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tv   Meet the Press  NBC  July 14, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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girl. hoda inspired me to become a journalist. oh, i'll have what you guys are having. i'm celebrating here with you. this is amazing. you're on. today. four years of hard work, four years of dedication. everything comes down to this moment. now watch me go. what a way to start it off. bring home the gold. that's why you put that guy on that relay. australia has been unbelievable. the greatest female swimmer of all time. wow. welcome back simone baez. she continues to amaze us every single time she competes good morning.
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we are waking up to a dark day in america. >> the attempted assassination of former president donald trump. former president donald trump. good morning. it's july 14th. this is a special edition of "today." >> targeted. >> if you want to see something this sad. take a look at what happened -- >> a roof top gunman takes aim at donald trump moments into his saturday night rally in pennsylvania. chaos and terror as a bullet grazes the former president's ear, leaving him stunned and bloody. >> are they still here? am i going to get shot? >> the former president defiant as the secret service rushes him out. one spectator killed in the cross fire. two others injured. >> the man beside me suffered a gunshot wound to the head. >> just ahead, what we know about the 20-year-old shooter killed within moments after the secret service returned fire. >> he had a rifle.
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you can clearly see him with a rifle. >> and president biden coming to the camera to condemn the attack. >> there is no please for violence. it's sick. it's sick. >> first images of trump released after the shooting. what it means to the campaign and the president national convention this week. and a serious looming question. how did a gunman get this close and how with we here? >> why is this happening in our country. >> a special coverage today of sunday, july 14th, 2024. >> from nbc news, this is a special edition of "today" with savannah guthrie and willie geist, live from studio 1a in rockefeller center. >> hi, everybody. 8:00 on a sunday morning. this is a special edition of "today," we cover the attempted
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assassination of former president donald trump. >> the campaign showing the former president walking off his plane overnight. >> he has tweeted on truth social this morning. he also described the attack last night. he said i knew immediately that something was wrong and i had a whizzing sound, shots, and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin. this morning, the authorities have identified the gunman. 20-year-old thomas matthew crooks from bethel park, pennsylvania. records show he is a registered republican. he made a $15 donation to a fund that provides funds for democrats. >> the fbi has been trying to learn everything they can about him as a motive.
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one spectator was killed. and two others injured. >> with e will start with tom llamas who is in pennsylvania near the rally site, the building where the shooter was found. tom, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you guys. just behind me is where former president trump was speaking, just underneath the american flag when the alleged assassin opened fire. the red barn with the door open, that is where law enforcement was positioned when they returned fire. we have reporting this morning that is coming in from the secret service. there is a lot of misinformation out there, and there was an online report that claimed the trump campaign asked for additional security and was denied. the secret service said that report is completely false. they have actually added additional sources to the secret service since he started campaigning a month ago. the question, how did that
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20-year-old man get so close to the president? we're talking about 150 yards, about 440 feet with a large weapon, get up on the roof, bear crawl, get in a sniper stance and start firing at a former president. over night, former president trump walking off his plane hours after surviving this assassination attempt. >> take a look at what happened -- >> shots ringing out as president trump ducks down. secret service agents rush to his side, forming a protective shield. other officers and tactical gear armed with long guns post up at the front of the stage. >> ready, on you, move! >> trump security detail lifting him up from the grand as he rises his fist. his ear and face bloody, gesturing to the crowd.
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the secret service then moving him in an awaiting suv. another angle shows secret service agents reacting to the shots. the former president posting on his social media account, i knew immediately that something was wrong, in that i heard a whizzing sound, shots and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin. this sunning photo from "the new york times" aperturing what appears to be a bullet on the right hand side of the image whizzing by the president's here. >> the man beside me suffered a gunshot wound to the head. was instantly killed. >> reporter: president biden who learned about the events condemned the shooting. >> there is no place in america for this kind of violence. it's sick. it's sick. it's one of the reasons we have
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to reunite the country. >> reporter: speaker of the house mike johnson. >> we didn't go on like this as a society. >> reporter: this video shows the body of the alleged assassin on the roof of the building. one witness tells bbc news he saw the shooter. >> we saw him bear crawling on the roof beside us. we were like, hey, man, the guy on the roof with a rifle. the police were like, huh, what? they didn't know what was going on. >> reporter: earlier this morning, police identifying the gunman as thomas matthew crooks, 20-year-olds old from bethel park, pennsylvania. why he wanted to kill president trump, not clear. investigation involving the secret service, the atf and
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state and local law enforcement on the ground. the gunman killing one spectator and injuring two others. now, president trump has offered statements with condolences to the rallygoer. the officials are not repleased in addition. rallygoers came to their aid while in danger. unclear if they are going to be shot. all we know, that i are gravely injured and this morning, that i are being treated. savannah and willie? >> all right, tom, thank you. let's bring in donna hut. she was at the rally with her son saturday. you went to the rally to see a political candidate you believe in, and you witnessed something so you a solve. i want to know if you are comfortable sharing what you saw at the rally last night.
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>> good morning, thank you. i am doing all right. i was bright up and early, and you wake up thinking that was a nightmare what i just lived through. you know, it's still shock factor for everybody. but we happened to be seated in the section where the two people got shot. the man and the woman. and it was terrible. i mean, we were watching the president, and next thing you hear is three -- i heard three shots, boom, boom, boom, and -- to me, it sounded like cap gunshots. i have my ccw. they were not real guns in my eyes. it was like a cap sound. you're not thinking this can really happen. you're like, what is that? and as you can imagine, in seconds, everything is going on. my son says get down, it's a gun. people were getting down. as we were getting down, because i'm in the bleacher where that person was shot, you could just look up from laying on the ground and see them. both, the man and the woman are laying on the bleachers.
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they just fell down in front of them. the one gentleman put a towel on the man's head out of respect. they were yelling for the med icks. and they got them out of there and carried them out. we knew at that point, the man probably did not make it. and then we found out when we got home, that he did. we're doing all right. it's something you never want to witness. there are a lot of things that ran through our head, scenarios that play out. and we are grateful we're here, and so sorry to the family. >> what you witnessed is absolutely horrific. could you see the president at this time? i know you were crouching down? did you have a sense whether he was okay? what was going through your mind? >> yeah, i had a sense he was okay. i could see the president. the defense had flags. i picked up the flag so i could see, and they had him down of course. the cameras aren't lying.
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i think that had him down. people were saying there was blood around his ear. i didn't see it. it took me a second. he turned and i saw blood around his ear and i seen him go out. we were close to all that. this was a very close quarter. we seen it all. >> a handful of witnesses we heard for in the last 12 hours said they did in fact see the shooter on the roof 150 yards from where the president was making his speech. did you hear that talk or see someone on the roof? >> we didn't see anybody on the roof. but we heard someone was climbing up the bleachers in the back. when i got home, i looked at the grass where the fbi is showing where the shooter was. they show the shooter, and it goes straight to trump. we were up a little. and i'm like, where is the other shooter? i shooter would have had to go out to the crowd and back to the
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truck. it's like, boom, boom, and i'm looking going, it can't be right or they are off centered. we're over here and he's over there, and how did two people in my section die? like i said, somebody said somebody was climbing up the back of the bleachers. i don't know. i don't see any shooters. i just seen the people down. >> we are so glad that you and your son there with you are okay. so much to process what you witnessed and experienced. thank you for sharing your time and perspective this morning. >> thank you, donna. >> thank you. investigators have been working around the clock of course to learn as much as they can about the shooter. but very little is known right now. >> right, tom winter is back to learn more about what the investigation is showing.
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tom, good morning. >> what we are trying to figure out is what motivated this individual. there is no sort of manifesto. they might make statements to investigators. they are at the home where they believed he lived. anything that can find there, hard drives, journals, anything they think he had. there is almost no social media presence for this person. 20 years old. >> that is kind of shocking. >> that is shocking. and that confounded law enforcement. what do they say on facebook? who are their friends? what do we know about them? there is no criminal history that we can find. there is no apparent civil lawsuit. we look to see if someone is motivated or they tried to an administration official in the past, something along those things. that has provided clues in the past. they are wearing a demolition
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rank t-shirt. very pro second amendment, a website where they fire weapons and show things they have. there is nothing that jumps out to you to say they come from a certain political background. you have to keep your mind open to all the possibilities. >> i was going to say, it's referred to as political violence. and of course, on the face, it is. because this is a. >> lisa: candidate. you never know the motive of the shooters. i think of gabby gifford who was shot in arizona. that was not politically motivated. president reagan, john hinckley was trying to impress an actress. we don't know what the cause is here. >> perfectly said. someone said to me, it's very unclear what the motive is here. and we have to keep our minds
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open, this individual may have been approaching this in a way we don't understand because of a catastrophic mental health breakdown. and we have to think of all the possibilities. and that is what law enforcement is doing right now. >> thank you very much. >> let's bring in clint watts, a former fbi special agent, and nbc news national security analyst. clint, good morning to you. we will put to question to you, how on earth could this have happened. 150 yards from where the former president of the united states is thinking. when you look at that map what do you see? >> yeah, it's remarkable. just looking at that space. it is not an extreme distance for someone with a long gun, a rifle to shoot from that position. and when you're in an elevated position like that, it gives you extreme advantage. we have seen this from many plats, many attacks over many
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years. i came in just as a former secret service agent. there are always questions about resources and allocation, and the truth of it is, there is only so many secret service agents. this is an open space. these rallies, the political events, savannah, you just mentioned congressman gifford, an open space. the candidate is vulnerable, trying to be in the public, trying to engage with the constituents and voters they are trying to win. this is a perfect storm of scenarios here, all converged. there will be we questions why that space, 150 yards from where president trump was, was open. and the next few days, proceeds. >> we all watch the after math. we saw the shots happen live and
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the secret service descend on the former president, hold him down and wait for a moment to clear him in the motor cade. what happen is your take on those seconds that unfolded? >> yeah, it was remarkable to see it kind of a textbook way that the secret service executed this. you see everyone jump right there on the president. you see him hold in place, and it was also fascinating we could hear the commands through the tv audio. when they said the shooter is down, they made their move to get the president off that stage. that is textbook in terms of how the secret service would operate, and everything went to how they respond to an incident like this. the question is, why did this incident happen at all? it's going to be a pretty open question, i think, in the next week or two. why we would do this. i would like to remind everyone over the years there is talk of secret service detail and talk
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of congressman, congressional candidates and top congressional leaders and the answer is resources. how would we do it to so many candidates around the united states, so many open events. >> the fbi is very clear, unprecedented threats to lawmakers, republican and democrat in this country right now. just to go back to the brigs they took the shots. we would that would be up to low law enforcement because it was outside of the secret service perimeter. but i don't think that is going to satisfy a lot of people. how could a man with a long gun make it to the roof of a building so close to the president of the united states, if there were in fact local police standing outside? >> willie, i'm sure there's going to be discussion of what's the coordination like between secret service, federal resources, state and local. if it's outside the perimeter,
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you're looking at the buildings there, just from the above view of it. it's in the just one building. it's a number of buildings. how was that secured and how would the law law enforcement work with the individual. we saw one witness who was trying to notify someone. there is a rally every day or two. how do they keep it consistent? it's a tough problem for the secret service. >> the problem continues as the campaign is heating up. clint watts, thank you very much. coverage continues in a few mi in the wayborhood, every delivery is a treat. one pistachio for you, sir. one strawberry poof, please. oh. enjoy it. oh, poofect. bye waybor. something minty? of course, it's a large. [ gasps ] ♪ ♪
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investigation on the attempted assassination attempt on donald trump. >> we will take a look back at e past,th [ music playing ] hey, flo. cool leg warmers. thanks. they are just for the bus ride to work. they are not part of the official uniform. no tunes today? no. my apartment was robbed last night. took my cable ready tv, vcr, portable cassette player. yup. all the latest tech. if only progressive had renter's insurance like their home insurance. then we could bundle our cars and get the same 24/7 protection. -i think we just invented that. -huh. this is the best day ever. well i still got robbed. well still pretty good day. [customer service rep] discover customer service, this is maya. jennifer: oh, hi maya. you robots are sounding more human every day! [customer service rep] at discover, everyone can talk to a human representative. jennifer: alright, prove it. [customer service rep] wait, are you a robot? 24/7 u.s.-based customer service. jennifer: how would i prove that i'm not? lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose. delicious too. just ask my old friend, kevin. nothing like enjoying a cold one
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while watching the game. who's winning? we are, my friend. we are.
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14th, i'm kira klapper. we begin with heartbreaking news this morning. the body of a child matching the description of a missing three year old from the east bay has been found. ellie, lorenzo's mother, called police friday to do a welfare check on her daughter at the casa arroyo apartments in fremont. that's where ellie's father lived. she told officers ellie was supposed to be returned as part of a custody agreement on friday, but that same day, she learned the father was found dead in san francisco. a police source close to the investigation tells nbc bay area the child's body was found at a recycling facility in san jose. neighbors are horrified. the mother especially, you know, losing her child. and i pray for the family, the relatives, for missing, for losing their beautiful child. ellie's mother released a statement that reads in part, quote, we are heartbroken at the loss of our dear, sweet ellie. she was the
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most charming, funny, smart, friendly little girl. ellie loved dancing and meeting new people. she so easily made friends and spread so much joy everywhere she went. san jose police are now taking over the investigation. at 627 on your sunday morning, cinthia pimentel has a quick look at our microclimate forecast. nice cool down yesterday. yeah. definitely enjoyable. as we made our weekend activities out there and this morning and into next week, we are going to continue that cooling trend. good morning kara. good morning everyone on this sunday we're waking up to mostly cloudy skies in san francisco, san jose, seeing some of that filtered sunshine. but we are waking up a little bit more mild. 64 degrees compared to that 57. in the city, 59 in dublin, where we are also trying to get that sunshine through the clouds out there. petaluma, good morning to you. 54 degrees up there in the north bay as we look at a cloudy 101 up there in petaluma, let's take a look at our day planner in san jose for
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our sunday fun day activities. we of course have the obon festival in san jose's japantown. get out there. i hear that next weekend they have it in mountain view, but overall a great event to get to. so if you're heading down here into san jose for that event, the morning will start off. yes, mild under some patchy clouds and then we'll clear out by the mid morning hours and get into that about 80 degree mark as we go on into lunchtime. so make sure you're wearing the glasses, the sunscreen and staying hydrated. let's go up and take a trip to wine country napa. also starting off a bit cooler this morning and we'll see some of those clouds mix out at around 9:10 a.m. and get into the upper 70s by lunchtime. and that sip of wine. so as i mentioned, the gradual cooldown is going to continue as we go on into today, tomorrow, and even into parts of early next week, we'll talk about what we're watching in the sierra with those thunderstorms going up there that red flag warning, and when the heat will return to the bay area. but for now, i'll send it back to you. kira. all right, cynthia, thanks. we'll see you at seven. also coming up at seven this
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morning on today in the bay. we are following that breaking news. the assassination attempt on former president donald trump, local bay area leaders reacting this morning and how this will shape the november election. that plus all your top stories coming up at seven right now. back to a special edition of sunday hi, i'm greg. i live in bloomington, illinois. i'm not an actor. i'm just a regular person. some people say, "why should i take prevagen? i don't have a problem with my memory." memory loss is, is not something that occurs overnight. i started noticing subtle lapses in memory. i want people to know that prevagen has worked for me. it's helped my memory. it's helped my cognitive qualities. give it a try. i want it to help you just like it has helped me. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription.
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>> take a look at what happened -- >> duck, duck! >> we are back on a sunday morning, and that is the shocking moment the first shots rang out at former president donald trump's rally in western pennsylvania on saturday evening. a terrifying, chaotic seen leaving the former president shot in the ear. one suspect dead, two injured. >> a dark day in american history. we will go back to tom llamas. >> reporter: good morning. we have new video and new reporting. first, a new video shot just a couple hours ago. this is investigators on the roof of the building were the alleged assassin opened fire.
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you can see a dozen to a half dozen investigators up there. they were bringing down some equipment. we are calling it an active crime seen. there are investigators all over the rally site. they are looking for a lead, trying to figure out the lone gunman got up on the roof. a lot of confidence still being collected here. we also got an update on the two victims that were gravely injured. one rallygoer was killed. they were behind president trump and beside him. we just got an update from the medical center in pittsburgh. they are still in critical condition this morning. the former president has put out statements asking for prayers and condolences for the rallygoer that passed away, and we just obtained a memo from the trump campaign, and it was advised to staffers, they want
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to know what to do on the eve on the convention. in response to the violence, we encourage those of who remain in d.c. and west palm beach to stay away from the office tomorrow as we assess both locations. we are enhancing the security with additional officers on site. the highest priority is to keep all of you on the staff safe. back here live at the rally site just behind me, that is where former president was speaking underneath the american flag. the entire area blocked off. this is the closest you can get, that they will allow the media. the public is asking for help if you have photos, videos, if you know anything about the shooter. the fbi is asking why, why he wanted to kill president trump. >> and the former president posting a truth social. says it's god alone who prevents
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the unthinking, and pledging to be at the republican national convention this week in milwaukee. we will have much more ahead on we will have much more ahead on a ssince the citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category... suddenly, life's feeling a little more automatic... oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. i use febreze fabric refresher everyday... to make my home smell amazing. on my bed... my couch... my jacket or jeans in between washes... even shoes. febreze doesn't cover up odors with scent, but fights them... and freshens! over one thousand uses. febreze fabric refresher. [customer service rep] discover customer service, this is maya. jennifer: oh, hi maya. you robots are sounding more human every day!
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[customer service rep] at discover, everyone can talk to a human representative. jennifer: alright, prove it. [customer service rep] wait, are you a robot? 24/7 u.s.-based customer service. jennifer: how would i prove that i'm not? we are back on a sunday morning with a look at violence in american politics. it stretches back more than 100 years. >> it's been decades since there has been an assassination attempt on a heated scale. liz coy has been looking at this. good morning to you. >> yeah, it's more more than 40 years since an assassination attempt. and reports show growing
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attempts nationwide for political violence. >> take a look at what happened -- >> reporter: political violence strikes yet again in america with an assassination attempt on donald trump. the republican ready nearly avoiding serious injury in pennsylvania. it's not the first people a republican candidate has been a target, it's been decades since a high profile attempt. in 1963, president john f. kennedy was shot while riding in a motor cade. his brother robert kennedy shot and killed five years later in 1968 campaigning for president. then, five years after that, 1981, the attempted assassination of president
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reagan. democratic congresswoman gabby giffords, and steve skallease shot in 2017. since then, the political violence has escalated more. the 2022 attack on nancy pelosi's husband. >> we cannot condone this. >> reporter: both republicans and democrats are condemning the attack on mr. trmp. but the incident shows a growing srn of reports of political violence. a recent poll thinks violence might be necessary to get the country back on track. last summer, tucker carlson asked former president trump if he was worried about violence?
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>> why wouldn't they try to kill you, honestly? >> they are savage animals. they are people that are sick, really sick. but i have seen what they do. >> reporter: following saturday's assassination attempt, well known political scientist ian bremer expressed concern what happened in pennsylvania could leave lead to more violence. >> this is a grave turn of events in a country that is very deefly polarized and i deeply worry it prestages much more political violence and social instability. >> reporter: a dangerous reckoning in america now reaching a boiling point. and again, in recent years, extremism experts that been warning the country's polarization will lead to more political violence. according to the combatting terrorism network, a review of cases over the years shows a number of federal charges
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relating to public officials has jumped sharply and has hit record highs. >> the fbi has been saying it again and again. liz, thanks very much. we want to turn now to kristen welker and hallie jackson. how are they handling this? >> it's a good question. the campaign memo, it will continue as planned. the convention will go on essentially. it's hard to imagine how there is not some impact to the rnc after the attempted assassination of former president trump. by that i mean the speaker, the messaging. what do we hear from the former president himself, and the attention around a convention like this. as you know l is an element of having a good time to the conventions. the party faithful gathering to
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celebrate their soon to be official nominee on the ticket. we know one event in milwaukee has been canceled, and prior to that, 16 hours ago, we had talked about the biggest political story of the day who would donald trump select as his running mate? that is still an open question, still an element we will see next week at the republican convention. i talked to one person who said, it's difficult to see how the president will come. >> kristen, the president made a statement last night where he said there is no place in america for this violence, talking about the attempted a asags assassination. how is the president, the white house addressing this? >> where the force m
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condemnation, you are hearing the president, vice president, all echo this message. this type of political violence cannot be tolerated ever. so that is the messaging that we are hearing. we will undoubtedly hear that on the campaign trail. remember, he was taken down his ads for now in response to this. there has been finger-pointing back and forth. but that takes us to a broader question here. how does the country move forward? how do the elected leaders of the country move forward in a way that helps prevent another act of political violence. that is one act. and the president getting regular briefing, really trying to get to the bottom of how this could have happened, how this breach of security would have happened. how to prevent it from happening again. there will be hearings capitol hill as well as speaker mike johnson indicated earlier today. >> kristen, prior to this, the president was facing his own
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existential crisis, the call to step down and bear the torch for the democrats. is that on hold right now for the foreseeable term? >> savannah, you have put it well. it's on hold. it has come to a stand still for now. we don't know the coming days. but the calls for him to step down were growing, and donors, allies privately conveying that message to president biden. right now, time is standing still. and the focus is on the horrific act of political violence. what will it mean for the campaign cycle? i do think from that perspective -- it speaks to the fact, savannah and willie, that quite frankly, everything, everything has changed. >> i believe it has. kristen and hallie, thank you very much.
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we are back sunday morning, just one day away from the start of the republican national convention where former president trump will officially become the party's nominee. >> nbc's von hilliard is in milwaukee, and sasha burns. von, this is the third trump convention you covered. obviously, things have changed in the last 14 hours or so? >> reporter: right, this is not the normal aura around a convention. typically, it's a celebratory event, and the people who are here are here already in milwaukee. and i can tell you there was a reception last night that was
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canceled for the delegates. it was canceled by the rnc chair, the host here in milwaukee, and coming to you from the area in downtown milwaukee. the security presence is clear. there are blocks of fencing, and we were here late outside the arena where the convention will take place, and the secret service was already here, beginning its intense sweep of the blocks here, effectively creating a lockdown that began at sun rise this morning. tomorrow, just over 24 hours from now, is when donald trump will be formally nominated through the roll call vote here on the convention floor. donald trump, the exact movement of when he will arrive in milwaukee are unclear. we still anticipate his family members, melania trump, his sons eric and donald jr. and his
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daughter will be here. delegates tell me this will only increase the energy of the convention. much like the rest of the american public, they were at the hotel watching the news of this unfold as they wait for the former president to get here. tomorrow, the prime time speeches will begin, but we did not anticipate donald trump taking the stage to give his nomination acceptance speech until prime time. >> dasha, you were at the rally yesterday. this is the week we expect him to name his vice president candidate. what is the thinking on on that now? >> the anticipation on that had been building to this rally. he had been teasing on social media and on fund-raising emails asking voters should i announce today? he did the same thing tuesday when he held a rally in south florida, and now what we understand from sources on the
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campaign, they say it hasn't changed the thinking around the vice presidential pick. but certainly it has changed the mood completely. savannah, i have covered dozens and dozens of trump rallies. i know vaughn has well. there are typical features. a significant security presence. everyone that goes in a rally is heavy screened. of course, we know the shooter was outside the perimeter that was screened by secret service. but they are also a celebratory event. it feels like a concert or festival. there are tents with peopling selling merchandise, there are food trucks. and people are coming together to see a man they have been anticipating to see. and a lot of people, it was their first rally and they were excited to get to see the former president in person. one thing that truck me
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yesterday that was a little different than usual. he started his speech and just a few minutes in, he asked to go off teleprompted and he asked his team to put a chart up on the screen to the right and left of him. the screens behind him on stage. it was a chart of immigration. he was starting to talk about immigration policy, which is not typical. he usually takes a while to get in the nitty-gritty of policy. he said, look how quickly he got the charts up and he turned to point to one of the charts as the shots rang out. and i interviewed a woman who was seated right there, in front of the former president, who said she watched him turn his cock his head to the side. if he hadn't moved his head in that way n that moment, we can see in the video we have been playing over and over again, perhaps the shot would have
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landed somewhere much more dangerous, more lethal, missing him by inches, maybe centimeters. everyone is really in shock and devastated about what it means for the future of the nation. >> yeah, we have been hearing from some of the eyewitnesses here this morning as well. dasha burns, vaughn hillyard, thank you very thank you very m since my citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category... suddenly life's feeling a little more automatic. like doors opening wherever i go... [sound of airplane overhead] even the ground is moving for me! y'all seeing this? wild! and i don't even have to activate anything. oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. [mind blown explosion noise] sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep... he takes zzzquil. the world's #1 sleep aid brand. and wakes up feeling like himself.
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. >> we are back on a historic and dark sunday morning, one day of the attempted assassination of former president donald trump. he is injured by safe this morning. one person was killed. two people were critically injured. >>en fortunately a day that will do down in history. the former president is speaking
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out this morning on his truth social platform, thanking people for their thoughts and prayers and he wrote, it's more important than ever that we stay united showing our true character as americans and not allowing evil to win. as for the suspect, more questions this morning than answers. we do have his name but no word yet on his motive, and very, very scant social media presence. investigators have work cut out for them. >> it's remarkable for a 20-year-old to have no real notable social media presence, and we also spoke to mike johnson this morning, acknowledging the rhetoric in our politics is way too heated right now and making a call to turn it down on both sides. that will do it for us on a sunday morning. there will be more coming up on "meet the press" and tonight on nbc news. >> nice to have you on this sunday edition of "today." we will see you tomorrow bright and early. have a good day.
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