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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  September 27, 2016 1:05am-1:35am MST

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all new today on "right this minute." when a fight breaks out on a tram, a mom is smack in the middle. >> does appear she may have been feeding the baby. >> the story behind this scary scene. a teenager cowers over his family. >> his 7'8" tall.
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fed can be a challenge. >> breakfast, second, fish sticks. returning a python to the wild is a perfect photo op. the moment the selfie goes wrong. >> oh! >> plus, the buzz word for your chance to win a new ipad mini, the real story behind this shark video going mega viral, and a funny way to freak people out. see the tricks that make the spider prank stick. your wrist. whoa! >> you know sometimes people need a review of how they are supposed to behave if an altercation takes place on a tram. this is in serbia. a woman and a man are talking to each other, voices are raised, but notice what the guy does. he does what you're supposed to do, walk away, don't engage. he's at the door. take the step, guy, take the step. >> there you go.
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one. i can tell you one thing, you shouldn't put your hands on a woman in a mic space. that happens in three, two, one. >> oh, snap. >> oh, yeah, and the fight is on. all kinds of people get into it. women and men joining this fight. but did you see that? >> baby! >> that's right, oli. >> i didn't even notice. >> and it's breastfeeding. >> does appear she may have been feeding the baby, still involved in the fight. looks like she's at least intervening trying to stop it, but you see all these adults were doing that. that was not the only child in there. there was this little boy standing up witnessing this bad adult behavior on a tram. it's reported it all started because that woman who was in that initial fight was insulted. >> i have never seen a fight that included a breastfeeding woman. that was pretty remarkable.
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off the tram, but they are not done yelling at each other, because they are shaking fingers at each other. >> real tough when you're on the other side of the glass, huh? >> all you had to do was walk out the first time. would have been the exact same way with a lot less punching. fascinating creatures, that, i think, is what drew such a big crowd to the site of this in india. apparently it was at a took three hours to capture it. see a guy with the cell phone out? >> start squeezing people. >> recipe for disaster, that's what i'm calling it. >> and here it goes. >> oh! you called it. >> yep, the thing clung to the guy's shoulder it looked like, it released and that's lucky because apparently these pythons
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>> there are a dozen people hanging around this snake and this guy comes running up for the selfie. over to florida, checking in with one of our buddies, where he went to his backyard to check on some fresh new turtle legs. >> instead i came across this wild corn snake climbing one of my pine trees. >> pretty, look at that. beautiful. >> look how long it is. >> yeah, it's really pretty. kennen, obviously, conservationist, he loves these animals, so instead of freaking out and trying to get rid of the snake, he's going to leave it alone. >> so he's holding on by pushing side to side, see this? but he moves forward by contracting the muscles of his buddy. >> he has no fear for his turtle eggs? >> no, he's going to let nature do what nature does. >> how fun is that to see snakes here at your house? i love it.
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big deal, you move on, but these two videos, man, this first at a mechanics shop this guy here in the blue shirt has been a mechanic more than 30 years. he's going to go ahead and turn the key of this tractor but he made one big mistake. >> oh! oh! oh! >> rolled over him, drags him, then rolls over him again. >> this guy stays down for a while. the guy, though, is back. wound up with a >> next guy, he's got the burden of trying to back this large truck down this very muddy, slippery hill. what's he aiming for? he's on the ramp there, going to straighten out more and go for it again. this is where things probably don't go the way you're expecting them to. >> you're making a bridge now.
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he bails out. >> come on. >> that's a wrap. >> it doesn't stop either. the entire cap gets sunk and then the cargo in seconds. this thing is submerged. start spreading the news, lisa van dam who watches abc 7 in new york city is the latest winner of the "rtm" ipad mini giveaway. >> you can win, too. just be u.s. or canadian resident. >> the "rtm" buzz word is coming up in just a little bit. >> stand by, everyone, for the "rtm" ipad mini giveaway. meet 18-year-old brock brown. he is 7'8" tall. >> monster. >> to put that in perspective, yao ming is 7'6", shaquille o'neal is 7'1". brock has grown on average about
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when he was in kindergarten. middle school he was about 6'0" tall, and then for high school he was 7'0". >> it takes a lot of energy to grow. they cannot get enough food. for him he's growing at such an accelerated rate, he must be constantly starving. >> i do get a lot hungry. i'm like a bottomless pit. >> second breakfast, fish sticks. >> at one point she shows him getting sized for shoes. >> we were lucky to have nike a couple years ago, they made some special shoes for brock, because he had outgrown the biggest shoes they had, which were the size that shaq used to wear. >> shaquille o'neal wears a size 22. >> got to be a huge burden on them. >> yes. he has a genetic disorder that affects 1 in 15,000 people.
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too fast. . kind of feels like a big tennis racket going right through my back. >> will this syndrome continue to burden him, sadly, i hate to say it, will it shorten his life? >> yes, but at this point he could live into adulthood. >> that's sad. >> this makes me sad. >> poor guy. >> because he looks like such a kind soul. he looks like such a cute kid. a young man decides to climb a utility pole. >> basically, one of those things. basically like russian roulette. just a dare. who can get higher, who can do it. >> see how this dangerous dare ends. and cats have good manners, too. >> no. visibly whiter teeth,
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a half-shade of whitening. colgate optic white high impact white is different. it contains hydrogen peroxide, a professionally recommended whitening ingredient. it goes beyond surface stains to deeply whiten. it whitens four shades, and that is a visible difference in whitening. colgate optic white high impact white toothpaste. (?) (?) when you are suffering from chest congestion but you have got a full day ahead of you, only mucinex has a unique bi-layer tablet. the white layer releases immediately. mucinex is absorbed 60 percent faster than store brands. while the blue extended release layer lasts a full 12 hours.
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there better be food up there are you're all fired! who ordered the food!? who ordered the food? don't shout at me, dude. paul ordered the food.
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ll assistants! someone has to take the fall! tom orders on tuesday's. today isn't tuesday. it's not tuesday!? maybe the intern ordered? there's no way someone who's been here for three hours ordered the food and we've been here for three years and none of us ordered the food. freaky fast you're my new ceo. don't worry i'm, i'm not going to fire you. jimmy john's dry mo
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- discover act? dry mouth. specially formulated to soothe and moisturize your mouth. act? dry mouth. tweet us at "right this minute" and follow the show all day long. position of award winners of the future, we'll start in quebec, canada. as you can see, these school children -- >> wow. >> yep, yep, as they are climbing up this there is a 12-year-old boy shooting this and you can hear it he's shouting in french. basically saying you're going to get electrocuted, you're going to diement i watched the entire video with my heart in my mouth just waiting for that electrical arc. fortunately in this case it didn't happen. however, when the mother saw this video, a lot of things did happen.
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immediately to the school and had basically an assembly saying, please, don't do this. they are now looking into inserting barriers to prevent this from happening. basically, it's one of the things, who can get higher, who can do it, and someone's going to die. >> from quebec over to darlington in the uk for more. this guy's like, hey, i saw the hard core videos on the interweb. >> oh! >> went right thr in fact, you can hear it. again, just crunch and crack. >> at least he made it. >> right. >> you know he has a point. >> stuck the landing, you could say. this video was put out by the darlington police basically saying, no. in this case, again, i don't have specific information, they probably would have detailed if there were serious injuries. more just a warning. you don't want to be a darwin
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they all say we live in a cat's world. it's their world and they just allow us to be in it. this cat, however, is the politest cat in the world that gives cats a good name. check this cat out. comes to the door. >> no. >> yeah. >> politely knocks. somebody let me in. >> waits. >> waits, then maybe they haven't heard. let me do it again. >> basically human opens door. >> oli, you nailed it. >> now these cats i love because they apparently have a daily regiment where they go and watch this weather channel and it's pretty obvious why. >> it's raining cats and dogs? >> funny line, but no. he's got a pointer. they are following the bouncing ball. look, as he moves the pointer on the map, they follow it. when it's down, they look down like they are looking for it to
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this last video is what internet memes are made from. that's bailey the rag doll licking somebody's finger until -- >> did you wash after you went to the bathroom? >> where has this been going? >> the dog is behind my back? >> bailey turns in, seriously, you thought that was acceptable? it's monday and that means real or fake with mac dreidel starting with -- >> did it by ten-foot area? >> then this frog is not having it. >> i say it's real. >> and an awesome moving trick shot. time to play along ebaum's world next. plus, don't miss the buzz word for your chance to win an ipad mini. come can do it! dogs just won't quit. neither does frontline. introducing new frontline gold. with its new easy applicator frontline gold delivers
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even a beautiful smile can have germs that cause bad breath, gingivitis and plaque. act? advanced kills 99% of these germs. act? advanced. don't forget to dvr "right this minute" and never miss another video. >> if you're having a case of the mondays, let us grab your attention for these three videos with ebaum's world, and we're going to start with grabb max's attention. hey, dude. >> what's up, guys? sorry about that. mac dreidel back again. what's that spell? >> dreidel! >> roll the clip. >> did it rain just in this ten by ten-foot area? >> that's what they are claiming here. some strange water from the gods spouting down. >> the only reason i'm going to say real, you drive through a curtain of rain, on the other side it's no longer raining.
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it's shot up. >> that's what i'm looking at, too. >> i think it's happening, but they are calling it rain from heaven. i say no. >> i'm going with a geyser. >> looks like they took video from a broken water main and put it on another video. i say it's fake. >> one real, four fakes. what do you say, mac? >> it's a real video, but it's a burst water pipe of some sort. fake. >> video number two. i say it r >> the sounds really coinciding with the movement of the body, so weirdly enough, i'm going to go real. >> you think about all the different sounds they make, absolutely real. >> it's real. i'm going with real, too. >> it's real, frog is making a noise when it's being agitated and as you can see, he's been
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much. >> next video. >> oh! in this video they are claiming this guy threw a bottle out the window and it made it into a trash can as the people were walking gi. >> that's what a bottle would do. i'm going real. >> we've seen so many trick shots. he nailed it, it's real. >> i think fake. no way you do this on the try. >> three reals, two fake, what do you say? >> you can see the reaction of the friend not holding the trash can, they have their internet hit for the week. i'm going real. >> great videos, mac, see you next week. >> keep it real. >> i was looking through my
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and immediately thought -- >> who knew we had sharks in arizona? >> here we go again, new teaser for the new movie and then i saw something that looks very familiar and that i recognized as bruce. bruce sits behind me in our offices here at "right this minute." i also notice that guy, todd running fwi by the rain soaked window and then i realized no wonder vacant yesterday. >> brittney? >> that's producer brittney, who appeared to not be wearing pants or shorts. >> but she was. >> she was wearing pants. >> people can see the level of professionalism and how busy it is in an international television show, yeah, they were gone. >> in the team's defense, instead of going out to find a viral video, they decided we'd make our own and it worked. >> i don't think they were making a viral video, i think
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the funny part is, this first video i showed you is from an office down the street. somebody else noticed the hilarity and high jinks going on. bruce, sadly, bruce -- >> what happened to bruce? >> bruce got trapped in a storm drain, he tried to go through. that didn't work. >> you mean we didn't have an animal rescue video from this? >> brittney, our producer, decides to jump into this dirty flood water. >> girl! >> okay, she's completely lost her mind. >> and i'm happy to report that bruce is safe and sound. >> it's okay, it's okay! >> not the only giant predator spotted out in public. these guys went out and spread
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strangers. >> that's cool. i want this to happen to me. >> be careful what you wish for, my friend. >> that would make me so happy. >> we'll see. it's time to give away another ipad mini. >> all you need is to be 21 years old or a legal u.s. or canadian resident. >> head over to and click on win ipad. >> you can enter each every day. >> it's time to reveal buzz word. it's aloha. head over to, click on win ipad button and enter aloha. >> one day later this week it's bonus give away day. that means we'll also be giving away a flat screen tv. so good luck, everybody. want to learn how to freak out your friends? >> three simple tricks. >> stick around to find out what they are. >> close your eyes and ears for this next one.
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simple tricks courtesy of rich ferguson that are going to make some people in this office very, very nervous. because they are very simple and very effective. >> why are you looking at me? >> go on. >> you should be looking right at us. you'll get reactions like this. >> dude, you have a spider on your wrist. >> you of all people should not think that is funny. >> i think it's hysterical. >> i think it's hilarious. >> super simple. things we have at many times placed all over. >> my desk. >> yes, your desk. >> get a little bit of double-sided sticky tape and then it's all about very simple misdirection. stick it on the back of the wrist, doing that politician handshake, they won't notice it until later or until you point it out. >> if you really want to take the trick in a slightly different way, get your smartphone, get yourself a picture of a spider, then spin
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magic trick. >> hold my phone like this. take your other hand and turn the phone off so it's gone from cyberspace into the real world somewhere. that's the trick. dude, you got a spider! no, but it's crawling on you somewhere. >> i can't do it to you. >> there is one you can do to charity. we know she is quite literally and figuatively attached to her hair. >> go like there's a spider, drop nothing, walk away. oh, you have a spider right there. >> [ bleep ]. thanks for watching. has lots
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we blindfolded dale and told him to find the chicken with no antibiotics. the thing is, by federal law, all chickens must be clear of antibiotics before they leave the farm. how's it going, dale? workin' on it! some chicken companies try to get you to spend more money by using labels like "raised without antibiotics." at sanderson farms, we don't believe in gimmicks like that. well, how'd i do? no antibiotics to worry about here. hmmm...that was easy. fresh, delicious chicken from sanderson farms. to prove how authentic my new brewhouse bacon burger is i'm going undercover, at an actual brewhouse. it's awesome. amazing! what if i told you, you are eating a jack's brewhouse bacon burger from jack in the box. not this one. absolutely lying.


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