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tv   Today  NBC  July 17, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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view station. how about jealous of these temperatures in san francisco? look at that upper 60s today. and then we'll transition into 70s. and if we're talking 70s in the city, you know, we're talking warm everywhere else. we are looking at some heat on the way 90s triple digits next week. okay. the today show is just moments away, but you can still get more local news on today in the bay on roku, pluto, other streaming platforms as well, including, live at eight helping you make it in the bay. the big boost for a housing fund from a silicon valley millionaire billionaire. plus, we're going one on one with the voice actress for one of the most talked about fantasy books. if you guys listen to iron flam, you know somebody is excited. yeah, we know who's doing that interview. rolling stones tonight out good wednesday morning. donald trump's forme
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good wednesday morning. donald trump's former opponents taking center stage. >> republicans closing ranks around their nominee here in milwaukee. good morning. it is july 17th. this is "today". united front. donald trump's one-time rivals in the 2024 race offering their full support at the republican national convention. >> donald trump has my strong endorsement, period. >> you must send donald trump back to the white house. >> in the spotlight today, running mate j.d. vance set to introduce himself to a new audience with a high-stakes closely-watched speech tonight. we will have live coverage. demand for answers. pressure growing on the secret service as new details emerge of the frantic moments before those attempts on donald trump's night over the weekend. members of congress being briefed today on the investigation. we'll have the very latest. supreme showdown. president biden considering major changes to the nation's
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highest court. term limits for justices and an enforceable code of ethics, but can he push the plan through congress? and the major concern facing his campaign. a group of democrats urging his nomination be delayed. no relief. another day of extreme heat on tap, ahraurts in effect from t south all the way to maine, while damaging storms spawn more tornadoes in the northeast and even more severe weather is on the way. your full forecast straight ahead. summer of sharks. new sightings feet from shore. just ahead, the warnings you need to know before heading to the water. those stories, plus today exclusive. simone biles opening up to hoda about her decision to return to gymnastics. >> i feel like one day i just woke up and i was like, okay, let's try this again. >> and her big plans for paris. >> i would say the only thing i have to prove is to myself, that i can get out there and do it again.
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>> and what do we think? >> i think we will get the job done. >> they're one-on-one with the olympics just one week away. and mid-summer classic. >> way back to right field. >> the major league's best players shine at the all-star game as the american league gets back to its winning ways. >> there's a high fly ball. duran! that one will leave the yard! >> we've got the can't miss highlights today, july 17, 2024. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie, from the republican national convention in milwaukee, and hoda kotb, from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. hi, everybody. good morning. welcome to "today." it is a wednesday morning. good to have you along with us.
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hi, hoda. i'm here in milwaukee, and you are there in studio 1a. i love seeing you and simone together. >> girl, she's pumped. and, in fact, on thursday she will be on her way to paris. i think she's ready for it, and so are we. >> we're all ready for it. we talk about here in milwaukee, last night was all about one-time adversaries of former president trump now lining up to support. nikki haley and ron desantis speaking out for the man they once ran against here at the republican national convention. former president trump once again appeared. he was wearing that ear bandage. tonight it will be vance in the spotlight, giving his first address as trump's newly minted vice presidential pick. we have a lot to cover, including the details on the investigation into the trump that assassination attempt and how the biden campaign is responding with all of this. let's get started here in milwaukee. hallie jackson is here.
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>> reporter: hey, savannah. good morning. another night, another backed day out here on the convention floor. to your point about ex-rivals coming together to support the former president, one of his former aids tells me if donald trump likes more than a loyal supporter, it's a converted loyal supporter, and there were plenty of those onstage last night. >> taking in day two of the convention with former president trump arriving earlier than expected, according to a source earlier, so he could listen to speeches from his former primary rivals, from former u.s. ambassador, nikki haley -- >> i'll start by making one thing perfectly clear. donald trump has my strong endorsement, period. >> reporter: to florida governor ron desantis. >> america cannot afford four more years of a "weekend at bernie's" presidency. >> reporter: their presence that even those bit early opposed to a trump presidency just months
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ago. >> he is unhinged. he is more diminished than he was. >> reporter: and whom the former president mocked -- >> you know who bird brain is, right, and ropb has always been a loser. >> reporter: are now bending the knee and making the case on his behalf. >> you don't have to agree with trump 100% of the time to vote for him. take it from me. i haven't always agreed with president trump. but we agree more often than we disagree. >> let's send joe biden back to his basement and let's send donald trump back to the white house. >> reporter: the gop message, a united front. is this donald trump's party now? >> absolutely. he is the president. he will be re-elected as the president again. >> reporter: looming over the convention, saturday's attempted assassination of the former
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president. mr. trump 's daughter-in-law, laura trump hailing his response seconds after being wounded by the gunman. >> in the midst of it all, as he was jostled off stage by secret service that he knew how defining that moment would be for our country, and he hoisted his fist in the air. >> reporter: as allies look to a win over undecided voters. >> we know that in our nation a lot of people have already made up their minds. we have to get out there and do the work and tell the story. >> reporter: on a night meant to fight crime. and new mention of his hush money payments. tonight all eyes on mr. trump's running mate, ohio senator j.d. vance and the highest-profile moment of his young political career so far. also this morning, we are learning new details about two security incidents not far from the convention center here in milwaukee.
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police say in one of them, officers shot and killed a man who was involved in an altercation armed with knives after he refused to drop his weapon and charged another person. overnight, milwaukee police announced they arrested a 21-year-old wearing a ski mask and looking suspicious. >> security always hovering over a big event like this, especially in light of what happened over the weekend. last night was to show unity within the republican party, but also to reach out to independent voters. so what do the polls show right now? who is really up for grabs when you have a country that's this polarized. >> it's really competitive here. it is president biden who has the edge on that front. but 30% of independents say they're still undecided. they're not into either candidate at this moment. that's why you're seeing former president trump, his campaign, really trying to make the case here. but as we talk over the next 100 plus days, this race will not be
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won or lost nationally. it will happen in battleground states, and there sit former president trump that has a slight edge, a competitive race and a lot of eyes on them from now until november. >> tonight is j.d. vance's moment. he's 39 years old for a few more weeks. he's a senator, but only for 18 more months. he will give the vice presidential nominating speech tonight. >> a source is telling me expect it to focus on his upbringing, what the campaign feels is a compelling story and linking it to critical issues like trade, inflation, immigration, et cetera. it's not surprising it would be a heavily by graphical speech opposed to a political one, savannah, given that this is j.d. vance's biggest political moment. he will be on the national stage for the first time in his
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political career to this degree. overall the theme tonight focussing on foreign policy. the theme make america safe again. it's interesting. as much as we have been talking about gop unity and the united front the party wants to present, there are differences here on foreign policy, especially when it comes to funding for ukraine. >> yeah. something j.d. vance has been upfront about. thank you very much. we'll send it back to you. >> thank you. let's turn to the search for answers. in the attempt of former president trump's life, as the federal investigation unfolds, we're learning the secret service ramped up security for mr. trump in recent weeks because of an alleged assassination plot against him. stephanie gosk joins us with details. >> reporter: good morning. the trump campaign says they were told in passing by the secret service that there was an elevated threat against the former president, but nothing specific about iran. security was ramped up even before president trump got here to the rally in pennsylvania. in the weeks leading up to
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donald trump's rally in pennsylvania, we're now learning there was already increased security around the former president after u.s. officials obtained intelligence there may be an iranian plot to assassinate him. the national security council emphasizing there is no connection between the alleged iranian threat and saturday's shooting by gunman thomas crooks. >> he's on the roof. right here! flat on the roof. >> reporter: from the republican convention, eric trump vented his frustration over the security operation at his father's rally. >> there was a breakdown, and they better get to the bottom of it. >> reporter: according to officials speaking to nbc news, there were warnings about crooks before he opened fire. butler township manager tom knights says one of his police officers locked eyes with the gunman on the rooftop. >> he was able to pull his head up over the roof. he did, in fact, see an individual on the roof with a
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weapons. >> reporter: knight says that officer was responding to a report of a suspicious person and that other police officers boosted him up to take a look. what did the shooter do? >> pulled towards him. >> reporter: and at that point, the officer is hanging on to the side of the roof? >> yes, yes. >> reporter: unable to pull a gun out? unable to defend himself? unable to reach his radio? >> any of that, yeah. yeah. strictly a defensive movement for him to lower his head, duck. >> reporter: he was not the local agency responsible for securing the rooftop. the secret service said the building was outside their security parameter and was the primary responsibility of the local law enforcement. secret service director saying the agency decided to secure the building from the inside for safety concerns because of its sloped roof at its highest point. secret service did not respond
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to our request for comments. they're deeply grateful for the officers that ran towards danger. we're also learning this morning from senator chuck schumer's office that the senators will be receiving a phone briefing today on the attempted assassination effort from the fbi, the doj and the secret service, hoda. >> stephanie gosk there in pennsylvania for us. thank you. savannah? yeah, hoda. with the republican national convention in full swing, president biden is hitting the campaign trail in nevada. we're also learning about planning a major proposal that could dramatically alter the supreme court. gabe gutierrez has the latest this morning. gabe, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. multiple sources tell nbc news president biden has already discussed his intentions for the nation's highest court. the proposed changes have not yet been finalized, but they could be rolled out in the coming weeks.
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this morning under pressure from progressives, president biden considering major changes to the supreme court. multiple sources telling nbc news the president has been working on a significant announcement about potential reforms, including term limits for justices and an updated enforceable ethics code. it all comes after the supreme court's controversial ruling on presidential immunity. >> this decision today has continued the court's attack in recent years on a wide range of established legal principals in our nation. >> reporter: notably, many proposals would require congressional approval. former president trump calling the potential changes an unconstitutional attack. meanwhile, president biden is back on the campaign trail in battleground nevada, referencing mr. trump's comments from the debate about immigrants taking, quote, black jobs. >> folks, i know what a black
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job is. it's the vice president of the united states. >> reporter: the president in a new interview with bet news asked what could change his mind about staying in the race? >> if i had some medical condition that emerged. the doctors came and said, you have this problem and that problem. >> reporter: but the efforts from some house democrats to convince president biden to step aside from the campaign is not over. nbc news obtained a new draft letter by lawmaker, urging the democratic national committee not to speed up president biden's nomination before the party's convention through a virtual roll call vote, possibly prematurely shutting down any change to the democratic ticket is a terrible idea. more than 20 lawmakers have signed it. and this morning multiple outlets reporting congressman adam schiff told donors saturday, quote, i think if he is our nominee, i think we lose. a spokesperson for congressman schiff declined to comment. as for president biden, that las
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vegas appearance addressing the naacp is part of the plan to court black and latino voters. today he will speak at a latino civil rights conference there. >> all right. gabe gutierrez on the white house lawn. thank you, gabe. also this morning, new jersey senator bob menendez is vowing to appeal after he was found guilty on all 16 federal counts in his corruption trial. nbc's capitol correspondent, ryan nobles, is there for us. good morning, ryan. >> reporter: good morning. menendez was convicted and now facing the possibility of decades in prison. some of his colleagues on capitol hill are calling for him to immediately resign or they will push to expel him from the u.s. senate. senator bob menendez, once a towering figure in the united states senate, now facing a flurry of calls for his resignation after being found
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guilty of being found guilty. among those calling for him to step down, senate majority leader, chuck schumer, who said in a statement menendez must do what's right for his constituents, the senate and our country and resign. overnight corey booker telling msnbc's rachel maddow he would lead to an effort to expel the senator if he doesn't resign. >> if he refuses to do that, many of us -- but i will lead that effort to make sure he's removed from the senate. >> reporter: the verdict brings to an end a year's long investigation and legal battles against menendez who is on trial for a second time for political corruption. the first trial ended with a hung jury. this time he was found guilty on all 16 counts. federal prosecutors that tried the case said the verdict demonstrates that no one, even a powerful senator like menendez, is above the law. >> years of selling his office to the highest bidder have come to an end. >> reporter: menendez was convicted of using his influence
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as the chair of the foreign relations committee to take actions that benefitted the governments of egypt and qatar. in exchange he received bribes from three businessmen in the form of gold bars, a mercedes-benz given to his wife and close to $500,000 in cash. the senator's defense team arguing he kept cash because of his family's escape from communist cuba and a distrust in banks and institutions. >> i have never violated by public oath. i have never been anything but a patriot of my country and for my country. >> reporter: if menendez refuses to resign on his own, the senate could move to expel him, and the last time a senator was expelled was in 1862 when a group of senators were removed for their support of the confederacy during the civil war. hoda? >> thank you. all right, guys. we have a lot more to get to, including extreme weather. we have dangerous storms to report on. let's turn to dylan.
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she's in for al. she's got her eye on it all. hey, dylan. >> oh, my goodness. it has been so brutally hot from the northeast to the southeast. out west it's hot. down south it's hot. we have 82 million people under heat watches, heat warnings, heat advisories. we have our hottest, most uncomfortable temperatures in areas like philadelphia, and down through d.c. and new york where when you are stuck in the city there's no air flow and it's that much hotter when you factor in the humidity, too. now, we do have a cold front that is going to help cool things down, so a heat index of 105 in d.c. hartfield will feel like 101. then you go back to the great lakes, green bay 75 degrees, that feels nice. so that cooler less humid air will trickle in to the northeast. syracuse up to 77 degrees. richmond still at 87. but the heat index will be 90 degrees, so it will start to feel a little bit better. cleveland looks beautiful going into the weekend. burlington, vermont, low to
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mid-80s. still around 90 for saturday. but, again, not as humid. we can't have this cold front move through without some storms. we are going to see storms across the i-95 corridor today. biggest threats for wind gusts up to 60 miles an hour and some large hail. just a low risk of tornadoes. still up from new england down through virginia, we are expecting those storms today. that's a look at the weather across the country. we will get to your next forecast in 30 seconds. (woman) you're doing great! (man) oh, is that a buffalo? (woman) babe, that's a cow. (vo) the subaru crosstrek wilderness. adventure on the edge.
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and that's your latest forecast. >> by the way, the weather is what kept al in d.c., wasn't it? >> i know. his flight was canceled, right. >> we will get more from dylan in a minute. new sightings and what is being called the summer of sharks, some spotted just feet from shore. we will have the latest on the impact from this busy vacation season. savannah? all right. then we have ohio senator j.d. vance, it's his night tonight and he's preparing to take center stage here in milwaukee. what we expect to hear in his
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speech, his first as donald trump's running mate and what his selection could signal for the future of the republican
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paris, the star of the ultimate comeback story. we're talking about simone biles. she's opening up about the moment she knew she was ready to compete again after everything that went on. we will talk to her in an exclusive conversation. and treatment is 4 times a year. in a survey, 91% of users wish they'd started sooner. so why wait? talk to your doctor. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache.
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sanchez. here's a look at our top stories, including a bleak new forecast for san francisco schools with some key positions not being filled. the chronicle reports ten elementary schools are telling families they will not fill their vacant assistant principal positions. the superintendent also said that should save the district $2 million, but that the ultimate decision is not in the district's hands. this is part of a larger hiring freeze that includes the vetting of all current vacant positions. the district previously announced the elimination of more than 900 jobs. i'm bob redell here in santa clara. for many of us who've been in the bay area for a long time, it's hard to believe that that right there is now ten years old. today groundbreaking taking place over 12 years ago on the southeast corner of levi stadium. and tonight, to cap off this major milestone, the rolling stones will be playing here at 730 laird this morning. the city of santa clara will begin closing
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roads around levi's to get ready for those big crowds. so expect traffic delays on major freeways like 101, 237 and 880. now, people not used to, people not used to levi's stadium might not remember how sunny it gets. it's beautiful. happy birthday, levi's stadium. we'll do 80 there in santa clara. but for our further inland valleys mid to upper 80s for today, enjoy that while we have it because we are looking at some warmer weather tomorrow and friday, but we'll save us is the weekend before we get into some upper 90s and one hundreds. next week. kris. all right, thank you so much, cynthia. don't forget you can catch cynthia and the rest of the today in the bay team live at 8:00. we are streaming and we're talking about a boost from when silicon valy billionaire. tleha
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♪ that's it. we're back at 7:30. that's the moment in the making. remember, the mayor said, the mayor of paris said she was going to jump into the seine and swim. well, she did just that to show, as she says, that the river is ready for the olympics now just nine days away. she's got a good stroke. yeah. we'll have more on that in just a bit. sheinelle is here. can you believe that happened? that happened, savannah. the day game. >> we were wondering. at first i was wondering she was just going to do a dip like you did, hoda. but she did. she actually put her head in. yeah, we'll have more on that in a little bit. we'll talk about the rnc here in milwaukee. a big moment expected tonight. the address by ohio senator j.d. vance. nbc's garrett haake is here. he has a closer look. this is the biggest night of j.d. vance's political life. >> she's so new to republican
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politics, she's never attended a convention before, much less spoken at one. his address tonight is expected to be heavy on biography as he tries to introduce himself and his brand of republican politics to the country. donald trump's running mate, j.d. vance, set to take center stage tonight. the largely unknown figure nationwide, vance is already a celebrity in the make america great again movement where he's now seen as mr. trump's political heir apparent. what does the selection of j.d. vance as donald trump's running mate mean for the party? >> it means that maga has now an enduring battle plan. j.d. vance is young. he is brilliant. >> reporter: to his supporters, that selection helps submit the
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wing as the future of the gop where the freshman center has been one of the loudest voices on capitol hill. >> that's not our job. >> reporter: vance's populism supports a higher minimum wage and backing mr. trump's aggressive trade policies, including higher tariffs on imported goods. advance has long-been an outspoken opponent of abortion, and the biden campaign sees him on vance's past comments, including this in 2021 about exceptions for rape and incest. vance has more recently said he would support some more, quote, reasonable exceptions. vance also embraced some of mr. trump's proposals, including pursuing mass deportation of undocumented immigrants. >> we have to deport people. i think we start with the violent criminals. >> reporter: echoing the former
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president's false seg suggestions of widespread fraud in the last election. >> if i had been vice president i would have told the states that we needed to have multiple slates of electors. and i think the u.s. congress should have fought over it from there. >> reporter: and the key plank of project 2025, a conservative think tank's plan, to overall the federal government by replacing civil servants with trump appointees, potentially firing thousands of government workers. >> if those people aren't following the rules, then of course you've got to fire them. >> reporter: mr. trump distanced himself from project 2025 and vance has said only donald trump will determine the next administration's agenda. vance's turn to shape the party, supporters say, will come later. >> this is about winning elections on down the line in '28 and beyond. >> reporter: vance is already taking criticism from both sides of the aisle with vice president harris out with a video this morning suggesting he would be loyal only to donald trump and not to the country.
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and former trump rival chris christie has an op-ed saying vance's response was all wrong, blaming democrats. not the kind of unity the republican party wants to see right now. >> he laid it at the feet of democrats. so let's talk about electorally the map. was this a vice presidential pick that was designed to help in that way? >> jd vance is a very good spokesperson for what donald trump does. it tells you how the trump campaign sees the map. they will basically park him in pennsylvania like he's running for governor there. they can win in the midwest, and the rest of it doesn't matter. that's what j.d. vance can, they hope, do. >> thank you. by the way, we will bring you that speech live during tonight's coverage from here at the rnc. we get started tonight at 9:00 eastern time. guys, back to you. >> thank you, savannah. still ahead, a historic moment in game show history. ryan seacrest taking his first spin on "wheel of fortune." what he's saying, ahead. but, first, a rise in shark sightings getting close to shore on beaches up and down the east
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coast. emilie ikeda joins us from one of those hot spots, cape cod. hey, em. >> reporter: hey there, hoda, in fact one of the biggest hot spots for the world of great whites. we're diving in what to do, whatnot to do on your summer vacation. stay with us. known for nights to remember. known for creating memories. known for strong family ties. no one wants to be known for cancer, but a treatment can be. keytruda is known to treat cancer. fda-approved for 17 types of cancer, including certain early-stage and advanced cancers. one of those cancers is a kind of bladder and urinary tract cancer called advanced urothelial cancer. keytruda may be used with the medicine enfortumab vedotin
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kill the shark. we're going to have to tell the coast guard -- >> we've got to -- >> you're not familiar with our problems. >> i'm familiar with the fact you are going to ignore this particular problem until it swims up and bites you on the -- >> yeah. >> 7:40, now. the classic scene from "jaws." >> in real life, though, this summer frequent sightings led to the beaches being shut down all along the eastern sea board. a growing number of those sighting are happening close to shore. >> let's go to emilie ikeda who joins us from cape cod for a closer look. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. in recent days, sharks have been reported swimming as close as 50 feet from shore here, which is why you will see those flags flying every single day as a reminder of what is lurking in the waters. they are greeted by signs like this as we go deeper into summer.
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summertime on the east coast means hot weather, packed beaches and a growing number of sharks lurking just offshore. >> this morning we got a notification there was one 20 yards off, that beach over there. >> reporter: shark monitoring data revealing just how close they are. on long island, new york, a beach was temporarily closed to swimming monday after a seven-foot shark was spotted swimming just 25 feet offshore. another shark captured by an nypd drone over the weekend. researchers say modern technology is allowing more people to capture a glimpse of this ancient species. >> in terms of shark sightings, we see increasingly more because many more people have drones. and, so, people are much more aware of the animals in the water. >> reporter: there are signs in new york and new england white shark populations are rebounding. are people around here a little bit more aware of the sharks?
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>> oh, yeah. i think so. >> reporter: while in florida and along the gulf coast, black tip reef sharks are thriving. >> he was out there lurking around. i says, well, i'm not going any further than knee deep out here today. that's for sure. >> reporter: the seasonal activity comes after several high-profile attacks in the pacific, including the death of a surfer killed off the island of oahu. >> it was a strong hit to my body. i knew i had been hit by a shark. >> reporter: in southern california, researchers found juvenile great whites swim near people 97% of the time with no attacks. shark attacks are incredibly rare, scientists say, especially when you consider the millions of people in the water every day. >> if sharks wanted to target people, we'd have 10,000 shark bites a day. people would be such easy targets.
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sharks are actually trying to avoid people to the extent that they can. >> reporter: and experts say shark activity shouldn't change your vacation plans. what's really important here is being shark smart, which is being aware of marine life. you want to avoid murky water and, of course, always listen to life guards. here that means avoid going in the water deeper than your waist. >> don't you worry about that for me. >> you won't be anywhere near that? no murky water and we'll stay right here. thank you. let's check in with dylan once again for another look at your forecast. >> we have storminess out there for a lot of folks across the country today. in fact, we have heavy rain falling especially through northern arkansas where we have flash flood emergencying in effect. the rain is billowing up and not moving from that area, so that could lead to flash flooding. this is all ahead of a cold front that will eventually drop the humidity and lower the
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temperatures for the northeast. before it does so, we will see these storms fire up. you will see how humid it is, so within these thunderstorms, we could see torrential downpours. we could see a lot of rain fall in a short period of time. these storms will extend into the southeast tomorrow. and that's your latest forecast.
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>> all right, dylan. thank you. coming up next, the mayor of paris making a splash this morning. guess what she did? she dove right there into the seine to ease water quality concerns ahead of the olympics. we'll have that and your "morning boost" coming right up after this. ♪ austedo xr significantly reduced kate's td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, kate can stay on her mental health meds— (kate) aww! hi buddy! (vo) austedo xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, or have suicidal thoughts. don't take if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo xr may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, or abnormal movements. seek help for fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, or sweating. common side effects include inflammation
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7:48 am
(toddler) catch me now! (gamer 1) cmon! (gamer 2) play me now! (toddler) okay, bye now! we were torn apart at birth. that's dramatic. this is the story of the best part of the sandwich, and his crust. [director] how does it feel to be so irresistible? irresistible? oh! is that what people are saying? that's it! ugh, irresistible. uncrustables are the best part of the sandwich. we really don't want people to think of feeding food like ours is spoiling their dogs. good, real food is simple. it looks like food, it smells like food, it's what dogs are supposed to be eating. ♪ the perfect morning calls for the perfect ridiculously craveable pairing.... jimmy dean griddle cakes. your family's pancakey, sausagey, griddle cakey, sweet and savory favorite.
7:49 am
looking for a reason to try the new $5 meal deal at mcdonalds? here's one, two, three, four and the price makes 5. that's everything you get with the new $5 meal deal at mcdonald's. did i read this? with the new $5 meal deal did i get eggs? where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. visit ♪ ♪ welcome back. the countdown to paris is on the stretch. guys, guess how many days we
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have left? nine! >> well, throughout the olympics, the seine river will be serving as the venue for several competitions. and just this morning, the mayor of paris went for a swim in it. we have been talking about this. she has been showcasing the river's cleanliness. >> she dunked her head in, too. megan fitzgerald has that story. good morning, megan. >> reporter: guys, good morning. you're absolutely right. we're coming to you live from the beautiful river tents here in london. we couldn't have asked for a better day. these bodies of water are so central. they're like the focal point of any city just like the river seine in paris. this morning, french leaders are proving to the world their city is ready for the olympic games. this morning kicking off for a splash in texas. the mayor showing the world the river seine, the centerpiece of the olympic games is safe.
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the mayor taking the plunge joined by the mayor of the olympic games. >> it's very cool, very, very nice and it's amazing. it's amazing. a dream. >> the olympic games could turn back time. the seine, once a watering hole for parisians, has been banned to the public for over a century, excepttions made for some organized events, including the triathlon. making it safe again has been a mission nine years in the making with a price tag of more than $1 billion. the massive clean-up effort and a huge underground water basin that captures rainwater to reduce pollution. paris officials say their efforts have been working. france's sports minister saying we have been dreaming of this, waiting for this. and some americans testing it out for themselves. >> so i have come back here to take a swim in the seine before the olympics. i'm very impressed with everything the french have done.
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>> reporter: although the quality of the seine has occasionally been unswimmable after heavy rain. so the pressure is on with two olympic events, the marathon and the swimming leg of the triathlon expected to take place in the river, along with an epic opening ceremony with athletes parading down the seine, the first time it's taken place outside a stadium. it could make this year's games one for the ages. >> reporter: and guys, look, you know, cleaning a massive body of water like the seine is pretty huge. officials say they will continue to monitor the levels leading up to and through the olympic games. they are confident they will be ready for what is expected to be a memorable summer olympics. if only we could keep this weather the way it is, that would be pretty clutch. >> it looks beautiful.
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>> and by the way, the mayor is going along. good for her. thank you. coming up, did you catch the scene-stealing cameos and the newest look at the new deadpool movie? plus, glen powell is here to talk twisters at your local news. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i'm reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn't be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don't take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop wegovy® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction.
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(mmm) (hmm) (mmmhmm) ♪♪ milk chocolate beyond words. classic recipe by lindt. sanchez and i'm marcus washington. happening now, here's what we're working on for our upcoming 8 a.m. streaming newscast. i'm ginger conejero saab in san francisco. the
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liberty justice center has filed a lawsuit against governor gavin newsom and the state of california to challenge assembly bill, 1955, which was recently signed into law. it bars all california school districts from notifying parents if their child asks to change their gender identification. elon musk also weighing in, threatening to pull more business out of california. posting on x quote this is the final straw. because of this law and many others that preceded it, attacking both families and companies. spacex will now move its headquarters from hawthorne, california, to starbase, texas. all right, let's take a look at that forecast with cynthia. good morning, kris and marcus. we are in for another calm summer pattern today. a few degrees warmer, not too much san francisco starting off the morning with that patchy fog and the drizzle before we mix out to temperatures in the upper 60s. but look right behind me. seconds for our thursday and friday getting ready for the weekend, which will continue to
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be nice and mild there in the city. if we're talking mild in the city, we're talking hot in our inland valleys, 80s to upper 90s as we go on the weekend should stay cool. we'll talk about those triple digits coming up at eight. i'll be sure to follow our today in the bay live stream newscast coming
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it's 8:00 on "today." coming up in the spotlight, donald trump's former rivals taking center spaetage, speakin out on the former president's behalf. >> donald trump has my strong endorsement, period. >> you must send donald trump back to the white house. >> as trump's newly named running mate preparing for his big speech tonight. we're live in milwaukee. wild weather. tens of millions facing another day of stifling heat while severe storms sweep across the midwest and northeast. dylan's got your full forecast. plus, going for gold. hoda sits down with simone biles just days away from the opening ceremony. >> the only thing i have to prove is to myself, that i can go out there and do it again. >> and what do we think? >> i think we're going to get the job done. i feel really confident. >> their conversation about her return to gymnastics and how
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she's feeling ahead to paris. all that, plus glen powell storms into our studio. kathie lee back in 1a. and seacrest takes his first spin, today, wednesday, july 17th, 2024. >> mom turns 50 today. >> cousins on a trip to new york from wichita, kansas. >> good morning. >> in boca raton, florida. >> visiting from lubbock, texas. >> landover, utah. >> new comeers town, ohio. >> wisconsin. >> and virginia! >> three grandmas and three granddaughters from missouri. >> hi to our grandparents
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>> watching in georgia. >> today is my dad's birthday! today's my tenth birthday! double digits. lots to celebrate out there on our plaza. welcome back to "today." nice to have you along with us wednesday morning, smack dab in the middle of the week, middle of the month. the republican national convention in milwaukee. we have hoda and sheinelle back in for craig. >> good morning, savannah. >> we have a lot to get to in your news at 8:00 here at the convention. donald trump's former opponents in the spotlight on day two of this event offing their full support for the republican nominee. we want to start with kristin welker, moderator of "meet the press." one-time rivals now here to endorse trump. tell us about the night. >> well, savannah, look, it was another electric night here. you did have a team of rivals who, of course, ran against former president trump in the primary. but one of the big headliners was nikki haley. she's actually the only gop candidate that won a state
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during this primary. her message was it's time to get unified, and, yes, i have disagreed with donald trump in the past, but now i'm onboard with him. take a listen to what she had to say. >> take it from me, i haven't always agreed with former president trump, but we agree more often than we disagree. >> now, savannah, nikki haley's voters could be critical to determine who wins this election. it's worth noting, though, what we saw last night was to that extent the republican party is unified at this moment. compare that to democrats who are still debating whether president biden should be on the top of the ticket in the wake of that debate performance. 33% say they're satisfied with president biden at the top of the ticket. compare that to 71% of the republicans. >> by the way, nikki haley originally wasn't invited to the
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convention or coming to the convention, but that inyou have taeugs came within the last week or so and she decided to come. >> it was a last-minute invitation and the crowd largely supportive. a few boos along the way, but a significant olive branch. we'll see if he wins over those voters. >> let's talk about jd vance. introduced as the vice presidential nominee. what do you expect? >> this is the biggest spotlight for senator jd vance. 39 years old, hasn't even served two years in the u.s. senate. he is going to be introducing himself to the country. we're told he will lean into his biography, the fact he had a tough upbringing. he wrote about that in "hillbilly elegy." he served in the marines in iraq. he is if first veteran in the post-9/11 era to be on the major party ticket and the first veteran since senator john mccain ran in 2008. the focus tonight, make america
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safe again. >> thank you. hoda, over to you. >> sg, thank you. millions of americans are waking up to a day of stifling heat. temperatures reaching triple digits from the pacific northeast to the east coast. dylan is all over it. she's in for al. that is a red hot map. >> it is a red hot map. a lot of the reds showing up here. we have the hot and humid weather up and down the east coast. look at what's filtering in back this front. chicago, a high of 81 degrees. st. louis 86. but baltimore 98 degrees. it will feel like 105 when you factor in the humidity. it will clear the northeastern coast as we go into tonight. with it comes thunderstorms, but it will cool things down a bit. syracuse tomorrow, look for a high of 77 degrees with humidity. it will still be warm. 90 degrees in new york city going through the weekend, but it will not be quite as humid or stifling. with that cold front moving through the northeast, we do expect thunderstorms this
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afternoon and evening. large hail and damaging winds will be the biggest threat with a low threat of tornadoes. it does impact that i-95 corridor. a 16-year-old girl was rescued after being trapped in the sand for nearly a half an hour. it happened at mission beach in san diego. you can see a big crowd gathered around and tried to help dig for her with shovels. the teen was about 7 feet deep in the hole when it partially collapsed, making her unable to climb out. after 20 minutes of digging, the teen was freed. thankfully she was not hurt. to major league baseball now. the best of the best taking the field for the 2024 all-star game. this was tied up 3-3 until this happened. >> announcer: the world
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series -- and a high fly ball by duran, and that one will leave the yard and give the american league its first lead of the night. >> that's duran. they will hold on to win that one 5-3. all right. how about a boost? >> you will like this one. here we go. a marine is getting ready for his 40th birthday. his wife told him there were people coming over to celebrate, but she didn't tell him who. shane didn't find out until he opened up the door. take a look. the >> what the -- oh, my god! >> who's that? that's one of shane's old marine buddies. turns out they haven't seen each in 20 years. another doorbell and another group of shane's marine friends. he said he had no idea this was coming. he said these guys are like brothers. >> you could tell. that was nice. that was a good boost. all right, savannah. i know it is time for homework again. it is the homework time of the portion where you have to get ready for tonight. we will see you for tonight's
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prime time coverage and then you will be up bright and early with us, sg. >> yes, ma'am. have a good day, guys. >> all right. you, too. well, still ahead, we have a packed "popstart" for you today, including big news on a story bringing life to the big screen. and our one-on-one with simone biles as she heads to the olympics. she's feeling stronger than ever. what she learned about herself during her break from gymnastics, and what we can expect from the superstar in paris. that's all coming up right after this. l'eggo with eggo. can we... oo, it's prime day? with all these deals, i could be more than megan thee stallion. i could be megan thee... ♪ it's prime day ♪ ♪ sign up to be a member if you want free shipping ♪ ♪ it's prime day, yeah, start clickin'.♪ (nicole) welcome to blue buffalo's one taste is all it takes. (katie) gill wants food that tastes good,ign up to be a member if you want free shipping ♪
8:10 am
if he doesn't like his food he will walk away. (nicole) we sent you blue tastefuls dry food... (katie) he devoured it. clearly he was a big fan. it's healthy, and he loves it. (vo) pick up blue tastefuls today. (man) every time i needed a new phone, i had to switch carriers... (roommate) i told him... at verizon, everyone can get the best deals, like that iphone 15 on them. (man) switching all the time... it wasn't easy. (lady) 35. (store customer) you're gonna be here forever. (man) i know. (employee) here is your wireless contract. (man) do i need a lawyer for this? those were hard days. representative. switch! now that i got a huge storage and battery upgrade... i'm officially done switching. (vo) new and existing customers get iphone 15 on us when they trade in any iphone, any condition. guaranteed. (man) i really wished you told me sooner. (roommate) i did. times may change, but somethings remain timeless. i've been using dove beauty bar more than 25 years. dove is 1/4 moisturizing cream. ♪♪ i feel silky smooth. ♪♪
8:11 am
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we are back at 8:13 with more of our countdown to paris. the opening ceremony just over a week away now. hoda, you caught up with one of the team usa stars we just can't wait to see. >> can't wait. we had a great time. i feel like i have a great time every time i get to catch up with simone. we all know things didn't go the way that she wanted back in tokyo, and that's why, that's why she says in paris she has her eyes on redemption. >> i am speechless because it is just a work of art. >> simone biles doesn't just compete. >> no human should be able to do that. >> she redefines her sport with every skill. >> that is out of this world. >> every routine. >> that's how it's done. she's a champion for a reason.
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with 37 world and olympic medals, simone is the most decorated gymnast of all-time, now heading to her third olympic games. >> i'm a little bit older, more mature, so just being unapologetically me. >> unapologetic and better than ever. but three years ago, many people, including simone herself, questioned if she would ever compete again. >> that was not what was planned. >> i love you guys. >> a mental block known as the twisties led her to withdraw from almost all of her events at the tokyo olympics. >> we're just being told by officials that simone biles is out of the competition tonight. >> simone stepped away from the gym and made her mental health a priority. you had the twisties. you were telling your team at one point, i had demons, and i need to keep the demons at bay. how do you continue to do that now?
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>> therapy. i think before i was kind of like pushing down my trauma. and now i have learned to speak on it and kind of release that. >> do you feel stronger now than you have before? >> i think so. i used to think of therapy as a weakness. now i think of it as a strength. >> simone got married, saying i do to jonathan owens, a safety for the chicago bears. she became the youngest person ever to receive the presidential medal of freedom. but through it all, simone knew there was still one more chapter of her gymnastics story left to right. you made this decision to come back. >> yeah. >> was that a quick, easy decision? >> it took a while because i was watching gymnastic on tv. every time someone twisted, i was like, oh, my gosh. i feel like one day i woke up, like, okay, let's try this again. >> her coaches weren't sold on the idea of another olympics and had her go back to square one. >> i was like, okay, i want to go to the olympics again.
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they were, like, no. then they said, get back in the jim, get your skills back. let's see if you actually want to do this so that we're all collectively deciding that we're all going to go for it. >> this year, like the last olympics and the one before that, the spotlight is on you. >> uh-huh. >> it's still the same. >> yeah, i'm aware. >> the pressure is on, the spotlight is on. the only thing that is different is you. you are the only thing that's changed in the equation. so is that the magic here? >> i think so. but also limiting social media. >> do you feel like you have something to prove? >> i always say no, but i would say the only thing i have to prove is to myself, that i can get out there and do it again. >> and what do we think? >> i think we're going to get the job done. i feel really confident. >> ready to watch her get that job done, her husband alongside mom, nelly, and dad, ron, who will be back in the stands after
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covid restrictions kept them home during the tokyo games. how different do you think this is going to make you feel when you are in paris? >> i think it's going to be just like rio, having family there to support whatever we need. but really just having fun, embracing that moment and making those memories. and i'm excited that i get to do it with my family. >> you're married. you have got a home. you have got a husband. >> i'm old. >> you're old? you're not -- come on, man, you're 27. >> yes. for a gymnast it's old. >> did anybody tell you 27 is too old, don't even bother? >> no, but i think there was speculations like, oh, you know. but now you see girls like hezley, she's 16. i look at her like, wow, she has such a long career ahead of her. >> let's say it is 50 years down the road. how do you want yourself to be remembered? >> as long as i was having fun and doing what i loved, then that's all that you can do because i don't want to look back 50 years from now like, wow, she was good but she was so miserable.
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i think a couple times i might have thought that, but now i'm just, like, wow, look at her go. she's having so much fun, loving what she's doing with who she's doing it with, so really just embracing that moment. >> she's -- >> she looks so happy. >> she's writing her own ending. she is different. i feel like i have interviewed her over time. >> yeah, what is the difference? >> i think it is maturity. i think she's been on her knees and she knows what that feels like. she has been flying so high for so long and now she's got this comeback. when she was going back to the gym, she said one day she jumped on the trampoline once and left. she went the next day and jumped a couple times and left. then she just did one vault into the squishy bricks, one vault, and then she was out for two weeks. so she did it slowly. she's exuding confidence. you guys, there's this really, really cool documentary on netflix that is out today. it's called "simone biles rising." by the way, she showed me she
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has a tattoo here on her arm that says, and still i rise, which means a lot to her. anyway, check out that documentary. it is incredible, and we will have more of our conversation during a prime time special. it's inspiring america. team usa friday 8:00/7:00 central right here on nbc. >> what we love about the olympics. >> it transcends even the sport. >> yes, it is all of it. all of it. >> and you are the den mother. >> all right. a check of the weather for us. >> yes. we do have still some very hot temperatures on the east coast, and we do have a chance of severe storms later on this afternoon into this evening. it is hot and humid down south, too, where we could see scattered showers and storms out west. it's still hot and dry so that fire risk
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>> and that's your latest forecast. >> you know what they say? best time of the day. okay. we will start with ryan seacrest today. now that pat sajak has officially signed off, it is team time for seacrest to step up to the wheel. revealing his first episode as host on the game show. >> my heart is pounding, i'm so excited. there's the wheel. >> i feel like it's bigger than people assume. >> the floor space? >> yes. >> the wheel is smaller than you
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think, as am i. >> pat sajak's episodes are set to air in re-runs throughout the summer with seacrest's spin coming up at the end of summer. marvel's latest big screen flick. and a new trailer teasing the real-life besties on screen chemistry and hinting at a few "dead pool" surprises. >> back in civilian live, i wear a toupee, but nobody knows. >> everybody knows. >> go, go, go. >> come on, girl! >> she's coming with us. >> no, she's not. >> that's a worry. >> you're damn straight it is. >> he's going to make us do this until he's 90.
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>> ryan not the only deadpool one there. did you spot dogpool, aka britain's ugliest pup peggy? and everyone is dying to know who is playing lady deadpool. online theories from ryan's lovely wife blake lively to taylor swift. okay. next up, madonna. the material girl is back to working on her long-awaited bio pic. we have been hearing about this for nearly four years. different writers and actresses have been in the mix. yesterday on social media, the grammy winner shared a series of photos from the most madonna writers ever sitting at a blue typewriter and revealing the film's got a new name. it is being called "who's that girl," which might sound familiar since it is the same title as her 1987 film and sound track. it was confirmed yesterday that
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"ozark" actress, garner -- >> yeah, she's a ringer. >> that's great. next up, michael j. fox. it is a sweet celebration for the "back to future" star. yesterday he shared this very '80s throwback pic alongside his bride saying, here's to a lifetime of love, the love of a lifetime and signing the note happy anniversary, t, forever. we're sending michael and tracy a big congratulations on nearly four decades of love. >> that's so sweet. all right. finally, we're looking at hoda. it is a new episode of "making space" that just dropped. you can find it by scanning the qr code at the bottom of your screen. this week hoda is joined by the best-selling author yung pueblo who shared his strategies for working through tough feelings. >> in the moments, emotionally, when i would feel that same tension that would make we want to roll up a joint, i would challenge myself to literally just sit on my bed.
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this is before any meditating or anything like that. i didn't know how to meditate, but i would feel the tension come up, and i was like, okay, let's feel it. and i would just sit on the bed, feel the tension. >> wow. >> and that was like one of the most empowering practices because i realized that, okay, it sucks. it doesn't feel great, but it is not as scary as i thought it was. >> so you acknowledged it. you didn't try to push it away, drink it away or run it away. people exercise things away. you sat and let it run its course. >> i sat and i was like, okay, this is what sadness feels like. this is what anxiety feels like. this is whatever it is that is coming up. >> don't you love that? it like the most basic -- >> the most basic, simple thing to do, don't run away from your feelings. just sit and let it wash away. by the way, this guy turned his life around. he was really, really struggling. now he's a best-selling author. he's an awesome guy. >> all right. well, to listen to the latest episode, search for "making space with hoda kotb" wherever
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you get your podcasts and new episodes come out every wednesday. >> we're all very distracted. sheinelle, there was a really cute guy over there, glen powell, yes. hi! this guy has another summer blockbuster. hey, glen! we're excited. it is a great movie called "twisters." glen will be here. chances are your whole family is here? >> in the back, yeah. >> they trav heavy. yeah, but first a check of your local news and weather.
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dave's company just scored the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. high five! high five... -i'm on a call. it's 5 years of reliable, gig speed internet... five years of advanced security... five years of a great rate that won't change. yep, dave's feeling it. yes. but it's only for a limited time. five years? -five years. introducing the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. powering 5 years of savings. powering possibilities.
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♪ welcome back to "today." 8:30 now on this wednesday morning as we get some well-deserved face time to our amazing crowd. >> look at this crowd. >> i like when we talk slowly so everybody gets on tv. >> yes! >> tons of excitement this morning because the stars are out, including -- there's glen powell down there and he's chitchatting with hairic ha harry -- the stars are aligning. we have the movies "twisters" with glen. and harry has a great rom-com we will talk about. >> and chassie post is more with the best deals on day two now of amazon prime day. people are like, wait, is this
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happening? >> i'm a little distracted because there are two people standing right here. okay, okay. that's for later. all right. so i'm so distracted, and it is so funny. all right. guess what, guys? are you all excited? guess who's here? our good friend kathie lee gifford is here. you guys, she's got a new book that she has been studying. she's got new grandkids. she has a lot to tell us about. but, first, i have an idea, okay? all right. glen's movie is all about mother nature. hey, glen! glen! glen? glen is very busy and important. we're good. oh, we thought you might want help with the weather. okay, all right. >> so i know you became a pilot for top gun. did you become a meteorologist for "twisters"? >> we'll see. you will put my knowledge to the test. >> okay. in this monitor here, we will have a map pop up. although, can you feel the rain coming down right now. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. so i think there is rain coming. >> please tell me there are no twisters coming right now. >> if there are, i know what to do, guys.
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i did a whole movie about this. >> you see there is a lot of heavy rain down through arkansas. do you see that? >> yeah. >> that's the cold front. no twisters there either. just heavy rain. >> nothing dramatic happening in arkansas, but it seems like we will get some hot weather here in new york. >> yep, nailed it. good wednesday morning, i'm cinthia pimentel, checking in on san francisco. no. sky july to start our morning, but then mixing out to plenty of sunshine and upper 60s for today. we start to get into the mild category as we go on into our thursday and friday and really keeping it through the weekend here. that will be nice and comfortable. our inland valleys though, we are in for a warm up that will start tomorrow. drying it back a little bit for the weekend and then clim
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so, glen, the other thing we do on the plaza is try to find do on the plaza is try to find some sun and cool people on the crowd. i think we found the coolest people on the crowd right now. anybody you know? >> yeah. i recognize both of these jokers. >> you guys are always like -- you got his back all the time, but you are also teasing him all the time, too. clearly you changed the diapers. what has this ride been like for you guys? >> it's a fun ride. we have big fomo, so this is really, really fun for us. >> dad, i got to meet you at the waste management pro-am and it got rained out and here he is. you know, we're not stuck inhale but we got a little rain on the plaza. >> it's a nice day in new york. >> it's always a nice day in new york. >> i should point out, these two are always trolling you. >> yeah. >> i think you are on a red carpet.
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and what did your son say, something like don't try to make glen powell a thing? >> yeah. stop trying to make glen powell happen. >> i love it. y'all are a lot of fun. >> it happens. they always figure out where i am. i don't know how they do it. they always show up. >> thanks for coming. by the way, you always travel w
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ready to have some fun, more fun with glen powell. he's the star of a new movie "twisters." he plays a rodeo star turned storm chaser. he's chasing storms all across oklahoma. let's take a look. ♪ >> how are you feeling? >> i'm feeling pretty good. >> if you feel it -- i said, if you feel it.
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>> chase it! >> oh, it's a beautiful day. >> beautiful day! >> come on! this is gonna be great. you can already feel it. you're pumped for this one to come out. >> i really love this one. maybe it is because i feel really comfortable in a cowboy hat. you know, it's like, this one, growing up in texas, all my friends really want to see this one. it's great. >> there was "twister" the movie back in the '90s. >> yeah, '96. >> when something comes around again, you say, wow, these are some big shoes to fill. >> yeah. >> tell us about that part. >> yeah. growing up in texas, this was like kind of one of those -- this is actually the first dvd ever, "twister" was and we're breaking in with an update for you on an earthquake. it happened about ten minutes ago. this was a 3.3 in the gilroy area. this is also where we saw earthquakes recently. this week, around the same size,
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a minor earthquake, a 3.3. at this point, we've heard no reports of any injuries or damage. but of course, when an earthquake happens here in the bay area, we want to be the first to bring you those updates on it. that's right. so this is near san felipe lake, not far from gilroy, along 152 or so, and along the calaveras fault. cynthia has been following that for us. what can you tell us, cynthia? yeah, i can tell you that it is on the calaveras fault right there. it runs through parts of gilroy, morgan hill, san martin, and it actually makes its way into parts of the east bay as well as far north into parts of walnut creek. now, we've mentioned that a 3.3 is just some minor shaking so far on the usgs website, about 20 people have reported feeling it so far right there, mainly through the epicenter, right there of gilroy, up into parts of morgan hill and as far into south san jose. now a three, of course, is pretty mild. and as we get through and maybe possibly track more minor ones or maybe just a little bit
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more of a jolt, i keep on getting these push alerts about our earthquakes. now we will be talking about that now as far as what goes into preparing for an earthquake, we always talk about having our emergency kits ready. of course, all the important documents that you need and we'll be following this throughout the morning. i'll be back with any updates if need be. back to you. all right. thanks, cynthia. so earlier this week we saw two back to back in the same area. so if that happens again we'll let you know. this is near gilroy and san felipe lake along highway 152. we'll track that for you. if anything changesoma. but we've had -- you know, this was his first day onset. you know, and he just became a mascot for the whole gang. >> why did you decide to adopt a puppy? >> i was going through a breakup at the time and i felt a great sense. i remember sitting in that cafe. i almost named brisket enid. you know, i thought i need to be a dog dad, and he's been the greatest addition of my life ever. and the whole family loves him. he's been traveling everywhere.
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>> this dog is famous because if anyone saw the entertainment weekly digital cover, we got a good look at your dog. how did that even come to be? >> well, you know, daisy, i think had a wardrobe malfunction so she was a few minutes late to set. basically i had my dog onset with me and they said, can we do a test? i just picked up brisket. this happened to be the camera for the shoot. >> that's what they used. >> this is just me joking around with brisket. and now he's on the cover of "entertainment weekly". >> okay. what about a "top gun 3," by the way? is that happening? >> i mean, it's happening at some point. i don't know. tom and i didn't get to it at the "twisters" premiere. >> i feel like your career is hitting on all cylinders. do you take a pause and go, hey, this is me, glen powell. this is happening to my life. >> i think it's been a fun thing. when we were shooting -- i got inducted in the texas film hall of fame and i got to go to
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the theater. i got inducted at the theater where i started at 10 years old doing musical theater. i signed "the sound of music" on the backstage. i found my signature back there, and those moments add new context to this ride. it has been amazing. yeah, to have my family here to kind of ground every one of those moments has been really, really special. >> glen, thank you. everyone will go see "twisters." glen will come back in our 4th hour, and we should mention "twisters" hits theaters on friday. all right, sheinelle jones. all right. thank you. up next, who's r
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welcome back. it is the second day now of amazon's biggest sale event of
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the year. we are celebrating by sharing some of our favorite deals. joining us is chassie post. we have it all here for you today. you can snag them by scanning that qr code below. good morning to you. >> good morning. so many great deals! >> we have to talk about tech. people are looking for high tech deals. >> for sure. let's start big. so normally they're $119.99. today $34.99. 71% off the echo ear buds. i cannot believe that price. for such a high quality ear bud. >> okay. >> of course, you know, you can listen to your favorite music and podcasts and audio books and talk on the phone hands free, and they also have an active noise canceling. the brand says they are sweat resistant. >> wow! >> and they also say it has a really long battery. so the little buds, five hours with the little case, 15 hours. so that's 20 hours of continuous use.
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>> you can take alexa with you. >> yeah. you can connect it to alexa, to your phone, tablet, anything. again, $34.99. so if you need to upgrade, now is the time to do it. >> from high tech to mixers. what is this? >> this is so fun. another big deal. up to 66% off this cordless milk frother. okay. i want you to try this. so stick it in the milk and then push the button. >> stick it in and push that button here -- >> yeah, and push that button, and it's going to froth up this in seconds. >> hold it down? >> yeah. >> you can make a little latte. >> so you can make any of your fancy barista drinks at home. check this out. you can pour a little bit of that on. yes! look at that. and then katie told us all the kids are actually doing the strawberry cold foam, a little bit on up, yes, a little bit on top. and we have an instagram worthy
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drink and such a great deal. normally $19.99. you can get these around $6. >> 6 bucks. >> it is a cute gift, too. it is like something you should buy for yourself. >> you totally should. >> i love serums. >> i know you do. what's so great about this is we're getting 30% off this really cult brand tatcha. this is a serum stick. okay. so try this. >> i love serums. >> so rich. >> you put it on under your foundation and makeup? >> yes. here we have one of our adorable staff members who is showing us how to do it. it is super hydrating. and the brand says this is designed to help reduce the signs of aging. good-bye fine lines and wrinkles. it really does. so normally, this is around $49. you can get it today for $34. such a great deal, okay. we also have a great deal on a nail bundle. so we're getting 29% off from london town.
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this is the cure nail concealer. so i don't know if you have ever seen one of these. it is not like your typical nail polish. it is almost like a filter for your nails. it is a really light vail of color that's designed to conceal any imperfections, yes, or discolorations, right. so it is so beautiful. there are different shades. >> lots of different shades. >> aren't they gorgeous? i know. i love these. and it is easy to paint your own nails because it is not such a high pigment. normally $20. you can get it for $14. this is a best-selling nail polish remover by mineral fusion. over 67,000 ratings. what's so great about it is the brand says it's gentle. no acetone, but it removes the darkest nail polish without drying your nails. this is incredible. normally it's around $12 but you can get it for around $8. now to fashion.
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72% off this beautiful top from calvin klein. designer, right? i love the lantern sleeves. that's the star of the show. it is such an easy, flattering silhouette. >> i bet. >> dress it up or dress it down. normally $69. you will get it for $19.99. and you can wear this all year long. they have lots of great colors. >> how about these dresses? >> okay. this dress 45% off a dress you can wear all wear long, right? wear it now with your sneakers or your sandals. wear it in the fall with your boots or booties. you can layer your cute leather jacket. it is perfect. look at how easy that silhouette is. it's so flattering. normally $61. today $33. >> oh, boom. chassis, thank you. this one is pretty, too. i'm shopping. this is my thing. paycheck just goes right back into the company. again, you can find these deals by scanning our qr code or go to and stick around. we're back with more prime deals
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in our 3rd hour. oh, hoda? >> we're catching up. look who's here! >> yes. this is a private conversation, okay? >> we always say, back off. >> back off, barbie. >> kathy lee has a brand-new book out. we will talk to her about her life. >> i have no life anymore. you know what regis would say to you about this book? and yet another book you will never read.
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magic cauldron it's time to brew... a happiest halloween with so much to do. put magic and treats at every corner to be seen... come alive my cauldron... brew the happiest halloween. you know why it's a great day here? because our dear friend, kathie lee gifford is here. she worked in this beautiful building with me for 11 years. she was my cohost on the 4th hour. ever since then, everyone always asks me, what's kathy doing? she's getting old. and you know what, so are all of
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you at the exact same pace. so don't talk about how old i look. >> you're crazy. but you have been busy. a grandmother three times over. >> i think it's three now, uh-huh. three in two years. you know, because cody has two. cassidy -- yeah, her's just turned one. everything people tell you about grandchildren is true. >> do you love -- and what do they call you? >> bubie. still it's boobie. i'm like, no, no. you're looking at the wrong place. now. >> you have been working on a lot of stuff. they're down here now. it's yiddish for grandmother. >> you have been working on a lot of stuff. one of the things is this book. >> yes. >> it is the true story of the tyrant king and the mother of the risen savior. you have always said this about scripture, that it reads like a thrilling novel. >> yes, right. >> and this is proof of it in this particular book. >> oh, thanks for taking the time to read two pages.
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thank you. >> i read three. but you're welcome. >> tell me what your reaction was? >> no. my reaction when i started reading it was i didn't think it would be a page turner. i thought it would be interesting and i wanted to read it for you. as i was reading it, it was, like, what? it reads like a novel that you can't put down. >> oh, thank you. >> that's what it reads like. >> when i went on this trip to the holy land and i studied -- you only hear in regular scriptures about harrod twice. it is not good what you hear. when i learned the real story about herod, i thought, my gosh, if jesus is the greatest story ever told, then herod is the greatest story never told. the jews hated him. and the romans needed him, but he was paranoid and always
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looking behind him, so he had to kill everybody that got in his way. i hate it when that happens. but it is just fascinating. he killed the only woman he ever loved. tell them how the book starts out? >> what? the very first page? >> no, no. it starts out -- >> oh, no, no. do not. it's about herrod's jenitals. >> okay. i said, don't do it. and you still do it. >> i've got to get them hooked. >> by the way, how are you doing? how are you feel something. >> i'm good. i had serious surgery almost a month ago. fantastic doctor that does not want to be named because he doesn't want to be associated with me. but i was in great hands. down in tennessee, you know what they do? i've had civil procedures because it starts to happen around now. everybody gets around you and prays for you before you go to surgery. when is the last time that
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happened to you, hoda? >> so, wait. this was a hip replacement. >> i know you have problems -- you don't care. you've got problems of your own. but they finally found out what it was. by that time, i had been in such agonizing pain. my doctor finished the surgery. came in to tell me it went beautifully and said, kathy, how have you been existing all this time? he said, it is one of the worst hips i have ever seen. >> oh, my gosh. >> it was terrible. >> well, that's years of how you -- i mean, you have lived, always have, you are always on the go. i never once saw you stop. even if you are in the car, you are writing notes. your brain and body is always working. >> here's the thing. you can do all kinds of things, and i am sure you are all wondering right now what she's done, but you can't fool your body, you know? you can't fool your body. >> yes, yes. >> it knows how old you are and it knows where you've been. and it's a page turner. >> it's a page turner. please, you guys, pick this up.
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it's called "herrod and mary." >> it is the first of a series. >> kathy has been hard at work. make sure you get it. >> yes. i need the money now. >> she does. but we're going to be back live good morning. 856 i'm marcus washington. we're following breaking news out of gilroy. this is where a 3.3 earthquake struck near lake san felipe around 827 this morning. there are no reports of any damage or injuries. levi's stadium celebrating its ten year anniversary. and it is home to the forty-niners and super bowl 50. it is also had some major headliners like beyonce, taylor swift. well, tonight it plays host to mick jagger and the rolling stones. and even if you're not attending, expect more congestion on those nearby roads and freeways. happening now. we are tracking the impact of the evening commute at midday. we'll have team coverage for you. also, you can head to
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our homepa (vo) with fargo, the new virtual assistant from wells fargo, you can pick up the tab even when you forget your wallet. (kaz) i got this. (ben) fargo, send kaz $145 dollars with zelle®. (kaz) smooth. (vo) want faster, easier banking? you can, with wells fargo. what else can fargo do? (woman) oh, come on! come on! (vo) fargo lets you do this: (woman) fargo, turn off my debit card! i found it! i found my card! (vo) and also, this: (woman) fargo, turn on my debit card! (vo) do you fargo? you can, with wells fargo.
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introducing togo's new barbecue beef sandwich. it's piled high with tender beef that's slow cooked and smothered in tangy memphis style barbecue sauce. it's no fuss, no muss. just tons of flavor. the best barbecue beef is only a togo's. try one today.
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this morning on


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