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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  November 10, 2016 2:00pm-2:30pm MST

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it's november 10th. time for new viral videos "right this minute." a toddler wanders away from her distracted grandmother and gets trapped on an escalator. see the moment her panic sets in as the little girl frantically tries to free herself. a cat fights against the current in a reservoir.
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>> the amazing scene as workers help kitty help itself. >> come on, buddy. don't let go. a dad toughs it out as he pounds the pavement. >> he's training for the dublin marathon. >> the touching story of why his pain could be his young daughter's gain. plus, it's bonus giveaway day, which means your chance to win a new ipad mini or flat screen tv. we break down the best on the web, including a father/son batting practice. >> dad pitches, and here we go. >> see the hit that's also a strike. well, the kid god ahold of one. well, the kid god ahold of one. we escalate the tension a little bit. this is cctv from china. what you're seeing is a granny, somewhat distracted with her little grandchild. just wandering around. >> oh, no. don't go there. >> this little toddler toddles
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does what most toddlers do. i could just put my foot right there. of course, it starts moving. the little one kind of falls over. still, granny hasn't noticed. no one has noticed. >> but at this point, she doesn't look stuck or hurt. she's just moving away. that's okay. >> yeah, but look to the future, nick. this escalator ends in a very terrible way. >> as the child does get closer right here to the top, hands still down, this is where apparently her right hand gets stuck. granny still hasn't noticed, by the way. in fact, it's only around now that she looks around. that's when the panic sets in. she does a full 360, does a 360 back the other way, runs off the camera to the left-hand side. comes running back in through, still no idea. right at the end, you can see another shopper comes up and tries to help. >> you know what, though, i'm thinking that the young girl is okay because if her hand had been in there, she would have started screaming and grandma would have heard it.
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in fact, that shopper wasn't able to get the child out. they had to get firefighters to remove her hand. she did have a broken right hand, but is expected to fully recover. unfortunately, this video is a perfect example of how you can just tune out, you can be just looking away, distracted for all of 45 seconds. you never know what could happen. that kitty cat is stuck in a reservoir in guam where the u.s. has a military installation. this video is very short, but you can see it needs a rescue. >> you think he'll hold on? >> i think so. come on. >> the person with this camera, he and his buddies that work at this reservoir threw out a lifeline. or in this instance, a life preserver to save that kitty cat. then the most inspirational speech you'll hear all week. >> come on.
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don't let go. don't let go, son. >> this is like one of those at the arcade. >> don't let go, son. don't let go. just get it up. >> he's like, don't let go. >> hang on, kitty. >> lifted over the side and let it go. >> then it ran up a tree. solid rescue. >> come on. come on, buddy. don't let go. don't let go, son. the streets of rio de janeiro where we have a basic car fire going on. what the people standing by may not know -- >> there is nothing basic about that. it exploded. >> that vehicle was carrying gas
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you see that huge shock wave. people start running. the explosion captured from a number of different cell phones. this video shows a little bit of aftermath as well. you can see that car just shredded. >> was anybody hurt? >> all the reports i've been able to translate say that, no, there were no serious injuries. in fact, people that were injured were treated at the scene by firefighters. maria alvarez is the latest winner of the rtm ipad mini giveaway. >> keep watching because you could win too. today is bonus giveaway day. >> to enter, all you need is the buzz word, be at least 21 years of age and a legal resident of the u.s. or canada. >> the rtm buzz word is coming up in just a bit. >> stand by, everyone, for the
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conquers all, even when it seems that all hope is lost. >> hi, guys. here we are. >> this is 33-year-old keith. right now he is running. that's because he's training for the dublin marathon. but he isn't just doing it for himself. you did hear him mention sleeping beauty, right? he's talking about his 6-year-old daughter alana. that's her. she's actually a twin. her twin sister, though, was stillborn. alana was diagnosed wither is -- with cerebral palsy shortly after birth. he is doing this to raise funds. as alana is growing, it's getting more difficult for them to get around their own home. they need special equipment.
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their home for the needs that alana has. they've been raising money for quite a long time. their goal is $75,000. now, the community has come together for them. they've been able to raise $70,000. they're so close thanks to the love of the community. >> is he going to take her on the marathon as well? >> as a matter of fact, yep. that's why she's there training with him. she's as committed as he is to reaching this goal. he says that she enjoys this experience. she loves feeling the wind on her face as they're running. i can imagine it's pretty exciting for her as well. >> i just want to give him some water. he looks like he could use a little right now. >> if you want to learn more or help these guys out, head over to, click on tv show, or check it out on our mobile app. this mini adventurer gets up close and personal with some snakes. >> and guess what he does with one of them. >> see what he does to show a king cobra some love.
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and the kids don't want to wake up, but -- >> mom's waking up them up for a good reason. they just don't know it. >> remember how mama said she had a surprise? >> yeah! >> come here, surprise. >> why what happens next has them ready to rise and shine. [ bells jingling ] whoa. the holidays are coming. [ barks ] you're right. we need to get ready for the big show. what's up dudes? lots to do. hey iron man can you run up for the lights? you got it. oh, hey. what do you think? tall enough? it's starting to click guys. woo-hoo. yes. [ instrumental music ] we're gonna make this... [ barks ] yeah, spectacular. [ music continues ] ?? because aunts will do anything for a laugh. [sfx: squeaking on glass] when families gather, things get messy.
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sc johnson. here's a little healthy advice. take care of what makes you, you. right down to your skin. aveeno? daily moisturizing lotion with 5 vital nutrients for healthier looking skin in just one day. aveeno?.
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by -- nsitizes aggravated nerves with the max strength lidocaine new icy hot lidocaine. at the risk of sounding like an old fuddy duddy, i've said multiple times i don't quite get the whole snapchat thing. but i think tom mern finally got me to believe. because this is funny. >> today we are talking about
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filter and put together a story about deer 101, the basics of being a deer. >> you see a car coming down the road with its lights on, what do we do? >> no! >> okay, ryan, go ahead. >> we could stop moving in the middle of the road. >> wow. no, that is literally the exact opposite of what you're supposed to do. >> thank you, ryan. >> you're such an idiot. >> come on, now, none of >> it's the female deer. >> if i'm not supposed to stop in the middle of the road, what are we supposed to do? >> [ bleep ]! i was literally about to get to that. >> everyone is coming down on ryan, the poor deer. he doesn't know any better. >> what are you thinking? >> for the love of god, cut it out. stop talking.
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snapchat made me laugh. tom mcgovern used it perfectly. i guess maybe since vine is dead now. >> i've never seen you so happy. >> you know what? if you see a car, just keep going. cross the street. we've all been there. mom walks into the room. all right, time to get up. >> and it's always too early. the sun is not even reason. they >> is it christmas already? >> well, the gift she has for them has come early. mom calls the surprise into the room. you see it's got its arms out. >> hi, daddy. >> in walks daddy. he just wants to be picked up. as the camera pans around, it gets a glimpse of his sister. >> twin sister, right? >> twin sister. >> that is cute. >> it's so sweet to see this family reunited. this next video features a
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he's at his siblings' school to surprise them. he spots his brother. >> oh, now he's going to make him cry in front of his classmates. >> back turned. i ain't crying. i was not crying. don't look at me now. >> they call his little sister brooke into the office first. >> oh, man. >> you're in trouble. >> no matter how old you are, your heart sinks. >> and it's never >> she runs right past him and falls into mom's arms. she was so shocked. she's like, wait a minute, mom, is this real? he picks her up and holds her in his arms. now it's chloe's turn. >> that's so cute. then when you have a big brother, you know they're like your buddy. they play with you. >> i want to see them walk him
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i love that kid, miller wilson. >> all right, everyone. >> he's that aussie kid that's always hanging out with animals and teaching you something about them. he got to go to bali a couple months ago, but he's just now released this little bit of video. these are king cobras. he was always fascinated by them. >> while the snakes are performing in front of their trainer, it is quite common to see their trainer actually playing an instrument. theory that when they hear that music, that's what charms them. he's like, i didn't think so. >> king cobras can't hear the music their charmer is playing. they respond to the movement of the flute instead, which is why i was super excited to test out my theory that the king cobra enters a trance-like state when it's fixated with something right in front of it. >> you know what theories i had at that age? none. >> my theory of snakes was run the other way. >> we had one of my guides wave
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huge snake. just like i thought it would, he instantly pulled all of his attention away from everything else and focused right on the hat. >> so he got to test his theory. they went and got a cobra from somebody's home that wanted it extracted. then his guide said, okay, we can try and test out your theory. it's in a trance-like state. and he puts his lips right on it. >> wow. >> oh, he kissed it. it is definitely in a trance-like state. >> i think his first kiss was a make-out. horseback ride in africa turns intense. >> that's when the lioness leapt out and began to pursue. >> next "right this minute." and still to come, a couple's beautiful adventure is about to get even better. >> they find a message in a bot
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leads to a romantic surprise. plus, it's bonus day. don't miss the thursday buzz word for your chance to win an ipad mini or flat screen tv. but then i realized there was. so, i finally broke the silence with my doctor about what i was experiencing. he said humira is for people like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores.
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talk with your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. [ bells jingling ] whoa. the holidays are coming. [ barks ] you're right. we need to get ready for the big show. what's up dudes? lots to do. hey iron man can you run up for the lights? you got it. oh, hey. what do you think? tall enough? definitely taller. it's starting to click guys. woo-hoo. yes. [ instrumental music ] we're gonna make this... yeah, spectacular. [ music continues ] ? ? ? this is the time ? ? the time for harmony ? ? let love be the song ? ? that everybody sings ? s.c. johnson. does your makeup remover take it all off? every kiss-proof, cry-proof, stay-proof look?
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keup with one towelette. need any more proof than that? neutrogena. ? promotional considerations provided by -- proteins and vitamins for fuller, thicker looking hair. new selsun blue full & thick. dry mouth can effect how your mouth feels and how you feel. discover act? dry mouth. specially formulated to soothe and moisturize your mouth. they're taking us on this really cool journey through samoa. they're documenting all of it, and it actually is incredibly pretty. they've been together for five years, so it makes sense that they would live it up. >> samoa is on my list of places to go. >> oh, that looks like fun. a little suspension bridge.
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now, they go all over the place, including this right here. a big wave that almost wipes this man out. it is an epic trip. look at this view here. this is perhaps the biggest turn of events because they find a message in a bottle. she picks it up. she's super thrilled. i mean, come on. what are the odds that you're going to find a message in a bottle? >> it's cool. everyone wants to do that. >> well, this is going to be a pretty incredible message. because all though we won't actually be able to know says, we'll understand just by her reaction after reading it. it was actually a proposal written in that message. he planted it. she said yes. they posted the photo with the ring. it's super cute. and after the proposal comes the wedding. this video is from seth. their dog is going to be their cameraman. it's not bad unless you have motion sickness.
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it is really cool because you see it from the vantage point of the dog. >> cheap photographer. >> it just wants lots of treats. >> if you want an original video, it's a good way of doing it. plus, everybody interacts with the puppy. >> like in this case when he decides, okay, enough with the party, i'm going to go out and just look at the ocean. >> he's the best guy to hire. he knows puppy love. there was a time, a dark time, when you could wake up with a have to make a choice. do i want to go surfing? do i want to go zip lining? courtesy of red bull, sit back and enjoy. it's exactly like i said. the flying frenchys have mounted a surfboard 2,000 feet up in the mountains so you can enjoy surfing at about 50 miles an hour before jumping up and base jumping your way down. some incredible angles. they've mounted go pros on to the surfboard, people holding
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look at this guy. he's basically dressed like a surfer. nothing else but the parachute on his back. just gets himself upright. i think that might be one of the greatest feelings possible to experience on earth. just drops himself off, a bit of a back flip. >> how fun to be able to surf this. you don't need to wait for a swell. you don't need to paddle out. you can sky surf any time. >> no chance of getting bit by a shark. >> well, yeah. there you go. you've basically made this better than surfing for me. but there's more. playing some music. guess we could do that too, 2,000 feet up in the air. there's the band. a huge bass and this drum kit. playing the horn.
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bird. all these feathers just flying out. it's almost miraculously awesome. it's time to give away an ipad mini. today is bonus day. we're giving away an ipad mini and flat screen tv. >> you need the buzz word, be at least 21 years old, and a legal resident of the u.s. or canada. >> then head over to and click on the win ipad button. >> enter the buzz word on facebook, twitter, or both. enter each every day. >> so let's reveal buzz word. it is laser. >> get on over to click on the win ipad button and enter the buzz word laser. >> and you want to make sure you enter today because it's bonus giveaway day. two winners. we're giving away an ipad mini and a flat screen tv. good luck, everybody. it's time to get the party started. >> and the superhero has shown up on a motorcycle. >> oh, yeah.
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sauce. boom. pooky wants clean teeth. playing with dad is always a lot of fun. he likes to go outside, play baseball. >> keep your eye on the ball. >> you always want to impress dad. get ahold of one of those and send it flying. >> dad pitches, and here we go. >> i knew it. >> he had that evil face on. >> i knew it. >> he completely nails dad.
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one. >> and here we have a slow-motion replay. >> there's a lesson to be learned here, kids. always wear your cup. this next video features superheroes. the kid are excited. the superhero has shown up on a motorcycle. >> iron man on his iron man looking bike. >> oh, yeah. >> i'd go nuts too. >> as he arrives, revs up engine. give it a little throttle. >> looking a little evil. >> that was a super fail. >> it's like a half mile an hour. >> iron man is not my favorite superhero anymore. that's it. that's all. we'll see you on the next "right
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all new viral videos today, "right this minute." a paraglider with chute trouble figures he's doomed, but that's all about to change. see what's below that gives him hope. >> catch him, catch him. a mother and daughter stroll through a store. >> that's when the mom gives the little one the signal. >> what she's doing that is so not cool. spa treatment. >> he takes a blanket and lays it over on top. >> why this one is only for the bold who want to be beautiful. plus, bonus giveaway day means your chance to win a new ipad mini or flat screen tv. and one man's take the shirt off challenge against the clock. >> he's finally figured out on the third one not to turn it inside out. >> see how many times this model can get it on and off. >> this video has been viewed thousands of times.


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