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tv   Today  NBC  August 17, 2024 5:30am-7:00am PDT

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good morning. thanks for starting your weekend off with us.
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hurricane ernesto barrelling into bermuda this morning. >> it's august 17th. this is "today." ernesto unleashing high rain overnight. vacationers rushing to get out before the storm hits. the impact on the island. we're live in bermuda. pitching her plan. >> the bills add up. for many families, there's not much left at the end of the month. >> vice president harris releasing the first details of her economic agenda aimed at helping americans struggling with higher prices. among her proposals is a financial boost for parents and first-time home buyers. the trump campaign arguing harris is part of the problem and her vision would make things worse. new low. the number of illegal border
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crossings not seen in four years. newly tightened asylum rules keeping migrants away. ketamine questions after five arrested with the matthew perry overdose. what you need to know about ketamine and whether these arrests will slowdown the underground drug trade. all that plus this girl is on fire! >> caitlin clark. >> scoring her 450th point of the season along with 200 assists. the first wnba rookie ever to reach that milestone. leading the team to a win and guiding to a closer playoff spot. today, august 17th, 2024. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with peter
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alexander and laura jarrett. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. welcome to "today." thank you for joining us on this saturday morning. i haven't said that in a while. we had a hiatus here. there was a sporting event going on in paris which gave us a breather. we are thrilled to be back with you. like caitlin clark, we hope to catch up to her bar. >> you are a sight for sore eyes, my friend and marking your 20-year anniversary. >> holy cow. >> we have a lot to get to this morning starting off with the news. hurricane ernesto made landfall a few hours ago. bermuda has been bracing for this storm for days leaving many tourists leaving the island before the storm hit. those who could not get out are dealing with lashing winds and rain. >> let's show you the satellite loop right now. ernesto is hovering off the
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coast of bermuda for hours. we will get to angie's forecast in a bid. bit. we have guad venegas with more. >> reporter: peter, good morning. the hurricane made landfall after 4:00 a.m. today. people in bermuda woke up to the eye of the storm after sunrise. we are experiencing the back side of the storm with the wind gusts. a little less rain from the front part of the storm that began last night. the power went out earlier in the evening yesterday. it's been out for thousands of customers. just minutes ago, i had a phone call with the minister of national security who told me the power outages are their biggest concern. the latest report indicates 26,000 customers are without power. we're talking about two-thirds of bermuda without power. now, with that latest report, he didn't have any indication of major damage to structures. there are trees, fallen trees
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and debris on the roadways as they continue to assess the damage, but we'll have to wait for the back side of the storm to pass for them to go out and work on those power outages that will be the biggest concern with the pass of ernesto. peter and laura. >> you see the palm fronds blowing behind you. guad, thank you. >> let's get to angie for the latest on the weather. >> we have the impact across the east coast of the united states. bermuda is continuing to see the worst of it. we have the center of the eye right over the island here. still category 1 hurricane at this point. we will be watching for this system to slowly start to lift away from the island here as we go through at least the rest of the day today. we'll start to see some of the impacts happening here as we continue through the afternoon hours. as we get across parts of the east coast, that's where you
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notice, especially through saturday and sunday, those red flags up and down the coast. this is something we deal with well into the weekend. the high rip current risks from maine to south florida. this is something you have to watch out for especially if plan to make a beach day or boating day. as far as bermuda is concerned, that system will again lift away and notice it will weaken as we get into the early parts of our workweek. guys. >> angie, thank you. to the race for the white house and ahead of the democratic national convention, vice president kamala harris unveiled her economic plan which includes credits for first-time home buyers. donald trump's team is not wasting time slamming the proposals. wehave allie raffa with more. >> reporter: good morning, peter. policy proposals have been growing since she replaced biden
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at the top of the ticket. vice president kamala harris unveiling her economic agenda on friday. >> for too many people, no matter how much they work, it feels hard to get ahead. >> reporter: the democratic nominee in waiting pitching her plans to tackle the cost of food, housing, medicine and child care. >> the bills add up. for many families, there's not much left at the end of the month. >> reporter: promising to address the issue at the top of voters' minds. her plan includes an expanded child tax credit up to $6,000 for families with newborns and $25,000 in down payment assistance for first-time home buyers. harris will work with congress to impose a federal ban on what her campaign calls price gouging in the food industry. >> most businesses are creating
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jobs and playing by the rules, but some are not. >> reporter: former president trump blaming harris for rising inflation during his own event this week. >> something straight out of venezuela, the soviet union. >> reporter: the vice president using friday's event to sharpen her attacks against her gop rival and economic propoproposa >> it will mean higher prices are just about every one of your daily needs. >> reporter: harris' rollout comes as inflation drops below 3% despite prices up nearly 20% compared to four years ago. >> i will address my plans to build an opportunity economy. >> reporter: the vice president teasing more details on proposal s as democrats prepare to kickoff the convention we starts on monday. the vice president acknowledging the disconnect many are feeling as many still struggle with
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daily costs despite inflation cooling. the president has struggled to convince americans his work on the economy is helping and harris is inheriting that challenge. although polls show a smaller gap between her and former president trump on which candidate will better handle the economy. peter. >> allie, let's look at the dnc, although biden is no longer the nominee. he will still have a high-profile appearance set for monday night. what are we expecting from him? >> reporter: less than a month ago, president biden was expecting to speak, but the democratic convention was reshaped after he dropped out of the race. the president now slated to deliver the biggest speech of his political career on monday night. that will be his chance to frame his legacy and formally pass the torch to the next generation and introducing the vice president as his pick. the president will leave chicago
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after the speech for vacation. we expect him and the first lady to support harris on the campaign trail in the fall. peter. >> allie raffa at the white house. nbc news will have special coverage of the dnc and president biden's speech monday at 10:00 eastern monday night. >> the next president will have to deal with the middle east on edge. this morning, israel is waiting to see if or when iran will strike in retaiation of the killing of the hamas leader last month. this as the secretary of state heads to israel. we have matt bradley in beirut with more on this. matt, good morning. what's the latest? >> reporter: good morning, laura. president biden is sounding confident that the middle east peace talks are closer than they have been before to a deal after two days of talks in qatar, negotiations are set to continue next week. secretary of state antony blinken is set to arrive today.
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diplomats have sounded optimistic about the talks only to watch them collapse. this time, pressure is sky high. iran and hezbollah vowed to retaliate against israel for twin assassinations last month that killed two top level hamas and hezbollah officials. iranian officials told "the new york times" they are delaying the reprisal attacks. both sides are making a show of the preparations. israel released an aerial refuelling mission and then a vast tunnel up on israel's border. israeli jets hit southern lebanon overnight and lebanon state news agency said ten people were killed in that strike. diplomats are hoping the talks will avoid a region-wide war,
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but so far, success has proven illusive. laura. >> matt bradley, thank you. there are developments with the war between russia and ukraine. a role reversal with ukrainian troops on the offenive into russia. there is video showing the triumph on the battlefield. we have erin mclaughlin with more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, peter. ukrainian officials are strengthening positions in the russian region of kursk while back hope, the top concerns continue. the moment ukrainian soldiers cross the russian border. in the video released by the ukrainian military, the soldier driving through the bombed-out russian countryside unchallenged
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and celebrating driving back a russian tank. it's the largest attack on russia since world war ii. the goal? to bring troops away from the donbas region. the adviser to president volodymyr zelenskyy says he believes russia will redeploy troops step by step. this ukrainian drone operator, who asked we withhold his identity, he hopes this helps morale. there is no sign of russian deployment. forces are out manned and out gunned. russia has constant reinforcements. >> like soviet union in second world war. >> reporter: meanwhile in the russian region of kursk,
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ukrainians appear to be digging in. the ukrainian military that it took out a key bridge in the region releasing video of the bridge being bombed making it that much more difficult for russians to send in reinforcements. peter. >> erin, thank you. back here at home, the u.s. government says arrests of migrants illegally crossing the border in southern mexico have dropped to the lowest level in four years. the border patrols said the arrests plummeted by one-third in july. this comes after the biden administration imposed sweeping restrictions on asylum. the long-time guarantees to seek safe haven and allows border officials to quickly return my grants to mexico. the progress in the georgia town square where john lewis is replacing a confederate monument
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that stood there. the statue was put in place on friday in decatur. it was ordered removed by a judge four years ago. lewis served in congress for more than three decades. he was known for his role on the frontlines of the civil rights movement. the statue will be officially unveiled later this month. a judge in detroit has been benched himself after he put a 15-year-old student who was in his courtroom for a field trip in handcuffs. maura barrett has been following this one for us. maura, this one raising a lot of questions. >> reporter: laura, good morning. this video feels like something that could come out of "scared straight." the summer program organized for high schoolers as a learning experience when the day took an unexpected turn. >> why are you being disrespectful to the court? >> reporter: what was supposed to be a field trip to the
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courtroom on tuesday, traumatized a teen. >> you sleep in your bed, not in court. >> reporter: the judge kenneth king admonishing the girl after she fell asleep in the courtroom. >> she was having trouble sleeping. >> reporter: the live stream was recorded and broadcast by news. >> what is your problem? >> i apologize. i'm just tired. >> reporter: tired because eva and her mom don't have a permanent address and say they got in late the night before the field trip organized by the summer program. >> she is still having problems with understanding why. >> reporter: the judge since received violent threats, removed from the criminal case docket as he goes through necessary training according to the chief judge.
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he has been removed from teaching classes at wayne university. local media was told the reaction was because of the attitude and he said he wanted this to look and feel very real to her. >> she didn't disrespect the court. sleeping is not a crime. >> reporter: eva's mother has tired a lawyer who de tells me y intend to file emotional distress and false imprisonment. we could see those filed monday. guys. >> maura, thank you. i could see any number of things to change that situation. >> we hope there is a good resolution to that and overcome a difficult court experience for her. angie is back with us. a quick check of the country's forecast. angie, good morning. good morning, guys. we have some thunderstorms to talk about. they could interrupt the saturday plans. we have a low pressure system
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spinning around across the great lakes. this is going to bring some unsettled weather for the great lakes and ohio valley and stretching to the northeast. we could see periods of really heavy rain, not just today, but tomorrow as it inches farther to the east, especially the northeast for sunday. look at the robust thunderstorms we could see there tomorrow. today, this is the area we are watching for to see potentially the stronger storms centered from ohio to tennessee and lexington right in the bull's-eye on that. the tornado chances are on the low end. we could see 60-mile-an-hour or larger and hail in the region. i mentioned the heavy downpours we could see and the areas we could watch is williamsport to washington, d.c. today. this is where we could see the repeated rounds with the potential for really heavy rain. by the time this is done, 1 to 3 inches for the higher end
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and that is a look at your forecast. guys, good to be back with you. >> good to be back. nice to see you in american. still to come, dana griffin is in los angeles with what you need to know about a drug ketamine after the death of matthew perry. >> good morning.
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five people are charged after perry died. i'll look at the drug and how it
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we are back here on a saturday morning with "the weekly download." >> joe is here with that. the band is back together. >> the tour continues. good to see you both. good morning to all of you. among the headlines, welcome economic news. for the first time since march of 2021, inflation has dropped below 3% retreating from the peak of just over 9% two years ago. >> we think the economy is doing okay. we don't see us going into a recession right now and we do see the fed starting to lower rates in september.
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>> hospital staff on the line advising an inmate ran from the on hospital. >> in north carolina, the manhunt is over for ramone alston. authorities captured him on friday after escaping from the medical appointment. police say he was taken in without incident. >> a 4.4 earthquake struck the los angeles area rattling millions. there were no significant injuries. >> this is a reminder that los angeles is earthquake country. we are also the best prepared city. >> after jordan chiles was stripped of the bronze medal in the floor exercise, the board of arbitration is denying her case. she is the only gymnast in history to lose a medal for an administrative error. chiles says this is devastating writing i have no words. this decision feels unjust and
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comes as a significant blow. she vowed to fight writing she will make every effort to ensure justice is done. >> there he is. >> a close encounter in the water after a great white shark surprised two kayakers in northern california's half moon bay a half mile out from shore. >> it was simply curious. it was just there because that's where it lives and we were in its, you know, house, essentially. >> after becoming one of the breakout stars of the paris olympics, gymnast and two-time bronze medalist stephen nedoroscik proved there's not much he can't do when he's stopped by "the tonight show" and solved the rubik's cube in less than 16 seconds. >> that's how you do it! am amazing. thank you so much for being here. >> is that some sort of record? >> the record is three or four seconds.
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i know, it's really low. >> still impressive. >> i think he should do the rubik's cube on the pommel horse. >> when he shows up at penn state at the reunion, they are going like dang, steve, you did good. >> a star. still to come here on "today," when will they come home? the latest on the astronauts stuck at the international space station for nearly two months now. plus, after cheering on his wife at the olympics, paralympian hunter woodhall with his own issues. what he is saying next. >> but first these messages.
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good morning. you're watching
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today in the bay. thanks for joining us on this saturday, august 17th. i'm bigad shaban in for kira klapper. well, harsher penalties and enhanced enforcement. governor newsom is cracking down on car break-ins and retail crime. he signed ten bills yesterday at a home depot in san jose. the laws target thieves and the people who resell or fence the stolen goods. the new laws make it easier to go after repeat offenders and increase penalties, including more jail time for those caught selling stolen goods. businesses can also now file restraining orders against people convicted of stealing from their stores. look, success is smashing these retail theft rings. success is breaking them apart. the california retail association pushed for these changes and says they'll be instrumental in curbing the problem. governor newsom says they were largely passed with bipartisan support. all right, let's get a check of the weather now with cinthia pimentel. so it's looking a
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little gloomy, also unusual for this time of year. definitely. you got that right. it's a sort of sleeping in kind of weather. bigad. we've got some patchy clouds, even some drizzle out towards san francisco, and that's going to stretch out into the valleys. we're noticing it in livermore right now as well. it's a little bit clearer in san jose and up in santa rosa, but we're starting off the day 50s and some low 60s, so it will be a cooler change to start our weekend here. and what's this on our satellite? and radar? look at that counterclockwise rotation. we're looking at a system of low pressure that is already bringing some rain to our northern coast. there and up towards the pacific northwest. we're even detecting some lightning just off of our coast there. so really the impacts for today are going to be you're going to feel it a little more breezy. see some clouds and maybe even see some drizzle out there on your windshield. so just take it easy with how you're hitting the roads. we haven't seen this kind of weather in a while, so the roads could be slick at times. notice in san francisco, we're going to
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keep those cloud icons pretty much all throughout the day, and also feel some breezy conditions out towards the coast and up towards the coast of sonoma county, marin counties and that will be what we can see for the first half of the weekend. we're seeing some better clearing and a bit more milder conditions for our sunday, so i'll be back with that coming up in the full forecast at 7 a.m. back to you. all right, cynthia, we will see you then. and still ahead this morning on today in the bay preventing tragedies. the new measures one school district is taking before student athletes ever take the field. we'll have that. plus all your top stories coming up at seven. but for now, let's send you right back to the today show.
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do it yourself digital processing is booming. in the last year in the u.s.,
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the number of digital prints on the self service kiosks has grown 770%. >> wow. the hair. >> the wide tie. >> the everything. so much -- i don't know what to do just to take that in. >> you will enjoy it. >> more than you will enjoy it. that was a look at 27-year-old peter as we come back here on a saturday morning. one of peter's very first stories about digital cameras. >> long before the dad jokes. >> not a single gray hair in sight. >> no, you look exactly the same. 20 years later, maybe the stories are a little bit different, but lots of fun along the way. we can't wait to take a look back of two decades. >> i love 20 years ago, there's a thing called a digital photo. >> yup. that's where we are. >> thank goodness we have those. >> grateful for 20 years. all right. we begin this half hour with the check of the headlines.
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a white woman in florida is facing up to 30 years in prison for the fatal shooting of her black neighbor. an all-white jury convicted susan lawrence in the manslaughter and killing of 35-year-old a.j. owens, a mother of four. owens had gone to lawrence's home to complain about her children playing near her house. lawrence fired a shot through her door killing owens. perdue chicken recalls nuggets and tenders. it is possible they are contaminated with metal. they have a best use by date of march 23rd, 2025. officials say if you have these products in your freezer, throw them out or bring them back to where you bought them. wnba teams returned to court friday night after the month-long break for the
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olympics. caitlin clark is already breaking league records. >> clark off the screen. finds some space and delivers. it's a triple for caitlin clark. >> one of three triples for clark contributing to her 29 points and 10 assists for the night leading her fever over the victory of the mercury. with that, clark became the first rookie in wnba history to score at least 450 points and dish out 200 assists. as you recall, clark was not chosen for team usa. more details coming to light days after the shocking arrest of the five people connected to the matthew perry overdose. the drug ketamine was responsible for perry's death. we have dana griffin with more. >> reporter: good morning. ketamine is used as an off-label
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treatment for pain and anxiety. it can be life changing for acute cases, but they warn about the dangers of abusing the drug. before his death, matthew perry said he wanted to be remembered for helping others overcome addition. addressing ketamine use in "friends, lovers and the big terrible thing." >> ketamine felt like a giant exhale. they would sit me down and put headphones on me to listen to music and blind fold me and put ketamine in. >> reporter: it is an anesthetic. it is increasingly prescribed by doctors for depression. >> part of the reason you see the explosion is a need to treat the mental health conditions and people are not getting the relief. >> should ketamine be demonized?
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>> if you are using ketamine, you want to use it in a supervised setting. >> reporter: hundreds of clin s operate in person and at home in the u.s. >> i think the bubble may burst and people are asking. >> reporter: investigators revealing how criminals are taking advantage of those seeking relief like perry. >> that investigation revealed a criminal network. >> reporter: this week, federal investigators arrested five in connection with perry's death. two doctors and a live-in acquaintance and the ketamine queen. >> they saw him as a payday. it doesn't matter if you are wearing a doctor's coat or a member of the cartel or a drug dealer on the street. >> reporter: following the arrests, perry's family saying we look forward to justice taking its course.
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>> one of the accused doctors is out of jail after posting bail. he is allowed to continue practicing while the medical board investigates, but must disclose the charges he is facing. the ketamine queen is being held without bail and faces decades behind bars if convicted. guys. >> dana griffin in l.a. thank you. let's check in with angie with another look at the forecast for us. winding down and starting school this week ahead. >> you know what is not winding down? the temperatures. we feel warm across the south. we have heat alerts up. no surprise for 39 million people, including oklahoma city and dallas and little rock and stretching to the southeast. new orleans is included in that as well. this is going to be something we see for a couple of days. today's temperatures in the triple digits, especially if you live in dallas or oklahoma city. notice the feel's like temperatures. baton rouge similar story with montgomery in the triple digits
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and that's a look at the forecast. angie, thank you. next, the story that is captivating the country. when will the astronauts ♪♪ b♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well. ♪♪ ♪♪ jardiance! -it's a little pill with a ♪♪ ♪♪ big story to tell. ♪♪ ♪♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪♪
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♪♪ at each day's staaart. ♪♪ ♪♪ as time went on it was easy to seeee, ♪♪ ♪♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪♪ jardiance is really swell ♪♪ ♪♪ the little pill with a big story to tell! ♪♪ (buzz) look whose joining us for my favorite part of the day! ♪♪ jardiance is really swell ♪♪ (leslie) cheerios are his love language. (buzz) well, yeah. they can help lower cholesterol. (angela) ok. i love it.
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(phyllis) my love language is portuguese. i don't understand it, but i love how it makes me feel. since my citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category... suddenly life's feeling a little more automatic. like doors opening wherever i go... [sound of airplane overhead] even the ground is moving for me! y'all seeing this? wild! and i don't even have to activate anything. oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. [mind blown explosion noise] dad i got a huge barbeque wing stain. this bottle says i need to pretreat. that stuff has way more water. a little bit of tide goes a long way, so you can save your shirt and maybe even a little money. moat the... library.s right... for a better clean with less... it's got to be tide. (♪♪) you just made the winning choice. folgers black silk was preferred over starbucks french roast in a blind taste test.
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go ahead. sip for yourself. (♪♪) why does special k have 10 grams of protein? (♪♪) yep. that's why. special k. special for a reason. [ cellphone chimes ] -[ clears throat ] -sorry, honey. special k. it's a work thing. -mine's also a work thing. i just need someone to cover my shift. [ cellphone buzzes ] -yup, so is mine. alan says your business vehicle is now covered with progressive. protected 24/7 -- just like your home and auto. oh, that's great! so dinner time is just phone time now? sorry... you know i heard that ground turkey is the healthiest poultry. you know what, never mind. just be on your phones.
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this morning, we're taking an in depth story of the look of the astronauts at the international space station longer than planned. >> what started off as an eight-day mix mission has turned into eight months. what are the astronauts doing up there? >> let's turn to mike massimino, author of "moon shot." mike, good morning. we heard business trips that go days long, but this takes the cake. >> yeah. >> they've been their way too long. eight weeks too long. they were supposed to be there only eight weeks. how do they get them home? how does this come to be? >> it was eight days. they have been up there for two months. when they were approaching the space station, they had failures
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with the propulsion system, especially with the thrusters that needed to steer. they were able to recover most of those in the last couple months, but they're still trying to understand the problem and get comfortable with it. they don't want the failures once they leave and reenter. they have not gotten comfortable yet. they kept the crew on board with the propulsion model. >> mike, i know you are a little jealous. >> a little bit. when you're an astronaut on the ground, you want to be in space. when you are in space, sometimes you want to be on the ground. >> what about food, clothing? is there enough room for them for a long period of time? >> yeah, they got plenty of stuff up there. they built the contingencies in the planning. things can happen even with space ships flown for years. frank rubio was an astronaut who
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was stuck in space -- i shouldn't say stuck. he was up there for 370 days. there's plenty of supplies. there are supply ships that go up regularly. they can bring clothing and food and water and all that. >> can i interrupt. spacex or "starliner" which would you take? >> i would leave it to the bosses to decide. really, you never know. i think that's probably what butch and suni are thinking. i think in their case, they have been working with the "starliner "starliner" team. they are hoping that vehicle will get cleared. >> what about just psychologically? how are you supposed to deal with uncertainty? you have been in their shoes, perhaps not as long. >> a couple of days. >> how do you deal with not knowing? what if this is years? >> it will not be years. they are coming back one way or the other. the space ship itself and the
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position they have to make a decision is there are only two docking ports. there is a spacex ship and "starliner." "starliner" has to get out of the way because they are bringing another crew up in september. >> there is an end point. >> there is an end point. the way you deal with it, i think, is being flexible. when you go into a mission, first of all, getting off the ground, there are delays. they have been delayed for years getting there. you know you are going to space once the rockets light. >> when do they make that decision? >> to come back? >> yeah. >> they will have meetings coming up. they have have meeting next week. they will have a flight readiness review. the decision has to be made probably the week after this coming week. within the next two weeks, we should know what the plan is. mentally, it is not just preparing for the mission, but your family on the ground and people are expecting you to come home and you have the heart-tug going on. >> dear diary, here we are stuck
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in space day -- >> i wouldn't say stuck. i would say delayed. >> apologies. thank you for being here. >> my pleasure. >> thank you for your expertise. >> thank you for your expertise. what do you protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. arexvy is number one in rsv vaccine shots. rsv? make it arexvy. want a next level clean? swish with the whoa of listerine. it kills 99.9% of bad breath germs for five times more cleaning power than brushing and flossing alone. get a next level clean... ahhhhh with listerine. feel the whoa!
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you are bountiful. your skeleton can support two times your weight. it's in your nature to stand strong. supplement your bones with high-absorption magnesium. nature's bounty. it's in your nature. deodorant... but not as you know it. for thighs... folds... pits... and bits. seventy-two-hour odor control... full of skin-loving ingredients. plus, it's dermatologist and gynecologist approved. introducing whole body deodorant from dove. ♪♪ (mmm) (mmm) (hmm) (mmmhmm) ♪♪ milk chocolate beyond words. classic recipe by lindt. whaaat?? it's super hero day at school... ♪ tiktok song ♪ sfx: [tea kettle] sfx: [ding!] ♪ l'eggo with eggo. can we...
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♪ febreze man: i don't about y'all, but when it comes to working from home, i gotta have every part of my house clean. that means tidying up, then spraying my febreze air mist, to leave every room smelling fresh and clean. with that done, it's time to get to work. ♪ la la la la la ok, with me. ♪laalaalaalaalaa.♪ ♪loolooloolooloo.♪ [piano key sounds] sniffs [shake] [crash] oooops. froot loops. find the loopy side! i'm a bee and i bumbled my way into your car. buzz. ah man! and if you don't have the right auto insurance coverage paying for this could really sting. so get allstate. (vo) when your dog hears the call of the wild, make sure they have the right fuel to answer. paying for this could really sting. blue wilderness chicken, with 30% more protein than purina pro plan chicken, is formulated to give your dog the energy they need...
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to explore, to discover, and take on the wild with you. blue wilderness. stay wild. we are back with your "popstart." joe? >> first up, "deadpool & wolverine" the superhero odd couple clawed to the highest rating. in just three weeks, the movie raked in more than $1.08 billion. nearly half of that money in the domestic box office. to get the top spot, "deadpool & wolverine" knocked off a comic book villain. "joker." quiz time. what do you think was the highest grossing one before
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"joker? >> give me a hint. >> i already mentioned it. "deadpool." everything comes full circle. there is a "joker" sequel due out in october. maybe they will take the last laugh. up next, the show has not one, but two hosts. eugene and dan levy. it will be the first time a father-son duo emcees the biggest night. they gave us six seasons of laughs on "schitz creek." >> it's a night shirt. the issue is the brown sludge in my bed. >> it's 6:00 a.m. >> what's the name of the mouthy kid at the front desk? >> i don't know. >> that show won seven emmys sweeping the category in 2020.
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the year the emmys were remote. for two canadians who won in a quarantine tent, to be asked to host was incentive enough. they will be hilarious. finally, hunter woodhall, the husband of tara davis woodhall said he tested positive for covid. he said unfortunate timing, but i knew it was a risk being around so many celebrating and traveling. won't be an excuse. going to kick this thing and i'll be ready for the paralympics. he and his wife went viral especially here after winning gold. hunter has time to rest up. the paralympic games start on august 28th. everyone fell in love with those two during the games. >> what an awesome couple.
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>> iconic moment of the games. >> she'll be cheering him on. >> so will we. >> so cool. still to come, the saturday morning boost z's baking the house special. arisa's styling a new look. and steve's filling his biggest order ever. with the first ever comcast business five-year price lock guarantee, these business owners get five years of value on gig speed internet and advanced security.
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all from the company with 99.9% network reliability. so now they can focus on doing what they do best for the next five years. that's a lot of bread. you got this. the comcast business five-year price lock guarantee. switch today for a limited time.
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still to come here on "today," the trendy and buzz worthy items you need to have today. we will celebrate our friend peter who is celebrating two peter who is celebrating two decades working here at nbc still have symptoms from moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease after a tnf blocker like humira or remicade? put them in check with rinvoq. rinvoq works differently and it's a once-daily pill. when symptoms tried to take control, i got rapid relief with rinvoq. check. when flares tried to slow me down, i got lasting steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when my doctor saw damage, rinvoq helped visibly reduce damage
6:24 am
of the intestinal lining. check. rapid symptom relief. lasting, steroid-free remission. and visibly reduced damage. check, check and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. put uc and crohn's in check and keep them there with rinvoq. ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq. and learn how abbvie can help you save. since the citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category... suddenly, life's feeling a little more automatic... oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. (school bus stops)
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(silence) pop-tarts. crazy good. shake up your shower with a flavor for every feeling. this dove freshens you up. this dove winds you down. this dove leaves you glowing. and this dove keeps you going. so whatever care you care about, there's a dove for every body. ♪♪ (mmm) (mmm) (hmm) (mmmhmm) ♪♪ milk chocolate beyond words. classic recipe by lindt. new mr. clean ultra foamy magic eraser? with the scrubbing power of magic eraser and the cleaning power of dawn. watch it make soap scum here... disappear... and sprays can leave grime like that ultra foamy melts it on contact. magic. new ultra foamy magic eraser.
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(♪♪) (♪♪) voltaren... for long lasting arthritis pain relief. (♪♪) you are bountiful. your skeleton can support two times your weight. it's in your nature to stand strong.
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supplement your bones with high-absorption magnesium. nature's bounty. it's in your nature. us on this saturday, august 17th. i'm bigad shaban in for kira klapper. well, it's an added layer of precaution as kids head back to school. a few school districts are now requiring student athletes to get a heart screening before they can play. students at the los gatos-saratoga district will be screened for heart issues that could lead to sudden cardiac arrest or sca. it's the number one killer of student athletes. now, these screenings are all made possible with the help from the kyle j. taylor foundation, which was created in
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honor of a former lee high school soccer player who died of sca back in 2018. in the first year, about a thousand los gatos and saratoga high schoolers will be screened, and already two athletes have been flagged for more evaluation. if those are the only two we find this year, it was worth the time and the effort. but when we see, children at risk being identified, i don't think you can put a price tag or a value on that. the kyle j. taylor foundation will provide screenings for foothill college for the first time this year. all right, let's get you checked in with a look at the weather. cinthia pimentel is back. cynthia. good morning. bigad. good morning everyone. it's definitely sleeping in kind of weather that will wake us up to this saturday. tomorrow, slightly different story. and we'll get to that mostly cloudy skies of course, through san francisco, gloomy through palo alto, some patchy clouds through the south bay, but some better clearing. and we see that sunrise out towards walnut
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creek. 50s and 60s to start our day out there towards the coast. it's going to be breezy. it's going to be a bit gloomy and we're going to hang on to those cloud cover icons pretty much all throughout the day and stay in those 60s for our daytime highs. notice out in brentwood, one of our typical warmest spots out through the bay area. also going to drop down those temperatures about 10 to 12 degrees compared to what we were at yesterday. and this week it was a little toasty out there. but really the change in this weather is because we've had a system of low pressure that's dropping in from the pacific northwest. it's bringing in that cloud cover, breezy conditions throughout the day. so that summer furniture out there could be tumbling in the wind at times. and we'll check on those wind speeds coming up in my full forecast. now, the possibility of rain is there. and also the possibility of hearing some claps of thunder. so we'll talk about all of this coming up and our forecast for sunday at 7:00. back to you, bigad. all right. but for now cooler temps and shade. we will take it. cynthia. thanks. and still ahead on today in the bay rolling up their
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sleeves and pitching in. we're one on one with bay area delegates heading to the democratic national convention in chicago. we'll have that. plus all your top stories coming up at seven, but for now, we'll send you right back to t good morning. eye of the storm.
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hurricane ernesto unleashing on bermuda overnight making landfall with the downpour and heavy rains to the island. the impacts of ernesto up and down the east coast. the bottom line. vice president kamala harris unveiling her economic plan which she says will save americans the most in their wallets. donald trump arguing she and democrats are part of the problem. and celebrating the big 2-0. we are looking back at peter's 20 years at nbc news. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> good morning to you. >> good morning to you. >> in the field. >> peter alexander, nbc news, baghdad. >> showing off his moves and everything in between. we have a lot more to come, "today" saturday august 17th, 2024. good morning. welcome back to "today" on this fine saturday. we are so happy to be back and
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what better way to come back than a retrospective on peter for the last 20 years. >> showing off his moves was a little generous. i would say his move. >> his one move. >> it's one move? >> that's with katy back in the day. >> look at the baby face. we have so much to celebrate just ahead. some surprises up our sleeve. we want to get first to today's news. we are tracking hurricane ernesto which made landfall a few hours ago in bermuda. nbc news' guad venegas is here with more. gaud, how is it looking right now? >> reporter: laura and peter, this is the back side of the storm. you can feel the force of the wind. the hurricane made landfall at about 4:30 here in bermuda. people waking up to the eye of the storm with the sunrise. now we're getting this wind and rain and there's also a storm surge expected all of this for
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the rest of the day. the biggest concern is people without power. 26,000 customers without power. that is about two-thirds of bermuda. authorities will work on getting the power back on as soon as the back side of the storm passes. there is also debris and vegetation and fallen trees reported on roadways. meanwhile, this is also causing dangerous rip currents along the u.s. east coast from florida to maine. there's already reports of waves from 5 to 7 feet high. that's something to keep in mind as we continue reporting from bermuda while the back side of the storm passes. back to you. >> all right. gaud, we'll keep an eye on it. thank you. we turn to the start of the democratic national convention in chicago. vice president kamala harris released the first details of her economic agenda on friday. harris pitching her plans to tackle the cost of food, housing and medicine and child care. it includes an expanded child
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tax credit for families with newborns and down payment assistance up to $25,000 for first-time home buyers. earlier this week, former president trump blamed biden and harris for the inflation. sad news from the music world this morning. we are learning jack russell, the founding member of the band great white, has died. he was the lead vocalist of the band which was the center of the tragedy in 2003. the pyrotechnics started a fire that killed 15 people. he was 63 years old. the new issue over the controversial over the women's floor exercise.
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romania's ana barbosu received the bronze medal on friday. romania appealed the decision and the court of arbitration for sport ruled the u.s. made the appeal four seconds after the one-minute deadline. jordan chiles wrote she was devastated and will continue to fight the decision. >> to be clear, it is the judges who made the mistake here. best-case scenario, you give both the bronze medal. this seems unreasonable. let's check in on our boost. >> the small world boost. the unexpected and sweet reunion of old friends. danny is a ride share driver in dallas. he was having a polite conversation with his passenger when this happened. >> what's your name? >> danny. >> i know you. you know me?
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>> man! what the [ bleep ]? >> how about that? turns out, as you see, they were long lost friends. danny and john johnson had worked together at a dallas bar 24 years ago. danny said he did not think about it when he saw the opinion passenger's name. i love the moment when they realize it. keep your hands on the wheel. >> i love the beep, beep, beep. >> i feel they wanted to share a beer. >> i feel they probably did. >> that's for sure. coming up next, we will help you get your hands on some trend worthy items that won't break the nk. weba why do couples choose a sleep number smart bed? a can it keep me warm when i'm cold? wait, no, i'm always hot. sleep number does that. can i make my side softer? i like my side firmer. sleep number does that. your ideal firmness and effortless comfort, all night. can it help us sleep better and better? please? sleep number does that. 9 out of 10 couples report better sleep.
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during our biggest sale of the year save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed and free delivery when you add any base. shop now at a sleep number store near you. zyrtec allergy relief works fast and lasts a full 24 hours so dave can be the... deliverer of dance. ok, dave! let's be more than our allergies. zeize the day with zyrtec. since the citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category... suddenly, life's feeling a little more automatic... oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. whaaat?? it's super hero day at school... ♪ tiktok song ♪ sfx: [tea kettle] sfx: [ding!] ♪ l'eggo with eggo. can we... swiffer duster traps 4x more dust for a clean even mom approves of. that reach! ♪♪
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making hard to reach. so easy! swiffer, [wow!] the mother of all cleans! ♪♪ ♪cinnadust♪ the mother o♪ all cleans! (vo) cinnamon toast crunch. blasted with cinnadust. skin craving next level hydration? neutrogena hydro boost water cream. a vital boost of 9x more hydration that's clinically proven to boost your skin's barrier for quenched, dewy skin that's full of life. neutrogena hydro boost. ♪♪ (mmm) (mmm) (hmm) (mmmhmm) ♪♪ milk chocolate beyond words. classic recipe by lindt. deodorant... but not as you know it. for thighs... folds... pits... and bits. seventy-two-hour odor control...
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full of skin-loving ingredients. plus, it's dermatologist and gynecologist approved. introducing whole body deodorant from dove. we are back on saturday morning and we are going shopping. our shop today's editor scoured the internet for the buzz worthy products out there from the '80s
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and '90s styles and refreshing brands. here with us is adriana brock. you can shop with us by scanning the qr code at the bottom of your screen. so nice to see you on a saturday. sweater vests making a comeback? >> the '70s called and sweater vests are making a comeback. searches for women's sweater vests are up 350% on google in the past year. people love this piece because it is a transitional piece from summer into fall and dress up with jeans. we have our producers wearing it here. once it gets a bit chillier, you can layer it. >> the wristlet. this is going back to our childhood. >> this is amazing. not just any wristlet. this is from coach. did you know coach has an online outlet where you can get pieces
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as low as $29, including this wristlet here. it is a treasure trove of products. searches for this brand are up through the roof. it has been around since 1941. it is back again. this is a great piece as a key fob or wallet. >> honey. honey! of all the things. >> right. black honey from clinque. one of these is sold every seven seconds. >> because of tiktok? >> it has been around for decades. they came out with a lip gloss version. when you look at the tube t looks dark and scary on your lips. it is the beautiful sheer plum. we have models trying it out. it looks great on all ages and skin tones. >> it is nice it is in a gloss. >> it is gorgeous. >> what do we have here? >> it is a new trend. the eye sleeping mask. not the sleeping mask you put on
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over your eyes. it is from laneige. it is a korean beauty brand. this is the thicker eye crime. itis hydrahydrating. >> look at you. >> i layered it over my eye cream. you can use it alone. it is like a drink of water for your eyes which is the thinnest skin on your face. >> should this replace the strips? >> i don't know if you want to replace the eye patch. i like the eye treatment. when you are sleeping, you get the benefits. >> i feel there are a thousand different water bottles out there. so many trends. why is this one special? >> water bottles are having a moment. this is cirkul. this is the newest to hit the scene. it is not as trendy, but it is about to be a huge hit. this is great for fall.
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it is a water bottle with a cartridge that infuses flavor in your water. it comes with fruit punch and berry. it has a dial on here to amp up the intensity of the flavor depending what you like. you are drinking your water. this is good if you are cutting back on sugary drinks. >> you will stay hydrated. please come back on saturdays. to shop these products, scan the qr code at the bottom of the screen or go to today earns a commission through links on the web site. angie, one more check of the forecast. i will take one of each thing over there. this is the system we are tracking across the great lakes. it is a scattered thunderstorm day for that region. thunderstorms stretching into arkansas and oklahoma. this is something we will watch through the day today. we have a big day ahead.
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saturday and sunday, we've got the fedex st. jude championship. we have the heat advisories and warnings up for the region. if you are a player or spectator, you need extra water. plenty of su and that's the look at your forecast. guys. >> angie, thank you. still ahead, where has the
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time gone? we will look back and celebrate peter working 2 y0ea
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z's baking the house special. arisa's styling a new look. and steve's filling his biggest order ever. with the first ever comcast business five-year price lock guarantee, these business owners get five years of value on gig speed internet and advanced security. all from the company with 99.9% network reliability. so now they can focus on doing what they do best for the next five years. that's a lot of bread. you got this. the comcast business five-year price lock guarantee. switch today for a limited time.
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we are back on a saturday morning with a bit of a this is your life retrospective for our dear friend peter. >> 20 years ago, nbc news hired a young peter alexander and the rest, as they say, is history. >> good morning. >> good morning to you. >> good morning to you. >> good morning to you. >> the idea i've been there and been part of this team for that much time. i'm so grateful and excited hopefully to do another 20. >> what affect would that have? >> one of my first breaks was when i joined the team at nbc
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news and got shipped off to havana, cuba to cover hurricane ivan. we reached out to fidel castro's team. the only american broadcaster to interview him on that day. >> will you stay here tonight? >> that was the beginning of the ride i never imagined i could dream of and be grateful for. >> very impressed. ♪♪ >> covering multiple olympics. several presidential campaigns. walking into the briefing room in the oval office. swimming with shamoo. mushing with the iditarod champion and meeting a surfer and the northwest passage to the galapagos. >> he is in seoul. >> at the white house. >> i never imagined being a political reporter. >> we welcome peter alexander
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tonight. >> coming to washington has been an eye-opening experience. covering barack obama and joe biden and who knows who's next. >> everybody gets along just fine. >> one of the highlights is anchoring "saturday today" with joe and sheinelle. when we get to have a little bit of fun. ♪♪ >> the most important story, i think, i've ever told is about my sister rebecca who has usher syndrome. i busted my butt so long. can i tell this story. what i heard the most is what it means to be a story teller. i feel we have a higher
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responsibility doing this for a living and being a journalist. you have the trust of the audience and people whose stories you're telling. that's something i take so seriously. peter alexander, nbc news, baghdad. >> i was just a 27-year-old kid. the idea i'm one of the old guys around with the gray hair to show it and have the experiences that inspire or motivate this new generation of journalists is something that i'm really enjoying. for any of the young people i've met on the plaza or those watching at home right now, i promise you, i'm keeping the seat warm and you're up next. >> oh, my goodness. >> that was really thoughtful for my friends who helped make that happen. no other way to say it. i'm grateful. never anticipated it growing up in the bay area in california. to have these experiences is a privilege. >> at the end of the piece, you picked up on it. what they don't see is you were the first person to text a
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reporter after a hit to check in. when i first got to nbc, you reached out right away before anybody and said let me know what i can do to help. that is what people don't see. >> 20 years ago, i ran into you at an event and we talked. i knew you from college. were you immediately there. you were there to answer the phone and pick it up and give advice and help people make people better. do you that for so many people. >> let's raise a glass. >> does it feel like 20 years, peter? >> it feels like 19 and three quarters. >> to peter. >> i got so many great memories. we were celebrating the olympics. the best was yao ming. i'm on the floor of the opening ceremony of the 2008 olympics. there he was. >> oh, wow. >> to be back and celebrate my olympic experience. to this team, you make it special. thank you. >> we did a bit of research because we're reporters.
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we understand cookies are one of your favorite desserts. >> favorite breakfasts. i can gladly confirm. i want to say i appreciate you guys and thank you for being part of the team and watching us every saturday and throughout the week. >> we'll be right back as we eat these cookies. >> to peter. >> to peter. i won't let my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis symptoms define me. emerge as you. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months and the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge as you. emerge tremfyant®. ask you doctor about tremfya®. ( ♪♪ ) when you smell the amazing scent of gain flings... time stops. (♪♪) and you realize you're in love... steve? with a laundry detergent. (♪♪) gain flings. seriously good scent.
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oh man... do you stick with plump, juicy raisins? or try something deliciously frosted? best to reallyyyy chew on this one. but maybe not so loudly. more delicious ways to bran. (♪♪) (♪♪) bounce back fast from heartburn with tums gummy bites, and love food back. (♪♪) deodorant... but not as you know it. for thighs... folds... pits... and bits. seventy-two-hour odor control... full of skin-loving ingredients. plus, it's dermatologist and gynecologist approved. introducing whole body deodorant from dove. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ some like them toasted. eat em how you like them.
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pop-tarts. crazy good. (nicole) welcome to blue buffalo's one taste is all it takes. (jeremy) ruka likes food that tastes good. eat em how you like them. she won't eat anything that she doesn't want to eat. she's a headstrong little lady. there's no faking it with her. (nicole) we sent you blue tastefuls dry food, and... (jeremy) she loved it. i was super surprised. i want food that's healthy, nutritious, and something she'll love. (nicole) what's for dinner tonight? (jeremy) it's tastefuls from blue buffalo for this little girl. (vo) pick up blue tastefuls and find out why one taste is all it takes. available in dry, wet, and singles. ♪♪ (mmm) (mmm) (hmm) (mmmhmm) ♪♪ milk chocolate beyond words. classic recipe by lindt. alright, sandworm's out of the basement and the furnace milkhas been exorcised.ords. another progressive home and auto bundle fully protected from the unexpected. beetlejuice caused quite a ruckus, huh. -jamie! don't say his name. -beetlejuice? saying his name three times is how you summon him.
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riiight. what if i say other words in between? -does that restart it? -don't overthink it! or what if i broke it up into two parts like someone said what's your favorite bug -- beetle -- what's your favorite morning beverage? -j-- -j-- [ body thuds ] you're welcome. "beetlejuice beetlejuice," in theaters september 6th. since my citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category... suddenly life's feeling a little more automatic. like doors opening wherever i go... [sound of airplane overhead] even the ground is moving for me! y'all seeing this? wild! and i don't even have to activate anything. oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. [mind blown explosion noise] before we go, we are honored to mention that "saturday today"
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was honored with the murrow award for the breaking news segment. raf sanchez led our team on the ground. you should be commended for keeping your cool. we knew so little that morning. we said in hair and makeup, let's do it. thank you to our control room team. matt and dave and sarah and katie. it was a team effort. >> good job. >> you are celebrating somewhere? >> i was at the college reunion. my phone blew up. stay safe. that will do it for us on saturday morning.
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in. we are one on one. with bay area delegates heading to the democratic national convention in chicago, plus preventing tragedy. the new measures school districts are taking before student athletes ever take the field. and cinthia pimentel will be back for a check of the weather. so stay with us.
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