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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  July 16, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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ocean. so which one's yours? oh, that makes sense. after a fierce battle on the field, victory has never tasted so good. show up for your team at round table pizza. let's see if triple a can take us somewhere fun. let's go somewhere. sandy let's go somewhere magical. but first, let's get this fixed. triple hi, everyone. i'm zinhle essamuah.
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>> and i'm kate snow. "nbc news daily" starts right now. today, tuesday, july 16th, 2024. breaking news. guilty on all counts. the jury convicts sitting democratic senator menendez in his federal corruption trial. what we can expect next. day two of the republican national convention about to get under way, who we expect to see on stage tonight, after former president trump's surprise appearance with his new running ma it. stunning new details. the moment local police confronted the gunman before he shot former president donald trump. police climbing on to that roof but unable to stop him. strictly defensive moment for him to lower his head. duck. lost his own grip, fell approximately 8 feet to the
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ground. >> a description of the officer who said he saw the shooter. the growing questions around security failures at that event and prime time. amazon's biggest sale of the year is on. >> this day always catches me by surprise. >> prime day? >> yeah. but my cart is full. >> good, good. you're prepared. nice to have something else to talk about this hour. but a lot of breaking news. democratic senator robert me nen does found guilty on all 16 counts against him. >> the jury took 112.5 hours to convict the senior senator from new jersey. menendez spoke defiantly after that verdict speaking his innocence and vowing to appeal that conviction. >> i have never violated my public oath.
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i have never been anything but a patriot of my country and for my country. i have never, ever been a foreign agent and the decision rendered by the jury today would put at risk every member of the united states senate in terms of what they think a foreign agent would be. >> let's bring in ken dilanian, also with us is ali vitali. ken, break down the verdict and we saw the reaction there, i wonder how he reacted while the verdict was being read. >> reporter: according to team inside the courtroom, kate, he was impassive in terms of his facial expressions. he continued to stare at the jury foreperson as that person read guilty verdict after guilty verdict. his face grew increasingly red during that time he began to look down and then when they polled the jury after the
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verdict he shook his head. i should add that even though he seems confident about an appeal most legal experts say the chances of winning an appeal in case like this is rare. this was a massive bribery conspiracy case they brought involving three prongs of conduct. accusing of a sitting u.s. senator of not only taking bribes but acting as an agent for a foreign power. according to indictment, now conviction, was secretly aiding the government of egypt for money. it was a complicated. a separate scheme involving two other new jersey business people where he intervened on their behalf to squash criminal
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investigations unsuccessfully, but convicted on all 16 counts and now facing significant prison time, guys. >> ali, now, we know menendez is currently running for re-election as an independent in new jersey. calls from follow democrat senators. >> reporter: more than 30 senate democrats who had come forward well before this trial began that menendez needed to leave his post as the senior senator from new jersey. what's important, though, not among the 31 was senate majority leader schumer. in the immediate minutes after the jury delivered the verdict, he said in part, in light of this guilty verdict senator me nen does must now do what's right for his constituents and the senate and our country resign. potentially any reluctant
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democrat who hadn't been a part of group for him to step down could see as a green light, their main leader is coming forward and coing forward saying he should resign. you talked about the ramifications here in the halls of congress just because menendez is convicted doesn't mean he has to step down. it would require two of he thirds of senators to vote to expel him from their ranks. >> ken, i assume he could face some time, what's next for the senator in terms of the legal process. >> reporter: a sentencing date is october 29th, yes, he's facing significant prison time, no mandatory minimum, some of these charges carry 25 years in prison, this is a very serious prescribery case. you can expect the prosecution to push for a significant prison time for this senator.
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it's day two of the republican national convention and it's about to get under way in milwaukee. >> today's theme is make america safe once again, focusing on immigration and crime, the first speakers will take the stage later today, although some folks are walking through the stage kind of looking at it and getting ready for tonight the list continues tonight, former u.n. ambassador and former trump primary rival nikki haley, initially she wasn't invited to the convention that changed over the weekend. >> last night former president trump made his first public appearance since the assassination attempt, wearing a band age over his injured right ear. he appeared subdued and the former president and his running mate ohio senator j.d. vance also made their first appearance as the gop ticket together.
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joining us now nbc news correspondent dasha burns is in milwaukee. and mark murray. dasha, we heard nikki haley will be speaking and what other notable speakers? >> reporter: i'm in front of the stage right now, some walk-throughs happening. don junior was just behind him. tonight is going to from what we're hearing from sources about unity, you talked about nikki haley, she's a part of that, try to convince some of those undecided voters people who may be hesitant to vote for former president to go ahead and get behind him. we'll hear from another primary rival florida governor ron desantis also someone who had a bitter rivalry with the former president and is now standing behind him here, the other speakers are going to be senators and senate candidates, one thing the party will be focusing on today is those down-ballot races, the
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importance of trying to get more seats in the house and to take back the senate, guys. >> mark, let me turn to you, j.d. vance is expected to speak at the convention tomorrow in primetime, we're waiting for him to show up right behind dasha. we'll take it live when it does. i want to go to mark and ask about j.d. vance as running mate, it's a tight race, i don't have to tell anyone about that. what does he bring to ticket? >> someone who's in a tough senate contest on the republican side in 2022 midterm elections, in the general election vance was able to defeat democratic tim ryan in a very expensive race in a state like ohio leaning republican. to be successful in ohio also the same kind of voters in battle ground states like
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pennsylvania. get a republican to be his running mate in pennsylvania. j.d. vance might be somebody who might be able to win over some of those same voters. also important to note, just kind of the youth factor here, j.d. vance just 39 years old, about to be 40, and would end up being a big contrast with so much of attention on the ages of donald trump who's 78 and president joe biden who's 81. >> to that point of j.d. vance, we've done reporting on the fact that trump's kids had a role in his ultimate vp pick, what other members of the trump family might we see attend the convention later this week. what have you learned? >> reporter: we know that his daughter ivanka trump and her husband jared kushner, they're going to be here on thursday,
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they don't have speaking slots unlike in 2020 and 2016. this time around, they really stepped back and away from the political arena but they'll be here supporting former president trump on thursday as he gives his primetime speech, guys. >> dasha, should we stick with you or do we have any guidance at all? >> reporter: good question. we've been told by the pool team that he's running a little bit behind. i don't know how long a little bit is. everything's been fluid on the floor here. >> understood. we'll come back if and when we can and when we see him. thank you, dasha. time now for today's money minute, a new feature from uber. >> how much can you earn from a side hustle. julia joins us now. a new uber feature rolls out
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today showing average wait time for rides across 10,000 cities, to see route prices and make ride reservations in other cities and comes amid a record u.s. travel season, the ride-share feature it will be available for all of its customers over the next few days. music labels including universal music, sued verizon for more than $2.6 billion the lawsuit first reported by music business worldwide accuses of verizon for ignoring -- for profits. failed to act on a legal file sharing report. side hustles have become even more lucrative. more than a third of americans with a side hustle bring in an average of $891 per month, that's up 10% from 2023 and get this, millennial hustles bring in the most at over $1100 per
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month. >> all right, julia, thank you so much. we want to go back to the republican national convention in milwaukee. j.d. vance standing on the stage. they practice if you will, they walk through the area to kind of make sure, you see him pointing. tomorrow night he'll be giving his speech. >> this is the moment this candidate is presented formally, dasha, talk to us about what you're seeing and i'd ask for the mood but it's kind of empty. >> reporter: empty. the calm before the storm. j.d. vance standing at the lectern there, the moment that we'll see his debut, it will happen tomorrow, as he first walked out, he was almost taking that moment in, realizing as he found out that long before we all did that he was going to be the former president's running
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mate and just preparing and visualizing that moment he's going to have on the stage tomorrow night. we don't know the details of what his speech will entail. we know the former president has made some significant changes to his speech after what happened on saturday. it's interesting to see such a young face standing up there. i mean so many in the republican party and in politics in general we're used to seeing older faces, j.d. vance about half the age of his running mate, the former president. the people who are on the floor here, the delegates, the people attending the rnc are part of that conservative america first maga base and that's the crowd that j.d. vance has really, has really made a serious connection with, he's very much seen as that america first warrior, of course we talked about earlier he been very close with don junior, up on the stage with
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him, don junior in fact gets some credit for the selection of j.d. vance. don junior and eric trump told their father that he should choose vance as his running mate and so that camaraderie displayed on the stage behind me right now. >> an interesting read to read how the selection of j.d. vance really happened. as we take another look at the new nominee for vice president for the republican party, for the republican party, getting readyor his f introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with 4 powerful pain-fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source.
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for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief. missing out on the things you love because of asthma? get back to better breathing with fasenra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. step back out there with fasenra. ask your doctor if it's right for you. (♪♪) an alternative to pills, voltaren is a clinically proven arthritis pain relief gel, which penetrates deep to target the source of pain with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly at the source. voltaren, the joy of movement. when you smell the amazing scent of gain flings... time stops. (♪♪) and you realize you're in love... steve? with a laundry detergent.
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(♪♪) gain flings. seriously good scent. your gut is like a garden growing both good bacteria and bad. that balance is key to a healthy gut environment. benefiber's plant-based prebiotic fiber gently nourishes the good bacteria, working with your body to help your gut, and you, flourish. effortlessly. every day. grow what feels good. with benefiber. this is what joint pain looks like. when you keep moving with aleve. (♪♪) just 1 aleve. 12 hours of uninterrupted joint pain relief. aleve. strength to last 12 hours.
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there are new developments today in the investigation into the assassination attempt on former president donald trump. >> local authorities revealing stunning new details about the moment the police apparently confronted the gunman who shot and injured the former president three days ago in pennsylvania. shaquille brewster joins us now from outside the shooter's home in bethel park, pennsylvania, our nbc news correspondent steph gosk just spoke a local official who talked about that specific confrontation, what did he say? >> reporter: yeah, an extraordinary interview by our colleague stephanie gosk who spoke to town manager in the town of butler, pennsylvania, where of course that campaign rally took place, and he confirmed that local police were
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the ones who respond to suspicious person on top of the roof and described the situation in which one police officer actually went and was boosted up to the only of that roof was holding on to the edge with both hands and that's when this happened. >> when he was able to pull his head up over the roof, he did in fact see an individual on the roof with a weapon. >> he saw the shooter? >> he did. >> what did shooter did? turned towards him, had the barrel of his weapon pointed at the officer. >> he pointed his rifle at the officer? >> yes. and at that point, the officer's hanging on to the side of the roof. >> yes, yes. >> unable to pull a gun out? >> unable to -- >> unable to defend himself. >> strictly defensive movement for him to lower his head, duck, lost his own grip, fell
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approximately 8 feet to the ground. >> reporter: there's still a lot of questions over who was responsible for securing that building in the first place, the town manager saying it wasn't the responsibility of that police department that they were dealing with traffic control and other issues, the secret service director in an interview this morning said it was a responsibility of local police but didn't specify which entity she was referring to, lot of questions about how that shooter was able to get on that roof and be there for an extended period of time. >> and a dramatic account there, shaq. imagine what would happen if he had a ladder and climb up there. shaquille brewster, thank you. coming up, we'll take a turn, the mlb has a new home run turn, the mlb has a new home run derby champ, who w[coughing] copd isn't pretty. i'm out of breath, and often out of the picture. but this is my story. ( ♪♪ )
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♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i'm reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn't be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don't take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop wegovy® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. wegovy® may cause low blood sugar in people with diabetes, especially if you take medicines to treat diabetes. tell your provider about vision problems or changes, or if you feel your heart racing while at rest. depression or thoughts of suicide may occur. call your provider right away if you have any mental changes. common side effects like nausea, vomiting,
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and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. with wegovy®, i'm losing weight, i'm keeping it off. and i'm lowering my cv risk. that's the power of we. ♪ ♪ check your cost and coverage before talking to your health care professional about wegovy®. asistio attorneys for convicted murderer scott peterson are back inside a courtroom this afternoon fighting for a new trial. nbc bay area's ginger conejero saab joins us from redwood city with the latest. yesterday in court, the judge decided on a lab to perform dna testing on a contentious piece of evidence. today, lawyers are arguing about discovery of evidence. scott peterson's lawyers have filed motions concerning discovery and what is known as a 1050 4.9 motion,
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saying peterson is entitled to more than 600 items of evidence, some of it not used during his trial. the defense believes a burglary at the home of peterson's neighbor on christmas eve, the same day laci peterson disappeared, is connected to her murder. peterson was convicted of murdering his pregnant wife, laci, and their unborn son connor, back in 2004. he has been attending hearings virtually from prison, where he is currently serving his sentence. now, aside from today's motions, his defense team from the la innocence project is pushing for the judge to test evidence from the original trial. the judge only gave the green light to test a piece of duct tape found on lacy's pants. the la innocence project, which is defending peterson and the stanislaus county prosecutors, could not agree on a lab to handle that testing. so yesterday, the judge picked a third party lab, pure gold forensic labs, based in redlands. a victim impact statement from laci's mom was also read aloud that read in
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part, we endure the pain of reliving laci's murder, ripping the scab from the wound with each attempt he makes for freedom. why is he allowed to pursue having his conviction overturned time after time with evidence? other courts have already denied? this is not justice for laci and conner. he is guilty of murdering them. when will this all? when will this end? now the hearing continues. it is expected to go into the full day. our scott budman is in the courtroom and will bring updates on other newscasts, as well as in redwood city, ginger conejero saab nbc bay area news. all right, ginger, thank you. the investigation into oakland mayor sheng thao appears to be expanding. east bay times reports that federal prosecutors issued new subpoenas to the city attorney's office last week. it ordered city leaders to hand over all oakland police phone directories since march. they're asking for police reports involving a family tied to the investigation that owns
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california waste solutions. mayor thao hasn't been charged and insists she has done nothing wrong. san francisco is trying to crack down on fentanyl. city supervisors are going to consider a resolution today that will put an opioid fighting drug in every pharmacy. the measure calls for drug stores to carry buprenorphine. it's a prescription drug that reduces fentanyl cravings and eases withdrawals. the federal government recently eased restrictions on it. if supervisors pass this measure, they can penalize pharmacies for not carrying sufficient amounts. well, oakland is celebrating the opening of a new affordable housing project. organizers behind the black panther held a grand opening event today. it's at seventh and campbell streets along the once thriving black corridor known as harlem west. it aims to provide housing to low income and formerly incarcerated people. former chairwoman of the black panther party, elaine brown, helped raise $80 million to fund that development. well, it is a good
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day to get out and enjoy the cooler but still warm weather. here's meteorologist kari hall with the forecast as we take a look at today's high temperatures. this is the coolest day we'll see in quite a while, so take it in. we're only up to 80 in san jose, but there will be some warm spots like morgan hill reaching a high of 89 degrees and mostly mid 80s for the east bay with danville and pleasanton up to 783 degrees. there will be in the low 70s for oakland and then for the coast. we're in the mid 60s for half moon bay and san mateo. expect a high of 73 and mostly 60s in san francisco. cloudy morning that clears out for the afternoon. and then going into the north bay. temperatures will be in the 60s near the coast and upper 70s for santa rosa, still hot farther north, and we will feel more heat like this in our forecast. we'll talk about that coming up in about 30 minutes. sounds good. kari. thank you. if you were up late, may have felt it. two overnight earthquakes in
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santa clara county, a 3.2 quake near the san felipe lake around 140 this morning. this is right off of 152 near gilroy. the second, a 3.4, came just a minute later. so far, no reports of any damage or injuries. that does it for this edition of the fast forward. i will be back in fast forward. i will be back in 30 minutes with missing out on the things you love because of asthma? get back to better breathing with fasenra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. step back out there with fasenra. ask your doctor if it's right for you. (♪♪) introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with 4 powerful pain-fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source.
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for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief. (♪♪) (♪♪) voltaren... for long lasting arthritis pain relief. (♪♪) so, i didn't think i needed swiffer, until, i saw how easily it picked up my hair... every time i dried it! it only takes a minute. look at that! the heavy duty cloths are extra thick, for amazing trap & lock. even for his hair. wow. you'll love swiffer or your money back. your gut is like a garden growing both good bacteria and bad. that balance is key to a healthy gut environment. benefiber's plant-based prebiotic fiber gently nourishes the good bacteria, working with your body to help your gut,
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and you, flourish. effortlessly. every day. grow what feels good. with benefiber. this is what joint pain looks like. when you keep moving with aleve. (♪♪) just 1 aleve. 12 hours of uninterrupted joint pain relief. aleve. strength to last 12 hours. bottom of the hour now, here
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are some of the stories making headlines right here on "nbc news daily." nearly half of all americans right now are under heat alerts in the midwest more than 500,000 people have to bear that heat with no electricity after severe storms tore through illinois, indiana and iowa. in houston, hundreds of thousands of people are still without power, eight days after hurricane beryl caused outages. team usa will have more women than men at the olympics. this is fourth time in a row women have outnumbered men on team usa. the u.s. olympic and paralympic committee is sending nearly 600 athletes to paris later this month and the lineup features 314 women and 278 men. they span from age 16 to 59. the opening ceremony takes place next friday with the competition ending on august 11th. speaking of sports, major league baseball's all-star week has kicked off if arlington, texas, and now we have a new home run derby championship.
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champion. teoscar hernandez from the l.a. dodgers, took home the prize in annual contest. it pits mlb players against each other to see obviously who can slug the most home runs. hernandez made history the first-ever dodger to accomplish that feat, smashing 14 home runs in the final round of the competition. today's focus is on immigration at the republican national convention. >> next news political and national correspondent jacob soboroff joins us from milwaukee. you cover immigration extensively and particularly under the trump administration. what are you expecting to hear today? >> reporter: i think today's going to be, you know, back to pl policy largely, yesterday was very somber reflective feeling on the floor of the convention in the wake of the assassination attempt of former president trump and tonight it's back to
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politics and policy. it's back to music. immigration is going to be front and center. you know very well that trump administration is known for some of the harshest immigration policies, the family separation policy n the part platform a mass deportation policy has been front and center, the biggest one in america history, back to 1954 eisenhower, an operation that deported over 1 million mexicans to mexico with official name that's so controversial so racist frankly that i can't say it on our air, will the trump administration go forward with that mass deportation proposal from the stage tonight, will we hear something about that from the speakers? a second family separation policy, former president trump hasn't disavowed that policy when they had that town hall and
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to see if trump administration speakers tonight might moderate their tone, unlikely based on the rhetoric we've heard on the floor. immigration will be an important policy not just tonight but as well tomorrow here at the convention at the rnc in milwaukee. >> jacob, talk more broadly about what to expect tonight. crime is also part of the theme of the evening, right. >> reporter: yeah, that's right, kate, obviously people have talked all about crime all across the country here it's coming up quite frequently in local elections, so we expect to hear from people from law enforcement and political perspective but people who have been through crimes themselves. nikki haley, ron desantis, marco rubio, ted cruz, the list goes
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on, this is an important policy platform for the republican party, if not reflected in the crime statistics, came out across the country crime has gone down, a little bit of what are they saying from the stage, compared to what's the reality across the country, many people have personal experiences they'll relate to when they take to the stage tonight. >> jacob, of course, you've been speaking with many officials out there, members of the trump family, you made some news yesterday, talk to us about the messaging you're getting from the trump family. >> reporter: i spoke to don junior yesterday, a very sensitive time, it came in wake of the assassination attempt of the former president, anyone with any level of empathy understand what a horrific moment that was not only for the former president and for the nation, we talked a little bit about how the policies of the trump administration, as i said
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might ultimately change in a second trump administration in the wake of former president trump he ripped up to his speech, he might come out with a completely different tone. >> all right, jacob, thank you. we could hear you over the music. thank you so much. we're following breaking news, three u.s. officials have confirmed with nbc news intelligence about an iranian plot to assassinate form e president donald trump. >> some breaking news, the information caused the secret service to increase security around the former president, now this was all prior to what happened on saturday. let's bring in nbc news justice and intelligence correspondent ken dilanian a big headline here, what do we know. >> reporter: kate, the first thing i wanted to say officials are telling us that this intelligence and this plot they believe had nothing to do with the 20-year-old shooter in
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butler county, pennsylvania, on saturday. that was just a horrible coincidence, what we're being told intelligence came in in recent weeks of a potential iranian plot to assassinate president trump. has plotted to kill other american officials. including mike pompeo, the secretary of state at the time and john bolton the national security adviser who still have security details to this day because of that risk of that iranian plot. intelligence suggesting that iranians are targeting former president trump. led the secret service to augment donald trump's security detail. what we saw saturday was enhanced security. that will raise a lot of
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questions in people's minds given all the scrutiny of what many are calling a colossal security failure, the failure to secure that building, it's big news that there's an iranian plot according to u.s. officials to assassinate the former president and the secret service augmented his security detail and that's what we saw on saturday when an assassin was able to get in a sniper position and almost kill the former president. >> this has been an ongoing threat to former president trump since he ordered the assassination of an iranian military leader during his term. i want to ask you, how has the situation changed recently when it comes to iran? >> reporter: to be clear, an ongoing threat, there's an ongoing threat, plots against other former trump
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administration officials, not reporting that there was a specification plot to kill donald trump. specific sources reporting, it's unclear as to what extent it was corroborated by other sources, it was enough to lead the intelligence community to pass that information to the secret service. >> ken, thank you so much. let's turn now to the economy, top of mind for loft american voters right now and last night's theme at the rnc focused on just that. >> republicans outlined structure of their economic policies for a second trump term, they looked to draw contrasts obviously with president biden's agenda, nbc news senior business correspondent christine romans joins was a fact-check. there wasn't a ton of detail last night, we heard some
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basics. >> here are the basics of the trump record, we have someone running for president who's already been president, lot of deregulation when he was president of the united states, lot of tariffs and individual and corporate tax cuts that will expire, big tax issues on the agenda and covid was a big hit on jobs and on economic growth, he's the president who presided over the biggest loss of jobs because of covid. what is he promising in the second term, talked about mass deportations, a lot more tariffs, more tax cuts and he would cut so much the inflation reduction act and he would focus more on fossil fuel. >> the former president will win, trump has touted his strength in business and zblashgts conditions are very, very good in the stock market and that's why stocks have been
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rising. here's what it looked like under donald trump, record highs along the way. if joe biden was elected the economy would crash so would the stock market, that didn't happen, the stock market continued to make record highs here. bottom line, conditions are good, strong job market, inflation is starting to ease, companies are starting to make a lot of money. wall street has done well under donald trump and joe biden. >> republicans have been critical of green energy policies, they say they're going to drill for oil. >> you know donald trump and some republicans really hate the green initiatives that have been passed into law. they want more oil production. u.s. oil production, under donald trump, it hit a record, but the fact is, it's still hitting records in terms of u.s. oil production and continues to hit records even next year there's a real disdain for green investments but we're still
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pumping a lot of oil in the united states right now. >> interesting to note all of that. thank you so much. speaking of money, coming up, have you made your prime day list yet and check it twice. items on deep discount.
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tis the season for summer savings.
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consumers are already seeing major markdowns from big retailers over the last two weeks. and today's the start of amazon's biggest sales event of the year, called prime day, two-day shopping event with big deals for prime members. >> consumers are ready, 40% of u.s. households are expected to shop during this year's prime day event according to a report from the market research firm numerator. the team at nbc select has rounded up some great deals from home and tech items to beauty essentials and even something for your pets. let's go through them with mario armstrong. don't forget to scan that qr code you're seeing and shop all the products, so let's start with the pearly whites. >> yes, great point. we'll start with the 3d white strips from crest. you can remove 15 years of stains in two weeks by
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applying this once a day for 30 minutes a day and it's ada accepted. so it's safe. it uses the same whitening ingredient that dentists use. it's on special. 40% off. really great. under 24 bucks. >> all right, next up, can i be honest, i've never tried a lip mask in my life, what is a lip mask? >> a lip mask, this is a lip mask you apply to your lips, you do this at night time and it nourishes with powerful antioxidants so they feel baby soft in the morning. i have lip balm in the morning. i'm tired of carrying it. so it's the answer. >> it's really trending too. >> lot of people need it when they're feeling chapped. >> throughout. when i don't use it i can tell
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the difference. >> okay that's 30% off? >> 30% off, under 17 bucks. think of it too not only for yourself, this could be a great gift as a stocking stuffer. >> this is the little green bissell. awesome for area rugs. we have b-roll of a coffee stain and how it gets removed. so, this has 81,000 reviews on amazon. 81,000. when you said viral, you said it. 4.5 stars for this. this is a must-buy at the price. >> you do this, you don't have to call the carpet cleaner, you can do it yourself. >> we're talking under $82 for this. people use it in their cars, quick cleanup, messes, kids in your family.
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>> pretty portable. >> lightweight, really nice, too. portable, lightweight. >> let's move on to the furbo. it has to do with pets. >> this is like your dog nanny when you're away from your dog. a camera that's 360 degrees. you can see it from your phone. you can also talk to your pet and you can send them treats. >> wait, what? you can talk to your -- >> yes. treats can pop out through this. >> your dog -- >> bowie barks a lot when you're away and feels anxiety. we need to see what he's up to. this is 51% off, the biggest discount that we have here, it's under $50, a great idea for not only you but also your pet. it can work for cats, too. >> and it's pretty unassuming but inside, you're saying there's a camera and there's a food feeder. is there a microphone?
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>> there's a speaker, you talk through your phone to your pet. >> i love that. if you're a gamer or a streamer. what should we know here? >> beyond that, this is a roku device, it's under $29, 42% off, it turns any tv in your household into a streaming tv, access peacock, netflix, access premium programming. >> if you have a tv that's not smart tv, older tv model. >> older tv models, and you can take it with you to travel. get your programming you like. supersmall, lightweight. i bought it for my mom, she loves it and we just did it for my mother in law. for her two tvs as well. easy to setup and install. >> $29. >> mario, thank you for getting us hooked up on this prime day. we didn't know where to start.
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>> i'm trying to get everyone to think in advance. take care of your loved ones. this is how i end up looking like the man come the holidays. >> i have a sister in law who's probably watching who does this. she starts now. she starts now. >> checking people off the list. >> exactly. >> scan that qr code. take advantage of it. >> to purchase any of these items or to keep up to date on even more sales during prime day you can scan that qr code on your screen there, or go to that's where the team's going to be updating the best discounts in real time. we should also mention that nbc select does earn a commission from purchases made from this segment. >> thank you for spending your time with us. we've got a lot more news ahead. >> you're watching "nbc news daily." >> thank you so much. (♪♪) hey man. whoa i'm you, from the future. huh? our doctor figured out why the constipation with belly pain keeps coming back. it's ibs-c and... linzess could help you get ahead of it.
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linzess is not a laxative. it's a once-daily pill that helps you get ahead of your symptoms. it's proven to help you have more frequent and complete bowel movements. and helps relieve overall abdominal symptoms - belly pain, discomfort, and bloating. do not give linzess to children less than two. it may harm them. do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. these aren't all the side effects. get ahead of it. talk to your doctor and say yess to linzess. learn how abbvie and ironwood could help you save. choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels. because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away.
12:52 pm
choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels. because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. [coughing] copd hasn't been pretty. it's tough to breathe and tough to keep wondering if this is as good as it gets. but trelegy has shown me that there's still beauty and breath to be had. because with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open and prevents future flare-ups. and with one dose a day, trelegy improves lung function so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed.
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trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful. lot of stories around the bay area. this afternoon, including a warning from pleasanton police about a spike in coyote sightings and san francisco leaders set to vote on a new development plan for stonestown galleria. so city planners are. they approved the project. you might remember back in may calls for 3500 new homes, many for low income people. it includes a new 19 story apartment tower and six acres of open space. it would also create hundreds of jobs. the development plan includes
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involves a partnership with brookfield properties and will require rezoning if you own pets. pleasanton police is reminding you to make sure they're inside overnight. that's because of the recent spike in coyotes. police say they're killing cats, and sightings have been going up over the past month. they say it's happening mostly at night or early in the morning, and things have been slightly cooler around the bay, but a bit of a warm up is ahead. meteorologist kari hall has your 7-day forecast. today our temperatures will be fairly mild with some mid 80s for the south county into the east bay, and then for tomorrow it's slightly warmer with the highs, a few of them in the low 90s. as we go toward the end of the week, we'll see more widespread 90s in the interior valleys, and then only slightly cooler for the weekend with low 90s in our overnight lows in the low 60s. for san francisco, it will be in the upper 60s for highs through thursday, and it will be warming up a bit for friday into the weekend with a little bit less
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in the way of the low clouds and fog. we'll see in the morning and into early next week. we may be warming up once again, but we will still have a wide range in temperatures across the bay area and warmer temperatures in the valleys. all (intercom) flight deck we are go for launch! (ethan) is that the one? (janet) so much space! that open kitchen! (tanya) that a walk in closet? (ethan) i want those tiles! (intercom) boosters engaged. (ethan) wait! we've got a problem! (janet) problem?! (ethan) how can you sell your house when we're stuck on a space station for months???!!! (tanya) no, no! bad timing, janet!!! (janet) but that was the one!!!! (brian) no, no, no... opendoor!! (tanya) don't open the door. (brian) opendoor gives you the flexibility to sell and buy on your timeline. (all) really? (brian) yea!!! (intercom) we have liftoff. (janet) nice! (janet) houston we have a playroom!
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you might have to pay a higher interest on loans, miss out on an apartment, or even a new job. thankfully you can check your report for free, and here's consumer investigator chris chmura to show us how. the three big credit bureaus experian, transunion and equifax just extended a pandemic perk. free weekly access to your credit report, and you should take advantage to see your file only, go to beware of imposters. there are other websites out there, but
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annual credit is the only website that is authorized under law on annual credit select request my free credit reports. you can request your file from one, two or all three credit bureaus and it only takes a few minutes. the reports show bank credit and loan accounts in your name, plus payment history. look for errors and any account you don't recognize. if you spot a problem, you need to write two letters, one to the business that reported it and the second to the credit bureau that listed it. here's the good news. the federal trade commission has basically written those letters for you. click these qr codes to follow the ftc's templates. now, once you send your letters, the credit bureaus have 30 days to investigate. don't ignore any errors. even the smallest ones can drag down your credit score or be assigned. someone has stolen your identity and is impersonating you. very helpful
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and useful information there. chris thanks so much. well, that does it for this edition of the fast forward. we have much more news coming up here throughout the afternoon, and we'll see you here once again at 430. until here once again at 430. until then, take care. missing out on the things you love because of asthma? get back to better breathing with fasenra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. step back out there with fasenra. ask your doctor if it's right for you. (♪♪) an alternative to pills, voltaren is a clinically proven arthritis pain relief gel, which penetrates deep to target the source of pain with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly at the source.
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voltaren, the joy of movement. introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with 4 powerful pain-fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief. i'm adding downy unstopables to my wash. now i'll be smelling fresh all day long. [sniff] still fresh. still fresh! ♪♪ with downy unstopables, you just toss, wash, wow. for all-day freshness.
1:00 pm
you just toss, wash, wow. i'm craig melvin, and this is "murder is so personal.bc. she knew who was in the room with her.


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