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tv   Today  NBC  August 22, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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last look at the forecast. big changes today. it's going to be much cooler compared to yesterday. and windy. some of those gusts may top 30mph and then watching out for some possible showers in parts of the bay area late tomorrow evening. and as promised, there's the slowdown for the south bay really kicking in now. the next couple of hours we'll see a lot of slowing as we have for the last few days. now, today's show is just ahead and we continue today in the bay on roku and other streaming platforms. san francisco 49ers final preseason game versus the las vegas raiders will take place at allegiant stadium. what you can expect if you're headed to the game, watch our 8 a.m. newscast. you can see it online at i know i'll be hi, there, good hi there, good morning. it is the final day of the democratic convention here in chicago. >> yeah, tim walz makes his case for the democratic ticket as kamala harris prepares for her
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big moment tonight. it's august 22nd. this is "today." >> it's the honor of my life to accept your nomination for vice president of the united states. >> tim walz introduces himself to the nation with a high-stakes speech, stressing his small-town roots and personal story. >> i'm letting you in on how we started a family because this is a big part about what this election is about. >> while his party rolls out a lineup of stars and politics, hollywood and music, to make the case for kamala harris. >> let us choose truth, let us choose honor, and let us choose joy! >> we'll have complete coverage from chicago, including what we expect to hear from harris herself tonight. trump on the trail. the former president holds his first outdoor rally since that
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attempt on his life, speaking from behind bulletproof glass, and addressing what he's seen at the dnc. >> you know, they always say, sir, please stick to policy, don't get personal. and yet, they're getting personal all night long, these people. >> while sources tell nbc news independent candidate rfk jr. is ready to end his campaign and endorse trump in the coming days. we'll have the very latest. breaking overnight, a massive railway strike north of the border, sparking fears of a major supply chain disruption all across the u.s. we'll have everything you need to know. to the extreme, tens of millions facing heat alerts, from texas to florida. but other parts of the east coast waking up to record low temperatures. al's got your full forecast. emotional unveiling. the university of idaho dedicating a new memorial honoring those four students killed in their home near campus.
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>> you can't help but smile, and just feel a sense of just what great people they were. >> this morning, how their families are reacting to the touching tribute. plus, swift speaks. taylor swift breaks her silence on the foiled terror plot that disrupted her eras tour. just ahead, what she's saying about those canceled shows in austria, and the special moment when coldplay and maggie rogers brought swift's music to their fans in vienna. ♪ take me somewhere where we can be alone ♪ >> those stories and chasing history -- >> high fly ball. right field. >> yankees slugger aaron judge blasting not one, but two more home runs. >> driven deep to right! oh, he didn't! yes, he did! another one! >> as one of the baseball's biggest stars inches closer to ,
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another record-breaking season. today, thursday, august 22nd, 2024. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie from the democratic national convention in chicago. and hoda kotb from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> well, good morning. good to see you. welcome to today. it's a thursday morning. glad you're up with us. savannah, you're up early in chicago. you had a late one last night at the dnc. >> i know, morning, night, it's like a vegas casino here, there is no time, hoda. but we have a lot to get to. it's the fourth and final day of the democratic national convention in chicago. tonight is the night for vice president kamala harris. she will officially accept her party's democratic nomination. this comes after a series of high-profile names last night, nancy pelosi, bill clinton, oprah winfrey, all teeing up the man of the hour, vice presidential nominee tim walz who spoke last night to accept his nomination. he leaned into that role of coach to energize voters here in
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the hall and watching at home. and this comes amid what could be a major shake up in the race for the white house. reports that independent candidate robert f. kennedy jr. plans to suspend his campaign and endorse donald trump by the end of the week. we've got it all covered. let's get started with nbc's chief white house correspondent peter alexander with me here in chicago. hi, peter. good morning! >> hey, savannah, good morning to you. only a short distance away, we are right in the heart of the california delegation. this is the front row. that is where the vice president will be speaking a matter of hours from now. this, of course, is the biggest speech of her political career. it sounds cliche, but it is also true tonight. a critical opportunity for her to try to define herself on her own terms to americans. and her moment comes after an unforgettable evening here for democrats. thousands of signs sharing coach walz's name, as he tried to lock things up, getting things ready
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like a wednesday night lights. >> reporter: overnight, tim walz, a former high school football coach, taking the handoff for the democrats. >> it's the honor of my life to accept your nomination for vice president of the united states. >> reporter: his family looking on with pride, his son, gus, moved to tears. >> i'm letting you in. >> reporter: walz introducing himself to america, emphasizing his heartland roots. >> growing up in a small town like that, you learn how to take care of each other. >> reporter: and how his years as a schoolteacher informed his political career. >> so there i was, a 40-something high school teacher with little kids, zero political experience, and no money running in a deep red district. but you know what? never underestimate a public schoolteacher. >> while going after the trump fans' agenda. >> is it weird? absolutely. absolutely.
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but it's also wrong! and it's dangerous! >> reporter: and contrasting the party's definitions of freedom. >> in minnesota, we respect our neighbors and the personal choices they make. and even if we wouldn't make those same choices for ourselves, we've got a golden rule. mind your own damned business! >> reporter: coach walz delivering a final pep talk. >> we're going to leave it on the field. the night's surprise guest, oprah winfrey. with a speech drawing a line from pioneers of the civil rights movements to harris and impossible t calling for unity. >> when we stand together, it is impossible to conquer us. >> reporter: referencing j.d. vance's comments about childless cat ladies. >> when a house is on fire, we don't ask about the homeowner's race or religion. and if the place happens to
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belong to a childless cat lady, well, we try to get that cat out, too. >> but focusing on harris. >> let's all choose kamala harris! >> reporter: the night featuring a parade of rising democratic stars, celebrities, and as democrats have been under pressure over the war in gaza with protests in chicago, a powerful and somber moment. the parents of hersh goldberg polen, one of the hostages taken from the nova music festival on october 7th, emotional, as the crowd chanted "bring them home." [ chanting: bring them home ] >> and another passing of the torch moment. former president bill clinton addressing his 12th democratic convention and invoking his own political nickname from 1992. >> from a man who once had the honor to be called in this
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convention a man from hope, we need -- we need kamala harris the president of joy, to lead us. >> taking on former president trump. >> two days ago, i turned 78. and the only personal vanity i want to assert is i'm still younger than donald trump. >> and looking ahead to tonight, a campaign official tells nbc news that harris intends to focus on three specific areas when she takes the stage, only a matter of hours from now, this evening, sharing her personal and professional background, contrasting her vision for america with the one offered for donald trump, and detailing how her vision is what this patriot describes as a sense of patriotism. since arriving here in chicago earlier this week, we're told she made some tweaks to the script but mostly locked in since tuesday. savannah, to stick with your casino metaphor from early in this broadcast, the democrats right now feel like if they're playing blackjack, they have a
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pretty strong hand. >> okay. we shall see. peter, thank you. on the republican side, donald trump heads to arizona today after holding his first outdoor rally since the attempt on his life. meanwhile, sources telling nbc news a one-time rival in the race to the white house, rfk, robert f. kennedy jr. is now ready to endorse the former president. nbc's garrett haake covers the trump campaign, joins us from tucson, arizona, this morning. hi, garrett, good morning. >> reporter: hey, savannah, good morning. this will be the fourth stop on donald trump's battleground blitz, meant to counterprogram the dnc, and first to focus on his signature issue, immigration. he may also lead the state of arizona tomorrow, with that major new endorsement from the controversial independent, robert kennedy jr.. >> comrade harris, you're fired! >> reporter: shielded behind bullet-resistant glass with snipers in place, former president trump holding his first outdoor campaign event since the assassination attempt
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last month, mocking what he said was democrats' overwhelming focus on him at their convention. >> we've driven them crazy. they have trump derangement syndrome. >> reporter: and taking special notice of former president obama's remarks. >> this weird obsession with crowd sizes. >> did you see barack hussein obama last night, taking little shots -- he was taking shots at your president. and so was michelle. they always say, sir, please stick to policy, don't get personal. and yet they're getting personal all night long, these people. >> reporter: trump again sowing doubts about the 2024 election results after years of false claims of a 2020 stolen election. [ stop the steal ] >> our primary focus is not to get out the vote to make sure they don't treat. >> reporter: it comes as mr. trump visits arizona for two campaign stops over the next two days. a border visit today is meant to highlight his immigration and deportation policies. and a rally on friday which will follow an event from independent candidate, robert f. kennedy
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jr., who two sources tell nbc news plans to suspend his campaign and endorse the former president. trump running mate, senator j.d. vance, welcoming the news. >> the most famous name in american politics, democrat or republican, is the kennedy name. >> reporter: trump's son, don jr., suggesting kennedy, an anti-vaxxer long touted conspiracy theories could have a key role in his father's administration. >> i love the idea of giving him some sort of role and some sort of major three-letter entity or whatever it may be and let him blow it up. >> reporter: but when asked about that prospect, kennedy's cousin telling our peter alexander -- >> i wouldn't be surprised if he was working for president trump at some point or in the past. >> why? >> i think it's clear their interests align. >> reporter: rfk jr. has been repudiated by many members of his famous family, but praised as recently as this week by donald trump who had spent months as describing him as too liberal.
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but an endorsement by trump of kennedy now would be culmination of weeks of behind-the-scenes work by the trump campaign. savannah? >> garrett, thank you so much. we're joined now by kristen welker, moderator of "meet the press," and hallie jackson. ladies, good morning. >> good morning. >> about last night, let's talk about tim walz. this was his moment. did he deliver? >> this was the biggest speech of his political career. he introduced himself to the american public, so in that sense, yes, he delivered! he cast himself as the coach. they even had teammates from the team that he coached when he was a high school teacher come out on stage to help introduce him. so he tried to cast himself as a relatable dad. there was that emotional moment when his son, gus, started crying. he said, that's my dad. they believe that those types of optics will have to reach out to independent moderate voters, as well as filling in details of his biography. the fact that he's a gun owner, he says he supports the second amendment, but also wants kids to be safe. and he showed he can throw a
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punch against trump. >> it's interesting, you mentioned independents. hallie, we had oprah winfrey, she cade on and said i'm a registered independent. she said it before. but here she's at a democratic national convention. she's obviously endorsed democratic candidates in recent years. what do you make of her making that particular pitch? strategy that the harris/walz campaign wants to execute on here, which is to both expand the tent, expand the number of people they can bring in to back kamala harris and tim walz, while also really trying to get that base supercharged. oprah winfrey's speech last night, very sweeping, very much about the ideals that democrats want to be fighting for. she talked about kamala harris and tim walz, but less so than she talked about freedom and democracy and equal rights and civil rights, as well. so interesting to hear her reference her own sort of being a registered independent and what that means. you also saw that from some on stage. like some of these former trump administration officials who came out and basically tried to give permission to republicans to say, it's okay to vote for a democrat. the former lieutenant governor
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jeff duncan said, that actually means you're a patriot. >> it's interesting, because, look, people are taking their shots at donald trump, either by name or implicitly. there's no question about it, but it does seem that democrats are trying to corner the market on joy and hope. i mean, michelle obama hearse said, hope is making a comeback. of course, that was -- hope was obama's theme in 2008. >> here's what is so interesting about that. it seems as though the democrats have realized that the message from the biden campaign, trying to warn people about the threat that they say trump poses to democracy was not working. >> the negative argument. >> the negative argument. so we're hearing all of this positivity, joy, hope, reminds you of 2008. make the case barack obama. they are trying to make the case that that will energize voters. >> and watch for kamala harris to make that case tonight. campaign officials are saying it will be about lightness versus darkness. what they see as this dark ominous, agree vouns-filled campaign from the trump/vance
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team and a real contrast to that. >> the other thing of patriotism. the chants of usa breaking out in this convention hall, that is not always the kind of chant you hear about a democratic national convention. >> it's not. and i think what's fascinating about it, savannah, patriotism. she's not going to cast this against the backdrop of her historic candidacy. instead, again, just as hallie was saying, she's going to try to have a message that helps to expand the tent, that helps to reach out to those undecided voters. some of those robert f. kennedy voters, by the way. he's getting about 5% of the vote right now in a very close race. those voters, once he drops out, could be up for grabs and could make all the difference. >> every vote is going to count. i mean, it does every year but even more so when the margins are so, so tight. hallie and kristen, want to do it one more night? >> let's do it again. we're ready. >> okay. thank you very much. >> we'll have more throughout the morning and live coverage of tonight's speech from kamala harris starts at 9:00 eastern on nbc and streaming on nbc news
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now. i give you the time, hoda, but i told you there is no time. >> i gotcha. there is no time, sg. thanks, honey. we've got some significant breaking news to talk about overnight. two major freight railroads in canada shutting down operations. this all over a contract dispute. and this is expected to trigger a major supply chain disruption here in the u.s. nbc's senior business correspondent, christine romans is here with everything we need to know. this is a really big deal that's happening. >> it is. and it's critical that they get this resolved as quickly as possible. as i was explaining to you, the north american supply chain is like this. it's completely intertwined, the u.s., mexico, and canada. so you have thousands of rail car containers that will not be crossing the border. and they carry all kinds of really important things for the american economy and for the canadian economy. so this dispute that's been going on for about a year now between the teamsters and these two big rail companies is an impasse here. >> so this could -- when you say it could have an impact on the u.s. economy, it's major.
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what kind of an exact? >> it's a big test of the supply chain, quite frankly. chlorine for water treatment plants close to the board we are the u.s. and canada. you're talking about cars and car parts. you could see some disruption in manufacturing, putting cars together, because that is very north american-centric industry. you have billions of dollars of goods, including grain, fertilizer, and all kinds of different chemicals that are really important for manufacturing. you know, it comes at a terrible time for canadian farmers, quite frankly. because grain is going to be harvested soon here. there's no place to put it on the rail cars and ship it yet here. oil, as well, is another big export from canada. and so all of these things are incredibly important, which is why it's key that they not let this last more than the 72 hours that they have this right now. >> all right, christine, thank you so much. i know you'll watch it. let's get a check of the weather. we're dealing with extreme heat in some parts of the country, the potential for record lows in others. mr. roker's got it all covered on his map. hey, al. >> that's right, guys.
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in fact, today here in the northeast, we're looking at some record low temperatures, but those will quickly dissipate. but boy, we are still talking about 22 million people impacted by heat advisories, mostly in texas, a few in florida, as well. look at this, today, san angelo, probably will blow through their record of 105. same in del rio, san antonio, dallas will be kind of close, amarillo, galveston may break a record as well. and in fact, this heat risk for health issues stretching all the way from corpus christi to davenport and omaha because of all the heat-related problems folks may have and stretches right on into the weekend. by sunday, omaha, you're at 100, mid-90s in nashville, as well. and it feels more like summertime as you move into the northeast. syracuse by sunday, 85. boston will be in the mid-80s. same in new york city. upper 80s in charleston. we're going to get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds.
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weather. hoda? >> all right, al, thank you so much! a moving scene at the university of idaho. the community coming together for a new tribute to the victims killed in that stabbing attack near campus. laura jarrett has that story. hey, laura. w. hey, hoda. it's supposed to be a place of healing, but the emotions are still so raw. we'll have new reaction from the families of the victims, speaking about where the trial should be held for that accused killer. that's just ahead, savannah. >> all right. laura, thank you. also ahead from here in chicago, a closer look at governor tim walz, introducing himself and his family to the nation here last night. the spotlight that's now on him along with his wife and ch
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opening up for the first time about the terror threat that led to her canceled concert. what she's saying and how
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another group of music stars delivered swift's music to fans who missed out, after your local news. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. ned? otezla can help you get clearer skin, and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for over a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. audience: ohhh... with clearer skin, movie night is a groovy night. (♪♪) live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. ♪♪
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san jose police community service officer struck and killed by a suspected drunk driver will be honored tonight in a candlelight vigil. long pham and another officer were conducting traffic control on monterey road earlier this month. when prosecutors say the suspect, juan huerta palacios, struck them. the other officer was injured but survived. tonight's vigil will be held at the vietnamese heritage garden on roberts avenue, starting at 730. i'm ginger conejero saab. community members in oakland are trying to turn tragedy into change as they demand action from city leaders to address traffic violence in oakland. this comes days after a 17 year old girl was killed by a suspected drunk driver. the suspect in that case is expected in court today. now, this comes just weeks after another man was reportedly struck while riding his bike in oakland as well. the protest begins at 530 this evening on 27th and broadway in
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oakland. let's get a look at that forecast for this thursday with meteorologist kari hall. we have more kids heading back to school today. happy first day in mill valley with our temperatures in the upper seconds. it is a cool start, but we're also dealing with some patches of fog. be careful around those school zones. it's going to be a nice afternoon at pick up time with upper 60s, and we're enjoying a cool down all across the bay area with a chance of showers for tomorrow. we'll be watching that with the latest laura. all right. thank you. and don't forget to join us for our today in the bay live streaming newscast at 8 a.m. san francisco 49ers final pregame game versus la raj lv las vegas raiders taking it way back, will
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going back noel, at the track, at the wall. he's done it again! >> back now, 7:30. new york yankees slugger aaron judge threatening to break his own home run record after two more dingers last night, bringing the season total to 47. the first one came in the third inning. the second one in the seventh. by the way, he's on pace to hit 60 homers this season, just two shy of his american league record of 62. that was back in 2022. something to keep your eyes on for the rest of the season. >> it's exciting to watch. >> isn't it fun? >> mm-hmm. meantime, sheinelle is joining us right here in studio 1a. savannah, of course, in chicago. hey, sg! >> hey, savannah. >> hi, everybody. i'm on the move again. i've come over to what is called the podium position here at the democratic national convention to give you a sense of where i am. actually, we'll take the wide shot. i'll wave to you again. i'm on the right side of the stage. this is right off of where the speakers come in. actually, if you come over here,
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you can see the door right there that the speakers walk through. that's where kamala harris will walk out tonight to give that speech. the acceptance speech, which is the big moment tonight. and actually, if you go a little bit farther behind, you can see the real backstage. i mean, this is where speakers line up, ready for their moments. and last night, there was reportedly a bit of a logjam back there, when bill clinton, who was supposed to speak for 15 minutes ended up with double the length, went offscript. i think the teleprompter guy had to go out and -- go out for a drink, as bill clinton riffed for a long, long time. so you had kind of a logjam of speakers right there. if you are a reporter, there's a podium pass. there's a very few spaces here, but you can report from up here. and right over here are where a lot of the dnc leadership, you've got the clock keeper, the door keeper, the dnc leadership is right there. so this is who's making the trains run on time. and hoda, you'll like this, because i know you're a snacker like me. they have a whole snack tray. they're apparently runs on chips
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ahoy and doritos. they're speaking my language. >> meal of champions there. >> exactly. breakfast of champions. and you can look up here, can you see the balloons up there? this is their night, okay? after kamala harris accepts that nomination tonight, all of those balloons will descend right here on the convention floor and the democratic national convention will be at an end. a lot to go tonight, but that's a scene from this side of the stage here in chicago. >> oh, cute! that's beautiful behind the scenes. i like it! it's cool. >> thanks, sg. >> you want me to pick you up anything, trail mix, lays -- >> chips ahoy. >> the doritos. thank you. >> i appreciated that perspective. that was cool. this half hour, we'll start
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with an emotional night on the university of idaho campus. >> the community gathered to dedicate a new healing garden and memorial. it was inspired by the four students who were fatally stabbed back in 2022. nbc's laura jarrett is here with that story. hey, laura, good morning. >> hey, good morning, guys. the university says this garden is for all students, all the students that the school has lost, but the motivation behind it was the brutal loss of those four friends we've been following, several of their family members on hand for the dedication, speaking out about what justice looks like for their children. >> kaylee goncalves, ethan chapin, maddy mogen, zaina kernoodle. >> reporter: on a late summer evening, new hope growing in this garden on the university of idaho campus, dedicated to students the school has lost. >> today we consecrate this ground at the place where all can reflect, honor their memories, and heal. >> reporter: healing especially for those left behind, including the families of four students killed in their off-campus home in november of 2022. kaylee goncalves, madison mogen, ethan chapin, and xana kernodle.
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>> you can't help but smile and just feel a sense of just what great people they were. >> reporter: the trial of the man charged with the murders, bryan kohberger, still a year away. the legal team is gearing up for a critical hearing next week. but for now, friends and families of the victims return to campus to honor their loved one. stacy chapin's embracing her son's fraternity brothers as they begin a new school year. >> do more of what you love to . >> do more of w you love honor caylee. spread that love with random acts of kindness for kaylee. and tells story with an abundance of laughter to live life like ethan. >> reporter: for the parents, another reminder of who their daughter was. >> the whole idea not just about her, but a place for kids to go there. >> reporter: and as they seek
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justice for their daughter, no matter where the trial ultimately happens, they want to be there but still want to see kohberger tried right there. >> this is where it happened and you know, the community deserves to be part of that jury. >> now, a judge entered a plea of not guilty on kohberger's behalf a while ago, but the real focus now, guys, on this defense push to get the trial moved out of latah county. his lawyers are set to appear before a judge next week to argue that there is widespread bias in that community against him. >> all right, laura, thank you so much. still i head, the most in-demand school supply in many districts this year, teachers. we'll take you inside a popular program that's addressing the shortage by training new leaders from an unlikely place. savannah? >> and ladies, i'm on the move again. i've moved over to the minnesota delegation. they've got a good spot here. why? tim walz. the vice presidential candidate is from minnesota. coming up, we'll take a closer look at him, his family now in the spotlight. that and more after these messages.
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folds... pits... and bits. seventy-two-hour odor control... full of skin-loving ingredients. plus, it's dermatologist and gynecologist approved. introducing whole body deodorant from dove. plus, it's dermatologist and gynecologist approved. hmm that's great. you're great! i'm here to save you. i'm good. cool. i think we should see other people. you know if you could just let your hair down. a little bit down! no no no no no. no no no! you're so far away, can't hear ya! the home with dunkin' is where you want to be. -cologuard®? -cologuard. cologuard! -screen for colon cancer. -at home, like you want. -you the man! cologuard is for people 45+ at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪ i did it my way ♪
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chicago. tonight, vice president kamala harris will formally accept the democratic presidential nomination. last night, the spotlight was on her running mate, minnesota governor tim walz, who used his speech to introduce himself and his family to a national audience. nbc's tom llamas was there and joins us this morning at the united center with a closer look. good morning! >> hey, savannah, good morning to you! so he loves minnesota, flannel, and he's slowly becoming vice president kamala harris' attack dog. people say governor tim walz is midwest nice, but he'll also fight for what he believes. and as the country gets to know him more, the attacks from republicans are becoming more personal. this as millions watching last night also got to know his son in a moment you're about to see. >> governor tim walz! >> reporter: overnight, minnesota governor tim walz walking on to the biggest stage of his political life.
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the 60-year-old accepting the democratic nomination for vice president. and introducing himself to voters across the country. >> we're all here tonight for one beautiful, simple reason. we love this country. >> reporter: walz embracing his rural upbringing, which he says helped to shape his values. >> that family down the road, they may not think like you do, they may not pray like you do, they may not love you like do. but they're your neighbors. and you look out for them. and they look out for you. >> reporter: born in nebraska, walz enlisted in the national guard at 17, serving for more than two decades. during that time, he also taught social studies in high school and coached football. last night, some of his former players showing their support. his wife, gwen, a teacher at the same school. >> one of the things that prepared me most for life in
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politics was being married to a nebraska football coach. >> reporter: the couple who moved to minnesota in the '90s have two children, hope and gus. >> hope, gus, and gwen, you are my entire world and i love you. >> his family emotional, especially his 17-year-old son, gus, who walz told "people" magazine has learning disabilities. both gus and his older sister, hope, making cameos in their dad's social media posts. >> then we're going to get some food. corndog. >> i'm vegetarian. >> turkey then -- >> turkey's meat. >> not in minnesota. >> democrats including former president obama calling walz as warm and authentic as his favorite article of clothing. >> you can tell those flannel shirts he wears don't come from some political consultant. they come from his closet, and they have been through some stuff! >> walz bringing what many online are calling midwest dad energy to the campaign. >> i think i have white guy tacos -- >> what is that, like mayonnaise
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and tuna? what are you doing? >> pretty much, ground beef and cheese. >> that's okay. >> do you put any flavoring in it? >> uh, know. >> a former student said that walz showed his character when he became the faculty adviser for the school's first lgbtq group. >> tim is out of central casting when it comes to a good and decent person. >> reporter: but all of the attention has also brought scrutiny, with the trump campaign accusing walz of exaggerating aspects of his life story, saying he lied about his family's experience with ivf. the couple used a different fertility treatment, saying republicans are playing semantics. the trump team are seizing on this comment he made in reference to his military experience. >> we can make sure those weapons of war i carried in war is the only place those weapons are at. >> the complain clarifying walz never saw come bat and simply
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misspoke. now, the former football coach highlighting the urgency of this campaign. >> it's the fourth quarter! we're down a field goal! but we're on offense and we've got the ball! >> governor walz and senator j.d. vance are set to debate on october 1st. that's on the books, but of course, anything can happen. it's expected to be a very lively debate, as both men have come out very hard for their running mates, and savannah, both conventions have had moments. but i think regardless of your politics, that moment last night with his son, gus, this entire place saw that clip up top, and you saw al of people were crying, because it was just so powerful, so emotional, and also so real. >> absolutely. and knowing of his son's struggles, which, by the way, the walz family calls his superpower. >> oh, that's so sweet. >> all right, tom, thank you so much. >> all right, savannah, thank you! 7:45 almost. mr. roker, how about a check of the weather. >> that was really special. believe me. and we've had a very quiet atlantic season in the tropics, but we're seeing things picking up in the pacific right now. we've got a system that looks
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like it will become a tropical system in the next, oh, several days, by friday, in fact. and it's going to be approaching the hawaiian islands. does it stay to the south or make its way to the north? we'll be watching that. right now, we have hurricane gilma, a category 3, 115-mile-per-hour winds, moving northwest at 6 miles per hour. could be making its way towards hawaii. we're looking at it possibly weakening. 985 miles east of hilo. last time hawaii got a direct hit was 1992 in nikkei, which affected the filming of "jurassic park." for the rest of the country, a cool start in the mid-atlantic states, scorching heat down to the south, a flood risk in the four corners. monsoonal moisture making its way into parts of the southwest. that's what's t's goin
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>> that's your latest weather. guys? >> thanks, al! still ahead, taylor swift breaking her silence on those canceled eras tours shows in austria. what she's now revealing and what coldplay just did at their concert in vienna to honor the swifties. that story and of course, hoda's morning boost, right after this. specifically for hr-positive, her2-negative, node-positive early breast cancer with a high chance of returning, as determined by your doctor when added to hormone therapy. verzenio reduces the risk of recurrence versus hormone therapy alone. diarrhea is common, may be severe, or cause dehydration or infection. at the first sign, call your doctor,
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7:50 am
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ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq. and learn how abbvie can help you save. we are back. 7:50 with a new message for music superstar taylor swift. >> she's speaking out for the first time on her canceled eras tours shows in austria and the impact they've had on her and her fans. >> reporter: this morning, taylor swift breaking her silence, two weeks after that planned terror plot targeting her massive tour was foiled, forcing the cancellation of three shows in vienna, austria. swift posting on social media, having our vienna shows canceled was devastating. the reason for the cancellations filled me with a new sense of fear and a tremendous amount of guilt because so many people had planned on coming to those shows. the shows were called off earlier this month after austrian police said a planned terrorist attack had targeted the venue and concertgoers. the cancellations leaving
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swifties devastated. >> so sad. >> reporter: swift now writing to her fans, i was also grateful to the authorities, because thanks to them, we were grieving concerts, not lives. swift saying her priority was finishing her european tour safely, which she did with a run of packed shows in london. writing that being on the wembley stadium stage, quote, brought me back to a place of carefree calm. and on wednesday, one famous fan sending support, coldplay front man, chris martin joined on stage by maggie rogers. ♪ take me somewhere we can be alone ♪ >> reporter: to sing swift's he scheduled "love story" in the same vienna venue where the star was scheduled to perform. >> what reached us was the beauty and the togetherness and the kindness of all of taylor swift's fans. >> one thing is for sure, she talks about the fact that she was kind of rattled by it.
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and so were fans. because at the end of the day, we want to have fun, we want to go into these venues, but we can't take for granted all of those guys that are trying to keep us safe. >> she was right about that line, grieving concerts and not lives. plus, she is coming back to the united states in october, miami, indy, a bunch of things coming up. coming up, we'll take you inside the game with members of a groundbreaking group in the nfl. that's coming up . td treatment . ♪ as you go with austedo ♪ austedo xr significantly reduced kate's td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, kate can stay on her mental health meds— (kate) awwdy (vo) austedo xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, or have suicidal thoughts. don't take if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine.
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7:55 am
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beating this disease. join us. (vo) if you have graves' disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more. that gritty feeling can't be brushed away. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at very good morning to you. it is 756 right now. i'm laura garcia. and i'm marcus washington. here's what we're working on for our upcoming 8 a.m. streaming newscast. happening today, homeless advocates are organizing a protest opposing san francisco's recent effort to clear its encampments. critics
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argue mayor london breed is making sweeps a central part of her reelection strategy. the mayor admits that the city must change its position on the unhoused. advocates plan to gather a little after noon along sixth street corridor, one of the flashpoints in the recent crisis. they also plan to march to city hall. let's get a look at the forecast with meteorologist kari hall. it's about time to walk the kids out the door for the first day of school in emeryville. it's in the low 60s with some clouds. you do need a jacket. it will be kind of a cool day with highs in the upper 60s, but mostly sunny. we are also going to have some cooler temperatures across the bay area, with some gusty winds and even watching out for a chance of showers late tomorrow evening into early saturday. after that, temperatures will be heating up and headed for the upper 90s next week. and in san francisco, a cool and cloudy weekend with warmer temperatures coming in next tuesday. back to you. thanks kari. don't forget to join us for our today in the bay live streaming newscast starting in just minutes.
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construction will close muni's twin peaks tunnel in san francisco for more than a week ahead. mike inouye will look at the impact on light rail service and the workarounds. join us on roku, pluto and you told mom to send her prescription to amazon pharmacy. she didn't. (over speaker) price check in pharmacy. all mom had to do was use amazon pharmacy. and her meds would get delivered right to her door.
7:59 am
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national convention. >> it's the honor of my life to accept your nomination for vice president of the united states. >> inside night three in chicago, and the key speakers singing the democratic nominees' praises. >> kamala harris! >> we're live with the latest. and then, the fda expected to approve the new covid vaccine as early as today, amid the largest wave of cases in months. what you need to know, straight ahead. and tackling obstacles. how a record-setting number of female coaches are dominating the nfl. >> the women holding it down in this league. okay, okay. >> breaking barriers in a male-dominated industry. >> is it a little bit different standing in the huddle of defensive linemen? >> no doubt. i'm about to stand in front of this room, in front of these
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300-pound men and talk ball and motivate them. >> their story, coming up. all of that plus, "wicked" exclusive. >> thank you, cynthia. thank you, ari. here we go. next shoot. >> vegas gets nasty. >> it's janet, ms. jackson if you're nasty. >> and spice up your life. victoria beckham gets her own dock and pumpkin spice season is back. today, thursday, august 22nd, 2024. ♪ >> hi to my students in michigan! >> here for letty's birthday -- >> from los angeles! >> hello from indiana! >> san diego, california! >> dennison, iowa! >> manchester, maryland! >> and burlington, washington! >> hi, grandma and gigi! >> spending my last week of summer vacation -- >> in new york city! >> from minnesota!
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>> celebrating a milestone with my beautiful bride. >> married 60 years today. >> whoo! >> happy anniversary! welcome to "today." we appreciate you being with us on a thursday. can't wait to celebrate with her and everybody else. savannah's in chicago. sg, we've got a good concert lined up to wrap up this week. thomas rhett, our country star. he'll be on that plaza. he's got brand-new hits written about his beautiful wife, he's got some old hits. he's going to play them for us all tomorrow, savannah. >> oh, he always puts on a great show. looking forward to that. by the way, a lot to cover here this morning at the convention. let's get right to it. this is your news at 8:00. and we do begin here at the dnc. vice president kamala harris set to accept her party's presidential nomination. tonight, her running mate, tim walz, governor of minnesota, had his spotlight last night. but there's a lot more going on here than the speeches you see behind me on center stage. nbc's jacob soboroff has been
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all over the united center with a behind the scenes look at some of the action. jacob, good morning. >> a behind-the-scenes look, and good morning to you, savannah. a nosebleed look up here from the highest seats. inside the ewe neated center. tonight on the fourth and final day of the national convention, vice president harris will make history becoming the first woman of color to accept the major party's presidential nomination. but last night, it was all about tim walz introducing himself to the country and making his case to voters. >> when we fight -- >> we win! >> reporter: minnesota governor tim walz rallying the crowd as he accepted the vice presidential nomination. >> there'll be time to sleep when you're dead! we're going to leave it on the field! >> reporter: former schoolteacher and football coach cheered on by his family, including his emotional son, gus. walz' speech following a night heavy on star power, including former president bill clinton, who reminded the audience he left audience almost a quarter
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century ago, but is still younger than donald trump. >> he mostly talks about himself, right? don't count the lies, count the "is." >> the night's surprise guest, talk show giant oprah winfrey. >> let's all choose kamala harris! >> reporter: endorsing the vice president as a trailblazer, while trying to appeal to independent voters and condemning donald trump. >> we won't be set back, pushed back, bullied back, kicked back. we're not going back. >> reporter: but there's a lot more to this convention than what happens on stage. >> this is what you don't get to see on television. this is backstage. all the dignitaries are coming through here. guys, a big celebrity, lester holt. this is behind the scenes on the "today" show, what should people know? >> people should know that this is a maze. there are people you don't see on tv because we simply haven't found. >> and security is telling me, get away from mr. holt. >> reporter: behind the scenes, staff and volunteer works tirelessly to make sure
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everything runs smoothly and folks are able to have a good time. ♪ kamala, we need you now ♪ ♪ we need you now ♪ time. ♪ kamala, we need you now ♪ ♪ we need you now ♪ >> whoo! >> you never know what you're going to see. this guy is a correspondent for the "daily show". >> yeah! >> i'm schvitzing, as mother would say. i've been walking around a lot, definitely getting my steps in. plenty of democratic heavyweights in attendants with memorable fashion statements classic minnesota flannel to lone star sparkles. and a living legend, 95-year-old angie giaraleto, the oldest delegate here. it's an honor to meet you. >> the pleasure is mine. >> can i give you a hug? >> yes! >> this is what i love about being at the convention. i really do love that part of the convention. what a sweet lady. up here at the top of the united center, those balloons will be raining down over the thousands
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of delegates in attendance. and also tonight, of course, and kamala is expected to hit several of her main objectives, including sharing her story and record of service and to contrast her vision of the future to donald trump's agenda. savannah, back to you, way, way, way down there. >> i see you, somewhere. you're very, very tiny. there you are! hi jacob. thank you so much. come on down. the water's warm. coming up, we'll bring you live coverage of tonight's speech from kamala harris. it gets started on the network, 9:00 p.m. eastern on nbc. we'll also stream it on nbc news now. hoda, over to you. >> we'll be watching you, savannah. thank you. let's move now to some health news, as the u.s. experiences its largest wave of covid since january. two sources tell nbc news that the food and drug administration is expected to approve the new covid-19 vaccine as early as today, with the updated shots being available within days. nbc news medical contributor dr. natalie azar is here with more. dr. natalie, it's interesting, because we brought up the covid
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shot, and people were like, wait, oh, yeah, we need to get that again. i think 22% of people got the last covid shot. so tell us about this one and why you feel like it's important for everyone to get it. >> so, as we were saying, we're in a significant summer surge right now, about 32 states in this country with their waste water viral surveillance are reporting high activity. so if this updated booster gets approved in the next day or two, it will be three weeks earlier than last area's booster got approved. so this new one from pfizer and moderna is covering the kp-2 strain. this is a descendant of jn-1 which was circulating over the winter and caused a significant winter surge. one of the biggest questions that most people have is, should i be getting this shot, right? we've talked about that a lot. >> should kids be getting it? >> should kids be getting it?
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>> the cdc in june made a recommendation that anyone six months and older is a candidate for getting this updated booster along with the flu shot this year. we always talk about these groups that are more vulnerable, over 65 years old, if you have a weakened immune system and also if you have underlying health conditions, you want to get in line to get the shot. >> you mentioned a winter surge. should we wait, then? >> this is tricky thing. it's like, you're kind of playing russian roulette with this virus to try to time when you should get it. so it may depend on how recently you may have been infected. a lot of people got infected over the summer, and in that case, you mitigate actually want to wait about three to four months before getting it. if you're high risk, i would recommend getting the updated booster sooner rather than later. if you're low-to-moderate risk, you might want to wait a couple of months so you're protected when the inevitable winter surge happens. you know, your greatest protection after vaccination occurs about a month after your
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shot. and then it starts to wane. and we know that it wanes over time. >> okay. thanks, dr. natalie. we appreciate it. >> all right. that's the news. do you want to give us a boost? >> i think it's time. here we go! a groom was patient waiting on his wedding day to see he has beautiful bride in her dress for the very first time. but when he turned around, his fiancee, madeleine, was nowhere to be found. instead, it was another loved one. >> >> now, turn! >> oh, my gosh! that's penny. she's the couple's miniature dachshund. madeleine had been looking for a way to include penny in the wedding festivities. she thought about, how about this? what about a surprise appearance at the first look photo shoot? and that was the perfect place. >> those will be cute pictures. >> good stuff. all right, savannah guthrie, enjoy the day in chicago, aka, nap study until tonight. >> exactly. prepare. >> prepare.
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>> we'll see you again late tonight on our coverage. we appreciate it. >> all right, guys. see you in a bit. coming up on "pop start" today, big news from las vegas. why u2 isn't done with the sphere after all. and the other superstar gearing up for a run in sin city. but first, an inspiring "inside the game" to get you ready for nfl season. we'll meet some of the female coaches bringing something new to the league and what's being done to have even more women join them on the sidelines, coming up right after this. why didn't we do this last year? before you were preventing migraine with qulipta®? remember the pain? cancelled plans? the worry? that was then. and look at me now. you'll never truly forget migraine. but qulipta® reduces attacks, making zero-migraine days possible. it's the only pill of its kind that blocks cgrp - and is approved to prevent migraine of any frequency.
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i'm good. cool. i think we should see other people. you know if you could just let your hair down. a little bit down! no no no no no. no no no! you're so far away, can't hear ya! the home with dunkin' is where you want to be. we're all creatures of habit. we've always had our bran flakes with plump juicy raisins and we probably always- ooh, frosting. kellogg's frosted bran. more delicious ways to bran. when migraine strikes, you're faced with a choice. accept the trade offs of treating? or push through the pain and symptoms? with ubrelvy, there's another option. one dose quickly stops migraine in its tracks. treat it anytime, anywhere without worrying where you are or if it's too late. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. migraine pain relief starts with you. ask about ubrelvy. learn how abbvie could help you save. since the citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts
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n, movie night is a groovy night. (♪♪) live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. ♪ we're back. 8:15 with our inside the game series. >> the nfl season kicks off just in two weeks, right here on nbc, and this year the sidelines will look a little different. >> the reason, there are more female coaches than ever across the league. and nbc's emilie ikeda visited the baltimore ravens and sat down with a few of those game changers. this is a super cool story. >> yeah, this is a super cool story. had a really good time. consider this, it's only been
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six years since the first woman was hired for a full-time coaching role in the nfl. today that number continues to climb from positions with special teams to strength and conditioning. what the ravens three female coaches may lack in size, they more than make up for in grit and strategy. >> reporter: in a sea of towering football players, ramming and dodging their way up the field, it's easy to pick out the baltimore ravens' three female coaches. >> fellas, push your hips forward, reach the hand up and over. >> assistant strength and conditioning kocherlakotaing research fellow and defense and head coach assistant. >> yeah, i see her. women holding it down in this league, okay, okay. >> reporter: the dynamic trio are part of a wave of women permeating the male-dominated sport with the help of budding pipelines like the nfl's women's forrum. a record-setting 15 women in full-time coaching roles across
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the nfl. more than double from 2022 and greater than any male professional sports league in the world. why is it important to create space for more women in football? >> i just think back when i was in high school and college, i never imagined me sitting here in this chair with you. and i think about what it says to women and girls now to be able to see any of us on the sideline or to see us out at practice. we are very privileged to be on the first wave of this. and it's no mistake that the ravens are leading the charge in that. >> reporter: the baltimore ravens have the largest female representation of any team. and for a girl dad and head coach, john harbaugh, it's a winning algorithm. >> sometimes in football, especially or maybe in a lot of things, we don't always, you know, utilize the whole talent pool. there are a lot of women out there really interested in football that are really talented that can help us be a better team, you know. so let's go find them. let's try to be a better football team as a result. >> reporter: you want the best of the best?
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>> of course. >> reporter: like harbaugh, football runs in rosberg's blood. her dad jerry worked as the raven's special teams koord nay for a decade. >> what's the best piece of advice you've gotten from your dad? >> it's advice she leaned on when she was tapped to share motivational woerds ahead of big game against the cleveland browns last year? >> i know you've captained a team before as a member of the volleyball team, is it a little bit different standing in the huddle of defensive linemen? >> no doubt. i mean, i would say just the stature alone. like, i'm about to stand in front of this room, in front of these 300-pound men, you know what i mean, and just like talk ball and motivate them. in the moment, it was really cool, and i looked around, and everyone was just like, yeah, yeah? they were ready. we were done, everyone was just -- it was just so cool, seeing how we can impact them while being ourselves is the most powerful thing. >> reporter: from studying opponent's strategy -- >> you know we're doing big dogs
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on three, one, two, three! >> big dogs! >> reporter: to running warmups and drills, these coach's insights and dedication have scored them player's respect and even nicknames. >> big nick, she's just family. >> the only way i can put it. >> they offer you a different perspective, different vibe. they all play a vital role in this family's success. >> reporter: and while the face of football is slowly evolving, female coaches are still few and far between. the 15 out of the league's hundreds of full-time coaching slots, which makes relationships like these irreplaceable. >> having the two of them here alongside of me has made every challenge that i've navigated in this space so much simpler, because i have such an awesome support system. >> reporter: teaming up to change the game that's historically excluded them. so i asked the coaches to share advice for those looking to break into the industry and they shared a mindset from coach harbaugh who says face every challenge as an opportunity.
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>> coach harbaugh, he's just looking for the best and these women are terrific. i thought that was brilliant. >> by the way, big meg, as defensive linemen call her, we actually went to college together. she played volleyball and she i played field hockey at the same time. even then, everyone would say she's a standout leader. to see her in this -- >> you played field hockey in college? >> yeah. >> learning things about all the time. >> midfielder and defense. >> i don't know what that means. >> again, the nfl season begins in two weeks, thursday, september 5th when the reiavens take on the chiefs on peacock. that will be followed by the packers and eagles exclusively on peacock people have now because of the olympic. >> i think that game is in brazil. >> oh, cool. sure. >> you want to do a little weather. >> sure. i'm here any way. let's show you what we got going on. for today a cool start in the
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northeast, great lakes, scorching down through texas where we have a lot of heat advisories. flood risk in the southwest. sunshine along the west coast. few showers in the pacific northwest. that's what's going onround the countr ay. the door, check us out, sirius xm channel 108. right now, best time of the morning! >> come on, we've got some good stuff for you today. we are going to start with "wicked." we are just a few months away from the broadway hit finally making its big screen debut.
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and in a new video, bewitching besties are taking fans behind the scenes making this epic two-part tale. here's a peek. >> these two very different women just fall completely in love with each other. and that is mirrored experience of what happened with cynthia and i. >> we just sort of -- i've got chills. we both just like found each other, i guess. >> oh, hello. >> we just got each other immediately. >> toss, toss. >> toss, toss. >> classic scene there. >> "wicked" from our sister company universal pictures hits theaters this november with part two coming next year. looking forward to it. next up, the people's choice country awards, shania twain is gearing up to host this year's show live from the grand ole opry, and this morning, we have a "popstart" exclusive announcement. miranda lambert is set to receive the country icon award. the three-time grammy winner will be honored for her
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decades-along career that has helped shape the industry with her female-forward brand of country. you can catch the live special september 26th, right here on nbc and peacock. all of the info is on that's going to be a good show. next up, janet jackson! >> go, girl! >> and u2. big news out of vegas for these music legends. first, yesterday, miss jackson if you're nasty announced she's working on a las vegas residency. the run of shows set to open at the end of december. online, the five-time grammy winner wrote, this is going to be a lot of fun, and i look forward to spending the start of the new year with you. i hope she's talking to me. there you go. looking for backup dancers, one of the my lights of my life. there you go. janet, call me. tickets for her vegas show go on sale on wednesday. meanwhile, i missed u2's show, i hear it was amazing. 40 sold-out shows at the sphere. we have great news.
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the band is bringing their epic experience back, revealing an immersive concert show is headed to the sphere. of the trailer. here's a peek of the trailer. ♪ >> after all of these years, you get to see a u2 show. >> how cool is that? >> so if you missed it, you said your friends have said it's immersive, amazing. >> best show they've ever seen. >> it opens in las vegas on september 5th. all right, finally, starbucks, close your ears -- >> al. >> what? what? >> it's that time of year again. >> you don't want to hear it. >> i'll have a trenta no-foam, pumpkin spiced latte with no foam at 210 degrees. >> what is happening? today is the first day pumpkin spice is back on the menu. >> i think that's great.
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>> here's the truth. it is the earliest day the highly anticipated drink has ever returned. and guys, this year, the iconic autumn concoction is old enough to order itself a drink. the starbucks psl is turning 21. 21 years! >> what?! >> i think it's magnificent. >> break out your uggs. >> no, you don't. >> i do. i want people to enjoy and enjoy and enjoy. >> you don't mean that. >> i do. >> he turned 70 and now he's all crime. >> you know what, you do you. you enjoy that pumpkin spiced latte. >> i kind of believe you right now. >> i do, too. >> why waste the energy? enjoy. >> there you go. >> still ahead, it's back to everything season. adrianna brach is here with great picks to help you reset your routine. she's got you covered for the fall. but first, a check of your
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sponsored by la-z-boy, long live the lazy. >> hey, everybody!
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we are back, it's 8:30 on a thursday morning. you know what i like, al? you got your remote? it's right there. >> i got my remote here, yeah. >> all we're doing is we're kicking back in these cozy -- i feel like there should be a football game on, just watching it -- >> going to be so lazy, you don't even have to pull anything up, or anything like that. it's a remote. >> remember when you used to have that thing on the left side. >> yeah, you yank the thing. >> this is awesome! >> all right. >> oh, yeah! >> all right. with the help of our sponsor, la-z-boy, they finished the plaza with recliners and sofas. >> you're never going to get al to wake up. >> we can all just kick back. sheinelle is over in one of our lazy lounges. >> it's pretty delightful, isn't it. i'm sitting here relaxing with some of my friends. we've all bonded from the plaza. how are you this morning you are kay from minnesota. we just bonded. i also know a little birdie told me that you just celebrated a retirement, 42 years after
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working in education, guys! >> whoa! >> i'm 46. that means pretty much all my life, you've been in education. so here's the deal. we love our teachers around here and we love our educators. we have something special for you. our sponsor, la-z-boy, is giving you a $1,500 gift certificate! for you to walk in and pick something out, comfy and furniture for yourself. just like this. you get to kick up your feet when you get back home to minnesota. >> that will be wonderful! thank you. >> tell me who you have here today. >> so this is my college roommate, julie. and she retired a year ago from teaching. so we're both teachers. >> congratulations to both of you guys. i'm glad you're able to walk away with something. you can't carry it home, but we'll make sure you get it. college roommates, guys, and they're still together. >> and we love our teachers! hats off and happy retirement! sheinelle, by the way, we should mention that all the furniture that's out here that we're sitting on is going to be put to good use. it's all being donated to the
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ronald mcdonald charities. >> except for this one. >> that one is, too. mr. roker, you have a check of the weather? >> i don't care. >> what are you doing? >> i don't know where i am? i just -- let's take a look. show you the weekend. i'm going to spend the weekend right in here. we are looking at a super friday. lots of sunshine, eastern half of the country is going to be great. the heat out on the plains. look at saturday, going to be a beach day. i'll take this and bring it to the beach and just sit there as the water laps around it. heat expanding in the plains. look for showers and storms in the pacific northwest. sunday, sunday, sunny and hot. i'm going to sit here, have a pumpkin spiced latte and just chill out, as the midwest heats, it will be cooler in the west. that's what's going on. i like that angle. that's what's good thursday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. today will be cooler than normal. we're going to have a significant drop in
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temperatures. and in santa rosa, expect a high of 77. usually we're in the mid seconds. so you can see that we are getting a little taste of fall out here. and it's just temporarily. but it also does bring in a chance of some spotty showers moving in late tomorrow night into early saturday morning. and then we'll see those temperatures bouncing >> i think we should get these for our set. >> i think these are the best. hi, guys, did y'all get enough air time? by the way, guys. just fyi, tomorrow, thomas rhett will be here. you might want to come back and have a little concert. the place is going to be bumping. >> you know what we'll do? >> we'll put these on wheels and go around the horn just in this. >> all right! coming up next, guys, as kids head back to school, an inside look at an innovative new training program that's aimed at addressing the nation's teacher shortage. but first, this is "today" on
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♪ >> estamos de vuelta 8:36 con getting some air time this morning. we are back, 8:36 with our back-to-school series. as students head into the new school year, the nation is still grappling with a nationwide teacher shortage. >> hundreds of thousands of schools are reporting that they are either understaffed or staffed with teachers who are unqualified or even unlicensed. nbc's morgan radford is here with one way to try to get this under control. >> good morning to you both. listen, you know, this is interesting. it's a concept called grow your own teacher. the idea behind it is that the perfect teacher doesn't necessarily come from a another city or another state but instead with enough training and the right amnt of encourage, that perfect teacher might actually be hidden in plain sight. >> reporter: as students across the country get ready for the
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first week of school, here at earl elementary in northeast arkansas, it's a first for gwendalyn thomas, too. >> i doubted myself, but once i started believing, that's when i started achieving. >> her first experience as a full-time licensed teacher, known to her students as miss gwen. >> do you think if i were in miss gwen's class, i could learn with y'all, too? >> yeah. >> a dream she's had for nearly 30 years, while working as a teacher's assistant in this very same school district. >> what types of things were you doing? >> i was an intervention between classes. i had morning duty in the cafeteria, lunch and morning duty. >> but starting this school students in a different way. >> hocus-pocus! >> stay focused! >> reporter: thanks to a new kind of program called grow your own teacher. allowing people who live and work in the areas where teachers are needed most to get professional teaching licenses, through a mix of on-the-job training, online classes, and professional development. >> thank you so much! >> miss gwen got her
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certification from reach university, which has more than 2,000 candidates enrolled through the hundreds of school districts. >> i was able to work and go to school at the same time. and also not only that, i didn't have to come out of my pocket to pay anything. >> they paid for it? >> the school district, yes. what i learned in class, i was able to bring to my classroom, and vice versa, whatever i did in the classroom, i was able to perform in class. >> but there's a lot of studying involved, too? >> yes, ma'am. >> what did that look like? online courses, up on weekends? >> online courses, up on weekends, study sessions on saturday. so, yes, ma'am, the whole nine yards. >> why take on this extra work? >> because of the children. i saw them and i saw the need. >> reporter: a need that has reached crisis levels across the country, with an estimated 55,000 unfilled positions, 170,000 teachers either unlicensed or underqualified. >> nice.
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great. >> reporter: here at ms. gwen's district in arkansas, teacher staffing got so low in 2022, that the entire district was at risk of getting shut down. >> because the concern was, we could not recruit and retain the teachers that we needed, to serve the children. >> did you have teachers, for example, who were teaching outside of their subject matter, something that they weren't, you know, even experts in, for example. >> absolutely. >> reporter: now, thanks to nearly $50 million in new funding this year, and grants through the department of education and the department of labor, federal officials hope to see more programs just like this one. >> we're up to like 38 state right now and two territories, to make sure that we're bringing people into the profession. >> what would you say to the miss gwens of america, people like her who are making this career transition and becoming these licensed teachers? >> we need gwens. gwen chose to work in a school and commit her day when her salary is probably half of what she's making now. these are the people we need. we need to open the doors and make the pathway easier. >> reporter: a pathway ms.
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gwen's students say is just right. >> do y'all think that miss gwen is going to make a great teacher? >> yeah! >> those kids love you! >> i believe that, too, and it's genuine. >> how do you feel about them? >> awesome. teaching is a gift. and it's got to come from the heart. >> you guys are doing awesome. it comes from the heart. it's going to reach the heart. >> the hearts of those kids? >> yes, ma'am. >> i feel like any of us would be lucky to have a teacher like you heard the education secretary say that this type of program is now in place in nearly 40 states. but just three years ago, that number was zero. what i find particularly interesting is that reach university, where miss gwen got her degree, they're actually trying to expand this to the medical industry, so that medical assistants might be able to, for example, become nurses with on-the-job training. a really fascinating way to sort of build that apprenticeship program. >> i love that. >> they're looking for like 3 million by 2035. >> i feel like miss gwen was probably teaching them all along in the cafeteria, and now she gets to be in the classroom
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where she belongs. with those kids. >> and the way they love her! >> you can tell. >> such a good program. >> thank you, morgan. >> great story. thank you, morgan. coming up next, adrianna brach is here. she's going to help you smooth out your transition from summer to fall with products you love so we can reset our routines. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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all right. what do you say we reset your routine? we have the ultimate finds as summer winds down. our shop today editor has narrowed down the best products to help you get back on your daily schedule. adrianna brach is here, find all the picks and scan your qr code at the bottom of your screen. it feels like fall here, 60s in new york. >> it's so great. >> this is kind of fitting where we're beginning with these gorgeous sweaters. >> yeah. get back into your routine. we all had great summer. fall is right around the corner.
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it's time to think about fall. this is the polo style knit sweater. >> i need this! >> which is my vibe. >> it kind of matches what you're wearing today. >> yes, yes. >> this is from gap. it's originally $80. it's on sale for $34.99. and they're having a site-wide sale. 30% off if you spend $99 or more on fall styles that are new. get your sweaters now so you don't have fomo later in the season, because you didn't get them. >> this is the perfect weight. and the quality is so good. >> it's 100% cotton, machine washable. it's got the oversized fit. >> i love it. >> it's perfect. >> i feel like you're singing my song here. because of all the sneakers i've ever tried, asics are the ones that don't make my knees hurt, i can run, do all the fun things. >> you are preaching to the choir. i once upon a time ran a half marathon and i trained in asics, swear by them. >> girl! >> i know, it was a while ago. but what's really good, i talked to podiatrists about asics. they recommend them because they're lightweight. even if you're not a runner or walker, just stand on your feet at work or just all day, these are great.
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they're lightweight, comes in half sizes and wide sizes. and they're under $55. did you know you should replacing your sneakers every eight months? >> i didn't know that. now's a good time to sort of check in. >> that's cute, too. a neutral, but really cute. >> exactly. >> let's get to beauty. >> when you're thinking about your beauty routine, french beauty is all the rage right now, after the, you know, the games. we are obsessed and cannot get enough. this is from embryolisse, a makeup primer, a moisturizer. i was a beauty editor back in the day and discovered this in fashion week because of all the makeup artists use it to prep people's skin before makeup. it's moisturizing and it's a primer. >> makeup goes on so much better. but you can use it as a day cream or a night cream. i used it today for my makeup. >> you always have creamy makeup. >> i try, i try. i take my products seriously. >> blake lively's got a beauty line. >> she spent the past seven
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years developing blake brown, which is her new hair care line. exclusively available at target. it smells really good. like sandalwood and vanilla, it's got this really high-end smell, but everything is under $25. and the team has been giving it high praise. we see a lot of beauty products come in through our office. the strengthening mask is incredible. >> i've been skipping conditioner and using it instead. and also, it's replaced my leave-in conditioner. you can replace two products in one with that mask. >> let's get organized because all of our stuff is a mess. >> let's get organized. those messy, bottomless makeup bags. this little swivel organizer is genius. >> it's only $9.99. a great way to refresh your makeup routine and get it organized. i really like this, because when you see all the products that you have, you're actually going to use them. >> right! >> this is an easy way to organize. another good one, this over the door organizer for your hair tools! >> that's smart. you don't want to throw them into the drawers or the cabinets.
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they can be bulky and awkward to store. this little guy keeps them nice, neat. >> or over a small cabinet. >> love it! thank you so much >> adriana will be back in our third hour. and remember to start shopping, just scan the qr code. head to and "today" does earn a commission for purchases through our links. mr. roker, where are you? >> you know, i'm back here in our kitchen, hoda, and we've got the fabulous ed brown here in the house. you know that means we're about to get a taste of the u.s. open. everything's aces, baby. everything's aces, baby. but first,his is "today" on t every shelter pet deserves a second chance, and you're making it possible for thousands of them, every day. because every time you feed your pet hill's
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you help feed a shelter pet which helps make them healthy and happy and more adoptable. changing their life forever so they can change yours. (♪♪) science did that. ♪♪ the best summer plans come from the back seat. let's go camping! i want to see a dinosaur! let's rescue a puppy... a real one. let's go on a big family road trip! volvo plug-in hybrids. short trips on electric, longer trips on gas. mom, can we drive until we see the stars? the volvo xc60 and xc90 plug-in hybrid. visit your local volvo retailer to explore plug-in hybrid vehicles during the summer safely savings event.
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welcome back. this morning on today food, a preview of the delicious food and drink at this year's u.s. open. the beloved tennis tournament starts next week. michelin star chef and friend of the show, mr. ed brown has been a staple of the u.s. open for decades, his restaurant, aces,
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is the place to eat during the matches. ed, good to see you! >> great to see you, al. one more time, happy birthday to you. >> thank you, thank you, thank you. so aces has become the staple, you know, if you're going to the open, you've got to go to aces. what is it about the restaurant? >> so, aces has been there for 25 years and it's all about tradition. in fact, a couple of the things we're making today -- every year i decide, let's do something new, let's do the classics. >> people want what people want. so we're making crab cakes. >> the best crab cakes. a little mayo, cayenne, old bay seasoning, mustard. >> and the trick on this is, it's not that spicy. it's just enough. >> it's not spicy. the whole idea is that you end up with a warm mound of well-seasoned, beautiful, fresh crab meat. and you just toss it together. >> you don't want to beat it up too much. >> you can scoop it out or put it in any shape you like into the corn flake crumbs.
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we use corn flake crumbs instead of breading, because they look gold. but you didn't have to fry them. we'll just put a little dot of butter on these and put them in the oven. so they're baked, not fried. they'll get golden brown, and just delicious and moist. >> these are the best crab cakes i've ever tried. >> insane, insane. >> they're into it. >> they're into it. >> the best crab cakes. >> one of the best things right now, heirloom tomatoes and watermelon. >> so why not have a salad of heirloom tomatoes and watermelon. what a great idea. >> what a great segue. >> big, nice, chunky pieces, toss them altogether, and it's simply build them on a plate. don't refrigerate your tomatoes. don't refrigerate your fruit. let it be -- taste nice and ripe, i've got yellow watermelon, red watermelon, you can use either one, some buffalo mozzarella cheese, fresh herbs make everything taste great. basil, a little mint in there.
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>> fresh mint. salt and pepper. >> mm-hmm. >> you can use a little vinaigrette or just olive oil if you like. >> this is otherworldly amazing. >> come on! >> but it's simple. >> it's so simple! >> that's the whole idea. fresh ingredients, keep it simple. don't muck it up. >> glad you cleaned that up. >> these are the staples of ace's. also in my restaurant, sushi is done by iron chef morimoto, and my partner, kwame, we feature a few of his dishes at the restaurant. this year we're featuring -- we're going to make an ice cream sandwich with milly pear trees, honey buns. >> what?! >> taste that honey bun. it's an orange-glazed honey bun. we'll split that in half and make an ice cream sandwich with it. >> this is unbelievable! >> milliis a community chef out of the bronx. >> oh, my goodness! >> and of course, the honeydew -- >> this is! >> the official drink. >> did you try the honeydew -- >> this is one of the best
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meals -- mm! >> ed, thank you so much! so good to see you. don't forget, just scan the recipes -- scan the qr code. you can sign up for free at our account. now we'll go from tennis to food and birthdays. here we go! honey-do this. first up -- happy 103rd birthday to carmen abril from queens. aaron friedman from st. petersburg, florida, is 100. he said, if your kids are happy, you're happy. way to go. happy birthday to middle redd brunson from coatesville, pennsylvania. this 100-year-old has great-great grandchildren. happy 100th birthday to emma bednarek from coopersberg, i sd
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pennsylvania. raised five daughters alongside her husband of many years, football hall of famer, chuck bednarik. okay, maybe i should have another. that's good. leonard burke from oelwein, iowa, 100, spends his time solving jigsaw and crossward puzzles. we thank you for your service. and happy 100 birthday from helen trojann from hurley, wisconsin. her secret to longevity is dedicated to inner strength. skol to all of our 100-year-olds! >> we can't stop eating. >> don't stop, take it off. ahead on the fourth hour, jenna and i will try out a hot wellness trend and the cold plunge! >> oh, fun! but first on the third hour, we're having fun with kate the chemist. but first your local news.
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good morning. 856. i'm marcus washington. well, people flocked over to the new chick fil a's grand opening in gilroy. those doors opened for the excited customers around 630. once open crowds filed in at the restaurant on chestnut street. this is right off of 101. some people arriving before midnight. many say that the new chick fil a is the talk of the town, and to celebrate, chick fil a says that it is donating $25,000 to second harvest of silicon valley. plus, 100 local heroes will be honored by receiving free chick fil a entrees for a year. also in celebration, the first few customers got a reusable cup. head over to our website to see what those customers are sing about theay
8:58 am
8:59 am
i'll say what city hall insiders won't. we have a drug, homelessness, and economic recovery crisis, because the system that's supposed to fix things is the problem. record budgets. fewer officers. business killing bureaucracy. the insiders won't change a system built for their benefit. i'm daniel lurie and san francisco needs a mayor unafraid to take on the status quo, bring accountability, and stop the excuses. is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business.
9:00 am
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