professor at nyy langone health. professor, good morning. >> good morning. >> wow, another benefit to these drugs. tell us about this story. >> this story of these weight loss drugs is really interesting because we're now learning they may have cardiovascular benefits, mental health benefits, and now the latest is anti-cancer benefits. we know that being obese or o overweight does lower your risk of 13 different types of cancers. and this study, which looked at over 1.6 million people, it was retrospective. it looked at their records for over 15 years, found a significant reduction in 10 out of those 13 types of cancers, including gallbladder, liver,
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colorectal. >> is it as simple as you lost weight, you are no longer at risk for these cancers for that reason. >> that's part of it. when you are carrying around excess fat and excess fat cells, that can lead to inflammation. there is increased cell turnover. any time you are turning over cells, there is a risk of cancer as well as hormonal issues. the hormones can lead to cancer, but we don't know if that's exactly the whole story. >> that's what i was going to ask you because this study in particular only looked at people with type 2 diabetes. if you don't have those issues, is that still a benefit? >> you're absolutely right. this looked at people with type 2 diabetes. this was done a few years ago. i think it opens the door for research. but we do know that things like
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bariatric surgery or even lifestyle interventions that produce weight loss also show a reduction in weight loss. >> some people may say, wow, this thing may help reduce cancer. i will go ahead and go on this because maybe it will help me. what is the advice there? >> i think that if you are at risk for cancer because of family history or if you have already had cancer and you are at risk for a recurrence and carrying around excess weight, this is a risk to talk about with your doctor. is this the right drug for me? and, again, looking at people who don't have diabetes. >> i think you said that we didn't see a reduced risk of breast cancer. >> unfortunately not. we know this is the number one cancer killer of women. breast cancer is related to being overweight or obese. that does increase your risk. for whatever reason, it's not clear, this did not show a reduction in breast cancer occurrences. >> dr. raj, thank you so much. we head over to dylan for another check of the weather. good morning.
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we have dangerous heat to talk about. let's start in the southeast where not only is it hot, but humid, too. and that prevents your body from being able to cool itself down. that's why it is dangerous to be outside and exerting yourself for a long period of time. new york, it will feel like 94. salisbury, maryland, will feel like 101. richmond, virginia, will feel like 102 degrees. out west, it is hot and dry. so dehydration is a big issue, when your body just keeps sweating and it just evaporates away. make sure you stay well hydrated out west where in medford, oregon, it's 111. the record is 94. seattle up to 92. we are crushing records. tomorrow we're looking to be up to 108 again. down in las vegas, the record is 116. we're forecasting a high of 117. these are incredible numbers, if you actually think about it. sacramento 106, 108, 105.
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>> and that's your latest forecast. >> all right, dylan. thank you. coming up next, countdown to paris. lebron james opening up to craig about his legacy on and off the court. >> we're going to hear from him and get your "morning boost." it's all coming up right after this. oommate) i told him... at verizon, everyone can get the best deals, like that iphone 15 on them. (man) switching all the time... it wasn't easy. (lady) 35. (store customer) you're gonna be here forever. (man) i know. (employee) here is your wireless contract. (man) do i need a lawyer for this? those were hard days. representative. switch!
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we're back with our countdown to paris. the opening ceremony 18 days away.>> somebody is living his dreams. his name is craig melvin. the squad just kicked off training in las vegas. the aforementioned craig took a visit to them over the weekend. could you just die for his happiness right here? he got to talk to lebron and open up with something big that happened with that other team, the l.a. lakers. take a listen. >> we can't talk about legacy without talking about the player that the lakers drafted in the second round. that undeniably part of lebron's legacy, playing with your son. how cool is that going to be next season? >> it will probably be, when it comes to basketball, it is the
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greatest accomplishment that >> it will probably be, when it comes to basketball, the greatest accomplishment that i've ever had. there is no greater accomplishment that i will be able to overtake, being on the same floor as my son. so it is the greatest thing that's ever happened. >> that's kind of amazing. the whole time i'm just thinking, if you are craig, i remember when he interviewed jordan. he's just -- >> he's just -- >> he's just checking off things on his bucket list. i'm happy for him. i think he will sit down with the whole squad. he has the whole longer conversation with lebron on his legacy, what he expects in paris as we count down to the olympics. we will roll that out piece by piece. meanwhile, we've got other exciting olympic news for you. the exclusive reveal of the u.s. men's soccer team. here are the 18 players. this is the first time the men have qualified since 2008. >> wow! >> so keep in mind, olympic rules require most of the roster to be under the age of 23, so you are going to see a lot of
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young talent like 19-year-old benjamin cremaschi. he plays with lionel messi. you can check out the full roster and learn more about the players on we have to rally around these guys. >> absolutely. it's getting real. we had gymnastics picks last week. the soccer team. >> it's coming, girl. >> 18 days. here we go. this will put a smile on your face. an alabama mom took her daughters to a tuscaloosa waffle house yesterday where they were served some joy along with a breakfast. ♪ ♪ here i stand here i stay it makes me cry ♪ doesn't bothe anyway. >> her ♪ >> her server joining chelsea's daughter in a sweet dance to
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"let it go." that is, of course, the iconic song from "frozen." that's just a joyful moment right there. >> all of us just melting it out. >> i have never seen "frozen." sorry. i don't care. >> says the mom of three boys. >> we'll give you a pass. all right. still ahead, brad pitt's need for speed. a first look at the star's new movie "f1." plus alex cooper is taking her talents to the olympics and paris, and she will be here live to tell us all about it, all after your local news and weather. this is better. that's better. and that. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. it works with your asthma medicine to help improve lung function. that's pretty good! dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's proven to help prevent asthma attacks.
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7:54 am
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7:55 am
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washington, and i'm laura garcia. happening. now, here's what we're working on for our upcoming 8 a.m. streaming newscast, the bay area. getting a bit of a break from the recent extreme heat, and as a result, some east bay parks today are open for the first time in nearly a week. that includes pleasanton ridge and about 30 other locations. the parks district first shut those locations down last tuesday due to the extreme heat and fire risk. because humidity levels have dropped, visitors are being allowed to return. there still are some restrictions, including no open fires or barbecues. let's get a look at that forecast for us today. meteorologist kari hall is tracking those numbers. how is it looking for us, kari? we are still under a microclimate weather alert due to a heat advisory that will be in effect for some of our valleys. but we are seeing the fog returning to the coast. and in san francisco, it's going to provide some cooling there. we're in the upper 50s now, but we are already in the upper 60s for san jose and headed up to 88 degrees. but there will be a wide range in temperatures
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depending on where you are. we're still going to be in the 90s and even triple digits farther inland. back to you. all right. thanks, kari. and make sure you watch our today in the bay live streaming newscasts going to start in just minutes. 8 a.m. the drastic measure now being considered by one north bay school district to bridge its massive budget deficit. you nca it's your time to cash in. so don't just play. stay... at northern california's premier casino resort.
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introducing togo's new barbecue beef sandwich. it's piled high with tender beef that's slow cooked and smothered in tangy memphis style barbecue sauce. it's no fuss, no muss. just tons of flavor. the best barbecue beef is only a togo's. try one today. ♪ ♪
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it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, breaking news. this morning hurricane beryl delivering a dangerous storm surge to the texas coast. hundreds of thousands already without power as the severe weather makes its way inland. we're live with the latest. and fountain of youth. inside the booming business of anti-aging and longevity. >> you have been studying how we age for a long time. how close are we to cracking the code? >> i think we are getting really close. >> all the ways people are looking to turn back time and what you need to know before you try them out. plus, on fire. >> miss, you're on fire. >> it's very original. >> one of our favorites, scarlett johansson, here to talk about her new sky high movie. >> i work here now, to sell the
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moon. >> you do not want to miss it. and bonjour, alex. the number one female podcaster in the world, alex cooper here to reveal her latest endeavor, the paris olympics. she will tell us all about it today, monday, july 8th, 2024. ♪ i have been watching "today" for 47 years. >> it's our 45th anniversary. >> from allentown, pennsylvania. >> today is our mom's birthday. from west virginia. >> albuquerque, new mexico. >> arkansas. >> noblesville, indiana. >> birmingham, alabama. >> and dallas, georgia. >> twins turning 55. >> good morning to my husband and son. >> back in kentucky. >> to my parents on their 51st anniversary. >> we love you, grandma and grandpa! >> whoo!
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good morning, everybody. what a happy crowd out there. lots of waves and smiles, lots of sunshine. >> wow! >> look at that crowd. >> monday morning is here, everybody. good morning, everybody. craig is on assignment. >> good morning. my goodness! >> all right, guys. it is a busy morning. let's get to the news at 8:00. we will start with breaking news. hurricane beryl slamming into the texas gulf coast as we speak this morning, bringing with it a dangerous storm surge. hundreds of thousands quickly lost power. we've got nnbc's kathy park in sugarland, texas, this morning. we can see in the shot there, a lot of storm this morning. kathy, good morning. i think we just lost kathy. yeah, so we'll try to get the shot back. dylan, this is what you get when it's happening right now, and the map behind you tells the story. >> this is a hurricane, after all. winds up to 75 miles an hour,
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and it ee producing a lot of rain in galveston over into houston. this will be the story through the morning. the next six hours will be brutal when you factor in how heavy that rain is coming down. tornado watches in effect. when you get that spin, it just makes everything very, very windy and dangerous out there. 62 miles an hour winds currently in houston. some of our highest wind gusts in port o'connor, 89 miles an hour. same where the storm came on shore. that's why we saw some of our strongest winds there. the rain fall rate of 2 to 3 inches per hour. that's a lot of rain in a short period of time that could lead to flooding. and then look it. it extends all the way to the midwest as this storm brings that rain with it. several inches of rain possible. down across texas, some areas could get 10 to 15 inches of rain in those areas. also both sides of the country have that extreme heat. 122 million people under heat alerts. it is that dry heat but very dangerous. it's sparking the wildfires down
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south into the mid-atlantic. the high humidity will feel like 115 degrees. >> we're going to try to get kathy park. she's in sugarland, texas. can you hear us? >> reporter: i can hear you. you can understand why the coms are spotty right now. you can feel the power of beryl right now. even though the storm had pushed its way inland, you heard dylan there, the category 1 hurricane made landfall early this morning. flash flooding is a big concern in galveston all the way to houston. right now we are getting slammed with these heavy bands of rain, extreme wind gusts, and moisture is right above us. in some spots 5 to 8 inches of rain, so flash flooding could be a big concern. meanwhile this morning, sash na, a big concern right now, of course, power outages. tens of thousands of customers without power. it could be hours before crews are able to come out and assess the damage. it will be a while before they
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can get everybody back online. overnight, dozens of flight cancellations and delays. as you know, this is a storm we have been tracking for well over a week now, responsible for 11 deaths across the caribbean. as you can see, no signs of slowing down just yet. >> all right. kathy park, thank you. in the meantime, millions of americans are still making their way home from the long holiday weekend, bracing for another record day at the nation's airports. maggie vespa joins us from the always busy chicago o'hare airport. maggie, good morning. that summer travel is rolling on. >> reporter: yeah, hoda, exactly. the surge continues. you can see the crowds are already here. actually, we just got new numbers in from tsa this morning. the agency saying their preliminary data showing they screened more than 3 million passengers in america's airports just yesterday. that is a record. that is the total number ever screened in a single day. some travel sites are predicting we could have close to 3 million passengers going through america's airports again today. suffice it to say these airports are packed. to make it clear, tsa was
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prepared for major crowds. they predicted between july 3rd and today, they would see close to 16 million passengers, which is up 5% from last year. still some time left. we'll see how the final totals shake out. in the meantime, amid this surge, we are noticing a new surge in delays and cancellations. new federal data shows that since the pandemic, delays have surged and cancellations have really dropped. yesterday was a perfect example. nationwide we saw well over, look at that, more than 8,000 delays nationwide. compare that to just 600-plus cancellation--wise. definitely something to think about. keep that in mind when you're traveling these days, hoda. >> all right. maggie vespa for us in chicago's o'hare. turning to politics, pressure is on president biden. it is intensifying as four more house democrats say they believe he should leave the 2024 race. the president defiant on the campaign trail in pennsylvania over the weekend, insisting he can still do the job, even
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cracking jokes about concerns over his age, the biden campaign pointing to o'lawmakers, including some from the congressional black caucus who are forcefully defending the president. to a dramatic scene in new hampshire. a boat was zooming uncontrolled without a driver after he was knocked out of the boat unexpectedly. well, with it dangerously spinning there, a 17-year-old on the back of a jet ski was somehow able to hop onto the spiraling boat, got it under control, stopped it, and thankfully nobody was injured. but, wow, what a courageous young man. courageous and capable. >> all right. ahead on "popstart" today, we are talking taylor swift and what the superstar just did on stage for the first time in nearly 20 years. you want to see this.
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>> vicky is kicking off our special series focused on the fountain of youth. >> are you wondering about how to turn back time when it comes to your health? what you need to know before undergoing any treatment. that's next right here on "today." your thyroid eye disease could still change. restoration is still possible. learn how you could give your eyes a fresh start at (vo) wake up with delicious o's. and the taste of real honey. for big smiles. little smiles. and good for the whole family smiles. cheerios and try new fruity cheerios. oo, prime day is july 16th and the 17th? with all these deals, i could be more than megan thee stallion. i could be megan thee... ♪ it's prime day ♪ ♪ sign up to be a member if you want free shipping ♪ ♪ it's prime day, ♪ ♪ yeah, start clickin' ♪ if you love to travel, capital one has
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a rewards credit card that's perfect for you. with venture x, earn unlimited double miles on everything you buy and get access to over 1300 airport lounges. open up a world of possibilities with capital one. what's in your wallet? looking for a reason to try the new $5 meal deal at mcdonalds? here's one, two, three, four and the price makes 5. that's everything you get with the new $5 meal deal at mcdonald's. did you know that if you shave, 1/3rd of what you remove is skin? (♪♪) new dove helps repair it. so, if you shave it? (♪♪) dove it new dove replenish your skin after every shave. it's target circle week. ah? n-what?e what week? -circle. she's saying circle week. it's the biggest sale of the season! oh great! does that mean more savings or something? you bet your bottom derler! your bottom what? (♪♪)
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(♪♪) some like them toasted. eat em how you like them. pop-tarts. ♪ crazy good. ♪ okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪♪) why do dermatologists worldwide recommend la roche-posay? effective skincare like la roche-posay double repair face moisturizer delivers double-action to help repair skin's barrier and provide 48-hour hydration for healthy-looking skin. la roche-posay. (woman) i'm so excited. i'm finally here in the city. for healthwhat.king skin. (man) ahhhhh! (man) have you seen my ph- ahhh! (woman) oh no! (man) woah, woah, woah! (woman) no, no, no, no, no!
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(woman) great. (man) ughhh. (man) dude. (vo) you break it. we take it. trade in any phone, in any condition. guaranteed. and get a new iphone 15 with tons of storage, on us. (woman) oh yeah. only on verizon. ♪ ♪ if i ♪ oh, sing it, cher. we're back with our new series on the search for the fountain of youth. >> it filled decades of research on how we age. and if we can slow down or even reverse that process. in the meantime, some folks are taking matters into their own hands. >> yes. i have a friend whose theory is go down fighting. >> hello. good morning. really fascinating. we're really on the precipice of some major changes, guys. scientists say they're on the verge of helping us live longer
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and better. bio hackers are exploring their own treatments on their own bodies. here's a look at some therapies people are using right now and what you need to know before you try one. >> 40 minutes? >> reporter: at the regenerative institute in costa rica, undergoing a plasma exchange over the course of two to three hours. this machine separates plasma from blood cells and replaces it with clean saline, up to three liters in one treatment. the procedure is fda approved to treat a number of diseases such as cancer and autoimmune disorders. but he is using it as a regenerative therapy that he says will help him stay young and healthy. >> by keeping our plasma clean, our body cells, stem cells work more efficiently to keep us healthier longer. >> reporter: he says his clinic sees 15 to 20 patients a week from the u.s., europe, and even
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china. they pay out of pocket for the $10,000 to $15,000 treatments. why is your facility in costa rica and not in the states? >> to exchange your contaminated or dirty plasma is illegal in the u.s., but it is not approved for elective or wellness. >> reporter: it is just one way some so-called bio hackers are looking to turn back time. >> drink that potion and you will never grow even one day older. >> reporter: using everything from off-label drugs to red light therapy, to a seemingly endless supply of is usupplemen. >> so can you really reverse your age? well, the answer is yes. >> reporter: and it's all adding up to a booming business. according to one analysis, the market totaled $27 billion last year and is predicted to reach $44 billion by 2031. tech billionaires have all invested in start-ups focussing on studying and ultimately slowing aging. >> we're trying to study loss of learning and memory with age. >> reporter: colleen murphy is a
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professor of molecular biology at princeton. her research using microscopic worms found in molecules that repaired memory in ages mice. >> reporter: and you think some day that will maybe apply to people? >> absolutely. we have the same molecules in our brains. >> reporter: you have been studying how we age for a long time. >> mm-hmm. >> reporter: how close are we to cracking the code? >> i think we are getting really close. >> reporter: murphy says it won't be one magic pill, but a variety of treatments that target different parts of the aging process, from medicine that can help cells rejuvenate themselves, to others that can help your dna repair itself. but some bio-hacking influencers with millions of followers are guiding people to an array of supplements that are still unproven. >> if you could take a pill that delayed the way you age. >> reporter: others turning to
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off-label drugs like the transplant drug and the diabetes drug, metformin. that hasn't stopped people like dr. vince and his patients from becoming believers in using pricey treatments like plasma exchange, even though the risks include infection, bleeding, bruising, and a drop in blood pressure. >> people feel mentally clearer. they feel like they have more energy. they sleep better. >> reporter: meanwhile, researcher murphy says stick to what we know. exercise, eat nutritious food, and get more sleep. if you want a pill, take a reputable multivitamin. >> i am not obsessed with the idea of living together. i think that is not a great thing for society. i'm much more interested in can we have a more equitable lifespan across the board. >> within the next 5 to 10 years, the experts we spoke with said we will seek treatments to help us improve both the quality and the length of our lives. the big game changer is
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artificial intelligence. they say ai can much more quickly generate models needed to provide new drugs. always talk to your doctor and seek more than one opinion before you undergo any treatment. >> okay. what if you want to try one of these experimental treatments? >> talk to someone who's done it. ask about the side effects. you want to make sure the benefits outweigh the harm. >> yeah, okay. >> stunned silence. >> you have a good point, too, because it is also about feeling better. >> exactly. it is about living better longer. >> okay, all right. never mind. >> a lot of thoughts behind the scenes. by the way, tomorrow, in our fountain of youth series, there's more. vicky visited a biological age lab to find out what those kinds of tests can tell you about your own bodies. >> should we volunteer for this?
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>> i'm ready to put my hand up. >> i'm ready to take your blood and your spit whenever you are ready. we looked at our chronological age, which is like your date of birth, right, compared to your biological age. how old are your cells? the answer is fascinating. we'll find out tomorrow. tomorrow's going to be a special day around here, and we're so excited, vicky. we've known this, but you have written a beautiful new memoir. and people won't believe it when they hear it's your story. >> thank you so much. i can't believe we're talking about it and it's finally here. this story, this book is a tribute to my parents. they take big risks, make major sacrifices to give their kids the best life possible. it is also a love letter to america. i think sometimes right now we forget about all the good things that come from being here. so this is a look at the cover. it is called "boat baby." that's me when i was a little over 1 year's old. those little shoes, i learned how to walk on a refugee camp in malaysia on the beach.
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my parents were part of a wave of refugees who left vietnam by boat. they survived a pirate attack. we were sponsored here by church families that didn't know us and out of the goodness of our hearts said we will help these folks start over. i think about it all the time, like how did someone who's a boat baby refugee end up here, you know, on the "today" show. >> do you still talk to those families? >> i do. i want to bring them here to take a tour of 30 rock. it is the way i approach work, which is try to take a lot of information and put smart take-aways in there for the audience because i think there's a lot. >> forget about all your smart take-aways. your story is fascinating. you're an incredible human being. you deserve to be on this couch, of course. and your backstory is stunning. it stunned all of us. i can't wait to see it. we all can't wait to see it in writing so we could have it by
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our bedsides. >> thank you so much. partly, your reactions prompted me to put this on paper. you don't have this special story and then you think, you know what, let me do this because there are people that will feel seen when they read this book. >> it is amazing. >> we love you, vicky. >> it's amazing. thank you. all right, dylan. she's crying over there. >> i'm watching this like i'm watching at home. i had no idea. this is incredible. >> it is amazing. >> i can't wait for that to come out. let's take a look at what's going on across the country where, i mean, it's brutally hot on both sides of the country. record-high temperatures out west. it will stick around this entire week. on the east coast, the hot and humid high temperatures that will make it feel like it's 110 to 115 degrees. hurricane beryl still producing and lots of wind and lots of rain. that will rain itself out as it makes its way up to the midwest today, tomorrow and wednesday. that's a look across the country. now here is a peek out your
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>> and that's your latest forecast. >> all right, dylan. thank you. carson is off. look at what we have, double duty here. >> have you guys seen "despicable me" yet? together these guys have dominated the box office. >> ladies and gentlemen, the mega minions. >> that's right, the mega minions crushed the holiday
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weekend at the movies. "despicable me 4" raking in upwards of $120 million since its july 3rd opening, joining the box office top ten for the year so far. next up, brad pitt. the oscar winner is getting behind the wheel for his latest role. the movie is called "f1." what is it about? pitt stars as a former driver that returns to formula 1. let's give you a little sneak peek. >> we need to build our car for combat. >> how am i supposed to make that safe? ♪ ♪ we will >> who said anything about safe? ♪ >> all right. "f1" is directed by joseph kosinski. his name might sound familiar to you. he led "top gun: maverick," so he knows what he's doing. it hits theaters next summer.
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next up, taylor swift. over the weekend the chart-topping star brought her tour to amsterdam, where she performed a medley that included one song from her debut album. she hasn't sung it for 16 years. see if you can catch the sweet connection to her current romance. ♪ >> i mean, fans don't miss a beat. they quickly connected that song to i'll be 87, you'll be 89 to taylor. she was born in '89, and travis who wears 87 for the chiefs, the fact that they heard those numbers, they knew. if that doesn't make you feel all warm and fuzzy, how about this sweet moment behind the scenes? talk about hype man. swift's next stop is scheduled for tomorrow night in zurich. there you go.
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next up, john stamos. this summer the "full house" star is performing with the beach boys. over the weekend, he shared the stage with a special partner on the drums. his 6-year-old son. this is billy. take a listen to their collaboration on "good vibrations." ♪ >> it's a family affair. that's a cute moment to be with your 6-year-old on stage doing that. next up, our friend ben platt out on the road with his tour. along the way, he's been joined by a series of surprise guests including kelsea ballerini. she stopped by platt's concert over the weekend. the two teaming up on this fleetwood mac classic.
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♪ well, i've been afraid of ch changes built my life around you ♪ ♪ but time makes you older even children get older and i'm getting older too ♪ >> how beautiful is that? >> can you imagine being there live? >> we're just a puddle. >> so good. so ben's next stop is set for atlanta. if you are in atlanta this morning, keep your eyes peeled for who swings by for that show. finally, margot robbie over the weekend, she was paragraphed wearing a crop top showing off what appeared to be a baby bump while vacationing with her husband in italy. multiple sources confirm she is pregnant. this will mark baby number one for the couple who has been married since 2016. congratulations to her fun season. guys, just ahead, we have scarlett johansson right here.
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where is she? scarlett? where is scarlett? >> hello! >> hello! >> hi! new movie, "fly me to the moon." hello, beauty. a lot to catch up on. scarlett, it's all ladies here. get in the middle. this is the new news team. news, weather, sports, much more with scarlett after a check of your local news. much more with scarlett after a check of the local news.
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hey, guys! hey, guys! welcome back. it is 8:30. hi! good morning. happy to see this happy crowd on this beautiful day in july. we are kicking it off after a holiday weekend. because it is so packed out here, look who came to see scarlett johansson just visiting with the crowds. >> she's one of the best guests ever. we have a lot to chat about, including her new movie. it is a good, old-fashioned rom-com. >> i love a good rom-com. good times ahead. also ahead, you probably know alex cooper from the hit podcast. now she's getting ready to head to paris with her olympics show. she is out here to tell us about her plans to bring amazing stories of athletes. >> go alex! >> and chelsea is sorting
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through the deals with circle week. that's target's biggest sale of the week. also ahead on the third hour of "today," ally love will join us to talk about what's hot and what's not. lovely. and nfl fans will join us tomorrow when kaylee hartung sits down with the stars of the netflix's series "the receiver". let's get a check of the weather. >> hard to breathe, right? there is air somewhere out here, but we can't find out. it is hot and humid in the northwest and the mid-atlantic. we're looking at the impacts of beryl. and the dangerous heat continuing out west unfortunately all week long. the risk of flooding moves into the great lakes wednesday. stormy down through florida, too, and still along the gulf
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coast unfortunately. we finish off the week with more flooding rain possible up and down the east coast. the rest of the country dries out. look at the east. to good monday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall today. it's going to be a break from the excessive heat, but still pretty warm. we're headed for the low to mid 90s today, and we'll see a repeat of that tomorrow. but then wednesday, it will start to get really hot again with a high of 100 degrees pretty widespread across some of our inland valleys, and then up to 103 on thursday. it's still going to be pretty hot on friday, but and that's your latest all righty. coming up next, we will sit down with "fly me to the moon" star, scarlett johansson and get a look at this highly anticipated rom-com with channing tatum. but, first, this is "today" on nbc. rom-
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dave's company just scored the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. high five! high five... -i'm on a call. it's 5 years of reliable, gig speed internet... five years of advanced security... five years of a great rate that won't change. yep, dave's feeling it. yes. but it's only for a limited time. five years? -five years. introducing the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. powering 5 years of savings. powering possibilities.
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we're back with one of our favorites, scarlett johansson. she has wowed us with action movies, made us cry with heart-wrenching dramas. and her latest movie is a twist on a rom-com. it's called "fly me to the moon." it includes charming some influential people. >> so i'm betting you have something in that bag of tricks of yours. >> new orleans or baton rouge? >> wherever his wife is from. >> oh, david. and you must be miss kelly jones. please, come in. >> thank you so much for having us for dinner. >> now, i was told you are new york city type. >> i'm from louisiana. i was just born and raised there.
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>> scarlett, good morning. >> good morning. >> this is such a fun novel original idea. are you a rom-com person? >> yes. i'm just like on a kick. when they're good, they're just the best. >> well, this is right there with the rom-com genre, but it takes place in the late '60s. tell me how this idea came about. >> the idea came about -- so i have a production here in new york called these pictures. a g from it. >> the conspiracy theory is that the moon landing was fake. >> yes. >> you are a pr person for nasa. we got major don draper vibes. >> i love that, yeah, totally. >> exactly. without the misogyny. anyway, you're out there and you run into the flight director,
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played by channing tatum. and sparks fly. >> sparks fly initially, like then, of course, we don't realize exactly -- we have this kind of meet cue, and we don't realize that we're actually kind of working as polar opposites. so there is a lot of friction there. he's very, you know, by the books. he has a ton of integrity. he is like a kind of control freak, and i am just not something that he can control. >> not at all. you show him who's boss. tell me about working with channing tatum because you have been in the same movie, but you haven't worked together. this is your first chance. >> yes. weirdly, we have been in two other films together, but we never worked together. we were in -- he and annie hathaway did a part where we created a romantic comedy. then together -- i wouldn't say together, but we were both part
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the movie. does that mean you get to pick your romantic partner. of "hail caesar." so this is the first time we got to have dialogue. >> so you are the producer of the movie. does that mean you get to pick your romantic partner. let me look at some 8 x 10 glossies. who do i like? >> yeah. he's like, you know, not hard to fall in love with, i would say. yeah, he's just a very charismatic. have you met him before? >> of course. >> he's just an absolutely lovable guy. >> actually both of you -- i can see why you clicked and why the chemistry is there because you are kind of normal, even though you're big stars. >> whatever that means. there is a spectrum of normalcy. he's such an easy-going person. he's a very professional person. he's been working for a long, long time. i think for the two of us, you know, we have had our lives. we have lived it. so it was nice to just, yeah, just be like, okay, what is your story? where are we connecting? it was easy chemistry and, again, easy on the eyes. >> exactly. why not? speaking of easy on the eyes,
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your husband, colin jost. i just learned that he is going to be covering the olympics for us. >> i'm like, how did you get this gig? i just want to know. >> it is worse of a boondoggle than paris. he's going to tahiti to cover surfing. >> i'm like, is this a job? are they -- like, how is this -- so like when they announced the paris olympics, he immediately found out they were doing the surf competition in tahiti because he loves to surf. we have a place in montauk. he's also out there surfing. somehow the dream became a reality. now he will be in tahiti in two weeks. i'm like, who are you? yeah, he's working. poor me, i will be all over the place. i'm like really? >> is the place tahiti? 6 >> i think if you can have a pina colada on air while you are
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working, that's not technically working. >> you are shooting "jurassic world." i hear you are an og fan of "jurassic park." >> i am. i remember the first movie i remember seeing was in the theater when i was like 10 or 11. it was absolutely transformative for me. i mean, the experience was -- we had never seen cgi used in that way. when you see it, it still holds up. it is so great. >> i remember it too. it is like the magic. these are real dinosaurs. >> absolutely. it looked incredible. the actors were so amazing. laura dern, jeff goldblum. and it had so much heart. scored by john williams. >> i'm glad you mentioned the stars because somebody wanted to welcome you aboard to the team. take a look. >> what? >> dr. johansson, this is jeff goldblum. here's what i want to say to you. this i know.
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scarlett will find a way. >> oh, no way! >> don't get eaten, unless you want to. i love you. mwah! >> scarlett will find a way. we know that water finds a way. it is an iconic way from the movie. >> life finds a way. >> that's what it is, life finds a way. >> oh, my gosh. i can't believe jeff goldblum said that. >> and we have a dinosaur sweater for you. >> i think my life is complete now. i can retire. >> it's done, yeah, done. scarlett, thank you so much. the movie is called "fly me to the moon." it hits theaters friday. it will be a great one with your sweetie. see you soon, thank you. >> thank you. >> we'll keep an eye on colin in tahiti. guess what? i'm catching up with alex cooper, the host of the "call her daddy" podcast. she will put her spin on the paris olympics. but, first, th is "today" on is
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♪ welcome back, guys. alex cooper is a break-out star
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and a favorite of gen z. as a host of hit podcast "call her daddy," she has turned what was once called a female locker room talk into an empire rooted in female empowerment. take a look. >> reporter: 29-year-old alex cooper is redefining what it means to be a media mogul. >> this woman shaped who i am. >> reporter: cooper launched her ground-breaking podcast back in 2018. it is now spotify's top podcast for women. and cooper, the number one female podcaster in the world. she made history with a reported $60 million deal with the platform three years ago. >> it is your founding father back at it again. >> "call her daddy" is known for its unapologetic conversations on sex, relationships, and mental health. >> if you are at your best, you wouldn't be settling and accepting this for yourself. >> it is a hot spot for
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celebrity news makers from john legend to jane fonda to miley cyrus, pulling the curtains back on hollywood stars' private lives and personal drama. >> brad or ben? >> brad. >> no. i didn't ask the question. >> oh, i thought that was the question. >> reporter: cooper recently branched out, co-founding the media company trending that develops television, live events, and podcasts, all targeting her biggest fans, the gen z audience. >> i love you guys! >> reporter: so what's next for alex cooper? she is bringing her show on the road, covering the 2024 paris olympics with nbc sports. >> bruce, henry! mommy's going to the olympics! >> mommy's going to the olympics. >> i'm going to the olympics. >> it is so exciting to sit with you. and i'm going to tell you something. first of all, i can feel it. right? >> it is an honor to even be
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here in person with you. i feel like i just watched you and now i'm like, oh, my god. you're real. i'm here. what is happening? >> can i tell you something? i recently watched your podcast with simone biles before i did an interview with her. i watched it carefully, and i thought, this girl hit it out of the park. >> thank you. >> and i 100% am so -- just get why you are going to paris. you are so good at what you do. but i want to take it back. here you are. you are a kid in college. you are in film school. you are just doing what kids in college do, okay? >> yeah. >> what happened? how did -- what was the genesis of this? >> i think it was a whirlwind. i think being in a locker room, i recognize there was a divide between women. >> yeah. >> like the women that felt comfortable to speak up about their relationships and their life. and the women understandably who are like, we can't talk about it. i wasn't raised that way. i recognize, wow, there is a space where we need someone to speak up and talk about the things that we're all talking about behind closed doors. >> yes. because to be as good an
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interviewer, you have to be an excellent listener. i watched you again with simon. you picked up on everything. so tell me about like the style that you have. >> well, i think my mother raised me like this. we would have these chairs in our living room and speak like this. being raised like that, like mental health was a prerequisite in our household. i think constantly talking about our feelings. when i go into these interviews, it is important to make people feel seen and heard. i will sit there as long as it takes for them to feel, i'm glad i got that off my chest. maybe they say things they have never said before, or they show a different side of themselves, and they're funny and say something that makes them connect with the viewer at home. >> to start, you had to have a celebrity who said, i will try that podcast because you were untested in the celebrity world. who heard you and said, i want to try that? >> first of all, i can't believe i get to say this name. but miley cyrus took a chance on
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me. the podcast was big, but i never had guests at that point, really. she was the first celebrity essentially. >> what did she say? >> she reached out -- i reached out and she reached out and we were like, let's do this thing. when miley came on, it was one of the most iconic episodes of "call her daddy." i was like, i love you. it was an honor. >> in addition to praising your guests, you are just really good at what you do. talk to me about paris. so you go to paris. you are packing your bags. you're going to be sitting across from olympians. >> yes. >> tell me about it. >> okay. so i'm going to have a live show on peacock, which, again, i can't even believe i'm saying this. i'm so grateful. and the show really, how i started to think about it was as a former d1 athlete -- >> what did you play? >> soccer. i'm a soccer girl. i understand the intensity and the determination and the practice and all the things that go into these big moments. but as a viewer at home, it is a
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completely different experience. you want to have fun and be chill and be eating and drinking and schmoozing. and it's like how do i bring that to the show. the show will be me watching with celebrities and comedians and friends. and people can write in. you will watch us watch the olympics. >> okay. >> it is okay if you don't understand sports. it is okay if you have no idea. i may not either, but it's okay. we're going to have fun yes. you were a new yorker, right? >> yes. >> and then you moved to l.a. >> yes. >> i know what you miss the most, the bagels. they don't make them like they do here. >> i was going to say the hot dogs, the pizza, the bagels. >> that's what we do on the "today" show. we bring food. >> this is an everything bagel. i don't know how you like it. i think this is right. >> this is exactly how i like it. >> yeah, someone did their research. >> of course, we do. first of all, i just want to say i'm really proud of you. you are number one in the
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podcast world. we're going to have such a blast in paris. >> we are. i'm so ready. let's go, hoda! >> all right. we will chat with alex more in our fourth hour. you can catch her on peacock throughout the olympics on paris. savannah, over to you. >> save me some bagel there, alex. coming up next, we're going to go shopping with chassie postsome summer must-haves, a
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we're back at 8:52, a special edition of "shop this list." today is target's circle week, the biggest sale of the season, and chassis post's favorite weekend of the year. you combed through all the sales. >> yes. circle week is available to all members of the loyalty program. if you are not available yet, it is free to join and there are so
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many amazing sales. i mean, tons of categories. >> okay. start with clothing. >> we start with clothing. 30% off tanks and tees and shorters and dresses for the entire family. so that means you are going to get these, you know, great little tailored tees, elevated essentials for $10, 30% off, $7. and the short of the season, the '90s baggy denim short we have such a cute outfit. we have a photograph of three of our adorable staffers, including becca, who is 30 weeks' pregnant. >> so cute! >> i know. normally $25, now just $17.50. >> wow. this looks like a great carry-on pack back. >> they're offering 30% off backpacks from open story. and this travel backpack is incredible. here we have the video. two different zippered sides. you can fit so much stuff in here. it's like a mini suitcase. >> yeah, it really is. >> on the other side, there are
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great little pockets. you can slide your computer in there. also our staffer tested the commuter bag, which is great because you can carry it two different ways, as a clever handle bag and as a backpack. >> this looks like a carry-on suitcase, but you can carry it on your back. >> yeah, you can throw it on your back. normally these armore. that's $34.99. >> okay. kitchen stuff, i am obsessed with this one. you can find up to 40% off. then there are mega deals. this is a cuisinart air fryer toaster oven. it can do everything. like you can do your -- i mean, do we have -- well, it is not in there. but just imagine all those french fries. >> oh, yeah. >> and this bakes. it broils. you can set a 4-pound chicken in there. >> wow. >> i love this guy. normally it is really expensive, $249.99. but 57% off.
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now just $99.99. >> these are what, towels? >> yes. 30% off bedding and bath. so under $10 for these. these are terry cotton. they're so luxurious. love them in tons of colors and patterns. i can't believe they're putting these sheet sets on sale because they're their most popular. they're best-sellers. sheet sets, four pieces starting at $21. 100% cotton, which you don't find all the time. it feels so soft. >> and they look cute on the bed. should we just sit down? >> let's do it. >> well done. take a rest. you earned it. if you want to find out about these deals, go to our qr code there or go to all of chassie's finds are there. "today" does earn a commission on purchases made from this segment, which features products solely available from this. i see you are wearing your
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target gear as well. you're flying the flag. >> i sure am. >> up next, your local traffic and weather. good morning to you. it is 856. i'm marcus washington. you know, the bay area. getting a bit of a break from the recent extreme heat. and as a result, some east bay parks today opening for the first time in nearly a week. that includes pleasanton ridge regional park in sunol, about 30 other locations as well. now, the park district first closed those locations last tuesday due to the extreme heat and fire risk. because humidity levels are lower, visitors are being allowed to return and there are still some restrictions out there, including no open fires and no barbecues, grilling or cooking out. well, happening now we have teams covering all of these conditions. with the heat
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expected to intensify again by midweek. and of course, we'll have the latest
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