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tv   Today  NBC  July 18, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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joining us live to discuss the increase in officers in alameda county and the security measures being taken at a campaign event in california. now, the cdc says summer covid rates are hitting their highest levels yet, with california rates outpacing most other states. the bay area is feeling the spike as well, with state health leaders all reporting local wastewater monitoring sites are detecting elevated covid level levels. health experts say the vaccine is still the best way to be less sick. let's take a look at that weather with cynthia. we are warming up today. tomorrow, a bit of a break for the weekend. hotter next week. all right. and that's what's happening on today in the bay. we're streaming on our streaming platforms. we'll see you later on at midday. all right. stick around today. show starts right now good thursday morning.
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a very busy one in the 2024 presidential race. >> president biden sidelined by covid while donald trump prepares for his big moment here at the rnc. good morning. it's july 18th. this is "today." isolated. president biden tests positive for covid, forcing him off the campaign trail at a critical moment. top democrats applying new pressure on him this morning to end his re-election bid, delivering very blunt messages on his chancing of winning and fears he could drag down the party. this morning, how the president responded and his political fate more precarious than ever. high stakes. ohio senator j.d. vance introduces himself to the nation, using his rust belt roots and personal story to make the case for the republican ticket. >> we're a working-class boy, born far from the halls of power can stand on this stage as the next vice president of the united states of america. >> inside his message to voters and what we expect to hear from
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former president trump tonight, as his wife, melania prepares to make her convention debut. new questions, a troubling timeline now emerging in that attempt on donald trump's life. the gunman identified as suspicious by law enforcement more than an hour before the shots rang out. the director of the secret service facing tough questions. >> you owe the people answers! >> now being called to capitol hill to face a grilling over we'll have the latest. give me a break! relief from that brutal heat wave finally in sight for tens of millions across the country. al's forecast with an eye on one of the best weekends of summer, just ahead. all of that plus, secret stash. the popular trend of stealth shopping. making big purchases you hide from your partner. >> i'm on amazon and ordering from target and my husband doesn't really like that that much. >> straight ahead, how to navigate the trend that can impact your wallet and your
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relationship. an relationship. and rising stars. >> and cavin sullivan, the history maker, now enters this arena. >> the 14-year-old soccer phenom who just became the youngest player ever in a major a major sports league. whil professional sports league. >> in the building, trying to make her presence felt. >> oh, boy. >> while caitlin clark brings her record-breaking ways to the wnba. >> behind the back again for clark! give her another assist! >> how she's changing the game once again, today, thursday, july 18th, 2024. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie, from the republican national convention in milwaukee. and hoda kotb, from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hi, everybody! good morning.
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welcome to "today." we're here in milwaukee holding it down at the rnc. >> good to see you. a show of unity in milwaukee for republicans as questions are raised now about the political future among democrats for the president of the united states. >> yeah. we have a lot to talk about on both sides of the aisle. let's start here in milwaukee. donald trump's running mate, j.d. vance, in the spotlight last night. his big introduction to the nation by far the biggest moment of his political career. a one-time trump critic praised the former president while accepting his nomination with a deeply personal and biographical speech. and tonight, it is donald trump's turn. he's set to give his third nomination speech at a republican convention. and willie, as you mentioned, this is all plague out amid new questions surrounding president biden and the news that he has tested positive for covid. >> yeah, the diagnosis came as he was campaigning in the crucial swing state of nevada, and at a time when more democrats now are questioning whether he can win in november, including the leadership of the party. we have it all covered, starting with nbc senior white house
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correspondent, gabe gutierrez. he is in rehoboth beach, delaware, where the president is self-isolating. gabe, good morning. >> reporter: hey, there, willie, good morning. this diagnosis comes as a devastating time for the president. as you mentioned, he had to cut short a campaign swing in nevada, and all of this threatens to intensify democrats' anxiety about his health, as he faces calls to leave the race. the white house says he's experiencing mild symptoms, that he's received his first dose of paxlovid, and that he will self-isolate at his home here in rehoboth. overnight, president biden landing in delaware after testing positive for covid, being helped into the suv, before putting on a mask. earlier in nevada, the president not wearing a mask, saying, i'm good, and giving a thumbs up as he slowly boarded air force one. the covid diagnosis comes as questions mount over the president's ability to serve
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another four years. in an interview this week, the president said the only thing that would make him re-evaluate staying in the race -- >> if i had some medical condition that emerged, if doctors came and said, you have this problem, that problem. >> reporter: pressure may be growing from the most powerful democrats on capitol hill, among them former house speaker, nancy pelosi. according to cnn, citing multiple sources, pelosi privately told president biden polling shows that he cannot defeat donald trump and that the president could destroy democrats' chances of winning the house in november. a pelosi spokesperson would only confirm to nbc that she has not spoken to president biden since friday. meanwhile, in a meeting with the president saturday, senate sch president staying the course. >> look, 14 million people voted
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for me majority leader chuck schumer also shared recent polling data showing biden trailing trump, in what two sources familiar with the meeting called a blunt conversation. schumer's office saying leader schumer conveyed the views of his caucus directly to president biden, but just two days after that meeting with schumer, the president staying the course. >> look, 14 million people voted for me to be the nominee in the democratic party, okay? i listen to them. >> reporter: while president biden is increasingly irritated with his critics, his discussions with aides has also shifted to be mindful of the damage to his legacy, according to two close allies. before the covid diagnosis, nbc news learning there's a acceptance among some aides there could be a, quote, a willingness to reassess if a major development shook up the race. some republicans have said they want president biden as an opponent, but former president trump's team says he's ready for anything. >> is joe biden your preferred opponent? >> we really don't care, savannah, whether it's joe biden, kamalther candidate. we are prepared to deliver donald trump a victory on november 5th. >> reporter: and president biden's campaign has already experienced a major slowdown in funding after the debate. and concerns continue about it drying up as these powerful lawmakers ramp up the pressure. as for the covid diagnosis, president biden last tested positive in 2022, twice.
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the white house says he'll continue to carry out all of his duties as he self-isolates. savannah? >> all right, gabe, thank you. i want to turn now to kristen welker, moderator of "meet the press." good morning to you. >> good morning. when you look at the events unfolding yesterday, nothing happens by accident. it felt coordinated and calculated, as one by one, news broke of different democratic leaders, calling for the president to step aside. >> absolutely. i spoke to one democratic lawmaker who says it feels like the ground shifting. this does feel coordinated. you have former house speaker nancy pelosi having a tough conversation with president biden, showing him the polls, then revelations that leadership schumer had a blunt conversation, showing him the poll numbers. showing him that if he stays in this race, he could potentially jeopardize down-ballot races. the fact that these big names are coming out at once, and
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yesterday, congressman adam schiff, a close nancy pelosi ally, savannah, he doesn't come out and say he would call on president biden to step aside without the support of nancy pelosi. so when you take it all together, and the fact that no one is denying these stories, savannah, it's as good as all of them basically saying, yes, we did order the code red. and where's biden on this? defiant with lester, it's almost like they're saying, we could do this the easy way or the hard way. the ap showing 65% of democrats think he should drop out >> and let's not forget jeffrey katzenberg, the hollywood executive who's a big, big funder of the president reportedly sat down and had a hard conversation himself saying, the money is drying up. >> since the beginning of the wake of the debate performance, the big question has been about the polls and the donors. and the fact that the money is drying up is so significant. so we're watching that. i was told just this morning, expect more democrats to come out and call for him to step aside.
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the other person we're watching very closely, congressman james clyburn, he was just on the "today" show with all of you, giving his support to president biden, his longtime ally, but also giving him some space to change his mind, to make a different decision. it's so notable, savannah, because at the beginning of this, president biden said he only would drop out if the lord almighty came down and told him to do so. in the democratic party, speaker pelosi and chuck schumer could be as close as it gets. >> absolutely. thank you very much, kristen. meanwhile here at the rnc, let's talk about the highlight of night three, a closely watched address from j.d. vance, his first as donald trump's running mate. the first-term senator from ohio introducing himself to the nation with a deeply personal speech, while formally accepting his place on the republican ticket. and tonight, it's the former president's turn to take a turn at the podium. nbc's senior washington correspondent hallie jackson joins us with more. hallie, good morning. >> reporter: hey, savannah, good morning to you. when we have seen the former 19 this convention hall before, he's been up in that vip box, but tonight it will be his turn on the stage behind me for the grand finale, one day after his
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running mate made the case for a second trump term. overnight, ohio senator j.d. vance making his prime-time political debut. >> i officially accept your nomination to be vice president of the united states of america. >> reporter: donald trump's running mate highlighting his rural upbringing in middletown, ohio. >> it was also a place that had been cast aside and forgotten by america's ruling class in washington. >> reporter: the author of "hillbilly elegy" connecting his turbulent childhood raised in poverty and honoring his late grandma, who raised him while his mother struggled with addiction. she was there last night watching from the hall. >> i'm proud to say that tonight my mom is here, ten years clean and sober. i love you, mom. the former self-described never-trumper now positioning himself as a loyal number two, repeatedly name dropping key rust belt battlegrounds that the trump campaign hopes to win come november. >> all the forgotten communities, we're going to win michigan, too.
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>> reporter: and vance not shying away from attacks on president biden, pointedly referencing his own age at 39 years old, the first millennial on a party ticket. >> joe biden has been a politician for longer than i've been alive. >> we cannot only talk to republicans alone. i think you have to reach out to the entire country. >> reporter: it's also hoping to supercharge turnout in its republican base. >> they lied about joe biden's fitness for office. >> reporter: with an appearance from former trump aid, peter navarro, met with applause hours after leaving a federal prison serving charges for contempt of congress. >> if they can come for me and if they can come for donald trump, be careful, they will come for you. >> reporter: and the former president's family taking the stage, mr. trump beaming as his 17-year-old granddaughter, kai, spoke. >> he's just a normal grandpa. he gives us candy and soda when
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our pareeporter: and tonight, i mr. trump's term for the convention's grand finale, the former president saying he tossed out his initial tougher speech for something more unifig after the assassination attempt against him. >> that was an amazing, horrible thing, an amazing thing, and in many ways, it changes your -- your attitude, your viewpoint on live. >> reporter: and multiple sources tell us tonight that we should expect to see some family members who have not made an appearance in this convention hall so far, savannah. melania trump, ivanka trump, and jared kushner. we'll be looking for that. >> let's talk about j.d. vance's speech, that was the hallmark of last night. so clear that they view him as their path to the midwest and these states, the rust belt states, where he obviously grew up, and he was emphasizing those blue collar roots. >> you saw that over and over again, especially with those references to michigan, that he ad libs, to wisconsin to pennsylvania. when i talk to sources in and
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around the trump campaign, they talk about seeing j.d. vance as an asset, specifically in the rust belt. and donald trump is already likely to win over those rural voters. donald trump has a slight lead in those three battleground states, but it is inside the margin of error. and the trump campaign is looking to lock that in. they're hoping j.d. vance will be the ticket for that. >> and they are must wins for the democrats. let's talk about tonight. we've been talking all week about how the former president says he's that he's got a new speech. he wants to strike a unifying tone. and we have -- there's been plenty of red meat here. it has not been similar to the trump ally, for example. it does feel like the rnc made a concerted effort to soften those edges and not bring up some of those topics that can be controversial and a turnoff for moderate voters. >> you talked about this with lara trump in prime-time last night, savannah. and they said that there have been a number of speakers who also throughout their specious after that assassination attempt against mr. trump on saturday. the question is, the tone for the former president, in his
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words, against president biden, and listen, we've been plenty of trump rallies, we know he can deliver a tough speech against the biden administration. here's the question, in this first time we'll hear from him in a substantiative way. how much did that experience change him. you heard him reference that in those remarks to a group of supporters here in milwaukee. that when you have a bullet whiz past your head just inches away, it makes you a different way. he's invoked god, he's invoked this spiritual moment. i wonder how much he'll hit on that tonight, savannah. >> we will be watching. for now, willie, i'll send it over to you. >> we heard the former president talking about that experience over the weekend in pennsylvania. let's turn now to the growing demand for answers surrounding the attempt on the former president's life. this morning, a more detailed picture is emerging of the shooter and of the days and hours that led up to saturday's attempted assassination. meanwhile, the head of the
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secret service is now being called to capitol hill. nbc's erin mclaughlin joins us now with the very latest. erin, good morning. >> reporter: willie, good morning. a person on a call yesterday tells nbc news the fbi found in the shooter's search history, vs prior to the shooting to scope the place out, now part of a detailed timeline that authorities are putting together. this morning, a chilling new video appears to show the shooter, walking outside the security perimeter at the rally in butler, pennsylvania, before former president trump took the stage. it's a potentially critical piece of evidence showing the moments leading up to the attempted assassination. senate members in a briefing wednesday afternoon provided with a timeline from the fbi and the secret service. three sources familiar with the briefing tell nbc news. according to that timeline, over
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an hour elapsed between the time the shooter was photographed as a suspicious person and when he opened fire. and 20 minutes before the shooting, pennsylvania state police notified the secret service of a suspicious person with a range finder. two minutes later, service notified snipers of the suspicious individual. at 6:02 p.m., mr. trump walks on stage. >> he's on the roof! right there! flat on the roof! >> reporter: by 6:09, this video shows people yelling they've spotted a person on a rooftop. the first shots ring out just minutes later at 6:11. >> who was in charge of that building? why wasn't the roof scrutinized. how did all of these things happen. overnight, a secret service spokesperson clarifying to nbc news that they were notified of a suspicious person possibly carrying a backpack and a golf range finder that required
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further investigation. but that it wasn't until he retrieved the weapon and climbed the roof that he was identified as a threat. at the republican national convention, senates expressing their frustration to the secret service director. >> this was an assassination attempt! >> reporter: a senior law enforcement official telling nbc news the shooter was also found with a transmitter, a remote control for a fireworks detonator next to his body. the house oversight committee has subpoenaed the director of the secret service to testify in a public hearing this month. the department of homeland security has responded, saying the director is available, either later this month or early next month. that according to a letter seen by nbc news. willie? >> all of this, as you say, investigators still looking really for a motive in this shooting. erin mclaughlin in pennsylvania, thanks so much. time now for our first check of the weather. for that, of course, we say good morning to al. hello, al! >> good morning, willie, good
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morning to you. it has been hot so far, 2024. 92% of the u.s. has been warmer than average, exceptionally warm, 3 to 5 degrees warmer than average for the first half of the year, throughout the great lakes on into the northeast and mid-atlantic states. hottest year so far ever recorded for syracuse, buffalo, erie, lexington, new york city, down to charlotte. second hottest for a large area. and out west, the heat continues. 31 million people under heat advisories. the problem is, a big area of high pressure, heat building out west. but for the northeast, great lakes, mid-atlantic, comfortable canadian air. outside, temperatures still in here in the east, we're looking at temperatures anywhere about 5 to 10 degrees cooler today than they were yesterday. and you look at these temperatures into the weekend. nice and cool, and the better part is lower humidity. we'll get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds.
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♪ woman: [screams] ♪ [explosion] [explosion] ♪ [lock clicks shut] that is your latest weather. willie? >> al, thank you very much.
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we'll see you in just a bit. just ahead, are you a secret shopper? we'll take a closer look at the rising trend of people hiding big purchases from their partners. is that happening? >> never! >> the toll it can take on your budget and your relationship. savannah? >> wait until you see what i bought here in milwaukee. also from the rnc, melania trump set to make her first and only convention appearance. tonight, what we can expect from the former first lady's very rare public appearance and the unique role she plays in her husband's campaign. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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still ahead this morning, a firsthand look at a beloved tradition. the cape cod baseball week. emilie ikeda will take us to that popular vacation spot where locals host young athletes for a life-changing summer. but first, your local news and weather. with clearer skin. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months.
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7:25 am
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it wasn't easy. (lady) 35. (store customer) you're gonna be here forever. (man) i know. (employee) here is your wireless contract. (man) do i need a lawyer for this? those were hard days. representative. switch! now that i got a huge storage and battery upgrade... i'm officially done switching. (vo) new and existing customers get iphone 15 on us when they trade in any iphone, any condition. guaranteed. (man) i really wished you told me sooner. (roommate) i did. whaaat?? it's super hero day at school... ♪ tiktok song ♪ sfx: [tea kettle] sfx: [ding!] ♪ l'eggo with eggo. can we... ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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conejero saab. here's a look at our top stories. police so far are still not identifying the person shot and killed in a late night vallejo shooting, but they are telling us the victim is a juvenile. you can see from this video dozens of shell casings on the ground. that shooting happened at around 11 last night at carolina and butt streets, a few blocks from city hall. police say no arrests have been made, and right now there is no information about possible suspects. i'm bob redell near port chicago, here in the east bay, where yesterday the us secretary of the navy officially exonerated the 256 black sailors who were unjustly punished for refusing to return to work following the deadly munitions explosion here at the port chicago naval base 80 years ago. yesterday we spoke with richard sublett, whose father, maurice, was one of the black sailors who survived the explosion. he says this announcement is long overdue. let's get a quick look
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at our forecast with cinthia pimentel now. good morning ginger. good morning everyone. the heat is back with us once again. it's a two day event for this workweek mid-nineties to some upper 90s. there. as we go through friday, the weekend cools down a little bit, but we're looking at even hotter temperatures returning as early as monday, some triple digits in some spots. ginger back to you. thanks so much. now don't forget to watch our today in the bay live streaming newscast at 8 a.m. it includes a deep dive with the chp commissioner on the chp, expanded presence in the east bay. you can watch on roku, amazon fire tv, xumo streaming platforms including, as well as our app. now we'll have another news, local news update for you in half an hour. until then, good morning.
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we are back at 7:30 with a look inside milwaukee's fiserv forum, home of the bucs and this week, home of this week's republican national convention. savannah is there and sheinelle has joined us inside studio 1a. >> hi, sheinelle, hi, willie. i'm on the move again, you guys. if you've ever wondered, what is it like to be donald trump watching the convention in your honor, this is where it all happens. i'm walking right now into the vip box where trump sits every night. this is his seat. there's even a little sign that says djt. and he sits with a rotating group of friends and family. you might call this the hottest ticket in this town. if you take the wide shot from the floor, you'll see, this is where we just were. can you see me waving, willie and sheinelle, so you can get the perspective of where this is in the big picture now, who sits next to the president changes every night and senator marco rubio got the call last night. he was supposed to be on nbc at 9:00, but he was summoned here to sit right here next to donald
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trump. so the date with donald trump superseded the date we had, i can tell you that. if we kind of turn the camera around, you can see the view that the former president gets. the stage is right there. the speakers, they know they're, of course, speaking to an audience of millions, but they can also see donald trump and see that they are speaking that all-important audience of one. and you know you did a good job, like trump's granddaughter did, kai, she gave her first speech ever here, and moments later, right after the speech, there she was, sitting with grandpa in the vip box. so that's kind of a look at the lay of the land here. and as we're speaking of the trump family, actually. tonight his wife, melania, is set to make her first and only appearance here in milwaukee. for more on the former first lady and her unique role in her husband's campaign and how it's evolved, let's bring in nbc's senior national correspondent and "top story" host, tom llamas. good morning. >> reporter: hey, savannah, good morning to you. she's the former first lady that so many talked about, but did
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very little talking herself. melania trump has been described as an enigma, but over the years, we've learned a lot more about her. she was the former international model who married donald trump and called the white house home, and now she's here in milwaukee on the last day of the convention, to cheer on her husband. tonight, back in the spotlight, former first lady melania trump, expected to make her first and only appearance at the republican national convention. it comes just days after the nation attempt on her husband, following the shooting the former first lady writing in a statement, in part, when i watched that violent bullet strike my husband, donald, i realized my life and barron's life were on the brink of devastating change. >> do you have any regrets about your presidency? >> reporter: since leaving the white house, mrs. trump has kept a very low public profile. appearing at mar-a-lago when the former president announced his re-election campaign in 2022. and again walking arm in arm with him to vote in the florida primary this past march. >> are you going to return to
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the campaign trail with your husband? >> stay tuned. >> but the former first lady has not appeared a single time at any of his recent court cases. including his recent felony conviction for falsifying business records in an attempt to cover up alleged hush money payments to adult film star stormy daniels, which he denies. back in 2016, mrs. trump addressed the rnc. >> you work hard for what you want in life. that your word is your bond. >> reporter: but later, a staffer apologized after reports emerged that parts of the speech were plagiarized from another first lady, michelle obama. >> i'm very excited to announce, be best. >> reporter: during her time in the white house, melania trump launched her be best initiative, an effort to curb bullying, which some found ironic, considering her husband consistently mocks rivals on social media and in real life. she spent most of her time in
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the white house focused on raising their son, barron. >> melania trump is -- >> oh, that's so many stuff. um, a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, the first lady of the united states. >> reporter: in 2018, i sat down with the former first lady in her only network news interview and asked her how politics and the allegations of her husband's infidelity during that first campaign affected her. >> you still have a good marriage? do you love your husband? >> yes, we are fine. yes. it's media speculate, it's gossip, it's not always correct stuff. >> reporter: savannah, when i covered the first lady on the campaign trail in 2016 and at the white house, you know, what i learned is that she does things her wade. an aide once told me that she
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reads everything written about her, but she's very disciplined. she's very sort of calculated about how she reacts. that's the exact same way she treats her politics. when she sees something, she'll say it. >> her statement after the shooting us quite remarkable and lengthy, but during this campaign, we've seen so little of her, and also so little of ivanka trump and her husband, jared kushner, and they were key white house can advisers and surrogates on the trail before. they seem to be pulling back. >> this campaign definitely has been more about don jr. and about eric as well, and their families, whereas it was about ivanka and jared before. it's interesting, melania trump will be here. i'm sure she'll get a rousing applause, a standing ovation. people who are republicans do love her. they would tell me that, but she's not going to speak. >> it is unusual not to have a political spouse speak. and i think ivanka and jared as well. we'll see them tonight. we'll bring you complete coverage of the rnc's big night.
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and streaming on nbc news now. willie, back to you. >> we'll be watching, savannah. thank you. coming up, the emmy nominations are out with two popular shows smashing records. we will break down the nominees, see if your favorites made the list. first, christine romans is here with a closer look at a trend that can take a toll on your budget and your relationship. good morning. >> good morning. are you keeping packages in the trunk of your car, wearing a new pair of shoes home from the mall and ditching the box, hiding the evidence? it's all called stealth shopping. hiding your purchases from your significant other and it's on the rise. we'll tell you why people are keeping their spending a secret, right after this. wow, this is fascinating: did you know whales and barnacles have a parasitic relationship? oh, i know about parasitic relationships— let's go barnacle. off you go. unlimited 2% cash back, the wells fargo active cash credit card.
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ok, with me. ♪laalaalaalaalaa.♪ ♪loolooloolooloo.♪ [piano key sounds] sniffs [shake] [crash] oooops. froot loops. find the loopy side! (man) that looks really high. froot loops. (woman) it is high. whenever you're ready. (man) are there any snakes? (woman) nope. (man) are you sure? here we go! (vo) it's time to push your limits. (woman) you're doing great! (man) oh, is that a buffalo? (woman) babe, that's a cow. (vo) the subaru crosstrek wilderness.
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adventure on the edge. we are back at 7:41. this morning on "today's" consumer, a look at something called secret shopping, when partners hide big purchases from each other. >> christine romans joins us. good morning, christine. >> it might seem harmless, you pick something up for yourself at a store, sneak the bags into the house before your participate can see them, but with inflation squeezing many family budgets, that once-innocent behavior could have real implications for both your wallet and your relationship. >> shopping sprees have long been an american pastime. >> get in, loser, we're going shopping! >> reporter: but as the prices of pretty much everything are on the rise, some shoppers are hiding their retail therapy from their significant others. >> my husband found my secret stash in the linen closet. >> reporter: a new article in
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the "wall street journal" calls it stealth shopping and says it's on the rise, with more americans hiding big purchases from their partners. >> hiding purchases means that something has gone very wrong, before you ever swipe the credit card. it means you're not communicating effectively as a couple, it means you haven't created a vision of how you both want to spend your money. >> reporter: one survey found on average, secret spenders shell out nearly $475 behind their partner's backs. another found nearly half of partnered americans have hidden or lied about financial information to their significant other. camilla reilly is a schoolteacher in irvine, texas. she spends her summer days hunting from bargains, often hiding the evidence from her husband, austin. >> why are you sneaking packages
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into your house? >> what?! >> i'm not teaching and so, to pass my time away, i'm on amazon and ordering from target. and my husband doesn't really like that that much. so, typically when the packages arrive, i have to go out, grab them, and sneak them into my closet. >> reporter: friends and family reacting to camilla's social media post admitting her secret with many saying, they do the same thing. >> i don't feel alone. >> reporter: but in the reilly house, it turns out keeping purchases under wraps goes both ways. >> what was the last thing that you bought that you didn't tell her about? >> golf related. >> it's always something golf related. >> this so-called financial infidelity varies by generation. more than half of gen-zers and millennials admit to doing it, while 44% of gen-x says they hide their hauls. baby boomers are the least likely to keep their purchases from each other. but experts say your savings might not be the only thing that suffers. >> financial infidelity absolutely devastating and lying erodes trust, but lying about
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money destroys it. >> now, the reillies laugh with each other about their secret spending. for more, it's more about exercising some independence inside their budget. the fact is people have been doing this, hiding purchases from their partners and spouse forever. you can't just blame it on inflation or right now. one survey found the most common explanation for why people do this is to maintain privacy and to control their own finances. >> what do you think? do you do this, sheinelle? >> i don't do it. but for me, it's like, live your life. >> i've known my wife since sixth grade. there's no secret. there's no hiding. it's all out in the open. >> the problem is if you're buying big stuff and hiding it and then all of a sudden you're in credit card debt. >> if you're lying about this, what else are you lying about. >> it will destroy it, about money. >> so be careful. >> good advice. thank you, christine.
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let's turn to al for another look at the weather. >> i'm sure he doesn't hide anything. >> especially when the amazon boxes show up and debora takes them, she already knows. anyway, we are looking at more showers and thunderstorms, along this cold front that brought some heavy thunderstorms into the northeast, but it's also brought in some cooler air. but it is still going to bring the risk of some severe weather along the carolina coast, 5 million people at risk as this system drapes down, we'll watch it drip into the southeast. it's going to bring severe storms into the carolinas today, then tomorrow, more storms develop along the coast, due to this front with some localized flooding possible from new orleans all the way to cape hatteras, locally, could be looking at 5 to 6 inches of rain. the rest
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and that is your latest weather. >> still ahead, a beloved summer traditional that has locals playing host to baseball's future stars. we'll show you what makes the cape cod league so special and get to your morning boost right after this.
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since the citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category... suddenly, life's feeling a little more automatic... oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. “every once in a while, a snack comes along that changes everything.” “three fingers, twist, and enjoy.” “jif peanut butter and chocolate flavored spread.” “it's that jif'ing good.” ♪ it's hard to put it into words ♪ ♪ when i tried i felt absurd, ♪ ♪ you light the rooms of my soul ♪ ♪ and i tell myself not to lose control ♪
7:49 am
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(woman) i'm so excited. i'm finally here in the city. with the new $5 meal deal what. (man) ahhhhh! (man) have you seen my ph- ahhh! (man) woah, woah, woah! (woman) no, no, no, no, no! (woman) great. (man) ughhh. (man) dude. (vo) you break it. we take it. trade in any phone, in any condition guaranteed and get a new iphone 15 with tons of storage on us. (woman) oh yeah. (vo) only on verizon. if you have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease... put it in check with rinvoq... a once-daily pill. when symptoms tried to take control, i got rapid relief and reduced fatigue with rinvoq. check! when flares kept trying to slow me down i got lasting steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check! and when my doctor saw damage, rinvoq helped visibly reduce damage of the intestinal lining. check! for both uc and crohn's: rapid symptom relief lasting steroid-free remission. and visibly reduced damage.
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check. check. and check! rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal, cancers, including lymphoma and skin, heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. put uc and crohn's in check ...and keep them there with rinvoq. ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq and learn how abbvie can help you save. welcome back. i'm here in milwaukee with the rnc. the rest of the gang in studio 1a. sheinelle, i heard you have morning boost duties this morning. >> i have the honors today. we have a good one for you this morning. scott burns. a police chief in redford, michigan, retired recently after
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27 years of service. and on his final day of work, his wife, lisa, who is a dispatcher with the department, surprised him with his final callout. >> the police department would like to recognize your devotion to this community and your dedication to this police department. you have been an inspiration to everyone that have had the pleasure of serving with you. please accept our overwhelming gratitude and our appreciation for all of your hard work in these 27 years. >> 100, copy, thank you. signing off. >> scott says working with his wife for so many years was a blessing and it made them a lot closer. as for lisa, she says she at least won't be late at work anymore, because he won't be stopping at dunkin to pick her up a coffee. >> he may still have that duty. that doesn't go away. >> congratulations. >> congratulations, chief burns. still ahead this morning, a can't-miss pop start exclusive. yes, a first look at the highly
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anticipated beetlejuice sequel. we cannot wait. but first, your local news. d pl. visit whaaat?? it's super hero day at school... ♪ tiktok song ♪ sfx: [tea kettle] sfx: [ding!] ♪ l'eggo with eggo. can we... okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪♪) shake up your shower with a flavor for every feeling. this dove freshens you up.
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this dove winds you down. this dove leaves you glowing. and this dove keeps you going. so whatever care you care about, there's a dove for every body. we were torn apart at birth. that's dramatic. this is the story of the best part of the sandwich, and his crust. [director] how does it feel to be so irresistible? irresistible? oh! is that what people are saying? that's it! ugh, irresistible. uncrustables are the best part of the sandwich. in the wayborhood, every delivery is a treat. one pistachio for you, sir. one strawberry poof, please. oh. enjoy it. oh, poofect. bye waybor. something minty? of course, it's a large. [ gasps ] ♪ ♪ a double. lucky. ♪ wayfair. every style. every home. ♪ why is special k so special? the multigrain flakes? oh wait i see, it's the real fruit.
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oh wait wait, can you go back to the berries? mmhmm. special k. special for a reason. she runs and plays like a puppy again. his #2s are perfect! he's a brand new dog, all in less than a year. when people switch their dog's food from kibble to the farmer's dog, they often say that it feels like magic. but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's simply fresh meat and vegetables, with all the nutrients dogs need— instead of dried pellets. just food made for the health of dogs. delivered in packs portioned for your dog. it's amazing what real food can do. (♪♪) (♪♪) bounce back fast from heartburn with new tums gummy bites, and love food back. (♪♪)
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we're trying to save the planet with nuggets. because we need the planet. and we also need nuggets. impossible. we're solving the meat problem with more meat. ginger conejero saab and i'm marcus washington. happening no. here's what we're working on for our upcoming 8 a.m. streaming newscast. i'm kris sanchez in
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san jose at just one of the wastewater facilities recording elevated covid in the wastewater. take a look at the map from the california department of health. you'll see most counties around the bay area have yellow, which means elevated levels of covid activity. this is the way that the state monitors covid activity, no longer testing the vaccines are still effective at preventing severe symptoms and prolonged illness, and the vaccine for the fall is still in the works. thanks a lot, chris. let's take a look at your weather with forecaster cinthia pimentel. good morning ginger and marcus. look at the numbers behind me in san francisco. 70s, even some upper 70s as we go on for our friday. now through the weekend, we will see a similar pattern. and into next week also continuing with those mild temperatures. now, if we're talking mild in the city, you know we're going to be warming up in our inland valleys. we actually go into a heat advisory into the 10 a.m. hour today. and
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continuing into tomorrow, i'll be here giving you the full forecast at eight. we'll watch out for that. thanks a lot, cynthia. make sure to watch our today in the bay streaming newscast to start in just minutes at 8 a.m, our scott mcgrew will preview the final night of the rnc and talk to one local delegate. you know, you can watc magic cauldron it's time to brew... a happiest halloween with so much to do. put magic and treats at every corner to be seen... come alive my cauldron... brew the happiest halloween.
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it's 8:00 on "today."
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coming up, isolated. president biden tests positive for covid at a crucial point in his campaign. new calls for him to end his bid. te now hanging in the balance. we're live with the latest. plus, center stage. j.d. vance makes his prime-time political debut. >> i officially accept your nomination to be vice president of the united states of america. >> as donald trump prepares for his big speech tonight. we're behind the scenes in milwaukee. plus, boys of summer. an inside look at the cape cod baseball league, where young players step up to the plate. and locals play host to future all-stars. >> being part of the environment, the growth of the athlete, developing the relationship with the families, and they end up being lifelong relationships. >> the details just ahead. >> and loaded for bear. this year's emmy nominations are out with shows like "the bear" breaking records. >> yes, chef. >> yes, chef. >> thank you, chef.
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>> did your favorites make the list? we have all the details in pop start today, july 18th, 2024. >> four generations of "today" show fans! >> sisters' vacation -- >> from peachtree city, georgia. >> hi to my mom in wynnsville, missouri! >> love you, grandma! >> visiting from indiana! >> byron, michigan! >> kenmore, washington! >> new orleans, louisiana! >> and mission viejo, california. >> twins celebrating a milestone. >> today we turn 60! >> hi to our small town. >> spirit lake, iowa! we made it on the "today" show! >> morning, everybody. welcome back to "today." that is a happy crowd. lots of smiling faces and a little sunshine on our plaza. here in milwaukee, the day is
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just starting. new york, as well. willie and sheinelle, we have a split screen situation. good morning, guys. >> good morning. >> we have a lot to get to in your hour, but let's get to the news. president biden self-isolating in delaware after testing positive for covid. that diagnosis forcing him off the campaign trail at a critical moment in the race, willie. >> this comes as top democrats now are applying new pressure on the president to end his re-election bid. we begin with nbc senior white house correspondent gabe gutierrez in rehoboth beach, delaware, with the president. gabe, good morning again. >> hey, there, willie, good morning. the white house says president biden is experiencing mild symptoms, that he's received his first dose of paxlovid, and that he will self-isolate at his home here in rehoboth. overnight, the president landed in delaware after testing positive earlier in the day. he had to cut short a campaign swing in battleground nevada at a crucial time. the pressure is growing on capitol hill, including from nancy pelosi. cnn citing multiple sources,
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pelosi privately told the president that polling shows that he cannot defeat president trump and that the president could destroy democrats' chances of winning the house in november. a pelosi spokesperson would only confirm to nbc that she has not spoken to biden since friday. meanwhile, in a meeting with the president saturday, senate majority leader chuck schumer also shared recent polling data showing biden trailing trump. in what two sources familiar with the meeting called a blunt conversation. this covid diagnosis comes as a devastating time for the president, as he faces growing anxiety in the democratic party over his candidacy. willie? >> a lot for the president to think about, as he isolates this weekend in delaware. gabe, thanks so much. savannah? >> well, meantime, willie, here at the rnc, donald trump's running mate, j.d. vance, introducing him to the nation with a deeply personal speech, painting himself as a vice presidential candidate open to compromise, eager for unity. nbc's senior washington
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correspondent hallie jackson is here. what were some of the highlights? you can definitely see where they think that j.d. vance can help them with the campaign? >> because he name dropped those three states over and over again. ohio, michigan, pennsylvania, and the other battleground state as well, wisconsin. where we are right now. and what's so interesting about this is the way that j.d. vance is seen by the trump campaign as an asset there in those rust belt locals with those rural ex-urban voters. he talked about it a lot, but also talked about his own personal biography, as he lays out in his memoir, "hillbilly elegy," as he took his prime-time debut. he may be a household name to readers, but this was a big moment for him, he talked about being raised in poverty, his turbulent upbringing, shouting out the grandmother that raised him with his mother who struggled with drug addiction in the audience as well. take a listen to the way that senator vance laid out the case for a second trump term as he
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accepted the nomination. >> that's the republican party of the next four years. united in our love for this country and committed to free speech and the open exchange of ideas. i stand here humbled, and i'm overwhelmed with gratitude to say i officially accept your nomination to be vice president of the united states of america. >> you hear the crowd roaring there. now, to be clear, senator vance also did not shy away from attacks on president biden, on the biden administration, and he effusively praised his running mate, former president trump, who watched from the stands, savannah. so a big moment for him. he'll hit the campaign trail with the former president in, where else, michigan, savannah, coming up in just a couple of days. they said they might just park him in pennsylvania. that's how important that state is to both campaigns, actually. let's talk about tonight. this is the nominating speech. donald trump has said that he changed it entirely after that attempt on his life. what do you expect? >> well, he has consistently said now, in the couple of interviews that he's done since that assassination attempt against him on saturday, that he
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ripped up that tough speech, as he described it against president biden, that rip roar, in his words, and instead will do something more unifying at this particular moment. one person close to him tells me just this morning that it will be something that shows the softer side of the former president, but that it will still be donald trump. i think that is a signal that maybe folks might want to temper their expectations, having covered him a long time. there's often been previously previews of a unifying speech. we will see how much that plays out. what's also clear, though, is that the former president feels changed by this near-death experience he had. he's talking about it publicly here at the republican national convention, and there's new reporting we have now about that assassination attempt itself. there was a briefing with lawmakers just yesterday from top law enforcement officials, and in that briefing, according to a source familiar with that call, there was an indication that the shooter in this instance had looked up not just things about former president trump, but also about president biden, other public figures, looking up information about the chicago dynamic, as well as donald trump rally dates.
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so that leaves open the question here, was this somebody with a political mitigation, was this somebody looking for notoriety? to be clear, the fbi, law enforcement has not laid out a motive yet. they say they just still don't know, savannah. >> all right. work is still being done. hallie, thank you very much. well, pulling off this event, of course, is quite an undertaking, so we sent our jacob soboroff to report from the floor and give us a look at the rnc from behind the scenes. hey, jacob, good morning. >> hey, savannah, good morning to you. when we talk about behind the scenes, you're looking at it. this is the route that former president trump takes every single night on his way out to the convention floor. he makes this turn into a place that as you know and we've seen every single night is full of excitement. it's also full of a lot of stuf. you don't see on tv. >> reporter: it's the republicans' biggest week of the year. the celebration spilling into
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the aisles. >> trump is the man. never before has this party seen such unity behind a president. >> reporter: the rnc drawing some 50,000 attendees, including nearly 2,500 delegates, and 30,000 members of the press from all over the world. 16,000 hotel rooms were booked, contributing to an estimated $200 million in revenue for the host city of milwaukee. >> we brought all of our delegates from guam all the way out here. took us about 30 hours to get here. >> attendees we spoke to say they're still shaken and sobered after last week's assassination attempt. >> do you think change is possible, in the tone and tenor of the race, or will it all go back to how it was before? >> i would love to see everybody be a little bit more unified. >> reporter: republicans here united in their message, but diverse in their outfits. >> let me take a wild guess. you're the border wall? >> that's correct. but really, it's brick suit. >> where does one get a jacket like that? >> my liberal sister bought this
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for me, believe it or not. >> are these technically stetsons, what do you call these hats? >> they are not stetsons -- >> can you tell i'm from l.a.? >> yeah, l.a., whoo-hoo! >> welcome to the behind the scenes press area, that's where they keep all of us. i'm listening to what's happening on stage through this thing, it's called my ifb. let's walk out on stage this way. once you come through this corridor, you come out there this very shiny tunnel, you're in the middle of the center of american politics. and a huge shout-out to the hundreds of support staff who keep us in line. >> you're doing a good job! their behind the scenes work, critical to keeping this show running smoothly. >> we are here to put trump in office and j.d. vance with him. and we are all fired up. ready to go. >> i've got to say, another special thanks to the people who keep this place running, from
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the convention staff to our nbc colleagues who are here with us, savannah. it is a huge undertaking. it's a huge space. so far, i'm not quite sure i could throw a football to you all the way on the other side of the arena. savannah, back to you. >> well, at least not without a warm-up, jacob. you're pretty far back there. guys, that's it from milwaukee. we'll send it back to you. >> i appreciate the behind-the-scenes tour. kind of cool. >> yeah. we have an historic moment on the soccer field to talk about from last night. 14-year-old cavin sullivan becoming the youngest player to ever play in a major league soccer game. >> it's not some gimmicky thing to get headlines or sell tickets. this kid is ready and cavin sullivan, the history maker, now enters this arena. >> my kids love this kid. sullivan, a mid-fielder for the philadelphia union, entering the game in the 85th minute in the union's blowout win. sullivan is the youngest player to ever appear in any major u.s. team sports league. >> 14. >> he is going places! >> not even in high school yet, but on his way. incredible! >> from the soccer pitch to the basketball court, indiana's
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caitlin clark also making a little history last night. she broke the wnba record for most assists in a game with 19. that's one better than the previous record. clark also scored 24 points for the fever. it did come at a loss as the dallas wins beat the fever, 101-93. she now, sheinelle, is officially leading the wnba in assists, something she did in college. having a great rookie season. >> as we mentioned, we'll' savannah tonight in prime-time. and of course, back with us tomorrow morning. see you, savannah! >> see you soon, savannah. >> bye, guys. ahead on pop start today, everything you need to know about the just-announced emmy nominations, plus a first look at "beetlejuice". >> but first, a cherished summer tradition. bringing america's pastime to a
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popular vacation hot spot. emilie ikeda shows us firsthand what makes the cape cod baseball league so special. a little summer catch. but first, these messages. that's everything you get with the new $5 meal deal at mcdonald's. when migraine strikes, you're faced with a choice. accept the trade offs of treating? or push through the pain and symptoms? with ubrelvy, there's another option. one dose quickly stops migraine in its tracks. treat it anytime, anywhere without worrying where you are or if it's too late. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. migraine pain relief starts with you. ask about ubrelvy. learn how abbvie could help you save. frosted flakes good, they're grrreat! grrreat! grrreat! grrreat! grrreat! they're still great, grandpa. see, told ya. [laughter] they're grrreat! [laughter]
8:14 am
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ some like them toasted. eat em how you like them. pop-tarts. crazy good. (man) every time i needed a new phone, eat em i had to switch carriers... (roommate) i told him... at verizon, everyone can get the best deals, like that iphone 15 on them. (man) switching all the time... it wasn't easy. (lady) 35. (store customer) you're gonna be here forever. (man) i know. (employee) here is your wireless contract. (man) do i need a lawyer for this? those were hard days. representative. switch! now that i got a huge storage and battery upgrade... i'm officially done switching. (vo) new and existing customers get iphone 15 on us when they trade in any iphone, any condition. guaranteed. (man) i really wished you told me sooner. (roommate) i did.
8:15 am
♪ring jingle♪ -whasssssup. -greetings happen. yeah, that's not good happens. huge things happen. home happens. -woo hoo! -be there with ring. learn more at what makes special k so special? all those vitamins and minerals? ah, the real almonds. or it all joining in sweet matrimony in vanilla flavored milk. yeah... i do. special k. special for a reason. if you're frustrated with occasional bloating... [stomach noises] or gas... your body is giving you signs. it's time to try align. align probiotic was designed by gastroenterologists to help relieve your occasional digestive upsets. when you feel the signs, it's time to try align. (nicole) welcome to blue buffalo's one taste is all it takes. (katie) gill wants food that tastes good, if he doesn't like his food he will walk away. (nicole) we sent you blue tastefuls dry food... (katie) he devoured it. clearly he was a big fan. it's healthy, and he loves it. (vo) pick up blue tastefuls today.
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(grandpa) i'm the richest guy in the world. (man 1) i have time to give. (man 2) i have people i can count on. (grandma) and a million stories to share. (vo) the key to being rich is knowing what counts. get rid of bugs as soon as you see them with zevo sprays. zevo uses essential oils to eliminate up to 20 household insects, plus it's safe for use around people and pets— - anywhere — anytime. - gotcha. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly. we are back at 8:15 with a beloved tradition. >> residents and visitors to cape cod will tell you it's summer americana at its very best. and one of the favorite local activities for those summer evenings is the cape cod baseball league. >> emilie ikeda took in a game and got a look at a special tradition off the field that makes the experience there so
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great. >> i feel like i won the assignment lottery. the baseball itself is topnotch, attracting some of the best college players in the country. both starting pitchers in this week's mlb all-star game played on the cape. but those superstars of tomorrow get the personal experience of playing with host families, often forming lifelong connections. they are the sights pounds and of an ideal summer night. for two months every year, baseball fields along cape cod come alive with wooden bats, long chair cheering sections and some of the best college players in the country. >> i can't picture summer on cape cod without cape league baseball. it's the equivalent of mini golf, ice cream, and lobster. >> reporter: but one other thing makes this summer league new york. you have your uniform laid out here. >> i'll be wearing that jersey. >> those players including the superstars of tomorrow stay with local host families in some of the most coveted summer towns in
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the nation. >> as you can see, this is like the man cave heaven. we've got five tvs on the wall. >> were you anticipating five tvs? >> no, when i first came up here, i was completely shocked. >> reporter: trystan is a member of this summer's born braves. and staying with longtime host family, colleen and dave. >> when i come home from the game, usually they're whipping up dinner and last night, me and dave watched the new "house of dragon" episode, so it's definitely a family feel. >> what's it been so far with trystan? >> he emptied the dishwasher, which has only happened three times, probably, in my 13 years of hosting, which is very sweet. >> can you estimate how many players have stayed in your house? >> at least 40, i would say. >> what about it is so appealing? >> being part of the environment, the growth of the athlete, developing the
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relationship with the families and they end up being lifelong relationships. we've been to several weddings, she makes quilts for the babies when they have the babies. it's a little bit of a lifestyle within a life. >> reporter: with roots dating back to 1885, the cape cod baseball league is known for attracting mlb scouts. one in six current major leaguers has played in the cape, including superstars like aaron judge, kyle schwarber, and pete >> to me, it's very special to cheer them on quietly from new england when they're off in new york or canada or florida. >> nicole is president of the born braves and has hosted summer players for more than a
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decade. wedding of another of their players, yankees and blue jays reliever, chad green. >> how special is it to see players years beyond their time here? >> to me, it's very special, to cheer them on quietly from new england, when they're off in new york or canada or florida. >> reporter: nicole is president of the born braves and has hosted summer players for more than a decade. >> you build lifetime relationships. 2017, we hosted richey plasio, who now plays for the tampa bay rays. my son, collin, was able to travel and see ritchie see his mlb debut. >> i can only imagine what it's like for especially your two sons. >> it's awesome, and the best for my older sons. these have been his big
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brothers. >> i love that. with the exception of some small stipends, the league is a nonprofit and driven largely by volunteers to the host families to those working the concession stand. it's community. >> i have been to those games. the they're so fun. >> can we point out jessica beil? >> you got it in. good job. >> i was working on that. >> all right. br
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>> and weather. now to pop start. >> what does this show have in common with this show? >> your shirt says original. >> it's a pretty mistake. collector's item. >> the answer, they're leading the pack at this year's emmy nominees. the two topping the list across
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genres. "shogun" earning 25 noms, aa and "the bear" coming in close behind with 23 for their record for a comedy series. >> is it a comedy? >> that's what they say. the category that. >> announcer: -- it's in. it takes three spots. plus, movie star ryan gosling earned his very first emmy nom for his hilarious episode of "snl." you remember that one. >> classic. >> meanwhile, we have to give our buddy carson a shoutout. "the voice" earned a nod in the reality competition. we did the math. "the voice" has raked up more than 80 nominations and won eight times throughout its run. next up, "beetlejuice beetlejuice." we are sitting down with the stars of the sequel nearly four decades in the making and this morning, we have a sneak peek at
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the movie's new trailer, but you know what? i'll let the cast take it from here. >> hi, "today" show. >> we are so excited to be on "today" to talk about our new film. >> we're even more excited to give you a sneak peek. >> we hope you enjoy and we can't wait to see you soon. >> i can't believe i'm doing this. beetlejuice, beetle joon juice, beetlejuice. you need to help me save my daughter. how do i know you're going to keep your word? >> i swear on my dead mother. >> recognize this person? >> never seen that chick before in my life. or afterlife. >> are we doing this? beetlejuice, beetlejuice, beetlejuice. >> come on! >> you laughed at the same time. >> i cannot wait. >> we're so excited to sit down with those guys.
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"beetlejuice beetlejuice" hits theaters september 6th. >> meryl streep has a new album. ♪ i wish i had a river i could skate away on ♪ >> yes, that's right. according to a report from film critic jeff snyder, the oscar-winning actress is in talks to play joni mitchell for an upcoming film by writer/director cameron crow. off screen, streep and mitchell have been friends for years. recently, she wrote the liner notes for a re-mastered box set of mitchell's music. we'll keep our eyes peeled for more on that. it could happen! here's one more record you'll want to spin from jelly roll. the country chart topper is the latest artist with a new single from the star-studded "twister" soundtrack. we have an exclusive sneak peek. here's jelly roll with "dead end road." ♪ that highway to hell is the
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road i'm on ♪ ♪ i need to turn around before i'm too far gone ♪ ♪ i'm never gonna make it on them streets of gold ♪ ♪ i got to quit living on a dead end road ♪ >> yeah! >> jelly's song "dead end road" is out today. "twisters" from our sister company universal pictures hits theaters tomorrow. plus, look who's here, one of the film's stars, daisy edgar jones. beautiful! we caught up with your co-star, glenn powell yesterday, this morning, you're here. the movie is fantastic. >> thank you! >> how are you? nice to see you? >> nice to see you. congratulations. >> we'll talk about all things cowboy culture and oklahoma coming up in just a bit. but first, your local news.
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(vo) meet fargo, the new virtual assistant from wells fargo. fargo makes banking faster, and easier. (woman) fargo, turn off my debit card! (vo) lets you pick up the tab, even if you forget your wallet... (kaz) i got this. (ben) fargo, send kaz $145 dollars with zelle®. (kaz) smooth. (vo) fargo puts important information at your fingertips. (dad) fargo, what did i spend on groceries this month? (son) hey dad, can the guys stay for dinner? (dad) no... (vo) want to see everything fargo can do? you can, with wells fargo.
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we are back at 8:30 on a thursday morning, july 18th, 2024. our crowd is enjoying a much cooler start to the day today here in new york city. the weather is looking great for, by the way, our next citi concert, one republic will be here tomorrow to send you into the weekend with some of their biggest hits. >> still ahead this half hour, daisy edgar jones, looking forward to talking to her about the new movie "twisters," plus some behind the scenes ant ins that brought the team closer together. >> we love antics. hijinx, as well. and if you can't get to paris for the olympics, how about bringing the taste of france to your kitchen. our chef will be sharing recipes
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for the perfect roast chicken and mashed potatoes and mousse. >> and later on the third hour, ali love is stopping by with her summer wellness strategies for body and mind. but first, the weather! so glenn powell helped us out yesterday. okay, so -- there she is! daisy, your turn to do the weather. >> how are you? >> good, thank you. >> are you ready to do a little weather. >> i'm going to try. glenn did it so well. >> we actually have one of our meteorologists here that just came back from chasing twisters! >> oh, my gosh! >> this is your audition, no pressure! >> this is your audition. we'll put the maps up and look at the weekend. let's start with friday, guys, put it up there for us. boom. here you go. >> okay, there's weather happening! >> yes. >> on friday! that weather is sunny and less humid in the great lakes. what do you see down in the
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southeast, daisy, around the gulf coast? >> oh, yes, some more weather! showers and storms! >> and now we move to saturday! and you're going to see heavy rain -- >> and weather. >> and weather. record heat out west. >> and then daisy, i want you to say, sunday, sunday. >> sunday, sunday! >> yes! there you go! it's going to be warm in the northeast, a heat wave out west, and more wet weather through the gulf coast. do, ladies and gentlemen? >> daisy, thank you very how did it feel? >> it felt good. >> how did she do, ladies and gentlemen? >> daisy, thank you very much. that's what's going -- oh, you have to say, that's wh 832 on our thursday, we go under a heat advisory in our inland valley. starting at ten and continuing through 11 p.m. tomorrow. we're climbing those numbers back into the mid to upper 90s. the weekend, however, should be a bit of a break. we're going to draw those
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numbers back, but this will prepare us for another hot week ahead. 90s to those low one hundreds that return monday tuesday, wednesday of next week >> you're spectacular. way to go. i feel good now going on vacation. >> we're well protected. thank you, daisy. we'll see you in just a bit. but first, a story that a lot of couples should see. savannah sellers sharing a very personal look at her fertility journey and what she's learned about the ivf process along the way. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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series on the future of fertility. chances are you know someone who's frozen their eggs, but what exactly does that process entail? nbc's savannah sellers joins us now with a firsthand account. this is very giving of you, if
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you will, to share your experience. >> thank you. i had so many questions that i couldn't find the answer to. i figured, why not share? this procedure is getting more common, aiming to help women, typically in their 20s or 30s preserve their fertility. more than 12,000 women go through the process each year, and even more families rely on the process of in vitro fertilization, which includes the same hormone treatment to retrieve eggs. but what's it really like? how tough is it on the body? i can now speak from personal experience. just over a year after our wedding, my husband alex and i are starting a journey familiar to many families. over the course of nine days, i did 22 shots at home and at work. >> running off set to do this shot while we're in the middle of breaking news. >> all to prep for an egg retrieval. but why worry about my fertility. i'm 32 years old and happily married.
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well, you can learn a lot about your reproductive health from some simple testing any woman can ask for. a blood draw and an ultrasound. i met with dr. lucky sikon for my initial fertility consultation. >> so this is your right ovary. we got some good news about how many eggs could potentially be retrieved. >> there's about 16 on this ovary, which is a really high number. that's great. but also, a red flag. >> from what you can see, it looks like you would potentially diagnose me with pcos. >> it's based on two out of three of the following, having slightly irregular cycles and polycystic ovaries. >> polycystic ovarian syndrome is a hormonal imbalance in the ovaries which can cause a wide range of symptoms, from migraines to irregular cycles to fertility issues. over 5 million women in the u.s. have the condition, often difficult to definitively diagnose. >> there's a real reason why this could make a real difference at our chance of having a family down the road. another factor to weigh when family planning, freezing eggs versus freezing embryos, a decision for my husband alex and i that initially surprised us.
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>> wow, i guess that's on option for me and we should talk about it. what are the pros, what are the cons. >> reporter: freezing embryos involves the same process as egg freezing, taking hormone shots to stimulate egg growth and retrieving them, but then those eggs are fertilized with sperm. >> the downside of egg freezing is you don't ultimately know how many of these eggs will thaw, fertilize successfully, and actually make it to the embryo stage. and only 60% of fertilized eggs are capable of turning into embryos. embryos have so many cells that their thaw/survival rate tends to be higher, around 98%. >> reporter: with my new diagnosis, we decided embryos was the right path for us. >> we're just learning more about it, we got more comfortable and it made more sense for us. >> reporter: my regimen started with two shots a day. >> good job. >> reporter: mixed at home and a blood draw and ultrasound every other day. soon, up to three shots a day with monitoring every day. >> these are them growing,
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getting bigger. as the days wore on -- >> every step, straight to the ovaries. and bumping around on the subway train, whoo! >> reporter: the side effects made more severe by my pcos, became quite apparent. >> it is just a bloat that won't go away. and some cute little bruises. >> so when i got the news -- >> it's time for the retrieval two days from now. >> i was thrilled! >> thank you so much! >> 11 days after that first hormone shot, it was time for the retrieval. a minimally invasive procedure that uses an ultrasound to guide a needle to the ovaries, a suction device on the needle pulls out the mature eggs. >> your procedure itself is 15, 20 minutes, recovery is 45. >> i said good-bye to my husband -- >> good luck with your very easy portion of this. >> reporter: suited up -- >> follow me in here, please. >> and we were ready to roll. >> it was really straightforward procedure. it was really easy to access both ovaries.
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>> how you doing? >> okay. i'm honestly pretty uncomfortable. >> let's get you home. i'm very proud of savannah. in marriage, you're obviously thinking and doing things for your spouse, right, but this is kind of the first time we've both -- more savannah than me -- had to do something for potentially a new family member. >> i feel really happy and proud of myself, and proud of us, and just, like it was totally worth it. >> you should be proud of yourself! and kudos to your husband for sitting by your side. so i think it's important to mention, you freeze your eggs, but you have to see where you land. >> that is so true. >> because, obviously, not all eggs end up being healthy generally. >> the attrition rate was something that surprised us. we landed in a place that are happy and hopeful about. but our success rate was only a little bit over 30%. so any family that's going through this is going through a lot. because you just -- you don't know how much is going to happen at each phase of this. >> so you do the one round, some women that do two, three, four,
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and five. >> savannah, thank you so much. >> we encourage everyone to check out for more information. >> all the best. >> thank you. >> thanks for sharing that, savannah. and thank you, sheinelle. up next, "twister" star daisy edgar, what it took to prepare for all of that action and a little line dancing with glenn powell. but first this is "today" on nbc.
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we are back at 8:43 with one of hollywood's rising stars. daisy edgar jones. >> in the soon-to-be summer blockbuster, "twisters," she takes on the action-packed role of an inspiring tornado tamer. let's take a look. >> ahh!
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what was that? >> i think i killed some here i! daisy, good morning. >> good morning! >> those poo chickens. >> there it is! daisy, good morning. >> good morning! >> those poor chickens. >> i know, i know! he just plowed right through the chickens, didn't he? >> people love you and know you from "normal people" and other projects you've been in, but this is something else entirely. this big budget summer blockbuster. all the anticipation it's getting, what's it like to be at the center of this "twisters" moment? >> it's so much fun. it's a real bucket list for me to be part of this big sort of disaster move, this huge scale, fun film. to be watched in a big cinema with a big audience. it feels amazing to be here. >> you really got into the role. i was telling the crew earlier this morning, the only time i've ever cried as a reporter when i was storm chasing, because it is so scary. i heard you did go out and try to storm chase a little bit. >> we did. so many of those storm chasers we met in oklahoma were there to guide us, but also in the film.
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a lot of background actors are real storm chasers. and i went chasing with glenn and brandon from the cast a couple of months ago and chased a storm all the way to kansas. we didn't see a tornado, but -- >> so for people who have never done it and never will do it, and most of what they know about storm chasing is from "twister," the original movie, and "twisters," what is like to be in the hunt for a storm? >> i was like, gosh, we really captured nit our film. a lot of it is driving, so you need a really great soundtrack and this film as an amazing, perfect soundtrack. a lot of it's trying to make quick decisions, a lot of it's instinct. you use the science and data, but a lot is trusting your gut. the one we saw, it was really dark. the only light we go from the lightning and there was a hook on radar and our chaser would like, could be a tornado. and i'm like, where?! >> it gets real.
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>> you know what jumps off on screen is the chemistry. he was talking about his beloved dog, brisket. look at this picture! >> so baby brisket, glenn got him during filming and he was the best kind of comfort for us all. we were doing night shoots and brisket was just there all the time. and glenn is the best. you met him. he's such a lovely person and a brilliant actor, and it's hard not to have chemistry with him. he's just great fun. >> i recently did an interview with glenn for an hour, brisket was at our feet the whole time, moving in and out of the shot. >> he's a bigger star than glenn at this point. >> you are from the uk, but you so perfectly embodied the american southwest of oklahoma. how did you make that transition, learn about the culture, and how does line dancing figure into it. >> we were really lucky. we got to film in oklahoma where the film takes place. and i had to learn line dancing. i went line dancing as much as i could. it's so much fun. >> and smooth, too.
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>> you're good. you've got it. >> how fun is that? >> sorry about that? i actually arranged for a line dancing instructor to come to our after-party at the premiere, and they're all addicted now. >> i was reading about this earlier this morning, you guys -- you took running lessons? what does that even mean? >> worked with a personal trainer, and he was like, run for me, and he went, oh, no. >> run with fear or -- >> i just have a bit of -- running is not my strong suit, let's say that. and he was like -- i wanted to look cool, so -- >> it's an important part of the role, isn't it? sprinting -- >> exactly, exactly. it's hard to look cool when you have wind machines in your face the whole time.
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but i did my best. >> dramatic running, also part of being an actor. little did you know when you got into the business. a lot of people -- it calls to mind for people the 1990s movie, "twister," of course. this is an updated version of this story. how much did you use that as a touchstone for this film. >> i've probably watched the original "twister" about 20 times at this point. it's such a classic film. the thing i grasped most from it is the kind of enthusiasm. it's so infectious to watch on screen, the enthusiasm for the chase, and how well drawn out each character is. so you know, there's a lot of love for the original in our film. it does feel like the next chapter in a really lovely way. we have dorothy in there, other little easter eggs for those who love the original. but in terms of the cgi and the technology, we were able to raise the stakes now. >> and you've captured all of that. daisy, thank you very much. you're not going anywhere. we'll see you again in the fourth hour. you're doing the weather, all the teases. we've got you here. >> i live here now.
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>> go have a meal and set up shop. "twisters" from our sister company universal pictures hits theaters tomorrow. al? hey, guys! we're gearing up for the paris olympics. we've got two -- not one, but two tasty recipes from famed chef jean george. and he promises these potatoes are the best you'll ever eat, because it's his mom's recipe. we'll be back, but first this is oday" on nbc. "t dave's company just scored the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. high five! high five... -i'm on a call. it's 5 years of reliable, gig speed internet... five years of advanced security... five years of a great rate that won't change. yep, dave's feeling it. yes. but it's only for a limited time. five years? -five years.
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introducing the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. powering 5 years of savings. powering possibilities. introducing togo's new barbecue beef sandwich. it's piled high with tender beef that's slow cooked and smothered in tangy memphis style barbecue sauce. it's no fuss, no muss. just tons of flavor. the best barbecue beef is only a togo's. try one today.
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oh, i love that music. >> we're back with a special edition of "today" food, to get us all ready for the paris olympics, just eight days to go, hard to believe. so we've brought in chef and restaurant tour, jean-georges vongerichten. jean-georges, it's so good to see you. >> good to see you. >> so today -- >> this is your mom's recipe? >> every sunday, when i grew up, chicken with potato. and she always said to me, the potato tastes better than the chicken.
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>> all right! so how do we get started? >> some chicken inside, some garlic, some salt and pepper on top. there we go. a lot of people think that french cooking is very complicated, but you say less is more. >> less is more. just two ingredients. potato -- so we tie the chicken up. if you want to cut some potato for me, that would be fantastic. >> just cut them in half? >> yeah, the pul frit, so i'm going to keep whole, some we're going to cut. so it goes into the oven -- >> and you've got butter and olive oil. >> butter, olive oil. you can use only butter if you want. you can add a little more butter on top.
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>> it's french -- very french. >> you're cooking it on the side. >> on the side, 15 minutes at 450. then we flip it over, 15 minutes. >> on the other side. >> on the other side. breast up, 15 minutes. then let it rest for 15 -- >> and that's it? >> et voila. >> so the chicken, all the fats and juices get roasted with the potatoes. >> they drip into the potatoes and they taste so good. >> and these potatoes are amazing. >> delicious! >> oh, my! >> isn't that good? >> can you show us, chef, how do you carve a chicken? >> very quick. >> usually i take the wings away, pull them off. >> that's how tender this is. >> it falls off the bone. then i just do this, rip off the skin. there we go. the other side. >> >> oh, my gosh!
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>> then we cut the breast off. >> look at that! >> voila! >> dwoenl. >> so good. >> now you'll make a chocolate mousse. >> another family recipe, two ingredients. >> okay. >> chocolates, like 65 to 80% cocoa. >> so kind of dark. >> double boiler, keep it warm, two cups of whipped cream here. so thick. just going to pour the chocolate in there if you want to whisk it up. not too strong, slowly. here we are. >> look at this! and that's all there is? >> that's all there is! >> wow! >> you know it's good when you go, mm, as you take a bite. >> are you going to move on to the mousse now? >> you just finish it by folding it with a spatula, like this. >> it's perfection. >> wow. >> that's it! >> that's it! it's a very, very simple thing. and some berries from the market. >> try this, al. this is phenomenal. >> i give you a fresh spoon. >> oh! a fresh spoon. maybe with the raspberry.
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voila! >> up with, two, three. and it's so simple. >> that's amazing. >> sometimes people in a mousse, they have the eggs, some kind of thing -- that's it. >> absolutely. >> jean-georges. >> join us. >> we will be there. >> and make sure you find these recipes and more on we're back on a busy thursday morning after your local news and weather. thank you, chef.
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welcome back. we have breaking news in the traffic world. this is for the tri valley. we continue to follow the big backup because of this deadly crash. the most concern is over the people involved here with this big rig and four other vehicles blocking southbound 680. just before you get to mission boulevard. that does leave mission boulevard as one avenue through the surface streets to get down past the crash and connect over to 680. you can use auto mall parkway, but that does take you through the backup. you can also use niles canyon. getting really crowded. that's about the start of the backup. the longer drive would be 580. that's about another 15 miles longer. about the same amount of time. but we're continuing to see more delays through the southbound direction of the nimitz as well. the only other alternate, because there are scans roadways through the area. y canou
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it's your time to cash in. so don't just play. stay... at northern california's premier casino resort. book your getaway now at this morning on the third hour of "today," cool summer. inside a growing vacation trend, travelers seeking an escape from scorching temperatures. ho


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