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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  July 22, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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daniela moroz. i'm in sailing and i'm from san francisco, california. naomi girma, san jose, california soccer. really exciting. we'll be sailing in the south of france for the olympics. paris would be a dream come true. the paris olympics coming july 26th. brought to you locally on nbc by san francisco bay, oakland international airport. fly the east bay way. hello, everyone. i'm kate snow. my co-anchor zinhle essamuah is on assignment today. "nbc news daily" starts right now. today, monday, july 22nd, 2024. breaking news. monumental shift.
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vice president harris speaks publicly for the first time since president biden dropped out of the race with just over a hundred days to go she has a lot of ground to cover. what could happen next? operational failure the head of the u.s. secret service faces intense questioning in fiery capitol hill hearing. and going for gold, we're just days away from start of the paris games only on nbc, who and what you can expect to see from team usa. at friday's opening ceremony. welcome, everyone. we begin with that breaking news a seismic shakeup in american politics, democrats now rallying behind vice president harris after president biden's decision to exit the 2024 race. the vice president will meet with campaign staffers later today in delaware, this morning, she made her first appearance since president biden endorsed
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her as the party's nominee. harris thanked the president for all he that he's done in office while hosting college athletes at the white house. >> joe biden's legacy of accomplishment over the past three years is unmatched in modern history. i'm firsthand witness that every day our president joe biden fights for the american people and we're deeply, deeply grateful for his service to our nation. >> the vice president is racking up endorsements from top congressional democrats and governors as well as tens of millions of dollars in campaign donations, president biden is expected to address the nation some time this week to explain in more detail why he exited the race, the president remains isolated at home in delaware as he recovers from covid-19, his doctor said today his symptoms have resolved, quote, almost completely, and that he has completed his tenth dose of the drug paxlovid.
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there's a lot of ground to cover. we'll head to the white house in just a moment. vaughn hillyard is here with reaction from the trump campaign. my co-anchor zinhle essamuah will simply explain what happens now that president biden has bowed out. our presidential historian michael beschloss will have perspective on this moment of significance for all of us. let's start with allie raffa, you have reporting on what led president biden to make this big decision yesterday, what can you tell us? >> reporter: yeah, kate, we're told from sources familiar that the time that the president has spent here over the last few days as he recovers from covid-19 proved critical to make this hard decision to drop out of the 2024 race and we're told in the last few days he was surrounded by some of his
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closest aides and advisers. reflecting on his more than five-decade-long political career, also reflecting of what he was told by several prominent democrats, his continued candidacy at top of ticket posed a risk to democrats down the ballot coming into november, he felt betrayed and sad by this almost month-long prsh campaign from democrats trying to get him to step aside. through all of that he listened to that input and we're told it was saturday night when he made this hard decision and he started outreach, he reached out several times yesterday to vice president kamala harris. reaching out to his white house staff and just one minute before that letter with his announcement was released publicly that's when campaign staffers found out, both at his wilmington headquarters and throughout the country, obviously a major shock to them as they try to pivot now to the
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now-harris campaign. >> liz kreutz is out in san francisco, harris' political career started there. remind us about her history there. >> reporter: yeah, this is really friendly and familiar territory for kamala harris here in san francisco, people here at this rally, a unity rally for kamala harris the san francisco democrats put on, they organized it within an hour of the announcement that president biden was endorsing her, this is a place that she grew up, they call her a hometown hero, district attorney office in alameda, she prosecuted sex crimes, becoming the attorney general of the state of california before becoming the senator. she has a long history here. the donor base that exists here which is critical for her in
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california as well, as she ramps up her campaign, with a hundred days to go, it's interesting, because a lot of the unity that we're hearing and these calls for unity, this is a city that's considered 50 shades of blue, there's a lot of intraparty fighting. right now we're seeing people coalesce, progressives as well, coming together to unify behind her. >> liz, thank you for that. we don't know yet when president biden will speak just yet, right? >> reporter: that's right. we're told that we should expect this to happen at the white house, but of course for that to happen the president has to test negative for covid, he's still self-isolating here in rehoboth beach. we got an update from his doctor he's still testing positive for covid. we expect that to happen later this week but exact timing is
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still unclear. president biden's announcement yesterday obviously also rocking the trump campaign, former president donald trump has not spoken publicly since the president's exit from the race, but trump has posted a slew of attacks on social media saying mr. biden was unfit to be president, if he can't run for re-election. it comes as the trump campaign is now weighing how to shift its strategy in the race for the white house. joining me now is vaughn hill yard. mr. trump's running mate j.d. vance held his first solo campaign event, talk about he framed everything and what this exit of biden means to the other side. >> reporter: first time we've heard from one of the two individuals on the republican ticket after joe biden dropped out of the race a little more than 24 hours. listen to part of him talk about the now likely nominee kamala harris at the top of the ticket. >> you cannot for 3.5 years take a guy who clearly didn't have
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the mental capacity to do the job, kamala harris lied about it, my senate democratic colleagues lied about it the'd ya lied about it, every single person who saw joe biden knew he wasn't capable of doing the job and for three years they said nothing until he became political dead weight. >> reporter: a little over hundred days three months from the general election here and you heard j.d. vance's criticism and we heard this from senior officials from donald trump's campaign. after the democratic primary process before the democratic convention, but now there's a different candidate they have to shift their atex to. >> speaking of kamala harris, some pictures that are just coming in, if we can play those back or no? we'll get it in a moment. but she did just transition out of a car and we're watching her every move right now, getting on a plane at joint base andrews at
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the moment. the democrats have said they'll try to push a narrative of prosecutor versus convicted felon in this race, what are you hearing from republicans from the trump campaign, what's their narrative. >> she's actually heading to wilmington, delaware, to talk with campaign staff, i actually covered her day-to-day in 2019 when she was running as the presidential candidate against joe biden, bernie sanders and her case she would be the one best positioned, quote, prosecute the case against donald trump. five years later it looks like she'll get the chance to do just that. for republicans that's upsending, for donald trump a big focus of his campaign has been strength versus weakness, taking on joe biden as someone who's old and feeble and shouldn't be running for another term. now, donald trump is facing somebody who's 19 years younger than him and everything but
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those characterization and right now they're trying to figure out how they counterthat. thank you so much, vaughn, appreciate it. thanks for being with us. intention questioning for the head of the secret service on capitol hill today, both republicans and democrats pressing for answers about security failures leading up to the attempted assassination of former president donald trump, lawmakers on the house oversight committee grilled the director kimberly cheatle about what went wrong, she received calls from both sides of the aisle to resign, also today members of a different house committee are in butler, pennsylvania, touring the site of that attempted assassination. is the hearing still ongoing or over now. >> i believe it's still ongoing. >> it's been hours and i know director cheatle said she takes responsibility for her agency's
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failures in her opening statement but then at least what i have seen lawmakers growing frustrated after she avoided answering their most pointed questions. >> reporter: lawmakers were certainly left dissatisfied by what they heard from the secret service director, she accepted responsibility. she declined to give specifics about that day citing an ongoing investigation which left lawmakers on both sides of the aisle exasperated. at least one of them shouted expla tifs at her. the gunman attempted to assassinate donald trump was identified as a threat. >> earlier, you said that the secret service would have paused the rally if they identified a threat. >> correct.
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>> why wasn't it paused? >> because i have to assume they did not know there was a threat when they brought the president out on the stage. >> one democratic lawmakers asked her it wasn't a threat when there were spectators yelling there's a fie on the roof. there was no order for the countersnipers to hold fire the in that instant, kate. >> i got word from our producers that hearing has just wrapped up, a lot to process there. thank you. appreciate it. time now for today's money minute. disneyland workers authorize a potential strike and who is the newest face on a postage stamp. workers at disneyland have voted to authorize a potential strike, as contract talks stalled over wages, sick leave and other benefits the vote was held by four unions representing some 14,000 ride operators,
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store clerks, and other workers, a vote doesn't mean that a strike will definitely happen just union leaders have the option to call one if they can't negotiate a new contract. and the u.s. postal service releasing a brand-new stamp today honoring longtime jeopardy host alex trebek on what would have been his 84th birthday, he died in 2020 from pancreatic cancer, the forever stamp include this naturalized u.s. citizen hosted the quiz show jeopardy for 37 years. who is alex trebek. >> bertha, thank you so much. still ahead, vice president harris's team as we have mentioned plan to pit her record as prosecutor against former president trump's criminal
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record. what are voters saying about that? that's coming up on "nbc news daily." if the america is ready for a felon a convicted felon, why (vo) struggling with moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis? talk to your doctor about #1 prescribed entyvio, offering two maintenance options, including the entyvio pen. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. pml, a rare, potentially fatal brain infection cannot be ruled out. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, or are prone to infections. liver problems can occur. entyvio. relief. remission. for real. ♪ entyvio, entyvio, entyvio ♪ depend keeps you drier than ever... so you can say yes to more than ever. yes yes yes no. depend, the only thing stronger than us, is you. choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief
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♪ what a wonderful world ♪ [laughing] ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. the presidential election now just over hundred days away, a lot can happen in those weeks, joining me now is ashley parker, senior national political
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correspondent for the washington post. good to have you. you wrote an article today sort of framing the election and talking about what kamala harris will likely do in this campaign, this short campaign season that she has now, talk about that, what do you see as their strategy? >> so understand their strategy, you have to go back to 2020 when she ran an unsuccessful campaign in the democratic primary as a prosecutor, prosecuting the case against trump, her slogan was kamala harris for people, that's what she would say when she would introduce herself in court. you have a former prosecutor and a recently convicted felon. and the other thing is, talking to allies of hers and aides, they say prosecution or prosecutors shouldn't be viewed so narrowly, yes, she'll take the case to donald trump directly but you're prosecute the case on reproductive rights,
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she'll prosecute the case of an out of control supreme court. make a second trump term more dangerous in her view and in the view of many democrats. again, most acutely focused on donald trump that's who all democrats want to beat. >> lot of unknowns, we don't know if president biden will campaign for harris leading up to the election or if she'll have a competitor for the nomination, we don't know who will her running mate is, what kind of impact could president biden have? >> just him coming out for her when he said stepping down, throwing his support behind her, and how quickly then you saw almost the entire party coalesce behind her and fall into line, it was meaningful and again, one of the reasons joe biden ended up bowing out was he's not a
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particularly nimble or agile campaigner in his 81st year in the year 2024 for himself but it's hard to imagine that the harris campaign would turn down the support of someone who even before he stepped down but now especially the democratic party is sort of beloved and viewed as an elder statesman who quote/unquote did the right thing for the good of party and good of country. >> barack obama hasn't said anything yet. >> i read his statement with interest as well, it was very focused on joe biden, they of course had a complicated relationship, dating back to when joe biden was obama's vice president, we know that joe biden has sort of chased this idea that obama was one of the people to push him out, i read it with interest just like everybody else, but i don't know
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that it's a nonsupport of harris. i think we have to wait and see what the former president says in the next couple of days or weeks. >> he may be holding for a while, ashley parker from the washington post, really appreciate it, thank you. still ahead, days after that global tech outage, many are still dealing with the mess, why it's taken so long to get everything back online, including flights, you're watching "nbc news daily." watching "nbc news daily." we're also streaming free 24/7 feeling ughh from a backed up gut? ughh. miralax works naturally with the water in your body to help you go. free your gut and your mood will follow. for 8 grams of fiber, try mirafiber gummies. depend keeps you drier than ever... so you can say yes to more than ever. yes yes yes no. depend, the only thing stronger than us, is you.
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the big announcement over the weekend that president biden is ending his bid for reelection, he's endorsed his vice president, kamala harris, as the new democratic nominee, and that's triggering a wave of pride in san francisco, where the vp started her career in politics. here's nbc bay area's ginger conejero saab. san francisco mayor london breed, malia cohen and david chu were among the leaders of the democratic party who were quick to mobilize this morning and put together a rally in support for the vice president outside the steps of san francisco city hall in her potential bid for the presidency. now, the vice president at this point is the front runner so far. but the tone at this morning's rally went beyond that. whittier narrows are we ready to go, mayor breed? they're firing up
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the crowd on the steps of city hall. she spoke of her personal relationship with the vice president, having experienced the announcement of barack obama's run for the presidency. together, both women were fixtures or have been fixtures in san francisco politics. the vice president served as district attorney of the city before becoming attorney general in california, then senator, and then now the vice president. state comptroller malia cohen is not lost in this moment as well. she brought her daughter to this morning's rally in what she describes as historic. kamala harris is more than a black woman, more than a southeast asian woman. that is run. this is an accomplished professional. this is a woman that is centered and focused on justice, on fairness, and most importantly, universal love. city attorney david chu rallied up the crowd as well, along with democratic leaders, non-elected members of the democratic party, as well. now, the last time that harris was in town publicly was back in june. she was here for a
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fundraising event hosted in the mission district by manny uchitel. here's some video from her last visit here in san francisco. you could tell saying he and other grassroots leaders are excited about turning a new page for the democratic party in this election. now we've heard from other top democrats, including governor gavin newsom, who described the vice president as tough, fearless and tenacious. we've also heard from representative barbara lee and congressman adam schiff. now, we have not heard from former president barack obama yet on on the endorsement or the potential endorsement of the vice president and of course, we're all waiting to hear from the president himself, who is expected to address the country later this week in san francisc, ginger conejero saab. nbc, bay area news. and we will continue to follow the presidential race and it's set to be a historical one. you can get the latest updates, just download our free nbc bay area app. in san francisco, one man is dead after a deadly police shooting yesterday. it happened actually
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just before midnight, police got calls of an armed robbery on mcallister street that's near civic center. police say shots were fired as they approached the suspect. it's not clear if the suspect fired first. he was injured in that shooting and then taken to the hospital, where he later died. the district attorney's office is now investigating. high heat has returned to the bay area, and it's triggering a heat advisory for some parts. here's meteorologist kari hall with our details. today we're back and under a heat advisory and an excessive heat warning for the interior east bay. we're going to have to deal with this through wednesday. also, a hazy sky causing our air quality to be moderate. today, we're not only seeing more ozone, but we're also getting some more of the wildfire smoke, especially in the east bay, where temperatures today are headed for the mid to upper 90s and even 100 degrees. we'll see the peak of the heat hitting us for tomorrow with triple digit temperatures for parts of the east bay, as well as farther for
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north lake and mendocino counties. and we'll also see some mid to upper 90s for parts of the south bay going toward the end of the week. our temperatures will cool off. we'll take a look at our 7-day forecast coming up in about 30 minutes. thanks, kari. let's talk about oakland's newest baseball team, the oakland ballers. it's already shifting. making a sudden shift after an unexpected move in its first season, the team has fired their manager, micah franklin. over the weekend. just 54 games into their inaugural season. third base coach aaron miles will take over as interim manager for now, and the oakland ballers have hired another assistant coach, james harris. he's actually an oakland native who back in 2011 was a first round draft pick by the tampa bay rays. no word yet on why coach franklin was let go. that does it for this edition of the fast forward. we'll be back in 30 minutes with more local news and weather.
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bottom of the hour now, here are some of the stories making headlines on "nbc news daily." karen read was in court today for the first time since her murder case ended in a mistrial. read is accused of hitting her boyfriend with a car and leaving him for dead in january 2022. he was a boston police officer. a new trial is now scheduled for january 27th, 2025.
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the judge also set an august 9th hearing date for arguments over a defense motion to dismiss two of the charges against her, murder and leaving the scene. barcelona is raising its tourist tax for cruise passengers. remember the backlash against too many tourists, it drew international attention two weeks ago when protesters sprayed tourists with water guns around the city. now the mayor of barcelona said the tax will increase for people visiting the city for less than 12 hours on a cruise ship. barcelona is hoping to use that money to pay for local projects. the mayor didn't say how much the tourist tax will be raised. american golfer xander schauffele has won his second major championship in just two months, schauffele shot an impressive 6 under par to win the open championship in scotland. this just weeks after he won the pga championship in may, which was his first major of his
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career. the 30-year-old described sunday as, quote, the best round i've played, adding, it's a dream come true to win two majors in one year. let's go back to historic shift in the presidential race. president biden has dropped out of the 2024 election, and he's endorsing vice president kamala harris to be democratic nominee, his announcement comets less than a month before the dnc in chicago and less than four months from election day. the race is going to come down to a few critical battleground states like pennsylvania, which voted for trump in 2016 and then flipped to biden four years later and that's where we find my co-anchor zinhle essamuah. you're talking to philadelphia voters, what is the sentiment you're hearing? >> reporter: hey, kate, good to see you. i'm joining you here, talking to voters and overall the sentiment
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was not surprise but some disillusionment. take a listen. >> i thought it was a good thing for him to do. >> why. >> biden is old, he's done his job. let someone else step in and do what they can do to keep trump out of office. >> who do you think that is? >> harris. >> i wish there were more options. from the beginning, from the previous elections, our choices to voters were taken away by all of the other candidates kind of dropping out and leaving us with the establishment's choices versus the people's choices for our candidates. >> reporter: you heard from registered democrat as well as someone who identifies as independent. the threat has been people wanting more options. i actually just wrapped up a panel interview that featured some millennials and gen-z
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viewers. nick, we've been talking all afternoon. you said if biden didn't drop out of the race you would have voted for rfk jr., what's your stance now. >> definitely could vote for kamala, got to see what her policies are, she got a tough four months ahead of. >> reporter: your biggest concern was time, the fact that we're so close to the election. >> i think it's going to be a struggle, having to hit all these swing states, try to convince people in pretty much eight to ten states across the country to vote for her. considering trump had the lead prior to her entering the race. >> reporter: that's been the theme, a close race, kate, we're all anticipating it, voters say they're ready to vote, but they're still curious who the ultimate democratic nominee is. now that president biden is officially out as the democratic nominee we wonder what happens now, zinhle explains with simply
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explained. >> reporter: president joe biden has dropped out of 2024 presidential race. quick history lesson, the move is not unprecedented. it happened with president lyndon b. johnson besieged by the vietnam war in 1968, the incumbent announced he would not seek re-election, but no presumptive nominee has ever dropped out so close to an election. put simply, it's historic and there's a system in place to select the new nominee. democrats couldn't easily push biden out without his consent, that's because biden had more than 3,900 delegates pledged to him after winning the democratic primary, but no candidate has been formally nominated. right now that formal nomination is scheduled for a virtual roll call before the convention. according to the current rules, with biden dropping out before the nomination, the pledged delegates would meet at the scheduled convention and cast their ballot for another
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candidate. two things could happen -- one candidate could win a majority of delegates or if no candidate wins a majority of delegates in that first vote then over 700 superdelegates are allowed to vote. superdelegates are a group of democratic leaders including former presidents, mayors, major fund-raisers, they can support whoever they want. that combination would bring the delegate count to past 4,600. they would keep voting until one presidential candidate wins the majority of the delegates. this explains how a new nominee will be chosen. the outstanding question, who will it be? that's finding biden's replacement simply explained. >> kate, as we've heard today, many high-profile democrats including nancy pelosi have endorsed harris, she still has to go through the process we just explained. the other outstanding question
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is who harris might choose as her running mate here in pennsylvania, lot of chatter about democratic governor josh shapiro, we spoke on the phone with harris just yesterday. >> so much to follow, you'll have much more tonight with those voters on nbc "nightly news." thank you. as she just mentioned, president biden's momentous decision to withdraw from the race is historic but it's not unprecedented. there have been two times in the last 75 years that a sitting president has bowed out of his own re-election campaign, the most recent was lyndon b. johnson in 1968 at the height of the vietnam war. take a listen. >> i shall not seek and i will not accept the nomination of my party for another term as your president. >> so, what can we learn from these moments in our history? what might those historical moments tell us about the coming months for us?
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michael beschloss joins me. so both presidents we mentioned who ceded the nomination were both democrats. harry truman, their successors lost to a republican, what were the key factors in those elections and how does that compare to this year? >> one of the patterns is that those were two presidents who had very high unfavorables, the same way that joe biden does, harry truman was unpopular because there were some minor corruption in his administration, very unpopular war in korea. lyndon johnson was waging the vietnam. this affected every family. you had two very unpopular presidents who weren't able to help their successors, it might be the case once joe biden is out of the race for a few weeks
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he might be seen as a more unifying figure than he is now. >> president biden quickly endorsed harris, right, after his announcement yesterday, i wonder about the relationship between a president and a vice president, because it can be complicated, can you talk about that dynamic and what that means moving forward now. >> it's almost always terrible, because you got a president who wants to be center stage, you have a vice president who's trying to sort of stay out of the way and be a sub verb yant almost all vice presidents want to be president, one reason why incumbent presidents in history don't tend to get elected president. >> president biden is not leaving office, he's serving out the remainder of his term, how do you think history will remember him, michael. >> i think more fondly than his time, also true of truman and
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johnson, he'll be remember as a president with a good legislative record, his strength in congress was pretty small and someone who preserved democracy, one test is, is a president able to deliver the white house to a future president of his own party, stay tuned. >> stay tuned. michael, thank you. if the race for president does come down to former president trump and vice president harris, what kind of polling do we have so far, nbc news national xlit call correspondent steve kornacki is breaking that down. >> reporter: democrats are hoping that kamala harris is their nominee changes their position against donald trump. national polls testing biden and trump. trump was leading by biden by two points, the same polls also tested kamala harris against donald trump, to see if there's
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difference, not really, biden 45 in the average, harris at 46. trump still leads. trump still at 47%. not an immediate difference. how about this? the overall impression voters have of the candidates, favorable/unfavorable. biden has been way under water for a long time. harris, not much different. 36% for biden. goes up for harris. really it's kind of right in line, too, with trump. 55% unfavorable. 41% favorable. it's a big if, it's hardly automatic, we talked about national polling, this is about 27 on electoral votes, who can get there? the battle ground math if harris is the nominee, six core
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battleground states, wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania, georgia, arizona, nevada, all six of those states went for joe biden in 2020, harris doesn't have to win all six of them but she's got to win a bunch of them here, one thing to look forward in the polling if there's difference of these six states biden's worst states came in sun belt, in georgia, in arizona, in nevada, why, because biden had been struggling with non-white voters, with black voters, some indication in the polling that harris might be doing better with black voters than biden had. state like georgia, a large black population, that's something they're hoping for here. >> steve, thank you so much. coming up, we're just day as away from the paris olympics. we'll show you how the city of lights is preparing for an opening ceremony unlike
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lot of airline passengers are still dealing with chaos today after friday's massive global i.t. outage, glitch caused by a software update by crowdstrike, impacted everything from 911 call centers to banking systems and it snarled air travel. tom costello has the latest on which airlines are still facing
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issues. >> reporter: good day. we're now three days after that meltdown on friday and some airlines especially delta are still really struggling, remind you of what happened on friday, crowdstrike software update that affect. ed windows-based computers, computers used by most of the major airlines certainly in the united states, united and delta and american among them. they went down and we had 3400 flight cancellations on friday. just a huge number. then we had the domino effect through the weekend as the airlines tried to recover. on saturday, 2100 flight cancellations. on sunday, 2,000 flight cancellations. delta airlines has been the airline that has struggled the most. at the moment, listen to this, really an amazing stat, 17% of delta flights cancelled today. the most impacted airport for cancellations and delays worldwide, atlanta, why, that's
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of course delta's main hub, its main operating base and the other big airpors afced include minneapolis, detroit, all major delta operations. delta's ceo apologized for the impact and delay as they have planes and personnel out of position trying to recover from this domino effect and saying they're doing all they can and by the way the secretary of transportation pete buttigieg has reiterated to delta airlines they have an obligation to their customers to get them from point a to point b and if they're significantly delayed or significantly cancelled, then they often will have to put them up in a hotel and give them voucher for food and reminding delta of their legal obligations under the d.o.t.'s rules and regulations. several days after the fact, delta airlines is the most impacted airline still struggling on this monday to get
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customers from point a to point b. back to you. >> tom, thank you for that. we're just four days away from the opening ceremony of the paris olympics, some of the best athletes and fans from all around the world have been descending on the city of lights and we now know who will be carrying one of the flags for team usa during friday's ceremony. keir simmons has the latest from paris. >> reporter: a major announcement for team usa. >> you get to wave the flag in paris, my man. >> reporter: lebron james revealed as the male flag bearer for the olympics opening ceremony, exclusively on "today." >> it's an absolute honor. >> reporter: the news delivered by superstar steph curry. >> something that my family and my community and my friends will be able to remember forever and super appreciative and super humble by it. >> reporter: coming after a down-to-the-wire victory over
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the weekend. james' game-winning layup with only eight seconds left leaving the u.s. with the edge over south sudan their heated warmup. the excitement for paris 2024 building. team usa members sharing their journeys to the games and the olympic village on social media. gymnast jordan chiles posting, next stop paris. and simone biles with this group shot in france. >> we got usa pins. >> reporter: while more team usa athletes opening their customized merchandise for the big trip. >> how cute is this? they gave us a luggage tag and it's leather and it has our last name and the rings. >> reporter: paris is ready for an historic games. the city's iconic sites. and now olympic playground. here you can try out olympic and paralympic sports before heading to watch the real thing at famous french venues like the eiffel tower. the river ready for friday's
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opening ceremony, officials say, and for swimming, after flooding a few weeks ago that made it seem impossible. >> impossible is not french. >> reporter: parisians heading out on the water in boats this weekend. the water -- >> is cleaner than two days ago. >> reporter: excited for the olympics? >> yeah, of course. >> reporter: before the world's athletes take to the seine for a historic opening ceremony historic opening ceremony outside of a stadium. [coughing] copd hasn't been pretty. it's tough to breathe and tough to keep wondering if this is as good as it gets. but trelegy has shown me that there's still beauty and breath to be had. because with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open and prevents future flare-ups. and with one dose a day, trelegy improves lung function
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12:52 pm
so rich. so indulgent. it's indulgent moisture body wash for soft, smooth skin. bye-bye dry. hello glow! in just 14 days. indulge with olay body wash. depend keeps you drier than ever... so you can say yes to more than ever. yes yes yes no. depend, the only thing stronger than us, is you. (vo) struggling with moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis? talk to your doctor about #1 prescribed entyvio, offering two maintenance options, including the entyvio pen. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. pml, a rare, potentially fatal brain infection cannot be ruled out. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, or are prone to infections. liver problems can occur. entyvio. relief. remission. for real. ♪ entyvio, entyvio, entyvio ♪
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accused of shooting and killing his family in their alameda home. police say 54 year old shane parrish killian shot and killed his wife, two young children and his wife's parents back on july 10th. officers arrested him shortly after the homicides. today, killian was due in court for his raymond but did not enter a plea. the arraignment, now set for august 30th. triple digit temperatures return, but a cool down is ahead. meteorologist kari hall has our 7-day forecast. we are under a microclimate weather alert due to the excessive heat warning for the inland east bay. our temperatures will hit the triple digits today and slightly hotter for tomorrow. the good thing about this heat wave is that it's not going to stick around long. we're going to see the heat easing up by the end of the week, and the weekend is looking very nice with our high temperatures, mainly for the
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east bay and some spots reaching into the low to mid 80s, but a lot of 70s as we go toward the weekend and san francisco is looking at still some cool weather for the most part. we're up to 78 degrees on tuesday, but then bringing it back down to the low 70s on thursday and the weekend will be mostly cloudy at times, some mist and drizzle in the temperatures only reaching into the upper 60s and staying very mild into next week. very mild into next week. thanks, kari and ♪ yeah, baby, i like it like that ♪ ♪ you gotta believe me when i tell ya ♪ ♪ i like it like that ♪ ♪ i like it like that, i like it like that ♪
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the bank is dismissing their dispute. so the couple alerted our consumer investigator, chris chmura. my in modesto says she and her husband got an alert about a $500 charge on their debit card that they didn't make. well, they checked, and it's a good thing they did because they found more more than $3,700 in fraud. all the
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charges came from southern california. while my and her husband were in north carolina. they immediately filed a dispute with tech credit union. it denied the dispute, though, saying that it was consistent with applicable law. so my contacted us. we contacted tech see you a few days later. my and her husband got back $3,719 tech. see, you didn't explain what happened. it only said our team has resolved my concerns. we are unable to share more details due to client privacy. high five to my for subscribing to account alerts in real time. when a crook cracks into your account, you have to act quickly. federal banking rules only cap your liability if you speak up within two days, so get those alerts and pay attention to them. if you're frustrated fighting fishy charges, snap the qr code on screen right now to fill out our consumer complaint form online. only two days. that's good to know. thank you
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chris. the next generation of rock stars is set to take the stage in san francisco tonight. school of rock is hosting its all stars music tour. tonight's stop features 160 elite musicians from around the world, and the bay area. less than 1% of school of rock students have been selected to participate, and we spoke with the owner of the company, san rafael location heather riley. the set through the whole night will be really, really diverse between all the schools, and that's one of the things that that school of rock is so amazing at. is they'll they will touch on all the genres, all the different types. the show is happening again tonight in san francisco at the bottom of the hill that's located on 17th street in the potrero hill neighborhood. tickets are $15 online, 18 bucks at the door. you can get more information, visit school of rock's website and you can get all the day's news and your weather forecast on our website, that does it for that does it for this edition of the fast
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i'm craig melvin, and this is "dateline daytime" on nbc.s, kind of out of body, almost. how could you do something like that? why? he talked about, how scared he was that something could happen to him. he was afraid for his life. craig melvin (voiceover): dead men tell no tales, but this one left a trail of clues


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