tv Right This Minute ABC November 3, 2016 12:35am-1:06am MST
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to rock our cell phones without going broke. the big service providers know you're lost without them, so jimmy rose compared plans to see who has the best. hey, jimmy, what's the deal? >> comparing cell phone plans across carriers is like installing a nasa console with instructions badly translated from japanese. this calculator makes it easier. >> i'm walked through shopping for cell the big four. zbloor it comes down to less than $2,000 across two years for any type of plan, and most providers really can't say that at all. the most expensive here was verizon. >> remember, don't discount discount carriers. >> low cost carriers are really hidden gems because they use the same data providers. they just use them on their own terms. >> meaning they purchase huge
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the big four and then pass the bulk discount on to you. >> the low cost carriers can usually save anywhere from $300 to $600 yearly. >> that's compared to sprint versus verizon. you save even more. next, keep your focus on price. >> this idea of the less you pay, the worse the coverage was definitely valid maybe three to five years ago. across the board you really should be looking at price now because service is relatively the same. >> finally, no matter provider you choose, don't make monthly payments on a phone. >> definitely better to buy your phone up front. this year what we're seeing new is that many of these providers ask about your credit, and that actually affects your rate. >> cell phone plans comparison calculators, the list saiflg you money on your self-service is what's the deal. >> we live in a time when cell phones and other tech are
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brian corsetti looks at some of the strange ones across america. >> when you fight the law, the law usually wins, but could you be breaking one and not even know it? here are three statutes we found across america that are stranger than fiction. first on "the list" florida outlawed every computer and smartphone in the state. can that be true? helping us mann. >> florida intended to ban illegal slot machines. instead the statute was so broadly written arguably they banned smartphones and computers. >> the law defines illegal slot machines as any system or network of devices that may be used in any element of chance or unpredictable outcome. th smartphones. even though florida clearly hasn't enforced the law. >> the law has not been repealed. it's still on the books, and
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>> next, in washington the harassing of big foot or other undiscovered subspecies is a felony. >> the big foot law was passed to promote tourism. it's not there to solve anything that's going wrong. they want to bring more people into the county. they want to say there are so many big foots here that we have to pass a law to deal with it. >> finally, in alabama it's illegal to wear a fake mustache that causes laughter in church. >> these places and have been on the books for dozens and hundreds of years, and they prohibit activities on sunday other than emergency activities or going to church basically. >> and this one was written specifically to make sure alabamans took church very seriously. why do many of these laws stay on the books? >> a lot of the time the laws stay on the books because it's a waste of time and resources to go in and look at them and to change them. they're not enforced anyway. >> revealing ridiculous
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>> coming up, settle in for five things you never knew about the gilmore girls. >> it's a show. >> it's a lifestyle. >> it's a religion. >> it's a lifestyle. >> it's a religion. >> hillary clinton: i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. vo: in times of crisis america depends on steady leadership. donald trump: "knock the crap out of them, would you? ously..."vo: clear thinking... donald trump: "i know more about isis than the generals do, believe me." vo: and calm judgment. donald trump: "and you can tell them to go fu_k themselves." vo: because all it takes is one wrong move. donald trump audio only: "i would bomb the sh_t out of
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>> now it's time too get caught up on the hottest pop culture stories of the day. we all love to express ourselves. especially an emoji. if you thought there weren't enough choices, new ones are on the way. that's at number one. >> i like emojis a lot. more with 72 new emojis coming to your iphone soon. crossing my fingers emojis that they'll be here in time for me to react to like this at the polls. they've got one for all ages. >> this is an emoji of your mom trying to understand what emojis are. >> whether you understand them or not, the new emoji will be part of the next ios upgrade only available on apple products. you'll be able to see yourself in a new career or get inspired
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and avocado. they may even get you to take a selfie or two. >> it's a selfie emoji, or someone got their arm chewed off by a bear. >> there's no official release date for these iphone emojis. we've already picked out our favorite ten. head to the list to find out the ones we can't wait to use. >> here in the show to use the new emojis with, the netflix streamer "stranger things" is binge watching at its if you have been caught up in the hype like me, you know poor barb is trapped upside down, and no one seems to car. >> barbara holland. >> finally, a little love and attention for barb. netflix released this news report that hopefully satisfies the fans call justice for barb. >> so far we've been unable to reach her. >> if you haven't watched the show yet, you are asking who is
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super freaky strange things happening in small town america in the 1980s. need i say more. season two has been announced,ing so binge on this one, and you too will be asking what about barb? >> please contact the authorities with any information you may have. >> and, finally, this might be a stranger thing. kate spade is teaming up with a famous pig that will have you asking who wha? >> hello to my adoring fans. >> she's looking to accessorize your life. miss piggy and kate partnering on a collection that will have you uber stylish. >> why be you when you could be moi? >> well, at least look like her. grab her style from her coat down to her ring. the miss piggy collection start at $48, and it includes wallets, necklaces, and sweaters. >> where is my present? oh, is this it? >> looking tre chic wraps our
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be the girls return. the netflix revival begins november 25th, and to get you in the mood, here's a fun facts. it's based in a real small town in connecticut. we have other things you didn't know about gilmore girls. >> haven't seen that in a while. >> we feel so good too now that the gilmore girls are coming back to stars hollow for a four episode special run on netflix, but before we binge, here's five things you didn't know about our favorite fast-talking first up, it wasn't your imagination. those girls were talking super fast. average tv scripts are around 45 to 50 pages, but gilmore girls scripts were around 75 to 80 pages. >> welcome to stars hollow. >> yep. lauren even issued a warning in her netflix announcement for any gilmore newbies. next up, the iconic theme song was written by carol king of
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king even ended up in a recurring role in the series as sophie bloom. a music shop owner that rarely gets praised. >> doesn't make me want to be violently ill. >> the third thing you didn't know about gilmore girls. suki was almost played by someone other than melissa mccarthy. >> is something running? >> alex was originally cast as the loveable and slightly clumsy chef. even though she was replaced in that role, she still ended up in the show characters, including the harpist and the excentric stylist. >> oh, my god. it's audrey help burn. >> what? >> you're audrey hepburn in "sabrina." >> you probably know that the gilmore girls are always drinking coffee. >> how many cups have you had this morning? >> none. >> plus? >> five. yours is better. >> you marnt have known that she was drinking coke most of the time because she actually mates coffee. >> would you mind bringing --
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things? could you leave the pot? >> finally, even if you haven't seen gilmore girls, you probably know some of the famous people who have made cameos, like the first lady, seth mcfarland, madeleine albright, jane lifrmg, christian -- the bengals. who hasn't been on the show? >> it's a lifestyle. >> it's a religion. >> that's five things you different know about gilmore girls. >> well, some of us are celebrating the gilmore girls. others are getti celebrate national men make dinner day. it's really a thing, and it happens to be tomorrow. if you are a guy or want to encourage a man in your life to be part of the party, randy has the lowdown on what you need to know. >> these days finding a man with a spatula in one hand and a chef knife in the other isn't all that rare. according to the washington post nearly 43% of fellows spend about five hours per week in the
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to boost those numbers even more. men, if you think it's just about ordering a pizza, think again, says chef matt grunwald. >> you're cook and cleaning and rolling out the red carpet. scloo here are the basic rules. one, you must follow the recipe with four ingredients, and you kwant use the grill, microwave, or leftovers. number two, you must shop for all the ingredients yourself and can't ask your significant other for help. if you have a problem, go on-line. >> google has great >> keep the kitchen mess do a minimum. clean as you go. number four, you must set the table completely and serve the meal yourself. and, number five, last but not least, you are in charge of clearing the table, filling the dish washer, wiping the counters, and putting everything back. >> with men make dinner day it's time to bring our a game. >> and, look, even if you don't follow these rules to the letter, taking the time to dock dinner for the ones you love is a recipe for success.
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when i come home and dinner's not ready i go through the roof. grab 'em by the p****". when you're a star, they let you do it. you can do anything. more accusers coming forward to say they were sexually assaulted by donald trump. i'll go backstage before a show... yes.. and everyone's getting dressed. donald trump walked into the dressing room while contestants, some as young as 15 were changing. you see these incredible looking women. i'd look her right in that fat ugly face of hers. she ate like a pig. a person who's flat-chested is very hard to be a 10. do you treat women with respect? uh... i can't say that either. alright, good.
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>> missing the netflix sensation "making a murderer?" while you wait for season two, here are three must see unsolved crime documentaries worth the binge. >> executive cathleen peterson was found dead. >> first up, "the staircase." this eight-hour doc tells the story of crime novelist michael peterson who was arrested for the murder much his wife in 2001. he claimed he fell down the stairs. >> it just never occurred to michael peterson that p wouldn't believe him when he said she fell down the stairs. >> peterson was convicted in 2003. he was released eight years later and now awaits a retrial. >> the d.a. has to win. that's it. he doesn't care how. basically -- by the same token, my lawyer, they want to win. truth is lost. >> check it out on next up, the impostor. >> when a child is missing for years, either the child is dead
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of a boy who went missing in 1994. name nicolas baley. his family thought they miraculously found him three years later. >> there was something wrong about it. >> turns out the child who turned up was a serial impostor who fooled the entire family. the motive is still unknown and nicolas is still missing. check it out on netflix. and the final unsolved crime documentary, the jinx. the six-episode netflix doc steps into the mind millionaire and alleged murderer robert d irs t. >> he was wanted for murder in texas. he was a suspect for murders in los angeles and westchester krt, new york. >> d irs t and the director became friendly after he made a feature film based on durst's life. in a crazy twist of events after the two collaborated to make the jinx, he is now serving jail time. >> nobody tells the whole truth. >> crime documentaries to die
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people love cheeseburgers... and spicy flavors like chipotle and jalape?o... wait! what if i put them together?! smoky chipotle sauce, pepper jack cheese, and jalapenos, i'll call it the chipotle jalapeno burger! boom. someone got that, right? chipotle sauce. pepper jack cheese. you'll call it the chipotle jalape?o burger. boom. good work everyone. another winner. introducing the chipotle jalape?o burger.
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kids. plus, a tasty college town pizza joints across america. and streaming services just for kids. they're ad-free and safe from adult content. all that on tomorrow's list. >> now here's what's trending up on the list >> all right, folks woosh. we've got a couple of girls that are about to brighten your day. i'm not talking about the two of us. >> not just us. no. >> we have 3-year-old twins who are absolutely adorable, but we are about to witness the moment
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identical twins. >> you do have the same birthday. does she look like your face? >> yes. >>. >> do you have the same face? >> yes. >> that means you're identical twins. >> yes. >> i can't take it anymore. they're so cute. their mom was explaining to the girls what it means to be a twin. kids can be sensitive, and that sensitivity shined when it came to who was the older twin and who was >> lexy, are you older? no, says no. ava is older than you. >> one minute older. that's it. >> listen, now ava is upset because she thinks you're bigger than her. you girls don't have to cry about that. >> oh, boy. double trouble. they're both beautiful and cute and becoming pretty big social media stars. i would say twinning is winning. >> indeed.
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a family of four can all be online at the same time... streaming, gaming, or downloading movies. all you need is high-speed internet from centurylink. get up to 40 megs for just $20 a month for one year when bundled with a qualifying home phone plan. speed may not be available in your area. no, that's okay. i'm not hungry. don't worry about me. okay. ? it's november 2nd, time for great viral videos "right this minute." a guy who may have had too much to drink stumbles towards some tracks and decides -- >> it would be a great idea to
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>> see how an angel tries to save him from an eternal sleep. >> got to go. >> elephants stick together to cross a river until -- >> uh-oh, lost my footing. >> the moment the herd rallies to save the baby in the middle. a bride dazzles in a dress costing -- >> $633,000. >> why the couple who cut this cake probably don't need a new toaster. >> it's just so over >> plus, the buzz word for your shot to win a new ipad mini as christian, oli, charity, nick, and gayle bring the best from the web, including more halloween videos just posted like this jeanne in a bottle. >> he even created his own magic carpet. >> why the only thing missing is the magic part. >> oh! >> reports say that the man in
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based on this man you see here wobbling very close to those railroad tracks. >> with the lights blinking, i'm sure there will be a bell going off, as well. >> so drunk my head is ringing like crazy. ding, ding, ding. make it stop. >> yeah, and that's probably why he thought it would be a great idea to take a nap right there on the tracks, because he falls down and stops moving. and so the driver gets out of the vehicle, running this wobbly man, tries to wake him up. you see him. >> kicks him. >> got to go. >> yes. the guy eventually grabs the man, pulls him out of the way, as the train passes by. >> the man who jumped out of his car to save the other person on the tracks is to be commended, because he put himself on the line to save that person.
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this very unfortunate one in china. keep an eye on the woman on the right of the screen that's chosen to take the stairs. >> oh, oh, oh! the whole way! >> the whole way. >> you just see her ankles turning, like, multiple times. >> she does start moving as this security man runs over to her and people do come to her aid. >> saw how it happened. just on of caught her heel and did it all wrong. >> yeah, but reports say that she may have been on her cell phone. fortunately, you see that medics arrived quite quickly. >> looks like she didn't lose her call either. >> still on the phone. >> fortunately, she's going to be just fine, although she is pretty banged up. when you're an elephant and you're in danger, you don't have to worry if you're the smallest one in the herd, because
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you. smallest one right there. elephant nature park in thailand, and they are crossing the swiftly moving river. uh-oh, lost my footing. and boom. like dominos, one falls, they bump into each other, the baby gets pushed around. guess what, mom, nanny, everybody else come to the rescue. >> takes a village, right? they all come in and surround the baby like a huddle. >> shows the intelligence, they work together as a team, really the baby. >> look how cute it is. i'm okay, i'm okay. i can keep up now. >> i'm fine. >> also getting attention, this sweet little calf. this video comes to us from the david sheldrick wildlife trust. this video was actually captured in october of last year, but they just released it online. they say she was undernourished but when they were called in, you can see all the people in the village overcome with love.
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and watch as she was loaded up into this plane. >> that's got to be the most random feeling for a wild animal, get into a plane and fly. >> may have been odd, but she was completely relaxed. she was head butted, they took their hand away, hey, like your dog, hey, don't stop. >> although this video was captured a year ago, you can see her nowadays and even a year later they say she's still small for her age because as soon as they thought she was ready to be fostered, something would happe with her health and they'd have to keep her, but they believe with all the care she's given, eventually she will be able to be returned to the wild and become a mama herself. these two fellas, because it's 2016, there's cameras all over the joint, duh. here they are rummaging around the house, you hear them asking about a safe. well, they found the safe in an upstairs bedroom. >> looks directly into the
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>> exactly. not only do they look directly into the camera, they say the names. all the evidence is right here on camera. >> hey, i haven't seen you since i came to your house. >> yeah. like when we robbed the other houses, you remember on october 16th? >> these two have got to be some of the silliest robbers i've seen. as funny as this is, it's not funny to the home owners, because they did get away with they put the safe in a trash bin so they could get it down the stairs, into the car, and inside the safe were some watches and some cash. the next video also takes make in australia, features another robbery, but it's not funny at all. this camera picks this action up off in the distance. 57-year-old woman, and you see a man walk up behind her, snatches her purse, and slams her to the ground. >> look at this disgusting human being. >> so good, though, look at her go. >> from what we know, this is
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on. she was taken to the hospital with cuts and bruises to her legs and arms. >> situational awareness, no matter where you are, how old you are, what you have going on, be aware of what's going on around you. it's the best thing you can do for yourself. brendan brown who watches in dallas is our latest winner in the "rtm" ipad mini giveaway. >> you could win, too. all you need is wednesday's buzz word, be at least 21 years of age, and a legal resident of t >> "rtm" buzz word coming up in just a bit. >> stand by, everyone, for the "rtm" ipad mini giveaway. >> i don't have any children of my own -- >> that you know of. >> that i know of, so i missed this special moment in life. >> what we have here is a very large rifle on a very large range, and down range is a target. the target is full of colored powder. either blue or pink.
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