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tv   Today  NBC  July 22, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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about 52 minutes there. all right. well, the today show is just moments away. but we continue today in the bay on roku, pluto and other streaming platforms live at 8:00, highlighting the world class culinary scene. a live interview on the michigan michelin guide ceremony that's happening right here in the bay area. you're talking about food and good food at that. there you go. i'm all in. you better beat me there. all right. see you over there at 8:00. thanks for joining us this morning fo good monday morning. a rare moment in american history. >> president biden ending his campaign, a political earthquake. good morning. it's july 22nd. this is "today." standing down. president biden abandoned his re-election bid after weeks of democratic pressure and a weekend of soul searching, saying it is in the best
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interest of his party and the country. a historic shakeup not seen in a presidential race in more than a half century. >> this is another heroic act in a long-running series of heroic acts by joe biden on behalf of the american people. >> this morning, inside the final moments of the president's decision. what changed just a day after he refused to drop out and how donald trump is reacting. next in line. democrats rally around vice president kamala harris, as she vows to earn and win her party's nomination with the backing of president biden and other top democrats. >> we have got to unite behind this ticket with kamala harris at the helm and move forward. >> but key democratic leaders, including former president obama stopping short of a poll endorsement. what happens next with the democratic convention just one month away? we will talk to an influential top democrat in his first interview since the announcement. in the hot seat. the director of the secret
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service headed to capitol hill today. the tough questions she's set to face over the agency's failures surrounding the attempt on former president trump's life and the growing calls for her resignation. a live report from washington just ahead. outage aftermath. airlines still struggling to bounce back in the wake of last week's tech failure. tens of thousands of passengers set to face delays at the nation's airports. we will have everything you need to know. those stories, plus home stretch. the paris olympics now just four days away, and we have exclusive news on the opening ceremony this morning. nba legend lebron james just selected as one of team usa's flag bearers. moments ago. >> you get to wave the flag in harris, my pan. is saying abou honor when we take you live to
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paris, today, monday, july 22nd, 2024. ♪♪ from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb, from studio 1a in russian olympic committee -- in rockefeller plaza. hi, everybody. good morning. welcome to "today." t minus four days to the olympics. >> i can't believe we're down to four already. >> we have one usa flag-bearer. let's get to the top story. president biden's decision to end his re-election campaign. the president at his home in rehoboth beach, delaware, saying he will address the country formally sometime this week. he's recovering from covid, still. >> meantime, he's throwing his full support behind vice president kamala harris. her nomination is not a done deal.
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party leaders like nancy pelosi, chuck schumer and the former president yet to weigh in. >> donald trump has been far from silent on this monumental shakeup, saying about biden, if he can't run for office, he can't run our country. >> all of this setting up a presidential race unlike any other. to show how times are changing, this election marks the first time since 1976 that the names bush, clinton or biden will not appear on a major party ticket. >> so we have a lot to cover this morning. we have a live interview with adam schiff, one of the most prominent democrats to publicly call on president biden to drop out of the race. we begin with nbc's senior washington correspondent, hallie jackson on the story. good morning. >> good morning to you on what is the first full day of kamala harris' presidential campaign after that move by president biden that felt both stunning and in some ways inevitable, after pressure built for him to step off the democratic ticket. now the party is navigating a new path forward, just 106 days
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before election day. new widespread reaction this morning to president biden's decision to withdraw from the 2024 race. >> i think he's one of the best public servants we ever produced in this country. >> all of it coming after the president's stunning statement on sunday, where he wrote, in part, i believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president for the remainder of my term. a short time later endorsing vice president kamala harris to take the top of the ticket. >> i know he will take a central role in the campaign to make sure donald trump does not return to the white house. >> the decision coming as president biden was home in delaware, still recovering from covid. according to multiple sources, the president spent the weekend reflecting on his path forward and considering polling he was presented, described by one person as bleak.
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he spoke with harris multiple times sunday, before his announcement, calling senior advisers at 1:45 p.m. and releasing his letter publicly just one minute later. the first lady, according to an aide, supportive of whatever road he chose. with the president's son saying, i'm so lucky every night i get to tell him i love him and to thank him. i ask all americans to join me in doing the same. more than 30 democrats called for the president to step aside after that debate performance in late june widely panned as disastrous. >> if we finally beat medicare. >> the president's tone since then, defiant. >> i'm only three years older than trump, number one. number two, my mental acuity has been pretty damn good. >> but the political reality appearing to set in. >> the one reason i'm running is
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because of my experience. >> this time around voters raised concerns about the president's age and fitness for office, with recent polling showing 65% of democrats wanted president biden to withdraw from the ticket. already this morning we're learning from the harris, formerly biden campaign, they raised nearly $50 million in grassroots donations since president biden endorsed vice president harris. that's a record one-day haul. >> hallie, standby there. we will talk in a moment. >> we want to talk about what's next for the democratic party. now in unchartered territory with their election looming. election day 15 weeks away. let's bring in kristin welker, moderator of "meet the press." good morning. >> hi, hoda. with just four weeks until the democratic national convention kicks off in chicago, the key question this morning, will the president's endorsement of vice president harris clear the field, or will it set off a bruising battle for the nomination? the big question for democrats today, what now? with the clock ticking toward
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the democratic national convention in chicago four weeks away, president biden's historic decision to stand down and endorse vice president harris could give her a critical head start against potential rivals. while vice president harris says she intends to earn and win the nomination, republicans are relishing the battle ahead. >> the democrats are in free fall, trying to figure out who they are going to have as their candidate. >> still harris is already picking up support from democratic heavyweights, including former president bill clinton and former secretary of state hillary clinton. and perhaps most significantly, many of the candidates seen as possible challengers to harris have actually now coalesced behind her. california governor gavin newsom, arizona senator mark kelly, governors josh shapiro and roy cooper, all endorsing harris yesterday. >> it will be a very, very tough race for everybody else.
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because they wouldn't have the relationships with these delegates that harris has and that, of course, biden has. >> one notable holdout in the flood of endorsements for harris, former president barack obama. a source familiar with his thinking tells nbc news mr. obama will be uniquely positioned to help unite the party once we have a nominee. and democratic leaders on capitol hill including chuck schumer, hakeem jeffries and nancy pelosi also not yet endorsing. >> we will put on full display our agenda for the american people and do what is necessary in order to leave that convention unified. >> democratic sources tell nbc news the party will aim to pick a nominee in a virtual roll call in as soon as two weeks. to win on the ballot, vice president harris must earn a majority of the 3,900 delegates. if she fails to do so, the primary would open up to other candidates. but anyone seeking to be on the
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ballot would have to jump through a number of party rules, including getting a position signed by at least 300 delegates. sources stressed to me overnight that the nominating process is still fluid. it could change. and a senior democratic party official telling me this morning, quote, i haven't seen this type of grassroots energy and mobilization in the democratic party since the early obama days. >> all right. we'll check back with you in just a bit. it is 7:10. craig joins the table. >> good morning. good morning to you as well. so another key part of all this, how donald trump is reacting to this seismic shift in the 2024 race. nbc's garrett haake covers the trump campaign. he talked to the former president in the wake of the announcement. good morning. >> reporter: that's right, good morning. i spoke to the former president, and he mocked president biden as, quote, the worst president in the history of the united states and that the quote fits
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what he had done. mr. trump sounded not at all surprised by this decision, and he has continued to attack biden and harris on social media through the early morning hours this morning. he just accused democrats of stealing the race from biden after biden won the primaries, calling them, democrats, the real threat to democracy. he floated the idea that biden is faking his covid diagnosis as an excuse to bow out and suggested if the president can't run for re-election he should also resign from the oval office. mr. trump's aides say they've been preparing for the possibility of facing someone other than president biden ever since the disastrous debate, with the candidate sharpening attacks on vice president harris in particular, including in this new interview taped saturday before the announcement. >> she's not a competent person. she shouldn't be president. she will be laughed at all over the world. >> the fact is mr. trump has spent more than 600 days now running against joe biden, whose decision not to continue will
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now force an overhaul of the republican strategy for this final sprint to november. savannah? >> all right, garrett. thank you. we're joined now by adam schiff, among the prominent democrats last week to publicly call on the president to drop out the race. he is throwing his support behind vice president harris. he's running for senate in california as well. congressman, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> first your reaction to hearing this yesterday. did you breathe a sigh of relief? >> you know, i think we all felt immense gratitude to joe biden for doing what he has always done, which is consider what's in the best interest of the country and make his judgment accordingly. he has been just a phenomenal president, accomplishing more in a single term than most ever do, rescued us from a deadly pandemic, put our economy back on solid footing and continued to work to make the economy work for everyone. and it's such a sharp contrast
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to the other party, which has elevated this convicted felon. people who have worried about donald trump and about his dictatorial ambitions, people like j.d. vance, that have sacrificed everything for their own personal ambition. a lot of excitement about vice president harris. >> speaking of republicans and donald trump, quick to react saying if president biden can't run for president, then maybe he shouldn't be serving as president. you are sufficiently concerned that you came out publicly and said he shouldn't run. how do you justify him serving as president right now if he doesn't have the competence to run? >> well, my concern is whether he would be able to win, whether he would be able to prosecute the case against donald trump. i have every confidence in his abilities as president and his ability to continue doing the remarkable job that he's doing. but i am very excited to throw my full support behind the vice president.
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i have seen her work as a prosecutor, as an attorney general, as a senator, as vice president. i'm very excited to work with her as president. i haven't seen this kind of excitement in the democratic party in quite a long time. people are really energized. i think young people who were sitting on the sidelines are now getting deeply engaged. this is an incredible matchup. we've got a former prosecutor running against a convicted felon. we've got someone in vice president harris with a record of integrity, with a record of success legislatively and a vice president running against someone who ran our country into the ground. we love that contrast. >> you love it. let me show you the latest nbc polls about a week or so ago. kamala harris has the lowest favorability record, even behind trump and biden. also, that same poll shows she performs about the same as biden against trump. other polls show maybe she
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performs a little bit better. does that concern you? >> no. she hasn't been our candidate. and she will soon, i'm very confident, be our candidate. i think things change dramatically. when you are the vice president, your job is to do things that the president doesn't want to do, and that's not a role that necessarily advances you in the polls. but i am very confident, as people consolidate around the vice president, as she becomes our standard bearer, and she says she is going to win, earn and win this endorsement at the convention. then i think you will see those numbers change. and i have every confidence that she could beat donald trump, and i'm very excited about how quickly people are coming together to support her candidacy. >> do you think democrats have a credibility problem with voters right now for delaying this issue, for not talking about the age and competence that you all
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came forward in recent days saying, this is a problem, when voters have been expressing these worries for a long, long time? >> you know, voters have been expressing concern over the age of both candidates for president. but we have a president in joe biden has been an historically successful president. he's a person of great d biden who has done a phenomenal job. and i think what made this so challenging for democrats is joe biden has been a historically successful president. he's a person of great decency. it was very hard to suggest that someone else should now carry the torch because he's been such a good president. but i think that the contrast with donald trump and his patent unfitness for office couldn't be sharper. we saw this in the reaction that donald trump had to the decision of president biden to step aside. rather than, you know, graciousness as you would see from a normal human being, we saw more vitreal, more vile from the former president. people don't want to see that kind of indecency,
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untruthfulness back in the oval office. they don't want someone who can't tell right from wrong back in the oval office. i think you will see just what a superb candidate for president kamala harris is, and i'm really excited to get that started. >> obviously one of the first orders of business for vice president harris is to name a vice presidential running mate. is that something you hope she will do sooner rather than later, for example, in the next week or two, long before the convention? >> i think we're all trying to digest what's happened in the last 24 hours. i haven't thought a lot about the timing for her selection of a vice president. i think it is more important that she get it right, choose the best one, than it is to get it done quickly. but i think what we're seeing in the consolidation of support around kamala harris is how much confidence the democratic party has in her and her ability to
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choose the right vice president. so i'm sure that that is an immediate and hot topic for her team right now. but i would give her the time and space to make the best judgment about that. it is wonderful to see these other powerful party leads coalescing around her, including those that might have thrown their names in the ring. i'm confident she will make that judgment when she's ready. >> finally, when you step back and look at the last few weeks starting with former speaker pelosi going on cable and saying, we'll wait for the president's decision, when he had already decided and said, i'm in this race, to leader schumer's conversation going to rehoboth beach and showing him the polls and that leaking out on the same day you came forward, a close pelosi ally, and announced you thought he should withdraw, frankly, it all
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had the feeling of a coordinated campaign. was there a coordinated, behind-the-scenes campaign to nudge the president out and make it more and more publicly uncomfortable for him to stay in? >> well, i certainly wasn't part of any coordinated campaign, and i don't think there was. i think you had individual leaders in the party looking at the polls, listening to people from battleground states and from battleground house districts and increasingly concerned about the trajectory that we're on. it was hard for all of us, frankly, because we admire joe biden. we respect joe biden. and more than that, we have tremendous affection for joe biden. he's a wonderful and decent human being. this, i think, was hard for all of us in the party. but i can't say i was part of any coordinated effort. i made my own judgment about what i thought was best in urging the president to consider, you know, what he thought was the right direction for the country. and i think that joe biden wasn't going to be intimidated
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or pushed or anything else. he was going to make his decision when he was ready to make it. and, you know, once again, he did what he has always done through his lengthy, multi-decade career, and that is put country first. >> congressman adam schiff of california, thank you for your time. appreciate it. >> thank you. that was fascinating and revealing. >> it's not an unprecedented moment in time, but a rare moment in time. it will be interesting to see how this all plays out and develops. >> all right. 7:20. mr. roker? >> if only you could forecast the political future. >> oh, no. i like this gig right here. today we've got showers making their way into the mid-atlantic states, heavy rain through the plains and into the southern plains. comfortable conditions in the center part of the country. but it is going to be awfully toasty out west. we will look at that in the next half hour. we will get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. .
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>> and that is your latest weather. guys? >> al, thank you. still ahead, a political spotlight brighter than ever on vice president kamala harris as he looks to, look at her road to this moment and break down her record in washington. the head of the secret service facing mounting pressure to resign as she heads to capitol hill today to face tough questions over the attempt on former president trump's life. we'll have the latest live from washington, d.c. orst, this is "today"
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magic cauldron it's time to brew... a happiest halloween with so much to do. put magic and treats at every corner to be seen... come alive my cauldron... brew the happiest halloween. ♪♪ coming coming up, the final push to paris. >> opening ceremony, guys, friday. we just broke the news that lebron james will be one of team usa's flag bearers. who will the other one be? live after your local news. .
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y'all seeing this? wild! and i don't even have to activate anything. oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. [mind blown explosion noise] so tell me about your heart attack. our heart attack was... scary! never want to go through that again. but we could. with heart disease, you never know. so we made changes. green juice. yeah, not a fan. diet, exercise... statins helped. but our ldl-c (bad cholesterol)-it was stuck! stuck! just couldn't lower it enough. and high ldl-c meant a real risk of another attack. so i said, "let's ask our doctor about repatha." what can i say? listen to your heart. repatha plus a statin dramatically lowers ldl-c by 63%, and significantly drops the risk of having a heart attack. do not take repatha if you are allergic to it. repatha can cause serious allergic reactions. signs include trouble breathing or swallowing or swelling of the face. most common side effects include runny nose, sore throat,
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common cold symptoms, flu or flu-like symptoms, back pain, high blood sugar, and redness, pain, or bruising at the injection site. we won't let another heart attack set us back. and neither should you. listen to your heart. lower your ldl-c and your risk with repatha. talk to your doctor. (katie) check it outtttt... (gina) nice! blue buffalo, huh? we have nutrish... (katie) well blue's got deboned chicken, chicken meal, brown rice, oatmeal... (gina) nutrish has chicken, soybean meal, whole corn, whole grain wheat... hmmm... (gina) okay bud, we'll switch to blue! is 726 right now. i'm laura garcia. here's a look at our top stories, including the shakeup in the race for president. i'm ginger conejero saab in san francisco where at 9:00 this morning, local leaders, including san francisco mayor london breed, will hold a rally at city hall in support of vice president kamala harris as the
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front runner for the democratic party's presidential nomination. vice president harris has vowed to earn and win the democratic nomination designation, which would make her the first black and asian american to lead a major party ticket. the oakland ballers minor league baseball team suddenly looking for a new manager, they fired mckay franklin over the weekend, just 54 games into their inaugural season and still four games above 500. in the pioneer league, team executives are looking for a different approach. third base coach aaron miles will take over for now as interim manager. let's get a look at the forecast for this monday morning with meteorologist kari hall. well, the heat is going to be cranking back up today and we'll be under an excessive heat warning starting at 11:00 this morning for parts of the east bay where we are going to see temperatures near 100 degrees. a lot of 90s here on the map, but we are also still looking at a wide range in temperatures, so we're keeping it comfortable near the coast.
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while in the valleys we're looking at a high up to 100 degrees and even more intense heat for tomorrow afternoon. laura. thanks, kari, and don't forget to join us for our today in the bay live streaming newscast. at 8 a.m, we'll spotlight some of the key ingredients making up the bay area's world class culinary scene. join us on roku, amazon fire tv, xumo, and streaming platforms including, and from our app. hope to see you
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chickens. >> yes. we are back. you're looking at the biggest movie in the country. that's "twisters."
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it tore through the competition at the box office over the weekend. more on that big opening and how the stars are celebrating, just ahead in "pop start." >> i remember the first "twister," how excited it was back in the day. >> the sound track is fantastic. we will start with more on that bombshell in the 2024 race. president biden ending his campaign and endorsing his vice president, kamala harris. >> her first statement since that announcement, she vowed to earn and win the nomination for president. what would it mean to have vice president harris front and center? >> we turn to nbc senior white house correspondent, kelly o'donnell. >> reporter: and good morning to all of you. all eyes will be on vice president harris today here at the white house when she stands in for the president because of his covid. harris will lead an event celebrating college championship athletes, but it will take on more prominence now. a source familiar with harris tells me the vice president has
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told her staff she wants to figure out a way to talk to the campaign team directly. as the nation's first woman vice president, the words "history-making" and "kamala harris" have already been linked. >> let us see it through because when we fight, we win. we win. >> reporter: now suddenly poised >> reporter: now suddenly poised to move to the top of the democratic party ticket. >> the most existential, consequential and important election of our lifetime. and there is so much at stake. >> reporter: at 59, harris represents a younger generation than president biden and former president trump. her own story connecting her to a core base of the democratic party. >> i'm black. and i'm proud of being black. >> reporter: voters adjusting in real time. >> i think kamala is going to be strong and get things done. >> reporter: some still unsure. >> she's been in the background, so i don't know how that's going to be.
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very interesting. >> reporter: born in oakland, california, educated at howard university, the daughter of a black father and an indian mother. >> my mother used to say don't sit around and complain about things, do something. >> reporter: a prosecutor, state attorney general and u.s. senator representing california. she married her husband, doug emhoff, in 2014. harris made her own bid for the white house in 2020, but dropped out of that race before primary voting. her campaign plagued with issues. >> let's do this together. let's claim our future. >> reporter: serving alongside joe biden, harris has at times been a magnet for criticism, especially after the president gave her responsibility for what they called the root causes of immigration. >> we have been to the border. >> you haven't been to the border. >> and i haven't been to europe. i don't understand the point that you're making. i'm not discounting the
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importance of the border. >> reporter: many republicans made harris a focus at their convention. >> what have joe biden and kamala harris done? >> perhaps the greatest blame lies with his own vice president, kamala harris. >> reporter: harris is often the administration's lead, prosecuting the case on abortion rights, an issue democrats believe can help them in november. >> how dare they tell a woman what she can do and cannot do with her own body. how dare they! >> all right. so now i guess they're thinking campaign strategy. kelly, what does that look like for kamala harris? >> reporter: well, sources are telling me she will put her own stamp on this re-shaped campaign. some of that can be leaning into her background as a prosecutor where she can talk about mr. trump's criminal convictions. she can talk about abortion rights. and an issue that has been so dominant this cycle, age, but turning the focus to the former president's 78 years. hoda?
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>> kelly o'donnell for us there at the white house. thank you. >> we've got national correspondent, steve kornacki with us now and the big board. so let's look deeper into those polls, how kamala harris fairs against trump. >> the headline is now not that much different. this is an average of the ten national polls that came out since that debate last month. trump at 47%, harris at 46%. if you are in the same average, biden versus trump, it was a two-point trump lead. so very, very slight improvement to start out. but obviously that's something that's within a margin of error there. democrats are really starting in the same place. >> what about the key groups? does she perform better with particular groups? and does that open up a path for other states potentially? >> i thought this was interesting. here are some groups when you match harris against trump where she fares better than biden did. the headline there is black voters. almost a ten point difference. the left wing of the democratic base, sanders, warren voters and folks 39 to 40 years old.
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trump improves with harris in the race, at least according to our poll, with republican voters who aren't satisfied, haley voters, white males with college degrees. these two groups you tend to find in the suburbs. so you take a look at our road to 270. the six core battleground states are there in gray. those numbers i just showed you, if you are a democrat and you see the number among black voters, you think maybe georgia. maybe harris could help you there. there's a large black population. trump has been running very well there in the polls. again, the flip side is if trump is posting improvements in the suburbs with harris in the race, the suburbs around atlanta, that could wipe it all out. >> arizona. young voters and sub sush suburbs around phoenix, potentially. the real path for biden was the rust belt states. >> and i think that's the thing. the reason why biden had that path you are talking about in wisconsin, michigan,
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pennsylvania is the growth for trump and the weakness for biden has been non-white voters. georgia, arizona, nevada with much more diverse populations than the midwest states. >> i have a feeling we will be meeting here many times in the future. steve, thank you very much. hoda? >> all right, s.g., thanks. we will take you inside the massive push to finish restoring the iconic notre dame cathedral. our rare look behind the scenes before the tourists are allowed back in. first, the latest into the investigation on the assassination attempt on former president trump. the director of the secret service in the hot seat today on capitol hill facing mounting calls to resign. a live report from washington right after this. . and unlimited double miles means we earn more too. what's in your wallet? oooh! this is our night! shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective.
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and just lived with the damage that was left behind. but even after all this time your thyroid eye disease could still change. restoration is still possible. learn how you could give your eyes a fresh start at since the citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category... suddenly, life's feeling a little more automatic... oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. >> new details are emerging on the attempt on former president trump's life. >> a growing number of lawmakers are voicing anger and frustration at the secret service. today the agency's director faces a grilling on capitol hill.
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>> nbc's capitol hill correspondent ryan nobles joins us now from washington. ryan, good morning. >> reporter: hey, guys. good morning. and several members of congress have already called on kimberly cheatle to resign as director of the secret service. so far she's resisted those calls. but today she is going to be forced to answer some very direct questions about what went wrong and what it will take to prevent it from happening again. from the moment the shots rang out in butler, pennsylvania, the questions started rolling in about the role of the united states secret service, the agency tasked with keeping presidents, former presidents, presidential candidates and their families safe. >> the oversight here, the mistakes, the ineptitude, whatever it is, was inexcusable. we almost lost the life of a former president. >> reporter: the early investigation into the shooting reveals there were key choices made by the service that led to the venue where trump spoke less secure, including a decision to leave the roof where the shooter
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was perched from unguarded. in excerpts from her opening statement provided by the department of homeland security, secret service director kimberly cheatle will say, quote, the secret service's solemn mission is to protect our nation's leaders. on july 13th, we failed. as the director of the united states secret service, i take full responsibility for any security lapse. oversight chairman james comer is expected to call for director cheatle's resignation in today's hearing. law enforcement investigators have discovered that the gunman, thomas crooks, flew a drone over the rally site hours before the attempted assassination. he also searched online about other mass shooters and explosives. missing signs and a lack of resources leading members of congress to demand a review of the secret service. >> that shooter was identified as a suspect, suspicious characters, a full one hour before the shooting occurred. they lost sight of him and never
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really followed up on that. >> reporter: congress will also press detective cheatle on the security assistance provided to the trump campaign. there is an untrue assertion that a member of the former president's team requested additional secured resources and that those were rebuffed. this is absolutely false. this weekend, nbc news reporting the secret service denied requests for more secret service at trump events before the attempted assassination. but those additional requests were not specifically connected to the rally. >> so many questions for her to answer on the hill this morning. now we're also hearing from former president trump himself. what is he saying, ryan? >> reporter: yeah, craig. in a new interview with fox news, the former president is openly questioning why no one told him that a suspicious person was identified an hour before he took the stage. trump believes that he, along with his security team, could have chosen to wait to come on to the stage for at least a few minutes, at least as a
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precaution, and believes withholding that information from him was a mistake. this is yet another issue that could be raised at today's high-stakes hearing. >> all right. ryan nobles there on the hill for us. ryan, thank you. let us shift gears, quarter to 8:00. al has the forecast. good morning to you. we are talking more heat, especially out west. 25 million people from montana down to southern california with heat advisories, watches and warnings. you can see over the next three days, temperatures, triple doings from boise, sacramento. las vegas will see over 106 degrees today. that would be 31 days in a row of over 100 temperatures. that's a record. dallas in the upper 90s. here in the east, temperatures seasonal to begin the week, but they will start to warm up with higher humidity. in the meantime, comfortable conditions with low 80s in new york. mid-80s in memphis. tampa in the upper 90s. we are looking at scattered showers and thunderstorms that will bring heavy rain down along
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the southern gulf where we could see locally three inches or more and and some and that is your latest weather. guys? >> all right, al. thank you. still ahead, the final countdown to the paris olympics with just four days to go until the opening ceremony. we will take you there live. and hoda has got a morning boost on the stove cooking for us. >> oh, it's warming up. >> right after this. .
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that is true.. get your head out of the sand trap, switch to t-mobile and get four iphone 15's on them and four lines for just $25 a line. and you can save on every plan versus the other big guys. [glass shattering] swing big at t-mobile. get four iphone 15's on us. and four lines for $25 a line. fore!!! ♪♪ if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love. some things should stand the test of time. long lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision and can help you go up to 4 months between treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness, or allergies to eylea hd, don't use. eye injections like eyla hd may cause eye infection, separation of the retina, or rare
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7:49 am
i came here to find love, but instead i found a best friend. señor snuffles? you stole my sock and now you've stolen my heart. will you accept this milk-bone as a symbol of my love. ♪ more dog ♪ i have moderate to severe crohn's disease. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are looking up ♪ ♪ i've got symptom relief ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me ♪ (♪♪) ♪ control is everything to me ♪ feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. and skyrizi is proven to help deliver long-lasting remission at one year.
7:50 am
serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. now's the time to ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn's with skyrizi. (♪♪) ♪ control is everything to me ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. (marci) so, how long have you lived here? (opponent) over forty years. (marci) and how are the restaurants around here? are they good, bad, meh? what's the average household income? is there a mall? i don't know. a hair salon? where do you get your hair done? (opponent) you gonna move, or what? (marci) oh, i'm sorry. it's a lovely neighborhood. (luke) marci, we've gotta go. (marci) i'm coming! (luke) we've got seventeen thousand more parks to visit. (marci) you wanna give me a hand? (luke) we bring you the best neighborhood info. (vo) ding dong! homes-dot-com.
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>> yeah! >> came back just in time for the boost. >> all right. we have been waiting for you, carson. wedding traditions will always have their place. but sometimes it is better to throw caution to the wind. who needs a flower girl when you can have the flower bros? ♪ ♪♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> showoff, wow! >> somewhere the 8-year-old flower girls are not very happy about this. >> it is like the reception was
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already happening. this video getting tons of attention on social media. one person committed, i'm not even engaged, but i'm hiring those flower bros. >> that's impressive. >> have them just come walk with you. >> even the bride is back there saying, they've got to bring it down a notch, stealing my thunder. >> that's my wedding. >> a topic i'm excited about, "rolling stone" has come out with a list of the most iconic album covers of all time. we'll get your take on that, and i'll give you mine as well. but, first, a check of your local news and weather and these quick messages. . is supported by asthma experts. finally, there's a modern way to treat symptoms and asthma attacks. airsupra is the first ever dual-action rescue inhaler that treats your asthma symptoms and helps prevent attacks. airsupra is the only rescue fda-approved to do both. airsupra is an as-needed rescue inhaler and should not be used as a maintenance treatment for asthma.
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7:54 am
and unlimited double miles means we earn more too. hmm that's great. you're great! i'm here to save you. i'm good.
7:55 am
cool. i think we should see other people. you know if you could just let your hair down. a little bit down! no no no no no. no no no! you're so far away, can't hear ya! the home with dunkin' is where you want to be. next! ♪♪ smiling first can help -next! someone find the courage to do the same. (woman) i'm so excited. i'm finally here in the city. -next! someone fwhat.he courage (man) ahhhhh! (man) have you seen my ph- ahhh! (man) woah, woah, woah! (woman) no, no, no, no, no! (woman) great. (man) ughhh. (man) dudeci (vo) you break it. we take it. trade in any phone, in any condition guaranteed and get a new iphone 15 with tons of storage on us. (woman) oh yeah. (vo) only on verizon. (♪♪) (♪♪)
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bounce back fast from heartburn with tums gummy bites, and love food back. (♪♪) for our upcoming 8 a.m. streaming newscast. i'm kris sanchez in berkeley at thousand oaks elementary school, where kamala harris was a young student, and there is a mural bearing her name. she has deep bay area ties, grew up in a house in oakland that is now montessori school. she left to go to an hbcu for college, but came back to the university of california law school, eventually working for the alameda and san francisco county
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district attorney's offices for a lot of folks in the bay area, there is a lot of excitement about these bay area ties, but for some voters, it's less about the roots and more about the policy. let's get a look at that forecast for you today. meteorologist kari hall tracking the warm up. yes. we will be under a microclimate weather alert for today. an excessive heat warning going up for parts of the inland east bay. this is where temperatures will be hottest. reaching into the upper 90s and even 100 degrees today. but notice how san francisco staying comfortable with some mid 70s. we will continue with a wide range in temperatures over the next few days. laura marcus all right thanks, gary. now make sure you watch out today in the bay live streaming newscast starting in just minutes. so you're going to see the brewing of the bay area's world class dining scene. you can watch it on roku, pluto, and other streaming platforms. we'll see you there
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[ding] [upbeat music] ♪ yeah, baby, i like it like that ♪ ♪ i like it like that, i like it like that ♪ ♪ si a ti te quiero mi amor, i like it like that ♪ ♪ eeeeeh, baby, i said i like it like that ♪
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♪ stomp your feet if you think i'm neat ♪ ♪ clap your hands if you want some more ♪ ♪ i said i like it like that ♪
8:00 am
it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, standing down. president biden drops out of the presidential race, following weeks of pressure. now endorsing vice president kamala harris. new details on what happens next and what it means for the election. crowdstrike chaos. flight delays and cancellations continue nationwide, following that massive global i.t. outage.
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airlines still struggling to return to normal. we have the latest straight ahead. then the final countdown. we're just four days away from the opening ceremony. lebron james just announced as one of team usa's flag bearers. >> we will wave the flag not only for us as the men's national team, but for all the olympians with the utmost honor. >> the excitement just getting started, and we're there live. all that, plus which album cover is the best ever? blake gets lively in a new "ends with us" trailer. >> what is your name? >> lily. you? and twist-off. how the stars of "twisters" are celebrating their box office success coming up. today, monday, july 22nd, 2024. ♪
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>> from georgia. >> today is his 4th birthday! >> on a sisters' trip. >> from dublin, ohio. >> good morning to our grandmas watching in arkansas. >> visiting from nevada city, california. >> minnesota! >> portland, maine! >> las vegas, nevada! >> spokane, washington! >> and texas! ♪ >> it's my first time in new york. >> today i turn 50. >> from nashville, georgia, celebrating nana's retirement. >> at "the today show". >> oh, a little red, white and blue out in the plaza. nana's birthday. much to celebrate. so glad you are along with us on a monday morning. a busy one. a lot going on in the news. reaction still pouring in to president biden's decision to withdraw from the 2024 race.
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the president released a statement yesterday afternoon that reads in part, while it has been my intention to seek re-election, i believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country to stand down and to focus on fulfilling my duties as president for the remainder of my term. a short time later he endorsed vice president kamala harris to take the top part of the ticket. democratic sources tell nbc news the party will aim to pick a nominee in a virtual roll call in as soon as two weeks. we have a lot to discuss, including the next steps with nbc's senior washington correspondent, hallie jackson, and kristen welker, moderator of "meet the press." this happened very quickly. there was talk of potential challengers to kamala harris. one by one, they all closed ranks around harris. is it all but done? is she the likely democratic nominee? >> it feels that she is the likely nominee, with the caveat that we don't know until we know for sure. look at what happened even just this morning.
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you have senator joe manchin now saying, after flirting with the idea of perhaps challenging harris, definitively saying that he will not run against her. so all of these folks that have been speculated to take the top of the ticket have come out, many of them endorsing kamala harris. manchin says he believes it should be an open process. i will tell you there is some nod to that, just in my conversations for example, with members of congress, who say, we don't want to make this feel like this is a done deal, like this is done in the back room by top party leaders. after all, voters are the ones who should have the say. there is an awareness that they don't want to rush the process. but it seems like the democrats moved extraordinarily quickly to back kamala harris. we are still, of course, waiting to hear from the top democratic leaders. no endorsement from leaders like chuck schumer or nancy pelosi or former president obama. let's see what happens on that front in in days ahead. >> let's talk about president biden, because he was dug in as
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late as friday night, saturday morning. what changed his mind? he says he wants to address the nation. he'll still sick from covid, but he wants to address the nation. any sense of the timing on that? >> i think we will hear from him later this week. he is still recovering from covid. in terms of what changed, democratic leaders came to meet with him in private. chuck schumer, hakeem jeffries. he had a blunt call with former house speaker nancy pelosi. we know former president obama expressed concerns about biden's viability. as you were just discussing with congressman adam schiff, who became the biggest name in democratic circles in congress to call for him to step aside, there was this feeling of a coordinated effort to pressure him. and then, of course, the public, savannah. there were protesters outside of the white house calling on president biden to pass the torch saying, we love you, president biden, but please pass the torch. he wanted to see two things. he wanted to see his own polling. he wanted to be convinced that he couldn't win. and he wanted to see polling
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showing that vice president harris can win. once he became convinced that there was a path for her, ultimately he made what must have been a very difficult decision. he was huddled, of course, with family at his home in rehoboth beach. top advisers making this ultimate final decision with his closest of closest advisers, telling his campaign just moments before the announcement went out to the rest of the world, this move that has upended the entire race. >> it has indeed. lots to discuss. thank you very much. now to the latest on the massive tech outage that snarled travel, disrupted 911 call centers and impacted businesses worldwide. it started on friday, following a software update by cybersecurity giant crowdstrike. nbc's tom costello has been following this story over the last few days. he joins us now from reagan national airport. tom, i can tell you firsthand, it was sheer madness.
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how is air travel recovering this morning? >> reporter: slowly, but it is recovering. absolutely. that friday computer meltdown, one of the worst ever because crowdstrike, of course, put up that software update that brought down microsoft windows computers and major airlines depend on microsoft windows. they were affected quite dramatically. we had 3,400 flight cancellations on friday. the airlines started catching up over the weekend. here are the numbers for saturday and sunday. delays, this is going to be on saturday, we had -- this is friday, sorry, 1,286 on friday. then the weekend, delays and cancellations continued, especially on sunday, and especially hard hit has been delta airlines. can we go live right now to the flightaware misery map? guys, i want to show you something.
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the control room in atlanta, it is one of the most delayed and canceled in the whole world, and the reason is delta airlines is still struggling and delta has a huge presence in atlanta. at this hour, delta has 17% of their flights canceled for today. atlanta, 8% of outbound flights canceled, and 16% of inbound flights canceled. and then the other major airports affected at this hour are all major delta hubs, including minneapolis and detroit and jfk. delta continues to struggle. the ceo over the weekend apologizing, making the point that this meltdown and then the ripple effect, the domino effect happened on the busiest travel weekend of the entire summer. this is a record summer for travel. craig? >> let's talk about these outages. the department of transportation, what have they been saying? what is their response to the widespread outages? >> reporter: as you know, the department of transportation has been insisting the airlines up their game in terms of customer
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service. they have been putting the pressure on this weekend, specifically telling delta airlines, you have to compensate passengers who say they can't fly. you have to allow them to leave because your flights are delayed or canceled, leave without any penalty and make sure they get their money back. if some passengers' flights will be delayed or canceled and you have to give them food or vouchers for food, vouchers for hotels, that has to be top of mind. many airlines did provide travel vouchers that people said, listen, i can't make this delayed flight, i need to try again tomorrow, waiving change fees. this has been a real mess. not of the airlines' making, but secretary buttigieg suggesting they should have been able to recover a little faster than they have, especially delta. >> all right. our senior correspondent tom
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costello. tom, thank you. let's turn to golf and what a year it has been for xander schauffele. two months after winning the pga championship, he picked up his second major of the season at the open championship. he shot a 6 under 65 in the final round of the royal troon in scotland. the 30-year-old from san diego taking home the claret jug and more than $3 million in prize money. >> he's had a heck of a year. man! >> were you watching? >> no. i was actually stuck at the airport on saturday for a number of hours. still ahead on monday morning, "twisters" slamming the box office competition. we will take you inside its very big opening weekend and the fun way they're celebrating. first, members of team usa touching down in paris ahead of friday's opening ceremony. keir simmons is so excited. he's out there waiting for us. >> reporter: so excited. we will let you know what some of team usa's biggest stars have been saying as they have been trafl -- traveling here in paris. that's live from paris in a few minutes.
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. boo oh wow, what a buzzkill. and if you don't have the right auto insurance coverage, paying for this could really sting. so get allstate, save money, and be protected from mayhem... like me. why didn't we do this last year? before you were preventing migraine with qulipta®? remember the pain? cancelled plans? the worry? that was then. and look at me now. you'll never truly forget migraine. but qulipta® reduces attacks, making zero-migraine days possible. it's the only pill of its kind that blocks cgrp - and is approved to prevent migraine of any frequency. to help give you that forget-you-get migraine feeling. don't take if allergic to qulipta®. most common side effects are nausea, constipation, and sleepiness. learn how abbvie could help you save. qulipta®. the forget-you-get migraine medicine™. whaaat?? it's super hero day at school... ♪ tiktok song ♪
8:12 am
sfx: [tea kettle] sfx: [ding!] ♪ l'eggo with eggo. can we... amazon has low prices l'eggo with eggo. on everything kids need. like a fifth new water bottle. really? (terrie) if you're a smoker. i have a tip for you. make a video of yourself before all this happens. read a children's story book or sing a lullaby. i wish i had. the only voice my grandsons ever heard is this one. (announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now for free help, hmm that's great. you're great! i'm here to save you. i'm good. cool.
8:13 am
i think we should see other people. you know if you could just let your hair down. a little bit down! no no no no no. no no no! you're so far away, can't hear ya! the home with dunkin' is where you want to be. for moderate to severe crohn's disease, skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. control of crohn's means everything to me. ask your gastroenterologist about skyrizi. ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save.
8:14 am
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8:15 am
otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. ♪♪ [announcer] with clearer skin girls' day out is a good day out. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. since my citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category... suddenly life's feeling a little more automatic. like doors opening wherever i go... [sound of airplane overhead] even the ground is moving for me! y'all seeing this? wild! and i don't even have to activate anything. oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. [mind blown explosion noise]
8:16 am
back now, 8:15, with our countdown to paris. the olympics now just a short four days away. >> can you sense the excitement? the best athletes on the planet. fans from all over the world are descending of light ahead of friday's opening ceremony. >> keir simmons has actually been there for a full year waiting. >> reporter: good morning to you. a great place to wait for a year, right? lebron james will serve as a flag-bearer for team usa at the opening ceremony. that exclusive news announced by you guys on "today" this morning. at the same time, president macron saying here in france, paris is ready. this morning a major announcement for team usa. >> you get to wave the flag in paris, my man. >> reporter: lebron james
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revealed as the male flag-bearer for the olympics opening ceremony, exclusively on "today." the news delivered by superstar steph curry. >> something that my family and my community and my friends will be able to remember forever and super appreciative and super humble about it. >> reporter: coming after a down-to-the wire victory over the weekend. james' game-winning lay-up with eight seconds left, leaving the u.s. with the edge over south sudan in their heated warm-up. the excitement for paris 2024 building. team usa members sharing their journeys to the games and the olympic village on social media. gymnast jordan chiles posting, next stop, paris. and simone biles with this group shot. while more team usa athletes opening their customized merchandise for the big trip. >> how cute is this? they gave us a luggage tag and
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it's leather and it has our last name and the rings. >> reporter: paris is ready for an historic games. the city's iconic sites are now olympic playgrounds. here you can try out olympic and paralympic sports before heading to watch the real thing at famous french venues like the eiffel tower. the river ready for friday's opening ceremony, officials say, and for swimming, after flooding a few weeks ago that made it seem impossible. >> impossible is not french. >> reporter: heading out on the water in boats this weekend. excited for the olympics? >> yeah, of course. >> reporter: before the world's athletes take to the seine for a historic first-ever opening ceremony outside of a stadium. >> keir, there is so much secrecy about the opening ceremony. but you say you have some info on team usa's role? >> reporter: yeah, a little
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information, hoda. team usa, lebron james, will be on the second--to--last boat on that opening ceremony. that is because the u.s. will host the games the next time. that is the tradition. order in those chips and drinks and sit back and relax on friday. speaking of food, hoda, along the seine, the athletes' village, they will be serving 2,000 baguettes and pastries every day, and even teaching olympians how to bake their own french pastries. >> a belongerie? >> i didn't know you spoke french. >> keir, we can't wait. >> we have one flag-bearer. hopefully soon we'll have another one. starting friday, by the way, we're going to be there live. let's go! we're getting ready for all the olympic excitement. >> have you started packing? >> no.
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>> i haven't started packing. >> i'm wearing red, white and blue. >> i'm done. >> you're done? >> oh, baby. i locked it up. by the way, we're just announcing, craig and i will be on a pontoon boat in the seine. >> really? >> no. >> you should swim in the seine. >> you know, i don't know if that's going to happen, but i'm looking forward to the pontoon. >> well, he's packing his speedo. showers in the mid-atlantic. heavier rain through texas. comfortable in the midsection of the country,taying hot out swe
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that's your latest weather. >> let's do it. no scripts today. we will start with "twisters." the movie chasing its way to the top of the box office. >> it's all right to be scared. fear is the reason you do it. you don't face your fears. you ride them. >> that's right. "twisters" number one over the weekend. the movie from our sister company, universal. spun up more than $80 million in its first three days. third biggest opening weekend of the year. "twisters" stars glen powell, daisy edgar jones had quite the celebration. they were at luke combs' concert. he's on the "twisters" sound track. he brought them all on stage in new jersey to shotgun a beer. >> are you serious?
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>> i saw you chug a beer on the show. >> yes, i have. yes, that was like a big '80s thing. you put it in the thing and you go -- >> you weren't 21 in the '80s. >> i had a fake i.d. next up "it ends with us." starring blake lively. the story follows a woman at the center of a volatile relationship and love triangle. ♪ ♪ >> what's your name? >> lily. you? ♪ ♪ >> what's happening there? i've got to watch the show. we've got them all coming on the show here. it is in theaters august 9th.
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ahead of that, you will meet the author, of course, with the cast members, blake lively, jennie slate, justin baldoni. that will happen here in studio 1a. next up, shania twain earlier this month the country superstar teamed up with andre bocceli and she made a special trip to italy to duet the ballad for the very first time. ♪ ♪ and dreams came true ♪ because of you ♪ ♪ from this moment ♪ ♪ as long as i live ♪ ♪ i will love you ♪ >> i like that. andrea bocelli set to release a full album. >> i wish he and celine would
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get back together. >> next up, ryan reynolds this week, the hollywood a-lister is heading back to the movies with "dead pool and wolverine" and he was able to earn madonna's approval for the use of her hit "like a prayer" in the movie. >> we went over and met with her and showed her how it was being used and where and why. >> it did feel like we were meeting royalty, i'll say that. >> yeah. i even asked someone who worked with her, i was like, am i allowed to say just madonna. and she gave a great note. she watched it and she was like, you need to do this, this and this in this moment. damn, she was spot-on. >> it is out friday. we will be on the lookout for that. final "rolling stone" music publication is out with the best of all-time list, counting down the top album covers. number five, we start with
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biggie smalls 1994 "ready to die." debut album. instantly iconic. the white canvas with the representation of the little baby on the cover. the opposite theme of the record. number four goes to pink floyd's "dark side of the moon." light passing through prism emerging as a rainbow. top three now, "there is a riot going on" takes the next stop. he said he altered the american flag in a way that he felt to represent everybody. number two goes to the beatles "abbey road." it marks the first beatles' album cover without the name beatles on it. number one all-time, joy division's "unknown pleasures." black and white image was meant to draw in listeners. is it a mountain range? is it a heartbeat? apparently it is a pulsar from
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from the astronomy encyclopedia. do you know joy division? it is like new order, would have been new order. >> joy division preceded new order. >> he's trolling us. >> i was shocked by that. >> i had a couple honorable mention. 1984 prince and the revolution "purple rain." iconic. nirvana. the baby chasing the almighty american dollar. a couple of famous album covers there. all right. the king of
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being on campus today, people
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who work with the administration a sense of how out of body this moment is for them, they work for the president, by extension they were hoping he would te hou campaign. they're certainly encouraged by the fact that there's been so much support from the grassroots of the party toward kamala harris, at the same time, there's an actual process involving the delegates of the party, lots of steps to go through, 100 days until the election, to knit this together to have a new leader of the campaign, at least from the
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biden/harris side, anyone challenging her for that position. things are changing increments, big and small, and certainly a lot of new pressure on the vice president even to do something like this which for politicians could be the kind of event they can do sleepwalking, a happy event for celebrating athletes, that's something they've all done in various levels of government and now she's going to do that knowing that the eyes of the country and the world are watching her as the sitting vice president but the emerging standard bearer of the party. hallie. >> kelly o'donnell, you're looking at the left side of the screen, live look of the white house south lawn where we expect to see kamala harris at any moment for those remarks. address the college athletes assembled there. >> ryan, to the point that kelly is making, some key questions,
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would anyone seek to challenge kamala harris for to which the democratic ticket and who might be her running mate might be? the party has moved quickly around her to endorse her, we're still waiting to hear from top senate democrats chuck schumer and nancy pelosi. >> reporter: also former president barack obama has yet to weigh in as someone who's endorsing kamala harris as well, that name is still out there. democrats are wrestling with this idea of unifying as quickly as possible while at the same time not making it appear as though this is a coronation for kamala harris, they'd like to see an open competition, a democratic process, because this is so unique, this is such an unconventional situation we find ourselves in, it doesn't look
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like they may materialize, not another person willing to raise their hand to take on kamala harris because she appears to have consolidated the support of the democratic party. every few minutes we check our e-mails and phones to find another member of the democratic establishment endorsing her campaign, that will make it divot for another candidate to emerge, we saw joe manchin of west virginia very briefly flirt with the idea of challenging or at least putting his hat into the ring and quickly backing away but still calling for an open process. hallie, i think what we're about to see play out here on the south lawn is something that the democrats i've talked to is yearning for, they really believe that kamala harris excels in settings like these, when you're the vice president you only have very few opportunities to be at center stage, you're a supporting character when it comes to the administration and its work and
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they believe that she has the ability and the goods if you will to stand on her own two feet and be a star in the democratic party, she just needed that opportunity. that's part of the reason why you see so many of these democrats rallying around her candidacy and doing it so quickly, because they believe she has what it takes to take on donald trump and beat him in november. so i think this first step out into the spotlight is going to be something that everyone's going to be watching closely. but then, this campaign will quickly meld into a routine that's much similar -- more similar to the presidential campaigns we've seen over the past decades and so. democrats are eager for that to be the contest, harris versus trump contest. >> ryan nobles, thank you very much. we continue to wait for the vice president to take the
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microphone. she was a couple minutes away. presumably it will be any second. monica alba also covers the white house for us, talk us through what we're hearing on the money front, if you will, we understand from the vice president's team, the harris campaign, no longer the biden campaign, they raised something like $50 million since president biden endorsed kamala harris, a record one-day grassroots fund-raising haul and where polling stands now. critical for president biden coming to the decision to withdraw from the race. >> an extraordinary amount of money when you consider the amount of time they were able to rake that in and it doesn't seem to be slowing down at all, we're told by campaign officials they'll continue to update us on how much money is being brought in, and remember, that this is people donating not just to the harris campaign but to some downballot races to key democrats who are vulnerable, this moment within the
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democratic party feeling there's new breath here, a serious and very dire donor and fund-raising situation after the president's poor debate performance where we really saw some top donors say i'm not going to donate another money to this effort unless the president steps aside, but we knew the fund-raising picture at least for the month of july was going to be very, very dismal compared to now where we are there's going to be this huge spike at the end of the month because of this monumental decision from the president and by endorsing kamala harris that has allowed some of these groups and outside organizations to try to rally donations around her, so i think we can expect to see this be another key story line, though for the republicans' part we know they have had a monster amount of fund-raising in recent weeks and months, in terms of who's going to have more of a cash advantage that's large
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question after the democrats had most of their advantage erased during the summer. president biden in the last couple of weeks had asked some of his most trusted aides to show him polling about vice president harris' standing in a head to head matchup with former president trump, that's something that he wanted to see, we know also that the biden campaign quietly had been doing some of that internal polling and they were doing that in a way to try and look at this, they argued because donald trump was stepping up his attacks on kamala harris in realtime, that's how they tried to frame it but we know that's data that likely president biden would have wanted to see in order to make his decision and when you look at the public polling in terms of how vice president harris does against former president trump, there's really a lot to compare with how president biden was faring, some
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question here about concerns in some key battleground states but some thinking that once vice president harris is going to be the person people and democrats rally around she could see a bump in the polling we'll see if that bears out, that was something that president biden did consider, he wanted know more details about. hallie. >> monica, thank you so much. kelly o'donnell on the south lawn, as monica was speaking there, in the last 30 seconds or so, we're getting word of a schedule shift, she's heading to wilmington later today. >> reporter: we had learned through our reporting that she had told her staff she wanted a chance to speak directly to the campaign team, remember this is the team that was assembled under biden/harris, working in wilmington, therefore the hometown of the campaign and she
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wanted to address them. at 3:00 this afternoon in that hour she's exhibited to go to wilmington, to the headquarters to meet the staff, you can't discount the emotion that's e involved in all of this. she was part of the campaign but now takes on a new role as the president endorsed her to be at the top of the ticket, the announcements are beginning here. i'll finish up by saying here the vice president will make the connection with the team that will now work on behalf of trying to get her elected in november if things go as they planned as this event gets under way, hallie. >> kelly, some of the athletes coming out. this is a previously scheduled event, on the books to celebrate ncaa college athletes here at the white house. the vice president obviously celebrating their accomplishments and their achievements but doing so on the backdrop of a pivotal moment politically not only for her but the country as well.
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she's received president biden's endorsement in this 2024 less than 24 hours after he decided to withdraw from the race. under intense pressure from elected democrats, from members of his own party to pull out of the race, concern he couldn't beat former president trump come november. we're seconds away for the vice president here walk out. monica, interesting that she's going to be heading up to speak to campaign staff, a new moment for the democratic campaign, whether she ultimately becomes the nominee or not. >> that's right, hallie, yesterday, again, some of these staffers had no idea that this was coming, they had been told it was full steam ahead, some of them were actively door knocking when the president posted their letter on social media. there's a sense that many of them want to hear from vice president harris directly to talk about the path forward and
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really yesterday they did try to assure these staffers they would still have a job with the wilmington, delaware, operation, they had built this campaign in a way and in the words of the campaign co-chair to quote be able to beat donald trump and that's exactly what they would seamlessly transition to do with vice president harris leading the way. they'll be delivering that message on her own and thanking the campaign staffers as we see her approaching there. >> here comes vice president kamala harris, briefly introduced before of course taking the microphone at this key moment. again the vice president set to head to wilmington, delaware, not too long from now in order to speak with campaign staff. it's a moment, you have to think these college students would be in the spotlight, they wouldn't think that 48 hours ago it would
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be on live tv. ryan, moving forward, what are we going to hear from top democratic leaders who haven't yet endorsed kamala harris? >> i talked to one democratic operative, hallie, who said we shouldn't read too much into the fact that you have folks like pelosi, schumer and obama who have yet to make their endorsements known because there could be a strategic. when barack obama and michelle obama, if they enthat could be a all-day news cycle. i don't think we should read into it any reluctance on any of these leaders, there could be a strategic plan here. i also do think there's a real concern and angst among democrats that this process plays it out too quickly and
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that it looks as though no one was given an opportunity to get involved in this race. democrats are struggling here, they spent three weeks kind of at each other's throats, back and forth on whether president biden should exit the race. strong voices within the campaign that he should hang on. large group of democrats didn't know what the path forward would be. they're sick of that. they're ready to put that behind them and move forward to the next stage of this campaign which they believe will be harris versus trump one-on-one event, they'd like that to be exciting, in addition to harris put herself out there, lot of intrigue and excitement around who she picks as her vice president. a deep bench on the democratic base, states from kentucky
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governor andy beshear, josh shapiro perhaps the governor of pennsylvania. and also mark kelly, the senator from arizona, arizona also a key swing state who has a compelling life story, these are all individuals who democrats are excited about and who would love to have their place on the national stage and it's a conversation they much rather be having than president biden and his health. >> ryan, thank you. let's listen in to vice president harris. -- to support these extraordinary student athletes, good to be here with so many leaders, members of congress, members of our administration and our extraordinary athletes. our president joe biden wanted to be here today, he's feeling much better and recovering fast and he looks forward to getting back on the road. i wanted to say a few words
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about our president. joe biden's legacy of accomplishments over the past three years is unmatched in modern history. in one term, he has already, yes, you may clap. [ applause ] in one term, he has already surpassed the legacy of most presidents who have served two terms in office. i first came to know joe biden through his son beau, we worked together as attorneys general in our states. beau would often tell me stories about his dad. he would talk about the kind of father and the kind of man that joe biden is, the qualities that beau revered in his father are the same qualities that i have seen every day in our president. his honesty, his integrity, his commitment to his faith and his family, his big heart, and his
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love, deep love of our country. and i'm firsthand witness that every day our president joe biden fights for the american people and we're deeply, deeply grateful for his service to our nation. [ applause ] so with that on behalf of our president and dr. biden i'm honored to welcome all of you to the white house to celebrate the achievements of these great athletes. every one of them is a national champion, a national champion, in america tens of millions of people play a sport as a child, and the best of the best grow up to become national champions, here today, we have seven undefeated teams, 11 repeat champions and 21 gs. you've been listening to
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vice president harris there on the south lawn of the white house at an event meant to celebrate college athletes. praising president biden less than 24 hours after he decided to withdraw from the 2024 democratic ticket and endorse kamala harris, she said she's grateful to him for his service to the nation. also, saying that the president's feeling better and recovering fast from his covid diagnosis. monica, all of this as the spotlight intensifies on the vice president and her political future. >> yeah, i was struck, hallie, she decided in those short comments about president biden to talk about his late son beau biden and the fact that vice president harris did have a working relationship as former attorney general years ago before he passed away from brain cancer and she specifically wanted to talk about the way beau biden talked about his
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father in terms of the human being that he was, the man that he's and i think she wanted to take a moment to personalized that for the country and to approach this huge monumental decision a little bit more as a human being and what it would have meant for him to have done that. we know from our reporting that the vice president didn't want to speak about that too much at this event, she wanted to give it a nod at the top and then focus on what this ncaa championship event is supposed to be about, commending these student athletes, but we know that later on this week, she's going to expand on that and she'll be talking about that in a more wholesome manner. she's expected to go to milwaukee, wisconsin, tomorrow, raises this question about when we're going to hear from president biden in his own national address on why he made
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this decision. she said she's feeling better and is still recovering from his case of covid. he'll be coming back to white house to deliver that major address. they've already started working on it, they're drafting sections of it today and will be working on it as well while he's still in delaware, when the doctor gives him the all-clear to return to washington, we exhibit one of his first major acts would be to deliver that speech. i'm told from the white house. the exact venue is still up in the air depending on his health. but i think there's also larger question about how we're going to see vice president harris now in this newer role and i'm told she's going to be doing things like she's doing today, some things that president biden would have been doing as well, she's anticipated to be meeting
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with the president at some point this week with israeli prime minister netanyahu coming to washington for a couple of days. both the president and the vice president in these engagements in the official capacity, that's still the day job while now vice president is going to hit the trail as the potential nominee and president biden wants to get back on the campaign trail now to stump for her which will be a shift obviously in what he had been doing in the last year and half of his re-election effort. fund-raisers he was supposed to be doing in the coming weeks it's possible that it could morph into raising money for harris. they spoke several times yesterday and likely will be very, very closely in touch, hallie, and i think it will be significant as the vice president is doing her official duties here at the white house and then this afternoon she'll
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shift more into campaign mode if you will when she goes to the wilmington, delaware, headquarters and she speaks to the staff there and she said in her message posting about that trip, it's only 105 or so days to go until the election and she's really pledging to earn and win this nomination, she says. hallie. >> monica alba, of course republicans are now facing the prospect of a new political opponent for former president trump and his running mate j.d. vance. vaughn hillyard covers the trump campaign. vance has his first solo rally today. it seems as though the trump campaign will go after vice president harris in a couple of ways, going after her record in california politics as well. >> reporter: right, this isn't the challenger they were anticipating the last 20 months back when former president trump announced back in 2022.
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i was talking to a senior campaign official before biden announced he would not be seeking this second term who would they prefer to face, of course he'd prefer to face joe biden that's the campaign they had built and prepared for, at the same time, this campaign official suggested that they had already begun to look at internal polling as well as planning for potential other options that including kamala harris taking the top spot on the ticket and that's exactly what has taken place, this weekend talking with rnc chairman michael whatley, this is a matter of what the message is and whether the democrats go with kamala harris or gretchen whitmer, a democratic party united in the last 3.5 years and for the trump campaign you should expect to see them continue to tie kamala harris
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directly to the efforts of the biden administration but also the fact that she was appointed to be the so-called -- by the biden administration and there have been a record number of immigrants made their over the border. when kamala harris gets further under the microscope, some of those questions will be put to her and whether there will be a presidential debate between donald trump and kamala harris. jason miller, senior adviser to donald trump suggesting that donald trump was prepared to debate her and on social media he may want to change the venue, the tv news network hosting it suggesting that it should be potentially fox that hosts it, at the same time, i'm told it's matter of whether it could be put to somebody else to host it, still some question marks, it was slated to take place in november, but now with the democratic national convention
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coming up in four weeks from now, of course, lot of questions before the trump team steps up what their plans are moving forward. >> vaughn hillyard, thank you very much. you've just watched vice president kamala harris in her first remarks since president joe biden dropped out of the 2024 race and nominated her. for all of us here at nbc news, th concludes our special report. much more ahead on much more ahead on "nigh news" and on st >> beef, cheese, bun, mustard, pickle, onion. it's fantastic. >> if you're in new york, check out the spot. chef, thank you for being here. not only do you get a great
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is 856 a marcus washington? well, a lot of developments today in washington. after president biden's decision to drop out of the race for reelection and endorse vice president and bay area native kamala harris in the bay area this morning, san francisco mayor london breed, leading a rally at city hall to support harris. harris, meanwhile, meeting with college athletes to celebrate ncaa championship teams. that event taking place right now over on in the white house on the south lawn, leading democrats already falling in line and supporting harris for the nomination. happening now. this is vp harris's first public appearance since the endorsement. we will have live team coverage in our midday newscast.
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this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," standing down. president biden making a historic announcement ending his re-election campaign. we will go inside the decision and then find out what happens now. with 106 days until election day, we will bring you the latest on this historic shake-up. plus, our series "behind


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