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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  October 22, 2016 12:35am-1:05am MST

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coming to the lunch meeting, ned? forgot the reports in the car. oh! kevin's lunch, that's the fifth time this week!
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i forgot my lunch again. jimmy john's it's october 21st, time for great viral videos "right this minute." rescuers can see kids trapped in a burning car. >> see the race to get them out before it all goes up in flames. >> hero of the day right there. >> a new ski film showcases the extreme talents of sam smoothie. it's not his first time on the
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wipe out into something unbelievable. >> what? >> dad took a brilliant wonder woman costume and turned it into something -- >> incredible! >> what it took to put his little girl into a blockbuster movie. plus, bonus give away day means your shot to win a new ipad mini or a flat screen tv. as christian, oli, charity, nick, and gayle bring you the best on the web, including a prankster with an question. >> can i stay at your place tonight? >> no. >> see if he can get anyone to give him shelter. >> can i stay at your place? >> netherlands, got an emergency call. they jumped into action. here we are on the highway, and as they approach, you can see there's smoke in the distance. >> car on fire? >> yes, the car is on fire. now, a person driving that
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jumped out, and started to help. there he is with a baby carrier in his hands. >> nice. >> brings the baby to safety, puts it in the truck, runs back to the car. inside the car is a mom and another child. now you see the officer running back to his car frantically. you see the utility worker come back to his truck, grab the crow bar, runs back to the car. the police officer also grabs it, they bust the window and when they come back into frame, they rescued a 3-year-old boy and have his mother with well. >> yeah. hero of the day right there. >> everything he needed right there, he had the tools, he had the know how and bravery to step in. >> it's a good thing he did pull over. a lot of times people see something and continue to pass. >> now you see an ambulance pull up and check out the car. >> yikes. >> wow. >> it burnt to a crisp. as we know, everybody is okay. they all got away without injury. the boy had a bruise.
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fears. the films are coming out and this one is huge. put out by gravity research, this is just a small clip from the larger film out on itunes, google play, and amazon, featuring sam smoothie. >> oh, my god! i want to hit that. i want to hit that. stop that clip! look at this! >> sam smoothie's from new zealand. language barrier. >> fitting. >> he's like a gaping mouth, right? >> and that's what you're going to be when you see what sam does on the slopes. watch this. skiing in alaska. >> oh! >> right off the bat, front flip. boom! >> are you out of your mind? >> don't worry. >> what? >> he rides it out.
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haven't mentioned, sam smoothie is a world class championship skier. he goes big on every run. i mean, this is another beautiful, beautiful line. >> snow cascading down the side. >> looks like he lands on his feet no matter what happens. >> the unbelievable energy you have to have. think about it, not only is he going down a very steep he decides i think i can do a flip, or i'm going to jump. he jumps over stuff. >> by the end of this run, looks like the rest of the crew seems to start dialing in on sam's lingo. >> oh, [ bleep ]. that was so scary. >> this is in russia. authorities have come to a private home. they believe this is where the head smuggler is keeping all the
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what they discover. see that right there? that's a falcon. there are 12 of them in all. some of them tied to the stools and chairs. >> oh, no. this is heartbreaking. >> there are several types of falcons that they uncovered, including the largest in the world. they also found some stanger falcons, which have diminished in the local area, which authorities say happen because people are smugg animals from russia into the middle east for the black market. you can see right there several of them sitting on that piece of wood. they say that they were undernourished and they needed some care. >> all this for a rich playboy in the middle east. this is the other side of it, what you don't see. >> get so sick of the constant trade of our natural resources. it's not what these animals are for. >> these are birds of prey, they are meant to be out in nature. that's their natural habitat, not sitting on a tire in somebody's house.
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time, but authorities were waiting for them when they came back. here's the thing, these animals are worth about $400,000 each. >> that's the sad part. never going to stop. >> they are worth a lot more out in their own habitats and their environments as free birds. >> marion hines who watches channel 6 action news in philadelphia is our latest winner in the "rtm" ipad mini giveaway. >> keep watching and you could today is bonus give away day. we're giving away an ipad mini and flat screen tv. >> two winners today, all you need is friday's buzz word, be at least 21 years of age and a legal u.s. or canadian resident. >> the "rtm" buzz word is coming up in just a bit. >> stand by, everyone, for the "rtm" ipad mini giveaway. we're here on the wonder woman photo shoot. you can see our main model back here. >> oh, right.
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>> aww. she's adorable. >> she is completely in character. dad spent $1,500 into getting this incredible, custom made leather armor, specifically for this photo shoot. >> 10:30 a.m., but your naptime is at noon. >> better work quick. it was like that when i was a model. got to make sure you fit this stuff in. they got to make it quick. once you see how they do it, it's awesome. >> work, mama. >> she's just holding it, getting into the right poses. >> should have warned people to take their kids out of the room, because when they see that, they are going to want that. >> really good, taking all the instructions. holding up the heavier sword of the shield. >> oh, my gosh. >> that's mom there pregnant with the next one.
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seeing all the effort that's going into it. >> i'm asking, though, for what? >> commercial photographer and a digital artist and that's what really comes into play, because check out the results. all of these iconic shots that have already come out for the new wonder woman film, basically copied them. they are spot-on incredible. that's what, you can see some of the before and after about the effects you've put in with the digi they layer different things and the final results are just incredible. >> it's a lot of work. >> so worth it. a new tlc series explores the spooky. >> i saw somebody out there standing against one of the trees. >> they've got a famous ghost hunter and her pal on the trail. >> one of the show's paranormal investigators explains what it
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spirits. >> i just want to know they are not crazy. and, see how an adorable surprise makes for the most precious reaction ever. heels can be a woman's fashion secret. but it's no secret that they hurt. the foot care experts at amope now turn your heels into sneakers. new gel active insoles are made of ultra-thin concentrated gel. they even fit into slender shoes to keep you looking great and feeling good. new gelactiv, get one for every shoe in your closet. from amope. love every step. now, you can try amop? gelactiv for free. go to for more details. after brushing, listerine? total care strengthens teeth, helps prevent cavities and restores tooth enamel. it's an easy way to give listerine? total care to the total family. listerine? total care. one bottle, six benefits. power to your mouth?. to the sticky... the stinky...
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keep it up... with delta in2ition plus h2okinetic, you can.
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people love cheeseburgers... and spicy flavors like chipotle and jalape?o... wait! what if i put them together?! on a buttery bakery bun. i'll call it the chipotle jalapeno burger! boom. someone got that, right? chipotle sauce. pepper jack cheese. you'll call it the chipotle jalape?o burger. boom. good work everyone. another winner. introducing the chipotle jalape?o burger.
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if you're searching closed captioning provided by -- desensitizes aggravated nerves with the max strength lidocaine available. new icyhot lidocaine. most people are used to friday night lights, but tlc's got friday night frights. >> i woke up during the night and there was, like, a shadow person. and this wasn't the size of any of my family members. it was more like a child. >> you got to move. >> a lot of people would agree with that, charity. kindred spirits is a new show premiering this friday on tlc. a woman and her daughter live on
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strange stuff is going on. >> i swear i saw somebody out there standing against one of the trees. >> so they called amy rooney. she and her partner adam barry go to the house, start checking things out, and amy thinks they are communicating with a child, so they break out a teddy bear. >> hi, what's your name? >> that thing is creepy to begin with. >> we bring that on cases where we feel there might be a child spirit. and as they interact with it, it reacts. temperature sensor, and a vibration sensor. >> count with me, one, two, three, four. >> so they start asking questions. >> do you ever play with the bears in here? >> freaking me out. >> someone here named lucinda? >> that tickles. >> instead of calling in ghost hunters, they need to get rid of the creepy bears and dolls. >> to tell us if that needs to
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"kindred spirits" "right this minute" via skype, welcome to the show. >> there's something behind you. >> not here. my house is ghost free, i think. >> amy, you have a background doing this. you were on "ghost hunters," grew up in a haunted house. what do you say to people like nick who doubt it or say burn the house down and start all over. >> ghosts aren't that scary, believe it or not. they are people. once you kind of realize that a ghost is once a person, it makes it a less spooky. >> in this season of the show, is there anything that scares you? >> there was definitely a few moments that surprised me, freaked me out. just how spot-on they were. they were actually telling us their names and things. >> do you sometimes watch from the woods? >> it happened on so many occasions, it surprised even me, who's been doing this for so long. >> so what was this at the very end o this clip? >> that bear has a vibration
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touches it, it actually says, oh, that tickles. that means something grabbed the bear and was touching the bear. >> what actually touched the bear? >> well, i can't give away too much, but, i mean, we definitely suspected there was a child entity present in that house, so that -- we believe possibly interacted with the bear. once we got some evidence and some research that pointed to the idea there might have been a child entity present, that's when we bring out things. >> that's amy and hunting partner in the new spooky series "kindred spirits" friday nights 10:00 p.m., 9:00 central on tlc. these two videos contain the most precious reactions to the cute little surprises. this first one in oakley, california, this is 3-year-old ad lin and she's getting a gift in the lunchbox there. >> go ahead open it, be careful. >> fortunately her parents tell her to be careful, but inside is a cute little kitten.
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so cute. >> oh, but watch this. >> a kitty! >> yeah. >> i love it. >> she's so excited. >> i love it. >> forget it, i'm done. >> seriously one of my favorite reactions to one of these videos ever. >> oh, so cute! i love >> from that awesome kitty surprise, to a puppy surprise. >> i got mom's anniversary present to me, and i don't know if it was right, so i think i need to take it back. >> i'm out of here, all bets are off. >> do not take it back! >> they grab it out of the box, the girls cheer and tell dad, you're not returning this. >> little one loses her mind.
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>> it's a slack line stunt like you've never seen before. the world record attempt next "right this minute." and still to come, a prankster strolls up to strangers and asks -- >> can i stay at your place? >> oh, heck to the no. >> why? >> why? >> why it's about to get a little bit awkward. >> word you'll need for your shot to win an ipad mini or a flat screen tv. ?? it's a tangle of multiple symptoms. ?? ?? trintellix (vortioxetine) is a prescription medicine for depression. trintellix may start to untangle
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it has 50% fewer calories. after brushing, listerine? total care strengthens teeth, helps prevent cavities and restores tooth enamel. it's an easy way to give listerine? total care listerine? total care. one bottle, six benefits. power to your mouth?. promotional considerations provided by -- discover act? dry mouth. specially formulated to soothe and moisturize your mouth. act? dry mouth. how fast are allegra? gelcaps? we're going out in an hour... fast. for allergy symptoms, allegra? is the fastest non-drowsy relief you can buy. allegra? gelcaps...
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the guys at big dog tv, they just love it. this is pretty funny. >> can i stay at your place tonight? >> oh, my god, no. >> he walks up to people on a college campus and asks, can i stay at your place? >> oh, heck to the no. >> why? >> >> have you lost your mind? >> maybe he's got a really good reason. >> there's creeper written all over this. >> for one night? >> look at her face. >> can i crash there tonight? >> i feel like i don't have an extra bed or anything, so -- >> see, what had happened was, i got a call. you know what, i got to go. >> why is he not asking any dudes? >> oh, he does.
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>> like my dorm? >> yeah. >> yeah, i guess. >> for real? >> yeah. >> serious, man. >> as the video progresses, he has a little back story. >> i got kicked out of my dorm. >> oh, you live on campus? >> yeah. >> i'll give you my number. >> my question would be, why did you get kicked out? >> i got kicked out, nowhere to go. >> i'm in a dorm, i don't know if i can do that. >> i could sleep on the floor, man, no one would even know. >> i gues yeah. >> oh, my god, thank you so much, man. thank you so much. >> again, another guy. >> amazing, a guy asking with the girls saying no, guys are saying yes, but if they reversed it and had a girl asking the question, i'm reckoning they get 100% of guys and girls. >> i'd let you stay, not a random chick. >> stranger danger. >> can i stay? >> nope.
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children, so it does turn out this one may actually have a return policy. >> oh. >> best thing ever. adorable. >> this is an awesome, adorable video. "right this minute," 1-year-old cam. >> hi. what's on you? >> when the child's 12, it's like, mom, do you have to show that "right this minute" video again? and the answer's always going to be, yes. >> i don't think he's going to be getting returned any time soon. >> hi, what's on your butt? >> look at this next video, garrett. and josh. just wants josh to go outside and play.
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>> ask him nice. >> nice. >> can i go? >> come on, yes. >> can josh go outside, please? >> can josh go outside? >> say please. >> please. >> yes. >> yeah! >> then they went outside and played. it's time to give away an day, we're also giving away a flat screen tv. >> that's right, and to enter you need the buzz word, be at least 21 years or older and a legal u.s. or canadian resident. then head over to and click on the win ipad button. >> enter the buzz word on facebook, twitter, or both. you can enter each every day. >> let's reveal friday's buzz word. it is -- >> click on the win ipad button
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plumber. >> you want to enter today, it's bonus give away day, also a flat screen tv up for grabs. so, good luck, everybody. this mama to be knows how to move. >> what? >> i mean, come on, dude. >> why dropping it low at nine months has never been better.
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stunning. >> how cool for the zoo to go to that extent and make sure their animals are healthy. maggie's turn in the baby swing. ?? >> this hails from the loud dance studio in israel. went viral a couple of years
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the stars of the video, the two dancers right up front, are actually the owners of the studio. they are dancing in this case to 711 by beyonce. >> they've got moves. >> but there's another video they recently shared that's showing us something. watch this. ?? >> oh, yeah. in that 38 weeks, they did this dance. come on, dude. come on. >> this ishe baby videos came. >> this mama is good, though, i love it. >> they did they they recorded this at 38 weeks. she's a little over 40 weeks, which means baby is going to arrive any second now, but as far as we know -- >> baby is going to moonwalk out. >> in about two or three years we'll see the baby in one of their videos. thanks for watching the best viral videos on the web with us today. we appreciate it. go to for
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it's not uncommon for autiic and so when i saw that, that was completely disqualifying. i'm a republican, but this election is so much bigger than party. my son max can't live in trump world. so i'm crossing party lines and voting for hillary. i don't always agree with her, but she's reasonable. and she's smart. she can work with people to solve problems. i want to be able to tell my kids that i did the right thing when it really mattered.


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