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tv   ABC15 News at 10PM  ABC  November 5, 2016 10:00pm-11:00pm MST

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down to the final days, donald trump and hillary clinton fighting for your vote, how they're trying to win [ bottle clinks ] memory alive. [ bottle cap opens ] man who lost his life to a wrong way driver. but first, we're following breaking news tonight. [ rattling ] explosion in payson. phoenix fire just confirming to us t some type of gas explosion at an apartment complex. we know that people have died but right now it's unclear just we're getting photos sent in. [ switch clicks ] viewer. at least five people being treated for injuries. [ switch clicks ] [ knife plunging ] multiple crews responding to this one, we're told it is being treated as a mass he could have killed me! how many times do i have to say i'm sorry for shooting you in the ass? it was an accident. when are you gonna let it go? story unfolds. when i can sit on my ass without using a pillow. so, i take it there's been little progress since our last session. [ laughs ] no, not with his trust issues. i don't have trust issues. [ scoffs ] reno, nevada. he has jealousy issues.
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of the audience. that you passed the sergeant's exam. detained and carried out by tell that to the hole in my ass. police and secret service agents. you saw all that commotion but the one that he put there, not the -- i'm sorry. trump did return to the stage. detectives, please. i'm sorry. you two depend on each other for your lives out there. saying quote -- i would like to thank the united states' secret service and law enforcement resources in reno and the state but from what i am seeing... of nevada for their fast and i'm sorry, but i am going to recommend that the two of you split up as partners. no, no -- no. no, don't do that, doc. no. thousands of people present for yeah, there's got to be something else that we can try. well... [ sighs ] >> in three days, we are going maybe you could use some sort of a buffer. a buffer? a buffer? hey, boys! how is it going? and we are going to win back i'm sorry, castle. man, you can't work this case with us, bro. yeah, i'm not here about the case. the sunshine state today, both tomorrow is the first wedding anniversary for beckett and me, candidates going there and going after the hispanic vote. and i was just hoping that you could distract her while i set up a surprise in her office. i don't know, castle. beckett doesn't want you hanging around the precinct. it's just a little surprise. castle, nothing you do is little. yeah. probably come in riding on an elephant. voted? [ cheering and applause ] and then he takes her and the elephant up in a hot air balloon.
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but otherwise, that's not a bad idea. wait a minute. we're not arguing. >> clinton flew also to pennsylvania for yet another he's our buffer. he's our buffer. uh...let me guess -- a little trouble in therapy? rally. arizona quickly becoming a yeah, well, we need someone to follow us around one of the three toss-ups, you can look at the map here, just and keep us from fighting. and that's why the heavy i would love to, guys, but my schedule is just so -- state. stumping for their candidates we'll help you with your little surprise. congratulations. you got yourself a buffer. carson in phoenix today let's go solve a case. hello, lanie. you are looking lovely today. i look lovely every day, castle. and no, you cannot see the body. why does everyone assume i'm here about the case? >> reporter: they were excited and fired up and that's the it's okay, lanie. he's with us. so, what do we know about our victim? name's scott mccoy. according to neighbors, he's an unemployed actor. got a chance to sit down with sure had the looks for it. at least the killer spared his face. arizona vote is important. his body, though -- euggh. nine separate entry wounds. lividity puts the stabbing between midnight and 2:00 a.m. it's time the stand and open nine entry wounds? that sounds like a crime of passion. yeah, either that
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and we may have an idea of who that someone is. med quarters, big changes just the weapon was wiped clean, but csu found prints the former republican candidate on the knife block where the killer got it. for president making sure waiting to hear if they're in the system. voters get to the polls on all right, i'll follow up with csu. ryan, why don't you grab a couple of unis and start a can...vass? what? november 8th. [ sighs ] oh, i get it. i didn't say "pretty please." i didn't say anything. you don't have to say anything. you just mope around like your dog died. bigger picture. castle, you're supposed to be our buffer. buff. >> this election is not about donald trump or hillary right. um... okay, guys, role playing -- each of you take the other's point of view. country. this is a time-tested method of conflict resolution. the platforms of both parties. i think that's a dumbass idea. you haven't even tried it yet. oh, no, i-i was being espo. oh. that's good. state in the election. even you have to admit that was good, espo. only, you didn't say "yo." yo, i just got a hit on those prints. going go. so it makes it a very important guy's name is anton ford -- state. >> reporter: sunday, former in the system for felony assault. assault? well, jeepers. democratic presidential candidate bernie sanders i hope he's not mean to me. i'm very sensitive. sway some of that vote. oh, i get it. yeah, h-he's being me. sanders is expected to be here yeah, that's pretty funny.
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yeah, his physicality's pretty good. and we'll of course have our crews there to bring you [ cellphone beeps ] coverage. kim? >> all right we'll watch for that one. thanks so much. no ballot harvesting in arizona. that is the official word today from the u.s. supreme court. yo, cap. we got an update on that suspect. so that means political parties anton ford. not only were his prints all over the crime scene, collecting your ballot for you. but he had a history with our vic -- scott mccoy. there was a lot of back and forth between state officials scott's credit card makes him a regular at a bar in midtown. but the u.s. supreme court we checked -- the bouncer said that two nights ago, making that final decision scott and anton got into a full-on brawl. and that wasn't the first time that these two went at it. state. last month, same bar, help out the minority voters. and in each instance, it was over a woman. so, anton was a lover and a fighter. our election coverage far yeah, but apparently, not very good at either. from over. two election offices both times, our victim kicked his ass and went home with the girl. which means anton could have been out for revenge. vandalized. what we're learning about the yeah. unis are bringing him in now. crime. [ knock on door ] hey. how are my favorite crime solvers? hey! what brings you here? oh, you said that i could come back, retrieve that stolen painting --- remember? yeah, uh, you know, you'll just have to go we're fold one person is in to the admin clerk on the second floor room mitt. to fill out some paperwork. [ sighs ] thanks. oh, and it's so nice to see
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after a 4-year-old boy drowned this happened at a home near university and green field. um...yeah. uh, what makes you say that he's working cases? out of the window and got into hmm? that pool. there was no fence around it. we're told the water was murky and it was very difficult to so, admin clerk, second floor. thank you. his father found him and he died on the way to the hospital. all new tonight. he is our buffer. he's your buffer? anton: get the hell off me! go on! take these cuffs off! family says he would have and he's our suspect. get the hell off me! get off! go on! take these cuffs off! see how tough you are! honor k that badge makes you special?! the 22-year-old was killed when that's our suspect? anton: i didn't do nothing! how does that mountain of a man get beaten up by our human-size scott? morning and today, the simply twice. hi, castle. hey. hey. oh, i'm not here about the case. >> he's looking down and he's i'm just, uh... smiling and he's happy. a buffer? yeah. yeah, they told me -- sort of. that's coming up in the next so, what is this? for therapy? half hour at 10:30. -mm-hmm. -okay. this buy locked up tonight well, good luck on your interview. [ snaps fingers ] oh, hey, um, beckett, uh, about the interview -- to pull over 26-
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interrogation. allegedly ran into that police cruiser near ray road and sure. fine. mcqueen and took off running. he's facing a bunch of charges like aggravated assault on a we are go for operation booyah. repeat -- we are go. a bunch of police cars surrounding a shopping center near camelback and 16th street tonight. wow. "little surprise," my wounded ass. call but the suspect resisted arrest and leading to even more officers called out. police tell us two people are ryan: you got quite the temper, anton. when provoked. is that what happened the other night at the bar -- you were provoked? forecast now if you got outside wait. i'm -- i'm here for a bar fight?! come on, man! if you're dragging people in here for that, live here. >> it is. you're gonna have to arrest half the guys in new york. out there today as we topped except half the guys in new york didn't kill scott mccoy. at 61 this morning. we had sunny skies and so those and given all of the witnesses who saw him beat you up... averages 80 and 57. not too far from that. twice. had motive. plus, your fingerprints are all over his apartment. continue with the clear conditions. it's try out there on this [ voice breaking ] my fingerprints are there because... saturday night. now we're in the 70s and we fall into
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because we were friends. start as to where we started oh, scott. 63 in phoenix. heading into tomorrow, another nice one. we start to warm things up by a yo, castle, you done yet? couple of degrees, we're castle: almost. topping out at 84 tomorrow. mesa at 82 and goodyear 8 #. [ beep ] sunny skies and a nice air quality forecast as you're [ beep ] getting out and about on your sunday. but coming up we'll talk about temperatures that are getting close to the 90s again. and some returning, more on your most accurate forecast. disturbing details in the south carolina case where a woman was kidnapped and kept the fight was staged -- both of them. chained. the local sheriff there says 45- year-old todd kohlhepp just why were they staged? confessed to seven murders. to help scott pick up women. today authorities also identified the body found early you never heard of a wingman? a wingman who gets beat up? it was just one of our tactics. chained woman. see, if the target seemed like she was into macho guys, i'd hit on her first, real aggressive. and scott would come to her rescue.
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so he was a pickup artist? you could call it that. property kept there for two scott was into rich, married women. months. tonight police are still and why would he target married women? what was his game? i don't know. he paid me not to ask. happening right in the heart of the serial street shooter zone. you think you can describe any of these women? that scene near 64th avenue and van buren. the uncle died. the nephew in stable condition. i need more time. okay. drove off in a car together. hey. how'd it go with anton? so far no motive but a witnes ryan will fill you in. d rather... hear it from you. conversation before all of this oh, it's that bad between the two of you? happened. yeah. not far from where the serial so, uh, we're gonna look into anton's alibi, street murderer killed seven people dating back to march. but we don't think he was our doer. no word if this incident is turns out he was actually helping our vic police have not said. pick up rich, married women in bars. still want this guy caught. so, you think one of these ladies got ahold of a knife and went all psycho on him. or one of their jealous husbands. you know, beckett... a crime alert tonight and anton remembers some of those women's faces, so i-i think it would be a good idea if we got him with a sketch artist. don't you think?
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guy robbed the cvs, red roof so i can make that call. right. now, may i? hampton inn and a family dollar hey, beckett. one more thing. yes? shirt in the video. nice shoes. he demands that cash and then hey. what'd i miss? another crook with his hands under his shirt possibly oh. that's mine. it's, uh... australian money. walgreens on happy valley road near 67th avenue on october 11th. the guy seen wearing a red cardinals shirt and hat and after buying to in buying two things he got the cash from the register and took off in a black chevy tahoe. if you know anything call silent witness at 480-witness. an arizona teen sentenced [ beep ] his family is telling the judge. election got you stressed? you're not alone.
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castle, this is very sweet. this is...very you. but... i don't think that it would be a good idea. look, i-i know we're on a time-out right now a-and -- but tomorrow's our anniversary, and i just can't bear the thought of spending it without you. i would love to. i really would. you idea how much. but i, um... because no matter how great dinner would be, i would still need our time-out. no. no, i know. i'm not trying to put an end to the time-out. i'm just saying, what if we could... have a time-out from our time-out? exactly. so, what do you think? i would love to have dinner with you tomorrow. [ knock on door ] got a sec? hmm? i found something odd in our victim's financials.
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rect deposits from a shell corp. there's a bunch of them -- 5 grand each. the last deposit was made three days ago. that's the same day that anton said he and scott worked their bit on that woman in the bar. [ papers rustle ] you know what? most of these payments line up with when anton said scott hired him. sounds like scott wasn't picking up on married women for fun. sounds like he was getting paid for it. but why? don't know. i haven't found much on the shell corp, n address -- a pricy apartment uptown. and when i called the building manager, he said scott rented it a year ago. okay, so, our victim is an out-of-work actor getting mystery money from a mystery corporation, and now there's a mystery apartment. that's a lot of mysteries. what the hell was this guy into? whatever it was, it might have gotten him killed.
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in payson. surprise. a gas explosion at an apartment complex. we do know people have died but right now it's unclear how many. the phoenix chapter of the american red cross just releasing a statement saying (vo) stank face. their disaster teams are an expression of disgust caused by inadequate litter tidy cats is the cure. with new guaranteed tidylock protection, you won't have to face one more stank face. tidy cats. every home, every cat. there's a tidy cats for that. oh, look... tucson teen mahin conn learning ...another anti-wrinkle cream this week, but as fay neutrogena? rapid wrinkle repair works... fredericks reports -- one week. with the... fastest retinol formula. >> i know that he had no idea visibly reduce wrinkles. the severity of the neutrogena?. consequences that his words happy anniversary dinner, darlin' his sister and other family members tried to convince the can this much love be cleaned by a little bit of dawn ultra? judge the 18-year-old from tucson would never have gone oh yeah one bottle has the grease cleaning power of two bottles of this bargain brand. office. a drop of dawn and grease is gone. to see that in reality, he's a what are these? what is it? duck lips.
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plastic surgery duck! >> reporter: even an fbi agent uh huh! you are a backwards duck. instead of quack, he says- no, kcauq. kcauq. kcauqqq. kcauuuu. kahn family trying to get the ? ? >> it saddens me, given the pringles! it's back and bigger than ever! olive garden's never ending pasta bowl, starting at $9.99! endless combinations and mental health of your favorite pastas, sauces and toppings. professionals, that we've come and for the first time ever, chicken alfredo. to this point. >> reporter: when interview plus unlimited salad and breadsticks. efforts -- intervention efforts for a limited time. didn't work, they had to pursue at olive garden. the legal case against the then- after brushing, listerine? total care strengthens teeth, es and restores tooth enamel. at the end of the day he consistently lied to the fbi it's an easy way to give listerine? total care to the total family. listerine? total care. one bottle, six benefits. attacks here in arizona. power to your mouth?. years behind bars. followed by a lifetime of probation. >> at the end of the day, no one, no one deserves to feel unsafe in the community and we're going to do everything we can today to err on the side of protecting arizona.
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house today. the area locked down as a precaution. a man was walking along pennsylvania avenue with a gun according to secret service. police say a person was arrested after a short struggle. he is facing a long list of charges tonight. right now two men behind bars after a violent attack in oakland, california. we told you about this at 4:00. police say eight people were hurt including those two suspects when bullets flew outside a nightclub. one of the people shot is in critical condition tonight. a fight broke out right before the shooting started. police in newark, new jersey investigating a deadly stabbing there. three were killed and three others hurt this afternoon. oh! interest. but no charges yet as the this place is so much nicer than scott's other apartment. investigation continues. bet he would rather have died here. in democracy 2016. yeah, but why did he need it? and what did it have to do with that shell corp that was paying him? yet. if you're feeling like you need ryan: these drawers are all empty.
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to make it look like he lived here. thousands of people will be off maybe this is where he was knocking boots with the married ladies. general motors is making sherlock homeboy's got a theory. i'm sorry. what did you just say? other companies like ford and patagonia and a digital company i said, "this place is really eerie." called thrillist is pitching that is not what you said. okay. time-out. guys, in my official capacity as buffer, i'd like to recommend that we try something. count -- them every vote no more role-playing. no, this is something my second wife, gina, and i patagonia closing all of its used to do to avoid arguments. instead of blurting out whatever was on our minds, we would write it down to revisit it later. so nothing's said in the heat of the moment. election stress disorder. exactly. see, we found, with a little perspective, but according to one study, what seemed so important to us at first was often quite trivial -- feeling anxious or very sort of like our marriage. okay. i'm game if you are. [ sighs ] >> they're catastrophizing and esposito: hey, i've got something. worst case possibility scenarios if their candidates don't win. >> maybe turn off the tv at some point? not no though. avoid social media. try exercising. castle: well, well, well. looks like this shell corporation well. just breathe.
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and get proof of their trysts -- even more work. most likely to blackmail them. that's quite a racket. maybe a deadly one. looks like someone did not enjoy getting screwed. out of their money, that is. there's no s.d. card in here. the clouds were out of here. we topped out at 82 and sitting it's wi-fi-enabled. at 7 # right now at phoenix hay ryan: so's this printer. maybe the last job is still in the memory. let's see. harbor. west southwest winds at 8 miles per hour. we'll take it into the 60s and [ printer whirring ] even a few upper 50s are possible tomorrow morning yeah, that's scott in bed with a woman, but you can't see her face. night long. no, but look what you can see. scottsdale tomorrow. i think that's her elbow. no, not that. keeping sunny skies in our the tattoo on the small of her back -- it's a dragonfly. we can use that to i.d. her. how? are we gonna do a butt lineup? 84 in phoenix and 8 # mesa -- [ cellphone beeps ] as fun as that does sound, we might not need to. anton's sketches just came in. another nice one as we head into tomorrow afternoon not only here in the valley but so, where are you with matching vulcan simmons' heroin a little lingering moisture from the storm system that's to current dealers? nowhere. it's -- it's gonna take a while. [ sighs ]
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e is a mistake. but tomorrow the system i know. but i miss him. [ sighs ] i get it. but if you let him in and he figures out what we're doing... i know the risk. [ knock on door ] hey, we've got something. warming. . we're going to be dry and sunny. temperatures will be back above using a sketch that anton provided, average. that average high tomorrow 80 we were able to i.d. one of scott's recent targets -- degrees expected to hit a high annika smythe. of 84. wait -- the socialite wife of that hedge-fund guy? isn't she in the tabloids all the time? which is how we recognized her and how we know 90s again as we get into the that she's going through a messy divorce. you know annika. and claire stevens -- coming up across the valley. both loaded and going through divorces. there's a picture of all three of them at a fundraiser last week. so they know each other? castle: oh, more than that. they hang out together. matter of fact, according to annika's instagram, here closer to home across they're going to a spa later. south central arizona. and you know what this means, beckett -- it's a murderous first wives club. and 75 flee and 7 # in sedona. you think they did this together? kingman topping out at 78 with why not? scott blackmails the ladies. when they refuse to pay, he shows the photos to their husbands. forecast, east valley first. who promptly divorce them. so all three women band together to kill scott -- in fountain hills.
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it is the perfect theory. as well as cave creek looking except it's completely unsubstantiated. that is... true. well. 84 in sun city. but we can just have them in for questioning. based on what -- the plot of the "first wives club" movie? and glendale hitting 83 after [ laughing ] no. of course not. there was no murder in that. but whatever we do, we've got to do it fast -- up on the way and as get into before they all scatter. tuesday. and we look for a few of these annika has been posting about she's gonna be flying to paris tonight. ryan: we need to get some hard evidence breezes to also return tuesday tying our vic to one of these women. low temperatures will be staying in the 60s with a little high cloud cover returning as we wrap up the week next week. castle, you said that they were gonna spend the day at the spa? yes. us -- joining us now. where all body art will be on full display. if one of them has that tattoo... then we can bring them in. i just need a partner to go with me into the women's locker room. the unfeeted huskies fighting a female partner, guys. so, i got the paperwork for the painting all figured out. i just need your signature, and then i'll be on my -- what? you look a little stressed. no, i don't. what about a day at the spa, courtesy of the nypd?
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e not the only ones celebrating. come on, guys. we're here to relax. the regals have landed. so, which one do you think is our tattooed lady? uh... there's only one way to be sure. [ hayley sighs ] well, i think that you and your husband are just in a rut. [ beckett sighs ] it's just become comfortable. . i want edge. ooh. then you got to spice things up a little, sweetie. get yourself a tattoo. [ gasps ] men love ink. makes them think you're naughty. [ laughs ] oh, come on. that's not true. you're wrong. tattoos are hot. we should introduce you to ivan. he's a genius. beckett: a genius? i mean, that sounds like a little bit of a stretch. judge for yourself. wait. don't i know you from somewhere?
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you know, i'm sure you're confusing me with somebody else. no. she's a cop. annika: what's going on? and don't pretend you're just here for a steam. all right. fine. we're here to ask you a few questions about your relationships with scott mccoy. call our lawyers, honey. i will -- right after i drag you down to the precinct. you can post a photo on instagram. claire: i don't think so. if you really had anything on us, you wouldn't be down here trying to see us naked. oh, we've got something. or...rather, one of you does. and it's tattooed on one of your butts. [ groans ] got a winner. yep. she's running. in the towel. stop! stop her! no! no, don't stop us! [ grunts ] aah! ugh! ohhh.
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mm. okay. well...time to get dressed. spa day's over. yeah, but before we go, can you please give me the number of your tattoo artist? you're right -- the guy's a bloody genius. [burke] at farmers, we've seen almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. even a rodent ride-along. [dad] alright, buddy, don't forget anything! [kid] i won't, dad... november. [captain rod] happy tuesday morning! captain rod here. it's pretty hairy out on the interstate.traffic is 12 win of the season. literally crawling, but there is some movement didn't get any easier today on the eastside overpass. washington. uofa trying the avoid their sixth straight loss on the flip [burke] it happened. december 14th, 2015. and we covered it. for their center straight win. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two looking -- looking for their because we've seen a thing or two. center straight win. ? we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ? right over the wildcats, it's 38-0 washington state. in the second quarter. bright side for the cats just before halftime anu solomon kinds denson for a -- finds denson for a 37-yard touchdown. would you believe it? that was sullivan's first
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he's had some injuries but still. pretty hard to believe. you know what else is hard to believe? that final score. gross. that's about as lopsided as it gets folks. 69-7. washington state over the wildcats. and uofa's losing streak extends to session straight game -- six straight games. with that arizona drops to 0-6 in conference play. here's a look at the rest of the division, 15th ranked colorado took care of ucla thursday night. buffs lead the way at-1. -- at 5-1. usc moves to 5-2 tonight for looking get your beauty sleep. bye week for utah they remain 4- and use aveeno? absolutely ageless? night cream 2. asu also with the bye. with active naturals? blackberry complex. younger looking skin can start today. stadium. big one tonight in absolutely ageless? from aveeno?. washington looking to extend their perfect season, cal bears trying to serve them their first loss. actually put up a pretty good fight. midway through the second quarter, cal makes it a one point game. but wouldn't last.
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unanswered. at last check, washington leads it 49-20 in the third quarter. good news for the huskies today. before they even took the field, fourth ranked texas a&m in starkville taking on unranked mississippi state. u dub would love to see a&m go i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. the bulldogs take the lead in the fourth and a&m is able to donald trump: i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters, okay? and you can tell them to go f--- themselves! big play. not going to do it. you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, 28. blood coming out of her wherever... big upset there. to the pros now. you gotta see this guy. ahh, i don't know what i said, ahh. enjoying a much-needed bye week "i don't remember." they just need to get healthy he's going like "i don't remember!? and string a few wins together, this team knows the division is far from out of reach. when you get a cold, you need medicine that works fast. jim! you're in! coricidin hbp is the only brand lost some tough games and tied that gives powerful cold symptom relief without raising your blood pressure. coricidin hbp. and when you i.d.'d the tattoo,
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the fact the seahawks have yet well, actually, kate pulled the towel off... right. ...but i'm not quite sure how this is relevant. for the cards. >> that's the only guide thing you're pathetic, bro. somebody's got to write this report. wow. but for the second half of the so, hayley, it must have been pretty hard for you guys to chase her season? to be a game or a game and a 'cause you and beckett were both wearing towels, right? hey. okay, here you go. this is your voucher. but know tag we're going to play them -- knowing that we're just take that up to evidence, and that painting is yours. going to play them again. all right. i'll see you perverts later. that gameson matter and be in yes, you will. the -- game shouldn't matter and be in the hunt for our division. ryan was trying to get details on your wardrobe malfunction. practice and prepare and play for. >> first things first. me? you were the one asking if beckett was wearing a towel. francisco 49ers to town one that was for the report. i thought castle was helping you guys resolve this conflict. needless to say, must win that yeah. then he went home. jason thank you. well, i have a suspect to interview, and the two of you need to figure this out. anoas a teen battling -- arizona teen battling a terminal illness gets a big [ sniffs ] and right now a valley poi fighting cancer -- boy fighting what are you doing? what castle said -- writing it down. tonight the trust me -- i got a lot to write.
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yes, i slept with scott. and yes, he took photos, obviously. and then he used them to blackmail you. blackmail? where are you getting that from? well, how else did your now-ex-husband end up with these photos? because my ex hired scott to sleep with me. the same thing happened with all of us -- annika and claire. you see, our husbands wanted to trade us in for younger trophy wives without having to pay through the nose. oh, because you guys had infidelity clauses in your prenups. you do realize that you just gave me a motive for scott's murder. i didn't kill him. his neighbor i.d.'d you. he said that you were standing outside the building at midnight just before scott was killed. so, do you want to tell me what really happened? the night that we had together was something i hadn't experienced in a long time.
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so i went to confront him. but i didn't even get to yell at him. he apologized to me before i could get a word out, said he was a horrible human being for what he'd done. and why did he have this sudden change of heart? he said that he had learned something working his last job -- something upsetting. so, did he tell you what his last job was? it was another seduction, but he didn't say who -- just that he had screwed over a good person and he wanted to make it right... or die trying. so, nancy's car-service driver confirms that our vic was alive when nancy left. he helped her into the car at 12:15. then the driver took nancy all the way out to greenwich. okay. so she's not our killer. maybe scott's murder has something to do with that last job he was working. let's see who scott screwed over and what he was doing to make it right the night that he was killed. and i think i know where to start looking. nancy's husband and his friends all used the same lawyer to bust up their prenups --
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on her -- the divorce attorney to the rich and shameless. you know, if she was the one that was hiring scott, she would know what his last job was. well, yeah, but there's no way she's gonna talk to us without a warrant. which we won't get -- not unless we have something concrete to tie her to all this. i'll call the riding d.a. in the morning. because dreams are coming we'll brainstorm on how to get a warrant. i'll see you guys. true. get out the clean education, [ sighs ] we need to go at this another way. ? ? you know... ? happy birthday to you ?? maybe the way to find out about scott's last seduction >> you might remember jacob is with a seduction of our own. and is threatening illness but he's getting the vip treatment in i have no idea what you mean. okay. his guides. so, let me get this straight. they celebrated a belated you want me to see a divorce attorney -- birthday in times square and tomorrow, on my wedding anniversary. to pose as a client. martha: no, no, no. i don't think so, richard. york. the new york brooklyn police does katherine know about this? uh, no, no. and, um, she's not going to. best to give her, uh, plausible deniability well, it's mostly quiet in case this sting goes sideways. [ beeping ]
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what would you need him to do? you know how lawyers keep a log common bond is coming up. of all the hours they spend on each client? sure. they keep track of their time down to the minute. heard. the group of valley kids and of every expense incurred on each case. just like hiring scott. so if i get a look at the last few days in this logbook of lindsey's, we can figure out scott's last job. so...are you in? vo: 13 year-old sabrina told a school counselor she was raped by her uncle. lindsey: richard castle? yes. t. nice to meet you. thank you for seeing me on such short notice. for three more years, well, divorce is stressful enough. finding a lawyer shouldn't be. now, let's go back to my office, and we'll see how i can help you. rapes, assaults, even child molestation, how was your drive? did you hit much traffic on the way in? uh, no, surprisingly... ryan: he's going in. figures castle would own a pair of live-streaming glasses. on his personal agenda. actually, beckett gave them to him. but doesn't keep us safe. really? what about beckett? and what are you guys doing in here? hey, beckett! how's that warrant coming? you know, unfortunately, the d.a. said
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what are you watching? hmm? oh. just... it's porn. mm. you don't want it. [ snaps fingers ] [ sighs ] have you been here long? these are our new offices... is that the lawyer? uh, that is the live stream from castle's glasses. i should talk to your decorator. so, you guys sent castle on a surveillance mission my dream is to help kids living on the streets with education. after i told you he was not to work any more nypd cases. we didn't think you should know. we were trying to protect you. by sending my husband to the city's top divorce attorney? how can we help? -ah man! happy anniversary? yes! -wow! do you guys have any idea how risky this is? this could blow the entire case. our involvement in and knowledge of this operation is over. giving them some encouragement- so, tell me -- what happened with you and, uh... are going to remember for a lifetime. kate beckett, right? did you see his big old feet? look. the nypd detective? castle: oh, uh, she's a captain, actually. oh. she moved up the ladder quickly. yes. well, she's very good at what she does.
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she's so focused on work, she doesn't have anything left for you? don't look so surprised. it's a story i've heard all too often. but like the stories you write, mr. castle, you get to choose how this ends. so, tell me -- are you set on divorce? or is there still hope? well, um... that's a rather unusual question for a divorce attorney to ask. well, it's not like i need the business. right. yes. i'm sure you're, uh... ...sure you're very busy. we're tracking breaking [ clears throat ] could i -- could i get some water? explosion in payson. of course. thank you. complex. phoenix police confirming to us that it is deadly but at this here you go. thank you. [ chuckling ] a little dry. we do have that video sent into us from one of our viewers.
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that's okay. uh, tiffany, can i get some towels? we're told that number will go [ sighs ] tiff? officials say it is being idiot. um, i'm going to go to the restroom assignment. [ cellphone ringing ] and just get some paper towels. of course. okay. this is lindsey. uh-huh. really? if tony shaw could have thrown his ideal party it might thanks for the heads-up. have looked something like [ cellphone beeps ] that was a friend of mine from the d.a.'s office. a wrong way driver this week. and it, uh, it turns out someone is trying to get a warrant for my client log. and -- oh, yeah -- it's your wife. with the car club [ chuckling ] really? angie? that is a crazy coincidence. cruise started in chandler and ended up in this home depot parking lot. [ chuckling ] ser-- seriously, this is just a misunderstanding. okay, i'm not an idiot, but obviously, you must be. mostly with subarus. there was no way you could fool me. didn't even know tony shaw quite a grip you have. strong fingers. from new souped up subarus -- >> when we get on the freeway, it fete like a lace to the -- [ camera clicking ] felt like a race to the pads.
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you'll have a free route on the 202. >> reporter: the line was at least 130 deep. >> i can't believe it honestly. i was expecting maybe 60 people. >> reporter: keeton helped organize this in memory of tony shaw. shaw was killed by an alleged drunk driver on the 101 near before i had the shooting, 35th avenue tuesday morning. burning, pins-and-needles of diabetic nerve pain, these feet played shortstop in high school, >> oh, yeah it's big. >> reporter: and shaw's love for his subaru was big. learned the horn from my dad and played gigs from new york to miami. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. 2 and a half years old. he would have loved this his lyrica is fda approved to treat this pain, from moderate to even severe diabetic nerve pain. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions shared passion. or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, see his idle cars everything or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, to his is out here today. muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, his mother was admitted to the weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet.
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stress. once she is released, then they until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem >> yeah just a heart touching may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. right now phoenix police and these feet would like to keep the beat going. ask your doctor about lyrica. off running. this all went down near 12th i have been working in oral health care some of you calling us about for the last 12 years. there is a perception amongst dentists officers say they stopped a driver suspected of dui but the that whitening toothpastes are not good for people with sensitive teeth. some are quite abrasive. what we've developed in sensodyne true white dps on i-10 near ray road. we're told the trooper was than many of the whitening toothpastes that are out there, and especially designed for sensitivity sufferers. trooper's vehicle was hit by it's different, there's nobody else out there that i'm aware of another car, clipped. thankfully the damage not that has developed whitening for people with sensitivity in this way. face any charges. developing right now, police using drones to investigate. the police department near put some distance between you and temptation with -- up to operate the drones, meta appetite control. clinically proven to help reduce hunger between meals. new, from metamucil, the #1 doctor recommended brand.
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my name is barbara and i make dog chow natural. seems like this has some now that i work there, i value the food even more. arizona voters thinking deja vu. the long voting lines are back. i feed it to yoshi because there are no artificial colors, this time, for early voting. preservatives and it's made with real chicken. people waited about two to four i'm so proud to make dog chow natural in davenport, iowa. hours at chandler city hall and the library on friday in tempe. the big question for them. why the long wait? >> we have a lot of the little polling booths open. >> clearly because they've staffed, think i counted -- i think i count what had four people at computers d they had two printers. >> all right, so apparently checking voter ids took the longest. we are reaching out to election officials, they say don't expect these types of problems on tuesday. because there will be more polling sites open and more workers. well, election day a few days away and students at queen creek unified school district are getting a head start on this casting their own ballots this week. as abc15's fay fredericks shows
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here. >> number six. number seven. >> reporter: red and but voting booths line the -- blue voting booths line the library. it's election day in the queen creek unified school district. >> today i voted. [ inaudible ] it just felt weird because i felt like i was a grown-up. >> reporter: this mock presidential election part of a nationwide initiative called every kid votes. >> it's kind of cool to get the opportunity to do it. >> reporter: and just like the real thing, sometimes there are lines. >> four, five. >> reporter: before these cast their in this case, electronic ballots. >> it's been exciting to have that impact on them. and get to talk to them about how it is so important that we take the tint to vote. >> reporter: with only three absences today, turnout here likely better than what we'll see on november 8th. and keep in mind, the every kid votes initiative has correctly predicted the last three elections. fay fredericks, abc15. >> thanks to the kids from jack
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creek. unlike the adult version of the upcoming election, woe don't have to wait for the results in this one. we can tell you so far. hillary clinton is winning in arizona in the mock election. but it's olding true in the -- holding true in the real polls the latest abc news/"washington post" poll showing clinton leading trump by four points among likely voters. 47% to 43%. that's within the margin of error. motioning run highs -- election and leading to acts of vandalism. a message spray painted at the develop office in illinois -- gop office in illinois. police are offering a $1,000 reward to anybody to catch the personal responsible. the antitrump slur is not true. >> basically the message is a slur against the president. capped dit and we consider it a -- candidate and we consider it a slur against us. we have had so much
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this election. it's hard to enumerate it all. >> meanwhile in denver, volunteers at trump's denver office say somebody threw a rock right through the building's window. thankfully, nobody was hurt. days before the election, a new continue verysy for trump's wife melania who spent the day campaigning for her husband. the two here in north carolina. a new report from the a. p. esposito: george keller. alexis: according to lindsey's log book, he is the last person billed for scott's services. had legal permission. is he connected to keller toys? she was paid he's the president of the entire keller empire -- jobs totalling more than toys, video games, books, educational videos -- all of that before her work you name it. it's a multi-billion-dollar company. she is maintaining she arrived and a brand synonymous with family values, which is ironic since he's a renowned playboy, already on wife number three. today hillary clinton faced you say that like it's a bad thing. oh, and here's a fun fact -- keller's last divorce featured a prenup that was nullified by -- friends, you are a hardy bunch you guessed it -- his wife's infidelity. to stand out here in the rain. so george keller has used scott's services before. and if scott was seducing the current mrs. keller
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pose him. which would have damaged the company's wholesome reputation, having a hard time there. so keller killed scott to keep him quiet. she did wrap up fast and she scott mccoy? drenched. no rain here in the valley sorry. i have no idea who that is. today. well, that's funny, because your second wife did. tonight. as we said @ 7 # degrees -- at she recognized him immediately after i showed her this picture. 72 degrees right now at phoenix guess it's hard to forget somebody sky harbor, it's a cool night. who cost you millions in a broken prenup. it's not my fault she slept around. you paid the guy that she slept with, 5, 0 miles per hour. then you hired him again to help you dump into the 60s by tomorrow your current trophy wife at a discounted price. morning. so it's going to be quiet then you don't know what you're talking about. ink i do. not another word, george. you need to release my client right now. be a beautiful sunday. i don't think so. any evidence that you think that you have has been obtained illegally, and camelback mountain there making anything that mr. keller has said inadmissible. hiking tomorrow, a nice one. what's going on here? 82 tomorrow and mesa and 83 oh, well, you tell me, captain. tempe after you start out at first, you send your husband to steal my records, 62. and now your detective is questioning my client at 59 tomorrow morning. without cause. your client hired our victim to sleep with his wife. so biking hiking running, in fact, our victim slept with four of your clients' wives just remember, it's still going in order to blow up their prenups. stay hydrated and plenty of that's a fact that i'm sure would be interesting sunshine means you need to
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close to 90 degrees yep that's okay. let's not get sidetracked here. i'll let you know when that could happen in a few minutes. the simple fact is, you're investigating a murder, all new information in a deadly which my client has nothing to do with. so we should just take your word for it. two people in indiana. of course not. i will provide my client's whereabouts the night that mr. mccoy was killed. pilot feature in the vehicle may have been to blame but test and you guys need to get your facts straight. ha officials say the car was i'm not looking to divorce my wife. we're renewing our vows next weekend. autopilot to be working, that's you know we're gonna look into that, right? limited to five miles above the oh, please do. in fact... george. ...i'll even send you the insurance papers high rate for the $2 million ring i'm giving her. crashed. meantime, new information coming out about a deadly school bus crash in baltimore. this accident report revealing esposito: keller's telling the truth. the driver may have lost he and his third wife are renewing their vows cobness during two ore -- next weekend in the caribbean. and that $2 million rock is legit. i was just about to say that. oh, really? i thought you were about to tell her how you're still struggling to verify keller's alibi. oh, i'm struggling? yeah, you're struggling. [ sighs ] you guys, come on. the driver was taking guys! medication for seizures. all right. tell me about keller's alibi. the masked man not only lived
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i'm still trying to confirm victims, he was actually their that he was at his office when scott was murdered. landlord. okay, well, until we can verify that, >> they knew him right off. then he is still a suspect, and my gut says he's hiding something, so find it. and your gut is never wrong. schemassing and hoodie -- ski you know, i know some people in keller's circle. mask and hood key. i could put my feelers out. uh...yeah. thanks, castle. my pleasure. how are things between the boys? tied them up and told them to not good, actually. i'm kind of worried about them. stay put. they eventually got free and oh, they'll work it out. they've been through way too much together could be right in the palm of to give up on what they have. your hand. you're a wise man, castle -- with a big heart. we're going to introduce you to you're rather good-looking, too. you might want to pace yourself on the flattery. you've got a whole dinner to get through. [ elevator bell dings ] ryan: come on, javi. just say it. trust me, you don't want to hear what i really think. i love all-day breakfast. oh, bring it on. all right. you're a whiny, insecure, jealous little baby who shot me in the ass on purpose! and you are an arrogant, manscaped neanderthal. like mcgriddles. and it wasn't on purpose. next time it's gonna be. that's it. i want a new partner! me too! pggggggghew! oh, we can't leave them like this, can we? wait...what was i about to do? [ sighs ] i'll talk to javi.
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rain check on dinner? yeah. yeah. get more choices you love, now with all day breakfast. how'd it all go so wrong? i mean, one day, we're a team -- simpatico, finishing each other's sentences. and then... you shot him in the ass. it was an accident, jav. oh, was it? you sure about that? yeah. and deep down in your heart, you are, too. it doesn't matter. once the trust is gone, it's really hard to get it back. no, that's not true. a strong relationship can survive anything. p can survive secrets or lies. now, you need to tell esposito the truth -- that you were hurt and jealous that he passed the test and you didn't. forget that. he -- he rubbed it in my face, remember? "sergeant esposito." you need to apologize. hell no. i am not apologizing to him. why not? even before he shot me, he couldn't believe that i passed and he didn't. you have to let it go. you have to let it go. i can't.
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no child should have to suffer through cancer and in buckeye boy -- this buckeye boy has thought fought cancer only to have it come back three oh, look... ...another anti-wrinkle cream
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community's support. >> hello. >> reporter: this lit boy is -- rogena? rapid wrinkle repair works... one week. with the... fastest retinol formula available. it's clinically proven to work on fine lines and... [ laughter ] >> he's just full of energy ...even deep wrinkles. "one week? that definitely works!" big, big warm heart that no rapid wrinkle repair. matter what you're going and for dark spots, rapid tone repair. through -- he's going to put neutrogena?. "see what's possible." sweater. oh comfy sweater. you keep us warm yet make us look diagnosed for the third time with cancer in his brain and spine. >> everybody elses me there's no cure for it. s, you've got a few more tricks up your cozy sleeve. moments with him. because with every touch, tug, or tender hug you release a giving up. i'm not. >> reporter: alex has the fight within him also. bounty of beautiful botanical fragrance. his former kindergarten teacher can tell you that. >> some of the older kids would now, our knitted friend, you'll always smell as good as you see him. look how small and cute he is look. because clothes deserve more. and he'd stand there with his hands on his hips and say no i'm not, i'm big. >> reporter: even with a to do the best for your pet,
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that the teaching others a lesson -- is teaching others a telling ingredients to showing where they come from. lesson. >> he is truly changing lives in our cool and community. beyond assuming the source is safe... chemotherapy was not reapproved to knowing it is. beyond asking for trust... future will look like brings more pain than any mother to earning it. but she also knows the joy of because, honestly, our pets deserve it. having such a special boy. beyond. natural pet food. to god that he you know -- i'm what are these? what is it? duck lips. lucky to be his mom. quack quack. uh huh! you are a backwards duck. instead of quack, he says- no, kcauq. kcauq. kcauqqq. kcauuuu. ? ? we have a link on our website at pringles! [ cellphone ringing ] turning to more health oh! it's my friend who knows george keller. hey, francis. uh-huh. uh-huh. taken to seattle hospital have uh-huh! a very rare disorder. no, that's good. that's all i need. thank you. bye. what? turns out george is involved cases as acute flaccid myelitis
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so we were anxiously awaiting with present c.e.o. penelope keller. his mother, right? may be associated with afm. she founded the company. yes, she did. now, she has an advantage over george. because keller is a family brand, figure out what was wrong with she has an impeccable reputation. wait. you don't think... oh, yes, i do. the distort affects the nervous george hired scott to honeypot his own mother. in the limbs, the approximatals i hadn't been with anyone since my husband passed last year. don't know the exact cause of it was time, and it was... it. how about this in using lovely. facebook could help you live so you had no idea that your son hired scott to smear your reputation? researchers sat the university none. [ chuckles ] i wish i could tell you i was more surprised when you told me, facebook user is about 12% less but family values have never been george's strong suit -- which is actually what our feud is about. likely to die than nonusers. what do you mean by that? if you post more photos and george wants to shut down all the manufacturing operations in this country and send them overseas. status updates you'll live even to save money. but thousands of workers would lose their jobs. i consider those people my family. longer. did you ever mention any of this to scott?
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among other things he did well, sure laura's weather scott was a wonderful listener. beautiful. >> i have one every night. why? well, it seems like he had a crisis of confidence that night. >> we always want to see those. something happened that made him want to change his ways. those to me and you might see them in the newscast coming up oh, dear. you know, there was something odd -- the next day, i couldn't find my card key to the office. it is cool. 70 and tempe and 75 goodyear i just assumed i'd misplaced it. and 7 # last check at the is it possible scott took it? airport. overnight lows back in the 60s and upper 50s. so you will need just a light so, according to keller's security chief, tomorrow morning. and then headed back up a couple of degrees warmer and penelope's card key was used to enter the building at 11:30 p.m. phoenix we're lled, and i am betting you it was to meet with george. showing showers and thunderstorms and even some but instead of bringing x-rated photos of mom, scott threatened to expose george's illegal smear campaign. the new mexico. all east of us, part of the storm system that brought the so keller followed scott home and then silenced him. it's a solid theory. only, it doesn't match the facts. in the 30s if flagstaff and 38 in order to verify keller's alibi, vikram and i scrubbed security footage from his office. 60s in courtside and 67 gila it shows scott arriving at 11:30, coming in at 57 degrees. but then scott left 10 minutes later. george keller stayed until 3:00 a.m. up across the rim.
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winds there in sedona. beckett: yeah, but you know, guys, just because keller didn't follow scott home doesn't mean he's not involved somehow. well, if he enlisted someone to kill scott, dew points are in the 50s. it would have to have been after scott showed up 30s and 40s to the north at and threatened him. you know, espo, you did manage to get security-cam footage from keller's office. system continues to move off to you think you could get some phone records, too? the east and high pressure really going to settle in just washington: lindsey trent? are you sure? yes, sir, seems like she was mr. keller's go-to person this things -- means that things are going to be heating for all manner of criminal activities. if lindsey was operating an entrapment scam for any of her clients, it was without the firm's knowledge or approval. well, then i'm sure you'll be happy to help us out. absolutely. n't you go with this guy northwest. but for us, it's all about the and grab copies of lindsey's files and phone records? yeah, sure, sarge. want me to get you a cup of coffee, too, while i'm at it? the way as we go through the oooooh. i am so glad this is almost over. fact, well above average highs put this damn pad away. that normal temperature 79, 80 all right? it doesn't matter anymore. days we'll be sitting at 84 tomorrow. even warmer on monday 87. even warmer on tuesday, not far yeah. so, which one of you gets the house? [ knock on door ] then 86 wednesday. so still above average all week you again. here to harass me some more, detective? here across valley. actually, i'm here to take you in.
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where'll the 50s in -- we'll have the 50s in surprise and it won't work. you don't get it, do you? goodyear, highs tomorrow 83 you're under arrest for the murder of scott mccoy. ahwatukee and maricopa also expected to hit the same. what? mm. why would i possibly do that? as you look at the high country 'cause scott was about to blow the whistle on george keller, and if your client's going down for criminal conspiracy, looking at 30s tomorrow well, you would, too. okay, this is crazy. 44 in prescott. 56 casa grande and tucson 53 you have nothing on me. tomorrow morning. yeah, well, you can tell that to the judge who signed the search warrant for your apartment. csu's going through it right now. 63 in show low now, if you're innocent, that won't be a problem. in winslow. but if you stab a guy nine times, our forecast coming up tuesday you're bound to get some blood on you somewhere. and wednesday. you probably threw the clothes out, but what about the shoes? morning lows stay in the 60s did you get rid of them? [ chuckles ] or did you just try to wipe them off? because blood residue can be one stubborn son of a bitch. first six games of the season, what's happen today asu? now, like i said, i'm taking you in -- swings lindsey, calm down. [ gun cocks ] shut up. just calm down. shut up and let me think! listen to me.
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you might still beat this. but if you pull that trigger, you're gonna go away forever. stay back. just stay away from me. i can't do that. javi! kevin!
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?? cigarettes, e-cigs and vapes have a lot in common. ?? they're all filled with nicotine and other dangerous chemicals. ?? so you're sure to get addicted. ??
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all right, we have an update on the massive fire out of payson. officials previously told us there were fatalities after gas explosion at an apartment. phoenix fire just sending osteon date moments ago -- an update moments ago telling us there are no confirmed fatalities tonight. there still may possibly if injuries. on the and abc15 mobile app. onsored by... friend asu hall of famer
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derrick hagueen. talking some asu football last time you were in here, what you may be muddling through allergies. play? in control of their own try zyrtec? for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec? is different than claritin?. destiny. now they've lost three straight because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. what happened? try zyrtec?. muddle no more?. man. there's so much to talk about. but i don't think we have enough time to talk about everything that's going on. but when just -- when you really look at it. it just comedowns to the injuries -- comes down to the injuries hillary clinton team is extremely banked -- injuries. this team is extremely banged up. they have time to rest up and heal and try to get certain [ gasps ] but when you have ten starters, [ strained ] i'm okay. guys that are out and can't contribute and other guys have to come in and it makes things your notepad stopped the bullet. [ chuckles ] how about that? isn't that why you put it there? >> you watch all of them from you saved my life. just help me up before the psycho bitch gets away. all right. come on. ryan: stop! nypd! they gave up 734 yards against oregon. what's going on with this defense? >> right it's just been bad. that's been the theme and motto since last season. obviously the coaching staff. ryan: don't move. i'll shoot your ass. time and a lot of effort to put he'll do it, too. trust me.
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situations to succeed. boat the end of the day it comes town to the players beckett: i'm still surprised that you jumped in front of a bullet for this guy. side of the ball especially me too. i mean, normally, secondary you know the front his slow-as-molasses ass is never that fast, they're holing it down and but he was just like -- like "phoom!" they're number two right now as [ laughs ] all right, what -- what about, uh, george keller? we picked him up at the airport. lindsey confessed that, uh, they were in on it together. another. giving up big plays and -- still giving up big plays and and he was trying to leave the country in a private jet, guys out there on the island. so there you go. well, looks like he's gonna have to postpone renewing his vows say a richard sherman darrelle for another -- what, 30 to life? revis type -right. [ chuckles ] -oh, yeah. outside that can hold up for anyway, guys, i have to get going. four, five seconds when playing oh. um...unless you still want me to put in those new-partner requests. uh... mike leach. nah, not tonight. i'm gonna need somebody eventually when this guy gets bumped up to sergeant. well, that's not gonna happen anytime soon. i'm number 279 on a list of 300, >> i loved it to tell you the so we're gonna be stuck together for a while. i mean, mike leach, he's the type of coach that is always i like the sound of that. to get under another coach's if that's cool with you. skin. but for the past few seasons
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if it's cool with you. is it cool with me? wouldn'tsy -- there's nothing bro, you took a bullet for me. that says you cannot steal you've got a wife -- a pregnant wife at home, you got a little girl who depends on you, they have the big blip boards and yet, you still... -- all the lettering and stuff. come here. if i'm player playing defense of course i'm going to try and i'm just gonna give you guys a moment. sorry. not continually run it and act like ownership not paying attention. want to come over, watch some ufc? second and the catcher is jenny made tofu. i like the sound of that -- the ufc part. to peek in every time. catcher you have to block it. hey. hey. effort into game day. um, happy anniversary? a day late? away that you can use during yeah. or, um, 364 days early. you. if i see something and you know, if i'm at a quarterback and i give him a signal it's i brought dinner for us. like hey i might put my hand up remy's. perfect. [ door closes ] um, rick, i just wanted -- go route or something and throw me the ball. >> always a pleasure buddy. enjoy the weekend. mm. mm. wait.
10:55 pm
no. no, i know. but how about falling for joy? no, this is just a... time-out from the time-out. yeah. yeah. so... time in? yeah. yeah. hillary clinton: i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. vo: in times of crisis america depends on steady leadership. donald trump: "knock the crap out of them, would you? seriously..."vo: clear thinking... donald trump: "i know he generals do, believe me." castle: that was even better than i remembered. yeah, well, i had to leave a few moves for year 2. go fu_k themselves." vo: because all it takes is one wrong move. [ both chuckle ] rick? mm-hmm? when you were in that divorce lawyer's office, i was watching. why, captain beckett, i had no idea. i feel so violated. [ laughs ] look, i know you were just playing a role,
10:56 pm
when she asked you if there was any hope for us and you didn't say anything, it was... kate. i have never given up hope. not since the day we met. and that'll never change until you tell me it should. people love cheeseburgers... and spicy flavors like chipotle and jalape?o... wait! what if i put them together?! then don't change. smoky chipotle sauce, pepper jack cheese, and jalapenos, ever. okay. okay. i'll call it the chipotle jalapeno burger! boom. someone got that, right? mm. i have to go. i guess the time-out's over. you'll call it the chipotle jalape?o burger. boom. yeah. good work everyone. i'll be right back. another winner. introducing the chipotle jalape?o burger.
10:57 pm
[ cellphone vibrates ] all right you guys i'm not hour if you're ready for the video. we know people love their sports teams but you can act a little crazy. would you ever do something hey, i think your phone buzzed. gutty cubs' fan did an extreme trust fall on a grant park oh. statue. look at that. you can see the guy -- right there. into the cheering crowd. obviously we know it's one everything all right? [ cellphone beeps ] yeah. fine. okay, i'll see you around. if i would trust you to catch see you. mmm. the strangers and that high? i don't know. [ door opens ] and going crazy. [ door closes ] >> a lot of beers.
10:58 pm
? ? you hear my voice, you hear that sound ? ? like thunder, gonna shake your ground ? ? you held me down ? ? but i got up ? ? get ready 'cause i've had enough ?
10:59 pm
? dancing through the fire ? ? 'cause i am the champion ? ? and you're gonna hear me roar ? ? ? roar, oh, oh, oh ? ? roar ? ? i got the eye of the tiger, a fighter ? ? dancing through the fire ? ? 'cause i am the champion ? ? and you're gonna hear me roar ? ? oh, louder ? ? and you're gonna hear me roar ? i'm hillary clinton
11:00 pm
down to the final days, donald trump and hillary clinton fighting for your vote, how they're trying to win [ bottle clinks ] memory alive. [ bottle cap opens ] man who lost his life to a wrong way driver. but first, we're following breaking news tonight. [ rattling ] explosion in payson. phoenix fire just confirming to us t some type of gas explosion at an apartment complex. we know that people have died but right now it's unclear just we're getting photos sent in. [ switch clicks ] viewer. at least five people being treated for injuries. [ switch clicks ] [ knife plunging ] multiple crews responding to this one, we're told it is being treated as a mass he could have killed me! how many times do i have to say i'm sorry for shooting you in the ass? it was an accident. when are you gonna let it go? story unfolds. when i can sit on my ass without using a pillow. so, i take it there's been little progress since our last session. [ laughs ] no, not with his trust issues. i don't have trust issues. [ scoffs ] reno, nevada. he has jealousy issues.


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