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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  July 25, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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conservation of the ocean. what delta customer's experience is award winning service? what makes it possible is 5g solutions from t-mobile for business. while travelers are relaxing in the delta sky club or seamlessly boarding the plane. t-mobile's 5g network is working to connect 100,000 delta employees so they can make every customer feel like they've arrived before they've left the ground. this is how business goes further with t-mobile. for business. fargo is the new virtual assistant from wells fargo. oh, come on, come on, fargo lets you do this. fargo, turn off my debit card, i found it, i found my card. and also this fargo turned all hi, everyone, i'm zinhle
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essamuah. >> and i'm kate snow. "nbc news daily" starts right now. ♪♪ today, thursday, july 25th, 2024. breaking news, face to face, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu at the white house for two high stakes meetings. why he's meeting with president biden and vice president harris separately and what's on the agenda. new questions, we're learning more about the former sheriff's deputy charged with killing a woman inside her own home, what we know about the six jobs he held in the past four years and his time in the military. up in the air, nasa says there is no return date for the two astronauts still inside the international space station. why it's taking so long to bring them home. and just keep swimming, imagine swimming in cold, open water surrounded by jellyfish, from england to france, one remarkable 16-year-old has done just that.
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we're going to dive into what propels her in today's good news. >> 16 and she's done all that. >> yeah, and more than that, she's done many open water swims and she's raising money for a great cause. it's a great story. but we begin this hour with breaking news out of the white house. >> that's right, a high stakes summit today between president biden and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the two met in the oval office earlier today. biden and netanyahu later met with families of some of the more than 100 hostages still being held in hamas. >> protests in the nation's capital, there were some arrests, there were some protesters burning an american flag outside union station. it all comes on the heels of president biden's address to the nation last night explaining his decision to drop out of the 2024 race. leading us off this hour, nbc news white house, senior white house correspondent, kelly o'donnell. what makes this meeting between president biden and prime minister netanyahu and the
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hostage families so significant? >> well, certainly there's a lot of emotion involved in this with the hostage families who in many ways are frustrated with benjamin netanyahu and believe that he needs to do more to bring about a cease fire so that they can get the safe return of those hostages that are still alive. they want to get the remains of those that may be retrievable inside gaza, and so there's a lot of tension here. they have been frustrated. they have grown impatient, and they do not feel that necessarily that the interests of their family members who are so pivotal in all of this have been front and center. they're concerned about how their own country and how the state of israel is carrying out this war. so for president biden, there is an opportunity here. there's been a tense relationship certainly between him and benjamin netanyahu who is known for a long time. they have met and they've been on the phone a number of times since this began. this is the first time that netanyahu has been at the white house. they previously met at the u.n.
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a year or so ago. but this is an opportunity to have a more extended meeting. the tone of the meeting that we saw in terms of the part where the reporters were present also included a bit of netanyahu paying tribute to the president who, of course, just made his big announcement. here's a big portion of that. >> so from a proud jewish zionist, to a proud -- i want to thank you for 50 years of support for the state of israel, and i look forward to discussing with you today and working with you in the months ahead on the great issues before us. >> reporter: and we will expect to hear those kinds of comments and tributes to the president when he has these sort of high level meetings. certainly the relationship with israel is a significant one. >> also significant the president's oval office address last night. it is an emotional night, several of bidened's family members were in that room for the historic address to the nation.
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some are now saying he's entering a lame duck presidency, but it sounds like the president has some serious goals for his final six months. >> well, definition of lame duck is that you're in a period of time where you are known to be leaving office, and so the president has made that clear now. but lame duck can also take on a meaning of not being able to get anything done, and that's the piece that the white house would quarrel with. they believe that the president remains consequential for all the days of his term, and that there are key issues, agenda items domestically, things like we just discussed internationally, and they believe that he can be effective and wants to try to lay out his legacy and also give a good sort of setup for his successor that he hopes will be kamala harris. that of course will be determined on election day. >> all right, kelly o'donnell for us. thanks so much. >> as mentioned, prime minister netanyahu will also meet with vice president kamala harris today. >> the one-on-one takes on greater significance now that
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harris is running for the presidency. the vice president was not in attendance for netanyahu's speech to congress on wednesday, instead sticking with her campaign schedule. the israeli leader will meet with former president trump tomorrow in florida. joining us now yamiche alcindor, and nbc news senior national politics reporter jonathan allen is with us as well. yamiche, i'll start with you. vice president harris has previously been critical of israel's handling of the war in gaza. what could we expect from this meeting between her and prime minister netanyahu. >> aides to vice president harris said she will underscore her commitment to ensure israel can defend itself. she will also convey her view that it is time for the war to end in a way where israel is secure, all hostages are released and the suffering of the palestinian civilians in gaza ends and the palestinian people can enjoy their right to dignity, and self-determination. this comes after she delivered a speech in selma, alabama, in
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march. she said what was happening in gaza was clearly a humanitarian catastrophe and that an immediate cease fire was needed six weeks was needed. recently she released a statement condemning pro-palestinian protesters burning an american flag here in washington, d.c. she said, quote, i condemn any individuals associating with the brutal terrorist organization hamas, which has vowed to annihilate the state of israel and kill jews, pro-hamas graffiti and rhetoric is abhorrent, and we must not tolerate it in our nation. >> and let's talk about the former president. we know prime minister netanyahu is meeting with trump tomorrow at mar-a-lago. the two were quite politically aligned during trump's presidency. trump has been somewhat critical of israel's war in gaza saying it does need to end quickly. what should we be expecting? >> i think we should expect former president trump to con to kind of take both sides of an issue. he has a base that is divided,
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big part of his base is supportive of israel, particularly evangelical voters and jewish voters who see the sanctity of the state of israel as important. but on the other side, you've got the sort of populist america first wing of the trump base that wants america to stop spending money in foreign countries. it wants to pull back from the world a little bit, and so he's trying to balance those things, i think, which leaves him kind of giving a little bit to everybody. as you mentioned, his relationship with israel with prime minister netanyahu was very good when he was president, he moved the u.s. embassy to jerusalem and did a few other things that were sort of major signals of support for israel. >> and yamiche, let me go back to you. vice president harris was on the campaign trail this morning speaking to a teacher's union. what did we hear from her and what more are we learning about a possible running mate. >> today vice president harris was in texas to speak to the american federation of teacher's
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convention, a major teacher's union. take a listen. >> we believe in our country. we believe in its promise of freedom, and the american people believe in the promise of freedom, so we are in the fight. >> turning to the veep stakes, it's still very early but sources who are familiar with the harris campaign's process tells me that harris aides have begun having direct conversations with a number of individuals that they're considering adding to the ticket, and there's of course that list that we've been showing folks, it's governor roy cooper is one of the people on there, josh shapiro, senator mark kelly, those are the ones top of the list according to my sources. >> all right, yamiche alcindor, john allen, thank you both. two astronauts on board a boeing capsule will have to remain in space a little longer. >> nasa and boeing announced today there is still no return date.
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it has been two months since they started their mission to the international space station. the crew was supposed to only stay in space for a we can ooh, but a thruster issue keeps delaying their return. jesse kirsch is following the latest developments. so jesse, is there any indication of why it is taking so long to fix the issue? >> well, what we know at this point is that the testing is ongoing. nasa and boeing have completed ground testing. we're told that now they are taking apart a thruster that was being tested on the ground in reviewing the pieces to see the impact of all of that testing, but there's more testing that officials want to do in space, specifically what they're calling a hot fire test. they want to test 27 thrusters of the capsule while it is docked at the international space station. officials also say there is an agency review still to come, and those things have to happen, we're told, before officials want to send star liner with the crew on board home to planet earth. that agency review we're told is
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at the earliest going to happen late next week. if you do the math, that means we're going to be coming up close to two months, if not passing two months pretty soon that this crew has been on the i.s.s. they're supposed to be spending only about a week there. here's some of what we heard from officials earlier. >> the last several weeks have been really helpful and how to address these problems for future flights. that's been the real goal here is to be able to address future flights and to gain the confidence that we needed for this mission. >> now, the broader goal for this project is to make sure that this gets certified, the star liner gets certified so that it can be used for the commercial space program to send astronauts to the i.s.s. with regularity. it's not clear if another flight will be needed for that, kate. time now for today's cnbc money minute. good news about the state of the u.s. economy. >> and a major airline making a
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major switch. cnbc's bertha coombs joins us now. the u.s. economy grew much more than expected in the second quarter, according to new commerce department data. gdp or the gross domestic product grew at a rate of almost 3%. that was higher than the 2.1% that economists were forecasting. strong consumer spending and growth in inventory boosted growth, the report did signal some cracks in the consumer picture, personal savings rate continued to slow in the second quarter. and southwest airlines is scrapping its signature open seating plan and will begin offering a signed and premium seating business class cabin and red eye flights. the airline said the change was based on meeting customer demands, which could also help southwestern revenue as it works to return to profitability. no details yet on when those changes will happen. i can't imagine not having an
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assigned seat. it's scrambling. >> have you ever been on southwest? >> i haven't. >> every man, woman, person for themselves. >> yeah. >> holy cow. >> personally i'm happy to hear the change. it's a little like jockeying. bertha coombs, thank you. coming up, have you ever wanted to work out with a personal trainer? how you can tap artificial intelligence to be your new coach. plus, a massive wildfire exploding in northern california, forcing entire communes to evacuate. why firefighters are struggling why firefighters are struggling to gain protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. arexvy is number one in rsv vaccine shots. rsv? make it arexvy. depend keeps you drier than ever...
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: we're tracking the largest wildfire in the country. it has burned 260,000 acres, this is part of the durky fire in oregon. it started more than a week ago. officials say lightning was the cause, and this is new video of the park fire in chico, california. this one is just 3% contained after scorching more than 45,000 acres. there are dozens more fires burning across the west coast and canada. david noriega is tracking this one for us. we just got a breaking news update on the park fire. a man is mow under arrest on suspicion of starting it. what do we know? >> reporter: that's right, zinhle, the butte county district attorney says that an as yet unnamed 42-year-old man is in its custody, expected to be arraigned on monday.
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he was arrested after witnesses saw him pushing a car on fire into a gully. that is what is believed to have started this fire. this happened in a large urban wilderness park outside the city of chico, a city of about 100,000 people. a significant population center. the fire is very, very, the outer edge of the fire is only about a mile away from the eastern edge of the city, about 4,000 people have been ordered evacuated so far. the authorities up in butte county and the neighboring counties say they're throwing everything they have at this fire, but it's not enough. right now it's only about 3% contained, and they have crews from all over the state of california to help with that fire. >> of course these fires displace people, animals, what impact is it having on air quality? health? >> reporter: we're talking about 79 active large wildfires, and that's just in the united states. that's not counting the dozens in canada as well. this is blanketing much of the western north american continent
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in smoke, even the city of denver which is not particularly close, is ranked among the cities with the worst air quality in the world. not to mention cities like boise, idaho, which is much closer to that largest fire. a lot of people, many tens of thousands of people affected by the air quality, consequence of these many wildfires. >> can't even see skyline, david noriega, thank you. two years after one of the nation's deadliest school shootings in uvalde, texas. former school police officer adrian gonzalez pleaded not guilty to 9 counts of abandoning and failing to protect children who were killed or hurt. gonzalez was one of the first officers to arrive on scene that day back in 2022. he was indicted along with uvalde's former police chief, pete arredondo. arredondo waived his arraignment and entered a not guilty plea earlier this month. guad venegas joins me now from uvalde, texas.
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i know hundreds of officers were involved in the response. can you remind us why these two were charged and what their attorneys are saying? >> reporter: kate, we don't know why they've chosen to indict these two officers first. we know they're the only ones that have now been charged. we're still waiting to see if other officers that arrived will be charged in the future. both arredondo and gonzalez belonged to the school district police department, or belonged back then. that was the first agency that responded to the shooting. so what we know is that today gonzalez had his hearing here in uvalde, across the street from the town square where the memorial had been set up for a lot of victims. he pled not guilty and the judge indicated that if found guilty, he could face up to two years in prison. some family members as we can see in the images were there yelling at him, asking him if he was sorry. now, he's been accused of failing to engage or distract or delay the shooter and also failing to follow the protocol and how to engage the shooter. his attorney did speak
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indicating that his client believes that he is not guilty of these charges, also adding that he believes his client did not violate the protocol that it was supposed to follow. here's part of that statement saying that the application of the statute to the law enforcement under the circumstances is unprecedented in the state of texas. he says they will have to evaluate the allegations and move forward, just that first hearing. he is set to be back in court september 16th for a pre-trial hearing, so it's the beginning of a long legal process for gonzalez. the process against arredondo will be separate, and we will still have to wait and see if charges are brought against any other officers that responded that day, kate. >> guad venegas for us, thank you. and coming up, this is the time to remember. how billy joel is wrapping up rs historic you'll find them in cities, towns and suburbs all across america. millions of americans who have medicare and medicaid but may be missing benefits they could really
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including richardson springs, forest ranch and cohasset. it is currently only 3% contained, and we've also learned this morning investigators have arrested a man on suspicion of starting this fire. the butte county district attorney's office says the man in this car was seen pushing it. it was on fire. and then he pushed into an embankment at bidwell park yesterday. it says it believes the car burned completely and the flames spread and caused the fire. the man was then seen leaving the area. he is now in jail, being held without bail or sergio quintana is in chico this evening and he will have the latest back here at home. san francisco mayor london breed just won a key endorsement in the mayoral race. it's the san francisco democratic party. nbc bay area's ginger conejero saab has more on what this means for her campaign. the committee could have chosen to rank their candidates, but it did not do that. it chose to give their backing solely to incumbent mayor london breed. now it is seen as a win for the mayor, who is hotly contested by four other
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high profile candidates, including former san francisco mayor mark farrell. we heard from mark farrell earlier this morning. this is what he had to say about breed's latest endorsement. we knew that that was coming and it was a pre-baked process, if you will, and the reality is, the last two contested mayor's races, the person with the d triple c endorsement did not win that race. so it's not overly concerning for us as a campaign. farrell and district three supervisor aaron peskin garnered votes in the initial round of voting from the city's democratic party. both men are challenging breed over the current state of the city and its issues, including public safety and sheltering the unhoused. mayor breed has completely failed on the homeless issue here in san francisco, both in terms of the number of people unhoused in our city. homelessness is statistically on the rise. once again, that's unacceptable. any candidate promising to solve homelessness in six months using sweeps just frankly, isn't being straightforward and honest.
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sweeps don't actually solve the underlying problems of homelessness. we are continuing the conversations around a vision for san francisco's future. according to its top mayoral candidates tomorrow, daniel lurie will join us for our 8 a.m. streaming newscast. and on monday, supervisor asha safai will share his plans. now, whether you have your mind made up or not, as a san francisco voter, it is still important to consider mayoral choices outside of your top choice. because of san francisco's ranked choice voting, it can, in close cases, make all the difference. in san francisco ginger conejero saab nbc, bay area news. well, you can finally turn off your air conditioner over the next few days. here's meteorologist kari hall with our forecast. we will have another day of wide ranging temperatures across the bay area, going from mid 60s in half moon bay to some mid 90s for the inland east bay into fairfield, as well as morgan hill reaching 96 degrees. but it will be slightly cooler tomorrow as we
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are seeing mostly 60s and 70s. and this is the progress that we are looking forward to with some weather where we don't even have to run the air conditioning, even in the tri valley with a high of 82 degrees, it will be 85 in morgan hill, but mostly some 60s for the peninsula down to mountain view will be in the low 70s and saturday is looking really nice and comfortable. cool near the coast, but for the south bay san jose, looking at a high of 73 degrees, and we'll look ahead to a slight warm up in our 7-day forecast coming up in a few minutes. thanks, kari. a major decision in california. governor newsom is ordering state agencies to begin clearing homeless encampments. it comes in an executive order issued this morning. the order tells state agencies to identify sites where unhoused people have pitched tents and make plans to relocate them with dignity. the decision comes after a recent supreme court decision allowing cities to enforce bans on sleeping outside in public
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places. the governor has provided billions of dollars in funding over the years to assist local cities to provide services to people living in encampments, he says. there are simply no more excuses. the governor added. it's time for everyone to do their part. that does it for this edition of the fast forwar, i'll be back in hi, i'm eileen. i live in vancouver, washington and i write mystery novels. as i was writing, i found that i just wasn't sharp and that doesn't work when you're writing a mystery and i knew i needed to do something so i started taking prevagen. i realized that i was much more clear, much sharper. i was remembering the details that i was supposed to. prevagen keeps my brain working right. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with 4 powerful pain-fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source.
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bottom of the hour now, here are some of the stories making headlines on "nbc news daily." >> lawmakers in the house will launch a bipartisan task force to investigate the attempted assassination of former president donald trump, the house voted unanimously yesterday on a resolution to create the group. it will include seven republicans and six democrats. the task force will investigate federal, state, and local law enforcement and agency actions in the lead up to the assassination attempt. a final report must be issued to the house by december 13th and is expected to include recommendations or guidance to help prevent something similar from happening again. california governor gavin newsom has issued an executive order to remove public encampments of people experiencing homelessness. it comes less than a month after a supreme court decision allows cities to enforce bans on sleeping in public spaces. california is home to roughly one-third of all the unhoused people in the country. . and billy joel is ending his historic run at madison square
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garden with one final show tonight. it will be the piano man's 150th show at the garden ending his ten-year residency at the arena, billy joel was the first to do something like this at madison square garden playing there once a month for the last ten years. more than 2 million people have seen him perform at that famous new york city venue. we are learning new details about the former deputy fired after a deadly shooting. >> her name was sonyamassey. body camera video shows deputies responding to massey's house. shots were fired after she picked up what appeared to be a pot of boiling water. massey was unarmed. >> the former deputy, sean grayson has pleaded not guilty to charges including first degree murder. he was arrested and remains in custody. new original reporting from nbc news found grayson worked for six law enforcement agencies since 2020.
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according to illinois law enforcement records and even had his own previous run-ins with the law. >> nbc news national reporter janelle griffith is behind this new reporting and joins us now. of course you've been digging into personnel files on grayson. what did they reveal about his past? >> yes, so at one of his most recent departments, he had actually been disciplined after he struck a deer during a chase. that department, the logan county sheriff's office said that he had violated a number of department policies during that chase, and he had also been the subject of two civilian complaints that the department ultimately concluded were unfounded. and it's interesting that he was also -- he had pleaded guilty twice to driving under the influence of alcohol in 2015 and in 2016 and one of those duis was when he was still enlisted in the army. >> and janelle, we understand that massey's family has been critical of the hiring of sean
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grayson since those details are coming to light. what more are we hearing from them and the sheriff's department as well? >> so i spoke to ben crump, the family attorney just about 20 minutes ago, and ben said that they are appalled by my reporting. they feel like it just raises the question of why mr. grayson was allowed to work in law enforcement in the first place. the sheriff's office that most recently employed him has condemned him. they said that he deserves to face charges and that they await justice just like sonya's family and the community. >> in the killing of sonya massey it's gained the attention of president biden, vice president harris, also the justice department. is the justice department saying anything about the case? >> so we reached out to the justice department, and they said that they're aware of the case. they said they're closely watching it, and that they're also monitoring how his case progresses through the prosecutor identifies there. so they have stopped short of saying that they're going to
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launch an investigation, but it seems like that could be imminent, the fact that they have their eyes on it in the first place. >> janelle griffith for us, thanks. would you use artificial intelligence to help you plan a workout? apparently more people are ditching personal trainers and leaving it up to the technology. nbc news digital reporter maya eaglin shows us how. >> no trainer would start you without a warmup. >> right. >> >> warm it up. >> if you've ever worked out with a personal trainer like bobby west side, you've probably had a training tailored to your needs. with a little extra motivation sprinkled in. >> very good. >> but there's a new competitor making its way into gyms, personal workout plans made using chatgpt or other ai platforms. you log on to and type in what type of workout you want including the areas you'd like to focus on.
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i wanted a similar routine to the one i did with bobby. >> give me a ten-minute workout. focus on legs and abs. >> reporter: then chatgpt generated a plan for me to try. >> perform a regular squat, then jump. that's what it says. >> here's the bicycle crunches, i think it's this, right? >> as you can see, there was a bit more guessing in my solo workout compared to the personal instruction with bobby. >> make can you make this workout harder for me. >> jonah blat has been experimenting with ai workouts for seven months. >> it really is hit and miss in terms of what you get out of it from a workout perspective. some exercises make a lot of sense. others left me questioning why they would choose that exercise. >> he says he does a lot of his workouts at home, but anyone can customize their workout by letting chatgpt know where they are, what equipment they have available, and what areas they'd like to target.
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dr. deepack is a sports surgeon. >> do you think there's any other pieces of advice for people who are deciding to use these ai machines for other workouts? >> what you can get from these is a lot of useful information and a lot of accurate information, but what you can't necessarily expect is full comprehensiveness and 100% accuracy. >> reporter: one study found that only about 41% of ai generated workouts were comprehensive, meaning they included all components of exercise. if you decide to use an ai workout, one last important piece of advice. >> i would really focus on what you're telling the ai when you prompt it. so that should be a very, very, very long prompt. answer the questions that a trainer would already ask you, which is what's your experience in the gym? is there anything that you're not comfortable doing? you need to make sure you're going about it safely. >> maya eaglin, nbc news.
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we have a good news story now about the power of perseverance, a teenager just accomplished something very few young people have ever done, not just to prove it to herself, but to help others. >> okay. we're here in vail. >> solid foods. >> these were the moments of anticipation. >> getting it all ready and prepped to go. >> 16-year-old maya marriage jumping into the english channel in pitch black at 3:30 a.m. aiming to become one of the youngest swimmers to make it across to france. her dad on a boat cheering her on. >> it's pretty nerve racking and i'm really thinking i'm either the most supportive parent in the world or the dumbest parent in the world for allowing my child to do things like this. >> reporter: a year ago she'd done a big swim in hawaii. but the water in the english channel is colder, just 61 degrees. >> i saw a few more jelly.
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>> reporter: and there were jellyfish but she just kept swimming. >> open water swimming is 20% physical and 80% mental. >> reporter: she wasn't just doing it for fun. with every ultra marathon swim, she raises money for cancer research through the organization swim across america. >> it's something that everyone has dealt with in some way, cancer hurts everybody. >> reporter: on her swim cap she writes the names of people in her own life who have been touched by cancer. maya's had her own health battle this past year, a benign tumor that ruptured just after qualifying to swim the english channel she was hospitalized in ohio. >> the second i got out of the hospital i was like i still want to do this. and my parents were like we can try. >> reporter: as she approached the coast of france, she had to hit a current just right. >> i had been swimming for 11 hours at this point, and they were like you have to sprint. >> swim fast. >> as fast as i could. >> i don't know if she quite realizes how close she is right
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now. >> for the last 100 yards, her dad was right next to her. >> hey, maya, you got this. >> reporter: she reached the rocky shore. >> we pulled her onto the boat and i immediately hugged her. you can breathe a sigh of relief, and it's okay, we got it done. >> reporter: at 16 she's now completed three of the world's toughest open water swims, known as the triple crown. >> seeing her finally accomplish it and getting it done is really brings so much joy and happiness. >> did you cry? >> oh, yeah, absolutely. just a little bit. >> maya! >> i think that it's so important to find something that you're passionate about it in life. you can use that to help other people and inspire other people. >> so she's done the triple crown. now she wants to do what they call the oceans seven. so four more really big open water swims. >> it's so incredible and what a wonderful use of time as a young person. >> i know, and so inspiring, and i love that she's raising money for cancer research. she said it's sort of -- she feels like it's a universal
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thing, everybody's touched by cancer in their lives with someone, and so she wants o do that. >> i love that. do you have a good news story that we should feature here on "nbc news daily"? you can called me, any social media platform you're on, i am tvkatesnow. >> thank you, kate. still ahead, a look at the dark past of the city of light, the secret world hidden 65 feet
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[ding] [upbeat music] ♪ yeah, baby, i like it like that ♪ ♪ i like it like that, i like it like that ♪ ♪ yeeeeeaaaaahhhhhh ♪
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if you don't know by now, we are officially one day away from the opening ceremony of the paris olympics. >> but there's already plenty of action in the city of light. >> let's start with the shocker in the tennis world, superstar andy murray saying he's withdrawing from the singles tournament and will focus on doubles. those will likely be his final games before retiring. meanwhile, a scandal with a drone is kind of rocking the soccer world. the coach of the canadian women's soccer team sat out today's opener after someone on her staff was accused of spying with a drone on team new zealand. nbc news correspondent stephanie gosk is following the latest from paris. there's so much to ask you about, steph, but can i start with this drone incident? because it is kind of weird. >> yeah. weird and definitely in the category of what could they possibly have been thinking. i mean, the canadian olympic
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committee has acknowledged that this happened. you have two staff members from the team who were sent home. so you have the new zealand team getting ready for their opener with the canadian women, practicing. they notice these drones overhead, and it turns out that it was these staff members. we don't know all the details, who were involved somehow in the drones basically spying on the new zealand team. the canadian women won the gold medal in the last olympics. they played anyway today against new zealand, and they won 2-1. so you have to wonder, you know, what does that do to that win? but you have the olympic committee saying they're shocked and disappointed. they apologized to new zealand, but it's kind of a mess for that team. and you have to feel bad for all the players involved. >> truly, and up on the screen we were just seeing canada's coach. beyond the controversy, what other games are happening today? >> you've got rugby, soccer both men and women, handball,
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archery, i've always been interested in handball. i feel like the barrier for entry is pretty low because you don't need any equipment. but i've never played. >> did you ever see steve kornacki? he did an explainer of handball. we'll have to send it to you. >> how could i possibly have missed steve kornacki explaining handball. you have to send me that link. >> we've been talking about tomorrow for weeks now. it is finally almost here. talk about the energy. >> yeah, lots of energy. lots of security as well. i mean, this is just going to be -- it's going to be an historic opening ceremony, happening outside a stadium, happening on the river, kind of parading opening ceremony. there are a lot of questions on how they're going to pull it off. stadiums contain usually 80,000 seats for the most part. while this was going to be
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something that was going to be open to they said a million people, security concerns cut it down. but there's still going to be upwards of 300,000 people watching this live along the river. now, usually an opening ceremony is a chance for the host country to showcase their history and their culture and you for sure will see some of that. most of it will be a surprise, although some things will be kind of leaked out. we know lady gaga might be in town, celine dion might be in town but we don't know full details on if they will be a part of it, guys. >> i'm super excited. steph, thank you. appreciate it. you can get to bed now. i think it's late there. appreciate it. >> be sure to tune in, everybody, for tomorrow's opening ceremony. complete coverage beginning at 7:30 p.m. eastern. that's 4:30 p.m. pacific time on nbc. also streaming on peacock. while all ceremonies tomorrow are happening above the ground, one of the most iconic sites in paris is below it.
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>> a web of catacombs under the streets has been storing millions of bones for hundreds of years. nbc chief international correspondent keir simmons visited one of the darkest places in the city of light. >> this is the way down. >> it's only the beginning. >> hidden 65 feet underground, a glimpse into the soul of paris. >> the empire of death, death, death, death. oh, my goodness. it's kind of goose bumps really. >> yeah, some people even cannot believe that these are real bones. >> these people are just piled up. >> yes, and from many, many centuries. >> by the late 18th century, paris's graves were full. to combat a public health crisis, the bodies from every grave were transferred to an empty quarry just outside the city. >> one of the things you really notice is the silence. >> yes.
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>> just there's nothing. >> yeah. >> it's thought up to 4 million skeletons were moved to the catacombs, but as revolution rocked france, paris learned to celebrate the individual. one of the world's largest and most beautiful cemeteries. >> bonjour. >> historian and author jon manuel has given tours for years. >> it is clearly the most elegant place to be married in paris. >> even legends chose it as their final resting place. >> oscar wilde's grave. >> the reason why oscar wilde is buried in paris is because he was gay and he could not face society so he went to paris to die. >> here we have one of the most flowered graves of the whole cemetery. it's always popular, the grave of eddie peaf.
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>> that famous grave is that of course of jim morrison, and from day one that is from 1971 gazillions of young people have come all over the cemetery. this will be -- >> this is the grave? >> this is jim morrison's grave. >> the grave surrounded by barriers to keep fanatical pilgrims at bay. >> i have seen things that i cannot describe but happening exactly on the grave. >> really obsessed with death, aren't we? >> aren't we really obsessed? us living people. >> exactly. the problem is it will happen to us to become a dead person, our obsession is a little bit understandable. >> not all of us are as famous or as infamous as jim morrison. >> from the middle ages to jim morrison, paris has lessons in morrison, paris has lessons in life and whdeen my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma.
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ignited around three yesterday afternoon. it's now burned over 70,000 acres across both butte and tehama counties. we know evacuation orders are in effect for communities including richardson springs, forest ranch and cohasset. it's currently only 3% contained and investigators have now arrested the man on suspicion of starting that fire. butte county district attorney's office says that man was seen pushing this car that was on fire into an embankment at bidwell park yesterday. it says it believes the car burned completely in the flames spread, causing the fire, and the man was seen leaving the area. he's now in custody being held without bail. our sergio quintana is in chico this evening and have the latest from the fire lines. we're going to move now to the south bay, where another protest to support a trauma center may soon be downgraded or even closed. it's happening in the form of a car caravan. today, opponents are holding a series of rallies to support regional medical trauma center in east san jose. until recently, the plans have called for a full closure of the facility on august 12th, but now
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there's a possibility it just may face a downgrade to a level two or level three trauma center. critics say that would still be a huge hit when it comes to emergency care for the south bay. the hospital owner, hca, says patient levels have dropped to low and the impact from the closure of the trauma center would just be minimal. today's caravan is scheduled to start at 330. another warm day, but a cool down is right around the corner. here's meteorologist kari hall with our forecast today. our temperatures in the inland spots will reach into the mid 90s, so it's still going to be very hot. but we're looking at a cool down that will be coming in tomorrow in time for the opening ceremony. we'll see temperatures in the mid 80s and even cooler on sunday. most of us in the 70s, but we could see some 80s in spots like fairfield and slightly warmer going into sunday, as well as a continued warm up in the forecast through the middle of next week. and looking at san francisco here, we're going to keep things steady. clouds and fog at times
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and highs only reaching into the mid 60s and our morning starting out in the mid 50s. there will at times be some mist and drizzle and only a few peeks of sunshine. in our forecast for sunday really kick
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it into high gear on saturday competition, it's already underway. soccer got underway, and right now, the u.s. women's soccer team is playing their opening match versus zambia. you can watch it alongside other fans in the south, bay bay fc is hosting a watch party along with nbc, bay area and telemundo 48 at the santana row park in san jose. kids can come play games, take pictures with bay fc players. this is happening until three this afternoon and again opening ceremony tomorrow. don't forget. nbc bay area is your home for all things olympics. you can also watch competition on peacock. now get ready for
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the return of a south bay summer favorite. the santa clara county fair opens today. this year is the fair's 80th anniversary, and it will celebrate today with a ceremony honoring military veterans. it runs over two weekends this weekend, next thursday through sunday, fairgrounds in san jose. doors open at 3 p.m. and today only children under 12 are free. th (vo) struggling with moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis? talk to your doctor about #1 prescribed entyvio, offering two maintenance options, including the entyvio pen. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. pml, a rare, potentially fatal brain infection cannot be ruled out. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, or are prone to infections. liver problems can occur. entyvio. relief. remission. for real. ♪ entyvio, entyvio, entyvio ♪ choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels. because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation.
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arexvy is number one in rsv vaccine shots. i'm craig melvin, and this is "dateline daytime" on nbc.d. it's just so intense and so deep.


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