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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  July 9, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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this morning. the group of teenagers and who are hiking and went missing near the sierra fire are rescue ahead. the swift actions it took to find them and get them out safely. all eyes on washington and just hours will leaders gathering for the nato summit. this comes as more democratic lawmakers urge president biden to pass the torch after his poor debate performance. our washington insider breaks down the all new way. biden's camp is addressing his health concerns, plus, a celebration fit for a giant the way local and world leaders are honoring baseball legend willie mays. this is today in the bay. here we go tuesday morning. want to say good morning to you all? i'm marcus washington, and i'm laura garcia. we'll get to that morning commute in just a little bit. but first let's start with the forecast. meteorologist kari hall tracking what we can expect. it looks great out there today. it's going to be nice to have a break from all of the big
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heat that we've had recently. and we're starting out clear as we take a live look outside in dublin this morning. a nice cool start with temperatures in the upper 50s all across the bay area. we're at 57, in santa rosa as well as sonoma and in martinez. in san jose, we're at 62 degrees as we take a look at our highs today. not a lot of extreme heat today, although there will still be some warm spots. we're headed for 79 in hayward today, 73 in san mateo, san francisco back to the low 70s, but it's still going to be hot. and some spots like morgan hill, a high of 96 and 91, in concord tomorrow is when the heat hits us pretty hard as we go into the afternoon. so we'll talk more about what's ahead in our full microclimate forecast coming up in a few minutes. well, now to the very latest on that wildfire raging in the tahoe national forest. the so-called royal fire broke out sunday in a steep, remote section of donner pass near the sugar bowl resort. since then,
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it has tripled in size to nearly 201 acres, with zero containment. the new developments surrounding that fire go far beyond the firefigh. this morning, about a dozen families are feeling a tremendous sense of relief. yeah, that's because 13 teenagers left stranded when that fire started are now safe and sound. today in the bay's bob redell live for us this morning. and, bob, i know you have some dramatic details on that rescue. good morning to marcus and lourdes was a long ordeal, as you can imagine. for the parents of these teenage boys and ordeal. it lasted for several hours. while the placer county sheriff's office mounted a search and rescue operation to find these 13 teenage boys, ranging in age from 16 to 19, they've been neighborhood friends in sacramento since kindergarten. this weekend, the boys hiked the palisades tahoe trail in the sierra nevada. this is not far from the royal fire. the sheriff's deputy swept the area to warn hikers about the
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fire danger, and that's when they realized something was wrong. around 8:00 sunday night, they found the boys cars parked at the trailhead, but no sign of the group. not sure if they, you know, got caught up in the fire or, you know, were trying to outrun it or trying to get back to their cars. you know, we weren't sure how they were handling the situation. so relieved, so happy. it's just, you know, that period of time when you don't know what's going on. it's like, i know all these kids are capable, but yes, it's a pure relief. so. can't wait two hours, i go fishing, go swimming, and i look and i just see like what looks to be like a campfire, but it spreads. that was one of the boys who was rescued. the boys did shoot these photos of their campsite and the plume of smoke. they knew that they had to get away from, so they chose a trail. one of the older hikers was familiar with. they hiked an extra five miles to the other side, and that's where the sheriff's helicopter spotted them early
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yesterday morning, two members of the search and rescue team dropped in from the chopper, and they hiked with the teens to safety. parents reunite with their sons at cascade lake, where they showed their appreciation for the people who saved their kids lives. while the boys took a relaxing dip in the water. reporting live. bob redell today in the bay are so, so lucky. glad it turned out okay. thanks, bob. well, turning now to decision 2024, nato leaders will begin gathering in washington this morning as all eyes are on dc. president biden looking to make the case that he is still up for the job as president following that shaky debate performance this comes amid new reports revealing a parkinson's disease specialist visited the white house eight times in eight months today in the bay's brie jackson. joining us live this morning from the white house addressing those questions about the president's health. brie and that's all coming out in a newsletter. that's right. good morning. so late last night, the white house
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issued a letter. and according to this letter from a white house doctor, president biden had a physical in february and showed no signs of any neurological disorder, including parkinson's disease. president biden, in a fierce fight for his political future. with any of these guys, don't think i should run against me. go! announcer. announcer. president challenged me in the convention. meanwhile, white house officials are facing questions about the 81 year old's health following reports that a parkinson's expert visited the white house at least eight times in an eight month period, according to public visitor logs leading to this testy exchange between the press secretary and reporters. your names in regards to if someone came here in regards, we cannot share, we cannot share names of specialists broadly, from a dermatologist to a neurologist. a white house physician later
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releasing this statement explaining doctor kevin kennard's visits, writing that he is a neurological specialist who examined president biden for each of his annual physicals. some democrats call concerns about the president's health a distraction, and are calling on him to drop out of the presidential race. personally, i think kamala harris would be a much better, stronger candidate. i made clear publicly the day after the debate that i support president joe biden and the democratic ticket. my position has not changed. former president trump is also weighing in. well, we've prepared for him, but i don't think it's going to matter. we have. we had a great four years. president biden, facing a pivotal test hosting world leaders for a nato summit in washington while under scrutiny about his health and president biden and his health will be under a microscope as he
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takes part in nato events here in washington, d.c. over the next three days and holds a news conference on thursday. marcus, a lot of people will be watching for that to brie jackson in washington this morning. brie thank you. well, speaking of presidents, former presidents, hall of famers and fans, all coming together at oracle park last night for a public celebration of life of san francisco giants legend willie mays. that event, drawing an all star lineup of guests paying their tribute to the say hey kid, which included former president bill clinton and barack obama, as well as legendary giant barry bonds. willie mays gave me the chance to realize what real greatness is. and let me tell you, as president, it was rare for me to be the second most important guy on air force one. but with willie on board, it wasn't even close. 55 years ago. you put your arms around a five year old boy, and you said, hey, kid,
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you're coming with me. and i knew at that moment what i wanted to be. and that was a professional baseball player like my father and willie. it's always cool to see that picture of a young barry bonds with him. all right. willie mays son. also spoke at that memorial, saying that it may have served as the final public goodbye to the giants legend, but he made it clear that his dad's legacy will continue to live on, especially here. will south bay health workers organizing a rally later today as the clock ticks down to the planned closure of regional medical center's trauma center in east san jose? that closure is still on track for next month, officially august 12th. opponents say santa clara county would be left with just two trauma centers. people in east san jose would have to travel to valley medical center or stanford for trauma care. regional's owner, hca, says patient levels there have simply dropped too low and the impact will be minimal. let's take a
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live look out in san jose this morning, meteorologist kari hall has been monitoring what's going on weather wise to tell her what you told me, i said, kari, this morning. i walked out the house and i was like, ooh, it was a little chill. it was kind of chilly this morning when i walked out. yeah, it's been pretty nice, especially this morning, where we are a little bit cooler in much of the bay area, and it's going to be cooler this afternoon. fog is back over san francisco again today. so as you're heading off to work in oakland, it will be in the upper 50s. this is our normal start to the day, upper 50s. and it's been nice to have that for once. right. and we're going to see things clearing out as we go throughout the day. and even though in some spots it's going to be slightly above average. and what we typically see for this date, this is our break from the extreme heat. so livermore is still going to be hot today with a high of 95. and normal is about 88 degrees. san jose will reach a high of 86, and we're usually in the lower 80s. but overall we are having one more day of a break before
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the heat gets more intense tomorrow. so we'll talk more about that in a few minutes. mike's been showing some lower gas prices around the bay area, san jose, as we talked about, gasbuddy reported san jose is a few cents lower year over year. that's great. and compared to last month, way better. look, we're at 377, so we continue with san jose having our best price point. platinum gas on tully road is today's call out for 377. then in the east bay, union city stays under four bucks as well. that's at national on alvarado boulevard and then vallejo. same price point. valero is 3.99. the shop on sacramento street. these reports all come to us from all of you via on the roadways, we have a smooth drive right now. a little note as marcus said, it's a little cooler than it was yesterday. that's great welcome news. but it's also green. green sensors slow out of the altamont pass, where they are talking about a little wind. perhaps chp is mentioning that the arrow over there above golden gate bridge south 101. there may be a crew clearing there, and there also may be some fog. but right now we can see those lights all the
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way across the span. back to you. i think it's just so hot lately that anything, anything who wears that coat? thanks, mike. now you're pushing 511 right now, a new innovative lab set to open today in the north bay, just in time for the summer break. coming up next on today in the bay. unique courses it will offer for kids. plus, we'll show you to how trade like a pro, or at least a politician. that might be bet
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am i relaxing? in an airport? okayyy alaska airlines... this lounge is nice! like handcrafted espresso bevvies, hot food, free wifi nice! and these comfy chairs... this puts my condo to shame. it'd be crazy if i just missed my flight and broke my lease and made this my home... forever. ♪♪ i wonder if anyone would notice. ♪♪
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today. it's going to be a nice cool start with mid 60s there at 8:00, at noon at 79 degrees, and we'll see highs only in the low 80s. this is our break before the heat gets more intense tomorrow. a look at that in the full microclimate forecast coming up. and light traffic before it perhaps gets more intense here for westbound 580, your commute direction toward the dublin interchange. we saw more traffic yesterday than a week ago, and today's tuesday, so we should see more traffic than the rest of the week. so we'll see how the build up is. but right now we're seeing a steady stream in through the tri valley. well good morning. very happy tuesday to you both. the nasdaq and the s&p 500 hit new records on monday. i have nvidia and tesla on my board because the pelosi family just traded these two stocks buying nvidia and selling tesla. now it's paul
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pelosi that does the trading. and some of his wife's political opponents frown on the amount of money they make on some of those trades. there's a push to limit or eliminate stock trades by sitting members of congress. but again, it's not nancy pelosi who's buying and selling. congresswoman pelosi has said in the past she opposes barring members of congress from trading stocks. now buying nvidia, selling tesla hardly 3d chess one's been on a tear lately. the other is sinking fast. but if you believe the pelosi's or anyone else have some sort of special insight into the stock market, you can make the same trades they do. there are a number of websites that take publicly available financial filings, show you what people of note are doing with their money, and you can follow along. this website is called quiver head of the fed jay powell will speak with the senate banking committee today and then a house committee tomorrow. part of his regularly scheduled yearly appointment with lawmakers. he gets tough
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questions from the red side and the blue side, and almost always wears a purple tie. the commercial real estate firm cushman and wakefield says vacancies in san francisco have hit another record 34.5% even worse south of market, nearly half of all office space is empty. now. there is encouraging news coming out of the venture capital world, where funding for startups is back, dealbook says. in the second quarter, which just closed a few days ago, sand hill road investors poured $56 billion into startups and new companies, most of them in the bay area. huge investments in companies that in the past few years have not been able to access much money, which turned out to be good in a way. here's venture capitalist mike maples. so quite often the companies that have the best products, the best business models, the best strategies are born in these difficult times. it reminds me of winemaking. and i'm i'm not
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much of a wine expert, but i hear that the best wines happen when the grapes struggle. mike was an early investor in things like lyft and lots of companies like lyft and airbnb got their start in the latest financial downturn and then turned out to be i was speaking to him because he's got a book out today, and i'm sure my friend mike would want me to mention that. but we'll talk about it on press here. all right. sounds good. thanks, scott. well, if you need something to do with the kids this summer of one more option in marin county, starting today, the marin county library is opening up the lab makerspace for children eight and up. features video games, podcasts, studio 3d scanners, 3d printers, and much more. the lab opens at the saint andrew presbyterian church marin city campus at 2:00 this afternoon. drop in hours take place tuesdays through thursday. all right, everyone, gird your loins. the sequel. a lot of folks have been hoping will happen. may actually happe.
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you have no style or sense of fashion, i know. no that wasn't a question. so the sequel to the devil wears prada is in development at disney. many people are in talks of returning, including the original film screenwriter, but there's no word on whether an anne hathaway, emily blunt or meryl streep will return there. the classic trio there that they are. and you know what? there's the devil wears prada musical happening over in london right now. there you go. you know, if you want to get your dose until the movie is done, there you go. good. and i'm sure that brand. what is it? prada. yes. could use some publicity because people don't have a little bit of a boost. i know you wear those prada shoes every day. i'm just saying about the prada sunglasses these days. yeah, it's been hot. and we're going to see more heat over the next few days. today is a nice one for us and a break from the extreme heat. we're in the upper 50s right now. as you're stepping out the door in san rafael, it's in the low 60s in
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san jose and upper 50s for dublin and in san francisco. let's zoom in to the south bay and check out our high for this afternoon. los gatos up to 89 degrees today. that's better than the mid 90s we've had, but we're still there in morgan hill with a high of 94 degrees for this afternoon, 92 in walnut creek and in hayward. it will be in the upper 70s. a lot of these numbers are just a little bit warmer than normal for this time of year, but it's definitely cool. near the coast in half moon bay, a high of 62, it will be 82. in palo alto and san francisco will be in the upper 60s and low 70s. much of the north bay in the 80s and up to 104. in ukiah, really not catching much of a break from the heat there before it gets even hotter for tomorrow, here's a look at tomorrow's high temperatures. we're seeing the major heat risk expand once again for the inland valleys, and we're going to see temperatures as hot as 108 further north. while in much of the east bay it will be over 100
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degrees. but unfortunately, this is not the peak of the heat it gets even hotter on thursday and we'll see spots like livermore up to 107 degrees and 111 in ukiah, and much of the north bay at 99 101 degrees and warming up even more in san francisco with upper 70s. as we take a look at san jose, we are going to have a couple of really hot days for the middle to end of the week. but the weekend is looking nice and it starts to cool off and we may keep that as we go into next week. this heat has been here long enough. this high pressure has been very stubborn and causing record highs all across the west. it's going to slowly start to move off towards the east, but as it does so may pump in some monsoon moisture for us for saturday and sunday. and we'll have to watch out for that potential of some isolated thunderstorms, especially over the sierra. some of the upper elevations. but it's also going to bring our temperatures down just a bit. here's a look at our
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temperature trend over the next seven days, where we see the peak of the heat on thursday, hot on friday, and then a little bit more manageable for the weekend. san francisco is not going to see as much of a big range in temperatures. it will be a little bit warmer for tomorrow and thursday, but the rest of the week into the weekend is looking nice. mikey. we're seeing some slowing on the golden gate bridge. yeah, we saw it heading down from about the robin williams tunnel over to the span itself. i did read on the grid that there was some construction crew extending down across part of that span, as well. that's why we've marked here. and that's slowing actually is isolated back to the tunnel itself. no problems in the tunnel. i think it was just the crew clearing. it's supposed to do that before six and it's getting close there. we're looking at a little bit of slowing that remains. meanwhile, there's a little slowing that just started for highway 37. so there's your morning commute kicking off for a tuesday. nothing yet here for highway four. but just to note, it should come any second now. we're looking at the span low clouds, but visibility is just fine across the bay bridge and
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around the rest of the bay. back to you. all right. thanks, mike. it is 522 right now. coming up next on today in the bay. nbc bay area responds. they hired and paid a pro to fix their appliance, so why isn't their extended protection plan paying them back? i'm consumer investigator chris chmura dispue
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with a home improvement store. consumer investigator chris kamara's team had the right tools to get the job done. the randhawa family in san jose wrote us about an lg dryer that wasn't fully drying. well. the randhawa's had bought a lowe's extended warranty, so they paid lg 361 bucks to fix the dryer and expected lowe's to reimburse them. but lowe's said no. the randhawa's were supposed to let lowe's hire the tech. the randhawa said that's not what they expected from their warranty, so they contacted us. our team contacted lowe's. it took action and gave them their 361 bucks back. here's what a lowe's rep said. our care team has been in contact and the issue has been resolved to the customer's satisfaction. again, 361 bucks back to the randhawa family with extended warranties and service contracts and such. i think it's fair to say we've all been there at the register
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with a line of customers behind us. when the cashier asks if we want to pay extra for an extended warranty or service contract. take the pressure off, step out of line and read the terms to see what it is you're actually buying. figure out what's covered. how do you file a claim? are there limits? i'll bet the farm there are limits. the randhawa family contacted us online. you can to scan the qr code on screen right now to fill out our consumer complaint form online. thanks, chris. well, coming up, the top stories that we're following for you today, including preparing for a wildfire, the steps leaders in one north bay city are taking to make sure you're prepared. i'm ginger conejero saab were along the peninsula this morning. valley water is looking to create water protection zones to reduce encampments and encampment generated trash. but will this criminalize homelessness? we'll have more after the
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introducing togo's new barbecue beef sandwich. it's piled high with tender beef that's slow cooked and smothered in tangy memphis style barbecue sauce. it's no fuss, no muss. just tons of flavor. the best barbecue beef is only a togo's. try one today.
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morning with a new south bay measure, opponents argue singles out the unhoused and why leaders call it necessary to protect all residents. a new warning about potential measles exposure. the places health leaders say were at risk, and the push to track down all passengers on board. a recent flight from the bay area. also, new images tied to what authorities are calling an elaborate gas and identity theft
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break. the unusual scheme to allegedly store and then sell stolen fuel. this is today in the bay. good morning. on this tuesday, i'm marcus washington and i'm laura garcia. 530 right now let's start out with a look at the forecast meteorologist kari hall tracking what we can expect. lemme guess. the sun's going to come out and it's going to be hot, right? well, for some spots, it just really depends on your microclimate today. but we are getting some relief for many of us today as you're getting up and heading out. it's a nice cool start as well. let's take a live look outside in fremont and a look at our temperature trend. we're in the low 60s now and we'll be in the low 60s through 8:00. after the few clouds that we have now clears out, it's going to be nice and sunny and gradually warming up with a high of about 80 today. so it's going to be a really nice day for july. but there will still be some days that are some spots that get really hot, like in the
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south county with some mid 90s today, low to mid 90s in the east bay and up to 104 in ukiah. along the coast it stays in the 60s. so definitely a wide range in our microclimates. and it will be getting hot for many more of us. for tomorrow. we'll talk more about that in a few minutes. and mike, you're expecting more of a commute this morning. yeah. and we see it's more congested here on the san mateo bridge. westbound is our commute direction. let's get a closer look at the taillights, folks. and over on the right side, i was actually watching a lot of lane changing for the amount of space that i'm seeing. but in any case, smooth flow. right now the build is on for the san mateo bridge. the arrow shows where our camera just showed. there is a little slowing near the toll plaza for the dumbarton bridge. i think it's just temporary. we'll track that coming out of newark and fremont though. meanwhile, getting over toward the bay bridge, there's a little slowing there, and the arrow shows you highway 37, highway four just showing a little bit of break, tapping into concord typical pattern there. and then in the south bay, we should start to see some slowing any second now we do see those flashing lights
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over. look at all the way over on the left side. the disabled vehicles made its way to the shoulder. i'll check it out to see if there's anything more. back to you and we'll check back with you. thank you. mike, it is 532 right now and happening today. the south bay's largest water agency considers a controversial new measure. opponents say targets the unhoused. it would ban encampments along south bay creeks and waterways. leaders are calling this a matter of safety. others argue it will criminalize being homeless. today in the bay. ginger conejero saab live for us in palo alto this morning. and ginger, if this gets approved, do we know how far it will go? well, marcus, laura, there is a 30 day waiting period in case it does get adopted later this afternoon before any sort of enforcement or movement on it can happen. you know, valley water in this says that their intent is not to criminalize the unhoused. they really want to focus on educating the unhoused. other options, giving them other
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options, as well as cleaning up. now, last year, they cleaned up around 800 tons of encampment generated trash. and this year, preliminary reports already show that they've surpassed that at 1000 tons. and that is why later today, valley water is proposing to create water protection zones around waterways where it holds land rights that includes areas like the guadalupe river and coyote creek and los gatos creek valley water tells us the problem has gotten worse since the pandemic, with a growing number of unhoused people polluting creeks with hazardous materials, with trash, and with human waste. we're not looking to, find people or necessarily to put people in jail, although any ordinance is going to have penalties attached to it. but we're we're expecting that people are going to have a lot of opportunity to self-correct the prohibited behaviors. and even if it does come to, a stage where we require elevated
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enforcement, prosecutors have the discretion to pursue any violation of the ordinance as an infraction rather than a misdemeanor. well, the ordinance has evolved since we first reported on the proposal. it specifically prohibits, among others, the unauthorized establishment of encampments. that is clear. it does prohibit the depositing of trash, debris and other pollutants and disturbing behavior to nearby neighborhoods as well. they also are looking to put a stop to hazardous, behavior to valley water employees. now, water valley says it will be posting signs and warnings before more drastic measures are taken, such as those fines and removals. it does also say that law enforcement may get involved once those removals are needed. so this ordinance goes up for a vote later this afternoon at 1 p.m. we will have updates on our evening newscast, so that is
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something to watch out for. i know a lot of interest can be really generated from this. marcus and laura. sure. thanks. a lot of people in different ways, but it will. thanks, ginger. well, south bay authorities are releasing new images in connection to an elaborate bust involving a gas and identity theft ring. deputies last week arrested two men investigators say used stolen credit card numbers to buy gas from safeway stations across santa clara county. these photos show where the gas was stored in large containers inside a box truck at the port of oakland. authorities also found credit card skimmers and nearly $50,000 in cash. the suspects allegedly stole the sold the gas to a trucking company at below market rates. they're now out on bail. well, police are looking for vandals who targeted the same oakland synagogue twice. investigators say that those vandals threw rocks at the habab center. this is on lakeshore avenue twice over the past two plus weeks now. the first time it happened
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on june 21st, the second just this past saturday. police are calling it a possible hate crime. anyone with information should contact opd. south bay health leaders are warning about a possible measles exposure from someone visiting out of state. santa clara county health department is identifying three locations where people may have been exposed. experts say the virus can be highly contagious if you're unvaccinated or under vaccinated, and recent data indicates fewer than 10% of the overall population fall in that category. the main things that they should be doing is one checking their immunization status, making sure that they have a vaccine against measles. second, if they are pregnant, an infant or immunocompromised, or if they aren't vaccinated that they contact their health care provider immediately. measles is very, very transmissible. you can be in a room and the person has left the room with measles, and 2 or 3 hours later you can get measles. health leaders are
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focusing on three locations for possible exposure, including two on july 1st. the starbucks on blossom hill road in los gatos from 930 to 11:30 a.m, and taqueria los pericos in santa cruz from 6 to 10 p.m, then san jose airport the next day between 515 and 730. in the morning. that person then got on a southwest flight to chicago. those passengers are being notified. well, happening today, leaders in napa will host a town hall for the idea of creating the city's first wildfire protection plan. leaders will get input on creating a new partnership with local agencies to best identify fire risk and limit the damage from wildfires. it starts at 530 this afternoon at crosswalk community church on first street. the second spanish language session will take place next week. this morning, texas is dealing with the destruction and tragic aftermath left behind
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from barrel. at least six people in texas and one person in louisiana are confirmed dead. the storm weakening to a tropical depression after making landfall as a category one hurricane yesterday. nearly 2 million customers are still without power in texas. the state's electrical provider hopes to have power restored to about a million of those in the dark by today. meteorologist kari hall has been following the path of the storms. boy, now it looks like they've got some recovery to do. yeah, and at least it has moved away from texas to give them a chance to recover. but now it is causing a lot more problems for spots like arkansas and missouri moving up toward the ohio valley. so we're going to see this still causing a lot of flooding and some high winds that may damage some of those areas. so we'll continue to monitor that. we do have a clear start here in the bay area. as you're getting up and getting out the door. a live look at dublin shows our beautiful sunrise, and we do still have a little bit of some smoke in the air. the reason why
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it looks so bright, but we are going to have as we go throughout the day, improving air quality for us and also improving temperatures. we're going in dublin from low 50s, up upper 50s to low 70s at 10:00 and then into low 80s for the afternoon, and then eventually reaching a high of 86 degrees 84 in san jose. and it's going to also be just a little bit above normal for this time of year, but gets much hotter over these next few days. mike, you just checked on the bay bridge status. yeah, because i wanted to see if they had queued those metering lights just yet. chp doesn't record that, but we do see a volume starting to come up here at the toll plaza. and i expect those metering lights any second now. we don't see any real slowing there at the span, but on the span, the incline and then more importantly, getting into san francisco, those first off ramps showing a little slowdown, a little brake tap there. highway 37 and highway four showing slowing. so does 242. that indicates more traffic volume for contra costa county. no surprises. walnut creek interchange dublin interchange looking great as well. so we'll move over and look ahead to your
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traffic flow. the note there are dual events in san francisco. oracle park the giants start the first of their series tonight about the same time chase center will have a concert over there, so just know there may be some traffic over here. china basin 280 extension, king street and all the other folks there. blink 8182 coming in to the area for their concert. and then over on the other side of the bay. got to give a shout out to missy elliott. marcus has given the hands up there as well. so missy elliott, i think busta rhymes, ciara is over there. this is going to be a good concert. i don't know if marcus is going. i'm going. are you going? yeah. okay, so we'll see if marcus is in tomorrow morning. we'll see. we will wait. what? they're sharing some news over at the news desk right now. over here in the south bay. we're looking at northbound 101. typical pattern as we expected to start building right now. we do see the camera doesn't show any problems. we did have the disabled vehicle. it's still there, but it's off to the shoulder. so well out of the traffic flow. back to you two. all right. thanks mike. this just in. you're not going to be here tomorrow. i might have to
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hang out with missy after the show. i don't know. all right. it's 541 right now. the courtroom taking center stage for a hollywood star ahead on today in the bay. alec baldwin's criminal trial is getting underway. more than two and a half years after that deadly shooting on a movie set. what to expect in this closely watched case, the latest controversy out of the white house doctor visits will sort through all of the facts and the fiction and tell you the latest. also a rough landing when it comes to consumer advocates. the airlines scoring worst in terms of passenger complaints. did your favorite airline make the list? stick aroundnd a
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bridge. as you're heading out. it's cloudy and in the upper 50s. you know our usual start to the day, but we may see something definitely more unusual. the high heat returning tomorrow. we'll talk about that coming up in a few minutes. and a little unusual for this timing on the peninsula 101 southbound, coming down toward university. that's right. here we see slowing. it does appear that in the slow lanes or on the right side of the roadway, there's something slowing a couple of these lanes. it may be a crew clearing. they typically have the overnight crews in the area, but it doesn't look like the usual pattern. we'll track that for the peninsula and the rest of the bay coming up. sounds good. we'll check back with you. it's 5:45 right now. alec
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baldwin's manslaughter trial is set to begin today. jury selection is expected to start. baldwin faces an involuntary manslaughter charge in connection to the on set shooting in 2021, which killed cinematographer kayla hutchins, director and bay area native joel souza was also hurt. the film's armorer was convicted on a similar charge in march. baldwin denies pulling the trigger, saying the gun malfunctioned and went off in his hand. if convicted, he could face 18 months in prison. also today, harvey weinstein set to appear in a manhattan courtroom as prosecutors seek a retrial after his 2020 rape conviction was overturned. a former movie mogul was found guilty of rape for an attack on actress jessica mann and forcing himself on film production assistant mimi haleyi. new york's highest court tossed out the conviction and 23 year prison sentence, in part because it included testimony and allegations that weren't
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part of that case. prosecutors are asking for a september retrial. the white house doctor is trying to quash speculation president biden has been seeing a neurologist on a regular basis. scott mcgrew joining us right now. and scott, doctor kevin o'connor says that that's simply not true, simply not true. and he is the president's doctor. o'connor says the president has seen a neurologist three times. each time was at the president's standard yearly physical. the american public gets a summary of what they found in those physicals. last one showed the president has, pardon me, afib and acid reflux, which is not uncommon for men his age. his physician released a letter to the media and the american public monday, explaining why white house visitor records show a neurologist coming in and out of the white house on a fairly regular basis. the neurologist, doctor kevin kennard, has worked for the white house for years, treats people for a variety of conditions. there are nearly 600
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full time staff in the white house. a slew of doctors are in and out of the white house dermatologists, podiatrist, gynecologists. it's part of the perks of working there again, the white house top doctor says the staff neurologist has only seen the president during regular physicals, but visitor logs do show him there more often. the white house press office would not say who that neurologist is seeing, citing patient privacy leading to this argument. i am telling you that he has seen a neurologist three times while he has been in this presidency. that's what i'm saying. i am telling you that he has seen them three times. that is what i'm sharing with you, right? so every time he has a physical, he has had to see a neurologist. so that is answering that question. no, it is, it is. you're asking me the white house, but i just asked i also said to you and i also said to you, for security reasons, we
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cannot share names. we cannot share names. we have to we have to others. he would have met with. we cannot share names in regards to. if someone came here in records, we cannot share. we cannot share names of specialists broadly, from a dermatologist to a neurologist. we cannot share names. there are security reasons. we have to. we have to protect. i understand that i, i hear you right there for anyone to see. and i hear you. i cannot from here confirm any of that because we have to keep their privacy. now, as we reported, as it happened yesterday on today in the bay, president biden spoke out forcefully about staying in the race, daring someone to challenge him at the convention, claiming it was democratic elites who were questioning his fitness. while regular voters still supported him. vice president harris will be campaigning in las vegas today. nevada very important in the upcoming race. the campaign's sixth visit, first lady doctor jill biden, campaigned in north carolina. gloves were off there,
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too, reminding the crowd trump's chief of staff, a general, had said trump called american soldiers, suckers and losers for giving their lives to their country, something trump denies. the republican party released its platform, and it still needs to be approved by the upcoming gop convention. written in all caps, trump style, it calls for sealing the border massive deportations of millions and a giant missile defense dome over the continental united states. now, notably, it did not call for a nationwide ban on abortio, something many in the party have been pushing for. but trump has resisted. it also cut earlier deals like restricting marriage to a man and a woman and cutting the debt. party platform has been around for centuries. they spell out what a party believes, but in the last election cycle, 2020, marcus, the republicans didn't have one. all right, there you have it. scott mcgrew for us this morning. thanks, scott. well, new for you this morning. new consumer watchdog data indicates which airline
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landed at the top of the list when it comes to passenger complaints, u.s. public interest research group analyzed recent data from the u.s. transportation department. it weighed the number of complaints per airline compared to each of the airlines passenger volume, where frontier airline had the highest ratio of complaints, spirit had the second highest, followed by jetblue. alaska, meanwhile, performed the best, followed by southwest and delta. american had the most complaints, but it is also the one that has the most passengers total. overall complaints last year hit a new industry high. you don't get as many complaints if you bring me a drink and a snack. i'm just saying you want a coke with ice summer season is in full swing. we've been talking about summer travel and record temperatures, but it turns out never too early to prepare for the winter holidays. of course, i'm mike inouye has all things traffic for us. joining us this morning to explain all of this. okay, so mike, i heard you were actually shopping for some sweaters with
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all this heat. yeah. look, let me explain, though. it's because i was burned. not in the literal sense, but, you know, even though it's not sweater weather right now, last year, my holiday sweater purchase turned ugly, so i had to chat with michelle robertson. she's over at bart, so i'm wearing one of our gorgeous sweaters of course, you can see barty's face and i'm also have in hand our new sweater vest, as you can see. so we know it is very hot outside at the moment. and so it's hard to be thinking about knitwear, but we do encourage you to order from the presale. get them while it's hot. as i like to say, because we use the presale to gauge interest in the sweaters. and last year we sold 2700 sweaters during the presale. and then we had another 1000 available during the holidays, and we sold out of everything. so they have just posted the presale holiday sweaters and their current offerings for pride as well. some very
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colorful rainbow items. very good in the spirit. this is all sold through rail where the money goes to the operations costs for bart. you can check out their sale or presale of course for these holiday sweaters or they call t. there's also discount info right here. i'm happy to report the pro bart's operational costs so it does help them, just like the fares do. and i also got my confirmation email. oh, you did last year. i messed up on the process somehow. so when i went to check on when the shipping was going to arrive, it was not going to arrive. i said, you get the vest, you get the sweater, the sweater vest. they have a beanie. yeah. and i did not get the beanie. i can't mess with the hair. all right. that's pretty good hair. i can't wait till it's debut on air. i will do that. you got the first year they sold 150 sweaters. now it's over 3000. you heard? yeah, they've gone from $1,000 in operational profits right? to 10,000 the next year. last year, over $100,000 came in from the sale of these sweaters. so we're all helping bart, i guess if we
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buy a sweater. okay, well, hopefully not till the fall. will you be having to put a little cooler today, though? kari got the guns out. yeah. i guess you don't need a shirt under that vest. no sweater weather today. the best. the best. and you'll need it just for a couple of hours. after that, it's going to warm up and shape up to be a nice day. let's take a live look outside in san jose as we are starting out with a clear view. our live look outside in san jose and a look at our temperature trend. we are going from mid 60s at 8:00 to a noontime temperature of 80 degrees. it's going to be so nice to not have to deal with the excessive heat, although it is still a little bit warmer than what's normal for this time of year in livermore. we're going to see it's still hot this afternoon with a high of 95. average is about 88 degrees and just slightly above normal for san francisco with a high of 70. concord will hit a high of 93, and you can just see that there is a wide range in temperatures. once again for today, ranging from 66 near the coast in half moon bay to 104 in ukiah. and
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we're seeing a lot of 80s and low 90s for the inland areas tomorrow. the heat cranks up again, will be cranking up the ac. it will be 99 in dublin and 103 in concord. 105 in vacaville and fairfield, 98 in napa and some upper 70s for san francisco. and it will be even hotter on thursday. this will be the hottest day of the week, 79 for san francisco, while in hayward it will be 92 and 97 for san jose. morgan hill reaching 105 and 107. in livermore. what's been happening here is we have this stubborn area of high pressure, but it's going to slowly start to move off towards the east as we go through the next few days. but with its clockwise wind flow, it's going to start to draw in some tropical moisture. some of that monsoon moisture may come into the bay area so even though the temperatures come down, it's going to feel really humid this weekend and we'll have to watch for that possibility that that
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humidity could spark off some thunderstorms. that's for the end of the weekend. we have to make it through this excessive heat and the return of the very dangerous temperatures that we'll see for the inland areas through the middle to end of the week. and san francisco is warming up just slightly, just not as hot as the valleys. and mike, you figured out the slowing in palo alto. yeah. you know, we had this. i talked about perhaps the crew and indeed in the last couple of minutes we've seen these couple of sweeper trucks going backwards, as they do when they pick up a construction from overnight. and so that should be cleared of university actually all the way up past marsh. and we do see a little bit of slowing. that's recovering as you're traveling southbound. but it should be clear at any second as again, the crews cleared from 101 through palo alto, a nice drive over to palo alto on the dumbarton bridge and the slowing on san mateo bridge. that'll just start to build now as we see them build on 880 down through hayward. typical for the south bay, the first burst clearing up and the first backup starting at the bay bridge toll plaza. mid parking lot. back to you. thanks so much mike. for
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telcos president and ceo says that its network is now stabilized. the credit union says some core functions are finally back online. that means payments can finally be processed, but there's still no exact date of when things will be back to normal. now, nearly half a million of those people across northern california who bank their with the dublin based company are experiencing some issues. while making it out alive ahead. at 6:00, we'll hear from the teenage hikers stranded in the sierra as a fire closed in the smart moves they made to get to safety. plus, honoring willie mays, the big names that showed up to oracle park for a final farewell to the baseball legend, and a quick reminder nbc bay area streams 24/7. watch a live broadcast, breaking news and much more. local content whenever you want and wherever you want. we're on roku, pluto tv, and many other streaming platforms find us. we're here for you. we'll be right back.
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